Presented By: Mahwish Rauf Somia Azam Zareen Gul Uzma Hayat Nida Asmut Farya Ehsan Presented to: Rabia Bakir Sir Adeel Ghaffar

7 Habits Presentation 444

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Presented By:Mahwish RaufSomia AzamZareen GulUzma HayatNida AsmutFarya Ehsan Presented to:Rabia Bakir Sir Adeel Ghaffar

Habit 1-BE PROACTIVE Proactive Defined: PROACTIVITY= human beings are responsible for our own lives and behavior. Our behavior is a function of our decision, not our conditions. We have the initiative and responsibility to make things happen. word responsibility- -response-ability-the ability to choose your response.

Proactive PeopleHighly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions or conditioning for their behavior.

Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than the product of their conditions, based on feeling.

Proactive People Do not Blame anyone or anything.

They carry their whether with them.Proactive LanguageI can choose a different approach.I control my own feelings.I can create an effective presentation.I will choose an appropriate response.I choose.I prefer.I will.

Habit 2 - BEGIN WITH THE END IN MINDStart with a clear understanding of your destination.

Align your daily behavior with your life objectives.

Create a mission statement and visualize where it will take you.

Deeply picture what kind of Son, Husband and person you will be.

Habit 3 - PUT FIRST THINGS FIRSTThere are two factors to define any activity:-

Urgency : An activity is urgent if it requires your immediate attention

Importance: An activity is important if you personally find it valuable, and if it contributes to your mission values and high priority goals.

Habit 4 - THINK WIN-WINSix Paradigms of Human Interaction

Which Philosophy is best?Win-Win is only the viable Philosophy

Five Dimensions of Win-Win

Habit 5 - SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND THENTO BE UNDERSTOODGet inside another persons frame of reference and see things the way he sees it

Emphatic Lessoning (Listening with intent to understand other)

It Increases our influence ability ( more and accurate information to work with)

It is diagnosing before prescribing

Habit 6 - SYNERGIZE*Whole is greater then the sum of the parts.*Relationship between the parts are significant.*Deeply understanding each other becomes the stepping stone to synergy.*Identify a third synergetic alternative / solution that will better for everyone.*We create new alternatives that wasnt there before.


Habit 7 - SHARPEN THE SAWPERSONAL PC !Sometimes when I considerwhat tremendous consequencescome from little thingsI am tempted to thinkthere are nolittle things.

Principles ofBalancedSelf-Renewal&ImprovementHabit 7: SHARPEN THE SAW4 DIMENSIONS OF RENEWALPHYSICALExercise, Nutrition,Stress ManagementSOCIAL /EMOTIONALService, Empathy,Synergy, Intrinsic SecuritySPIRITUALValue Clarification &Commitment, Study &MeditationMENTALReading, Visualizing,Planning, Writing