Slide 1 7. Verilog: Combinational always statements. VHDL: Combinational Processes: To avoid (I.E. DO NOT What in your HDL code?) Cases that generate Synthesis Warnings

7. Verilog: Combinational always statements. VHDL: Combinational Processes: To avoid

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7. Verilog: Combinational always statements. VHDL: Combinational Processes: To avoid. ( I.E. DO NOT What in your HDL code? ) Cases that generate Synthesis Warnings. Verilog for Synthesis: Combinational always statements. DO NOT:. Make INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: 7. Verilog: Combinational always statements. VHDL: Combinational Processes:  To avoid

Slide 1

7. Verilog: Combinational always statements. VHDL: Combinational

Processes: To avoid

(I.E. DO NOT What in your HDL code?)

Cases that generate Synthesis Warnings

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Slide 2


2. Exclude based on the SENSITIVITY LIST


• Why these are not treaten as an error by the synthesizer?

DO NOT:Verilog for Synthesis: Combinational always statements

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Slide 31. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• Examplemodule NOT_GOOD(input A, input B,input SEL,output reg Q);

always @ (A or B or SEL)if (SEL) Q<=A;

endmodule• WHAT WILL BE THE VALUE OF Q WHEN SEL = 0?• The Synthesizer will not be able to determint the value of Q when

SEL = 0. Therefore:• WILL RETAIN THE VALUE OF Q! (by default will consider


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Slide 41 INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements:

• Example:module CORRECT1(input A, input B,input SEL,output reg Q);

always @ (A or B or SEL)Q <=B;if (SEL) Q<=A;


OF THE ALWAYS STATEMEMNT! (Their value can be read only after the always statement is ended and relaunched)

• In tis case, XST CAN DETERMINE THE VALUE OF Q when SEL=0, so it will infer a multiplexer!

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Slide 51. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• Same for the code below (the more known version)module CORRECT2(input A, input B,input SEL,output reg Q);

always @ (A or B or SEL)if (SEL) Q<=A;

else Q <= B;endmodule• So, if possible, for describing simple logic, use assign!• Less lines to write• In the case of an incomplete assignment the syntax

checker will generate an error: assign Q = (SEL==1) ? A;

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Slide 61. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• Note: The following is also an incomplete assignment!• Example:module AND_2(input A, input B,output reg F);

always @ (A or B)if (A&&B) F<=1;

else F <= 1; //It should be 0! //This can be from a typo!endmodule• Keep in mind, that the Synthesizer MINIMIZES!

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Slide 71. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• The synthesizer minimizes!• Generally:• For an input that is NOT READ, it means that is NOT USED.

The synthesizer generates a warning message such as:• WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <B> is never used.• Note A signal is read also in a condition, such as if (B)

…., or (B==1), not only …<= B;!• For an output which NEVER CHANGES during circuit

operation, the synthesizer generates a warning such as:• WARNING:Xst:xxxx – Output Q never changes during

circuit operation. Q is connected to VCC• Or:• WARNING:Xst:xxxx – Output Q is constant• Or, if Q changes during circuit operation ONLY ONCE:• WARNING:Xst:xxxx – The register/latch FDXX hinder

the constant Q cleaning in line XX

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Slide 81. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• The synthesizer minimizes!• WARNING:Xst:xxxx – The register/latch FDXX hinder the

constant Q cleaning in line XX• This can happen when Q is initialized to a value and then in

the circuit is set to another CONSTANT value• Example:reg Q = 0;

always @ (posedge CLK) //even for sequential statements, //because Q will change only once!

Q <=1;• Q will be 0 at the beginning and then constantly 1!• Where is the greatest danger of making constant outputs?

Look carefully at the shift register code!:• Shift left: Q <= {Q[6:0], In} or Q <= {Q[7:1], In} ?• Shift right: Q<= {In, Q[7:1]} or Q <= {In, Q[6:0]} ?

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Slide 91. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• The above examples are relatively simple and the mistake is visible

• But do you like to use nested if statements?• Example:always @ * beginif (A)

if (B) beginif (C) Q<=3’b010;

endelse Q <=3’b000; //else for which if?//it is else for if (B)//What if C = 0? It will infer a LATCHelse if (B) Q<=3’b111; //this else goes then to which if?//to if (A)

else if ….//and this one…? // to else if (B)! ALIGN “elses” to “ifs”!

• Better: Concat A, B, C into a bus and use assign or case• Sometimes, nested ifs can not be avoided. Example: Transform an 8-

bit counter to a 2-digit BCD counter (LAB exercise!)

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Slide 101. INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• Frequently appear in CASE statements• The “default” statement is not enough!

• Example: Logic describing transitions to a state machine: • StC represents the currents state, StN the next statealways @ * begincase (StC)Idle: if (In1) StN <= St1;

else StN <= Idle;St1: if (!In1) StN <=St2; //HERE IS NO ELSE! //THE SYNTHESIZER WILL INFER A

//LATCH FOR StN!St2: StN <= St3;St3: if (In2) StN <= St2;

else StN <= Idle;endcase

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Slide 111 . INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• Frequently appear in case statements• Solution that also allows for more compact

descriptionalways @ * beginStN <= StC; // by default, STAY IN THE CURRENT

//STATEcase (StC)Idle: if (In1) StN <= St1;St1: if (!In1) StN <=St2; St2: StN <= St3;St3: if (In2) StN <= St2; //here are two choices, we need else else StN <= Idle;default: StN <= Idle; //default DOES NOT TOTALLY SOLVE// INCOMPLETE ASSIGNMENTS, only for the CASE branches!// It also helps for safe implementation of a state machineendcase

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Slide 121. . INCOMPLETE ASSIGNEMNTS in combinational always statements

• Why important to avoid?• Because can lead to inference of unwanted latches• One reason for simulation differences between

behavioral and post-translate• A latch is a memory element, it will not always act as a

combinational circuit!• The syntesizer generates a warning message:• WARNING:Xst:xxxx – Found x-bit latch for the signal

StN• LATCH este asynchronous. XST does not recommends

asynchronous circuits! • If the designer wants to intentionally generate

latches, the warning message can be ignored• Otherwise, review the code

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Slide 13• Note: Incomplete assignments in Sequential always statements• Example:

always @ (posedge CLK)if (Reset) Q <= 0;else if (CE) Q<=Q+1;

• What happens with Q if Reset = 0 and CE = 0?• The counter will hold i.e. keeps its value

• No latch will be inferred, because anyway a register is inferred for the counter

• Incomplete assignments are allowed in sequential always statements• Used to describe the role of the “Clock Enable” types of


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2. Exclude based on the SENSITIVITY LIST


• Why these are not treaten as an error by the synthesizer?

DO NOT:Verilog for Synthesis: Combinational always statements

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Slide 15

DO NOT use the sensitivity list to exclude a signal!• Example: We want to read the value of a signal ONLY WHEN another signal changes (B will be read only when A changes)always @ (A or C) //The always statement will not be executed //by the simulator when B changes

Q<=(!C) | (A AND B);Behavioral Simulation Result:

B=0 but still Q=1


Excluding signals based on the SENSITIVITY LIST

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DO NOT use the sensitivity list to exclude a signal!• Example: We want to read the value of a signal ONLY WHEN another signal changes (B will be read only when A changes)always @ (A or C) //The always statement will not be executed //by the simulator when B changes

Q<=(!C) | (A AND B);Synthesis result:

Post-Translate simulation result: Q changes no matter whether B changes or not

Excluding signals based on the SENSITIVITY LIST

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DO NOT use the sensitivity list to exclude a signal!• Example: We want to read the value of a signal ONLY WHEN another signal changes (B will be read only when A changes)always @ (A or C) //The always statement will not be executed //by the simulator when B changes

Q<=(!C) | (A AND B);Synthesis result:

During synthesis:• WARNING:Xst:819 - c:/temp/test1/combinational.v line 21: The following signals are missing in the process sensitivity list:• RECOMMENDATION: INSERT IN THE SENSITIVITY LIST ALL OF THE SIGNALS READ IN THE ALWAYS STATEMENT! • This is a NECESARRY CONDITION for Behavioral and Post-Translate simulations to produce the same result!• Simplified solution: always @ *

Excluding signals based on the SENSITIVITY LIST

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2. Exclude based on the SENSITIVITY LIST


• Why these are not treaten as an error by the synthesizer?

DO NOT:Verilog for Synthesis: Combinational always statements

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Slide 19• Example:module Test(input [3:0] A, output reg [3:0] Q);always @ (A or Q)

Q<=Q + A; //Clearly a Combinational Loop

• From the simulator’s point of view: the always statement will run in an infinite loop (after finishes, Q changes, so the always statement is run again)

• If A is not 0, the Q immediately reaches its maximum value• The Behavioral simulator will hang or issue an error• But the circuit CAN BE SYNTHESIZED, EVEN WITHOUT A

WARNING!• The generated circuit is obviously useless (positive fedback – a latch?)• The Post-Translate and Post-Route simulators will not be able to

determine the value of Q, the output value will be always XXXX• AVOID COMBINATIONAL LOOPS!!!

Combinational Loops

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• Everybody can avoid a combinational loop such as below:Q<=Q + A;

• HOWEVER: What about in a longer code?always @ (A or B or C) begin

… A<= B & … end …………. always @ (B or Q or C) begin … B<= Q | C |… end …………… always @ (Q or A or C) begin ….. if (A==…) Q<= end //A depends on B, B depends on Q and Q depends on A! It is a loop!• What do you want to describe here?• Try to clear up first the combinational logic You want to

describe, then start writing the code!

Combinational Loops

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• Note: Loops can be made in sequential always statements. In this case registers are inferred for keeping the value of Q:

always @ (posedge CLK) beginQ<=Q + A;

• Synthesis result:

• Behavioral and post-translate simulation result: Counter with increment of A

Combinational Loops