73 rd Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair Junior Division Student Project Abstracts March 30, 2012

73 Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair Junior Division

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rd Pittsburgh

Regional Science & Engineering Fair

Junior Division Student Project


March 30, 2012

Page 2: 73 Pittsburgh Regional Science & Engineering Fair Junior Division

Table of Contents

Junior - Physical Science (JPS), 6th Grade ......................................................... 1

Junior - Life Science (JLS), 6th Grade................................................................ 15

Junior - Consumer Science (JCS), 6th Grade .................................................... 23

Junior - TEAM (JTM), 6th Grade .......................................................................... 27

Please note: Abstracts enclosed were submitted electronically. It was recommended, but not required. Please visit the student’s exhibit for the abstract if it was not submitted electronically. We did not edit them.

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Junior – Physical Science (JPS) – 6th Grade

PRSEF Student Abstracts Page 1

Project Number: JPS001 Grade: 6 Title: Lubes and Skateboards Abstract: This experiment tested how various lubricants affect the performance of a skateboard in terms of distance

it travels. If the best engineered lubricant performs best in terms of reducing friction and absorbing heat generated, then Bones Cross Lube, a precision liquid lubricant, would allow the skateboard to travel the furthest. The experiment was run in a skateboard park, using seven sets of 52mm standard bearings; testing six lubricants-classified as liquid, semi-solid, and solid; and one dry control test (five runs per test). Bones Cross Lube performed second best with a Bio-degradable liquid lubricant, beating it by .17 meter or 1.6%. Project Number: JPS002 Grade: 6 Title: Which Ball bounces higher Basket Ball with low or high pressure? Abstract: I am doing a project on which ball bounces higher with the different pressure. I will use an air pump, an air

pressure gauge, a stepladder, a video camera with a tripod, a volunteer, tape measure, paint, a basketball. I am doing this to see if low pressure or high pressure will bounces higher. I am doing it to see if the pressure change in the basketball.It is going to see which basketball bounces higher low pressure or high pressure. I think the one with the high pressure will bounce the highest. Project Number: JPS003 Grade: 6 Title: Cool Colors Abstract: First, I gathered supplies. Then I conducted the experiment. I prepared my papers and timed them for 15

minutes. That’s when I tested their features. I took photos of them to show changes. I took them to a warmer climate, and timed them. I repeated the test and took pictures. I concluded that my hypothesis was neither right, nor was it wrong. ½ the paints reacted the way I predicted. The others remained the same. There were issues that could’ve changed the outcome: Older paints were thicker; moving them elsewhere took awhile; and vents brought air that could’ve affected it. Project Number: JPS004 Grade: 6 Title: Penny Cleaners Abstract: My experiment determined what soda or acidic liquid cleaned pennies best. For my procedure, I found 15

equally tarnished pennies and 1 very clean penny as a control. I placed 3 pennies each in 5 plastic containers filled with 57 ml of bottled water as a negative control, 57 ml of Sprite, Coca-cola, Pepsi, and Lemon juice. The different acids in each of the liquids affected the pennies in different ways. Also, the year the penny was minted also affected the outcome. Liquids containing phosphoric acid cleaned pennies the best, while liquids containing citric acid produced a black tarnish. Project Number: JPS005 Grade: 6 Title: Plop Plop Fizz Fast Abstract: I hypothesize that hot water will speed up the chemical reaction rate. Will the chemical reaction speed up

with hot, cold, or ice water. In my procedure I took temperatures and how long it took. I did it step by step. If you follow step by step you will do the experiment correctly. When I put the Alka-Seltzer in the water I knew it would be a fast or slow fizz. When I was dissolving it let off a chemical. The chemical is called carbon dioxide. Project Number: JPS006 Grade: 6 Title: Mechanics of touch sensitive lamps Abstract: I’m mainly doing this experiment to find out if a person’s age affects the function of touch sensitive lamps.

For my experiment, first I researched touch lamps. Then I put together a touch lamp. After that I got 6 volunteers to touch the lamps. I timed each of them and recorded if their age had any affect. My data showed that for every test the time was instant and that there was no affect. So, I have come to the conclusion that age did not affect the function of touch sensitive lamps. Project Number: JPS007 Grade: 6 Title: Speed of Lightning Abstract: Abstract

The purpose of this experiment is to test if speed affects accuracy of a thrown football. To conduct this experiment I tested to see if speed affects accuracy by having my subject throw a football at a target at a slow speed and a fast speed. The experiment results were measured by whether my subject made contact with the target at the two

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Junior – Physical Science (JPS) – 6th Grade

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different speeds. The results of the experiment are if you throw a football at a faster speed then you will have better accuracy. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be incorrect because you have better accuracy with a faster speed. Project Number: JPS008 Grade: 6 Title: Does A Boat Hull's Shape Effect Fuel Effiency? Abstract: Do boat hulls affect fuel efficiency? This is the question I set out to ask, by testing two boat hulls through

water, a vee bottom, and a flat bottom, my hypothesis for this experiment was that because the vee bottom has less surface area it will go faster and carry more cargo. To run this experiment I first built a water tank out of 2 by 4s, baseboard, cling wrap and duck tape I found laying around the house. Then I made the two boats one out of left over foam from a Tech Ed project in school, the other was from a duck tape and K’nex boat I built in the summer for the pool. Next I weighted them the same using pennies. Then I ran my control test I taped string to the front of the boat and towed them through the water and felt witch one was more stable with weight and witch one I could pull through the water easier. The conclusion of this experiment was the vee bottom could carry more cargo and move easier through the water. Project Number: JPS009 Grade: 6 Title: The Buoyancy of Balloons Abstract: The purpose of this project is to determine whether balloons lose buoyancy at a constant rate or if it

changes over time. I hypothesize that that the balloons will lose their buoyancy at a constant rate. To complete this project, I weighed empty spoons. Every 4 hours, I measured the weight of each spoon with the balloons attached until the balloons were deflated. Based on the results, the balloons lose buoyancy at different rates over time. If I were to do this project again, I would look at additional variables such as temperature, material and gases. Project Number: JPS010 Grade: 6 Title: The SwingArm Experiment Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to see whether a wood bat or a composite bat will hit a baseball further.

The procedures are: build the SwingArm, take the SwingArm to a field, the SwingArm hits the ball, Measure the distance, record the results. The composite bat hit the ball further every time. It progressively got better as we got to the fifth test. The wood bat did not have a better jump off the bat. I have concluded that the composite bat hit better than the wood bat. My hypothesis was right. Project Number: JPS011 Grade: 6 Title: How does the temperature of viscosity change Abstract:

I wanted to understand viscosity. My experiments showed viscosity could be detected by the time for a marble to fall through liquid, that the viscosities of five liquids were different , and the viscosity of four of the liquids changed with liquid temperature. I performed the experiments with glass marbles and bud vases containing water, corn syrup, soybean oil, olive oil, and dish detergent. I controlled temperature by putting the vases in a tank of water that I could heat or cool. Fall times were measured with a stop watch using ten trials and plotting the averages. Project Number: JPS012 Grade: 6 Title: Mini Motor Powering a Small Fan Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine the amount of windings in a mini electric motor would

affect the speed at which it turns and the operating temperature of the coil. Rate of revolutions and operating temperature were compared among three different coil windings. One coil being ten windings. One coil being twenty windings. One coil being forty windings. The revolution speed was measured by visible comparisons. The operating temperature was compared by feelThe results of the experiment determined that the greater the number of windings the higher the revolutions per minute, and the higher the operating temperature of the coil. The results would indicate why bigger electrical motors generate more power and have a greater need for heat dissipation.

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Junior – Physical Science (JPS) – 6th Grade

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Project Number: JPS013 Grade: 6 Title: Paperweight Abstract: Josh Carfang

Paperweight Mother of Sorrows M y sister at her job has a lot of projects to print out so I wanted to help her find the strongest paper. I tested 5 types of paper: 110-weight paper, 65-weight paper, 20-weight paper, 25-weight paper, 35-weight paper. I used the rip test to determine their strength and 4 tests for each type of paper. My conclusion was that the paper that had the most mass was the most durable. Project Number: JPS014 Grade: 6 Title: Rust Remover Abstract: I chose this project because my dad works at 84 Lumber and I thought it would easy to get all my

supplies. I thought this project would be really interesting because of all the rust and the water changing colors. First, I went to Lowe’s and got all the materials, went home and set up the materials. I placed 3 nails in 3 different containers containing: water, bleach, and Pepsi. After 5 days, I weighed the rusty nails and recorded the results. The final results will be with the student’s project at the fair. Project Number: JPS015 Grade: 6 Title: Super Cool Abstract: The question I chose for this project is, "Does salt keep water unfrozen at freezing temperatures?" The

three different types of water I used were: tap water, distilled water, and un-chlorinated water. My hypothesis is that the salt will not keep the water unfrozen. The steps I took to do this project were: get three different types of water; a bowl with ice; salt and a thermomoeter Then I made an ice bath to try to super-cool each liquid. I discovered that my hypothesis was off and the distilled water super-cooled by not freezing while the tap and un-chlorinated water turned to ice. Project Number: JPS016 Grade: 6 Title: What is in water? Abstract: Rivers are an often used by many. This research is being done to find which of three rivers is dirtiest. A

large sample of water from each river was taken and placed into smaller containers to have tests performed on them. The results are scored from 1-4 based on a chart from a test kit. The test results with the largest total will be the cleanest and the lowest will be the dirtiest. For my results, the Monongahela River was the dirtiest while the Yough River is the cleanest. More information on uses of the water will be available on fair day. Project Number: JPS017 Grade: 6 Title: The Science of Basketball Abstract: This experiment was to determine if the shooting accuracy of a basketball is better at a 45 degree

angle.We determined the measurement by the 90 degree angle on the 3 point line directly in front of the basket. From there we determined the 45,35, 25 degree angle to the right of the basket then to the left of the basket. The shooter took five shots at each angle on both sides. The results were recorded. It was concluded that more baskets were made at a 45 degree angle. Project Number: JPS018 Grade: 6 Title: Good Vibrations Abstract: The purpose of my project is to see the musical vibrations and observe how instruments create sound.

The procedure is to read the information, learn about vibration, experiment sound waves, examine each instrument, and last, create my own instrument. I found out that five soda bottles filled with water at different amounts, make various pitches and vibrations. And in conclusion, my hypothesis was correct, many of the instruments I examined made musical vibrations. Project Number: JPS019 Grade: 6 Title: What Makes Ice Melt the Fastest? Abstract: The purpose of the project was to see which of five substances would melt ice the fastest. The tested

substances were calcium chloride, rock salt(sodium chloride), cat liter, cayenne pepper sauce, and Oxiclean. My hypothesis stated that I thought rock salt would do the best. For each substance, I put three trays with 500ml of water

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Junior – Physical Science (JPS) – 6th Grade

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over night in the freezer. For each substance, 28mL was scattered over the ice in each tray. The calcium chloride helped melt the ice the fastest, which differs from my hypothesis. Project Number: JPS020 Grade: 6 Title: Moon Shine Abstract: I love astronomy, and the moon is one of the easiest things to view in the night sky. I viewed the moon

with my 60mm Orion telescope. I had a total of five variables, four of which were telescope filters: (#96-0.9 neutral-density moon filter, a #80A blue filter, a #25 red filter, and a #58 green filter.) I also viewed the moon with no filter to my telescope’s eyepiece. This served as my control. Of the five variables I tested, I believe that the neutral-density moon filter will block the most light. My final results will be available with my project. Project Number: JPS021 Grade: 6 Title: Ready To Get Dizzy? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS022 Grade: 6 Title: How to Grow Salt Abstract: The project I completed was how to grow salt. My hypothesis was that sea salt would grow faster than

plain salt or iodized salt. I placed tap water in a pot and applied heat to it to bring the water to a boiling point. At boiling I poured one of the types of salt into the pot and stirred the water so that I could dissolve as much of the salt as possible. I placed each jar with each type of salt in a safe location where they could remain undisturbed. The results of my experiment indicate that sea salt grows faster than plain salt or iodized salt. Project Number: JPS023 Grade: 6 Title: Discoloration of Screws Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to figure out what three liquids rusted a screw the fastest. I conducted

this experiment by putting a stainless-steel screw in Coke, milk, and water for a month. Due to the fact that none of the screws rusted I based my charts off of discoloration. Coke had altered the color the most while milk left little marks on the screw in the second and third trial but due to the milk spoiling on the first trial it hadn’t been changed. Water had left no effect. I would call my project a partial success because it showed that a stainless-steel screw will not rust after a month of being submerged in a liquid however it will discolor. Project Number: JPS024 Grade: 6 Title: Paint vs. Heat Abstract:

I chose this project because my parents are painters and I thought it would be nice to do a project about paint. My project is called Paint vs. Heat because I wanted to test how much heat paint can withstand. I used green latex paint and painted 5 samples out of metal and put them under a heat lamp. I needed an electric timer to turn off and on every 30 minutes. It will take about five to seven days till the light can stop. Now I have to do the peel test. For it I have to get a piece of clear tape and rub it a few seconds on the samples to make it stick firmly. Then peel it of suddenly. Look at the tape and see if it removes any paint. Results will be revealed at the fair. Project Number: JPS025 Grade: 6 Title: Popping Boats Abstract: For my project I made two boats. The engines were made out of aluminum soda cans that run on

candles. The first pair of boats I made didn't work. For the solution I made two more boats using silicone glue instead of epoxy, that worked better. In a 51" tub I tested how long it would take for each boat to get across. My hypothesis was incorrect, I thought the 3D boat would go faster since it had more engine protection. The flatboat was 5 seconds faster. The 3D boat went at 14 seconds. The flat boat went faster because it weighed less. Project Number: JPS026 Grade: 6 Title: Expensive or Less Expensive Golf Balls Abstract: The purpose of this project was to see if more expensive golf balls travel farther than less expensive golf

balls. The golfer was made to hit less and more expensive golf balls. I measured the distance the golf balls traveled. To find the result, I added up the distance the less expensive balls traveled. Then added up the distance the more expensive balls traveled. Then found the average distance. The result was that the more expensive golf balls went

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farther than the less expensive golf balls. My hypothesis was correct. I said that the more expensive golf balls would travel farther. Project Number: JPS027 Grade: 6 Title: Best Sound Insulating Material Abstract:

The reason I am doing this project is so that I can find the best sound insulator for houses. My project would be useful to lots of people. My 3 variables are Styrofoam, Foam Insulation, and Traditional Insulation. My hypothesis is that the Foam Insulation will absorb the most sound from escaping the wooden box I am building. The sound will be produced by a speaker/recorder. I am going to measure the escaping sound through the insulating materials using a sound meter. I am going to complete 3 tests using each type of insulation. Results will be available with my project at the fair. Project Number: JPS028 Grade: 6 Title: Bridge Strength Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS029 Grade: 6 Title: I See Vitamin C Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out which orange juice has the most vitamin C. To conduct this

experiment I must make an iodine solution. Then, I will put orange juice into a medicine dropper. I will count each drop of juice I add to the iodine solution. I will stop adding drops once the orange juice has neutralized the iodine solution. The results of the experiment were that Simply Orange juice had the least amount of vitamin C. Fresh squeezed orange juice had a medium quantity of vitamin C. Tropicana orange juice had the most vitamin C out of all of the juices. The results indicate that the hypothesis should not be accepted. The Tropicana orange juice had the least amount of orange juice drops added to the solution. The other orange juices had to have more drops added to neutralize the iodine solution. Project Number: JPS030 Grade: 6 Title: Beat the Heat Abstract: With a considerable amount of research and data collection, my analysis supports my hypothesis that the

environmental temperature does affect the speed of a baseball pitch. The warmer the temperature, the faster the speed of a baseball pitch will travel. The human body temperature and muscle mass produce higher quality results if warmer conditions, and a baseball will travel faster, since molecules are spread out during warm weather giving a baseball less resistance while traveling through the air. In cold weather, molecules are more dense, thus making it harder for a baseball to travel. Project Number: JPS031 Grade: 6 Title: Pop! Goes the pH! Abstract: The original purpose of this experiment was to find the pH levels in various types of soda pops.

After conducting three trials on each type of soda, using a pH meter and waiting the same amount of time on each, the results of the experiment were that Root beer had the highest pH at 4.24 followed by Sprite at 3.29 and Mountain Dew at 3.27. The lowest scores were Orange at 2.90, Pepsi at 2.61, and the one with the lowest pH was Coca-Cola at 2.52. Project Number: JPS032 Grade: 6 Title: Thermal Films - Hype or Help Abstract: The purpose of my project is to see if window films block heat from sunlight. I made three solar ovens;

each had four sub chambers painted different colors and a Plexiglas lid. Thermal films covered two lids, the third had no film. I recorded the temperature of water samples in each sub chamber after eight hours of exposure. I thought the films would permit more heat to enter while the clear lid would not. The results demonstrated the opposite effect and paint color had little effect. I concluded that window films repel the sun's heat keeping the room cooler.

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Junior – Physical Science (JPS) – 6th Grade

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Project Number: JPS033 Grade: 6 Title: Protect Your Fragile Packages Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to learn which packaging material best protects fragile objects in the maiI

used small, medium and large boxes to test a drinking glass, snow globe and an egg using different packaging materials. The boxes were dropped from two different heights. The largest box protected best especially when towels were used. Bubble wrap and shredded newspaper did not provide much protection. The smallest box provided the least protection. My hypothesis was partially correct. The towels did provide the best protection, but the larger box also protected well because there was more room for packaging. Project Number: JPS034 Grade: 6 Title: Rusty Warm Wool Abstract: For my project I wanted to find out if the rust of steel wool really could produce heat. So I got my materials

and got started. I took three empty bottles and poured one liter of Sprite, water, and vinegar into each one. Then I tied steel wool to thermometers. I then put the thermometers in the bottles and covered the top with plastic wrap. After that I set the timer for five minutes. When the five minutes were up, I took out the thermometers and I read the temperature. Water happened to have produced the most heat but vinegar produced the least. I did this project because I wanted to know if this chemical reaction really gave off heat. Project Number: JPS035 Grade: 6 Title: Sticky Sticky Sticky Abstract: The reason I chose this experiment is because I am always using glue to fix things I break. The first step I

chose was gluing and marking Popsicle sticks, marked them, put them in the conditions and tested their strength. I noticed the frozen Popsicle sticks would hold better. So the glue that was the best out of all the glues was the Elmer's white school glue. Project Number: JPS036 Grade: 6 Title: Will Hard or Soft Wheels Go Faster On a Skateboard? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether hard or soft wheels would go faster on a

skateboard. Hard wheels were tested to see how long it took for the skateboard to get across a street that was 17.7 meters long. Then, I did the same with soft wheels. To measure speed, the length of the street was divided by the time it took to get across the street. The results were that the hard wheels had the fastest time in all trials. The fastest speed of all trials was eight seconds. The hypothesis should be accepted, on a skateboard the hard wheels were faster than the soft wheels. Project Number: JPS037 Grade: 6 Title: Sounds of the violin Abstract: The main idea of my project is to figure out how the violin makes sound. I have experimented on my own

violin by listening closely to the vibrations. I have found that the shape, hollowness, and the material used, makes the sounds differ. I have also found that the strings are tuned in perfect fifths, thus changing the note the string makes. When the strings are moved, the vibrations are reflected back by the hollow body of the violin, thus making sound. In conclusion, the hollowness amplifies the vibrations, thus making the sound. Project Number: JPS038 Grade: 6 Title: To Break of Not to Break? Abstract: I read on the Internet that eggshells are very strong, so I wanted to see which placement of the 4 eggs

holds the most mass. I drilled one hole on both sides of 12 eggs and blew out the inside and put them in a square shape with three different arrangements: with a pointy-end-up setup, rounded-end-up setup, and longwise-end-up setup one by one and added books on. I hypothesized that the rounded end up will hold the most mass. Final results will be available with student project. Project Number: JPS039 Grade: 6 Title: Bye Bye Vitamins Abstract:

The purpose of my experiment was to find out which women’s vitamin brand would dissolve the fastest. I simulated stomach acid, heated that solution to thirty-seven degrees Celsius, and put the vitamin in the solution. Then I recorded how long it took for each vitamin to dissolve. The average dissolve time for the Walgreens brand was

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eighteen minutes and fifteen seconds. The average time for the Centrum® brand was eight minutes and thirty seven seconds. The average time for the One A Day® brand was five minutes and one second. One A Day® would be the best brand to buy. Project Number: JPS040 Grade: 6 Title: How Long Does It Take For Iron To Rust? Abstract: What I am doing is seeing how long an iron bar will rust in saltwater. I did it because a lot of bridges are

made of iron and so are tools, and I want to see how long they last. What I am doing, is taking a bucket, filling it up with two cups of water and one cup of salt and stirring it until the salt dissolves. The experimentation is continuing so I have no results yet and no conclusion. Project Number: JPS041 Grade: 6 Title: Trebuchet Physics Abstract: My project is about catapults. My hypothesis was that the catapult with the weight farthest from the piston

would launch the load the farthest. I launched paper clips in the catapult using the same mass for each test. Then, I measured the distance traveled in centimeters. Distances were averaged for each test. In the end I found out that the catapult works best and launched the load the farthest midway between the piston and the weight. Project Number: JPS042 Grade: 6 Title: Fizzing Liquids Abstract: Experiments's purpose is to find out how long it takes to dissolve an Alka Seltzer tablet in four different

liquids, Gatorade, Coke, milk, and water. To conduct this experiment, I dropped one Alka Seltzer tablet in each liquid and timed it to see which one dissolved the fastest. The results were measured using a stopwatch. I used the same amount of liquid and conducted three trials. The results of my experiment were the water dissolved the Alka Seltzer the fastest at an average of 3.05 minutes. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted because the water dissolved the tablet the fastest. Project Number: JPS043 Grade: 6 Title: Stress in Architecture Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine which beam can take more stress an I-beam, square beam, u-

beam or the t-beam. The way I did this is I built the beams out of ABC plastic then I tested each beam for durability for each of the different weights. I did two trials for each type of beam because the material for the third trial was lacking. If I test different beams then each beam might have a different reaction to the weight. My prediction is that the I-beam distributes the weight properly because the shape has the energy go out in 4 different directions going to the right, left, up and down. This helps it to distribute the energy that comes with stress which will make the beam shake side to side and cause it to crack or collapse. Project Number: JPS044 Grade: 6 Title: Sticky Crystals Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to study the growth, shape, and form of maple syrup at different

temperatures. I plan to find out how crystals are formed from maple syrup and how heat affects its growth. To do this I will study the properties of maple syrup and determine what causes crystals to form. The procedures I followed in my experiment is to use to pure maple syrup and heat it. After the maple syrup is heated it must be placed onto two different pans with different temperatures. One pan is filled with ice and the other is at normal temperature. Since the pans are both different temperatures, I will be able to see how the maple syrup is affected by its temperature and if crystals form. Data for this experiment includes the different measurements and times of crystals found in the maple syrup. I tested the maple syrup several times. I did not have success the first 4 times. I did more research on maple syrup and its properties and made sure I understood what the crystals looked like and how they were formed. The 5th time I tried this experiment I had success. I tried a different brand of maple syrup and made sure to heat the maple syrup longer. When I took the maple syrup out of the pan and placed a dollop onto each pan, I saw crystals form on the pan with ice after about 4 minutes. The crystal lengths ranged from 1-4 inches. In conclusion, I succeeded in finding crystals in pure maple syrup after I researched the process and made sure all of the conditions were proper.

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Junior – Physical Science (JPS) – 6th Grade

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Project Number: JPS045 Grade: 6 Title: Ecogyro: the possibility of green flight Abstract: With its advantages and abilities the autogyro makes an ideal service platform for green flight

experiments. My goal is to research the possibility of energy-renewing non-gasoline powered autogyro - ‘Ecogyro’. My hypothesis is that the Ecogyro can be powered by a clean dual (solar and wind) energy generating system. To prove this I built a rubber-powered autogyro that confirms usefulness of the autogyration principle. Next I constructed dual generator model from Thames and Kosmos solar/wind power sets. The experiment was successful in proving the Ecogyro concept. I plan further research through the modification of a Cierva C-30 scale model. Project Number: JPS046 Grade: 6 Title: How does air pressure affect the bounce of a basketball? Abstract: Will a basketball bounce more if there is more pressure in it? And is there an optimal pressure? I predict

that the more pressure you put in to a basketball, the higher it will bounce, and I think that there is an optimal pressure. I will start off with a ball at 1 psi. I will get a yard stick and drop the basketball one meter from the ground. I will use a digital camera to film the ball dropping and I will look at the film frame by frame. I will determine how many cm/m from the ground the ball is when it reaches its maximum height by looking at the film. I will record what i see in my notebook and do the same procedure with 9 other pressures. Project Number: JPS047 Grade: 6 Title: Elephant Toothpaste Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS048 Grade: 6 Title: Eggcellent eggs Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Eggs are an important part of a healthy breakfast. This experiment tests which liquid makes eggs the fluffiest. Eggs were mixed with whole milk, 2% milk, 1% milk, skim milk, heavy cream, and water. They were fried in a pan until the temperature reached 57° C. The eggs were then removed to a cutting board, cut in half, and the height was measured in three places. This was done three times for each liquid. The results showed the eggs mixed with whole milk were the fluffiest when measured. Project Number: JPS049 Grade: 6 Title: Sweet, Sweet Baking Abstract: I love to bake, especially cookies! I enjoy dense cookies. I decided to test three different sweeteners, to

see which will create the densest cookie. I used granulated sugar, brown sugar, and molasses as my variables. I added 1 different ingredient each of the three times I baked the cookies. I used an equal volume of batter for each cookie. After they baked, I weighed them, and whichever of the three batches weighed the most, is my solution. I found that the brown sugar created the densest cookie. This may be useful to someone who likes a sweet, dense cookie. Project Number: JPS050 Grade: 6 Title: The Melting Race Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to know when each type of chocolate melts. To conduct this experiment

I will gather a double boiler pan, thermometer, with white, dark, and milk chocolates. I will time each chocolate's time to melt. The experiment results were measured by looking at the thermometer when the heating was done, timing the melting, and taking pictures of the procedure. The results of the experiment were that milk chocolate took the shortest amount of time, dark chocolate took next amount of time, and white chocolate took the longest amount of time. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be correct. My hypothesis stated that the times of the different chocolates will be different and results show that it is correct. Project Number: JPS051 Grade: 6 Title: Electricity Vampires Abstract: My question is if you unplug your appliances will it save you money? After I did my research, my

hypothesis was, I think you will save money from unplugging your appliances. The first thing to do is take a Kill-a-watt meter and plug it into the appliances. Then I had to wait for a couple of hours. Then I recorded the volts. The data I collected was challenging because it varied.

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Project Number: JPS052 Grade: 6 Title: What Will take Away The Smell? Who Nose? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to determine which of the deodorizing agents (Ajax® Dishwashing

Liquid, Lemon Juice, Tomato Juice, or Stainless Steel) most effectively took away the smells of onion, garlic, and tuna fish. The way I conducted my experiments was to rub the three smells on my participants’ hands. Next, I put the deodorizing agents on each hand. I then asked five people which deodorizing agent removed the smell most successfully. The effectiveness of the deodorizing agents varied with the type of smell. Overall, tomato juice removed the odors most effectively without leaving an after smell. Project Number: JPS053 Grade: 6 Title: Why Do Baseballs Travel Farther and Faster Than Softballs? Abstract: Due to the law of physics, the size, weight, and materials of baseballs will always travel farther and faster

than softballs. Making a pinball-like machine to shoot the balls and compare their distance traveled will help to prove this theory. The information will then be recorded in a Data Lab notebook. A baseball and a softball were taken and compared. The baseball weighed 5.75 ounces and is 9 inches in circumference. The softball weighed 6.5 ounces and is 11.5 inches in circumference. The baseball is made of yarn, cowhide, polyester, wool, and cotton. The softball is made of long fibre kapok, cork, rubber, and polyurethane. The balls were placed in front of the handles at equal places on the pinball-like machine. After engaging the springs with equal force, the balls shot forward. The baseball went approximately twenty feet farther than the softball. In keeping with the law of physics, there was less resistance or fiction on the smaller ball therefore allowing the baseball to travel farther and faster than the softball. Project Number: JPS054 Grade: 6 Title: Conductors - Electricity and Magnetism Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to find out how many objects conduct electricity. I set up a station,

and then started testing each object. I tested things from pens to scissors. The scissors, penny, key, dime, and paper clip conducted electricity. The thesaurus, pen, picture, water bottle, and K’Nex piece did not conduct electricity. I got a picture of each object working or not working. I found out that the things that were made of metal worked. In conclusion, five out of the ten things I tested conducted electricity. Project Number: JPS055 Grade: 6 Title: Crystal Growing 101 Abstract: The purpose of my project was to grow crystals because I was interested in how crystals grow.

Stirring slowly in two seperate jars I dissolved 225g of sea salt into 500ml of water at 200F. I tied string to a paper clip and the other end to a popsicle stick and dropped the paper clips into the jars and set the popsicle stick on the top of the jar. I concluded that the sea salt crystals grow bigger than sugar crystals. Project Number: JPS056 Grade: 6 Title: Detergent Doom Abstract: My project would be useful when people need to get rid of grape juice stains from a shirt. My hypothesis is

that Tide will work better than Oxi-Clean or Green Works because it has an enzyme called amalase. Oxi-Clean has manmade ingredients but does not have amalase, and Green Works has all natural ingredients but doesn’t contain amalase. I started by cutting a 60% cotton and 40% polyester shirt into nine equal pieces. Then I soaked each sample in grape juice for 10 minutes and then after they dried, I washed three of each sample with the amount of detergent the company recommended. I then made a color scale to determine which was the best detergent. Project Number: JPS057 Grade: 6 Title: Putting the Sun to Work Abstract: This project is an experimentation on the effects of the sun's rays and their heating ability on structures

facing different compass directions. It was hypothesized, that the structures facing directly into the sun would show a greater increase in temperature over time. Temperatures were determined by separate thermometers placed in four cardboard structures each one facing a different direction, and a fifth thermometer for the outside temperature. Temperatures were measured every half hour for three hours. This experiment was conducted on 3 separate days. It was found that all structures showed an increase in temperature; however structures facing west showed the greatest.

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Project Number: JPS058 Grade: 6 Title: Electric Fruit Abstract: My project deals with fruit and electricity. My hypothesis is that the citrus fruits will have more electricity

because of the water in them. I will use prods connected to the voltmeter and place them in each fruit to get a reading. The variables are: strawberries, grapes, apples, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes. I will leave fruits connected to the voltmeter for a day and a half. I will record the amount of volts generated by each fruit. Tests will be run 3 times for each fruit. Results will be shown at the science fair. Project Number: JPS059 Grade: 6 Title: Effects of Acids on Clothing Material Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS060 Grade: 6 Title: Eggcellent Eggs Abstract: I like to eat eggs but sometimes they look small so I wanted to see if the eggs shrunk in different liquids. I

put four eggs in vinegar for 24 hours until the shell came off. I weighed and measured the circumference of each egg. Then I put the eggs in vinegar, saltwater, corn syrup, and Mountain Dew. I let them set for 24 hours, and then I pulled them out and weighed them. After that I wrote down the circumference of each egg. I did this process four times for each liquid to see if I get the same results more than once. Results will be with the project at the fair. Project Number: JPS061 Grade: 6 Title: Rellin' It In Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out what is the best brand of fishing line. To conduct this

experiment I will follow my procedure. The experimental results were measured by whether the different brands of line could hold up different weights. The results of this experiment were that Trilene could hold up the most weight. The results indicate that the hypothesis I guessed was right. Project Number: JPS062 Grade: 6 Title: Rockin' Water Abstract: How porous are different types of rocks? My experiment consisted of igneous and sedimentary rocks. I

hypothesized that sedimentary rocks have higher porosity than igneous rocks. Each dry rock was weighed and placed in a beaker containing water. The rocks remained in water for two hours. After completion of two hours, the saturated rocks were weighed again. Calculations were recorded. After three trials of saturating the rocks, my results indicated that pumice(igneous) had the highest percent of porosity. The sedimentary rocks used in my experiment had a higher percent of porosity than the remaining igneous rocks used. Project Number: JPS063 Grade: 6 Title: Maillard Reaction Explained Abstract: The Maillard Reaction occurs in almost all cooked foods. This experiment was meant to find out if the

Maillard Reaction is affected by temperature. Three pieces of fish were put in different skillet temperatures for six minuted and their color was recorded. I determined that the temperature us influential and 400 degrees fahrenheit is the best for browning fish because the other temperatures had a smaller amount of color change and browning. Project Number: JPS065 Grade: 6 Title: Rusty Rust Abstract: Corrosion and rusting can cause a lot of damage. I am conducting this experiment to see which is the best

method to prevent rust formation. I will use 5 petri dishes each containing 1 Stainless Steel Nail, 1 Galvanized Nail, 1 Sacrificial Anodized Nail, 1 Grease Nail, and 1 Regular Nail. I will put 1 milliliter of water into each petri dish every 2 days to increase the rate of rusting. I will check on the nails for any signs of rust every 5 days and record my observation. Project Number: JPS066 Grade: 6 Title: Balloon Rocket Car Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Project Number: JPS067 Grade: 6 Title: Dry Ice and Wet Ice Abstract: I wanted to know if dry ice was the best way to keep materials and liquids chilled the longest. I chilled four

different bottles of water(591 mL each) in four containers as follows: container A- dry ice, container B- dry ice with water, container C- wet ice, container D – ice and water. I repeated each test 3 times measuring the temperature with temperature probes. All temperatures were recorded and averaged. Final results will be available with students project at fair. Project Number: JPS068 Grade: 6 Title: Bouncing to the Top Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see if two balls made of different materials but having the same mass

bounce to the same height. To conduct this experiment I will drop two balls: a harder ball (A) and a softer ball (B) from a height of 80 centimeters. I will measure the height bounced. The results were measured using a meter stick next to the wall to observe height bounced. The results showed ball B bounced higher on average in the 5 trials performed. The results indicate that my hypothesis is incorrect because the softer ball bounced higher then the harder ball. Project Number: JPS069 Grade: 6 Title: Corn In My Candy Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine how much corn syrup it takes to make a lollipop. To do my

project I will make one lollipop with corn syrup and one without. After that I will measure both of the lollipops. Then I will see/taste which one is better. If I use different amount of corn syrup then it would turn out to be a different lollipop. I think that the one with corn syrup is going to be better because it’s going to have regular things that a sucker will have and the one without wouldn’t be as good, because it wouldn’t have the same ingredients. Project Number: JPS070 Grade: 6 Title: Different reactions of wood Abstract: I was wondering how to calculate where a rocket will land if you launch it, if you can catch it, and what

area is required to catch it. To find this out, I built two model rockets. Then, I will go the closest baseball field to launch them. When I launch them I will have to calculate where the rocket will land and put a hula-hoop where it should land. I used an algorithm to calculate where it will land. In conclusion, it is possible to calculate where a rocket will land once it is already launched. Project Number: JPS071 Grade: 6 Title: Oil Slick Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to determine which sorbent will best clean up oil spills. To conduct this

experiment, I laid out all the objects. I then poured water and oil. Then I took one sorbent and sprinkled it into the water/oil. I waited 30 sec. and then scooped the sorbent. I repeated these steps for the other sorbents. The sorbent, polypropylene pads absorbed the most oil and the least water. My results agreed with my hypothesis which stated that the polypropylene will be the best sorbent. Future experiments are yet to be conducted to ensure these results. Project Number: JPS072 Grade: 6 Title: Sticky Situation Abstract: I build a lot with my dad and I was wondering which adhesive could hold the most mass. I tested Tite-

Bond, Elmer’s School Glue, Elmer’s Wood Glue and Gorilla Glue. I thought that Gorilla glue would hold the most mass. I glued tongue depressors together and then one end to a table. I added washers to the other side until the glue joint failed. I recorded results for each test and found average masses for each glue. Final results will be in student’s project at the fair. Project Number: JPS073 Grade: 6 Title: Floating Eggs Abstract: This experriment was preformed to determine if an egg that is heavier than water can be made to float. I

added 42.9 grams of salt particles in the water, the salt takes up spacce and makes the salt water denser than plain water. The salt increased the density of the water and this made the egg float.

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Project Number: JPS074 Grade: 6 Title: Flaming Fabrics Abstract: My initial question was "Which pajama fabric will burn the fastest?" I hypothesized that cotton would burn

fastest because fire needs oxygen to burn and cotton lets a lot of air through the fibers. My hypothesis was correct even though three fabrics I tested melted after ignition. I placed a small amount of five different types of pajama fabric in three separate aluminum pie pans. After igniting each fabric, I recorded the time it took each fabric to burn. I repeated my experiment twice and recorded my observations. I found that cotton burned the fastest after ignition. Project Number: JPS075 Grade: 6 Title: The correclation between the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and the likelihood of rainfall. Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS076 Grade: 6 Title: Hidden Sugar Abstract: The reason why I chose this project is because I thought that there maybe sugar in everyday foods that

say there is no sugar. I thought that this may be the reason of tooth decay or even obesity! I tested this by putting the chemical called Benedict's solution in a test tube with a piece of one of the 7 foods I tested. Then I put the test tube over a electric burner for 8 minutes. If the solution turns green, orange, or brick-red that is a result of reducing sugars in the food. Project Number: JPS077 Grade: 6 Title: Freezing Race Abstract: The purpose of my project was to determine what solutions freeze fastest: Plain Water, Salt Water, Sugar

Water, Brown Sugar Water, Flour Water, and Corn Starch Water. I put each solution in an ice cube tray compartment (each solution was prepared with the same amount of solute) and put the ice cube tray in the freezer. Then I checked to see if any had frozen over certain periods of time. My hypothesis was that the Plain Water would freeze fastest, and Salt Water would freeze slowest. The results were that Corn Starch Water and Flour Water froze fastest, and Salt water never froze. My project’s results would come in handy if the world ever ran out of salt to put on roads to keep them from freezing. Project Number: JPS078 Grade: 6 Title: Cars of the future Abstract: My project is on finding a more efficent car. I used smaller K’Nex wheels on Car A and I think it will go a

shorter distance. I changed the tire size from Car A to Car B, wich proved to change the distance traveled drastically. I used the same amount of power for each modle. I pulled each car back 15 inches. I then measured out the distance and got the following results. Car A went 9 feet, while Car B went 5 feet 2inches. I found that changing the size of the wheels makes it go a shorter distance. Project Number: JPS079 Grade: 6 Title: Levitating Elevator Abstract: My experiment is that I can use magnets to make an object levitate and use this to operate an elevator.

My procedure is that I will build a structure like an elevator shaft which will have two rods attached vertically in it. The object used for levitation will have two rings connected to each side of it and will go around the rods, but the object will not be touching the rods. There will be a magnet on the bottom of the object which will cause it to repel the magnet attached to the bottom of the structure. The object moved up when I increased the magnetic power and the object moved down when I decrease the magnetic power. Project Number: JPS080 Grade: 6 Title: Oxygen Apples Abstract:

I want know what liquids can slow apple browning. So in case anybody wants a good apple that’s not brown, they can have one. I cut 5 Fiji apples into 8 equal slices each and added an equal amount of slices to a beaker containing one of four test liquids: sugar water, apple juice, lemon juice, and orange juice. One apple was used as a control with no variable applied. I compared the appearance of the apples and recorded the results. My hypothesis is lemon juice will work the best. My results will be on my display board at the fair.

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Project Number: JPS081 Grade: 6 Title: Crazy Calcium Chloride Abstract: I want to see if dehumidifiers absorb more moisture from the air than an exhaust fan. I am going to fill my

bathroom with steam, and put 5 liters of water in buckets also in the room. I will place 10ml of calcium chloride in a dish on my bathroom counter. I will wait 12 hours and pour any condensed water in the dish into a graduated cylinder and measure the volume. I will repeat the same thing 9 times: 3 times with my dehumidifier on, 3 times with the exhaust fan on, and 3 times with nothing on. I think the calcium chloride will turn into water the slowest with the dehumidifier on and quickest with nothing on. Final results will be available with students project. Project Number: JPS082 Grade: 6 Title: Paint vs. Time Abstract: I like art. I am doing my project on paint because when ever I want to paint, I would know which paint

would dry the fastest and which would dry the slowest. I used 5 types of paint to determine drying times: oil, acrylic, enamel, lacquer, and latex. I put all of the paints on wood because if I put them on metal, it would peel. Oil paint is taking the longest to dry so far. Final results will be available with student’s project Project Number: JPS083 Grade: 6 Title: The Effects of light to prisms Abstract: For my experiment, I tested the effects of light and prisms. I tried different colored lights and different

shaped prisms. I wanted to see how prisms make the rainbow color spectrum. In conclusion, I learned the shape or material of prism didn't matter, but the type of light did. Project Number: JPS084 Grade: 6 Title: Making Energy Abstract: My project was making kinetic energy out of potential energy. I tested to see if the stretch of a rubber

band at rest related to the distance the rubber band travels after being released. The more I stretched the rubber band the farther it went. My hypothesis was proven right; I can make kinetic energy out of potential energy. I stood at a certain spot and stretched the rubber band back a certain measurement and did it 10 times. I repeated this cycle 3 times. My project was interesting because I got to make energy. Project Number: JPS085 Grade: 6 Title: Rusty Apples Abstract: Apples are a great snack to eat; they're sweet and juicy and they have a fresh color, but not when brown

oxidation happens. This experiment was done to see if the temperature affected the speed of the brown color (iron oxidation) forming on the apple. Three slices of the same apple were placed into a different temperature location (refrigerator, room temp, toaster oven) for two hours, checking every 10 minutes. It was determined that in the toaster oven, iron oxidation happened the fastest,with room temp after that, and in the refrigerator falling behind with no huge difference after 2 hours. Future work will be done to see if the type of apple affects oxidation. Project Number: JPS086 Grade: 6 Title: Purity: Does it affect water freezing? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS087 Grade: 6 Title: Making a Rocket Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS088 Grade: 6 Title: Lights on Earth Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Project Number: JPS089 Grade: 6 Title: Shine On! Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see which distilled better: saltwater or muddy water. My hypothesis

was that muddy water would distill better than the saltwater. The materials used in my experiment include plastic containers, glasses to put in the middle of each container, saran wrap to tape onto the containers, and rocks to place on top. The experiment was done three times and in each experiment, the saltwater produced about twice as many drops of distilled water than the muddy water did. The longer the experiment was, the more drops were produced. Therefore, my hypothesis was incorrect. Project Number: JPS090 Grade: 6 Title: Acid Travels Abstract: The main idea of my science fair project is to find out if water becomes more or less acidic as it travels

through the water shed. I tested different water samples from the rain, the river, the tap, and the creek. I tested them with an aquarium pH testing kit and a hardware store pH testing kit to see if they tested differently. I tested the samples twice with each kit, and I will test each sample once more with each kit. The higher the number the less acidic the samples are. Project Number: JPS091 Grade: 6 Title: Carbonation and Mentos Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JPS092 Grade: 6 Title: Batteries to Bulbs Abstract: I wanted to do this experiment because I was curious if it was even possible to light a light bulb with a

battery. I wanted to see whether it would work or not. It was a simple and easy experiment that taught me a lot.

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Project Number: JLS001 Grade: 6 Title: Soda's Effect on Tooth Enamel Abstract: Egg shells representing teeth were placed in different sodas. The masses of the teeth were measured

before and after the investigation. Unexpectedly the masses increased due to absorption of the liquids. Project Number: JLS002 Grade: 6 Title: The Appels in and Apples out Experiment Abstract: In this project, i will be comparing which apple goes bad the fastest, by taking two apples and putting one

in the fridge and one out side on the counter hoping to see where is the best to put your apples? For 3 weeks, I wrote the result and i compared them. I found that the apple inside the fridge still looks the same except for the wrinkles in it and the one on the counter is really brown and mushy and no one can eat it. So my hypothesis was correct; I found that the apple inside the fridge is better and still fresh and crispy. Project Number: JLS003 Grade: 6 Title: "-ADE"y Plants Abstract: I play many sports, including jump rope, volleyball, and soccer, and I wanted to know if any other sports

drinks would be better for me than water. This would be useful to anyone who plays sports. I watered twelve plants with each variable, the variables were Gatorade, Powerade, Vitamin Water, and water. I measured the height every 5-10 days. I hypothesized that water would benefit the plants most. The results will be available at my project. Project Number: JLS004 Grade: 6 Title: It's A Wrap Abstract: Keeping foods fresh for a long time without refrigeration is very hard to do. With this experiment, I will test

which wrapping material will keep food freshest over a period of time. I will test the following materials: Cling Wrap, aluminum foil,and plastic Ziplock bags. Each material will be covering a piece of bread, and I will test them for two weeks. Then I will measure which piece of bread has the most bacteria, and I will also look for visual factors such as hardness. Project Number: JLS005 Grade: 6 Title: Does Age Affect Memory? Abstract: I am going to conduct my experiment by showing each of my subjects 20 words for 60 seconds, then

asking them to name all of the ones that they can remember. My subjects are going to be both male and female, and in the age groups of 9-10, 11-13, 14-17 , 20-30, 31-49, 50-60, 70-80. I’m going to test 5 subjects in each age grouping. I will then average the scores of how many words they remembered. Then, depending on the averages, I will be able to determine if age affects memory. So far, it appears that people who are 11-13 have the best memory, but I have yet to conclude my research. Project Number: JLS006 Grade: 6 Title: Pigeons Abstract: For my experiment I will see if pigeons prefer different colors to eat from. I predict that there will be no

color differentiation. I will have one plate black, one plate white, and one plate covered in tin foil. I will then put the birdseed in the plates. All plates have the same bird food. I will then placed the plates in my backyard and observe and kept track of the birds that visit. I will take photos and take notes. I will have a detailed conclusion on my poster. I am only observing the pigeons. I will not be working directly with pigeons. This experiment is still active. Project Number: JLS007 Grade: 6 Title: Type of Water and Plant Growth Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to learn if gray, tap, or distilled water grows plants the best. Ten

seeds were planted in each of three egg cartons and each carton received one type of water. Plants were measured and watered daily. On the twentieth day the average plant height was calculated for each carton. The average plant height for tap, distilled and gray water was 9.1cm, 8.6 cm, and 3.8 cm, respectively. Some plants watered with gray water wilted or died. Tap water was best for plant growth and gray water was the worst. Project Number: JLS008 Grade: 6 Title: Element Jogger Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Project Number: JLS009 Grade: 6 Title: Genetically Modified Organisms! How do scientists do that? Abstract: I heard about GMOs and decided to search about them. I found that scientists change the DNA of an

organism in order to modify its traits. The purpose of this project is to find out how the DNA is extracted in order that scientists modify it later and does this need sophisticated materials? In my experiment, a banana was treated with salt, water and soap. The salt allowed the DNA strands to gather and precipitate out of the alcohol solution. My hypothesis wasn’t correct and precise material isn’t needed to extract DNA from organisms. However, in order to place the DNA into other organism’s cells special equipment is required. Project Number: JLS010 Grade: 6 Title: Producing too much greenhouse gases! Drive Less! Abstract: Global warming is a problem. The United States of America must reduce the release of carbon dioxide

into the atmosphere. This project compares the fuel conception of both cars of my parents. I guessed that my father’s Hunday uses less fuel than does my mother’s grand caravan and that carpooling would reduce fuel consumption when compared to using two cars. For seven days and for both cars, I recorded the miles and fuel consumption and compared these. I investigated the gasoline greenhouse gas emission. My hypothesis was correct; I found that the smaller car emitted less green house gas emission. Project Number: JLS011 Grade: 6 Title: How Does Caffeine Affect Your Pulse Rate? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to find out how caffeine effects pulse rates. To conduct this experiment I

took a persons pulse rate, then had them wait five minutes, have them consume the caffeine, wait five minutes, then i finally took the pulse rate. The experimental results were measured by comparing the test subjects resting pulse with their pulse rate after consuming the Pepsi. The results indicate that the hypothesis is correct. I accept my hypothesis because it states that caffeine will make the pulse rate increase. Project Number: JLS012 Grade: 6 Title: Growing Up Abstract: In my experiment, I wanted to find out if the pH level in water affected the growth of Blue Lake Bush

Beans. After doing my research, I hypothesized the plants watered with lower pH levels would grow larger. To perform my experiment, I planted 3 bean seeds in 473.1764 mL cups. I used one cup for each level of pH. I had 6 cups for each trial. I charted the growth of each plant for 4 weeks. After conducting my experiment, my hypothesis was proven incorrect becausee both high and low pH grew almost equal heights. Project Number: JLS013 Grade: 6 Title: Ready, Set, GO!!!! Abstract: The title of my science fair project is "Ready Set Go!! and it is about testing people's reaction times. My

question is how the reaction times of different people compare. My hypothesis is girls will have a faster reaction time than boys. I tested 4 boys and 4 girls; each person gets 3 times to get their reaction times tested. In the end, the girls had a faster reaction time. Project Number: JLS014 Grade: 6 Title: All About Dogs Abstract: The purpose of this project is to figure out which dog breed can walk the furthest without getting

exhausted. First I got the dog, and then put it on the leash. Then I took the dog outside and started to walk it. If I saw the dog was getting tired, then I stopped and the measured how far the dog walked. Last, I recorded and studied data. The Golden Retriever walked the furthest and the Bichon walked the least. After doing this experiment I will have to agree with my hypothesis that the golden retriever would walk the furthest.

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Project Number: JLS015 Grade: 6 Title: Focus Factor Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to test whether or not caffeine affects the ability to focus by using a

word search. To conduct this experiment I gathered 5 people to do a word search, both after consuming and not consuming caffeine. I gave them the same word search both times and the testing was done one week apart. The test results were measured by the amount of words found in 5 minutes. My results indicate that the caffeine had no affect on the test scores. I agree with my null hypothesis. The caffeine had no affect on the test scores. Project Number: JLS016 Grade: 6 Title: Zinnia Fertilizer Preference Abstract: Zinnias are one of the gardening world's most popular and versatile flower. Zinnias are members of the

daisy family and are easy to grow. They are abundantly blooming plants, which come in a wide range of colors. This work is intended to learn if these flowers favor a particular type of fertilizer than another type. Everything in the experiment was controlled except the different type of food to feed them. Each plant was planted at the same time, in the same soil and given the same amount of light and growing conditions. Four different fertilizers (tap water, spring water, sugar water, miracle grow) were given in equal amounts to the seedlongs. Every 3 days the plants were fed at the same time. The growth of each plant was measured and recorded. Project Number: JLS017 Grade: 6 Title: What helps plants grow best, water, milk, or pepsi? Abstract: I wanted to do this experiment to find out which liquid would help a plant to grow the best. I started to see

some changes in the milk plant during week threee. It started to stink. The plant with the Cola was the plant that started grew really well. I think the pepsi had ingredients that helped it to grow bigger. The plant with water grew the second biggest. I chose this experiment because I thought it would be interestin. Once I ealized that he Pepsi plant grew the best at the end of the experiemnt, I was amazed and surprised. Project Number: JLS018 Grade: 6 Title: Most Efficient Algae Remedies Abstract: After growing algae in eight different petri dishes I will add a different remedy to every two petri dishes

such as algaecide, snails, and complete darkness. After a predetermined amount of time I will measure the amount of algae in each dish with a PH test strip. I will average the results of every two petri dishes to get my results. I will be testing for the most efficient algae remedy. Project Number: JLS019 Grade: 6 Title: Dog Scent Abstract: All dogs have a good sense of smell. A human can identify 10,000 senses and a dog's nose is 100,000 to

1,000,000 times stronger than a human's. The goal of this project is to discover what types of smells wil be the most interesting to my dog. I will find out whether my dog likes the smell of hot dog, fruit, or spices the best. I will have the three foods out in containers for three trials. I will record what actions my dog does for each trial. My hypothesis is that my dog, will like the hot dog more than the fruit or spices. My results prove my hypothesis correct. Project Number: JLS020 Grade: 6 Title: Best Place for Bread? Abstract: I chose my project, because I want to see how long bread can stay fresh. I put preservative-free bread in

zip loc bags and put them in different places. I used 3 samples in each location. My locations were: on kitchen counter, in a dark cabinet and next to a window. Results will be available with my project at the fair. Project Number: JLS021 Grade: 6 Title: Are siblings more likely to have the same fingerprints? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JLS022 Grade: 6 Title: Distraction: How & Why It Happens Abstract: Distraction is a terrible trick of the mind that keeps kids and parents alike from doing their work. My

project was supossed to help me figure out what causes distraction, and possibly if I could stop it. I asked four

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different aged people five questions, and did this once with distractions and once without. It was determined that the younger you are the more distracted you can get. Project Number: JLS023 Grade: 6 Title: See. Smell. Taste? Abstract: I wanted to do this experiment because I wanted to see how the senses affect your taste of food. I also

wanted to see how all the senses work together. To do this I cut up onions, peppers, apples, and pears. I had the person blindfolded and plug their nose then I fed some of each to the subject. More people could not taste the food. The subjects could not taste very well because your nose and mouth are connect. The aroma of food travels through your nasal cavity which helps you taste. Project Number: JLS024 Grade: 6 Title: Plants On the Move Abstract: In my experiment, I tested to see how the amount of light affects a plant's phototropic response. I

hypothesized that the carton with five holes would make the plants grow at the greatest angle. To do this experiment, I put four plants in a milk carton. I taped the top of the carton and put foil around. Each day, I measured their angle. The plants in carton five grew at the greatest angle which proved my hypothesis correct. To my surprise, I discovered that carton two's plants grew at the same angle as carton five. Project Number: JLS025 Grade: 6 Title: One Plant Two Plant One Fish No Fish Abstract: I picked this because I wanted to use something with my goldfish, So I went online and looked up science

fair projects. This one seemed like a good one so I picked it. Then I got my plants, Elodea, and the first day I measured them, the one with out was 9 1/2 inches and the one with was 9 inches. From that point on i measured them every other day. By the end, the one with was 10 inches and the one without was 11 inches. Project Number: JLS026 Grade: 6 Title: Do Dogs Really Have A Sixth Sense? Abstract: My project is "Do Dogs really have a sixth sense? First i have to see how I would test my hypothesis.

And to do that I would read references like books, the internet, a dictionary, and my two dogs, Frasier and Joe, which are very smart dogs. I test my dogs over a period of time to see what they do when someone knocks at the door, a thunderstorm is coming, or if the weather is on it's way. Then I do the next week and see what the differences in the recent week are. Project Number: JLS027 Grade: 6 Title: See the Rainbow Abstract: Based on Charles Benham's "Artificial Spectrum Top" created in 1894, I created two disks to observe the

colors seen when the disks were spun at different speeds. Each disk was creating with 1/2 of the disk completly colored black and the other 1/2 containing a pattern of thin black arcs. Using a pool of nine subjects, each disk was spun at a slow and fast rate. The colors seen by the subjects were documented and analyzed. Based on the observations, the difference in speed did change the colors seen. Project Number: JLS028 Grade: 6 Title: What Works Better Than Water? Abstract: My project is about vitamins and tomato plants. For centuries, people have used water for plants and I

wanted to discover if something else could be used to grow plants. My hypothesis was that Vitamin A water solution would work the best in producing tall plants. I made solutions for each of the following vitamins: A, B, C, D. I used 5 pots for each vitamin tested. Each pot contained an equal number of plants after they germinated. I regularly watered each group with the vitamin solutions and recorded the results. My results will be shared at the science fair.

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Project Number: JLS029 Grade: 6 Title: Can you taste it Abstract: People determine what beverage they prefer by using all their senses.The purpose of my project was to

blind fold subjectsand see if they could guess what type of drink they were drinking.I tested 10 subjects with diet coke, Coke, Pepsi, 1% and 2% milk, tap and bottled water.Out of the 10 subjects I tested only one guessed all correctly. The other nine got 1 or 2 correctly. My subjects definitly stated they perferred one type of pop over another, but when one sense was eliminated, they guessed the soda they like incorrectly. Project Number: JLS030 Grade: 6 Title: Photosynthesis Abstract: The purpose of my project was to see what would happen if you took away one of the key items of

photosynthesis and see what would be the effect on the plant. Procedure: I filled the cups with dirt and a Lima been seed, placed them in their spots, and waited. Data: The one in the dark did not grow, while the one in the light grew as it normally would grow. Conclusion: My hypothesis was right. The plant in the dark did not grow. Project Number: JLS031 Grade: 6 Title: Hidden Surprises Abstract: My science fair project is called “Hidden Surprises.” This is an appropriate name because I will be growing

bacteria from a common household. I will be swabbing seven objects with a sterile swab. These swabs will be put in a 15 ml Falcon Tube, containing photosphere buffered solution. An Inoculating Plastic Loop will be dipped in the liquid, and spread on the LB petri plate. The petri plates will be put into a dark, enclosed area. After three days the bacteria will be visible, and I will be able to count the bacteria, concluding which household item contains the most bacteria. Project Number: JLS032 Grade: 6 Title: Why do cats sleep so much? Abstract: I want to find out if the older cat sleeps longer than the young cat. First, I watched both cats for 48 hours.

Then I compared the amount of sleep and other activities. I used the information to make a pie chart. I found that the older cat, Oreo, sleeps longer than the younger cat, Houdini. Project Number: JLS033 Grade: 6 Title: MSG Bugs Me! Abstract:

The purpose for conducting my experiment was to determine if monosodium glutamate would affect the rate of metamorphosis for Tenebrio Moliotor (Mealworms). In my investigation, two groups of 25 mealworms each would be fed 22g. of bran flakes in separate Petri dishes with 1 pipette drop of water (0.005mL) for each mealworm, and 15 g. of apple every other day. Only one of the groups got 5 mL of MSG added every other day. Results were written daily. Weekly population counts were graphed and written down. The final results for MSG specimens were 7 adults,8 pupa and 10 larva which demonstrated a 60% change from the lava stage. The no MSG specimen results were 1 adult, 3 pupa, and 21 larva. This was only a 16% change from the larval stage. My hypothesis was correct because more MSG specimens changed faster than the specimens not given MSG. In the future I would like to do further research with mealworms and the environmental impact on metamorphosis rate. Project Number: JLS034 Grade: 6 Title: Does Listening to Different Types of Music Affect Your Test Grade? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see if six 3rd graders do better listening to pop, country, or classical

music while taking a math test. To conduct this experiment I’ll give the 3rd graders a math test while having them listen to pop, country, and classical music each on a different day. The experimental results were measured by testing six students to see what music helped them get the best grade. The results of this experiment showed that the country music helped the students perform better on the test. The results indicate that my hypothesis should be rejected because the 3rd graders did better on the math test while they were listening to country music. Project Number: JLS035 Grade: 6 Title: Boys Girls and Senses Abstract: My project is to test if boys or girls have better senses. I researched that girls on avrage have better

senses. I did my experiment because I saw something online that said girls have better senses so I wanted to test

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that. In my experiment I found that on avrage girls really did have better senses than boys. I proved that my hypothesis was correct. Project Number: JLS036 Grade: 6 Title: Is my brain awake? Abstract: In this experiment, I tested myself to see when my brian was at its best for solving problems. In order to

determine when my brain works best, I tested myself with a variety of tests at different times of the day. The tests I took were memory, word and picture association, vocabulary, logic, and reaction time. I was tested in the middle of the night, morning, and afternoon. I ran the tests for one week. They were randomly ordered so that I wouldn't get used to the tests. I compared my results to complete my conclusion. Project Number: JLS037 Grade: 6 Title: Nothing But Net Abstract: In doing this project, I was trying to determine if the type of net on a basketball hoop had any effect on the

accuracy of the shot. My procedure for this was basic. It involved finding participants, using different nets, having the participants shoot into the nets and recording the results. The results of my experiment showed that the net or no net had no effect on the accuracy of the shot. My results showed that if you were to choose between two nets, gameplay would be no different. Project Number: JLS038 Grade: 6 Title: Heartbeat of an energy drink Abstract: My project was to see if energy drinks effect your pulse rate. Step One. Take the person's palse. Step

Two. Give them a cup of an energy drink. Step Three. see if the person's pulse increased or decreased. Some of the energy drinks made the pulse rate go up and some made it go down. Step Four. Just wait for the person's pulse rate to go back to normal.Step Five. Give the persom a different energy drink. Before all of the energy drinks the person's pulse rate was seventy-tree. After Red Bull his pulse rate increased. Project Number: JLS039 Grade: 6 Title: Do Energy Drinks Improve Speed? Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see whether or not an energy drink improves a person’s time in

running a mile. To conduct this experiment I recruited four runners. I had them run a mile without an energy drink and recorded their time. Then I had them drink the energy drink and run another mile, recording their second time. I performed three separate trials. The experimental results were measured by timing each runner before and after the energy drink. The results of the experiment showed that the times of each runner improved with drinking an energy drink as compared to without an energy drink. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be accepted. My hypothesis stated that if an energy drink is given to runners before running a mile, then they will run the mile faster than without the energy drink. My hypothesis should be accepted because the results showed that the times did improve. Project Number: JLS040 Grade: 6 Title: Effects of Different Lights on Plant Growth Abstract: Which type of light will allow for the best plant growth?

To fulfill their needs, humans are very dependent on their surroundings, especially plants. The question being tested is: “Which type of light will allow for the best plant growth?” By testing this question, one can find out the type of light that helps plants grow best. Three different lights will be tested on the plants: LED, incandescent, and fluorescent. The constant variables are the type of plant, type and amount of soil, and the amount of water given. The results of this experiment can help with discoveries involving production of food and oxygen. Project Number: JLS041 Grade: 6 Title: How reliable is witness memory? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

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Project Number: JLS042 Grade: 6 Title: Graywater: Laundry to Landscape Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JLS043 Grade: 6 Title: Which is Best? Abstract: I will be using 3 liquids, water, redbull, mountain dew.I will put each of the same liquid in 2 pots.I will be

using 6 plant pots. water in 2 pots, redbull in 2 pots, mountain dew in 2 pots. I put them under a UV lamp for about 12 hours a day. I water them every 2 days, record the growth, Take pictures once a week, record that information, put everything together and see what happens to the plants. What I think that water will help the plants grow better. Project Number: JLS044 Grade: 6 Title: Caffeine and Blood Pressure Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JLS045 Grade: 6 Title: Mold It's Everywhere Abstract: This experiment was to find out what bread molds the fastest in different temperatures. The steps to my

experiment are: Step1. Set each piece of bread in a re-sealable plastic bag and set in room temperature. Step2. Repeat step 1 but put into the refrigerator. Step3, repeat step 2 but put them in the freezer. Step4. Examine the breads ever couple days. Discard bread first site of mold.

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Project Number: JCS001 Grade: 6 Title: Say Cheese Abstract: If someone smiles at you, it is only natural that you would smile back. Or at least, this is what most people

think. I wanted to find out how true this idea was. Do the majority of people smile back at someone who smiles at them? I am still continuing to research this topic. I plan on going to several public locations and smiling at 20-30 random strangers. For each stranger I will record whether they smiled back or not. I will then find the percentage of strangers who smiled back. I expect the majority to smile back. Project Number: JCS002 Grade: 6 Title: How Fast Will Dominos Fall? Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JCS003 Grade: 6 Title: Soda Smiles Abstract: This project is intended to show the corrosiveness of soda on tooth enamel. Six tarnished pennies

represented the teeth in the experiment. The experiment used common name brand soda in which the tarnished pennies were soaked for seven days. Like the hypothesis, Mountain Dew corroded the penny the most. Project Number: JCS004 Grade: 6 Title: These Booties Were Made For Blockin' Abstract: My experiment’s purpose was to see which brand of dog booties repels water the best if the conditions are

the same. To do my project I first filled a basin with water, I put one of his paws with a bootie on in the basin, and measured how much water was on his paw using weight. I recorded my information and repeated my experiment. I tested 3 different brands of booties. Even though these brands resisted some water, none completely kept the dog’s paw dry. I found my hypothesis was correct in that the most expensive brand repelled water best. Project Number: JCS005 Grade: 6 Title: Cat Litter Absorbency Comparison Abstract: Cat litter is available in a variety of types. Three of the most common types are clay, clumping, and

recycled newspaper. This experiment was designed to test which of the three types above is the most moisture-absorbent. Yesterday’s News cat litter claims to be three times more absorbent than clay. It was determined that the clumping cat litter tested was actually more absorbent than the clay tested and Yesterday’s News cat litter. Yesterday’s News was not even two-times more absorbent than the clay litter in the experiment, however, there was not a significant absorbency difference between the clumping and newspaper. Project Number: JCS006 Grade: 6 Title: How Clean Is It? Abstract: My project is which stain fighter worked the best. My hypothesis was I thought Oxi Clean would work the

best. I put red pop, eyeliner, motor oil, and mud on a piece of white fabric and washed it with Oxi Clean, Resolve, and Tide to Go. My conclusion was Oxi Clean got the stains out the best. My hypothesis was correct. One thing that affected the outcome of my project was that you have to wash everything for the same amount of time to get an accurate outcome. Project Number: JCS007 Grade: 6 Title: Are Sharpies Really Sharp? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see if different colors of sharpies will come off of different types of

fabrics. The fabrics i used were denim, twill, and cotton. Im used spot remover on denim. I used bleach on my twill. I used laundry detergent on my cotton. I cut my fabrics into triangles. I scrubbed each soap on each fabric about ten times. They all seemed to come off a bit. Red and Green were dominant on Blue. Blue came off the least on any of my fabrics. Project Number: JCS008 Grade: 6 Title: Which Root Beer Produces the Most Foam When Poured? Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see which brand of root beer has the most foam. I took a 2 liter

bottle that was tall enough for a great amount of foam without spilling and I took 5 brands of root beer to test. I tested

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them hot, cold, caned, and bottled. I tested IBC, A&W, Mug, a Wal-Mart brand, and Barqs. They had 1 7/8", 2 3/4", 3/4", 3/8", and 5/16". My conclusion is that warm A&W that is bottled has the most foam. Project Number: JCS009 Grade: 6 Title: Sustainability Abstract: This experiment was to confirm the savings using energy saving light bulbs and understand the amount of

power household appliances use over time. The results show that you are able to save money in energy costs by using energy efficient lighting which quickly recovers the initial higher cost. Before, energy efficient lights were more costly and people hesitated to buy them because the incandescent lights were cheaper. Using a simple KWH meter, it is easy to identify “energy thieves” that are used throughout the house regularly. Also, by understanding the usage rate, better planning would also help in energy savings. My procedure is being conducted Project Number: JCS010 Grade: 6 Title: Solar Powered Radio Abstract: The purpose of my project is to determine if I can power a radio using solar power. I am going to attach a

solar panel to a radio to see if it makes music. I will time the radio to see how long it plays music. If I attach a solar panel to a radio then it is going to make music. I think it is going to make enough electricity because if I leave it outside it will generate enough electricity to play music. My prediction is that the radio will make music because it’s going to make enough energy from the solar panels to make music. I think this because the sun makes a lot of energy. Solar panels collect energy to make things work like TVs and satellite dishes. Project Number: JCS011 Grade: 6 Title: Allergies Be Gone Abstract: The project should answer the question, which allergy medicine dissolves the fastest in a liquid similar to

stomach acid. Before I started my project, my hypothesis was that the name brand medication, Claritin would dissolve the fastest. I thought the generic forms would take longer. The reason I hypothesized this was because I thought the active ingredient in a more expensive pill would dissolve faster. First, I took all three types of allergy medicines and set them into a beaker of hydrochloric acid. This is the safest acid that is the most similar to stomach acid. Using a stopwatch, I observed the dissolution of each pill and recorded the time it took for total dissolution. In conclusion, the generic brand, Up and Up from Target dissolved the fastest. The other generic brand, Equate, took the lingest. Therefore my hypothesis was incorrect based on my data. Project Number: JCS012 Grade: 6 Title: How Permanent are Permanent Markers? Abstract: Permanent marker is desirable on paper, but definitely not cloth. While some detergents take out the

marker stain completely, others can just ruin the fabric. This project was intended to show which detergent most effectively removes marks made by permanent marker on cloth. My project results were that Clorox Colors worked best and Purex was the worst. The detergents included in the experiment were Tad, Tide, All, Ajax, Arm and Hammer, Clorox Whites, Purex, and Clorox Colors. Clorox Whites sounded the best to me at first, but my prediction that it would remove stain proved incorrect. Instead, itmade cloth around the marker whiter while leaving the marker pattern almost completely intact. Project Number: JCS013 Grade: 6 Title: Exploding Coke and Mentos Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JCS014 Grade: 6 Title: The Perfect Cookie Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to see new possibilities of cookie sheets to make the best cookie. To

conduct this experiment I will bake cookies at 190.6 Celsius for 13 minutes. The experimental results were measured by looking at the bottom of the cookies then recording the data. The results of the experiment are that the regular pan cooked the best cookie. The results indicate that the hypothesis should be rejected because the aluminum foil made an average of a dark brown cookie and the pan’s average was a brown cookie. I’m accepting a new hypothesis that states the regular pan makes the best cookie.

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Project Number: JCS015 Grade: 6 Title: The Attack On Rust Abstract: The purpose of my experiment was to see which rust proof paint works the best on steel toy cars .To

conduct this experiment I painted 3 toy cars that were cleaned with no rust.These cars were set outside for 2 months. They were observed for rust formation. The experimental results were measured by the amount of rust I saw each week. The results of the expirament were that the most expensive brand Rust-Oleam works the best out of the three brands, the middle brand Krylon works the least with 6% rusted .The generic Walmart brand was in the middle it rusted 5%. The results indicate that my hypothesis should be rejected the more expensive brand works the best. It rusted only two percent. Project Number: JCS016 Grade: 6 Title: Big Bubbles Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JCS017 Grade: 6 Title: Do No Name or Brand Name Shoes Hold Up Better After Being in Different Subs Abstract: The purpose of my experiment is to see which brand of shoe holds up better. The brand name shoe is

(Nike) the no name shoe is (Target). For my experiment I had to test two brands of shoes in five different substances. This is to see which one holds up better. The experimental results were measured by testing shoes in different substances. The results of the experiment indicate that the Nike shoes held up better in different substances than the Target brand shoe. Project Number: JCS018 Grade: 6 Title: Watt's Up? Abstract: Many times "green" products do not do the same job as well as the products they replace. This project

compares an LED light bulb to a regular incandescent light bulb to see if the LED bulb really saves energy. The bulbs were tested to see how much power they use and how much light they give off. My hypothesis is that if the LED bulb really saves energy then it must use less power than the incandescent bulb, and second, the LED bulb should emit an amount of light similar to the incandescent bulb. The experimental results support the hypothesis. Project Number: JCS019 Grade: 6 Title: A Comparison Of Rust Removal Methods Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether using acetone, simichrome polish, or steel wool

would remove rust more effectively. To conduct this experiment I needed to apply each of the rust removal solutions to a rusty section of rebar. I first weighed each piece of rebar, then I applied each rust removal solution, and finally I weighed the rebar again to see how much rust was removed. The results of this experiment indicated that my hypothesis was correct, that steel wool would remove rust more effectively than either acetone or simichrome polish. Project Number: JCS020 Grade: 6 Title: Light vs. Regular-Can You Tell the Difference? Abstract: I chose to do this project because some companies claim that you can’t tell that their “light” foods are

“light. I decided to test this. I gave samples of “light” and regular forms of 5 common foods to 10 test subjects of the same age. They all tasted the samples that I gave to them in random order. My hypothesis was that they would not tell the difference as some advertisers claimed. This was proven correct. I was baffled that my hypothesis was correct. Lots of times, ads can be very false. Well, now people can know that they are somewhat correct. Project Number: JCS021 Grade: 6 Title: No More Mold! No More Mold! No More Mold! Well Maybe Just A Little. Abstract: To determine which brand of sandwich bag keeps bread freshest.

Put a slice of bread in each bag. Get most of the air out. Everyday check the bread for mold. Once the mold grows record the day and discard immediately. Do this for the 5 trials. For control, place one slice of bread on a plate without a bag. Record when the bread molds. Ziploc® grew mold the fastest, Boulder® grew the next fastest, and Glad® grew mold last. My hypothesis was wrong, because Ziploc® grew mold the fastest, and Glad® kept bread the freshest.

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Project Number: JTM001 Grade: 6 Title: A Pond: A Zoo of Plankton Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JTM002 Grade: 6 Title: A Shocking Project Abstract: We want to find the wire that conducted the most electricity. We will take copper, brass, carbon steel,

stainless steel 304, and aluminum wires and put two volts of electricity in to each wire. We'll measure the current that flows in each wire. Copper was the best conductor and stainless steel was the worst. In conclusion, our hypothesis was correct. Project Number: JTM003 Grade: 6 Title: Affect of colored lights on plants Abstract: We all know plants use light to make food to grow, but will different colored rays make them grow

differently? We’ll put 5 plants to the test to find out which one will grow the tallest. First cut a hole in medium card board box. Next fill 1 medium drinking cup with 2 cups of soil and place 5 winter rye seeds in the cup. Give plant 2 tbs. of water every day and place box over plant, to keep other light sources from interfering with plant growth. Put desk lamp (with a colored bulb screwed in) over plant. Turn on for 9 hr. every day for 14 days. Record height every day and change colored bulb after the 14 days are over. We will use a white, blue, green, red, and black bulbs. This is how we will find out which colored ray will make them grow the tallest. Work is in progress to determine which color rays is the best for plant growth. Project Number: JTM004 Grade: 6 Title: Archimedes Screw Abstract: The Archimedes Screw has been in use for centuries. It is a simple machine that transfers water uphill

without a lot of energy. It was our intention to learn what effect the materials and slope had on how the screw worked. We used two different sizes of screws and stacked boards to increase and decrease slope. We determined that the size of the tubing and slope had a large effect on the efficiency of the water movement. Project Number: JTM005 Grade: 6 Title: Corrosion of Metal Roofs by Acid Rain Abstract: This experiment demonstrates the corrosive effects of acid rain on common metal roofing materials.

Samples of copper, aluminum, zinc, steel, and tin were soaked in cups of water and in cups of vinegar. Water represented non-acidic rain; vinegar represented acid rain. At regular intervals, the samples were observed for corrosion. Some metals, such as copper aluminum, and zinc, formed a natural coating on their surfaces to slow down the process of corrosion. Steel and tin were the most easily corroded, especially by acid rain. Project Number: JTM006 Grade: 6 Title: Deicing Abstract: The purpose of our experiment is to discover a new faster solution to the ice problem. We are focusing on

ice on roads, steps, and car windows. We are changing only one variable which is the deicing material. We are continuing to work on our experiment, but from prior experiences, we believe our hypothesis shall be true. Project Number: JTM007 Grade: 6 Title: Do You Hear What I Hear? Abstract: We decided to experiment what types of effects certain genres of music have on people. We will ask sixth

graders at our school to listen to songs we have preselected. We will record each person's heart rate, and we will ask them what feelings they felt. Our experiment is inconclusive at this time. Project Number: JTM008 Grade: 6 Title: Drilling Flowback Water and Sugar Snap Peas Abstract: The purpose was to see what effect Marcellus shale drilling flow back water had on sugar snap pea

plants. We treated 20 plants with flowback water solution with (from Fracking Stage #1) Acetic acid, (vinegar) (from Fracking Stage #2) Polysaccharide, (sugar) Sodium Chloride, (salt) and Boric Acid (Borax). We controlled 20 plants with spring water. We found that found that both the treatment and control groups died.

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Project Number: JTM009 Grade: 6 Title: Food Psychology Abstract: The goal of our experiment is to discover if the senses of sight, touch, and smell effect our opinion on a

food. We will block a combination of these 3 senses to see if the opinion changes on the food. We will ask the test subjects on a scale of 1 to 10 where there opinion on a food was. Data is inconclusive at this time. Project Number: JTM010 Grade: 6 Title: Fruit Circuitry Abstract: The purpose of my project was to find the best configuration for a fruit battery. I configured many fruit

batteries, using different fruits and electrode materials. I varied the separation between the electrodes and inserted the electrodes at varying depths in the fruit. I noted the voltage and current produced by each fruit battery. I found that a lemon battery using an Iron cathode and a Magnesium anode, with the electrodes placed 1 cm apart (minimum separation) and inserted 4 cm deep (maximum depth) into the fruit was the best battery. This battery measured at 0.85 volts and 2.4 milliamperes. Project Number: JTM011 Grade: 6 Title: Hamster Wheel Academy Abstract: The purpose of our experiment is to see if hamsters experience a decrease in energy as they age. The

materials we will need are two identical wheels, one older hamster, one younger hamster, a laptop and a digital camcorder. We will set up the camcorder to constantly record the hamsters for three twenty-four hour intervals. After we are done, we will review the video footage and calculate the average time per day each hamster spends on its wheel. It will then be apparent which hamster spends more time on its wheel. The hamsters ( Einstein and Waffles ) will then go back to their normal everyday lives as loved family pets. We are inconclusive at this time. Project Number: JTM012 Grade: 6 Title: Hydro Powered Hot Wheel Abstract: The purpose of our experiment is to see if we truly understand how a generator works. For our

procedures we researched how we are going to build the generator and bring it to the fair. We are going to collect how fast we can make the car go, how fast it goes, and what our generator can power. Inconclusive at this time. Project Number: JTM013 Grade: 6 Title: Ion Bracelets - Truth or Lie? Abstract: In our experiment Ion Bracelets: The Truth, we tested the effect of wearing Ion Bracelets. We ran various

kinds of physical fitness tests. Our group decided that the tests would be executed in two ways: once with the bracelets and once without them. These tests consisted of v-sit and reach,which tests flexibility, one-leg, which tests balance, and the push-up test, which tests strength and endurance. We documented the data, compared the results side by side, and found out if the Ion Bracelets had an effect or not. Project Number: JTM014 Grade: 6 Title: It's All An Illusion Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JTM015 Grade: 6 Title: Kinondo Abstract: Our Experiment was proposed to find out more about robot computer interaction (RCI) and see if it was

possible to easily do this and do it well. One of the tests we took are a strength test were we test the strength of our robot and test the strength of the test subject. Another one of these tests is speed. We test the subject in a 40 yard dash and the robot in a 20 foot dash. the project is inconclusive at this time. Project Number: JTM016 Grade: 6 Title: Liquid Growth Abstract: This test was intended to see which liquid makes a plant grow the best. We had ten different liquids;

water, coffee, Mountain Dew, red Gatorade, whole milk, Arnold Palmer (half iced-tea and half lemonade), salt water, Monster energy drink, Ensure, and orange juice. We gave each plant ¼ cup of its directed liquid. We then measured plant growth at every feeding. Plants were fed every other day. After the feedings were completed we subtracted

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beginning height from the end height to fairly measure the plants. In conclusion, we found orange juice had the most height growth. Coffee showed the fullest volume in leaf growth. Project Number: JTM017 Grade: 6 Title: Mysterious Magnetism and Legendary Levitation Abstract: The project Mysterious Magnetism and Legendary Levitation was to test whether or not levitation can be

affected by a ferromagnetic object such as an iron nail. A Levitron Omega top was set to levitate and spin in the air while an iron nail was placed underneath the levitating top and above the platform. Since the experimentation is still in progress, there are no conclusions determined currently. Project Number: JTM018 Grade: 6 Title: No Flip Ship Abstract: We wondered how the ship didn’t flip between the two liquids that have different density. First, we filled the

bottle with water and oil. We made the ship with paper. We colored upper side of the ship with oil-based pen. And put it in the bottle. We tried many method to figure out how do we need to make the ship don’t flip. We colored it with different pens and we colored upper side and lower side of the ship. However, we figured out during the research that the oil is hydrophobic. So the ship’s upper side which is colored with oil-based pen will prefer oil than the water. Also to keep the ship stably, we colored 1/3 if the ship. Project Number: JTM019 Grade: 6 Title: Quake resistant buildings Abstract: We built simulated models of wooden and masonry buildings,as well as reinforced versions of each, using

Popsicle sticks and sugar cubes.We simulated earthquakes using a shaker-table and recorded how various kinds ofbuildings fared, in order to determine what type of structure is mostearthquake resistant. Our hypotheses are that masonry buildings of a type(unreinforced/reinforced) will rate better than wood buildings of the same type,and that all reinforced buildings will rate better than all unreinforcedbuildings. Final results will beavailable at the student’s exhibit on Fair Day. Project Number: JTM020 Grade: 6 Title: Rain, Rain, Go Away! Abstract: People in third world countries do not have many resources. We tested out two different materials, twigs

and grass. We wanted to find out what material would leak less so we would know which material was best. The grass leaked the least because it could be easily woven unlike the twigs. Project Number: JTM021 Grade: 6 Title: Science in the Streams Abstract: Please visit the student’s exhibit for abstract.

Project Number: JTM022 Grade: 6 Title: Shipshape: Hull Design and Hydrodynamics Abstract: This experiment tests how the shape of a boat's hull affects the ease at which it moves through the water.

Several different hull shapes were made. They were tested in a section of rain gutter capped at both ends and filled with water. A weight and pulley was used to provide force to move each hull design through the water. The amount of time it took each model to travel the entire length was measured. The amount of instability and listing for each design was also noted. "V"-shaped hull designs were faster, while flat-bottom hull designs were more stable. Project Number: JTM023 Grade: 6 Title: The Power of Magnets Abstract: Purpose: to see if the temperature can affect the magnetism. Procedures used: 1) Find six magnets. 2)

Place one in the refrigerator, one in the oven, and one on the counter. 3) Freeze one magnet (15-30 sec.). 4) Then oven one magnet (15-30 min.). 5) Take the 3 magnets and match it up with the other magnets. 6) Observe to see which one attracts from the furthest. 7) Record the data on a graph and repeat twice Data: cold- 16cm, 12cm hot- 11cm, 9cm regular-9cm, 11cm. Conclusion: our hypothesis was right. The cold magnet attracted the most.

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Junior – TEAM (JTM) – 6th Grade

PRSEF Student Abstracts Page 30

Project Number: JTM024 Grade: 6 Title: Uncovering Everyday Mysteries of the Northern Lights Abstract: Many questions crossed our minds while trying to find a basis question for our research plan, but there

was one that stuck with us. It states: Does the sun have certain things that the northern lights absolutely require, or with the suns falling could another light source support the lights? We hypothesize that the northern lights will 'die' without the sun because it has certain chemicals other light sources might not have. But, not being done with our research that is just a hypothesis we hope to learn has been proven true. Project Number: JTM025 Grade: 6 Title: Where's the Beef? Abstract: What beverage do you think will eat away a meatball? In this project we tried to determine the effects of

different beverages on meat. We used a ph meter to find the ph of eight liquids. We placed our dependent variable, which was a meatball, into the beverages. The beverages are the independent variable. For ten days, we weighed and measured the circumference of each meatball. Milk and water ate the meat the most, while the rest of the beverages hardly affected the meat. In conclusion to our question, “Where’s the Beef?”, it’s still in the jar! Project Number: JTM026 Grade: 6 Title: Which Bread Molds the Fastest? Abstract: Bread is a tasty snack, but do you ever get angry when it grows mold? I know I do! That's why we're doing

this fun project to find out which bread you should buy. The first step is to get the materials for the experiment: a slice of bread, a box to fit it in, and a flat surface. Then we put the slice of bread in the box on a flat surface. We recorded our results that we observed.