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    David Blanding

    Technical FellowBoeing Phantom Works

    Huntington Beach, CA

    Keywords: More Electric, Actuator, Thermal, Fatigue, Aircraft


    Military and commercial aircraft designers are

    leading a quiet revolution in the aviation

    industry. Their goal is an all-electric aircraft

    that will be controlled by small high speed

    motors instead of heavy maintenance intensive

    hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical systems.

    This revolutionary usage of electrical power

    technologies promise military and commercial

    airframers greater aircraft reliability and a

    significantly smaller logistical tail to support

    tomorrow's air and space force. Hence, the

    More Electric Aircraft (MEA) is becoming a


    The MEA approach provides for greater

    integration of subsystem functions. It also

    provides smarter subsystems without added

    weight penalties. The MEA approach has

    created common threads that link most or all

    subsystems. These threads are:

    Electrical power and distributionsystem

    Thermal management system Integrated health management

    The focus of this talk will address the

    integration issues associated with the linkage

    between electric actuation and the common

    threads mentioned above. This paper will

    focus specifically on issues associated with the

    electromechanical actuator, address the

    progress of the MEA, while at the same time,

    discusses the growing popularity of advanced

    materials that are enabling the MEA.

    1.0 General Introduction)

    Aircraft designers have already reached a

    milestone installing MEA technologies in

    airplanes like the Boeing 787 and various

    military platforms. These systems represent the

    first major leap in casting the MEA revolution.

    They involve the revolutionary application of

    electrical power systems, electronics, and

    distributed architectures to simplify much of the

    existing immensity bulk and complexity

    inherent in traditional hydraulic and pneumatic

    aircraft systems.

    Emphasis now is on giving aircraft designers

    more optional opportunity of using electrical

    power over traditional methods. New

    technology concepts like electric actuation,

    electric environmental control and electric fuel

    pumps, along with magnetic bearings for

    generators and eventually more electric turbine

    engines, are in the works. These technologies

    promise dramatic simplifications in aircraft

    system design, while improving reliability and

    maintainability in the years to come.


    Boeing Commercial Airplane (BCA) has chosen

    to exploit the use of MEA technologies to

    provide cost-efficient next generation airplanes.

    The 787 is Boeings first More Electric

    Airplane. Elimination of pneumatic system led

    to No-Bleed architecture for overall airplane

    weight savings and efficiency improvement.

    Many airplane systems to are become

    electrically powered for the first time. Some

    examples are the 787 wing de-icing, largehydraulic pumps (used to raise landing gear),

    flight control actuators (secondary systems),

    Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company. All rights reserved

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    David Blanding

    cabin pressurization system, braking system,

    and engine starting system. Advancement of

    efficient and reliable power electronics

    technology has enabled more electricarchitecture [1].

    The MEA approach offers an increase in design

    flexibility, a reduction in operation and

    maintenance cost, and overall reduction in

    system weight. A more notable benefit of the

    MEA approach is the reduction in power

    conversion, where you no longer have to

    convert engine shaft power to electric, hydraulic

    and pneumatic power (Figure 1). The extractionof single electrical power provides a cost

    effective way to drive actuators, environmental

    controls, fuel pumps, brakes and de-icing

    systems [2]. See Figure 2.

    Figure 1. Conventional Aircraft Power


    Figure 2. More-Electric/All-Electric Aircraft

    Power Conversion

    Electric Actuation denotes a broad applicationof electrical power to the actuation and control

    of vehicle subsystems that traditionally have

    been controlled by hydraulic, mechanical and

    pneumatic power. One of the major drawbacks

    for using electric actuators on primary flightcontrol surfaces has been the low power density

    of traditional motors and thermally efficient

    power electronics. There are three basic

    approaches to electric actuation being developed

    today for air vehicle flight control surfaces are

    electromechanical actuators (EMA),

    electrohydrostatic actuators (EHA), and

    integrated actuator packages [2]. These electric

    actuation systems are shown in Figure 3.

    Figure 3. General Electric Actuation Technologies

    For the purpose of this paper, the following

    definitions of an electric actuation system apply:

    Electromechanical Actuator (EMA) is

    defined as an electric actuation system that

    uses an electric motor mechanically

    coupled to the load.

    Electrohydrostatic Actuator (EHA) is

    defined as a self-contained electricactuation system that uses an electric

    motor driving a bi-directional, fixed

    displacement hydraulic pump that operates

    a typical hydraulic ram.

    Integrated Actuator Package (IAP) is

    defined as a self-contained electric

    actuation system that uses an electric

    motor driving a servo-over center

    hydraulic pump that operates a typical

    hydraulic ram.

    2Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company. All rights reserved

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    Flight test experiments have been performed on

    EMA, EHA and IAP systems to establish the

    credibility of electric actuation as a primary

    method of control for flight-critical controlsurfaces on tactical aircraft.

    The EHA and IAP, which have been the

    subjects of much industry and government

    investments over the last decade, offer the

    opportunity to produce the actuation power

    electrically, using power-by-wire (PBW), while

    retaining a jam-proof connection of the actuator

    to the surface. The IAP has successfully

    completed 1,000 operational hours using an

    electric aileron actuation system, demonstrating

    the reliability and maintainability benefits with

    this technology. The EMA and EHA have also

    been flight tested on various military platforms

    to mature the technology.

    In recent years the EMA enjoyed similar

    attention on several vehicle development

    programs. The EMA became the baseline

    technology on these programs largely because

    actuation requirements for these favored theEMA technology.

    2. 0 Why Electromechanical Actuators?

    EMA, EHA and IAP have their preferred

    applications. Program managers and system

    designers will continue to evaluate all three

    technologies; however, if all three technologies

    have the attributes for a particular application,

    the EMA may be the preferred solution (Figure3) due to the absence of hydraulic fluid. This is

    especially true for spacecraft applications and

    vehicles with long storage requirements where

    hydraulic fluid leakage and freezing may be a

    concern. For the most part, an EHA and IAP

    could be considered as similar technologies

    because of the common use of a hydraulic ram

    and pump.

    Electromechanical actuators are a cost-effective

    alternative because there is one energy

    conversion versus two in a hydraulic system.

    On some aerospace platforms, depending on the

    size, analyses have shown that this technology

    could provide weight savings averaging from afew hundreds to several thousands pounds

    along with annual savings of several million

    dollars in operating and acquisition costs.

    Installation time is reduced, as the system only

    requires the mechanical installation of the

    actuator and the connection of two or more

    electrical power cables. The requirement for

    periodic maintenance is greatly reduced.

    Additional building facilities are not required

    for electromechanical actuators, whereas, a

    hydraulic pump unit may require a separate

    room with fluid containment provisions.

    Engineers and actuation suppliers are looking

    closer at the application of the roller screw as a

    competing technology for the ball screw based

    EMA. Traditionally it has been held that roller

    screw is superior to ball screw technology.

    Operational lifetime is often one of the biggest

    attributes of the roller screw. Roller screws

    have a higher dynamic load rating than ballscrews. Even though roller screws are reported

    to be more costly than ball screws, the increased

    load carrying capability of the roller screw may

    make it an attractive technology for future EMA


    When considering replacement of a hydraulic

    actuator with an electric actuator, two basic

    statements are appropriate: (1) a hydraulic

    actuator will generally weigh less than an

    electric actuator designed for the sameapplication, and (2) the hydraulic actuator will

    usually be capable of delivering higher power

    than required for its application.

    The fact that a hydraulic actuator will usually be

    capable of delivering higher power than

    required for a particular application is a

    consequence of hydraulic actuator area usually

    being sized by the maximum hinge moment

    yielding a corner horsepower (Hcp). The corner

    3Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company. All rights reserved

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    David Blanding

    horsepower for a hydraulic actuator can be

    described by the following relationship.


    3 = RH

    Hp m

    Where: Hcp= Corner Horsepower

    Hm = Hinge Moment (in-lb)R = Rate (deg/sec)1.82 x 10

    -3= 1/550 ft-lb per sec

    Maximum control surface deflection and hence

    actuator stroke are based on surface

    effectiveness characteristics at low speed, where

    hinge moments are low. Maximum surface

    rates are also set at some speed conditions.

    Therefore, a situation where hydraulic actuator

    area is set at one condition, stroke is set at

    another and the rate at yet a third flight

    condition. These results in a large-bore and

    long-stoke actuator that must move at high rate.

    This condition defines a unit with high horse

    power capability that is never used [3].

    The premise here is that an EMA with uniquecapabilities need not furnish anywhere near the

    power of the hydraulic actuator it replaces. An

    EMA only needs to have sufficient torque at one

    point and adequate speed at another. Therefore,

    horsepower capability is not a valid measure for


    3.0 Key Design Issues

    Duty cycleis the most critical design parameter

    for the electric actuator. It affects themechanical, thermal and electrical design of the

    electric actuator. Mechanically, duty cycle will

    predict the magnitude and frequency of loads.

    This will impact the design to ensure that the

    EMA meets the expected life requirements and

    insure that the EMA has the ability to produce

    the necessary force output. Duty cycle will

    predict the rates and cycle data and also the

    number of cycles per flight/maneuvers which

    define the fatigue characteristics of the actuator.

    The integration of EMA duty cycle with respect

    to its expected life can be analyzed to determine

    the total linear travel distance of the EMA. This

    analysis is used to size the screw for its

    expected L10 life and provides a better

    understanding of the EMA fatiguecharacteristics [4]. The expected L10 life of a

    roller screw or ball screw can easily be

    computed and is expressed as the linear travel

    distance that 90% of the screws are expected to

    meet before experiencing metal fatigue.



    10 10xF




    L10= life corresponding to a 10 percent probability

    of screw failure

    C = dynamic load rating of the roller screw and ball

    screw nut assembly

    This expression is then integrated with the cubic

    mean load (Fm) with the EMA duty cycle and

    the applied load (F1) and the distance (S1) the

    screw travels with a particular load with respect

    to time at load. The cubic load is computedusing the expression:















    Fm= mean load

    F1 Fn= applied load

    S1 Sn= distance of screw travel between loads

    Thermally, duty cycle will help predict a

    thermal load profile created by the actuator asdefined by the flight maneuvers/mission

    profiles. Important factors like load duration,

    load interval, rate of actuation, load, etc.

    generate thermal energy that must be

    considered. The components of the actuator

    will need to be designed to handle these heat

    loads. A thermal management system must be

    sized for the actuator to mitigate the risk of

    overheating the actuator. Duty cycle must be

    analyzed from the standpoint of holding load

    and the load with respect to expected life. Forholding loads are considered to determine how

    4Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company. All rights reserved

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    hard the EMA is working. This analysis is used

    to size the motor torque capability and an

    acceptable level of operating time so that the

    thermal limits of the motor or actuatorcomponents are not exceeded which results in

    tripping the thermal overload (at best) or burn

    up the motor (at worst) [5]. The thermal duty

    cycle is the ratio or percentage of actuator on

    time to off time and is expressed as shown









    Dc= duty cycle

    Ton= time on

    Toff= time off

    Electrically, duty cycle serves as the input to an

    actuator model to establish the power required

    during flight, maneuvers, and etc. This help to

    size the power management and generation


    Jam-Resistant EMA technology needs to be

    developed and demonstrated to ensure

    widespread usage of electric actuation. If there

    were no jamming concerns, the EMA can be the

    simplest and most compact actuator. Jam-

    resistant EMAs can be designed, but the system

    may no longer be simple. Some jam-resistant

    EMAs add other failure modes, which increase

    the risk of failure. As the complexity goes up,

    the inertia of the EMA goes up and the response

    goes down. The higher the inertia, the higher

    the starting torque required, and the more heat

    generated. Generally, response goes down as

    the actuators get larger. Boeing is working with

    major suppliers and research institutions to

    develop EMAs that are fault tolerant and jam

    resistant [6].

    Power Densities of current motor-drive

    technologies need to exceed 1 kW/lb to meet the

    need of future military, space and commercialplatforms. Studies have been conducted to

    evaluate the electric motor power densities that

    exceed 1kW/lb as well as a fault tolerant

    architecture. A specific research focus has

    been to evaluate the suitability of switchedreluctance (SR) motor technology for EMAs.

    SR motor drives are considered to be robust and

    fault tolerant. These are important attributes

    given the hostile environment of an aircraft in

    flight and the safety-critical nature of the

    application [7].

    Motor Selectionlike duty cycle can sometimes

    be the most challenging aspect of designing and

    sizing and electric actuation system. A priority

    list must be made as to which properties of the

    motor system will be optimized. These

    properties may include motor efficiency, motor

    torque, motor power, reliability, and of course,

    cost. Generally, torque is the driving factor in

    motor weight, size, and consequently, cost.

    Therefore, knowing the torque requirements is


    The torque for an SRM machine can be

    described by the following relationship:

    ( )dt




    1 2 =

    Where: Te= Air gap Torquei = current

    ( ),



    idL Variation of inductance

    Social Change, though nota technology issue,

    is one of the major hurdles for widespreadacceptance of EMA technology. Over the years,

    there has been a reluctance to make a major leap

    toward a widespread use of electric actuation,

    especially EMAs. Actuator designers and air

    framers have a well-documented database for

    conventional hydraulic system technology. This

    database is supported by well-developed

    specifications, ground rules, and even rules of

    thumb that have been developed over the past

    50 years. A similar database does not exist for

    electric actuators, especially EMAs. To

    5Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company. All rights reserved

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    David Blanding

    achieve the desired weight benefits, hydraulic

    system designers addressed the issue of reduced

    weight by going to higher pressure hydraulic

    systems and developing lighter weight plumbingand fitting systems.

    4.0 Electrical Power and Distribution System

    The electrical power and distribution system

    distributes the electrical power from various

    power sources to aircraft loads. The increased

    electrical power required for the MEA may only

    economically be achieved through utilization of

    reasonable high voltages AC and DC

    distribution systems. 270 Vdc appears to be the

    current choice for current electrical actuation

    systems. In some cases traditional 115 Vac and

    28 Vdc has been used for compatibility reasons

    with present aircraft electrical systems

    infrastructure. In these cases power conversion

    units (PCUs) can be installed to rectify the 3-

    phase, 115 V ac aircraft supply into the 270 V

    dc power required by the actuator [8].

    High power, electric actuation systemsare being proposed on many new aircraft with

    ratings up to 50 kW. The electrical loads

    presented by these actuators are dynamic in

    nature and appear highly nonlinear, drawing

    non-sinusoidal current waveforms. This has a

    significant effect on the quality of the power

    system voltage as it introduces harmonic noise

    thatis seen by other connected loads [8]. These

    requirements are placing a demand for more

    stringent power quality, and this means

    increasing the number of solid-statecomponents. Many of these electric actuators

    and power control units operate at high powers

    during only certain portions (take-off, flight

    maneuvers and landing) of the mission. The

    temperatures associated with these systems must

    be maintained at threshold values that will not

    have a negative effect on the electronic and

    electrical component reliability.

    5.0 Integrated Thermal Management

    Thermal Management is quickly becoming a

    limiting design factor for electric actuationsystems for future military aircraft and

    commercial airplanes. The design of the thermal

    management system for the EMA is a function

    of the heat rejection of the drive and the

    operational duty cycle. Future cooling demands

    will require an integrated thermal management

    strategy at the aircraft, subsystem, and

    component levels for MEA to become a reality.

    A new approach of dealing with the individual

    component heat loads at a local level was

    perceived to best achieve the goals of the MEA

    Initiative. There are a number of thermal

    management approaches and technologies

    including: thermal energy storage, advanced

    liquid cooling provides greater integration

    between power generation and thermal

    management systems. Advanced materials such

    as nano technology and high thermal

    conductivity graphite foams are being

    developed that offer potential near and far term

    thermal management advantages. Oak RidgeNational Laboratory (ORNL) has developed

    graphite foam (Figure 4) that has a specific

    thermal conductivity six times more than copper

    and five times more than aluminum [9].

    Figure 4. Graphite Foam Heat Sink

    These new technologies allow engineers to

    evaluate concepts that will thermally integrate

    and structurally embed the electric actuator and

    its associated electronics into the vehicle

    structure. This integration approach concept

    allows the heat generated by the actuator to bemanaged by a passive system that could use

    6Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company. All rights reserved

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    existing airframe structure and other advanced

    thermal management technology to transfer the

    heat to a nearby heat sink. This passive cooling

    system has the potential of offering the best nearterm solution in terms of reduced weight,

    reduced maintenance and reduced operation


    6.0 Integrated Health Management


    Integrated Health Management for electric

    actuation systems includes failure analysis of

    the system and the components. It requires a

    thorough understanding of the underlying root

    causes of device failuresfailure physicsas a

    basis for credible and reliable predictions on

    remaining life of the device, component, or


    It has long been a sound engineering practice to

    utilize S-N (stress-number of cycles) curve as a

    mean to determine the expected life of a

    component while operating at a level where the

    stress, strain, or similar metric can be measuredand the cycles counted until the lower bound

    was exceeded and the component would be

    retired from further service. These components

    were evaluated based on high-cycle fatigue

    (HCF) >10,000 cycles and low cycle fatigue


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    David Blanding

    Electromechanical actuators are a cost-effective

    alternative because there is one energy

    conversion versus two in a hydraulic system.

    Because of absence of hydraulic fluid,electromechanical actuators will be the

    preferred solution for most MEA aerospace


    Advances in electric motor and power

    electronics are making the technology both

    affordable and cost effective as well as

    providing a greater opportunity for expanded

    subsystem integration.

    Thermal management is a critical technology

    need and more integrated solutions are required

    to minimize the adding of additional weight to

    cool the electric motor and power electronics.

    Concepts for integrated thermal management

    approaches are being evaluated within the

    aerospace community.

    Though not a technology hurdle, social change

    is one of the major hurdles for widespread

    acceptance of EMA technology.

    8.0 Acknowledgement

    The author wishes to acknowledge that the

    content and many of the thoughts advanced

    herein have evolved from papers, presentation

    and discussions with many individuals. This

    paper has been influenced by previous work

    done by the author while employed at TheBoeing Company and by others in the aerospace


    9.0 References

    1. Wallace J., Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May

    20, 2004

    2. Blanding D., Current Development in

    Electric Actuation Technology, Boeing

    BTECH 2004, June 2004

    3. John B. Leonard, A System Look at

    Actuation Concepts and Alternatives for

    Primary Flight Control, SAE Paper


    4. Hicks T., Handbook of Mechanical

    Engineering Calculation, McGraw-Hill,


    5. Blanding D., Grow J., Chen J., Evaluating

    Electric Actuation Duty Cycle Thru the

    Application of Confidence Interval, Eighth

    Boeing Technical Excellence Conference,February 2004.

    6. Blanding D., Tesar D., Krishnan R., Fault

    Tolerant Electromechanical Actuation

    Project Progress Report, AVS-1ME7K003,

    Boeing Phantom Works, dated October 11,


    7. Krishnan R., Blanding D., Bhano A., Ha K.,

    and Morse J, High Reliability SRM Drive

    System for Aerospace Applications, Center

    for Rapid Transit Systems, Virginia Tech.

    8. Karimi K., Electric Power System Design,Power Quality, Boeing MEA Seminar

    Series, December 2005.

    9. Klett J., High Thermal Conductivity

    Mesophase Pitched-Derived Carbon

    Foams, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,

    Oak Ridge Tennessee.

    10.Annis, C., Random Fatigue Limit on a P/C,

    Staticistical Engineering, January 2006

    8Copyright 2006 The Boeing Company. All rights reserved