Y ole Développement’s ‘RF Power Market and Technologies 2017: GaN, GaAs and LDMOS Report’ forecasts that, after shrinking in 2015 and 2016 as telecom operators invested less, the total RF power semiconductor market (for applications above 3W) is now rising again at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 9.8% over 2016–2022, growing by 75% from $1.5bn in 2016 to more than $2.5bn in 2022. Growth is being driven by increasing demand for telecom base-station upgrades and small-cell imple- mentations. “The revolutionary transition toward 5G implementa- tion in the next five years is dramatically reshaping the RF technology landscape,” says technology & market analyst Zhen Zong. This is not only for smartphones application but also for RF telecommunication infra- structure applications above 3W, and 5G is offering enormous business opportunities for compound semi- conductors in this RF power market. The market is currently standing at the threshold of completion of 4G networks and the beginning of the transition to 5G, but there is still a lot to be settled and established, says Yole. However, some things are sure: the new radio network will require more devices and higher frequencies. There is therefore a tremendous opportunity for chip suppliers, especially those of RF power semiconductors, reckons Yole. “The market size of telecom infrastructure including base stations and wireless backhaul accounts for about half of the total market,” notes technology & market analyst Dr Hong Lin. “It will continue growing fast at an expected 12.5% CAGR for base stations and 5.3% CAGR for telecom backhaul over 2016–2022,” she adds. Meanwhile, defense applications are also providing good opportunities for RF power devices, as there is a trend for replacing old vacuum tube designs with solid-state technologies exploiting gallium arsenide (GaAs) and gallium nitride (GaN), notes Yole. In various applications, RF power market from 2016 to 2022 Market focus: GaN power devices semiconductorTODAY Compounds&AdvancedSilicon • Vol. 12 • Issue 5 • June/July 2017 www.semiconductor-today.com 74 Gallium nitride is taking over LDMOS’ market share as 5G reshapes the RF technology landscape, says Yole Développement . RF power semiconductor market growing at 9.8% CAGR to $2.5bn in 2022

74 Market focus: GaN power devices RF power ......RF power market from 2016 to 2022 Market focus: GaN power devices semiconductorTODAY Compounds&AdvancedSilicon • Vol.12 • Issue

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Page 1: 74 Market focus: GaN power devices RF power ......RF power market from 2016 to 2022 Market focus: GaN power devices semiconductorTODAY Compounds&AdvancedSilicon • Vol.12 • Issue

Yole Développement’s ‘RF Power Market andTechnologies 2017: GaN, GaAs and LDMOSReport’ forecasts that, after shrinking in 2015

and 2016 as telecom operators invested less, the totalRF power semiconductor market (for applicationsabove 3W) is now rising again at a compound annualgrowth rate (CAGR) of 9.8% over 2016–2022, growingby 75% from $1.5bn in 2016 to more than $2.5bn in2022. Growth is being driven by increasing demand fortelecom base-station upgrades and small-cell imple-mentations. “The revolutionary transition toward 5G implementa-

tion in the next five years is dramatically reshaping theRF technology landscape,” says technology & marketanalyst Zhen Zong. This is not only for smartphonesapplication but also for RF telecommunication infra-structure applications above 3W, and 5G is offeringenormous business opportunities for compound semi-conductors in this RF power market.

The market is currently standing at the threshold ofcompletion of 4G networks and the beginning of thetransition to 5G, but there is still a lot to be settled andestablished, says Yole. However, some things are sure:the new radio network will require more devices andhigher frequencies. There is therefore a tremendousopportunity for chip suppliers, especially those of RFpower semiconductors, reckons Yole. “The market size of telecom infrastructure including

base stations and wireless backhaul accounts for abouthalf of the total market,” notes technology & marketanalyst Dr Hong Lin. “It will continue growing fast at anexpected 12.5% CAGR for base stations and 5.3% CAGRfor telecom backhaul over 2016–2022,” she adds. Meanwhile, defense applications are also providing good

opportunities for RF power devices, as there is a trendfor replacing old vacuum tube designs with solid-statetechnologies exploiting gallium arsenide (GaAs) andgallium nitride (GaN), notes Yole. In various applications,

RF power market from 2016 to 2022

Market focus: GaN power devices

semiconductorTODAY Compounds&AdvancedSilicon • Vol. 12 • Issue 5 • June/July 2017 www.semiconductor-today.com


Gallium nitride is taking over LDMOS’ market share as 5G reshapes the RF technology landscape, says Yole Développement.

RF power semiconductormarket growing at 9.8% CAGRto $2.5bn in 2022

Page 2: 74 Market focus: GaN power devices RF power ......RF power market from 2016 to 2022 Market focus: GaN power devices semiconductorTODAY Compounds&AdvancedSilicon • Vol.12 • Issue

these new technologies provide better performance,reduced size as well as robustness, so they are gradually taking more market share. This market seg-

ment is growing at a CAGR of 4.3% over 2016–2022(up 20% by 2022). www.yole.fr/PowerRF_Devices_Applications.aspx

Market focus: GaN power devices

www.semiconductor-today.com semiconductorTODAY Compounds&AdvancedSilicon • Vol. 12 • Issue 5 • June/July 2017


RF power device market, in value — breakdown by technology (only considering RF power semiconductorsabove 3W, excluding such applications as mobile power amplifiers).

Evolution of the RF power industry supply chain.