■ttiwvwi Tlje only t«$pn we know, wrtijfi politi C#1 party one* in power, does not always remnin slrdng endugU to bold ita position o> i flle- mS™ to maintain, its supremacy for iupranacy,ii because i t disappoint in some ; >»a1fa <»“tary. Itcould and would do this ray or other, tbe expectations of some ol If Congress would. a wlf s^rujjeing ts own jidbeimts. It is not generally in , Btfrit balf equal'to wbat the'body of tho K ith » t,tb ey q .dJiveft .o &*pj4«SS M lont of tberanki, b u t one hierc, anian. LJoin'd Id h: _ .ylt lle ,b v ' ¥f itf .strength iMStrtlinwnn Itinn m an VmOfti* Hlinfffl Kw t C$H 1)0 M SlO tw ildd. pefchanco they may better things by ' mb m i e# •#*tiaeaitr"iuui;r < ia $ y » § isf H M W K a ts r s ? ^ f t # U t e e W t t W . tnd :-i «•.?*> ti«\iLS.#**i*^la rvrvazriuf. * yhev*it}culMlMiwai N^^aiH'ilnmwiao re* MlatJoLwa ntl*rti)ly r*4*e*a ton ^ g ],y;d^ri>«tf b4»Tw« w Acoaer.>«r«<nak Huoto,. , ... _ a b U o e r * wwoun-r-t-iHrEFis A.,< ntMby .. JMBO. A, rnctiDrayttsti ^ pioirbr^ora throat *»jti»tl»fttn totalfatn in tsenrabiv $**#!)(»**&(' '• ' £»raW».l»r,*ChUt*roeh.. ’wilt raeeltovariat&ygift teataut n stdWfbMaMuptia^Amnut Uaxuuw, Commit- ' npMaaiVakeiTOwnta*, ttoy u n i •ootuim JSft tiftto M $ a .* ft A* yatCttKSandtlfJUXKU dm them tottaar awl -,-vjsawj umdtOua^mToim..> t , , j^Ot-asSJOtSEiV'.Sijriil ..'-t«.j.i-i ..•■ «... : v- '1 „;..Q^.totmr5*d nuitaiioswapoiiaWtittortu A ? " " rM tm ' dldat**. ^W $i|t^M ige{ 111 hotter thing*, bnfc they hope it may. teket^^t^^stron^Pwi ty is eogM $$& e othe^de., |p it|p |U u a i 4ottf||$||iW, and opee ofwllraihgb for tho iwutr, may hot hare^ s^tiUrgptifeasonin thenp Bnk- they wM«bili!ldMtol&(! ftJriuiflbtM log, byen though it brings no permanent relief* The oljJfDemocratie party lost its itf|ym#ffifpeog?^bwduwp^ y|laaonnbi#oxw!et»Lt^8.;: -P. M fu jm T k , hSIb it maintained its bold on anyresptetablo olaw o f voters throughou t all its year#of- tecreanoy and dereliction. But it lost at fcSftf&Srigpft Tarty tiM^wre^sA^g, atfitf-** na^jCrity-oi! Din who reluctantly admit the m istakes, i«lfor**p(l vr rong-headodneos ot their party,, h^p# to pqrreot them within their own or, >- Jgipitofhiii, and io continue to vote with it1 ’StjliJ'filter itfcfih ceased to rofipot fchelf ‘ po- Hililujnews.1 But enough leave ih era l o ng ■Idihrow it into the minority>in tbo hope sthit thd dthw party will do better in ihn fptfffculau-of wjiich they tomp.laltt. Do our politicians at Washington fully cotnjM|hcu(l-, the ruling tboujht oi the * -v- ‘-h . j^p5e ^ g tb*ry do.^ I f *ao, »«*» ar**theyl Ibt^eobbting too confi dently on the atrength oi party tics, as the Dtmoofah aid balore thiir overthrow 1 If '♦uaderitand tho leeding political tbougb t o f ihe pecpta, nt the present time, it ts to ma icogotnlze iu tlm admioistratioo d the goTtcnmenU that taxation msy bo grcaUy reduced, without seriously interfonng with Ihigtadui] payment nt tbu Nailonwl debt TSnjr believe this can be done and oaght to b e ,ia d nothing short of ita accamplisb- IMbt will utiafy thta rcasousbie oynnion. Tbs present indic&tionB arc tbat it vrill not be nccomplished. Some *ofcc« havo been iallti) lh !0ongt<ae which have staggered tha public jttdgmont, and lahscd qucstjom ol OU1* Rallrot*. Tie I f th f f ’iFr^c^ahd Hatch, bankers an d government bond dealer*,who havo brougnt ; t^e^lrlajjproniinently i^ M capitalists ono;att#|lie ho'festing public b j j |j |q || in Burops en’s out the Centri^ ^ |e Railroad i are curreafl^erc 'and in tbs Tmropel aarkets the laine' ttl govern- '*°8y tM |^ b# holders iC hodda-r-tliejJilaet loan ;; ■ Hkiiiu •$ ®Difi &' nOtA&ijf. B*»*ie to cavam mm^HtWCHUiL IftOSiHES. UWHj v Otwstpst 41 S t »• yNjfibXv, *{. I!;* -f.\ W*.fi ■is ,". ,v! Vi Cf ■I*4 *; ’uWtU ___ to a*} 10 w T!7lft^i43MKk IflMdy. .A . tjOaml.itatlmii, m*»)* “*••***■" * - y-™ * •- W t. . q ^ r a a a .»H»iaiA-*B3s^ r i i » f a > - , .a w b ?■« -- - — •+»*?, JSJfl.Vv’-t dtacp atguiflonce,—foreshadowing a strug- glm'ostween offlde holders and tha people, nostualiko (lust in tho Roman Republic be tvreoa th e Patriuan and Picbian classes. In tbiavierw of txanapiring events, thcao tlmw mmy prove the most momentous In our an- nail. Tho struggle for po-wcr, and tbo emoluments of office has only been shilUdi not overcome. At Albany, in Now Yoik City, and at Washington, tho iq.lrigufi ol ■Jt wi^Epesthood ,ytin4l Echonocs oi match- lW |)otitical intricacy arc being wore® into the web of our immediate history. This straggle for power,.-high poptloo, and money emly gtamt^now'-bclng Wwk^. may bo bloodless but not bUraolcss. Ifen IqpJjOC, hold on to their emolaments and pkgfStsites Aitb.n pittt’-wxi thuc'tf- Ip ths wloffituupJkds^cxi vote# atCoafjtot! refining to abate ono dofiar o f their self ewaxdid compensation, oi $3,000 a t-erm, with mtkago, stationery allowance, and privxltgM, wo aco tlio nadncioirs eicrctoc of » pomt over tbc people, and hostile to t bdr InUrwtf, which will require btrfc'llUfe Diuti hsg ftt the breast of avarice, to swell to tho dto**WWSOf;tpoT* than PiUTpaninsoteEoo aid ainluatlpd. 'Are party hfedth In ouf c&vdxj'pit £85*** trl% 41|^ f siati.r "wiihawa- i'T h i1 tt V' r \ 1 T r: UNwaU » *»>■. Twwsi, BsgyteM* "•ra(* Aft.-aM MWO*Uito»«VWT*tb* 0 » known ^AttJBpttlaSa avtl Iftc. Ilw* * 1 * oopouibf tobrhbat* : . Osstsuf Cftk ifyAt -Howara «tg$ % j ' ' R003TAEiS l OTAiraJrats w»*»A*ATX0ir«* r ijm i s' ?»• j i ■- E- A \ % rts«*s atftlnXUftla*, Ike Xticmiaiior* f j s g t s i > i .a * l I f f T f f n t n — ln~~^— * '^<5SSi6i#5«*-Piw4ar. •aakttsrxlilvh OftrwVfttVsnat* W BeetoatoNfW att qjaartftris O w f h « * e s *iy *. gjgsasyu».«>. 1' .0 " M -, w 5 » S , ,a T l i i S . l ! £ A * i. , v -> , ^ v jd AtrciaiiM**'.* . i n i l apMM WiirDjoia Th*boat Intka mottd «wwliaa i*ttatte-lM»irtftawiiB.Uos>aoe-aoaiaia 'iAwwatjfh/tdiftitioifon to oroditce taatk. MaiSkaWaaatolaftdMiuivI) AJOlti _. . _ . .. Bold to. iatMl.'lG Dead SUNow Tort: W iu t Every Horseman W ants i ?o®D>t* * ilp' awdmhuble UNisaNT A jO rtaa Mtlcia l» Dr ToWki Venetian Bores — i-Ratbatuwttba* DnUar-- Foe Xts*. .vatoM .will.'i What-if -li.rim od to enre H jkujuvsI jj r |l*!d)#wk*t WBorso) rtlll bcwtlUont it slier irjln* -towtatU^ Dacjtoecre ires «ni». ott*a BiTesTtke lUeotaiO»v*rb«atod or anwei iionc For Cotie tH jatoA aiJM ctoiitoaiievor & r«i joet w n n u i mbw nt *•^1 1* farXPlace,New Ywk vn LUtmSNf Foewy A M . .; 1,BL0. ^ P« C « Dragglik »%*anua* n ea.cu havetnna^riena ^WrwMfSjtinicc tlis* am e and atjllor ISW^STtSSSSS awttlwaiSiea (otmetiy occnpli* ¥ vr.Ifo 11 Wool nff Tim t a i,war Se x * INC UJ n m WTBl rt*n» w*w . , rival factljrts Jijlatli Brhtril todty*<ar, to be auoVerl (o c*rff on their g u m for power, by the uie o i o divldsd people am tlisif dninrinadU,- snd notatil) jEj^their protection and benefit’ AicjhittofcSnktlan* of pariiadnehk), chftcV| Njsd& W |(«tndei of^ll|mihreoot«^ by MtNriwto trlhifipM ’add ddfeal* fordWcr, to rerall io no good to tho peoplol In oth ad by _ i* . r "\ i ."jt k .~ t, with, swL whtn won to uluffiy iliaasrt Otoin F |d li) bidldibgof .the novf GaptoL al 'Amny,w*a ^xytobae, before it-is codfple- ted, o f fiftpau million dollars agfunl tho popular w ill; the wbolo gpvniDmoent of tha jnaDtbouda,* BOW oft*r to capitalists and in vfeatora t h i. %0 mortgage bonds ot tbe Chesapaakc and Ohio Railroad Company. The success attending thibg^'di introducad ... ..'. ' —atiffi lisiLbeen ex P: " JespRn Poi introddcM by Pittmand ■Rat'eb'—wero all sold in about ten weeks, and the loan was closed in January at 80. They are now sailing at 84 bid,ancl non'e offering at that «##> Railroad Knl^j^a tho A»- lant&iJoeauJconnedlibg'di^tly'witli the Pacific coast, over the Union and .Central faciflc Railroads to.San Francisco. In ad ditjqn IO | tfac thjrougb- traffic with the Wes ternRmtea^nd Tictffc coast,tho Chesapeake •od Ohio kaifcokd run* through a rich por tion of Virginia, which alioundn in coal and on her prbdtictd.tha transportation of which la exceedingly prafitalilo tn railroads. The directors uf the company ore sbrowd, weal thy, and iniluent|sl titjzQUs, among whom are C. P. Huntington, Vice-President of the Paci ficitsilybadj! and'/.tho _ following well - knownMiarrica : Wiliam H. Aspinwail, Da vid 8 thwart, William B. Hatch, A. A. Low,. New York, aud Pliny Fisk, Philadelphia. The trustees are William Butler Ducan, o f Duncan, Sherman and Co., and 1‘. C. Cal- burn. President of the Fourth National Bank, who aro an ample guarantee th&t tho interests of tbe bondholders Wiil be prop eily protected. The reputation nf Messrs. Fisk and Hatch, and the extreme care they have lakou in permitting their names to be used Ui market loons, together with tho btgh standing aod reputation ol those di rectly interested in tbo road, entitle lho bond* to moro than ordinary attention from tbo publ.c.and merit their confidence. Tbo completed road is already of sufficient value- to form a sufficient eecurioty for tho wbolo proposed amount ol mortgages lo be sold. When completed, tho property will bo worth dublo the amount of the first mort gage bonds. 0. G. Harger and Son Bankers, ore the appointed agents for the solo ot these bonds, and will furnish pamphlols, maps Jbe. on application. A tiooft thtMg Beto(i In an other column of this paptr will be •eeu an advertisement lor onq hundred qaarrjBsen and laborers to work in the old dfibirtliff and Fuller" iron ore mine*, near the Philadelphia station, In thi* county. Tho mines hive lately been purchased by a SyripUke complyy 6t, capitalists, and Mr, Lewis "H. Mill#; of SterlMgriik A new company styled tho •* Sterling Iron tiro Company," has been organized, with ample capital to move 100,000 tons of iron ore per year to market. These mines have been Celebrated fot *irong end( superior Iran. James Sterling, deceased, the pioneer io the iron business ro Northern. Now York, wprko# them *u$cssfully for many year*. yft uadetstaad th* hew cpnapifiiyhaTa a pep tract with the 1*Oqonclagi Irofi Compa ny," st Syracuse, to furnish them 40,000 tons of Iron ore per jcsr lor towcral yearn, and wlil, as soon aa practicable, work tbc mines to thoir fr’t capacity for western for- laces, j * Here to a load struck that ought lo make Watertown tho Pittsburgh of Now Yqrk, We ought to have tbo furnaces and rolling mills aad machine shops hero to work op these rich ore* thnt lay beneath, w feet, in. stead of wbooling tho nre and pig iron to distant cities for manufacture. Shall we over awake to our golden opportunities ? otBclal Plaatir In N.T. There aria nearly aacjte of municipal o f fices Id the city of New York which aro es timated to bo worth more to tbe incum bents—most of them very much mom— than tbc pay of the President of tbo United 8tates. There is the office of corporation counsel, worth from $50,000 to $75,0C0 a year , Sheriff's Office, from $50,000 to $100, OOO Street Commissioeur, $50,000; Regia tor, $80,boi> to f a.OOO ; dtraaty Clerk, $*0. OOO, Comptroller, $50,000 to $100,000; City Chambatiaih, $50,000 to $100,DOO; Surrogsto,$20.000 to $30.000: Corporation Attorney, ‘ $35,000 ; Collector of Penonal Taxea, $100,000 to $200,000, District At torney, $20,000-Jp $40,000, and bo on al infin&why,. The Police jaifioos lodeiye $10,000 a year,' or mors than the Chief Justicaof the ftiirnftd*. ^ilua gase: ono tbat can be r' tol|hsatisfaction ol any caff|P 1T3ja%i|e town ol Rttt&ad c a i^ i- privilege of subscrib^ $30,000 to iho capital stock ot the Carthage, Watertown and Backets Harbor It. R ., as a town by bonding for that amount. As that brings them under tbe provision o i tht lft.w, vjhiehsiys all taxes levied upon the road, ekcept for school and highway purpo ses, shall be deposited with the county tfeasufer' as a'sinking fluid to meet the* bonds. We will figure q little on this, nnd our neighbor, LeRay, Is » good basis to figure front. LeRay has a railroad ten miles in length, and levies a tax on it of eleven hun fired dollars. Rutland with seven miles at tbe same ratio, would tax theirs $770, which in nine years, gives the sum of $7,000 nearly ; which makes a sinking fund st compounds interest, tbat will make on amount in six teen years more than will pay the bonds.— But, say you, how are we going %q got the benefit of compound interest oo tho stock alter two years.* With our sinking fund prepared aa above calculated st tho ond ol nine years we have the balance o f the thirty years after the road is completed to tax ii in, making up the amount of our tax for State, County, and town purposes, making it Btand in the town’s favor about like this at the end of thirty years: Railroad stock paid for, $20,000 Taxed the railroad, general tax, 15,000 School tax, 3,500 Highway tax, 1,500 Increased value of land, 25,000 :hq^| afiyjBci dto, Th*'business of tho country goes on asbetore. The fact is no trifling obstacle hke a Court decision impedes the npal' y momentum of our bhsinis; balance wheeL .The p.ow.qr behind —the enwgies of tbe ^people, lceelc it roliing. , - ^ ? 4ja© Ponjpsrtc i£|o bo. tried for-the murder of Rictqr. Naif. Oa the 21st o! March. The Paris Gazette says it is be lieved th e Prince will be acqixitteifo.- TYhr* ever doubted that. Amount, $04,000 Aud this is away down to the smallest point tbat can br thought of, for fajrmt havi come up all over the town since the Horn railroad nas b:en lm.it more thaw twonty- fivo dollars per um-. au J thut docs nut run tu every man's •!>m lu our liguu- su far, »c luuc not put in anything a« giving llio naier |iuwer iu tht town a value Aa it i-, St can be seen that it ie of little value for llio use uf vrholctale manufacture cl flout, nuj, as iti. ets twenty dollars a car lead !•» -Iraw wheat from thi nearest station tn utaiiroad tuany p-'Lutoo 'ho river above Watertown, and then as m"ch moro to gut it back agata. It costs the cnair makers at Bla*.it Ri vcr from three to ,five hundred dollars a year to deliver wbif chal'a thcv triiip ' y railroad. And yet we must say Aral it ta going tu cos! the town ofRatl&nd sonwth'og ifsbedoes Iur the $20,000. Let us have Lhit m figures, so that every man can tell it once what his tax will bt. II wc pay aba'f years interest tbc first year, it v, ill bo 1) mills on ono dol laror 15 cents on a hundred dollars near ly. If a full year’s interest the sooond year it will be double this, making, saj, foor dol l&rs and a half on a thousand dollais. Real ly it don't seem as ii there was a mau I d town but would give the amount required of him to have tho enterprise go right along. IiuTLxdn). M arried BALI— HAY—Ori'Woanoeday evenlos.E'cb. ICtli. st tbc residevco ol ibe liride, by Rev. >'. k- Osbom, Jtr Hiram Hall, of JSHIslmrgh and Jirs.8<l'y Ray,cf tteniiorson. XJied. BENNBTP-In Elligboreh. on tUe 17ih Inataot. Eatbur Jane, (lati}?bter of Tbomns Bonnetl, Eb( 1 - »gtd 19 years.and a montlis. BLWOOD—I d thn village of AUploa. Mletaifsn. on the 7th day ul February, tin tant, at than rcaUleuccui bis ton.m-iaW."Wllll«m Elwood, aged 71 years. Nr. Elwood will be remembered amold raident ot this city. Be earned the B*me repatilloxi for In duatiyandklndne B , In Albion thnt dlnlttgnlsbcd blzn whl'c an inliabllant of Watertown. R A N T E D FOR CA8H. OLD CO'ti'EIf, I.BA I) and BttiSS, llylhe ' WATEHTOWT! LOCH WOI1KS, FDitTA|!I,B STEAM ifTGllNE, T W U L V E llO R S E P O W E R Hor sale Rt a W lprn'ii t Ky T lio \V..TtitI\tA £* i.u< K. WOfiKS. JAPAN WOBK and BriiiHIonldlni. ‘’Neatly T>onoat lhe WATBRTOWN LOCK. WORKS. FchiJwlUitf JufleraoGComity, New ' Ojjdeii$buijrh lUtlroad, . r o B iix s ork, ou thu Liuo ol tho Komu, W»Wrto«u anil 13 sulos lrt»m the ctty of Wiilertowj), &ut) ti lallu? from , C|po Vlncont, aod hoot tbc Y$llit{r« of Thm Mile B*; and cmbraciOfc,*ubotit O N E T I1 0 D S A N fi A C R E 'S ol very j»rodiK'Uvu land. Thi« tract i- CfliBclaU)1 adapted io eud would m ake a jjiuliiflble cm in^ azul Catty Farm. Tho babicribor h*3 drained clufireaand eubdncd It, aod offers It tor ffllo at r retKoiiflhlc i*rlcu, anil ouoasy lcrxns. For pfirUcnlarf oddreea WU. DBWBY, Ashland^Fartn, Three Bar. doodAwtJ .L’rf'uraon ( 3 0 ..N . Y. MANHOOD ! How Lost, How Regained I JttiCPubrtebidiu » fodJttl iLX'datn Fn«?osix cent8 a bfiurrHisu. n rcRNAj:'.*i/.^ .'its atilbnt and radiuji ctr* <> \ Hppnu *turth(c *, <» ecnalnal 'W ’cAlcne?’’. Invt l uiAjy But <*»ioe*, tnjifWulDeblll ty, an<l ‘u^cdimunu «• m<t*uA«;ugeat'r*ltY 2 Korw«ous- /i» iur new, coia-.mnKlon t h'V^y, and SCcntal and ' nbyaUa! .nc-apar uy, n-.a'tlair hum tei(arouse. Ac., sbood W ‘4‘ BT J.v.1 ilfW'.l! M 1* BULhor Ol UbO*'UffCCO boON , S C . “ A boon to thonsandaof loffoaara—” , Bent under teal, lo o plain «n,$clop»c. toiBT ad* j tni-ca(uow paffiy cooeiraci© J) to b< ire*$, poaipaid, oo reft ipl of s‘i ct tao^o,'.- ’o enrty u io iho j»r”i)Oaod isrculaq* atu etampa, to OilAS-J. L\ KMNii A Oo.. 137 Bowery, Now Tork, Post Office Boi AlfiO , D- Co'tdnrc Ye ‘Afarriaijo tin o^*.4 ' j>r c© ente. hovMsw BANAERSAND bEALRftaiNGhVERH- MBNT SECURITIES, No 5 N abbau B tbmt, Nxw-Y ore , » February 15lh, 1870. The remartenbia Hiiccees which attended our uego tUtlou of i!\o Louwof the Uesthoj. Pacino Ban. uoau CoaraNvand iho WxsTamr Pacino RaiL- aoaxi Voutamy, !.nil the popularity and credit wh cn tbeee Loans have maintained Inthe markets, both m this country and Europe, havo ahown that the Firat Mortgage Bond* of wiaely-lo.catea and hq.nor? •bly-managed Railroads are promptly recognized aud rcadll; taken as tho most suitable, itfe, aud ad- vast&seous form of Investment, yielding a more liberal Income than con hereafter be derived from Government Ronds, and available to take their placo. Assured that, ia tho Belt rtlon and negoilation of superior RailroadLoans, wo ire meeting a groat public want, and rendering a valuable service—both to the holders of Capital and tothose great National works of internal Improvement whose Intrinsic merit aud substantial character entitle thorn to^tbo use of Capital and tbo confidence of Investors-.vre nawofforwlth spedalcoafidencotnd satisfaction tho m i l KOBTOA0B SONS* OF THB Uucsapsake and Ohio Railroad Company. The Chotapeako and Ohio Railroad, connecting the Atlantic coael andthemagnificent harbors ot the Chesapeake Bay with lhe Ohio River at s point of reliable navigation, and thus, with the entire Rail road system and water transportation of tho great West andSouthwest, f o r a * Dae additional East and wAst Tnuak Llae, so lmpcrsUvo- ly demanded for tho accommodation of the Immense and rapidly-growing transportation between tbo Atiautic seaboard and Europe on one hand, and tbo great producing regldnj of lhe Ohio and Ultslselppl Vallcya on lho other. The Importance or thia Road aa anew outlet from the Watt to tha tea magnifies St Into ono ol national conieqnence, and lnauret to it an extensive through trafic from the day of Its completion; while, lu thudevelopment of the cxtcu stve agricultural and mineral resources of Virginia and West-Virginia, ll possesses, along Us ownline, tbo elements of a large and profitable local bus'ness. Thus the great Interests, both general aud local, which demand tbo completion of the Csasai-saK* ono Ouiu Ean-Ruan to the Ohio River. siTord the sureit guarantee of Ite eueccia and value, and ren der it tlaa moat important and aubalan- tfial Bailroad anterprlae now tn prog ress In thia Count ry. Its sapcriority aa an Hast and West route, aod tho promise of an Immense and profitable trade await Inc Ua completion, have drawn to It the attention and co operation of prominent Capitalists an RaU | road men of this City of eoondjudgment and known Integrity, whoeo connection with it, together with that of eminent citizens aod business men of Vlr rimta and West-Ylrvlnla, laaarcs an rncrrst- le. honorable, and kaecesifitl manage- sent. Thi Road Is comoletod and tn operation from Richmond tothocclobrat.il Watto Snlphar Springs of Wc*.-Virgin a. 227 mllo', and there rem.la bm •OjjiVro tbo 0 I r.vor $ 1 , or near, tbo mo aIff ot me Buj ti&adj ilr«r. iSo mllea abovo ClLdnuAU, jllU 35j ax loi boow 'NT' 'RMATI0Y 4s r-7&^; ”“d JfcS'rfo'n'm 'b'r the bprlna and summer * co,,y f 0B iv»aui|S $ tu Pt-°P,e'0 ^ “r e a lfp ^ a a ^ ^ 1 $732 IN 31DAY8 Rmide bvono , e>'nt. sailing Silver’s p,.„. Broom. Over 5 0 ,0 0 0 n«wma” “ by Run. H tace G.oeley ana American One COU . ly reserved ior each Agent. o i ?ntl<t. ACo- 88 Uol'llaudt stiect, N. If. or12GWuk!'X*s» s»t. Chicago, Ul. U6Wu“>hSS *eblSuT TUB A flBttlliitfV ijiiu KNITTING W kQSsm Ispreaemed to tho pnhilc n»the most 81m«nW able, aqd Compact and ,<jl|enu KulttSiTfJNb ntrna lv,vVnnvsA ,.’7 r i ,“ xx"Wraak U N b i.. . ovor tnvomcd. FEXO£l - - O N IT WILL KNIT ""'l 2(1,000 Stitcffes in ooe minnti, and do perfoot work, leavine everv knoi a . ., - side of the worfe. ft wUl knit a pair o| size) in lesa lhan halfan hour. It wlitkniiffi.™) . —- . . . Open, Plainor Btbbed work,wtthanvktS lji--" or finewoolen r a r e , 9%«ottouailk or«M°5{SMe knit stockings with donblo heel and hooods sacks, smi & S ? . 1“ liclc!tBeTev * * JfflOM $3 TO $10 per 4 ^ aT^a»,ffiri&*ss»5iS' atois can oven make more, Jofittlpg fime?3S' which ai ways commands a ready ale.Vrifi,.?*’ readily knit from twelve tofllteen pair, or«2?!i2? por day, the prodts on which will ‘bo pS forty cents per pair. " “•» FARMERS Can noil tbelr wool at only rorly to fitly centi per poond: bnt hy getting the wool nude IntovJS at a small evpense, andknitting i t Intolock, t i three dollsra per pontd mayhorealiaeA im' mm C of *15 we will forward a machine os ordered. ^ We wish to procureactive AQ XNTg Inevert tion ot tbe United btatea and Uanadaa, to when most liberal Inducements wUl bo o fibred. Ad*!*, Amcricau Knittiug fcblSAw Fcbl4w Oompuj^ Boston, Mat1^ or at Loulfgo. 1 was cured ot OjealnoaaandCaterihbv a ilimu. remedy and will send the receipt 5 ® , SIRS. M. C. LSGUBTT. m>bokea H. j OPIUM EATER for Clreular. Address WE. P. FABlfiB ft Co. Fobl-iw AnacdeUa, D.fi AGENTS WANTED^ *Svemtloaoat—A7mw tveil aomatio* Galdea tot ctttiiur prrtect ilth. Pants, Roand«btiate. and Ladlee'Dresfbi. iwaik? atblo in cverj hooaehold. Address RkEsiT* SCOTT, Plt:«nareh. FA FrbH? 1 Great ( JISIOOQ S H ouown d Lai in tff S Ubt a m ats by Aga^ per year ami nmlo or leuti!«, aeHiM oar m li uuurvn d P.'oot KverlutlllX/W htts W irt oia»-he« Llnca 0 uApcji cuid bctt cloiW* Dr« in th” world ; OQU 5 Cts pot foot ul win Ubta bnnorod $ear», Addrt« tff$SJ eao Bivar Wire Co., 75 Wil liaxStreet, $ew Torkar 16 Ueaibora tt, Chicago, III. FehMv E . L ^ M S B S , m . D C tR4J>t'ATB Prom P.-euch 8clxool ofKedl- T ctno and t^nerr/, V ictoria Univorgity, SBontrwalj PbreJcitfn (o .h e Qruy N uq«* (i -teral Qo*j>’i$l, «j,d lTortdooc<^ A ft'qtj Dltpeor&ri e. SdiUir o( itx« MG» 2rtwO Mcdica1©'' aud f'»cr©lary oF the ChirurZ’C *1bonetjof Maulrcral. O PPK B— Ftr«t door, td floor Arcad©. C:roor Uowk aufiCoffeeu Mrort*, WttcfvtrwD.N Y la h 15 d t o J'O PflY N lflinS. FOR BALE A GOOQ PHACTICB, In $ p le tu n i rHlrjre.- aod flnc fu m in g 5cs:Uod Id tho Norcffc o part of tM« coontjr - with or wtihoax > jfood restdence- The prccool occttp^nt coote mplicwr a chimrc of boJiocas. The roaoe ire gooa, tlio coaaU7 woil settled and thrlrtog. It 1$ ta ore?} by a ycty desirable country pr*ci ce. kot further paixUcolar Office. HAcilj revltLt $riiich it to adbercd to by Cob gresm *tj- all these things wear thn gmso of assotifiptirilis nf power inimical (n the prinelplw ol our Rvalcni of gowcroment, tnd vbdeh in th# earlier doyi of tlio R e public toroutri hare killed any msa r,v ))irty toion tic |toop)o W^ori- tfionsreha go to wsr, thau sobjeclo Lear tbe bur dons, b a t thb royftl faxuilies gatbor to themsulaes sll tbe profit! sod fill the honors, li wo fsO to tek« cite, the opposing leaders of rival pwttos w|UNtTf|jsS» .tSo feamo way. Tbe CW ttti xvIltW .wiglid io the pane qf tile pyw Ybiclicvor v tij it’ ffisuflii tlio profit! ftT#> obsorbod b y Hie leaders. 'm utttnf i' bat ’ little w hn i rnlefi, if | Bnprcree Court of the United States, sad (be u n re inexorable burdens arc laid upon | oioro t-ban tbo Judges of Uio Court ot Ap- W im * if d f t i w w w a “”1 STOP i THAT iGOUGH! Death of W r. J. W calcy Harper. Ut. Joseph Wc--ley Harper <Ucd Monday morning, tbo 14th 'ostant, at bis house. No. 88, Olav k street, ih Brooklyn. Mr. Harper was ooc of tho four brothers who founded the lamous publishing houso ot Harper & Brothers. Ho was tho son ot a farmer, who lived in Newtown, on Long Island, on a place which wo bel’ .ovo ia still owned by thofiarei’v. Tbc father appren ticed bui sons, ot i had four, John, 1 James Joseph It , , .i( 1 Fletcher, to tho ptlntiog trade, ai ' • n wtvod thslr! apprenlii >sh)(i iLr.uoli. ’f t wcrowkeno(| ags tiLcn i..:. i . . il by th e fcl , der broth t ; ' They began bu- u • ai s< ( i u • era fur pub- ; Itohers but > -• "n i ,-_nan I ■ p d>l»sh on tboir ownaccoun’. ... I mwlv '■ ir car'icat sue-! rt msca not ( ill. tlirou/rli .hut rrenil w o r k ., Uon. Tticwo who try—always cm It—con theertold* .1 , J ' , K' 8 F S . I «<J tons avoid.Consnmptlon snd tn early p a n tnen thenii-lvt. hit • su L* trm . xccDent I Price only is cents One trillion aola uanully, and sonnrl j . I- m • \.’i,<li iln-v showed im and aolfievcmrfaere. ___________ laaBwlr-dSin tho seiectin'o i ’wrukB lor publication.1 riyy n mTywrv » Tbo lilcrary culturo nnd correct tastaof iffftft Ift A iMN VT 1 f t '1™ ’ COntlibDlr3 vwT»MK0- rrq iE atumtion of Skaters i s called lo Uio Fi no Slock ly lu tl)!B remit. A. ofBfcaiwon hand iho Btorcof Ten Eyck* H* wss at ono tin.c the prcof-roadcr ol ikwapsnj- the firm, cud at nuothcr 1c reman ol thoir ' t impOiiug-room. n w'cich he had to deal. Barnoyat Borry’s Olnb andtNirai. with a lsrg’r i ray of mou who wore, an Frsdxick Btorens (( pi itere were fi then dsya, " hrnl cnaea,' ^ , ,< u apt to dr'tsk to oxc. ond to bs d«srrsderly. ra or It WXS on# of his pic rtin t rr. :oiIrctions in , Aad a fire aarorimL'QtofCommooSkarcrandfftripr his later y v a than iu his maaxgetncDt of I ™rj '-6WnrieCT. eaqoire at or addrai llou lci»-Yl»ir Prof. Ilm m iltoxi'i MBDtCATRD GOUGH CANDY', Bfiado from cx tracts irrvpireri in Vacuo—a certain cficcllvw: remedy far Oooatrs, Co dei' Qoareenos. Sore Tlm av. Aitto- vna. Bronchitis, and (Xm>ciop. ROIIgRT TEN BTCK- SODSBT L. UTLB7. Yf. DdQw J^O, ron TBS HOI.II)ATS J« W . P E O H, .li the Old Stand, No. 80 %truter's SUxjt, Would inform li c citizens of Watortown, Ibrntbc which cannot bo excelled :p qoaRty ot price, by nn;1 bonsc lo the city. Iiu nlep lnvi’cs attention to hit j Stock of Qroon and Dried Pruitt^ i Vetrotablci, Poultry. Ac. lie hanateoa acteclinsa ol , ... Assistant Aldermen receivo $4,000 pef an w^efiior pcsco or vrar prevails, it iaof nuni> or muck as tho Uovernox of tho *-------- —k—. 1 .-. i---------- j i-_ g,kte_ ipjj0 Messengor to tha Bnard of Ai- dermcu is paid as much as tbe Stato Comp troller, or treasurer, or Attorney General, i while tho Cicrk of the Common Oounell re ceives tho magnificent salary of $7,500. —A Magistrate in Worcester, M an., th* other day, held fi man oc lj!» own recogoiz- * fines in $500not tocbmmiUaio’de, hebav- 5 people s chosen representative?,' j iug previously attempted to blow out hi* hearing ifadi plaint, nnd knowing of their braina. The mtglatrato evidently tbopgbt Mttl* cocxtqueoco iyhethcr it' is imposed by bj JB u p a v j or King,by Ptrllamfict or Gon- CfoK by tto Republican or tho Democratic pMrtjrl* ’ ’Policies, wbathcr ropubllcan, atis- tcprafic fa monarohiul, if th- y issue m tho tame g$ewous bardeaa to support thoae is *uthoritf» «re aft ffio somo in result. etabtmtttetbte, roiuso to share them, but cwittq*;to';ui»prifi|oly utarier,. lj^oiq a fityle o f Jutoiiiiiftace riralcil only by royal /»miltob!*»telaefiro wotemftlwof it, but tttfiVwe barer#coiue to aAtriau* -pais xn our p to totw.iJlfO^thftir owr thinking and deriaaq that money was of more value than bratua in Maasacho*#ts. ' —Irf £li# Supreme Court at Exeter J4. H., on Thursday.thejuty awarded $1,885 d$tq- S|cS tO'W iliiiin H. Belknap, wtgbter of v-s w . ■ *E°i ■Jocauie his ticket wm dated the tffiy' 4 4 ^ P l}’i l >i'!P*s. jttaA jm teM i^tritt R r. Belknap bdrienxaSoh 'Ukfrhwnitoi ' > maoxgetncDt • tUrfiO men ho had ear tired the'r ‘ricudihip, I aad though a young roan, was able to I maintain disciplme ’i tho “ chapel,'’ with out cvc* report og * i bt. d words or Usrab measures. Mr. Hi'par wm a woM read mac familiar ; w*ih most of the mosta* tn English litera ture. and w.thoflt makirg the ler-t preten-1 ba*'j'n 'iT r e ^ ‘' to mo'HoL^T^oiracraoit s CCS to scuolarfih.p^A* race*. 1 he was sin ' nuaot of O O N FEO TIO rTA R 'Y i gnlarfy f’ae frempretoi.jjn ol any kind— wrotnina w *y Clear -tud finish* 1 strife, aad was a suund crii end an eic.ufcnt judge of the Htaffiry moritfi oi books. Wo l»ve hes-d that he Wrots t'aeprclacss which aro found un many of ft c volumes ol tbe rim icr i-n m r old Family Library, and hoa’w&ys exc'cis^d HI.Y < . ROiKRIKh. a la.go bilncuco over thocboi.-e o! tho pub 5nd *>n>yi..ictis, ranri-ii licxtions of h;s hoirss, u. wc’! es over tbe conduct Of Hfpor’s Mngozrno. Until h u 7 Thopobticaj-o Invited io cjil^and examlao orit eldest eon grow up aad ru’.r e l the bustntss. ,wil: c2lap*rc f»vo«s>; .. . rv.„ .f . . r „ in _ vritb a n y hoire. in th e c ity lo onaiity a n l rbcspncac. M-. Hsn-r condu-for Uio 'tbnr-y'oties . _______ pc rcance of tho hdusa, aud many of tbc authors whoao works wore publisbod by Harper & B 'Oi have Kuo charm cd trim his courdy and kindly letters. He p^g- tessed o singularly clear and sound judge ment of both msafird r .oks, but united t r this, great kindnsis and Uad&rum. By his friends and tfiooe in his employ he wu* loved for his gc.it!cnty 3 and frioud llucas, his unvarying txrjrul e lusideration for Lao fedrugs of all who r.ipne near him, Sfcd a shrinking modcsly, which led him to onesal, fj for es he could, his abiiities. He was, to tho last day of his life, s sh man, but with s Bhrowd aad kiud'y hum or, which delighted a'l who famtlisrly met him in Franklin Square, aud which did not forsake him even in the sufferings of bis last hours. To those dependent on him he wa3 era sidorate and kind to a degree tbat won the affection ol oil. His benevolence was un ' obtrusive, but eon'tint and large ; and he | gave not merely money, but time tud per sonal attention. Hls'beort was always op- en to tho appeals of tt;e suffering, snd many poor and unfdrtunate’toill mourn his death Lince arc now omjottisd or ur p-ogrcaa tbroc^o Ohio ana Kentucky to thi - point, wlrica wt Icoonovi | tio G h n vp eik e ana Ohio w ith ih e cartre Railrutd ifiieaia of the W ear ana i Sowibwvat. as* with fiho Pacta o Ball-I ioaa, | Ire ta ualjlo fronctiltca and inovrtnr Ktvanlascv *11 i>l ico lho Cbcuprake aad Ohio Ril'rovd Com an v among l Oc rictreat and moat pownrlal and tmai 1 »o * ry corporal) jh« ol tho country: tad there n l»ta a preeoftt value, lu completeal ro*# **# work done, eqaal to she on- . tiro ta ten at ot Uie mortKa*<< The delnlle of tic Loan Have been ai ranged with . •pedal reference to tlio vranu ot eU claaeee ol In , vcatorv, end combine tho vtrloao foatnrea of con | rrolemc.0, aofety and protection agalnat lose or fraud' Tbc Bondi are tn denominations of ' *1000, (500, and (100. Ttrey will be leaned ao Coupon Bondi, payable lo . Bearer, and may bo held In that torm . or The Bond maybereglitered In tbe name of tho owner, with tho canpom remaining payable to bear orattftched, the orlnctple bolts then tranoforahjo only cm tho book • of lbo Company, nnlcea ro i selgnod to bearer , or Tbo eoopina mar be dctechad tnd cancdUod, Uo Bond mado a permanent Rcgiitcrad Bond, tranifera blennlx on the bockaol tbe company, and the tnier eat maato payable only to the registered owner or hli attorney. The three claaaoa win be known rerpccrively t e , j lau “Coapou BonAe parable to Bear-i or." ‘'RealattMd Boada ntUrCoapona I ■Utached. , MR*llaterefi Bonds wt lb Co u p en J d e ta c h e d ,” and ehould be to doelgnatcd by Cor reapondenta in specifying the dcre of Bonde deeir cd. They hare (h irijr y e n s to ran from Jennary 15, 1878, w ith tntereet it tlx per cent per annum trom November 1 , 1860. Principal end tntcreat payable la gold U> the ctty of New York. Tho la tera l ie payable in May and November, that ll m ay take tho place of tbat of the earlier Ir enes ot Flvo-Twentlcs, and salt tho convenience of cor friende who already hold Central and Western Pacific Bonds, witb interest ptyablo In Jennary and July, and who may desire In making additional In- wcatincnta, to havo their interest recot veblost differ ont seasons of the year. Tho loan It eccurod by a mortgage upon the entire _______ - ng of Teat. Coffcoa. Bnrari.j Edncoi Road trom Richmond to the O bio River with nod oiimr7ni!tti.jc»"i.uall7^keptl'n a°U-ttcists’Oral!' j * * “ c7nlpm ont« 1ri »H other property aud appuitc- nance! conncckd therewttb’ FOR FAMILY OBt-elmpIo, n Bnrrnnio. AGENTS WA! samplo stocklnz 7RML Addre TING MACRLNK CO , Bath, Me. or 178 Y, KXZM or asd CO* Broeevay.1 FoblSka T WHIT ABE THEY ABE NOT A VILE FANCY DKINL : Special Notice. A sinking Vend o’ $tonJiw por annum It provided for Un- redemption ol tno Bonde to take effect one 5 ear alter the completion of tha Hoad. Tbc mortgage te for (15.000,000, uf which *11,000.000 re Ul be reserved and bold In trost lor the redemption o * ontMonding Bonds of tho Vlrg’nla Central Rail | road Company, now mirgcd In the t hesaptako and i O h io . WILL ALL THOSE A F f LICTKD WITH COTTGH OR CONSUnrTIOn Read ibe lollo^tn^ and learn lhe vaJncof ALLEN i LUNG BALSAM I C ' thcrcmali)im;*'-tTO.0 ftT\ mfflclcnt tmoant DELLLOTD. OhL) 8uTseon lu tbo armydurlns 1 b e mid to fomj I ’c tbo roid lo (ha Ohio rlwcr n ' f.V r°™ Ji 11> ,'.-Con!T ,HCr 0 fl.,j00'.17 m ^' on Perrft’ct ftn0 »mpn.Ee-h» porti-.n now to operation, th ri-ojca-y cqmp ihe w notefora )arff« QDd $$c* Hosaytj . “I hive no hcflltnucy inaiftUns tba. jt *bjj by (be nsc of vt>ar Lang that 1 am notr al.v*- ■ngn *h*> d h(> •hor- ‘bcrBalraio. It wu and eDj.JylDf<h«.•Ji!UL, ' DR. F L B '( 'H E R * I M lio o u ri, ra c ?.- - l <^0115 met'd yonr Balaam, in p pf-rcnCw t-i at y <u her ir ed cine far < oueli-. and ii ^iy*- f F a t’f* aortou ” Allen's Lang Ralsam th ^ irT D e d y v> e n r^ all i.u •«*? a n 1 nr ,f u . in m icF *h' ongbly p(pd b< cflrv wrb^n aJ<or 9 1 L'r* ctioDr ate mp i*.y each bot ;lu. I. rr. HARRIS & Co. ^>o:e 1 ’poetor, ' tNCIMNATLO. Sold by all Draegi-div PBBR7 DAVIS & BON, PROVIDENCE. B I. ■vM-'tw (ion. Agents Ior New Envl’dSutet. ^ L L K N S L U N t i 1 1 A S 8 A M e o ld b; li^O Ifvfllc 1 he pn< ect price is 90and accmcd (ntercat A. Low to am^ly $«cnrcd, fo catnfnlly imirded and ra certaUi heie&l er to command a promiLent placo ’no farurlte aecnrlUe* In tho mat be to, both ■<f thi» 0- ontrv aud Europe, will be at once appre ciated ai^dqarakly absorbed. Very rvepectiuHy, FISK& HATCH , BANKBB8. The Magic Comb SdcbSf’“^ to a permanent'-’ Black or crown, .it contain RU FOI BON. Any one can oao It. O s*lM t by eullft* one dollar. Address 2 8 a r ic O om b Ofta^pifogflhlAlte-i docdfiaiB 'aC tEN T S w a n te d fo e THB PHYSICAL LIFE of WOMAN. T W T B THOUSAND BOW READY. BY aEORQE He NAPHEYS, M. D, Tb o m ost remarkable snrceca of tha dyy. It Ing with unplaced etutd rapidity. Il toetain* *■» orery man acd worn m oaent to know, and few 00-“ It wui w re much eofler’ng Aa th e only rvnnUojl aork upon tbo elngio and married Ufo. it la ears#** ly recommended b> Prof W m. Bamxiond> M.a/k Hopkins Kev Henry W ird beecbcr«'% Bqpoo p. ffire, H. B. Gleaaon, E.D-, Pref. h.W» Biotm&n, etc. Being eagerty HOQ^ht for, tbe AretU work in ''aey. bead aromp for pagphlet, etc, tk GBuBGE aloLSAN, Pabikher* 83 NaesaaBtr4et, N. Y„ Or, 719 datflaon Btrpek, Phi la-. Pi* l'ANVAS01I»©-BO KS SENT FHEBFOB Dciris by S iiflight and Gaslight A wo' b *(e*»rip’We of tbe M ysteries. ViTtcea* VI* cc« f*p e d«»ra n<i Crime*, >f th«rliyot Part*- Ir to- e how Pari- ba« he«'ino the v*ye«taca W * B-aa HaUHry in ih- world*, bow iw Beta^aJJ Hplonrf. >r arc \ u chaae^ at a feaTtai ©nit Of and Knflrrlne : how vleirof* are awtudxed P J J u f aa'o al-w .iiiiers; h*>w Virtue and wlce to to* cihrr iu c&«beantifn' etiy; how tbe mo3t ptp 00 ,’ nutted and cea*ed; how pqn*u»^«»-*\lin aeilors laxary ; andcontam *ow»w W E O . A. ■old by PEuS, Bnigglit. .ft* tli*t of thclr best frtfihd. ______ -------- CPHING ASBSBM R tH FASBIOfiS —There wet# ffoodsii* th* Estern Btates ^ ^ _ on Baturday and Suii'5ay, l)ut wo think I -■? O J tv l o i O t K e y * j » olKX’k e d c r q j h t ? . i4- j 4 —In the sale ol Ci46$hi$b»veral mem- ben tnd ex-mcmbarnof .dspgrcss, abuut h»lf*'dd*i!D, fir»ftlr(fi«ly implicated, but the number guilty of improper conduct ia much larger. for sale at STREKTBR A HARKPOfiD’g, O T IO B —Whereas my 'wlfo. JorenheU’ftlUrd, A. v toll m y bed and board without duo nrbfocatloii - board wlthont 1 ___ _________ im tkaN te of Sovember last, I hereby lOrbtd lay Jtotforifi? «; trnatmg her on ay ate*VBt,Ui snail ttoy no debts of bur contract’- " EI JUIIibatRh Feb 10, 1 *79 , .jqo-v - u IR ALLAKD. wit P. S.—We hateiisnvd pamnbltU containing full putLcnian. itatutlcal fietaUe, naps, etc., which will b»toni*h*d toy C.G. BARGER ft SON, Bankers. 1(00. spplkstioo. MW Wefeitjrand leU Gdyarnmeiit Bonds and re trivc tboiccomtfe Cl'Bakks,Banker!, Corporations atl otben, fotfiactlo cheric et eight, and allow ln- t i r t t s d a dolly bolikncea. FefiD-dwSm C « G , H a r g e r A t* S o n , BAN KERB, Agent* at Watertowq, DDL4UH*‘- - R-* Philadelphia Pa. pAlNTINO, GLAZING. AND PAPER HANGING I connection with ouil PAINT,OIL, AMDGLAfS TRADI We have dOMPJTENT do ttaatol* work BATTSPACTOttlLY. _ ’<* *7 « v mSt-tf J^ve'W no*' 9 SS p. i Arrive * 745 a. q j Wanted— ACENT8. '$75 TO 1200 Ps)R MONTH. 1 i I EvtT/^Uarc, aiA'e ondt la lutrciaailk : 0-eDuiae,Improved Oommoa B gum SMILY SLWING MACHINE Mscbta© atUctu hem fcU. tcch qilff, enrd. Mod, bf&ld, and em bioi icr, In *»oitt*p«tor mAtoZicr, PRIi i: UKLT 41 ...T t t v DOLLifiS, Fuliy Warranted for Fivo Ycara. • win par ( 1 . 01 ) rot any Kachtuo that will sew t flinmifcr, oora bctuu/u', or more oluttc room (him a/QA . It buffc* ELASTIC LOCK STITCH Bverr *ecmad HUch c\a be cat. tnd VUU the dloU CAoaot be pnt »d apatt without tc&iifis U* p$$ Agcote from f 73 to $20'per nao&th yosexpensMatt a c» rxunimoo irom which twlc© ttut a.ptcuti c u b mxde. Addrcsi, flSQOTSB & ao.* Pittsburg, P a; Boston, Mass, oi St, Loulfi I Missouri. CAUTION—Beware of all ajedt* icizang ’liffilltt anUer toe tamo name as aura, anleei ttig eu toM ' s Ccrtlgcate of Agcacy etxnad by da. Wa tiaii set j bold oarMlrve reeponalhle for wottfileae HiehfiM | aold by other parties, and thill proiecuu all yarBal oithcr salliag or aatug machines under thli lift*to tqc lb I crtcnt ol tho law, anle-a ouch Kachtottv obtnlded from oa by oar Ay ente. Do sot bo ib*( , apon tiy parties who copy our adverttscmeili I 1 caonlaro, and offor wonhloea mac bines ill leei f price._______________ _ lthl-4W Bohkhbi Watkfo) day. —For the Rinl —Sev brethren the He) which no —We 'other po afow da; tion. -rjWfe cords six hun fat. “I have “when t$ i “ ■When “ Last n 'coffin,’o n 5 —a glass -Blteb jotijthjd| < h*y mow clothes wi -Oifioi iikhhrn 7 able to rto He is now by H"uw\ the 38ih in Persona wi woll not tn — A p<w Iftho “tba p on a late 8 a penuj, ar refused, a w e e l ,’’ g v t heaven' •'ye’ll got c meant lo gti ffTKsc Council, thi '■’t e f r - t . o . Rebekah Dt- v foi t M s n n s v the 6.30 trai M innsvillo AU anticipat * HfTf.ur —On accom luity of the lhg an noun < until Sunday Be Rbhcj Presont — Holden, Han TIpham tnd Beach asd D The record and apptovet REF 'fttltsch report, atatin BoirdfWjth r> had been oar cured tho sen ot Clinton, aa •fifi th a t he b put week; tl different dcpa for oi Hiss Arsenal At. Se; the A Senior < been made as i of the Board, aatialactoijly. 'The '.Fiftadc amount cn ha: follows: Tctohers' Fun: Cimtirigent, '* Rvpair Fuel < Library 1 •• SXA Finance Coto ( bllli tor foache teciitnmevjried t ,$ a : ‘a &mr atocAinht 288 25 ; also c 8. B. Hari, C Committee, f fuel, & c , Wm. G. WOUai btpaemvutq, Daniel Frink, c Harbott'e & H«, H. 0. Eamcs, v Joseph Zeht, w: T . 8. Graves, re Baki r & Ulntte: H. &E. F. 0oo| Oytenua Leasur All Of which, rote, MItOEL The matter o No. 17 waarefe: m ittoe a n d Oteri On motion of tho LlteraturoF were directed to . . Mr, W illiam * A-.i 3 ’’itBSBqSt^ortaiir" I ''ii- \ ■ ^‘5'a -

$75 TO 1200 Ps)R MONTH. 1nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84035540/1870-02-22/ed...ttiwvwi Tlje only t«$pn we know, wrtijfi politi C#1 party one* in power, does not always remnin

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■ttiwvwiTlje only t«$pn we know, wrtijfi politi

C#1 party one* in power, does not always remnin slrdng endugU to bold ita position o> i flle- mS™ to maintain, its supremacy for iupranacy,ii because i t disappoint in some ; >»a1fa <»“tary. Itcould and would do this ray or other, tbe expectations of some ol If Congress would. a wlf s^rujjeing ts own jidbeimts. It is not generally in , Btfrit balf equal'to wbat the'body of tho

K i th » t , t b e y j « q .d Jiveft .o & * p j4 « S S M l o n t o f tberanki, b u t one hierc, a n i a n . L Jo in 'd Id h: _

. y l t l l e , b v ' ¥ f itf .strengthiMStrtlinwnn I t i n n m a n VmOfti* H lin ff f l Kw t C $ H 1)0 M S l O t w i ld d .pefchanco they may better things by '

m bm i e #


< i a $ y » § i s f

H M W K a t s r s ? ^f t # U t e e W t t W . tnd:-i «•.?*> ti«\iLS.#**i* la rvrvazriuf. *

yhev*it}culMlMiwaiN ^ ^ aiH 'iln m w iao re*

MlatJoLwa ntl*rti)ly r*4*e*a ton

^ g ],y;d^ ri> «tf b4»Tw«w

Acoaer.>«r«<nak Huoto,.• , . . . _

a b U o e r* wwoun-r-t-iHrEFisA .,< n tM by .. JMBO. A, rn c tiD ra y tts ti

^ p i o i r b r ^ o r a t h r o a t

*»jti»tl»fttn totalfatn in tsenrabiv $**#!)(»**&(' '• '

£»raW ».l»r,*ChUt*roeh..’ wilt raeeltovariat&y gift teataut n

stdWfbMaMuptia^Amnut Uaxuuw, Commit- ' npMaaiVakeiTOwnta*, ttoy u n i •ootuim

J S f t t i f t t o M $ a . * ft A *yatCttKSandtlfJUXKU dm them tottaar awl

-,-vjsawj umdtOua^mToim. . > t , ,j^Ot-asSJOtSEiV'.Sijriil ..'-t«.j.i-i • ..•■ «...: v- '1 „;..Q^.totmr5*d nuitaiioswapoiiaWtittortu

A ? " " r M tm '

dldat**. ^ W $ i |t ^ M i g e {111 hotter thing*, bnfc they h o p e it may.

te k e t^ ^ t^ ^ str o n ^ P w i ty is e o g M $ $ & e othe^de.,

| p i t | p | U u a i 4ottf||$||iW, and opee ofwllraihgb for tho iwutr, may

hot hare^ s^tiUrgptifeasonin thenp Bnk- they wM«bili!ldMtol&(! f tJ r iu if lb tM log, byen though it brings no permanent relief* The oljJfDemocratie party lost its

itf|ym#ffifpeog?^bwduwp^ y | l a a o n n b i # o x w ! e t » L t ^ 8. ;: - P .

M f u j m T k , h S I b

it maintained its bold on anyresptetablo olaw of voters throughou t all its year#of- tecreanoy and dereliction. But it lost at

fcSftf&SrigpftTarty tiM^wre^sA^g, atfitf-** na jCrity-oi! Din w h o r e l u c t a n t l y a d m i t t h e m i s t a k e s ,

i « l f o r * * p ( l vr r o n g - h e a d o d n e o s o t t h e i r p a r t y , ,

h ^ p # to p q r r e o t t h e m w i t h i n t h e i r o w n o r , >- J g i p i t o f h i i i , a n d i o c o n t i n u e t o v o t e w ith i t 1

’S t j l iJ 'f il t e r i t f c f i h c e a s e d t o r o fip o t fch e lf ‘ p o -

H i l i l u j n e w s . 1 B u t e n o u g h le a v e i h era l o n g

■ I d i h r o w i t i n t o t h e m i n o r i t y > i n t b o h o p e

sthit t h d d t h w p a r t y w i l l d o b e t t e r in i h n

f p t f f f c u l a u - o f w j i ic h t h e y t o m p . l a l t t .

Do our politicians at Washington fully cotnjM|hcu(l-, the ruling tboujht oi the * -v- ‘-h. j^p5e ^ g tb*ry do. I f

*ao, »«*» ar**theyl Ibt^eobbting too confi­dently on the atrength oi party tics, as the Dtmoofah aid balore thiir overthrow 1 If

'♦ uaderitand tho leeding political tbougb t o f ihe pecpta, nt the present time, it ts to ma icogotnlze iu tlm admioistratioo d the goTtcnmenU that taxation msy bo grcaUy reduced, without seriously interfonng with Ihigtadui] payment nt tbu Nailonwl debt TSnjr believe this can be done and oaght to be,iad nothing short of ita accamplisb- IMbt w ill utiafy thta rcasousbie oynnion. Tbs present indic&tionB arc tbat it vrill not be nccomplished. Some *ofcc« havo been iallti) lh !0ongt<ae which have staggered tha public jttdgmont, and lahscd qucstjom ol

OU1* R a llro t* .Tie Ifth ff’iFr c ahd Hatch, bankers an d

government bond dealer*,who havo brougnt ; t^e^lrlajjproniinently i ^ M capitalists

ono; att#|lie ho'festing public b jj |j |q || in Burops en’s out the Centri^ ^ |e Railroad

i are curreafl^erc 'and in tbsTmropel aa rk e ts th e la in e ' t t l go v ern -

'*°8y tM |^ b# holdersiC hodda-r-tliejJilaet loan

;; ■ H k iiiu•$ ® D ifi & '

nOtA&ijf. B*»*ie to cavam



41 S t»• yNjfibXv,

*{. I!;* - f.\ W *.fi ■is ,". ,v!

Vi Cf■I *4 *;

’uWtU___t o a*}



T ! 7 lf t^ i4 3 M K k IflM d y ..A. tjOaml.itatlmii, m * » )*

“ * • • * * * ■ " * • - y -™ * •- W t.. q ^ r a a a .»H»iaiA-*B3s^ r i i» f a > - , .a w b ?■« - - - —

•+»*?, JSJfl.Vv’-t

dtacp atguiflonce,—foreshadowing a strug- glm'ostween offlde holders and tha people, nostualiko (lust in tho Roman Republic be tvreoa the Patriuan and Picbian classes. In tbiavierw of txanapiring events, thcao tlmw mmy prove the most momentous In our an- nail. Tho struggle for po-wcr, and tbo emoluments of office has only been shilUdi not overcome. At Albany, in Now Yoik City, and at Washington, tho iq.lrigufi ol ■Jt wi^Epesthood ,ytin4l Echonocs oi match- lW |)otitical intricacy arc being wore® into the web of our immediate history. This straggle for power,.-high poptloo, and money emly gtamt^now'-bclng Wwk^. may bo bloodless but not bUraolcss. Ifen IqpJjOC, hold on to their emolaments and pkgfStsites Aitb.n pittt’-wxi thuc'tf- Ip ths wloffituupJkds^cxi vote# atCoafjtot! refining to abate ono dofiar of their self ewaxdid compensation, oi $3,000 a t-erm, with mtkago, stationery allowance, and privxltgM, wo aco tlio nadncioirs eicrctoc of » pomt over tbc people, and hostile to t bdr InUrwtf, which will require btrfc'llUfe Diuti hsg ftt the breast of avarice, to swell to tho dto**WWSOf;tpoT* than PiUTpaninsoteEoo aid ainluatlpd. 'Are party hfedth In oufc&vdxj'pit

£ 8 5 * * *

t r l % 41| ^ f s i a t i . r "wiihawa-

i ' T h i 1

t t

V ' r \ 1T r:

UNwaU » *»>■. Twwsi, BsgyteM* "•ra(*Aft.-aM MWO*Uito»«VWT*tb*0» known ^AttJBpttlaSa avtl Iftc. Ilw* * 1 * oopouibf

t o b r h b a t *: . Osstsuf Cftk ifyAt -Howara «tg$ % j

' ' R003TAEiS lO T A iraJrats w » * » A * A T X 0 ir« *

ri j m i s'?»• j i

■- E-

A \

% rts«*s atftlnXUftla*, Ike Xticmiaiior*fjsg ts i> i.a * l I f fT ffn tn — ln~~ —

* '^<5SSi6i#5«*-Piw4ar.• a a k t t s r x l i l v h OftrwVfttVsnat*

W B e e to a to N fW a tt qjaartftris O w f h « * e s * iy *.

gjgsasyu».«>. 1'. 0 " M -, w 5 » S , ,a T l i i S . l ! £ A *i. ,v->, vjd AtrciaiiM**'.*. i n i l apMM WiirDjoia Th* boat Intka mottd «wwliaa i*ttatte-lM»irtftawiiB.Uos> aoe-aoaiaia

'iAwwatjfh/tdiftitioifon to oroditce taatk. MaiSkaWaaatolaftdMiuivI)

AJOlti_. . _ . .. Bold to.iatMl.'lG Dead SU Now Tort:

W i u t E v e r y H o r se m a n W a n tsi ?o®D>t* * ilp' awdmhuble UNisaNTAjOrtaa Mtlcia l» Dr ToWki Venetian Bores

— i-Ratbatuw ttba* DnUar- - Foe Xts*.

.v a to M .w il l . ' i W h at-if - l i .r im o d to e n r e H jk u ju v sIjj

r |l*!d)#wk*t W Borso) rtlll bcwtlUont it slier irjln* -towtatU Dacjtoecre ires «ni». ott*a B iTesTtke lUeotaiO»v*rb«atod or anwei iionc For Cotie t H j a to A a iJ M c t o i i to a i ie v o r & r « i joet w n n u i

m b w nt

* • ^ 1 1* farX Place, New Ywk vn

LUtmSNf Foewy A M . . ; 1,BL0. ^ P« C « D r a g g lik

»%*anua* n ea.cu have tnn a riena ^WrwMfSjtinicc tlis* am e and atjllor

IS W ^ S T tS S S S SawttlwaiSiea (otmetiy occnpli*¥

vr.Ifo 11 Wool nff ’ T im t a

i, war S e x *




. , rival factljrts Jijlatli Brhtril todty*<ar, to be auoVerl (o c*rff on their g u m for power, by the uie o i o divldsd people am tlisif dninrinadU,- snd notatil) jEj^their protection and benefit’ AicjhittofcSnktl an* of pariiadnehk), chftcV| N js d & W |(« tn d e i of^ll|m ihreoot«^ by MtNriwto trlhifipM ’add ddfeal* fordWcr, to rerall i o no good to tho peoplol In oth

a d by

_ i* . r " \ i . " j t k .~ t ,with, swL whtn won to uluffiy iliaasrt Otoin F |d li) bidldibgof .the novf GaptoL al 'A m n y,w *a xytobae, before it-is codfple- ted, of fiftpau million dollars agfunl tho popular will; the wbolo gpvniDmoent of tha

jnaDtbouda,* BOW oft*r to capitalists and in vfeatora th i. % 0 mortgage bonds ot tbe Chesapaakc and Ohio Railroad Company. The success attending thibg^'di introducad

... ..'. ' —atiffi lisiLbeen exP: "JespRn Poi

introddcM by Pittmand ■Rat'eb'—wero all sold in about ten weeks, and the loan was closed in January at 80. They are now sailing at 84 bid,ancl non'e offering at that

« # # > Railroad Knl^j^a tho A»-

lant&iJoeauJconnedlibg'di^tly'witli the Pacific coast, over the Union and .Central faciflc Railroads to.San Francisco. In ad ditjqn IO| tfac thjrougb- traffic with the Wes ternRmtea^nd Tictffc coast,tho Chesapeake •od Ohio kaifcokd run* through a rich por­tion of Virginia, which alioundn in coal and on her prbdtictd.tha transportation of which la exceedingly prafitalilo tn railroads. The directors uf the company ore sbrowd, weal­thy, and iniluent|sl titjzQUs, among whom are C. P. Huntington, Vice-President of the Paci ficitsilybadj! and'/.tho _ following well - knownMiarrica : Wiliam H. Aspinwail, Da­vid 8 thwart, William B. Hatch, A. A. Low,. New York, aud Pliny Fisk, Philadelphia. The trustees are William Butler Ducan, of Duncan, Sherman and Co., and 1‘. C. Cal- burn. President of the Fourth National Bank, who aro an ample guarantee th&t tho interests of tbe bondholders Wiil be prop eily protected. The reputation nf Messrs. Fisk and Hatch, and the extreme care they have lakou in permitting their names to be used Ui market loons, together with tho btgh standing aod reputation ol those di­rectly interested in tbo road, entitle lho bond* to moro than ordinary attention from tbo publ.c.and merit their confidence. Tbo completed road is already of sufficient value- to form a sufficient eecurioty for tho wbolo proposed amount ol mortgages lo be sold. When completed, tho property will bo worth dublo the amount of the first mort gage bonds.

0. G. Harger and Son Bankers, ore the appointed agents for the solo ot these bonds, and will furnish pamphlols, maps Jbe. on application.

A t io o ft th tM g B e to ( iIn an other column of this paptr will be

•eeu an advertisement lor onq hundred qaarrjBsen and laborers to work in the old dfibirtliff and Fuller" iron ore mine*, near the Philadelphia station, In thi* county. Tho mines hive lately been purchased by a SyripUke complyy 6t, capitalists, and Mr, Lewis "H. Mill#; of SterlMgriik A new company styled tho •* Sterling Iron tiro Company," has been organized, with ample capital to move 100,000 tons of iron ore per year to market. These mines have been Celebrated fot *irong end( superior Iran. James Sterling, deceased, the pioneer io the iron business ro Northern. Now York, wprko# them *u$cssfully for many year*.

yft uadetstaad th* hew cpnapifiiyhaTa a pep tract with the 1* Oqonclagi Irofi Compa­ny," st Syracuse, to furnish them 40,000 tons of Iron ore per jcsr lor towcral yearn, and wlil, as soon aa practicable, work tbc mines to thoir fr’t capacity for western for- laces, j *

Here to a load struck that ought lo make Watertown tho Pittsburgh of Now Yqrk, We ought to have tbo furnaces and rolling mills aad machine shops hero to work op these rich ore* thnt lay beneath, w feet, in. stead of wbooling tho nre and pig iron to distant cities for manufacture. Shall we over awake to our golden opportunities ?

otBclal P la a t ir In N.T.There aria nearly aacjte of municipal o f­

fices Id the city of New York which aro es­timated to bo worth more to tbe incum bents—most of them very much mom— than tbc pay of the President of tbo United 8tates. There is the office of corporation counsel, worth from $50,000 to $75,0C0 a year , Sheriff's Office, from $50,000 to $100, OOO Street Commissioeur, $50,000; Regia tor, $80,boi> to f a.OOO ; dtra aty Clerk, $*0. OOO, Comptroller, $50,000 to $100,000; City Chambatiaih, $50,000 to $100,DOO; Surrogsto,$20.000 to $30.000: Corporation Attorney, ‘ $35,000 ; Collector of Penonal Taxea, $100,000 to $200,000, District At­torney, $20,000-Jp $40,000, and bo on al

infin&why,.The Police jaifioos lodeiye $10,000 a

year,' or mors than the Chief Justicaof the

ftiirnftd*.^ilua gase: ono tbat can be

r' tol|hsatisfaction o l any caff|P 1 T3ja%i|e town ol Rttt&ad cai^i-

privilege of subscrib^ $30,000 to iho capital stock ot the Carthage, Watertown and Backets Harbor It. R ., as a town by bonding for that amount. As that brings them under tbe provision o i tht lft.w, vjhiehsiys all taxes levied upon the road, ekcept for school and highway purpo­ses, shall be deposited with the county tfeasufer' as a'sinking fluid to meet the* bonds.

We will figure q little on this, nnd our neighbor, LeRay, Is » good basis to figure front. LeRay has a railroad ten miles in length, and levies a tax on it of eleven hun fired dollars. Rutland with seven miles at tbe same ratio, would tax theirs $770, which in nine years, gives the sum of $7,000 nearly ; which makes a sinking fund st compounds interest, tbat will make on amount in six­teen years more than will pay the bonds.— But, say you, how are we going %q got the benefit of compound interest oo tho stock alter two years.* With our sinking fund prepared aa above calculated st tho ond ol nine years we have the balance o f the thirty years after the road is completed to tax ii in, making up the amount of our tax for State, County, and town purposes, making it Btand in the town’s favor about like this at the end of thirty years:Railroad stock paid for, $20,000Taxed the railroad, general tax, 15,000 School tax, 3,500Highway tax, 1,500Increased value of land, 25,000

:hq | afiyjBci

dto, Th*'business of tho country goes on asbetore. The fact is no trifling obstacle hke a Court decision impedes the npal' y momentum of our bhsinis; balance wheeL .The p.ow.qr behind —the enwgies of tbe ^people, lceelc it roliing.

, - ^ ? 4j a © P o n jp s r tc i £ |o bo. tried for-the m u rd e r of Rictqr. N a if . Oa the 21st o! M arch. The P aris G azette says i t is be­lieved th e P rince w ill b e acqixitteifo.- TYhr* ever d o u b te d th a t.

Amount, $04,000Aud this is away down to the smallest

point tbat can br thought of, for fajrmt havi come up all over the town since the Horn railroad nas b:en lm.it more thaw twonty- fivo dollars per um-. au J thut docs nut run tu every man's •!> m

lu our liguu- su far, »c luuc not put in anything a« giving llio naier |iuwer iu tht town a value Aa it i-, St can be seen that it ie of little value for llio use uf vrholctale manufacture cl flout, nuj, as iti. ets twenty dollars a car lead !•» -Iraw wheat from thi nearest station tn utaiiroad tuany p-'Lutoo 'ho river above Watertown, and then as m"ch moro to gut it back agata. It costs the cnair makers at Bla*.it Ri vcr from three to ,five hundred dollars a year to deliver wbif chal'a thcv triiip ' y railroad. And yet we must say Aral it ta going tu cos! the town ofRatl&nd sonwth'og ifsbedoes Iur the $20,000. Let us have Lhit m figures, so that every man can tell it once what his tax will bt. II wc pay aba'f years interest tbc first year, it v, ill bo 1) mills on ono dol laror 15 cents on a hundred dollars near ly. If a full year’s interest the sooond year it will be double this, making, saj, foor dol l&rs and a half on a thousand dollais. Real ly it don't seem as ii there was a mau Id town but would give the amount required of him to have tho enterprise go right along. • IiuTLxdn).

M a r r i e dBALI— HAY—Ori'Woanoeday evenlos.E'cb. ICtli.

st tbc reside vco ol ibe liride, by Rev. >'. k- Osbom, Jtr Hiram Hall, of JSHIslmrgh and Jirs.8<l'y Ray,cf tteniiorson.

X J i e d .BENNBTP-In Elligboreh. on tUe 17ih Inataot.

Eatbur Jane, (lati}?bter of Tbomns Bonnetl, Eb(1- »gtd 19 years.and a montlis.

BLWOOD—Id thn village of AUploa. Mletaifsn. on the 7th day ul February, tin tan t, at than rcaUleucc ui bis ton.m-iaW."Wllll«m Elwood, aged 71 years.

Nr. Elwood will be remembered am old raident ot this city. Be earned the B*me repatilloxi for In duatiyandklndne B, In Albion thnt dlnlttgnlsbcd blzn whl'c an inliabllant of Watertown.R A N T E D FOR CA8H.

OLD CO'ti'EIf, I. BA I) and BttiSS, llylhe ' WATEHTOWT! LOCH WOI1KS,


T W U L V E l l O R S E P O W E RHor sale Rt a Wlprn'ii t Ky Tlio

\ V . .T t i t I \ t A £* i.u< K. W O fiK S.

JAPAN WOBK and BriiiH Ionldlni.‘’Neatly T>ono at lhe


JufleraoG Comity, New' Ojjdeii$buijrh lUtlroad,. r o B i i x sork, ou thu Liuo ol

tho K om u, W »W rto«u anil 13 s u lo s lrt»m the c tty o f W iilertow j), &ut) ti lallu? from, C|po Vlncont, aod hoot tbc Y$llit{r« of Thm Mile B*; and cmbraciOfc,* ubotit

O N E T I 1 0 D S A N f i A C R E 'Sol v ery j»rodiK'Uvu land. T h i« tract i - CfliBclaU)1 adapted io eu d would m a k e a jjiuliiflble c m in^ azul C atty Farm . T ho b ab icr ib o r h * 3 d r a in e d c lu fireaand eubdncd It, aod o ffers It to r ffllo at r retKoiiflhlc i*rlcu, an il o u o a s y lcrxns. For pfirU cnlarf oddreea WU. DBWBY,

Ashland^Fartn, T h ree Bar. doodA wtJ .L’rf'uraon (3 0 ..N . Y.

MANHOOD !How Lost, How Regained I

J ttiC P u b rteb id iu » fodJttl iLX'datn Fn«?osix c e n t 8a bfiurrHisu.n rcRNAj:'.*i/. .'itsatilbnt

and radiuji ctr* <>\ Hppnu *turth(c *, <» ecnalnal 'W’cAlcne?’’. Invt l uiAjy But <*»ioe*, tnjifWulDeblll ty, an<l ‘u cdimunu «• m<t*uA«;ugeat'r*ltY2 Korw«ous- /i» iur new, coia-.mnKlon t h'V y, and SCcntal and ' nbyaUa! .nc-apar uy, n-.a'tlair hum tei(arouse. Ac.,

s b o o d W ‘4‘ BT J .v .1 ilfW '.l! M 1* BULhor Ol UbO*'UffCCO boON, S C.“ A boon to thonsandaof loffoaara—” ,Bent under teal, lo o plain «n,$clop»c. toiBT ad* j tni-ca(uow paffiy cooeiraci© J) to b<

ire*$, poaipaid, oo reft ipl of s‘i ct tao o,'.- ’o enrty u io iho j»r”i)Oaod isrculaq*atu etampa, to OilAS-J. L\ KMNii A Oo..

137 Bowery, Now Tork, Post Office Boi AlfiO, D- Co'tdnrc Ye ‘Afarriaijo tin o *.4' j>r c©

ente. hovMsw


No 5 Nabbau Btbmt, Nxw-Yore,» February 15lh, 1870.

The remartenbia Hiiccees which attended our uego tUtlou of i!\o Louw of the Uesthoj. Pacino Ban. uoau CoaraNvand iho WxsTamr Pacino RaiL- aoaxi Vou tamy, !. nil t he popularity and credit wh cn tbeee Loans have maintained In the markets, both m this country an d Europe, havo ahown that the Firat Mortgage Bond* of wiaely-lo.catea and hq.nor? •bly-managed Railroads are promptly recognized aud rcadll; taken as tho most suitable, itfe, aud ad- vast&seous form of Investment, yielding a more liberal Income than con hereafter be derived from Government Ronds, and available to take their placo.

Assured that, ia tho Belt rtlon and negoilation of superior Railroad Loans, wo ire meeting a groat public want, and rendering a valuable service—both to the holders of Capital and to those great National works of internal Improvement whose Intrinsic merit aud substantial character entitle thorn to tbo use of Capital and tbo confidence of Investors-.vre nawofforwlth spedalcoafidenco tnd satisfaction tho

m i l K O BTO A0B S O N S *OF THB

Uucsapsake and Ohio Railroad Company.

The Chotapeako and Ohio Railroad, connecting the Atlantic coael and the magnificent harbors ot the Chesapeake Bay with lhe Ohio River at s point of reliable navigation, and thus, with the entire Rail road system and water transportation of tho great West and Southwest, fora* Dae additional East and wAst Tnuak Llae, so lmpcrsUvo- ly demanded for tho accommodation of the Immense and rapidly-growing transportation between tbo Atiautic seaboard and Europe on one hand, and tbo great producing regldnj of lhe Ohio and Ultslselppl Vallcya on lho other.

The Importance or thia Road aa an ew outlet from the Watt to tha tea magnifies St Into ono ol national conieqnence, and lnauret to it an extensive through trafic from the day of Its completion; while, lu thu development of the cxtcu stve agricultural and mineral resources of Virginia and West-Virginia, ll possesses, along Us own line, tbo elements of a large and profitable local bus'ness.

Thus the great Interests, both general aud local, which demand tbo completion of the Csasai-saK* ono Ouiu Ean-Ruan to the Ohio River. siTord the sure it guarantee of Ite eueccia and value, and ren­der it tlaa moat important and aubalan- tfial Bailroad anterprlae now tn prog­ress In thia Count ry.

Its sapcriority aa an Hast and West route, aod tho promise of an Immense and profitable trade await Inc Ua completion, have drawn to It the attention and co operation of prominent Capitalists an RaU

| road men of this City of eoond judgment and known Integrity, whoeo connection with it, together with that of eminent citizens aod business men of Vlr rimta and West-Ylrvlnla, laaarcs an rncrrst- le. honorable, and kaecesifitl manage- se n t .

Thi Road Is comoletod and tn operation from Richmond tothocclobrat.il Watto Snlphar Springs of Wc*.-Virgin a. 227 mllo', and there rem.la bm

•OjjiVrotbo 0 I

r.vor $1, or near, tbo mo a Iff ot me Buj ti&adj ilr«r. iSo mllea abovo ClLdnuAU, jllU 35j ax loi bo ow

'NT' 'RMATI0Y 4s r - 7 & ^ ;”“d JfcS'rfo'n'm 'b'rthe bprlna and summer * co,,y f0B iv»aui|S $

tu Pt-°P,e'0 “r e a l f p ^ a a ^ ^ 1

$ 7 3 2 IN 3 1 D A Y 8Rm ide bvono , e>'nt. sailing Silver’s p,.„.Broom. Over 50 ,000 n«wma” “ by Run. H tace G.oeley ana American One COU. ly reserved ior each Agent. o i ?ntl<t.A Co- 88 Uol'llaudt stiect, N. If. or 12G Wuk!'X*s»s»t. Chicago, Ul. U6Wu“>hSS *eblSuT

TUB A f lB t t l l i i t f V i j i iuK N IT T IN G W k Q S smIspreaemed to tho pnhilc n» the most 81m«n W able, aqd Compact and ,<jl|enu KulttSiTfJNbntrna lv,vVnnvsA ,.’7 r i ,“ xx"Wraak U N bi.. .ovor tnvomcd.FEXO£l - - O N I T

• WILL KNIT " " ' l2 (1 ,0 0 0 S t i t c f f e s i n o o e minnti,and do perfoot work, leavine everv knoi a ..,-side of the worfe. ft wUl knit a pair o|size) in lesa lhan half an hour. It wlit kniiffi.™) . — - . . .Open, Plain or Btbbed work, wtthanvktS lji--" or fine woolen r a r e , 9%«ottou ailk or «M°5{SMe knit stockings with donblo heel andhooods sacks, smi

& S ? . 1 “ liclc!tBeTev * *J f f l O M $ 3 T O $ 1 0 p e r 4^

a T ^ a » ,f f i r i& * s s » 5 iS 'atois can oven make more, Jofittlpg fime?3S' which ai ways commands a ready ale.Vrifi,.?*’ readily knit from twelve tofllteen pair, or«2?!i2? por day, the prodts on which will ‘bo pS forty cents per pair. " “•»

FA R M E R SCan noil tbelr wool at only rorly to fitly centi per poond: bnt hy getting the wool nude Into vJS at a small evpense, and knitting it Into lock, t i three dollsra per pontd mayhorealiaeA im'mmC of *15 we will forward a machine os ordered. ^ We wish to procure active AQ XNTg In evert tion ot tbe United btatea and Uanadaa, to when most liberal Inducements wUl bo o fibred. Ad*!*,

Amcricau Knittiug fcblSAw

F c b l 4 w

O o m p u j ^ Boston, Mat1 or at Loulfgo.

1 w as c u r e d ot O jea ln o a a a n d C a ter ih b v a ilimu. rem edy a n d w ill s e n d th e rece ip t 5 ® ,

SIRS. M . C. L S G U B T T . m>bokea H. j

OPIUM EATERfor Clreular. Address WE. P. FABlfiB ft Co. Fobl-iw AnacdeUa, D.fi

AGENTS WANTED * Svemtloaoat—A7mwtveil a o m a tio * G a ld e a t o t c t t t i iu r prrtect ilth. P a n ts , R o a n d « b tia te . and L ad lee'D resfb i. iw a ik? a tb lo in c v e r j h o o a e h o ld . A d dress R k E s iT * S C O T T , P lt:« n a r e h . FA ’ FrbH?

1 Great ( JISIOOQS H ouown d

Laiin tff

S Ubt a

m a ts by A ga^per y e a r am in m lo o r leu ti!« , aeHiM o a r m li

uuurvn d P . 'o o t K v e r lu t ll lX /W h tts Wirt oia»-he« Llnca 0 uApcji cuid bctt cloiW*

D r« in th ” w orld ; OQU 5 C ts pot f o o t u l win Ubta bnnorod $ear», Addrt« tff$SJ

e a o B ivar W ire C o ., 75 W il lia x S tr e e t , $ ew Torkar 16 U e a ib o r a t t , C h icago , III. FehM v

E . L ^ M S B S , m . D

CtR 4 J > t'A T B Prom P.-euch 8clxool o fK e d l-T ctno and t^ n e r r / ,

V i c t o r i a U n iv o r g i ty , S B o n trw aljPbreJcitfn (o .h e Qruy N uq«* ( i -teral Qo*j>’i$l, « j ,d

lTortdooc<^ A ft'qtj D ltpeor& ri e . SdiUir o( itx«MG » 2rtwO M cdica1©'' aud f'»cr©lary o F the

ChirurZ’C *1 bonetjof Maulrcral. O P P K B— F tr«t d oor, td floor Arcad©.

C :r o o r U ow k aufiC offeeu Mrort*, W ttcfvtrwD.N Y la h 15 d to

J 'O P f l Y N l f l i n S .

F O R BA LE A GOOQ PHACTICB,In $ p l e t u n i rHlrjre.- aod flnc f u m in g 5cs:Uod Id

th o Norcffc o p art o f tM« coontjr - w ith o r w tih o a x > jfood restdence- The p rccool occttp^nt coote m plicw r a ch im rc o f b oJ io ca s. The ro a o e i r e g o o a , t l i o coaaU 7 woil s e tt le d a n d thrlrtog . It 1$ t a ore?}

by a ycty d esirab le cou ntry pr*ci c e . kot further paixUcolar

O ffice.

HAcilj revltLt $riiich i t to adbercd t o by Co b g r e s m * t j - a l l these th ings wear th n gm so of assotifiptirilis n f power in im ical (n t h e p rin e lp lw o l our Rvalcni of gow crom ent, t n d vbdeh i n th # earlier d o y i of tlio R e public toroutri h a r e k illed a n y m sa r,v ) ) ir ty t o io n t i c |toop)o W^ori- tfionsreha go t o w s r , th a u sobjeclo Lear t b e bur dons, b a t thb ro y ftl faxuilies g a tb o r t o them sulaes s l l tbe p ro fit! s o d fill th e honors, l i wo fsO to tek« c i te , t h e opposing le a d e rs of r iv a l

pw ttos w |U N tT f|jsS » .tSo feamo w ay. T b e C W ttti x v IltW .w ig lid io th e p a n e q f t i l e p y w Ybiclicvor v t i j i t ’ ffisufliitlio p rofit! ftT#> obsorbod b y Hie leaders.

'm u t t tn f i' b a t ’ l i t t le w h n i rnlefi, i f | Bnprcree C o u r t o f th e U nited S ta tes , s a d (b e u n r e inexorab le b u rd en s arc la id upon | oioro t-ban tb o Ju d g e s o f Uio C o u rt ot Ap-

W i m * i f d f t i w w w a “ ” 1



D e a th o f W r . J . W c a l c y H a r p e r .Ut. Jo se p h Wc--ley H arper <Ucd Monday

m orning, tbo 14th 'o s ta n t, a t b is house.No. 88, Olav k stree t, ih Brooklyn.

Mr. H a rp e r w a s ooc of tho fo u r brothers w ho founded th e lam ous publishing houso ot H a rp e r & Brothers. Ho w as tho s o n ot a farm er, w ho lived in N ew tow n, on Long Island, o n a place w hich wo b e l ’.ovo i a still ow ned b y thofiarei’v. T b c fa th er a p p re n ­ticed bui sons, ot i had four, Jo h n , 1J a m e s Jo sep h I t , , . i ( 1 F letcher, t o tho p tln tio g tra d e , ai ■' • • n wtvod th s l r !a p p re n lii >sh)(i iL r .u o li . ’f t w c ro w k e n o ( | a g s t iL c n i..:. i . . i l by t h e fcl ,der b ro th t ; '

They began bu- u • ai s< ( i u • era fur pub- ;Itohers b u t >-• "n i ,-_nan I ■ p d>l»sh o n tb o ir o w n a c c o u n ’. ... I mwlv '■ ir car'icat s u e - ! r t m sca n o t ( i l l . t l i r o u /r l i .h u t rren il w o r k . , U o n . Tticwo w h o try—alw ays cm It—c o n th eer to ld *

.1 , J ' , K' 8 F S . I « < J tons a vo id .C on sn m p tlon sn d tn e a r ly p a nt n e n t h e n i i - l v t . h i t • s u L* t r m . x c c D e n t I P r ice o n ly i s c e n t s O ne trillion aola u a n u lly ,and sonnrl j . I- m • \ . ’i,<li iln-v show ed im and aolfievcmrfaere. ___________ laaBwlr-dSinth o se ie c tin 'o i ’wrukB lor p u b l ic a t io n .1 r i y y n m T y w r v »T b o lilc ra ry cu ltu ro nnd co rre c t ta s ta o f if ff tf t I f t A iM N VT 1

f t ' 1™ ’ COntlibDlr3 vwT»MK0- r r q i E atumtion o f Skaters i s called lo Uio Fi no Slock ly lu tl)!B rem it. A. ofBfcaiwon hand a» iho Btorcof T en E y c k *

H* w ss a t ono tin .c th e p rcof-roadcr ol ikwapsnj- th e firm, c u d a t nuo thcr 1crem an ol t h o i r 't im pO iiug-room . n w 'cich he h ad to d e a l . B a r n o y a t B o r r y ’s O lnb a n d tN ir a i . w ith a l s r g ’r i ray of m ou w h o wore, a n F rs d x ic k B t o r e n s (£ ((p i i te re w ere f i t h e n dsya , " h r n l c n aea ,' ^ , ,< ua p t to d r 'tsk to oxc. ond to bs d«srrsderly . r a o rI t WXS on# of his pic r t i n t rr. :o iIrc tions in , Aad a fire aarorimL'QtofCommooSkarcrandfftriprh is later y v a than iu h is maaxgetncDt of I ™rj '-6W nrieCT.

eaq oire a t or a d d r a i llo u lci»-Yl»ir

P r o f . I l m m i l t o x i ' i


GOUGH CANDY',Bfiado from cx tracts irrvpireri

in Vacuo—a certa in cficcllvw: rem edy far Oooatrs, Co dei' Q oareenos. S o re T lm a v . Aitto-

vna. B ron ch itis , and (Xm>ciop.

R O IIgR T T E N B T C K - S O D S B T L. U T L B 7 .

Yf. D dQ w

J ^ O , r o n T B S H O I . I I ) A T S

J« W . P E O H ,. l i the Old Stand, No. 80 %truter's SUxjt,

W o u ld inform l i c c it ize n s of W atortow n, Ibrntbc

w h ic h c a n n o t bo e x c e lled :p qoaRty ot p r ice , by n n ;1 b o n s c lo th e city. Iiu nlep ln v i’cs a tten tion t o hit j

Stock o f Q r o o n and Dried Pruitt^ iV etrotablci, P ou ltry . Ac. l i e h an ateoa acteclinsa ol

, . . . A s s i s t a n t A l d e r m e n r e c e iv o $ 4 , 0 0 0 p e f a nw ^ e f i i o r p c s c o o r vrar p r e v a i l s , i t i a o f nuni> o r „ m u c k a s t h o U o v e r n o x o f t h o

*-------- —k—. 1— .-. i----------j i-_ g,kte_ ipjj0 M essengor to th a B nard o f A i-d e r m c u is p a i d a s m u c h a s t b e S t a t o C o m p ­tr o l le r , or t r e a s u r e r , o r A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l ,

i w h ile th o C i c r k o f t h e C o m m o n O o u n e l l r e ­c e iv e s th o m a g n i f i c e n t s a l a r y o f $ 7 , 5 0 0 .

— A M a g is t r a t e in W o r c e s t e r , M a n . , t h *

o th er day, h e l d fi m a n o c lj!» o w n r e c o g o i z -

* fines i n $ 5 0 0 n o t t o c b m m i U a i o ’d e , h e b a v - 5 p e o p l e s c h o s e n r e p r e s e n t a t iv e ? ,' j iu g p r e v i o u s l y a t t e m p t e d to b l o w o u t h i*

h e a r i n g i f a d i p l a i n t , n n d k n o w in g o f t h e ir b ra in a . T h e m t g l a t r a t o e v i d e n t l y t b o p g b t

M ttl* c o c x t q u e o c o iy h e t h c r i t ' i s i m p o s e d b y

b j J B u p a v j o r K i n g , b y P t r l l a m f i c t o r G on -

C f o K b y t t o R e p u b l i c a n or t h o D e m o c r a t i c

pMrtjrl* ’ ’P o l i c i e s , w b a t h c r r o p u b l l c a n , a t is -

t c p r a f i c f a m o n a r o h iu l , if t h - y i s s u e m th o

t a m e g $ e w o u s b a r d e a a to s u p p o r t t h o a e i s

* u t h o r i t f » « r e a f t ffio s o m o i n r e s u lt .

etabtmtttetbte, roiuso to share them, but cwittq*;to';ui»prifi|oly utarier,. lj^oiq a fityle of Jutoiiiiiftace riralcil only by royal /»miltob!*»telaefiro wotemftlwof it, but tttfiVwe barer# coiue to aAtriau* -pais xn our

p t o totw .iJ lfO ^ th ftir o w r t h i n k i n g a n d d e r ia a q

that money was of more value than bratua in Maasacho*#ts.

' —I r f £li# Suprem e C o u r t a t E x e te r J4 . H ., on T h u rsd a y .th e ju ty a w a rd e d $1 ,885 d$tq- S|cS tO 'W iliiiin H . B e lk n a p , w tgb ter o f

v-s w . ■ ■ *E°i ■Jocauie his ticket wm dated the tffiy'“ 4 4 ^ P l}’i l >i'!P * s. j t t a A j m t e M i ^ t r i t t R r . B e lk n a p

b d r i e n x a S o h 'U k fr h w n ito i '

> maoxgetncDt • tUrfiO men ho had e a r tired the'r ‘ricudihip, I a a d though a young roan, w a s able to I maintain disciplme ’i tho “ chapel,'’ with o u t cvc* report og * i b t . d words o r Usrab measures.

Mr. Hi'par wm a woM read mac familiar ; w*ih most o f the mosta* tn English litera­ture. and w.thoflt makirg the ler-t preten-1 ba*'j'n' iT r e ^ ‘' to mo'HoL^T^oiracraoit s CCS to scuolarfih.p^A* race*. 1 he was sin ' nuaot of O O N F E O T I O r T A R 'Y i gnlarfy f’ae frempretoi.jjn ol any kind— — wrotnina w *y Clear -tud finish* 1 strife, aad was a suund crii end an eic.ufcnt judge of the Htaffiry moritfi oi books. Wo l»ve hes-d that he Wrots t'aeprclacss whicharo found un many of ft c volumes ol tbe r i m i c r i - n m r old Family L ib ra ry ,and hoa’w&ys exc 'c is^d H I.Y <. RO iKRIKh.a la.go bilncuco over thocboi.-e o! tho pub 5nd *>n>yi..ictis, ranri-ii licxtions of h;s hoirss, u. wc’! es o v e r tbeconduct Of Hfpor’s Mngozrno. Until hu 7 Thopobticaj-o Invited io cjil and examlao oriteldest eon grow up aad ru’.r e l the bustntss. ,wil: c2lap*rc f»vo«s>;. . . rv.„ .f . . r „ in _ vritb a n y hoire. in t h e c i t y l o onaiity a n l rbcspncac.M-. Hsn-r condu-for Uio 'tbnr-y'oties . _______pc rcance of tho hdusa, aud many of tbc authors whoao works wore publisbod by Harper & B 'Oi have Kuo charm cd trim his courdy and kindly letters. He p g- tessed o singularly clear and sound judge­ment of both msafird r .oks, but united t r this, great kindnsis and Uad&rum.

By his friends and tfiooe in his employ he wu* loved for his gc.it!cnty 3 and frioud llucas, his unvarying txrjrul e lusideration for Lao fedrugs of all who r.ipne near him,Sfcd a shrinking modcsly, which led him to one sal, f j for es he could, his abiiities.

He was, to tho last day of his life, s sh man, but with s Bhrowd aad kiud'y hum or, which delighted a'l who famtlisrly met him in Franklin Square, aud which did not forsake him even in the sufferings of bis last hours.

To those dependent on him he wa3 era sidorate and kind to a degree tbat won the affection ol oil. His benevolence was un ' obtrusive, but eon'tint and large ; and he | gave not merely money, but time tud per sonal attention. Hls'beort was always op- en to tho appeals of tt;e suffering, snd many poor and unfdrtunate’toill mourn his death

L in c e arc now om jottisd or ur p-ogrcaa tbroc^o O h io ana K en tu ck y to thi - point, wlrica w t Ico o n o v i | t io G h n v p e i k e a n a O h io w i t h i h e c a r t r e R a i l r u t d i f i i e a i a o f t h e W e a r a n a i S o w i b w v a t . a s * w i t h f ih o P a c t a o B a l l - Ii o a a , |

I r e t a ualjlo fronctiltca and inovrtnr K tv a n la scv *11 i>l ico lh o C b c u p r a k e aad O h io R il 'r o v d Com an v am ong lOc rictreat an d moat pow nrlal a n d tm ai 1

»o * ry corporal) jh« o l tho c o u n tr y : t a d t h e r e n l » t a a p r e e o f t t v a l u e , l u c o m p l e t e a l r o * # * * # w o r k d o n e , e q a a l t o s h e o n - . t i r o t a t e n a t o t U i e m o r t K a * < <

T h e d e ln lle of t i c Loan Have been ai ranged with . •p e d a l referen ce to tlio vranu ot eU claaeee o l In , vcatorv, end c o m b in e tho vtrloao foatnrea o f con | rrolemc.0, ao fety and p rotection agalnat lose or fraud'

T b c B o n d i are tn den o m in a tio n s o f '

* 1 0 0 0 , ( 5 0 0 , and ( 1 0 0 .

Ttrey w ill b e leaned ao Coupon B o n d i, p a y a b le lo . Bearer, and m a y bo held In that torm . or

The Bond maybereglitered In tbe name of tho owner, with tho canpom remaining payable t o bear orattftched, th e orlnctple bolts then tranoforahjo only cm tho book • of lbo Company, nnlcea ro i selgnod to b e a r e r , or

Tbo e o o p in a m ar be dctechad tn d cancdUod, U o Bond m a d o a p erm an en t R cgiitcrad B on d, tra n ife ra b le n n lx on th e b o ck a o l tbe com pany, and t h e tnier eat m aato p a y a b le on ly to th e registered o w n e r or h li a tto rn ey .

The th r ee claaaoa w in be know n rerp ccr iv e ly t e , j

lau “ C oapou BonAe p arable to B ea r-i or." ‘

‘ ' R e a l a t t M d B oada ntU rC oapona I ■Utached. ,

MR *llaterefi B onds w t lb Co u p e n J d e t a c h e d , ” an d ehould b e to doelgnatcd b y Cor reapondenta in s p e c ify in g th e d c r e o f Bonde deeir cd .

They h a r e ( h i r i j r y e n s to ran from J en n a ry 15, 1878, w i t h t n te r e e t i t t lx per cent per annum trom N ovem b er 1 , 1860. Principal end tntcreat p a y a b le la gold U> th e c t t y o f N ew York.

Tho l a t e r a l ie payable in May a n d N ovem b er , th a t ll m a y ta k e tho p la ce of tbat o f th e ea r lie r Ir­enes ot F lv o -T w e n t lc s , and s a lt tho c o n v en ie n c e o f

c o r friende w ho a lrea d y hold Central and W estern Pacific B o n d s , w itb in terest p tyab lo In Jennary and

J u ly , and w h o m a y d esire In m akin g a d d itio n a l In- w catincnta, to havo their in te r e st recot v e b lo s t d iffer o n t se a so n s o f th e year.

Tho lo a n It eccu rod by a m ortgage upon the e n t ir e„_______ - ng o f T eat. Coffcoa. B n ra r i.j E d n c o i R o a d trom R ichm ond to the O b io River w ithnod oiimr7ni!tti.jc»"i.uall7^keptl'n a °U -ttc ists’ O ra l!' j * * “ c 7n lp m o n t« 1ri »H oth er property au d a p p u itc -

n a n c e ! c o n n c c k d th erew ttb ’

F O R F A M IL Y O B t -e lm p I o , n B n r r n n io . A G E N T S WA! sa m p lo s to c k ln z 7 R M L A d d r e T IN G M AC RLNK CO , B a th , M e. or 178 Y,

KXZM or asdC O *

B r o e e v a y .1FoblSka


T H E Y A B E N O T A V I L E F A N C Y D K IN L :

Special N otice.A s in k in g V end o ’ $tonJ iw por annum It provided

f o r Un- r e d em p tio n o l tno Bonde to take effect o n e 5 ear alter t h e co m p letio n o f tha Hoad.

Tbc m o rtg a g e te for (15.000,000, uf w hich *11,000.000 re Ul be r e serv ed a n d bold In trost lor the red em p tio n o * on tM on d ing B on ds o f tho V lrg’nla Central R a il

| r o a d Com pany, n o w m irg cd In th e t h esa p ta k o a n d i O h io .


C O T T G H O R C O N S U n r T I O nR ead ib e lollo^tn^ and learn lhe vaJncof

ALLEN i LUNG BALSAM I C ' thcrcmali)im;*'-tTO.0ftT \ mfflclcnt tmoantDEL LLOTD. OhL) 8uTseon lu tbo armydurlns 1 b e mid to fomj I ’c tbo roid lo (ha Ohio rlwcr

n ' f.Vr°™ Ji 11>,'. -Con! T,HCr 0 fl., j00'. 17 m ' on Perrft’ct ftn0 »mpn.Ee-h» porti-.n now to operation,th ri-ojca-y cqmp ihe w n o te fo r a )arff« QDd $$c*H o sa y tj. “I h iv e no hcflltnucy in a iftU n s tb a . j t *bjj

by (be n sc o f vt>ar L a n g that 1 am notr al.v*-

■ngn*h*> d h(> • hor-

‘ bcrB alraio . It wu

and eDj.JylDf<h«.•Ji!UL, 'DR. F L B ' ( ' H E R * I M l i o o u r i , r a c ? . - - “ l <0115

met'd y o n r Balaam, in p pf-rcnCw t-i at y <u her ir ed • cine fa r < o u e li- . and i i ^iy*-f Fat’f* aortou ”

A llen 's L ang R a lsa m t h ^ i r T D e d y v > e n r ^ all i.u •«*? a n 1 n r ,f u . in m icF *h' ongbly t « p(pd b< cflrv wrb^n aJ< o r 9 ■ 1

L'r* ctioD r a te mp i*.y each bot ;lu.I. rr. HARRIS & Co.

^>o:e 1 ’poetor,' tNCIMNATLO.

Sold b y a ll Draegi-divP B B R 7 DAVIS & BON,

PR O V ID EN CE. B I . ■vM-'tw (ion. A g e n ts Ior N ew Envl’d S u t e t .

^ L L K N S L U N t i 1 1 A S 8 A M e o l d b ;

li^O Ifvfllc

1 he pn< e c t price i s 90and a ccm cd (n terca t

A . Low to am ^ ly $ «cnrcd , f o catnfnlly im ird ed a n d ra certaUi heie& l er t o com m and a prom iL ent p laco

’no fa ru r lte aecnrlU e* In tho mat b e to, b o th ■<f th i» 0- o n tr v aud E u rope, w ill b e a t o n c e app re­ciated ai^dqarakly ab sorbed .

Very rv ep ectiu H y ,


The Magic Comb SdcbSf’“to a perm an en t'-’ B lack o r c r o w n , . i t c o n ta in RU FO I B O N . Any o n e can oao It. O s * l M t b y eullft* o n e dollar. A d d ress

2 8 a r i c O o m b O fta ^ p ifo g f lh lA lte - i docdfiaiB

' a C t E N T S w a n t e d f o e



B Y a E O R Q E He N A P H E Y S , M . D,

T b o m o s t rem ark ab le s n rceca o f th a dyy. It Ing w ith u n p la ced e tu td ra p id ity . I l to e ta in * *■» orery m an a c d w orn m o a e n t t o k n o w , and fe w 00-“ It w u i w r e m uch eo fler ’n g A a t h e only rvnnUojl a o r k u p o n tb o e ln g io and m a rried Ufo. it la ears#** ly reco m m en d ed b> P rof W m . Bamxiond>M.a/k H o p k in s K e v H en ry W ir d b eecb cr« '% Bqpoo p. ffire, H . B . G leaaon , E .D - , P ref. h.W» Biotm & n, e t c . B e in g eagerty HOQ^ht for, tbe AretU work in ''aey. b ead aromp fo r p a g p h le t , e t c , tk

G B u B G E a lo L S A N , P abikher*83 N a e sa a B tr 4 e t, N. Y „

Or, 719 datflaon Btrpek, Phi la - . Pi*

l'A N V A S 0 1 I» © -B O K S S E N T F H E B F O B

Dciris by Siiflight and Gaslight

A w o ' b *(e*»rip’W e o f tbe M y ste r ie s . ViTtcea* VI* cc« f*p e d«»ra n<i C rim e*, >f t h « r l iy o t Part*-

Ir to- e h ow Pari- b a « h e « 'in o the v * y e « ta c a W * B-aa H aU H ry in i h - world*, b o w i w B e t a ^ a J J Hplonrf. >r arc \ u chaae^ at a feaTtai © n it Of and K nflrrlne : how v leiro f* a r e awtudxed P J J u f aa'o a l - w . i i i i e r s ; h*>w V ir tu e and w lce to to* c ih r r iu c& « b ea n tifn ' e t iy ; h o w t b e mo3t

p t p 0 0 ,’ n u tte d and cea*ed ; h o w pqn*u»^«»-*\lin a e ilo r s laxary ; a n d c o n t a m * o w » w

W E O . A.■old by P E u S , Bnigglit.

.f t* t l i * t o f t h c l r b e s t fr tf ih d . ______ -------- C P H I N G A S B S B M R t H F A S B I O f i S

— T h e r e w e t # f f o o d s i i * t h * E s t e r n B t a t e s ^ „ ^ _

o n B a t u r d a y a n d S u i i ' 5 a y , l ) u t w o t h in k I - ■ ? O J t v l o i O

t K e y * j » olKX’k e d c r q j h t ? . i4- j j ® “ 4

— I n t h e s a le o l C i 4 6 $ h i $ b » v e r a l m e m -

b e n tnd e x -m c m b a rn o f .dspgrcss, abu u t h»lf*'dd*i!D, fir»ftlr(fi«ly im plicated , b u t the n u m b e r gu ilty o f im proper co n d u c t ia m uch larger.

for s a le at ST R E K T B R A H A R K PO fiD ’g ,

O T IO B —Whereas my 'wlfo. JorenheU’ftlUrd, A. v toll m y bed and board without duo nrbfocatloii— - board wlthont 1___ _________im tk a N te of Sovember last, I hereby lOrbtd lay

Jtotforifi? «; trnatmg her on a y ate*V Bt,U i snail ttoy n o debts of bur contract’- "

EIJUIIibatRh Feb 10,1*79,

.jqo-v - uIR AL LA K D .


P. S.—We h a te iisn v d pamnbltU containing full putLcnian. ita tu tlca l fietaUe, n a p s , etc., which will b»toni*h*d toy C.G. BARGER f t SON, Bankers. 1(00. spplkstioo.

MW W efe itjran d l e U G dyarnm eiit Bonds and r e trivc tboiccomtfe Cl'Bakks,Banker!, Corporationsa t l o t b e n , fotfiactlo cheric e t e ig h t, and a llo w ln- t i r t ts d a dolly bolikncea. FefiD-dwSm

C « G , H a r g e r A t * S o n ,

B A N K E R B , A g e n t * a t W a t e r t o w q ,

DDL4U H *‘- - R- *P h ila d e lp h ia Pa.

p A l N T I N O ,


P A P E R H A N G I N GI connection with ouil

PAINT,OIL, AMD GLAfS TRADIWe have dOM PJTENT d o t ta a to l*

work BATTSPACTOttlLY. _ ’< * *7 « v mSt-tf

J^ve'W no*'9 SS p. i Arrive * 745 a. qj

Wanted— ACENT8.' $ 7 5 T O 1 2 0 0 Ps)R MONTH. 1iI E v tT /^ U a r c , aiA'e o n d t la l u t r c i a a i l k

: 0-eDuiae,Improved Oommoa Bgum

SMILY SLWING MACHINEM scbta© atU ctu hem fcU . tcch qilff,

enrd. Mod, bf& ld, a n d e m b io i icr, In *»oitt*p«tormAtoZicr,

PRIi i: UKLT 41 ...T ttv DOLLifiS,F u liy W a rra n te d fo r Fivo Ycara.

• w in par ( 1 .01) rot any Kachtuo th a t will s e w t flin m ifcr, o o ra b c t u u /u ' , or m ore oluttc

ro o m (him a/QA. It buffc*

ELASTIC LOCK STITCHB v err *ecmad HUch c\ a be c a t . tnd VUU the dloU

CAoaot be pnt »d apatt w ith o u t tc& iifis U* p$$ A g c o te from f 73 to $ 2 0 'p er nao&th yosexp ensM att a c» rx u n im o o irom which twlc© ttu t a.ptcuti c u b m x d e . A d d r cs i,

f lS Q O T S B & a o .*P ittsb u rg , P a ; B oston , M ass , o i St, Loulfi I

M issouri.

C A U T IO N — B ew are o f all a j e d t* icizang ’l i f f i l l t t anUer to e t a m o name a s aura, a n le e i t t i g e u to M

' s C crtlgcate o f A g ca cy etxn ad b y da. W a t ia ii set j b old o a rM lrv e reep on a lh le for w o ttfilea e HiehfiM | aold b y other p arties, a n d t h i l l p r o ie c u u all yarBal

o ith cr sa llia g o r aatug m a ch in e s under t h l i l if t* to tq c lb I crtcn t o l tho la w , a n le -a ouch K a ch to ttv o b tn ld ed from o a by o a r A y e n te . D o s o t bo ib* (

, ap on t iy p a r tie s w ho c o p y our a d v erttscm eili I 1 c a o n la r o , and offor w o n h lo e a mac bines i l l lee i f pr ice ._______________ _ lthl-4W

■ Bohkhbi

W atkfo)day.

—F o r t h e R in l

— S e v

b r e th r e n

t h e H e )

w hich no

— W e

' o t h e r p o a fo w d a ; t io n .

-rjWfe cords six

h u n fat.“ I have

“ w hen t$ i “ ■When “ Last n

'coffin,’o n 5— a glass

- B l t e b jo tijth jd | <h*y m o w

c lo t h e s w i

-Oifioi iikhhrn 7

ab le to r t o

H e is now by H "uw \ th e 3 8 ih i n

Persona w i woll not tn

— A p<w Iftho “ tb a p

on a late 8 a penuj, ar r e fu s e d ,

a w e e l , ’’ g v t

h e a v e n '•'ye’ll got c m ean t lo gti

f f T K s cCouncil, th i

'■’t e f r - t . o .Rebekah D t- v foi t M s n n s v

the 6 .30 tra i M in n s v il lo

AU an tic ip a t

* H f T f . u r —O n a c c o m

lu i ty o f th e lhg an noun < until S u n d a y

B e

R b h c j

Presont — H o ld e n , H a n

TIpham tn d Beach asd D

The r e co r d

and ap p to v e t REF

' f t t l t s c hrepo rt, a ta tin BoirdfW jth r> had b e e n o a r cured th o se n o t C linton, aa •fifi t h a t he b p u t w e e k ; t l d iffe ren t dcpa for o i Hiss A rsenal At. Se; th e A Senior < been m ade a s i o f th e B oard , aa tia lac to ijly .

'T h e '.Fiftadc am o u n t cn ha: fo llo w s:T c to h e rs ' Fun: C im tirigent, '* R vpair “ F uel < “ L ib rary 1 ••


F inance Coto( b lll i to r foache

teciitnmevjried t ,$ a : ‘a

& m r atocAinht288 25 ; also c 8 . B . H a r i , C

Committee, f fuel, & c ,

W m . G . WOUai btpaemvutq,

D aniel F r in k , c H a rb o tt 'e & H«, H . 0. Eam cs, v Jo sep h Zeht, w : T . 8 . G raves, r e B aki r & U ln t te : H . & E . F . 0oo | O ytenua L easu r

A ll O f w h ic h ,

ro te ,MItOEL

T h e m a t t e r o

No. 17 w a a r e f e :

m it t o e a n d O teri

O n m o t i o n o f

t h o L l t e r a t u r o F

were directed t o. .

M r , W i l l ia m *

A - .i

3’’itBSBqSt ortaiir"


''ii-\ ■ ‘5'a-