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Preliminary Coursework

When looking back at my

preliminary task, I definitely

feel as though I have

improved dramatically. When

I first started using Photoshop,

I found it fairly difficult.

However, as time progressed,

so did my Photoshop skills.

Towards the end of the

magazine construction

process, I was able to

improve, add or change

parts of my front cover,

contents page or DPS with out much difficulty at all.

Overall, I believe the planning and research that

I conducted was my biggest achievement as I

put a lot of effort and detail in it, which helped

me create a professional looking magazine.

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When looking at my preliminary task, I see that it looks a lot less professional

than my coursework magazine does. The picture is edited, but badly, and it’s

not a big enough picture. The other pictures are randomly placed as well as

looking out of place. There is only one coverline, with an unprofessional

looking text. The masthead looks plain to say the least, on my preliminary task,

I haven’t used any features or conventions.

However, my coursework front cover looks a lot more professional.

Immediately I notice the picture which looks a lot more professional, and it is

also well edited. The coverlines have been added with a lot more care and

attention to detail, as well as adding effects to them to give a more

professional look. Also, there is now an obvious colour scheme, again to give

a professional look. My masthead skills have also improved massively, as I

have now created a far more sophisticated looking masthead. I have also

used conventions such as a barcode and the date to add to the professional

aim. My preliminary task was conducted before I had started my research

and planning, so after I had gained a wider knowledge of magazines, my

ideas and Photoshop skills improved dramatically.

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Obvious improvements have also been made to my contents page. I have

definitely improved dramatically since my preliminary task. I have gained a

lot more confidence with my Photoshop.

Quite simply, my preliminary task looks absolutely awful next to my

coursework. It looks really plain, boring and dull. My coursework has a lot

more structure and planning to it. Things have been edited to a good

standard and I am really pleased with my final drafts of my coursework.