7HOOXULXP 4 WHFKQLFDO VSHFLILFDWLRQV DUH PLVVLQJ · 2017-03-30 · :h duh qrw fodlplqj wr kdyh irxqg wkh kro\ judlo lq fdeohv zh duh mxvw vd\lqj wkdw zh duh irfxvlqj rq wkh sureohp

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Page 1: 7HOOXULXP 4 WHFKQLFDO VSHFLILFDWLRQV DUH PLVVLQJ · 2017-03-30 · :h duh qrw fodlplqj wr kdyh irxqg wkh kro\ judlo lq fdeohv zh duh mxvw vd\lqj wkdw zh duh irfxvlqj rq wkh sureohp

+44 (0)1458 251 997facebook.com/telluriumqtelluriumq.com

We were talking with our new North American distributor and he was asking about how and why our cables were so different to anything he had heard before. It had to be said that the discussion became almost heated as he insisted that customers and reviewers will want to know how the cables work as they do. I said that giving the technical specifications would actually cause the customer a problem because they could only then calibrate that information to what they had already heard but our approach was radically different.

WeWe are not talking about something new to science because what we do is firmly based in current science, it is just that our focus is different and that gives a new result. This is what I told the distributor way back then:

1. Because the cables have been designed from scratch with a different starting point (we believe) the numbers won’t help understand what they may sound like. You actually have to listen to them in a system you are familiar with to really get what they do. The difference is not in any way a minor change. 2. Why should we hand over all the hard work in R&D to our competitors?

3.3. Tellurium Q® cables do not function like any cable people have heard before so even if we did publish the technical specifications people would only be able to calibrate the information to what they have encountered already and then erroneously pigeon hole Tellurium Q®.

4. We are not claiming to have found the holy grail in cables we are just saying that we are focusing on the problem of the distortion of relative phase frequencies and in doing so have (we feel) produced and are producing some outstanding products which represent excellent value for their performance.

5.5. I guess that we are unusual in that we really do want people to listen to our cable against similarly priced products because we know that people will mostly choose Tellurium Q® once they have switched rapidly between products a few times and appreciate what the lack of distortion of relative phase relationships really means for their system.

I hope that you enjoy the performance of your system when you try out our cables.

Geoff MerriganDirector, Tellurium Q®

Image © Tellurium Q Ltd March 2015

Tellurium Q® technical specifications are missing!

Audio products designed to combat phase distortion