Elements De s ign Of Colby Keefe Advertisement & Website Analysis

8 Elements Of Design

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Page 1: 8 Elements Of Design



Colby Keefe

Advertisement &Website Analysis

Page 2: 8 Elements Of Design

Contents Line Shape




Page 3: 8 Elements Of Design

The product or service being advertised

Tritton Xbox 360 gaming head set

LINE is being used in the design to

X Create a mood ___Organize other elements on the page ___Create texture through illustration

The designer used a sires of white wispy strokes forming a radial shape that ex-tends of the page top right and renters bottom left. The he or she used it to in this way to create a mood or feeling. The line is also used to create motion.

The designer uses line to create a modern/advanced/clean feeling for the adver-tisement that suggests Tritton is the most advanced, or that Tritton is clean and fu-turistic. It also makes a clean sharp round silver shape matching the main modern teem of Xbox 360 and their logo. Xbox also uses a similar line pattern in their corpo-rate identity but it is green instead of white.

The use of line draws the audience’s eye to the image of the triton head set and the copy in the top left. It also separates the main “Graphic“ from the copyrights and licenses. The impact the line has on the audience is very subtle it’s not a big im-pacting/ bold line, but it is a very dynamic and flows very well with the modern gam-ing style.

The use of line makes the audience feel like people would be impressed if they had a Tritton gaming set that it is the top of the line it makes them look “ COOL ”

With a single stroke of a pencil (or a computer mouse) you can call this element into play. You can then manipulate the mood of your design or organize your page, depending on the kind of line you’ve drawn and its placement in your format.

Line also helps get across the concept of the headphones being wireless.

The effectiveness of the use of LINE in this design.

The use of line was intended to make the product look cool and lead the audience through the page and I feel that it dose this successfully

The primary audience of the advertise-ment The primary audience for this ad would be the profes-sional gamer. Some one who is well of and can afford a profes-sional headset. It is not directed toward any specific gender


Page 4: 8 Elements Of Design

The product or service being advertised Flank Steak

SHAPE is being used in the design in the Following way(s):

___Photos and illustrations are creating shape through the actual shape and content of the art.

___Line or a line illustration is creating the pre-dominant shape

___Type is creating the predominant shape

X Shaded or colored areas are creating the pre-dominant shape

___Shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest.

X Shape is organizing the page

X Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept

___Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design

The designer used shape to make a “sign” com-ing out of the steak being advertised. It is a green rectangle with a “post” going down in to the meat making the tag line “ YOU GOTTA LOVE FLANK STEAK” seem as though it is on a small billboard or a label.

Shape is another element that can be used alone or in con-junction with line and type to help communicate the concept of a design. Shape can be defined as any element that’s used to give or determine form. Shape can exist as a design element all by itself, without the aid of line or type. Most flags are designed with nothing but shapes. Even if you remove the color from the American flag, the design survives intact. Likewise, many fabric patterns are the result of designing with shapes; they effectively convey a style or mood, usually without the benefit of type. When shapes contain pictorial information in the form of decorative illustration, such as floral patterns or other subject matter, additional interest is added.

The intent of the shape was to make a clever way to display the type on the page. In stead of taking a picture of the same plate of steak with a sign in it saying “YOU GOTTA LOVE FLANK STEAK” the designer chose to make a shape that wasn’t as detailed but still got the point across that way the effectiveness of the type wasn’t decreased. It was a very good use of shape and made the plate feel as though it had a modern theme where as if it was a sine coming out of the meat it wouldn’t seem as clean or sharp

The use of shape was very strong and im-pacted the audience in a powerful way it is a large block of color and draws attention to the words.

The effectiveness of the use of SHAPE in this design.

The use of shape in this advertisement is used very successfully it successfully draws the attention to the words and also conveys the idea of a sign. It also interacts with the picture too and it continues to ad to the effectiveness of the advertisement

Shape The primary audience of the advertise-ment or website.

The primary audience is any one. Any one who wants food is going to be drawn toward this ad. Maybe am mother or father trying to figure out what they want for dinner.

Page 5: 8 Elements Of Design

The name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website? Apple.com

TEXTURE is being used in the design to X Create a particular mood or feeling X Fill individual shapes or areas X Reinforce or support the concept of the design

The designer for the apple home page used a smooth texture and other aspects of design to evoke the feeling of texture. The glossy texture is seen in almost all of apples products. The home page of the apple web site is simple and white giving it a clean sleek feel. The main colors are white shades of gray and black. These colors give the feeling of metal and glass adding to the

Texture can be defined as an object's visual or tactile surface characteristics and appearance, or as something composed of closely interwoven elements (such as a woven cloth). In graphic design, texture is most often used as a secondary element to reinforce an idea, rather than a primary ele-ment to communicate a concept. However, it is a powerful addition to your design because it can add depth and interest to an ordinary flat design. Especially in the world of computer design where the effort to design a usable interface often leads to flat color or white backgrounds, the skillful use of texture can add a new dimension to your design.

modern or “ADVANCED” feel to the page layout.

The top menu bar is a shade of gray with a sharp highlight and shadow giving it a glossy look to it, making you feel as though it is shiny and new/clean. The font choice is a thin San serif font also gives it a more modern cold/crisp feel. The emptiness of the page layout helps ad to the smooth texture.

The designer used the modernistic shiny/high gloss feel to convey technology. The audience feels as though would be getting the most ad-vanced piece of equipment if they bought an apple product.

The designer used the image of the i-Phone 5, but not a strait on view, it is more angled allow-ing the lighting to create a reflection; make the

image more Dynamic through the shiny glass texture of the screen, compared to if they used a frontal view and there was no reflection or texture on it.

Over all the designer used a lack of texture cou-pled with a high contrasting shadow and highlight to make it look glassy high tech and advanced, I believe he or she has done this very well and the use of texture definitely adds to the effectiveness of this layout.

The effectiveness of the use of TEXTURE in this design. The use of texture adds to this page layout be-cause it follows apples corporate identity and gives the brand unity and reinforces there “Were the best” mentality.

The primary audience of the advertisement The primary audience for this web sit is people who want to be on the cutting edge of technology, age 15+


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The name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website dcshoes.com

BALANCE is being used in the design in the following way ___To create a mood. ___Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message X Asymmetrical balance is reinforcing design ___To create visual tension by being Obviously unbalanced.

The designer used balance to cleverly and artistically display the product and graphics on the page. The page as a whole has approxi-

Imagine yourself sitting at one end of a teeter-totter at your local park: you with the seat you occupy on the ground and the seat across from

you empty and lifted off the ground. What kind of weight is required in the opposite seat to balance your weight evenly across the beam? The

logical answer—and probably the first one that springs to mind—is that a person of equal size to you would properly balance your weight. However, that’s not your only possibility; for

instance, couldn’t two persons, if each weighed half your weight, likewise balance you if they both were to sit at the other end of the teeter-totter?

mate symmetry.

The designer uses pictures of different sizes to balance each other; there is a section with a motion capture sequence using a small row of picture’s, under is a row of pictures that is four times the size of the first row then a third row of pictures slightly smaller than the first. If you took the picture in the first row and the pictures in the bottom row of this section and compared them to the center row the smaller pictures would almost fill the larger ones thus the “weight” of photos would equal out.

There is another “SECTION” that consists of an image if of Felipe Gustavo and a small amount of copy. These two completely different elements still balance each other out. Even though there is

type and a picture the visual attraction of both the type and the picture are equal and the section as a whole is balanced.

There is another section that is land-scape mid way through the page and is con-sisted of three black and white pictures all the same size. The picture in the middle is darker than the too liter ones on the side. The de-signer used color value to balance the group of pictures Each section is balanced out by other sec-tions of the website. The section with the motion captures is balanced my the section with Felipe Gustavo and that group of is bal-anced by the landscape section of the three pictures. The sections throughout the page are almost all black and white; however there is a bottom row displaying “DC” products is in color. Even though the color banner is smaller than the rest of the page, the other “sections” balance the smaller banner. The size isn’t balanced but the color banner grabs your eye just as much as the entirety of the black and white ones. The designer uses the weight of color compared to black and white to bal-ance the page.

The effectiveness of the use of BALANCE in this designThe effectiveness of this website is greatly enhanced through the use of balance. The pages unity and cohesive feel comes from the excellent balance in the page layout.

The primary audience of the advertisement or websiteThe primary audience for this website is young adults, or any one who is interested in DC Products.

Page 7: 8 Elements Of Design

The product or service being advertised Sour Puss Clothing CONTRAST is being used in the design in the following way(s) ___To create a contradiction X Contrasting colors X Contrasting values ___Contrasting shapes ___Contrasting texture ___Contrasting typography

The designer used contrast through out the page to catch the attention of the audience as they flipped through the magazine. The use of contrast most evident in the colors chosen in the advertisement; the designer used bright white a vibrant red and black to create a very highly contrasted advertisement.

The backdrop to this picture is a light colored wall and has various interesting dark objects on it creating tension between the two elements in the photo. The photographer also dressed the model in a vibrant red dress with a bright white stripe, the dress also has a bold black bow on the chest. Theses three colors are used in such a way to make the dress (the main focal point of the ad) stand out and pop off the light wall be-hind her. The model her self is very “contrasty” she has over all very pail skin and dark black hair.

The main reason the designer chose to use contrast in this way to catch the readers eyed and to add to the edgy intense punk feel.

The designer used contrast to really lead the whole design the sour puss logo has a lot of

internal contrast, and it also is highly contrasted from the light wall

Over all the element of contrast is literally every-where in this advertisement and the designer used it as a driving force to draw in the observer and catch the eye of the audience.

The effectiveness of the use of CONTRAST in this design.

The use of contras in this advertisement is greatly contributing to the effectiveness of the advertisement. It is not only giving the who ad-vertisement and intense hard core feel

The primary audience of the advertisement.

The primary Audience or Sour Puss Clothing ac-tually listed on the bottom left hand corner and is as follows, Tattooed greasers, Zombie pinups, street punks and their babies.

Contrast is an especially important principle in graphic design, and a crucial tool to commu-nicate an idea. It is also one of the most effortless principles to put into action. As soon as you add any element to a blank page, no matter how subtle, you've used contrast.


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The name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website http://www.gatorade.com/#Home

UNITY is being used in the design to X Provide consistency X Unify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements) ___Lead the viewer’s eye through the design

The Gatorade website is very unified in there color scheme, attitude, layout and design. The designers that designed the lay out for Gatorade’s website repeated a very similar lay out. They kept the logo in the same place and had a side bar with there main elements in the middle. This was done to create a consistency so the user can navigate through the website with out becoming confused.

The designers behind designing the Gatorade websites had a very strong color scheme that they repeated through out the four main pag-es, they repeatedly used dark shadows and black contrasted with bright highlights. The majority of pages in the website are very dark and mostly black. The designers did this to make the design feel unified and dark heavy and intense. To further achieve this dark unity the colors chosen are all very saturated and vibrant colors that contrast against that heavy black making the tension between the colors very high. This gives the website a high-ener-

Unity is the underlying structure of a design. Think of a house: it begins with a foundation from which everything else is built. If your foundation is shaky or poorly constructed, nothing will sit solidly in the rooms above. Unity is important in a design to make everything feel as though it fits together. Repeating elements are also important in design campaigns containing multiple formats so that they in turn fit together. When a company commissions a print campaign or website, the intent is that the viewer should always recognize the identity or product being sold, whether it is a print advertisement or a website.


gy feel on every one of the pages, con-tinuing to bring the design together.

Over all the website as a whole displays very god unity in the repetition of the logo in various places, with the dark shadows and the heavy saturated colors, and also with the over all intense “edgy” mood. How ever the background of the “Prod-ucts” page doesn’t have the same tex-tured gray to black gradient as the “Ath-letes” and the “Programs” page, making the Products page feel different than the other two. Even though the products page is slightly different it dose not drastically effect the website as a whole and it was probably done intentionally to make there products stand out more than the rest of the web site.

The effectiveness of the use of UNITY in this design.

The effectiveness of the unity in this de-sign is over all very good and the idea and feeling is carried out through out the whole web site even though exact elements weren’t. The solid black of the products page doesn’t detract from the intense feel that unifies the pages, howev-er if I had designed these web site I would have kept the same back ground in all of my main pages, the first “Home” page is ok the way it is because it is separate from the other internal pages (it doesn’t

have a specific category such as products athletes or programs.)

The primary audience of the advertise-ment or website?

The primary audience for this website are Athletes. Gatorade has moved past just being a drink and hey now have a full regiment of produces designed to “ Prime Preform and Recover.” It is no longer just a drink to grab at a gas station they are driv-ing toward athletes, appealing to there want to do better.

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The product or service being advertised Tabasco hot sauce

COLOR is being used in the design in the follow-ing way(s) X Creates a mood or feeling ___Creates visual tension and movement X Provides unity and balance ___Provides structure and forms a grid in a design ___Provides a sense of order ___Creates harmony

The designer uses color in this advertisement to create the feeling or sensation, the designer also used color to create unity.

The advertisement is almost monochromatic making it feel whole; the whole thing has a wash of red. The advertisement consists of a radial red gradient with a model blowing smoke out of her mouth, as if it were burnt. Her skin has a warm feeling to it; it looks like she is in the sun and warm. The model has a heavy red blush mak-ing it look like she is hot from the Tabasco hot sauce; the model is wearing red dress adding to the idea of heat. Had she have been wearing a blue turtleneck the overall “warmth” of the ad-vertisement would be ineffective, it would be like a chug in the fluidity of the ad. She also has a red tattoo on her arm though it does not directly contribute to the “warm” idea it is a repetition red helping the advertisement feel complete. Her eyes also look edited to be more reddish brown to add to the wash of warm colors.

The color impacts the audience by playing on their senses the whole advertisement has a “hot” feeling and uses warm reds & browns.

The effectiveness of the use of COLOR in this design.

I think the use of color in this design was used to play on the audience’s senses and to give the advertisement unity, and I believe it does this very well. The designer uses several warm tones to create unity. And the concept behind the design benefited greatly from the use of these warm colors.

The primary audience of the advertisement or website.

The target audience for this advertise meant is the general public; anyone who enjoys spicy foods whether they be male female young old and of any race or religion. This advertisement has a very broad audience.

Color has the power to override value. Color defines the intent of a design, the feeling, and the structure. Warm colors can make the viewer feel a range of emotions from warm and fuzzy to tense to angry. Cool colors leave us feeling relaxed and calm. Viewers respond to color in part based on cultural and social influences, but color is very subjective and based on personal preference.Color

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The name of the company, organization or indi-vidual utilizing this website


VALUE is being used in the design in the follow-ing way(s)

X Creates a mood or feeling

X Creates contrast

X Creates movement and direction

In this web site the use of value is everywhere. The whole thing is very dark and has heavy with “rich” tones. The use of these dark shades of browns and grays blacks make the product feel as though it is worth a lot of money, like its high fashion but not all glitzy and bedazzled like high fashion typically is. The designer also uses off white, and cream tones to contras against the dark browns, the creams don’t detract from he over all effectiveness of the

design it just gives the whole website a less intense feel and a more welcoming presence. The use of the deep purple dark gray and black in the shoe on top of a dark mahogany background make the design feel modern enough to make the product new, but also traditional enough to keep it familiar and invit-ing (it is powerful and bold without driving the audience away.)

The designer used very dark shades to con-vey elegance in the simplicity of the design. They don’t have to use bright colors and flashy elements to get there idea across, they have stuck to a more formal approach rather than being “Loud” out going with the tones and values chosen for the design.

As a whole the website is lighter in the middle and darker on the edges. The designer used the value of the colors to drive the audiences eye in to the center focal point of the page.


The effectiveness of the use of VALUE in this design.

The use of value in this design was used to create a mood or feeling, and it doses this ex-cellently. The designer successfully portrayed a modern feel but still kept it traditional through the use of Dark mahoganies and light creams.

The primary audience of the advertisement or website?

The primary audience for this website is peo-ple with wealth. The tones and value make the product feel rich, and heavy. The main graphic of the woman’s shoe is actually a slide show and it shows men and woman’s shoes and children’s clothing, thus aiming it at wealthy families not just male’s females, adults or children.

Value is lightness or darkness of an object. Value exerts as a powerful influence on a design, creating mood, depth, and contrast.

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