DECEMBER 2017 U/ID 4031/TRB Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks Answer ALL questions. 1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in about 500 words : (20) (a) Road safety and prevention of road accidents. (b) Modern youth. 2. (a) Write a letter to the local MLA drawing his attention to the need for the opening of a secondary school for girls in your area. Or (b) Write a letter of condolence to your friend who had lost his father recently. (10) 3. Write a paraphrase of the following poem : (20) No sentence is so long as the waking moments of the night Every lunchtime butter garlic fries, the bays water the lawn. No elegy equals blood and glass. The bazaar girls spread their turquoise rings, their owls and their dolphins. No one’s earned the right. (8 pages)

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Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

Answer ALL questions.

1. Write an essay on any ONE of the following in about 500 words : (20)

(a) Road safety and prevention of road accidents.

(b) Modern youth.

2. (a) Write a letter to the local MLA drawing his attention to the need for the opening of a secondary school for girls in your area.


(b) Write a letter of condolence to your friend who had lost his father recently. (10)

3. Write a paraphrase of the following poem : (20)

No sentence is so long as the waking moments of the night

Every lunchtime butter garlic fries, the bays water

the lawn. No elegy equals blood and glass.

The bazaar girls spread their turquoise rings, their owls

and their dolphins. No one’s earned the right.

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I watch a butterfly swing by the frangipani

No human is just human. Even the mosquitoes

Here dream as they bite. We discuss where

To go for dinner. No memory sheathes its object tight

The sun drops low then fades out, the lanterns sway

No one can say-now, the banana flower, the gin on ice

No joy is without gaudiness, no murderer lacks a name

I dream my mother’s missing. Nothing could make time

go by without newspapers and screams

and yet I can always find a way to say:

I mourn for it because it used to be my life.

4. Read the following passage given below and answer the questions: (10 1 = 10)

Garlic is the most common flavouring bulb. Garlic has been used in various preparations like vegetarian and non-vegetarian curries, various chutneys, pickles, tomato ketchup and Sance.

Garlic syrup taken with fenugreek decoction, once in the evening and at bedtime is effective in reducing the severity of asthmatic attacks. A

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string of garlic prepared from fresh garlic cloves is put around the neck of a child suffering from cold. Garlic is a boon for patients with diseases like gout and rheumatism. These patients should take garlic boiled in Milk at bed time. In cases of weak eyesight and brain anaemia, fresh raw garlic juice is given internally.

(a) Which is the most common flavouring bulb? (i) pepper

(ii) garlic

(iii) chilly

(iv) ginger

(b) Garlic-Fenugreek decoction reduces (i) rheumatism

(ii) asthmatic attacks

(iii) heart problem

(c) Garlic-Fenugreek decoction should be taken at/in

(i) bed-time

(ii) noon

(iii) evening and at bed time.

(d) With what is a string of garlic prepared?

(i) Fresh garlic cloves

(ii) Garlic paste

(iii) Dried garlic peals.

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(e) For what is a string of garlic used?

(i) For cold

(ii) For fever

(iii) For allergies.

(f) Where is the string of garlic worn?

(i) Around the neck

(ii) In the wrist

(iii) In the ankle.

(g) For which patients is garlic a boon?

(i) For gout and rheumatism

(ii) For cold an cough

(iii) For mumps and dengue.

(h) How should gout-patients take garlic?

(i) Boiled in milk

(ii) Boiled in water

(iii) Apply it as a poultice.

(i) For what is fresh garlic juice given internally?

(i) Weak eyesight

(ii) Weak hearing

(iii) Nervous break down.

(j) Give a suitable title for the passage.


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5. Use any TEN of the following expressions and idioms in ten sentences of your own: (10 1 = 10)

(a) apple-pie order

(b) bad blood

(c) a big shot

(d) crocodile tears

(e) flying visit

(f) laughing stock

(g) raw deal

(h) tall talk

(i) brain wave

(j) storm in a tea cup

(k) blue blood

(l) teething troubles.

6. Correct the following sentences : (5 1 = 5)

(a) No one are there to connect me.

(b) How much apples are in the basket?

(c) I are very tired today.

(d) She stood besides the door.

(e) Either my brother or my sisters is coming.

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7. You have received an award for your latest film and you are being interviewed. Make a list of five questions asked by the inter viewers and your answer. (10)

8. Answer the general knowledge questions given below : (15)

(a) Expand the following :


(ii) UGC.

(b) The tempest is a play by

(i) Milton

(ii) Shakespeare

(iii) Ben Jonson.

(c) Deficiency of vitamin A causes

(i) Beriberi

(ii) Scurvy

(iii) Night Blindness.

(d) –––––––– is the science of insects

(i) Physiology

(ii) Entomology

(iii) Insectology.

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(e) –––––––– temple is for Zoroastrians (i) Water (ii) Sun (iii) Fire

(f) The name of Hitler’s party was –––––––– party

(i) Nazi (ii) Republic (iii) Democratic

(g) –––––––– causes filaria (i) Earthworm (ii) Mosquito (iii) Fly

(h) The –––––––– layer restricts uv radiation

(i) Radar (ii) Ozone (iii) Mesosphere

(i) –––––––– measures ocean depth

(i) Barometre (ii) Thermometre (iii) Fathomometre

(j) –––––––– cup is associated with football

(i) Durand (ii) Runners (iii) Sydney

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(k) ‘‘A thing of beauty is a joy for ever’’ was said by

(i) Wordsworth

(ii) Keats

(iii) Shakespeare

(l) Jaspal Rana is associated with –––––––––––.

(i) Swimming

(ii) Weight lifting

(iii) Shooting

(m) P.V. Sindhu is a ––––––––––––– player.

(i) Badminton

(ii) Football

(iii) Hockey

(n) ––––––––––––– is the unit of energy.

(i) Joule

(ii) Celsius

(iii) Kelvin

(o) ––––––––––––– is the currency of Thailand.

(i) Dollar

(ii) Baht

(iii) Rupee.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 1 = 40 marks)

Choose the right answer and fill in the blanks.

1. Bacon provided a ——————— model for the English Essay.

(a) Scientific (b) Working (c) Rich

2. Bacon’s second edition contains ——————— essays.

(a) 58 (b) 38 (c) 10

3. Like Machiavelli, Bacon views life very much as a question of ———————.

(a) fortunes (b) misfortunes (c) existence

4. The basis of Bacon’s style remains aphoristic and ———————.

(a) epigrammatic (b) argumentative (c) expository

5. Pluto was the ruler of the ——————— regions in the Roman mythology.

(a) Western (b) Eastern (c) Infernal

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6. Sibilla offered ten books to ——————— a Roman King for a fixed sum.

(a) Pompey (b) Edmund (c) Tarquin

7. Face is said to be ——————— of the mind.

(a) Index (b) Beauty (c) Everything

8. Bacon does not want the cunning men to be called ——————— men.

(a) brave (b) wise (c) coward

9. ——————— is a Jewish prophet living in exile from Judae.

(a) Narcissus (b) Messalina (c) Nehemiah

10. In the process of working for itself the ant causes ——————— to the crops.

(a) growth (b) damage (c) no change

11. ——————— is a Roman statesman, orator and writer.

(a) Cicero (b) Pompey (c) Julius Caesar

12. Every medicine is ———————, a kind of a remedy.

(a) Innovation (b) Invention (c) Energetic

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13. The Spaniards and the ——————— are noted

for small dispatch.

(a) Platos (b) Spartans (c) Sinners

14. Julius Caesar was intimate with ———————

and named him in his will.

(a) Sylla (b) Agrippa (c) Decimus

15. According to ———————, those that have no

friends to share their secrets with are like


(a) Pythagoras (b) Socrates (c) Plato

16. ——————— is a Roman emperor known for his

moral standards.

(a) Aurelius (b) Pythagoras (c) Trojan

17. People overlaid with taxes can never be valiant

and ———————.

(a) Martial (b) Courageous (c) Strong

18. The first part of the Gospel describes Jesus’

activity in ———————.

(a) Jerusalem (b) Galilee (c) Capernaum

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19. Jesus chooses ——————— men to be constantly

with him.

(a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 2

20. John the Baptist protests against Herod’s

marriage with ———————.

(a) Herodias (b) Capernaum (c) Hosanna

21. Zechariah is an Old Testament ———————.

(a) Reviewer (b) Prophet (c) Writer

22. The Sonnets of Wyatt are imitations of

——————— sonnets.

(a) Patrarchan (b) Shakespearean (c) Elizabethan

23. An octave consists of ——————— lines.

(a) 6 (b) 10 (c) 8

24. Cupid is the God of ———————.

(a) war (b) wine (c) love

25. A Shakespearean sonnet differs from a

Petrarchan sonnet in its ———————.

(a) structure (b) length (c) theme


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26. ‘Pastor’ is a Latin word which means a ———————.

(a) sand (b) shepherd (c) king

27. ——————— is the goddess of chastity and virginity.

(a) Diana (b) Venus (c) Sylvia

28. Charles Lamb called Spenser ———————.

(a) a Genius (b) a Poet’s Poet (c) Prince

29. Shakespeare wrote ——————— sonnets.

(a) 37 (b) 150 (c) 154

30. The aim of the sun in ‘The Sunne Rising’ is to ——————— the lovers.

(a) part (b) unite (c) kill

31. ‘Come My Celia’ is an extract from Ben Jonson’s play, ———————.

(a) Alchemist (b) Everyman in His Humour (c) Volpone

32. In the classical mythology, Actaeon was a ———————.

(a) hunter (b) poet (c) lover

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33. Marlowe is the originator of the ———————.

(a) Romantic tragedy (b) Romantic comedy

(c) Romantic plays

34. ——————— may be called the true child of


(a) Christopher Marlowe (b) Ben Jonson

(c) Shakespeare

35. Dr. Faustus is the very embodiment of human

aspiration and human ———————.

(a) weakness (b) strength (c) popularity

36. Dr. Faustus was a scholar at ———————


(a) Cambridge (b) Ohio (c) Wittenberg

37. ——————— is the faithful wife of Ulysses.

(a) Hecate (b) Penelope (c) Simile

38. Transmigration of souls from one body to another

during death is called ———————.

(a) metempsychosis (b) metanymy (c) degeneration

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39. A medieval medical theory believed that the human body was made up of ——————— fluids.

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 4

40. ——————— offers an exciting chance for Brainworn to practise his trade on.

(a) Bobadill (b) Brainwell (c) Kitely

PART B — (5 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following.

41. Describe how cunning men operate in order to deceive others.

42. What are the three fruits of friendship that Bacon highlights?

43. Give a brief summary of Jesus’ Galilean ministry.

44. How does Drayton establish Sylvia’s beauty and grace?

45. Comment on how the atmosphere evoked lends validity to Buckingham’s advice.

46. Describe Faustus’ first meeting with Mephistopheles.

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47. Give a brief sketch of the seven deadly sins.

48. Discuss the naming of the characters in Everyman in His Humour.

PART C — (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

49. Comment on the methods to maintain a healthy relationship between doctors and patients.

50. Assess Spenser and Shakespeare as sonneteers with reference to the prescribed poems.

51. Discuss the character of Faustus.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 × 1 = 40 marks)

Answer the following questions.

Choose the correct answer :

1. Dr. Johnson published a periodical called


(a) The Wanderer (b) The Traveller (c) The


2. Milton sought to justify –––––––––.

(a) the ways of Satan to man (b) the ways of God to

man (c) the ways of man of God

3. Dr. Johnson defines poetry as –––––––––.

(a) uniting pleasure with truth (b) uniting

pleasure with fiction (c) uniting truth with fiction

4. Dr. Johnson follows the French critic –––––––––.

(a) Bossu (b) Aristotle (c) Plato

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5. When in town, Roger lives in –––––––––?

(a) Traffalgar Square (b) Nelson Square (c) Soho


6. The age of Roger is –––––––––.

(a) 46 Years (b) 56 Years (c) 66 Years

7. The spectator was –––––––––.

(a) a periodical (b) a book (c) a magazine

8. The Man in Black and Altangi met ––––––––


(a) five (b) four (c) three

9. The first beggar was an old –––––––––.

(a) man (b) woman (c) grandmother

10. The sailor had lost one of his ––––––––– in the war.

(a) hands (b) legs (c) head

11. Who said, “I lived in a world of contemplation and

not of action”?

(a) Hazlitt (b) Bacon (c) Lamb

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12. Which among the following is not the work by Hazlitt?

(a) The Spirit of the Age (b) The Round Table (c) Essays of Elia

13. “On Going a Journey” was published in the year –––––––––.

(a) 1798 (b) 1822 (c) 1800

14. “On Going a Journey” was included in Hazlitt’s collection –––––––––.

(a) Table-talk (b) the spirit of the age (c) the Round-Table

15. Whenever Lamb visited a great house his second enquiry would be about –––––––––.

(a) China cups (b) picture gallery (c) kitchen

16. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was the son of –––––––––.

(a) Mayor (b) Doctor (c) Schoolmaster-parson

17. It is Coleridge’s ––––––––– who took deep interest in his education.

(a) father (b) mother (c) brother

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18. ––––––––– is the only long poem that Coleridge completed.

(a) The Ancient Mariner (b) Kubla khan (c) Christabel

19. Gray was buried in the churchyard of –––––––––.

(a) Richard Square (b) Stoke Poges (c) Eden Park

20. Among them lying buried, some might have the genius of a great poet like –––––––––.

(a) Keats (b) Pope (c) Milton

21. The meaning of ‘burning bright’ in tiger body is –––––––––.

(a) flame (b) water (c) cool

22. Blake explains the fearful symmetry of –––––––––.

(a) Lion (b) Elephant (c) Tiger

23. What is the fire referred in the poem The Tyger’?

(a) sun shine (b) power of the leg (c) abnormal brightness of the tiger’s eye

24. In the poem ‘The Tyger’ stars stand for –––––––––.

(a) King (b) Angels (c) Queen


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25. The Wild west wind acts as a ––––––––– to the seeds and takes them to their gloomy chill resting place.

(a) chariot (b) birds (c) flee

26. The West wind is the breath of –––––––––.

(a) autumn’s being (b) spring’s being (c) summers being.

27. Maenad was in ancient Greece –––––––––.

(a) a wind (b) the sea (c) a female Notary

28. The King of Xanadu was –––––––––.

(a) Kublakhan (b) Keats (c) Shelley

29. The Abssiniam maid sang on –––––––––.

(a) Mount Philips (b) Mount Everest (c) Mound pelican.

30. The river Alph ran for about –––––––––.

(a) four miles (b) five miles (c) six miles

31. Keats seek the help of wine to transport to the world of –––––––––.

(a) the Nightingale (b) the lark (c) his friends

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32. Lethe is a river of –––––––––.

(a) wisdom (b) imagination (c) forgetfulness.

33. Country-green’ means –––––––––.

(a) village (b) meadows of the village (c) plants

34. What is Charles and Joseph’s last name?

(a) Sneerwell (b) Crabtree (c)Surface

35. Whom does Maria love?

(a) Sir Peter (b) Charles (c) Joseph

36. How many acts are there in “The School for Scandal”?

(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5

37. What is the subject of the book Jane is reading at the beginning of the novel?

(a) Birds (b) Fish (c) Fairies and knights

38. Who wears the disguise of a gypsy woman?

(a) Blanche Ingram (b) Rochester (c) Lady Ingram

39. The streets of the Celestial City are paved with

(a) silver (b) gold (c) diamonds

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40. Just before arriving in the Celestial City.

Christian nearly dies in –––––––––.

(a) a river (b) a desert (c) the mountains

PART B — (5 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following, not exceeding

200 words each.

41. Sketch the character of Sir Anderw Freeport.

42. Comment on the Man in Black’s attack on beggars.

43. Write a short note on Milton’s Invocation.

44. Attempt a character sketch of Mac Flecknoe

45. Describe the pleasure palace in Xanadu

46. Critically evaluate the toilet scene of Belinda in

The Rape of the Lock.

47. Describe Sir Peter Teazle’s married life.

48. Describe the Vanity Fair episode in the Pilgrim


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PART C — (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following, not exceeding 500 words each.

49. Summarise Johnson’s views about the defects of Paradise Lost.

50. Evaluate Wordsworth’s treatment of human nature as reflected in “Ode on the Intimations of Immortality”.

51. Explain how the novel Jane Eyre describes the contemporary education System.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 1 = 40 marks)

Answer the following questions.

Choose the correct answer:

1. The Grammarian’s Funeral is by ——————

(a) grammarian (b) Tennyson (c) Browning

2. The Grammarian’s Funeral is ——————

(a) a lyric (b) an ode (c) a dramatic monologue

3. The Grammarian’s Funeral belongs to the period of ——————

(a) the Renaissance (b) Queen Elizabeth (c) Queen Victoria

4. The burial ground of the grammarian is haunted by ——————

(a) eagles (b) swallows (c) owls

5. Which university did Tennyson attend as an undergraduate?

(a) Oxford (b) Cambridge (c) Harvard

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6. Which is the following poem a choric song?

(a) In Memoriam (b) Mariana (c) The Lotos-Eaters

7. What was the name of Arnold’s first book of Poetry?

(a) The Scholar Gipsy (b) new poems (c) The Strayed Reveler

8. The Scholar-Gipsy is ——————

(a) former Oxford student (b) a native born gipsy (c) Matthew Arnold’s friend

9. Distance of Andromeda from Milky Way galaxy is

(a) 2.5 million light years (b) 3.5 million light years (c) 4.5 million light years

10. D.G. Rossetti became ——————

(a) an addict (b) an excellent musician (c) a dramatist

11. The lover has ——————

(a) forgotten the damozel (b) has expired (c) not forgotten the damozel.

12. The blessed damozel wears on her head ——————

(a) lilies (b) stars (c) white rose

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13. The five handmaidens of Virgin Mary are compared to ——————

(a) five symphonies (b) Cecily (c) lilies

14. Christ is adored by ——————

(a) little children (b) angels (c) nature

15. At the end of the poem, the damozel ——————

(a) meets her lover (b) dies (c) is not re-united with her lover

16. Jehane is —————— woman

(a) French (b) American (c) German

17. Which christina rossetti poem features the line “Or you may guess”?

(a) Winter: My Secret (b) A Birthday (c) Goblin market

18. In the poem the Hound of heaven god is represented as ——————

(a) Relentless pursuer (b) Rude fellow (c) Stingy person

19. Who is the author of Lady Windermere’s Fan?

(a) Milton (b) Keats (c) Oscar wilde

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20. For what occasion is Lady Windermere throwing a party?

(a) Her birthday (b) her child’s first birthday (c) her husband’s birthday

21. What male character visits lady windermere on the day of the party?

(a) Lord Augustus (b) Lord Darlington (c) Tuppy

22. Who tells Lady Windermere about her husband’s potential infidelity?

(a) Lord windermere (b) Lord darlington (c) Duchess of Berwick

23. What is the name of the Duchess of Berwick’s daughter?

(a) Agatha (b) Erlynne (c) Madeline

24. Which character is nicknamed ‘Tuppy’?

(a) Lord Windermere (b) Cecil graham (c) Lord Augustus

25. Mr. Jarvis was ——————

(a) an army officer (b) an employee of school (c) an employee of Tellson’s bank


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26. Dr. Manette was imprisoned in the prison of Bastille for ——————

(a) Twenty years (b) Eighteen years (c) Nineteen years

27. A child had been run over and killed by the carriage of ——————

(a) Marquis (b) Monsieur (c) Sydney Carton

28. What symbol does Dickens use to foretell the bloodshed of the French Revolution?

(a) the dover mail coach (b) the broken wine cask (c) Tellson’s bank

29. To which animal does Dickens compare Sydney Carton?

(a) A jackal (b) A lion (c) A weasel

30. A Tale of Two Cities was published in weekly installments from April to November of what year?

(a) 1845 (b) 1859 (c) 1879

31. Who does Miss Pross believe is the ideal suitor for Lucie Manette?

(a) Sydney Carton (b) Charles Darnay (c) her brother, Solomon

32. What is Adam Bede’s profession?

(a) Teacher (b) Carpenter (c) Farmer

33. What religion is Dinah morris?

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(a) Methodist (b) Catholic (c) Anglican

34. Where does Dinah Morris live for the majority of the novel?

(a) Hayslope (b) Hall Farm (c) Snowfield

35. Which of the following is not a reason Hetty goes to Windsor?

(a) to find Captain Donnithorne (b) to invite Dinah to her wedding (c) because she is pregnant

36. Whom does Adam marry?

(a) Dinah Morris (b) Hetty Sorrel (c) Lisbeth Bede

37. Who stays with Adam during the trial?

(a) his mother (b) seth (c) Bartle Massey

38. What is the outcome of Hetty’s trial?

(a) she is acquitted (b) there is a hung jury (c) she is convicted and sentenced to die

39. What food do the men consider too smelly?

(a) cheese (b) herring (c) eggs

40. Which train takes the men to the Thames?

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(a) the Southampton express (b) the Kingston train (c) the Windsor train.

PART B — (5 × 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following, not exceeding 200 words each.

41. Summarize Ruskin’s views on the books of all time.

42. Discuss Scholar Gipsy’s attitude to life.

43. Examine how God is represented as a ‘relentless pursuer’ in the poem “The Hound of Heaven”.

44. Describe the beautiful music that the mariners hear in the land of the Lotos Eaters.

45. How does Jerome portray women?

46. Explain the element of humour in A Tale of Two Cities.

47. Write the importance of the opening scene in Oscar Wilde’s Lady Winderemere’s Fan.

48. Attempt the character sketch of Adam Bede.

PART C — (2 × 20 = 40 marks)

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Answer any TWO of the following, not exceeding 500 words each.

49. Describe the beauty of “The Blessed” Damozel.

50. Write an essay on the presentation of reality and fantasy in A Tale of Two Cities.

51. Critically analyse the G.M. Hopkins poem “Andromeda”.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 × 1 = 40 marks)

Answer the following qu6estions.

Choose the correct answer from those given under each:

1. Forster attaches greater importance to ––––––––––––––– than business relationship.

(a) science

(b) medicine

(c) personal relationship

2. Forster holds strong faith in __________ as it allows freedom of expression.

(a) religion (b) monairchy

(c) democracy

3. ––––––––––– pointed out that the sun was the centre of the universe and the earth and other planets revolve around it.

(a) Newton (b) Copernicus

(c) Darwin

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4. ––––––––––– a Greek mathematician proclaimed some five centuries before Christ that the earth was of a globular shape.

(a) Galileo (b) Pythagoras

(c) Plato

5. ––––––––––– is the social and ethical problem created by the institutions of apartheid.

(a) faith (b) caste

(c) power

6. ––––––––––– gift that makes man human is still alive in Indian souls.

(a) The non-violence (b) the spiritual

(c) Technology.

7. The first characteristic of the scientific stand point is to be truthful and –––––––––––.

(a) partial (b) impartial

(c) faithful

8. ––––––––––– are silent killers and spread diseases to mankind.

(a) Typhoid (b) Drugs

(c) Microbes

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9. The first thing that G.K. Chesterton takes out consists of piles and heaps of –––––––––––.

(a) books (b) journals

(c) tram tickets

10. According to G.K. Chesterton __________ is the oldest of the needs of man.

(a) eye (b) food

(c) tongue

11. The two speakers in hell mourn over the ––––––––––– years on the earth and they once had similar hopes.

(a) past (b) undone

(c) spent

12. The speaker recognizes ––––––––––– with the dead smile and dead soldiers lying in the hell.

(a) heaven (b) hell

(c) life

13. Markievicz, Patrick pears, Thomas Mac Donagh and ___________ were rebels who sacrificed their lives for the sake of their country.

(a) Yeats (b) Owen

(c) Mac Bride

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14. ––––––––––– was a writer, poet and the founder of St.Edna’s School.

(a) Gilbert (b) Patrick Pearse

(c) George

15. Prufrock goes out in the evening and through the fog the streets look like –––––––––––.

(a) vanity fair (b) arguments

(c) heaven

16. In the restaurant women were moving and talking of_________ and about Renaissance art.

(a) Darwin (b) Galileo

(c) Michael Angelo

17. Yellow Fog is imagined as an ––––––––––– who moves very slowly.

(a) Eagle (b) eve

(c) animal

18. The citizen who is concerned with the problem of modern life is called –––––––––––.

(a) patriot (b) socialist

(c) unknown citizen

U/ID 31513/UCRD 5

19. The unknown citizen has never –––––––––––.

(a) praised (b) bothered

(c) complained

20. Walter de la Mare is a poet of –––––––––––.

(a) nature (b) magic

(c) realit

21. “That goes down to the empty hall”. This line occurs in the poem –––––––––––––.

(a) Ode to Autmn (b) The Great Lover

(c) The Listeners

22. ––––––––––– steals down on life silently in the end.

(a) Death (b) Love

(c) Anger

23. “Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew / And I was unaware”. Who speaks these lines?

(a) Thomas Hardy (b) T.S. Eliot

(c) W.B. Yeats

U/ID 31513/UCRD 6

24. Hardy acknowledged the possibility of ––––––––––– in the world of death.

(a) dream (b) hope

(c) life

25. ––––––––––– is another Welsh character of R.S. Thomas.

(a) Ted Hughes (b) David

(c) Keats

26. Welsh peasants oppose Thomas when he visits them in their ___________ and difficulties.

(a) houses (b) joy

(c) fields

27. The title of the poem “The Next, Please” was taken from Shakespeare’s –––––––––––.

(a) Macbeth (b) King Lear

(c) Hamlet

28. The ––––––––––– symbolizes the slow-movement of life in the poem “The Next, Please”.

(a) death (b) ship

(c) water

U/ID 31513/UCRD 7

29. “He" referred to ––––––––––– in the poem ‘Hawk Roosting’.

(a) Hughes (b) Thomas

(c) hawk

30. The ––––––––––– says that he will kill, the world will be his prey and himself the master and killer as master-killer.

(a) man (b) killer

(c) hawk

31. "The Admirable Crichton by Barrie is an effective social and political –––––––––––.

(a) farce (b) humour

(c) satire

32. At the end of the play, Crichton decides to ––––––––––– Lord Loam’s service.

(a) accept (b) quit

(c) receive

33. Vladimir remarks that if__________ does not come to save them, they can hang themselves.

(a) Putin (b) Pozzo

(c) Godot

U/ID 31513/UCRD 8

34. Godot himself is –––––––––––in bestowing kindness and punishment.

(a) unpredictable (b) hopeful

(c) experience

35. Joan of Arc’s faith __________ the French army, and the English.

(a) frustrated (b) convinced

(c) inspired

36. Joan of Arc is the glorious mouthpiece of Nationalism and –––––––––––.

(a) Courage (b) Catholicism

(c) Protestanism

37. Sir Henry is somewhat rough in his manners because of his __________ life.

(a) extraordinary (b) adventurous

(c) native

38. Moses is the symbol of a ––––––––––– in ‘Animal Farm’ .

(a) spy (b) preacher

(c) teacher

U/ID 31513/UCRD 9

39. The Sugar - Candy mountain is the __________ for the animals.

(a) hell (b) heaven

(c) Elysium

40. Sherlock Holmes had the courage and ability to take the pursuit and punishment of __________ into his own hands.

(a) Criminals (b) innocent

(c) workers

PART B — (5 × 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following questions in about 200 words each.

41. What kind of aristocracy does Forster believe in and what role does ascenticism play in the context?

42. Comment on the selfless sacrifice made by the four rebels in the poem ‘Easter Rising’.

43. Discuss how Walter de la Mare evokes a super-natural atmosphere in his poem, ‘The Listeners’.

44. Comment on Barrie’s humour in the play “The Admirable Crichton”.

U/ID 31513/UCRD 10

45. “Waiting for Godot” does not tell a story, it explores a static situation”. Discuss.

46. How did Joan succeed in saving Orleans from the English army?

47. Is Sherlock Holmes really the hero of The Hound of the Baskervilles? Give reasons for your answer.

48. Write a short note on Professor Welch.

PART C — (2 × 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO questions in about 500 words each.

49. Discuss ‘Animal Farm’ as a political satire.

50. Give a character sketch of Joan of Arc.

51. Sketch the character of Lord Loam.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 1 = 40 marks)

Answer the following questions.

Choose the correct answer.

1. ———— is the old servant of orlando.

(a) Adam (b) Joseph (c) Charles.

2. ———— is the daughter of the banished Duke.

(a) Celia (b) Rosalind (c) Aliena.

3. ———— informs the ladies about the wrestling match.

(a) Charles (b) Touchstone (c) Le Beau.

4. Rosalind disguises herself as a boy taking the name of ———

(a) Silvius (b) Ganymede (c) Corin.

5. ———— accompanied celia and Rosalind to the forest.

(a) Phebe (b) Orlando (c) Touchstone.

(7 pages)

U/ID 31514/UCRE 2

6. Touchstone woos a country girl called ————

(a) Celia (b) Phebe (c) Audrey.

7. Phebe falls in love with ————

(a) Touchstone (b) Ganymede (c) Silvius.

8. Rosalind faints on seeing ———— stained with

Orlando’s blood.

(a) a shirt (b) a handkerchief (c) a towel.

9. ———— is one of the follower of the banished


(a) Silvius (b) Oliver (c) Amiens.

10. ———— the Roman God of marriage.

(a) Apollo (b) Cupid (c) Hymen.

11. Enobarbus advices Cleopatra ————

(a) to go to the battle field (b) not to go to Actium

(c) to run away from Actium.

12. Cleopatra’s first lover was ————

(a) Antony (b) Lepidus (c) Caesar.

U/ID 31514/UCRE 3

13. ———— gets drunk at pompey’s feast.

(a) Antony’s brother (b) Lepidus (c) Enobarbus.

14. A ———— brings asps.

(a) rustic (b) soldier (c) maid servant.

15. Antony sends his ———— as his messanger to Caesar.

(a) school master (b) friend (c) soldier.

16. Antony wastes his time in ————

(a) Actium (b) Egypt (c) Tiber.

17. ———— is called the Queen of Nile.

(a) Octavia (b) Cleopatra (c) Fulvia.

18. Fulvia is Antony’s ————

(a) Servant (b) Wife (c) Friend.

19. Demetrius and ————,the two friends of Antony.

(a) Caesar (b) Lepidus (c) Philo.

20. Antony marries ———— to placate caesar.

(a) Octavia (b) Fulvia (c) Cleopatra.

21. The song ‘Come Away, Come Away Death’ is sung by ————

(a) Maria (b) Malvolio (c) Feste.

U/ID 31514/UCRE 4

22. Malvolio wears ———— stockings.

(a) brown (b) yellow (c) dark red.

23. Andrew Aguecheek writes a letter challenging ———— to a duel.

(a) Toby (b) Cesario (c) Malvolio.

24. Olivia marries ————

(a) Cesario (b) Orsino (c) Sebastian

25. Duke Orsino is ————

(a) sentimental (b) short-tempered (c) musical

26. Viola has vowed not to see any man for ———— years because she wants to mourn for her brother’s death.

(a) Six (b) Seven (c) Four

27. Orsino is the Duke of ————

(a) Milan (b) Adriatic (c) Illyria.

28. ———— is known for his love of freedom and music.

(a) Caliban (b) Ariel (c) Gonzalo.

29. Before Prospero’s arrival to this Island, it was ruled by ————

(a) a queen (b) a witch (c) a king.


U/ID 31514/UCRE 5

30. ———— is the main trait of Miranda’s character.

(a) Innocence (b) Cleverness (c) Love.

31. ———— is the Spirit of the air.

(a) Ceres (b) Juno (c) Ariel.

32. Prospero wanted to test —————’s constancy in love for Miranda.

(a) Alonso (b) Caliban (c) Ferdinand.

33. ————— who loved the king secretly placed some provisions, water books while they were forced to sail.

(a) Gonzalo (b) Ariel (c) Alonso.

34. Ferdinand was the son of ————

(a) Antonio (b) Alonso (c) Gonzalo.

35. Henry married ————

(a) Alice (b) Katherine (c) Isabel.

36. The glove is given to Fluellen that belongs to the ————

(a) Exeter (b) Duke of Alencon (c) Montjoy .

37. Dukes of Suffolk and ———— died in the battle field.

(a) Milan (b) York (c) Harfleur.

U/ID 31514/UCRE 6

38. Mrs. Quickly marries —————

(a) Bardolph (b) Nyon (c) Pistol.

39. ———— disguised in Sir Thomas Erphingham’s cloak, moves about the camp.

(a) Exeter (b) Salisbury (c) Henry V.

40. ———— rejecting Henry’s claims to give some dukedom in is France.

(a) Dauphin (b) Nym (c) Earl of Westmoreland.

PART B — (5 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following.

41. Sketch the role of Audrey.

42. Estimate Celia’s love for Rosalind.

43. Write a note on Jaques’ philosophy of ‘Seven Ages of Man’.

44. What are the consequences of Antony’s marriage with Octavia?

45. What are the charges levelled by Caesar against Antony?

46. Discuss the supernatural element employed in ‘The Tempest’.

U/ID 31514/UCRE 7

47. Bring out the importance of Henry V deciding to start a war against France.

48. Bring out the importance of music and songs in ‘Twelfth Night’.

PART C — (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following.

49. In Shakespeare’s plays women always take the initiative. How far is this true of ‘ As You Like It’?

50. Compare and contrast Antony and Caesar.

51. Illustrate the different kinds of love in ‘Twelfth Night’.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 1 = 40 marks)

Choose the correct answer from those given below each question :

1. The novel Caleb Williams was written by

(a) Poe (b) Dickens (c) Godwin

2. According to Poe, a writer should begin his

composition from the

(a) end (b) beginning (c) middle

3. The lover in the poem ‘The Raven’ is

(a) a sadist (b) a masochist (c) an introvert

4. —————— wanted to live ‘a simple life without

modern improvements’.

(a) Emerson (b) Thoreau (c) Poe

(8 pages)

U/ID 31515/UCRF 2

5. The Sanskrit poet Damodara Misra quoted by Thoreau belongs to the

(a) 11th century (b) 7th century (c) 14th century

6. Thoreau belongs to the Movement called ——————.

(a) Orientalism (b) Transcendentalism (c) Protestantism

7. Emerson described —————— as the garment of God.

(a) sky (b) trees (c) nature

8. —————— was an address before the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge.

(a) American Scholar (b) Self-Reliance (c) The Oversoul

9. The concept —————— merges with ‘Know Thyself’.

(a) Action (b) Study nature ( c) Study Books

10. Frost says that —————— cannot be counted as the sole cause for the success of a poem.

(a) content (b) form (c) sound

U/ID 31515/UCRF 3

11. ‘The Figure a Poem Makes’ is Frost’s —————— to his own poems.

(a) epilogue (b) preface (c) criticism

12. ‘The Wasteland’ of T. S. Eliot was dedicated to ——————.

(a) Frost (b) Yeats (c) Pound

13. Retrospect in ‘A Retrospect of Images’ means ——————.

(a) looking back (b) respect the past (c) inspiration

14. Ezra Pound says that a poet should not pay attention to ——————.

(a) images (b) criticism (c) music

15. One who understands the inner soul can find —————— easily.

(a) Brahma (b) Immortality (c) peace

16. Emerson’s poetry has the background of —————— philosophy.

(a) Western (b) Chinese (c) Hindu

U/ID 31515/UCRF 4

17. Whitman’s collection of poems was titled as ——————.

(a) Modem American Poems (b) Leaves of Grass (c) When Lilacs Last

18. Whitman was against ——————.

(a) slavery (b) democracy (c) America

19. Whitman calls Lincoln ——————.

(a) sailor (b) captain (c) ship

20. ____________ accompanied Emily in her last ride.

(a) death (b) immortality (c) none

21. During her last journey the poet was conscious of

(a) her age (b) her dress (c) the pedestrians

22. Dickinson portrays death as a ——————.

(a) trustworthy gentleman (b) evil person (c) god

23. Frost’s poem _____________ was read before President Kennedy.

(a) My Butterfly (b) Stopping by the Woods (c) The Gift Outright


U/ID 31515/UCRF 5

24. Frost compares his thoughts going back to the past and returning to the present to the —————— movement of the birches.

(a) falling (b) swinging (c) rising

25. —————— defined poetry as’ the rhythmical creation of beauty’.

(a) Poe (b) Frost (c) Pound

26. The lover in the ‘The Raven’ is ——————.

(a) happy (b) melancholic (c) jovial

27. The poem —————— has got a biblical background.

(a) The Cambridge Ladies (b) Calvary (c) Man Carrying Things

28. Robinson was influenced by the —————— tradition.

(a) Puritan (b) Protestant (c) Catholic

29. ‘The Cambridge Ladies’ is a poem full of ——————.

(a) pun (b) simile (c) sarcasm

U/ID 31515/UCRF 6

30. ‘The opposition between bare reality and the imagination it can make’ is the main subject in the poetry of ——————.

(a) Wallace Stevens (b) e. e. cummings (c) Robinson

31. All My Sons is a play with a —————— message.

(a) philosophical (b) social (c) spiritual

32. At his trial, Keller allowed —————— to take the blame and the punishment.

(a) Chris Keller (b) Steve Deever (c) Annie Deever

33. —————— does not appear on the stage.

(a) Laura (b) Tom (c) Mr. Wingfield

34. Tom is a Merchant ——————.

(a) Marine (b) General (c) Pilot

35. Jones fooled the Natives into believing that he was a ——————.

(a) ghost (b) magician (c) king

U/ID 31515/UCRF 7

36. Jones had murdered Jeff for —————— in a game of dice.

(a) stealing (b) quarrelling (c) cheating

37. Henry bids farewell to war, because he feels —————— with it.

(a) disgusted (b) disillusioned (c) frustrated

38. Henry’s attitude to the war is that of a —————— rather than a participant.

(a) listener (b) spectator (c) hero

39. Claggart was a man of —————— nature.

(a) comic (b) sarcastic (c) villainous

40. Captain Vere was exceptionally brave and ——————.

(a) fearless (b) kind (c) impartial

PART B — (5 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following questions in about 100 words each :

41. List out some of the valuable suggestions given by Thoreau.

42. What does Poe say on the unity of impression?

U/ID 31515/UCRF 8

43. Consider ‘O Captain, My Captain’ as a patriotic poem.

44. Comment on the title ‘A Retrospect of Images’.

45. Write a character sketch of Kate Keller.

46. Examine the role of Tom Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie.

47. Consider Katherine Barkley as a unique specimen of womanhood.

48. Sketch the character of Billy Budd.

PART C — (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following questions in about 500 words each :

49. How does Poe account for the composition of ‘The Raven’?

50. Write a critical appreciation of the poem ‘Birches’.

51. Consider The Emperor Jones as an expressionistic play.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 × 1 = 40 marks)

Answer the following questions.

1. “It is lucky that I am an empty vessel” These

poetic lines are extracted from –––––––––.

(a) The ideal of a universal religion (b) The

Elevation of the depressed classes (c) An Indian

Folk Religion

2. “The Man of my Heart”, to the –––––––––, is like a

divine instrument perfectly tuned.

(a) Baul (b) Hindu (c) Christian

3. According to Tagore, ––––––––– is one of the

popular religions of India.

(a) Buddhism (b) The Vaishnava religion (c) The

Folk Religion

(8 pages)

U/ID 31516/UCRG 2

4. Swami Vivekananda delivered a memorable

speech at the Parliament of Religions at


(a) London (b) Chicago (c) Paris

5. Who said so? “All religions work for the good of


(a) M.K. Gandhi (b) Swami Vivekananda (c) Nehru

6. ––––––––– is the essential part of the

Mohammedan religion.

(a) Brotherhood (b) Motherhood (c) Childhood

7. ––––––––– aimed to spiritualize public life and

foster patriotism among Indians.

(a) S. Radha Krishnan (b) B. Gangadhar Tilak

(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

8. Mr. Ranade delivered a speech at –––––––––.

(a) Hindu Union Club (b) Sahitya Academy

(c) Brahmo Samaj

U/ID 31516/UCRG 3

9. According to Gokhale, the classes of the

––––––––– are a perfectly elastic institution.

(a) East (b) West (c) South – East

10. Gokhale wanted to give ––––––––– to the

depressed classes for their elevation.

(a) Money (b) Food (c) Education

11. ‘The Discovery of India’ was written in –––––––––.

(a) 1945 (b) 1944 (c) 1947

12. ––––––––– wrote ‘Shakunthala’ in Sanskrit.

(a) Ashvaghosa (b) Shudraka (c) Kalidasa

13. ––––––––– present the panorama of India’s social,

cultural and literary past.

(a) The world community (b) The discovery of

India (c) Home rule

14. Who is the author of “Mudra-Rakshaka”?

(a) Vishakadatta (b) Kalidasa (c) Ashvaghosa

U/ID 31516/UCRG 4

15. ‘The Autobiography of an unknown Indian’ was

published in –––––––––.

(a) 1961 (b) 1971 (c) 1951

16. ––––––––– is one of the most distinguished prose

writers in independent India.

(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (b) Nirad Chandra

Chaudhuri (c) M.K. Gandhi.

17. During the festival of Durga Puja, –––––––––

sacrifice takes place in Bengal.

(a) Cow (b) Buffalo (c) Goat

18. Who is responsible for Benare’s pregnancy?

(a) Her maternal uncle (b) Karnik (c) Prof. Damle

19. Who is the chairman of the Education society that

runs the school in which Benare serves?

(a) Dada Saheb Phalke (b) Nanasaheb Shinde

(c) Bhimol Roy

20. Who is called as the third witness for the defence?

(a) Prof. Damle (b) Ponkshe (c) Nanasaheb Shinde


U/ID 31516/UCRG 5

21. Sukhatme considers the woman as the ––––––––– of mankind.

(a) Mother (b) Goddess (c) Anchor

22. Karnik is an admirer of –––––––––.

(a) Samuel Beckett (b) Lonesco (c) Harold pinter

23. The picture of which god is hung on the door of the village hall in which the mock-trail is staged?

(a) Ganesha (b) Hanuman (c) Shiva

24. The words “Give me water” was uttered by –––––––––.

(a) Lord Buddha (b) Ananda (c) Prakriti

25. Who said so? “Don’t humilate yourself; Self-humiliation is a sin, worse than self-murder”.

(a) Prakriti (b) Prakriti’s mother (c) Ananda

26. Ananda was one of the disciples of –––––––––.

(a) Krishna (b) Buddha (c) Jesus Christ

27. The novel ‘The Financial Expert’ was written by –––––––––.

(a) R.K. Lakshman (b) R.K. Narayan (c) Aravind Adiga

U/ID 31516/UCRG 6

28. Who is the protogonist of the novel ‘The Financial Expert’?

(a) Margayya (b) Dr. Pal (c) Balu

29. The Locale of ‘The Financial Expert’ is –––––––––.

(a) Lalgudi (b) Mannargudi (c) Malgudi

30. Vanaja has ––––––––– children.

(a) Four (b) Three (c) Five

31. ––––––––– is admitted in the hospital for delivery.

(a) Vanaja (b) Saroja (c) Bhavani

32. Malati is a ––––––––– in a private nursing home.

(a) Receptionist (b) Doctor (c) Nurse

33. ––––––––– is the mistress of the Doctor.

(a) Malati (b) Saroja (c) Sujana

34. The outer room in a Badaga house is –––––––––.

(a) Ogamane (b) Edumane (c) Hagottu

35. The traditional Badaga man wears a –––––––––.

(a) Thundu (b) Dhoti (c) Mundu

36. Who wrote the book called “Castes and Tribes of South India”?

(a) Rajam Krishnan (b) Chudamani Raghavan (c) Edgar Thurston

U/ID 31516/UCRG 7

37. Nanjan falls in love with –––––––––.

(a) Dhanam (b) Vijaya (c) Saroja

38. ––––––––– is the store house of animal tales in India.

(a) Arabian nights (b) Panchatantra (c) Aesop’s fables

39. “When the Kurinji Blooms” is a saga of three generations of Badagas spanning ––––––––– years.

(a) Thirty (b) Twenty (c) Fifty

40. “Yamini” was translated by –––––––––.

(a) Vasantha surya (b) Gomathi Narayanan (c) Prema Seetharaman

PART B — (5 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions of the following in about 200 words each.

41. Write a short note on Tagore’s views on Buddhism.

42. Describe what should be the ideal of universal religion according to Swami Vivekananda.

43. Justify the title “The Elevation of the Depressed Classes”.

U/ID 31516/UCRG 8

44. Expound Nehru’s views on the Indus Valley Civilization.

45. Describe S. Radhakrishnan’s views on “The World Community”.

46. Sketch the character of Dr. Pal.

47. Comment upon Benare’s attitude to life.

48. Discuss the role played by Vaala.

PART C — (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

49. What message, in your opinion, did Tagore intend to convey to us through his play, ‘Chandalika’?

50. Attempt an essay on Vijay Tendulkar’s dramatic technique with special reference to ‘Silence! The Court is in session’.

51. Sketch the character of Dhanam.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 1 = 40 marks)

Choose the right answer and fill in the blanks.

1. In Germanic family there are ———————— genders.

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 2

2. Intonation can be described as ———————— patterns.

(a) stress (b) pitch (c) sentence

3. One of the outstanding qualities of English is its ———————— simplicity.

(a) inflectional (b) grammatical (c) language

4. ———————— is referred as the immediate ancestor of English.

(a) Latin (b) Greek (c) Primitive Germanic.

U/ID 31517/UCRH 2

5. Ablant is the term used by ————————

(a) Jacob Grimm (b) Karl Verner (c) Erasmus


6. The Modern English period started from


(a) 1100 (b) 1500 (c) 2000

7. The Old English has a fixed ————————


(a) gender (b) number (c) spelling

8. ———————— dictionary fixed English


(a) Chomsky (b) Dr. Johnson (c) Saussure

9. ———————— is referred to as the ‘‘first

illuminer’’ of the English language.

(a) Shakespeare (b) Milton (c) Chaucer

U/ID 31517/UCRH 3

10. Shakespeare's words and phrases have become

———————— words.

(a) Household (b) Literary (c) Friendly

11. The Greek word for ‘‘a speaker in the assembly’’ is


(a) Phrase (b) Idiom (c) Rhetoric

12. American English and Britan English may in fact

be viewed as ————————

(a) super dialects (b) super idiolects (c) twin


13. ‘‘Two great countries divided by a common

language’’ are the words of ————————

(a) Charles Lamb (b) Oscar Wilde

(c) Macaulay

14. The formation of a word from a sound similar to

the noise described is ————————

(a) Onomatopoeia (b) Backformation (c) Adaptation

U/ID 31517/UCRH 4

15. Human language is ———————— transmitted

and not genetically acquired.

(a) socially (b) psychologically (c) culturally

16. A sign language is a system of ————————

(a) gestures (b) printings (c) pictures

17. ———————— is described as the scientific

study of the production, transmission and the

reception of speech sounds.

(a) Phonology (b) Phonetics (c) Linguistics

18. ———————— phonetics deals with the hearing

and the perception of speech sounds.

(a) Acoustic (b) Articulatory (c) Auditory

19. All speech sounds in English are made by

pulmonic ———————— air stream

(a) egressive (b) ingressive (c) impressive

U/ID 31517/UCRH 5

20. ———————— is referred to as Adam's Apple

(a) The Larynx (b) The Glottis (c) The Soft


21. The active articulators are the ————————

and the tongue.

(a) upper lip (b) teeth ridge (c) lower lip

22. /e/ is a front ———————— vowel between half-

close and half open.

(a) Rounded (b) Neutral (c) Unrounded

23. There are ———————— front vowels in


(a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 3

24. ———————— are articulated with close

stricture of complete closure and sudden release.

(a) Africate (b) Fricative (c) Plosives

U/ID 31517/UCRH 6

25. The state of the ———————— decides whether

the given consonants is voiced or voiceless.

(a) glottis (b) soft palate (c) lungs

26. A study of the changes in a language over a period

of time is known as ———————— study.

(a) synchronic (b) diachronic (c) systematic

27. Cognates are said to be terms or words of related

language marked by closeness of form and


(a) meaning (b) structure (c) theme

28. ———————— is a process in which an addition

of a sound is made to the middle of a word.

(a) Parenthesis (b) Epenthesis (c) Metanomy

29. Etymologically, the term ‘grammar’ comes from

Greek word meaning ————————

(a) to glamour (b) to write (c) to order

U/ID 31517/UCRH 7

30. Tense is a concept of ———————— while time

reference is a concept of meaning.

(a) form (b) action (c) number

31. Latin has about ———————— forms of the


(a) 100 (b) 3 (c) 120

32. The scientific study of forms of words are called


(a) Morphology (b) Syntax (c) Phonology

33. ———————— suggests four parts of speech

and fifteen groups of ‘‘form words’’.

(a) Wren and Martin (b) Palmer (c) C.C. Fries.

34. Every complete sentence must contain atleast a

noun and a ————————

(a) preposition (b) verb (c) adjective

U/ID 31517/UCRH 8

35. A word that qualifies the sense of a noun is called


(a) modifier (b) qualifier (c) quantifier

36. ———————— can be classified as indicative,

subjective and opative

(a) Gender (b) Case (c) Mood

37. There are ———————— dipthongs in English.

(a) 8 (b) 12 (c) 2

38. /w/ and ———————— are semivowels in


(a) /u/ (b) /j/ (c) /y/

39. The smallest unit in the sound system of language

is called ————————

(a) phoneme (b) morpheme (c) pronunciation

40. button /b ——————— tn/

(a) / / (b) / / (c) / æ /

U/ID 31517/UCRH 9

PART B — (5 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following.

41. Write any five features of Middle English period.

42. Discuss American English.

43. Describe Active and Passive articulators.

44. Explain back vowels.

45. Describe affricates with examples.

46. Explain the process of broadening or extension

with examples.

47. What is intonation? Give examples.

48. Explain syntax.

PART C — (2 20 = 40 marks)

Answer any TWO of the following.

49. Distinguish the traits of English as a member of

the Germanic family in detail.

50. Discuss the properties of language with suitable


U/ID 31517/UCRH 10

51. Transcribe the following words phonemically and

mark stress :

(a) academic

(b) photograph

(c) examination

(d) advertise

(e) contract

(f) export

(g) frequent

(h) digest

(i) conduct

(j) nation.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 1 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

Choose the correct answer from those given below each :

1. The main function of journalism is to bring to ––––––––– to the people.

(a) light (b) darkness (c) old

2. ––––––––– is that part of social activity which is concerned with the dissemination of news and views about the society

(a) Linguistics (b) Phonetics (c) Journalism

3. The definition of ––––––––– varies from country to country or from one continent to another

(a) mass (b) news (c) cause

4. ––––––––– expresses an opinion

(a) The news (b) The lead (c) The editorial

5. ––––––––– is the essence of news and is understandably a criterion for news selection

(a) Prominence (b) Timeliness (c) Proximity

(7 pages)

U/ID 31518/UTRA 2

6. Important messages and decisions of the –––––––– are conveyed to the people through the medium of news

(a) public (b) Government (c) Non-government

7. PTI stands for –––––––––

(a) Press Trust of Indonesia (b) Press Trust of Iowa (c) Press Trust of India

8. News report writing always starts with the most important –––––––––

(a) Ract (b) Fact (c) Pact

9. The lead forms the ––––––––– for the reporter’s leap into the story

(a) Oijua board (b) Cup board (c) Spring board

10. The most popular format of news writing is the –––––––––

(a) Inverted pyramid (b) Inverted square (c) Inverted triangle

11. ––––––––– leads tell a story from a person’s specific perspective

(a) Hard (b) Narrative (c) Blind

12. A ––––––––– is a ‘window’ to the news story

(a) Pipeline (b) Pumpline (c) Headline

U/ID 31518/UTRA 3

13. ––––––––– makes sketches of comic type on political, economic and cultural events

(a) The rewrite man (b) The photographer (c) The cartoonist

14. The ––––––––– are usually experienced reporters

(a) The footman (b) The rewrite man (c) The bottle man

15. Summary lead is otherwise known as –––––––––

(a) Circumstantial lead (b) Oddity lead (c) Digest lead

16. ––––––––– provides that all Indian citizens shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression

(a) Article 19 (b) Article 29 (c) Article 39

17. What type of creative lead is the following sentence? Six years ago, Mr. Maxwell’s Son James fell down a well, and he’s still climbing out

(a) Allusion (b) Suspense (c) Direct quotation

18. News writing differs in approach with ––––––––– writing

(a) Opinion (b) Harsh (c) Coarse

19. Spoken defamation is also known as –––––––––

(a) Libel (b) Review (c) Slander

U/ID 31518/UTRA 4

20. There are ––––––––– types of alignment

(a) Four (b) Five (c) Six

21. The lead paragraph of a news story should contain –––––––––

(a) A human interest hook (b) All of the 5Ws and 1H (c) Atleast 2 of the 5Ws and 1H

22. Inverted pyramid style is –––––––––

(a) Top heavy news story (b) Bottom heavy news story (c) A style of writing that emphasizes the human interest angle

23. What type of hook do journalists typically use for a news story lead?

(a) The date of the event (b) A cute or clever observation (c) The piece of information that will be most important to the readers

24. Great ––––––––– are the great leaders of the country

(a) Sub-editors (b) News editors (c) Editors

25. Usually, advertising and publicity appeal can be grouped under ––––––––– main heads

(a) three (b) four (c) five

26. The ––––––––– story must tell about the virtues of the product

(a) news (b) article (c) advertising


U/ID 31518/UTRA 5

27. ––––––––– reviews give reader’s information on the latest trends in book publication

(a) Book (b) Movie (c) Circus

28. Figurative lead is otherwise called as –––––––––

(a) Digest lead (b) Circumstantial lead (c) Quotation lead

29. The question lead starts with a –––––––––

(a) Answer (b) Puzzle (c) Question

30. ––––––––– lead attracts the readers’ attention very easily

(a) Oddity (b) Dialogue (c) Bullet

31. ––––––––– is the most desirable quality expected of an editor

(a) Knowledge (b) Optimise (c) Intellectual honesty

32. ––––––––– is the leader of the newspaper

(a) Reporter (b) Editor (c) Sub-editor

33. ––––––––– has to maintain a good human relationship with his army of reporters

(a) The news editor (b) The sub-editor (c) The movie editor

U/ID 31518/UTRA 6

34. ‘Outdoor advertising’ is also known as –––––––––

(a) Paint advertising (b) Wax advertising (c) Mural advertising

35. AIR stands for

(a) All India Radio (b) All Indonesia Radio (c) All International Radio

36. ––––––––– was started by Augustus Hickeys in 1780 in Calcutta

(a) ‘Calcutta Chronicle’ (b) The ‘Bengal Gazette’ (c) The ‘Bombay Mail’

37. ––––––––– with the reader is the foundation of good journalism

(a) Bad faith (b) Small faith (c) Good faith

38. Presentation of news should be –––––––––

(a) Unbiased (b) Biased (c) Distilled

39. Journalists must avoid ––––––––– in any form

(a) Accuracy (b) Truth (c) Impropriety

40. ––––––––– are accountable to the public for fairness and accuracy of news items

(a) Scientists (b) Journalists (c) Teachers

U/ID 31518/UTRA 7

PART B — (5 × 4 = 20 marks)

Answer any FIVE of the following in about 200 words each.

41. List out any four canons of journalism.

42. Consider journalism as a part of mass communication.

43. Write a note on freedom of press.

44. What do you understand by the term “Contempt of court”?

45. Discuss the role of a reporter in a newspaper.

46. Distinguish between feature and article.

47. Expound the make-up of a newspaper.

48. Attempt a short note on advertisements.

PART C — (2 × 20 = 40 marks)

Write essay on any TWO of the following in about 500 words.

49. Trace the history and development of journalism.

50. Bring out the significance of press laws.

51. “A good news editor is what makes a great newspaper” – Do you agree? Justify your answer.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A – (40 1 = 40 marks)

Answer ALL questions.

1. Sidney’s “An Apologie for Poetrie” was published in –––––––––––.

(a) 1695 (b) 1595 (c) 1602

2. ––––––––––– was one of the university wits.

(a) Shakespeare (b) Milton (c) John Lyly

3. Walton’s most famous work ‘The Complete Angler’ was published in

(a) 1623 (b) 1633 (c) 1653

4. In ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ Gulliver sets out on –––––––––––.

(a) four voyages (b) five voyages (c) three voyages

5. Addison’s ‘The Drummer’ is –––––––––––.

(a) an opera (b) a masque (c) a tragedy

(8 pages)

U/ID 31520/URRA 2

6. Who started the journal, ‘The Tatler’?

(a) Addison (b) Steele (c) Dr. Johnson

7. The age of Dr. Johnson is also known as –––––––––––.

(a) The age of Romanticism (b) The age of Victorianism (c) The age of transition

8. Which writer has given us the first history in English?

(a) Edward Gibbon (b) Dr. Johnson (c) William Blake

9. Hazlitt’s “The Spirit of the Age” came out in the year

(a) 1822 (b) 1823 (c) 1825

10. ‘John Woodvil’ is a drama by –––––––––––.

(a) Shelley (b) Lamb (c) Coleridge

11. Which work of De Quincey reveals his grotesque humour?

(a) ‘Confessions of an English Opium Eater’ (b) ‘The Revolt of the Tartars’ (c) ‘Murder Considered’

U/ID 31520/URRA 3

12. ‘Confessio Amantis’ is a great English work written by –––––––––––.

(a) Geoffrey Chaucer (b) William Langland (c) John Gower

13. How many cantos are there in William Langland; ‘Piers the Plowman’?

(a) five (b) six (c) seven

14. Chaucer visited Italy in

(a) 1372-73 (b) 1374-75 (c) 1375-76

15. “Essay on criticism” is associated with which of the following authors?

(a) John Dryden (b) Alexander Pope (c) Dr. Johnson

16. Pope’s “The Rape of the Lock” has been written in –––––––––––.

(a) Spensarian Stanza (b) Blank verse (c) Heroic couplet

17. “Absalom and Achitophel” belongs to the category of –––––––––––.

(a) lyrical poem (b) a romance (c) allegory

U/ID 31520/URRA 4

18. Which poet was lamented by William Collins in his poem “In Yonder Grave a Druid Lies”?

(a) Pope (b) James Thomson (c) Crabble

19. The phrase “The high road of life” was used by –––––––––––.

(a) Kipling (b) Wordsworth (c) Coleridge

20. ‘Prometheus Unbound’ was written by ––––––––––.

(a) Shelley (b) Keats (c) Scott

21. Which play is considered as Webster’s masterpiece?

(a) ‘The Duchess of Malfi’ (b) ‘The Malcontent’ (c) ‘The White Devil’

22. Who has been called ‘a dramatic star of the first magnitude’?

(a) G.B shaw (b) Ibsen (c) Sheridan

23. Who is regarded as the father of the Gothic novels?

(a) Burke (b) Walpole (c) Boswell


U/ID 31520/URRA 5

24. Which of the following books was written by Mrs. Anne Radcliffe?

(a) ‘A Sicilian Romance’ (b) ‘The Romance of the Forest’ (c) All of these

25. The telescope was invented by –––––––––––.

(a) Copernicus (b) Kepler (c) Galileo

26. Chantries were dissolved by –––––––––––.

(a) Edward VI (b) Edward II (c) Edward III

27. Oliver Cromwell was succeeded by –––––––––––.

(a) General Monk (b) Richard Cromwell (c) Charles II

28. Queen Anne, ascended the English throne in –––––––––––.

(a) 1602 (b) 1742 (c) 1702

29. ––––––––––– army defeated Napolean at Waterloo.

(a) Lord Nelson (b) Lord Wellington (c) Lord Hudson

30. ––––––––––– discovered coke in 1709.

(a) John Wilkinson (b) Thomas Telford (c) Abraham Darby

U/ID 31520/URRA 6

31. The Poor Law Amendment Act was passed in –––––––––––.

(a) 1830 (b) 1834 (c) 1833

32. William Booth stressed that Christian missionaries should undertake ––––––––––– service.

(a) sports (b) alms (c) social

33. George III started a model farm in –––––––––––.

(a) Derby (b) London (c) Windsor

34. Who wrote the book ‘Annals of Agriculture’?

(a) Farmer George (b) Arthur Young (c) Sir Robert Western

35. “A well-written life is almost as rare as a well-spent one” who said these lines?

(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Arnold (c) Carlyle

36. Who is the founder of descriptive criticism in English?

(a) Sidney (b) Ben Jonson (c) Dryden

37. The Romantic view of criticism is entirely ––––––––––– by nature.

(a) objective (b) subjective (c) narrative

U/ID 31520/URRA 7

38. The critical treatise ‘Ars Poetica’ was written by –––––––––––.

(a) Horace (b) Aristotle (c) Sidney

39. The Ode is of ––––––––––– origin.

(a) Chinese (b) Indian (c) Greek

40. ––––––––––– is an elegiac poem by Matthew Arnold.

(a) ‘In Memoriam’ (b) ‘Lycidas’ (c) ‘Rugby Chapel’

PART B – (5 4 = 20 marks)

Write short notes on any FIVE of the following in about 200 words each.

41. Justify the title “An Apologie for Poetric”.

42. Write a short note on the Authorized Version of the Bible.

43. Give an account of Goldsmith’s prose works.

44. Explain the characteristics of Mystery plays.

45. List out the essential characteristics of Renaissance.

46. Write a short note on Colonial Expansion.

U/ID 31520/URRA 8

47. Distinguish Biography and auto-Biography.

48. What are characteristics of an epic?

PART C – (2 20 = 40 marks)

Write essay on any TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

49. Analyse the main elements of Elizabethan Drama.

50. Write an essay on Victorian poetry.

51. Discuss the importance of Humanitarian Movements in England.



Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks

PART A — (40 × 1 = 40 marks)

Choose the best alternative from the given alternatives.

1. Bennett’s masterpiece –––––––– is about two sisters, Constance and Sophia, in the manufacturing town of Bursley

(a) A Man from North (b) The old Wives Jale (c) Buried Alive

2. George Orwell’s real name was ––––––––

(a) Eric Blair (b) Deborrah (c) Kingsley

3. John Braine worked as a ––––––––and then became a full-time writer

(a) Scavenger (b) Dholei (c) Librarian

4. Golding served in the British Army during the ––––––––

(a) First World War (b) Second World War (c) Crimean War

(7 pages)

U/ID 31521/URRB 2

5. Shaw introduced a new literary fever called ––––

(a) discussion drama (b) lecture drama (c) silent drama

6. ‘‘The Cocktail Party’’ is written by ––––––––

(a) T.S. Eliot (b) Pinter (c) Osborne

7. Sean O’ Casey was born in ––––––––

(a) New York (b) Egypt (c) Dublin

8. Osborne’s first play is ––––––––

(a) Look Back in Anger (b) The Devil Inside Hin (c) All that fall

9. Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in ––––––––

(a) 1923 (b) 1943 (c) 1963

10. –––––––– by T.S. Eliot has been called a social document

(a) Ash Wednesday (b) Windy Night (c) The Waste land

11. Auden learnt the use of –––––––– from Hopkins

(a) Sprung Rhythm (b) Symbolic method (c) Hyperbole

U/ID 31521/URRB 3

12. Spender’s ‘‘The Still Centre’’ has –––––––– groups of poems

(a) Two (b) Four (c) Three

13. Cecil Day Lewis’s second volume of poems is ––––––––

(a) Transitional poems (b) From Feathers to Iron (c) A time to dance

14. John Betjeman died on May 19th ––––––––

(a) 1984 (b) 1994 (c) 2004

15. Ted Hughes allied himself with –––––––– poets

(a) The movement (b) The Hawk (c) The group

16. T.B. Macaulay wrote essays for ––––––––

(a) The chromide (b) The Edinburgh Review (c) The times

17. Ruskin’s –––––––– was a by-product of his thinking on political economy

(a) Sesame and Lilies (b) Munera Pulveris (c) Unto This Last

18. Arnold was deeply upset by the impact of ––––– on society

(a) literature (b) poetry (c) science

U/ID 31521/URRB 4

19. Chesterton’s essays are noted for their wit scintillating and ––––––––

(a) Paradoxes (b) Humour (c) Satire

20. Robert Lynd was born in ––––––––

(a) Switzerland (b) Ireland (c) Dublin

21. Gardiner was the editor of ––––––––

(a) The Daily Times (b) The Daily Telegraph (c) The Daily News

22. J.E. Lawrence came to be called ––––––––

(a) Lawrence of Arabia (b) The Knight (c) The senator

23. The Third Reform Bill was passed is 1884 by ––––––––

(a) Benjamin Disraeli (b) Gladstone (c) Earl Grey

24. The first factory act was passed in ––––––––

(a) 1802 (b) 1864 (c) 1911

25. The Penny post was established by –––––––– in 1840

(a) Hudson (b) Stephenson (c) Six Rowland Hill


U/ID 31521/URRB 5

26. The Electric Telegraph company formed in 1846 had –––––––– offices in London

(a) 16 (b) 14 (c) 17

27. The League of Nations was established at the end of the ––––––––

(a) Second World War (b) Civil War (c) First World War

28. An important gift of the Second World War was the ––––––––

(a) UNO (b) League of Nations (c) Parliament Board

29. –––––––– was the bone of contention between Poland and Lithuania

(a) Leticia (b) Balivia (c) Vilna

30. Pablo Picasso is a world famous ––––––––

(a) Writer (b) Poet (c) Painter

31. The –––––––– began between American and Russia at the end of World War II

(a) Civil War (b) Cold War (c) Hot War

32. Margaret Thatcher was referred to as the –––––

(a) Dainty lady (b) Iron lady (c) Mighty lady

U/ID 31521/URRB 6

33. Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon in ––––––––

(a) 1969 (b) 2000 (c) 1869

34. –––––––– was a major threat in the eighties to the mankind

(a) Dengue (b) VIRUS (c) AIDS

35. Dramatic Monologue was perfected by ––––––––

(a) Robert Browning (b) Robert Frost (c) Robert Lynd

36. The Masque was developed in Renaissance ––––––

(a) Egypt (b) Italy (c) Spain

37. ‘‘Melos’’ is –––––––– for sound

(a) Spanish (b) Dutch (c) Greek

38. –––––––– is a type of comedy designed to provoke the audience to simple, hearty laughter

(a) Jokes (b) Satire (c) Farce

39. ‘Stream of Consciousness’ was a phrase used by ––––––––

(a) William Faulkner (b) William James (c) Henry James

40. ‘‘A Tale of Two Cities’’ is a –––––––– novel

(a) historical (b) tragic (c) regional

U/ID 31521/URRB 7

PART B — (5 4 = 20 marks)

Write short notes on any FIVE of the following in about 200 words.

41. Write a note on Hilaire Belloc’s writings.

42. Discuss the preoccupations of Cecil Day Lewsis.

43. What characteristics of the comedy by manners are found in Oscar Wilde’s plays?

44. How was life between the two world wars?

45. Write a note on the Absurd Drama.

46. With examples, write briefly on the detective novel.

47. Write a short review of Arthur Conan Doyle.

48. Trace the works of Kingsley Amis as a novetest.

PART C — (2 × 20 = 40 marks)

Write essay on any TWO of the following in about 500 words each.

49. Elaborate on the works of G.B. Shaw.

50. Trace the development of Transport and communication.

51. How does the Dramatic Monologue techniques used by Robert Browning?
