88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know 1 88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know! David Whitehead Jr. www.PrecinctPowerSolutions.com

88 Things Barack - Precinct Power Solutions · 88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know 2 So Just WHO is Barack Obama? • A supporter of Global Taxes. • A socialist who emulates

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Page 1: 88 Things Barack - Precinct Power Solutions · 88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know 2 So Just WHO is Barack Obama? • A supporter of Global Taxes. • A socialist who emulates

88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


88 Things

Barack Hopes You

Don’t Know!

David Whitehead Jr.


Page 2: 88 Things Barack - Precinct Power Solutions · 88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know 2 So Just WHO is Barack Obama? • A supporter of Global Taxes. • A socialist who emulates

88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


So Just WHO is Barack Obama?

• A supporter of Global Taxes.

• A socialist who emulates fascists and other socialists.

• A President who considers himself above the law.

• A President who shows disdain for America when he is abroad.

• A President who circumvents Congress and the Courts at every


• A President who pours taxpayer money into unviable companies.

• A President who welcomes Muslim Terrorists but shuns

Christians and Jews.

• A long time multi millionaire attempting to appear poor.

• A President who wants you to “stop grumbling, stop complaining

and stop being lazy,” because our problems are your fault.

• A President who doesn’t mind high gas prices.

• A President who doesn’t mind misleading the American People.

• A President who couldn’t care less about the Constitution.

• A bungling disaster of a Commander in Chief.

• Someone who takes credit for the work of others.

• A President who believes more in International Law than in U.S.


• An anti Israel, pro Hamas President.

• A man who would actually choose Joe Biden for Vice President.

• A President who loves to live lavishly on the taxpayer dime.

• A betraying, fair weather friend.

• An excellent teleprompter reader.

• A close personal friend of known terrorists.

• A President who appoints dozens of “Czars” who are

unaccountable to the American people in any way.

• A man who doesn’t mind murdering babies who survive abortion.

• An empty chair.

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


This book provides information concerning political issues. It’s offered with the full understanding that neither

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Every effort has been made to make this book as accurate as possible. However, there could be mistakes, both

typographical and in content. Therefore this book should be used as a general guide – not as an ultimate source of

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Copyright 2012,

David Whitehead Jr.

and Prevailing Publications.

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Prevailing Publications

P.O. Box 141873

Austin, TX 78714-1873


Page 4: 88 Things Barack - Precinct Power Solutions · 88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know 2 So Just WHO is Barack Obama? • A supporter of Global Taxes. • A socialist who emulates

88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know



Barack’s Beliefs 5

False Messiah 8

False Pauper 9 Michelle Marie Antoinette Obama 9

The Obama Résumé 10

Bungling Barack 11

Anti America 12

Anti Bible, Anti Christian, Anti Christ 13

Anti Israel 15

The Lawless One 16

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


Barack’s Beliefs An Alinskyite Socialist

• In 1996 Obama attended meetings at the “Democrat Socialists for America”

which endorsed him for his Illinois State Senate run.1

• In the mid 1990’s, Obama attended “New Party” meetings; a group

dedicated to turning the Democrat Party into a Socialist party. The New

Party had several notable Marxist members, among them Noam Chomsky

and Carl Davidson.2

• In 1988 Obama wrote an article titled: “After Alinsky: Community

Organizing in Illinois”, in which he praises one of his mentors; an

Alinskyite with the Gamaliel Foundation, John McKnight.3

• About the time Obama was going to Harvard Law School, he attended a

training course by Alinsky’s “Industrial Areas Foundation” where among

other things he learned, “The Tactics of Agitation”, an Alinsky strategy for

stirring up dissent and discontent among the populace.4

• The fact that Obama was trained in Alinsky style radicalism and put it into

practice was confirmed by none other than Saul Alinsky’s son. In a letter to

the Boston Globe in August of 2008 he said he was proud to see Obama use

his father’s model so successfully.5

• In his book, “Dreams of My Father”, Obama cites several communist,

socialist, and anti-colonialist authors who influenced his thinking, such as

Malcolm X, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, and James Baldwin. He also

credits his “Marxist” professors, going out of his way to label them as


• In a 2001 interview Obama said, “The Supreme Court has failed to break

free from the essential constraints that were placed from the Founding


• In the same interview he said, “I could come up with a rationale for bringing

economic change through the courts.”8

1 Klein, Aaron. 2010. The Manchurian President p.84

2 Ibid. p.81

3 Ibid. p.57

4 Ibid. p.57

5 Ibid. p.51

6 Cashill, Jack. 2011. Deconstructing Obama p.46

7 Ibid. p.147

8 Ibid. p.148

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• A thirty thousand word National Security Strategy document by the Obama

Administration, (A document required by Congress) indicates that the basic

tenets of the Obama Doctrine concerning our National Security is that global

security comes before U.S. security in importance, and that International

Law trumps U.S. Law.9

• On June 30th

2009, in a dinner with historians, Obama intimated that he

preferred an economic style called “State Capitalism”, (A fascist style

economy that conglomerates all business and industry under a few large

corporations, unions, and government officials,) over Free Market


• In a town hall style meeting in 2011 Obama retorted, “If you’re complaining

about the price of gas and you’re only getting eight miles a gallon, you

know, you might want to think about a trade-in.”11

• Proving that he wasn’t against high gasoline prices at all, on a CNBC show

in 2008 Obama said, “I think I would have preferred a gradual adjustment.”

The use of the word, “adjustment” also shows he thought we should have

been paying higher prices all along.12

• As he recounted in his book, when Obama was a teenager, his main mentor

was a man by the name of Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the

Communist Party.13

An Ayersite Marxist

• Marxist terrorist Bill Ayers (a known and tried terrorist who master minded

a successful plot to bomb the Pentagon) launched Barack Obama’s career

with a fundraiser held in Ayer’s home in 1995. Ayer’s organization, “The

Weather Underground” has stated goals to achieve world communism and to

destroy American imperialism.14

• Obama and Ayers served together on the Board of Directors for the “Woods

Fund” from 1999 to 2002. During that time the fund presented a grant to an

anti Israel group called the “Arab American Action Network” headed by the

wife of Rashid Khalidi.15

• Obama and Ayers spoke together at many meetings, events, panels and

discussions, such as a juvenile detention discussion at the University of

Chicago Community Service Center.16

9 Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.202

10 Ibid. p.64

11 Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.210

12 Ibid. p.207

13 Moore, Art. “Whistleblower” Marxist Trail to the White House 2011

14 Ibid.

15 Klein, Aaron. 2010. The Manchurian President p.16

16 Ibid. p.17

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


• Bill Ayers was one of the three coauthors of the “Annenberg Challenge”

proposal to the Annenberg Foundation. Who was the first chairman

appointed to the Annenberg Challenge? It was none other than Barack

Hussein Obama. Ayers and Obama worked together to write the bylaws of

the slush fund, and, among others, they granted money to a certain leftist

cause: ACORN.17

• It is also very likely that Bill Ayers rewrote and edited “Dreams of My

Father” for Obama. According to Jack Cashill in his book, “Deconstructing

Obama”, there are nearly 800 surprising parallels between “Dreams” and

Ayers other writings, including the use of the exact same style of

phraseology and extreme use of nautical terms that Ayers had occasion to be

familiar with but Obama did not. Even more striking is the exact same

misspelling of certain names and places – not only that all the same names

and places are misspelled, but they are misspelled in the exact same way.

Even certain software programs determined an extremely high probability

that Ayers wrote “Dreams.” JGAAP, Fiction Fixer, and Computational

Corpus Linguistics all attest to substantial results in comparison of

“Dreams” and Ayers other writings, versus books by other authors, when it

comes to structure, grammar, and syntax. The comparison is astonishing and

nearly exact, even when comparing average sentence lengths, average verb

usage, and average number of words per sentence.18

Choice of Czars Reflects Obama Philosophy

• Obama’s views are also reflected in the fact that he has appointed Czars who

seem to be unaccountable to anyone but him, and in the choices he has made

for these positions.

• Obama’s desire to redistribute America’s wealth is reflected in his choice of

Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein. Sunstein has been an outspoken supporter

of using false global warming data for the very purpose of promoting

policies that redistribute United States wealth to poorer nations.19

• Sunstein further reveals the administrations far left beliefs when he argued

that animals should have equal rights with humans and should be able to sue

humans in a court of law, in a paper he wrote while at Harvard.20

• Mark Lloyd is Obama’s “Diversity Czar” – a man who has encouraged

Liberals to file complaints against Conservative Radio Stations, and has


Cashill, Jack. 2011. Deconstructing Obama p.50 18

Cashill, Jack. 2011. Deconstructing Obama p.50 19

Klein, Aaron. 2010. The Manchurian President p.179 20

Ibid. p.182

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written that he desires to confiscate their profits and redistribute them to

Liberal Public Radio programs.21

• Science Czar John Holdren is a global warming alarmist. (Though he used to

be a global cooling alarmist!) Holdren is also a major proponent of

instituting forced abortions for population control. In the 1970s he wrote a

college textbook called “Ecoscience: Population, Resources, and

Environment”, in which he states that a fetus is not a person, and that

“green” abortions, compulsory birth control, involuntary abortions, and

government imposed sterilizations would all fit within the terms of the U.S.


• Carol M. Browner is Obama’s “Energy Czar”. According to Stephen Dinan

in a January 12th, 2009 Washington Times article, Browner was a member of

a socialist group called the “Commission for a Sustainable World Society”

which works for a one world government and calls for rich nations to shrink

their economies.23

• Former “Green Jobs” Czar van Jones had to resign when it was learned that

he was the Founder of a self proclaimed Marxist-Leninist organization

called STORM, or “Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary


False Messiah

• From slobbering pundits to orgasmic reporters to crying and weeping

supporters, Barack Hussein Obama is lauded as if he were the Second

Coming of Christ.

• Obama’s top advisor and handler Valerie Jarrett said that Obama “is just too

talented to do what ordinary people do,” according to New Yorker editor

David Remnick.25

• Crowds actually sang “Obamaleluia” to him at the University of Texas.26

• Even Chris Matthews of MSNBC said Obama “…seems to have all the

answers. This is the New Testament.”27


Ibid. p.189 22

Klein, Aaron. 2010. The Manchurian President p.175 23

Ibid. p.166 24

Ibid. p.152 25

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.73 26

Freddoso, David. 2008. The Case Against Barack Obama p.61

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False Pauper

• Though the Obamas continuously paint a picture of a poor and struggling

background and stage shopping sprees at Target, the fact is they came from

well off families and went to Ivy League schools. They “struggled” so badly

in their early marriage years that they saved 111,000 dollars in 1993, and

used it as a down payment on their 280,000 condo in Hyde Park.28

• Their combined annual income at the time was 240,000 dollars a year.

Apparently the Obamas were not 99 percenters.29

• The Obamas were already making five and a half times the median income

by the twenty first century.30

• Just a few years later Michelle was making a half a million dollars a year

between her position at the University of Chicago Medical Center and her

serving on six Boards of Directors, including the Board of Directors for


• By 2007, Barack Obama’s book royalties alone totaled four million dollars,

and in 2008, he made another two and a half million from both books


Michelle Marie Antoinette Obama

• In 2011, Michelle Obama took a number of friends and family members on a

tax payer paid trip to South Africa at a cost of nearly a million dollars.33

• At a cost of nearly a half million dollars, Michelle Obama took a vacation in

Spain at one of the worst points of the recession, and stayed at a five star


• Michelle likes to wear two thousand dollar dresses and carry thousand dollar

handbags – apparently her way of feeling the pain of the impoverished.35


Ibid. p.62 28

Ibid. p.118 29

Ibid. p.118 30

Ibid. p.117 31

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.117 32

Cashill, Jack. 2011. Deconstructing Obama p.74 33

Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.394 34

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.122

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• If that weren’t bad enough, she has attended fund raisers wearing forty two

thousand dollars worth of jewelry. This while hundreds of thousands are

losing their homes, and tens of millions are out of work. It’s alright. Let

them eat cake!36

The Obama Résumé

• No official records of Obama’s college records have ever been released. (He

won’t release them.)37

• Obama began his first political run, a run for the Illinois State Senate, by

getting his three opponents - Palmer, Askia, and Ewell disqualified, and

running unopposed in the Primary.38

• According to FactCheck.org, once he was in office as a State Senator,

Obama voted “present” a whopping 123 times. (A ‘present” vote is a

politically motivated vote, that is, it is given for reasons of political

expedience over statesmanship.) He had an even worse record of


• When Obama ran for the U.S. Senate in 2004, his Republican rival Jack

Ryan dropped out of the race, leaving him triumphant over the last minute

replacement, Alan Keyes. According to FactCheck.org, Obama went on to

have the third worst attendance record in the Senate.40

• Obama then went on to promise his Illinois constituents he would not run for

higher office during his first term – a promise he obviously broke.41

• Strangely, his string of effortless political victories won him the enviable

position of Keynote Speaker at the 2004 Democrat National Convention,

propelling him to nationwide notoriety.42

• Even David Axelrod, a chief consultant an advisor to Obama, admits that

Obama has never had to run on his accomplishments or lack thereof; but

rather campaigns based on rhetoric and personality.43


Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.392 36

Ibid. p.392 37

Klein, Aaron. 2010. The Manchurian President p.18 38

Freddoso, David. 2008. The Case Against Barack Obama p.36 39

FactCheck.org 40

Ibid. 41

Freddoso, David. 2008. The Case Against Barack Obama p.44 42

Ibid. p.52 43

Ibid. p.57

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• Only days into his presidency, Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize –

an accolade he deserved neither by merit nor by achievement. The award

sits in the White House – on an empty chair with a teleprompter in front of it.


Bungling Barack

• Obama issued an order to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center on

his second day in office, without counting the cost, or considering the

feasibility of the order. Later, he had to admit it couldn’t be accomplished.45

• He showed the same incompetent policy when he tried to give the Al Qaeda

terrorists more rights by trying them as if they were American citizens in

United States courts; again revealing his naiveté and complete lack of

experience when he had to reverse himself by signing the National Defense

Authorization Act.46

• Under Barack Obama in 2011, the United States Government lost its Triple

A Credit Rating for the first time ever, after he screwed up budget talks with

Congress, and failing to grasp the very basic concepts of the need for a

balanced budget.47

• Obama’s handling of the BP Oil Spill seemed to be a repeat of the way he

handled everything else – by being absent. Even Democrat consultant and

strategist James Carville called his lack of action, “political stupidity.”48

• Obama promised a large portion of a 2009 stimulus package would go to

“shovel ready” jobs, but after the stimulus failed to bring jobs, he actually

stated that as it turns out there is no such thing as shovel ready jobs.49

• Also in 2009, after Michelle Obama made an impassioned speech before the

Olympics Committee to try to win the placement for the 2016 Olympics for

Chicago, the President himself went and lobbied as well. But not only did

they fail in the attempt, they were further embarrassed when Chicago

finished fourth place in the committee standings.50


Cashill, Jack. 2011. Deconstructing Obama p.232 45

Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.306 46

Ibid. p.307 47

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.66 48

Ibid. p.74 49

Ibid. p.75 50

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.98

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


Anti America

• During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama showed his contempt for

white working folk in Pennsylvania and the Midwest, by derisively saying

they “cling to their guns and their religion.”51

• In a 2011 speech to the Congressional Black Caucus he told them to “…take

off your bedroom slippers, stop complaining, and stop crying.”52

• Ninety days into the Obama Presidency, he told a crowd in Strasberg,

France, that the United States has “shown arrogance and has been dismissive

of its allies.”53

• In March of 2012 Obama was caught on a hot mic asking the Russian

President to tell the Russian Prime Minister that, “This is my last election;

after my election I will have more flexibility.” The only possible meaning is

that he will no longer be beholden to voters.54

• While working to shut down U.S. oil production for “the environment’s

sake,” Obama supported a billion dollar loan to Mexico for their drilling in

the Gulf, and has also supported Brazilian offshore drilling.55

• Obama has shown his support for sanctuary cities for illegal aliens and has

circumvented Congress to enact many of the provisions of the Dream Act

that Congress voted down.56

• Obama has expressed his support of Global Taxes enacted by the U.N. He

supported the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, which if enacted,

would cost the United Sates nearly a trillion dollars annually beginning in

2015, according to Accuracy in Media.57

• Perhaps one of the most un-American acts of any presidential administration

is the suing of the State of Arizona for actually enforcing U.S. immigration

laws. Even worse, the U.S. State Department actually reported the Arizona

initiative SB 1070 as a human rights violation to the United Nations Council

on Human Rights.58


Ibid. p.76 52

Ibid. p188 53

Cashill, Jack. 2011. Deconstructing Obama p.235 54

Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.336 55

Ibid. p.220 56

Ibid. p.30 57

Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.34 58

Ibid. p.22

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• Obama apologized to Afghanistan after several defaced copies of the Koran

were burned by American soldiers, even though two American soldiers were

killed in the protests that followed.59

• On Veterans Day 2010, instead of speaking about U.S. veterans and praising

them, Obama snubbed American soldiers and spoke in Indonesia about their

“Heroes Day” and praised their soldiers. In the same speech he went on to

criticize Americans for not having more trust in Islam.60

• According to the Japan Times, in the fall of 2009, Obama had planned to

visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki and apologize for the United States having

dropped atomic bombs on them in WWII. But the Japanese told him to go

fly a kite, and that they were not interested.61

Anti Bible, Anti Christian, Anti Christ

• “Whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian nation; we are

also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, a Hindu nation,

and a nation of non believers.” Obama said this at the “Call to Renewal

Conference”, June 8th, 2006.


• Barack Obama personally blocked the Illinois “Live Baby Bill”, a bill which

would have prevented aborted babies who survived outside the womb from

being murdered, when he became the Chairman of the Health and Human

Services Committee in the Illinois Legislature.63

• Obama actually argued that “We cannot legally recognize them [babies that

survive abortion] as persons.” He reasoned that if babies who survive an

abortion and are alive outside the womb are considered to be human beings,

it could jeopardize someone’s right to an abortion. This proves beyond all

doubt that to Barack Obama, the right to live, even after birth, is less

important than the right to kill the unborn.64

• When a bill was brought before the Illinois Legislature to prevent

pornography stores and strip clubs from opening close to churches and

schools, Obama voted “present”.65


Ibid. p.15 60

Ibid. p.15 61

Ibid. p14 62

Klein, Aaron. 2010. The Manchurian President p.39 63

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.25 64

Freddoso, David. 2008. The Case Against Barack Obama p.200 65

Ibid. p.116

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• On the campaign trail of the 2008 presidential race, Obama said that

homosexuals are “people who are made in the image of God, and who are

often truer to Christ’s message than those who condemn them.”66

• Obama has purposefully omitted the words, “The Creator” on seven

different occasions when quoting the Declaration of Independence.67

• The Obama administration has argued in court, (and lost) that the First

Amendment provides no protection for churches and synagogues to make

their own choices when hiring and firing ministers.68

• Obama’s administration has a forgiveness policy for student loans in

exchange for volunteer public service, but not if that service is related to any


• Obama has refused to honor the tradition of hosting a White House event for

the National Day of Prayer, but instead hosts “Iftar” dinners for Ramadan.70

• Obama has ignored Biblical Holidays but officially recognizes Muslim

Holidays, proven by his statements and proclamations on Ramadan, Hajj,

and Eid-ul-Adha.71

• Even Obama’s Pastor, Reverend Wright said Barack and Michelle only went

to church for political reasons. “Church is not their thing, it never was their

thing. The church was not an integral part of their spiritual lives. The church

was an integral part of Barack’s politics.”72


Ibid. p.115 67

Jessup, Meredith “Obama Continues to Omit Creator” The Blaze October 19, 2010 68

Olson, Ted “Church Wins Firing Case at Supreme Court” Christianity Today January 11th

, 2012 69

Hudson, Audrey “Obama Forgives Student Loans for Services” Human Events February 15th

, 2012 70

“Obama Tones Down National Day of Prayer Observance” CNN, May 6th

, 2009 71

“White House Fails to Release Easter Proclamation” Fox Nation Aprl25th, 2011 72

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.43

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


Anti Israel

• Ali Abunimah quoted Obama as having told him that he should keep up the

good work of writing editorials that were critical of Israel, and told him on

another occasion he was very supportive of U.S. pressure on Israel, rather

than Hamas.73

• According to Abunimah, Obama was very involved in Palestinian activism,

and not only attended but spoke at Deheisha Palestinian fundraisers.74

• In June of 2009, in an interview on French television, Obama claimed that

the United States is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.75

• Obama has been a close personal friend of Rashid Khalidi, a Palestinian

apologist, saying he has shared many meals together with him, and has been

a visitor at Khalidi’s home many times. In 2003 Obama publicly thanked

Khalidi for “expanding his world view.”76

• Shortly before the Cannes Summit, Obama sunk American Israeli relations

by demanding that Israel summarily accept the call to live within its 1967


• Based on his speeches throughout his visit to several Muslim countries in

July of 2009, Obama seems to ignore Israel’s three thousand year history in

the Middle East, and chooses instead to peddle the idea that Israel’s only

claim to the land is as a compensation for the Holocaust.78

• Obama was caught on a hot mic speaking to the French President Nicolas

Sarkozy saying, “You’re sick of him? [Benjamin Netanyahu] I have to work

with him every day.”79

• The White House insulted Netanyahu and his entourage on another occasion,

when they kept the Israeli delegates waiting for hours, and then insulted

them again when they brought them non kosher food that they couldn’t eat.80


Klein, Aaron. 2010. The Manchurian President p.50 74

Ibid. p.50 75

Ibid. p.40 76

Cashill, Jack. 2011. Deconstructing Obama p.102 77

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.157 78

Ibid. p.162 79

Klein, Edward. 2012. The Amateur p.156 80

Ibid. p.156

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


The Lawless One

• Obama has made it plain that his presidency is about doing what he wishes

and circumventing Congress and ignoring court orders whenever it suits

him. In an interview on 60 Minutes he said, “What I am not going to do is

wait for Congress.” He told Brian Williams on NBC news in an August

2010 interview that his presidency would be much more about

implementation than legislation. Rahm Emmanuel had even proclaimed that

Obama would rule by Executive Order to get the job done quickly.81

• In February of 2012, Barack Obama directed the Justice Department to cease

defending the U.S. Defense of Marriage Act.82

• The Obama Administration directed stem cell researchers to ignore a court

ruling that struck down federal funding for Embryonic Stem Cell research.83

• Obama’s Justice Department refused to prosecute New Black Panther

members in a voter intimidation case.84

• When Obama finally approved military action in Libya, he worked first to

enlist the approval of the U.N. and the Arab League, without so much as

getting a Congressional vote on the action, without even consulting

Congress, and without consulting or alerting the American people.85

• Leon Panetta, in a March 2012 hearing before the Armed Services

Committee, betrayed the Obama Administration’s true loyalties and regard

for Congress when speaking of possible involvement in Syria, “Our goal

would be to seek International permission, and then we would come to

Congress to inform you.” Obviously Obama and his administrators consider

themselves beholden to someone other than the American people, or their

duly elected representatives.86

• In 2011 The Obama Justice Department sued the states of Arizona,

Alabama, and South Carolina, for passing laws to enforce federal

immigration laws.87

• President Obama invoked “Executive Privilege” in the “Fast and Furious”

debacle, in which Obama’s Justice Department oversaw the selling of over

two thousand guns to Mexican Drug Cartels. Internal ATF emails and

whistleblowers from inside the Justice Department point to a conspiracy by


Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.2 82

Montopoli, Brian. “Obama Administration Will No Longer defend DOMA”, CBS News, February 23rd

, 2011 83

Ertelt, Steven. “President Obama’s Pro Abortion Record” Life News, February 11th

, 2012 84

Kupelian, David. “Rise of the Lawless Left” Whistleblower, May, 2011 p.6 85

Limbaugh, David. 2012. The Great Destroyer p.308 86

Ibid. p.308 87

Ibid. p.88

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


the Obama Administration to create the appearance that American guns were

to blame for the cartel violence – An act of fraud, an act of Treason, and an

act of murder, as two hundred people were killed with those guns including

U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.88

• Obama campaigned repeatedly on a balanced Budget, cutting the Deficit,

and paying some of the National Debt. But once in office, he has made no

attempts at all in accomplishing these goals. In fact, he has done just the



Ibid. p.362

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


So Just WHO is Barack Obama?

• A supporter of Global Taxes.

• A socialist who emulates fascists and other socialists.

• A President who considers himself above the law.

• A President who shows disdain for America when he is abroad.

• A President who circumvents Congress and the Courts at every


• A President who pours taxpayer money into unviable companies.

• A President who welcomes Muslim Terrorists but shuns

Christians and Jews.

• A long time multi millionaire attempting to appear poor.

• A President who wants you to “stop grumbling, stop complaining

and stop being lazy,” because our problems are your fault.

• A President who doesn’t mind high gas prices.

• A President who doesn’t mind misleading the American People.

• A President who couldn’t care less about the Constitution.

• A bungling disaster of a Commander in Chief.

• Someone who takes credit for the work of others.

• A President who believes more in International Law than in U.S.


• An anti Israel, pro Hamas President.

• A man who would actually choose Joe Biden for Vice President.

• A President who loves to live lavishly on the taxpayer dime.

• A betraying, fair weather friend.

• An excellent teleprompter reader.

• A close personal friend of known terrorists.

• A President who appoints dozens of “Czars” who are

unaccountable to the American people in any way.

• A man who doesn’t mind murdering babies who survive abortion.

• An empty chair.

Page 19: 88 Things Barack - Precinct Power Solutions · 88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know 2 So Just WHO is Barack Obama? • A supporter of Global Taxes. • A socialist who emulates

88 Things

David Whitehead Jr.

Senior Writer for Prevailing Publications, David Whitehead Jr. is a

County Republican Party Ex

been a Travis County Deputy Voter Registrar.received formal training by the American Majority in

Washington D.C., he

Republican Party Chairman, and has taught and trained

conservative activistsand has authored several political and religious books

and booklets.


88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


David Whitehead Jr.

Senior Writer for Prevailing Publications, David Whitehead Jr. is a former member of the Travis

ican Party Ex. Committee,

been a Travis County Deputy Voter Registrar.received formal training by the American Majority in

n D.C., he has served as the Travis County

Party Precinct Training Committee, and has taught and trained

activists. David is an Ordained Ministerhas authored several political and religious books


Senior Writer for Prevailing Publications, David member of the Travis

Committee, and has

been a Travis County Deputy Voter Registrar. Having received formal training by the American Majority in

the Travis County

Training Committee Co-, and has taught and trained many

is an Ordained Minister, has authored several political and religious books


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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


There are many excellent books and manuals written by

David Whitehead Jr. for Proactive Republicans to choose from at:


99 Things Hillary Hopes You Forgot About!

Just exactly who IS Hillary Clinton? Either she is a criminal many times

over, or she is the most incompetent politician and attorney Washington

has ever seen! Get 99 examples of this, and much more!

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eBooklet Version: $2.95



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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


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time convincing others of the importance of the right to keep and bear arms? If

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rights, it shows you how to present them to others. A must read."

eBook Version: $9.95 http://www.precinctpowersolutions.com/store/p15/The_Gun_Rights_Answer_


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88 Things

Innovative Ideas, Hints, Tips, and Suggestions

for the RESOURCEFUL Precinct Chairman

This book will equip you with the “out of the box” ideas, techniques,

and strategies that will help you win your precinct, and will help you

utilize every potential asset your precinct has to offer.

by David Whitehead Jr.Dr. Rosemary Edwards, former Chairman of the Republican Party of Travis

County had this to say:

“This book has been extremely useful to the Republican Party of Travis

County, I own the book and I have seen many of our Precinct Chairmen

carrying it under their arms, and to meetings.

Connie B. Hudson, Denton County GOP 3rd Vice Chair said:

"David has done our homework for us; all we have to do is read and

apply. I believe that if we do, we will win elections by a landslide. This is a

wealth of knowledge at a great price."



88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


Innovative Ideas, Hints, Tips, and Suggestions

for the RESOURCEFUL Precinct Chairman

This book will equip you with the “out of the box” ideas, techniques,

and strategies that will help you win your precinct, and will help you

ial asset your precinct has to offer.

by David Whitehead Jr. Dr. Rosemary Edwards, former Chairman of the Republican Party of Travis

County had this to say:

“This book has been extremely useful to the Republican Party of Travis

County, I own the book and I have seen many of our Precinct Chairmen

carrying it under their arms, and to meetings.

Connie B. Hudson, Denton County GOP 3rd Vice Chair said:

David has done our homework for us; all we have to do is read and

apply. I believe that if we do, we will win elections by a landslide. This is a

wealth of knowledge at a great price."

eBook Version: $9.95 https://www.precinctpowersolutions.com/store/p2/Whitehead%27s_Innovativ



Innovative Ideas, Hints, Tips, and Suggestions

for the RESOURCEFUL Precinct Chairman

This book will equip you with the “out of the box” ideas, techniques,

and strategies that will help you win your precinct, and will help you

Dr. Rosemary Edwards, former Chairman of the Republican Party of Travis

“This book has been extremely useful to the Republican Party of Travis

County, I own the book and I have seen many of our Precinct Chairmen

David has done our homework for us; all we have to do is read and

apply. I believe that if we do, we will win elections by a landslide. This is a



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88 Things

Proactive Republican's Guide to:

Hispanic America is the fastest growing demographic in the United Sta

The time has come for Republicans to learn how to bring them into the Party

and capitalize on our common values.

With this book you will learn very different strategies than you are used to,

and you will be able to contact, engage, and assimilate Hispanic Americans into

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this book at your Republican peril.

By David Whitehead Jr. Beth Cubriel, Former Executive Director,

“At a political volunteer training we sponsored, David shared some informative

tips that are included in his precinct chair guidebook

thing or two about political organization.”



88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know



Proactive Republican's Guide to: Winning Hispanic Americans

Hispanic America is the fastest growing demographic in the United Sta

The time has come for Republicans to learn how to bring them into the Party

and capitalize on our common values.

With this book you will learn very different strategies than you are used to,

and you will be able to contact, engage, and assimilate Hispanic Americans into

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t your Republican peril.

By David Whitehead Jr. Executive Director, Republican Party of Texas said:

“At a political volunteer training we sponsored, David shared some informative

tips that are included in his precinct chair guidebooks. David clearly knows a

thing or two about political organization.”

eBook Version: $9.95 http://www.precinctpowersolutions.com/store/p45/The_Proactive_Republican


Winning Hispanic Americans

Hispanic America is the fastest growing demographic in the United States.

The time has come for Republicans to learn how to bring them into the Party

With this book you will learn very different strategies than you are used to,

and you will be able to contact, engage, and assimilate Hispanic Americans into

the Republican Party on a personal, grassroots, local, and national level. Ignore

Republican Party of Texas said:

“At a political volunteer training we sponsored, David shared some informative

s. David clearly knows a



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88 Things

Proactive Republican's Guide to:

This manual not only provides the Republican Block

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This manual takes the Block Walker from their doorstep to the P

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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know



Proactive Republican's Guide to: Block Walking

This manual not only provides the Republican Block Walker with every basic

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This manual takes the Block Walker from their doorstep to the P

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Block Walking

Walker with every basic

strategy a serious Block Walker should know, but it also equips him with dozens

of advanced tactics and techniques that will give him the edge over the

This manual takes the Block Walker from their doorstep to the Prospect's

doorstep, covers what to say and even provides a number of scripts for every

occasion; then proceeds to cover what NOT to say, how to handle every

situation, and even covers what to do after the Block Walking is over.

a partner and in groups, to staging an all out Block



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88 Things Barack Hopes You Don’t Know


100 Gun Rights Facts

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