8C Neurological Final

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  • 7/29/2019 8C Neurological Final




    1. Appearance colorless, clear2. Pressure 50-180 mm H2O3. Protein

    a. Lumbar 15-50 mg/dlb. Cisternal 15-25 mg/dlc. Ventricular 6-15 mg/dl

    4. Cell Counta. RBCs negativeb. WBCs 0-5

    5. Glucose 50-80 mg/dl6. Gram stain negative for organisms7. Culture and sensitivity: no growth

    Cerebrospinal fluid analysis

    a. obtained via lumbar, cisternal or ventricular punctureb. indications: inflammation, infectionc. standard precautions are requiredd. maintain strict asepsis

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    Electroencephalogram (EEG)

    a. records electrical activity at various brain sitesb. specific nursing interventions

    i. do not stop anticonvulsant medicationsii. the night before test, adult clients should have

    minimal sleepiii. hair should be washed prior to testiv. after test, help client remove paste

    Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

    Definition: A watery cushion that protects the brain and spinal cord from physical impact and bathesthe brain in electrolytes and proteins.

    Formation: The fluid is formed by the choroid plexuses of the lateral and third ventricles. That of thelateral ventricles passes through the foramen of Monro to the third ventricle, and through theaqueduct of Sylvius to the fourth ventricle. There it may escape through the central foramen of

    Magendie or the lateral foramina of Luschke into the cisterna magna and to the cranial and spinalsubarachnoid spaces. It is reabsorbed through the arachnoid villi into the blood in the cranial venoussinuses, and through the perineural lymph spaces of both the brain and the cord.

    Characteristics: The fluid is normally watery, clear, colorless, and almost entirely free of cells. Theinitial pressure of spinal fluid in a side-lying adult is about 100 to 180 mm of water. On average, thetotal protein is about 15 to 50 mg/dl, and the concentration of glucose is about two-thirds theconcentration of glucose in the patient's serum. Its pH, which is rarely measured clinically, is slightlymore acidic than the pH of blood. Its concentration and alkaline reserve are similar to those of blood.It does not clot on standing. Turbidity suggests an excessively high number of cells in the fluid,typically white blood cells in infection or red blood cells in hemorrhage.

    CSF may appear red following a recent subarachnoid hemorrhage or when the lumbar puncture thatobtained the CSF caused traumatic injury to the dura that surround the fluid. Centrifugation of thefluid can distinguish between these two sources of blood in the spinal fluid: the supernatant is usuallystained yellow (xanthochromic) only when there has been a recent subarachnoid hemorrhage.

    Many conditions may cause increases in total protein: infections, such as acute or chronic meningitis;multiple sclerosis (when oligoclonal protein bands are present); Guillain-Barr syndrome; and chronicmedical conditions like cirrhosis and hypothyroidism (when diffuse hypergammaglobulinemia ispresent). The concentration of glucose in the CSF rises in uncontrolled diabetes mellitus and dropsprecipitously in meningitis, sarcoidosis, and some other illnesses. Malignant cells in the CSF,demonstrated after centrifugation or filtering, are hallmarks of carcinomatous meningitis.

    Microorganism: The CSF is normally sterile. Meningococci, streptococci, Haemophilus influenzae,Listeria monocytogenes , and gram-negative bacilli are recovered from the CSF only in cases ofmeningitis. Syphilitic meningitis is usually diagnosed with serological tests for the disease, such asthe venereal disease research laboratory (VDRL) test, the rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test, or thefluorescent treponemal antibody test. Cryptococcal infection of the CSF may be demonstrated byIndia ink preparations, or by latex agglutination tests. Tuberculous meningitis may sometimes bediagnosed with Ziehl-Neelsen stains, but more often this is done with cultures. These last threeinfections (syphilis, cryptococcosis, and tuberculosis) are much more common in patients who haveacquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) than in the general population.

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    Tomography and resonance imaging

    Computerized tomography (CT) scans

    a. use a roentgen ray and a computer to provide accurate

    images of cross sections of the bodyb. a non-invasive procedure using very little radiation thatvisualizes slices of tissuesc. usually takes less than one hour d. sharper images than conventional x-rayse. contraindicated in pregnancyf. nursing interventions

    i. explain test to clientii. some clients may require mild sedationiii. client must lie very stilliv. client receives radiopaque solution to visualize

    blood vessels

    v. client is NPO past midnight when contrast is usedvi. if barium studies were done, wait at least four days

    for CT scan, or barium will obscure film

    Positive emission tomography (PET)

    a. uses an intravenous injection of radioactive substancefollowed by a head scanb. various shades of color indicate levels of glucosemetabolism in the brainc. nursing interventions: same as CT scan

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    a. tomography based on the magnetic behavior of protons inthe body tissuesb. used to detect neurologic and musculoskeletal disordersc. contraindicated in clients with metal implants such aspacemakers, aneurysm clips, medication patches that are foil backed, metallicorthopedic devices, can be uncomfortable with multiple tattoosd. nursing interventions

    i. explain test to clientii. client must lie very stilliii. client may become claustrophobic in chamber iv. soft humming sound may annoy some clientsv. client must remove all metal jewelry and watches

    Lumbar puncture (LP) (Spinal Tap)

    a. needle inserted into the subarachnoid space between L3and S1b. uses

    i. measure cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) pressureii. obtain CSF for visual and laboratory examinationiii. to inject medications, anesthetic agents, diagnostic


    1. Contraindicated if client has increased intracranial pressure (ICP)2. Place client in lateral decubitus position (knee-chest)3. Complications include post-puncture headache

    4. CSF findings

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    5. Nursing interventionsa. explain procedure to clientb. administer sedative if orderedc. assist client to maintain proper position and stillness duringprocedured. strict asepsise. maintain standard precautionsf. label specimens sequentiallyg. provide emotional support as procedure can be painfulh. post-procedure

    i. keep client flat on back from four to 12 hoursii. give analgesics & ice pack as orderediii. perform neuro checks and vital signs prequently to

    assure stabilityiv. encourage fluids unless contraindicatedv. observe for post-puncture headache, leakage of

    CSF, tingling sensation, numbness or pain in lower extremities

    Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring

    a. invasive: measuring device is placedi. in a ventricle

    ii. in a subarachnoid space

    iii. outside dura materiv. within parenchymab. types of devices include aventricular catheter; asubarachnoid bolt; an epidural sensorc. changes in intracranial pressure are converted to anelectrical impulse by a transducer and displayed on a screen or on graphpaperd. measurements include volume-pressure relationships,pressure waves and cerebral perfusion pressurese. normal ICP: 10-15 mm Hgf. nursing interventions

    i. maintain strict sterile technique

    ii. maintain patency of deviceiii. observe for CSF leaks or bleeding, signs of infection

    iv. monitor pressure and report deviations

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    I. Neurological Anatomy and Physiology

    A. Central nervous system (CNS) - coordinates and controls body functions

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    1. Braina. cerebrum

    i. hemispheres right and leftii. frontal lobe - higher intellectual functions, social

    behavior, personalityiii. parietal lobe - perceives and interprets sensory

    inputiv. temporal lobe - emotional response, memory,

    language, organization of sensory input (hearing,taste and smell)

    v. occipital lobe - visionb. cerebellum - provide equilibrium and muscle coordinationc. brain stem - midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata;

    controls basic body functions and relays impulses to andfrom spinal cord; the connection between the brain andspinal cord

    2. Spinal corda. descending tract - anterior portion of cord carrying motor

    information; associate "d"escending to "d"own impulses

    are carried to peripheral nervesb. ascending tracti. the posterior portion of cord that carries sensory

    information up to the brainii. 31 segments

    eight cervical: neck and upper extremities 12 thoracic: thoracic and abdomen five lumbar: lower extremities

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    five sacral: lower extremities, urine andbowel control

    one coccygeal

    B. Peripheral nervous system - carries information to and from the CNS1. Motor nerves2. Sensory nerves

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    C. Autonomic nervous system - regulates body's internal environment1. Sympathetic - prepares body for fight or flight; used only as

    needed when scared or excessively happy2. Parasympathetic - controls normal body functioning for day to day

    activities, e.g., increases muscle tone, maintains secretions withmoist mucous membranes; maintains heart rate within normallimits; maintains GI and GU peristalsis

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    D. Cranial nerves

    These nerves are the vital bridges between the brain and the rest of thebody.

    E. Physiology - nervous system coordinates and controls all activities of the

    body1. Receives internal and external stimuli2. Processes information to determine appropriate response

    3. Transmits information over varied motor pathways to effectororgans

    F. Findings for increased intracranial pressure (ICP)1. Early

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    a. change in level of consicousness (LOC): restlessness,agitation, irritability, disorientation, confusion, lethargy,stupor

    b. pupils: dilated ipsilaterally, react slowly to lightc. abnormal motor activity: contralateral hemiparesisd. abnormal reflexes - hyper or hypo reflexiae. vital signs within normal parameters

    2. Latea. LOC: semicomatose, comab. pupils: dilated bilaterally and fixed; no reaction to light

    c. motor function: decorticate posture then decerebrateposture; flaccid muscles at end stage

    d. vital signs - increased systolic pressure to result in awidened pulse pressure, decreased respirations withbradycardia (Tip: heart and lungs go in similar directions -both increase or decrease), temperature initially may risethen fall below normal parameters

    II. Degenerative DisordersA. Parkinson's disease

    1. Definition: degenerative disorder of the dopamine hydrochloride -producing neurons

    a. result: dopamine hydrochloride depletionb. usually occurs in older adults and males more than

    femalesc. etiology unknown

    2. Findings: first unilateral, then bilateral movements

    a. resting tremors of the lips, jaw, tongue, and limbs,especially a resting pill-rolling tremor of one hand that is

    absent during sleep. This tremor is often labeled - "nonintention" tremor. This is different from an essential orintention tremorin which the tremor is action related andlabeled "intention" tremor.

    b. bradykinesiac. fatigued. stiffness and rigidity with movemente. mask-like facial expression often accompanied with

    droolingf. slow, shuffling walk in a stooped-over posture; gradually

    more difficulty with walkingg. difficulty rising from sitting position

    h. ultimately confined to a wheelchairi. mind stays intact unless other aggravating conditions

    j. echolalia in most cases3. Diagnostics

    a. based on findings with historyb. EEGc. MRId. computerized tomogram (CT scan)

    4. Managementa. expected outcomes: palliative and to postpone

    dependenceb. pharmacologic

    I. anticholinergics - minimize extrapyramidal effectsI. benzotropine mesylate (Cogentin)II. procyclidine (Kemadrin)

    II. dopamine hydrochloridergics: Levodopa (L-Dopa)III. antiparkinsonian agent: amantadine HCl

    (Symmetrel) reduces rigidity and tremorIV. MAO inhibitors: selegiline (Eldepryl)V. coenzyme Q-10

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    VI. othersI. selegiline (Carbex)

    II. COMT inhibitorsIII. tolcapone (Tasmar)IV. entacapone (if combined with carbidopa and

    levodopa the medication is Stalevo)

    c. therapiesI. physical

    II. occupationalIII. speech

    d. surgery: to decrease tremorI. stereotaxic thalamotomy

    II. pallidotomy - pinpoint the areas to be treatedsurgically

    III. deep brain stimulation5. Nursing interventions

    a. maintain safety of clientb. prevent effects of immobility

    c. foster independence in activities of daily living (ADL)d. reinforce the use of assistive devices for ambulation as

    indicatede. promote good nutrition

    I. small, frequent mealsII. soft foodsIII. roughage with sufficient fluids to decrease

    constipationf. monitor effectiveness or ineffectiveness of administered

    medicationsg. provide emotional support to client and family membersh. teach client

    I. when and what side effects of the drugs to reportII. the benefits of daily exerciseIII. the benefits of "drug holidays"

    B. Huntington's disease1. Definition

    a. progressive atrophy of basal ganglia and some parts ofcerebral cortex

    b. etiology - genetic disorder, autosomal dominant2. Findings: usually occurs in middle age, increased involuntary

    movements, progressive decline in cognitive functiona. motor function

    I. impaired chewing and swallowingII. chorea

    III. dystonic postureIV. gradually becomes bedridden

    b. cognitive function: less able to organize, plan andsequence behavior

    c. mental function: personality changes, depression, evenpsychosis

    3. Diagnostics: history and physical exam4. Management

    a. expected outcome: postpone dependenceb. supportive care for findingsc. therapies: speech, physicald. genetic counseling

    5. Nursing interventionsa. foster independence in ADLb. reinforce the use of assistive devices for ambulation as

    neededc. teach client to

    I. maintain good nutrition

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    II. get emotional support from support groups, friendsIII. seek genetic counseling

    C. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease)1. Definition

    a. progressive atrophy of spinal muscle; bulbar palsy

    b. progressive degeneration of the motor neurons of theanterior horn cells of the spinal cord, brainstem, and motorcortex

    c. onset in later middle age; more in men than in womend. clients with ALS usually die within two to six yearse. etiology unknown

    2. Findingsa. usually beginning in the upper body - the head and arms,

    the distal portion firstb. mild clumsiness progressing to total incapacityc. muscle wasting, atrophy, spasticityd. speech disorders

    e. no change in sensation or autonomic systemf. death most often from complications: respiratory failure,

    urinary or pulmonary infections for stasisg. mind usually intact while client has loss of voluntary and

    eventually involuntary muscle functions3. Diagnostics: history and physical exam4. Management

    a. expected outcome: keep functional independence as muchas possible

    b. no curec. management of findings

    I. muscle relaxants forspasticity

    II. therapies:I. speech

    II. physicalIII. respiratory supportIV. nutritional support

    5. Nursing interventionsa. provide for respiratory care and referralsb. maintain a safe environment focused toward infection

    preventionc. prevent complications of immobility especially pulmonary

    and urinary stasisd. postpone dependence

    e. promote balanced nutritionf. provide emotional support and referrals to support groups

    D. Dementia1. Etiology

    a. characterized by irreversible, progressive cerebraldysfunction

    b. Alzheimer's disease - most common cause of dementiaI. characterized by brain atrophyII. development of senile plaques and neurofibrillary

    tangles in the cerebral hemispheresIII. etiology unknown

    2. Findingsa. initially characterized by decreased intellectual functioningb. Alzheimer's disease has three stages

    I. early stageI. memory loss

    II. subtle personality changesIII. difficulty with abstract thinking

    II. middle stage

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    I. impaired judgmentII. impaired languageIII. difficulty with motor activity and object

    recognitionIV. wanderingV. inability to carry out ADL

    III. final stageI. complete loss of language function

    II. loss of bowel and bladder controlc. prognosis - poor, incurable

    3. Management - expected outcome: maintenance of functionalcapacity

    4. Nursing interventionsa. meet client's physical needsb. promote client's independencec. promote contact with realityd. assist client/family to establish a routinee. provide emotional support or caregiver support with

    appropriate referrals

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    E. Organic brain syndrome1. Definition - a general term used to categorize physical conditions

    that can cause decreased mental function2. Etiology

    a. degenerative disorders

    b. drug and alcohol related conditionsc. infectionsd. repiratory conditionse. trauma-induced brain injuryf. cardiovascular disordersg. dementia from metabolic disorders

    3. Findingsa. findings vary with the specific diseaseb. in general, organic brain syndromes cause varying

    degrees of confusionc. delirium - severe often sudden short term loss of brain

    function as with high temperatures, drug withdrawal

    d. agitatione. dementia - long term loss of brain functionf. aggression - typical of some of the conditions contributing

    to this diagnosis4. Management

    a. therapy varies with the specific disorderb. many of the disorders have nonspecific treatmentsc. the priority in many instances is supportive care to assist

    the person in areas where brain function is lostd. medications may be needed to reduce aggressive

    behaviors typical of some of the conditions in this category5. Nursing interventions

    a. assist to meet the client's physical needsb. refer family to support systemsc. monitor the effectiveness of medication therapyd. evaluate changes to where the client is unable to maintain

    independence with ADL

    III. Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA, Stroke, Cerebral Infarction)A. Definition: decreased blood supply to the brain

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    1. Risk factorsa. hypertension, uncontrolledb. smokingc. obesityd. increased blood cholesterol and triglyceridese. chronic atrial fibrillation

    2. Five classes of stroke: by "severity" - least to most severea. transient ischemic attack (TIA), "angina" of the brain

    i. TIA is warning sign of strokeii. localized ischemic eventiii. produces neurological deficits lasting only minutes

    or hoursiv. full functional recovery within 24 to 48 hours

    b. reversible ischemic neurological deficit (RIND)i. similar to TIAii. findings last between 24 hours and three weeksiii. usual full functional recovery within three to four

    weeksc. partial, nonprogressing stroke: some neurological deficit,

    but stabilizedd. progressing stroke (stroke in evolution)

    i. deterioration of neurological status often with grandmal seizure activity

    ii. has residual neurological deficits that last

    indefinitelye. completed stroke - results from a stroke in evolution

    3. Two types of stroke by "cause"a. ischemic (also known as occlusive) stroke (clot) - slower

    onseti. results from inadequate blood flow leading to a

    cerebral infarctionii. caused by cerebral thrombosis or embolism within

    the cerebral blood vesselsiii. most common cause: atherosclerosis

    b. hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding) - abrupt onseti. intracerebral hemorrhagic stroke

    blood vessels rupture with a bleed into thebrain

    occurs most often in hypertensive olderadults

    may also result during anticoagulant orthrombolytic therapy

    ii. subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) most often caused by rupture of saccular

    intracranial aneurysms more than 90% are congenital aneurysms

    iii. epidural bleeds cerebral arterial vessels are involved often a loss of consciousness for a short

    period of time called transientunconsciousness

    recall clue: associate that "e" in epidural and"a" in artery are together at the top of thealphabet

    iv. subdural bleeds

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    veins are involved may not be evident until months after an

    initial trauma recall clue: associate that "s" in subdural

    and "v" in vein are together at the bottom ofthe alphabet

    B. Findings (depends on the location of the lesion)

    Types of CVA

    C. Diagnostics1. History and physical exam2. Computerized tomogram (CT) scan

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    3. Magnetic resenance imaging (MRI)4. Doppler echocardiography flow analysis5. Carotid artery duplex doppler ultrasonography6. EEG - shows abnormal electrical activity7. Lumbar puncture - shows if blood is found in the cerebral spinal

    fluid as a result of a cerebral bleed

    8. Cerebral angiography - shows blood flow in cerebral arteriesa. may be done with or without contrast

    D. Management - to prevent or minimize the damaging effects of stroke;dependent on the type of CVA

    1. Expected outcomesa. prevent or minimize the damaging effects of stokeb. depends on the type of CVA

    2. Occlusive strokea. pharmacologic

    1. thrombolytics2. anticoagulant therapy: heparin, coumadin3. antiplatelet therapy: aspirin, dipyridamole

    (Persantine)1. platelet aggregation inhibitor: clopidogrel

    (Plavix), ticlopidine HCL (Ticlid)4. steroids: dexamethasone (Decadron)

    b. surgery - bypass - carotid endarterectomy3. Hemorrhagic stroke

    a. pharmacologic1. antihypertensive agents2. systemic steroids: dexamethasone (Decadron)3. osmotic diuretics: mannitol4. antifibrinolytic agents: aminocaproic acid (Amicar)5. vasodilators

    6. alpha-blockers and beta-blockers7. anticonvulsants

    b. surgical excision of aneurysm4. Common to both types of stroke

    a. care based on findingsb. therapies

    1. nutritional support2. physical3. speech4. behavioral5. occupational

    E. Nursing interventions

    1. In acute stage of strokea. maintain airway patency; if grand mal seizure activity note

    time, length, behaviorsb. monitor neuro status and vital signsc. maintain adequate fluidsd. position with head of bed elevated 15 to 30 degrees with

    client turned or tilted to unaffected sidee. provide activity as orderedf. perform passive and/or active range of motion exercisesg. maintain client's proper body alignmenth. administer medications as orderedi. care for post op client as indicated

    j. provide care for client with increased intracranial pressureCARE OF CLIENT WITH INCREASED INTRACRANIAL PRESSURE

    1. Institute seizure precautions2. Administer oxygen as ordered3. Monitor for changes in intracranial pressure4. Monitor neuro vital signs as ordered5. Maintain fluid restriction as ordered6. Observe for herniation syndrome7. Raise head of bed at 30-45 degrees; avoid 90 degrees since pressure in hip area increases ICP8. Prevent any activities that increase ICP such as: laughing, straining at stool, coughing, vomiting,

    any restrictive clothing around neck, anxiety, pushing up in bed with heels, pulling on rails whenturning, neck rotation, flexion or extension

    9. Provide for the care of the unconscious clients if decreased LOC

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    2. Long-term care of client with strokea. monitor to facilitate normal elimination patternsb. teach/evaluate the use of supportive devicesc. maintain client in a safe environmentd. prevent the effects of immobilitye. support the maintenance of adequate nutrition in light of

    feeding and swallowing problems

    f. assist with eating and ADL as indicatedg. provide emotional supporth. provide methods of communication for client with aphasia

    IV. Infectious Inflammatory DisordersA. Meningitis

    1. Definition/coursea. acute or chronic inflammation of the meningesb. average length of illness is four months

    2. Typesa. bacterial: mostly contagious; requires isolation

    i. mostly common meningococcal

    the covering of the brain and spinal cord areinvolved

    in children 2 to 18 years-old in high risk groups

    o infants

    o adults with weakened or suppressed

    immune systems

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    o college students freshman in

    particular who reside in dormitorieso travelers to foreign countries where

    disease is endemico 10 15% of cases are fatal

    o 10 15 % of cases result in brain

    damage or other serious side effectsii. Haemophilus influenzae; those at risk are

    children in child care settings children with no access to vaccine

    iii. pneumococcal; those at risk are children under the age of 2 years-old adults with weakened or suppressed

    immune systemsb. viral

    i. isolation is not requiredii. aseptic meningitis is the most common form in the


    c. cryptococcal fungali. often from bird droppingsii. organism is found in dirtiii. common in clients with AIDS

    3. Findingsa. severe headacheb. sudden fever c. altered LOC decreasedd. photophobiae. nuchal rigidity severe pain in the back of neck when the

    chin is moved toward the chest with the client resistingmovement

    4. Diagnosticsa. history and physical examb. positive Kernig's sign: 90-degree flexion of hip and knee

    with extension of knee causes painc. positive Brudzinski's sign: flexion of neck causes flexion of

    hip and kneed. lumbar puncture for characteristics of cerebral spinal fluid -

    decreased glucose in bacterial or fungal infectionse. CT or MRI with and without contrastf. EEG

    5. Managementa. expected outcomes: to cure the infection and prevent

    complicationsb. pharmacologic

    i. antibiotic therapy depends on the type of pathogenii. preventive therapy for people exposed to those with

    meningococcal or haemophilus influenzae (H flu)meningitis: rifampin (rifadin)

    iii. H flu vaccineiv. antifungals if fungusv. anticonvulsants to prevent seizures

    c. actions to minimize feverd. prevention of increased intracranial pressure or seizures

    6. Nursing interventions

    a. care of client with increased ICPb. seizure precautionsc. administer drugs as orderedd. provide comfort measures for pain

    e. reduce external stimuli and lighting if photophobia


    Before seizure1. Bed rest with padded side rails2. Suction available at the bedside3. Oxygen available at bedside

    During seizures1. Loosen any tight or restrictive clothing.2. If clients are falling, gently help them to the ground and position clients on their side.3. Do not place anything in the mouth.4. Observe the seizure as it runs its course.5. If it lasts longer than 5 minutes, notify health care provider immediately.6. Note the activity and the time it begun and ended.

    Daily life precautions1. For children discourage climbing over 10 feet high.2. Recommend for clients not to lock bathroom or shower doors.3. If swimming, clients are to have someone with them who can rescue.

    4. If old enough to drive, clients should be seizure free for six months. The time may vary in somestates.

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    B. Parameningeal infections

    1. Definitiona. localized collection of exudate in the brain or in the spinal

    cordb. a recurrent aseptic meningitisc. considered noninfectious

    2. Findingsa. similar to meningitisb. headache, fever, stiff neck, altered consciousness -

    decreased3. Diagnostics

    a. NO lumbar puncture; may cause herniationb. computerized tomogram (CT) scan

    4. Managementa. expected outcomes: to cure infection and prevent

    complicationsb. surgical decompression of abscessc. symptomatic and preventive treatment as with meningitisd. drugs: antibiotics

    5. Nursing interventions: same as meningitis except that infectiousprecautions are not required

    C. Encephalitis1. Definition

    a. acute viral or less commonly bacterial inflammation,

    irritation and swelling on the brain tissueb. can occur as epidemics or sporadicallyc. death rate ranges up to 70%d. most cases in the USA associated with sporadic

    encephalitis is herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, rabiesvirus, or arboviruses from the bite of infected ticks,mosquito or other blood sucking insects, i.e., Equine, LaCrosse, St. Louis, West Nile

    e. may follow a systemic viral illness such as chicken pox2. Findings

    a. adult1. sudden fever

    2. severe headache3. altered LOC decreased progressing to stupor

    then coma with seizure activity4. nuchal rigidity5. speech or hearing de6. change in personality7. mild flu-like complaints

    b. infant

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    1. vomiting2. body stiffness3. constant crying that worsens when child picked up4. constant full or bulging anterior fontanel

    3. Diagnosticsa. history and physical exam

    b. CT scan, MRI, EEGc. brain biopsyd. cerebral spinal fluid decreased glucose suggests

    bacterial or fungal infection4. Management

    a. expected outcomes: to cure infection and preventinfections

    b. uncomplicated cases require supportive and preventivecare

    c. bed or chair restd. support nutritional needse. monitor for fluid balance maintenance

    f. herpes simplex calls for antivirals: vidarabine (viraA),acyclovir (Zovirax)

    g. prevention of increased ICPh. antivirals such as acyclovir or gancicloviri. anticonvulsants - prevent seizures

    5. Nursing interventionsa. comfort measures for feverb. administer drugs as ordered

    c. seizure precautionsd. care of the client with increased ICPe. when needed, ensure isolation and airborne-droplet


    V. Various Disorders of the Neurologic SystemA. Multiple sclerosis

    1. Definitiona. demyelination of white matter throughout brain and spinal

    cordb. third most common cause of disability in clients aged 15 to

    60c. specific cause unknownd. increased incidence in temperate to cool climatese. illness improves and worsens unpredictably

    2. Findings depend on the location of the demyelination

    a. cranial nerve: blurred vision, dysphagia, diplopia, facialweakness and/or numbness

    b. motor: weakness, paralysis, spasticity, gait disturbances

    c. sensory: paresthesias, decreased proprioceptiond. cerebellar: dysarthria, tremor, incoordination, ataxia,


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    a. expected outcomes: to prevent complications and maintainbody functions until any reversal

    b. steroids in acute phasec. care as dictated by areas involved

    5. Nursing interventions

    a. maintain the care of client on ventilatory supportb. provide for care of the immobilized clientc. have a safe environment to minimize infectiond. maintain nutrition and fluid balancee. refer families or client to support groupsf. supply referrals to therapies such as speech, physical,

    occupational and counseling



    1. Administer as ordereda. IV fluids, medsb. Enteral feedings

    2. Evaluate fora. balanced fluid intake and outputb. adequate and balanced nutrition


    1. Provide

    a. a rigorous, scheduled mouth care prevents ventilator acquired pneumonia

    bed baths and skin care as necessary

    b. eye care if client has decreased LOCc. meticulous perineal care to prevent yeast infectionsd. for the initiation of a bowel regimen with stool softeners with expected bowel movements at

    least every three days

    Skin and Muscle Integrity

    1. Prevent the effects of immobility by routine passive or active range of motion exercises or get

    client OOB as tolerated2. Minimize decubitus ulcers by avoidance of rubbing or massaging reddened areas3. Reposition client every hour if bed ridden


    1. Apply bilateral splints as ordered to prevent footdrop and wristdrop2. Provide a safe environment - bed in low position, side rails up, call light within reach3. Initiate seizure precautions if indicated

    Sensory Stimulation

    1. Provide appropriate stimulation which means to schedule groups of tasks to preventoverstimulation

    2. Talk to clients before and during procedures or when any direct care or when in the room for otherreasons

    3. Explain procedures before beginning them4. Encourage family members to talk with clients about usual family activities5. Enhance stimulation by

    a. insertion of hearing aidsb. a check of glasses for cloudy smeared lens then clean and put them nearby or on clientc. a change of lighting in the room to mimic natural light changesd. promotion of the use of electronic battery devices such as CD DVD MP3 players, radio,

    television. Have maintenance check for leakage of currents before use.

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    C. Myasthenia gravis (MG)1. Definition

    a. antibodies destroy acetylcholine receptors where nervesjoin muscles - myoneural junction

    b. two age clusters: women in early adulthood and men inlate adulthood

    c. progressive with occurances of crises

    2. Findingsa. progressive fatigue or weakness of voluntary muscles, but

    no muscular atrophyb. sensation remains intactc. facial

    i. ptosis (drooping eyelid) and reduced eye closureii. weak smile

    iii. diplopia, blurred visioniv. speech and swallowing disordersv. weakness of facial muscles - difficulty to raise

    eyebrows, make different facesd. signs of restrictive lung disease

    3. Diagnostics

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    a. history and physical examb. edrophonium (tensilon) test: improved muscle strength

    after tensilon injection indicates a positive test for MG4. Management

    a. expected outcomes: to improve strength and enduranceb. pharmacologic

    i. anticholinesterase agents: pyridostigmine(mestinon), neostigmine (prostigmin)

    ii. corticosteroid therapyiii. immunosuppressants: azathioprine (imuran)

    c. thymectomy

    d. plasma exchangee. myasthenic crisis management

    i. crisis usually follows stressor orduring dosagechanges usually when being increased

    ii. signs: sudden inability to swallow, speak, ormaintain patent airway

    iii. cholinergic crisis may follow over dosage of

    medicationiv. positive edrophonium (tensilon) test signals


    v. if negative endophronium test, client has notmyasthenic but cholinergic crisis, so treat withatropine

    vi. ventilatory support as indicated5. Nursing interventions

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    a. identify aggravating factors, such as:i. infectionii. stressiii. changes in medication regime - especially when

    increasing dose

    b. if client is in crisis: provide care of the client on ventilatory

    supportc. give medications as ordered and on timed. help with ADL and feeding as indicatede. provide

    i. emotional supportii. adequate rest periodsiii. care of the post-surgical client

    f. teach clienti. energy conservation techniquesii. expectations, side effects and medicationsiii. signs of impending crisis, both myasthenic and

    cholinergic along with what actions to take

    iv. to avoid stressors or how to minimize stressors

    VI. Seizure DisordersA. Definition/etiology

    1. Sudden, transient alteration in brain function2. Disorderly transmission of electrical activity in the brain3. Causes

    a. cerebral lesionsb. biochemical alterationc. cerebral traumad. idiopathic

    B. A classification of seizure types: partial, simple, complex, generalized1. Partial seizures

    a. focal motor b. seizure activity only in specific parts of the brainc. usually client remains conscious

    2. Simple with findings associated witha. motor activityb. special sensory feelingsc. autonomic activityd. psychic issuese. psychomotor actionsf. no loss of consciousness

    3. Complexa. impairment of consciousnessb. secondarily generalizedc. progressing to generalized tonic-clonic


    A. Types of generalized seizures - one classification system1. Absence seizures (petit mal seizures)2. Myoclonic seizures (bilateral massive epileptic myoclonus)3. Generalized tonic-clonic seizures (grand mal seizures)

    4. Akinetic seizureB. Proposed international classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes

    1. Idiopathic2. Benign childhood epilepsy3. Primary reading epilepsy4. Symptomatic

    a. chronic progressive epilepsia partialis continua of childhoodb. syndromes characterized by seizures with specific triggers

    5. Cryptogenica. presumed to be symptomatic but etiology is unknownb. differs from Symptomatic by lack of etiologic evidence

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    4. Generalized seizures: eight typesa. petit mal - called absence seizuresb. myoclonic

    i. sudden, uncontrollable jerking movements of oneor more extremities

    ii. usually occurs in the morningc. clonic

    i. characterized by violent bilateral musclemovements

    ii. hyperventilationiii. face contortioniv. excessive salivation

    v. diaphoresisvi. tachycardia

    d. tonic

    i. first, client loses consciousness suddenly andmuscles contract bilaterally

    ii. body stiffens in opisthotonos position

    iii. jaws clenchediv. may lose bladder control

    v. apnea with cyanosisvi. pupils dilated and unresponsivevii. usually lasts less than a minute

    e. grand mal: most common typei. tonic-clonic movements bilaterally

    ii. may be preceded by prodromaliii. lasts two to three minutesiv. often incontinent of bowel/bladderv. after clonic phase, client is unresponsive for about

    five minutesvi. arms and legs go limpvii. breathing returns to normalviii. possible disorientation or confusion for sometime

    afterwardsix. possible headache and fatigue afterwards

    f. atonic: sudden loss of postural muscle tone with collapseg. unclassified seizuresh. status epilepticus

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    i. rapid sequence of seizures without interruption orpauses

    ii. medical and nursing emergencyiii. client in postictal state when next seizure beginsiv. sometimes occurs if a sudden stop of maintenance


    v. if cerebral anoxia occurs, brain damage or deathcan follow

    vi. risk for severe organ and muscle hypoxia5. Diagnostics

    a. by the event itself - see aboveb. history and physical examc. electroencephalogram (EEG)d. computerized tomogram (CT) scan

    6. Managementa. expected outcomes: to control or minimize the seizure

    activity and prevent complications

    b. correction of underlying problemc. medications

    i. benzodiazepines, I.V. such as diazepam (valium),lorazepam (ativan) for active seizures

    ii. hydantoin anticonvulsants such as phenytoin(dilantin) - maintenance

    iii. barbiturates such as phenobarbitol - maintenanceiv. succinimides such as ethosuximide (zarontin) -

    maintenance7. Nursing interventions

    a. administer medications as ordered

    b. seizure care

    c. seizure precautionsd. teach client

    i. to wear MedicAlert jewelryii. about medication effects, interactions, and side

    effectsiii. to learn when a seizure may be triggerediv. techniques to reduce stressv. seizure care at home or at work

    vi. if in public area, after the tonic phase turn client toside


    1. Do not leave the client who is seizing2. Attempt to prevent or break client's fall by assisting him/her to horizontal position on the bed

    or the floor3. Loosen tight clothing around neck and chest4. Remove objects near the client5. Place a pillow under the client's head if possible and available6. Place the client's head in a lateral position if possible to maintain airway7. Place nothing in the client's mouth

    8. Cover the client if possible9. Documenta. type of seizure - describe behavior rather than labelingb. durationc. activity during and if incontinenced. if any precipitating factorse. client's response - immediate, then at 15 minute intervals until stability is established

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    VII. HeadacheA. Definition

    1. Pain located in the upper region of the head2. One of the most common neurologic complaints

    B. Classifications1. Recurrent migraine headache

    a. onset during adolescence or early adulthoodb. familialc. involves unilateral, throbbing paind. subtypes

    i. classic migraineii. common migraineiii. cluster headacheiv. hemiplegic headachev. ophthalmoplegic headache

    2. Recurrent muscular-contraction headache (pressure, tension

    headache)a. most common form of headacheb. may be direct result of stress, anxiety, depression, drastic

    changes in caffeine consumption3. Nonrecurrent headaches

    a. occur with systemic infections and are usually associatedwith fever

    b. occur as the result of a lesion, after an invasive spinal cordprocedure such as a lumbar puncture, or subarachnoidbleed

    c. caused by increased intracranial pressureC. Findings

    1. Vary by type of headache2. May include throbbing, nausea, vomiting, visual disturbance,

    tenderness, neck stiffness, and focal neurological signsD. Diagnostics

    1. History and physical exam2. Computing tomogram (CT) scan3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    E. Management of headaches1. Expected outcomes: to alleviate pain and treat underlying cause2. Vasoconstriction by pressure or cold3. Management of migraine

    a. nonnarcotic analgesics usually when onset noted: aspirin,

    acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofenb. narcotic analgesics: codeine, meperidine (Demerol),

    morphinec. alpha-adrenergic blocking agentblocker: ergotamine

    tartrate (Ergostat) without or with caffeined. steroids: dexamethasone (Decadron)e. prophylactic treatment with beta-adrenergic blocking

    agents, serotonin antagonists, antidepressants, imipramine(Tofranil)

    f. avoid headache-precipitating foods such as MSG,tyramine, or milk products, or sudden stopping ofcaffeinated drinks

    4. Management of cluster headaches - a type of migrainea. narcotic analgesics: codeine sulfateb. alpha-adrenergic blocking agentblocker: ergotamine

    tartrate (Ergostat)c. prophylactically with serotonin antagonists

    5. Management of tension headaches

    a. nonnarcotic analgesicsb. muscle relaxants

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    c. prophylactically: antidepressants and/or doxepin(Sinequan)

    F. Nursing interventions1. Suggest a quiet, dark environment2. Manage pain by prompt medication administration or other

    comfort measures

    3. Help client identify precipitating factors and actions for prevention4. Keep NPO until nausea and vomiting subside5. Teach client

    a. to keep a headache diaryb. expected medication actions and side effectsc. alternatives for pain relief including referrals for alternative

    approachesd. to avoid or minimize trigger factors

    VIII. Head Trauma

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    A. Classifications1. Closed versus open injury

    a. closed is nonpenetrating; no break in the integrity of theskull

    b. open injury: skull is broken with the brain exposed2. Severity

    a. mild: only momentary loss of consciousness with noneurological sequelae

    b. moderate: momentary loss of consciousness with achange afterwards in neurological function which is usuallynot permanent

    c. severe: decreased LOC with serious neurologicalimpairment and sequelae

    B. Types of skull fractures1. Linear: simple break in the bone; no displacement of the skull2. Depressed: part of skull is pushed in3. Basilar: at base of skull; may extend into orbit or ear; ear or nose

    may leak CSF; most difficult to verify by x-ray

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    4. Concussion: temporary loss of neurologic function with completerecovery

    C. Types of bleeding or hematomas1. Epidural

    a. usually something lacerates the blood vessels (arteries) ofthe middle meninges

    b. since this is arterial bleeding, the risk of death is greatestc. client commonly looses consciousness after injury then is

    lucid; then LOC drops quickly with the next 24 hours2. Subdural

    a. something has lacerated the blood vessels (veins) crossingthe subdural space

    b. acute: findings surface in 24 to 72 hours after injury withrapid neurologic deterioration

    c. subacute: findings surface 72 hours to 2 weeks after injurywith a slower progression of deterioration

    d. chronic: gradual clot formation over time, possibly monthswith minimal deterioration

    D. Progression of skull fracture injury1. Onset: contusions and lacerations of nerve cells2. Neuron death: gradual demyelinization of affected nerve fibers3. Scarring: meninges adheres to injured area of brain

    E. Complications1. Cerebral edema

    a. results in increased intracranial pressureb. results directly from cerebral ischemia, anoxia, and

    hypercapnia2. Diabetes insipidus (DI)

    a. DI results from a decrease release of antidiuretic hormone(ADH) and body excretes too much fluid

    b. the increase in urinary output results in a low specificgravity

    c. more common in the initial acute phase of head injury3. Stress ulcer

    a. head injuries activate both the sympathetic andparasympathetic systems

    b. stimulation of sympathetic system leads to gastricischemia from vasoconstriction

    c. stimulation of parasympathetic system leads to increasedrelease of hydrochloric acid (HCL) into the stomach

    d. steroid therapy may contribute to the development ofulcers since steroids increase HCL acid

    4. Syndrome of inappropriate anitdiuretic hormone (SIADH)a. too much ADH is producedb. water is excessively retained - hemodilutionc. urinary output decreases; urine specific granity increases

    effectd. more common in the chronic phase of care after a head

    injury5. Seizure disorders6. Infection: brain, lungs, urinary system from immobility7. Hyperthermia or hypothermia

    F. Findings of head trauma1. Degree of neurological damage varies with type and location of

    injury2. Restlessness and irritability - initially3. Decreased LOC - lethargy, difficulty with arousal4. Headache5. Nausea and vomiting - projectile vomiting indicates increased ICP

    G. Diagnostics1. History and physical exam2. Computerized tomogram (CT) scan

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    3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)4. Electroencephalogram (EEG)

    H. Management

    1. Expected outcomes: to reduce or minimize increases inintracranial pressure and protect the nervous system

    2. Medications for increased ICP

    a. osmotic diuretics; mannitol (osmitrol) - IV drip or pushb. steroids: dexamethasone (decadron) - IV push

    c. barbiturate coma may be induced to treat refractoryincreased intracranial pressure

    3. Surgical correction of underlying cause4. Treatment for evident findings: seizures, fever, infection5. Therapy

    a. nutritional supportb. physicalc. speechd. behaviorale. occupational

    I. Nursing interventions1. Provide care of the client with increased intracranial pressure

    a. seizure precautionsb. seizure care

    c. care of the client on ventilatord. care of the client undergoing surgery

    2. Monitor for balanced nutrition and fluids3. Assist with ADL as indicated4. Prevent complications of immobility5. Monitor neuro vital signs6. Give medications as ordered

    7. Provide emotional support with appropriate referrals8. Manage pain within agency's guidelines

    IX. Brain TumorsA. Growth of tissue within the brain tissue enclosed by the skull

    1. May be cancerous or benign2. Classified according to tissue type3. May be primary or metastatic

    B. Findings1. Depend on the size and the location of tumor

    2. Locations and findingsa. frontal lobe: personality changes - classic, focal seizures,visual disturbances, hemiparesis, aphasia

    b. occipital lobe: visual hallucinations, focal seizuresc. temporal lobe: headache, seizuresd. parietal lobe: visual losses, seizurese. cerebellum: coordination or mobility difficulties

    3. Increased intracranial pressure as tumor enlargesC. Diagnostics

    1. History and physical exam

    2. CT scan3. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    D. Management1. Expected outcome: removal of the tumor with minimal harm to the

    nervous system2. Depends on the location and size of the tumor3. Treatment for associated increased intracranial pressure from

    tumorsa. surgeryb. craniotomy to remove tumor

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    c. stereotactic laser surgeryd. radiation therapy for malignancy

    4. Medications for malignant tumors: chemotherapyE. Nursing interventions

    1. Provide:

    a. care of the client with increased intracranial pressure from

    tumorsb. care of the client undergoing

    I. surgeryII. radiation therapyIII. chemotherapy

    c. seizure precautions

    d. seizure caree. balanced nutrition and fluid

    2. Facilitate emotional support with referrals to support groups for theclient and family

    X. Peripheral Nerve and Cranial Nerve DisordersA. Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux)

    1. Syndrome of paroxysmal facial paina. occurs more often in middle age and older adultsb. affects cranial nerve five (trigeminal nerve)c. has unknown etiology

    d. involves one side onlye. is triggered by harmless events such as a breeze, hot or

    cold liquids2. Findings

    a. intense facial pain lasting about one to two minutes alongthe nerve branches

    b. extreme facial sensitivityc. pain may be described as "burning" or "shooting"

    3. Diagnostics: history and physical exam4. Management

    a. expected outcomes: to relieve pain and to minimizefrequency

    b. anticonvulsants: carbamazepine (tegretol), phenytoin(dilantin)c. surgery

    I. minor I. radio-frequency gangliolysis: heat destroys

    trigeminal ganglion

    II. glycerol gangliolysis: glycerol injected intosubarachnoid space around gasserianganglion

    II. major - microvascular compression: move arterialloop away from posterior trigeminal root

    5. Nursing interventions

    a. help clients to name trigger points with identification oftriggering incidentsb. recommend restful environment with scheduled rest

    periodsc. reinforce the need for balanced nutritiond. provide appropriate care of the client undergoing surgerye. teach client

    I. about medications and side effects

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    II. to avoid triggering agentsIII. to chew on the opposite side of the mouthIV. to avoid draftsV. to avoid very hot or cold foods or fluids

    B. Facial nerve paralysis (bell's palsy)

    1. Definition/etiologya. is a disorder of cranial nerve seven (facial nerve)

    b. involves one side only; unilateralc. has an unknown etiologyd. often occurs during periods of high stress

    2. Findings often occur suddenly over ten to 30 minutes

    a. ptosisb. cannot close or blink eye with excessive tearing

    c. flat nasolabial foldd. impaired tastee. lower face paralysisf. difficulty eating - impaired mastication of food and difficulty

    swallowing3. Diagnostics: history and physical exam4. Management

    a. expected outcome: to restore cranial nerve functionb. medications

    I. prednisoneII. analgesics

    c. local comfort measures: heat, massage and electricalnerve stimulation for muscle tone

    d. alternative therapies: reiki, massage, imagery5. Nursing interventions

    a. reinforce balanced nutrition with a soft dietb. administer drugs as orderedc. teach client

    I. to chew on the opposite sideII. how to use protective eye wear during risk periods -

    patch or glasses over eyeIII. effects of steroidsIV. the use of eye drugs or ointment to protect the eye

    from corneal irritationV. that once findings disappear their return may occur

    especially in times of high stress

    Points to Remember

    In multiple sclerosis, early changes tend to be in vision and motor sensation; late changes tend to bein cognition and bowel control.

    Peripheral nerves can regenerate. However, nerves in the spinal cord are thought to not be able toregenerate.

    During a seizure, do not force anything into the client's mouth or attempt to suction the mouth. A major problem often associated with a left-sided brain infarction (CVA) is an alteration in

    communication. Clients with CVAs are at a greater risk for aspiration. Initially these clients must be evaluated to

    determine if dysphagia is present. Changes in a client's respirations (rate, rhythm and depth) are more sensitive indicators of

    increases in intracranial pressure than blood pressure and pulse. When caring for a comatose client, remember that the hearing is the last sense to be lost. Clients after a CVA often have a loss of memory, emotional lability and a decreased attention span. Communication difficulties of a client with a CVA usually indicate involvement of the dominant

    hemisphere, usually the left brain, and is associated with right sided hemiplegia or hemiparesis. The client with myasthenia gravis will have more severe muscle weakness in the evening due to the

    fact that muscles weaken with activity - described as progressive muscle weakness - and clientsusually regain strength with rest.

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    XI. Senses: Eye and EarI. Eye structures

    A. Three layers of the eye: sclera, choroid, and retina1. Sclera: maintains eye shape

    2. Choroid: packed with blood vessels and pigmented toabsorb light and prevent blurring of an image

    a. choroid forms iris and lens in frontb. Schlemm's canal (venous sinus) circles where

    cornea and iris meet; iris gives eye its colorc. muscles of iris adjust pupild. pupil adjusts to

    i. protect retinaii. allow enough light to stimulate retinaiii. improve depth perceptioniv. respond to sympathetic nervous system

    with dilation

    e. ciliary body (smooth muscle) contracts to reducetension ofsuspensory ligament on the lens

    f. lens converges light onto the retina3. Retina: inner, posterior layer that is photosensitive

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    a. consists of four layers

    i. pigmented epithelial cellii. photoreceptor cells (rods and cones)

    iii. bipolar neuroniv. ganglion neuron

    b. optic disk: retinal area of optic disk contains nophotoreceptors (blind spot)

    c. photoreceptor cells: turn light into nerve impulses tooptic nerve, cranial nerve II

    i. rods: located more peripherally - aroundedges of retina

    I. black, white, gray visionII. peripheral vision

    ii. cones: located in fovea centralisI. three types: red, green, and blue

    receptorsII. fine discrimination and color vision

    B. Optic nerve, cranial nerve II

    1. Nerve fibers from median half of each retina cross at chiasm andtravel to opposite sides of the brain

    2. Nerve fibers from lateral halves of retina remain uncrossedC. Chambers

    1. Anterior chamber (locus of intraocular pressure [IOP])

    2. Posterior chamber


    A. Chambers1. Anterior chamber filled with aqueous humor

    a. Secreted near ciliary bodyb. Circulates through suspensory ligament and pupil and under corneac. Exits through the canal of Schlemmd. Enhances light refractione. Cleans and nourishes the eye structures

    f. Determines intraocular pressure: Normal 16-30 mm Hg2. Posterior chamber

    a. Narrow passage behind the irisb. In front of the lens and the ciliary body

    B. Vitreous body1. Filled with vitreous humor2. Holds the retina in place

    C. Optic nerve1. Nerves from each eye meet at the optic chiasm2. Nerve fibers from median half of each retina cross at chiasm and travel to

    opposite sides of the brain

    3. Nerve fibers from lateral halves of the retina remain uncrossed

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    D. Vitreous body


    1. Separates the posterior chamber from the vitreous body2. Are transparent3. Are held in position by suspensory ligaments attached to the

    ciliary bodyF. Accessory structures

    1. Protective structures: sockets, eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows,conjunctiva

    2. Lacrimal duct: secretes and drains fluid that moistens andlubricates the front surface of the eye; with decreased blinkingless secretions result with complaints of "dry" or maybe "itchy"eyes

    3. Six oculomotormuscles surround and enter the eyeball

    II. Eye FunctionsA. Light reception

    1. Light passes through the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, andvitreous body to the retina

    2. The density of the cornea slows the light, and the curvature of thecornea bends the light (called refraction)

    3. The lens further bends and redirects the light to a point on theretina

    4. At this point, the light stimulates photoreceptor cells (rods, cones)which transmit electrical impulses

    5. These impulses travel through the optic nerve to the brainB. Accommodation - decreases with aging and the loss begins int the 40 to

    50 year olds1. Process by which the lens changes shape to view an object at

    close range (or long range)2. Proper vision requires three processes:

    a. convergence: image of the object falls exactly on the foveacentralis retinae ofboth eyes

    b. focus: focusing of the lens (ciliary body [ciliary muscles] tocontract or relax)

    c. light regulations constriction or relaxation of the pupils toregulate light and to clarify the image on the retina

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    3. When muscles that carry out these three processes are weak orparalyzed the finding is called strabismus

    C. Binocular vision1. Allows the brain to judge distance2. Brain judges

    a. the difference between two images

    b. the amount of retina taken up by the imagec. the difference between familiar and unfamiliar objects

    (example: person standing next to an elephant)d. the different shades of color

    3. Both eyes must move together for clear focus (called conjugateeye movements). Thus, to immobilize one eye, both eyes must becovered

    III. Disorders of the Eye

    Overview and content: eye disorders from the front to the back of the eye

    Eye disorders from most common to least common

    A. Disorders ofrefraction

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    1. Myopia (near-sightedness) - blurred distance vision, but clearclose vision

    2. Hyperopia (far-sightedness) - blurred close vision, but clear distantvision

    3. Presbyopia - in middle age, lens loses elasticity with results ofhyperopia

    4. Astigmatism - lens refracts light rays to focus on two differentpoints of retina

    B. Eye trauma care1. Foreign body

    1. use eversion procedure2. if foreign body has penetrated, do not remove the foreign

    body3. irrigate affected eye with sterile normal saline eye irrigant

    2. Corneal abrasion1. disruption of the cells and loss of superficial epithelium2. caused by trauma, chemical irritant, foreign body, or lack

    of moisture

    3. findings: severe pain, blurred vision, halo around lights,lacrimation, inability to open eye, photophobia

    4. diagnosis by fluorescein sodium dye5. abrasions heal usually within 48 hours with no scarring or

    visual deficit6. treatment includes short-acting analgesic drops, eye rest

    with soft or rigid eye patch

    3. Corneal laceration1. same causes and findings as with abrasions2. lacerations are serious emergencies to require immediate


    3. surgery is generally required4. follow care for client undergoing eye surgery (see points toremember at the end of this section)

    4. Penetrating injury1. immediate care

    1. do not remove the object2. do not apply pressure of any kind to the eye or the

    object3. cover the injured eye to protect movement of the

    object. may use a paper or plastic cup or rigid eyepatch

    4. cover uninjured eye with soft or rigid eye patch to

    avoid sympathetic movement2. get client to emergency room immediately3. surgery will be required

    5. Chemical irritants1. flush eye with plenty of tap water or sterile normal saline if

    available2. get client to emergency room immediately3. alkaline substances penetrate the cornea rapidly and must

    be removed quickly; these injuries are a priority to care for4. acids coagulate the eye's proteins and often result in

    relatively superficial, reversible damage

    6. Ultraviolet burns

    1. often occur from sun exposure or welding flashes lookingat a welding flame without special glasses during thewelding process

    2. irritate epithelium, which swells and scales off(desquamation)

    3. care is the same as with lacerations7. General pharmacotherapy for eye trauma

    1. topical anesthetics

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    2. topical anti-inflammatory3. topical mydriatic-cycloplegic agents to prevent papillary

    constriction8. General management of any eye trauma

    1. do copious irrigation of the affected eye2. apply bilateral rigid or soft eye patches to rest both eyes by

    decreased eye movement3. have clients use tinted glasses for photophobia to reduce

    eye discomfort from artificial lights or sunlight4. assist clients with activities of daily living as needed5. review with clients to avoid activities which increase IOP

    C. Glaucoma - the second most common cause of vision loss in the USA;may be unilateral or bilateral

    1. Most common type: chronic open-angle glaucoma (simple, adultprimary, primary open-angle)

    1. etiology/epidemiology1. hereditary link2. unknown etiology

    3. aqueous humordoes not drain adequately whichleads to increased intraocular pressure (IOP)

    4. this pressure on optic nerve causes destruction ofnerve fibers in the retina to result in a vision loss

    2. findings1. most clients are without findings until there is a loss

    of vision2. peripheral vision loss is affected first prior to total

    loss of vision

    3. three classic assessment findings1. visual field loss (peripheral)2. elevated IOP

    3. cupping of the optic disk

    3. diagnostics

    Diagnostic Eye Tests

    A. Electroretinography1. Detects diseases of the rods and the cones2. Evaluates the electrical potential between the retina and the cornea3. Method: electrodes incorporated into contact lenses are used to measure the

    changes in the wavelength and intensity of light and for the state of adaptation of theeye

    B. Tonography1. Indirect measurement of intraocular pressure (IOP)2. Used to detect glaucoma

    C. Intravenous fluorescein angiography1. Records the appearance of blood vessels within the eye2. Used to evaluate for retinopathy and tumors

    3. A contrast dye is injected intravenously and numerous photographs are taken of thefundus oculi4. Check client for sensitivity or allergy to fluorescein dye prior to the test5. Mydriatic drops are used to dilate pupil

    D. Ocular ultrasonography1. Use of high frequency sound waves to evaluate eye structures2. Particularly useful when eye is clouded with an opaque medium such as a cataract or

    hemorrhageE. Electronystagmogram: record of electrical activity of eye during spontaneous, positional andcalorically-invoked nystagmus

    A. General nursing interventions in electrodiagnostic studiesA. always explain test to client

    B. client must remain still during test unless instructed to do otherwiseC. client should avoid stimulants before test

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    d. managementi. expected outcomes - reduction of IOP and

    prevention of visual field defectsii. treatment of choice: pharmacotherapy

    miotic eyedrops (parasympathomimeticagents)

    carbonic anhydrase inhibitors - Diamox beta-adrenergic blocking agents - Timoptic

    drops epinephrine eyedrops (contraindicated in

    clients with cardiac conditions) - used more

    often in emergency careiii. trabeculectomy or laser trabeculectomy

    performed when pharmacological agentsare not effective

    small piece of sclera containing thetrabecular network is removed and aniridectomy is performed

    cycloplegic and steroids eye drops areusually used

    antibiotics may be ordered a mydriatic eye drop medication is then

    used to prevent adhesions to the cornea;

    remember that use of this classification ofmedications is contraindicated withglaucoma

    e. nursing interventionsi. for pharmacotherapy management

    reinforce the need for compliance withmedical treatment

    teach client how to instill eye drops andwhen - usual recommended time is beforebedtime

    teach the need to reduce or eliminate safety

    risks related to impaired visionii. for trabeculectomy by traditional surgery

    monitor dressing for excessive bleeding administer antiemetics, analgesics,

    mydriatics and antibiotics as ordered assist the clients with ADL as needed

    iii. for trabeculectomy by laser surgery

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    discuss that vision may be blurred for firstday or two post-op

    teach to use soft or rigid eye patches orsunglasses for photophobia

    discuss the use of analgesics as orderediv. general education for clients with glaucoma

    stress the need to avoid activities thatincrease IOP - bending, stooping, straining,coughing, blowing nose, laughing

    stress the importance of routine eye exams-usually yearly or more often if complicationsor noncompliance with medication regimen

    2. Less common type: acute closed-angle glaucoma (shallow,narrow-angle, or congested glaucoma)

    a. etiology /epidemiologyi. a medical and nursing emergencyii. iris lies near drainage channel (canal of Schlemm)

    and bulges forward against cornea, blocking thetrabecular network with the result of increasing IOP

    iii. affects more women; usually after age of 45b. findings

    i. sudden onset of blurred vision, halos or coloredrings around white lights

    ii. sudden frontal headache

    iii. sudden severe eye pain, reddening of the eye,nausea, vomiting

    iv. followed by progression of findings as the pressureincreases

    profuse lacrimation mildly dilated, nonreactive pupil more severe nausea/vomiting cornea appears hazy

    v. blindness may result in two to five days if leftuntreated

    c. diagnosticsi. history of findingsii. ocular pressure readings

    d. managementi. expected outcome: to prevent or minimize the

    damaging effects of acute closed-angle glaucomaii. emergency pharmacologic treatment to decrease

    IOP intravenous osmotic agents topical miotic eye drops systemic carbonic anhydrase inhibitors systemic analgesics

    iii. surgery iridotomy oriridectomy procedure is usually then repeated on the

    unaffected eyee. nursing interventions

    i. monitor for effectiveness of medications as orderedii. apply eyepatch or sunglasses for post-op

    photophobiaiii. discuss with clients that vision is more often blurred

    for one to two days postsurgeryiv. stress the importance of routine yearly or more

    frequent eye examinationsv. teach clients to avoid activities that increase IOP

    D. Cataract

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    1. Etiologya. clouding of lens - may be unilateral or bilateral; one of the

    most common eye disordersb. first type: senile cataract - result of aging processc. second type: traumatic

    i. develops within a few months after eye trauma

    ii. painless but progressive loss of sight in one or botheyes

    2. Findings

    vision becoming clouded, blurred or dim

    Sensitivity to light and glare

    Halos around lights

    Fading or yellowing of colors

    Double vision or multiple vision in one eye

    You might find it harder to see at night3. Diagnostics

    a. history

    b. physical exam of eyes4. Managementa. expected outcome: correction of visual field defectb. treatment: only surgical

    i. cataract extraction: removal of cloudy lens most commonly done as an outpatient

    procedure usually done on one eye at a time types of cataract extractions

    o extracapsular cataract extraction

    (ECCE) procedure of choice

    lens contents removed andthe posterior chamberis leftintact

    o phacoemulsification ultrasound

    fragments of the lens contentso intracapsular cataract extraction

    (ICCE) the lens contents and lens

    capsule are removed eye becomes hypermetropic

    c. intraocular lens implant is usually performed at the time ofthe extraction

    d. peripheral iridectomy is usually performed as part of anECCE or ICCE5. Potential post-surgical complications

    a. hyphema (blood collects in the anterior chamber of theeye)

    i. may require bed rest and eye patchingii. observe for increased IOP - indicated by complaints

    of severe pain

    iii. may have prescribed miotics orcycloplegicsb. vitreous prolapse

    i. allows vitreous humorto fall forward into woundii. may result in pupil function blocked

    iii. may lead to retinal detachmentiv. vitrectomy may be performed

    c. intraocular infectioni. complaints of throbbing or pain with cloudy

    drainage from the eyeii. antibiotics (ophthalmic and/or systemic)

    6. Nursing interventionsa. teach client to avoid actions that cause IOP

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    b. observe clients' ability to instill eyedrops correctly; providereferrals if clients unable to do so

    c. provide written list for findings of complications to reportd. inform clients

    i. an expected, normal feeling after cataract surgeryis that "sand" is in the eye for six to eight weeks

    afterwardsii. photophobia, that may be present for months to

    years, simply requires the use of sunglasses inbright light

    E. Retinal detachment

    1. Etiology/epidemiologya. holes or breaks (tears) in the retinab. fluid, blood or a mass separates the retina's sensory layer

    from the pigmented epithelium (pigment cells)c. common causes are inflammation, trauma, hemorrhage,

    and tumorsd. retinal detachment often begins in the periphery and

    spreads posteriorly2. Findings

    a. a rapid separation gives the sense of a "curtain beingpulled over the eye" so that clients have partial vision inaffected eye

    b. a slow separation may be asymptomaticc. the ophthalmic exam reveals the detached area as gray

    bulge, ripple or fold3. Diagnostics

    a. historyb. physical inspection

    4. Managementa. expected outcome: correction of and/or prevention of

    further vision loss: 90% are successfully repairedb. laser surgery

    i. photocoagulation: laser beam is directed through adilated pupil

    ii. the effect is to seal localized breaks or rips in theretina

    c. cryotherapy: extreme cold fre