8th Hussars Sabretache - The Association of the 8th ... · meet and greet will be held Friday evening at the Milton Gregg Armory from 2000— 2400 hrs. The curling kicks off Saturday

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Page 1: 8th Hussars Sabretache - The Association of the 8th ... · meet and greet will be held Friday evening at the Milton Gregg Armory from 2000— 2400 hrs. The curling kicks off Saturday



Hussars Sabretache




Hussars Sabretache


Page 2: 8th Hussars Sabretache - The Association of the 8th ... · meet and greet will be held Friday evening at the Milton Gregg Armory from 2000— 2400 hrs. The curling kicks off Saturday


Wishing you all a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year!

The 8th Hussars Sabretache is the official newsletter of the Association of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) Inc.

and is published twice yearly

Contact us:

Association Secretary; [email protected] or [email protected]

Sabretache Editor; [email protected]

8 CH (PL) Museum; [email protected]

8 CH (PL) Association; Mail: PO Box 1695, Moncton, NB E1C 9X5

Web page; http://www.8chassociation.com/contact-us.html

Regimental Association and the 8th Hussars Museum; http://www.8chassociation.com/

Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/groups/249320194490/

Museum Blog; http://www.8chassociation.com/blog---museum

Faces to Canadian War Graves Groesbeek; http://www.facestograves.nl/

The Hussars Annual curling Funspiel will be held end Jan or 1st week Feb 2017. The

meet and greet will be held Friday evening at the Milton Gregg Armory from 2000—

2400 hrs. The curling kicks off Saturday morning at the Sussex Golf and Curling Club

at 0800 hrs and will end with a supper at 1700 hrs at the club.

The cost is around $25 per person.

Dates and timings may change slightly due to unforeseen circumstances!

Please call 432-1040 to register teams, or email Bill Nickson; [email protected]

Come on out to see old friends, meet new ones and hopefully win a prize!

Page 3: 8th Hussars Sabretache - The Association of the 8th ... · meet and greet will be held Friday evening at the Milton Gregg Armory from 2000— 2400 hrs. The curling kicks off Saturday


The Association is a family of serving, former serving and retired members of

the regiment with a common purpose; to protect and preserve the history and

heritage of the 8th Hussars, to support and foster the esprit de corp of The

Regiment and to hold and preserve items of historical significance for the



Honorary Colonel Jim Lockyer

President Don Bourque

1st Vice President Tom McLaughlan

2nd Vice President Jake Douthwaite

Honorary L/Col Robin Craig

CO LCol Tom Peppard

RSM CWO Jody Tower

Treasurer Perry Fullum

Secretary Trisha Janssen

Secretary RWC Doug Seed

Sabretache Editor Bruce Montrose

Museum Chairman Tom MacLauchlan

Bursary Steve Neily

Directors Mac Robinson

Bruce Montrose

Darren Spicer

Frank Smith

Rick Cosman

Byron Ostrom


As noted in previous Sabretaches, applications for the two (2) $1000 Hussars Association Bursaries

and one (1) $500.00 LCol McLeod Memorial Bursary close on 30 April annually. Bursary winners

will be contacted directly by the Bursary Chairman, once the selections have been made.

In 2016, 18 applications were received by the posted deadline

The entrance bursary of $1000 was awarded to Madeline Power, a serving member of the Regiment.

The continuing studies bursary was awarded to Ariane Chartrand, another serving member of the


The McLeod Memorial Bursary was awarded to Justin Lochert, grandson of MCpl (Ret) John


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We remember

Afghanistan war veterans lost to suicide.

At least 70 soldiers and vets died by suicide after serving on the Afghanistan mission – a

growing cohort excluded from official accounts. Dozens of families shared stories of Forces

members who served, then suffered. For many of the soldiers, this is the first public

recognition of their sacrifice

Published on November 4, 2016

Canada pulled out of the Afghanistan conflict in 2014, but the war has not ended. Not there,

where the violence continues. Not here, where battlefield trauma remains indelible and, for

some soldiers, insurmountable.

A continuing Globe and Mail investigation has uncovered that at least 70 military members

and veterans have taken their lives after returning from Canada’s longest military operation –

much higher than the 54 revealed by the newspaper one year ago. Many of their suicides were

connected to the mission, but they are not included in the official toll or honoured in military

memorials. They are Canada’s unknown war dead.

There is no public list of military members who died by suicide in Canada. The tally of the

fallen was a number without names – a count based on military statistics initially obtained

under the access-to-information legislation by The Globe and Mail and nationwide obituary

searches that began in 2014. Through reviews and analysis of death notices and social media,

followed by phone calls, messages and letters to soldiers’ families, The Globe discovered the

names of nearly 80 per cent of the 70 Canadian Forces members and veterans lost to suicide

after returning from Afghanistan. Reporters Renata D’Aliesio, Les Perreaux and Allan Maki

spent several months reaching out to their loved ones to commemorate these forgotten soldiers

and to examine whether the military and Canada did enough to help them heal.

Thirty-one families agreed to participate. Many are speaking publicly about their loss for the

first time. The fallen were proud military members from small towns and big cities. They were

sons, brothers, husbands and fathers who left 40 children behind. These are their stories. To

read them, go to the link below.



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The Panzer Battalion 283rd

Friendship Rock located outside the Sussex Armoury was recently given a

new face-lift. Thanks to Wayne Fogarty, Casey Vandenheuvel and Bruce Montrose.

Also, the 8CH Cairn located at Fox Hill, just outside Sussex NB is in the process of getting a face-lift

thanks to Darren Spicers handy work.

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The Honorary Colonel

It has been a busy time since being named Honorary Colonel in May. I am humbled by the appointment and want to

thank all members of the Regiment, the Association and the Regimental Council for their confidence in me. I understand

the role of the Honorary Colonel and I intend to work closely with the new CO LCol Tom Peppard, RSM Jodie Tower,

the Regiment, the Association and all members of the regimental family to promote the interests, and strengths of the

8CH (PL).

I also want to thank HCol Elizabeth Rybak and recognize her commitment to the Regiment during her tenure as HCol.

She worked tirelessly and always had the Regiment at heart. I also wish to commend the Honorary LCol Robin Craig

and Honorary RSM, Eugene Stairs for the work they have done promoting the well-being of the Regiment which they

continue to do.

But it was right to work for me. Along with Association President Everett Lavoie and Past President Tom McLaughlin, I

had the privilege of attending the annual reunion of the Radley-Walters Chapter of the Association held in Petawawa on

May 27th

- 28th

, 2016. What a great event it was! The weekend was an outstanding success and well organized by a great

committee. A large number of Hussars and guests attended the Friday night “Meet and Greet” with over 150 attending at

the Saturday night banquet. The golf tournament, organized by Charlie Butts, was a thoroughly enjoyable time spent on

a scenic golf course, on a warm sunny day overlooking the beautiful Ottawa River. It was a wonderful weekend and I

met a great number of Hussars and saw others I had not seen in years. Bob Lescombe, Frank and Donna Smith, Judy

Rutledge and their entire team are to be commended for the dedication and commitment to this event and to maintaining

the Hussar family in the Petawawa area.

I also want to mention the dedication and commitment of Past President, Maj (ret’d) Tom McLaughlin on that weekend.

Tom drove to Petawawa, took a carload of museum artifacts with him to spread out on a banquet table for all to see and

then spent the entire weekend interviewing ten former Hussars in order to make a record of what it was like to be a

Hussar during the time of their service. His ongoing contribution to the development of the 8CH Museum and its living

history is remarkable. Tom, we salute you.

On Sunday June 12th

, I had the pleasure to participate in the 8CH Change of Command Parade in front of the 8th Hussar

Leopard tank in the parking lot of the 4Plex Centre in Moncton. LCol Mike Bech closed out his command and spoke

very well as he said goodbye to the Regiment with LCol Tom Peppard standing by to take command. We congratulate

LCol Bech on his accomplishments and we welcome LCol Peppard as he takes command of a very vibrant regiment,

now in its 169th year. It was great to see a number of former COs and retired members of the Hussar family, some who

had travelled a long distance, attend this change of command. Everyone was interested in renewing their ties with the

regiment. We need and want more of that.

I attended the 37 Brigade Change of Command on September 11th in Moncton. The guard for the parade was

commanded by a Hussar. It was a good event and people spoke well of the Regiment. I had a very good discussion with

the incoming Brigade Commander Colonel Brennan on his vision for his mandate and the future of the units under his

command. Things look good.

Friday, September 16th and Saturday, September 17th, saw an Association AGM and Reunion weekend which included

a regimental weekend exercise based in Sussex. I had the opportunity to visit with the troops on patrol in and around the

Town of Sussex as they deployed to contain a possible terrorist threat on the streets and at civic installations. I was

impressed with the dedication and the seriousness these young men and women displayed as they went about their

training. They did a great job. Our troops are committed to the Regiment and its mission.

The annual meeting went very well. The highlights included a number of bylaw modifications designed to facilitate the

amalgamation of last year and to create new membership categories which will help in the recruitment and retention of

members. Also discussed and adopted was the new Coriano Investment Policy put together by Col (ret,d) Mac

Robinson, MGen (ret'd) Mike Ward, MGen (ret'd) Bruce Jeffries, Col (ret'd) Bill Fulton, LCol Mike Bech and HLCol

Robin Craig. We thank the committee for their work and the stewardship they have brought to the Coriano Fund.

LCol Tom Peppard provided an update on unit training and stated that he wished to draw the Regiment and the

Association closer together. His comments were supported and backed up by a delegation of soldiers who came off their

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training to attend the meeting and resumed training right after the meeting. We appreciate LCol Peppard's wish to draw

the Association and the Regiment together. We are a regimental family.

The meeting also saw the end of the Association presidency of Everett Lavoie. Everett has done an outstanding job for

more than two years navigating the association through an onerous amalgamation and numerous other complicated

issues. He did this with calm steerage and commitment to the objective. He is to be thanked for an outstanding job and

commended for the professional and accomplished way he achieved these goals. Even though he is now the past

president of the Association, we will not let him get too far away.

Following the meeting, the annual Memorial Service was conducted at the 8CH Museum with MLA Bruce Northrup,

MP Alayna Lockhart and Sussex Mayor Mike Thorne attending as well as a number of other dignitaries. The service

was conducted by Tom McLaughlin with devotions presented by Padre Chris VanBuskirk. Wreaths were laid at the

cenotaph by Colonel Tom Peppard and RSM Jodie Tower accompanied by past honorary LCol Dave Henderson. It was

a moving ceremony.

As a Regiment, we acknowledge the fallen, and it is always with sadness that we learn of the passing of members of our

regimental family who have passed on recently. Of particular note was the recent passing of Patricia Radley-Walters, the

wife of General Rad. We extend our sympathies to her family and the families of all other Hussars who have recently

left us.

It is great to see the Regiment moving forward and effectively dealing with its objectives and challenges in such a

positive way. The future looks good.

J Lockyer Jim Lockyer

HCol, 8 CH (PL)

Regi Patriaeque Fidelis

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The Commanding Officer

Greetings Sabretache readers

The Regiment has been very busy since the last publication of Sabretache. Many of you were able to see your

soldiers in action in Sussex during the 8CH Association Annual General Meeting. We were able to combine an urban

dismounted patrolling exercise with the AGM thanks to the skilful planning of Major Andre Royer, OC B Sqn. That was

Major Royer's last exercise as he has now retired and passed Command of B Sqn in Sussex to Captain Chris Marshall.

The Regiment conducted a handover also of A Sqn in Moncton at the end of September. Major Dan Hone handed

command over to Captain Dave Warren. Majors Royer and Hone did an outstanding job of commanding their

respective squadrons and I have just as much faith in Captains Marshall and Warren.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the change of Appointment of Regimental Sergeants Major. CWO Thom

Halfkenny handed the position of 8CH RSM over to CWO Jody Tower in early September. CWO Halfkenny has taken

a position with the North Shore (NB) Regiment.

The Hussars have been busy this fall in the Gagetown training area, honing mounted tactical skills including a very

successful combined exercise with the other two Atlantic Armoured Regiments: Prince Edward Island Regiment and

Halifax Rifles. We will team-up with the other two units again to conduct a gun camp at the end of November in


The annual Soldiers Appreciation Dinner will be held in Sussex at the Gregg Armouries this year on 10

December. Dinner will be served at 1500 hours. All old guard are welcome and encouraged to attend.

A reminder of a special event that includes all members of the regimental family: the annual Regimental

Ball will be held at the Crown Plaza in Moncton on Saturday 8 April 17. This is a semi-formal, sit-down

dinner and dance. It has become a favourite occasion for many of the troops as they take advantage of the

event to treat a date to a nice dinner in a formal setting. Tickets cost $35 each and are available from the

unit. Your troops would be thrilled to see association members and old guard come out to this event.

Please mark this date in your calendars and join us.

One of the best pieces of news that I have is the recent announcement that the 8CH will receive 18 new Tactical

Armoured Patrol Vehicles (TAPV). These vehicles will be a quantum leap over the G-Wagon which we currently use.

The Regiment should receive the first of these, next fall. Some will be housed in Sussex, some in Moncton and the

remainder in Gagetown. This is a huge boost for the morale of the unit and will be a big recruiting draw.

Lieutenant-Colonel Tom Peppard

Commanding Officer

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The Regimental Sergeant Major


It’s an honour for me to be your Regimental Sergeant Major. I am proud to represent you and will endeavor to

continue moving the Regiment forward with all your help and support. I know I can count on you to grow and

strengthen our Regimental family, which includes cadets, old guard and association members past and present.

As soldiers, we are constantly solicited to help, assist and lend a hand to the ones in need. We do so with pride and

selflessness because this is at the core of our values. However, we also need to remember to take care of our own; this

means looking after yourself and your family, take your civilian work / school seriously while not losing sight of your

responsibilities as a member of the Canadian Armed Forces.

Despite all of the challenges that are thrown our way, I know that we can succeed if we support each other and keep the

lines of communication open, both up and down the chain of command. Respect and commitment are also essential

elements to ensuring a strong family.

These past few months have seen significant changes in our command teams. While change can be unsettling, it also

comes with opportunities. I believe our Regiment is well equipped with talent, motivation and passion to thrive in a

complex and challenging environment.

In closing, I look forward to working with all the excellent NCO’s and Officers of the Regiment, past and present

members and the men and women who are associated with our long history.

Regi Patriaeque Fidelis


CWO J. (Jody) D. Tower, MMM, CD

The Association President

It’s been a few years since I’ve addressed you all and, when I last did, I never thought I’d be doing so as the new

President of this Association. It is both humbling and an honour to be selected to serve you all and it is at your service

that I am called. Everett has set a course for the Association, along with the Executive, to strengthen us through

compliance with the Government of Canada’s regulations for charitable organizations, and by fostering our rich history

through the museum and outreach programmes. Words of gratitude fall short of what I owe.

I have yet to do much since taking office. Everett and I will have completed our handover by the time you read this. I

have, though, attended a meeting of our museum committee and can tell you these volunteers make me very proud. I

look forward to visiting other Association events and Chapters during my term. It’s great work that we do to promote

the Regiment.

Again, thank you all for your confidence. Regi Patriaeque Fidelis.

D A Bourque Don Bourque

Association President

8 CH (PL)

Regi Patriaeque Fidelis

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Radley Walters Chapter 2016

I want to extend best wishes to all members, of the Regiment and the 8th Canadian Hussar Association as we enter the

final months of 2016. The chapter has had a fairly successful year.

Our reunion 2016 was excellent, mixed with the regular attendees were some new faces in attendance. We were most

pleased to welcome 10 new members to the Chapter, because of the tireless effort of our membership chairman, Frank

Smith. Thanks so much Frank, certainly most appreciated. Our attendance numbers were probably the best in many

years for both our meet and greet and the dinner. The weather was great and everyone enjoyed the boat cruise, the golf

tournament and the bus tour to the Diefenbaker Bunker.

It was also great to have Grant Radley-Walters (Gen Rad's son pictured on right in the red shirt) join us for the golf

tournament and to present the trophy for top golfers. Other distinguished guests were our new HCOL Jim Lockyer and

Association President Everett Lavoie.

It was our 4th Annual golf tournament

and a great time was had by all

participants as they competed for the

Radley-Walters Cup. The winners were

1st place Jamie Kendall and Norm Wall.

(Also pictured on the right)

Second place Doug Seed and Dave

Gowers and winner of the longest put

was Dan Lynch. Our two guests Jim

Lockyer and Everett Lavoie were given a

prize for the golfers having the most fun.

The successful tournament was

conducted by our chapter golf pro

Charlie Butt who always does a superb

job of conducting the tournament.

Our HCol Jim Lockyer cuts the Reunion

cake as Chapter President Bob Lescombe

looks on. HCol Lockyer also spoke during

the evening. Our sincere thanks for your

participation; we were delighted you and

Association president Everett Lavoie could

attend. The Birthday Cake was most

graciously donated by Arnie Jantz. Arnie

has made the cake donation for several

years and we are truly grateful to Arnie for

this kind and continued gesture.

The chapter has always tried to maintain

contact with the Association and its

members through articles like this. We will

use this article to congratulate Hon Col

James E. Lockyer, on his recent


The regiment welcomed their new CO,

LCol W. T. Peppard CD in Jun 2016 and Sep brought about a change in RSM’s. CWO Jody Tower replaced CWO

Halfkenny as RSM. We offer our sincere congratulations to both, CO on your command and RSM on your appointment.

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We do hope that you will one day join us for a reunion in Petawawa. As a reminder our next reunion is 26-28 May 2017

in Petawawa and we will distribute further details in our Feb. 2017 Newsletter.

President of the 8th Canadian Hussar Association, Everett Lavoie (on Left) presents Chapter member Gary Barling with

a Certificate of appreciation. Gary has been actively

working with the 8CH Museum creating historically

accurate scale models, which he has presented to them

on several occasions. Gary the chapter offers our

thanks for all that you do.

Everett, we offer our sincere thanks to you for your

participation while you served as the Association

President. We would also like to take this opportunity

to welcome our new Association President Don


My parting thought is the Radley-Walter Chapter is

your chapter and its success is only possible with your

support. The Chapter continues to flourish due to your

participation, dues and donations, without them the

chapter would struggle to survive. As always we

offer our sincere thanks.

Regi Patriaeque Fidelis

Doug Seed


Radley-Walters Chapter

Please be sure to advise the committee of any changes to your mailing address or email

address, when changes occur. Your assistance in this regard would be truly appreciated.

The cut off for articles for the next issue of the Sabretache will be May 30th

2017. This

should give everyone plenty of time to write their articles. Articles and pictures can be

forwarded to: Bruce Montrose at [email protected]. Or by mail;

Association of 8th Canadian Hussars PO Box 1695 Moncton NB

E1C 9X5

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Our Fallen Soldiers!

You may have noticed the small table set for one that is off on its own - it is reserved to

honor our fallen comrades. This symbolizes that they are with us, here in spirit. We

should never forget the brave men and women who answered our nation's call to serve.

We are ever mindful that the sweetness of enduring peace has always been tainted by the

bitterness of personal sacrifice. We are compelled to never forget that while we enjoy our

daily pleasures, there are others who have endured the agonies of pain, deprivation and


The table is round to show our everlasting concern for our fallen comrades.

The tablecloth is white symbolizing the purity of their motives when answering the call to duty.

The single red rose displayed in a vase, reminds us of the life of each of our fallen comrades, and

the loved ones and friends of these comrades who keep the faith.

The vase is tied with a red ribbon, symbol of our continued determination to remember our fallen


A slice of lemon on the bread plate is to remind us of the bitter fate of those who will never return.

A pinch of salt symbolizes the tears endured by the families of those who have sacrificed all.

The Holy Book represents the strength gained through faith to sustain those lost from our country.

The glass is inverted, they cannot toast with us at this time.

The chair is empty because they are no longer with us.

Lest We Forget

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Minister of Veterans Affairs Commendation

Since serving in uniform, many of Canada’s Veterans continue to provide outstanding service to

their country, their communities and their fellow Veterans. To formally recognize the contributions

of these outstanding Canadians, the Governor General authorized the creation of the Minister of

Veterans Affairs Commendation.

The Commendation is awarded annually to individuals who have contributed in an exemplary

manner to the care and well-being of Veterans or to the remembrance of the contributions, sacrifices

and achievements of Veterans.

Mr. Carl Scovil Brown is a Veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. Originally a member of the 8th

Canadian Hussars, he became a member of the regimental association upon his retirement and

continues his involvement today. Mr. Brown ensures that sick members are visited, that families of

deceased members are cared for, and that Veterans receive dignified funerals. He is also personally

responsible for the establishment of the 8th Canadian Hussars Museum in Sussex, New Brunswick.

Upon realizing that nothing existed to commemorate the contributions of the regiment, Mr. Brown

developed a plan, recruited like-minded individuals, and established committees and worked to

create a museum. This involved countless hours gathering; cataloguing and insuring memorabilia;

and directing fundraising efforts to acquire a venue to display the regimental history. Thanks to his

efforts, the 8th Canadian Hussars Museum is now well established and was recently named the best

small museum in Canada. Mr. Brown also convinced the association to fund a memorial tablet

depicting the story of “the little colt” Princess Louise, that became the regimental mascot. Mr.

Brown is also a long time member of the Royal Canadian Legion and sat on the board that replaced

the old and crumbling cenotaph in Hampton, New Brunswick. This project required significant

community engagement, fundraising and dedication. Mr. Brown’s financial expertise has been a

huge asset to the Legion, helping them achieve the stability they continue to enjoy today.

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Museum Report - Fall 2016

Four funding grants were received from the NB Heritage Branch which included funding support for our archive

and artefact programs totally $5500, a general support grant for museum operations for $2000 and an Exhibit renewal

grant to upgrade and maintain our exhibits for $3375. These grants in total have allowed us to renew the WW I trench

display and do upgrades to 15 other exhibits in the museum. Due to a large donation from General Ward we were able to

upgrade the museum conference room. The museum kit shop will need to be revamped completely now that the

Regiment has concluded a contract with Canex to supply kit shop items that were currently being sold through the

Association kit shop.

Since last year’s Association AGM the museum has been actively involved in outreach programs and numerous groups

visitation. Considerable effort and time was invested in the Lest We Forget Gala. We also did outreach programs at the

Shannex retirement homes, and the Moncton Highland Games. Further outreach programs saw the museum represented

at the Royal United Services Institute of New Brunswick in October and the volunteers will also present the first draft of

the museum’s new presentation on Vimy Ridge to the New Brunswick Historical Society on 29 Nov 16. The final

version of this project will be presented in Sussex at the Royal Canadian Legion on 09 April 2017, one hundred years to

the day of the start of the famous battle. Groups visiting the museum included the Regiments BMQ course, the Sussex

Cadet Corp and 14 school classes.

Our fund raising events this summer were successful. The support from B Sqn and the Regiment has been excellent.

These figures have not been audited yet but the museum will have netted about $11,300 and the three supporting cadet

corps will have netted $14,611 between them.

With the recent announcement of funding from the Province of New Brunswick, this upcoming year will see the

museum supporting the NB Heritage branch in the implementation of a new Museum Collection database which will

perhaps replace the current one which we have been involved with for the past 10 years. We were the first museum in

Atlantic Canada to establish and upload our section of the database. Once the database is completed these programs will

be available across Canada as online heritage information. Funding from CANB will allow the museum to properly

archive information from the regular force period from 1957 to 1998.

The museum was nominated for the national Governor Generals Award for Community planning by the Sussex High

School history staff. Support letters were received from our MP, our MLA, the mayor of Sussex and the University of

New Brunswick Gregg Centre.

In closing I would like to thank all the museum committee members, the volunteer group and all of the volunteers who

worked at the museum and at the parking venues.

Tom McLaughlan

Museum Board Chair

The BMQ members’ first history lesson

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Ex Tough Hussar 2016

On the weekend of 16-18 Sep 16, the 8th

Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s) conducted a training exercise in

Sussex, NB. Ex Tough Hussar was the first weekend exercise of the year and its focus was set on the conduct of stability

operations and scene management, giving the soldiers a full weekend of practice ensuring that these important skills

remain current.

A total of 39 Hussars started the training on Friday evening with a briefing from the Ex Director, Maj Royer, after which

they were divided into five groups: two dismounted, two mounted and an Enemy Force group. With the first tasks

quickly assigned, the camp was set up by the troops while the Regiment’s junior leaders received orders and shortly

after that, the first patrols stepped off and the Ex was underway. This set the tempo for the weekend as it was a busy,

challenging exercise where down-time was minimized to allow for maximum training.

On Saturday morning, thanks to collaboration with 3 Military Police Platoon, there was a special lecture about detainee

search and handling. Hussars had a chance to learn about proper search and immobilisation techniques, skills they

practiced on each other under the MP’s supervision, and later used these skills in one of the training scenarios.

Mounted and dismounted presence patrols, scene management and First Aid, providing security for VIPs or maintaining

security at some key locations were only a few of the tasks our soldiers were given on the two and a half days of

training. Overall, the Hussars rose to the challenge and members of all ranks enjoyed this training opportunity; Trooper

Power said: “I really enjoyed how realistic the exercise seemed, it was my first one with the unit so I wasn’t sure what to

expect but overall I really enjoyed it”. It was, without a doubt an action-packed weekend with demanding missions and

scarce sleep but also some valuable knowledge and new shared experiences and stories for the future!

A Hussar G-Wagon fighting through an ambush during Ex TOUGH HUSSAR 16 in Sussex

Hussars patrolling into the town of Sussex during Ex TOUGH HUSSAR 16; rain or shine!

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The 8th CH association AGM took place in Sussex that weekend too, allowing the young members of the Regiment to

connect with some of the older, more experienced hussars and vice-versa. This also permitted the association bursaries

for this year to be presented to Trooper Chartrand and Trooper Power. The AGM played an essential role in the exercise

as it provided context to many of the scenarios with the realism needed to make the missions more challenging and

appealing to the patrol members.

OCdt M. Portilla-Villalon

Regi Patriaeque Fidelis

AGM 2016 Report

Checkpoints, concertina wire and roving patrols made the AGM the most secure ever!

Thanks to the soldiers of the Regiment who were on exercise at the same time, the Association members were treated to

a secure and welcoming venue for the AGM and Reunion. The Association AGM was held at the Royal Canadian

Legion in Sussex, NB on 17 Sept 2016. Details of the meeting and the minutes are available from the Secretary Trish

Janssen. Members wishing to access this information should contact Trish directly.

The weekend started with an informal meet and greet at the B Sqn mess at the Milton Gregg Armouries in Sussex. Lots

of stories were swapped and more than a few ales were quaffed.

Following the meeting, all members travelled downtown to the museum for the Memorial Service. Again this year our

Regimental padre, Capt Chris Van Buskirk conducted the service and the reading of the Roll of Honour was done by

Arnie Jantz and Dave Henderson who both travelled from Ontario to support us this year. Thank you both for attending

and supporting the Association. Special quests at the Memorial Service included our local MLA; Bruce Northrup who is

the son of the former Regimental RSM, Cliff Northrup and our MP Alaina Lockhart, whose husband Rick is a former

member of the Regiment.

Following the Memorial Service we all moved back to the Legion for a dinner and a chance to hear about the 8th


first peacekeeping tour from Arnie Jantz. Arnies bio tells us that he joined the Regiment in 1957 upon establishment of

the Regular Force Regiment and that he almost immediately departed for a peacekeeping tour in Gaza as part of D Sqn.

Following his return, he was posted to Germany twice for tours once with the 8CH Recce Sqn in 1959 and once with the

Fort Gary Horse as a helicopter observer in 1965. Following his release from the military Arnie went into business in

the civilian world and continues to haunt Petawawa in that role even today. However, his attendance and his overview of

one of Canada’s early peacekeeping roles were well worth hearing and were greatly appreciated by the Association.

Security outside the AGM Venue

Association President Everett Lavoie

calls the meeting to order

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Padre Vanbuskirk conducts the Memorial Service Reading the Roll of Honour

Major Royer and the Sqn on duty The CO and RSM assist in laying the wreaths

Arnie and Betty are introduced to our MP The Hon Col meets with our MLA

The following Sunday morning a driver’s training program was held at the B Sqn armouries and members and soldiers

alike got the opportunity to try driving our museum’s Bren gun carrier and a fully restored ferret scout car owned by a

former member of the Regiment, Mike Baxter. Needless to say we had difficulties getting Arnie to let any of the rest of

us in the Ferret but he certainly could prove he knew his way around that vehicle. Lots of fun and joking but great

memories too.

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Arnie and Ev share some stories Bar Fly’s

Before After

EJ and the Hon Col More stories!

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Rest in Peace Mary…

Gordon and Mary Bickerton

Mary Bickerton was born on November 14, 1926 in London, England. She was the daughter of

the late Frank and Florence (Hazell) Deegan. Mary came to Canada as a war bride in 1946,

serving for 16 years postwar in the Canadian Army Militia. She was a lifetime member of the

Royal Canadian Legion, a past President of the Sussex Branch # 20 as well as the 8th

Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise's) Association

Mrs. Frances Mary Bickerton of Sussex passed away on July 12, 2016 at the age of 89.


The Regimental All Ranks Christmas Dinner will be held in Sussex this year with a complete

day of entertainment on the 10th

Dec 2016. Activities start at 09:30 with the CO and RSMs

welcome and the Dinner at 15:00. If any of the “Old Guard” is attending you’ll have to contact

the Reg’t Ops O, WO Rich Larocque NLT the 1st Dec 2016. [email protected]

The LCol Harold Gamblin Christmas Dinner in Hampton, NB 03 Dec 2016. Doors open at

noon with the dinner at 1400hours. Located at the Masonic Hall on Church Street, Hampton.

Please RSVP no later than 26th

Nov, 2016 by calling Sharon or Scovil Brown at 1 506 832 0611.

There will be a Regimental Birthday Ball held on Saturday 8th

April 2017. The details are

being sorted out for this event. It will be at the Crown Plaza in Moncton with a cost of $35.00 a

plate. All are welcome.

Radley-Walters Chapter reunion is 26-28 May 2017 in Petawawa.

Page 20: 8th Hussars Sabretache - The Association of the 8th ... · meet and greet will be held Friday evening at the Milton Gregg Armory from 2000— 2400 hrs. The curling kicks off Saturday


Honorary Sergeant Major of the Regiment is a distinguished retired NCO in the rank of MWO or above with prior

service in that unit of the regiment. Where applicable, each regiment will have a HRSM, but only one will serve in the

regiment at any given time. No one HRSM can serve for more than one regiment simultaneously. The duties of the

HRSM within the regiment are ceremonial and do not conflict with the chain of command. Attendance at regimental

functions is by invitation, and participation is encouraged. The position offers to the regiment the prestige, stature, and

experience of the noncommissioned officer appointed as HRSM. The HRSM will assist the CO, the RSM and the HCOL

in perpetuating the history of the regiment.

Mrs Roberta Kraft nee Fairweather, Bobs Mom, posing

with a Hussar! This is at the 8CH Reunion in Pet, about

4 years ago. Both Bob and his Dad were Hussars, so that

actually makes his Mom a Hussar also! They go to all

the reunions together. Bob with his 83 yr old Mom and a

picture of his Dad in his pocket. Just so his Dad doesn’t

miss out on anything!

Once a Hussar, always a Hussar.

Change of Honorary RSMs. Hon CWO Eugene Stairs takes over from Hon CWO Don Sears

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1956, Sussex NB. Sterling Mercer, Gordon Bickerton and George... This story begins 72 years ago, one sweltering hot night on September 15, 1944 in the hills near Coriano, Italy with the

Canadians fighting tooth and nail to gain ground. The civilians hid wherever they could but their farm animals were not

as lucky and before long the fields were littered with dead animals.

On the front lines were the 8th Princess Louise’s (New Brunswick) Hussars. They were mostly farm boys from a

Canadian province known for its seascapes, farms and quiet lifestyle and this corner of Italy must have seemed like the

most hellish place on earth to them all. In a momentary lull, they heard the cries of an animal in distress. They finally

found a young filly of about two or three months old who was hungry, injured and pacing around the dead body of her

mother. The foal was not seriously wounded or anything. There were some bad scratches on the leg and the belly as I

recall. This task fell to the mechanics. They were the ones that took care of the foal, changing her dressings on her

stomach and watching for infection. Gordon Bickerton was one of the mechanics who helped take care of her and he

recalls that she was very kind and easy to care for. In later years he said that during parades she would sometimes fall

asleep and he would have to wake her up by tugging on her ear and saying, “Princess Louise, wake up!”

When it came time to name her they men chose the name Princess Louise, eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, who in

1882 consented to honour the regiment with her name and they became known as 8th Princess Louise’s New Brunswick

Regiment of Yeoman Cavalry. The filly took on star status marching in parades and was saluted by soldiers as she

became four legged royalty while the men of the 8th Canadian Hussars (Princess Louise’s) cared for her. She was

becoming a celebrity mascot. Kelly says that, “Our colonel, especially the second in command of the regiment was

Major Bob Ross at the time. He was originally from Hampton, N.B. In the old days the Hussars was a cavalry – a horse

regiment and this was just the thing. She had to be moved from place to place quietly so a concealed stall was created in

a three-ton truck and in this moving home she went through the countryside of France, Belgium and into Holland. At the

end of the war, although most of the regiment had to stay behind because of a shortage of ships, Princess Louise was

shipped to New York aboard the Dutch liner Leerdam and from the Big Apple she went to St. John, New Brunswick.

She was met with cheering crowds when she arrived on March 27, 1946 and was later reunited with her life savers and

those who had protected her, loved her and made her their mascot during the awful days of the war.

The full story can be found at the Museum in Sussex or on the Museum web page.

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Last Post With sadness we announce the passing of the following members of

the Corps and Regimental families;

Mrs. Jessie Jonah WO (Ret'd) Mary F. Bickerton

MWO (Ret'd) Frank Ainsworth Cpl (Ret'd) Glendon Thorne

Michelle Denise Levesque Maj (Ret'd) Ralph Keith David A. Emmerson Mrs. Emma Beales Cpl (Ret'd) Alice Surette Mrs. Jean Bernard

Mrs. Rowena Lockyer Cpl (Ret'd) James McKee

Reginald Sears Mrs. Pat Radley-Walters LCol (Ret'd) Bill Weagle Patrick Laroche WO (Ret'd) David Smith Don Sutherland

MWO (Ret'd) William Mulholland MCpl (Ret'd) Robert MacDonald

“They shall grow not old, as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them,

not the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,

We will remember them.

Donations to the Association General funds and the Museum

We would like to thank the following members who recently made a donation to the

Association General funds and the Museum. It is through their generosity that we are able to

maintain an active Association and operate our museum.

Herman Hirschfeld Trina Russell Mark Littlewood Sandra MacAuley

Don Rodnzy Stanley Belding Don Anderson Sharron Steeves

Malcolm Robinson Padre Vanbuskirk Dave Henderson Ron Ewing

Tom McLaughlan Debra Craig Mike Ward Darryl Zinck

Marilyn Dawes Scovil Brown Borden Mclellan Barbara Hughes

Larry Zaporzan Gail Mackinnon 2859 Cadet Corps Margaret Graham

Connoll Keith Raymond MacAuley Sussex Elementary Keith Estabrooks

Bradford Flemming