9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

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Page 1: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

9.2: The War at Home

The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

Page 2: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

A. War Industries Board

1. Moved to a wartime economy

2. Controlled what and how much of a product was made by a company and…

3. Set prices on products

What’s wrong with this!!?

Page 3: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

A. War Industries Board

4. Food Administration a. save food - eat less!

Page 4: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

b. Victory Gardens

Page 5: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

A. War Industries Board

5. Fuel Administrationa. Saved coal and oil

b. Conserved energy: daylight savings, shorter work week, heatless Mondays!

Page 6: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

B. Financing the Warw/Liberty War Bonds & Taxes

“Only a friend of Germany would refuse to buy war bonds”

$32 Billion

Page 7: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

C. National War Labor Board

1. Helped prevent strikes during the war

a. improved working conditions and pay

b. Union membership increases

Page 8: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

D. Women and War

1. Served in both traditional and non traditional jobs

2. Most left jobs after war

Page 9: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

3. Roles during war helped pass 19th Amendment


Page 10: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

E. Social Changes1. African Americans -

The Great Migrationa. 100’s of thousands

of AA move from Southern to Northern cities

b. Escape discrimination

c. Job opportunities

Page 11: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

2. Mexican Americans

a. Worked as farmers and ranchers

b. Moved to big cities

c. Segregated and discriminated against

Page 12: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

F. Committee on Public Information1. Responsible for “selling” the war – why

we should go to war w/allies

2. Four Minute Men Delivered speeches in 4 minutes on war

Page 13: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

G. Civil Liberties are Attacked

1. Americans of German descent attacked

a. Lost jobs

b. physically attacked

2. Espionage and Sedition Acts Anyone who speaks

badly or gets in the way of the govt war efforts = $10,000 fine, 20 yrs. jail

Problem with this act?

Page 14: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

H. American Military Mobilization

1. Too few men = draft=

2. Selective Service Act

a. Mandatory registration men 18-45 y/o (21-23)

b. Women not allowed

Page 15: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

I. African Americans in Military

1. Segregated units

2. First time allowed AA officers

3. Still experienced discrimination

Page 16: 9.2: The War at Home The war changes American society politically, economically, and socially

J. Women in the Military

1. Navy

Mostly clerical position

2. Army

a. Army corps of Nurses

b. No rank, different pay and benefits