9.3.0 OUTER SOUTH EAST HOUSING ISSUES AND OPTIONS: 9.3.1 See Volume 1, pages 18 -22 for a full explanation of the approach to considering which sites should be allocated for housing. See plan 9.3 Housing showing the sites referred to in this section. 9.3.2 Total housing target for Outer South East (set out in the Core Strategy) = 4,600 units (7% of District wide total) Total number of dwellings/capacity we are seeking: The target of 4,600 residential units does not mean that land for 4,600 new units has to be allocated for housing. From the overalltotal, existing allocations (previous UDP housing allocations not developed) and planning permissions with units still remaining to be built as at 31.3.12 will be deducted. These sites are listed in table 9.3.1 below and will count towards the overalltarget. They are shown in lime green on plan 9.3 Housing. Table 9.3.1. Table illustrating existing permissions and allocations as at 31.3.12. These sites are shown in lime green on the plan, SHLAA Ref HLA Ref Addrest Capacl ty Compl ete Under con Not starte d Allocations - not yet developed 520 338 27 155 120 0 0 120 150 0 0 150 350035 780078 400 0 0 400 140014 818 81S 820 822 823 824 825 14068 9009 10 1 0 I 5005 {405 339 63 1003 Station Road Allerton Bywater Queen Street Woodend South Of Micklefield Banowby Lane Garforth Selby Road Garforth Manor Farm Micklefield Manor Farm Micklefield 3306530 Road Garforth 3306690 51 Westfield Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 7JA Lane. Allerton WFlO 2HN 0 3300450 Church Lane Swillington 0 3306630 Beech Grove Avenue Garforth 0 3306660 Queens Court, Queen St Allerton Bywater 0 3306670 Land Off Birch Grove, Kippax, Leeds Outer South East TOTAL 3300130 3300140 3300150 3300280 3300290 3300310 330031'l 3352 3351 The number of dwellings still to be built (still under construction or not started) is 63+ 1003 (last 2 totals in table) = 1066 dwellings still to be built from existing permissions and allocations. So, the residualtarget is 4600 - 1066 = 3534 units remaining to find from pool of SHLAA sites as at 31.3.12. 6

9.3.0 SOUTH EAST HOUSING ISSUES AND...9.3.0 OUTER SOUTH EAST HOUSING ISSUES AND OPTIONS: 9.3.1 See Volume 1, pages 18 -22 for a full explanation of the approach toconsidering which

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Page 1: 9.3.0 SOUTH EAST HOUSING ISSUES AND...9.3.0 OUTER SOUTH EAST HOUSING ISSUES AND OPTIONS: 9.3.1 See Volume 1, pages 18 -22 for a full explanation of the approach toconsidering which


9.3.1 See Volume 1, pages 18 -22 for a full explanation of the approach toconsidering which sites should be allocated for housing. See plan 9.3 Housingshowing the sites referred to in this section.

9.3.2 Total housing target for Outer South East (set out in the Core Strategy) =4,600 units (7% of District wide total)

Total number of dwellings/capacity we are seeking:The target of 4,600 residential units does not mean that land for 4,600 newunits has to be allocated for housing. From the overalltotal, existing allocations(previous UDP housing allocations not developed) and planning permissionswith units still remaining to be built as at 31.3.12 will be deducted. These sitesare listed in table 9.3.1 below and will count towards the overalltarget. Theyare shown in lime green on plan 9.3 Housing.

Table 9.3.1.Table illustrating existing permissions and allocations as at 31.3.12. These sitesare shown in lime green on the plan,

SHLAARef HLA Ref Addrest






Allocations - not yet developed520 338 27 155

120 0 0 120150 0 0 150

350035780078400 0 0 400140014




14068900910 1 0 I5005

{405 339 63 1003

Station Road Allerton Bywater

Queen Street WoodendSouth Of Micklefield

Banowby Lane Garforth

Selby Road GarforthManor Farm Micklefield

Manor Farm Micklefield

3306530 Road Garforth

3306690 51 Westfield Lane, Kippax, Leeds, LS25 7JA

Lane. Allerton WFlO 2HN

0 3300450 Church Lane Swillington

0 3306630 Beech Grove Avenue Garforth

0 3306660 Queens Court, Queen St Allerton Bywater

0 3306670 Land Off Birch Grove, Kippax, Leeds

Outer South East TOTAL






The number of dwellings still to be built (still under construction or not started) is

63+ 1003 (last 2 totals in table) = 1066 dwellings still to be built from existingpermissions and allocations.

So, the residualtarget is 4600 - 1066 = 3534 units remaining to find frompool of SHLAA sites as at 31.3.12.