Welcome to my Welcome to my Presentation Presentation American International University- American International University- Bangladesh (AIUB) Bangladesh (AIUB)


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Welcome to my Welcome to my PresentationPresentationAmerican International University-Bangladesh (AIUB) American International University-Bangladesh (AIUB)Prepared For Prepared ForMr. R. Tareque Moudud, !MA, Mr. R. Tareque Moudud, !MA,"irector, #$$ice o$ %lacement & Alumni (#%A), "irector, #$$ice o$ %lacement & Alumni (#%A),American International University-Bangladesh American International University-Bangladesh''The %rocedures o$ oreign ()changeo$ *tandard The %rocedures o$ oreign ()changeo$ *tandard !hartered Ban+ ,td.!hartered Ban+ ,td. - - .ame/ Asi$, Md.Asi$ur Rahaman ID:01-02232-4Major: Accounting & Finance%resentation at a 5lance%resentation at a 5lanceIntroductionIntroductionOverview of te !ompanyOverview of te !ompanyO"jectivesO"jectivesMetodologyMetodologyForeign #$cange operation analysisForeign #$cange operation analysisFindings Findings %ecommendation %ecommendation !onclusion !onclusion I.TR#"U!TI#.I.TR#"U!TI#.&rade in 'ervices refers to te sale and delivery of an intengi"le product(&rade in 'ervices refers to te sale and delivery of an intengi"le product( called a service( "etween a producer and consumer) &rade in services ta*escalled a service( "etween a producer and consumer) &rade in services ta*es place"etweenaproducerandconsumertatare(inlegalterms("asedinplace"etweenaproducerandconsumertatare(inlegalterms("asedin differentcountries(oreconomies(tisiscalledInternational&radeindifferentcountries(oreconomies(tisiscalledInternational&radein 'ervices)&rade'erviceistotallyrelatedwittetransactionofImport+'ervices)&rade'erviceistotallyrelatedwittetransactionofImport+ #$port+,etterofcredit)&erearesomanyrulesandregulationintrade#$port+,etterofcredit)&erearesomanyrulesandregulationintrade servicedepartment)'!-playsaimportentroletrougtradeserviceinservicedepartment)'!-playsaimportentroletrougtradeservicein -angladesanditalsoelpstoincreaseprofit)&eycreateaglo"al-angladesanditalsoelpstoincreaseprofit)&eycreateaglo"al servicetoroug wic a client canave teir service at one place) &eyservicetoroug wic a client canave teir service at one place) &ey "elieve in customer trust so tat tey maintain it wit ig priority) #very"elieve in customer trust so tat tey maintain it wit ig priority) #very transactionofforeigne$cangeisinterrelatedanditsgiveservicingtotransactionofforeigne$cangeisinterrelatedanditsgiveservicingto customer of all over te world customer of all over te world#6(R6I(7 # T8( !#M%A.9#6(R6I(7 # T8( !#M%A.9

!artered-an*startedoperatingin-angladesopeninga"rancin!artered-an*startedoperatingin-angladesopeninga"rancin !ittagong) !ittagong)&e !artered -an* opened anoter "ranc in Da*a in ./00 &e !artered -an* opened anoter "ranc in Da*a in ./00Aftertemergerofte!artered-an*witte'tandard-an*in./0/(Aftertemergerofte!artered-an*witte'tandard-an*in./0/( te 'tandard !artered -an* too* up a program of e$pansion)te 'tandard !artered -an* too* up a program of e$pansion) In.//1(terewasanorgani2ationalre+structuring(wicledtoaIn.//1(terewasanorgani2ationalre+structuring(wicledtoa su"stantial e$pansion of te -an*3s -usiness su"stantial e$pansion of te -an*3s -usiness'tandard !artered -an*3s "ranc "an*ing license in -anglades allows it'tandard !artered -an*3s "ranc "an*ing license in -anglades allows it toofferafullrangeof"an*ingservices)'inceteorgani2ationaltoofferafullrangeof"an*ingservices)'inceteorgani2ational restructuringin.//1(teamountofdepositsandloansin.//4asrestructuringin.//1(teamountofdepositsandloansin.//4as increased"ymoretanfivetimes)&ereisanoverallincreasingtrendofincreased"ymoretanfivetimes)&ereisanoverallincreasingtrendof 'tandard !artered -an*3s mar*et sare in terms of deposits and advances) 'tandard !artered -an*3s mar*et sare in terms of deposits and advances)'tandard!arteredP,!(listedonte,ondon(5ong6ongandMum"ai'tandard!arteredP,!(listedonte,ondon(5ong6ongandMum"ai stoc*e$canges(ran*samongtetop78companiesinteF&'#+.88"ystoc*e$canges(ran*samongtetop78companiesinteF&'#+.88"y mar*et capitali2ation) mar*et capitali2ation)Mission&e "an* as a mission to "uild and grow on its .98 years of e$perience and tepositiveimagetatitasearnedoverteyears)&eunderstanding factorsonitsfourvalues:%esponsive(International(&rustwortyand !ourageous:)6ision&e vision of '!- is to ma*e it e$periences( wic satisfy te customer and an environment were te people li*e to stand out) &is "an* as acieved a positive slot in te earts of -angladesi people for its long+standing service and ;uality)#6(R6I(7 # T8( !#M%A.9 #B:(!TI6(* # T8( *TU"9 #B:(!TI6(* # T8( *TU"9 &o discuss a"out te import & e$port policy of te -an*)&o analy2e te e$port and import functions and financing of te "ranc&o focus on growt and development of foreign #$cange "usiness in '!-)&o identify te pro"lems and prospects of foreign e$cange)&o *now te ris* involved in te foreign e$cange "usiness)&o identify te limitations and possi"le wea* points of successfulills $or collection ();ort >ills $or collection();ort invoice $inancing ();ort invoice $inancingoreign in