9 th Grade Review Packet

9th Grade Review Packet · Roman Empire •What kind of ... •Islam=Koran ... that could give him a male heir. The Pope refused to annul his marriage…so Henry broke

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9th Grade Review Packet

Roman Empire

• What kind of government did Rome have

after it was a monarchy?


How did Rome become a republic?

• The government gave people power to decide who would rule.

Define the following terms:

• Senate:

– Most powerful governing body

• Patricians:

– Land holding upperclass

• Plebians:

– Farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders

– Made up most of population

The Laws of the Twelve Tables

became the basis for what?

• A WRITTEN legal system

Circle the names of Roman


Marc Antony



Was the Pax Romana a good time

in Roman history or a bad time?


Write down THREE things that

Augustus did during this time: 1. Spread stability over a large area

of the world

2. Strengthened the Roman Army

3. Established the Roman Empire

Classical Civilizations & Global

Trade • What was the Silk Route?

• Trade route that linked China with

lands as far west as Mesopotamia

(Today Iraq/Middle East)

Give some examples of how the Silk Route

served as a cultural link between the East

and the West

• Silk and other Chinese goods moved

west, while products such as cotton,

glass and new foods moved to China

What is another term for this idea (the

spreading of goods and culture)?


Belief Systems

• What is animism?

• Belief that every living and nonliving

thing in nature has a spirit

Circle the phrase that most

accurately depicts the term: • Monotheism

– ONE God

• Polytheism

– MANY Gods

Match the religion with its

sacred text: • Judaism=Torah

• Islam=Koran

• Christianity=Bible

• Buddhism=Tripitaka

• Hinduism=Veda/Upanishads

Christianity grew out of what

other major religion? • Judaism

When there were some disputes between

churches, a schism occurred. What does

this mean?

• SPLIT between churches

What are the two different

sections of Islam? • Sunni

• Shiites


– Origins-Hebrews (nomadic group) creates

Kingdom of Israel. Believed God gave

them land

– Beliefs-One God, Torah text

– Practices-Follow words of prophets, follow

Ten Commandments


– Origins-Muhammad received message to

spread message of Islam

– Beliefs-One God, 5 Pillars (basic duties),

follow Koran

– Practices- Follow Five Pillars -One God,

Help poor, Visit Mecca, Pray 5 times a day


– Origins-Jesus said to be Messiah-God’s


– Beliefs-One God, Bible, Follow teachings of


– Practices-follow teachings of Jesus


– Origins-No one founder, Developed by

different people living in India

– Beliefs-One unifying spirit (Brahman),

People need to free themselves from


– Practices-Believe in reincarnation, Strive

for perfect life


– Origins-Siddhartha Gautama became


– Beliefs-4 Noble Truths, Goal: Nirvana

– Practices-Follow Eightfold Path


– Origins-Confucius developed

– Beliefs-people need to accept given place

in society

– Practices-every person has duties and



• Daoism

– Origins-Laozi founded

– Beliefs-live in harmony with nature

– Practices-Yin and Yang, reject world and

human governments

Gupta Empire

• Where did this empire exist?

• India

The Gupta Dynasty presided (ruled)

over a “GOLDEN AGE” in India. What

does this mean?

• Time of peace and development in arts,

culture and medicine.

Give some examples of things that

were happening during this time…

•Math-development of zero and

decimal system

•Developed medicine, architecture, and


T’ang Dynasty

• Where did this empire exist?

• China

How was this empire similar to the

Gupta Empire? (Hint: Golden Age)

• Many developments in culture and arts

• Examples: Porcelain, calligraphy

Byzantine Empire

• This empire grew out of what other


• Roman Empire

Name three changes that

Constantine made: 1. Built capital at Constaninople

2. Blended Greek, Roman and Christian


3. Expanded empire

What was the social structure

like during this time? • Leader-Autocrat (single ruler with

complete power)

What church played a major

role in this empire? • Orthodox Christian Church

What did the Justinian Code

do? • Combined Roman laws, legal writings

and created a student handbook

Why was it so important?

(What is it the basis for today?) • Basis for international law today

Middle East: From Arab Conquest

to Islamic Empire

• What are jihads?

• LiteraLLy means “struggLe in

the path of god”

• Holy wars to conquer lands

for Islam

What religion are they part of?

• Islam

The Rise of Medieval Europe

• What is another name for Medieval Era?

• Middle Ages

Manorialism is a relationship

between which people? • Lords and serfs

• Under this system, peasants paid the

lord in crops and services for land

Serfs were tied to what?


Define the following terms:

• Feudalism

– Loosely structured political system


–Land given to vassals

• Vassal – Lesser lords

The Role of the Church

• What was the state religion during this


• Roman Catholic Church

True or False: The Christian

Church had to pay taxes. • True

• What is a tithe?

• A tax Christians paid equal to 10% of

their income.

• In general, did the church have A LOT of

power during this time or A LITTLE



Crusades & Their Impact Categories Causes Results

Religious -sins forgiven if fought

in Crusade

-regain Holy Land

-Christians did not

gain Holy Land

Political -Pope believed would

increase power

-weakened Pope

Economic -serfs hoped to be

freed from lord

-lords wanted more


-lead to increase trade

and cultural diffision

Cultural -chance for new


-led to great cultural


Early Japanese History &


• Draw a picture of what archipelago means:

Give one example of a country

that is an archipelago: • Japan

• Draw a picture of a tsunami:

One problem in Japan is that it doesn’t

have much arable land. What does this


Which religion is native to Japan and

characterized by attention to spirits and


• Shintoism

Define the following terms:

• Bushido-strict code of conduct used by warriors

• Samurai-lesser warriors

•Shogun-top military commanders


• Who was the leader of the Mongols?

• Genghis Khan

What area did he focus on

attacking? • Asia and Eastern Europe

• What was his largest accomplishment?

• Asia

• What was his grandson’s name?

• Kublai Khan

Fairs, Towns and Guilds

• What were guilds?

• Type of trade association

• Put the following positions in order of

experience, starting with the LEAST

experienced worker:

• 1) Apprentice 2) Journeyman 3) Master


The Hundred Years War • What was the “Black Death”?

• Bubonic Plague lead to a great number

of deaths in Europe and eventually Asia

Which two countries fought in

the Hundred Years’ War? • France and England

Renaissance & Humanism

• The Prince- E) Machiavelli

• Mona Lisa- C) DaVinci

• Canterbury Tails- A) Chaucer

• Moses, David, Sistine Chapel- D)


• Moveable type; Printing- F) Gutenberg

• Don Quixote- B) Cervantes

Define Renaissance:

• Period of great creativity and change in

Europe from the 1300’s through the

1600’s; the word means rebirth

Humanism emphasized what?

• Focus on the INDIVIDUAL

Religious Reformation

• Who was trying to rule during the Great


• The Pope

• What effect did this event have on the

Church’s authority

• Church lost authority

• Results:

• People questioned the church’s authority

• People protested the clergy’s beliefs

• Power shifted from the church to the people

• Examples of church corruption

– Indulgences (explain):

• Paying money to have your sins forgiven

• Martin Luther wrote the Ninety-five Theses – He condemned Church abuses

– He translated the New Testament into language the people could read

• Result: Luther was excommunicated, which means removed permanently from the church

• In England, King Henry VIII wanted a new wife that could give him a male heir. The Pope refused to annul his marriage…so Henry broke with the Catholic Church and established the Anglican Church with the King as head

Counter Reformation

• List two reforms set by the Council of


– Ended sale of indulgences

– Strict rules for behavior of clergy

• What was the Inquisition?

• Find those not true to the Catholic
