A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i , K max , & W done through the fall

A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

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Page 1: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km.

Calculate: Ui, Kmax, & W done through the fall

Page 2: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Chapter 12Thermal Energy

Page 3: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall


•The movement of heat

Page 4: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Kinetic Theory1)All matter is made up of

tiny particles2)All particles are in

constant motion3)All collisions are elastic

Page 5: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Temperature•A measure of average kinetic


Page 6: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Temperature•A measure of heat intensity

Page 7: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Thermal Equilibrium• When the average kinetic

energy of two or more substances become equal; thus their particles have the same exchange rate

Page 8: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

•Because it is a measure of average kinetic

energy, temperature is related to the motion of

particles (atoms, molecules, ions, etc)

Page 9: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Thermometer•A device, calibrated to some temp scale, that is

allowed to come to thermal equilibrium with

something else

Page 10: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Temperature Scales• Celcius (oC)

–Based on MP & BP of water

• Kelvin (K)–Based of absolute temperature

Page 11: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Temperature Scales

•K = oC + 273

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Convert Temperatures

100 K = ___ oC

100 oC = ___ K

Page 13: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Heat•A form of energy

that flows due to temperature differences

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Heat (Q)•Because particle at higher temp. move

faster than particles at a lower temp., the net

flow of heat is H C

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Heat (Q)•Heat will continue to have net flow from H C as long as there is

a temperature difference

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Heat (Q)•When there is no

temperature differences, the system

has reached thermal equilibrium

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Work•The movement of

energy by means other than temperature


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1st Law of Thermo.•The increase in thermal energy =

sum of heat added & work done to a


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1st Law of Thermo.

E = Q + W

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In Most Engines•Heat is added by some

high energy source (gas)

•Work is done by the engine

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In Most Engines

E = Q + WBut W < 0

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•A measure of the disorder in a


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2nd Law of Thermo.

•In natural processes,

entropy increases

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•When fuel is burned, entropy is


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Specific Heat (C)•The thermal energy

required to raise 1 unit mass of matter

1 degree

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Specific Heat (C)•The thermal energy

required to raise 1 kg of matter 1

degree K

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Heat (Q or H)•Heat transfer = mass

x specific heat x the temperature change

Q = mCT

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Calculate the heat required to raise 50.0

g of water from 25.0oC to 65.0oC.

Cwater = 4180 J/kgK

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Calculate the heat required to raise

250.0 g of lead from -25.0oC to 175.0oC. Clead = 130 J/kgK

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28 kJ of heat was required to raise the

temperature of 100.0 g of a substance from

-125oC to 575oC. Calculate: C

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3.6 kJ of heat was required to raise the

temperature of 10.0 g of a substance from -22oC to 578oC.

Calculate: C

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Conservation of Heat

•The total energy of an isolated system

is constant

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Conservation of HeatBecause the total amount of heat is


q orHsystem = 0

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Conservation of Heatq orHsystem = 0

Hsys = H1 + H2 + ..

qsys = q1 + q2 + ..= 0

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Conservation of Heatqsys = q1 + q2 = 0

mCT1 + mCT2 = 0

mCT1 = - mCT2

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Conservation of Heatqsys = qgained + qlost

qgained = - qlost

mCTgain = - mCTlost

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A 50.0 g slug of metal at 77.0 oC is added to

500. g water at 25.0oC.Teq= 27.0oC.

Calculate: Cmetal

Cwater = 4180 J/kgK

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A 200.0 g slug of metal at 77.5 oC is added to

400. g water at 25.0oC.Teq= 27.5oC.

Calculate: Cmetal

Cwater = 4180 J/kgK

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Solving Mixture Temperatures

qsystem = 0

qsystem = qhot + qcold

mCThot = -mCTcold

T = Tf – Ti

mC(Tf – Ti)hot = -mC(Tf – Ti)cold

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Conservation of Heat

mChTf - mChTh

+mCcTf - mCcTc

= 0

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Conservation of Heat

mChTf - mChTh


-mCcTf + mCcTc

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20.0 g of water at 25.0oC is added to

30.0 g water at 75.0oC. Calculate: Teq

Cwater = 4180 J/kgK

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500. g of water at 75.0oC is added to 300. g water in a 200. g calorimeter all at 25.0oC. Calculate: Teq

Cwater = 4180 J/kgKCcal = 1000 J/kgK

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A 500.0 g slug of metal at 87.5.oC is added to 4.0 kg water in a 1.0 kg can at

25.0oC. Teq= 27.5oC.Calculate: Cmetal

Cwater = 4180 J/kgKCcan = 1.0 J/gK

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States of Matter•Solid



Page 46: A 50.0 g ball is dropped from an altitude of 2.0 km. Calculate: U i, K max, & W done through the fall

Solid•Has definite size & definite shape

•Particles vibrate at fixed positions

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Liquid•Has definite size but no definite shape

•Particles vibrate at moving positions

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Gas•Has neither size nor shape

•Particles move at random

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Change of State•When a substance changes from one state of matter to


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Change of State•Change of state

involves an energy change

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Changes of State•Melting-Freezing



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Melting Point•The temperature at which a solid is at dynamic equilibrium with its liquid.

•Freezing Point (Same)

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Boiling Point•The temperature at which a liquid is at dynamic equilibrium with its gas.

•Condensationing Point (Same)

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Changes of State•During changes of state, the temperature remains constant; all energy is used to change the state

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Heat of Fusion (Hf)•The heat required to melt one unit mass of a substance at its MP

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Heat of Fusion (Hf)•Hf water = 3.34 x 105 J/kg

•Hf water = 334 J/g

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Heat of Vaporization (HV)

•The heat required to vaporize one unit mass of a substance at its BP

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Heat of Vaporization (HV)

•Hv water = 2.26 x 106 J/kg

•Hv water = 2260 J/g

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Temperature vs Heat Plot









0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

Heat (kJ)





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Change of State

q = mH

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Changes of State

qf = mHf

qv = mHv

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Calculate the heat required to change

250 g ice to water at its MP:

Hf = 3.34 x 105 J/kg

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Calculate the heat required to boil 400 g of water at its BP:HV = 2.26 x 106 J/kg

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Calculate the heat change when the

temperature of 2.0 kg H2O is changed from

50oC to 150oC:

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Calculate the heat change when the

temperature of 4.0 kg H2O is changed from-25.0oC to 125.0oC:

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Constants for Water• Hf = 3.34 x 105 J/kg

• Hv = 2.26 x 106 J/kg

• Cice = 2060 J/kgK

• Cwater = 4180 J/kgK

• Csteam = 2020 J/kgK

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1st Law of ThermoTotal E equal work done

plus heat added to it

E = Q + W

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Heat Engine•Any engine that converts heat energy to mechanical energy (Steam, internal combustion, etc.)

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Heat Pumps & Refrigerators

•Use pressure changes & the heat of vaporization to transfer heat from cold to hot

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2nd Law of Thermo

The total entropy of an isolated system always increases

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20.0 g of lead at 75.0oC is added to 100.0 g

water at 25.0oC. Calculate: Teq

Cwater = 4180 J/kgKClead = 130. J/kgK

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50.0 g of milk at 5.00oC is added to 500.0 g coffee

in a 400.0 g cup at 75.0oC. Calculate: Teq

Ccoffee = 4.00 J/gKCcup = 1.50 J/gKCmilk = 3.50 J/gK

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Ti = 25.0oC Tf = 200.0oC BP = 100.0oC MP = 0.0oCMass of H2O = 5.00 kgCalculate: Qtotal

Cice= 2.06 J/gK, Hv = 2260 J/gCwater= 4.18 J/gK, Hf = 334 J/gCsteam= 2.02 J/gK

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Ti = -50.0oC Tf = 300.0oC BP = 100.0oC MP = 0.0oCMass of H2O = 5.00 kgCalculate: Qtotal

Cice= 2.06 J/gK, Hv = 2260 J/gCwater= 4.18 J/gK, Hf = 334 J/gCsteam= 2.02 J/gK

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20.0 g of lead at 75.0oC is added to 100.0 g

water at 25.0oC. Calculate: Teq

Cwater = 4180 J/kgKClead = 130. J/kgK

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A 500.0 g slug of metal at 86.5.oC is added to 4.0 kg water in a 2.0 kg can at

24.0oC. Teq= 26.5oC.Calculate: Cmetal

Cwater = 4180 J/kgKCcan = 1.0 J/gK

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A 50.0 g of ice at -20.0 oC is added to 2.0 kg water in

a 1.0 kg can at 25.0oC. Calculate: Teq

Cw = 4180 J/kgK Cc = 1.0 J/gK

Cice = 2.06 J/gK Hf = 340 J/g

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A 50.0 g of steam at 120.0 oC is added to 2.0 kg water in a 1.0 kg can at 20.0oC.

Calculate: Teq

Cw = 4180 J/kgKCc = 1.0 J/gKHV = 2260 J/g

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A 400.0 g of steam at 125.0 oC is added to 2.0 kg ice in a 1.0 kg can at -20.0oC. Calculate: Teq

Constants will be on the board