1 Pastor’s Corner 1 Pastor’s Corner Cont’d Outreach and Discipleship Deacon’s Corner 2 Baptism Pastor Appreciation 3 Harvest Fest 4 Preschool News Christmas Cantata Christmas Eve Service 5 PVBP Snap Shots 6 Family Dinner/Movie Night 7 International Lunch 8 November/December Calendar November/December Birthdays 9 Thanksgiving Dinner Workday 10 The Inside Volume 122, No. 83 November/December 2019 It may not be comfortable to talk about, but if we aren’t aware and don’t talk about it, we won’t do anything about it! Fall is the traditional time when churches are busy planning for the upcoming year. New goals are set. Nominating committees are enlisting workers. Finance committees are at work reviewing the years numbers and developing the budget for the upcoming year. This is frequently accompanied by a stewardship emphasis to challenge member in their faithfulness in giving to support the upcoming plans and needs. Because of the importance for all of us to be on mission sharing our faith, in one recent conversation, the pastor was setting goals for baptisms in the coming year. While God has unquestionably blessed Pali View over the years with the faithfulness of our members and their strong financial giving to support our ministry and work, looking at just the hard numbers, it appears we are facing challenging times ahead. In spite of strong turnout at events like the recent Harvest Fest, few have accepted Christ. Acts 1 says we are all to be his witnesses. Matthew 28 says we are all to go and make disciples. 1 John 1 says we are all to share what we ourselves have witnessed and experienced. Paul was clear when he wrote, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14, NIV) Unless someone (You and I) talk to others about Jesus they cannot call on him to be saved. When was the last time you talked to someone about Jesus or consistently prayed for someone you know to accept him as their savior? This year we have seen few additions. As a result of recent deaths and moves to the mainland, attendance is down. Remember the line from Kevin Costner’s movie, Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come?” Have we unknowingly adopted the Field of Dreams view of church, believing that people will just come? Are you being intentional in reaching out to others to bring or invite them to come with you to church? Giving is down and we are far below meeting our budget and expenses for the year. As a consequence, for the first time in 24 years, we will probably be looking at the need to cut back on our expenses and seek ways to trim our budget. A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church MISSION STATEMENT Pali View Baptist Church Christ Centered: Transformed Empowered Loving Compassionate

A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and

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Page 1: A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and


Pastor’s Corner 1

Pastor’s Corner Cont’d Outreach and Discipleship

Deacon’s Corner


Baptism Pastor Appreciation


Harvest Fest 4

Preschool News Christmas Cantata

Christmas Eve Service


PVBP Snap Shots 6

Family Dinner/Movie Night 7

International Lunch 8

November/December Calendar November/December Birthdays


Thanksgiving Dinner Workday


The Inside

Volume 122, No. 83 November/December 2019

It may not be comfortable to talk about, but if we aren’t aware and don’t talk about it, we won’t do anything about it!

Fall is the traditional time when churches are busy planning for the upcoming year. New goals are set. Nominating committees are enlisting workers. Finance committees are at work reviewing the years numbers and developing the budget for the upcoming year. This is frequently accompanied by a stewardship emphasis to challenge member in their faithfulness in giving to support the upcoming plans and needs. Because of the importance for all of us to be on mission sharing our faith, in one recent conversation, the pastor was setting goals for baptisms in the coming year.

While God has unquestionably blessed Pali View over the years with the faithfulness of our members and their strong financial giving to support our ministry and work, looking at just the hard numbers, it appears we are facing challenging times ahead.

• In spite of strong turnout at events like the recent Harvest Fest, few have accepted Christ.

Acts 1 says we are all to be his witnesses. Matthew 28 says we are all to go and make disciples. 1 John 1 says we are all to share what we ourselves have witnessed and experienced.

Paul was clear when he wrote, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?” (Romans 10:14, NIV) Unless someone (You and I) talk to others about Jesus they cannot call on him to be saved. When was the last time you talked to someone about Jesus or consistently prayed for someone you know to accept him as their savior?

• This year we have seen few additions. As a result of recent deaths and moves to the mainland, attendance is down.

Remember the line from Kevin Costner’s movie, Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come?” Have we unknowingly adopted the Field of Dreams view of church, believing that people will just come? Are you being intentional in reaching out to others to bring or invite them to come with you to church?

• Giving is down and we are far below meeting our budget and expenses for the year.

As a consequence, for the first time in 24 years, we will probably be looking at the need to cut back on our expenses and seek ways to trim our budget.

A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church


Pali View Baptist Church

Christ Centered:





Page 2: A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and


It’s not popular or politically correct to talk about money, but churches used to believe that what we have is a gift from

God entrusted to us and he expects us to be good stewards of it. This includes the tithe (biblically this is 10%) to support His work. In Malachi 3:10 the Lord said, “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in

this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.” Believers used to take this as a promise and had their faith strengthened when they witnessed God provide for their needs. Many churches even had “prove a tithe day” when everyone committed to tithing on that Sunday to see how God would provide when his people are faithful.

Have we been blessed so much that we have grown comfortable and complacent? Is it time for us all to leave our comfort zones and start talking about Jesus more? To start bringing people to church? To commit to tithe, with the acknowledgement that it is all Gods anyway, on loan to us.

If we aren’t aware and don’t talk about such things, we won’t do anything about them. How might the Lord want you to respond?

I want to thank everyone who helped with and participated in this year’s Harvest Fest. It was great to have conversations with families from the preschool and community. They were so thankful and excited to be with us. We have future opportunities to share in our community through invitations to our Church services, Thanksgiving Feast, and all of the Christmas events and celebrations. I hope you can join us in walking in the Christmas Parade on December 7th. I will provide more information as we get closer to the event in the announcements at church.

I have really enjoyed the recent sermon series on our values as it reinforced what we as a church body say we stand for and encourage. Faith in Christ, worship, Bible Study and prayer, love and compassion, Ohana, authentic and meaningful relationships, and service. I encourage you to reflect on those values and how they are being demonstrated in your life, in your work, family, neighborhood, and church.

We can keep growing in our relationships with Christ and others. I encourage you to make time to study God’s Word not only in your own private times, but also in group settings like our Wednesday and Sunday Bible Study opportunities. I encourage you to make worship a priority as we come together to hear the Word of God proclaimed and sing praises to our Lord. I encourage you to join in our fellowship opportunities.

Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon and we will all be busy. Let us not let the busyness of this season distract us from the values that should be evident to all. I look forward to being with you in worship and all the other events surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas. For those who cannot be here, I wish you a happy Thanksgiving as you reflect on the blessings of God in your lives. I also wish you a Merry Christmas as we celebrate the coming of our savior to this earth to live and die for us.

Grace and Peace, Brent and Erin

Ever notice some months or weeks seem to be busier than most others. It seems to me that as every year goes by, we seem to be running out of time to accomplish things we consider important. Wait, I got to check my email. Wait, i got to check and answer this text message. I think that some of the things we scurry around trying to do, maybe, just maybe, aren't as important as we think they are. Just think, Jesus accomplished what He set out to do in only three years. A lot of people have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly planning books. Regardless of which one you use; it will be full of scratch outs and changes. I' not saying that it's not good to make plays, but try including the Lord in your plans.

What does the bible say about planning? James 4, 13-15. Now listen, you who say, tomorrow we will go that city, spend a year there, carry on a business, and make money. Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "if it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." Wise words indeed. Here's my punch line" Let's try and sloooooow down a little. Until next time. God Bless, Ollie Tucker

Page 3: A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and


Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom for God belongs to such as these.” On September 22, 2019, Pastor Steve baptized Ashley after her

father Adriel encouraged her with scripture chosen just for her.

October is Pastor appreciation month and on Sunday October 27, 2019, the congregation showed their appreciation for Pastor Steve's calling and leading of his flock. Lola was also shown appreciation for all of her support and sacrifice so that Pastor Steve is able to follow God’s calling in his life. A potluck lunch followed the service and a variety of food was prepared and shared to celebrate their continued service. The fellowship hall was filled with people of all ages and all were filled in heart and tummy. We pray that God will continue to lead and guide Pastor Steve as he continues to lead and guide the church in doing God’s will.

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Page 5: A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and


Christmas Cantata

December 15, 2019

Pali View Baptist Church

“What A

Beautiful Name”

What's the sweetest thing you can think of? Halloween

candy? Birthday Cake? Chocolate anything? How about

the name of our Savior, Jesus? This year, on December

15, 2019, the choir will be singing, "What A Beautiful

Name". This cantata is a wonderful celebration of the

most beautiful name there is, Jesus. Be sure you invite

others to join us on that Sunday morning to hear just

how beautiful the name of Jesus is. Aloha, Mr. Jeff

Sung By: Pali View Baptist Church Choir


New Creations in Christ


Christmas Eve

Candlelight Service

at 6:30PM

You are invited to join us for a special candlelight worship service on Tuesday, December 24th at Pali View Baptist Church.

Invite your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Page 6: A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and


Page 7: A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and


Wow! Our first Family Movie Night of the 2019-20 school year was a great event. Great attendance, fellowship, and fun.

Dinner was chili, rice, and hotdogs. Thank you, church and preschool families for making this such a fun night for everyone.

Page 8: A bi-monthly publication of Pali View Baptist Church...God Bless, Ollie Tucker 3 Jesus instructs his disciples in Mark 10:14 and Luke 18:16 “Let the little children come to me, and


On August 29, 2019, Pali View Baptist Church

provided lunch for the international students. God

used this lunch for his glory with new volunteers.

The children and volunteers engaged with the


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3rd, Tuesday 7:30P Choir Practice 5th, Thursday 10:15AM Prayer Meeting 7th, Saturday 9AM Kaneohe Christmas Parade 10th, Tuesday 7:30PM Choir Practice 12th, Thursday 10:15AM Prayer Meeting 13th, Friday 9AM Preschool In-House Field Trip:

Royal Hawn Band 15th, Sunday 10AM Christmas Cantata 19th, Thursday Preschool Jesus Birthday Party

10:15AM Prayer Meeting 20th, Friday 10AM Preschool Christmas Program

11:30AM Preschool Dismissed 24th, Tuesday 12PM Office Closed

6:30PM Christmas Eve Service 25th, Wednesday CLOSED – Christmas Holiday 26th, Thursday 10:15AM Prayer Meeting 29th, Sunday 11:30AM Women’s Ministry 31st, Tuesday 12PM Office Closed

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Preschool Christmas Break: Closed Dec 23, 2019 to Jan 3, 2020

1st, Friday 10AM Senior Exercise Group 6-8P Youth Night

3rd, Sunday 1P Missions Meeting 4th, Monday 9AM Baptist Women’s World Day of Prayer 5th, Tuesday PS Closed – Election Day 7:30PM Choir Practice 6th, Wednesday 7PM Bible Study @ Pali View 7-8PM Children’s Ministry 7th, Thursday 10:15AM Prayer Meeting 8th, Friday 10AM Senior Exercise Group

6-8P Youth Night 10th, Sunday 11:30AM Council Meeting 11th, Monday CLOSED – Veterans Day 12th, Tuesday 7:30PM Choir Practice 13th, Wednesday 7PM Bible Study @ Pali View 7-8PM Children’s Ministry 14th, Thursday 10:15AM Prayer Meeting 15th, Friday 10AM Senior Exercise Group 6-8P Youth Night 17th, Sunday 11:30AM Finance Meeting

5:30PM Thanksgiving @ Pali View 19th, Tuesday 7:30P Choir Practice 20th, Wednesday 7PM Bible Study @ Pali View 7-8PM Children’s Ministry 21st, Thursday 10:15AM Prayer Meeting 22nd, Friday 10AM Senior Exercise Group 6-8PM Youth Night 23rd, Saturday 8AM-12PM Workday – light breakfast/lunch

9A Sanctuary Christmas Decorating 24th, Sunday 11:30AM Business Mtg 26th, Tuesday 7:30PM Choir Practice 27th, Wednesday 11:30AM Preschool Family Thanksgiving Potluck 28th, Thursday CLOSED – Thanksgiving Holiday 29th, Friday Preschool Closed – Family Day 6-8P Youth Night

Preschool: Parent Teacher Conferences Nov 1 – 15, 2019


Lillian Nagao 11/04 John Lee 11/06 Mason Isa 11/07 Kara Nekomoto 11/10 Ollie Tucker 11/12 Desiree Chang 11/14 Claire Masuda 11/15 Nancy Gyotoku 11/19 Bryce Leonardo 11/19 Janelle Higashida 11/20 Thelma Starr 11/21 Erinn Koida 11/22 Karen Oshio 11/22 Cierra Jones 11/23 Justin Schlittenhart 11/23 Clifford Chang 11/26

Arnold Kong 11/28 Drake Mullis 11/29

Joann Kumashiro 11/30


Kayla Matsunaga 12/03 Macey Palmer 12/03

Duane Char 12/05 Baylor Pang 12/06

Logan Gibbons 12/08 Lewis Char 12/12

Lee Furukawa 12/12 Stephanie Hoffman 12/13

Sarah Honzaki 12/13 Shawn Childress 12/16

Joel Matsunaga 12/17 Matthew Higashida 12/18

Cinnamon Lee 12/21 Lola Irvin 12/23

Essie Zukeran 12/24 Patsy Miyashiro 12/25

Colleen Leonardo 12/27 Henry Orozco Jr. 12/27

Philip Farmer 12/28 Lisa Jones 12/28

Scott Fujimoto 12/30 Jenee Wonderlich 12/31

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Pali View Baptist Church will host our FREE annual community Thanksgiving dinner. What an outreach opportunity we have to witness to those who do not know Christ. Praise God as He continues to bless Pali View and we respond with the opportunity to invite our community, co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family to a FREE Thanksgiving dinner while enjoying good food and fellowship.

The church will provide the turkey, drinks, and paper goods and the members will bring side dishes, desserts, salads, fruits, and vegetables. Our guests only need bring an appetite. Anyone in need of more info may call the church office at 247-4271. Please join us at our FREE annual Thanksgiving dinner and do not forget to invite your friends, neighbors, co-workers, and family. We especially look forward to meeting new faces and of course seeing familiar ones.

November 24, 2019 Pali View Baptist Church

45-510 Halekou Rd, Kaneohe 5:00PM - 8:00PM

Thank you to all who were able to come and volunteer their time at workday on Saturday, Sept 28. Workers ranged from the young to young at heart. Landscaping, working on new storage container, and other needed repairs and maintenance were some of items on the to-do-list. We pray God allows you time to come to the next workday on November 23, 2019.