THE INDEX OF THE BOOK: The Preface (1)Basic foundation of Islam (2)Islam’s prophet was an Inventor of Democracy (3)No Other religion except Islam is acceptable to Allah (4)True aqidah in Islam-A Path of Paradise (5)The Unique Creation of Allah: Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) (6)Insight of Islam and Spiritual Stations (7)Reply to disbelievers about their misconceptions in Islam (8)Reply to an atheist by an Islamic Scholar by a slap (9)The true death time event of Fakhruddin Razi (RA) (10)Huqooqul Ibad: Rights of a Muslims upon fellow Muslims: The Ideal Islamic Social Welfare (11)Every coming time is worse than the present time (Bukhari Shareef) (12)Tawakkal Ala Allah (The Trust on Allah) (13)Level of Shirq and Halal/Haram of Music and Sajada-e- Tazim (14)Innovation: The term used in Islam to refrain from (15)Moon Sighting (The Crescent looking) (16)Durud and Salaam for the Prophet (sav) (17)The Friends of Allah (18)Practices in Islam (19)Protection of the earned virtues, merits and good deeds (20)Tabarrukat of Prophets and Friends of Allah and Its respect (21)The Power of Friends of Allah is greater than the Jinn and Satan (22)The Shrines of Friends of Allah can be made Place of Prayer: derived from Al Quran (23)Difference between the Sinners and the misguided followers (24)The Ideals of a True believer (25)Iman, Islam and Ehsaan

A Book on Introduction to Islam

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The Preface(1)Basic foundation of Islam(2)Islam’s prophet was an Inventor of Democracy(3)No Other religion except Islam is acceptable to Allah(4)True aqidah in Islam-A Path of Paradise(5)The Unique Creation of Allah: Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)(6)Insight of Islam and Spiritual Stations(7)Reply to disbelievers about their misconceptions in Islam(8)Reply to an atheist by an Islamic Scholar by a slap (9)The true death time event of Fakhruddin Razi (RA)(10)Huqooqul Ibad: Rights of a Muslims upon fellow Muslims: The Ideal Islamic Social Welfare(11)Every coming time is worse than the present time (Bukhari Shareef)(12)Tawakkal Ala Allah (The Trust on Allah)(13)Level of Shirq and Halal/Haram of Music and Sajada-e-Tazim(14)Innovation: The term used in Islam to refrain from(15)Moon Sighting (The Crescent looking)(16)Durud and Salaam for the Prophet (sav)(17)The Friends of Allah(18)Practices in Islam(19)Protection of the earned virtues, merits and good deeds(20)Tabarrukat of Prophets and Friends of Allah and Its respect(21)The Power of Friends of Allah is greater than the Jinn and Satan(22)The Shrines of Friends of Allah can be made Place of Prayer: derived from Al Quran(23)Difference between the Sinners and the misguided followers(24)The Ideals of a True believer(25)Iman, Islam and Ehsaan(26)What is the Aim of our life in this world: The Philosophy of the Death(27)The Muslim cannot marry to disbeliever until Islam is accepted(28)Prophet Mohammed (sav) is Noor-The Light(29)Celebration of Milad (Birth day of Prophet-sav)(30)Al Furqan: A Clear differentiating book between the Truth and the Falsehood(31)Chishtiya Sufism of Islam and Its Teachings

ISLAM: A UNIVERSAL RELIGION:Allah’s name to begin with, the most generous the merciful.


Islam is considered as a universal religion. It is the only religion on the earth for which Allah told in Quran “Near Allah, the only religion is Islam” So, all other religions are

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now forbidden by Allah. Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) is considered as a leader of all Prophets and a seal of the Prophets and mercy for whole universe. The religion has two purposes. To establish humanity and universal brotherhood and live in this world peacefully and to reach to divine court of Allah and his messenger (Prophet) by practice of prayers, meditation, submission and contentment and patience.I read one of the Hindu website. They want to promote the Hindu religion. Everybody wants to protect ones religion. But actually religion has taken the existence to save humanity. So, religion is for human being. Now from the Hindu website, it clearly indicates that they make open aggressive statements against other religions. They are hurting them. So, actually, they are not serving to their own religion.

All the religions taught us the way to reach at the almighty Allah (God). But even Allah (God) has sent so many messengers to show the right path and to guide towards the right path. Now when one messenger comes on the earth, due to his noble and kind efforts, the world gets the peace. After the demise of the messenger or saint, the kind effect of the world slowly and slowly goes on deteriorating until very crudeness (cruelty) takes the place. Sins are then increased to its high peak. Then almighty Allah has to send next messenger to improve the world. This system worked until the last messenger and Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) arrived. It must be noted that the messenger of Allah is directly connected to almighty Allah whereas the saint is connected to Allah through messenger of Allah. In Islam, there exist uncountable number of saints, known and unknown. But all of the Islamic saints are connected to Allah through (via) messenger Prophet Mohammed(pbuh).

It must be noted that when the messenger is sent, he brings laws of Allah with him which he orders the worldly people to follow. These rules can be different for different prophets. But when next prophet arrives with latest rules to follow, the previous prophet’s rules are replaced by new prophet’s rules. Not necessarily that all the rules are changed. Some rules are modified. The system of following the rules of the freshly sent prophet is just like our parliament law making. When a new modified law comes, it automatically replaces the previous law. In this way, it is worth noting that the latest laws are those which were brought by the last prophet who is Mohammed (peace be upon him). So, all the people must follow the laws given by Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Hence the Muslims follow the ultimate and final laws given by Islam. Those not believing in these rules are called infidels. This word is given by Allah.

Islam has come into existence from one person who is messenger of Allah and whose name is Mohammed (Pbuh). You must recognise him that his single being was able to convince the system of Allah. So, I don't want to tell about his super natural matters. The great miracle was that he had no shadow of his own body against any light like sun rays or lantern light. He was totally light then how can a light form its own shadow. The secret reason behind this was, in fact, Allah did not want to even insult to the shadow of his beloved prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). It is natural that if anybody is standing in hot sun, he must have his shadow on the ground and some other person can walk over his shadow. Think, when the Allah did not like the shadow of his beloved prophet be insulted lest one should walk over even unknowingly. The present time is a time in which the

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Allah almighty has given dominance to Satan, the evil, and hence cartoons of such a pious Prophet are made! Otherwise, no good people can even think of such a bad idea for so great Prophet.

More than 1430 years passed after the passing of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) from this world, the evil has raised its peak killing humans by humans. This is prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) for whom, kalki avtaar was told of. Even a book has been published by a Hindu pandit giving logical proofs, who is working in a University in Uttar Pradesh. You people must consider this thing into account.

It is against logic that a very small group can give torture to a big majority. When Islam was rising, only a few people started to accept it. Those few can be counted by fingers. How can it be possible that those few were able to oppress to uncountable vast majority and conquered and gave rise to Islam? In fact, it was a divine power which worked. Even now a day, the miracles happen from the graves of holy saints of Islam. I have recorded video of their miracles. So, Islam is a great religion. By practicing Islam, I have awakened my kundalini and running it full flow. In Islam the kundalini awakening is called as lataaif energy in which the chakras are called as lataaif. I am non-vegetarian.

All the religions lead to a right path. But Allah prefers to those who obey the rules and system of last messenger, the last prophet who is the prophet of Islam who is for the mercy of all the worlds. Allah has closed all other religions as he introduced Islam through his beloved final messenger and final Prophet who is a head of all messengers and Prophets. We the Muslims believe in all previous prophets including prophet of Jews and prophet of Christian. It is compulsory for the Muslims to believe in all prophets but they must obey the laws and systems of the last prophet who is head of all previous prophets according to quran. Now the Jews and the Christians are also termed as infidels due to their denial of last prophet ( Prophet Mohammed ) and due to their denial to follow the rules and systems brought by the final messenger. To disregard any one of the prophets arrived in this world is defined as infidel or non-believer. This is not a definition made by any human but by the Allah (God), the almighty himself.

Islam is the latest religion on the earth and hence has included all the essence of the previous religions. At the time of very old era, when all humanity was created from one mother and one father, the very first generation of their children was real brothers and sisters. They married with real brothers and real sisters. It was religiously legal then. But as the years passed by, now the same Allah ordered new law not to marry with real brothers and sisters. So, Allah is same but he changed the laws as per the demand of the time. Such was his intention to send different prophets with their laws and systems. In this way, the Muslims are the only human group who is following the systems and laws of the final prophet, the latest laws of almighty Allah(God).

Allah can be pleased if one follows the last prophet and his systems. One can reach up to certain level in the divinity by practicing any religion but ultimate target can be achieved if Islam is accepted. Money can be achieved by right way and by wrong way. But money achieved by right way gives you divine happiness. Certain divinity obtained by practicing

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other religious prayers will not yield divine happiness. Even the Satan (witchcraft, the devil) can show you different illusive divinity. Such illusive devil divinity occurred in front of Muslim saints but they recognised it and defeated it due to Islamic divinity-the ultimate true divinity they had.

Islam has two types of prayers. Open prayers and hidden prayers. Hidden prayers are those carried with meditation. They perform Pas Anfas (prana yaam ). They perform stopping breath practice called Nafase dam. These prayers are for obtaining higher level divinity. The open prayers like Namaaz (salaat) etc are for establishing network and brotherhood and lower level divinity. Of course, now a day, some followers of Islam have been depriving of the hidden treasures of Islam and some Islamic groups’ beliefs are decayed about their own saints, the Islam has to suffer a lot. But if the gold biscuit is worsened by falling into mud or dung, it never loses its identity as gold. So, after all Islam is Islam. It is a chosen religion by Almighty Allah, the ever lasting God.

The Allah (God) cannot give birth. The Christian started to consider Christ as God’s son is a defective faith. The Jews consider themselves as sons of God are also adopting a defective faith. To say that Allah (God) gives births from him is a great sin according to Islam. Allah (God) is eternal. He has no father and no son/daughter. He created the creation by his own order only. The Hindus are idol worshipping and hence have a defective faith, for, only God (Allah) is the one who must be worshiped. Also we see that the saints are merged or communion with Allah (God). He (friend of Allah-saint) himself is a light reflection of Allah (God) then how can he worship the man-made idol (Statue). Allah (God) cannot be made by man. So, to believe man-made idol as a Allah (God) is a great defective belief. In this regards, only Islam gives you the true direction. Due to such faulty beliefs which human accrue, the last prophet was sent who improved the beliefs, the moral character and ethical values of the society. The human is the best creation of the Allah (God) and how can a best created worship or bow down to the one which is inferior to him, i.e. the idol.The Hindus definition about vegetarian is very confusing! Those Hindus who are calling them as vegetarian consume Milk and Eggs though these are not a product directly coming out from soil. Vegetables are living things always coming out from soil directly. They argue that Milk and Eggs are allowed in Vedas. So they are defining vegetables according to Vedas. But they could have said that certain non-vegetables are permitted in Vedas. So their vegetarian criteria are illusive.

Islam grew up when the entire Europe was in the darkness era when license to paradise was given in the name of donation to the church. Martin Luther came to rescue and the protestant sect in the Christianity came to the existence. But on the other hand, the Islam gave the world the idea and demonstration of a democracy. Islam’s first four head of states (khalipha) were elected and set on the throne one after the other who ruled for twenty five years and extended Islamic state boundaries up to present day Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan and the capital city had to be moved from Madinah to Damascus.

(1)Islam gave first idea and demonstration of the democracy to the entire world

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(2)Islam gave respect to the female first in the world by stopping baby(infant) girl killings and arranging marriages with the widowers.(3)Islam gave rights to women from the properties of their parents(4)Islam protected women from illegal sex abuse due to man shortages due to killings in wars and comparative life survival difference by allowing to marry with up to maximum four women. This marvelously prevented illegal sex activities.(5)Islam gave women their rights of education and work as can be seen from the history of Razia Sultan.(6)Islam gave the world the order to destroy interest rates of the banks and demonstrated trade without interest. The world face bankruptcy due to anti-islamic follow up of interest based banking.(7)Islam gave social financial justice and balance by implementing compulsory levy on the rich and prosperous people at the rate of 2.5 per cent of their income, which is called as zakat. The poverty level is considered as 7.5 tolas of Gold in possession or equivalent currency price. (One tola equal 10 gram)



The first thing is the Basic foundation of Islam is this:

A:(1) To Testify that No one is deserved to be worshiped except Allah whose messenger is Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him).

(2) To Testify that no one is deserved to be worshiped except Allah who is single (one and only one) and no one is his partner and I testify that Mohammed (Pbuh) is his servant and Prophet.

(3) All purity is for Allah, all praise is for Allah, No one deserves to be worshiped except Allah, Allah is greatest and all strength is from(for) him the most high and glorified.

(4) I Testify that no one deserved to be worshiped except Allah who is one and only one, no one is his partner, the kingdom belong to him, the praises are for him, he gives life and he gives death, and on his hand all goodness are held and his strength is supreme above all things.

B: To pray Salaat (Namaaz) five times a day as directed

C: To Keep Fasting during Ramadan month.

D: To pay Zakaat (2.5 per cent of the income earned or the property acquired)

E: To perform Hajj Pilgrimage if affordable.

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The Second important thing is Aqidah (the beliefs):

To believe in unseen things (talks-wahi) and world of angels, jinn, souls, paradise, hell, and to believe that the book descended upon Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and the previous books on previous Prophets have been descended from Allah and believe in the day of judgement when rewards or punishment will be given by Allah according to his judgement. The previous books are considered as closed and only Quran, a book descended on Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) is considered as open for following the laws of Allah for his mercy and please.

These beliefs have the detailed study.

The Third thing is the Practice: Prayers, meditation, control of self desires as shown by Prophet (Pbuh) in hadis books and other references from friends of Allah.


ISLAM’S PROPHET WAS AN INVENTOR OF DEMOCRACY : The birth day anniversary of Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) should be celebrated as democracy day and freedom day (freedom from darkness) and Reply to question Why Islam?

At the present time it is irrelevant to question on the prophet hood of Mohammed (Pbuh), because, he defeated all the opponents who were against the truth including great magicians of that time and fraud prophets of that time. Various propagandas failed which were delivered against him. While in the time of present rule of democracy, if someone is elected just few votes more than his opponents, and able to rule the large country, it is unwise to not accept prophet hood of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) whose followers are more than two billions.Common people cannot defeat the present day magicians, how do they argue against supernatural spiritual enlightened unique personality like prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)? So, the prophet hood of Mohammed (pbuh) is unchallangeable. His life was so simple and full of hardships that he remained hungry for days. If he wished he could have lived luxury life. If we see Islamic history, his life prior to declaration of prophet hood was comparatively much richer than his life after declaration of prophet hood. So, he did not earn money from prophet hood and never was it his mission. His mission was to give humans the eternal salvation.

I want to write one more truth of the world; and that is the invention of democracy by prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Islam opponents may or may not know this thing. But they are bias. They have prejudice. In every age such people will be there. Satanic power is also running in the world. Allah(God) has made this system. He allowed for human being the option to choose from truth and falsehood by showing the ways through prophets and saints. Allah could have killed the satan and there could be no evil forces in the world. But then what about the testing? Allah (God) has created this entire creation so that he

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can be recognized. And for his recognition, he put the test of false hood and trueness and showed the way for guidance.

The inventor of the Democracy in the whole world was a Prophet Mohammed(peace be upon him). It was his sacred habit to free the slaves by paying to their owners. Hazarat Bilal (RA) and Hazarat Salaman Farasi (RA) were among the freed slaves by him. So how can he bear the state administration without election? He laid the foundation of democracy in the world. He instructed his companions that after his demise(taking veil from this world), they should ELECT their leader who would govern the Islamic state according to charter of laws stated by Islam, propagate Islam and look after the welfare and security of the people. The demonstration of the democracy was performed by first four leaders of Islam one after the other who governed the state in a most fantastic way and extended the state boundaries to a big country the area of which covered present day Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Egypt and Afghanistan. Let us celebrate the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) as a "Democracy Day"

Why Islam ?

There are several reasons that Islam is the only religion on the earth which must be accepted by all human beings. Allah (GOD) has declared those not accepting Islam; as non-believers.(1)All the religions are from Allah (GOD). Allah descended one after the other about 124000 prophets on the earth. Some of them were given divine scriptures. When the sins of the people are increased beyond the limit fixed by Allah, he sends a prophet to guide them to the straight path. The Satan is downgraded. The evil of the people of earth is reduced to a great extent. Such a purified state on the earth is maintained for some years. Then slowly and slowly, again sins of the people on the earth are increased. When it crosses the limit, once again another prophet is sent down on the earth. The earth and the people are purified again. This cycle of system is repeated again and again until the final prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him) was sent on the earth. (2)When a new prophet comes on the earth, he brings with him several laws. Everybody has to follow the laws of the prophet. A new prophet may either reform or abolish some laws of previous prophet according to the demand of the time as instructed and guided by Allah(God) with a divine inspiration. This is exactly same in the manner as it happens in the court of law of a state or country. In the state or country, when a new law is made replacing or reforming the old one, every citizen of that country has to follow the new law. Thus old law is quashed. Now it is crystal clear that Islam is the latest religion on the earth and prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) is the last prophet, every citizen on this earth must follow the rules and laws brought by Islam and its prophet. Is it not a logical statement to accept Islam?(3)The laws of a country are to be followed by the citizens. Some laws may be hard. Some may be very hard and some laws may be easy to follow but we have to obey them. Exactly in the same way, in a religion, some laws may be hard, some may be very hard and some may be easy. But we have to follow them. What a strange thing it is that we are arguing against the laws set by the almighty Allah(God)! Prophet is a messenger of the laws of Allah. Allah is feeding us, gives us fresh air to breath. So, we must submit

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ourselves to him. The one, who submits oneself to the God, cannot argue against him. A servant cannot argue against his master. So, whether it is a matter of wearing a scarf on the head by a woman or may be the other thing, we cannot argue. When an engineer makes a machine, he knows its full knowledge and guides the other persons how to operate or deal with that machine. In the same way, Allah is the creator of the universe. He better knows why he framed such and such laws for the man and woman.(4)As regards miracles of prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), he was unique. So many people from previous religions who acquired supernatural powers were defeated by him with the power of almighty Allah given to him. His followers and devotees were able to perform miracles in such a way that the opposition leaders and kings including magicians were defeated and impressed by immense spirituality, converted from their parent religion into Islam. So, I do not want to describe about miracles of Islam. I want to give only logical and true reasons to accept Islam.(5)When the entire Europe was in darkness, Martin Luther created separate Christian group, called as the Protestant Christian, the Islam was just in a developing phase. When whole the world was ruled by one or the other kings, Islam developed a theory of Democracy. What a surprising thing it is that very few non-Muslim people know that the inventor of the democracy was a prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)!He advised his followers that after his demise (taking veil from this world), they should elect their leader whose mission would be ruling the Muslim state with the Islamic laws and propagate the message of the prophet. So, by democratic way, the four initial leaders of Islam, namely Abu Bakar, Omar, Usman and Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) chosen and elected by the Muslims. They ruled in a most fantastic way with their spiritual powers in such a way that the Islamic state boundaries extended in Africa in the west and Afghanistan and Iran in the east. The democratically elected leader of the Islamic state was known as khalipha. The second khalipha of Islam, hazarat Omar(may god please with him) in one of his noble speech in front of his followers told that he would be questionable in the time hereafter, in the court of God, even if a dog under his reign remained hungry! What a pious leader he was! I give you one more example of fourth khalipha Hazarat Ali (may god please with him). In one battle with non-believer, he rode on the chest of his enemy. He was about to cut the throat of the enemy. As he was about to kill, the enemy spat on the face of Ali (may god please with him). Looking to this, he(Ali) left the enemy unharmed and alive. The enemy asked with an exclamation the reason why he was not killed. Ali (R.A.) replied, he was fighting for the sake of almighty Allah and not for personnel cause. But when the enemy spat, he (Ali) angered. So, if then, he killed the enemy, the cause for the killing would be accounted for his anger rather than for Allah. He feared that he might be questioned in the court of Allah. So, he did not kill the enemy. On hearing this reply, the enemy converted into Islam.(6) DEMOCRACY AND ITS INVENTION: Though it is boasted that first invention of Democracy took place in Greece, there was no appropriate history available. Also, the so called democratic rule might be limited to city or town government only. But then question arise, how could that democracy end? There is no history available about end of that so called democracy. It should be noted that, it was a fact thing that when Islam was rising, there were kings and kingdom and dictators ruling through out the whole world. Islam’s Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) had born in the year 570 AD. There were no sign of democracy till then.

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The firm and reliable history of invention of democracy is available in the history of Islam. Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) had instructed his companions that after him, they should elect/select a leader of Islamic state who must obtain support of the majority. However, the election was verbal and not like a ballot paper due to lack of printing facilities. The elected leader of Islamic state was known as Khalipha meaning a deputy. So, the leader of Islamic state was known as deputy of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). The first leader of Islamic state democratically elected was Hazarat Abu Bakar(RA) who was a friend of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and he was father of one of Prophet’s wives hazarat Ayesha (RA). Hazarat Umar(RA) was second successor, Hazarat Usman (RA) was third successor, Hazarat Ali (RA) was the fourth successor. Then Hazarat Imam Hasan (RA), a son of Hazarat Ali (RA) was elected and he ruled for six month. There was a group who wanted that Hazarat Muawiah(RA) should be Khalipha. So, pious saint Imam Hasan (RA) left throne with an accord with Hazarat Muawiah(RA) and he ruled like a deputed khalipha. There was little war between the two groups and settlement was done with an accord and Hazarat Muawiah(RA) thus set on the throne. Till that time everything was normal and Islamic country boundaries extended to present day Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Half of Afghanistan and Egypt within twenty five years of the Holy Prophet’s passed away from this material world. In 632 AD the Prophet of Islam passed away from this material world.

There is a history how the end of democracy took place in Islam. After the death of Hazarat Muawiah (RA), his son Yazid captured throne without election. He was a commander chief of Islamic army and became first dictator in Islamic Country. People wanted that Imam Husein (RA) should be their Khalipha. The people of Kufa in Iraq invited Imam Husein (RA) by written letters that they wanted him to sit on the throne. Imam Husein(RA) went from Madinah to Kufa with his family and relatives. But on the way, in Karbala in Iraq, he and his family and other relatives including his six month son Ali Asgar(RA) were martyred by Yazid’s army. In this way Yazid broke the law set by Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to sit on the throne of khalipha and further, his character was also not pious. He dared to martyr the pious grand son of the Prophet of Islam and his family male members. Yazid’s military martyred Imam Husein’s son of six month Ali Asgar (RA). The entire family and relatives of Imam Husein (RA) were kept thirsty for three days and nights in the sandy desert soil of karbala under the hot son. Such was a tragedy of battle of Karbala. So, this was a tregedious history resulting the end of democracy in Islam. So, Islam has invented the democracy and the first fight to save the democracy and the democratic principles set by Prophet of Islam, was fought by great grand son of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) had the habit of freeing slaves by paying to their owners. This habit was also followed by the rich companions of the Prophet (Pbuh). The great companion, hazarat Salaman Farasi (RA) had been freed by Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) from slavery. There was a true event occurred to get Salaman Farasi (RA) get freed from his owner. Prophet asked Salaman (RA) to inquire his owner what he (owner) would cost for his release. Salaman Farasi (RA) went to his owner and asked “What will you take to get me freed” The Owner replied “You sow seed of date trees and when the trees will grow until dates fruits obtained, I will make you free from my slavery” It was his owner’s intention that he did

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not wish to free him. So, the Prophet of Islam advised him to ask for seeds and then they both, Prophet(Pbuh) and Salaman (RA) put the seeds in the farm of the owner and the date trees grew so rapidly that within one year the trees yielded date fruits and thus Salaman Farasi (RA) was get freed by Prophet of Islam. It is said that the date trees cannot grow rapidly. The Date-trees yield fruits after so many years. But it was a miracle that the date trees grew rapidly and even started to yield fruits. In short, the Prophet never wanted a single man be kept as slave. How can he then wish that his regime or country government be ruling as a dictatorship or kingdom? So, to make the people free, he invented the democracy rule and instructed his pious companions to elect their leader for ruling the Islamic country.

Such a great gift to humanity is given by Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Let us celebrate his birth day as a “Democracy Day” through out the world. The UNO must start this initiative.

The Islam is a Universal Religion which teaches the way to reach the Allah (God), teaches how to rule the country, teaches the laws how to live in a house, in a community and in a country. Islam made laws of social security and the Zakat (levy on the rich) was introduced by Islam. The marriage Institution comprising of two witnesses, a pleader and a judge was first time in the history introduced by Islam. The laws of heirs and distribution of the property for them were introduced by Islam in a most comprehensive way. Islam gave importance to trading and deleted interests on the trading. In short Islam is the total way of life. So, Islam is not just a religion but a perfect way of life.(7) Very Important thing to note is that, the divine book of Islam is intact, word by word unchanged. It is a great miracle of prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) that the holy book quran will remain unchanged and intact till the destruction of this whole universe. The other miracle is that, the saintly people of Islam’s dead body never get rotten. The body remains intact even after so many years. Many historic events have witnessed this thing. In our chishtiya sect of Sufism in Islam, it has been a tradition that when a saintly person demise, the grave is opened after forty days of his burial and if the body is found intact, stone/cement-brick grave is made as a symbol, so that the devotees can pray for blessings. There are so many Muslim saints’ tombs constructed. What a true religion it is! (8)See the first chapter of holy book quran. It is called as Surah Fateha. The opener of the blessings from Allah. It is like this. “All the praises are for the Allah, the guardian of all the worlds of the entire universe. The most generous and most merciful. The owner of the day of judgment. We pray to you only and seek for only your help. Guide us on the right path, the path of the righteous to whom you blessed and rewarded and not on the path of those upon whom you angered and who were deviated from the right path.” After this chapter, the second chapter starts. The very first verse of the second chapter is this. “ Alef Laam Mim (secret code words), this is the book in which there has no place for any doubt. Guidance for those who fear and who bring faith on the unseen, pray Salaat (prostration) and expend from which given by Allah and bring faith on which has been descended upon you (O Mohammed) and descended upon the previous(prophets) and believe firm on the day of judgement.” So, the Muslims have faith on all previous prophets and on prophet Mohammed (pbuh). It is a prerequisite that one must have faith

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on prophet Mohammed9Pbuh). The Muslims recognize all previous prophets but the laws will be followed which are brought by Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). (9)Naturally, due to its last arrival on this earth, Islam includes all essence of previous religions. It includes congregessional prayers performed five times a day. It includes a loud repeated chanting. It includes meditaion. It includes yoga. Everything that comes in the definition of a prayer is included in Islam. The hindu notation of kundalini awakening is known as lataaif energy opening in Islam. (10) See the definition of Allah in Islam. In quran, the definition of Allah is given. “Allah is alone and unique. Allah is free of desires. None has born from him nor has he born from anything. Nothing can be compared with him” Looking to this, prophet Jesus is called as son of Mary(Mariam). Angel Jibrael(Gabriel) was ordered to blow on Mary to conceive. Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) had no shadow of his body. He had a shadowless body like angels. No light could create a shadow of his body. Even though, he is known as a human being in quran. But it should be noted that the divine light is showering on the prophets and saintly people and they are connected to Allah(God). It can be easily understood like this. The sun gives rays. The rays are never separate from the Sun but we cannot say that the rays itself are the Sun. So, saintly people are not God but they are not separate from God.(11)See the greeting salutation of Islam. When two persons or more than two persons either known or unknown meet, one of them say "assalamo alaykum" meaning "peace be upon you" and the others reply " wa alaykum assalam" meaning "peace be upon you, too" Now such type of greetings can be told at any time even if you are standing with the dead body of your loved ones!(12)Now see the meaning of Azan (prayer call in the mosques)

Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar (Allah is the gretest, Allah is the greatest)Allah Akbar, Allah Akbar (Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest)Ashhadu an lailah illallah (I bear witness that none worthy of prayer except Allah)Ashhadu an lailah illallah (I bear witness that none worthy of prayer except Allah)Ashhadu anna Mohammedan Rasulallah (I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah)Ashhadu anna Mohammedan Rasulallah (I bear witness that Mohammed is the messenger of Allah)Hayy alassalah (live upon the prayer) spoken two timesHayy alal falah (live upon the success) spoken two times

In the morning prayer call, one more verse is added " Assalatu khairum minan naum" meaning "the prayer is better than the sleep"

These are the reasons why Islam should be accepted. Now compare these reasons with any other religion. Then decide. The acceptance voluntarily by heart is the only real acceptance.

(13)The argument for the religious fights may be treated just like the same as the doctor cuts the diseased part of a body of a patient. Even though the doctor cuts the leg or hand of the patient, he is not considered as a cruel. He is considered as a kind. In the same

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way, the pious leaders of Islam fought for the sake of Allah (GOD) almighty to save the humanity from the devil possessed people. By the help of Allah, they won. It is quite logical that new religion people are always tortured initially by the then dominated old religion people who were not sincere to their own old religion and sunk in the ocean of sins and hence the God had to send new prophet on the earth with reformed laws as per the demand of the time. (14)So, the Muslims have accepted the most advanced Godly religion on the earth. Islam includes people converted from all other religions in the past and present and people are constantly accepting Islam due to its trueness. So, such people cannot be termed as illiterate, even though they are deprived of their democratic rights of population based proportionate sharing of facilities like employment, education, election candidature, parliament membership, assembly membership and like that. (15) Now a day, in universities, the students of religion courses are taught about some minor religions that are formed after Islam. These religions as for example, are Sikhism and Bahai. But their founders could not establish themselves as prophet due to the fact that in Islam's religious book which is a sky book, God (Allah) already declared that Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) is a last Prophet and a seal of the prophets on the earth and hence no other prophet arrival is possible. God cannot speak false. So, at the maximum, these so called religions can be understood as faith sects and their founders can be regarded as faith -saints. So, Islam is the latest religion on the earth. In fact sikhism’s founder Guru Nanak was a disciple of Islamic saint Baba Fariduddin (R.A.). Baba Farid’s name appears in the religion book of the Sikhism, called as Guru Granth Sahib. Baba Farid’s poems and sayings are included in Guru Granth sahib. Guru Nanak established new branch for divine knowledge. In fact so many Islamic saints accept other religion people as their disciples and impart divine knowledge. While Bahai religion founder, Bahaullah had his roots in Islam but he, instead of considering him as a saint, tried to declare him as a prophet and diverted from the various laws of Islam and hence he was declared as a fraud prophet and expelled from Islam and was kept long time in prison. The divine knowledge people of Islam easily recognized him and he had to be removed from Islam. The Prophets were those, who were assisted by the leader of angels, Jibrael(Gabriel). When divine messages arrive through an Angel Jibrael, certain visible clear signs appear on the face and body of the Prophet. The religion with a sky book is of paramount importance. Actually, the religion can be defined as a set of laws with a sky book given to the Prophet of that religion. In all religions prior to Islam, God did not mention that their prophets were the final prophets but in Islam’s book, God clearly mentioned that Mohammed(Pbuh) is a final and a seal of prophets. Now God cannot speak a false(lie) and hence no religion is possible after Islam as no prophet will arrive. Hence latest religion on the earth is Islam. The book quran is given by God. The universities teachers are not the divine persons whereas, there are number of saints in Islam who can perform numerous miracles.


No Other Religion Except Islam Is Acceptable to Allah (God) Now:

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“Whoever wants to adopt another way except Islam then his/her that way will never be accepted and on the Day of Judgment he/she will be total failure and unfortunate”-Al Quran (3-85)

“Near Allâh the Deen (the way to live a life) is only Islâm. Those people, whom the Scripture was given whatever different ways they have adopted except this Deen (Islam), there was no other reason for their this behavior except that they did so to do unjust with each other after knowledge had come and whoever refuses to obey the orders and guidance of Allâh it does not take longer for Allâh to call them to account”.-Al Quran (3-19)

“HE is Allâh WHO has sent HIS Rasool (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) with Guidance and the True Deen (Islamic Way of Life/Religion-Islam) so that to make it dominating over all kinds of Deens (ways of life/Religions) and the Witness of Allâh is Sufficient for this truth.”-Al Quran (48-28)

The above verses are taken from quran. It clearly states that no other religion is acceptable to Allah except Islam. Every person of this world must follow shariat laws to live in this life and pray as per the instruction stated in Islam.

Islam is the latest and last religion on the earth. When old religion was corroded by mixing up useless things and satanic rituals and other infiltrations, the God had to descent a new Prophet on the earth to cleanse the people and guide them through a system of laws by introducing a new religion. This system of arrival of different Prophets at different times existed till the last and seal of Prophets arrived on the earth. The last and seal of Prophets is named as Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Islam is the last and latest religion on the earth under his Prophet-hood. Prophet Mohammed has been described as a mercy to all the worlds of God’s creation. It is said that there are 18000 worlds.

The last and seal of Prophets arrived clearly indicates that no Prophet will arrive on the earth now. This clearly implies that God has declared previous religions as corroded religions by their followers by mixing the undesired things which caused him to send his final and seal of Prophets. God has banned all previous religions to follow by saying “near Allah the only religion is Islam” Hence, God described the word “Disbeliever-Qafir” for those who refused to accept Islam. So, it is worth noting that no further study of other religions is necessary. Only Islam should be studied. As a history, other religions can be taught in the university but not for analysis or acceptance criteria purpose.

God is the greatest and his orders have to be followed. Hence it is not proper to criticize Islam in any way. Islam has been already chosen by Allah making it excellent. Islam’s book is considered as a miracle and will remain unchanged word by word till qayamat-the judgement day. It is well known thing that the degrees are always awarded by the great person to the below ranked person. Vice versa is not possible. And “universal degree of mercy for all worlds” has been given to Prophet of Islam by Allah-the almighty, according to quran. Hence Prophet of Islam cannot be commented by worldly

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people. People are nothing looking to strength of almighty Allah ever lasting and eternal. It must be noted that refusal of Allah’s command cannot harm him even amount of a tiny atom. This material worldly life is a testing time for the people who obeys God’s commands and who does not. Accordingly, the people will be rewarded by either pleasures of paradise or torment of hell.

Why latest rules are necessary for acceptance?In a country, always latest rules and laws are followed. Old ones are quashed and made null and void. Though the law making body is same, this happens. In a system of kingdom of God, the same theory is applied.

It must be noted that the religion cannot be judged by the affairs of the followers of the religion. Some people argue by pointing present political situation and terrorists activities and link it with Islam. But by doing so, they themselves prove their foolishness. Islam has been brought by single person who is known as Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) by the order and will of Allah. Now think how many people can be killed by single person at the most with spear, bows and arrows, sword as weapons at those 1500 years ago when Islam was rising. Now Islam has two billions people as followers.

Some people argue that they like this religion or that religion and hence they are following that particular religion of their choice. But they forget the most important thing that religion has to be followed on the choice of God and not on the choice of self desires.What God want us to follow which religion that religion (Islam) must be followed. As for example, in a particular country, one new law was passed by reforming the old law for a particular matter. Now previous law was soft and easy. New law is harder. So, naturally, every citizen likes the old law to obey but they cannot do so. They have to follow a new law which is harder.

Islam teaches us to control our self desires and obey the desires of God. When new prophet was arrived, one must have understood that previous religion was eroded by mixing satanic rituals or worship or association of partner with God and hence the God had to send prophet to cleanse the people and earth. So, it is prudent to follow new prophetic laws and rules. Now Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) arrived on earth as a last Prophet and as a seal of the Prophets with latest rules and laws in terms of Islam, it is a responsibility of every human on the earth to follow Islam to please God. No study of other religions is necessary now. When in a country, new law is passed, old law is not studied. It is kept aside. In a University, one can take a course for other religion as a history and not as a study to decide right or wrong, or to decide which is best and which is not.

It must be noted that “the Death” is one of the commands of God. Everybody has to taste the death. Can anybody challenge the death? Can anybody stop the death? No. Why? Because, it is one of the commands of God, it must take place. Similarly, it is a God’s command “near Allah the only religion is Islam” So, it cannot be challenged. Those who do not obey have, therefore, called by God as disbelievers. And he further said, “disbelievers will be placed in hell fire-a very fearful and place for torments”

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Some people want to study Islam by reading internet only. Can surgeons (medical Doctors who perform operations) be produced by mere reading the medical books? No. Why are the professors needed? In the same way, to understand Islam, Prophet’s companions had required the guidance and teaching of holy prophet (Pbuh). By mere reading the books, the half knowledge is acquired which is dangerous. In doing so, they are misguided. So, approach the right guide by inquiring and consulting through community if one is really interested in Islam.


TRUE AKIDAH IN ISLAM, A Path Of Paradise ( Jannah )

In the name of Allah Subhanahu, the most merciful and generous for whom all the praises belong.

In the holy book quraan, at the starting verses after first chapter Surah Fateha, i.e. the starting few verses in surah Bakarah, there is a mentioning of the definition to identify the people of the faith and infidels. There is a mentioning in these verses about the people who declared themselves to have brought faith but Allah said that in fact, they had no faith at all and in their hearts there was a desease ! These are called as munaafiq. The munaafiq are hidden infidels or hidden disbelievers. So, these hidden disbelievers are required to be identified to save our faith or imaan. It is only the akidah, by which, these hidden infidals or munaafiq can be recognised.

Some of the Islam followers say that in quran in verse 3-103 it is written that “And hold fast all together to the rope of Allah and be not divided” so we must unite without referencing to differences whatever it may be. But does it mean that previous nations should also be included as the people of book (ahle book) also worship the same Allah (God) to whom we the Muslim worship? No, the unity here means unity among the righteous (true aqidah) people. In quran there is an ayat “the truth arrived and the falsehood went and the falsehood had to go” This ayat clearly says that true akida people and false akida people cannot unite. The false akida people have to go. So, the unity can be possible with true people at one side and the unity of false people at other side. Both, the true and false can never unite.

Only the true akidah in Islam is the right path towards Allah and the beloved prophet. The Imam of prayer, i.e. salaat or namaaz must follow true akidah. The salaat will be accepted only if one is offering prayer with true akidah.

The prophet of Islam had forecasted that there would be as many as 73 firqah or groups in Islam but only one would be on right path and that will go to jannah or paradise. Only one group will follow the traditions and actions followed by the companions or sahaabas of the holy prophet.

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While it is very difficult to identify the right group on the basis of Kalamah, Salaat, Fastings ( Rosa ), Zakaat and Hajj as all groups perform these basic orders of Islam, it is only akidah by which the right group of jannah can be recognized. The properties of true akidah are mentioned below. If following properties are not adhered to by the imam of the prayer, one should not perform salaat behind such imaam. Because, in hadis, it has been narrated that ones deeds depend on ones intentions. Now if we perform salaat behind faulty imam by saying in our intention that we are following this imam of present prayer, then according to hadis, whatever akidah is followed by the imam will be automatically counted as the akidah of his followers.

(1)The first kalemah, the foundation or heart of Islam is Lailah illallah Mohammed rasulallah. Meaning is that, None but the Allah is one who must be worshiped and Mohammed ( Pbuh ) is the messenger of Allah.

Here, very important thing to note is that Mohammed ( Pbuh ) is a messenger of Allah. See, the present tense has been used. Past tense is not used. One cannot say that Mohammed ( Pbuh ) was a messenger. Hence, it is crystal clear that prophet Mohammed ( Pbuh ) is always alive.

(2)In holy book quraan, in surah Bakarah, it has been mentioned that those who are killed in the way of Allah are not to be called as dead, but they are alive but you (people)do not know. The ayat is “ la takulu le mayyuktalo fi sabilillahe amawaat bal ahayaa walakin la tashourun” Here, those who are killed for the sake of Allah are called Shahids (martyr) and they are always alive. Now in holy book , it is mentioned in ayat 69 of surah Al Nisa that the nabiyyin,siddiqin,Shohadas (martyrs) and saalehin are considered to be best friends of Allah upon whom he granted prizes (ne’amat) and at other place in quran further stated that they(these friends) are happy with Allah and Allah is happy with them. So, the true belief is that all friends of Allah are alive as martyrs are belonged to this group who are alive according to quraan.In surah Aley Imran in quran, in verse 169 it is written that “ wa laa tahsabanna allazin qotelu fi sabilillah……” do not imagine the martyrs who are killed in the way of Allah as dead, but they are alive and they are provided provisions(rizk) by their lord.

(3)It is the well known thing that the sahabas or companions of the prophet followed the prophet in the best way and the prophet was very pleased to see it. He told that his sahabas were like stars and following them or their guidance would lead you to the right path.Now one can see from the various hadis books and sahabas’ history that when they were in need, urgency or help, they used to rush to their beloved prophet and the prophet used to remove their woes. Though, Allah is there all times. The companions of prophet could have directly sought help from Allah rather than to go to prophet. But this is not the case. Hence it can be argued that a help from nabi ( rasul ) is a help from Allah. This can be generalized to all friends of Allah called as auliya allah. This seeking help of companions of prophet from him clearly implies that to seek help from nabiyyin, siddiqin, salehin and shohada does not become shirq.Following two examples are enough to understand that the sahabas were going for help to

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beloved prophet. Examples of previous prophets are also given.(a)One sahaba came to prophet and told, “ oh my sins, oh my sins.” meaning that he had so much sins. The prophet asked him to utter couple of sentences of forgiveness what he told three times and then prophet replied to him, “ go, all of your sins are forgiven.” Thus one can conclude that the prophet was even able to see the gaib ( unseen ) that his sins were forgiven. Ones sins are always a gaib or unseen. Nobody can see the sins forgiven but of course, our prophet was looking sins forgiven.(b)One another sahaba was eye-blind. He came to prophet and wanted that his eyes get the sight. The beloved prophet put his saliva to sahaba’s eyes taking on to his finger tip and the sahaba had immediately his blindness removed. There are so many such incidents where sahabas asked prophet to help them instead of going direct to Allah.(c)People sought help from Hajarat Issa (A.S.) to remove leprosy and blindness according to Quran and Quran has not stated this thing as a shirq. As Ulemah of Islam is like previous prophets, their help cannot be considered as a shirq.(d)Musa (A.S.) asked dua to Allah to strengthen him with the help of his brother Harun. This is written in holy quran. See, a prophet is requesting to Allah for his brother Harun’s help for supporting Allah’s deen/religion. This is in surah bakarah.(e)Hazarat Suleiman(A.S.) sought help of his court-member, hazarat Asif Barakhia, who brought the robust throne of queen Bilkis within twinkle of eye lashes of hazarat Suleiman(A.S.) This is according to quran in Surah Namal/an Ant.

The muslim believe that Allah is Khaliq- A creator, and all other thing except him is his creation, then there is no chance of any shirq as even though one is asking help from somebody, the original helper is almighty Allah and the party from whom the help sought is just a mediator for help of Allah. When such intension or concept is created, there cannot be shirq. This is the reason our holy prophet forecasted that his ummah will not be doing a sin of shirq. Yes, he told that his ummah will be trapped in temptation of the rich.

(4) From the above when the friends of Allah are alive, their graves are considered as the signs of Allah. When they are alive, their divine help can reach everywhere. In surah Ambiya in verse 91, Hazarata Mayam(AS) and Hazarat Isa (AS) have been written as symbol for alamin(creation). So, the prophets, the siddiquin, the saalehin and the martyrs may be considered as symbols and so as their resting places(shrines) also. To respect these shrines is a good and noble thing.

The prophet of Islam has been admired by holy quran in surah ahjaab saying him as Siraaj- um-muniraa. ( Meaning very brightening sun ). Now see, if the sun of this world is seen around half of the globe at a time, and that it will last till qayaamat- a day of judgement, what may be the position of the sun of risaalat ( Siraj-um-muniraa ) told by Allah. Undoubtedly our beloved prophet can be present everywhere anytime he may wish. Ayat of surah tauba in quran “ lakad jaakum rasulum min anfosekum ………Raufurrahim” tells that prophet has been sent towards us from mankind for mankind and who gets woes when monenin(believers) are in trouble and he is well wishers and rahim for the believers. The properties of Arrauof and Arrahim have been assigned to him to help the momenin of all times and all places till qayaamat-a day of judgement. This

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clearly states that the prophet is alive and is helping to the believers of all times and at all corners of the earth.

(5)Our prophet is assigned a property of Rahamtal lil Alamin. ( Rehmat for all Worlds ). In quran in surah ambiyaa it is stated “ wa maa arsalnaak illa rahamatal lil aalamin” The meaning is that “and you are sent for no other cause but rehmat-the blessings for all worlds.” It is said that there are 18000 worlds. Now to become rehmat for all 18000 worlds can only be possible if the prophet can see those worlds, can reach to those worlds and can help the creations of those worlds. So, indeed, he has been given immense power by Allah to help and guide the entire creation of the universe.Now prophet said that the Ulema ( Ulema-e-baatin ) of his nation are like the previous prophets. This hadis is directed towards auliya allah- the friends of allah, who are like previous prophets before hajarat Mohammed ( Pbuh ). So, their graves are considered as signs(symbols) of Allah. Safaa and Marwaa are two small hills but in quraan, these hills are shown as a sign(symbol) of Allah. This is, because, these hills have a relation with one lady friend of Allah called Bibi Hazaraa (A.S.)who was searching water around these hills in the desert for her son Ismail(A.S.). In verse 32 of Surah Al-Hajj in quran it has been mentioned “Zalek; wamayyuazzim sa’arillah fainnaha min taqwal qulub” meaning “This; who respects the symbols of Allah is from piety (taqwa) of the heart” So, building a relation with friends of Allah is always a beneficial and blessing act. While anything related with the friend of Allah is recognized as a symbol of Allah then definitely, the places where such friends of Allah are resting in their graves must be considered as the symbols of Allah. To express love towards such symbols of Allah, one can kiss such symbolic structure of grave. Saitan had worshiped Allah for 240 million years but when he refused to honour the prophet Adam(A.S), he was punished and made saitan, kicking at his previous worship. So, to disregard or to dishonour any friend of Allah by whatever way becomes a reason of great displeasure of Allah. We can obtain a divine help by visiting such holy places of graves of auliyas, the friends of Allah, just to please them. Due to this reason, hazarat Khwaza Moinuddin Chishtee Sanjari(R.A.), a great saint in India, had stayed for forty days and did his prayers at the grave of great saint hazarat Daata Ganj Bax Ali Hijaweri(R.A.) at Lahore in Pakistan and received immense spiritual blessings from his grave. His historic stay is commemorated by a symbolic room constructed at the grave vicinity of Daata Ganj Bax. After receiving blessings from his grave, Khwaza Moinuddin (R.A.) uttered praising sentences “Ganje baxe faize aalam majahare noore khuda, Naqisaara peere kamil kamilara rehnuma.” The meaning is- “From Ganj bax, whole of the world is getting blessings who is the divine light of Allah and who is a perfect master for the uneducated and who is a guide for the learned people (like me).” One must follow the true path of such great scholar and saint of Islam who made nearly nine million muslims. Such building of relation with saints can be obtained by reciting their love songs and their praise songs called as naats. By reading the books of saints of Islam and their history, true faith can be sharpened. The building of relation of Allah’s friends can be achived by going to their graves much often. If the dog who accompanied the ‘ashaabe kahaf’ the cave-people of friends of Allah whose historical event is mentioned in holy book,quraan, is belonged to paradise, and the donkey of hazarat Ujjair(A.S.) and the camel of hazarat Saleh(A.S.) are belonged to paradise only due to their relation with friends of Allah, we will be definitely among the people of

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paradise if we attach ourselves with any friend of Allah by whatever good means.For this reason, the great tomb of our prophet is a center of pilgrimage after hajj. One must understand the basic thing of the holy quraan that while reading a true events of previous nabiyyin mentioned in holy book quraan is giving us rewards (sawaab ), and that reading of event in holy quraan can be treated as a prayer or zikr of Allah, we can conclude that reading of history of an Islamic saints and recitation of their names and praise songs can be considered as a zikr of Allah. In this manner, on the contrary, to throw stones at the saitan, as is done during hajj, is also a zikr of Allah. Hence, to angry with saitan and their followers and to say harsh words to saitan and his followers is also a zikr of Allah. So, we can perform zikr of Allah by three different ways(a) by reciting holy attributed names of Allah by tongue or by heart(b) by reciting names of friends of Allah and reading their history guidance message and (c) abusive or harsh speaking and abusively reacting to saitan and their followers. Surah lahab in quraan comes under this “C” category.

Above faith is a true aqidah in Islam. If your beliefs are according to the beliefs mentioned above, you will be certainly on the right path of Islam. So, come to this right path and be the heirs of the jannah or paradise.

(6)And the solid argument in support of prophet’s ilm-e-gaib ( knowledge ofunseen ) is that prophet could see angels or malaaeka ( farirshta ) as he could see to jibrael and could talk to jibrael and that the prophet can see all malaaeka who bring durud and salaam from muslim ummah to the grave of the prophet. The common man or human being cannot see the angels whereas the prophet can see them. There are examples in the hadis that prophet could see malaaeka. The Malaaeka and Jinn are the creations of Allah who are gaib for common human being. Thus one can easily conclude that prophet knows the gaib- the unseen. A kind of ilm al gaib, known as ilm al ladunni, has been awarded to hazarat Khidar ( A.S.) as stated in quraan, and our beloved prophet Mohammed ( PBUH ) is a leader of him, so, confirmation of prophet’s ilm al gaib is thus proved by the holy book. In surah taqweer in quraan, it is clearly stated that this prophet is not a miser to show the gaib-the unseen ( wa maa howa alal gaibe bedaneen ). So, according to holy book, the prophet has not only acquired the knowledge of gaib-the unseen but he is generous to show it. One of the unseen creation, the jinn can even be seen by common human if one is possessed by the jinn or one who makes the jinn as his servant by some ilm or knowledge. So, it is possible that with the help of knowledge and divine strength, if common men can be able to see some gaib or unseen creations, there is every matter to believe without doubt that the highest learned prophet of Islam can see gaib and can control them too, for, he has been taught by the Allah.

(7)In holy book quraan, it has been mentioned several times that Allah has put so many signs for the clever persons to think and then questions why the persons are not going to think. It means that we must think the nature and glorify the Allah. Upon healthy and positive thinking for the sake of Allah, one will definitely get the true path. Upon thinking about Iron piece inserted into red hot oven, one will see the Iron piece becomes red hot. Before the Iron piece was inserted into oven, it was cold, its colour was grayish black. One can hold it by ones own naked hand. But see the effect of its contact and its

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relation with the oven fire that for just few minutes of its contact with oven fire, the Iron piece got the burning property of fire then think while our beloved prophet remains in contact with Allah all the times, how can the properties of Allah not be received? Certainly, the properties of Allah are received by the prophet. The Allah has assigned the prophet so many properties. One such property is AL Adlo ( Justful ). So, Mohammed ( Pbuh ) has also this Al Adlo property. Second property is Al Haqq.( Truth ) so the prophet is also Al Haqq. In short, the Allah’s properties are assigned by Allah to his beloved prophet. In this way, when Allah is everywhere so as his prophet. Allah is al-alim so as his prophet is al-alim. When al-alim property is assigned by Allah, then the prophet has all knowledge including the gaib or unseen. In surah fatah in quran, the hand of the prophet has been called as a hand of Allah at the incident of bait-e-rizwaan for this reason. Such properties are assigned to all friends of Allah through prophet via spiritual guide. When the believer obtains properties of Allah in a perfect way, he is said to have reached to the state of fanaa-fi-allah. It must be noted that acquiring attributes from Allah cannot be said as association or partnership with Allah. Allah has delivered these attributes to his friends. So, supremacy of Allah is not challenged at all. The friends of Allah are the sources from where the light(noor) is emanating or revealed. It is for this reason that though Allah is speaking quraan but the voice is coming out from the holy mouth of the prophet.

For the above reason, there is a hadis al qudsi that Allah says that when a true believer prays so much with zikr tremendously and continuously (voluntary prayers) then a time will come when his hands will be the hands of Allah, his eyes will be the eyes of Allah and his tongue will be the tongue of Allah. When the believer reaches this state, he will have properties of Allah assigned to him and he will be able to create miracles and he will be in the group of friends of Allah called as Auliya Allah.

It should be noted that in quran, in surah al Ahzaab in ayat number 45 it is written that “ Ya ayyohannabi inna arsalanak shahidaun wa mubashsheraun……………sirajam munira” “O prophet, we have sent you as witnessing, giving happy news, fear warning and calling towards Allah by the order of Allah and as a shining(brightening) sun(or lamp)” Everybody knows what should be the attributes(qualities) of a good witness. The witness must be physically present at the place of an event for which he/she is witnessing. Further, witness must have seen and recognized the characters of an event. So, all the doubts about attributes of the prophets and friends of Allah are now removed. From this, one can easily differentiate between the true akidah and bad akidah people. Some people argue that we must be unite and should not differentiate among muslims! But bad akidah people cannot be true muslims. Can we mix milk with a curd(yogurt)? If the milk says that the curd is from the milk so let us unite (the curd and the milk), then what will be the result? In stead of curd becoming milk, the milk itself becomes curd. This is the reason our beloved prophet warned us about various groups and told that only one group is on right path and that will go to jannah.

(8) The important thing to note is that while the companions of the prophet best followed the prophet and they and their followers till eight centuries never spoke single sentence against prophet which might even smell to show our beloved

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prophet like a common human, the faulty or false groups can be easily identified. Call them to show single incident of sahaba, tabein, tabe-tabein in which they-the false people would like to consider our prophet as without knowledge of gaib or not able to help or not able to go anywhere. In holy book quran, there are some ayats which were used to say in front of non- believers ( kafirs ) or in front of munafikin but those ayats(sentences) must not be taken as qualifications for the prophet. Those ayats are set for the examples to show kindness, nobleness, unproudiness, simplicity and non-arrogantness ( modesty ) in front of non-believers. And for this reason, the companions of the prophet demonstrated the way how to follow the prophet. They used to praise the prophet through out their lives after accepting Islam. This can be understood in this way that when the school teacher of 8th class teaches to the students of that class, he will demonstrate before them so simple but if the same teacher will teach the class of 12th , he will demonstrate higher things. In the same manner, our beloved prophet demonstrated his prophethood according to the learning capacities of the persons. Some verses (ayats) are descended in quran to show piety and purity of Ummul Mo’meneen Hazarata Ayesha Siddiqah (R.A.). These verses descended in connection with the event that during traveling in a caravan at one occasion, hazarata Ayesha (R.A.) missed the caravan as she was busy in finding a necklace which was broken in a tangle with a bush-branch while she was returning from a natural call in the early morning. The palanquin of Hazarata Ayesha(R.A.) was set on the camel without Ayasha (R.A.) entered in. Nobody knew this until, as usual, one man returned to the place of caravan stop-stand after the caravan left to see if anything left (utensils etc) by some one among the caravan people. This man was one of the companions, saw hazarata Ayesha (R.A.) there, and he brought hazarata Ayesha (R.A.) to the caravan. The rumours were spread by disbelievers and munafiqin to spoil image of hazarata Ayesha (R.A.) by this incident. So, Allah descended verses in favour of hazarata Ayesha (R.A.). By reciting this verses, the people will praise hazarata Ayesha (R.A.) for her piety till the day of judgement. Such events must not be taken to create suspicion about Ilm –al –gaib of the holy Prophet (Pbuh). The prophet is always happy with the will and intention of Allah. It was Allah’s intention that Ayesha (R.A.) be praised for her piety till qayamat. For this purpose, such type of test was necessary in which she was passed. For example, if a wealthy man has a locker to preserve money and gold. He has a key for that locker. He can open a locker at his will. Not that all the time at every minute he locks and unlocks the locker. Also the teacher in an exam hall does not give solutions to the question paper of the student though he knows the solutions. During the test or exam, the teacher cannot give solution. In the same way our Prophet’s position was similar to that of teacher (in exam hall) during such incidents as happened to hazarata Ayesha (RA). In the same way, the Prophets and the saints use their power at their will. Further, the Prophets have to demonstrate the examples for future reference, and for that, sometimes they have to show patience by remaining silent from using power. If a cloud covers the sun causing weakening sun rays, in fact, it is cloud (the incident, the rumours) which is responsible to weaken sun rays but actual power of sun is not reduced! We feel that the sun has become weak but in fact it has not weakened at all. So, such verses can be regarded as a test of Prophet and ummul mo’meneen. And during Allah’s test, Prophet cannot use power given by Allah. So, it is a lesson taught by our prophet not to take decision influenced by any rumours in future if such incident occurred. Some bad aqidah people use these verses in an abusive way to spoil the qualification of ilm –al-gaib of our

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beloved Prophet. How can we pray salaat behind such people?

(9) The easiest way of identifying the true akidah is like this. As for example if Mr.Tariq has obtained Ph.D. degree, the highest degree of a university and there are four persons who are describing him. One calls him as a 9th grade passed, second says him first university degree passed, third person says him as master’s degree holder and fourth person calls him as a doctorate or Ph.D. degree holder. From these persons who has correctly recognized Mr. Tariq ? Definitely, the fourth person has correctly recognized Mr. Tariq. Of course, other three are correct but ultimate correct is the fourth person who could recognize the ultimate degree. Exactly in the same manner, only the right path is that true akidah in which our prophet is recognized with the highest degrees. If other three persons deny Ph.D. degree for Mr.Tariq then they are considered as false or wrong persons due to their not recognizing the degree. The smallest degree of our Prophet is, according to hadis, “Allah ya’ati wa ana kasimun” meaning “Allah is giving to me(to Prophet) and I am the distributor” The treasures of almighty Allah are with the Prophet and those are being distributed by the holy prophet to whom he may wish. This thing is worth noting! All other degrees of our Prophet are greater than this. This shows the greatness of our Prophet. It is the customs in the world that a person who holds the office of a mayor of a city is recognized as a mayor. If somebody identifies him as a human being, that person will be considered as a mad or a sick person! The bad akidah people are doing the same job like a mad man by not recognizing degrees (attributes) of our prophet. What a foolishness bad akidah people has, they recognize the degree of president of a country but they cannot recognize degrees of our holy prophet !

(10)In salaat (namaaz), there is “attahiyaat” ( attahiyaato lillahe wassalawato ) which is compulsory to recite, and which contains in it the words- assalamo alayka ayyohannabiyyo, meaning salam to you o nabi, clearly states that nabi-the prophet is in front of you during salaat. In Arabic, the root word is alaa. Alaa means at or upon. Alaa is made of arabic letters ain, laam, ya. If you join small kaaf after the last letter “ya” of alaa, it will make alayka-at you(upon you or to you ). If “ha’” is joined after “ya” the word alaa will become alayhe-upon him. Ha and Mim if joined after ya will make alaa as alayhim (upon them), if nun and alef are joined, alayna(upon us) will be made. If small kaaf and mim are joined, alaykum(upon you all) in plural form will be made. From this, one can easily conclude that prophet is present in front of you during salaat(namaaz).

(11)In holy book quran, in ayat two of surah Hujarat, “ya ayyohallajina aamanu la tarfau aswaatakum……. Wa antum laa tashourun” states that “o believers, do not keep your voice louder than the voice of nabi(Pbuh) while talking to him as usually you talk loudly to each other while you talk to each other, lest your good deeds should be destroyed and you even cannot know” This ayat is alarming us that even to speak louder in front of nabi(pbuh) is treated as insult to him and becomes a reason to destroy our good deeds. Now think of those who speak displeasing words about our prophet by one or other way. What will happen to those people ? Their good deeds are vanished without their knowledge. They will know this thing at the time of day of judgement. Normally, if someone drinks wine, a sin will be written in his or her account as wine is prohibited in

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Islam but this sin will not erase his or her good deed like salaat(namaaz), fastings etc. This clearly implies that to insult or to displease nabi or any friend of Allah becomes so great sin that cause all previous merits(sawaab) of good deeds destroyed. Further, in ayat number 104 in surah bakarah, holy quran teaches us “ya ayyohallajina aamanu la takulu raaenaa wa kulun zurranaa….azaban alim” do not say raaenaa(to his beloved prophet-pbuh) and say anzurnaa and listen to him(prophet) and there is tremendous woes(azaab) to disbelievers(infidels). The word raaenaa has good meaning in arabic language but it has abusive(mean) meaning in the dictionary of jews. So, Allah declared through quran that it will be considered as insult to his prophet if some word is used for his prophet which has abusive meaning in any language of the universe eventhough there is no intention to do any kind of insult. The history of descending this ayat was that the companions of prophet(pbuh) used to say the word raaenaa just to request the repetition of meaning what prophet talked of during holy speeches. Though, the intention of the companions was never to have any kind of bad meaning, the quran ordered not to say any word which can have bad meaning in any other language or dictionary. Thus clear indication is that Allah wants no smell of disrespect of his beloved prophet from near or far. Any kind of disrespect to prophet or friends of Allah will be considered as a sin of so high magnitude that it will erase all good deeds of a person. Only disbelief (kufr) can make the good deeds erased and this ayat relates the sin as good as that of kufr(disbelief). So, come to true akidah and make our prophet happy by whatever way you can. The akidah shown in this essay will definitely make our prophet happy. These beliefs are adopted by the saints and friends of Allah.

(12)In surah Mujadilah in ayat number 22 it is written “La tajidu qawman yuminoona biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri yuwaddoona man hadda Allaha warasoolahu walaw kanoo abaahum aw abnaahum aw ikhwanahum aw AAasheeratahum olaika kataba fee quloobihimu aleemana waayyadahum biroohin minhu wayudkhiluhum jannatin tajree min tahtiha alanharu khalideena feeha radiya Allahu AAanhum waradoo AAanhu olaika hizbu Allahi ala inna hizba Allahi humu almuflihoona ”You will never see that those people who believe in Allâh and the Last Day they love those people who have opposed Allâh and HIS Rasool (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), even if they are their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their family members. These are those people in whose hearts Allâh has imprinted Faith and has strengthened them with a spirit (Rûh) from HIMSELF. HE will admit them into such Gardens (Paradise) underneath which canals will be flowing. There they will live forever. Allâh is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allâh. They are the members of Party of Allâh. Be aware! Only the members of the Party of Allâh are going to be successful.” These verses of quran advise us to detach ourselves from those whosoever talks ill, abusive or displeasing words for our prophet. (13) In surah Mudassir, verse 25 it states that “This is a word of a human” Word is meant here as quran and human is meant for prophet Mohammed(pbuh). These words were spoken by the non believers but in the immediate next verse Allah replies to non-believers that “Soon I shall throw them in hell fire” Now think about this. Some so called today’s muslims used to say our prophet as human being only. Such people must see the

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reply given by Allah. Hence the strong faith muslims today call such people as one kind of present day munaafiq. And due to this they avoid to perform salat behind faulty akidah imam.

(14) When Allah made (His) covenant with the prophets, (He said): “Behold that which I have given you of the Scripture and knowledge. And afterward there will come unto you a messenger (Prophet Mohammed-Pbuh), confirming that which you possess; you shall believe in him and you shall help him.” He said: “Do you agree, and will you take up my burden (which I lay upon you) in this (matter)?” They(All the Prophets) answered: “We agree.” He said: “Then bear witness each other and I will be a witness upon you.” – [Quran 3:81]

These verses are the dialogue of Allah with All prophets’ souls in the world of souls before the creation of physical humans on this earth. Allah made a covenant from all the souls of the Prophets that they must obey and help Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in whose time he would descend on the earth. This was the condition to obtain prophet-hood for all the Prophets ! From this one can understand the reality of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). If any Prophet had refused this covenant, his Prophet-hood would have lost ! Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) became the leader of all the Prophets and he lead the prayers in Al Aqsa Mosque at the time during the me’raj, the ascention towards heaven and above to meet Allah. As Prophet was descended as a final Prophet, all the Prophets asked Allah about how they could obey Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) according to covenant as he was descended last, Allah ordered them to meet him and follow him in the prayers during night journey of me’raj. This was the reason why all the Prophets were gathered to meet Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in Al Aqsa mosque.

(15)In Surah Al Ahzaab, verse -6(quran) it is written “ Annabiyyo awla bilmu’menin min anfosehim wa azwazohu ummahatohum” meaning that the Prophet (Mohammed-Pbuh) is nearer to mo’menin than their lives/souls and his wives are mothers of mo’menin. So, the prophet is near to all believers till qayamat(judgment day) in such a way that he is more nearer than believers’ souls. It must be noted that word “mo’min” is used. It means that he is near to only true believers and not to all humans. So, the qafirs and munafiqs are avoided from nearness. So, one can easily recognize the bad aqidah people who say that prophet is not near and “Ya Rasulallah” cannot be said! True aqidah people say “Ya Rasulallah” because they know that prophet is very near, near than their souls and listen to them.

(16) In Surah Al-Nisa, in verse number 174 it is written in quran “Ya ayyohannaso qad jaa’kum burhanum min rabbekum…….Nuram mubinaa” meaning “O people, came to you from your lord an argument and descended towards you shining light” Here, “argument” is called for beloved Prophet (Pbuh) and “light” is called for quran. So, our beloved Prophet is a clear argument in favor of Allah. Our claim is “No other but Allah is a lord to be worshiped” and its argument is Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh). If an argument is imperfect, the claim will be definitely lost. Some bad akidah people see imperfectness in our Prophet (Pbuh). Allah and his Prophet (Pbuh) protect us from such people.

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(17) In Surah Al Maidah in verse 35 it is written “Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo ittaqoo Allaha waibtaghoo ilayhi alwaseelata wajahidoo fee sabeelihi laAAallakum tuflihoona””O people, who have brought Faith, Fear Allâh and seek the means to be closer to HIM and do strive hard (do Jihad) in HIS Path, perhaps you may attain success”

This clearly implies to seek wasilaa-the mediation or means to get closer to Allah. The means may be a good deed. And to take allegiance of a friend of Allah to get his guidance to get closer to Allah is undoubtedly a good deed. This verse supports the act of taking bait (peer-Muridi). Further in Surah Al Fath there is a mentioning of event of bait-al-ridwan, when companions of Prophet (Pbuh) take bait (allegiance) on the blessed hand of Prophet (Pbuh) and quran further states that on their hand rests the hand of Allah. Subhanallah, what a pious and great deed the deed of taking bait is! Now bad akidah people deprive the people from such a virtuous deed in the name of innovation (bida’ah). In fact the bad akidah peoples’ groups are new, only 50-100 years old, their books are new, they derived innovated things and their ideology and philosophy are innovated. The groups of bad akidah themselves are innovation in Islam. We must detach ourselves from such innovated group as hadis tells “every innovation is bad”

(18)In quran in Surah Al-Nisa verse 64 (4-64) it is mentioned like this “Wama arsalna min rasoolin illa liyutaAAa biithni Allahi walaw annahum ith thalamoo anfusahum jaooka faistaghfaroo Allaha waistaghfara lahumu alrrasoolu lawajadoo Allaha tawwaban raheeman” meaning “And we have sent messengers so that by the command of Allah they must be obeyed and if from them (believers) anybody commits sin (mistake) he/she must go near to you (to prophet-pbuh) and ask for forgiveness from Allah and Prophet (pbuh) also ask for his/her(believer’s) forgiveness, then Allah will be found most merciful to remove sins”

This verse guides us to go to the Prophet to ask his help to remove sins. Allah is sufficient and yet he advised the believers to seek help of his Prophet (sav) indicates that help of Prophet (sav) and help of any friend of Allah is a help of Allah. As shown previously, the friends of Allah (nabiyyin, siddiqin,shohadas and saalehin) are the party of Allah. Bad akidah people are easily exposed by this verse. In hadis book an incident has been recorded that a companion of the Prophet (sav)came near the grave of Prophet (sav) and recited this verse and asked for his forgiveness and he heard the voice from the holy grave that he was blessed by the Prophet (sav) and forgiven and obtained jannah. This incident had occurred few years after Prophet (sav) took veil from this physical world.

(19) In holy Quran verse( 5-15) "There has come to you a light from Allah and a clear Book” shows that the Prophet is Noor(light). In hadis book there is one hadis of Prophet revealed by hazarat Jabir bin Abdullah (RA) who narrated that Prophet (sav) told him “First of all; Allah created the noor (light) of your nabi (Prophet) and from that light he created everything of his creations” The well-known scholar al-Alusi says that the light in question is no other than the Prophet, may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him. He quotes the Follower, Qatada, as an authoritative source for this opinion, as well as other

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well known scholars, pointing out that this is the most logical interpretation of the construction of the verse.

“Although the Prophet’s light is the most powerful in the universe, since he is thenearest created being to Allah, it is not the only one. Angels are made of light, the Qur’an is light, the spirits of human beings are light, faith is light, knowledge is light, the sun, the moon, and the stars are also lights. The light of each human being depends upon his faith, knowledge, and virtue. Thus the most powerful lights are those of Divine Messengers, then those of Prophets, saints, virtuous believers, and finally those of sinful believers. This is the hierarchy of human beings. Both the first and the last are human, all have lights, and all are slaves of Allah, but the distance between the top of the pyramid and its bottom is so great that those at the bottom, in Paradise, will see those at the top as distant as, in this world, we see the stars at night.(Tirmidhi)”

Some bad akidah people try to diminish the rank of our beloved Prophet by saying that he is made of clay (Allah protect us from such belief) and noor is hidayat only as regards to quran verse (5-15) in which noor is quoted for the Prophet! If one is going to translate the quranic verse (5-15) according to bad akidah theory, it will be like this “ came to you hidayat from Allah and hidayat” As kitab (quran) is hidayat itself. The true translation is “Came to you from Allah the light and the kitab(book)” Here light is obviously Prophet Mohammed (sav). To such people quran gives guidance in the verses in which Prophet Musa (AS) requested Allah to see him. But Allah told Musa (AS) that he would not bear Allah’s noor. But Musa (AS) insisted further and Allah replied him to see on the mount Toor where Allah descended his light ( high intensity light-tajalli). Musa (AS) saw the reflected light from mount Toor and his eye sight was lost. The accompanied companions of Musa (AS) could not bear even that reflected light and died. So, the Noor is one attribute and the Hadiyy (Hidayat) is another different attribute. The Noor al Hadiyy is the combination of two different attributes. The combined attributes do mean that “light giving hidayat” is noor al hadiyy.

So, the noor of Prophet Mohammed (sav) is created from the noor of Allah is the true akidah in Islam.

(20) The Prophets, The Siddiqeen , shohada (martyrs) and Shaleheen (friends of Allah) can go anywhere they wish from their graves. During me’raj (journey to heavens and further) our Prophet (sav) lead the prayer(salaat) in Al-Aqsa mosque where all the previous Prophets came to Al-Aqsa mosque from their graves and performed salaat under the leadership of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). This is very clear evidence that the Prophets (and friends of Allah) can help the needy people coming out of their graves if they so wish. They may help spiritually as well as physically if required.

(21) In verse 31 of Surah Al-Hajj in quran it is written “ Hunafaa lillahi ghayra mushrikeena bihi waman yushrik biAllahi fakaannama kharra mina alssamai fatakhtafuhu alttayru aw tahwee bihi alrreehu fee makanin saheeqin”

Which is translated as “Become the servants of Allâh with loyalty (Hunafâ' Lillâh); do

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not associate anyone with HIM. And whoever associates partners (commits shirk) with Allâh then as if he/she has fallen from the sky, now either birds will snatch him/her away or the wind will blow him/her off and throw at such place where he/she will be burst into pieces”

This verse prohibits the followers of Islam to commit any kind of association with Allah (Shirk).

Now in verse 32 of surah Al-Hajj in quran it is written “Zalika waman yuAAazzim shaAAaira Allahi fainnaha min taqwa alquloobi”

Which is translated as “This is the reality of the matter (understand it well), and whoever respects the symbols established by Allâh then it is truly from the piety of the heart”

This second verse of the same surah tells the followers of Islam to respect the symbols of Allah and further stated that the respect of symbols of Allah is purity of the heart.

Now what are symbols of Allah? Where are symbols of Allah? In quran in surah Bakarah, there is a verse “Inna Safaa wal Marwaa min shaairillah” “undoubtedly, Safaa and Marwaa are from symbols of Allah. These are two small hill related with a lady friend of Allah and the wife of Prophet Ibrahim and Mother of Prophet Ismail named Bibi Hajara. Due to the relation of these hills with friend of Allah, they were declared as symbols of Allah. Bibi Hajara was searching water for her infant son Prophet Ismail in hot waterless sandy desert in a most struggling way. Allah liked the struggle of his friend and thus declared the place as his symbols.

This will give best idea about symbols of Allah. Such symbols must be respected as it has been decided by Allah to be work of piety of heart. Any structure, place, thing or matter related with friend of Allah are called as such to be symbols of Allah and due respect must be given to obtain piety of heart and thus achieve nearness to Allah. When respect of things related with friends of Allah has such a big virtue that ones heart is purified, it is now crystal clear that the respect of friends of Allah must be highly virtuous than this. The respect of the friends of Allah may make the follower himself as friend of Allah!

IMPORTANT:In holy quraan, it is written in surah Hasr that if quraanic verses descended on the mountains, the mountains would break up into particles like sand! Now such heavy verses were taken by our Prophet through angel jibrael(A.S.) but think of those verses which were taken directly from Allah by our Prophet without any assistance from jibrael(A.S.) which are known as hadis-e-qudsi. Hadis-e-qudsi were those talks which were spoken by Allah through the heart of our Prophet. In narrating such hadis, our Prophet used to say that “Allah says that…..” In such hadis, actually the talk was said by Allah and Prophet himself was the narrater. The weight of such hadis-e-qudsi could not be taken up by even jibrael and hence such talks of Allah had to be directly put in the heart of the holy Prophet. The Significance of hadis-e-qudsi is so great. One such hadis is

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“Allah says that he cannot be contained in the earth or skies but he can be contained in the heart of the mo’min(believer)” This hadis explains who the perfect believer is. For this reason, the hearts of the spiritual Islamic saints are reckoned as qibla. For this reason, holy house of Mecca is said as house of Allah as it is built by hazarat Ibrahim(A.S.) and hazarat Ismail(A.S.). For this reason, Prophets hands are said as hands of Allah. Due to this reason, sajad-e taazim is allowed for pious saints(friends of Allah) and prophets, though it is not compulsory like previous nations’ laws(shariat). The fastings of month of muharram,that is, fastings of aashura, 9 &10 were compulsory in previous shariat but not compulsory in Islam but are allowed to keep if a person so wish. In the same way sajad-e-taazim is allowed but not compulsory in Islam. In hadis books, the incident of hazarat Akramaa has been mentioned. Hazarat Akramaa performed sajada-e-taazim, prostration of respect at the holy feet of Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) at the time of accepting islam. Beloved Prophet did not advise to hazarat Akramaa or other companions gathered near holy Prophet not to perform such sajada. This clearly implies that such sajada is allowed. Compulsion of such sajada is removed due to the fact that it is difficult for common muslim person to recognize the pious person or the friend of Allah. Only the person of wisdom and knowledge can recognize the real personalities who may be respected by sajada-e-taazim.

On one another incident mentioned in hadis books, quoting that incident, some scholars of islam declared sajad-e-taazim as haraam(denied work). This happened due to mis-interpretation. One villager was arriving with his camel to Prophet. The camel made sajada in front of our beloved Prophet. Looking to this, the companions asked holy Prophet whether they should perform sajada as camel had done. In reply Prophet replied “If I order you to perform sajada, I would order the wife to perform sajada at the feet of her husband” In this hadis, it has been clearly mentioned “I would order” means if he ordered then there would be compulsion. So, Prophet removed compulsion of sajada-e-taazim, but still, its allowance is remained. Taazimi sajada depends on love and knowledge of the performer. This is the reason why such act is common in the way of tariqat, the more advanced sufi path, the path of friends of Allah. The great saint, hazarat saiyed Nizamuddin Auliya (R.A.)had explained in details about such sajada and wrote that sajada-e-taazim was allowed in Islam.

This short essay will be definitely useful to acquire true belief and akidah. Such akidah will lead you towards jannah. The sins are forgivable but bad akidah or faulty akidah cannot be forgivable. If Allah wants to take any one to jannah, he first guides to that person towards true akidah. So, one must seriously think for the above essay.

SUMMARY:(1) Covenant from all the prophets were taken to obey Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)and help him to retain the Prophet-hood. This covenant was taken in the world of souls before creating and sending humans on the earth. If any Prophet refused to make this covenant, he would lose his Prophet-hood.(2) In physical world in the time of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), the beloved companions (the believers) were instructed by Allah that they must not talk loudly while talking in the holy assembly of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and warned that whoever talked loudly, his

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all earned virtues for his good deeds would be erased!(3) The third question in the grave will be asked about Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). The question is “What do you say about this man?” Remember, this is test in the grave. Hence our Prophet is shown to the person going to die. The true akidah people will recognize the Prophet but faulty akidah people will not recognize and will simply say that he is a man ! This is, because, they used to speak the prophet as a “man” as his degree !

From this essay, the faulty akidah people can be easily recognized who used to talk unpleasant and disrespectful words. The curd (yogurt) is a corrupted Milk. If the Milk say that we (Curd and Milk) must unite, the result will that the milk will become curd ! The Curd will not become Milk ! This is the reason our Prophet warned us about faulty akidah (bad akidah) people.



PHASE ONE: The Best of the Creations is God (Allah) realized humans. The first of the Creations, the best from best of the Creations and the best among the God realized humans is Prophet Hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh). He is the founder of the leading religion of the religions, Islam.

When Allah was alone, nothing was there except Allah. No space, no time, no boundary, no air, no gas, no matter, no sky, no earth, no creations was present except Allah. Allah is self existent, eternal who cannot get the death and who is ever lasting. He was alone. He wanted that he should be recognized and for that he created all of these creations.

The first thing of his creations is Noor-e-Mohammadi, the light of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). From this light, Allah has created everything known and unknown to us. Allah created the Paradise, the Hell, the seven skies and Earth and everything. He created Adam (AS) from Clay, angels from light and Iblis-the cursed Satan from fire who was from jinn. The jinn are created from the fire. All were living in the paradise happily. Bibi Hawwa (Eva) was created from one of the chest bone of Adam to accompany him. The Iblis was a teacher of the angels in paradise for he worshiped Allah for 24 billion years! This was the event before Adam was created. Then after some years, Allah wanted to create Adam(AS). So, he ordered the angels to bring clay from the earth and make a statue of Adam(AS). The angels made a statue of Adam(AS). The statue was not live then. Allah then breathed in the statue so it became alive. The breath of Allah is known as the ruh (soul). This is the reason when this soul (ruh) is taken out, we the humans go die and the mortal body is lost in the clay from which it is made.

It is important to note that after Adam(AS) was breathed in and was made alive, Allah the almighty ordered all the angels and their teacher to bow down in front of Adam (AS). So, all the angels prostrated before Adam (AS) except their teacher Iblis. The Iblis was made

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Satan for not obeying Allah’s order. Satan argued that he was made from fire and Adam (AS) was made from clay so he was better than Adam (AS). The first event of envy in the creation was made by Satan against the Prophet Adam (AS). This resulted in vanishing of all his previous worship of Allah for 240 millions years! This is the guidance for all believers that the insult of Prophets and Saints of Allah may wipe out all virtues earned by good deeds. In quran, there are verses which advise the believers that they should not talk loudly while talking to the holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) otherwise; all the virtues earned by good deeds will be wiped out to a zero! To talk loudly in front of Prophet is considered as an insult! Think about those who use unpleasant words about Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)!

While Adam(AS) was breathed in by Allah, the breath (soul/ruh) came out of the statue complaining that there was darkness in it so it did not like to live in. So, Allah put the light of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the statue and then put the ruh in it and the Adam (AS) became alive.

Adam(AS) and Bibi Hawwa (AS) were living happily in the paradise. The cursed Satan was expelled from Paradise. Allah wished that Adam would be made his deputy on the earth. The angels told Allah that they were obedient to him and Adam(AS) and his children would quarrel each other so the deputy should be from angels. Then Allah told “I know what you do not know” and taught Adam all knowledge and then tested the angels who were defeated by Adam (AS) in the knowledge test. The angels told “we only know what have been taught by you” The angels did not argue like the Satan. The angels surrendered to the almighty Allah. So they retained their status.

The main reason why Adam(AS) was made deputy of Allah was that he had light of Mohammed (Pbuh) within, and he was the bearer of Allah’s amaanat. An amaanat is something which Allah gave him to preserve with him. That was a treasure of Allah. The Adam(AS) was the bearer of the treasure of Allah. Allah had asked all his creations to hold this treasure (amaanat) but all the creations except Adam (AS) expressed their inability to withstand that amaanat. So, Allah was very pleased that Adam(AS) took that amaanat. The Saints and divine knowledge people revealed that this amaanat was an extreme love of Allah., the fire of love of Allah.

Adam (AS) and Bibi Hawwa(AS) were allowed to move freely anywhere in the paradise except to go near one specified tree. The Satan somehow entered the paradise through trick and tempted and forced Adam (AS) to commit mistake to eat the fruit of that denied tree. The Adam(AS) and Bibi Hawwa (AS) ate fruit of denied tree. The almighty Allah became angry and ordered that he and bibi Hawwa (AS) had to descend from paradise and had to live on the earth for some specified time. Hence, we all the children(humans) of Adam (AS) and bibi Hawwa(AS), have to live on this earth for a specified time, called as a worldly life. And in fact, Allah had already made him his deputy on the earth and hence the mistake had to be occurred by Adam (AS) so that it might become a cause for his descending on the earth. Adam(AS) was descended in Srilanka and bibi Hawwa(AS) in Makkah in Arabia. They met each other after 300 years. Their forgiveness on the earth was accepted after 300 years when Adam(AS) asked for forgiveness with the intercession

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in the name of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) whose name was written in the skies of paradise besides the name of Allah. So, Adam(AS) thought that the name who had been kept with the name of Allah must be very dearer to Allah, so he asked for forgiveness with the name of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Allah immediately forgave Adam (AS) and replied that if he had asked forgiveness with the name of Mohammed (Pbuh), he would have been forgiven 300 years ago and he would have not wept for 300 years! This implies how dearer our Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to Allah almighty is!

Now since the time of Adam (AS) to Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), there arrived 124000 prophets on the earth. The last Prophet on the earth is Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). In fact the light of Prophet Mohammed was created first among the all creations of Allah. So, Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) is called as the first and the last Prophet among the creations. Even Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) told his companions that while Adam (AS) was being prepared from clay, he was an observer!

PHASE TWO:Allah created all souls (ruh) by his order. When Allah desired to create anything, he spoke “Kun” (be) and the thing appeared into existence immediately. Such is his power. So, by his order he created all creations including the souls of all the humans visiting this worldly earth. To all the souls, he asked a question “Am I not your rabb (creator/guardian)” On hearing, all the souls(ruh) divided into four groups of the souls.

(1)Group one: The souls who testified and answered by tongue and heart. These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim and die as a Muslim

(2)Group two: The souls who testified and answered by tongue but not by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim but die as a disbeliever

(3)Group three: The souls who testified and answered not by tongue but by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a disbeliever but will die as a Muslim

(4)Group four: The souls who did not testify and did not answer by tongue or by heart: these souls will take birth as a disbeliever and will die as a disbeliever

From among the Group one, all the souls were gathered and from them the souls who were to be declared as prophets were separated. These were gathered. These were the groups of the souls of the prophets. From these souls, one soul was taken by Allah with him. This was the soul of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). By pointing this soul, Allah asked the group of souls of the prophets like this “I want to give you the prophet hood but you have to give me covenant that in whose time this Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) will arrive, he shall have to respect him, obey him and assist him to spread my message. Are you ready for this?” Every soul replied positively and they were entrusted with the prophet hood. The Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was made the leader of all the Prophets.

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So, from this we can understand how dearer the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to almighty Allah is!

The prophets arrived on this earth one after the other. They conveyed message of Allah. The earth was purified by the Prophets. After the demise of the Prophet, the earth slowly and slowly corrupted and the sins of the people of the earth increased due to influence of the Satan whose mission is to misguide the humans. Every prophet on the earth was waiting during his period on this earth for Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to obey him according to the covenant made in front of Allah in the world of souls. All the Prophets arrived on the earth and went but the Prophet for whom they waited arrived on this earth as a final and last prophet (Prophet Mohammed Pbuh). So, they requested Allah that how they could obey great Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) whereas the Great Prophet was arrived after their earthly world time was over. Then Allah told that a time would come when you all would be called to obey. And indeed, that marvelous time arrived during the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) ‘s journey to heaven and further, physically, during his earthly world life. During this journey, all the Prophets were ordered to gather in the Al Aqsa Mosque in the Jerusalem where Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) lead the prayer (salaat) and all the Prophets obeyed him, congratulated him for his great journey to meet physically to almighty Allah. During the journey, the Prophet visited all heavens, saw hell fire, seven skies, and their creations and finally met the almighty Allah with his eyes. In quran, it is written in surah Al Nazam “And your Sahib(Prophet Mohammed Pbuh) saw the Glow of Allah in such a way that the eye could not twinkle!” The journey from Makkah to Jerusalem (Mosque al Aqsa) has been described in Surah Bani Israil in quran. All the Prophets were gathered in Al Aqsa mosque so that they can fulfill the covenant made to obey the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). So, our Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) is a leader of all the prophets.

PHASE THREE:Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) took birth in Makkah in the family of Bani Hasham. His father’s name was Abdullah and Mother’s name was Amenah. He became an orphan at the child age. His grandfather Abdul Muttalib took the responsibility to bring him up. But after few years his grandfather took veil from this material world. Now the responsibility came on his uncle Abu Talib who was a father of hazarat Ali(RA), a son in law of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Abu Talib was uncle of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh).

Prophet Mohammed toured Syria, Iraq, Iran for the purpose of trade. He married a wealthy widow woman named Bibi Khadijah(RA) on her request. At the time of marriage the age of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was 25 years and Bibi Khadijah’s age was 40 years. Bibi Khadijah took veil after three years of declaration of Prophet hood. Bibi khadijah used to take Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to various divine knowledge people to solve unknown problem something like possession of the jinn if any, due to the fact that the prophet’s body was being trained by Jibrael (AS) so that it can withstand the tremendous pressure to be developed during divine revealation of quranic verses later on, during that time, the Prophet’s body used to shiver and lot of perspiration used to release. The prophet was used to see a person who was appearing but not speaking. He was Jibrael (AS) but yet to confirm. So, during the initial stages, it was unaware for the

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common public that it occurred due to revelation to come, everybody insisted to visit divine people of that time to solve the problem. But one very pious leader of that time in Christian faith advised Bibi Khadijah that it seemed that an angel Jibrael was used to appear to her husband and to verify it she was advised to open her head hairs and to inquire her husband whether the person was still appeared. If the person disappeared, it would be none other but angel Jibrael (AS). This is the reason why head scarf is essential for women. Even Jibrael (AS) never come near open hair headed woman. Some years passed like this and the body was fully trained to withstand the reception of quranic verses. The quranic revelation started. In quran, in surah Hashr it is written “if these quranic verses descended on the mountains, it would break up into sand particles!” Such verses were taken by our prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and for that hazarat Jibrael(AS) was appearing to train the Prophet’s body.

Before such spirituality is demonstrated physically, the prophet used to go in the cave of the mountains near the city of Makkah. He used to pray a lot. He used to engross in the remembrance of Allah. He performed meditation and other prayers. He was the prophet by birth but the declaration of prophet hood was awaited as it depended on the will of Allah. He had practiced all the spiritual stations to control the self. He prayed salaat-e-ma’koos in which one had to tie ones legs on a branch of the tree near the well whose branch projected on the well. By this way one had to hang oneself in the well with upside down. This is a greatest mujahida. So many great friends of Allah did this prayer. This prayer lasts long up to 40 days, six months and so on according to the requirement when the desired result is obtained.

The prayers of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) are beyond human imagination. Once upon a time, Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) asked hazarat Jibrael(AS) about his age. Hazarat jibrael(AS) replied that in the sky one star used to appear once in every 70 thousands years and he had seen that star 70 thousands times. From that, one can understand the age of Hazarat jibrael (AS). Prophet told hazarat Jibrael(AS) “would you recognize that star if brought in front of you?” Hazarat Jibrael replied “yes, sure, I would recognize it” Hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh) told jibrael to see staringly at his (prophet’s) forehead. Soon hazarat Jibrael spoke “Subhanallah, I bear witness, that star is shining on your forehead!” Hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh) smiled and told, you were able to see that star when my head was not in the prostration, and you could not able to see it when my forehead was in the prostration of Allah! So, our beloved prophet was performing prayers in such away in the world of souls. And why not, when Satan did prayers for 24 billion years then undoubtedly, our prophet is the leader of the prophets, and hence such a big prayer can be entrusted to him so that no one can be superior to Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in Allah’s creation to perform prayers for Allah almighty.

The Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was so near to Allah and so dearer to Allah that the Prophet told his companions that no one could recognize his reality except Allah. The same Prophet told in front of disbelievers that he was like a simple human! The same prophet told in front of beloved companions and believers “Don’t copy me, My rabb is feeding me” This statement was made by Prophet when his companions copied him to do fasting continuously without eating and drinking in the evening or at the time of dawn.

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The Companions became weak and could not attend mosque after some time. On inquiry, the Prophet came to know that they copied him. Then he replied that he was fed by his rabb! But nobody knew him eating or saw him drinking! Such is a food from Allah. In quran, it is written in Surah Aaley Imran verse number 169 “Do not imagine as dead for those who are killed in the way of Allah, but they are alive and they are provided food from your rabb” Many people have witnessed that the martyrs body remain in tact as if just buried when their grave are opened for some reason. Some martyrs bodies were found after several months of their martyrdom in the communal riots in India and people witnessed their bodies in tact without any sign of decomposition! Almighty Allah gives food to such bodies. When martyr has such a dignity, the Prophet is a leader of such martyr; one can imagine the dignity of prophet.

PHASE FOUR:The Prophet of Islam hazarat Mohammed (Pbuh) informed the believers that at the time of death of every person, believer or disbeliever, would be asked three questions. See, our prophet’s knowledge! No science could be able to find that questions would be asked at the time of death. Not only that, which questions would be asked that also our beloved prophet knew! He informed that following three questions would be asked to every person at the time of death. The time of death is just final few moments when the soul(ruh) is extracted from the body by angel Israel(AS). This is called as questioning in the grave. The questions are: (1)Who is your rabb (creator); (2)What is your religion and (3)What do you used to say about this man?And if the dead person’s death is as a believer (Muslim), the person will reply like this:(1) Who is your rabb? Answer : Allah is my rabb(2) What is your religion? Answer: Islam(3) What do you used to say about this man? Answer: This is our holy beloved Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) upon whom I want to sacrifice my soul and upon him uncounted salam and durud be showered on behalf of me

From these questions, the first question identifies the person whether he/she is believer or disbeliever. The second question is for identifying the person for his faith. The correct faith will be marked only if the person had a faith in the last prophet of his time. In this way, if during the period between Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)’s declaration of prophet hood and prophet Jesus(As)’s declaration of prophet hood a person died and if he replied that his religion was a faith of a Christian then his faith would be recorded as a correct faith. After the declaration of Prophet hood of Mohammed (Pbuh), every body’s answer must be Islam as a religion to pass in the second question. The third question is asked about the self of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) which identifies the true aqidah in Islam. By adopting Islam if some one says that Prophet Mohammed(Pbuh) is a human, he or she will reply the same at the time of death due to his or her inability to recognize the reality of Prophet. And thus he or she will fail in third and last question at the death time. Our prophet has been termed as a man in asking a third question in the grave. This is the only time; our prophet has been termed as a man in asking a question by the angels in the grave. The reason is that this is a test in the grave. If the word “prophet” was used in the grave, the faulty akidah people and disbelievers would recognize the prophet and the test would not become a test. To pass and get paradise, one has to pass all three questions.

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Regarding third question, the believer will recognize prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) even if the believer would be from previous nations like Jews or Christian. As the person is believer, he would recognize Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) from the light of his prophet as prophet Mohammed is a leader of all the prophets.

So, we must consider the time of removal of soul from our body as a death time and the place where the soul departs from the body of a person is a grave place. This is the reason that the prophets graves are made where their souls departs. As for example, if some person died in a plane crash or some died in a boat accident in sea during which their bodies would not be available. So, what about their graves? Graves and the world of graves are a reality. So, in fact the place from where the soul departs is a grave place and the questioning of grave occurs at the time of just removal of the soul. The believers’ souls are easily removed like a hair from the oil whereas the disbelievers get tremendous woes at that time. Allah almighty created all the creations including jinn and humans so that he can be worshiped and recognized. Allah showed ways through prophets and saints for guidance. To recognize Prophets and saints, he bestowed upon them the divine powers through which they demonstrated the power and performed miracles to stir the believer souls. The world of the graves is the time between the death of the person and the judgment day (qayaamat day).

So, our Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) has been kept as a reference by Allah for entire creations as all creations are created from his light. This is the reason Prophets prophet hood were given due to their covenant to obey Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the world of souls and the virtues of the believers earned by them due to good deeds remained safe for not talking loudly in front of the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in this worldly life! The person passed in the questioning of the grave if he recognized Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the grave!

So, in summary, Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was created by Allah first in his creation and who was made the leader of all the souls in the world of souls, and made leader in this physical world in such a way that virtues (good deeds)of the person remained safe if the person respected and loved holy prophet (Pbuh) and earned paradise by passing third and final question of recognition to Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in the grave!


Insight Of Islam and Spiritual Stations:The One Who Recognised Self Has Recognised Allah (Hadis)In Arabic “Man araf nafsahu, faqad araf rabbahu”

There are two sides of Islam to practice. One is Open side to all. The other side is hidden side within ones own body. In the open side of Islam, whatever we practice, our practice can be seen by other people. Like prayers performed in mosques, prayers performed during hajj, prayer performed jointly like in funeral, donation and charity given to the institutions or to the individuals, zakat etc are the open side of Islam.

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The hidden side of Islam is that which cannot be seen openly by others while performing Islamic practices by the practitioner. Like the prayers done in the loneliness, prayers performed in a corner of a house, meditation performed in the house at dawn time, zikr or repeated recitation of attributed names of Allah by heart, meditation performed by breathing, recitation of Allah’s names by breathing are the hidden practices and can be broadly called as hidden side of Islam.

By practicing the above in an Islamic way, a time is reached after some time that the various chakras (Wheels in English and lataaif in Arabic/Islam) within the body of the practitioner start opening. The inner awakening of the self is nothing but the opening of these lataaif of the body. The hindu religion call this as Kundalini awakening. In Islam, it is called as lataaif energy awakening.

In fact the latifa or lataaif or chakras are subtle node-points of the body nerves system. These nerves are also subtle. This inner science of the body is totally subtle and can only be realized to the awakened practitioner. Subtle thing is something which we feel and realize but cannot be shown or cannot be physically demonstrated. We may understand the subtle thing like a body figure made of light or shadow but if we want to pick that figure, we can’t pick it up. In the same way, if the practitioner is awakened by the Islamic practices, he or she feels like very fine, discrete, small amplitude but high frequency vibrations are sensed by the subtle nerves. The subtle node points of these subtle nerves system of the body are the lataaif or chakra.

There ore total seven chakras or lataaif in the body. The subtle nerves system has a big three subtle channels through which lataaif energy are flowing. These channels are directing from anus to top of the head. The central subtle channel is passing through spinal cord. The chakras are located on this central channel from bottom to top. Bottom most chakra lies at the sacrum bone situated near the anus and top most at the mid point of top of the skull.

There are seven chakras. When the Heart Chakra is awakened, the lataaif energy reaches in the heart. This state of the body is called to be the body of the believer. In hadis al qudsi it is written that Allah says that he cannot be contained in the skies or the earth, but he can be contained in the heart of a believer. The heart chakra is the fourth chakra in the body.

The bottom chakra represents the earth plane. These chakras are associated with the physical world and the nafs (desires). Upper level chakras beyond the heart chakra are representing ruhaniyat or connection to higher level things like noor connecting to angels, spirits etc. If all chakras are awakened, the person can be considered as having connected to energy of Universe or more precisely, the universal person or the person connected to spiritual worlds.

Normally, these chakras can be opened by the love and grace of spiritual guide and through tremendous religious practices and mujahidas and pleasing our beloved

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prophet(sav) and ultimately pleasing Allah. These chakras can also be opened by the transfer of power by a saint. But one thing must be required. The body of the practitioners must have been trained to receive flow of lataaif energy. To train the body means to open chakras in full to allow and channel the flow of energy in a smooth way. Otherwise, paralysis or in some case death may also occur. Our Prophet’s (sav) body was trained by hazarat jibrael (AS). Our Prophet (sav) had performed salat al ma’akoos in which one has to tie ones legs with the branch of the tree and has to hang upside down. To train the body, the spiritual guide strictly and harshly get his devotees perform hard and deep meditation and other mujahidas. Our prophet performed such hidden practices in the cave of mount hira until 40 years.

When chakras are awakened, the energy flow starts with subtle vibrations. This vibrations release waves and energy. The upper level chakras have high frequencies. Highest frequencies are obtained by top most chakra. These chakras release energy with waves. So, this is like light which has frequencies and waves. X-rays, gamma rays, ultra violate rays and ordinary sun rays etc are the forms of light. We know that Allah is noor (light). So, the awakened person can reach to Sidratul Muntaha- a place of Jibrael(AS), and even up to throne of Allah by the connection of these energy and waves.

Sufism:The word Suf has two meanings. One meaning is the thick woolen cloth and the other meaning is a sitting place around the stem of a tree masoned by bricks, stones or simply through clay for sitting and shelter purpose during the hot sun time heat. The poor holy companions of holy Prophet Mohammed (sav) were used to take shelter all through out the life beneath the tree which was grown in from of the house of our holy Prophet (sav) in Madinah. Our Prophet(sav) used to sit with these companions during leisure time during evening, night or during mid day. These companions were blessed by supreme divine knowledge by our Prophet (sav). These people (companions of the tree) were considered as the Sufis due to their wearing thick woolen cloth and sitting and living under the tree with masoned sitting place. These companions were the real Islamic University. From them, word “sufi” have been derived. So, Sufism is the way of living like the companions of the Prophet lived taking shelter under the tree and taking guidance from the Prophet. They were the people of Prophet’s front yard! They had no house. They were giving thanks to Allah whether the food were available or not. They were full of patience. So, such life style is a style of a sufi. Such people imparted knowledge to those whom they wished. They imparted the real inner knowledge of Islam.

Now let us understand the meaning of the hadis “Who recognized the self has recognized Allah” In Arabic “ Man araf nafsahu faqad araf rabbahu” The self realization is the awakening of these chakra or lataaif of the body. Only then, the flow of energy flows through subtle nerves system, the heart and the brain. Naturally, when the brain gets this energy, the brain cells are energized and become more powerful. In course of time, the miracles may be performed by awakened person. Of course, it depends on the wish of Almighty Allah.

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When the statue of Adam (AS) was made and Allah breathed in the statue, that breath or command of Allah energized Adam (AS) and became alive. So, we all humans have obtained that potential energy within us. Our aim is to make this potential passive energy in to a dynamic and flowing energy with the help of Islamic practices. Once, this aim is achieved, we have acquired the status “one who recognized oneself has recognized Allah” This is called as “Khud ki Pehchan” in urdu/hindi. Or “Self realization in English”

Why Allah has called the human as “Ahsanuttaqweem-the best in the creation” in surah Wattin in quran? This word is used for human and not for any other thing including holy kaaba in Mecca, because, human has every thing within himself which is contained in the universe. Human body is made of five basic elements like earth (clay), air, fire, water and ether. Human contains energy given by Allah. Human can connect himself/herself with light (noor) and thus obtain divine help from souls and from Allah. No other creation like trees, animals, vegetation, rocks, earth, fire, air etc has these properties.

When the light of Allah (noor of Allah) enters the heart of the human, his heart becomes the house of Allah. So, in physical world, there is a holy kaaba, while there is a house of Allah in the heart of the human. There are seven skies in physical world; while there are seven subtle chakras in the human body. To ascend to seven skies and further with the help of buraq was done by our Prophet (sav) called as meraj, while the ascending of the energy through these seven chakras is called the meraj of a believer. Hence our holy prophet called salaat as meraj of the believer. The salaat means the prayer in which the energy is climbed from bottom chakra to top chakra and such salaat is nothing but a meditation performed through breathing and weaving Allah’s name with each breath. This salaat is called as salaat-e-daemi. The normal prayer performed in mosques cannot raise the energy from bottom to head through chakras. Normal prayer (salaat) is recognized as kaaemi salaat.

We must note that the jinn is made from smokeless fire. The colour of fire is yellow or red. The jinn due to this property, radiate frequencies and waves of yellow or red light. Upper level chakras (5,6 and 7) are radiating high frequency wave light rays and hence the awakened person has the ability to flee jinn and other satanic or negative power. Hence, such awakened people are the peace keepers of their aura (field). Our holy Prophet’s aura is the whole universe (18000 worlds). Awakened people are called the houses of Allah. Hence, though Allah is one, he can be manifested in to uncounted number of his emanations. This is not a division but a unified system of exhibition of Allah and his kingdom. Similarly, angels are made of light. But the light of Allah is so great that all lights become pale. And kamil Insan (perfect man-friend of Allah) can hold this light of Allah, the angels can even prostrate (bow down) to such friend of Allah. This is the reason, angels prostrated (made sajda) before Adam for respecting him. This is the reason, our holy Prophet(sav) was able to change the kibla from al Aqsa mosque to Kaaba in Mecca. Previously, the kibla place was Al Aqsa mosque where all previous Prophets and their followers including Muslims were performing salaat facing Al Aqsa mosque. But it was our beloved Prophet’s wish that Holy kaaba in Mecca mosque be made kibla and Allah granted his wish.

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In quran, there is a verse about friends of Allah “Beware, there is no fear nor any grief to friends of Allah” So, common people are warned to be respectful with these friends of Allah as they hold the light of Allah and see with that light. When the energy is flowing through all the chakras, the person is in higher state and is like in the presence of Almighty. If the energy is just flowing up to bottom chakras, the person is in lower state or in the level of earthly plane like common human. In the lower state, even the person like friend of Allah or even Prophet is behaving in as simple manner as that like a common human. This implies that when the Prophet (sav) was making his energy flow in the lower chakras, he was saying in front of disbelievers that he was just a common human like them. But when he was making his energy flow to higher level chakras, he was saying, he was an observer when Adam(AS) was being prepared from clay and water! In the same way Hazarat Saiyed Mohiyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.) told during jumma khutba on the mimber of jama Mosque of Baghdad “His legs are laid on the shoulders (necks) of each and every friend of Allah” Whereas at one occasion, he was weeping by picking the Gillaf (cover sheet) of kaaba and asking for the forgiveness of Allah. This is in accordance with the state in which the awakened person is resting.

I am sure, after understanding this, the person has the real ability to sit in the mehfil-e-sama ( devotional songs assembly) which are carried out by Chishtiya Sufis. In such assembly, the friend of Allah or his deputy sits and qawwalis or devotional songs with or without music are sung wherein the poems like this are sung. “Kabhi Zaahir kabhi baatin dekha, kabhi banda kabhi khuda dekha” “yaar ko hamne jaa bajaa dekha” Meaning “sometimes seen manifested and sometimes seen hidden, sometimes seen like common human being and sometimes seen like Allah (God), I saw my beloved (murshad-spiritual master) like this”

So, many people who do not know properly get confused. Hence, it is better to have prudent people in mehfil-e-sama.

Energy Grounding:The awakened person can change his/her spiritual state by lowering or raising the energy levels to various chakras. Higher level energy gives tremendous pressures in the brain and lower energy levels give relief in pressures. So, grounding is the process by which we can adjust energy levels as desired. Energy levels can be affected by outer circumstances like excitement, anger, joy, grief etc too. The grounding can be done by making sajda (prostration) in which forehead is placed on ground. Grounding can be done by laying on the ground or floor with back touching the ground and can be effectively done by laying on ground with stomach, legs and forehead on ground. Such grounding can be done with clothes put on. So, the grounding is the process through which an awakened person can live natural life like a common man by lowering energy level.



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Islam is the latest religion with a sky book quran on this earth. As Islam developed by defeating all falsehood adopted by the people of previous religions by corrupting their own religions due to satanic powers, it is quite natural that such people always try to oppose the trueness of Islam by one or the other way. For this, they adopted to misinterpret the holy verses. They new the real truth of Islam but due to their revengeful nature, they raised unnecessary misconceptions for Islam so that to hinder the fast advancement of Islam, the only religion on the earth which is spreading fast. But Islam is the only religion near the God as stated in quran and its Prophet is the final Prophet on the earth and a seal of the Prophets on the earth so that no other prophet will arrive on the earth after prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). Prophet Jesus(as) will reappear as a Muslim as he has been taken into skies with his body. As he was sent before Prophet Mohammed (pbuh), he is not termed as final Prophet on the earth. God admired the holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and the virtues to be given to the followers of Islam hereafter the death that Prophet Jesus (as) wished that it would be better if he was born as a follower of Islam. God fulfilled his wish and hence he will be reappeared again on this world as a Muslim.

From the beginning of Human creation, the envious Satan has vowed to misguide the humans but he was clever enough to agree that he would not be able to misguide the righteous people upon whom Allah showered mercy. From this, the entire two different groups have taken the forms. One group of believing in Allah and his Prophets while the other group of believing in Satan and opposing Allah and Prophets. So, two separate ideologies developed. So, my intention is to throw light on the truth and thus giving genuine effort for those souls who have been entrapped in the trap of satan as though their souls belong to paradise.

It must be noted that for learning mathematics, science, languages, history, geography, etc. the students go to their teacher. They go to universities! And to learn religion, mystery of God, miracles, history of religion and history of Prophets, laws of the religion the students; mostly the disbelievers do not go to the teachers and try to learn themselves! Without teacher and a guide, the religion cannot be learnt. Islam is the latest religion. So, everybody, whose souls are the dwellers of the paradise will definitely learn Islam through teacher and spiritual guide. Half knowledge is dangerous as half knowledge of surgeon can cause one to death bed, the half knowledge of Islam can be dangerous and may cause one to misguide! So, beware about this. If one wants to study Islam sincerely, approach to Islamic scholar with a clean heart.

The verses of Quran those are misinterpreted by disbelievers to spread poison against Islam and the true replies.

(1)The verses related to hazarat Zaid bin Haris(RA) who was an adopted son of holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh):Reply: The reason for revealation of verses for Zaid’s wife was to guide the followers towards new law that the Muslim father can marry to a divorced wife of an adopted son. The history was like this. Hazarat Zaid (RA) who was an adopted son had a wife and both had frequent quarrels each other. The holy Prophet was able to make them silent every

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time. But after short time, God revealed verses which ordered the Zaid (R.A.) to divorce her wife and holy Prophet to marry with her. In the same verses in continuation the God showed the reason that this action was made a law for the followers. Even the holy Prophet hesitated as he knew that the opposition would get an opportunity to raise an issue against Islam. But it was the order of God. So it must be carried out to make a law for the followers. The analysts say that these verses increase the credibility of Islam. God never fear of his creation to make any law. God is supreme power and need not bother what the public will be speaking. If these verses were not divine, it could have been concealed from making public. The verses says that Prophet hesitated clearly implies that Prophet worried that a new issue would be raised by disbelievers. Now look at the incident of Adam (AS) and Bibi Hawwa who are called as Shiv and Parvati in Hindu scripture and Adam and Eve in Christian scripture. They had about hundred children. They married each other with their real brothers and real sisters! So, it was valid at that time.This is to say, there were 124000 Prophets arrived on this earth. Some of them were given scriptures. The new Prophet arrived when the corruption in previous religion laws was created beyond the limit. Sometimes new Prophet was descended on the earth when sins of the people extend beyond the limit. The new Prophet may reform some laws given by previous Prophet or may change some laws by replacing new laws. The laws of last Prophet are binding to be followed by all the citizens of this world. This is exactly like the system of laws of a country where new laws are made replacing or reforming the old ones, the new laws are to be followed canceling the old ones. In this way, Islam’s Prophet is the final Prophet of the world and hence every citizen of the world is ordered to follow Islamic law by embracing Islam. This is absolutely a logical statement.

(2) The verses of Quran which states “Kill the qafirs (disbelievers) wherever you see them”:Reply: The reason for revelation of these verses was to guide the Muslims at the time of holy war and directed them to kill the disbelievers as they were used to plot innocent killings by seek and hide manner. As for example, during communal riots or during civil war, the situation may arise that the enemy can come right in front of the house. At such time, God directs and orders the Muslims to kill the disbelievers. Such incident happened during the communal riots of Gujarat in 2002 where Government machineries itself played the role of villain against Muslims. The police who is the public protector, became devour. What a true sky book Quran is! It guides the Muslims “Kill the disbeliever wherever you see” Similarly is the case of Kosovo. So, the God knows the all things of past, present and future. The disbelievers are exposed. Whenever civil war type situation will occur, God gives permission to kill disbelievers. The Muslims will be rewarded as a martyr by God. During Gujarat riots of 2002, eight Muslims were martyred by the Hindu in Lunavada town near Godhara in Gujarat state of India. Their bodies were found after eight months when some labourers were digging out soil for a contractor. The bodies were intact without any sign of decomposition! They were easily recognized by their relatives. The bodies were handed over by police of Lunavada to the relatives. It is recorded in police station of Lunavada! The muslim martyrs were from Karanta village which is about 15 kilometers away from Lunavada. The bodies of Muslim saints never get rotten. The people of past time had witnessed such thing and the people of present

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time have been witnessing these things as the bodies found intact without any decomposition at the time of reopening of the grave of a Muslim saints as per tradition of some sufi-chain of Islam. Such incidents are the proofs of the truthfulness of Islam.

(3) Misconception by disbelievers about Kaaba in Mecca:The Hindu equates the circular movement about Kaaba by the Muslims as like Idol woshiping!Reply: This is totally wrong. In fact, the holy Kaaba is a stone work square cubical room made by two great Prophets namely Ibrahim(AS) and Ismail (AS). They made this house by the order of God. The stones were touched by the holy hands of the Prophets and hence very sacred. To respect this house, God ordered to walk circle around this house. God ordered to respect his friends in such a way that the Muslims have to respect the things which get a touch of the hand of a Prophet, then the holy bodies of such pious saints or Prophets whether live or dead (taken veil from this material world) must be respected and the resting places must also be respected. When we are told to respect the 12 grade pass student, we must respect the University graduate student without any further advice. It must be noted that respect and worship are two different things. Idol worshiping is totally forbidden in Islam. Idol can be broken. God cannot be broken.

(4)Misconception of disbelievers regarding one wife of the Prophet Of Islam, Ayesha (may God please with her) (Umma of Mo’meneen) that she was married under age:Reply: The leaders of opposition of Islam spread poison by misrepresenting the marriage of Hazarata Ayesha siddiqa (May God please with her). She was at the age of 16 years at the time of marriage. It was legal then. She was a daughter of friend of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and his name was Abu Bakar (RA). If it was illegal at that time, her father would not continue as Prophet’s friend. But in fact he was the first Khalipha of Islam after taking veil of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) from this material world. Hazarat Abu Bakar was among the most loved friends of the Prophet. So, the misconception created by disbelievers is illogical in its thinking. It should be noted that before declaration of Prophethood, in his very young age, Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) managed with one wife bibi Khadijah(RA) who was a widower. The Age of Prophet Mohammed was 25 years and his first wife age was 40 years at the time of marriage. His financial position before prophethood was good enough. After prophethood, he married twelve more women and the financial position was poor! How could he manage to keep wives in a financial poor position! So, this thing is not possible without divine instruction and help.

(5) Misconception of disbelievers regarding quranic verse “Do not ask the Prophet the questions which may destroy your faith”:Reply: The disbelivers make much noise that by releasing this verse the people are tried to make dumb! But in fact this verse was descended in connection with one incident. A man came to the prophet who used to speak ill words about Prophet behind him asked to test the Prophet’s divine knowledge that who his father was. The Prophet gave the name of his true father who was different from his so called father. So, he went to his mother and inquired about his real father with a threat to kill if not spoken true. His mother told the truth that he was conceived from a slave of his so called father due to his inability.

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So, the truth made that man hurt a lot. So, if the believer man asked such question and the true reply may be something unpleasing like this may result in decay of his faith. So, God warned the believing persons from refraining from asking such mystery. The God declares only the truth without any fear of the result.

(6)Misconception of disbelievers regarding Prophet Ibrahim (AS) (Abraham) who was forefathers of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), the Christians and the Jews about his marriage with Bibi Hazara AS (Hega -AS). The Disbelievers spread poison that Bibi Hazara (AS) was a keep/ slave of Prophet Ibrahim (AS):Reply: What a shameful thinking of disbelievers is! Prophets are most pious. They cannot even think to do any illegal, harmful and shameful work. The disbelievers wanted to do harm to the dignity of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and in doing so, they insulted their own Prophet Ibrahim(AS) and exposed their malice intentions. God mentioned in holy book about Prophets Piety. The son of bibi Hazara (AS), Prophet Ismail(AS) rubbed his pious legs in a baby childhood on desert ground of Mecca for want of water and water sprung up there from heaven and flowing from heaven till today in Zam Zam well in Mecca. This water is called as a holy water and all hajj pilgrims bring this water with them. What a true religion Islam is that this Zam Zam water well in Mecca is as old as 5025 years and still delivering water uninterrupted! This water is sweet and easily digestible. It cures so many illnesses. The geography of Mecca area is such that no well can exist with sweet water in surrounding area. If one digs out a little, salty water comes out due to Mecca location is near the sea shore. But, Zam Zam well is there delievering water 24 hours a day since 5025 years! This is a miracle of son of Hazarabibi (AS) and the name was Prophet Ismail (AS) from whose blood, Prophet Mohammed(sav) came into this material world.

(7) Some disbelievers argue that Quran says that earth is flat:Reply: In quran, there is a verse to give the common human the understanding of Allah’s greatness by giving example that he is so great that he made the earth like a carpet on which people walk. The intention of the verse is to show greatness of the Allah and not to show the shape or geography of the earth. The disbelievers talk like a child by such a mean argue. Even a child can question that on the earth high mountains are resting and so the earth cannot be said as flat like carpet. The quran gives the example of big plain grounds like sands, agricultural flat farms by calling them as a carpet to show the greatness of Allah by giving examples of his created things which are so big and wide. Otherwise, quran gives the example of the Moon, the Sun and the Stars that all these are moving in a directed path by the order of Allah. Now, one can understand that the Moon and the Sun are looked round by naked eye so why not earth! The science has found out in twentieth century that the Sun is also moving as milky way is moving and the Sun is contained in the milky way. The quran’s teaching is such that the common human like uneducated agriculturist even can understand its arguments regarding natural things. Moreover, the quran explains the movements of the Sun and Moon by relativity. The Earth has been made as a reference and in relation to the earth, the movement of the Moon and the Sun has been said so that ordinary simple people can understand. While traveling in a train, we are used to describe the stations passing as “Bilimora has passed, Bharuch has passed, Navsari has passed” In fact, all the railway stations are stationary,

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but the passengers sitting in a train speak in relation to their reference train that the stations passed. The quran advise Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to reply to disbeliever like this “I am a simple man as you” While the same quran tells about Prophet Mohammed “And we made you as a mercy for whole creations” and at other place it tells for the Prophet “We have sent you as a witness, giving good news of paradise, giving fear of hell fire and calling towards Allah by order of Allah and as a shining lamp” So, the quran is itself a miracle of the Prophet and a gift of Allah given to mankind. The people can get knowledge from it according to individual grasping capacity. The dirty heart people cannot get knowledge as mentioned in quran like this “they are deaf, dumb and blind so you call them towards Allah or not, they will never obey and we have made a seal on their hearts” With the help of quran and prophet’s teachings, so many saints have been produced who have performed miracles and blessed the people and yet so many disbelievers are found on the earth. Allah has prepared a Hell fire. So, there must be Hell dwellers. Not to surprise for such people if one finds them.

(8) The disbelievers uselessly tried to say that Prophet Mohammed is a last Prophet and not a last messenger by mis-matching this verse with Quran verse (3-81) which states “Remember, Allâh had taken a covenant from Prophets and said, "I have blessed you with the Book and Wisdom and understanding, and afterward if any other Rasool (messenger) comes to you confirming the same teachings which you already possess, then you will have to bring Faith in him and will have to help him” After saying this Allâh asked: "Do you acknowledge it and take the important responsibility of this covenant from ME?" They responded: "Yes we acknowledge." Allâh said: "Well then bear witness and I AM also witness with you,AndQuran verse(33-7) it is written “And O Prophet (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) remember that covenant which WE have taken from all the Prophets, from you (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) as well as from Nûh and Ibrâhim and Mûsa, and from 'Iesa, son of Maryam. WE have taken firm promise from all of them”

The disbelievers forget that the reply of verse (33-7) is given by holy Quran in verse (33-8) by saying “So that (their Râbb) may question from the truthful people about their truthfulness, and HE has prepared painful torment for the infidels (Kafir)”

In this way, it is clear that both the covenants are different and their purpose is also different. Also, one must see the important thing that every messenger is a Prophet but not necessary that every Prophet must be messenger. So, Verse (3-81) clearly states about Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh)’s arrival as a last messenger. Hence Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) is a last messenger too. The messengers bring new book and laws whereas the Prophets (nabi) guides the people on the laws of existing messenger and support and strengthen the laws of existing messenger.

NOTE: Quranic verses have been descended sometimes for specific events but same can be taken as guidance for future reference.

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There was a young man who went overseas to study for quite a long time. When he returned, he asked his parents to find him a religious scholar or any expert who could answer his 3 Questions.

Finally, his parents were able to find a Muslim scholar. Young man: Who are you? Can you answer my questions?

Scholar: I am one of Allah (SubHana Wa Ta`ala )'s slaves and Insha-Allah (God willing), I will be able to answer your questions.

Young man: Are you sure? A lot of Professors and experts were not able to answer my questions.

Scholar: I will try my best, with the help of Allah( SubHana WaTa`ala).

Young Man: I have 3 questions: 1. Does God exist? If so, show me His shape.

2. What is taqdir (fate)?

3. If shaitan (Devil) was created from the fire, why at the end he will be thrown to hell that is also created from fire. It certainly will not hurt him at all, since Shaitan (Devil) and the hell were created from fire. Did God not think of it this far?

Suddenly, the Scholar slapped the young man's face very hard.

Young man (feeling pain): Why do you get angry at me?

Scholar: I am not angry. The slap is my answer to your three questions.

Young Man: I really don't understand.

Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?

Young Man: Of course, I felt the pain.

Scholar: So do you believe that pain exists?

Young Man: Yes.

Scholar: Show me the shape of the pain!

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Young Man: I cannot.

Scholar: That is my first answer. All of us feel God's existence without being able to see His shape... Last night, did you dream that you will be slapped by me?

Young Man: No.

Scholar: Did you ever think that you will get a slap from me today?

Young Man: No. Scholar: That is takdir (fate) my second answer........ My hand that I used to slap you, what is it created from?

Young Man: It is created from flesh.

Scholar: How about your face, what is it created from?

Young Man: Flesh.

Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?

Young Man: In pain.

Scholar: Thats it. This is my third answer, Even though Shaitan (Devil) and also the hell were created from the fire, if Allah wants, insha-Allah (God willing), the hell will become a very painful place for Shaitan Allah said “If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you.'


The True Death-time Event of Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.):

Hazarat Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) is known as one of the great shariat scholars in Islam. He was the author of the great book on Tafsir “Ibn Kabir”

Here is a true event which happened to him in which he was immensely and remotely helped by great saint and friend of Allah Hazarat Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) at his deep trouble in questioning with the satan during the final moments of the death, during which three questions are asked by the angels of grave and satan tries to misguide the person during that time.

He was helped by Saint Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) from remote place far away from the place where Fakhraddin Razi (R.A.) was taking his final moments before death. At that time Hazarat Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) was performing ablution (Wazu) to going for prayer. The khadim was assisting in performing ablution to his sheikh. Khadim was pouring water on the parts of his sheikh. All of a sudden, sheikh snatched the water pot

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from the khadim and threw it down the ground saying “O Maulvi, tell satan that I believe in Allah without seeing him and without argument-the answer you received from the farmer once in your questioning to him!” In fact it happened that the water was dropped on the body of hazarat Fakhruddin (R.A.) and heard the voice of saint what he ordered to tell from far away. The effect of this was such that Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) quanquered against satan who flee away and Fakhruddin (R.A.) passed the questions of the grave and became the dweller of the paradise. Once he passed the questions, he requested the grave angels to permit him to talk to his students and devotees to convey the conversation talks which happened with satan. Also he wanted to tell his students gathered near to him the real truth of his saying “no, no” the words heard by the students every time while Fakhruddin (R.A.) was denying to satan. The students were advising Fakhruddin Razi(R.A.) to say Lailah Illalah Mohammed Rasulallah-the first kalema so that he might pass the test at the death time but they heard the words “no, no” and thus believed that their teacher might go die without Iman (on straight path). So, to remove their speculation and to guide them, he asked permission of the angels of the grave who granted the time in which the students wrote abruptly small book (dibacha) containing conversation of satan with Fakhruddin Razi(R.A.). He wanted to tell his students that if he could not have been helped by the saint Najmuddin (R.A.) he might have failed in the death time test even though he was a great scholar and author of Tafsirul Quran-Ibn Kabir.

Why the great saint Najmuddin Qubara(R.A.) helped him and what was the relation between Saint and Fakhruddin (R.A.)?

Moulvi Fakhruddin(R.A.) had a habit of asking the persons “ Is Allah (God) one or two or more?” If anybody replied that Allah is one then he used to ask for proof or argument to present. By this way, once he asked this question to the farmer who was plaughing. On his way working plaugh, he replied angrily and excitingly, “Without seeing, without argument I believe Allah is one” That is why he was reminded this reply by saint Najmuddin Qubara(R.A.). This Moulvi Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) arrived in the blessed court (house and spiritual teaching madressa). Saint Najmuddin(R.A.) asked Moulvi “How much time you spent in taking moulvi education?” Fakhruddin(R.A.) replied “Seven years” Saint asked “Now live with me for that much time so that I may give you divine knowledge” Fakhruddin(R.A.) replied “That is too long, I can’t remain that long” Saint replied “six years” Moulvi replied “No, that is too long” Saint were reducing the time to five years,four year,three year and like that but each time moulvi said “it is too long” Finally, moulvi agreed to live only for forty days with saint Najmuddin (R.A.). But after the completion of only twenty days, moulvi could not keep patience and was leaving the blessed house of the saint. But what a greatness of saint Najmuddin(R.A.) that he told “O Moulvi, you are going to leave me but I will not leave you. These twenty days relation of yours with me is enough for me” So, this was how the relation or nisbat of a wali (friend of Allah) helped him to enter the paradise.

Najmuddin Qubara’s spiritual master was Hazarat Amar bin Yasir Al Badarasi (R.A.) and his spiritual master was Hazarat Ziyauddin Abi Najib Soharwordy(R.A.) and his spiritual master was Hazarat Saiyed al Sultan Mohiyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A.). So, this great saint is linked with Qadariya-Kubruiya silsila of spiritual lineage of Islam. I (Ismail

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Patel) also linked with this lineage along with other lineages. I am so happy that Insa Allah, I will be helped at every single moment up to final moments by such a great great saint and their groups.

The small book known as “Dibacha al Fakhruddin Razi” must be in one of the big Islamic libraries. At the present, where it rests is unknown. But it can be found out if special care is taken. There are about 300 questions asked by Satan and the replies given to them by hazarat Fakhruddin Razi (R.A.) but the Satan overrode the replies and was only defeated after help from Sheikh Najmuddin Qubara(R.A.) arrived.

In holy Quran, it is written in surah Bani Israil, verse 85-86 “People is asking you O Prophet(sav) about Ruh (spirit). You tell them that Ruh is the thing made by the command of my Rabb(Allah). No more but a very few from you have been given knowledge about it” Further, in quran there is a mention of “Ilm al Ladunni” The ilm –knowledge given to khwaza Khizar (AS). This Ilm Ladunni is mentioned in Surah Kahaf in quran. These two are the secret knowledges by which very few people are blessed. Most pious friends of Allah like Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) got these secret knowledge. These ayats prove that secret knowledge people are living in Muslim ummah and they are helping the believers souls with the permission of Allah.

This is taken from “Majaalis-e-Mohammedi” book in Gujarati which is written specially for learning for the devotees of Chishtiya Silsila. Hazarat Sheikhul Mashaekh Malek Mohammedshah Olpaadi (R.A.) was a great friend of Allah whose tomb is in Surat, Gujarat State India. His blessed Khalipha Hazarat Mansurshah alias chhotubawa(R.A.) of Hansot, Dist; Surat used to record the holy speeches spoken by his Sheikh in the blessed assembly. These speeches have been compiled in a book named as mentioned.



Rights and duties of a Muslim upon his/her Muslim brothers/sisters have significant values as it establishes a social framework in which all the Muslims can live with dignity and in a socially secured way. This is the reason that it is considered as an Ibaadat (prayer) in Islam which accrue to merits/virtues/sawab.

We, the present day Muslims including all Asians, only used to talk about Haquqool Ibad. But nothing concrete as a system has been done by the governments in the Muslim countries unlike the present day western countries including North America. Haqooqul Ibaad was compulsory in previous shariat too. That is why non-believers have made a system which is called a social welfare system. In social welfare system of North America and European countries, Old age pension(other than social security) is given after the age of 65. This old age pension is for every person of a country who resided legally for at least ten years in that country. Social security pension is given to those who worked for more than ten years in that country. Person can be eligible for both the

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pensions subject to minimum amount. If a social security pension is more than a stipulated limit, old age pension is not given. Also, if one is unemployed, social welfare applies. So, in these countries, though non-believers they are, enough care has been taken for Haqooqul Ibaad. Parents at the old age have not to depend on their children. Whereas in country like India, the poor parents at the old age have to depend upon their children.

In Islam, instead of making the system for Haqooqul Ibaad by the government, more stress is given on an individual so that he/she can earn sawaab/merits according to his/her sacrifice in terms of financial and other social affairs. If compulsion by the government is made for collecting more tax, the sawaab/merits to the tax payers are not given. Hence, in Islam, more stress is given on each individual to sacrifice financially as per his/her strength so that society can be benefited and the individual who sacrifies can obtain virtues/sawaab/merits hereafter. It should be noted that whoever helps his/her parents in India is considered to be more sacrificial than who helps their parents in North America or Europe. Because, in India, if a son/daughter does not help his/her parents, they are likely to be financially paralyzed as they cannot obtain any other help from social system of the country. If a son/daughter in North America does not help his/her parents, they can get financial and other help from social system. So, credit must be given to those children who serve their poor parents in India. Life in countries like India is harder. A son/daughter who earns cannot have guarantee that he/she will be paid by the system in the case of unemployment. Further, there is no old age pension, hence the son/daughter tries to invest more during employment and cannot afford further expenditure. While considering the rights of parents upon his son/daughter, one must consider the overall situation, i.e. financial situation, physical situation and other liabilities of the parents and children. Sometimes it so happens that a son is paralyzed and the parents are in good position, at that time the parents have to help the son. In most cases, the parents need the financial help of their sons. At the time of rise of Islam, pension system was not available and poor parents had to depend on their children. Hence special care is taken in Islam by introducing the rights and responsibilities.

While huqooqul Ibad was present in other religions too, there must be some specialties in Islam about this. Islam is the religion which may be considered as the leader of all the religions on the earth as Allah told in a quran that near the Allah, only Islam is the religion. The specialties may be enumerated as these:

In surah Humazah in quran ( this surah is just prior to Surah Fil-alam tara qaifa ), it has been mentioned that there is a destruction for those who backbites and for those who accumulate wealth and keep on counting! See the translation of this surah.

“Destruction for those who slander others (on their faces) and backbite. Who gathered the wealth and keep on counting. He/she thinks that his/her wealth will remain with him/her forever. Never; such person will be thrown into crushing place. And what do you know what that crushing place is? The fire of Allah; well kindled, which will leap over the hearts. It shall be closed covering over them (in this situation will be surrounded) in high pillars” (Al Quran: 104 Surah Al Humazah)

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This is the reason that in Islam the responsibilities and darjaat (dignity levels/ranks) are mentioned as this:(a)Simple ordinary Muslims: They pay zakaat if due, by 2.5 per cent of the wealth he/she is in possession and earned every year. The amount exceeding equivalent of 7.5 tolas of gold(b)Mo’minin (higher stage muslims believing in tariqat/advance level of sufism): They keep with them only the wealth least needed to live and carry on life in Islamic way. All the excess wealth is distributed among the poor muslim ummah.(c)The leaders (True sayyads/saints): They do not keep with them even the least needed wealth ! This can be seen from example of Hazarat Abu baker Siddiq (R.A.). Once upon a time, our beloved prophet declared to give wealth or other possible help to collect to expend it for holy war against infidels/non-believers. Hearing his call, Hazarat Omar(R.A.) brought 50 percent of his household which he possessed then. He was happy in mind thinking that he would surpass Hazarat Abu Bakar who was used to earn more sawab at every such occasion, because, he was more wealthy than Hazarat Abu Bakar(R.A.). Hazarat Omar knew that Hazarat Abu Bakar would not bring more wealth than what he brought. But, see the knowledge of our beloved prophet (sav) who asked Hazarat Omar “Omar, how much have you left at your home?” Omar(R.A.) told, ”Half of what I have” and now Hazarat Abu Bakar arrived with medium size bag on his shoulder. He put that bag in front of prophet(sav). The holy prophet asked Hazarat Abu Bakar “ How much have you left at your home” he answered, “ I have left Allah and his beloved prophet at my home” It means that Hazarat Abu Bakar brought hundred percent and nothing left at his home whereas Hazarat Omar brought fifty per cent of his wealth. Hazarat Abu Bakar(R.A.) placed his good shirt in the donation and he himself wore old shirt, the buttons of which were broken or gone off. Hence he came with a thorn-stappled shirt in stead of buttons. Looking to this Hazarat Jibrael came with 70000 angels from paradise dressed similarly as dressed like Abu Bakar with a thorny stappled shirts. So, he became our first Khalipha.(d)Now this is the state of leaders of Islam then who our Prophet is: Our prophet (sav) is such personality, according to him, “No one can recognize my state/reality or stations except Allah”So, we must try to sacrifice as far as we can if we are to be true Muslims. In the last sermon (last holy speech of prophet in kaaba) he(prophet-sav) told “an Arabic person has no superiority over an Iranian nor a white has any superiority over a black one. Superiority of one over the other is based on the piety/taqawaa” Taqawaa is based on sacrifice and renunciation of self desires. This is the reason, our beloved prophet told his companions at the time of returning victorious from the last holy war in which our prophet took part “we did little jehad (fought holy war) and victorious but now we have to do great jehad” The companions asked, “ What kind of jehad dear prophet(sav)?” He replied, “ The great jehad and that is jehad upon our own nafs/desires” So, he reminded us to do jehad upon our nafs/desires. This is the sacrifice. To kill or control desires is a sacrifice.Today’s Muslims do little good work and look at the evils of the others. Not only that, looking to the shortcomings of fellow Muslim brother he hates him in such a way that he is not prepared even to see his fellow Muslim brother’s good/right/haqq work. He has a complex in his mind that he used to think of his fellow muslim brother about his lacking

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of things and hence not prepared to listen his fellow brother’s right talks! By this type of thinking, such people do not want to listen good things of fellow muslim brothers. To the people who have this type of thinking, I would like to consider this logic. One person is full of sins. Has not he the right to do neki/sawab/good deed by some work? If he has the right to earn sawab, then to speak haqq/truth is a neki/sawab. And to stop him speaking truth by pin pointing him about his draw backs is a sin. No person can be stopped to do neki. To make the system of general life of the society sincere, such truthfulness is necessary. Of course, one should see towards oneself before saying to others. But nobody is perfect. So, if one suggest about the truth, everybody should accept. Even sinful person can have some good deeds to his account. So, any form of egoism should be avoided. It should be noted that Hazarat Ibrahim (A.S.) had to leave his caretaker uncle/guardian due to his hindrance in the way of straight path. Some companions of our beloved prophet left their infidel parents due to their obstacles put in the right path. Our beloved prophet gave justice in favour of a Jew in one incident he dealt with the so called muslim as he was right in that particular event. So, our prophet did not see the sins of a Jew but he saw the truth of a Jew.

All the human beings including non believers have contained Noor-e-Mohammadi in their body. For this reason, the soul or ruh is contained in the body. The ruh while inserted into Hazarat Adam(A.S.)’ body sprung back saying to Allah, “there is a darkness, I could not live in” So, Allah put Noor-e-Mohammadi into Hazarat Adam(A.S.). So, the ruh lived due to light of Noor-e-Mohammadi. We all humans are from Adam (A.S.) So, we all humans inherited Noor-e-Mohammadi. Further, in everybody’s heart including non-believers, there are two points. One point is for spirituality signal reception and other point is for satanic reception. We can awaken spiritual point by prayers, zikrullah and other meritorious deeds. In saintly people this point is fully awakened and fully receives spiritual signals. In ordinary people, the satanic signal receiving point is dominant. This is the reason, Hazarat Salamaan Farasi (R.A.) was ranked by our beloved prophet(sav) as Ahle Bait (from among the people of house of prophet) even though he was originated from Iran. This is the reason, the heart of mo’min is a house of Allah according to hadis. So, all humans are to be treated as the persons sent by Allah for his submission. If the rights of neighbour are studied in Islam, one will be surprised to see the sayings of the companions of the holy prophet (sav) who told that they had a fear lest some decree should be descended that neighbours would have their share in property of their neighbour! Neighbour may be believer or non-believer. This is a general humanity. In Islam, more respect is given to the poor. Prophet (sav) liked the lifestyle of the poor and he demonstrated it. Prophet’s hadis has been recorded in a book by Hazarat Data Ganj Bax (R.A.) in his book Kashful Mahzub in which it is recorded that the poor would go in paradise (jannah) 500 years earlier than the rich ! And one day of hereafter world is equivalent to fifty thousand years of this material world! This is hadis of Prophet (sav) in Tirmizi narrated by Aby Hurairah (RA). This reward to the poor are due to patience they are used to observe or practice in their continued hardships arising out for small resources to survive life of self and family members. Allah likes the struggle of his slaves.

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By keeping less with the individual and donating the maximum to the charity Institutions can give rise to a socialized system in which big properties, buildings, profits, companies etc can be owned by charity Institutions (Public Instiutions) who may help the needy and poor in the society. So, such system can create equality and a balanced financial situation among the public. This is the real Haquqool Ibaad in Islam. Now a day, it has been a fashion to flatter the rich. It is against the principles of Islam. When some good words about aqidah are told, the people among the Muslims try to cut the talk by saying about haquqool Ibaad. But one thing must be noted that good deeds are always good but such good deeds virtues might be wiped out to a zero by just slight insult to our beloved Prophet as can be seen from quranic verse in which the companions of Prophet (sav) were ordered not to talk in a loud voice in the holy assembly of Prophet (sav) and further showed the result for loudly talking that all the virtues of good deeds be made zero! This is according to quran. So, we should do good deeds for obtaining pleasure of Allah only. Generally, about 70 percents of the rich are proudy and sunk in the ocean of worldly pleasures. In the company of the rich, only worldly things are discussed. They are almost zero in maintaining spirituality. The great saints of Islam advise to keep distance from the rich. The rich are accumulating wealth by avoiding Islamic financial sacrifice and hence downgraded from Islamic spirituality in comparision to the poor. Hence the poor must not surrender to the rich and keep faith on the Allah for assistance and sustenance (food). The poorness of the poor is the direct result of unjust by the rich who created imbalance in the society by not properly practicing Islamic sacrifice. The rich are governing the government in a country. The mismanagement of the government is a direct result of increased poverty in the country and increased imbalance between the poor and the rich. So, such rich people are less in virtues and must not be respected by the poor. The rich can fulfil their needs by the strength of their money and as such they have practically no tolerance and patience whereas the poor have to practice the tolerance and have to keep patience. The life of the poor is full of struggles. Allah likes the struggle of humans. Bibi Hajara (AS) was running between the two small hills in search of water and was struggling in the desert of Mecca. Allah liked this struggling of his lady friend and offered degree to commemorate this event that those hills (Safaa and Marwaa) were declared as symbols of Allah. The reason why the poor will go in the paradise early is due to patience and tolerance properties of the poor.

Most troubles are caused to human by lack of financial resources. To live with limited financial resources is a natural practice of patience by the poor. The poor earn tremendous virtues/merits/sawab due to their patience. The rich, on the other hand, have not to face such financial troubles and they are less virtuous due to not facing the trouble and hence cannot practice normal patience. The level of patience is higher than shukar (thanks). In quran, in surah Al Bakrah, it has been mentioned “Without doubt, Allah is with those who keep patience” Hence, the donations of the rich, in general, cannot surpass the patience of the poor and this is the reason why the poor will go in paradise 500 years earlier than the rich. The practice of patience is necessary by sincerely withstanding against difficulties.


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Every Coming Time Is Bad(Worse) than the Present Time (Hadis in Bukhari Shareef):

In Urdu/Hindi Translation: Har Aanewala Zamaana Mouzuda Zamaane Se Badtar Hai:

This is well-known hadis of our holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). We practically see the reality of this hadis during present time. In hadis (Bukhari Shareef) it is written “the Rich are less in earned virtues or merits”. In Surah Al Humza in Quran it is written “Destruction is for those who back-bites and accumulate wealth and keep on counting” Further details in surah Humza is revealing angered words of Allah to those who accumulate wealth. We see in our time that the people are going to respect the rich more than the poor who are more virtuous according to quran. Actually it should have been happened that the poor should have been more respected by the people. But this is not the case. Hence, while we are not going to follow the command of Allah and his Prophet (Pbuh), it implies clearly that what our beloved Prophet (Pbuh) told 1500 years ago is becoming a reality now. And why not? He was a true Prophet.

We now compare the situation of previous times (years) of Islam and the present time (recent years) of Islam.

Previous Time:(1) Followers’ Numbers: Less(2) Number of Mosques: Less(3) Average Financial Condition of the people: Poor(4) Number of Hajj Performers: Less(5) Zakat given in term of Physical aspect (Volume)/Currency (Rupees/dollars) within whole Ummah :Less(6) Number of Friends of Allah: More(7) Love and Respect of Prophet and Friends of Allah: More(8) Practice of Meditation and Zihadunnafs (Control of nafs/self/desires):Very High(9) General Literacy Rate: Less

Recent Time:(1) Follower’s Number: More(2) Number of Mosques: More(3) Average Financial Condition of the People: Relatively good or average(4) Number of Hajj Performers: More(5) Zakat Given: Relatively More(6) Number of Friends of Allah: Less(7) Love and Respect of Prophet and Friends of Allah : Less(8) Practice of Meditation and Zihadunnafs (Control of self/nafs/desires): Less(9) General Literacy Rate: High

Now one can analyse the comparision of old times and present times. Why did our beloved Prophet say that every coming time is inferior to the present time as regards closeness towards Allah? We have more followers in terms of numbers, we have more

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mosques in terms of numbers, we have more hajj performers in terms of numbers! And yet our time is bad in comparision to previous time!

The most significance thing is that the true aqidah showing true love towards our Prophet (Pbuh) and towards friends of Allah has made the thing happen that previous time was superior than the present one. Today is worse than yesterday. Tomorrow will be worse than today as regards to Islamic Practices and virtues. The best time was the time of Prophet and his companions’ life in this physical world.

This hadis is general for overall situation of the Muslims. We may argue that people’s sins have increased. But the question arises, why sins are increased whereas the mosques and prayer performers including hajj performers have increased to a great extent? Why the sins are not wiped out? Then remember the hadis: To sit for one moment in the company of friend of Allah is more than hundred years faithful worship (ibadat) without any show off! This thing is not so easily available to us in the present time. Previously, the meditation practices were being performed by friends of Allah in their khanqah (spiritual practice madressa). So, these spiritual madressa teaching meditation technique, and awakening of lataaif energy (kundalini Shakti) are not found now. We are performing kaaemi salaat performed in mosque but left daemi salaat performed by meditation in which one is able to awaken lataaif energy and can recognize the self.

We are looking the people who are stopping the love of Prophet and friends of Allah by giving false arguments by one or the other way. This will never stop as our Prophet (Pbuh) has already told us the hadis. So, individuals have to try themselves out to save themselves from such hard time. So, practice true aqida. Peoples’ merits and virtues are lost due to speaking un-respectful words towards our Prophet (Pbuh) and towards friends of Allah. So, those who want to save themselves must see the group who respect and love to Prophet (pbuh) and Friends of Allah and should join them. The groups are easily identified by aqidah. Why third question is asked in the grave about Prophet (Pbuh) while the second question itself relates with the deen (religion)? So, the Islam followers are there but what was their aqidah (belief towards Prophet and his love and towards his house holding people) can be identified by third question in the grave in which our Prophet will be present and grave angels will ask “what do you know about this man?” The dying person will reply according to his aqida. The true aqidah people will say “This is our beloved Prophet (Pbuh) upon whom I want to sacrifice everything” the bad or faulty people will say “This is a man like me” Allah and his Prophet protect us from bad aqida. To pass and get paradise, all three questions of the grave must be passed. In this way bad aqida people cannot go to paradise and hence such people cannot be our leader (imam) of prayers or any other religious affairs.

Some may argue that Prophet Isa (AS) is to come again in this world. But his time is considered as a time of Prophet (Pbuh) like a sliced time of the Prophets. If we cut a slice from a water melon, the water melon may be understood as a time of prophets and a slice may be understood as a specific, particular time of Isa (AS). His time will be considered as a time of Prophets (Previous time).

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The Tawakkal Ala Allah ( Trust On Allah):

The Muslim or Mo’meen or the believers must keep trust on Allah. In fact the believers are always put great trust on Allah. In hadis (talks of Prophet) it has been mentioned that the dignity or spiritual ranks are based on the sacrifice and trust on Allah. Here is an interesting true event recorded by great saint Khwaza Banda Nawaz who has been degreed as the sultan-e-Deccan (king of south). He was living for service of people in the southern part of India. His tomb is in the city of Gulbarg in the state of Karnatak in India. When he was staying in Delhi this event as shown below occurred.

While Khwaza Banda Nawaz ( called as Mohammed Gesu daraz Banda Nawaz) was walking in the bazaar of Delhi, he saw a dog panting and lying in a hunger. As he was about to reach near the dog, one unknown man came near it and vomited so much that there was a pile of food gathered near a dog. People watched this and murmured about that man who ate so full and vomited! The dog was eating that vomited food. Now that unknown man went slowly towards nearby mosque. Hazarat khwaza Banda Nawaz also went chasing that man as he found something unusual. Near the cemented water pit of the mosque they both gathered. The unknown man talked the khwaza Banda Nawaz “You have recognized me” Khwaza Banda Nawaz told “I knew a light was coming out of your body and hence I thought that you are among from friends of Allah” The unknown man said “yes, I am from abdaal-who has the ability to change his body into any form and can go anywhere within few minutes. I have come from my place in the mountains of Lebanon by the order of almighty Allah to make arrangement for food for this dog you have just seen. The dog was sick and hungry since three days” The unknown saint blessed khwaza Banda Nawaz. Tears were trickling down the eyes of khwaza Banda Nawaz looking such mercy and generosity of Allah that he cared animal like dog and appointed his friend for the service of that dog. We are humans and why should we afraid? We must put our trust on Allah. This was a true event. Khwaza Banda Nawaz gave lesson to his devotees to keep trust on Allah for their provision of sustenance (food). There are plenty of such events recorded in history of Islam. We can obtain such recorded events from the life histories of various Islamic saints (friend of Allah).What a shameful humans are that they have trust on Allah for breath he gives, he has trust on Allah for water he gives but he hasn’t so much trust in Allah for food!

This Guidance twelve has been taken from Majaalis-e-Mohammadi written by Hazarat Mansurshah(R.A.) alias Chhotubawa of Hansot , Dist: Bharuch, Gujarat,India.

TAWAKKAL OF KHWAZA RUKNUDDIN KANESHAKAR (RA):Trust of Allah demonstrated by hazarat khwaza Ruknuddin Kaneshakar (RA):This great saint of Islam is resting at his grave tomb in Patan, Gujarat, India. His tomb is situated in a forest near Patan.

Once upon a time hazarat khwaza Mohammed Gesudaraz Banda Nawaz(RA) went to visit him. Both the friends of Allah discussed various matters. During the talks, Khwaza

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Gesudaraz(RA) told Khwaza Ruknuddin Kaneshakar(RA) “the spiritual level of the present day auliyas (friends of Allah) is not so high as that obtained by previous friends of Allah” On listening this hazarat Ruknuddin Kaneshakar(RA) replied “Previous friends of Allah were not used to keep money in the waist-belt!” This reply was given due to the fact that in the waist-belt, khwaza Gesudaraz(RA) had kept some money as a traveling expenditure. On hearing this Khwaza Gesudaraz(RA) asked “How do you carry on?” Khwaza Ruknuddin Kaneshakar(RA) replied “Can you see even a water pot or a glass of water in my hut? When I need water, a glass of water is offered by Allah without my demand as he knows the wish of the heart!” Khwaza Gesudaraz(RA) was very much impressed and he decided to spend all the money to the poor and obtain still higher spiritual rise. Such greatest highly elevated Islamic saints once lived in Gujarat State of India.

This is taken from Auliya-e-Gujarat (Gujarat na auliya) book in Gujarati.


LEVEL OF SHIRQ (Association of Partner with Allah) and HALAL/HARAM of Sajada-e-Tazim and Music in Islam:

To make a partner to Allah is a shirq. Shirq is considered as a great sin. This sin is responsible and enough to make a believer in to a Qafir (disbeliever). Hence such a Shirq must be properly defined and identified. In fact, there are levels of a shirq.

(1) Shirq-e-Asgar (Small Shirq) :This type of shirq creates very small sin and in some cases no sin is created at all. We take help of various things in the world. As for example, we take the train, the bus or the Air-plane to travel from one place to other. At that time we take the help of driver or pilot. We take the help of petrol or diesel for engine of vehicle. So, we take the help of petrol producing and delivery company staff. Now, in Surah Fateha in quran there is a verse stating that “we only worship to you and only ask you for help” Quoting this verse, some groups of Muslims argue in a misleading way about shirq. Actually, Allah is the original helper and other’s help is just a mediation. So, this type of shirq, shirq –e-Asgar is valid in Islam. Islam promotes to help each other for humanity. In helping each other, there is mediation. And, mediation itself is shirq-e-asgar which is valid. Even in learning, we take the help of teachers, books and other resources. These things are not themselves Allah, but we take the help of these things as mediation.

(2)Shirq-e-Kabir/Shirq-e-Akbar (Big Shirq):This type of Shirq creates great sin and by such shirq, the believer becomes Qafir (Disbeliever). This is real association of Partner with Allah. Allah is so great that he does not need any partner for any work or anything. He is indivisible. His attributes are so many. He is alone, single, free of desires, self existent, ever lasting, powerful, almighty and unique. No one can be compared with him. He is boundary less, shapeless, limitless. He is infinite. He only be worshiped. If any body worships an Idol, he will be considered

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as has created shirq-e-akbar and known as disbeliever. The Christian considers Prophet Jesus (AS) as a son of God is similarly considered as Shirq-e-Akbar due to the fact that God cannot deliever child like the child is delievered by woman. Such shirq cannot be forgiven.

Shirq depends upon the closeness of Allah:

When a believer is simply muslim, Allah forgives shirq-e asgar or small shirq. But when he comes closer to Allah and when his spiritual level is increased, Allah loves that believer. When the spiritual Station of the believer is highest, he is closest to Allah. At that time, even to take help of a wooden staff (walking support) is considered as a shirq-e-Akbar (big Shirq). At one occasion, hazarat Baba Masud Fariduddin Ganj Shakar chishty(RA) and Baba Nizamuddin Aulia (RA) were going somewhere. Baba Farid (RA) was walking with a wooden stick as a support. All of a sudden, he threw away the walking stick. Hazarat Nizamuddin (RA) asked why he did so. In reply Baba Farid told hazarat Nizamuddin (RA) that Allah questioned him “am I not sufficient for your help that you require this wooden stick support ?” He further told “on hearing this, I immediately threw away my wooden stick” From this, we can understand the meaning of shirq very well.

Halal/Haram of Music:Before talking about Halal/Haram of Music we examine one example. How would you judge a knife as Halal or Haram. In the case of knife, if it is used to cut vegetables, bread, and other kitchen eatables, it will be considered as Halal. Knives are halal and hence it is easily available in the markets without any license. But what if the same knife is used to kill some body ? Then it will be considered as haram. So, a knife itself is not either halal or haram. Its judgement of haram or halal depends on how it is used.Now one can easily conclude about the Music. The Music and Musical instruments are not halal or haram themselves but they are dependant upon how they are used. If musical instruments are used to play music in night clubs, dance parties and other abusive use, such music is haram. But if the Music and Musical instruments are played to support the holy praise songs of beloved Prophet (sav) and friends of Allah and for praising songs of Allah, such music is valid and halal.

Maulana Rumi (RA) in one of his couplets said “These musical instruments-tabla, sarangi are playing in support of the song of my beloved, how can these be haram? No way”

In one occasion, when hazarat Gausul Azam Mohiyuddin Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) made a long ago buried man alive by kicking at his grave in the grave yard, that man got up from his grave with a musical instrument (sarangi). While he was asked who he was he replied that he was a follower of hazarat Dawood/David (AS). He was asked for the choice whether he wanted to live in this world or want to go from where he had arrived. He preferred to go back as he was a man from paradise and had passed his question in the grave. It should be noted that Dawood (AS) was used to recite zaboor, his divine book given by Allah, with a music. So, it must be noted that music player had obtained paradise. Well learned saintly people say that melodious music is being played in jannah

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(paradise). When a baby child weeps in the cradle and when he/she listens even a music like melodious voice of his/her mother, he/she becomes calm and within short time falls sleep. The baby is reminded in the mind of great melodious memory which he/she used to listen in the paradise before his/her arrival in this world. In this way, when the rhythmic voice has so great effect on the mind and heart of a man, what a great effect it would have if music is played as a support with praise words! Certainly, the effect of poem stir the heart by using the music. By considering this principle, great chishtiya Sufis used to use music in mehfil-e-sama. Hazarat khwaza Mumshad Dinwari (RA) was blessed by vision of Prophet Mohammed (sav) in a dream. Khwaza Mumshad (RA) talked with beloved Prophet (Sav). During their conversation, Khwaza asked the holy Prophet (sav) “I used to organize and listen mehfil-e-sama and people are going to criticize it” The Prophet (sav) replied delightedly “Mehfil-e-sama is a good thing. I used to attend and used to listen such mehfil-e-sama. But whenever you start such mehfils, first recite some verses of quran and then start” What a great message our beloved prophet has given to us. If mehfil-e-sama is started with few recitation of quranic verses, if properly conducted, our beloved Prophet (sav) is coming to listen! So, proper respect is essential. Mehfil-e-sama is a tradition of practice in Chishtiya Sufism as early as Khwaza Mumshad Dinwari (RA). His name is eighth after name of holy Prophet (sav) in Chishtiya silsila. Many say that mehfil-e-sama was started in the time of Khwaza Moinuddin Chishty (RA) was in correct. In fact, it was started from very beginning. In the prophetic tradition (hadis book), couple of events have been recorded in that the music was played. At the occasion of welcome ceremony organized by people of Madinah for our beloved Prophet (sav) where welcome praise song (naat) was song with disc like drums open at one side. Our Prophet did not tell the ceremony organizer that the music was forbidden At the other occasion, Prophet (sav) and companions were going somewhere. In the midway they came across the the place where some song was played with music. Hazarat Omar (RA) threw a pebble as a gesture to stop the song but our prophet (sav) instructed to continue the song.

Halal/Haram of Sajada-e-Tazim:Sajada is a prostration in the salaat. Sajada is a worship of Allah in that praise of Allah is done by complete bending in front of Allah on the knees and keeping forehead on the ground. There are two types of Sajada.

Sajada –e-Ibadat:This type of sajada is done in front of Allah only. No other but Allah is worshiped and who is deserved for such type of sajada.

Sajada-e-Tazim:This type of sajada is done in front of Prophet (sav) and any great friend of Allah, resting places (tombs, shrines) of friends of Allah. There are controversies in the muslim scholars for the validity of sajada-e-tazim. But, more favorable and justifiable proofs go in favor of sajada-e-tazim, and hence valid and allowed. The description is as this:

Sajada-e-tazim is valid and allowed for these reasons:

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(1) There is hadis al qudsi. Allah says that he cannot be contained by the skies nor can he be contained by the earth. But he can be contained in the heart of the believer.

Now it is very easy to decide the validity of sajada-e-tazim. When Allah is contained in the heart of a believer, to respect such believer by sajada is valid. When Allah is residing in his heart, to who one is respecting by sajada? To Allah only. This is the reason, that the great friends of Allah are respected with this type of sajada. For this reason, in mehfil-e-sama some poems are recited which give the recognition of Allah.

(2)There has been recorded one event in Prophetic tradition (hadis books). The event is the becoming of Muslim of hazarat Akaramaa(RA). When hazarat Akarama (RA) arrived in the holy assembly of Prophet (sav), he prostrated, made sajada for respect, at the holy feet of Prophet (sav). The Prophet of Islam smiled and accepted him and made him Muslim. Prophet (sav) did not speak single word in that assembly against sajada-e-tazim. This implies us that sajada-e-tazim is valid and allowed. Otherwise, the beloved Prophet (sav) would have advised hazarat Akramaa(RA) and the gathered companions about prohibition of sajada if any. But this was not the case. Hence it is valid.

(3)Third reason is also available from hadis books. There has been an even recorded. A villager with his Camel came to visit beloved Prophet (sav). His Camel performed sajada as soon as she approached the Prophet (sav). Looking to this, the companions of Prophet (sav) said to the Prophet “this Camel(animal) has performed prostration (sajada), what is your command for us” The beloved Prophet replied “if I order (decree), I would order that the wife should perform sajada at the feet of her husband” Now think deep in the reply of the Prophet (sav). The first thing is “if I order” clearly implies that it was not an order. If it was an order then there would be compulsion for wife to perform sajada to her husband. So, our prophet removed compulsion. But still, its validity and allowance is remained. This may be explained like this. When Ramdan fastings were not yet compulsory, the muslim ummah was used to keep fastings on Ashura (Moharram). The fastings of Ashura were compulsory. But when the declaration of Ramadan fastings arrived, the Ashura fastings’ compulsion was removed. But still they are valid and allowed to keep. If some one keeps fastings on the days of Ashura, it is valid and allowed and the work is full of merits. But its compulsion is removed. Similarly, the compulsion of sajada-e-tazim is removed. But it is valid and allowed. It is considered a good thing if used as a respect to great friend of Allah. The mis-interpretation of this event, some scholar declared sazad-e-tazim as invalid. The very old book “Fawaaidul Fawaad” written by great khalipha of Nizamuddin Auliya(RA) gives definite proof that sajada-e-tazim was a routine practice in the blessed court of Nizamuddin Auliya (RA). This book is a noble recordings of blessed assemblies of Nizamuddin Auliya (RA) by his Khalipha Hazarat Ala Hasan Sijji(RA). At the start of every description for each and every new mehfil (new assembly), the words “after kissing the blessed feet of my master” is written. This gives us indication that, great saint and khalipha of pious saint Nizamuddin Auliya(RA) was used to kiss the feet of his murshad (spiritual master). So, these were the practice of people who are considered as friends of Allah.


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Innovation (Bidah) is normally called when something new is added in the traditional matters. In Islam, innovation is forbidden which may cause deviation from the righteous path.

There are two types of innovations.(1) Objectionable Innovations (2) Non-objectionable Innovations

The Islam has forbidden the Objectionable Innovations. Some groups of Islam mix this type of innovation with the non-objectionable innovation and make the fitna and discord between the groups and divide the community. The faulty aqidah groups create discord in the community and divide the muslim community. Such groups make unnecessary roar mixing both type of innovations and thus misguide the muslim community and succeed in dividing the whole community into groups. Shirq (association of partner with Allah) and innovations are misrepresented by some faulty aqidah groups and create nuisance.

The main subjects in which the faulty aqidah people are mixing the objectionable innovations with non-objectionable innovations are enumerated below.

(a)Graves of friends of Allah(b)Sajad-e-tazim (Prostration of respect) to friends of Allah (saintly people)(c)Music in praise songs (naat, devotional qawwalis, ashiqana and arifana kalams)(d)Celebrations of birth day of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) and Birth and Death Anniversary celebrations of friends of Allah

The above are the main subjects in which the faulty groups of Islam mix Objectionable innovations into non-objectionable innovations.

In fact, the difference between objectionable and non-objectionable innovations in Islam lay in the aqidah. The innovation in aqidah is objectionable innovation whereas the innovations made without innovating the aqidah is non-objectionable innovation.

This may be understood like this. In Islam, there are five compulsory prayers. This is our aqidah. Now if some group declares that there are six compulsory prayers, then that group has changed (innovated) the aqidah. So, to declare that there are six compulsory prayers is objectionable innovation in Islam. If we consider about compiling a quran into a book is also an innovation as the quran was compiled into a book was done after passing away of beloved Prophet (Pbuh). This was done in the time of Hazarat Abu Bakar(RA) to Usman (RA). But this innovation is non-objectionable innovation.

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Those innovations which support the Allah and Prophet(Pbuh)’s commands and traditions are always valid and good. Those innovations which contradict and conflict with the Allah and Prophet (Pbuh)’s commands and traditions are invalid and bad.

So, now it is crystal clear that what the hadis says “every innovation is a deviation from the righteous path” is nothing but objectionable (invalid) innovations.

These two innovations must not be mixed with each other as good things and bad things cannot be mixed.

The most of the derivations (valid/halal or invalid/haram) are based on these innovations. Now the subjects shown above in (a) to (d) must be thoroughly studied and examined and then proper derivation for them must be made.

Examples:(1) Zabar/zair used in quran to properly pronounce the Arabic language by non- Arabic people is an innovation as it came in the time of Usman (RA) and hence an innovation but good and valid as it supports proper pronunciation of Arabic language used in quran.

(2)Collection of hadis into a book done long after Prophet (Pbuh) but valid and good as it facilitates to see various hadis quickly and can help in its preservation.

(3)Watches used in Prayer times is an innovation but good and supportive to perform prayers previously done by sun movements and hence valid.

(4)Travel by Aero planes is an innovation but supportive and facilitates the previous traveling by boats and carts and hence valid and good. The aero planes were not used during Prophet’s time in this physical world.

In the same way, the questionable issues on the above subjects go in favour of sahih aqidah ahle sunnah Sufism group and is the only group which is true as per the Prophet’s saying that there would be 73 groups in his ummah but one group would be in righteous path and go to jannah. Most of the groups except sahih aquidah sunni Susfism have been derived newly just after hijri 1400 years. Just 50-80 years ago from now (2009 AD). These groups themselves are known to have been as innovated groups. In hadis, there is a mentioning that “every new innovation is deviation from righteous path” shows that these innovated groups are wrong paths. They changed “attahiyaat” in sataat. They changed dua after azan. They removed all love matters related with Prophet (sav) and the friends of Allah.



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Before we discuss the matter on crescent, it is important thing to be remembered that whenever any new Islamic rule or sharia law or theory need to be derived, it must be checked with the following two conditions (A) and (B). If it fulfils the requirements of (A) and (B) shown below, the new derivation may be permitted or allowed. If it does not satisfy any one of the (A) or (B) or both, the new derivation must not be permitted.

Condition (A): The newly derived law or act or theory should support or maintain the hadis and traditions of prophet(sav) and his beloved companions, or enhance and ease the follow up procedure of hadis and traditions of prophet and his beloved companions.

Condition (B): The newly derived law or act or theory must not clash, diminish, reduce or vanish the prophetic order, hadis of beloved prophet(sav) and traditions and follow up procedure of companions of beloved prophet(sav). Derivation may be made if no clear prophetic order and no clear follow up of companions of prophet(sav) are available to us.

The above conditions are the checking YARD STICK for deriving new sharia law, rule or follow up theory.

Now a day, in North America, some scholars of islam have interpreted the holy hadis about crescent (moon sighting) and favoured to allowing the use of modern technology and science for the purpose of moon sighting. But please also try to compare the interpretation with the following context too. Some favour to follow the committee of scholars for its decision on moon sighting. Under which circumstances, one should follow the committee, is also a subject matter to be seen. Committee's decision must stand on the hadis. All brothers in islam must know the following regarding the moon sighting.

(1)Moon sighting is specific for ramadan month and sawaal month for fasting and eid celebration respectively, but is general for other months too. There is specific dua (prayer) after seeing the moon each month. Total moon sighting act is completed only if we see the moon, recite verbally or heartily specific dua mentioned in the hadis and further specific act narrated in hadis is done. As for example, after seeing ramadan moon, recite surah al naas and then see at the sword. If such act is accomplished, a merit equivalent of that obtained by shahid (martyr) will be awarded. Such and such other great great rewards are there just to see moon sighting and reciting only few words and just doing very common simplest act like seeing green tree, seeing coloured cloth or seeing young brother's face and you get the reward like salvation from hellfire, obtaining jannah and other great rewards specifically for each and every month.

Now, just think. Why so great rewards are given for such a simple act ? Because, it is said by our beloved prophet(sav) and hence it is a must to be happened. So, it is a testing of iman (faith). It is a tendency of a man to create doubt on a noble work due to influence

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of saitan. The Men begin to think that how is it possible that see moon sighting and just do little thing in couple of minutes and get jannah. But the believer says, it is the order of my prophet and hence there can't be any doubt that the thing will be happened.

So, now tell me, by not seeing the moon by naked eye, will you recite surah al naas and then see the sword and think that you have performed act of hadis and get reward of shahid's merit ? No, because, you must see the moon (crescent) and then do the remaining act to earn stipulated sawaab.

(2)We have to follow the tradition of prophet and his companions. They did not use science for moon sighting. Prophet(sav) was the knower of ilm al gaib. He was knowing whether the moon which was hidden was actually present or not. He himself was enough to witness the moon. He could have declared to have seen of hidden moon and could have initiated ramadan or eid. But he advised in a simple way to declare moon sighting on the base of its eye visibility. And if moon sighting is not there, the next day is fixed by calculation. See, prophet(sav) is looking to the fact who is believing in his call and who disbelieve. Who believes in worldly science and who believe in his words. See, prophet(sav) could have ordered like this "keep fast one more as it doesn't hard and would give you extra merit" If it would be the case, prophet's companions would be ready to keep not only one more fast but keep on a month earlier fastings! But, prophet(sav) and Allah watches you whether you are keeping the words of prophet or not? Good deeds are performed by infidels too. When we perform any good deed, it is weighed on a balance of pleasure of our prophet(sav) and Allah. In quran, it is written that follow Allah and follow prophet(sav). Our deeds are weighed whether it is followed by the order and act of prophet or not. If the deeds of the believer are not performed according to the will of Allah and his beloved prophet, such deeds will be thrown back to the believer. Now if our start of month of fastings or eid celebrations are not according to the will and tradition of the beloved prophet, there are likely chances that such deeds be thrown back. When you please our prophet, Allah will be pleased and your deeds will be accepted.

(3)(a)See, why qafirs are riding on us(muslims). This is one of the reasons that we have turned away from simple act of moon sighting and its order. The hadis is simple. "Start ramadaan after seeing moon and make eid after seeing moon, if the moon is not seen then complete 30 days." In every place in the world, we must obey this hadis where moon sighting is common to take place.

(3)(b) In surah Ahzaab in holy quran, in verse number 36 which states “ Wa maa kaan lay mu’memin wa la mu’menatin……..dalla dalaalam mubinaa” meaning that “None of the believer men and believer women has this right that when Allâh and HIS Rasool (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) have given a judgment in any matter then he/she should has an option to make decision in that matter of his/her own. And whosoever disobeys Allâh and HIS Rasool (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam)) then he/she has been lost in a clear error.” This is alarming ! Now see that our prophet(sav) has already given order/judgement that if moon sighting is not appeared after 29th of islamic month, complete 30 days to start Ramadan fastings or to celebrate

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eid-ul-fitra. Other Islamic festivals must be celebrated by counting the dates in this way. The crescent committee has only to approve the witnesses for crescent and then to declare officially about crescent. As per quran’s this ayat or verse, no further research is necessary.

(4)Moon sighting based on calculation also shows reduced respect towards previous pious auliya including companions of prophet(sav) as it implies by deriving modern lunar calendar that they had less authority in knowlege of modern science. Thus to consider such pious companions of prophet(sav) and auliya(r.a.) inferior to us in whatever cause it may be, leads one to misguiding path and destroy iman due to smell of disrespect (be-adabi). There is a hadis that our prophet told that the time of himself and his beloved companions was best till qayamat. Now we must follow the best time of islam and follow the best pious auliya and companions of prophet. We cannot consider such pious persons as having lack of knowledge. There is a hadis in which prophet (sav) told that he is a city of ilm (knowledge) and Ali(r.a) is its gate. We cannot consider them as having lack of modern science knowledge. When there is an end of modern sciences, there is an opening of the gate of miracles which the pious auliya perform. Our prophet told that the body of prophets and saints used to remain in tact in their graves and could not get decomposed. Modern science is helpless to understand this phenomenon. So,our previous pious religious leaders were well advanced. They prepared lunar calender in such a way that from early days of islam till today, no month occured which contained 28 days or 31 days. The calculation itself cannot come under the definition of ruyah (to get information). The result of the calculation is a fact thing. We cannot say that we got the information that 2+2 =4. So, there is no necessity of further research for the way already shown by our prophet. The word ruyah is used in the hadis of prophet(sav) about crescent. But this indicates to get information of moon's eye visibility through witness from near or far within the accountable or applicable distance. We can derive the rule from quran and hadis where exact follow up was not possible. As for example, can we travel by aeroplane ? We can derive from quran and hadis that we can ride on planes as no plane was available then and our prophet has not put forth an order. But, in the case of moon sighting, our prophet ordered us and guided us and gave us solution too ( complete 30 days in case crescent not seen). By saying in the hadis that, if moon sighting was not found, complete 30 days of fasting, implies us that no further research is necessary.

(5)According to hadis,muslim ummah is bound to follow the committee of islamic scholars provided that the very cause itself be according to hadis. The ummah is bound to follow the committee of scholars if it judges and approves the two witnesses who has seen moon sighting. Also committee approves the witnesses whether they belong to fulfill the shari'a codes for themselves. In such case, hadis of prophet (sav) has ordered the muslim ummah to follow the committee of scholars. But if the committee decides the moon sighting on the calculation base, the act itself is against the hadis due to above reasons and under such circumstances; the committee decision cannot be followed.

(6) Some scholars give example of Watches(time clocks) which are utilised for prayers(salaat) by muslim ummah. But the Watches( time clocks ) are utilised as a suppliment to observing the sun. The prayers(salaat) are not disturbed by using the

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watches(clocks). The salaat or joint prayers based on the timings or sun movement are being performed exactly in the same way as were performed before the invention of watches(clocks). Hence the use of watches can be treated as supportive to hadis for salaat purpose. But by introducing the calculation based modern calendar, the moon sighting act is prevented and hence it cannot be termed as a suppliment to moon sighting as moon sighting prayer cannot be performed. In old days watches were not available at the time of prophet(sav) in this world. When the particular thing is not clearly available in hadis or quran, we can derive it for the benefit of ummah in such a way that there can't be any chance to clash with the hadis. But in the moon sighting, clear follow up and its order by the prophet and its solution, too, is available. So, here a chance of doubt to clash with the hadis may be developed to introduce calculation based moon sighting. Hence, when there is a chance of a doubt to clash with the hadis, then such act must be stopped. If muslim ummah will start to use calculation based calendar, moon sighting work will be vanished, and consequently moon sighting prayer will be vanished and the tremendous bountiful blessing rewarding deeds will be vanished. So, to prevent the muslim ummah from doing such pious act can be regarded as clash with the hadis.

(7)See the knowledge of unseen(gaib) of our prophet(sav) that he must be knowing that a time will come that simple hadis of moon sighting will be distorted by interpretation. And hence he magnificently placed a light to avert such misinterpretation. He placed specific prayer(dua) for moon sighting together with a specific act to be done so that specific stipulated virtues(sawab) can be obtained. This sawab or virtues can be obtained if moon sighting is seen by naked eye. This sawab cannot be obtained if we follow calculated moon sighting. So, here the example of watches(clocks) is quashed.

(8)It is a very common customs from the early time of Islam that the muslim ummah use the calendar for the purpose of general calculation of days, months and years only. If in a calendar, eid day was marked after 30th day of ramadan and it so happened that the crescent found after 29th day of ramadan, the muslim ummah will start sawwal month according to moon sighting and celebrate eid according to the moon sighting after 29th of ramadan. This clearly shows that the muslim ummah does not give importance to calendar, whether it is classical or modern. The muslim ummah is following the hadis. So, predetermined dates must not be used to declare muslim festivals. In the last sermon addressed by our Prophet (pbuh), there is a mention about Calendar and inner gesture was given by this “O People, the unbelievers indulge in tampering with the calender in order to make permissible that which Allah forbade, and to forbid that which Allah has made permissible. With Allah the months are twelve in number. Four of them are holy, three of these are successive and one occurs singly between the months of Jumada and Shaban”So, our Prophet (Pbuh) was very precise about Calendar and no change in Calendar system be made to respect our Prophet (Pbuh).

(9)The maximum radius of distance that may be allowed to follow the moon sighting can be calculated as this. This is purely based on the time period for which the moon remains visible.Suppose Moon sighting appeared in Toronto. Now moon remains visible for half hour at the first night. So, the distance between the two cities, of which, there is a difference in

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the sunset timing equals half hour between those cities, then the distance between those cities will be taken as a radius. And all area of that circle formed by the radius will follow the moon sighting of Toronto. Each cities of this circle will follow this moon sighting.

Now say, as for example, there is a difference of 15 minutes between sunset timings of Toronto and Detroit, hence moon sighting between these cities will be followed by all living muslim ummah between Toronto and Detroit. On calculating, it comes 800 kilometers radius to have sunset difference of half hour longitudinally. So, if there is moon sighting in Makkah(saudi arabia) and we follow that moon sighting for Detroit(USA) is invalid.

(10)Our beloved prophet and his companions used to calculate zakat at the rate of 2.5 %(O.025 multiplier). The fiqh council of North America, in their address to justify astronomical calculations for moonsighting pleaded that companions of holy prophet were illiterate!(naaujubillah). In fact they were using multiplier of 0.025 for calculation of zakat. What a weak argument! Saitan is trying to deceive the muslims and the muslims are trapped. Some of the muslim organization in North America is following ISNA fiqh council for moonsighting.

HOW TO INVESTIGATE THE VALIDITY OF ANY MODERN SCIENTIFIC LUNAR CALENDER: SEE THE THEORY BELOW TO CHECK:By naked eye, you can see exact round circular shaped moon for lunar dates 13,14 and 15th of each month. Then on 16th, the moon starts ovalling (oblonged). So, by observing through naked eye any time during the night time, check the moon right from 12, 13,14, 15 and 16. See the moon and you will notice that perfect round moon will be appeared on 13,14 and 15th dates. Perhaps, this may be reason that these dates are called as ayyame bais and special prayer is recited on these days. The 16th moon will start ovalling. Sometimes even 16th moon is also looked round by naked eye but can be judged by circumference. If the circumference or boundary of moon is looked hazy at some place on the boundary, it is considered as oval and not round. By this way, you will be sure to determine exact date for 16th lunar date. You can compare the 16th date with calendar to be tested. You can calculate the further date like 17,18, and so on and then compare the dates with the modern scientific lunar calendar claimed to have been derived. If it matches, the calendar will be true for the month. After verifying few months, the validity of the calendar can be determined.

My observation through the above theory proved that the so called scientific calendar derived by present scholars of North America and its publicity by ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) was false for ramadan month of Sep 2006 by one day. ISNA declared Sep 23,2006 as start of ramadan but it was in fact, Sep 24, 2006 while observing by above method. Any one can check this method.


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Dear Muslim brothers, in your speeches in the assembly of the Muslims, stress on the deeds which have mountain high virtues earned within few seconds, specifically speaking, the moon sighting and its prayers for each month. This is a special gift by our beloved Prophet sav to the Muslims. If the muslim ummah contains more number of people of high quality deeds, the overall world image will be reflected in a positive way. This is, because, Allah shows mercy on the earth according to the faith and deeds of the muslims due to his chosen ummah. Please see the virtues of moon sighting! Isn't it a tremendous one? (1)See crescent of Moharram and immediately recite surah al fateha and see gold so that a reward equivalent to forty hajj be awarded (2)see crescent of Safar, recite immediately surah al nasr and then immediately look at mirror so that uncounted good things can be seen in the life. (3)See crescent of Rabi ul Awwal,recite surah kauser, and immediately look at the water so that you will be cleansed by vanishing all your sins. (4)See crescent of Rabi ul Akhar, recite surah zilzaal(eza Zul zel), and look at the goat so that virtues equivalent of freeing thousand slaves are given (5)See crescent of Jamadi ul Awwal, recite surah Ikhlas (qul howallaho Ahad) and look at the silver so that countless advantages are given. (6)See crescent of Jamadi ul Akhir and recite surah al Alaq and look at the face of old muslim brother so that whole month will pass in happiness. (7)See crescent of Rajab and recite Surah Aadiyaat and look at the holy book quran so that you will be fearless of the fear of qayaamat(day of judgement) (8)See crescent of Shaabaan, recite surah al Kariyah and look at the tree so that whole month will pass in pleasure. (9)See crescent of Ramadaan, recite surah al naas(qul aoojo be rabbil naase) and look at the sword so that reward of equivalent of virtues of a martyr are given. (10)See crescent of the month of sawaal, recite surah Lahab (tabbat yadaa) and look at coloured cloth(dress) so that reward of having done the duties of parents (fulfilling rights of parents) are given. (11)See crescent of Zilqad and recite surah Asr and look at the pen so that you are saved from the hellfire and hell torments. (12)See crescent of Zilhajj and recite surah Qadra and look at the face of young muslim brother so that Jannat(paradise) be awarded.

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 This is only a work of half hour to one hour in a year!The reward is bountiful. One will be saved from hellfire, he/she will enter in jannah, he/she will be ranked as faithful and fulfilling duties towards his/her parents, he/she will be like martyr(died in the way of Allah), and other rewards just for the work of half hour in a year! If, the muslims will be doing such easiest work with faith intact, their auras will be spreading in the around and the whole around such people will be under the mercy of Allah. The result will be a peace (salaam) which is the result of practice of Islam. Everybody will be positive for you muslims! Without doing good deeds, if you surpass one difficulty, the other will come. The shaitan is blowing negative ideas to people of faith and non believers. Only good deeds with a faith, the shaitan can be quanquered. GUIDANCE SIXTEEN: RECITING DURUD AND SALAAM FOR PROPHET (Pbuh):

This guidance relates the importance of geetings (durud and Salam) to Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh):

Allah in holy book quran commands us to say durud and salam upon holy Prophet Mohammed (sav). In Surah Al Ahzab Verse 56 allah commands “Undoubtedly, the Allah and the angels sends durud upon Prophet(sav), o who brought faith (believers) send upon him durud and comfortable salaam best suited to him”

The compulsory prayers which are performed five times a day include the durud and salaam to Prophet in them. The prayer cannot be completed unless a durud and salam is not spoken. There is a mentioning in hadis books about the virtues of a durud. The virtues vary according to durud. There are many duruds which carry different virtues. But the least virtues are like this. If the durud is recited one time, there is ten merits rewarded and ten sins are forgiven. Closeness to Prophet (sav) is obtained by reciting durud and salam. A love towards Prophet is increased.

There is one hadis. One companion asked the holy Prophet “Who will be near to you on the day of judgement?” The Prophet replied “the one who recited maximum durud upon me”

From this one can understand the importance of the durud and salaam. Prophet (sav) taught us the durud how to recite it. The salam to Prophet(sav) does not have exact words. So, we must offer salaam in such away that it suites and please him. The salam relates the love of an individual with the Prophet.

Chishtiya Durud and its meaning:

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“Allahumma salle alaa saiyedena Mohammediv wa ala aale saiyedena Mohammedin kamaa tohibbo wa taradaa be-an tosalleya alayhe”.

Meaning:“O Allah, send durud to our leader Mohammed and to children of our leader Mohammed in the manner as loved by you and liked by you, as if you are sending durud upon him”

The reality of Mohammed (sav) can only be recognized by Allah in a best way and he can best use the praise words suitable to him. This durud shows the words that Allah may send durud on behalf of us in the best way known to him.

One Salaam written by author of this ebook is shown below:

Please read, print and publish this salaam for blessings. This salaam contains 92 lines. The number 92 is a holy number called as “Adad” of the holy name of our beloved Prophet ( PBUH ). So as if this salaam is granted by our beloved Prophet. The holy quran’s aayat ‘ ya aiyohallajina aamanu salloo alayhe wa sallemoo taslimaa ‘ clearly states to say salaam to beloved prophet respectfully from anywhere and anytime as there is no restriction said and this aayat is read everywhere everytime and hence we must obey the order laid by Allah-the almighty. The word ‘salloo’ is for durud and ‘wasallemu’ is for salaam.

Salaam to Prophet (PBUH )

O Aamena’s beloved son, please take our kind salutationsO Halima’s beloved one, please take our kind salutations

The moon was cut into two pieces raising your fingerThe set sun was arisen from west raising your fingerO crowned of both the worlds, take our kind salutations

Allah offers you his salutationsAngels offer you their salutationsO master of jibrael, take our kind salutations

None in the both worlds is comparable with youNone has gone above the skies except youO degreed having reached to ultimate height, take our kind salutations

Stones and trees kneel down in front of youAll creations remain in obedience to youO super power of both the worlds, take our kind salutations

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When angels were ordered to kneel down in front of AdamThe angles could not understand your light in AdamO secret of both the worlds, take our kind salutations

You are dressed as a human body but kind towards everybodyYou are divine light, and enlightened is your body O shadowless enlightened body, take our kind salutations

However shadowless you are, your shadow has spread everywhereEvery thing is shinning in the universe here and thereO our master of glittering, take our salutations

The shadow of your body never existed any timeThe shadow of your light shower on us all timeO light from light of Allah, take our kind salutations

Please let us hide in your blanket O my MasterPlease stamp on us to bring us as your slave O my MasterO ranked of Makaam-e-Mehmood, take our kind salutations

You are a leader of all prophets and friends of AllahYou are loved one of Hasnein, Ali and FatemahO content of hearts of loved ones, take our kind salutations

Husein is the king, and the emperor is also HuseinHusein is the religion and the shelter taken by the religion is HuseinO grandfather of that Husein take our kind salutations

That who remained waterless, hungry for three days and nightsThat who kneeled down in front of Allah in the swords’ lightsO guardian of that steadfast take our kind salutations

The flower fragrance is pale looking to your sweatCity of Madina is fragranced by your sweatO Garden of both the worlds take our kind salutations

You are a city of knowledge and the door is AliYou are taught by Allah, making you Ummi NabiO degreed as Ummi Nabi take our kind salutations

Always worried for the believers and the kind for everybody are youPresent and witnessing everywhere and nothing is unseen for youO deputy of master of unseen knowledge take our kind salutations

Allah admired as Taaha , Yaasin and with other precious words for youPraised by Allah are you, how can we worthless find words for you ?

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O kind towards all the universe take our kind salutations

Kausar is given to you by Allah, What is left not given?All the treasures are given to you, Why should not we say as all given?O mirror of Allah take our kind salutations(O distributor of the treasures of Allah take our salutations)

Yet the words were not at your lips when kiblaa was changedWe the loved ones found out our place exactly placedO kaabaa of kaabaa take our kind salutations

In holy Quran Allah says Atiullah wa RasoolHow can one separate then Allah from RasoolO beloved friend of Allah take our kind salutations

By aayat Warafa’anaa laka jikarak, Allah increased your prestigeHigh and ultimate are your ties O maintainer of us- beggars take our kind salutations

We have no strength to control us, O Rasool we are with youWe have to return to your house, Allah is not far from youO reached at the infinite place take our kind salutations

Ashamed of sins are we and remedy of woes are youHoping of forgiven are we, offering our loving salutations to youO forgiver of our sins, take our kind salutations

Your tongue is the tongue of Allah and Your hand is Allah’s handLink to link I have picked up your handO possessor of the hand of nature, take our kind salutations

You are above the skies and you are on the earth, Jibrael surprised looking to thisWhat is this world, whereas you are the pen and the book of the creations of thisO merged in Allah and always alive take our kind salutations

You are a king of both the worlds and yet only dates and mat are in your houseYour simplicity is unique while the kings received donations from your houseO emperor of the kings take our kind salutations

Hearing abuses, you prayed for them To the hungries, keeping yourself hungry you gave food to themO Guardian of the poor take our kind salutations

When the fire meets the iron, the iron becomes fireWhen Allah meets Rasool, the Rasool becomes Allah’s sapphireO Allah’s sapphire, take our kind salutations

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Of fig, of olive and of Makkaah the oath were taken by AllahYour acts were loved so much, the oath of relations to you were taken by AllahO our prophet of miraculous properties take our kind salutations

Every deed of yours is an example for us.In an example and in exampleless unique, teachings of yours is surprise to us.O our unique prophet take our kind salutations

You are listening, you are looking, knowing and forecasting are youNews of ours, salutations of ours, remaining in a veil taking are youSometimes unveilingly, O our prophet take our kind salutations.



Before we describe about friends of Allah, let us see what holy book Quran and Prophetic traditions books (Hadis) say about them.

Part One: Quranic Verses

(1) “Annabiyyo awla bilmu’menin min anfosehim wa azwazohu ummahatohum” meaning that the Prophet (Mohammed-Pbuh) is nearer to mo’menin than their lives/souls and his wives are mothers of mo’menin. So, the prophet is near to all believers till qayamat(judgment day) in such a way that he is more nearer than believers’ souls. (Al Quran: Surah Al Ahzaab, verse -6). Here, the word “awla” is used. From this word, the word “wali (friend)” is derived. The friend is one who is nearer to his partner. It shows nearness. Some bad akidah people translate the word “awla” as deserving or superior. Let it be so, the nearness cannot be denied. In fact “A’ala” word is suitable for the meaning of deserving or superiority. “Awla” has aeabic letters alef, wav, lam and ya whereas “A’ala” has alef, ein,lam and ya Arabic letters. “Wali” has letters Wav, lam and ya letters which is related to “awla” word. The meaning “nearness” is most appropriate.

(2) In Surah Al-Nisa, in verse number 174 it is written in quran “Ya ayyohannaso qad jaa’kum burhanum min rabbekum…….Nuram mubinaa” meaning “O people, came to you from your lord an argument, and descended towards you shining light” Here, “argument” is called for beloved Prophet (Pbuh) and “light” is called for quran.

(3) In surah Mujadilah in ayat number 22 it is written “La tajidu qawman yuminoona biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri yuwaddoona man hadda Allaha warasoolahu walaw kanoo abaahum aw abnaahum aw ikhwanahum aw AAasheeratahum olaika kataba fee

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quloobihimu aleemana waayyadahum biroohin minhu wayudkhiluhum jannatin tajree min tahtiha alanharu khalideena feeha radiya Allahu AAanhum waradoo AAanhu olaika hizbu Allahi ala inna hizba Allahi humu almuflihoona ”You will never see that those people who believe in Allâh and the Last Day they love those people who have opposed Allâh and HIS Rasool (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam), even if they are their fathers, or their sons, or their brothers, or their family members. These are those people in whose hearts Allâh has imprinted Faith and has strengthened them with a spirit (Rûh) from HIMSELF. HE will admit them into such Gardens (Paradise) underneath which canals will be flowing. There they will live forever. Allâh is pleased with them and they are pleased with Allâh. They are the members of Party of Allâh. Be aware! Only the members of the Party of Allâh are going to be successful.” These verses of quran advise us to detach ourselves from those whosoever talks ill, abusive or displeasing words for our prophet.

(4) In surah Aley Imran in quran, in verse 169 it is written that “ wa laa tahsabanna allazin qotelu fi sabilillah……” do not imagine the martyrs who are killed in the way of Allah as dead, but they are alive and they are provided provisions(rizk) by their lord. And In holy book quraan, in surah Bakarah, it has been mentioned that those who are killed in the way of Allah are not to be called as dead, but they are alive but you (people) do not know.

(5) In ayat 69 of surah Al Nisa in Quran it is written “the nabiyyin,siddiqin,Shohadas (martyrs) and saalehin are those who are awarded the prizes by Allah” Nabiyyin means the Prophets, Siddiqin means the truthful, shohda means the martyrs and saalehin means other friends of Allah. The prizes means ne’amat, rehmat, mercy, miracles etc. In prayer (salaat) we pray by reciting surah fateha “guide us the righteous path, the path of whom you rewarded prizes” So, we must study the life history of pious friends of Allah and study the way on which they walked and try to follow them.

Part Two: Descriptions from Hadis Al Qudsi

(1) Allah says “by constant voluntary prayers (nifl ibadat), the person can become so close to Allah that his hands are the hands of Allah, his tongue is the tongue of Allah and his eyes are the eyes of Allah” (Hadis al qudsi)

(2) Allah says “whoever shows enmity towards my friend, I am at war with him” (hadis al qudsi)

(3) Allah says “I am so vast and great that I cannot be contained in skies or the earth but I can be contained in the heart of the true believer-mo’min” (hadis al qudsi)

(4) Allah says “when the believer calls me I listen to him, when he comes walking to me I go to him running, he takes one step towards me, I walk seventy steps towards him” (hadis al qudsi)

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And Maulana Rumi said “To sit one moment in the company of friend of Allah is better than hundred years’ sincere prayers (ibadat) done without show off”

From the above, we must have understood the importance of friends of Allah. The charm of Islam is resting in the friends of Allah. Allah loves his friends so much that he also loves to the things related with them. In Quran, in surah al Kahaf (the cave) there is a description about the cave people who are among the friends of Allah. When these cave people were on their way to cave, a dog accompanied them. The dog was lame at one leg. The cave people tried to stop the dog accompany them by throwing few small stones at the dog but the dog never left company and followed them. When the cave people went inside the cave, the dog remained seated at the mouth (entrance) of the cave. The quran describe the sitting of the dog like this “the dog is sitting at the entrance of the cave widening its legs” The style of describing the sitting shows the tremendous love of Allah towards dog. This dog was never forgotten by quran as it described “some said that they were four and fifth was their dog. Some said they were five and sixth was their dog” Similar is the case with two small hills Safaa and Marwaa situated in Mecca. Due to relations of these hills with a lady friend of Allah (mother of Prophet Ismail-AS), these hills are declared in Quran as symbol of Allah. The pilgrims of hajj have to perform running between these two small hills in commemoration of the running of friend of Allah (mother of prophet) in her struggle in search of water. The style of her noble act was so loved by Allah.

Now looking above verses from Quran and Hadis, we can establish that to visit shrines, graves and tombs of Allah is a noble deed to acquire blessings from them and nearness of Allah can be obtained. And to disregard or insult such pious people may bring anger and wrath of Allah as per part two-para 2 above.



Islamic Practices include following

(a) Compulsory Prayers performed in Mosques/Houses

(b) Compulsory Prayers and ceremonies during Hajj Pilgrimage (This is due only to hajj pilgrimage which is compulsory to the rich followers of Islam.

(c) Voluntary Prayers which include recitation of durud and salam to Prophet (sav), zikr (continuous recitation of attributed and self name of Allah and friends of Allah), tasbih zikr (continuous glorification of Allah), meditation which include breathing and weaving names of Allah, stopping breath and weaving names of Allah by heart etc and making dua (request for purpose). Zikr of Allah may be loud or silent.

(d) Giving Charity/Donations which include open donation by declaration and hidden donation. Paying of compulsory levy (zakaat) due to the rich at the rate of 2.5 per cent of

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the income. The poverty and rich separation line is 7.5 tolas of Gold acquisition as a property or its equivalent. So it is approximately 82.5 grams in metric system.

(e) To do permitted work and to abstain from forbidden work. The details of halal and haram can be easily available. There are special things in halal and haram. The interest in business is invalid in Islam. The meat of Pig is haram (forbidden). The meat of already dead animal is haram (forbidden). Adultery is forbidden. Blood drinking is forbidden. There is a precise method to sacrify the animal in the name of Allah. And there are certain animals which are halal (valid) for food for Muslims.

(f) Repentance and Seeking forgiveness at the court of Allah for committed sins. There are various duas and descriptions and verses by which one can seek forgiveness. In hadis it is written “ when forgiveness is granted, the person becomes as if he had not committed any sin”

(g) Thanks (Shukar) to Allah for his kindness, mercy, glad news of paradise and warning of hell tortures to guide to right path

(h) Patience (Sabr) and contentment in the time of hardships and keeping firm faith in Allah.

(i) Jihad (Fighting in the way of Allah): To fight against all evils is jihad. This may be a fight agaist disbelievers and a fight against our own desires (nafs). In hadis there is a description that at one occasion while the companions of holy Prophet were returning victorious from holy war against disbelievers, the Prophet told “we have done small jihad (holy war) and became vicorious but now we have to prepare ourselves for a big war (great Jihad) and that is a war on our own nafs (desires)-jihadun nafs”

For details, one must approach the Islamic centers, Islamic Scholars and other Islamic facilities like books, print media, video speeches, audio speeches. Islamic study programs include four to six years to become an Islamic Scholar. For becoming follower, one has to approach any Muslim center, scholar or saint and learn basic matters just to simply practice as a routine prayers. To practice Islam as an ordinary simple Muslim is very easy.



Allah is the creator (generator), administrator (operator) and destructor of this entire universe. After destruction of this entire creation of this universe, he will create a day of judgment called as a qayamat day. On the day of judgement, every body will be questionable in front of him for their affairs during the worldly life. The full account of their deeds, merits, virtues and sins will be given. Those whose merits, virtues and good

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deeds are more than their sins, they will be awarded paradise (jannah) and those with dominating sins will be thrown in the hell fire- a place of torments.

So, it is absolutely necessary that we must save our good deeds and merits. The earned merits and good deeds may be wiped out if we cannot protect them. When we earn money or property, we make arrangements to save them or protect them. In the same way we have to protect our earned good deeds and good virtues or merits.

How are the good deeds, merits and virtues destroyed?

(1) In holy quran, there is a mentioning - In holy book quran, in ayat two of surah Hujarat, “ ya ayyohallajina aamanu la tarfau aswaatakum……. Wa antum laa tashourun” states that “o believers, do not keep your voice louder than the voice of nabi(Pbuh) while talking to him as usually you talk loudly to each other while you talk to each other, lest your good deeds should be destroyed and you even cannot know”

This ayat is alarming us that even to speak louder in front of nabi(pbuh) is treated as insult to him and becomes a reason to destroy our good deeds. Now think of those who speak displeasing words about our prophet by one or other way. What will happen to those people ? Their good deeds are vanished without their knowledge. They will know this thing at the time of day of judgement. Normally, if someone drinks wine, a sin will be written in his or her account as wine is prohibited in Islam but this sin will not erase his or her good deed like salaat(namaaz), fastings etc. This clearly implies that to insult or to displease nabi or any friend of Allah becomes so great sin that cause all previous merits(sawaab) of good deeds destroyed.

(2) There is a hadis “Those who do not respect the elders and do not show mercy towards the young ones are not among us”

This clearly implies us that the holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) informed us to respect the elders and show mercy on the little ones so that we can get place near the Prophet. The young people must respect the elders and the elders must show mercy towards the youngsters.

So, we must behave properly in the society so that our good deeds can be protected till the day of judgement.

In fact, it is a qualification given by the Allah to the elders that they are born earlier than the younger ones and hence must be respected. Hence normally, it was a tradition that an oldest son is set on the throne of the king. It is usually a tradition that an oldest son (senior most) is given khilaphat of a saint. Under the unavoidable circumstances only, this tradition is not followed.

When a saint decides to confer his khilaphat (deputy) to suitable person from his followers, he keeps in mind the important hadis of our beloved Prophet mentioned above

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“Those who do not respect the elders and do not show mercy towards the young ones are not among us”

Hence under the normal situation, the khilaphat is bestowed upon the eldest or the most senior person. If the eldest person has the disability like madness or weakness greater than average to perform duties, the regular tradition is not adopted. Otherwise, the tradition is adopted under normal circumstances. Our Prophet has taken care to stop dictatorship of the elders upon the younger, and hence the mercy has to be shown upon the younger.

When the senior or eldest son is deprived of the khilaphat (throne) and the younger is set on the throne, the abnormal situation of respecting the younger by the elder sons will arise which is contradicting the hadis of the holy Prophet of Islam. Any work or system done against our holy Prophet’s hadis cannot obtain natural barakah (blessings). Natural barakah (blessings) are obtained if a system or work is done in accordance with the hadis.

In present day Saudi Arabian System, the successor of the king is made to whom who is eldest in the king and his brothers’ family. Hence, if the king demise and his brother is living and the eldest son is also living, whoever is older in age is made a successor of the king. In doing so, knowingly or unknowingly, the hadis in (2) above is followed and hence natural blessings in governing the country is obtained. Our holy Prophet’s hadis is general. We know that the dignity (darjaat) level based on piety (taqwa) is totally spiritual thing and general public cannot know whose taqwa is great and whose taqwa is inferior. But yet our Prophet (pbuh) mentioned this hadis implies that this hadis is based on the age as a qualification. The one whose age is more must be respected by those whose age is less. This is a general hadis. There is a group of people whose ages are 55, 50, 49.5, 42, 30, 25. Then Person who has 55 years age must be respected by all other 5 persons. Person with 50 years as age must be respected by people who has age below to him, i.e. by 4 people. And person who has 25 year of age has to respect all persons. The natural blessings are reduced due to the fact that this tradition is slowly and slowly vanishes away from the society. This is to be practiced generally in every house of Muslim ummah. The houses in which this general hadis is not obeyed, the (blessings) barakah from such houses go away.

It must be noted that Saudi Arabian System must not be considered as an Ideal. The Ideal System in Islam is democracy. Islam introduced democracy to entire world by election of the leaders known as khalipha. But the khilaphat system lasted for first four pious khaliphas only. Then dictatorship was created by Yazid bin Muawiah. Later, Abbasi and Osmani Khilaphat time arrived in Islam. That khilaphat was like kingship and not like democratic. So, something is better than nothing. When such system is running, then it should at least considere this hadis in selecting a leader. Even in democracy, the leader of democratic party is made to the senior most person. We should consider this hadis in deciding party leader. Once party leader is selected, the election is the ultimate deciding factor. In deciding first four pious khalipha, this hadis was implemented in electing them. Hazarat Abu Bakar(RA) was senior than Omar(RA) and this seniority was also

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considered. Hazarat Abu Bakar (RA) had delivered a speech before he was elected. He might have said such things. In our houses, some rich people have their big business, industries etc. To run such business, the leader is required. In deciding leader, this hadis can be implemented.



The reference from Quran is available to respect the physical things related to Prophets and Friends of Allah for obtaining blessings.


Holy Quran says in verse 248 of Surah Bakarah (Surah number 2)Waqala lahum nabiyyuhum inna ayata mulkihi an yatiyakumu alttabootu feehi sakeenatun min rabbikum wabaqiyyatun mimma taraka alu moosa waalu haroona tahmiluhu almalaikatu inna fee thalika laayatan lakum in kuntum mumineena With this their Prophet (Samuel) told them:"The sign of his appointment as a king from Allâh is that during his rule you will get the box back, in which there is peace of mind (Sakinah) for you from your Râbb, which has the sacred residue left by the family of Mûsa and family of Hârûn, and which has been carried by the angels at this time. If you are true believers, then it is a great sign for you”

The Prophet of Bani Israel- Samweel (AS) called as Samual in English, decided to make Taalut as a king of Bani Israel. But Bani Israel put the condition that if they obtain the meritorious box back which had been taken away by then qafirs (disbelievers) after their win against Bani Israel, they would accept Taalut as their king. Allah gave this precious pious box to Bani Israel and they accepted Taalut as their king.

Bani Israel were used to get victorious against the qafirs (disbelievers) in religious fightings by the blessings obtained through the prayers to Allah they used to make in front of this box. But after course of time, they became wealthy and they used to sink in the great sins and the result was that they were defeated once by the disbelievers of Amaalakah who took this box with them and threw the box in the garbage farm. So, the people of Amaalakah were driven in the wrath of Allah and they were drawn deep sunk in the various incurable diseases. They knew this after some time that it was due to insult of that box which they carried and threw in the garbage. So, they put the box in the bullock cart and drove that cart to Bani Israel. There were four angels with that cart and box. In this way the Box was returned to them.

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The Box contained in it Amaamah (Head turban) of Prophet Harun (AS), Asaa (wooden stick-staff) of Prophet Musa (AS), The shoes (Naalein shareef) of Musa (AS), the pages of Tawret/Bible (book descended on Musa) and the pictures of all Prophets which were given to Adam (AS) by Allah from Jannah (paradise). These pictures were exactly like present day camera taken pictures. This is as per Tafsir-e-Naeemi. The shoes of Prophet Musa(AS) and divine book Tawret/Bible of Moses in one box together indicates the dignity level of the Prophets. And Prophet Mohammed (sav) is a leader of all the Prophets. So, the value of pious shoes of our holy Prophet Mohammed (sav) can easily be understood. Prophet Musa (AS) had to leave shoes to go on to mount toor to talk to Allah whereas our Prophet was asked to come with shoes to meet Allah during me’raj. So, what may be the value and level of dignity of the shoes of Prophet Mohammed(sav)!

In quran, this box has been said as a pious and peace of mind for those who are true believers. All the things in the box are related with the Prophets. So, these Prophets’ things are degreed by quran as meritorious things. This clearly implies that the things related with the friends of Allah are meritorious and full of blessings. We can get divine help from Allah by such things. We can ask mediation of such blessed things of friends of Allah. We may obtain divine help by mediation of the friends of Allah as well as by mediation of the things related to the friends of Allah. This is the true teaching of Allah and his Prophet (sav) through his marvelous book al-quran. From this, the bad akidah people can be easily recognized. So, join the true akidah people who respect the friends of Allah and the things which are related to them.

Note: Zaalut was the king of Amaalakah. In the army of Taalut, hazarat Dawood(AS) had also taken part who killed Zaalut who was a tyrannical king. Later, Dawood(AS) obtained kingdom.



In Surah Al Namal in holy quran, there are two incidents shown which were amazing. The first is the listening of the talks of ants by Prophet Suleman (AS) and the second is the bringing of the robust throne of a queen Bilkis who was ruling in Saba (Yemen) from far distance.

(1)The head of ants was ordering the groups of ants “let us go and hide ourselves deep in the soil such that we may not be crushed by the army of Suleman (AS) who is supposed to pass through this place” This voice was heard by Prophet Suleman (AS) and listening to this, he smiled.

(2) The second amazing thing is the bringing of robust throne of queen Bilkis from Yemen which was a distance far away from the place of king Suleman (AS). The bird of Suleman brought the news that he(the bird) saw the robust throne of Bilkis who was

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ruling on the big country. But she was worshiping sun. So, Prophet Suleman gave message to her to come to him, obey him and Allah and be among the believers. The Queen prepared to go to Suleman (AS) on his invitation. Hazarat Suleman (AS) was pleased and ordered to make beautiful palace to welcome. He wanted to show her the Allah’s glory by bringing her throne to Suleman (AS). So, Suleman (AS) asked the court men “who is able to bring robust throne of queen Bilkis here before her arrival?” The big Jinn said “I will bring the throne here before noon-the time your court disperses” By hearing this, one of his court officers, named Asif Barakhia told “I can bring the throne within twinkle of your eye lid-your honour” and immediately the throne was made present in front of Suleman (AS)! Queen Bilkis saw her own throne in the palace of Suleman and astonished. While she went to enter the palace, she saw water on the floor of the palace and raised her skirt (trouser) to save from water. But she astonished to see that there was no water at all! The floor was dried but was made so beautiful as if water is flowing! Looking to such a magnificent thing, she got a conviction that Suleman (AS) was a true Prophet. She embraced the right path by surrendering herself to Suleman (AS) and thus to Allah. She was a queen. She did not behave in arrogance and accepted the right path.

From these incidents, the following conclusion is made.(1) The friend of Allah has so great power that by Allah’s power given to him, can bring heaviest thing within second from thousands of miles. (2) The powerful Jinn was able to bring heavy throne in half day but friend of Allah brought the same throne in a second! One can see that power of jinn is nothing in front of the friend of Allah. Satan is from Jinn. The Friend of Allah is from human. Hence Satan cannot harm the friend of Allah. For Allah’s testing purpose, they allow jinn to do harm upon him (friend of Allah). This is in accordance with the satan did to Prophet Ayyub (AS) which was a test of patience of Prophet Ayyub(AS).(3) The friend of Allah can be able to listen the talks of small ant (small insect)




In Quran, in Surah Al Bakarah, verse 125 it is written

“Waith jaAAalna albayta mathabatan lilnnasi waamnan waittakhithoo min maqami ibraheema musallan waAAahidna ila ibraheema waismaAAeela an tahhira baytiya lilttaifeena waalAAakifeena waalrrukkaAAi alssujoodi” meaning

“And that WE had made this House (the Ka'bah) a central and peaceful place for the mankind and had commanded the people to make “Makam-e-Ibrahim” as a place of

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prayer (musalla) and urged Ibrâhim and Ismâ'il that keep MY House clean (purified) for those who are circulating (around the Ka'bah) and meditating (sitting in I'tikâf) and bowing down and prostrating (in prayers)”

In this verse, Allah has commanded that the Maqam-e-Ibrahim be made a place of Prayer. What is maqam-e-Ibrahim? Maqam-e-Ibrahim is a holy stone on which there are marks of holy footprints of Ibrahim (AS) made due to stone erosion due to constant standing on and descending from this stone till the holy kaaba (house of Allah) be built. This stone was given by Allah through angel jibrael from Jannah (paradise). When prophet Ibrahim(AS) was standing on it, it was raising till the height of the wall built. So, this stone was working like a ladder so that the house of Allah be built with ease and Prophet Ibrahim(AS) and Prophet Ismail(AS) could not get trouble to place brick (stone) of wall of holy house. The repeated movement of standing and descending engraved the stone in a footprints.

Allah commanded that the Muslims must consider the place where this stone is resting as a place of prayer. Hence, the Muslims pray two rakaat nifl prayer at this Makam-e-Ibrahim.

Now think in deep way. The light of Mohammed (sav) has been created from Light of Allah and the rest of the creation has been created by Allah from the light of Mohammed(sav). So, naturally, all Prophets have been created from the light of Prophet Mohammed (sav). Now while the footprints of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) has to be respected by prayers at its place, what may be the dignity of self (holy body) of Prophet Ibrahim(AS). While footprints of Ibrahim(AS) has such a high value, what may be the value of foot prints of Prophet Mohammed (sav)! Hence the Naalein Shareef (holy shoes) of Prophet Mohammed (sav) have tremendous value. Its value is more than Arsh Azam where our Prophet’s shoes touched it during Prophet’s ascension to heaven and further. When Prophet Mohammed (sav)’s shoes have such a great value and respect, what may be the value of holy hairs of Prophet Mohammed (sav)! It is now not necessary to explain why the holy hairs of Prophet Mohammed (sav) were collected by pious companions of the Prophet (sav). We must respect such holy relics.

So, only the group of the Muslims who respect holy hairs of Prophet (sav), the friends of Allah and their resting places and the physical things connected to them is the true Mo’min group and are true Muslims.



The example will best illustrate the difference between Sinners and Misguided followers of Islam.

Let us consider the command of Allah about Praying five time daily salaat. If any follower believes that he must pray five times daily compulsory salaat but he in practice

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prays only couple of salaat, he will be considered as a sinner. He has not contradicted the order in his belief. Now any follower who believes that there are only three compulsory prayers, he will be considered as misguided follower as he has contradicted the order of the Allah or Prophet (sav) in his belief.

In short, the belief is different thing and the practice of belief is different thing. The fault in belief leads to kufr (disbelief/disbeliever). The fault in practicing the belief leads to sins and does not lead to kufr (disbelief/disbeliever).

After understanding this, many problems can be sorted out.By analyzing in this way, the calculation based moon sighting contradicts original order of solution of our Prophet (sav) in case the moon is not seen after 29th day of saban month. Hence it will be considered as misguidance and result is kufr.Salaat (Namaaz) performed by looking time in watches (clocks) is valid as there is no contradiction in practice of Namaaz prayed by looking the sun and looking the clocks. The clocks support the hadis and not contradict any hadis.

To insult our Prophet is Kufr. To find fault in any attributes of our Prophet (sav) is considered as an insult to him and considered as misguidance and leads to kufr.

One thing must be noted that, the sins can be forgiven but the misguidance is intolerable and so cannot be forgiven. The Sinners can be forgiven but the Misguided (Gustakh) cannot be forgiven.

Other lucid example is this:Suppose two people want to go to Destination “A” from their present location. One person took wrong way and reached to destination “B” So he is misguided. He cannot reach the destination.The second person took the correct way with broken shoes. So, he will reach to his correct destination “A” but late and by help of some body on the way who gave him new shoes. This is like the one who committed the sin of not taking proper shoes and has become late to reach to destination by the help of some body (like sin forgiver/Allah).

Of course, Allah can do what he please. But it Allah’s nature that he normally does not forgive to misguided people who insult his Prophet (sav) and friends of Allah as per hadis al qudsi “Allah says that he is on war with those who show enmity to his friends”

In this way it is clear that those people who respect Prophet (sav), the friends of Allah and their relics and related things are good people and people on the right path even though they may commit sins like not attending compulsory prayers and other minor sins. As one can see that there are several practices shown in hadis books like istagfar (repentance) and salat-at-tasbih by which all sins can be forgiven by Allah. So, every body must know that SINS CAN BE FORGIVEN BUT MISGUIDANCE CANNOT BE FORGIVEN.

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The intention of writing this topic is that, some people in Islam try to degrade the righteous people by making Salaat (compulsory prayers) as a weapon against them. This illustration never encourages any body to commit sins.



The Ideals of a Believer Taught by Prophet Mohammed (May Allah send salat and salam to him and his family):

Once a man came to Prophet Muhammad (Allah's salutations and blessings be upon him) and wished to ask certain questions about the affairs of this life and the Hereafter. The Prophet welcomed him and answered him in the following manner : "Q"[Question] by the man, "A"[Answer] by the Prophet.

Q. I would like to be the most learned of men? A. Be mindful of your duty towards Allah, and you will be the most learned of men. Q. I wish to be the richest man in the world? A. Be contented, and you will be the richest man in the world. Q. I would like to be the most just man? A. Desire for others, what you desire for yourself, and you will be the most just man. Q. I want to be the best of men? A. Do good to others, and you will be the best of men. Q. I wish to be most favored by Allah? A. Engage much in Allah's praise, and you will be favored by him. Q. I would like to complete my faith? A. If you have good manners, you will complete your faith. Q. I wish to be among those who do good? A. Adore Allah as if you see Him. If you don't see him, he sees you. In this way you will be among those who do good. { Mohsinin }. Q. I wish to be obedient to Allah? A. If you observe Allah's commands, you will be obedient. Q. I would like to be free from all sins? A. Bathe your body of all impurities and you will be free from all sins. Q. I would like to be raised on the day of judgment in the light? A. Don't wrong yourself or any other creature, and you will be raised on the day of judgment in the light. Q. I would like Allah to bestow His mercy on me? A. If you have mercy on yourself and on others, Allah will grant you mercy on the Day of judgment. Q. I would like my sins to be very few? A. If you seek the forgiveness of Allah as much as you can, your sins will be very few.

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Q. I would like to be the most honorable man? A. If you do not complain to any fellow creatures, you will be the most honorable of men. Q. I would like to be the strongest of men? A. If you put your trust in Allah, you will be the strongest of men. Q. I would like Allah to enlarge my provision? A. If you keep yourself pure, Allah will enlarge your provision. Q. I would like to be loved by Allah and his massager? A. If you love what Allah and his massager love, you will be among their beloved ones. Q. I would wish to be safe from Allah's wrath on the day of judgment? A. If you do not lose your temper with any of your fellow creatures, you will be safe from the wrath of Allah of the day of judgment. Q. I would like my prayers to be responded? A. If you avoid forbidden actions, your prayers will be responded. Q. I would like Allah not to disgrace me on the day of judgment? A. If you guard your chastity, Allah will not disgrace you on the day of judgment. Q. I would like Allah to provide me with a covering protection on the day of judgment? A. Do not uncover your fellow creatures' fault, and Allah will provide you with a covering protection on the day of judgment. Q. What will save me from sins? A. Tears, humility, and illness. Q. What are the best deeds in the eyes of Allah? A. Gentle manners, modesty, and patience in adversity. Q. What are the worst evils in the eyes of Allah? A. Hot temper and miserliness. Q. What assuages the wrath of Allah in this life and in the Hereafter? A. Concealed charity and kindness to the relatives.

These are the replies given by the Prophet of Islam to a Man who asked some questions. From these answers, one can easily recognize his qualities and abilities apart from the miracles the prophets are used to create.



(A) IMAN:(1)To believe in one Allah who is creator of all the worlds, governor of all the worlds and king of the day of judgement.(2) To believe in Prophets and messengers, angels, divine books and orders there in(3)To believe in all the attributes of Allah and all the attributes of his messengers and Prophets.(4) To believe in taqdeer (fate).(5)To believe in the questioning in grave, questioning on the judgement day, the paradise and pleasures therein and the hell and tortures therein

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Now when this Iman (in essence form) is studied in a developed form, it becomes an AQEEDAH.


The practice of aqeedah is Islam. The practice of commands of Allah and his messenger is the Islam. It includes Iman, Salat (Prayers), Fastings, Zakaat (levy on the rich) and Hajj (pilgrimage). All other voluntary prayers are also part of Islam. Donations, charity etc are considered as a part of practices of Islam.


According to saying by beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav), ehasaan is defined as to pray to Allah in such away that one sees Allah while praying. If he has not such a high degree than at least he must understand in mind while praying that Allah is looking at him/her.

In this way this is exactly the path of the Sufis who are so engrossed in the path of Allah that they have really adopted this ehsaan called by our Prophet (sav). Sufism is a developed form of this ehsaan. In a developed form of the ehsaan, various techniques are taught by the Sufis with appropriate practices like meditations and zikr. So, Sufism is already existed at the time of out Prophet (sav) who taught ehsaan to his companions.

We can understand a seed as an essence. Its developed form is a tree which is grown up in full. Like wise we may call an embryo as an essence but full grown man or woman is a developed form. From this, one can easily understand the above explanation for Iman, Islam and Ehsaan.


WHAT IS THE AIM OF OUR LIFE IN THIS WORLD?(The Philosophy of the Death: Kullun nufsun zaaekatul maut: Every life (nafs/desires) has to taste a death: The ruh has no death): The transfer of ruh from this physical world to world of souls is called a taste of a death.

The entire creation is created by Allah so that he can be recognized and he should be worshiped. So, the ultimate goal is to reach near the Allah and to see him and thus to leave our identity by unification in the light of Allah. Allah made the souls of humans by his command “kun” means “be” and the souls of all the humans created by his commands. So, the souls of humans have been created so many years before the human’s arrival in this physical world.

These souls enter the body in the womb of the mother in third or fourth month of the baby flesh in the womb of the mother. So, the soul of a human is transferred from world of souls to mother’s womb in a baby flesh. Then after nine months, the baby is born in this physical world. So, the soul is transferred from mother’s womb to this physical

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worldly life of the human. The soul remains in the human body for worldly life of eighty, ninety or hundred years. Then the death is arrived. The soul of the human is transferred once again to worlds of souls. So, when we call that the death has occurred to person, but in fact it is the transfer of soul of the person from physical world to world of souls.

The location of soul in the world of souls is changed after the death according to the person’s deeds in this physical world. The soul of the person who did good work in the world as per Allah’s commands shown in a religion would occupy good location near Allah. Those little low in rank, rest in paradise(jannah), still lower rank in lower rank of paradise, still lower rank in between jannah and the hell, still low in rank in hell and still low in rank would be in hardest hell. We call this life as a life of grave. A spiritual window of paradise or hell is opened in the grave of a person. We can compare this as a window of a house on a river bank, a window of a house in the farm, a window of a house near sea shore, a window of a house around which a blazing fire is burning.

After the world of grave, the judgement day (qayamat) will come. Every souls will be called with the body from the grave to stand in the court of Allah. Questions and Answers and the books of merits and demerits obtained by the people will be seen in this court of Allah. The final judgement will be given in this court and accordingly permanent award of paradise or hell will be given. It may be noted that whose windows of paradise is opened in the grave are the people of paradise and whose windows of hell is opened in the grave are the people of hell. The judgement day will come at the end of this physical world-the total destruction of this physical world.

So, the souls (the ruh) are not going to get death. What we call the death is related to the human desires (the nafs). The desires-the nafs will be definitely going to die. This nafs of desires is the main hurdle in the straight path. The desires try to deviate the person from straight path. The desires try to get the person move away from the command of Allah. These desires create greed, luster, anger, proud etc.

So, our aim is to obtain salvation and entering the home of divine light of Allah or to obtain Jannah. So, it is wise to obey command of Allah.

To all the souls, Allah had asked a question in the world of souls “Am I not your rabb (creator/guardian)” On hearing, all the souls(ruh) replied which can be divided into four groups of the souls as per their reply.

(1)Group one: The souls who testified and answered by tongue and heart. These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim and die as a Muslim

(2)Group two: The souls who testified and answered by tongue but not by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a Muslim but die as a disbeliever

(3)Group three: The souls who testified and answered not by tongue but by heart: These souls will take birth on the earth as a disbeliever but will die as a Muslim

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(4)Group four: The souls who did not testify and did not answer by tongue or by heart: these souls will take birth as a disbeliever and will die as a disbeliever

From among the Group one, all the souls were gathered and from them the souls who were to be declared as prophets were separated. These were gathered. These were the groups of the souls of the prophets. From these souls, one soul was taken by Allah with him. This was the soul of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). By pointing this soul, Allah asked the group of souls of the prophets like this “I want to give you the prophet hood but you have to give me covenant that in whose time this Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) will arrive, he shall have to respect him, obey him and assist him to spread my message. Are you ready for this?” Every soul replied positively and they were entrusted with the prophet hood. The Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) was made the leader of all the Prophets. This is as per quran’s verse (3-81)

So, from this we can understand how dearer the Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) to almighty Allah is! If any soul of Prophet refused this covanent, his prophethood would be lost!

Now in this physical world, if any body spoke louder in the holy assembly of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), his all good virtues, merits, sawaab would be lost. His all merits and sawaab would be wiped out to a zero! This is according to quran verse “ya ayyohallazina aamanu la tarfau” in Surah Huzarat.(49-2).

In the grave if some one fails in the third question about recognition of holy Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh), he would fail in grave exam and becomes a person of hell.

So, this gives the guidance to obtain paradise and go near to Allah –the ultimate aim of our life that the Prophet of Islam should be loved and those who are near to him should be loved and with their love we should perform our prayers and do good deeds to get success. Today, some people talk disrespectful words for Prophet (pbuh) can understand their result from this article.

The world of souls are seen by people of wisdom. In holy Quran, it is written in surah Bani Israil, verse 85-86 “People is asking you O Prophet(sav) about Ruh (spirit). You tell them that Ruh is by the command of my Rabb(Allah). No more but a very few have been given knowledge about it” Further, in quran there is a mention of “Ilm al Ladunni” The ilm –knowledge given to khwaza Khizar (AS). This Ilm Ladunni is mentioned in Surah Kahaf in quran. These two are the secret knowledge by which very few people are blessed. Most pious friends of Allah like Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) got these secret knowledge. These ayats prove that secret knowledge people are living in Muslim ummah and they are helping the believers’ souls with the permission of Allah. We have seen in earlier guidance “The Death Time event of Fakhruddin Razi (RA)” how a friend of Allah-Najmuddin Qubra (RA) helped him to pass the grave questioning.

It must be noted that the torments in the grave is given to ruh and pleasures in the grave is given to ruh. If the ruh died, there couldnot be any azaab or torment. It must also be noted that the ruh (soul) contains the essence of body which has eyes,ears,tongue and all other

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organs. This essence of the body is developed according to different worlds (alam). This is the reason, our body in jannah will be very large in size compared to our physical body in this material world. The essence of body can be well understood by this way. As for example, a small seed of a tree has essence of a tree in it. When that essence is developed, a big tree is created from that seed. Though the essence of a tree is there, though a tree is contained in a seed, we cannot see it in a seed.

The questioning in the grave is time of the final few moments just prior to the death of a person. The time just before the ruh (soul) is taken from the body is the real questioning time of the grave. Many people mis-understand this time and think as a time after the dead body is buried in the grave. But that is not true. We know that the Hindus used to burn the dead body. Also, many people used to die in a sea or river and the dead body becomes the food of sea animals. Many people used to die in plane crash and the dead body is burned or scattered into small particles. Under these circumstances, how the grave questioning can occur whereas no physical grave is established in the grave yard. So, the real fact is that the grave questioning time is just a few moments before the soul is taken out from the body by angel of death. The grave is called to be place from where the soul (ruh) is taken out from the body. If the physical grave is available, the ruh has contact with that grave after the death of a person. This is the main reason; the prophets physical graves are made on the places from where the ruh from their bodies were taken out. Our holy Prophet Mohammed (sav)’s grave is exactly made in his residential home where he lived in this material world and where he lived till final moments in this world. The salaat al Janajah (Salaat for the dead person) is performed as a prayer for dead person’s forgiveness and requesting Allah for his relief and providing paradise. Some people disperse after performing salaat al Janajah and do not join funeral till grave yard is wrong. To get the dead person properly buried is the essential work for the ummah. If every body will go away after janajah salaat, no body will be present to bury the dead body. Previously, salaatul Janajah was not performed for some period until the command of Allah arrived. Ummul Mo’menin Bibi Khadijah (RA)’s death time, salaatul Janajah was not compulsory and was not performed. Of course, prayers of forgiveness were performed by other way. The life of grave period is the time between the ruh was taken out from the body and the day of judgement. The tortures or pleasures given to the ruh during this time are called as tortures or pleasures in the grave.


This secret Of the Death is further clarified by Imam Ghazzali (ra) who wrote in his Tahsin al Zunun:

Say to my friends, when they look upon me, dead,Weeping for me and mourning me in sorrow

Do not believe that this corpse you see is my self.In the name of Allah (swt), I tell you, it is not I,

I am a spirit, this is nothing but fleshIt was my abode and my garment for a time

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I am a treasure, by a talisman kept hid,Fashioned of dust, which served me as a shrine,

I am a pearl, which has left its shell deserted,It was my prison, where I spent my time in grief.

I am a bird, and this body is my cage.From which I have now flown forth and it is left as a token,

Praise to Allah, Who has now set me free.And prepared for me my place in the highest of the heavens.

Until today I was dead, though alive in your midst.Now I live in truth, with the grave clothes discarded

Today I converse with the saints aboveNow, with no veil between, I see Allah face to faceI look upon the Lawh al Mahfuz and therein I read,

Whatever was and is and all that is to be.Let my house fall in ruins, lay my cage in the ground,

Cast away the talisman, it is a token, no more.Lay aside my cloak, it was but my outer garment.Place them all in the grave, let them be forgotten.I have passed on my way and you are left behind.Your place of abode was no dwelling place for me.

Think not that death is death, no, it is life,A life that surpasses all we could dream of here,While in this world, here we are granted sleep,

Death is but sleep, sleep that shall be prolonged.Do not be afraid when death draws near,It is but departure for this blessed home.Think of the mercy and love of your Lord,

Give thanks for His grace and come without fear.What I am now, even so shall you be,For I know that you are even as I am.

The souls of all men come forth from Allah,The bodies of all are compounded alike

Good and evil, alike it was ours.I give you now a message of good cheer

May Allah's peace and joy for evermore be yours.

May Allah Bless Imam Ghazzali (ra) for leaving a treasure of literature for the Muslim community.

The Important Note:

It must be noted that when a person is born, the Satan creates his hamzaad (hamzaat) by his evil power to misguide that person. He calls that person with the same name of that person which the worldly people keep the name of that person. This hamzaad is always

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remain with the person like a hidden shadow and knows every physical events of that person. When Allah created Adam(AS) and asked every angels and jinn to make prostration to respect Adam (AS); at that time Satan refused to prostrate in front of Adam (AS) and Allah cursed Satan and declared him to be dweller of hell fire. The Satan told Allah that he would misguide the persons to remove from the right path. Allah told Satan that he would not be able to misguide the true believers. Hence, the people are put in the test of Satan and Allah has permitted Satan to test the people, believers and disbelievers. So, the hamzaad of every person attacks with whispers of evil thoughts.

When a person dies, the hamzaad may escape and remain absconding here and there and may harm other people too. So, it is essential that this hamzaad of a deceased person must also be buried (killed). While burying the dead body of a person, if eight persons around the grave recite “Ayatul Kursi” 21 times each, the hamzaad of the deceased person will be killed and the community will be saved from his evil harassment. The ghost may be the escaped hamzaad. Such hamzaad or hamzaat is mentioned in holy quran in Surah Mu’menun verse 97 “wa kul rabbi aoozubek min hamzaati shayatin” meaning “and say; o my lord, I seek refuse from hamzaat of Satan”

Such hamzaat are also burnt by Islamic saints through ilm given to him in which they (saints) make a taawiz (talisman) and the talisman is burnt with oil like a lamp and the possessed person is asked to glare at the flame of the lamp. The hamzaat is seen in the flame of the lamp and speaks through the mouth of the possessed person. It must be noted that the Ruh (soul) of the deceased person never seen in a lamp as the Ruh rests at comfort with paradise window opened in his grave if the Ruh belongs to paradise otherwise it remains captured and chased by torments of hell fire given by angels. The hamzaat of the deceased speaks everything about the deceased person as he was present with that person through out his life. Our beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav)’s hamzaad became Muslim as the point which accepts hamzaad signal in the heart was removed by angel Jibrael (AS) according to Allah’s wish. Of course, Allah’s friends can go near to the Ruh of a person and can make conversation with the Ruh. At one occasion, Prophet Mohammed (sav) and some companions were going somewhere. On the way, near an old well, Prophet (sav) spoke like this “Taste the torments now. You did not obey me what I said to you” On listening the companions asked the Prophet (sav) “Whom did you speak dear Prophet; there is no body?” The Prophet (sav) told “In this well, there are souls (Ruh) of Abu Zahal and his companions. They are being punished”

The disbelievers’ hamzaad are usually left undestroyed and can cause problems to other people. Some magicians use such hamzaad for doing evil magic. The friend of Allah, may kill such hamzaad by the permission of Allah. The ruh cannot be destroyed. Grave punishment or Grave pleasures are given to the Ruh till the day of Judgement. The ruh of a person remains live and responsible for questions and answers at the day of judgement in the court of Allah for the deeds of a person during material world. The Ruh is made by the command of Allah and is to be returned to Allah as instructed in holy quran. The ruh contains the essence of body which can be developed to be seen physically and has eyes, ears, face and other organs of the body. Through this essence of body of the ruh, it can be recognized in the world of souls.

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Holy Quran says in verse 2-221 of Surah Al Bakarah as this:

Wala tankihoo almushrikati hatta yuminna walaamatun muminatun khayrun min mushrikatin walaw aAAjabatkum wala tunkihoo almushrikeena hatta yuminoo walaAAabdun muminun khayrun min mushrikin walaw aAAjabakum olaika yadAAoona ila alnnari waAllahu yadAAoo ila aljannati waalmaghfirati biithnihi wayubayyinu ayatihi lilnnasi laAAallahum yatathakkaroona

“You never marry the mushrik women (idolatresses, Al-Mushrikât), until they bring Faith. A believer slave woman is better than a noble mushrik woman (Mushrikah, idolatress), even though you like her very much. And never marry your women to mushrik men (Al-Mushrikûn, idolater) until they bring Faith. A believer slave man is better than a noble mushrik man (Al-Mushrikûn, idolater), even though you like him very much. These people invite you to the Fire and Allâh with HIS Leave invites you towards the Paradise and Forgiveness, and HE clearly states HIS orders before the people, it is expected that they will learn a lesson and will embrace the advice”

The above verses are the command of Allah. So, the Muslim boys who fall in love with the disbelieving girls or the Muslim girls who fall in love with disbelieving boys must think deep about this command of Allah. Allah has warned to throw them into the hell who do not obey his command. It is necessary to bring the disbelieving boy/girl whom she/he loves in the Islam first. Only then the marriage is valid. No prior sex is allowed until Islam is accepted and then married by the lover.

Allah is all knowing. When a true believer marry to disbeliever, slowly and slowly, his/her iman is lost as he/she has to join the festivals of disbelievers and other religious ceremonies which is against the principles of Islam. We can take the examples of some film actors like Shahrukh khan who married his disbelieving wife according to Hindu ceremony! Allah’s command is clear. Let them do in this physical world whatever they liked. No one can harm to Allah. Allah is a supreme power. Allah has fixed a time for judgement day. Until then, Allah is just getting the things recorded through angels to account for them hereafter.

If above law is not followed due to lack of knowledge, they (married couple and their children born by marriage with a disbeliever) must freshly accept Islam as if Islam accepted by the disbelievers. Allah is most forgiving. But if a person marries with the disbeliever knowingly, he /she will be considered as a misguided and open enemy of Allah and in that case, it is unpredictable whether the forgiveness may be given by Allah.

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Before we discuss about Noor of our Prophet Mohammed (sav), I would like to recall verse number 45 of Surah Al Ahzaab of quran which has a translation “we have sent you (Prophet Mohammed-sav) as witness, giving happy news (of jannah), giving fear (of hell fire) and calling towards Allah by his command and as a shining sun (lamp)” Now our Prophet has been sent as a witness according to this verse. What should be the qualities or attributes or properties of a good witness? The witness must be present at a place for which he/she is witnessing. The winess must recognize the person or thing for whom/which he/she is witnessing. The witness must have seen the event for which he/she is witnessing. The witness must be full of sense while witnessing. Now our Prophet is a witness for all the creations of Allah at the time of judgement day or qayamat day or yaum al deen. This clearly indicates that nothing in the creation of Allah is made prior to the noor of our Prophet Mohammed (sav). So, this verse of quran support the hadis narrated by companion of beloved Prophet (sav) Jabir bin Abdullah that the first creation of Allah is Noor of Prophet Mohammed (sav). In this way, the bad akidah peoples’ arguments and their presentations giving one or the other references are baseless. Prophet Mohammed (sav) advised that in the final time of this material world, the people would bring such hadis/talks which you and your forefathers might have not heard. At that time, he advised that his talks/hadis must be matched with quranic verses and he further advised that his hadis/talks would never contradict quranic verses. So, our beloved Prophet’s talks/hadis will be, always, in accordance with quran. In this way, Hadis narrated by hazarat Jabis (RA) is most authentic. After Allah, Prophet Mohammed (sav) is the only supreme authority in the creations of Allah. Prophet Mohammed (sav) is witness for Pen and Loh, Witness for water, earth, skies and everything. If something is made prior to Mohammed (sav), how can he become witness for that thing for the time when he might be absent? May Allah protect us from such a bad imagination.

Hazarat Behlol Dana (RA)’s Guidance for quranic verse “Every living thing is created from the Water”

In quranic verse 21-30 it states that : “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one Unit of Creation), before We clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?” From this verse, the bad akidah/misguided people used to misguide the true believers saying that “Our Prophet was a Bashar and had contained body like humans created from water” They want to establish their misguidance that the first thing in the creation was water and not the noor of our beloved Prophet” Allah may protect us from such misguidance. Ameen.

First of all we must carefully examine the verse. In the above verse of quran, it is stated that every living thing is created from water. So, the skies, the heavens, the arsh, the

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mountains etc are not considered as living things like humans, animals or vegetation. Can we so believe that these non-living things were created first before the Noor of our Prophet (sav)? If it was so, then What about Adam(AS) who had seen “La ilah illa Allah, Mohammed Rasul Allah” in the skies which was already there on skies before his creation? In fact it is in the hadis of Prophet (sav) which was narrated by Hazarat Jabir bin Abdullah (RA). In that hadis our Prophet(sav) asked Jabir (RA) “Do you know which thing Allah created first in his creations?” Jabir (RA) replied “Allah and his Prophet (sav) knows the best” The Prophet(sav) replied “The Noor of your Prophet has been created first in his creation from Noor of Allah” and further explained in details with a long hadis how other things were created.

Consider following example to illustrate “every living thing is made from water” and how our Prophet (sav)’s body is Noor.

I got guidance by Allah in this matter through his saint Behlol Dana’s history. The saint Behlol Dana (RA) was used to sit with a king Harun Rashid(RA) who used to drink wine in his initial rule and tried to make it halal by saying to Hazarat Behlol (RA) who was known for his intelligence “Wine is made from grapes and grapes is halal and why not wine?” On hearing, Behlol Dana (RA) got a brick stone from nearby and struck it on the forehead of the king very strongly. The blood came out from the forehead. As the Behlol Dana (RA) was in majjub state, he could not be punished. Behlol Dana replied the king “I have thrown clay (dust) upon you, how did you get such a blow? The brick stone is made of clay (dust)” On hearing this; the king remained dumb. Behlol Dana (RA) further explained “Dust was mixed with water and kept on the heat for some time so that brick was formed and no water left in the brick. The dust became brick-stone. The dust was not able to strike your forehead whereas the brick was able to strike you. Water was used but no water left in brick stone. Similar is the case of grape juice and wine. Grape juice kept for some time makes it wine. The properties of that grape juice changed in to the wine”

What a marvelous guidance given by friend of Allah to reply to the bad akidah people. They used to say “Everything is made of water and so, our beloved Prophet is not noor but Bashar like other human body made of water” But the above guidance is enough. Suppose that even though the body of our Prophet was made from Water, the water did not survive due to noor of Prophet’s soul and the body became pure noor and obtained the property of shadowless light-body. So, entire body of our Prophet was noor. So, he was noori basher. Of course, it must be noted that this explanation is given how our prophet’s body is noor. But the important aspect is that the noor of our Prophet is created first in the creation of Allah. Allah’s noor could not be divided. This is like this. We can lit from one candle flame (light) so many candles and the noor is increased and the important thing is that the first candle light was not made dim or reduced its light. So, this is the example of “noor alaa noor” mentioned about our Prophet in quran. So, Allah created noor of our Prophet from his own noor without division. So, division is not there. But unification of noor of Prophet and noor of Allah is there.

Further, when we have proof in hadis about noor of Prophet and there is no contradiction in hadis about that, other book’s report cannot be accepted. Other scholars are below

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ranked to companions of Prophet. So, even zaeef hadis has more value than the views of the scholars of books written after Prophet’s companions’ time. Our Prophet was used to tell talks as per learning capacity of that companion. It depends on mood of talking too. Some talks said in an assembly whereas some talks were said to single companion alone.

It must also be noted that the Noor of Allah cannot be compared with anything in the creations. Allah has given example of literal light to understand his Noor. This is not a comparison. This is for the guidance only. But yes, he can manifest his noor in a literal light, because, his original noor can not be seen by anybody. In surah Al Noor in verse 35 in quran it is mentioned “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His Light is like a niche within which there is a lamp; the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly star lit from the blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if it were untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for all people, and Allah is Knowing of all things” The reality of his noor was seen and experienced by our Prophet (sav) during me’raj. So, Allah made from his light, the light of Prophet Mohammed (sav) so that the people can take the guidance. It must at the same time be noted that the reality of noor of Prophet Mohammed is only recognized by Allah only.

The quranic verse 5-15 “Came to you from Allah the noor (light) and Clear Book (Quran)” clearly described our Prophet as Noor (Light). Imam Busairi (RA) wrote in his qasida burda shareef that the status of Prophet Mohammed (sav) among humans is that of Ruby in stones. Though Ruby is among the stones, there is a big difference between stones and a ruby. Similarly, Prophet Mohammed (sav) is among the humans but he is noori basher (human dressed in light). This is great difference. To understand him simply a human is insult to him which may wipe of all sawaab/merits/virtues earned by good deeds as per verses in quran in surah Al Hujarat.

Following are the important sayings of Imams (leaders) of Ahle Sunnat wa jamaat about light of our beloved Prophet (sav):

Here is proof from Ahadith-e-Nabawi and from the writings of great andauthentic scholars of Islam which show beyond a shadow of a doubt thatthe Messenger of Allah Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim did notpossess a shadow.

Hadith 1 : Hazrat Hakeem Tirmizi in his book NAWAA DARUL USOOLnarrates from Hazrat Zakwaan Radiyallahu Anhu , a close Companion ofthe Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, the followingHadith: "The shadow of the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihiwa Sallim could not be seen in the brightness of the sun, nor inmoonlight".

Hadith 2 : Allama Jauzi in his KITABUL WAFA narrates a hadith fromHazrat Abdullah ibn Abbas, the cousin of the Holy Prophet Sall Allahualaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim: "Allah's Rasul had no shadow, not while

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standing in the sun, but the brilliance of his Noor surpassed the raysof the sun; nor while sitting before a burning light, but his luminousNoor excelled the lustre of the light".

Hadith 3 : Imam Nasafi in his TAFSEER MADAARIK narrates from HazratUthman ibn Affan Radiyallahu Anhu, the son-in-law of the Holy ProphetSall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. Hazrat Uthman said to theHolyProphet SallallahuAlaihi Wasallam: "Allah Almighty does not letyour shadow fall on the ground, so that no foot of man can fall onit".

Hadith 4 : Imam Jalaludeen Suyuti in his KHASAAISUL KUBRA narratesfrom Ibn Saba Radiyallahu Anhu: "This is also a unique feature of theHoly Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim that his shadowdid not touch the ground, because he was Noor, and when he used towalk in the sunshine his shadow could not be seen".

What the great scholars have to say about this subjectHaving read the words of those who had lived with the Holy ProphetSall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim and had closely watched hisevery action, we shall now turn to some great scholars of Islam, whosewritings are considered most authentic in Islamic affairs. Pay heed tothese to dispel any doubts that you may have regarding the subject.All these great scholars firmly believed that the Holy Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim did not possess a shadow.

Imam Qazi Ayaaz1. Imam Qazi Ayaaz in his ASH-SHIFA states:"The Holy Prophet SallAllahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim did not possess a shadow in thebrightness of the sun or in the moonlight, because he was Noor(light)".

Imam Ahmad Qastalani2. Imam Ahmed Qastalani states in AL-MAWAHIBUL LADUNYA: "The HolyProphet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim did not possess ashadow in the brightness of the sun or moonlight is proven from theAhadith of Tirmizi Sharief of Ibn Zakwaan and Ibn Saba".

Sheikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi3. Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi states in MADARIJIN NUBUWAH: "TheHoly Prophet's Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim shadow did notappear in sunshine nor in moonlight".

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Maulana Jalaluddeen Rumi4. Maulana Jalaluddeen Rumi in his MATHNAWI SHARIEF states: "Let alonethe Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, even if anordinary servant of the Holy Prophet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi waSallim reaches the stage of inner mortality (BAQA), then like theProphet Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim, his shadow toodisappears".

May Allah Almighty give us the guidance and strength of Imaan toremain steadfast on the Straight Path. Aameen.



To Celebrate Birth Day of Prophet is a pious thing according to Quran:

You are directed to following verse of al quran which states:

“Peace (Salâmun) is on him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he will be raised again to life” (Al Quran verse 15 of Surah Maryam )

This verse is written for Prophet Yahya (AS). In quran, Allah said that Yahya (AS) was very pious, kind hearted, soft, sincere son of his parents. Allah admired him by giving him salam for his birth day, his departing day from this material word and the day when he will be raised from his grave during qayamat. Allah sends his salam to Yahya (AS) in this way.

This verse clearly implies us that the birth day, the death (departing day) day and the raising day from grave at the time of qayamat for the Prophets and friends of Allah are of paramount importance. Allah gives Salam to such days of the Prophets.

When Hazarat Yahya(AS)’s birth day, departing day and raising day have such importance and Allah remembers these days by giving Salam, what may be the importance and remembrance of Prophet Mohammed(sav) ‘s birth day!

This verse gives us guidance to celebrate birth day of Prophet (sav) and also gives us guidance to celebrate departing day of friends of Allah.

The Birth day of Prophets and friends of Allah is for us as they arrived for our guidance. The departing day is for them as they (Prophets and friends of Allah) are going to meet with the Allah (the beloved). So, we must celebrate these days. This celebration is a sunnah of Allah.

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It should be noted that in quran, in surah al Ahzaab in ayat number 45; it is written that “ Ya ayyohannabi inna arsalanak shahidaun wa mubashsheraun……………sirajam munira” meaning “O prophet, we have sent you as witnessing, giving happy news, fear warning and calling towards Allah by the order of Allah and as a shining(brightening) sun(or lamp)” and further stated in continuation "wabassiril mo'meenin beanna lahumminallahe fadlan kabiraa" meaning "happy news to the believers that by this (sending rasul) Allah has showered tremendous bounties for them. So, when Allah's fadal (bounties) are awarded, we must celebrate the event of sending his messenger (rasul). The celebration of birth of the Prophet on the time and date is particular for celebration and the whole life history of the Prophet may be celebrated in general. No work is bidah which is related to the holy Prophet (sav). Every work for the Prophet will be considered as "ita'at" means obedience.

In quran there is a verse which states "O believers, if you make sins (zulm upon your nafs) go to Prophet and seek forgiveness of Allah and if Prophet also make dua for your forgiveness, Allah will forgive your sins" This is part of a famous verse 64 of surah Al Nisa of quran, and all Ulema know about this verse. Now the question arises, why Allah does order the believers to go to Prophet whereas he is enough to forgive sins? So, by first sight, it seems like bidah but in fact there is no bidah. To ask forgiveness is a kind of worship. And yet the believers are ordered to go to the Prophet. This implies that the work related to the Prophet cannot bebidah or cannot be shirq.

In hadis al qudsi Allah says that he cannot be contained in skies or in earth but he can be contained in the heart of the believer.

So, the Prophets' hearts are contained with the noor of Allah. Any work related with such people never creates bidah. So, the celebration of birth of our beloved Prophet is valid by all means whichever way it is celebrated.



Al Furqaan: The Clear Differentiating book between the Truth and The Falsehood:

Al Furqaan is one of the names of Al Quran. The name itself suggests that this book Al Quran is giving a clear difference between the truth and the false. By studying this marvelous and unique book, one can find out the way of the truth and obtain eternal salvation.

In Quran in surah Al Hajj verse number 32 Allah says “Zalek, wamanyyuazzim sa’arillah fainnaha min taqwal qulub” meaning “This, who (which work) respects the symbols of Allah is surely from piety (taqwa) of heart”

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Taqwa is a piety obtained through the truth, patience and sincere obedience of Allah and his beloved Prophet (Pbuh).

Now in Quran in Surah Al Bakrah verse 158 it is written “Inn safa wal marwaa min sa’arillah” meaning “Safa and Marwaa are symbols of Allah”

The Safaa and Marwaa are two small hills in Makkah in Arabia. These hills have a relation with a friend of Allah named Bibi Hajara. So, Allah has guided us that the things related with friends of Allah are called as symbols of Allah, and further declared that the respect of such symbols is a piety of heart.

This is very important thing to understand the true path and false path. The clear difference between the two paths is:

(A) Path of Allah, his friends (Messengers, Prophets, friends) and the respect of his symbols.

(B) Path of Satan, his followers (Namrud, Haman, Saddad, Firaun, Karoon, Abu Zahal, Abu Lahab, Magicians, Opponents of friends of Allah etc) and their places like the place where pillar symbol of Satan is hit by pebbles during hajj).

The work of Path (A) is pious and highly virtuous and leads one to paradise (Jannah).The work of Path (B) is shirk and sinful and leads one to hell.

It must be noted that when the respect of symbols provides piety of heart; what may be the rank of friends of Allah! Indeed; the friends of Allah are those from whom the light of Allah is emanating (spreading). To insult or neglect such pious friends of Allah may lead one to hell fire. In verse 91 of Surah Al-Ambiya in quran; Mariam (AS) and Isa (AS) are said as symbols of Allah. So, in fact, the friends of Allah are themselves among the symbols of Allah and their related things and matters in favor of them are also symbols of Allah. These must be respected. The wooden box containing things of friends of Allah is considered in quran as peace providing and that box was used by Bani Israel to obtain barakah is also a symbol of Allah.



The word Sufi is derived from Arabic word “Suf” meaning wool, woolen clothes or woolen sheet. There were nearly 50 companions who used to stay days and nights beneath the tree which was grown in the front yard of the house of beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav) in Madinah. These companions were very poor and they used to remain hungry for three days. They were happy whether food was available to them or not. The sufi practice is nothing but to live in the life-style of these blessed companions known as “Ashaab-e-Suffa” People dressed in a woolen clothes. Our beloved Prophet (sav) used to

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sit and talk with these people during leisure time of the day and during nights till late. The great knowledge was imparted by our beloved Prophet (sav) to these people and so these people are known as Islamic University. Abu Hurairah (RA) was among these people beneath the tree. Many hadis gathered and narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA). So, it is useless to believe that Sufism is not Islamic. In fact real charm of Islam is in Sufism. Our beloved Prophet (sav) told “Al Fakro Fakhari” meaning “I take pride of my poverty” There is a hadis narrated by Abu Hurairah (RA) that the poor will go to jannah five hundred years early than the rich. The important thing to note is that one day of Aakherat is fifty thousand years long! This was the reason that though the companions of the front yard were used to remain hungry for days, our beloved Prophet (sav) was looking their rise of levels in spirituality and hence in Aakherat. In poverty, the self desires are automatically controlled as the poor have to face hardships and have to keep patience. In quran, there is a verse that Allah is with those who keep patience (remain steadfast) in difficulties.

There are number of Sufism chains like Chishtiya, Qadariya, Soharwordia, Naqshbandia, Rifaaiyah etc. All are the true chains to obtain success for jannah and to please Allah and his beloved Prophet (sav).

But the Chishtiya silsila is much more broad minded as regards accepting other religion peoples as devotees within the limitation of frame work of Islam. The generosity demonstrated by Chishtiya saints is based on following examples.

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was famous for his hospitality. He used to welcome and respect the guest arriving at this house. Once upon a time, an old person came to his house. He ordered his house people to serve food for the guest. Until the food is prepared, he discussed some matters and found that the guest was disbeliever (qafir). So, he immediately told “I am sorry I cannot serve you food as you are disbeliever. I cannot give food to disbeliever. So, please go away from my house” The guest went away. The guest might have not gone far when Jibrael came to Prophet Ibrahim and told the message of Allah “Allah has been feeding him since sixty years and you could not feed him for single time!” Knowing this message, Prophet Ibrahim ran bearfooted to pick the guest. He caught the guest and requested humbly to return to his house for food. The guest surprised and asked about the reason. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) told him the scold of Allah. On hearing the story, the guest said “your Allah must be most merciful” The guest returned the house of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and ate the food and accepted Islam.

The another example can be taken from the incident of accord between disbelivers and Prophet Mohammed (sav) at the place of Hudaibiyah. This incident is well known as “Suleh Hudaibiyah” In this accord, Prophet Mohammed (sav) accepted all unpleasant demands of the disbelievers including the one which was the most hard to accept demand of disbelievers to strike out (rub out) the word “messenger of Allah” used in writing the sentence “This letter of accord is from Mohammed-the messenger Of Allah to People of leaders of Mecca” Our beloved Prophet (sav) accepted their demand and wrote “This letter of accord is from Mohammed –the son of Abdullah” After this accord, Allah gave happy news to believers “we have given you clear victory” in surah al Fath of Quran.

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This was the reward for the generosity shown in the accord. All notorious demands were accepted by our beloved Prophet (sav) just to maintain trade relations of believers with qafirs/disbelievers.

Looking to above facts, the Chishtiya saints accept all people in the discipleship including the people from other religions. These saints never hate people. They spread the message of love and address the message of Islam in the most convincing manner and with practice of love. The honored Khwaza Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (RA) declared the qualities of true friend of Allah that the friend of Allah should be generous like the Sun which spread its light equally to all without discrimination of religion or cast and creed. The friend of Allah should be like the earth which gives food without discrimination of religion and caste-creed of the people and also bears dirt of the people. The friend of Allah should be generous like the ocean (river) which gives its water without any discrimination of religion, cast, creed color of the people. So, the greatness of Chishtiya saints can be measured from the teachings of the Chishtiya silsila.

The Chishtiya silsila uses Music in the well known Mehfil-e-Sama, a gathering in which a friend of Allah is sitting and the singer sings Praise songs for Allah, Prophets, Friends of Allah and love songs for them. The Chishtee is known as Bahistee (Jannati). Chishtee-Bahistee is a Phrase commonly used for chishtiya devotees. Khwaza Moinuddin (RA), a leading Chishtiya saint, gave iman to nine minions (ninety lakh) people 800 years ago in Indian Sub-continent! The generations of those nine millions can count to crores now!Other important thing of the Chishtiya tradition is that, sajada-e-taazim to friend of Allah is most common practice as the Chishtiya relation of Friend of Allah with his devotee is such that the Murshad (Spiritual Master) is Ma’shuq and his devotee is Aashiq of his Master. Hence, love songs, known as aashiqana kalam, are most common in Mehfil-e-sama.

Due to above practice, some imperfect scholars tried to debate with the Chishtiya saints but were defeated without having to utter single word as when the divine light was spread to their diseased mind and heart, all their knowledge wiped out! They fell down in repentance and join the blessed silsila of sheikh. So, Chishtiya saints avoided any kind of confrontation with the scholars. One must note that they were all time great masters for the scholars too. When such high status saints use Music and sajada-e-Taazim, it is the sincere duty of scholars of other Islamic groups to research the base of the things for Music and Sajada-e-Taazim in the religious books. Today, lot of mischief is being played in the subject of Music and Sajada-e-Taazim. Hence to throw light on these subjects I have written articles. So, please read the articles sincerely. Music and Sajada-e-Taazim are allowed in Islam. I recall one historical event of debate between Chishtiya Saint Khwaza Nizamuddin Mehboob-e-Ilahi (RA) and Scholars of Islam during the time of Muslim rule on India. Nizamuddin Mehboob-e-Ilahi (RA) was the only saint in Chishtiya who preferred to take part in debate with scholars of Islam on account of so called shariat charges for sajada-e-taazim. The king permitted kazi to organize debate. On one side was only Nizamuddin (RA) defending sajada-e-taazim whereas on other side there were many scholars of Islam argued against sajada-e-taazim. In that debate, Nizamuddin (RA) defeated all scholars of Islam and obtained decree from the Muslim king of India that

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sajada-e-taazim was allowed in Islam. Most of other Chishtiya saints used to wipe out all religious knowledge of the scholars who came to argue against sajada-e-taazim and music. Chishtiya saints and people generally avoid confrontation. While in other silsila of Islam the relation of Devotee and his master is like student and teacher, in Chishtiya silsila, the relation of devotee and master is lover and beloved (Aashiq and Maa’shq). This is the reason love songs and Prophet’s and friend of Allah’s reality song are sung in mehfil-e-sama of Chishtiya. While there is a hadis al qudsi in which Allah says that he cannot be contained in skies or earth but can be contained in the heart of a true believer. While this is status of a believer, what may be status of friend of Allah! Looking to this, chishtiya saints build the relation of lover-beloved with devotee-master. During the above debate, the scholars of Islam used such a displeasing language about friends of Allah and about Prophet (sav) that Nizamuddin (RA) feared of azaab on Delhi. Within short time, Azaab on Delhi descended. The result was that King Mohamed Tughlakh shifted capital Delhi to Daulatabad in the central India. Delhi was ruined. The dogs were wondering in the streets of Delhi. The honorable Khwaza Nizamuddin (RA) made dua for prosperity of Delhi and again Delhi was made Capital by same King Mohmed Tughlukh. So, a proper conduct during religious debate is necessary otherwise ummah will be trapped in azaab for disrespecting talks in debate about saints of Islam. Allah says in hadis al qudsi that he is at war with those who show enmity towards his friends.

Please read the articles to get real knowledge about validity of sajada-e-taazim and music in Islam.


Since long time it has been a subject matter of controversy whether Music is allowed in Islam or not. In Sufism, there are several branches in Islam. Some Sufism branches of Islam use music in their spiritual ceremonies and practice. Chishtiya Sufism branch is the one which use the music widely in the Mehfil-e-Sama . In Mehfil-e-Sama, the devotional sufi songs, Praising songs for Allah, Prophet (sav) and friends of Allah are sung by the religious sufi singers.

Before we discuss about validity of Music in Islam, we must take into consideration these verses of holy Quran: [5:87] O you who believe, do not prohibit good things that are made lawful by Allah, and do not aggress; Allah dislikes the aggressors. [38:27] We did not create the heaven and the earth, and everything between them, in vain. [7:32] Say, "Who prohibited the nice things Allah has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say, "Such provisions are to be enjoyed in this life by those who believe. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know.

Islam is great and broad religion. It is a religion of broad minded people. Islam cares for the nature, natural things and natural feelings. Islam therefore allows for food for nafs (self desires) too. Islam asks to control the self desires and never says to kill self desires. As for example, law of marriage is introduced in Islam so that the necessary self desire of sex can be satisfied in a halal way. While there is a provision in Islam for giving food to

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nafs, there is every reason to believe that the provision for food to ruh, that is, music, must be there. Music is food for ruh. It is not a food for nafs. One can realize the fact that a weeping little kid can be made silent by using sweet music or by simple musical tone voice of the mother. The kid can even be made to sleep by slow sweet music as the kid gets intoxicated by the music. This intoxication and stopping cry of a kid is a good proof that music is a food of ruh. In religious books, it has been mentioned that if a kid weeps so much and does not stop crying, recite third kalema (la haula wa la quwwat). Saitan forces the kid to weep. So, the opposite property ( stop-weeping property of music) must be anti-saitanic. Hence, the basic property of halal music is sacred. But this sacred thing can be worsened if used in night clubs and bars in the same way as the diamond is made dirty if dropped in mud.

Hazarat Khwaza Moinuddin Chishty Sanjari(RA) was one of the great friends of Allah in Chishtiya silsila (branch). There are number of great friends of Allah called as saints, in Chishtiya Silsila. These saints were all time great aalims (Scholars) too. They used musical sama-e-mehfil to praise the beloved. These scholars must be followed. How can the present day scholars (aalims) question about mehfil-e-sama organized by great friend of Allah known as deputy of Prophet (sav), Khwaza Moinuddin Hasan Chishty Sanjari summa Ajmeri (RA) who gave Iman to nine millions (ninety lakh) people and admitted into Islam? We must follow such an all time great friend of Allah who was definitely a great scholar too. The tomb of this friend of Allah is in India.

What a surprising thing is that some aalims (scholars) of present time is going to argue against music used in Islam. This clearly indicates that they might not have learnt the precious books written by Chishtiya saints as for example “Rahatul Qulub, Fawaaidul Fawaad, Kashful Mahzub of Data Saheb, Awaariful Ma’aruf of Hazarat Mohammed Gesu Daraz Bada Nawaaz (RA) etc.

Though there are number of evidence in Islamic books for validity of Music, the logical and thoughtful insight gives us marvelous guidance that music in Islam is Halal and allowed in Islam. In Quran there has been mentioning “Don’t you think deeply, there are numerous signs in his creation for your guidance” The thoughtful insight gives the following guidance for the Music.

(1) Example Of Glass or Bottle:The Empty Glass or Bottle is not Halal nor Haram. Its Haram or Halal depends on the liquid filled in it. If halal liquid like pure water is filled, the glass will become halal. If wine/liquor is filled in the glass, it will become haram. The Glass or Bottle itself works as a supportive vessel or supportive agent for its user to help him use the liquid. Similarly is the case of Music. Music and Musical instruments are supportive agent for its user. It will become halal if used to praise Allah and Allah’s friends but will become haram if used in wine bars, night clubs and dance parties.

(2)Example of Kitchen Knife:The kitchen knife is halal if used to cut vegetables and meat of the kitchen but the same kitchen knife will become haram if some body innocent is killed through it. The knife

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itself is not halal or haram. It works as a supportive agent to the user to cut the vegetables. Similarly is the Music. Music is supportive to the singer. If singer is singing a praise song for Allah, Prophet (sav) and friends of Allah, with the music, the music will act as a supporter to the singer. How the supporter of Allah’s song can be haram?

I am sure, no scholar of Islam of the present time would be able to give ruling against Music after looking these arguments. It may be considered as a miracle shown by Chishtiya saints of Islam that I, the sinful person, am able to reply to present day aalims (scholars) who speak against Music and try to raise finger against notable famous Chishtiya Silsila. It must be noted that halal music is supporting Allah’s praise and therefore is considered as food for ruh. Haram music is food for nafs.

Of course, some friends of Allah kept themselves away from Music due their own personnel disliking of Music. They never meant Music was Haram. Their case was like the food consumer who is at the food table where so many types of food are kept. Out of that food, some food is liked whereas some are disliked by the food consumer, though all of the food served to him was Halal. In this way, though the Naqshbandi Silsila saints do not prefer to use Music, its great saint Khwaza Mohammed Baqibillah (RA), the sufi master of Mujaddid-e-alfsani (RA) used to attend Mehfil-e-sama in which Music was played. In Chishtiya Silsila, every saint used to attend mehfil-e-sama in which music is used.

Hazarat Mumshad Dinwari (RA) was a great saint of Chishtiya silsila. He lived in Baghdad. His was the eight saint in succession after Prophet Mohammed (sav) in Chishtiya silsila. So, he was a great saint of the time of sheikh Junaid Baghdadi (RA). He dreamed in the sleep in which vision of Prophet (sav) was seen. He talked with Prophet Mohammed (sav). During his talks, he wanted to know if Prophet (sav) was pleased with mehfil-e-sama or not as some people were commenting against it. The Prophet of Islam (sav) replied that he was pleased with Mehfil-e-sama and further said that he (Prophet-sav) used to attend the mehfi-e-sama in which some verses of Quran were recited prior to start the mehfil-e-sama and after the completion of mehfil-e-sama. What a great thing that our Prophet (sav) comes to listen mehfil-e-sama.

Khwaza Amir Khusro (RA) was the khalipha of Khwaza Nizamuddin Mehboob-e-Ilahi (RA). He was a great poet and musician too. He was a regular performer of devotional songs and music in the court of king Alauddin Khilji.

As per Quran, Surah Suaad, verses 18-19, Dawood(AS) used to sing in day and evening the praise songs and he was supported in singing by mountains and birds gathered intoxicated. It was a miracle given to Dawood (As). It was old time of Dawood (AS) when Music was most common. Dawood (AS) lived hundred years. It is quite surprising that Muslim scholars except Scholars of Chishtiya silsila; could not find out whether Dawood (AS) was using musical instruments or not.

Our Prophet (sav) listened welcome song sung by girls of Madina at the time of Hijarat in which the Daff (Musical instrument) was played. So, validity of musical instruments can

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be given. As one musical instrument is allowed, other musical instruments are also allowed.

Maulana Rumi (RA) said “this musical instruments-tabla, sarangi are supportive to the praise song of my beloved, how these supporters can be haram? No way (never)”

While Dawood(AS) was singing, the musical instruments which might be used; were supportive to him. Prophets dignity cannot be harmed by his supporters who supported him. So, if we say, Dawood (AS) was using musical instruments, it will; by no means; be understood that Dawood (AS) has been insulted. Dawood (AS) was Prophet and pious so his music and musical instruments must be considered as pious and halal. So, some aalims (scholars) say that to say that Dawood (AS) used musical instruments is an insult to him and one must seek forgiveness for that. What a way of thinking of present day scholars in spite of the fact they know that Chishtiya saints are used to listen songs for the beloved with music. How do they dare to raise finger against great Chishtiya Sufis?

IMPORTANT: It must be noted that some verses are written in quran to speak to disbelievers. Disbeliever’s music or amusement is haram. So, such verses must not be used to prove that music is haram. In quran, there is no specific verse which prohibits music. On the contrary, verses about Dawood (AS) show gesture to music. The following verses are said in quran for disbelievers (qafirs). (a)Allah addresses the disbelievers of the Quraish as follows, "Do you marvel at this statement, and laugh and do not weep, while you amuse yourselves (proudly) in vanities? Rather, prostrate before Allah and worship Him." (53:59-62) (b) Allah SWT addresses Satan thus; "And excite any of them whom you can with your voice. Assault them with your cavalry and infantry, be a partner with them in their wealth and children, and make them promises. But Satan promises nothing but deceit" (17:64)(c) And there are among men those who purchase idle talk in order to mislead others from Allah's path without knowledge, and those who throw ridicule upon it. For such there will be a humiliating punishment." (31:6) Here we should note that Idle-talk can be any form of talk and not necessarily singing and music

CONCLUSION:Music used in bars, night clubs and other haram works, programs or songs like the ones which are sung by qafirs are haram. But the Music used to glorify Allah, to respect and praise Prophets and friends of Allah is Halal. It must be noted that whatever talks of religious books, sayings in hadis books or quranic verses which may smell against Music or Musical instruments should be considered as Music or Musical Instruments used in Haram work like wine-liquor gatherings, dance parties etc. Halal music is a good thing.

SAJADA-E-TAAZIM AND ITS VALIDITY : ( With some Important tips to get Muslim ummah united )

(A)Please understand the following example:

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While a Mayor of a City deserves for some respect to be offered by thepeople, it is not necessary to explain that the President or a PrimeMinister of the country should be respected rather more than the Mayorof a City.

Similarly, if high school graduate is honoured, it is not necessary toexplain that University graduates must be honoured. These things areself explanatory.

But I am surprised that this type of very simple self explanatorymatter is not understood by some groups of Islam in some matters ofIslamic beliefs who baselessly create nuisance in Islam and makefactions in a glorious religion-Islam.

In Islam, Allah commanded to respect holy Kaaba in Mecca mosque. Thepilgrims of hajj circumferentially walk or run around kaaba in arespect. This Kaaba is kissed by the pilgrims of Hajj in love. Nowlooking at the Islamic history, this holy kaaba was already present inMecca but the Muslims were performing their prayers keeping face atBaitul Muqaddas in Jerusalem being a kiblaa at that time for allProphets (AS) and their ummah. The beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav)wished that the kiblaa for the Muslims be changed from Baitul Muqaddasto Baitul Haram (holy kaaba of Mecca). This wish of Prophet Mohammed(sav) was fulfilled by Allah and during prayer at a masjid-e-kiblatainin Madinah, the verses ordering change of kiblaa descended and thekiblaa was changed in the same prayer.

The important thing to note is that the holy kaaba was made kiblaa(center) for the Muslims due to wish of the Prophet Mohammed (sav).Now while this kabaa is respected by circular movement by thepilgrims, it is quite self-explanatory that the Prophet Mohammed (sav)be respected by any good action. Respect may be by circular motionaround tomb(grave) of the Prophet Mohammed (sav) or may be by kissingin love the wall of the grave house or may be silently standing infront of the grave or may be by sajda-e-tazim.

Sajad-e-Taazim is allowed in Islam though it is not compulsory. The following matter shown in (B), (C) and (D) are good examples to prove that sajada-e-Taazim is allowed in Islam.


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“Waith jaAAalna albayta mathabatan lilnnasi waamnan waittakhithoo min maqami ibraheema musallan waAAahidna ila ibraheema waismaAAeela an tahhira baytiya lilttaifeena waalAAakifeena waalrrukkaAAi alssujoodi” meaning

“And that WE had made this House (the Ka'bah) a central and peaceful place for the mankind and had commanded the people to make “Makam-e-Ibrahim” as a place of prayer (musalla) and urged Ibrâhim and Ismâ'il that keep MY House clean (purified) for those who are circulating (around the Ka'bah) and meditating (sitting in I'tikâf) and bowing down and prostrating (in prayers)”

In this verse, Allah has commanded that the Maqam-e-Ibrahim be made a place of Prayer. What is maqam-e-Ibrahim? Maqam-e-Ibrahim is a holy stone on which there are marks of holy footprints of Ibrahim (AS) made due to stone erosion due to constant standing on and descending from this stone till the holy kaaba (house of Allah) be built. This stone was given by Allah through angel jibrael from Jannah (paradise). When prophet Ibrahim(AS) was standing on it, it was raising till the height of the wall built. So, this stone was working like a ladder so that the house of Allah be built with ease and Prophet Ibrahim(AS) and Prophet Ismail(AS) could not get trouble to place brick (stone) of wall of holy house. The repeated movement of standing and descending engraved the stone in a footprints of Ibrahim (AS).

Allah commanded that the Muslims must consider the place where this stone is resting as a place of prayer. Hence, the Muslims pray two rakaat nifl prayer at this Makam-e-Ibrahim.

Now think in deep way. The light of Mohammed (sav) has been created from Light of Allah and the rest of the creation has been created by Allah from the light of Mohammed(sav). So, naturally, all Prophets have been created from the light of Prophet Mohammed (sav). Now while the footprints of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) has to be respected by prayers at its place, what may be the dignity of self (holy body) of Prophet Ibrahim(AS). While footprints of Ibrahim(AS) has such a high value, what may be the value of foot prints of Prophet Mohammed (sav)! Hence the Naalein Shareef (holy shoes) of Prophet Mohammed (sav) have tremendous value. Its value is more than Arsh Azam where our Prophet’s shoes touched it during Prophet’s ascension to heaven and further. When Prophet Mohammed (sav)’s shoes have such a great value and respect, what may be the value of holy hairs of Prophet Mohammed (sav)! It is now not necessary to explain why the holy hairs of Prophet Mohammed (sav) were collected by pious companions of the Prophet (sav). We must respect such holy relics.

So, only the group of the Muslims who respect holy hairs of Prophet (sav), the friends of Allah and their resting places and the physical things connected to them is the true Mo’min group and are true Muslims.

Here Allah clearly ordered the believers to make Makam-e-Ibrahim a Musalla. The Musalla means a place for Prostration (sajada). Now it is self explanatory that while Makame-Ibrahim (Stone of foot prints of Prophet Ibrahim-AS) is a place for Sajada, the

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place where our beloved Prophet Mohammed (SAV) who is a Master of all Prophets must be respected by sajada-e-tazim.

(C) SAJADA-E-TAAZIM is valid and allowed for these reasons also:

(1) There is hadis al qudsi. Allah says that he cannot be contained by the skies nor can he be contained by the earth. But he can be contained in the heart of the believer.

Now it is very easy to decide the validity of sajada-e-tazim. When Allah is contained in the heart of a believer, to respect such believer by sajada is valid. When Allah is residing in his heart, to who one is respecting by sajada? To Allah only. This is the reason, that the great friends of Allah are respected with this type of sajada. For this reason, in mehfil-e-sama some poems are recited which give the recognition of Allah.

(2)There has been recorded one event in Prophetic tradition (hadis books). The event is the becoming of Muslim of hazarat Akaramaa(RA). When hazarat Akarama (RA) arrived in the holy assembly of Prophet (sav), he prostrated, made sajada for respect, at the holy feet of Prophet (sav). The Prophet of Islam smiled and accepted him and made him Muslim. Prophet (sav) did not speak single word in that assembly against sajada-e-tazim. This implies us that sajada-e-tazim is valid and allowed. Otherwise, the beloved Prophet (sav) would have advised hazarat Akramaa(RA) and the gathered companions about prohibition of sajada if any. But this was not the case. Hence it is valid.

(3)Third reason is also available from hadis books. There has been an even recorded. A villager with his Camel came to visit beloved Prophet (sav). His Camel performed sajada as soon as she approached the Prophet (sav). Looking to this, the companions of Prophet (sav) said to the Prophet “this Camel(animal) has performed prostration (sajada), what is your command for us” The beloved Prophet replied “if I order (decree), I would order that the wife should perform sajada at the feet of her husband” Now think deep in the reply of the Prophet (sav). The first thing is “if I order” clearly implies that it was not an order. If it was an order then there would be compulsion for wife to perform sajada to her husband. So, our prophet removed compulsion. But still, its validity and allowance is remained. This may be explained like this. When Ramdan fastings were not yet compulsory, the muslim ummah was used to keep fastings on Ashura (Moharram). The fastings of Ashura were compulsory. But when the declaration of Ramadan fastings arrived, the Ashura fastings’ compulsion was removed. But still they are valid and allowed to keep. If some one keeps fastings on the days of Ashura, it is valid and allowed and the work is full of merits. But its compulsion is removed. Similarly, the compulsion of sajada-e-tazim is removed. But it is valid and allowed. It is considered a good thing if used as a respect to great friend of Allah. The mis-interpretation of this event, some scholar declared sazad-e-tazim as invalid. The very old book “Fawaaidul Fawaad” written by great khalipha of Nizamuddin Auliya(RA) gives definite proof that sajada-e-tazim was a routine practice in the blessed court of Nizamuddin Auliya (RA). This book is a noble recordings of blessed assemblies of Nizamuddin Auliya (RA) by his Khalipha Hazarat Ala Hasan Sijji(RA). At the start of every description for each and every new mehfil (new assembly), the words “after kissing the blessed feet of my master” is written.

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This gives us indication that, great saint and khalipha of pious saint Nizamuddin Auliya(RA) was used to kiss the feet of his murshad (spiritual master). So, these were the practice of people who are considered as friends of Allah.

(4)In Masjid-e-Nabawi (Old part of Masjid-e-Nabawi) there is a part called as Riyazul Jannah. This Riyazul Jannah means Garden of Jannah. This is due to blessings of Allah due to foot-steps of Prophet Mohammed (sav) on that part, it is called as Garden of Jannah. Prophet Mohammed (sav) used to come from his home door opening in masjid to Mimber of the masjid five times a day for leading a salaat for his companions and returning to home. The believers are eager to perform salaat at this place to obtain barakah as if performed salaat in jannah. This clearly implies that holy foot-steps of Prophet Mohammed (sav) has barkah of jammah and salaat is performed on this part shows that sajada is made by the believers at the foot-steps place and they are getting high reward. So, sajada-e-taazim is done to holy grave as this Riyazul Jannah is attached to the door of Prophet’s home (now the prophet’s grave chamber). This was the practice of companions of Prophet (sav).

(5) In hadis books, in chapter of Meraj, there is a mentioning that beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav) performed salaat at the grave of Musa (AS) and also performed salaat at the place where female servant of wife of Firaun who used to comb hairs of wife of Firaun had been martyred by sinking in a boiling oil. Though our beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav) is a leader of all the Prophets, his nobleness and soft nature was so supreme that he was appreciating and respecting the people who sacrificed for Allah and beloved to Allah. This salaat is for demonstrating respect to Prophet who arrived in this world earlier. These places were resting on his way of journey from Mecca (Masjid-e-haram) to Jerusalem(Baitul Muqaddas). This was a part of his journey to heavens and further. It must be noted that whole Masjid-e-Nabawi is not called as a Riyazul Jannah to make a difference of barakah of holy foot-steps of our beloved Prophet ( sav), though whole masjid-e-nabawi is full of blessings.

(D)In Quran in surah Al Hajj verse number 32 Allah says “Zalek,wamanyyuazzim sa’arillah fainnaha min taqwal qulub” meaning “This, whorespects the symbols of Allah is surely from piety (taqwa) of heart”

Taqwa is a piety obtained through the truth, patience and sincereobedience of Allah and his beloved Prophet (Pbuh).

Now in Quran in Surah Al Bakrah verse 158 it is written “Inn safa walmarwaa min sa’arillah” meaning “undoubtedly Safa and Marwaa aresymbols of Allah”

The Safaa and Marwaa are two small hills in Makkah in Arabia. Thesehills have a relation with a friend of Allah named Bibi Hajara. So,Allah has guided us that the things related with friends of Allah arecalled as symbols of Allah, and further declared that the respect ofsuch symbols is a piety of heart.

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This is very important thing to understand the true path and falsepath. The clear difference between the two paths is:

(a) Path of Allah, his friends (Messengers, Prophets, friends) and therespect of his symbols.

(b) Path of Satan, his followers (Namrud, Haman, Saddad, Firaun,Karoon, Abu Zahal, Abu Lahab, Magicians, Opponents of friends of Allahetc) and their places like the place where pillar symbol of Satan ishit by pebbles during hajj).

The work of Path (a) is pious and highly virtuous and leads one toparadise (Jannah).

The work of Path (b) is shirk and sinful and leads one to hell.

It must be noted that when the respect of symbols provides piety ofheart; what may be the rank of friends of Allah! Indeed; the friendsof Allah are those from whom the light of Allah is emanating(spreading). To insult or neglect such pious friends of Allah may leadone to hell fire. In verse 91 of Surah Al-Ambiya in quran; Mariam (AS)and Isa (AS) are said as symbols of Allah. So, in fact, the friends ofAllah are themselves among the symbols of Allah and their relatedthings and matters in favor of them are also symbols of Allah. Thesemust be respected. In quran in verse 248 of Surah Al Bakrah it iswritten “With this their Prophet (Samuel) told them:"The sign of hisappointment as a king from Allâh is that during his rule you will getthe box back, in which there is peace of mind (Sakinah) for you fromyour Râbb, which has the sacred residue left by the family of Mûsa andfamily of Hârûn, and which has been carried by the angels at thistime. If you are true believers, then it is a great sign for you”

The wooden box containing things of friends of Allah is considered inquran as peace providing and that box was used by Bani Israel toobtain barakah is also a symbol of Allah.

Safaa and Marwaa are small hill made of stones and clay and is symbolof Allah due to their relation with the friend of Allah. The respectof these hills is a piety of heart. There is no shirq in it. Whereasthe other simple hills and mountains cannot be respected and if suchmountains or hills are respected, it will become shirq. So, whichthing has removed shirq even to respect stone-clay hills of Safaa andMarwaa? The friend of Allah’s relation is the driving force whichremoved shirq. So, it is self explanatory that Allah’s friend relatedthings can be respected, the Allah’s friends can also be respected and

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there cannot be any smell of shirq in it.

(E)The sunni and Shia difference can be removed by following example:

After Prophet Mohammed (sav) Shia believes in Hazarat Ali and tenImams only. Sunnis believe in all friends of Allah. The friends ofAllah are great people as described in above example. To not believesingle friend of Allah is as if not believing in Islam. In hadisal-qudsi Allah says “I cannot be contained in the skies or in theearth but I can be contained in the heart of a believer” So, the heartof the true believer (friend of Allah) becomes the house of Noor ofAllah (light of Allah). So, it (believer’s heart) is like a kiblaa(house of Allah). How such pious people can be neglected?

So, all companions of the Prophet Mohammed (sav) and their followersexcept those involved in battle of karbala against Imam Husein(RA) andhis party(house people and relatives) must be respected. The wars anddisputes among the companions of the holy Prophet (sav) were due todifference of opinions between them and they had compromised withreconciliation between them. So, after the reconciliation is accorded,there cannot stand any dispute and Allah granted them forgiveness andgranted highest status.

In the case of karbalaa, no compromise or no reconciliation betweenImam Husein (RA) and Yazid had occurred and hence Yazid and his armycannot be respected in any way. They are the people of hell fire.Yazid broke the law set by the holy Prophet (sav) to sit on the throneof khilaphat by election. He was in the army and captured the throneof khilaphat after the death of his father Amir Muawiyah (RA) in a waylike dictator which was against principles of Islam. Yazid’s armymartyred six month infant baby boy of Imam Husein (RA) showingultimate cruelty. Imam Husein’s(RA) house members were kept thirstyfor three days and two nights. All these were against priciples ofIslam. Imam Husein (RA) was son of daughter of Prophet of Islam andloved by him so much. In short, yazid and his army were thus worked asmunafiq. Hence, such people were the people of hell fire. Peoplewanted to make Imam Husein (RA) as their Khalipha and they invited himat kufa (in Iraq). But Yazid threatened them and due to fear ofYazid’s army, they turned away from helping Imam Husein (RA) and hisfamily who were on the way of their journey and in Karbala, he andmale members of his family and relatives were martyred. That was amost tragedious history of the world forever. The people who martyredImam Husein (RA) were none other than verbal testifiers of Islamickalema “La Ilah Illallah, Mohammed Rasulallah” This indicates that thetestifying by heart is the true believer. True believer alwayssacrifices on the love of Prophet (sav). History of Islam witnessed

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that Prophet Mohammed (sav) loved Imam Husein (RA) so much. How canany true believer dare to imagine to martyr such highest status lovedgrand son of the Prophet Mohammed (sav). So, this is the evidence thatto be Muslim is not enough. True aqidah of a person must be seen. Thisis essential.

Hazarat Ali (RA) worked as an Advisor in advisory council of Hazarat AbuBakar (RA), Hazarat Omar (RA), and Hazarat Usman (RA)’s khilaphattime, I am sure, no sunni and shia dispute or difference is valid. So,Muslims are requested to be united.

Hazarat Ali(RA) was praised by Prophet Mohammed(sav) by three true hadis:

(1)Prophet Mohammed (sav) said “I am city of knowledge and Ali is its gate”

(2)Prophet Mohammed (sav) said “I am Moula (leader) of those whose Moula is Ali”

(3)Prophet Mohammed (sav) said “Ali and I are created from one noor (light)”

Hazarat Abu Bakar Siddiq(RA) was praised by Prophet Mohammed (sav) bythis hadis:

Prophet Mohammed (sav) said “Whatever is in my chest, I have poured itinto the chest of Abu Baker”

In hadis al qudsi Allah says “Whoever show enmity upon my friends, Iam at war with those people”

So, I am sure, studying this guidelines by deep thinking, the MuslimUmmah will be united. So, please be united. All four Majhabs are true(Hanafi, Shaafi, Maliki and Humbali). All sufi tariqats are true.There are different ways in Islam to reach to Almighty. Prophet (sav)told “My companions are like stars, one can be rightly guided bypicking any one of them)”

(F) The Scholars (Aalims) of Islam And The Friends (Saints) of Allah-A Great Difference between the two:

The scholar (aalim) in Islam is meant for a person having knowledge of Shariat and commentary on Quran which is known as Tafsir. These scholars can give knowledge about rules and merits of Salaat, Fastings, Charity, Donation, Zakaat and can frame laws as regards permissible and impermissible about actions, food, things and other deeds in light of reference from quran and traditions of Prophet (sav) and his companions.

But the friends of Allah (saints) are the blessed people who have; over and above to scholar related knowledge of religion, they have secret knowledge as well. This secret

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knowledge is their wisdom in the religion. Also, the important thing is that, these friends of Allah have the ability to perform the miracles as and when required. Beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav) told “the ulema of my ummah are like the previous Prophets” The Ulema means the Ulema –e-baatin who are blessed with secret knowledge. In fact, the true ulema (true scholars) of religion are these friends of Allah.

There are two important references available about secret knowledge in holy quran as under.

(1)The incident of meeting of Prophet Musa (AS) and Khwaza Khidar/Khizar (AS) mentioned in Surah Al Kahaf in quran:

Prophet Musa (AS) was given book Tawret by Allah. He was master of shariat knowledge of the book given to him. So, it was his opinion that nobody in the world at that time was superior to him as regards knowledge. Hence Allah guided him that there were people whom were blessed with secret knowledge, called as Ilm al ladunni and showed him one such holy person Khwaza Khidar (AS). Musa (AS) insisted that Khawaza Khidar (AS) should teach secret knowledge to him. Khwaza Khidar (AS) put condition to remain calm and should never ask a question when he would demonstrate some works. Musa (AS) agreed. While going to different places with Musa (AS), Khwaza Khidar (AS) demonstrated some strange works which surprised Musa (AS). The new boat was damaged by piercing a hole in it, a young boy was killed without any charge on him, he repaired wall of the house in a village whose people were not cooperative and not helpful to them. From first sight, by shariat, all these works were seemed to be against shariat. Prophet Musa (AS) could not keep patience which was the condition, and hence the secret knowledge was not taught to Musa (AS). But before they departed, khwaza Khidar (AS) opened the secret about the works he had demonstrated. He had killed the boy as the boy was supposed to die as disbeliever and was supposed to misguide and harass his parents who were people of paradise. To save their faith, he was killed. The new boat was damaged as the king was supposed to take away new good looking boats and hence the boat was damaged little so that the poor boat owner could earn a loaf by doing just a minor repair.

The important thing is that, such secret knowledge people are always great. These are the friends of Allah. How the scholars of the religion who got degrees by merely reading the books can be compared with such a great people?

(2) The second example is taken from the verse 85-86 of Surah Bani Israel of quran. The simple translation of these verses is “O Prophet, the people are asking you about Ruh (soul), you say that the Ruh is made by the command of my Rabb (Allah). Very few are given its knowledge” The word “min Ilm” means “from knowledge” is used. Also the word “Illa kalila” means “very few” is used.

The translation “given from knowledge but very few” clearly shows that very few are blessed with this knowledge of Ruh. Some people translate like this “Given in this knowledge but a few” meaning “very few knowledge is given” which is wrong as the

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word “min” is meant for “from” Thus forming translation “From this knowledge” For the word “in” arabic word “fi” is used. Here in these verses “fi ilm (in knowledge)” is not written. “min ilm” “from knowledge” is written. There are different types of knowledge. Like knowledge of shariat, knowledge of Science, knowledge of languages etc. FROM all of these knowledge branches, the RUH knowledge is given to very few.

So, there are people in the Islam, who are blessed with knowledge of Ruh (soul). This group of people will be there in the Islam till last day (qayamat).

In fact, this group of people, called as the friends of Allah, is truly ruling the entire universe. These people can see the souls of the persons whether dead or alive, can talk to the souls, can take advise from the holy souls of Prophets and even from soul of beloved Prophet Mohammed (sav). These people can see the azaab (tortures) of the grave on the dead and can see the pleasures of jannah in the grave of the person of paradise. Khwaza Moinuddin Chishty (RA) had removed azaab of a person in grave when he looked at the grave passing through the grave yard. Our Prophet Mohammed (sav) had also removed azaab on the grave by putting small green branch of a tree on that grave. At one occasion, our beloved Prophet (sav) was passing through an old well. He spoke “I had advised you to accept Islam but you denied. Now taste the tortures given by Allah through angels of azaab” The companions of Prophet (sav) asked “Nobody is here other than us, to whom are you talking o beloved?” Prophet (sav) replied “here in this well, there are souls (arwah) of Abu Zahal and his disbelievers’ companions who are being punished” So, the people of ruh-knowledge can see the ruh of a person and can se the status of ruh of a particular person..

Looking to above examples, one can concludes that there can be no comparison between Scholars of Islam and friends of Allah. The difference between them is so vast as Mountains and small Mustard grain particle. Some of these scholars are misguiding the Muslim Ummah about Sufism groups of Islam who are contained by blessed Ruh knowledge anf Secrtet knowledge of Ilm Al Ladunni. These so called scholars of Islam are arguing against Music and Sajada-e-tazeem performed by Chishtiya friends of Allah like Khwaza Moinuddin Hasan Chishty (RA), Khwaza Qutbuddin Bakhtiyaar Kaki Awasi (RA), Khwaza Fariduddin Mashoud Ganj Shakar (RA), Khwaza Nizamuddin Auliya (RA) and so many others. Khwaza Amir Khushro (RA) was the regular performer of Music in the assembly of king Alauddin Khilji of Delhi (India). Only khwaza Moinuddin (RA) gave faith to nine millions people 800 years ago (1100-1200 AD).

There are many Sufism chains in Islam. All Sufism chains of Islam are righteous. Their aqidah are righteous.

NOTE: Please read the ebook “Introduction to Islam (Revised)” by typing exactly as shown. This book is written by me. The book is lucid to understand true Islam.

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