A Br ie f Hi st or y Of U S-Isra el R el at i ons How Zionists Outmaneuvered and Replaced State Department Eperts ! "y Am"# Andrew I# $ill%ore &ourtesy' ()e &ounter *unc) + ,ovem"er . /012. 3as)in%ton D&. Sri 4an5a 6uardian7 Alison 3eir writes at t)e  "e%innin% of )er "o o5. A%ainst Our Better 8ud%me nt' ()e )idden )isto ry of )ow t)e U#S# was used to create Israel. t)at w)ile many people are led to "elieve t)at U#S# support for Israel is driven "y t)e American esta"lis)ment and U#S# national interests. facts do not support t)at "elief# ()e reality is t)at w)ile for decades almost all U#S# eperts opposed Israel and its foundin%. t)ey were outmaneu vered and eventually replaced "y Zionists# *olitical Zionism started in t)e late 1900s as an international movement to esta"lis) a 8ewis) state somew)ere in t)e world# By 19:; t)e movement was led "y Austrian  <ournalist ( )eodor Her=l . w)o convened t)e > irst Zionist 3orl d &on%ress in Ba sel. Swit=erland t)e same year# U#S# Zionism "e%an in t)e 1990s# ()e Board of Dele%ates of  American Isr aelites was or %ani=ed in 19?1# ( )e %roup was s tron% enou%) du rin% t)e

A Brief History of US-Israel Relations

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8/10/2019 A Brief History of US-Israel Relations

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 A Brief History Of US-Israel Relations

How Zionists Outmaneuvered and Replaced

State Department Eperts

! "y Am"# Andrew I# $ill%ore

&ourtesy' ()e &ounter *unc)

+ ,ovem"er . /012. 3as)in%ton D&. Sri 4an5a 6uardian7 Alison 3eir writes at t)e

 "e%innin% of )er "oo5. A%ainst Our Better 8ud%ment' ()e )idden )istory of )ow t)e

U#S# was used to create Israel. t)at w)ile many people are led to "elieve t)at U#S#

support for Israel is driven "y t)e American esta"lis)ment and U#S# national interests.

facts do not support t)at "elief# ()e reality is t)at w)ile for decades almost all U#S#

eperts opposed Israel and its foundin%. t)ey were outmaneuvered and eventuallyreplaced "y Zionists#

*olitical Zionism started in t)e late 1900s as an international movement to esta"lis) a

8ewis) state somew)ere in t)e world# By 19:; t)e movement was led "y Austrian

 <ournalist ()eodor Her=l. w)o convened t)e >irst Zionist 3orld &on%ress in Basel.

Swit=erland t)e same year# U#S# Zionism "e%an in t)e 1990s# ()e Board of Dele%ates of 

 American Israelites was or%ani=ed in 19?1# ()e %roup was stron% enou%) durin% t)e

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 American &ivil 3ar to "loc5 an effort "y t)e Union to declare America a &)ristian


In 199; *resident 6rover &leveland appointed a 8ewis) am"assador to (ur5ey.

esta"lis)in% a precedent for namin% a 8ew to t)at post for t)e net @0 years# ()is

represented t)e %rowin% power of t)e Zionist movement# But in 1:1/. w)en t)e Zionist4iterary Society as5ed *resident 3illiam (aft for an endorsement. Secretary of State

*)ilander $no was a"le to t)wart t)e effort# $no ar%ued t)at Zionism related to t)e

interests of countries ot)er t)an our own#

But after $no. simply every American official )as opposed Zionist efforts to involve

t)e United States on t)e same %rounds' t)e efforts are a%ainst t)e interests of t)e

United States# ()e Zionists were and are aware of t)is. so t)ey always resorted to

secrecy to conceal t)eir real aims#

In 1:1/ t)e prominent U#S# attorney 4ouis Brandeis "ecame )ead of t)e Zionist &entral

office. w)ic) )ad moved from Berlin. 6ermany a little w)ile "efore# Brandeis is "etter

5nown as a Supreme &ourt 8ustice. "ut )e played a sinister role in

alison weir "oo5)i%) Zionist affairs# He recruited youn% lawyers. particularly from

Harvard. to wor5 for t)e Zionist cause# He was a leader of a secret society called t)e

*arus)im to wor5 for Zionism wit) all t)e outward appearance of simply a fraternal

order# Eac) mem"er too5 a practically "lood oat) to secretly wor5 for Zionism#

 3)en Brandeis was appointed to t)e Supreme &ourt "y *resident 3oodrow 3ilson )eofficially resi%ned from all )is clu"s and affiliations# But t)is was only for s)ow# 3eir

Cuotes )istorian<ournalist Donald ,eff' ()rou%) )is lieutenants )e remained t)e

power "e)ind t)e t)rone# One of t)ese lieutenants was t)e well-re%arded Supreme

&ourt 8ustice >eli >ran5furter. w)ose Zionist activities )ad lar%ely %one unnoticed#

 3eir very astutely and "rilliantly covers 3orld 3ar One and t)e Balfour Declaration

+Britain promisin% to support a national )ome for 8ews in *alestine7# ()e

Declaration was critical for Zionism success wit) t)e reason "e)ind it. Zionisms

promise to wor5 for t)e U#S# to enter t)e war on Britains side# Aut)or Alison 3eir writes t)at w)et)er t)e Zionist role in %ettin% America into t)e war was ma<or. as t)e

Zionists claim. and t)e Britis) "elieved. is unclear#

In one of )er Cuoted references &)aim 3ei=mann. w)o later "ecame t)e first president

of Israel. complains in )is auto"io%rap)y a"out t)e Britis)Zionist myt) t)at )e

invented (,(. t)e reward for w)ic) was t)e Balfour Declaration# He said )e did not

invent t)e eplosive# ()e ori%in of t)e (,( myt) was an o"vious attempt to cover up

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Britains real reason for issuin% t)e declaration. w)ic) clearly was to %et America into

t)e war on Britains side. wit)out w)ic) s)e would )ave lost t)e war#

Fs# 3eirs covera%e of t)e 1:1: *eace &onference in *aris is ecellent# ()e &onference

 was rife wit) Zionists ar%uin% for t)e 8ewis) state# ()e most prominent American

opposin% t)em was Dr# Howard Bliss. president of t)e Syrian *rotestant &olle%e. latert)e American University of Beirut# *resident 3ilson did send t)e $in%-&rane

&ommission to study w)at t)e Fiddle Easterners wanted# ()e two men found t)at t)e

 Ara"s were utterly a%ainst t)e national )ome idea# It was clear t)at t)e 8ewis)

representatives wanted a nearly complete dispossession of t)e *alestinians and t)at

armed force would "e reCuired to carry out Zionist aims#

()rou%)out 8ud%ment Alison 3eir clearly documents t)e total lac5 of et)ics and

morality. as %enerally understood. on t)e part of t)e Zionists# >or eample. t)ey

fa"ricated stories of %ross anti-Semitism in *oland to %ain sympat)y# 3)en t)e

 American am"assador to *oland reported t)at t)ey were false. Brandeis and

>ran5furter claimed t)at t)e am"assador )ad undercut t)eir mission# >ran5furter

t)reatened t)at )e would try to "loc5 )is Senate confirmation#

()e Zionists ran a %i%antic pu"lic relations campai%n tar%etin% every sector of society.

includin% particularly t)e &)ristians. w)o )ad little 5nowled%e of t)e nature of

Zionism or of its true %oals# ()us t)e Zionists played on t)e tra%ic pli%)t of t)e

refu%ees fleein% from persecution and findin% no )ome# As anti-Zionist Ra""i Elmer

Ber%er says in )is memoirs. t)ere was a u"iCuitous propa%anda campai%n reac)in%

 <ust a"out every point of political levera%e of American life#

It is important to emp)asi=e t)at essentially all official American personnel opposed

t)e Zionists# >orei%n Service Officer Evan 3ilson. U#S# consul %eneral in 8erusalem.

opposed t)em on national interests %rounds# 4oy Henderson. director of t)e Office of

,ear Eastern and African Affairs. wrote t)at supportin% partition of *alestine would

)ave a stron%ly adverse effect on American interests t)rou%)out t)e ,ear and Fiddle

East# 3)en Henderson persisted in puttin% )is views forward. t)e Zionists attac5ed

)im viciously. callin% )im an anti-Semite. demandin% )is resi%nation and

t)reatenin% )is family#

Henderson was transferred "y *resident Harry (ruman as am"assador to ,epalIndia#

()e transfer of Henderson reflects t)e reality of w)at )appens to >orei%n Service

officers w)o critici=e Israel. even today#

Ot)ers w)o spo5e warnin% words a"out Zionism and its adverse effect on American

national interests were 6eor%e ># $ennan. )ead of t)e State Departments *olicy

*lannin% staff# He wrote t)at t)e 1:2; partition plan for *alestine )ad done enormous

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dama%e to t)e U#S# Under Secretary of State +later Secretary7 Dean Ac)eson said t)at

to transform *alestine into a 8ewis) state would imperil not only American "ut all

 3estern interests in t)e ,ear East#

8ud%ment is prodi%iously documented. wit) nearly /00 "oo5s and papers listed# 3eir

Cuotes two sources. one of t)em an IraCi 8ew. as writin% t)at t)e Zionists terrori=edIraCi 8ews into %oin% to Israel "y plantin% "om"s in Ba%)dad syna%o%ues. all to

increase t)e population of Israel# 8ews even 5illed 8ews to force immi%ration to Israel#

In 1:29 t)ere was a "attle "etween Secretary of State +6eneral7 6eor%e Fars)all and

&lar5 &lifford. political adviser to *resident Harry (ruman. over (rumans support for

ZionismIsrael# Fars)all ar%ued for national interests. w)ile &lifford ar%ued for

electoral politics# Fars)all Cuit spea5in% to &lifford over t)eir differences#

In April 1:29. <ust "efore t)e State of Israel was esta"lis)ed. 8ewis) terrorists attac5ed

t)e *alestinian villa%e of Deir Gassin. massacrin% 1; men. women and c)ildren# ()e

facts spread Cuic5ly in *alestine and ;0.000 refu%ees fled from t)eir )omes# ()e

Zionists )ad anticipated t)e fli%)t. leavin% room for 8ews in t)e evacuated )omes and


()e rut)lessness of t)e Zionists is illustrated "y t)e fate of Dorot)y ()ompson. one of 

t)e most famous <ournalists of t)e /0t) century. accordin% to t)e Britannica

encyclopedia# Her columns were in newspapers all over t)e country. )er radio pro%ram

 was )eard "y millions of people# S)e )ad "een married to one of t)e most famous

novelists +Ba""itt7. Sinclair 4ewis#

()ompson )ad at first supported Zionism. "ut c)an%ed )er mind w)en s)e saw

*alestinian refu%ees# ()en s)e was attac5ed as an anti-Semite. )er columns were

dropped from newspapers and )er spea5in% en%a%ements stopped# (oday. 3eir says.

S)e )as "een lar%ely erased from )istory#

,ow t)at Israel )as "een around for more t)an ?0 years and its virtues are sun% in t)e

 American media. it is easy to for%et. or not even to )ave )eard. t)at t)e country is

etremely adverse to American national interests and its policies enormouslydestructive and dan%erous to Americas well-"ein%# ()us Alison 3eir must "e )i%)ly

commended for t)rowin% suc) a "rilliantly )ard li%)t on t)e relations)ip "etween t)e

United States and Israel# I )ope t)is marvelous "oo5 %ets all t)e attention it deserves#

 Am"assador Andrew I# $ill%ore is t)e pu"lis)er of t)e 3as)in%ton Report on Fiddle

East Affairs and a retired diplomat w)o served as a career forei%n service officer in

>ran5furt. 4ondon. Beirut. 8erusalem. Amman. Ba%)dad. Dacca. (e)ran. Fanama.

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and 3ellin%ton and as a des5 officer in ot)er ,ear East and Sout) Asia re%ional

 "ureau positions in t)e State Department in 3as)in%ton "efore )is assi%nment as U#S#

 Am"assador in Do)a# Am"assador $ill%ore received t)e >orei%n Service &up in 1::;.

t)e citation statin%' >or impressive contri"utions to increased awareness and

understandin% of t)e Fiddle East and t)e many dimensions of United States interests

in t)e area#*osted "y ()avam