A Course In Business Miracles® would like to share: The Belief Transformation Tool "What keeps the world in chains but your beliefs? And what can save the world except your Self? Belief is powerful indeed. The thoughts you hold are mighty, and illusions are as strong in their effects as is the truth. " - A Course In Miracles

A Course In Business Miracles® would like to share: The Belief … · 2018. 12. 3. · A Course In Business Miracles® would like to share: The Belief Transformation Tool "What keeps

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A Course In Business Miracles® would like to share:

The Belief Transformation Tool

"What keeps the world in chains but your beliefs? And what can save the world except your Self? Belief is powerful indeed. The thoughts you hold are mighty, and illusions are as strong in

their effects as is the truth." - A Course In Miracles

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For most of my teens and twenties all I could consider was how to get through the next 24 hours without my world falling apart. From the outside anyone would have told you I had it very together, but inside I was one ongoing hot mess. Somehow I had made it through college, graduate school, started a career as a high school drama teacher - all on mere survival instinct. Then I got the inspired idea to start my own business and, well, everything changed. Survival instinct wasn’t enough anymore.

Which is why one of the teachings I share with my Business Miracles Members frequently is that if you want a fast track to personal growth, start a business. Oh, is that the truth. (Especially if you're highly sensitive) And that’s what I got in my first year of being self-employed, for sure. All my crap came up right in front of my face quite quickly and I realized I had a lot of limiting beliefs to deal with such as:

• My beliefs about money • My beliefs about marketing and selling• My beliefs about my own abilities• My beliefs about my own sense of worth• My beliefs about what it meant to be in business

and a whole lot more…

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

Hey There! It’s Heather Dominick, creator of www.businessmiracles.com and founder and leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® (HSE®) movement since 2010.

I’m so excited to share with you a very effective and important tool - The Belief Transformation Tool (lovingly referred to as the BTT in the Business Miracles Community :) )

When I first stepped into being self-employed, more than a decade and a half ago, not only was I NOT aware of the limiting beliefs I had, but I wasn’t even aware of my beliefs AT ALL. (So crazy, right? But, sadly, true.)

Even though I’d been a student of A Course In Miracles since I was 14 years old, after my mother died suddenly in a bicycle accident, I had only used my spirituality for survival. I wasn’t aware of how my thoughts, beliefs and overall energy were impacting me day to day.

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I’ve shared the BTT with literally thousands of other Highly Sensitive Entrepreneurs (HSEs) who have all experienced some sort of deep and true transformation. Here are just a few:

Belief Transformation Success Stories

"The BTT (belief transformation tool) is one of the most powerful tools I have ever experienced. After 21 consecutive days of doing the BTT I noticed circumstances and people were showing up for me so differently. More powerfully than I could've imagined! I will continue using this tool as other Limiting Beliefs arise." 

Susan Rustici - President of Menla Technologies and Menla Life Center - Independence, MO

"The BTT is such a powerful tool that I use often in my business.  One of my main limiting beliefs used to be "I am not enough”.  And, this limiting belief was very much affecting my ability to generate income in my business, as I had a really hard time “putting myself out there".  And, as a result of using this tool and gathering tangible evidence against this belief consistently, I have experienced HUGE shifts in the intensity of this belief and I see the results in my business.  I feel so much more confident, light, and free."

Jessica deCsesznak - InsPOWERed Coaching - Denver, CO

So now it’s your turn! :)

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

It’s a simple, daily practice that has a profound, long-lasting effect.

I knew I needed more than my spiritual practice to support me. I needed something tangible, track-able, something I could see and feel and observe day in and day out. So I could SEE that change was occurring.

That’s when the BTT was born.

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Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

First, let’s understand the definition of a “limiting belief” as a belief which holds you back in some way. Because of this belief you do not think, do or say the things that the belief blocks; and the result of this is a diminishment of your life.

You may have beliefs about rights, duties, abilities, permissions and so on, but, mostly, limiting beliefs are often about yourself and your self-identity. However, limiting beliefs may also be about other people and the world in general. In short, they sadly limit you.

So, how do you know a belief is limiting? EASY – it counteracts what you desire for yourself! For example:

You have a passionate desire: “I want to start a business as a coach/healer/artist!”

Your limiting belief tells you: “You can’t do that; you’ll never make enough money.”

Make sense? (I thought so. Sounds very familiar, right?)

Especially for those of us who are highly sensitive; since only 20% of us are born into the world highly sensitive we’ve spent most of our lives feeling very different from the rest of the world which is designed for the other 80%.

So everything that makes us who we are we’ve come to see as a weakness or, as I like to say, as HSE Shadows, rather than as what they really are, HSE Strengths.

These Shadows feed right into your limiting beliefs.

Next, I highly recommend that you use a specific journal (or at least a pad of paper) for your BTTs. This is so that you can go back and track where you started and where you have come to; you can literally see the transformation take place before your eyes.

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There are 8 simple steps. I am going to walk you through each step with an example to support your learning.

Step 1 - Identify A Limiting BeliefFor the purpose of this teaching example let’s use the example of “Jenny” who wants to grow her life coaching business, but every time Jenny thinks about this she hears inside her head:

“I’ll never be able to make enough money working for myself”.

So that’s Jenny’s Limiting Belief. Once Jenny has identified this Limiting Belief she then writes it down.

That’s it.

There is actually a lot of power in putting words to the limiting belief AND writing it out on paper (or at least typing it). It’s important that you fully formulate the thought and then SEE it.

Step 2 - Rate The Intensity of The Limiting Belief (1 Low - 10 High)This step is about how true this belief is for you.

So, how can you tell how true this belief is for you?

Well, most likely, when you truly focus in you’ll feel it in your body. Most likely this limiting belief will be hanging out in your head, your heart, or your gut – or all three.

When you check in about this belief and ask yourself, “How true does this feel to me?” you’ll hear a screaming inside your head, “THIS IS SO TRUE!” and then stories will start to pour forth sounding something like, “Remember what happened to Aunt Ida when she tried to start a business!?” or “You’re too stupid. You can’t even balance your check book!” or as “Jenny” heard screaming in her head: “Being a Life Coach is NOT A REAL JOB!”

Or your heart will start to ache.

Or your stomach will tighten.

The key is how loud is the voice, how intense is the ache and/or how tight is your stomach … that’s where the rating of the intensity comes in.

If you just can’t imagine it going any higher without self-combusting, that’s a 10. If you have a sense you could feel worse, but also better then it is probably around a 5. If you start to feel this whole BTT thing is getting rather tiresome because you’d rather be out there marketing your business and talking to potential clients – you’ve hit 0! No more limiting belief – YAY :)

When “Jenny” checked in she realized that the Limiting Belief was screaming so loudly in her head and she felt like she was going to throw up so she rated her Limiting Belief a “9”.

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

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Step 3 - Identify The Ideal BeliefThis step is the opportunity to get clear about what you’d like to believe instead.

If you weren’t stuck with this limiting thought, what belief would support you in getting what you want and having what you desire.

Sometimes when I need help identifying the “Ideal Belief” I conjure up someone I imagine doesn’t have such difficulty with limiting beliefs (of course, everyone does to some degree, but my ego-mind likes to play tricks on me – which is it’s main job – and tell me I’m the only one); Oprah is always a good resource for this.

So, I say to myself, “What would Oprah believe?” and then something eloquent pops up like: “I’ll be able to make more than enough money working for myself”.

There it is, the Ideal Belief.

Then you WRITE IT DOWN. (Very important part of all the steps!)

“Jenny” decided that her Ideal Belief would be: “I can make more than enough money to spare and share in my Life Coaching Business.”

Step 4 - Acknowledge That It’s A Tall Order To Go From 0 to 100 (Limiting Belief to Ideal Belief)The minute you identify the Ideal Belief your ego-mind will want to come in and tell you how ludicrous you are, how crazy you are, how stupid it is to even consider this possibility and try to come with all the ways to remind you that you’re not Oprah (or whatever Ideal Belief muse you may have chosen, if needed).

This step counter-acts that sneaky ego-mind right from the get go simply so you can stay. with. the. process.

That’s all.

Not obtain instant enlightenment.

Not immediately generate $100K in your life-coaching business.

Not even immediately get a new client.

Just so you can stay. with. the. process.

And, therefore, actually have a shot at transforming this pesky limiting belief!

“Jenny” wrote down for herself: “I don’t need to believe this Ideal Belief today. I only need to consider it as a possibility.”

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

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Step 5 - Gather Evidence Contrary To The Limiting BeliefThis step is oh-so-very-important. Really, all the steps are, but this step is a turning point. This step is the place on Mt Everest where most people turn back or freeze to death. This is the tell-all: do you really want what you say you want enough to be willing to dive deeper and do (what I call) the “real work”.

It’s one thing to be doodling in your journal about your limiting beliefs and it’s a whole other thing to actually need to dig deep and begin to gather evidence. What’s important with this step is that you begin with what you can actually grasp.

So for instance, maybe, you start with other people outside of yourself. It might sound like:

• Other people have been successfully self-employed (I will not be the first living human being to work for herself.)

• Other people have succeeded at doing things they at first thought they couldn’t do like the 12 year old girl who just won America’s Got Talent

• I saw on Facebook that girl who sat behind me in Math in high-school has a dog-walking business and I saw pictures of her walking dogs so it must be true

• Etc.

And then eventually you can extend to yourself, which might sound like:

• There was that time I was told I couldn’t bake an apple pie but I did it• I sold the most Girl Scout cookies in my entire troupe in fourth grade• I met that woman at a party last week who gave me her card and she has her

own massage therapy practice

Now, again, let’s acknowledge how much the ego-mind is going to want to come in and have a put-down for every single one of these. That’s ok. Let it rage away and gather the evidence to the contrary anyway.


Just so you can stay. with. the. process.

Because that’s the in-this-moment goal. Just staying. with. the. process. (That then leads to awesome, profound change, but Shhhh!, we won’t tell your ego-mind)

“Jenny” felt hopeful about the evidence she gathered for herself:

• Martha Beck has done well for herself• I overheard a woman at the grocery store talking about her Life Coach• I’ve worked with my own Life Coach for 2 years now• I found a nickel• I got a raise last year so I must do ok work• I started a conversation with that stranger in the elevator so I can talk to strangers• My skips an excited beat when I let myself think this might be possible

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

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Step 6 - From That Evidence Identify A Next Baby-Step BeliefPhrases to activate Your Next Baby Step Belief

• I am willing to consider the possibility that...• It’s possible that ...• I believe ...

This step is just about getting us from 0 to maybe, like, 1 or 2 (rather than 100, remember?) all so that we can stay. with. the. process. (Are you catching on how important this staying-with-it thing is? :) )

Therefore, we want to give the mind language that it won’t immediately reject. Rather than “I do believe” (where the ego-mind just starts to cackle like the Wicked Witch of the West) we instead start with “I am willing to consider the possibility that maybe, just perhaps, on a really sunny day, when it’s a perfect 70 degrees I’ll be able to make more than enough money working for myself. Maybe.”

And then as you stay-with-it you’ll be able to graduate to phrases like “It’s possible that…” and then, eventually, “I believe”.

“Jenny” identified her Next Baby-Step Belief as: “I am willing to consider the possibility that I might be able to connect with a client who would be willing to pay me for my Life Coaching abilities.”

Step 7 - Rate The Intensity of The Original Limiting Belief (1-10)This step gives you an opportunity, now that you’ve been doing all of this awesome deep-diving, to go back and check in about the intensity of the Limiting Belief you identified at the beginning of this BTT.

Is it the same? Different? More? Less?

No right, wrong or judgment; just a check in with yourself to gauge where things are in this moment.

“Jenny” was surprised that when she went back to her original Limiting Belief that it was no longer at a 9! It was now an 8!! That shift though it might seem small to someone else felt really significant to Jenny and supported her sense of hopefulness. Maybe, just maybe this could be possible …

Step 8 - Commit To 7 to 40 Days of Belief Transformation Around This Original Limiting BeliefThis last step is the golden goose that laid the egg. This is where the magic lies. This is where the miracles lurk.

Back to the chant I’ve been chanting for you this whole time: the power of staying. with. the. process.

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

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Another teaching I share with my Business Miracles Members all the time is, “Everyone wants transformation, but no one actually wants to change.”

Huh. That’s why we love self-help books. And tele-seminars. And workshops.

But the minute we’re asked to invest our time, attention and energy ONGOING. Eeek. Less appealing. Suddenly, doing the laundry looks very attractive.

But that’s just your ego-mind. Trying to keep you in false-safety. Trying to keep you in littleness. Trying to keep you out of magnitude (I’m paraphrasing A Course In Miracles here).

But I know there’s more to you than that. How do I know this? Because you’ve made it this far and you are still here with me :) That’s why I believe in you.

Now, do you believe in you? (Maybe that’s our first BTT!)

But, here’s the REAL question: What happened with “Jenny”? Well, Jenny, committed whole-heartedly and went though the entire first 7 steps of the BTT – writing each one out – every day for a whole 30 days (even when it felt repetitive and even when she didn’t want to) and by the time she reached day 30 not only was her original Limiting Belief down to a 2, but she had joined a networking group, received her first referral and was in process of speaking with a prospect about her Life Coaching Business. She was amazed.

She also committed to continue to begin a new BTT on another pesky Limiting Belief that had showed itself: “She wouldn’t be able to handle having a successful Life Coaching Business”. So, yay for Jenny

And I’ll also tell you, even though I have now been self-employed for almost 15 years and even though I’ve gone from bankruptcy to a 7-figure business, I STILL USE THE BTT ALL THE TIME.

There is always a next level to expand and open up in to being. That’s the shared teaching of all spiritual text. We are brought here to be more.

I recommend you begin with the BTT template provided for you below and then (you guessed it) stay. with. it.

Don’t wait to get a pretty journal. Start with toilet paper if you need to. Just start Here’s to transforming your limiting beliefs, staying out of your HSE Shadows, stepping into your HSE Strengths and experiencing Business Miracles on a daily basis!

XO. Heather

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

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Can you be highly successful in business and highly spiritual at the same time? Let’s take this question a step further. Is there a direct relationship between your spirituality and great success?

Heather Dominick is a woman who is impressively successful, and highly spiritual. A former high school drama teacher who collaborated with none other than Bette Midler. A graduate of NYU where she received her first coach training. Heather is the winner of the 2015 Best

of Manhattan Coaching Award and creator of the 2014 Stevie Award winning virtual event A Course In Business Miracles®: 21-Day Discovery Series that attracted close to 6,000 official registrants from all around the world including: Iceland, Nigeria, Russia, Asia, South America, Australia, Europe and the U.S.

She has appeared on Lifetime Television and has been published in numerous books including Stepping Stones to Success alongside Deepak Chopra.

An exceptional facilitator and teacher Heather is known for creating a safe, sacred community for true transformation whether she is teaching a Business Miracles® Class, delivering training online or in-person or consulting and mentoring members of her Business Miracles Community in her various Mentoring Programs. She has helped thousands of HSE®s release life-long limiting beliefs, overcome fears and learn how to build their business in a way that actually feels so good that they can’t help but create solid, sustainable, high level financial success.

Heather is also the founder and leader of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® movement since 2010.

Heather Dominick: Official Biography

Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick

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The Belief Transformation Tool (BTT) Template

Step 1: Identifiy A Limiting Belief

Step 3: Identifiy The Ideal Belief

Step 8: Commit to 7 to 40 Days of Belief Transformation around this original Limiting Belief

Step 5: Gather evidence contrary to the Limiting Belief

Step 6: From that evidence identify a Next Baby-Step Belief

Step 4: Acknowledge that it’s a tall order to go from 0 to 100 (Limiting Belief to Ideal Belief)

Step 2: Rate the intensity of the Limiting Belief (1-10)

Step 7: Rate the intensity of the original Limiting Belief (1-10)

Please note: This document is not to be copied or distributed in any way – this is for your personal educational purpose only. Thank you for your integrity energy.Copyright © A Course In Business Miracles® with Heather Dominick





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Phrases to activate Your Next Baby Step Belief:

− I am willing to consider the possibility that...

− It’s possible that...

− I believe...