Dental implants

A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

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Page 1: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Dental implants

Page 2: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like

the root of your tooth.It is used to support

crowns or bridgework that can replace missing

teeth or to stabilise loose dentures

Page 3: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Implants are made from titanium, combining strength with bio-compatibility.The image above shows bone attaching onto the surface of an implant.This creates a stable platform for the new teeth.

Page 4: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

A dental implant consists of the following three parts:

The implant: a titanium rod which acts as a ‘root’, ready for a replacement crown

Abutment: the part which connects the implant to the crown

Crown: the replacement for a natural tooth which is also known as a ‘restoration’

Implants are a safe, well-established, tried-and-tested treatment. Dental implants have been used for over 100 years to replace missing teeth and they can last a lifetime depending on how well you look after them.

Page 5: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Anyone who is missing one, or more, of their teeth can be considered for dental implant treatment.This may be due to:- Injury or trauma- Fractured roots- Infection- Gum disease- Previous poor dentistry (sadly!!) Implants can also be used to stabilise and secure denture.

Page 6: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

One of the most important aspects of your treatment is the planning.We use a combination of x-rays, CT scans and 3D imaging to gather the maximum amount of pre-op information, allowing us to plan your case for optimum results.

Page 7: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

The implant integrates with your bone to provide a stable support for the new teeth. Crowns, bridgework and dentures mounted onto implants won't slip or shift in your mouth — an especially important benefit when eating and speaking. This secure fit helps the teeth feel more natural.

How do Dental Implants Work?

Page 8: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

A single tooth replaced with a dental implant and crown

Full upper jaw reconstruction

Page 9: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

A full smile makeover with implant bridge on upper left side

Two single front teeth replaced with a dental implant and crown

Page 10: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Treatment times vary for individual patients, however it typically takes 4 - 6 months to complete treatment. Larger cases may take longer. During this 'healing period' it is paramount that we provide you with temporary teeth.

Page 11: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

When we get an injury, the human body releases proteins(growth factors) to stimulate the healing process.Dr Callum Graham uses PRGF®- Endoret® technology as a source for growth factors.

The patient's blood plasma contains these proteins. By concentrating them we can speed up the regeneration process.

Once PRGF®- Endoret® is applied to the treatment area, the regeneration process is considerably accelerated.

Page 12: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

To carry out this process, it is necessary to draw a small amount

of blood from the patient.

This blood is centrifuged and processed

to obtain the proteins essential for regeneration.

These proteins are applied to the area where tissue regeneration is


The coating of the implant surfaces with

PRGF®-Endoret® creates a much more favourable

biologicalenvironment for osseointegration.

Page 13: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

The humectation of dental implantsystems with PRGF®-Endoret®creates a biologically activenano-membrane that stimulatesthe migration, proliferation anddierentiation of osteoprogenitorcells and their adhesion to thetitanium surface.

Benefits of using PRGF®-Endoret® during implant placement.

The patient's own bone collectedduring the treatment, along with thePRGF®-Endoret® clot allows us toimprove osseointegration in bone defects.

The patient's own bone collectedduring the treatment, along with thePRGF®-Endoret® clot allows us toimprove osseointegration in bone defects.

The sealing with a fibrin membranehas a powerful anti-inammatory and bacteriostatic effect making it easier to obtain good treatmentresults. The clot is a perfect framework for cells.

Page 14: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

What are the advantages of dental implants over dentures and bridges?

Page 15: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Reduced bone loss

Normally, the bone tissue surrounding the root of your tooth is maintained by your body’s natural renewal process. However, if you loose a tooth, you will be left with a hole where your tooth root used to be and the bone around this area will slowly begin to disappear (atrophy) which may change the shape of your jaw. A dental implant placed in that area can actually stimulate bone growth and production, preventing loss of valuable bone structure. In some patients where bone loss is substantial, a PRGF® may be required while placing a dental implant. Bone loss is a problem for people who have dentures, and as the shape of the jaw slowly changes, the dentures need to be adjusted or re-made to fit the new shape of the jaw. Bone loss can also make a person look older, since the area around the mouth can sag as bone is lost.

Page 16: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Improved function

Once dental implants are fully integrated into your jaw, they function just as well as your own natural teeth: you can eat the foods you want and speak with complete confidence.

Page 17: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

No need to drill or remove any healthy tooth structure

When replacing missing teeth with dental bridges, the teeth adjacent to the gap need to be prepared and healthy tooth structure is removed to accommodate a crown or bridge abutment to fit over the top of the tooth. In the future, if one of the supporting teeth is damaged, the entire bridge restoration will also be compromised, whereas with an implant, the restoration is independent of any of your other teeth. By replacing lost teeth with an implant, no support is required of the adjacent teeth, and your natural teeth do not need to be prepared.

Page 18: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Better aesthetics

A dental implant should be almost indistinguishable from your surrounding natural teeth. Dentures can come loose and look unnatural if they do not blend with your gums, and some bridges and dentures have unsightly metal clasps to hold them in place. Dental implants provide a much better cosmetic and functional end result.

Page 19: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Improved dental hygiene

Unlike bridges and dentures, which require special cleaning instructions and extra attention, dental implants just need regular brushing, flossing and dental hygiene appointments, just like your natural teeth.

Page 20: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

If you not sure are you a suitable candidate for dental implants....

...book your


118 Queen’ Drive Dental PracticeG42 8BJGlasgow0141 423 5161E: [email protected] http://www.glasgowdentist.co.uk

Page 21: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

It’s never

To get your smile back

Page 22: A dental implant is a small titanium rod, shaped like the root of your tooth. It is used to support crowns or bridgework that can replace missing teeth

Perfecting smiles for over 100 years