A Eucharistic Community Since 1858 Church of St. Joseph The Worker P. O. Box 190 • Pierre Part, LA. 70339-0190 985-252-6008 www.sjworker.org PARISH STAFF: Rev. Al Davidson Pastor email: [email protected] Rev. Tim Grimes Associate Pastor email: [email protected] Mr. Duane Breaux Administrative Assistant Mrs. Megan Daigle Christian Formation Associate Mrs. Susan Hue Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Mrs. Karla Landry Receptionist SACRAMENTS OF EUCHARIST: Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am and 10:00am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays - 3:30pm—4:15pm Before weekday Masses and other times by Appointment ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: 7 days a week—24 hours a day RELIGIOUS ED. OFFICE: 985-252-6633 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Celebrated every month Parents must first register with the parish of- fice to enroll in the Baptism Preparation Program. Preparation should begin in the first trimester of pregnancy. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Please contact the Pastor at least six months before desired date. CHRISTIAN BURIAL: The parish office must be no- tified before any arrangements are made with the fu- neral home. Following Jesus Removes all Fear I love aviation and there is a concept in flying that I find interesting. It’s called the instrument landing system or ILS. Think about driving through fog. You can only see a couple of hundred feet in front of you. Now imagine doing that in the air. How can a plane land without seeing the runway? Simply put, they follow a road in the sky called ILS. A signal starting at the runway creates a path for planes to follow onto the ground. Meaning even though they can’t see the runway, signals line them up with the runway. Using these guidelines, planes can line up with the runway horizontally and vertically and land safely without seeing the runway. To the untrained eye, it is a scary experience. You don’t see anything until moments of being on the ground. How do you know you are in line with the runway without seeing it? You have faith in your instruments and trust they will land you safely. Because the pilots have faith, they are not afraid even in a scary situation. In our Gospel, the disciples are in a boat caught in a storm. Not knowing what will happen or when the storm is going to pass, they are afraid. However, Jesus is calm and asleep in the stern. They wake him up, telling him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus rebukes the wind and commands the sea to be quiet. The waters subsided and there was a great calm. Jesus then criticizes them for their lack of faith. If they had faith, they would not be afraid. I don’t know about you, but I can relate to the disciples. I’ve never been in a boat during a storm, but I’ve faced storms in my life. These storms caused fear in me, and my faith was shaken. The message of the Gospel this weekend tells us to not be afraid and have faith that everything will work out. That is why I think of the ILS system on airplanes. We could almost say the ILS system is like following Jesus in our lives. If we stay focused on Jesus and we follow his path, we will land safely in heaven! Not only will we be in heaven while on earth, but we also will not be afraid because we know that Jesus is leading us to salvation. I encourage all of us to turn to Jesus in times of trial and tribulation. These moments are scary and can cause fear to enter our lives. But if we stay focused on Jesus, we will not be afraid. I think of Psalm 23, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” Stay focused on Jesus, and he will lead you to eternal life! In Christ, Fr. Tim

A Eucharistic Community Since 1858 Church of St. Joseph

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Page 1: A Eucharistic Community Since 1858 Church of St. Joseph

A Eucharistic Community Since 1858 Church of St. Joseph

The Worker P. O. Box 190 • Pierre Part, LA. 70339-0190

985-252-6008 www.sjworker.org

PARISH STAFF: Rev. Al Davidson Pastor email: [email protected] Rev. Tim Grimes Associate Pastor email: [email protected] Mr. Duane Breaux Administrative Assistan t Mrs. Megan Daigle Christian Formation Associate Mrs. Susan Hue Parish Secretary/Bookkeeper Mrs. Karla Landry Receptionist SACRAMENTS OF EUCHARIST: Saturday Vigil: 4:30pm Sunday Masses: 7:30am and 10:00am SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays - 3:30pm—4:15pm Before weekday Masses and other times by Appointment ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: 7 days a week—24 hours a day

RELIGIOUS ED. OFFICE: 985-252-6633 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Celebrated every month Parents must first register with the parish of-fice to enroll in the Baptism Preparation Program. Preparation should begin in the first trimester of pregnancy. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Please contact the Pastor at least six months before desired date. CHRISTIAN BURIAL: The parish office must be no-tified before any arrangements are made with the fu-neral home.

Following Jesus Removes all Fear I love aviation and there is a concept in flying that I find interesting. It’s called the instrument landing system or ILS. Think about driving through fog. You can only see a

couple of hundred feet in front of you. Now imagine doing that in the air. How can a plane land without seeing the runway? Simply put, they follow a road in the sky called ILS. A signal starting at the runway creates a path for planes to follow onto the ground. Meaning even though they can’t see the runway, signals line them up with the runway. Using these guidelines, planes can line up with the runway horizontally and vertically and land safely without seeing the runway. To the untrained eye, it is a scary experience. You don’t see anything until moments of being on the ground. How do you know you are in line with the runway without seeing it? You have faith in your instruments and trust they will land you safely. Because the pilots have faith, they are not afraid even in a scary situation. In our Gospel, the disciples are in a boat caught in a storm. Not knowing what will happen or when the storm is going to pass, they are afraid. However, Jesus is calm and asleep in the stern. They wake him up, telling him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” Jesus rebukes the wind and commands the sea to be quiet. The waters subsided and there was a great calm. Jesus then criticizes them for their lack of faith. If they had faith, they would not be afraid. I don’t know about you, but I can relate to the disciples. I’ve never been in a boat during a storm, but I’ve faced storms in my life. These storms caused fear in me, and my faith was shaken. The message of the Gospel this weekend tells us to not be afraid and have faith that everything will work out. That is why I think of the ILS system on airplanes. We could almost say the ILS system is like following Jesus in our lives. If we stay focused on Jesus and we follow his path, we will land safely in heaven! Not only will we be in heaven while on earth, but we also will not be afraid because we know that Jesus is leading us to salvation. I encourage all of us to turn to Jesus in times of trial and tribulation. These moments are scary and can cause fear to enter our lives. But if we stay focused on Jesus, we will not be afraid. I think of Psalm 23, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” Stay focused on Jesus, and he will lead you to eternal life!

In Christ,

Fr. Tim

Page 2: A Eucharistic Community Since 1858 Church of St. Joseph

June 20, 2021 VOL. XXXVI NO. 25 Parish Activities Sunday, June 20 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass—7:30am and 10:00am 2nd Collection—India Collection Monday, June 21 7:30am—Mass 8:15am—Foundation for Praying Priest Scriptural Rosary Tuesday, June 22 7:30am—Mass Wednesday, June 23—OFFICE CLOSED 7:30am—Mass Thursday, June 24 7:30am—Mass Friday, June 25 7:30am—Mass/Rosary for Healing 10:30am—Religious Education Closing Mass Saturday, June 26 4:30pm—Saturday Vigil Sunday, June 27 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass—7:30am and 10:00am 2nd Collection—Peter’s Pence


The Sanctuary Light will be burning the week of June 20-26 in memory of Lloyd Dugas, Sr., Douglas Templet and Wildy Templet by Connie Templet & Family; Eno Theriot by Allie Theriot & Family; Wilson “Butch” St. Germain, Jr. by Mel and Family; Lazzin, Charles and Luke Mabile and Norman Morales by Edwina & Wesley Morales and Augustine “Goose” Templet, Lena Templet Alleman, Lloyd Dugas, Sr. and Lloyd “Casey” Dugas, Jr. by Family.



Offertory Identified Givers (106) $ 2,895.00 Unidentified Givers 734.56 Online Giving (104) 3,816.00 Total Collection $ 7,445.56 Building Fund Identified Givers (38) $ 920.00 Online Giving (18) 749.00 Total Collection $ 1,769.00 Bulkhead Project thru June 14 Identified Givers (367) $ 56,583.00 Unidentified Givers (6) 275.00 Online Giving (19) 4, 612.00 Total Collection $61,470.00

Monday Genesis 12:1-9; Matthew 7:1-5

Tuesday Genesis 13:2,5-18; Matthew 7:6,12-14

Wednesday Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18 Matthew 7:15-20

Thursday Isaiah 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26 Luke 1:57-66, 80

Friday Genesis 17:1,9-10,15-22; Matthew 8:1-4

Saturday Genesis 18:1-15; Matthew 8:5-17

Sunday Wisdom 1:13-15; 2:23-24 2 Corinthians 8:7,9,13-15

Mark 5:21-43[5:21-24, 35b-43]

INDEPENDENCE DAY PATRIOTIC ROSARY CELEBRATION—SAVE THE DATE—Plans are underway for our annual Patriotic Rosary, hamburgers and fireworks. The celebration will begin on Satur-day, July 3 with Mass at 4:30pm. Following Mass, you are invited to come out and enjoy free hamburg-ers and fellowship in the Church Hall. The Patriotic Rosary will then be recited on the Island beginning about 7:45pm followed by a fireworks display. Fireworks will be displayed at the bayou side north of the cemetery. To help in the planning for food, we ask that you call in the number of family members planning to attend by Tuesday, June 29.

ATTENTION ALL LECTORS/COMMENTATORS AND EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS— If you wish to continue your ministry and be put back on the schedule, please call the Parish office by Friday, July 25. We will begin making schedules again beginning in July. In order for these schedules to be effective, we need to know who is still willing to serve in their minis-try.

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! - BULKHEAD PRO-JECT DONATIONS—Special thanks to everyone who has donated to the Bulkhead Project. We have received $61,470 as of June 13. If you have not made your donation, it’s not too late. Donations can be made until the project is complete. Donations can be placed in the collection in an envelope marked “Bulkhead”, dropped off at the Parish Office, mailed to P.O. Box 190, Pierre Part, LA, 70339. Please make checks payable to St. Joseph the Worker with bulk-head in the memo. Online Givers make your dona-tion in the Building Fund marked “Bulkhead” in the notes section.

SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND IS FOR THE HOLY FATHER KNOWN AS THE PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION—Next week we will take up the Peter’s Pence Collection, which is a way to support the Universal Church and the work of the Holy See, including helping Pope Francis with the funds to carry out his charitable works. These works benefit our brothers and sisters on the margins of society, including victims of war, oppression and disasters. Please be generous.

Page 3: A Eucharistic Community Since 1858 Church of St. Joseph

CHRISTIAN FORMATION NEWS Monday, June 21 7:30am—Angelic Gros and Ivy Leonard Tuesday, June 22 7:30am—Souls In Purgatory Wednesday, June 23 7:30am—Reuben & Peggy Sedotal and Sidney & Agnes Sedotal Thursday, June 24 7:30am—Roy LeBlanc, Jr. Friday, June 25 7:30am—Nicholas & Earnie Theriot and Nat LeBlanc 10:30am—All Participants of Religious Education Pro-gram Saturday, June 26 4:30pm—Calvin Leonard, Jr., Albert Comeaux, Agnes “Nan” Theriot, Georgianna Metrejean, Jerome “Juby” Acosta, Gary Holland, Phillis Gaudet, Ronald Sedotal, Sid-ney & Therese Hue and Alex & Mazie Giroir Sunday, June 27 7:30am—Parishioners 10:00am—Sabin Breaux, Mercedes & Roland Comeaux, Gary Holland, Larkeal Perrault, Jean & Noe “Blackie” Fruge and Verna Berthelot

Elizabeth Mabile, Janet Anderson, Buck McCarthy, Dolly and Grady Gaspard, Alvin and Doris Friloux, Horace Gaspard, Bowen Cas-tro, J. C. Petite, Brenda Templet, D. J. Berthelot, Louise Cavalier, Jaxon Blanchard,

Chasely Diez, Edith Settoon, Gussie Rodrigue, Her-bert Rivere, James Breaux, Raymond Russo, Sandy George, Emelda Landry, Faye Ruiz, Leanna St.Germain, Timmy LeBlanc, Katie Aucoin, Craig Aucoin, Delta Chaney, Isabelle Zeringue, Horace LeBouef, Sr., Rob-ert Theriot, Gloria Alleman, Kirk Chedotal, Audrey Sparks, Elmo Guillot, Regina Templet, David Hebert, Patrick Courville, Nelson Mabile, Angela Bourg, Ashley Matherne Babineaux, Dorothy Gaudet Johnson, Sa-mantha Blanchard, Colton Johnson, Jenny Templet, Hepburn Cavalier, Helman Ackman, Harlen Hebert, Al-lie “Babe” Theriot, Bonnie Morales Knobles, Chester Pipsair, Lucy Blanchard, Beulah LaJaunie, Ashley Broussard, Stevie Gautreau, Wilma Blanchard, Patricia Gaudet, Laci Cavalier, Lynn Breaux, Inez Leonard, Mark Boudreaux, Lennis Blanchard, Jr., Ashley Richard, James Alleman, Jr., Dora Guillot, Kristen Landry, Leona Aucoin, Connie Alleman, Tammy Richard, Roy Gaudet, Sr., Joey Fremin and the sick of our parish not men-tioned. If prayer is needed for someone, please call the Parish Office at 252-6008.

A VOCATION VIEW—TWELFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—Life can remind us of life-eternal; Death can remind us of death-eternal. Each day we must choose to live or die physically or spiritu-ally. What we do daily either builds us up or tears us down. Priests and religious are unique proclaimers of eternal life. If you feel God calling you to be one, you, contact Fr. Josh Johnson at 225-336-8778, [email protected] or visit www.diobr.org/vocations.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SUMMER PROGRAM OFF TO A GREAT START—Everyone is having such a great time and we have gotten so much posi-tive feedback. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share our Catholic Faith with your children. St. Jo-seph the Worker is so blessed to have so many volun-teers answering the call to giving back to their church community. ************************************************SACRAMENTAL REGISTRATION—Sacrament Registration is now open: If your child needs to regis-ter to make their First Eucharist, Reconciliation, or Confirmation this year please come by the office to pick up paperwork. All fees will be waived this year. Registration will end July 1. Confirmation session will begin in August so don’t wait! ************************************************ CLOSING MASS FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCA-TION SUMMER PROGRAM—We will close our Re-ligious Education Summer Program by celebrating Mass on Friday, June 25 at 10:30am. Parents are invited to join us.

CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS RAFFLE—Please support the Catholic Daughters by purchasing raffle tickets as they continue their mission of helping others. Due to Covid-19 they have been unable to have fundraisers. Tickets are $5 each for a chance to win $750, $500 or $250. Tickets can be purchased from any Catholic Daughter member or at Mass this weekend.

CONGRATULATIONS TO THE KC CALENDAR WINNERS FOR MAY—Congratulations to Merlin Comeaux, Cary Breaux, Emma Cox, Bonna Michelli, An-na Mabile and Dino & Sandy Herrera.

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The Lord said to Job: Who shut within doors the sea? And who said: Thus far shall you come but no farther! (Job 38:1, 8-11). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlast-ing (Psalm 107). Second Reading — Whoever is in Christ is a new crea-tion (2 Corinthians 5:14-17). Gospel — Who is this whom even wind and sea obey?

CLOSER—God is closer to me than my own breath.

Page 4: A Eucharistic Community Since 1858 Church of St. Joseph

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