«SW» CATSKU.T, MOrXTATN' I^EWS, FIJI PAY. ,TAN. 29, 1915. Catskill Mountain News CLARKE A. SANFORD, Editor and Publisher. TKRMfl (INT I'nyabli DOIJTJAR PSH n Adr.inre. YKAIi Ni. Sl,l„ ! tnk> ti tot IMI ihnti 0 months. Pi ni,is!ii:ii rvK.HY FRIDAY. Sul,-,.'•. i to Hi" N'ewn who Mil to re- calve tin paper .n nny lime will oblige "« by •ctidlnc lmm«llll« nolle* to thin office. Tt." ,\ l.i.i. •• .-..luron It free to nil subscrib- er* wlio nre paid In idvancS, Oopj for i ; .:mis of advertisements must reach tin;- offlci Monday to Insure insertion In Issue "( cutn • WMk, FARM REGULATIONS ? Some Suggestions by an Old Railroad Man Along lines of Railroad Regula- tion. it is ivell-known that under present lnws and regulations railroad? are compelled t<- report to various com- missions encli offleinj net or contem- plated ait Find receive the permission of tl mission before they go ahead. T nts II B man asked of the Delaware .v Northern their rate on a carload "f sawdust from Dunrav.ii to Margaretville and they had not sometime before had complete print- ed schedules tiled at Albany and Washingti n of such rates they would be coi to give the various com- missions days notice of the rate. etc. \ n said the other day that ' farmers ought to be treat- l same as the railroads and he makes the following suggestions for a - mmisslon. \rticle One -• s and Trices. ~ Oi ) one price for a given commodit) - ' • lawful. A farmer desi- 8 ' -'• a price shall file a - ith the commission herv: llcli shall go into effect I -"J th< reafter unless susp. ' commission at the insta msumer. St - shall be Increasi i howevei ipon due proof, the burd.. shall be upon the fan: rfstll - prices are con- fiscatory : his - Is and gear. In it- : - iloi the commission may re- ••.-- ermit any such increase until a v.. ta engineers and ac- count been taken. In such the farmer shall have no credit -' profits invested In new :'.• la ipr ved structure- I il shall I ed only original cosi plus bori I money invested. Se> .odity." as used here- in, Ini lud - Ins, vi -•• tables, live- stock les. excepting sand, •are. tide Two Conduct of Operations 4—Every hired man shall work -•':••.. r day. not including the S ind shall not recom- mence wot nless he has completed a per I less than eighteen hour- lbs lute rest and quiet- He shall -. on the Lord's Day. nor on legal holidays, nor on Jack Love's birth. Sei raer s til hire one more hired man than his work re- <liiirt - Sec. 6 The only permissible excep- tions to the two foregoing sections shall be periods of tears resulting from earthquake, Halley's comet or European Invasion. Sec 7 All wagons, and all poles and di I le-ti - shall be provided wit., i .; - iplingby impact. s 0 that the tn need not go be- tween tlu cheels ol the wagon and the hi torses Si 3 v shall be supplied with suitable brakes grab-Irons, stir- rups and | sol standard dimen- sions to be fixed by the commission. Sec 9 All hulls, when moving on the highway or in unfenced area.-, shall be I with a bell of not less than fifty pounds weight, a steam whistl :. electric headlight ot at I-.-.-' I '. rtdli power. Si Sheds shall be built over all fields ere hired men have to work oier eld • Qglni s and ma- ;.i d in: all belting THOSE WHO PASSED. Result of Regent's Examinations at the High School Last Week. Reading. I'.itiosl O'Connor, 71i. Sheldon lllrdsnll, SB. (luilford Austin, 8B. Hnrloy Hoardsley, 80, Jennie Bishop, *r>. Alice Bus y. B6. Woodrttfl licSllva, 85. Herman Wlckham, 76. Waiter Robertson!, 80. Menvln O'Connor, 80. Lela Wiekham, 7R. Cora McBwon, 80. I.oren Sheltls, 75. Mildred Jenkins, 75. Hilda Hunter, so. William Sperling, 78. Writing. Sheldon Birdsall, 75. Woodrttfl DeSllva, 80. Mot, ' 'Connor, 80. Hiliir. d .li'iikins. 80. Cor;: Mi Ewen, SO. Erni • I Contmr. 80. Loren Sheltls. 75. Hon.; tn Wiekham. 75. Lela Wlckham, S5. cravi. Si Guilford Austin. 75. Han • B ••.-ley. 75. Jem Bishop, 78. Alii is >. SO. Hlldi Hunter, SO. Plane Geometry. 64, H. Osterhoudt. 62. Miss Terry. 66 Physics. Morton Scuddt ". "2. Mildred Dodds 68, Earle Osti rhoudt, 66. Laura Sanford, 60. Martha Morsi. 70. Helen Van Wagenen, 67. Intermediate Drawing. Laura Sanford, 90. Mildred \\ I ter. S7. Helen V Wagenen. 75. Commerc Arithmetic. Harold aulkner. S2. Business Writing. Mildri d Winter. SO. Advance: Design. Myra Sanford, S3. Laura Sanford, S3. Algebra. Clara l-'uller. 74. Maggie Funari. 69. Huldah Jones, 64. Fl ... ' ly. 63. Howard Sanford. 60. Alice Russell, 60. Ancient History. Gordon Adee, 6". Clara Fulli r, 80 Austin Stewart, 91. U. S. History. Guilford Austin. 91. Wo. drufl DeSllva, S9. Will Si Ing, S4. Ernest i I'Connor, S4. Alio issy, 79. Lela W :ham, 79. Hermai .Vlckham, 78, laley, 77. ' :. Bis op, 76. Jasp'r Bisliop. 76. Bown tn Owen, 75. Hilda Hunter. 75. German III. Hi :•: . • Dietx, 75 German II. > : - " I., ui Sanford 60. English Grammar. Harry Rickard, 61. in Wagenen, 65. Engl th III. :.. 60. Erg .-• . ; - 3. • -lee. 60. Teachers' English. English II. Doi lei tins, 60. English IV. Sec. 11 chinen si shall sed In metal housings; Eleiier: Re - Blakesley, fl lerllng, 65 .. English.. 7.",. Silva, 76. Ew< :.. 7, r .. H. rmai Wlckham, 7S. Enghsh History. churns, hay-cut- other moving -':• encased In Ion ol the hired and si ties ters. : i pan- -tn shea;. roti men. Si barns, sheds and other OUtbui .all. in cold weather, be ad< ;.. : ated, and at all times shall be «•'.'. lighted and policed. Sea •: mission's inspi i • shall weekly h ect II .-.is...hie auto- mobili • •.- missing the farm, r It 1 •-:'• :•• ':-.- runs on ' S< . ; • t>. mortgage real -'..• -•• r. .-..TV. d to tlu stat- N'.. ft - all make any mortgagi ncur any Indebtedness i :-. 11, : Lui J Gladys > Clara R Helen V. Mildred Spelling. Rat ; ::.ike-!oy. .: ay, BO. . 75. Wagenen, SO. '.titer, 75 89. vv. extendi: one :.. pro\ .. upon p. paying for i,o Indel t. r .i period of more than without the written ap- .is-ion. ubtained .- aring, and upon '..it. treasurer 10 cents such ind. hi. dm is irred without such . .. id 1'hr. Commission Sec. 1! :\, t:.is act. a com- p rsona shall bi select ed i ivernor with a view to ll political opinion .is possible No commission er shall. In >•• deemed disquali- fied b> lack ol previous political or other , The !.. .ire in need ui personal leadership Th,-> :.a\v political lead- er-, but they n v ed local industrial community and educational leaders. :;. St. Arithmetic. Htldred - 100, r, ;i7 nnor, 93. lh : l-ley. 91. i •• " - HI. .1.:.: . ;.,. chi Si l, SS Glad) - •• r. ss Cor.. Ernest > >'C nnor, v Grace '.;• nolds, 7i« Alii Ralph ;. ibbell, 78. Mary Molyneaux, 77. Sheldon Birdsall 77. Iva Uery, ''• L)o)'d Smith. 75. Woodruff DeSllva, 75 Sulid Geometry. Luc) Fislter, 60. American History. Winton Uuff, 77 PsycholoB)- Lucy Fisher, 90. Biology, llerthu Kelly. SO Bmorson Kelly. *B. Physical Geography. Lucy Klsher. 86. Commercial Geography. Dorothy Jenkins. 70. Krnest Ciivett. 80. Physiology, l.eorn Streeter. s:t Pauline Stewart. 75. Wilbur Archibald. 88. John Slntltls. 85. Guilford Austin. 70. George Hoag. 77 Hilda Hunter. •'••' Florence Kelly. 7' 1 Mary Molyneaux. 91 Alice Hussy, 6^ Lola Wlckham. St William Sperlin-r. S3. las per Bishop. Jennie Bishop Robert Meilurr. Harriet Merritt. Harley Beanish-- x Merton Mors. S* Judsou Haynes Ralph. Hllbbe' Geography. Lorer. Shelti? - Julia O'Connor. « Har'.- y Beardsiej 54 Ralph Hul bell, '•' Woodruff IVSilv.. SS Sheldon Birdsall. S4 Elbert Hull. >. Cora McEwer Rachel All Howard Ga%- lona Sanford. 7^ t.RfJ \1. NOTICES 1 LEGAL NOTICES February Ju-.--« A list of Trial lurors at a trial - 5 : Court.- to be h« tn Delhi, on the sev Kebruary Name. son Meac- Krank Spencer L. H. Hit.: R A. Aver: Laverne Cable.. Elia? Hopkins Thomas W. Nevin Matthew Pane. Burr Huhbell. George Llndslay Charles .1 Myers George H. Smith . John McGibbon.. .. William S. Andrews William H. Bramley Harry' Stout Alexander Myers William Miller David Finkle John A. Birdsall Arthur Smith Marvin L Minor . S': James C. Mabon - - Staj .--»,-: N X t ' - —.- rs . Fl DuhraVes Del:. Walton Delhi Delhi ..Cook's Palls Bovina Center Walton Delh.i New Kingston Sidney avertown, R.D.I. Bovina Center Louis Heifer Horton James W. Thompson Andes .So. . .Beerston Worcester . . -. • .. Roxbury ...Delhi .No. Harpsrsfteld NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursu- ant to an order ol 1 ilaymond. Surfogite ol tht ro ml lv!s "»^ and according to 11 - •VM\V and hereby KU claims afalnsl or the town ol county, di e<l 10 axhlhll vouchers! the admlnl ed, .-,: his N April ne\t D*ttNJ Och Wil •'.' W H .VL'iA:.! •• •:• strat - ,. i r Surro IV!,. I) wRl - . ft-.: .'•: r a«vo - PI ;.v«7. . I ;h. - n | . .••ton. ~: .'iJv- •: . I lOlll "• trators Aidrtw C r -on, *«or»in v .ir A til Mfc-na-etvilie N Y SUPRKMK COURT:-Delaware Co.^' Vv^TOHN 11 !) 0 t\«iTitx of IVlaware by JOHN o, u> ,-e duly authorized and A(1 , of snld county , Coft^rnn*ti«>v. of Lands 1 Mtf HAURY I . A ai-.d Harry V -Y<-: Mtives - «>ho r.-AV be ' *'nr< •' M tu P I ..,„,. hmli 1, > ' e s^TlCR '.*'. .' «m ! • TV A - i '. s. . • 1 I : . :-:\ •••,.. .V.T as i V\ ' . " ".' - ' salon- <t the June 1V1« r 6th '. In •:.\ ap- . -t to , vtl- '*y of the - as t the Attd -"' c torrrtjy* ••• o-.vhu- > vVatr." ssioners. -*•.*: t -.- * : '.Viaware Co. ! SUPREME ?T—Di ware Co. I . 7 . '>. • I LETT Rob > GR:??:N s". IRITF v ' Action lot I oSrorce ZFENDAN" - - t TC THE A5 . ABB B.HC . -•"'.f I ' - i'.: aay: . . sue or au« v or |n 5'. yem ) de>jr,t:.^od in I 7 . : . ; Cotnssr 6. C Artornt.- . = Office J-: HcU- tt 3 above r... .-.ed: The • B < umcr.-- apon y. r.r -, DM county. N. Y., c .:• d i and ri;- i with I the off.ce of th- Delaware, at Delhi, N day ol LJecernber. 1914. Dated, December i >, O'Connor & O'Connor, Attorneys fcr plaintiffs, Office and P. O. address, Hobart, N. Y. 1.- tht : \ zw ti-t - ••; named effendant: ;~ei>y »umrr.--id to answer r.". ia this action, and to : J . your answer on the within twenty days - » of t'r.is - ir.imons, ex- ;..y of service; and that failure to appear, or twill be taken against *r the relief demanded the county of - : Pta ?. O. ii. \. Y. ccrcr s.. rtSS. ' - - Ol F. laware 17, 1914 rein in untv of he 18th Thomas Alverson. Eugene Smith:... Morris H. Fanning John T. Davidson. Winfleld Laidley.. Charles Foreman Davenport Fred Finch East Masonville George .larratt- •• Sidney Andrew LitUfc Deiancey, R.D.I George Medlart* Peakville Fred Phelps..' .Sidney Thomas Backus. Cannonsvllle Fjnmett Fisher North Franklin W. E. S'.oahe Sidney Center Lucius Huntington Kelsey STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT—Delaware Co. EDGAR T. VANBDREN, VIOLETT POWELL, •lniutlff, Defendant. ! ' ' ; to be held in Delaware. d Deci ruber 5. 1914. ANDREW C. FENTON, Plaintiff's Attorney, and Po-tofRce address. Margaretville, Del. Co., New York. John B. Griffin, the above named de- fendant: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Lewis 1". Raymond, county Judge of Delaware county, dated the 19th day of January. 1915, and filed with the complaint in the office of the Clerk of the county of Delaware, at Delhi. N. Y.. on the 20th day of Jan.. 1915. Dated at Margaretvllle. N. Y., this 20th dav of January, 1915. ANDREW C. FENTON. Plaintiff's Attorney, Office and PoStoffice address, Margaretville, N. Y. I COUNTY COURT:—Delaware Co. J OS IK LEWIS W. TWAY, Plaintiff, —against— MlJlIt & CHARLOTTE MUIR, Defendants. James H. France R W. McArthur. . George Whitlock. Leslie K. Roberts W. F, Dumond.. . A. R Dav Walton . Bloomville nport Center . .Bloomville Margaretville B. Shrtw. . Hainden R. Hanmer.. Cnion Grove Oscar H. Schovill. . . Fred M. Seager. Woodbury Robinson James Truden.. Melvin Staddel. . . Willett Seymour. . . J. A. Topping. P. M. Grant James Nesbitt •.. George W Mosher Cyrus Whitlock .... . Downsville . . .Sidney .. .. Walton .. . .Roscoe. R. D. Horton ... .... Northfteld North Harperstleld Bloomville . . . .Fergujonville .., East Branch West Davenport TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEND- ANT: YOU ARE -HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer on plaintiff's attorneys within twenty days after the servlci his sum- mons, exclusive of i io daj ol Bervlce; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will lie taken against you by default tor the relief demanded in the complaint. Trial to be had in Delaware county. Dated December 3, 1911. O'Connor & O'Connor, Attorneys for plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address, Hobart, N. Y. TO VIOLETT POWELL, the above In pursuance and by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and entered in the Clerk's office of the county of Delaware, on the 18th day of January, 1915, 1, the sub- scriber, Referee duly appointed for that purpose, will soil at public action, at the front door of the Court House, in the village of Delhi, Delaware coun- ty, N. Y„ on Monday, the 8th day of March, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, the real estato and mortgaged premises directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, viz: "ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Middletown, bounded and described as follows; to wit: Com- mencing at a point in the center of the Middletown and Delhi Turnpike road, now Main Street in the village of Margaretville, and running thence C. W. Hu'.K rt Haniden Arthur Holmes West Davenport named defendant: The foregoing summons is served ] in a southerly direction along the lino upon you by publication pursuant to of a lot formerly occupied by Jacob an order made by Hon. Lewis P. Ray- mond, County Judge of Delaware county. N. Y., dated December li', 1914 and tiled with the complaint herein the office of the Clerk of the county of Delaware on December Zo, 1914 Delhi, N. Y. Dated December s:,, 1914. O'Connor & O'Connor, Attorneys for plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address, Hobart, N. Y. at Death of Mrs. Ross M. Sanford. Fannie J. M. cielland. wife of Ross M. Sanford. died at 3:45 Monday after noon at her me two and one-half miles from Stamford, She ad been ill since last sun mer and on October 7. entered the P \ Memorial hospital in Ouonta for an dperatio:. The operation proved, temporarily benefi- cial and two week- later Bhe returned home and apparently continued to gain until near the-holidays, when she be- gan again to 'decline, death was caus- ed by cancer. The deceased, was a daue.w-r of Robert Md'leliaod of Hobart and was born nearh ",9 year> ago in the town of Walton Within a year ti.e family moved to Ifdbarf, which was'her home practically all her life. She la sur- vived by her h'usba:.,! a.nd bv fpur children—Robert, pewitjt, Marguerite and Charles-all residing at home; al- so by her father, one sister. Miss Lina McClelland, and a brother, ex-Super- visor. W. H McClelland, all of Hobart. Mrs. McClelland was a devoted member of the Stamford Presbyterian church, a loving daughter, wife and mother and a kltid fri< ml and neigh- bor By all who knew hex the deepest sympathy win be extended to the afflicted family. Mr. and Mr.-. J. M. Sanford. Coart- luy R. SanfO/d aud Clark. A. Santerd attended the fuueral which was held yesterday utternoou. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK By the Grace of God Free and Independent To George H. Hewitt. I'pon the petition of Low aid Hewitt and Leola H. Ingles of th Town of Middletown, Delaware county. N. Y., proponents you are hereby cited to show ca ;se before t gate's Court of D laware county at tin- s :- rogate's Oil ee In the village of Delhi, in said county, on the Sth day of March, 1913. a t 10 o'clock in the forenoon, why a d> tld not be granted admitting t,. probate a certain instrument in wiit. - last will and testament of Cornelia H. Hewitt, late of the Town of Middle! '. said county.deceased.asa valid will of real and personal property; ;. show caust whv letters u should not Issue thereon In Testimon. have causi 1 1 said Surro iK-reto nOI Witness, U mond. 11. S.I i ounty o: Surrogate's Offl< N. v., this lSth 1915. E. A. CUl Clerk of the Surn ANDREW C. KENTuN Attorney of Petiti. r.d also to stamentary . We .if our to be Ray . . the a the v in IXlhi, 1 .Ian. Court. Office and Posl idrest Margaretville. 1 county, New York Clura, six rods to the west bank of the Binnekill; thence up along the bank of the Binnekill seventy-live feet to a stake and stones standing on snld bank; thence a northwest direction six rods to the center of said street; thence along the center of said street seventy-five feet to the place ot begin- ning, containing twenty-seven and iia-100 rod- of land be the same more or less. Reserving and excepting | the right to lay a sewerage pipe through -aid premises as mentioned aud described in a deed executed by Elizabeth Clura, and others, to Charles ' Gorsch. and recorded in the Clerk's of- I flee of the county of Delaware, Jan. ! 'JO. 1891, In Book 112 of Deeds, at j page 4\>1. to which deed reference is L. made for a more particular description thereoi: also reserving and excepting the right to lay a sewerage pipe through said premises as mentioned and described in a deed theretofore executed by Thomas Muir and wife, to Charles C Kaufman, and others, to which r, ferance is made for a more particular description thereof." Dated, Delhi. N. Y.. Januarv 20, 1915. HAMILTON J. HEWITT. Referee. ANDREW C. FENTON. Plaintiffs Attorney, Margaretville, N. Y. May Recover Frp/n Operation. Iron, uar M.av, rlo«n r""-lpiU>i>»* Gladys Shaver, who underwent an operation in a Kingston hospital near- ly two weeks ago, is now reported to be some better. Resolutions. It having pleased Almighty God, in His infinite Wisdom, to summon to Himself our dear sister, Mrs. Caroelia 11. Hewitt, and. Whereas, We. the members of the Home Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, feel her loss to be our per- sonal loss and take this occasion to pay tribute to her memory. All through her life she has exempli- fied in a beautiful manner her belief in tin Christian faith. She was a true, loving, noble woman, always ready to aid In any good undertaking. Auction. Resolved, bereaved 1 will sell at public Satyr ;.it sytnpath) day. January 30. 191 . .d.rsonV R..'U,,.I TI,-,, livery stables. Grit . N \ " ' ' ' " ' « 2u head of hors, , • ,. L ulioua be sent 30 head of horsi board, two 3-aeated surreys, t and all kinds of I ai , known day of »«;. ,. t i o'clock, rain or ihln, . W. M. Anderson—adv. ••' i (tend to the ir linoere and Inart a copy of these re- tu the family, be f and also put Harrington, Mr-. M A. Shaw, Mrs. G. D. Fisher, Coin. OENKIIAL ADVERTISING GENERAL AD^ A Few Ladies'; and Misses' Fall Coats and Suits stall left. Your Pick at exactly one half of the former price. (A few New Spring Ones included.) 100 New Remnants on the counter at one half price. ern Bros. Margaretville, N. Y. Our other store Griffin Corners, .*&'•" ..-- 'T--"'i WHY NOT INVESTIG It costs an owner nothing to consult on a Plumbing or Heating proposition, does it obligate him to employ me, b does put him in a position to ascertain what I can do for my clients, and chances are largely in favor of the inters being a profitable one both for the ow and myself. Now is the time to have your HEATING PLANT JUov Bell 'Phone put in order. FRED AYRES, Plumbing and Heating, Margaretville si 1 m i HUB-MA... RUBBER M \ SCHOOL DAYS NEVER END Thousand* of ; oople are yearly learnlns to know the est goods and tha other kind. Long- ny learned the true economical value ..nd (hey have never forgotten the [MM man. the professional man. rman an d the poatmaa suy .-.remin when they buy rubber* '.•Mwear 1, made b V ind U-.1 eouirped Io the i beta Mllifylnc the pm,/* differ? ago t:; Of 11;..' lesson the i . . "Hu! ' factorT world, ami foot «a&ti | . m . . OfJif *r L - , 'y»' -iv Hub-Mark ' foot Bute to your ahapj ,L,- u»t It's a WIM- Thtto rubbers arc ..armlacturcd by the Boston Rub- ber shoe Company, Maiden. Mass, THE HUB-MARK IS YOUR VALUE-MARr- FOR SALE BY S. KORN, Arkville, & L. BUSSY & CO., Margurc. Motion Pictures at the Opera House, Tomorrow, Sal- T. WINTER, Margii.etville, N. Y. Insurance That Insures. In Best Companies and NO Arwrnent. 0«ut>r»l Practlc* 1 George F. Kni LAWYER Httbrouck BuUtUuf - a KINQgTON. / J\ ] ' ••,- •' . •'.

A Few Ladies'; - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1915-01-29/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · «SW» CATSKU.T, MOrXTATN' I^EWS, FIJI PAY. ,TAN. 29, 1915. Catskill

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Page 1: A Few Ladies'; - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031247/1915-01-29/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · «SW» CATSKU.T, MOrXTATN' I^EWS, FIJI PAY. ,TAN. 29, 1915. Catskill



Catskill Mountain News CLARKE A. SANFORD,

Editor and Publisher.

TKRMfl (INT I'nyabli

DOIJTJAR PSH n Adr.inre.


Ni. Sl,l„ ! tnk> ti tot IMI ihnti 0 months.

Pi ni,is!ii:ii rvK.HY FRIDAY. Sul,-,.'•. i to Hi" N'ewn who Mil to re-

calve t i n paper .n nny lime will oblige "« by •ctidlnc lmm«llll« nolle* to thin office.

Tt." , \ l.i.i. •• .-..luron It free to nil subscrib­er* wlio nre paid In idvancS,

Oopj for i ;.:mis of advertisements must reach tin;- offlci Monday to Insure insertion In Issue "( cutn • WMk,


Some Suggestions by an Old Railroad

Man Along lines of Railroad Regula­


it is ivell-known that under present lnws and regulations railroad? are compelled t<- report to various com­missions encli offleinj net or contem­plated a i t Find receive the permission of tl mission before they go ahead. T nts II B man asked of the Delaware .v Northern their rate on a carload "f sawdust from Dunrav.ii to Margaretville and they had not sometime before had complete print­ed schedules tiled at Albany and Washingti n of such ra tes they would be coi to give the various com­missions days notice of the rate. etc.

\ n said the other day that ' farmers ought to be treat- l same as the railroads and he makes the following suggestions for a - mmisslon.

\ r t ic le One -• s and Trices.

~ Oi ) one price for a given commodit) - ' • lawful. A farmer desi- 8 ' -'• a price shall file a

- ith the commission herv: llcli shall go into effect I -"J th< reafter unless susp. • ' • commission at the insta msumer.

St - shall be Increasi i howevei ipon due proof, the burd . . • shall be upon the fan: • rfstll - prices are con-fiscatory • : his - Is and gear. In it- : - iloi the commission may re-••.-- ermit any such increase until a v.. ta engineers and ac­count been taken. In such the farmer shall have no credit • -' profits invested In new :'.• la ipr ved s t ructure- I il shall I ed only original cosi plus bori I money invested.

Se> .odity." as used here­in, Ini lud - Ins, vi -•• tables, live­stock les. excepting sand,

• a re . t i de Two

Conduct of Operations 4—Every hired man shall work

- • ' : • • . . r day. not including the S ind shall not recom­mence wot nless he has completed a per I less than eighteen hour- lbs lute rest and quiet- He shall • • -. on the Lord's Day. nor on legal holidays, nor on Jack Love's birth.

Sei raer s til hire one more hired man than his work re-<liiirt -

Sec. 6 The only permissible excep­tions to the two foregoing sections shall be periods of tears resulting from earthquake, Halley's comet or European Invasion.

Sec 7 All wagons, and all poles and di I le-ti - shall be provided wit., i .; - iplingby impact. s 0

that the tn need not go be­tween tlu cheels ol the wagon and the hi • • torses

Si • 3 v shall be supplied with suitable brakes grab-Irons, stir­rups and | sol standard dimen­sions to be fixed by the commission.

Sec 9 All hulls, when moving on the highway or in unfenced area.-, shall be I with a bell of not less than fifty pounds weight, a steam whistl :. electric headlight ot at I-.-.-' I '. rtdli power.

Si Sheds shall be built over all fields ere hired men have to work oier

eld • Qglni s and ma-• ;.i • d in: all belting


Result of Regent's Examinations at

the High School Last Week.

Reading. I'.itiosl O'Connor, 71i. Sheldon lllrdsnll, SB. (luilford Austin, 8B.

Hnrloy Hoardsley, 80, Jennie Bishop, *r>. Alice Bus y. B6. Woodrttfl licSllva, 85. Herman Wlckham, 76. Waiter Robertson!, 80. Menvln O'Connor, 80. Lela Wiekham, 7R. Cora McBwon, 80. I.oren Sheltls, 75. Mildred Jenkins, 75. Hilda Hunter, so. William Sperling, 78.

Writing. Sheldon Birdsall, 75. Woodrttfl DeSllva, 80. Mot, ' 'Connor , 80. Hiliir. d . l i ' i ikins. 80. Cor;: Mi Ewen, SO. Erni • I Contmr. 80. Loren Sheltls. 75. Hon.; tn Wiekham. 75. Lela Wlckham, S5.

c rav i .


Guilford Austin. 75. H a n • B ••.-ley. 75. Jem Bishop, 78. Alii is >. SO. Hlldi Hunter, SO.

Plane Geometry. 64,

H. Osterhoudt. 62. Miss Ter ry . 66

Physics. Morton Scuddt ". "2. Mildred Dodds 68, Earle Osti rhoudt, 66. Laura Sanford, 60. Martha Morsi. 70. Helen Van Wagenen, 67.

Intermediate Drawing. Laura Sanford, 90. Mildred \\ I ter . S7. Helen V Wagenen. 75.

Commerc Arithmetic. Harold aulkner . S2.

Business Writing. Mildri d Winter. SO.

Advance: Design. Myra Sanford, S3. Laura Sanford, S3.

Algebra. Clara l-'uller. 74. Maggie Funari . 69. Huldah Jones, 64. Fl ... ' ly. 63. Howard Sanford. 60. Alice Russell, 60.

Ancient History. Gordon Adee, 6". Clara Fulli r, 80 Austin Stewart , 91.

U. S. History. Guilford Austin. 91. Wo. drufl DeSllva, S9. Will Si Ing, S4. Ernest i I'Connor, S4. Alio issy, 79. Lela W :ham, 79. Hermai .Vlckham, 78,

laley, 77. ' :. Bis op, 76. J a s p ' r Bisliop. 76. Bown tn Owen, 75. Hilda Hunter. 75.

German III. Hi :•: . • Dietx, 75

German I I . > : - • • "

I., ui Sanford 60. English Grammar.

Harry Rickard, 61. in Wagenen, 65.

Engl th III. :.. 60.

Erg .-• . ; - 3.

• -lee. 60. Teachers ' English.

English I I .

Doi lei tins, 60. English IV.

Sec. 11 chinen si shall sed In metal housings;

E l e i i e r :


- Blakesley, fl lerllng, 65 .. English..


Silva, 76. Ew< :.. 7,r..

H. rmai Wlckham, 7S.

Enghsh History.

churns, hay-cut-other moving

-':• encased In Ion ol the hired

and si ties ters. : i pan - - t n shea;. roti men.

Si barns, sheds and other OUtbui .all. in cold weather, be ad< ;..: ated, and at all times shall be «•'.'. lighted and policed.

Sea •: mission's inspi i • shall weekly h ect II .-.is...hie auto-mobili • •.- missing the farm, r It 1 •-:'• :•• ':-.- runs on '

S< . ; • t>. mortgage real • -'..• -•• r. .-..TV. d to t lu

s ta t - N'.. ft - all make any mortgagi ncur any Indebtedness

i :-. 11, : Lui J Gladys > Clara R Helen V. Mildred

Spelling. Rat

;:: . ike-!oy.

.: ay, BO.

. 75. Wagenen, SO.

'.titer, 75



extendi: one :.. pro\ .. upon p. paying for i , o

Indel t.

r .i period of more than without the written ap-

.is-ion. ubtained .- aring, and upon

• '..it. treasurer 10 cents such ind. hi. dm is

irred without such . . . id

1'hr. •

Commission Sec. 1! : \ , t:.is act. a com-

p rsona shall bi select ed i • ivernor with a view to

ll political opinion .is possible No commission er shall. In >•• deemed disquali­fied b> lack ol previous political or other ,

The !.. .ire in need ui personal leadership Th,-> : .a\v political lead­er-, but they nved local industrial community and educational leaders.

:;. St. Arithmetic.

Htldred - 100, r, ;i7

nnor, 93. lh : l - l ey . 91.

i •• " - HI. . 1 . : . : . • ; . , .

chi Si l, SS

Glad) - •• r. ss Cor..

Ernest > >'C nnor, v Grace '.;• • nolds, 7i« Alii Ralph ;. ibbell, 78. Mary Molyneaux, 77. Sheldon Birdsall 77. Iva Uery, ''• L)o)'d Smith. 75. Woodruff DeSllva, 75

Sulid Geometry. Luc) Fislter, 60.

American History. Winton Uuff, 77

PsycholoB)-Lucy Fisher, 90.

Biology, llerthu Kelly. SO Bmorson Kelly. *B.

Physical Geography. Lucy Klsher. 86.

Commercial Geography. Dorothy Jenkins . 70. Krnest Ciivett. 80.

Physiology, l.eorn Streeter . s:t Pauline Stewart . 75. Wilbur Archibald. 88. John Slntltls. 85. Guilford Austin. 70. George Hoag. 77 Hilda Hunter . •'••'' Florence Kelly. 7'1

Mary Molyneaux. 91 Alice Hussy, 6^ Lola Wlckham. St William Sperlin-r. S3. las per Bishop. • Jennie Bishop Robert Mei lur r . Harriet Merri t t . Harley Beanish-- x

Merton Mors. S* Judsou Haynes • Ralph. Hllbbe'

Geography. Lorer. Shelti? -Julia O'Connor. « Har'.- y Beardsiej 54 Ralph Hul bell, '•' Woodruff IVSilv.. SS Sheldon Birdsall. S4 Elbert Hull. >. Cora McEwer Rachel All Howard Ga%- • lona Sanford. 7^


February Ju-.--« A list of Trial lurors •

at a trial - 5 :

Court.- to be h« tn Delhi, on the sev Kebruary

Name. son Meac-

Krank Spencer L. H. Hit.: R A. Aver: Laverne Cab le . . Elia? Hopkins Thomas W. Nevin Matthew P a n e . Burr Huhbell . George Llndslay Charles .1 Myers George H. Smith . John McGibbon. . . . William S. Andrews William H. Bramley Harry' Stout Alexander Myers

William Miller David Finkle John A. Birdsall Ar thur Smith Marvin L Minor . S': J a m e s C. Mabon



. - - » , - :



t ' -—.- rs

. Fl DuhraVes

D e l : . Walton

Delhi Delhi

. .Cook 's Palls Bovina Center

Walton Delh.i

New Kingston Sidney

avertown, R.D.I. Bovina Center

Louis Heifer Horton J a m e s W. Thompson Andes

.So. . .Beers ton Worces te r

. . -. • .. Roxbury . . . D e l h i

.No. Harpsrsfteld

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursu­ant to an order ol 1 • i laymond. Sur fog i te ol tht ro ml l v ! s " » ^ and according to 11 • -

•VM\V and

hereby KU claims afalnsl or the town ol county, di e<l 10 axhlhll vouchers! the admlnl ed, .-,: his N April n e \ t

D*ttNJ Och W i l • ' . '

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,. i r Surro

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t ra tors A i d r t w C r -on,

* « o r » i n v.ir A til Mfc-na-etvilie N Y

SUPRKMK COURT:-Delaware Co.^'

Vv^TOHN11!)0 t\«iTitx of IVlaware by JOHN o, u > , - e duly authorized and A(1, of snld county

, Coft^rnn*ti«>v. of Lands 1



. A ai-.d Harry V - Y < - : M t i v e s

- «>ho r.-AV b e

' *'nr< •' M tu



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•:.\ ap-. -t to , vtl-

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t the • Attd


c torrrtjy* ••• o - . v h u - >

vVatr." ssioners.

-*• .* : t -.- * : •

' .Viaware Co. !

SUPREME ?T—Di ware Co.

I . 7 . '>. • I


Rob >




Action lot

I oSrorce


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• Q» B.HC . - •"' . f I

' - i'.: aay : . .

sue or au« v or |n

5'. yem ) de>jr,t:.^od in I

7 • . : .

; Cotnssr 6. C Artornt.- .=

Office J - : H c U -tt 3

above r... .-.ed: The • B < umcr.--

apon y. r.r -,

DM county. N. Y., c .:• d i and ri;- i wi th I the off.ce of th-Delaware, a t Delhi, N day ol LJecernber. 1914.

Dated, December i >, O'Connor & O'Connor,

At torneys fcr plaintiffs, Office and P. O. address ,

Hobart , N. Y.

1.- t h t : \ zw ti-t

- •

• • ; named e f fendan t : ;~ei>y »umrr . - - id to a n s w e r r.". i a t h i s action, and to

:J. your answer on t he within twenty days

- » of t'r.is - ir.imons, ex-;..y of service; and tha t

fai lure to appear , or twi l l be taken aga ins t *r t he relief demanded

the county of

• - • : •

• Pta ?. O. i i . \ . Y .


s.. rtSS.


- -Ol F.

• laware 17, 1914 rein in untv of he 18th

Thomas Alverson. Eugene S m i t h : . . . Morris H. Fanning John T. Davidson. Winfleld Laid ley . . Charles Foreman Davenport Fred Finch East Masonville George .larratt- •• Sidney Andrew LitUfc Deiancey, R.D.I George Medlart* Peakvil le Fred P h e l p s . . ' .Sidney Thomas Backus. Cannonsvllle Fjnmett Fisher North Frankl in W. E. S'.oahe Sidney Center Lucius Huntington Kelsey

S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K S U P R E M E C O U R T — D e l a w a r e Co.






' ' ;

to be held in Delaware.

d Deci ruber 5. 1914. A N D R E W C. F E N T O N ,

Plaintiff's At torney, a n d Po-tofRce address .

Margaretvi l le , Del. Co., New York.

J o h n B. Griffin, the above named de­fendant :

T h e foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuan t to an o rde r of Lewis 1". Raymond, county Judge of Delaware county, dated the 19th day of J a n u a r y . 1915, and filed with the complaint in the office of the Clerk of the county of Delaware, a t Delhi. N. Y.. on the 20th day of Jan . . 1915.

Dated a t Margare tvl l le . N. Y., th is 20th dav of J a n u a r y , 1915. ANDREW C. FENTON.

Plaintiff 's At to rney , Office and PoStoffice address ,

Margare tv i l le , N. Y. I

C O U N T Y C O U R T : — D e l a w a r e Co.


L E W I S W. TWAY, Plaintiff,

—aga ins t— MlJlI t & C H A R L O T T E MUIR,

Defendants .

James H. France R W. McArthur . . George Whit lock. Leslie K. Roberts W. F, Dumond . . . A. R


Walton . Bloomville

nport Center . .Bloomville

Margaretvil le B. Shrtw. . Hainden R. H a n m e r . . Cnion Grove

Oscar H. Schovill . . . Fred M. Seager . Woodbury Robinson James T r u d e n . . Melvin Staddel . . . Willett Seymour. . . J. A. Topping. P. M. Grant James Nesbitt • . . George W Mosher Cyrus W h i t l o c k . . . .

. Downsville . . .Sidney

.. . . Walton . . . .Roscoe. R. D.

Horton . . . . . . . Northfteld

North Harperstleld Bloomville

. . . .Fergujonvi l le . . , East Branch

West Davenport


YOU ARE -HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer on plaintiff's a t torneys within twenty days after the servlci his sum­mons, exclusive of i io daj ol Bervlce; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will lie taken against you by default tor the relief demanded in the complaint.

Trial to be had in Delaware county. Dated December 3, 1911.

O'Connor & O'Connor, Attorneys for plaintiff,

Office and P. O. Address, Hobart , N. Y.


In pursuance and by vir tue of a j u d g m e n t of foreclosure a n d sale , made and en tered in the Clerk 's office of the county of Delaware , on t he 18th day of Janua ry , 1915, 1, the sub­scriber , Referee duly appointed for tha t purpose, will soil a t public act ion, a t the front door of the Court House, in the village of Delhi, Delaware coun­ty, N. Y„ on Monday, the 8th day of March, 1915, a t 10 o'clock A. M. of t h a t day, the real e s t a to and mor tgaged premises di rected by said j u d g m e n t to be sold, and there in described a s follows, viz: "ALL T H A T TRACT OR PARCEL O F LAND, s i tua te in the Town of Middletown, bounded and descr ibed a s follows; to wi t : Com­mencing a t a point in the cen te r of the Middletown and Delhi Tu rnp ike road, now Main S t r ee t in t he vi l lage of Margaretvi l le , and running thence

C. W. Hu'.K rt Haniden Arthur Holmes West Davenport

named defendant: The foregoing summons is served ] in a souther ly direction along the lino

upon you by publication pursuant to of a lot formerly occupied by Jacob an order made by Hon. Lewis P. Ray­mond, County Judge of Delaware county. N. Y., da ted December li ', 1914 and tiled with the complaint here in the office of the Clerk of the county of Delaware on December Zo, 1914 Delhi, N. Y.

Dated December s:,, 1914. O'Connor & O'Connor,

Attorneys for plaintiff, Office and P. O. Address,

Hobart , N. Y.


Death of Mrs. Ross M. Sanford.

Fannie J. M. c ie l land. wife of Ross M. Sanford. died a t 3:45 Monday after noon at her me two and one-half miles from Stamford, She ad been ill s ince last sun mer and on October 7. entered the P \ Memorial hospital in Ouonta for an dperatio: . The operation proved, temporari ly benefi­cial and two week- la ter Bhe re turned home and apparent ly continued to gain until near the-holidays, when she be­gan again to 'decline, death was caus­ed by cancer.

The deceased, was a daue.w-r of Robert Md' le l iaod of Hobart and was born nearh ",9 year> ago in the town of Walton Within a year ti.e family moved to Ifdbarf, which w a s ' h e r home practically all her life. She la sur­vived by her h'usba:.,! a.nd bv fpur children—Robert, pewitjt, Margueri te and C h a r l e s - a l l residing at home; al­so by her father, one sister. Miss Lina McClelland, and a brother , ex-Super­visor. W. H McClelland, all of Hobart .

Mrs. McClelland was a devoted member of the Stamford Presbyter ian church, a loving daughter , wife and mother and a kltid fri< ml and neigh­bor By all who knew hex the deepest sympathy win be extended to the afflicted family.

Mr. and Mr.-. J. M. Sanford. Coart-luy R. SanfO/d aud Clark. A. Santerd at tended the fuueral which was held yesterday utternoou.


By the Grace of God Free and Independent

To George H. Hewitt . I 'pon the petition of Low aid

Hewit t and Leola H. Ingles of th Town of Middletown, Delaware county. N. Y., proponents you are hereby cited to show ca ;se before t gate's Court of D laware county at tin- s :-rogate 's Oil ee In the village of Delhi, in said county, on the Sth day of March, 1913. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, why a d> tld not be granted admit t ing t,. probate a certain instrument in wii t . - last will and tes tament of Cornelia H. Hewitt , late of the Town of Middle! '. said coun ty .deceased .a sa valid will of real and personal property; ;. show caust whv letters u should not Issue thereon

In Testimon. have causi 1 1 said Surro iK-reto nOI

Witness, U mond.

11. S.I i ounty o: Surrogate's Offl< N. v., this lSth 1915. E. A. CUl

Clerk of the Surn ANDREW C. KENTuN

Attorney of Petiti.

r.d also to stamentary

. We .if our • to be

Ray . . the

a the v in IXlhi,

1 .Ian.


Office and Posl idrest Margaretville. 1 county,

New York

Clura, six rods to the west bank of the Binnekil l ; thence up along the bank of the Binnekill seventy-live feet to a s t ake and s tones s tanding on snld bank; thence a nor thwes t direction six rods to the cen te r of said s t r ee t ; thence along t h e center of said s t r ee t seventy-five feet to the place ot begin­ning, containing twenty-seven and iia-100 rod- of land be the same more or less. Reserv ing and excepting

| the right to lay a sewerage pipe through -aid premises as ment ioned aud described in a deed executed by Elizabeth Clura, and others , to Char les

' Gorsch. and recorded in the Clerk's of-I flee of the county of Delaware, J a n . ! 'JO. 1891, In Book 112 of Deeds, a t j page 4\>1. to which deed reference is

L. made for a more par t icular description thereo i : a lso reserv ing and excepting the r ight to lay a sewerage pipe through said premises as mentioned and described in a deed theretofore executed by T h o m a s Muir and wife, to Charles C Kaufman, and o thers , to which r, ferance is made for a more par t icular descr ipt ion thereof."

Dated, Delhi. N. Y.. J anua rv 20, 1915.


Plaintiffs Attorney, Margaretvi l le , N. Y.

May Recover Frp/n Operation. Iron, uar M.av, rlo«n r""-lpiU>i>»*

Gladys Shaver, who underwent an operation in a Kingston hospital near­ly two weeks ago, is now reported to be some bet ter .


It having pleased Almighty God, in His infinite Wisdom, to summon to Himself our dear sister, Mrs. Caroelia 11. Hewitt, and.

Whereas , We. the members of the Home Missionary Society of the M. E. Church, feel her loss to be our per­sonal loss and take this occasion to pay tr ibute to her memory.

All through her life she has exempli­fied in a beautiful manner her belief in tin Christ ian faith. She was a true, loving, noble woman, a lways ready to aid In any good undertaking.

Auction. Resolved,

bereaved 1 will sell at public Satyr ;.it sytnpath)

day. January 30. 191 . .d.rsonV R . . 'U , , . I TI,-,, livery stables. Grit . N \ " ' ' ' " ' « 2u head of hors, , • ,. L ulioua be sent 30 head of horsi board, two 3-aeated surreys, t and all kinds of I ai , known day of »«;. ,.t i o'clock, rain or ih ln , .

W. M. Anderson—adv.

••' i ( tend to the ir linoere and Inar t

a copy of these re-tu the family, be

f and also put

Harrington, Mr-. M A. Shaw, Mrs. G. D. Fisher, Coin.


A Few Ladies'; and Misses' Fall Coats and Suits stall left. Your Pick at exactly one half of the former price. (A few New Spring Ones included.)

100 New Remnants on the counter at one half price.

ern Bros. Margaretville, N. Y. Our other store Griffin Corners,

.*&'•" ..-- 'T--"'i


It costs an owner nothing to consult on a Plumbing or Heating proposition, does it obligate him to employ me, b does put him in a position to ascertain what I can do for my clients, and chances are largely in favor of the inters being a profitable one both for the ow and myself.

Now is the time to have your



Bell 'Phone

put in order.

FRED AYRES, Plumbing and Heating,



m i


M \

SCHOOL DAYS NEVER END Thousand* of ; oople are yearly learnlns to know the

est goods and tha other kind. Long-ny learned the true economical value

..nd (hey have never forgotten the [MM man. the professional man. rman a n d the poatmaa suy

.-.remin when they buy rubber*

'.•Mwear 1, m a d e b V ind U-.1 eouirped Io the

i beta Mllifylnc the pm,/*

differ? ago t:; Of 1 1 ; . . ' lesson the i . • . "Hu!


factorT world, ami foot «a&ti | . m

. . OfJif *r L-,'y»' - iv Hub-Mark ' foot Bute to your ahapj ,L,- u»t It's a WIM-

Thtto rubbers arc ..armlacturcd by the Boston Rub­ber shoe Company, Maiden. Mass,


S. KORN, Arkville, & L. BUSSY & CO., Margurc.

Motion Pictures at the Opera House, Tomorrow, S a l -

T. W I N T E R ,

Margi i .e tv i l le , N. Y.

Insurance That Insures . In Best Companies and

NO Arwrnent.

0«ut>r»l Practlc* 1

G e o r g e F. Kni LAWYER

Httbrouck BuUtUuf - a KINQgTON.

/ J\ ] ' • • , - •' . • ' .