1 A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules Reporting Rich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information such as which students have completed modules. However, your DSM reports can help you dig even deeper. DSM reports can provide insights on specific content your students are struggling with and particular misconceptions your students have. You have access to the following reports: Report Dashboard DSM Overview DSM Remediation Report DSM Progress to Completion Learner Progress Report DSM Detailed Student Report

A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information

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Page 1: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


A Guide to

Dynamic Study Modules

Reporting Rich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information such as which students have completed modules. However, your DSM reports can help you dig even deeper. DSM reports can provide insights on specific content your students are struggling with and particular misconceptions your students have.

You have access to the following reports:

Report Dashboard DSM Overview DSM Remediation Report DSM Progress to Completion Learner Progress Report DSM Detailed Student Report

Page 2: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


Report Dashboard

Page 3: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


DSM Overview

DSM Overview (home screen)

Click on a link UNDER the module name column for greater detail.

Page 4: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


This allows for further drill down:

By Questions

By Learners

Page 5: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


Page 6: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


DSM Remediation Report

The DSM Remediation Report is best used to identify learners who struggle to master the course content.

If a learner continues to answer incorrectly despite opportunities to learn, they are making “non-

progress-attempts’ or NPAs. They are said to be struggling.

Learners with two or more NPAs for a question are having difficulty studying, remembering, and

understanding the information.

Bar Charts and Heatmaps

Amplifire reports can be viewed as a bar chart or heatmap infographic. Below are snapshots of both

views. There is a legend at the top and bottom of the page indicating which colors correspond to

each student’s attempts. Note: You can hover over a bar chart or heatmap square to view additional

data and click on a learner’s name to see a detailed report about their performance (Also see DSM

Detailed Student Report).

Page 7: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


Bar Graph view

Heatmap view

Page 8: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


DSM Progress to Completion

DSM Progress to Completion is best used for capturing how much time learners

are spending in Dynamic Study Modules and can also break down how much time

and effort each learner is putting into a course.

If a learner has not started a module or needs to take a refresher, instructors can

easily send out reminder emails from this dashboard.

Page 9: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


Learner Progress Report

Dashboard view

Review module page view

Page 10: A Guide to Dynamic Study Modules ReportingRich reporting and actionable analytics are a key benefit of using Dynamic Study Modules (DSM). DSM reports can give you basic information


DSM Detailed Student Report

The DSM Detailed Student Report provides a detailed report for every student on questions

where there was a struggle (reflects the red areas of the heatmap in DSM Remediation Report).

The data displays how each question was answered and the question content.

Instructor Options

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o Ability to select a specific module

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