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A healthy Constitution

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14 Australian Veterinary Journal Volume 82, Nos 1 & 2 January, February 2004

Happy New Year!

2004 promises to be full of initiativesdesigned to strengthen the AVA andits membership. One of the most

important projects for members is thedevelopment of a new constitution. Iknow this kind of work is not necessarilytop of everyone’s excitement list, however,we do have a number of members fromDivisions and SIGs who have volunteeredtheir time and energy to the task.

By the end of February we will have adraft constitution ready to circulate to allinterested members for comment. Wepropose to take the new Constitution tomembers at the AGM in May 2004.

You must be wondering whatprompted us to redraft the Constitution?Since it was first forged there have beenchanges in the corporations law, privacyact and anti-discrimination legislation. Inaddition, some members have expressedissues with various components of theconstitution including provision forspouses, the Board’s role, cancellation ofmembership, categories of membershipand the lack of defined roles forDivisions, SIGs and Branches.

A Unifying ChangeThe AVA became one organisation in theearly 90’s and many Divisions and SIGshad guidelines for operation (variouslyknown as Constitutions, by-laws,memorandum of articles) that pre-datedthat change. As you can see the time hascome to review the existing document anddeliver our Constitution into the 21stCentury so that it better serves members,

Divisions, SIGs and the Board. If you would like to provide comment

on the new Constitution while it is indraft form, please email Lyn Osman([email protected]) or call 02 94112733 so Lyn can ensure your name isplaced on the list and a copy forwarded toyou shortly.

Annual ReportProduction of the 2003 Annual Report isunderway and the publication is expectedto hit your mail boxes at the beginning ofApril.

The call went out at the beginning ofDecember asking for reports fromDivisions and the SIGs with a deadline of15 January 2004. Most have submittedtheir reports and I wanted to express myappreciation for the response.

We have adopted a new approach withthe report to help broaden its potential

audience and use the publication as moreof a marketing tool. The document isalso sent to new members in the newmember pack and it was felt that itshould contain information that not onlyupdated members but also introduced theAVA, Divisions and SIGs to potentialmembers and supporters. I will beinterested to receive your feedback.

Welcomes and farewellsAVA has also experienced some importantstaff changes. On 5 January, 2004 wewelcomed Josie Hatte as the new Eventsand Education Manager. Josie’s main rolewill be managing the AVA’s conferences.Josie is based in Sydney and I hope manyof you can meet her very soon. CoraLuong from Accounts is also on maternityleave after giving birth to her first sonJoshua. She is being replaced for sixmonths by Rosie Suarez.

We also recently farewelled MichelleLee who did a great job with AVA PetPEP(NSW and ACT). The AVA welcomesJenny Larsen at the AACV office andMegan Livingston who has joinedAVPMA - both located in Queensland.

The Conference is earlier thanusual this year

It begins in Canberra on 2nd May, soeverything has been brought forward.Canberra is a great city for things to dofor all the family, so do register soon andwe look forward to seeing you there.

AVA CEO Margaret Conley

CommentA healthy Constitution

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