•I n. o.a,. ",..... New .... 11 ~ AI Ie-. .. GNMe Poiate ... Gntiot Taw t h W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I By Mail, $2.00 per year; Single Copiu. 5 Cell. .Saftcly' Malcomson, Maire School Pupil, Runs Block To Pull Fire Alarm Box, S,. DiCIt IIOOYCOMBE An alert ll-year-ol~ Maire schooi student re- turning home for lunch, prevented a serious fire at ' his home, 1049Yorkshire road, Grosse Pointe Park, at noon yesterday, when he ran nearly a block to ring an alarm box. The lad, curly-headed 44Sandy" Malcomson, was definitely the hero of the day, for according to Edward Rector, assistant Park fire chief, "Ten minutes more, a-nd that would have been a very dangerous fire." USandy's" mother, Mrs. George W. Malcom- son, and his sister, Jane, 18, were in the house at the time, but apparently were unaware of the blaze until USandy" arrived. Rector stated that sparks pouring from a broken flue had landed on the shingled roof and ignited it. Damage was estimated over $150. The third floor rooms of the house are unfurnished and' used for storage space, Mrs. Malcomson told fire- men.. "I was a little lat~ fer lunch," "Sandy" ex- plained, as he related how he breathlessly ran down the block and pulled the alarm box at Yorkshire and Maumee avenue. "Today was my sister's birth- day, too," he sighed, cCWJlat a ~'.' ~':""'"-~.,:~~!t_"*-: - '. I tEW _ ¥EM-.L_p,&-,~£.qE Fleeing From Police; Four Y0UQ8' Detroiten Injured in Car Crull -:an.Hour Chase Local Men UnoppHed; Ferguson, Grand ~ury Leader, Heads nCket Ut=,te::ace~ :~~-: 1:\ niBht .n.e. dial- autOlDObil~ struck a One-third of Grosse Poiate \ow1l- and G. DonIt ~ 1,696. uulity pole ....r crnrtumed while flee- ship's 16.000 registered Tolen went to State Hilhway Coaanissioller (faU jag from ..... scout car. near tile the .polls in last, Mon4ay'~ amlual tenu)-Ler '. C. Smith 3;111; and ~ KUd Font. __ .. I..a.ke SbiIrc TOQd Spn. eleetioa aDd calt baUots few cu. Donald IC WJI. '. Graue ~ ~ ~itL ~.. ResaItI ~ ..... ;.:. , ~ - ~~:~El: C>o~~ ~ I.. . ~" 1lIE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POI.,.. AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTR GROSSE POINTE, ~I~l{IGAN, THURSDAY. APRIL 10. 1941 Spn"ng EJection. Draws One-Third of Township's Voters ". . ([~r ~rO~~t J1)oittfe}1ltuitu)' ~ . 'l'OU"RE 1M THE ARMY MOWI Forty-oee former studeuh and alum- ni of Grosse Poiate high school are - iD tile United Stal<!S anny, navy or marine <:orp6. accordiaa to a recut IUJ'ft)' conducted by the school __ ,...,... l aity pIaar" City ef Grosse Poiate, was redatly initiated into Tau B4!ta Pi, ~arr engia~~ fraterDity al the , UlU'fersity of :L(",hipn. Armstrong i' a junior at tile tmivcrsity this yoeaJ'. VOL. 16--No. 34 Monday's w. r--. 1M N.,.... It 0.:.., Widlollt F-.r 01' Fayor. 1--.1 C".0a4- for 0.- FiIIe. v..... ----_ .. _--- ........ __ ........ 11. A .0lD AD P ,EVEN Park President Goddard Tells .Comtnission Of: AUeged $300 Bribe Rotary Club C"mpletes Plans for "Pan American" Fete, Mo.nday, April 14 Prep;arations h,ave been completed by the Grosse Pointe Rotary club for Its observance of Pan Americall Day, followin~ a noonday luncheon ~o be h~ld at the Whittier hotel. next Monday, April 14. . On thiS occasion. the Qub will play host to the consular repre- ~tatives of seven Pan AMerican countries. The consuls and coun- tries they represent are: Jorge VarJ':'as. Costa Rica: Adalia Domin- guez. MexiC<? j Dr. Jose Guerrero. NicaraJ':'ua. Ramiro Ortiz. Cuba: Saul R. LenD, Honduras; Louis James Rosenber2'. Panama; and Sa1nel Fitzpatrick, Argentine Repab. Ray. Riclw'd Ford. James Bernardi. Iic.. Josepb Durber, RO)' Hoke. Roba1 Kaaical UstuJl.cles will be presented Fisher. Waiter Vance and Charles lJ,. the Spanjsh siIIeiJIC group of the Weber. A Soulh American musical trio UniRr'Sity of Detroit onder the direc- win furnish dinner music and a Spau- ti6d 01 Jose E. Esp' '. ish danerr will be featured. -. -. assistant pro- The speaker of the day will be Adol- ~ o~~. I. the group ~re fo Dominguez, coasul for the Repub[ic .a:- 0 .' Audrey T~ppan,. ~Ir- of'Mexico. Mr. Dominguez i. OIIe of ... Oememi- Russel Ncmu, William the top-ranking foreign .etYiee eonsa- tar officials of Mexico. Before coming to Detroit. be served as coasal in Toronto, Chicago and Dallas. His talk win treat 011 Pan Ammcaa relations. Kembers of Rotary clubs of Detroit, Highla.ud Park, Hamtramck, Dearborn. Wiacbor, East Detroit md ltoseriJ1c: ha-..e beea umted eo &ttftd the meet- mg. 0ffidaIs of the lift Gt-oue Pointe llIankipaJities aad the townsbip wiO as- sist in weJcomiag the consll1ar gtleSts. Ffij' :!!lIIIJ__ _ .... ' 'SimI;litlk!r i,8llO': '. ., ..... 4.m; tAt 1,255. ¥i F:. k H. Lau. Barbar.a Killer. 17. of: <MIS S .... - . - •. . ., .;;;.. ;, ,~ .,. .'Y, •.. ':--Jr':--.i><: ~-+ For Township Oerk--Carl Scbweik- Cin:_ Court J~ (18 to be eIect- aae. _ CGIUiIIed with a back iJliar7 • .-- ~ of TIle ...... --- - ............. ~., .... h... art,4,48). ed): ~ Daniel uta, II, of 4461 Third Strftt./ Groae POiIite ~Ic ~~ ~ est A. PJ---." Ir~~ __ For Treasurer-Adolph L DammaD. HOOIec:F ergnSOn _-_ ..- 3,951 sulIered ~ ~poand ann fracture, keaIdftg street Iigbq with au- mks. ship supes .ioor. was defeMle&tby e.- 4,477. ~ter S. Moll. .." _ _-_ -.3,876, Shores polic~ said. The fourth ~se,.- cmJy two broken b~s. haTe been dis- Hoatekier is last KOlMIar.. ....a Justice oi the Peace (four year term) AdoljJ~ F. Mar~~hner _ 3~~! cr. Belly M'U~ •. ~o •.~ ~ _Stimson I ~_~~ by Park police lD the past three Spriug electinn. held at F~ -VictD!' H. D~Baeke, 4,411. Josep •• A. MOjtnl..",,, _ 3.,5" J avenue •• scapea with slIgat Druucs. ~""~.. school 371 'tOtes to 2!116. For Board of Review - Newton W. Dewitl H. :M~rriam _" ,,3.675 Elmer Gab.nel. Shores. palrolman, Previous to The Review story, at The' totaJ numbe:r of ..nes c:Mt. s- Whiteley. 4.154. Harry B. Kenlan" " _._ : _3.673 who was chasing Has.e. estlIll<lted that I<ea5t 25 smashed globes 4Dd bulb. were act! 700 baDots was !be biBbat __ For Constable (Vote lor not more Anhur 'Vebsl~r ..,.L. _"._ 3.670 the yO._lh was traveling at least 7S ~I~s reported ~ Byron J. Rockwood, Park r~ed in the butory of tIIe~_ than four - Frank W. Defer 3,833; Theodore J. Richter _ _._ ..3,6..?9 per hour. Wet pavement and poor VlS.- vil1age manager. during JaDuary. Feb. In th Febnlar primaryelcctioe Hoa- Charles J. McKenna, 3,746; and John Clyde I. Webster _ _ 3.618 bility caused Hasse to lO$~ control a, ruary and early March. Rock-lrood aD- tekie; DOSed ~ Pro.o 2'Z3 .. :To die Comdrinioa of the Village lDeDt of tbis kind is 10 bring it out in W. Travis, 3,733_ Ira W. Ja)'n - _ __ ...3,588 he approached the sharp CUr'Teat the nounced that it costs Park taxpayers 171 of Gcoisse PoMte Park. Michigan. tbe light of publicily with a challeage The results of the V<lte on the SUle James E, Chenot : .3,534 Ford ,"state, Gabriel believes. The car, $U5 to replace each globe and bulb I~ th for clerk Euseae C. Pior- C'-t'-.-- '. proposals Were: Vince at M. Brennan 3,524 a 1936 Ford. rolled ov<er several times destroyed. All addilional expense 0( nac'- ::"=-t t"":ed ba-'-- _~~ .-u -.weD to the aUlhor or aathors of the state. $100 II I._~ dd d ... ;u_~ ". ~~~, _u .... __ I rcaret die lICCessity of ca1IiDg to m<ent to make himself or themselves Proposal No. I-Yes Z,~3; Xo 2,212. Guy A. Miller "." 3.492 au.d was lXo npletd~ .demolished, police as """'.. a c: to the ,_e dg- sticker candidate, Josepb T.~. 3IZ J'OlII' attention the following: known and prove the charges or re- Propos:&1 Xo. 2-Yes 2.420; ~o 2,090. Raben M. ~~ __ .__ ._._._.3.448 said. T?e heavy uhlat). ~le -:.as snalP et becaase of this ruthless epidemic of to2J9. FraIlk Jooes. iDazmbeDt tteasar. "'-'-~u..._ D---'D ,'nforms me Re;ults of voting ior stat. offices in Henry G_ ~lcoL "- - ..J,J3l ped at Its base and carned 165 .feet by vandalism, Rockwood sUted. _ turned .~ --=_.. ......-.. ...... ..............,- - trac, them. or lake the consequences. f n.._'t th k-.I d .~. was re ... uu"' .... __ ... - 1.- I the lownship folio,,': , Sherman D. Callender ..__.- ._...2.85S the forCe 0 th<e colliAion, it was reo ~ .. I e e mar eu ecTellSe III H"-'- "_'_, ~ to ""'" ... t ..., was recent y advised by Com- I", therefore. call upon yon and each br H ~_. ~ """ ..".., _: .... - Pfeffer that ther- _. a ~'- Justice of the supreme conn (two to Raymond J. Kelly .... __ .__ ._ ......2,OOO vealed. akalre. <enty W. Piel. Pllrk poIke Harry r. ... _ :..-;.... -" ..... .---, ,~~ •u of you, and particularly Commissioner h' f has . his _,_ . .- ....... __ ....,, .- -..r to the <effect that he. Damman. Pfeffer, who has indicated to Commis .• be e[ectedj--George E. Bushnell. 3,llOoi; George B. Murphy" " .l,~ ------- c .e. continUed a to rC$'- peace post by tr~ 1.enly Haap- ,,_.I --~ Edward M•. Sharpe. 3,726; John M. John H. Brennan .... __.._..__ _ _~ .l.853 Dr L ...n... ~_ rth dent.s asking them .to report. any. inf«- ton."'" to •..-. FI'n,-- a """"_. F..L- ..... """epted a SW11 of Dloney, $31».00 'sioner D~man that he has knowledg. fto UUII8WO I h [d .>of ..... -..- ._~ .,.,. I beHeTe bein'" the amount, frorn an of thi~ rumor, to identif~' or assl'sl I'n Dunl,.m ~76; aad. George A. Cram 428. Thomas ). ~[urphy 1.611 Named Civil' Se""':ce matlon on ocal c. ' .ren u.s~ aIr guns DeHenau aptared the second ju.tice .. JR' 1 T"' ( b \E '1 '''im CI bo 1428 .... 011 the streets P,e! IS pos,t,ve that the applicaul who recently pelitioned this identiiying. aay person who has assen. egents 01 t le n1V<'rs,I)' two to e. ml . 0 om _ -........ . . -of the peace positioD, The four e1c«:ted Commission for appro, 1 of a liquor Ii- cd or is asserting or insinuating tha' electedl-:\lired B. Connabk 3.1-'9; I Frank Day Smith "." I.()44 Commissioner in Park bro~en hghts are the work of an ~- constables and the number of 1IIIlIta cense. Ihe inference being that it was Commissioner Damman has accepted a Earl L. Burhans. 2.976; Franklin :M. E~~est P. LaJoie , " ~ __ gamzed gang of. ~o~ths traveling th.y receiyed are: RllSSdl Campbdl oftered aud received as a bribe to Se' bribe. The applicant reierr<ed to about Cook 1.430; and C1""d.s F. Hemansl"llham F. Connolly. Jr.. _ 8/<l1 Dr. L.A. Dunsworth of 1212 Bi ho a.round the com~UDJt> In a car: Qu-:s- 449' Howard Ston<e 405' Loais 0.-- h . .• 1,299. . Frank Fitzgerald .. " 878 Md has r ~ tlo be n' ~l t d b sth P tlOfled by a ReVlC'\ll'reporter, P,el sa.d. PI'n' """'. nd Harold H.:.ki 3S5 _ C1I!'e 's faTorable vote or help m two years ago. made a similar applica- _. " f L'la :M X . It 660 r~ , .~en > e. ec eye "Any person fouad guilt of Ihis of. e '"", a _. __ •• De COImcctioa with the application; aDd tion for approval of his liquor license For. ~upwntendent _~t Public In- I euenle " - ".. Grosse Point. Park fire department to fens will be dealt 'thY I three highest board of rmew c:aDlIi- also that CommiS5ionfT Pfeffer had un- to this Commissl'~. wh:"h ~tl'tl'on ~as structlon-Eugene B. I-.lhott 3.443: and \\ llham 1-1. Heston .. ~ _.._...... 640 , 'erv t no of'" th loca1 e WI severe y, no dates were EugCll<: Baier with 83' Wi- ~, ~ •.~ - - ~ Ge Id K O'B . 6i4' ea e "' }earS on e malter who the are." dertaken some investigation of this ro. granted here bUI lor some reason not Edward". :l.fcFarland 1.zJ6. ..r~. nen " "............... ci\il ser,'ice commiSsion. y li"'m SommerviUe. 43, aad Ra,. JobD- mer by contact with the applicant and I granted b). the stat. al Lansing_ Your M~mber ~f the Sta~.e Board of Edu. WIlham J. Cody_.._ _.__ ._ ~ Dunsworth has been a resident of roo, 31. Iris attorney wbo r.presented him be- inquiry. therefore. should cover any catIon - ," y~and '':.'chers 3.189: and Charl.s Bo,,'les _ ~,)7 ~[ichigan since 1926. li\'ing,in Grosse Brownell Junior High fore tbe Commission. He iurther has c!larges or assertions that Commission. France' ComlOrl.1.354. George Bashara -................ _46 Point .. Park for the last four years. Studen An H Ford II NaDIeCI requated that I acquaiat you with r er Damman accepled a bribe in connec- :\remb<!rs oi the State Board oi Agrl_ J~mes Mo~tante .""" , Z18 H. is prominent in the chiropractic pro- b ange "l~A" Bv Draft D__ -..:I t""," facts at this meeting, and ask tion with either the former or the reo culture (I"'" to he electedl-William I :"lcholas J. ~<'ll~e ' 2:61 fmion and is backed by the admir,ation Dance on April 18 I UUIU'1I ~ help iu ascert4inin~ who has malle cent application. H. ~er~ey 3276: Clark L. Brotiy 3254: :~rthur t\. KosctOskl .; ,. I,:~ of many friend!. In addilion to ~ing a ~DJ' s~eh charge Or statement concern-, There are occasions when privatc cit~ B~nJamlO. J:I. Halst~ad l.B,,: and Sta~ley ~. O':""hro ~kl 16., j property owner in the Park, he has I ~feml><-r:; of the 8 ?B. and, 9:\ Gt-OS$<ePointe's most. tanced.lIIIo.t Ihg hrm. . l izens see fit to ignore sland~rou! ru- ellule, F. Klump 1:0-'0. . . I F:d"'ard Z.:.~,\ fobles!':l A7 I many other qualificat;on, that should I grad.s at the Brownell junior h,gh draftee. Henry Ford II, of PrOYeDeal I f<eel ~ure ~u ",ill all ~ glad In I ~0r5 rather Ihan di'miiy them by de State 1I','l'hway Com~lIsslO.ncr, 'II'" : p' B eakf CI b r~na~e him an excellent commissioner. I ~cho"l ha."" .planneri a ri~n,C<to be i~eld road. Gros!c Poinle Farms. was classi- ~ WIth his requ~5t and ~Iso that n~al or Publi~ity. bat when public Offi'l e"p,red term)-Leroy C. Sm.Jlh .... [66; I omt~ r aa~ u 11 IS behcved .. ~un5w~rth '" n~\ler! In lhe !'(I~l< f{,:m on hula.,' ;\"On,"l<'. fied as ;l. potential 1-.\ man (s"hj<ect to then: IS DO OOIe 001 thIS CommISSIon or clals are objects of the allack. there ° I AppoInb Committees "Oll/{hl any fl<lhncal offlcr. hilt ha, al., .-\pnl II'!. lrom ,,30 to 10:30 0 c1oclc. immediate call). iollo .... ing a ~el;ng of .n:; per!",n who know. CVfi'i:"'.';u".c, '5 v..l;, COI,e<:o~lse to pursue, partleu- City Votera Adopt F M IA .• 15 ways hcen IlI1erestcd. i~ !tood !to,oern-I ~(t1'\i~ ~or the dance will be- tl:n~i~hed local Draft Board 57 last y~ Da:mman _n 1"f1o. would hell eve him Iarly Just at Ihls time, ,\nd lhat is the Charter Amenc:hnent or ea 1»" m~nt properly and effiCiently m;l.na!'(~d. "~th." p:.\ eolo~ed orehe.<tra. T~ckets morninl<'. guilt, of an)' socn conduct. I think onc r<eque,<ted by Commissioner Oam- friend, stale. ".,11 he ava,lable, Iree 01 cnargc. In Ihe Ford. who holds Order ~o. 409. dia ~ will al:JD~ree t~1 the only effcc~ ma.n. anti which T con~idcr 10 be my Thc e,l\, of ;;rM.'e P.)inte's charter Thc iollowin'( committecs werc ap. -----__ junior high .home rooms. hcginning not a<k dt~ernlt.nt. hoa~d officials stat- bYe way to stIfle a slanderous state- off,clal dut). to folio ... bv Ihi. <tate- d - . . h -h ['"inted.1 a meelin/{ 0; tht Grosse Point Mothe ""'"'b Tu.~day. ,\prll I~. Icd. ,\Ith<>ug" he IS married ar1d employ_ ment to \000.. .• I amen me~'1 .c,"nR'IlI~ t e terms or t e P,)inte Rrrakiast club last ~[onday e ra '-- Th~e who hav~ planned the "ro ...ram 'ed in wh,\t could hr c"n ..<1 '\n "imP<"1- Howard P. Parshall - KARL B. GODDARD. m~nlclr'\ht~ .., counellmc.n w~s pa<se<l ni!C~t t.... '\";'1 in s""ill!,: 0; i>reakia~.: I Plana Annuai Spring are: Estelle ~eedham, 8:\: J.an Doh-' ant nalional driense induSlry." YOVIlg A~nted to p_-I- PreSldem. b) ~n ~", ...... helm,nl<' maJorlt~ al :Mon~ 10 S4 local draftces ot Draft Board ." p........ A °12S ~rly 8:\; Peggv nUlh-. oR. J,,<I,on In-! Ford ..-ill b<! e""mined phV"ically by ..-- ..-.: Grosse Pointe Park tI,\, < ~"nn/{ elecl,,)n. tn :'" 1h h d ! ~I. T d-. ....,~ on pt'1 " '. .. I . . .. ViII '. -. . I at e. elg' or,oo e IN' on ue',,~ In'am. 9B; :\bn'ln "'nius. 9.-\' nor.,\ltII lrm,' dO('t~s ,n the "very near fllt~. I ..... r"_--! ••• oon April 3. IC)41. I A :nt.1 01 l.lM VOle, ,,'re cast 'n mor"in" ,\~'il l'i n' . -'"" '--UIUIIU_ :- . _ .-. . _.' .. ,.. " I _ -- "atz. 9A: and Paul ~{'COll. 9:\. it was announccd. ------- 1 ' '1'0 0, he ch.n(::c. wh,le o"h .. ;.;, \fr<. Richarri Campau. :;cn..ral ,.hair.' Thr \loth", duh .); (;ro«e Pointe _ Howa.-d P. Par,han. oi 5.~ Pcmhcr- Croaae Pointe Youth votcs wcrr rrcor~r~ ..... inq Ii" mon'l man 'hillh 'eh",,1 wilT pre,ent :hrir """".1 , , P T Ion roal!. was appo;nteri 10 fin th., . Tn ", •• C"""~' ("tr(ll'~ c..''';' ,'''t.e. .m- 'fr,. F. \fmd.le. kitc~en rhalrmr,:, .'rn,,1l' "an)' "n Fri,la\'. April 2.;.• 1' UZZ.'" hat Pays' . ,'acaney in (lr",!r .'ointr r.rk'; \'illa"e And "Greenber~" Join e"mhen. -'llckr .Lr"e .' '".,Il. ", t nl. """,r,! 1" \!rodamc, K. l'ro"le. \, 1'1.' r m . III lie "';,(>OTa"ilil:,ri,'I11. i .. <,omm;s<;on ,\t • sprei.l merlin~ oi Ihc National Guard Unit ,'er'Il\' ('I"cr. (1'\ '" l,r,"<C I''''''lr. \f,,'.re. R"emcr. H. \. "'on en. I.",,,, \II' \."II.ril H. T""cr.,' '< in ,'h"rJ;tr E t F- IW k RTOUP in th~ P;llrk r.1unkip.:3.1 h"ilrtin"! kti ,:,..- :(;k('l wl:h i 2,,.1 \'iff'''_ :\\-('oro- T('.:is;r"](' H'IT,\" i.i~.. ki .1.nl"l n, R Cr~~f'. fiT rhr ptlrtv ~nrl w1l1 h~ ;l ..... j,,!('r; hv n ers Ina ee 1'\<1 Thur<do, ni"h. Ill" t., "'''Ther: r. "'eff. clrrk. Ihr iol.1 \(r. \ 1. "i,d,. "",in" r.",m ,.;'",r- \l"d'me< R,."..,.t T<>mh. Tn',n h""'tr~ .\< i' m1l" t",11 ~""""I t;""<1:'. >:, ene ha, ,'"me I'" Tl, .. I'llU!C ThaI Pa~." Pa"h.11 repTarrs " 0 m 01i ,s i 0 II e, "(;recnhrr" .Joins :hr \rm,.' w.' 'he 'n'c n.' ,q. 1 <.'" m,',. ' •• ,-td h, \Ie'damr' \",Ir\'\\ Re.!;> ,-kkk, . .J. ' lle,l. C O. ~wo" .'LH'il1~:I1" lk,'rm-'cr I'.':e ,,; r'e RC\;rw, Thr ,'''T''''' ';~< r"ten~rl tor I" T',nma< T I'ClT.-.lrl. w".-. re""'"rl re. 'loeme "i " '.rn,ell ;,,,':, .... ,wn j •• t \-, ''-' \\' .'C11'-';'"'er, ,", cc .. j.,T ("ir \I.c." i,ell. I." I orrar, "e" .I" I',,,: <n" \\'.Ilc: \,'cl,. "'HI \1. C,"r,n",' '.\uk< ,~,nd :'a, .:,,-:,,J-:,'c'~ i":"dr,. i, ..: ktter, ,-,,'" .""t"",i.~"" rrarler,. l'rnlly tota'kt 111'.1 \'::l ... h;f'1~t()T1 pf'lto,iti<"m ~att1rri..l~ nt~ht inr Fr("(~(,iI(,f..: Drk.';'" l)i C'~l' cc'!"r: ~.,mm''''';''I1(,- \.arnrri :hr n('r. Eh'l.'~"; ( John ... t'ln. FTmf'"r ~lIhn, Thr Tl L H(',lh' """Oh w,]l 'rr~("n. ~. \\{" '1!1("rCq 11':'( l~1.d. fi'c' ''!'17)~('", ";1\(' hr\ ..... ~.:.:'Jl~ "I,m(' l,t.1(' ('ntrftA.H'm(:n~ . th t' 1..1' I' (" f(' r ('it h' "). 1 ," '. ()t, .. f.. . ~ i ',.ol.tltif.'lrlcr,.T., .. 1\\cc,," :)('('; •. ' ..... '11 1.\ .. , ..... -l.>1.1..• ' .... ~...,. n;",'-r"'("t~""'?o~crc; 1n (" 11.a l()n~ u("t("'n,,(" prOl("ram P.:llr~ ..orr;;un('" ,.vc:nut, ltv 0 ,r0H(' o--.mtf".' ~ :-::1 - ,''1 m.l.J"r1\~_ .1£'. c('llln"~ I "ad R:-r1T. H('"rf'w-rr \ranr'i('l t 'l~rjf"'" 1::l"1~;,,,"1 d,c>\" :, • ., •.. ,01'''' t;j, """'r,' to'I"e- r' .... ; ,. J ll'k I '1" J" '5' 1 11 " .' I 0 '.. ~ .... n.'...... ... ~ "" ,(" (1,.\,(1,"0) 11. 'I.\t'('- a .... .a iln ... ..;('... :"r(' ~'(" W1 \l\ ...... 1~~(. :r'~ ~\\."rn"_ 1~ ., •. whn" rx<,cnlT\'c vice-prr<iden: of and hls p.l. Lyle Grc('nhcrl<'. oi Drtroil, , a.n ".:e Ir<"lt, III the (It\, !,,,.IIe1.,, W.<lrldT .nrl :\f;« C~rol~.n O'<1:""cl. b<' ''''rn toy • wtd<lin<1: "arly. FI,)\\tr! mtr<"i,.nrii,r "rITO' ,,,II "e .'l'i-en. '"d will hc'di,'irierl as follow<: $.'00 $400, thl'" COil1l'1'lonwf""lth H~l1k. \\:I~ n,-,rm- 'I." j("n t T ,(" f).tI:ir :lnnollnccci thc-rr rnl1(,t-: {,ro~,r T\'l1ntr 10~ndHr rr:tlrnc;.. which \fr.<i, 'E .. \I.::l1p ';:It\.it •. {'h.?lrm~n (IT the <lrr~i~nmrnt ... W(ltn n\' 1ht mood~ Willi $..;.f.l. $2uo. $150. ;\nd ~l.,~l r"tcri hv Cnmmi"i.',nCl \'.Hrl " \',," men~ in 'hr ~r1d ",I,!ler,' "f Ihr :"a. ~rt ,,1.. j"erl In '"""'cr scetinn <I; ,hi. re~rption CC ........ I:I.e .• «i,trd hv 'lc" he drmon<lratrll h~ Ethcl Lynllon In jnmhTd incm. lhe. punk (nnl.in~ th(' ""01<.< nj. livc .,rlwrti'<,r, anll tltoe D"I1(,rn :jr\p~1 (;<:~rd. )1 i'~U(" ('of Tl t: ~r\"l(,~' rl':unf"c; :Morl('v PiQ'~ott Crknn 'nrlf"r- Fhwrr<; F0n('l'Q,;n ~ ... ';,,('1.; ..._ ~I.~.. t~l('rh('ln(' nllmhrr ('It 'I .. lxt11 ':Hhrrtt,,<'r 101HHI ht"ln" "\" nlln-~('"r.)j' rrr If''ftf'r' m.a~ ("()mmi~c;.1('m('r C.. .t\. "C.1fl" Pf'-If'r n I (. I. '11 1 - . h' -------- ~ _.~- .... '.., ........ , 1r.(" tlC;trt tV.lor In th(" flr'1r.ln~ (Ii ~h( ('I)'ifrc' ... "ill:ii .... n t n~..l:1d(' tilt fH1771t anrl ........ ~, (' nr ..::lInq .,rrrf'lof"rQ' W1 ('.1\(" "It ",("In ~nl'i \f,q TlInt'" ()c;.trnwr;;,l<l I r.r ('rt "liT hr ~('ntrl .In.-i hn<i~f'" will., \11 fl' , I . , ., ,.." ... ., ..... ,-1 T, ; r- , .. 1] 01-; .~;-,; ( 1--' 1- L. t.. EASTER VACATrON .' I;j, ,rl1f"'. dt('r .... 1Jll l1tm,l':'".t'", 1n :I~r -:,1": l'" mll .. t "It'II ..("(. ~. , • '''';~.'' • ;;-.;(' r. ,)r:1j\:tn" II :/"or 'or' ~n~")" 1'\\ ('In rJ-",.:('('-.. a:ll h(' i'!tl1\irlf'ri ,,,.ith t"'l1''''~ f.:1 ,_ :n ::1(' Inn"., rr~m 1 Pn7(' ... ",111,( ..:'l~I..t1 10 .. 'he' :-...: ...,'\ \,\"'!"!.~n~~ \\ ...... 1' ..'1'lr'-~' ,~~~"ti"'l ...... t"'('!. ~at- .,.~r".;-, -.,.1'1. ".:t 1""'1'1 ".', "0,1".'.<1". \"',117 '1',c"t,r<11', .. ;.,.~ \11 I,-""c 1'''''''' --;,I,.~ ,,' "i. \\dj .. It.',n, ""'Il i"'" '"n", !., " \11,,,,,,'.,,. ,.,j .,,,, .,'." .. I.I':rl,nl, r.' ,,',I !' .... ""'-'11.' .,1,'" .• I .... __-'.:~ 11 .,,',~ •. ~,,"," '."'" "1(''\:. ,,\,:(" ':,;01 1,':' "\cd ; '" i j;; "-', ! ""~'h '.~. :,IAn~r~~. \f- .n..1 ,~..- H, "., 'i ":. (,., ... ~ .,'.:1.', ..... ~(; 'f,,~'d .. l' \.r'Q II I;'" " • 'lh ..• ',("_, '1 ''', : 'r'~ ,-j'.r: : 'I"r ,r1rod .. ,,:(' ::l\"('(~ II'r ~"~K ;;. "l;" l'-':I',~I '''''i- .. .,lt~~ .. "'.-n . I ;. ,,'" '"l ' ""l,,\, .oj' ...... , ( :., .\ • .., "1.,i~ .... ~(',(~(" \'A~ ,'.(' .-j, ,()mn'j'''':llfll . T. ....q'!.l i>d__ ):", i)4I('n.L~ Orl tAoc cnh~t('rl .l'''-: T'q',~~, \1',-.; j': ..l''; 1::.-'-'-ll'Prr. '",.l1 """ .... [",. <("i'~rtmt_nt hrjorc. :Mt.n'.,,\ (h"'r r""('n.lIIAn, p]r..c'''' ~H \{r~ n .", ". ~ a.h..'("nf nom thr m~rjn~.. I VnI!tn.. \.1.._...1_ .1.-..1' 1SKr.... .l. ....... J u: ' \(;,.;r,...,,,, ~ll ~M"'w('r.:() Tho .... }'. l77 i .... - ... ~1' l:n ~. r"\" -,,_ i iwo I ..r"",..., ~ .., '-a -.cuae.>Q~ 1nOC11lr,.., .,..,a ... -..., - - ~ ...... _ ... j,j",. ;. A. :.lorgaa. • Revl.., I.>LU Kerc:heNi A-. ~~ P<>u"c P.ari<. ~

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n. o.a,. ",..... New .... 11~ AI Ie-. ..GNMePoiate ... Gntiot Taw t h

W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I

By Mail, $2.00 per year; Single Copiu. 5 Cell.

.Saftcly' Malcomson, MaireSchool Pupil, Runs BlockTo Pull Fire Alarm Box,


An alert ll-year-ol~ Maire schooi student re-turning home for lunch, prevented a serious fire at 'his home, 1049Yorkshire road, Grosse Pointe Park,at noon yesterday, when he ran nearly a block toring an alarm box.

The lad, curly-headed 44Sandy" Malcomson,was definitely the hero of the day, for according toEdward Rector, assistant Park fire chief, "Tenminutes more, a-nd that would have been a verydangerous fire."

USandy's" mother, Mrs. George W. Malcom-son, and his sister, Jane, 18, were in the house at thetime, but apparently were unaware of the blazeuntil USandy" arrived.

Rector stated that sparks pouring from abroken flue had landed on the shingled roof andignited it. Damage was estimated over $150. Thethird floor rooms of the house are unfurnished and'used for storage space, Mrs. Malcomson told fire-men..

"I was a little lat~ fer lunch," "Sandy" ex-plained, as he related how he breathlessly ran downthe block and pulled the alarm box at Yorkshireand Maumee avenue. "Today was my sister's birth-day, too," he sighed, cCWJlat a ~'.'

~':""'"-~.,:~~!t_"*-: - '. I tEW _ ¥EM-.L_p,&-,~£.qE

Fleeing From Police;Four Y0UQ8' DetroitenInjured in Car Crull

-:an.Hour Chase

Local Men UnoppHed;Ferguson, Grand ~uryLeader, Heads nCket Ut=,te::ace~ :~~-:

1:\ niBht .n.e. dial- autOlDObil~ struck aOne-third of Grosse Poiate \ow1l- and G. DonIt ~ 1,696. uulity pole ....r crnrtumed while flee-

ship's 16.000 registered Tolen went to State Hilhway Coaanissioller (faU jag from ..... scout car. near tilethe .polls in last, Mon4ay'~ amlual tenu)-Ler '. C. Smith 3;111; and ~ KUd Font. __ .. I..a.ke SbiIrc TOQdSpn. eleetioa aDd calt baUots few cu. Donald IC WJI. '. Graue ~~ ~itL ~.. ResaItI ~ ..... ;.:. , • ~ -~~:~El: C>o~~ ~ • • I.. . ~"


Spn"ng EJection.Draws One-Third of Township's Voters". .

([~r ~rO~~t J1)oittfe}1ltuitu)'~ .

'l'OU"RE 1M THE ARMY MOWIForty-oee former studeuh and alum-

ni of Grosse Poiate high school are- iD tile United Stal<!S anny, navyor marine <:orp6. accordiaa to a recutIUJ'ft)' conducted by the school __,...,...

laitypIaar" City ef Grosse Poiate, wasredatly initiated into Tau B4!ta Pi,~arr engia~~ fraterDity al the

, UlU'fersity of :L(",hipn. Armstrong i'a junior at tile tmivcrsity this yoeaJ'.

VOL. 16--No. 34

Monday'sw. r--. 1M N.,. ... It0.:.., Widlollt F-.r 01' Fayor.1--.1 C".0a4- for 0.-

FiIIe. v.....

----_ .._--- ........__ ........

11. A .0lD ADP ,EVEN

Park President GoddardTells .Comtnission Of:AUeged $300 Bribe

Rotary Club C"mpletesPlans for "Pan American"Fete, Mo.nday, April 14

Prep;arations h,ave been completed by the Grosse Pointe Rotaryclub for Its observance of Pan Americall Day, followin~ a noondayluncheon ~o be h~ld at the Whittier hotel. next Monday, April 14.

. On thiS occasion. the Qub will play host to the consular repre-~tatives of seven Pan AMerican countries. The consuls and coun-tries they represent are: Jorge VarJ':'as. Costa Rica: Adalia Domin-guez. MexiC<?j Dr. Jose Guerrero. NicaraJ':'ua. Ramiro Ortiz. Cuba:Saul R. LenD, Honduras; Louis James Rosenber2'. Panama; andSa1nel Fitzpatrick, Argentine Repab. Ray. Riclw'd Ford. James Bernardi.Iic.. Josepb Durber, RO)' Hoke. Roba1

Kaaical UstuJl.cles will be presented Fisher. Waiter Vance and CharleslJ,. the Spanjsh siIIeiJIC group of the Weber. A Soulh American musical trioUniRr'Sity of Detroit onder the direc- win furnish dinner music and a Spau-ti6d 01 Jose E. Esp' '. ish danerr will be featured.

-. • -. assistant pro- The speaker of the day will be Adol-~ o~~. I. the group ~re fo Dominguez, coasul for the Repub[ic.a:- 0 .' Audrey T~ppan,. ~Ir- of'Mexico. Mr. Dominguez i. OIIe of... Oememi- Russel Ncmu, William the top-ranking foreign .etYiee eonsa-

tar officials of Mexico. Before comingto Detroit. be served as coasal inToronto, Chicago and Dallas. His talkwin treat 011 Pan Ammcaa relations.

Kembers of Rotary clubs of Detroit,Highla.ud Park, Hamtramck, Dearborn.Wiacbor, East Detroit md ltoseriJ1c:ha-..e beea umted eo &ttftd the meet-mg. 0ffidaIs of the lift Gt-oue PointellIankipaJities aad the townsbip wiO as-sist in weJcomiag the consll1ar gtleSts.

Ffij' :!!lIIIJ__ _ .... ' 'SimI;litlk!r i,8llO': '. . , .....4.m; tAt 1,255. ¥i F:. k H. Lau. Barbar.a Killer. 17. of: <MIS S .... - . - • •. . ., .;;;.. ;, ,~ .,. .'Y, •.. ':--Jr':--.i><: ~-+

For Township Oerk--Carl Scbweik- Cin:_ Court J~ (18 to be eIect- aae. _ CGIUiIIed with a back iJliar7 • .-- ~ of TIle ...... --- - ............. ~., .... h....art,4,48). ed): ~ Daniel uta, II, of 4461 Third Strftt./Groae POiIite ~Ic ~~ ~ est A. PJ---." • Ir~~ __

For Treasurer-Adolph L DammaD. HOOIec:F ergnSOn _-_ ..- 3,951 sulIered ~ ~poand ann fracture, keaIdftg street Iigbq with au- mks. ship supes .ioor. was defeMle&tby e.-4,477. ~ter S. Moll. .." _ _-_ -.3,876, Shores polic~ said. The fourth ~se,.- cmJy two broken b~s. haTe been dis- Hoatekier is last KOlMIar.. ....a

Justice oi the Peace (four year term) AdoljJ~ F. Mar~~hner _ 3~~! cr. Belly M'U~ •. ~o •.~ ~ _Stimson I ~_~~ by Park police lD the past three Spriug electinn. held at F ~-VictD!' H. D~Baeke, 4,411. Josep •• A. MOjtnl..",,, _ 3.,5" J avenue •• scapea with slIgat Druucs. ~""~.. school 371 'tOtes to 2!116.

For Board of Review - Newton W. Dewitl H. :M~rriam _" ,,3.675 Elmer Gab.nel. Shores. palrolman, Previous to The Review story, at The' totaJ numbe:r of ..nes c:Mt. s-Whiteley. 4.154. Harry B. Kenlan" " _._ : _3.673 who was chasing Has.e. estlIll<lted that I<ea5t25 smashed globes 4Dd bulb. were act! 700 baDots was !be biBbat __

For Constable (Vote lor not more Anhur 'Vebsl~r ..,.L. _"._ 3.670 the yO._lh was traveling at least 7S ~I~s reported ~ Byron J. Rockwood, Park r~ed in the butory of tIIe~_than four - Frank W. Defer 3,833; Theodore J. Richter _ _._ ..3,6..?9 per hour. Wet pavement and poor VlS.- vil1age manager. during JaDuary. Feb. In th Febnlar primaryelcctioe Hoa-Charles J. McKenna, 3,746; and John Clyde I.Webster _ _ 3.618 bility caused Hasse to lO$~ control a, ruary and early March. Rock-lrood aD- tekie; DOSed ~ Pro.o 2'Z3 ..

:To die Comdrinioa of the Village lDeDt of tbis kind is 10 bring it out in W. Travis, 3,733_ Ira W. Ja)'n - _ __ ...3,588 he approached the sharp CUr'Teat the nounced that it costs Park taxpayers 171of Gcoisse PoMte Park. Michigan. tbe light of publicily with a challeage The results of the V<lte on the SUle James E, Chenot : .3,534 Ford ,"state, Gabriel believes. The car, $U5 to replace each globe and bulb I~ th for clerk Euseae C. Pior-C'-t'-.-- '. proposals Were: Vince at M. Brennan 3,524 a 1936 Ford. rolled ov<er several times destroyed. All addilional expense 0( nac'- ::"=-t t"":ed ba-'-- _~~.-u -.weD to the aUlhor or aathors of the state. $100 II I._~ dd d ...;u_~ ". ~~~, _u .... __

I rcaret die lICCessity of ca1IiDg to m<ent to make himself or themselves Proposal No. I-Yes Z,~3; Xo 2,212. Guy A. Miller "." 3.492 au.d was lXo npletd~ .demolished, police as """' .. a c: to the ,_e dg- sticker candidate, Josepb T.~. 3IZJ'OlII' attention the following: known and prove the charges or re- Propos:&1 Xo. 2-Yes 2.420; ~o 2,090. Raben M. ~~ __ .__ ._._._.3.448 said. T?e heavy uhlat). ~le -:.as snalP et becaase of this ruthless epidemic of to2J9. FraIlk Jooes. iDazmbeDt tteasar."'-'-~u..._D---'D ,'nforms me Re;ults of voting ior stat. offices in Henry G_ ~lcoL " - - ..J,J3l ped at Its base and carned 165 .feet by vandalism, Rockwood sUted. _ turned .~ --=_.. ......-.. ....................,- - trac, them. or lake the consequences. f n.._'t th k-.I d .~. was re ... uu"' .... __

... - 1.- I the lownship folio,,': , Sherman D. Callender ..__.- ._...2.85S the forCe 0 th<e colliAion, it was reo ~ .. I e e mar eu ecTellSe III H"-'- "_'_, ~ to ""'"... t ..., was recent y advised by Com- I", therefore. call upon yon and each br H ~_. ~ """ .."..,_: .... - Pfeffer that ther- _. a ~'- Justice of the supreme conn (two to Raymond J. Kelly ....__ .__ ._ ......2,OOO vealed. akalre. <enty W. Piel. Pllrk poIke Harry r. ..._ :..-;....-" ......---, ,~~ • u of you, and particularly Commissioner h' f has . his _,_ . .- ....... __ ...., , .--..r to the <effect that he. Damman. Pfeffer, who has indicated to Commis .• be e[ectedj--George E. Bushnell. 3,llOoi; George B. Murphy" " .l,~ ------- c .e. continUed a to rC$'- peace post by tr~ 1.enly Haap-,,_.I --~ Edward M•. Sharpe. 3,726; John M. John H. Brennan ....__.._..__ _ _~ .l.853 Dr L ...n... ~_ rth dent.s asking them .to report. any. inf«- ton."'" to • ..-. FI'n,-- a """"_. F..L-..... """epted a SW11 of Dloney, $31».00 'sioner D~man that he has knowledg. • • fto UUII8WO I h [d .>of ..... -..- ._~ .,.,.

I beHeTe bein'" the amount, frorn an of thi~ rumor, to identif~' or assl'sl I'n Dunl,.m ~76; aad. George A. Cram 428. Thomas ). ~[urphy 1.611 Named Civil' Se""':ce matlon on ocal c. ' .ren u.s~ aIr guns DeHenau aptared the second ju.tice.. JR' 1 T"' • ( b \ E '1 '''im C I bo 1428 • .... 011 the streets P,e! IS pos,t,ve that theapplicaul who recently pelitioned this identiiying. aay person who has assen. egents 01 t le n1V<'rs,I)' two to e. ml . 0 om _ -........ . . -of the peace positioD, The four e1c«:ted

Commission for appro, 1 of a liquor Ii- cd or is asserting or insinuating tha' electedl-:\lired B. Connabk 3.1-'9; IFrank Day Smith "." I.()44 Commissioner inPark bro~en hghts are the work of an ~- constables and the number of 1IIIlItacense. Ihe inference being that it was Commissioner Damman has accepted a Earl L. Burhans. 2.976; Franklin :M. E~~est P. LaJoie , " ~ __ gamzed gang of. ~o~ths traveling th.y receiyed are: RllSSdl Campbdloftered aud received as a bribe to Se' bribe. The applicant reierr<ed to about Cook 1.430; and C1""d.s F. Hemansl"llham F. Connolly. Jr.. _ 8/<l1 Dr. L.A. Dunsworth of 1212 Bi ho a.round the com~UDJt> In a car: Qu-:s- 449' Howard Ston<e 405' Loais 0.--

h. .• 1,299. . Frank Fitzgerald .. " 878 Md has r ~ tlo be n' ~l t d b s thP tlOfled by a ReVlC'\ll'reporter, P,el sa.d. PI'n' """'. nd Harold H.:.ki 3S5 _C1I!'e 's faTorable vote or help m two years ago. made a similar applica- _. " f L'la :M X . It 660 r~ , .~en > e. ec eye "Any person fouad guilt of Ihis of. e '"", a _. __ •• De

COImcctioa with the application; aDd tion for approval of his liquor license For. ~upwntendent _~t Public In- I euenle " - ".. Grosse Point. Park fire department to fens will be dealt 'thY I three highest board of rmew c:aDlIi-also that CommiS5ionfT Pfeffer had un- to this Commissl'~. wh:"h ~tl'tl'on ~as structlon-Eugene B. I-.lhott 3.443: and \\ llham 1-1. Heston .. ~ _.._...... 640 , 'erv t no of'" th loca1 e WI severe y, no dates were EugCll<: Baier with 83' Wi-

~, ~ •.~ - - ~ Ge Id K O'B . 6i4' e a e "' }earS on e malter who the are." •dertaken some investigation of this ro. granted here bUI lor some reason not Edward". :l.fcFarland 1.zJ6. ..r~. nen " "............... ci\il ser,'ice commiSsion. y li"'m SommerviUe. 43, aad Ra,. JobD-mer by contact with the applicant and Igranted b). the stat. al Lansing_ Your M~mber ~f the Sta~.e Board of Edu. WIlham J. Cody_.._ _.__ ._ ~ Dunsworth has been a resident of roo, 31.Iris attorney wbo r.presented him be- inquiry. therefore. should cover any catIon - ," y~and '':.'chers 3.189: and Charl.s Bo,,'les _ ~,)7 ~[ichigan since 1926. li\'ing,in Grosse Brownell Junior Highfore tbe Commission. He iurther has c!larges or assertions that Commission. France' ComlOrl.1.354. George Bashara -................ _46 Point .. Park for the last four years. Studen An H Ford II NaDIeCIrequated that I acquaiat you with rer Damman accepled a bribe in connec- :\remb<!rs oi the State Board oi Agrl_ J~mes Mo~tante .""" , Z18 H. is prominent in the chiropractic pro- b ange "l~A" Bv Draft D__-..:It""," facts at this meeting, and ask tion with either the former or the reo culture (I"'" to he electedl-William I :"lcholas J. ~<'ll~e ' 2:61 fmion and is backed by the admir,ation Dance on April 18 I UUIU'1I~ help iu ascert4inin~ who has malle cent application. H. ~er~ey 3276: Clark L. Brotiy 3254: :~rthur t\. KosctOskl .; ,. I,:~of many friend!. In addilion to ~ing a~DJ' s~eh charge Or statement concern-, There are occasions when privatc cit~ B~nJamlO. J:I. Halst~ad l.B,,: and Sta~ley ~. O':""hro ~kl 16., j property owner in the Park, he has I ~feml><-r:; of the 8 ?B. and, 9:\ Gt-OS$<ePointe's most. tanced.lIIIo.tIhg hrm. . lizens see fit to ignore sland~rou! ru- ellule, F. Klump 1:0-'0. . . I F:d"'ard Z.:.~,\ fobles!':l A7 I many other qualificat;on, that should I grad.s at the Brownell junior h,gh draftee. Henry Ford II, of PrOYeDeal

I f<eel ~ure ~u ",ill all ~ glad In I~0r5 rather Ihan di'miiy them by de State 1I','l'hway Com~lIsslO.ncr, 'II'" :p' B eakf CI b r~na~e him an excellent commissioner. I ~cho"l ha."" .planneri a ri~n,C<to be i~eld road. Gros!c Poinle Farms. was classi-~ WIth his requ~5t and ~Iso that n~al or Publi~ity. bat when public Offi'l e"p,red term)-Leroy C. Sm.Jlh ....[66; I omt~ r aa~ u 11 IS behcved .. ~un5w~rth '" n~\ler! In lhe !'(I~l< f{,:m on hula.,' ;\"On,"l<'. fied as ;l. potential 1-.\ man (s"hj<ect tothen: IS DO OOIe001 thIS CommISSIon or clals are objects of the allack. there ° IAppoInb Committees "Oll/{hl any fl<lhncal offlcr. hilt ha, al., .-\pnl II'!. lrom ,,30 to 10:30 0 c1oclc. immediate call). iollo ....ing a ~el;ng of.n:; per!",n who know. CVfi'i:"'.';u".c, '5 v.. l;, COI,e<:o~lse to pursue, partleu- City Votera Adopt F M I A .• 15 ways hcen IlI1erestcd. i~ !tood !to,oern-I ~(t1'\i~ ~or the dance will be- tl:n~i~hed local Draft Board 57 last y~Da:mman _n 1"f1o. would hell eve him Iarly Just at Ihls time, ,\nd lhat is the Charter Amenc:hnent or ea 1»" m~nt properly and effiCiently m;l.na!'(~d. "~th." p:.\ eolo~ed orehe.<tra. T~ckets morninl<'.guilt, of an)' socn conduct. I think onc r<eque,<ted by Commissioner Oam- friend, stale. ".,11 he ava,lable, Iree 01 cnargc. In Ihe Ford. who holds Order ~o. 409. dia~ will al:JD~ree t~1 the only effcc~ ma.n. anti which T con~idcr 10 be my Thc e,l\, of ;;rM.'e P.)inte's charter Thc iollowin'( committecs werc ap. -----__ junior high .home rooms. hcginning not a<k dt~ernlt.nt. hoa~d officials stat-bYe way to stIfle a slanderous state- off,clal dut). to folio ... bv Ihi. <tate- d - . . h - h ['"inted.1 a meelin/{ 0; tht Grosse Point Mothe ""'"'b Tu.~day. ,\prll I~. Icd. ,\Ith<>ug" he IS married ar1d employ_

ment to \000.. .• Iamen me~'1 .c,"nR'IlI~ t e terms or t e P,)inte Rrrakiast club last ~[onday e ra '-- Th~e who hav~ planned the "ro ...ram ' ed in wh,\t could hr c"n ..<1 '\n "imP<"1-Howard P. Parshall - KARL B. GODDARD. m~nlclr'\ht~ .., counellmc.n w~s pa<se<l ni!C~t t.... '\";'1 in s""ill!,: 0; i>reakia~.: I Plana Annuai Spring are: Estelle ~eedham, 8:\: J.an Doh-' ant nalional driense induSlry." YOVIlgA~nted to p_-I- PreSldem. b) ~n ~", ......helm,nl<' maJorlt~ al :Mon~ 10 S4 local draftces ot Draft Board ." p........ A °12S ~rly 8:\; Peggv nUlh-. oR. J,,<I,on In-! Ford ..-ill b<! e""mined phV"ically by..-- ..-.: Grosse Pointe Park tI,\, < ~"nn/{ elecl,,)n. tn :'" 1h h d !~I. T d-. ....,~ on pt'1 " '. .. I . . ..ViII '. -. . Iat e. elg' or,oo e IN' on ue',,~ In'am. 9B; :\bn'ln "'nius. 9.-\' nor.,\ltII lrm,' dO('t~s ,n the "very near fllt~.I ..... r"_--! •••oon April 3. IC)41. I A :nt.1 01 l.lM VOle, ,,'re cast 'n mor"in" ,\~'il l'i n' .

-'"" '--UIUIIU_ : - . _ .-. . _.' .. ,.. " I _ -- "atz. 9A: and Paul ~{'COll. 9:\. it was announccd.------- 1''1'0 0, •he ch.n(::c. wh,le o"h .. ;.;, \fr<. Richarri Campau. :;cn ..ral ,.hair.' Thr \loth", duh .); (;ro«e Pointe _

Howa.-d P. Par,han. oi 5.~ Pcmhcr- Croaae Pointe Youth votcs wcrr rrcor~r~ ..... inq Ii" mon'l man 'hillh 'eh",,1 wilT pre,ent :hrir """".1,, P TIon roal!. was appo;nteri 10 fin th., . Tn ", •• C"""~' ("tr(ll'~ c..''';' ,'''t.e. .m- 'fr,. F. \fmd.le. kitc~en rhalrmr,:, .'rn,,1l' "an)' "n Fri,la\'. April 2.;.• 1' UZZ.'" hat Pays' .,'acaney in (lr",!r .'ointr r.rk'; \'illa"e And "Greenber~" Join e"mhen. -'llckr .Lr"e .' '".,Il. ", t nl. """,r,! 1" \!rodamc, K. l'ro"le. \, 1'1.' rm. III lie "';,(>OTa"ilil:,ri,'I11. i ..

<,omm;s<;on ,\t • sprei.l merlin~ oi Ihc National Guard Unit ,'er'Il\' ('I"cr. (1'\ '" l,r,"<C I''''''lr. \f,,'.re. R"emcr. H. \. "'on en. I.",,,, \II' \."II.ril H. T""cr.,' '< in ,'h"rJ;tr E t F- I W kRTOUP in th~ P;llrk r.1unkip.:3.1 h"ilrtin"! kti ,:,..- :(;k('l wl:h i 2,,.1 \'iff'''_ :\\-('oro- T('.:is;r"](' H'IT,\" i.i~..ki .1.nl"l n, R Cr~~f'. fiT rhr ptlrtv ~nrl w1l1 h~ ;l .....j,,!('r; hv n ers Ina ee1'\<1Thur<do, ni"h. Ill" t., "'''Ther: r. "'eff. clrrk. Ihr iol.1 \(r. \ 1. "i,d,. "",in" r.",m ,.;'",r- \l"d'me< R,."..,.t T<>mh. Tn',n h""'tr~ .\< i' m1l" t",11 ~""""I t;""<1:'. >:, ene ha, ,'"me I'" Tl, .. I'llU!C ThaI Pa~."

Pa"h.11 repTarrs " 0 m 01i ,s i0 II e , "(;recnhrr" .Joins :hr \rm,.' w.' 'he 'n'c n.' ,q. 1 <.'" m,',. ' •• ,-td h, \Ie'damr' \",Ir\'\\ Re.!;> ,-kkk, . .J. ' lle,l. C O. ~wo" .'LH'il1~:I1" lk,'rm-'cr I'.':e ,,; r'e RC\;rw, Thr ,'''T''''' ';~< r"ten~rl tor I"T',nma< T I'ClT.-.lrl. w".-. re""'"rl re. 'loeme "i " '.rn,ell ;,,,':, .... ,wn j •• t \-, ''-' \\' .'C11'-';'"'er, ,", cc .. j.,T ("ir \I.c." i,ell. I." I orrar, "e" .I" I',,,: <n" \\'.Ilc: \,'cl,. "'HI \1. C,"r,n",' '.\uk< ,~,nd :'a, .:,,-:,,J-:,'c'~ i":"dr,. i, ..: ktter, ,-,,'" .""t"",i.~"" rrarler,.l'rnlly tota'kt 111'.1 \'::l ...h;f'1~t()T1 pf'lto,iti<"m ~att1rri..l~ nt~ht inr Fr("(~(,iI(,f..: Drk.';'" l)i C'~l' cc'!"r: ~.,mm''''';''I1(,- \.arnrri :hr n('r. Eh'l.'~"; ( John ...t'ln. FTmf'"r ~lIhn, Thr Tl L H(',lh' """Oh w,]l 'rr~("n. ~. \\{" '1!1("rCq 11':'( l~1.d. fi'c' ''!'17)~('", ";1\(' hr\ .....~.:.:'Jl~ "I,m(' l,t.1(' ('ntrftA.H'm(:n~. th t' 1..1' I' (" f(' r ('it h' "). 1 ," '. ()t, .. f.. • . • ~ i ',.ol.tltif.'lrlcr,.T., ..1\\cc,," :)('('; •. ' ..... '11 1.\ .. , .....-l.>1.1..• ' ....~...,. n;",'-r"'("t~""'?o~crc;1n (" 11.a l()n~ u("t("'n,,(" prOl("ram P.:llr~ ..orr;;un('",.vc:nut, ltv 0 ,r0H(' o--.mtf".' ~ :-::1 - ,''1 m.l.J"r1\~_ .1£'. c('llln"~ I "ad R:-r1T. H('"rf'w-rr \ranr'i('l t 'l~rjf"'" 1::l"1~;,,,"1 d,c>\" :, • ., •.. ,01'''' t;j, """'r,' to'I"e- r' ....; ,. J ll'k I '1" J" '5'

1 11 " .' I 0 '.. ~ .... n.'...... ... ~ "" ,(" (1,.\,(1,"0) 11. 'I.\t'('- a .... .a iln ... ..;('...:"r(' ~'(" W1 \l\ ......1~~(. :r'~ ~\\."rn"_ 1~., •. whn" rx<,cnlT\'c vice-prr<iden: of and hls p.l. Lyle Grc('nhcrl<'. oi Drtroil, , a.n ".:e Ir<"lt, III the (It\, !,,,.IIe1.,, W.<lrldT .nrl :\f;« C~rol~.n O'<1:""cl. b<' ''''rn toy • wtd<lin<1: "arly. FI,)\\tr! mtr<"i,.nrii,r "rITO' ,,,II "e .'l'i-en. '"d will hc'di,'irierl as follow<: $.'00 $400,thl'" COil1l'1'lonwf""lth H~l1k. \\:I~ n,-,rm- 'I." j("n t

T,(" f).tI:ir :lnnollnccci thc-rr rnl1(,t-: {,ro~,r T\'l1ntr 10~ndHr rr:tlrnc;.. which \fr.<i, 'E .. \I.::l1p ';:It\.it •. {'h.?lrm~n (IT the <lrr~i~nmrnt ... W(ltn n\' 1ht mood~ Willi $..;.f.l. $2uo. $150. ;\nd ~l.,~l

r"tcri hv Cnmmi"i.',nCl \'.Hrl " \',," men~ in 'hr ~r1d ",I,!ler,' "f Ihr :"a. ~rt ,,1.. j"erl In '"""'cr scetinn <I; ,hi. re~rption CC ........ I:I.e .• «i,trd hv 'lc" he drmon<lratrll h~ Ethcl Lynllon In jnmhTd incm. lhe. punk (nnl.in~ th(' ""01<.< nj. livc .,rlwrti'<,r, anll tltoeD"I1(,rn :jr\p~1 (;<:~rd. )1i'~U(" ('of Tl t: ~r\"l(,~' rl':unf"c; :Morl('v PiQ'~ott Crknn 'nrlf"r- Fhwrr<; F0n('l'Q,;n ~ ... ';,,('1.; ..._ ~I.~.. t~l('rh('ln(' nllmhrr ('It 'I ..lxt11 ':Hhrrtt,,<'r 101HHI ht"ln" "\" nlln-~('"r.)j' rrr If''ftf'r' m.a~

("()mmi~c;.1('m('r C.. .t\. "C.1fl" Pf'-If'r n I • (. I. '11 1 - . h' -------- ~ _.~-.... '.. , ........ , 1r.(" tlC;trt tV.lor In th(" flr'1r.ln~ (Ii ~h( ('I)'ifrc' ..."ill:ii ....n t n~..l:1d(' tilt fH1771t anrl ........~, (' nr ..::lInq .,rrrf'lof"rQ' W1 ('.1\(" "It ",("In ~nl'i \f,q TlInt'" ()c;.trnwr;;,l<l I r.r ('rt "liT hr ~('ntrl .In.-i hn<i~f'" will., \11 fl' , I . ,., ,.." ... ., ..... ,-1 T, ; r- , .. 1] 01-; .~;-,; ( 1--' 1- L. t.. EASTER VACATrON .' I;j, ,rl1f"'. dt('r ....1Jll l1tm,l':'".t'", 1n :I~r -:,1": l'" mll ..t "It'II ..("(.

~. , • '''';~.'' • ;;-.;(' r. ,)r:1j\:tn" II :/"or 'or' ~n~")" 1'\\ ('In rJ-",.:('('-.. a:ll h(' i'!tl1\irlf'ri ,,,.ith t"'l1''''~ f.:1 ,_ :n ::1(' Inn"., rr~m 1 Pn7(' ... ",111,( ..:'l~I..t1 10.. 'he' :-...: ...,'\ \,\"'!"!.~n~~ \\ ......1' .. '1'lr'-~' ,~~~"ti"'l ......t"'('!. ~at-.,.~r".;-, -.,.1'1. ".:t 1""'1'1 ".', "0,1".'.<1". \"',117 '1',c"t,r<11', .. ;.,.~ \11 I,-""c 1'''''''' --;,I,.~ ,,' "i. \\dj .. It.',n, ""'Il i"'" '"n", !., " \11,,,,,,'.,,. ,.,j .,,,, .,'." .. I.I':rl,nl, r.' ,,',I !'.... ""'-'11.' .,1,'" .• I .... __-'.:~ 11 .,,',~ •. ~,,"," '."'" "1(''\:.

,,\,:(" ':,;01 1,':' "\cd ; '" i j;; "-', ! ""~'h '.~. :,IAn~r~~. \f- .n..1 ,~..- H, "., 'i ":. (,., ...~ .,'.:1.', ..... ~(; 'f,,~'d ..l' \.r'Q II I;'" " • 'lh ..• ',("_, '1 ''', : 'r'~ ,-j'.r: : 'I"r ,r1rod .. ,,:(' ::l\"('(~ II'r ~"~K ;;. "l;" l'-':I',~I '''''i- .. .,lt~~.. "'.-n . I ;. ,,'" '"l ' ""l,,\, • .oj' ...... , ( :., .\ • .., "1.,i~ ....~(',(~(" \'A~ ,'.(' .-j, ,()mn'j'''':llfll . T. ....q'!.l i>d__):", i)4I('n.L~ Orl tAoc cnh~t('rl .l'''-: T'q',~~, \1',-.; j': ..l''; 1::.-'-'-ll'Prr. '",.l1 """....[",. <("i'~rtmt_nt hrjorc. :Mt.n'.,,\ (h"'r r""('n.lIIAn, p]r..c'''' ~H \{r~ n .", ". ~

a.h..'("nf nom thr m~rjn~.. I VnI!tn.. \.1.._...1_ .1.-..1' 1SKr.... .l. ....... J u: ' \(;,.;r,...,,,, ~ll ~M"'w('r.:() Tho .... }'.l77i .... - ... ~1' l:n ~.r"\" -,,_ i iwo I ..r"",..., ~.., '-a -.cuae.>Q~ 1nOC11lr,.., .,..,a ... -..., - - ~ ......_ ... j,j",. ;. A. :.lorgaa. •Revl.., I.>LU Kerc:heNi A-. ~~ P<>u"c P.ari<. ~

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lb. 32e


NI. Z513

lb. 28c

lb. 28c



For Your Easter PermanentPhone

Let us refer you tJ satill6edells tom e r s. ResidellCe 01'

Busine&S - All Work Guu.ant«d.

SlZl CoanilIe, Neu- Wanwa(b .R_ fill u..-,.)


Not "heatless" but tlte oririnalperfected "~rachinele5s" l)er~

manent wave. Let no one beconfllsed! The Zotos system ofpermanent wavina- is 100 percent reliable and. as l'iven byMiss Pickering, re8ults it!. awaft'lovelv in every respect.

(j) r.A' .~ ~AUTV 5TUD~

For Real Service.CaU

Sauver Service CO.

troit. Howanl L.HartZOf, ztSI F1eet.Iw~ Grosse Pointe Woodt; HowardB. Wyatt. U. S. Marine bOlpital, De.troit: Ow"n D. Cousins. 172 Mill street,Pontiac. Mich.; John S. Bennetl.Gros~ Poiote Yaebt dab, GrouePointe Shores; and Leollard H. Fole)',264B Royal, Berkley. Mich .


Noiseless Machine - ~o FusaNo Muss

4411 Concord IV. 4aMWeAre Equipped to Render




W. -- ... ....,. _ f?-o eIl ....... t a-.. no. ... --. ..*E-ter Pand..

GROSSF.174Kerby R_

Forty. Three R.identaNamed in Board 57'.Fifth Dr.ft C.ll





••• will assist you with all or part of your wed-ding which will be individually designed. also acomplimentary service extended to yoa

For Easter-Lovely PlantsFrom Our Own Greenhouses

~Yoa -e imted toE-:i:lee our r...... ~..idUplay of Ea. te r =-~ Plant-, for no wonk ~. = am cIeKriIte the ir ::..

IM.uty. Make yoarOWJI aeleetioft, if J'OQ

. ....uh, and we ,.,jJ1 de-EASTER LILIES lift.. pI'OaIptIy to ... y GROWING TULJP

Lar~ BIooau addreM. PLANTs -FI'OIII $1.00 F.... SI.25

AN IDEAL EASTER GIfTWhibuan'. and Gilbert'. Eader CaucI,..

ill Bo_ aDd BuIoeb

SWIFT SNYDER DRUG COMPANYw. ~ 152M E. .... _ at B ...... IMW P'"-e LE. _

Gowns $12.50 an~ lip



'rbur~ay, Apri1 to, 1~1

Forty.three of the 54 Grosse Pointemen needed te fill Drafl Board 57's fifthcall on Tuesday. April 15. have beentent~tively na~ed by ~ard olfieials. ae. COOD FRIDAY SERVICEf?rdlng to a hst retewed by The Re., The Chri!tian Youth of Detroit will"Ie"" gather in the Michigan theatre: on Fri.

Gra:"" P ..... te P...I. . day. April II, from 12:15 to 2:45 p.m.The follOWing draftees. relldents of t rtidpate in the anftual Good Fri.

Grosse Pointe Park arc included: ~fat. dO pa outh unite. Raymond E. Danto,hew R. Hale)", I ~66 .~lar)"jand; George S::si~ellt of the Detroit ChristianP. Haney, 980 ~ottlOgham; Lawrence Y th oulldl will preside and the Rev.E. Thompson, 16850 J::a~t J e"erson; J:S~llh cO. M~)'ne. auoc:iate ministet" ofF-rich Graebner, 1..22 Nottingham; Gtr- X th Woodward Con g reg a t iG II a IaId .... D~t. 132.3 :\otlingham; Roberl ~h~rch. and o~hers ...~II participate in]. Hoeflem, 1423 \~.lyburn; Bernard the service .Mu •• 1152 DevonshIre; Lawrence w:./ _ .. _Crnko'ich. 1430 Buckingham; EdwardJ. GooiseIin, ~7 Beaconsfield; David B. ZButters, 874 Barrington; Joseph P. De-, tPape, 1248 ~!ar)'land; Remie C. Van 0 0SVyve, 1364 ~1aryland; Earle O. Hoyt.657 Barrington; Fredtrick G. Dilloway, .16608 East Jefferson'; Bard Zimmer-man. 766 BaJiollr; ~ax D. Hill. 1146

IBeaconsfield; Joseph G. Blark, Jr~ 1144BedCord; Harvey :E. Zens, Jr.. 1435Kensington: Edmund C. Frahm, 1314L.akepointe; and John S. Alhrecht, 1132Lakepointe.

GI- Pou.te f"_Sibley D. Smith. 1110 Ridge; Sidney

Hilaendorf, J44 Ridge; Pingree P. !ltas-troialllli,470 Ooverly; Peter T. Wein.s,411 McKinley: William H. Clark. 26"loran; Wilfred Thompson, Jr., 75Lothrop; Earl Hilgendorf, 344 Ridge;RiChard E. Jones, 99 Meadow Lane;Robert M. Pratt. 3S2 Merriweatner;John W. Wynder, J9 Beverly road;Benjamin Knight, Country Qub of Dc.troit; and Floyd J. Trombley. 198 Ker •by Road.

City .. ero... PoiDte ,Ed,,'ard J. Defer. 702 :Xolre Dame;

Ralph J. Sprenger, 641 Washington:Harry V. Meldrum. J95 ROO6eveltPlace: John F. Rjegier. 165 Lakeview;and \'I,'i1Jiam C. DuCharme. 512 Wash-iagton road.

M..... '.o Ia.Roland J. Symons, 601 Eaatlawn, De-



Neiabborbood Club

IGood Friday EveDiftgService At RichardSchool AuditoriUm

)Rep. Rebaut ReportsReawb of AlienReaiatration Act

The General Alexander Macomb Xo "Ed and ~" part). will bechapter. 1.:. S. D 1ll12, celebrated -the held this Friday night, because of Goodi ei.ll"hth anninr,ary ot Its founding on IFriday. The ne"t \Voolworth dance ..;11

I Wednc,da)' .. -\pril 2 at the Ingleside lake place on Frida)', April 18. at 8 p.m. ;, duh. DetrnlL -- I

There .....,,, " .h"n hu,in~,< m.et- WOAKIYA CAMPFIRE GROUPI.n~. acc~l'tel'! the new m~mbe,". Re- The \lioakiya Campfire girls held Iiport, were r~.d h~ lite delegates ....ho their tClrUlar ,."Cekly meeting of Aprilrrp<.>rl~d ite>m the .tale council. which .; at the ~eighborhood dub.',,'''. hclrl ift Grand Rapids On ~hrch At the meeting. we di!c\lssed the i

i"!. plan' TOT" the card party "'hich ".-ill he tYrs. Gordon W. King"!Jbury. the pro- held On Frida~', April 25. at I p.m. at I

'I/ram ,nairman. introduced the honor the dub. The girl, brought in theirl:u.eM. :-'Irl. Herhert Henr)' D01O'.• )f 1knitted square, for Ine Red Cross af'l:.I'dland. who gave her talk-"My Hob. Ighan, which is nearly rompleted.hy. 5ha,,'ls". Mr •. now has a very lar~e At the end of lhe me ..tfng, the girls If~n<l inlett"in~ wl1~,'lion of <n..",h Ihad a bit of recrcation.-JANE SE.I'om her ,.,.n\, ~",\'el<. Tht prOfl'ram I '\leK. ;~T..() ;nr.hlrl('r! (lri~tr1al i"O('m~ h.:- than.. :

1.;n. \lr_. Cluenee .1. Ch."dler. .nd a I ALLIED YOUTH DANCE ~a:rnllp ....f r'li~n('\ numhcT's ~. :\Ii:!'. Krn-

ne:h L.ndi.. The ",TI;t~ Y,'"th m.'l'''"17alion will1. .-l'T"'h';"':: ~":~ :--: ~ : ~ :;'; ..... - '" 1\- ... ..;.. hOlr1 It<. ~nnn~i ......r:"in~ l).::IIn('"("on Frirl~y.

<tewd ,,'i:l> \!t< \fa"in L H".Q'I.nrl.' \b\' 2. at the lJ~ar""rn Inn. Henr\"'-Ire Eci'i\.1:"n H Er('hdl~r. Mn. ,T(\hn R~t"r .. ~nrl hi ... l"'Ir(""""~lr,:l ~.;11 nr(\\"ui~

. \\'. 'R(,11"'~n. a.nl"'! ~fr~. ("",.orri-t"n \\". I rnr mU"H "''''r thioe; ~f'mi~r('loim;1l1 ri~n(', I

J..: Irip.--" Ii:; ry anln;r .&'t h(,,)"'1~~~e-S. \\' ~i("h ht'~l"~ at C) 3,(1 it m, :tnrl. t"T1r{~ ~t

1 (Y •• mI SPRING RF-CITAUI Tht datr' for the three .lnnu11

1Sprin,Q' recital, haye heen announcerl hythr \!".it Fa' "lty "f \hrygrovc Col. Cird. on~ "f tht R",aty Sodalit;- of

ll('~1' Thr r('cit~I(. which arC' oprn to ~t ]nan of :\r\ enl1TC'h wiii hojri a ('anii .1", ;,nhr:('. Uf'- {,,"iu'll Ii) :hf' ('(I1!r'l(, ~lIn- rp~rh ;41 tht (Iul. 1 ;0<1, Je!if'r"lln ..{,,-r,

, " .:' " .' I'l>,trrl 1~1~I ~'l,j' ,'"" \1,ll r".j1l. (in \!."1<l.l\ \:'~Ill\ .. j .,>~ (l.; \;,\\ ". \'1 I \f .......,,", 14 d' ~ ,~l ,no J .1\[( d' ,1 ...jl'''' ,. ,;('~

j ~,' "'~f'~('n' ~ \";' t-;"(' "j' .. : ~n(i ('In \f .....,),I' "".,11hr ~w_rdcdt .-.nd iundl(:on w:ll ~.. Joa.n Uapp will gi~'e a ~ I'CCftaL 6enccL

Spanish Sinains Group

. -RftMw SId PhtXO(/CaphH.,.. c ,..," (no. P-.t.>. '"'" AI .. U~ fill Detroit, .... wiI ...... _ tIoeer- P a-,. 011.', P_ A-ieaa _t ......,. ~ .. do. WWttiM- HoW. (See •..., _p... I.)

• Tbe lEardl 1II«tiD&' of the Sil'U The program of alien ree;stntioll an- At B o'clock Good Friday evening, theGamma associatioa was Mid OJ! Friday I der the act pasRd lail" 'Year as UI oat- followill&' Pro«ram will be presented byaftemooo, Warch 21, at the bome uf Igro"1h of the national ftDer8mc:y, "has the alclIlbcn of the Grosse Pointe)Irs. C. H. Habet-litOI'D,.Jr. The host- bfth accomplished with signal s~ss Lutheran chW'ch.tetSft were Miss COilstanee Haberkorn and without siving aft)' of our foreign- Pi"no Prelude-Miss ~aI"jorie BottsaDd Mrs. C. H. Haberkorn UI. Mrs. Iborn population the feeling that they Hymn: "1ft the Cross of OJr;st I Glory"Georve ~hemm, the president: called I are being diScriminated against or 'are Psalm ZZthe _eting to OTder at 3:30 p.m. The being segregated," Rep. Louis C. Ra- Apostles' Creed-All unitill&'..mlltes of the January meeting were baut. of Michipn's 14th congressional Prayer-read by Mn. Olney JOftts. secretary. district. reported to cougress last week H)-mn: "Whett r Survey the "'ondrous

Ill'$. An4Ju$ ~lz .ave her report &6 in pre~entillg his bill making appropria- Cross" .~. secretary, and Mrs. uuru. roc tbe ncxt iixai year Eor tile 1BlU'toD Hatris, Jr., lIII treasurer. dep.artmellts of atate, justice, commerce Readill&'-From the Passion History

)In. Stanley Muirhead reported on and the jQ<\kiary. Mixed Quartette-lifh, aDd Mrs. Williua Warner read Represcn~tive Rabavt. who hu been liThe Bird of Christ".. RossMrs. JaJIlCS J. Phelan Jr.'. report on I conducting extellsive' hearings during I Misse$ Eliu.beth Pratt, Janice Scottpublicity. the last two- months as chairm&n of Messn. Oreste Fossati, Don Xeiseh

)lip Geralcline liiabie reported Olt! the appropriations s~mmiltee deal. Mi» Hariette Gelhaar, accompanistmembership: Hrs. Br",,"ttr Loud, Jr., iag with these dep;artments of the gov- _ II .OD the Needlework Guild; llrs. Fl'ed- trnmmt, made: public: the records of Readill8'-From the Passion Historycrick L. Colby _ The BuJ1etUI: the testimony presented. Solo-Bloomfield HiIh IIP"OUJI report was giv- He pointed to the statement of Rob. "Alone With GocI" ........Jue B. AbbottCIl by Yiss Rosa~nd Strong. "rt JaeksOll, attorq,:y ~neral, dealing Mr. Edgar Ge~st .

The I'C1'OI't of tbe board of trurtees ....;th the work of the depanment of The Rev. Dalbs Alder. assistant p;lS-

was read by the seeond vice-president. justice in connectioa with the alien reg- tor, Salem Lutheran church, Det'l"oitWn. Nonun Preble, in tbe absen<:o! of istration act, in which Jackson repon. IIIMh. Bullet" Higbie, ~esident. and Wn. ed: "I aID glad to say that tbe rer!stra- Reading-From the Passil?n Historyla$es Booth, tint ytee-pr~sideDL ti-nft _.h';,.h w_ ...Plt ......... 1.........__ .: .... "'__ V-i....I1!'''.:! O'.!!!"!~t!~

lEiss Dor~~ Looker s~ke ~ .'V~ I;;'~~~'i~~;- ~;;;~';;" -did" ~~ .. k;;'; "0, Let Thet"e Be,Li~ht" _ .... Moore1tIltft1'" StnKe. A most lntcI"l!stilig In- how it would be taken has been with- Yess'i'!. 10hn :E. F.nch and 'Dam~ .~ ~ .~wu dit- _ a ~ u"ll!cna:U iaeideat: We Teape' .~--\ ~ ... :-- .. - -' 6liatO"~.-k~~_:~ _''t:.~"'_Eqv'Gtliat <. • "

'... -.;."1'!-i.,P~4f~.,h."'....., tGat .... -.u -.a.~ .. --..a:Doaohue:, lICCODlpamlt. •• ,$CbCd~ 0dN'". ~ -..e is to h8ras.'or llm1iillate them; that it IVta.t by a naB lIlember and the &irIs was a. defense moYe by the Coutllry." Rcadlll&'-From the Passion Historytald. it have an opportuDity to do . . . Solo-.... ." . d' t Iy f 110' Over one million dollars Will be ... raCtiCe work Imme La e 0 wing necessar to index and analyze compi- ~l "'as the Tree~ ....Gcoffrey O'Hara

eac:b lecture. Mrs. Ford ~allantyne: jr~ latiotts Yor the informatiott gained Miss Elizabeth PrattWrs. Edward Wetzen Mlssa Hamdton " . Meditation-

.... b H b' tb S' through the re&1stratlon. Representativeand.,..,pet er er: arc e '81na Rahaut reported to congress. The w«k M. Luther CanupGamma member< taki~ the rour~... ./ will be done by the alien registration Offering-

The table was set Wtth a green satln ~. . . fl' . . d t Solo-10 . b II ui'nSIOO v t 1(: lmmlHJ"dllOC1 ad na ur- ..

covet' oyer a lace c th t the ower, I' t' . f th d t t f "The Crudfixation Fisher-_... elks' h' a IU Ion sen'ICe 0 e ~r men 0 . •

...... can 1Il w Ite. justice. which 5uperYised the registra- Mrs. Adeline Doepplng------- . I tion. :Xe~rly 5.000.000 aliens registered j.o\nnouncement_

ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED I during the four.month period ended' S~:o- " ... last Dec. 26, and this was nearly 1,.500.. The Lord s. Praye ... ~.~._...DeMolotte

Yr. aJld :l.(rs. C. A. Trombley. of 795 000 more than had been estimated. Ra- Mr. Oreste Fossatll;niversity place, City ot-Grosse Pointe, baut said. Tne Seven Words F~om the Crossbave announced the engagement uf Dc • Co Raba first, S~ond, Thtrd 'Vords (Read)

. . tro.t, ngressm~ ut re- Th M' d Q t tt _thetr dallll'hter. Margaret Josephine, to vcaled. effected its registration at the ..e IXC oar ~,e ". •Ch-t- BunOll J~ .- of "r and . f la Quando Corpus .... ~:abat Ma.c.

~. ~ , •• , ~M ... • lowest per capita cost 0 any 'll'er To' '"M~. C • B.-ten o' F;old , ..0""0 '. • h f I?- .ourtb. Fifth, :SIxth WOf'ds (Read)••. . -",. ~ , • -- _.~ ••- .. e>ty In the country - t at 0 00 y.:,) ,Detroit. The wedding will be held on cents per registration. Solo--. ..Saturday. Jul)' 5, in St. Paul'. church "Xow begins the important and more "Th~ Holy C!ty ;...on Lalce Shore road in Grosse Pointc difficult work oi processing all thi. in- Prot. Jo~n E. FlllchFarm. . . . Seventh Word (Read)

• < ~or~allon I.n ord~r that. It .may be The ~lale Quartett~-

I readily a", .. lable tor le&1slatlvc pur- "Ahide With 'Me.' _ MonkI pos.e~. nttjon~i dci.~n;e needs, ~nd other Silent ..pra~'er-, le&1tlmate objects. Rabaut pointed oul. Sol .I It is ier this work that the ~um of "~Sacred Head X01O-Wounded"more than $.I.OOO,eoo has been earmark- by Mrs. Dol!pping (All heads bo~ded b)' the bIll. he stated. in llraYeT)

I Benediction.:United StateaDaughter. of 1812

..Sipaa C.emma Holda

..M-!'dt M~foia: InHUerkom Home


Mack at Nottinrhun


TV. 2-3000









16721 Mack ATenaeNe:lr York!hire

With Our

c.. ".. c.....,.

New Spriq Style.. $1.00 to $3.58

Clem Searle1711.. ~ ...... St. a.irAI.. e.-.. e-... s...-.

0pI00 .




•B,nge s

Send U. Your



A F_ Cent. Hirher Delivered



Easter Greetings!Easter marks the beginninl' of a New Season-A mOst appropriate time ior a l'ew .Photo.,Warren Studio




16711 East Warren at Yorkshire

'de nyseLicensed Masseu.se

E..ter Ice C.....

Modern Meth~d Dry Cleaning

"'OW ••• F ~hrimp.. . '- ..-- - . ....... ..,. -- ....,. te.... H_",...,. a _~ tItrill for ~ .... ti... W_'t,... try _ tellaJ'T

NEW EnKland Beans "W~ _'t ........... _", ........... ..w .. .wfaolaie-d ....-...

STRICrL Y FRESH BInTER .. EGGS (cinctIt' '"- ........ ) NOW AVAILABLE for1M -..ue-. of cu.to.,n.


F..... v.......... W'1tIa F.... F--. Sb••• h, e---'IVITI.FRUrrn---1' 0-. ia __.. ._ 15c

~.~ :._ ~_"~_.-.~lJ~~i!.lt..L'•.""""'~:


Page 'Tw(J THE G R () S !' F: P (\ I N' T:E. REV I E W----------------------------------------------'-----GoocI Friday Service

0- 1"',...&e aet....led rut ~."It M... Be CoM"

Uptown Theatre.... at a..Imen A......

12 to 3 P. M.SPEAKERs

Or. w. s. HotW, lZ to 14IItIoer ... hole ,.......01-. H. H. Sa..... 1 to 2f'_ .... P......DI-. Harold L L:;:at. Zto 30.- _ do. MoooIF I....

s.-w -- .., .. s..aMn.c-..a Siq_ (CoIoNoI).~ at tile --.__ at-


Dick ..... at ....0... ....... L I d"""', s.-ar




Page 3: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · • I n.o.a,. ",..... New .... 11 ~ AI Ie-. ..GNMe Poiate ... Gntiot Taw th W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I By


Pag-e Three

... 1M _


- «I •



Gabriel Richard Council, Knights ofColumbus, will honor their founders aDdcharter melllorrs with a birthday partyon Tursday e,'rning, ....pril 15, in theGabriel Richa' d auditorium, 9375 Amitya"cnue near Kercheval.

.\frs. R. A. Russiter, of Bloempontein,Soutll Africa, spent last Monday andTue,day witll ~Ir. and Mrs. M. K. Jes-sup and .\fary Alice, of 1124 Beacoas.field annue, GrOsse Pointe Parle.' Mr.and .\Irs. Jessup rrerntly spent threeyear, in Bloempontcin at the I.amom.Hus,,'., u1>sct\'atory of the Uni .....rsityof .\lid,i!lan. Mrs. Rossiter was 2J dayson the !)cean coming {rom Capetown di-rret to Hoston. She will return to herhome in South Africa "ithin a moathor so, it is expected.

_b.a_a. __

LEnox 4554

(Fintan L Henk)

.i.;,u ..

Try Om Friendly ServlCI'.

Coverage on every kind of l\IarineRisk; Fire, Collision, Sinking, Ex-plosion, Etc.

An Inquiry \-rill Place You UnderK 0 0 b Iiga tion.

\Ve offer you a safety inspectionservice in connection with our 1\la-rine Insurance.

Spring is here, Sunshine and warmerdays are just ahead. Time to scrapedown the hull and paint up - Checkthe rigging and tune up the motor.

Henk Realty Co.

Y. M. C. A. Note.

We have • few more 1941 Bueblanc.Jenet.r .. Twelve pages of inform.-tive bueba1l record. U1d 12 pas"

of 1941 schedules for .Ille.gues. Cell a. '.:!Uroffice, 15220C£.at JefJeraon .venue or write for your Free Copy.





15226 CharlevoizLE.4225

The qaaIity 01 our 0--iatr it • byword ia CroAePoiat. • • • it'. a watcIa-word ill oar plaut.


Punch & Judy~erch... l at Fiaher Road

SID'S CAFE BREAK1:~ BARCi..,..Wide Famou few F .. Food - Opea Daiq I ..... .,. 1: ....

S. McQUEEN, Prop. 15Z41 E. Wunm at........ PboM NI ...

Boat Owners

-- - - - - - -

15224 E. Jeffe ...on Avenue Grosse Pointe Park


Friday ... Satanlay April 11 .. 1ZFRANCHOT TONE AND WARREN WILLIAM IN

'"TRAIL OF THE VIGILANTES"s.-da.,. 11 p.... --<:.e.q. B~t ia -ADVENTURE IN DIAMONDS-

Saaday, Moada,. .... T y .;. • Aprill:Jw 14 ... ISFRED M-MUllRA Y MADELEINE CARROLl. IN


'~?~'~~I': ... "tN a'" rr..''<~,:" ,--

I~-- -------'

Dr. Ameld II. Kellrl, fl.'lor of theBeulah .Balltist Church, and prrsidenlof the lIannan Y. ~f. C. A. Business.\Ieu's Club, is I.. ad i n g the currrntnJ(:mh(~r~lIip t:ampaiK'1l of the Bu~illess.'11m" Clul) which closes .-\pr;l 16.

The clulJ i. cumpused oi business andprofr"ional men in 5uuthrast Detroitand Gro,se Puinte, and special classesarc conducted for club members. Gymand ealislhcnk classe. and volleyballgallIc. arc ,chedul~d for .\Ionda)". Werl-Ilesday and Friday of each ,",'rek withclasses on tilose d.y, at nOOn at 12 :15,in the 'aftrrnonn .1 .i '.~I and in the eve-,ting at 8:00 p.llI. The organization \.;huused in a. private dull and lockerroom wilh pr;,'ate ,howers . .'IIember.ship ;s oprn to any business or profrs-,ional man in the area. Special cam-paign rates are a,'ailable <luring theIcampaign.

H8m! The TraditionalFeast For Easter!

EDjo,. itl rooclrteM' SuDc:lay at Sid'. - Or per_hap. you prefer ehicken or- .teak? WhamerYOUI' choice, you'D 6ad it mon cIeIicioaa at

Weat~ Thriller AndNorth-South DramaAt Punch and Judy

At camp and on hikes,through games and other at-tractive activities of the regu-lar Scout program. they arelearning what to do in easeof erWs and how to fnlfi1Jtheir promise to help otherpeople at all tUnee. ThroughdemonatratiODll, displays andexhibit8, in cooperation withestablished disaster reI ie fagencies, they are doiq theirpari; to teacll the. Americanpeople to be preJfared.

Emergency Service

Di"ie Dr - Little Carol"n r...... lie. inju....d •• ttended l>.,. Frrd M.c:-Murr • .,. .nd M le...., Can-oll. aft ..r lw-inlt ",n do .. n hy a h ........ The ..... n ..;... :....:"'4Ilr"rnovn,". u:"cnn;co'OT comf"<iy.cir.m~. Y.lrlln .... WIUCD.c.omea to tlu~

P.Dd1 &JOd J~ th.. tre S....... J for thr .. d.Ja.

Local Baseball LeagueSwing. Into Action

Loc:al U. of M. Student.Elected to SororityOfficea Recently


183 581140 445175 511I~ 44S149 45717 81

814 2524

I" 48612R -"81.'~',1.'l -4.'.,l.iH 41\) IIi"')

.1,'1)2 .

Pt'. ..\, ~.70 ~)2(,~ ~l()(,{,

i{2i I.\'l i<l45~1 i~3 '4; if. I

4.- i:;;J9 il>J

~1l3 741> 740 .?2'J1S"" .... inW.

Scouts Prepared for

Totals 706 8-49 760 ~5CRAMER ELECTRIC


Fletcher ~ 188 179Van Hooren : 132 152R.,.., --- 131 .....~ .._- __ UO, J90-WeiDa .... - ..210 189

G. P. Busin.. Mea'.Bowling League

Four of last year's teams aud two

3 Total new miry> have e><pres";" the desire Fraoc:hot Ton~e tint Western163 530 to enter the Grosse Pointe basebaU. role of his career is heading the cast iu I121 40S league this Snmmcr, it iWU aanounCec1!tbe new ad"l'ellt1lre epic, "Tnil of tIl.,147 422 )'a~,. ~'" ~ DiaiIItI. Icape V....... ~ ~lr ~ . •I5t .5(M 11"" ,.... .. ','" . .. -. - ,....... .~ .19$ 594 ~'a ~ lit. tie '. c;L~. r.Gaors -;nth' " ' ...

>I • n.:_' Ii eel .. ~.- one, are- - sc:hooI .. onday night, v .....lng s I players as WilTCft William, BroderickTotals 821 854 7.80 2455 that Grosse: .Pointe Woods, Gro;;>e Crawford,'Andy Devine, Mischa Auer,

CROSSE POINTE PRINTINC Pointe Park: Bower Roller ~eanng Porter !UD and Pqmy Moran.Elkins _ .108 141 115 364 and Ihe Carrle~ A.C. w~u,? again back Smoothly blending stirring dramaBell _._ 126 159 145 430 teams. Ac:'tor~lng t~ DieSIng, the two and bright comedy, Paramount's DCW

I.. Oldham lZZ 159 145 408 new ag.gregatlDns will be. a team from tcchnicolor production, "\'irgina~, willR. Oldham 1.58 152 135 445 St. CIa.. Shores and a nIne ~ponsored be presented this Sunday, Monday and'\V. Daniels 158 170 173 501 by several City of Grosse POlDte mer- Tuesday at the Punch and Judy theatre.Handicap 14 14 14 42 chants. with Madeleine Carroll and Fred Mac-

The opening league g.ame will be Murray in the 'tarring roles.pla~'ed the first Sunday In ~lay. T~e Exciting drama, mystery and adven.playoffs will begin the first Sunday III ture are in store for the Punch andAugust and end on the last Sunday, in Judy theatre patrons when they see j

time for the annual state Class B. "South of Suez" which plays this com.tournament at Battle C~eek. ing Weo:!nesday and Thursday. The cast

New league officers Wlil be elected il1'Cludes Grorge Brent, Brenda :Mar.next Monday evening at a meeting ;n shall, Lee Patrick and Eric Blore.Grosse Poi"te high school This meet-ing win mark thr first anniversary ofthe league's formation, officials pointedout recently.

OPEN HOUSE:Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Jenks, of 1074

Lakepointe a\'Cnue, Grosse Pointe Park,entertained at dinner and an open houselast Sunday, in honor of the confirma.tion of their daughtrr. ~r.ry Ellrn.Among those present ,,'erc ~fi'5 OliveProal. irom Oxiord; ~[r. and ~{r5. FredTranzow, itom Durand; and )'Ir. and

838 2315 Elaine Ta)'lor. of 1421 Yorkshire rd., Mrs ... \j E. :;quirr and daughlcr, ShiroGrosse Pointe Park, has been elected Ie)', from Ypsilanti. Bettijanc Jenks. a,-ice-president of the Zeta Tau Alpha student in the mu,ic school at Capital

:~ ~: sorority at the L"niversity of Michigan. unh'ersity, Columbus, 0., spent the146 -489 Miss Tarlor is a junior this year. weekrnd at home with hrr parents. She149 411 Jane Bait ... of 1009 Bishop rd .• Grosse was the soloist at the Faith Luthcran

Pointe Park, was namrd president of church On Palm Sunday.

1~ 4~ ~:m~~~ic::ral c;;~~;~a;~nt~~ t~a~~ The Gr-. Poiate Reriew b r-.I

Totals 802 819 825 24561 ~\"e~sity last week. Miss Baits is also a ~ _k by 35,M nl.ulen ill er-WARREN. YORKSHIRE l_un_'_o_r. p_oo_••_t_e_....__ G_..._tiot_. _T_o_WD_._h_ip. _

IAllemang _ 147 167 12-4 438 At the Punch & JudyBross _ .123 172 110 395Klein _ _ 156 194 190 ~

, Dittoft 1~ 156 174 472Miltu 138 160 162 460


-~~Cu~c1sa"'. ."foik-fa\\ inLoveWithOurFood"


Y. W. C. A. Note.

Wb-. Yoar Radio N............ Be San to CaDRIGHTENBURG

SHOPIMI. M.ck NL ..0- .......... C ' •.

171ZC Mack Near Uniyet'aityWe DeIlYer NI. 8144

DINE EASTERin a Quiet homelike atmosphere T 1 686 7 7 ~where no beer or liquor is served at ota s . . 4 ,.58 2191any time ..... 11 wornen chefs. PICHE'S BARBER SHOP

The D U LAC AlLard 1.58 189 118 465DINING ROOM C. Piche 111 11<;1136 361

15511 EAST WARREN R. Piche --1109 176 125 410NEAR NOTTINGH M D. Johnson ~ 135 173 156 464

B. Beallpre _ 190 180 172 54?SPECI L - EVERY THURSD Y Handicap 6 6 6 18

~::..~~_.. 6Sc I T I 709-838-713..,""SUNDAY MENU _ ota ~~;~ ..~.~~REATION o.uJV

~rt' Rh--F"rteCJaieJ.-.sh Cranb..e..r..r..y.....;o.a..u..c...e$l..'" I :\etschke - 139 134 120 393Roaat T....-Irey ,..................... .a5 IHriny 131 135 2Z2 488~,~~R.hR~~~ :.~~~~ .75 IGillet.le 131 171 161 0163"JrFIUa ~ H _ 75 IPerkms .109 173 137 419

Raisin Sauce Thompson 201 153 198 552

PoritA'i'A":., ";;==:.:Lte......D...::.::.:.= .75 I~"'"" ~ Totals _ 711 766OAK CLEANERS

IJune 156 159Strott _ _ .176 176McCarren .163 180T. Beaupre _ __ 136 126Thayer _ _..152 169Handicap ._ __ 19 19

The advertisrment o{ a large Detroitdepartment store that will appear inmetropolitan high school papers duringApril, was made by two Grosse Pointehigh school students, Virginia Trask,1ZB and Sally Ann Cartmell, 12B.

Sally Ann did the art work, and Vir-ginia created the layout and copy. AUstudents in Jonrnalism I classes andart classes also worked on the adver.tisement. The best layouts and drawingswere selected by Miss Doris Trott,journalism instructor, and Miss :MarionLampman, art instructor. They weresent to the store, and the final choicewas made by the company's advertisingdepartment.

The advertising agent declared thatallot the Layouts and drawings werevery neat and well done, better thanmany sent in by other schools. Phil:McGraw, 11A, modeled the ensemblefor the art students.

u.. P..krF 0.--1 W1liIoI Y_ .WIIiIStrictI,. F..... ~p


Pedestrian ProtectionCIaiJcI Pla,. Is AedcleJlt Factor

Whea Do ChildPedestriH Fatalities Occ .. ?

lh,sday, April 10.,:_19_4_1 _

SOUND HABITS NEED-ED: Up to 75% of childpedestrian deaths involve theplay factor at least in part.Better safety education andthe development of soundwalking rules into safe HAB-ITS of action are vitallyneeded, as are more adequateplay facilities. (The chart isa result of studies over aneight-year period in Wash-ington, D. C., and a similarstudy in Philadelphia, Pa.)

-AAA StIlet, 'Nlrn'a

Gilbert and Sullivan()peretta Planned ByJr. High Sehool Group

PETER PAN LAUNDRYComplele &.dleloor SerYieeMeadiuw .....e1 Danain .. F..--

FAMILY WASHFT.t Piece. IroDed: 89c

15 P-..ds _ ..15Zl5Maek TU. 2."1'

Mall Mann, University of Michigan~wimming mentor aDd trainer of IIchampionship teams, will be the. guest

~n innovatioD on the Brownell junior coach at Central Branch V.W.CA.high calendar will be the prt'sentation pool on eight Thursday ..vening~ fromof a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta by April 10 through 1Ia)' 29. All UetroitIhe Mime Players, unde!' Ihe direction girls inlerested in improvinjf theirof Mrs. Zelia Slagel!, and the junior swimming and diving form unducboir, under Ihe direction of John Mann's expert lutelage. are invited toFinch. nn Friday evening, May 9, in Ihe reginer immediatel~' for these specialhigh school auditorium. classes {rpm 6 10 8:30 o'clock which

The operrtta, "Piratt!> of Penzenee or will cover diving. review and advancethe Slave of Duly," is a takeoff on Eng. work {or experiencrd sw!Jurners. Thislish aristocracy. The plot o{ the operet- is Coach Mann's third spring seasonta is a light and humorous one concern. at the Y.W.CA ..ing a boy who was taken from his home Matt Mann has bern an importantin EIIll'land while hr wa. still a small figure in swimming for a half.crntury.child 10 a island of piratrs. He was kid. His collrgiate teams at Harvard, Yale,napped by his maid, who could not and the University of Michigan havebur to oee him grow up in wealth and been winning championships for 30.nobbery. years. Tooay, he stands alone as

~s he grew up, he began to Iou the IAmerica's No. 1 swimming coach, whomild, who was the only woman he had pioneerrd in inlroducing the Australianever seen. When he became 21 years clawl style of swimming.old, he was possessed with the desi<eto desert his life as a pirate and return 'I • -

to civilization. The maid, who now lond High School Student.t~e boy very much, was afraid ~e would Submit Ad for Detroitdiscover a woman more beaUtiful than De Sberself, and she would lose his love. He parbnent torewas notified th.d he was born on leap)'ear, and he would have to wait untilhe was 9IJ years old to reach his 21stbirlhday.

The production 01 the operetta is nowunder way, although the final ~ast basnot yet been announced.

T" Groue PoiBte ReYiew ia ......-..ry week by 35,'" .-den i. e.-...PoiBte ...ad Gratiot T ......... ip. .

SCHOLARSHIPHelen W, Black, of 13W Kensington

road, Grosse Pointe Park, who is nowattending the University of Michigan,has been awarded a predoctoral fellow.ship for $1,000 in the Horaee H. Rack-haDJ School for graduate students atthe university.

Howe 164 2.W

ICramer ' _ 141 164Muntz " .. 1.10 207Shoaps _ 157 151Trombley. .. 131 177

I B~f .. t. Lundtes • Dinners Handicap n 27

I Home Made P•• trie. Tot. I., 7':;(1 %0leu PI D.S M.ck'" I KORB'S SERVICESTROH BREWERY COMPANY! H.rnrd IP.le _ ...... IS':; I-l'JDetroit, Michig.n I .ero>' 1.:"1 121

J..:oril 1.-2 1.'11KrOll" l,~l 1ilRa~' .. .... I ~h l.'i

0.1< Ck.nrr, " ..Korh's ~rn ice

Prompt Co .... teo ... D ..l;...e...,. Soft On"" •• Ciw.rettH • S_ek. \\"arrrn • York'l:ir,.

PHIL GEIST'S BEER STORE J.nr!", Lllnch(Formerl.,. Bill WeiW ..... ) Cr.mer Eleelric

17531 MACK AVENUE. Near Neff Road N1A.CARA 2121 : Gr.",. P .."nl, I'r111:;""Botlle. C ..... C.n Ice CoM Ootchm.n. Do ... eolie &: Imported Win". ,riel,.', Huh" ~ :"'f' ..

'..-_ ... _----_ ••••••••••••••••••• ',. 1',.).1 I'cuc .. lIvn

Page 4: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · • I n.o.a,. ",..... New .... 11 ~ AI Ie-. ..GNMe Poiate ... Gntiot Taw th W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I By


on.. •• 1.i.".........................................MriIr ........... ., ................

ftlr.,., A'"THE G R 0 SSE POI NT E R E V I E ~ ~ _

2==.=.::----e-a-st-e-r-Eg-g-S------" 001THE GROSSE POINTE REVIEW, .... lI.flt I!I, In6

0Iicet .t ISl2l Kercheval hetw"n MarylaPd and Lake,»ointc-rIM _ -edd1 IM1npaPft -eriq aU t!M "' Or-.. ,~~ ....

Gradot T ltit ..L. I. 0UlHAw" 6~jror .". l'u.btillwrDlQ IooYCO'IIIl ~.~._ H : •••••• ,Alrtoc: .. , Edit ..RQRaT P. 0t.tlf.W4 " MlJfrti"rtr JI~

s.1Ntri,t* Jtata: B, Mli1, 1%.00 ,.r; 5, IIIr CCIp'f.

.... 1iIhed Ever,' Thur~y by Tbe Grone Pointe Printing ComPlay1oF. n~~


Qroese Pointe SatutaPaD Americaft Countries

M.t Defenae Worker. IAre Coverecl UDderSoci.1 Security Act

Workerl who gel employmcllt III de.fenle proJuta, both ie c:on6tru.c:tiea aadin pant operation, ar., ill th" vaal ~.j()rity of caMS eovereel b" the lOCalleeurit,. .c:t. Sueh ..... kcn ....ill IIn

time anri trouble for theJlltclnl a,,11 fot'LIIcir fJIIp\ofen "" otIuhlinl toCiaJu:curit,. lI«Ollet nllJllHr6 before re.porting for dllt,. in their new joba.

Thil s~tCtW!1I1 wu made toda,. b)' Compari.. the ~ocr.~ 1Ia'Elmore E. Pollock. m,,,**cr of the 10- tion, of Europe to o-oer.de ~c:ial sec:urity boud ficld office al IOJ1 otle ';11 be Ntounded .. __ Mli!arityHarper .venue nut Van Dykc. of eoaditioat, faden aad q ..... for

Commenling on the neces5it)' of luch''.\'orktrs havillI' locil! leeurit,. aecount ...-.--. their subJqatioa, orlit .. tlN: First International Coftfertnce or Am,rica" lila-tes tards PolIClCk nid: "Malty melt who 'f{k.' their Irilluili_ illto

- itt W.IItiqtoft. FrtHft thi. cOftference tame the Pan AmeriC&ll are !india« joIN on defense projech "fudst .tatuu.-. The (O"enuneJ'lts ~f the Americp Republics during the ill. have been workinll' in non-eovend CIlI' TIN_1-_ half cmtury have been engaged in a positive proeram of ploymoent In' "ave been lelf-employed "'" ... iI....._.r.......... S . The people 01- -- Tbil m"' 1I.f.be ;"depend .. , d~l .. , _""'... .."'~ __. f b ..- . . d Ita f . b' th d bas been in OlleratiOft. There has beea ,,_...... "" ••• ~ co"n .. , an •• , )«t • •• •....... "fth .. .... ... ..... _ ~

.......... 0/ , -. bot .. , _ di an' ,.., •....n" _ _'" .. of 'ho _ ...

friaclaip g aU of the",.. the)' havc Ilot obt~ed their C41'd5.The .~riYlI"les that are ae-

51l11e la ltae of hc>ufC'triYCI who bone corded free ..... W cOIl April .4. tIte Z\ - "P.hll •• I.. tndln. ,be Uft~" hold • ioO .. ~ .. ~ «_.. .. , --.-,,.;u ran rlean Da,.1'ItIti dalV , ,. • I••••"" who _ .. , __ ,... _.- n Wl'h tlo. Old ft"' in • •• dlo. " '" ,_~, ' "'00'. W .terriWe war, we shouJd thank God for the spirit of roed nelghborli- inll' men .. ho are workinl' 011 defensc aqre ¥raT to cnforce the cUctatCi of... and C~tiOD that it becominc .trOllI" Insonc the Ameri- j)ro;ccts or who have beea Qlled .fen Our elected officialt i. m,- bruc:h ofClUI ~. It rtpreMtlta" W'&stdcfenae agUa5t th. f.1Ie doctrines military dmy. covenunellt. We have aever bee. thc1M taM ~ 'I'M World War .... knitted the American republics "All such workers. alld othera wbo de loser. i. & wu. We Ita" lIeYet de.

not have sodal setllrity account 1l1JlllS-velopcd religious Mlle" and U1' other- ........ - .- ........ .... ....... ~ .. ,•• ,.......... ~~ .... of __ W...............TIM GrotH romte !totaIy Ollb ia to be conrratulated upoa its alld pr<:knt the eard to the CIIlployer re5Olll'ce .. Oar I»~lrt' it far from be.

"fa MMCCof Pu Antericu D.v aat MotidaY. CoMular 'fl)fe. 110 he _, record theIla-e uell1'Ul11ber ill&' overpopulated. OUr m41l$tJ'J' aM

....... of ...... Pu AmtricU CCMPItrits .. UIbe putt of the • 0 t willMt wbo fillds hit profit ~coue" from :::r~ ~~~~CWTb~~ ::= ~ aa-:n=:: ::e~~o0:'=::Q.b at a aoonday luncheon~ Adol!o ~iDguu, Mexican consul will Y l1if ~nt's pocket la the lIlOrlling. tmle aIId trouble for all lXlQcerued. I.e. hip $wdatd of lifc without ~1l8tell tJtc 5tory of Pan America" cc»-operation. Musical interludes will ~ D.. .. eOllnt nWll~rs arc i$Sued dWy fnllJl frotlS othet' couatries.lie ,retentoll b)' "Lo. Cot%Jpenletas" (The Pe.Iaftt5) • Sp&nish sin,- ew'S 7gest.! With Spring's first real appearance, 8:30 LUL lIatil .:.10 PA :aad IIp to TIle 5; , __U [

. f ""-' d Th ...: 1..' comes a he ... business organization, The 'I k S t t.. CF"P COMposed of It verslty 0 uctrOlt stu ent.. e en .. re h DICK 1OD'~.DIII".& Jaelcman Window Cleaning Co.. Gto... one oc oc: oe a _7 I OClr", We ha~ milliocls ef .. &lid ....-- ..,"' be devoted to • doser understaQtmu, of Pan AmeriQ.ft ---,,- side: oBice: PoUoc:k added. __ L_ ....... _'--' W. q.. tried.... _.- »1 '" _.......... Pointe .Park bUlinesa mea with lItorel _ ...... _ -r~

"'irs. . , Oft Kercheval av-enue lLl'C finding the V1T' .&W ST' .&TISTICS CYttr'f c:are.-an _ that failed in Europe. ..L. . " '.p ......... ff • UlIkIcI Itata Ana7 ~ - IlIU Ietm wieaen lift fa )(ieqaa ... n", service, of tell freely douated, nry A.IoI '" _ to lain our ec:oeaeaic: prab WI,l'" _"",!","of - "'! mter to .. ~,_ _ c. •__ -. ,,_ _ C1oIuao C _,. h.,..I h.ft _tile Grone Pomtc ~d of EducatlOll BU. started adult clalSes for 1011 of )(r .. Louif, 1.. Stolle, of UJ6 ward Md cmr.liciac4 rClOkie out. ~_ ,.. ... ...... .. ...... aociaI ref_ -.ach u -empl5; .... 11t

.. eta4y Dt th~ Spplsk 1&lIJUage. There wlll WldotJlM4tdJ,r be aft "0' Betbhlre road. GrONe PoiQte Park. 1eIder. hit & to., home tIll1 CItI tIN fint r------------.."\ DEATHS jll$tltlllCC and old .. e ~ Our,., ....... mOUJJt of trade betw. the UnitC1f Statea .nd our wiD he eoatJIIis •• _ • eeeoad IIntea. ~ pitdNd te - at the t_'1 Cata. "BEYOND e-.. ,... ,... officials haTe had to ruort to tIIc 4oIe..1IIt.- Us Cm~1 anti South AlIl~. We should prepare OlJf chi1. ant III tl!e lit' CClrpI =; .....;:riJ ='l.~ th& - l6lIIIll tRJ~ camp ••• Down In Mary DeCavitte, 70, 1251 Waybara Unlinsitcd rClOllJ'cea aad a free _tri-.. fOr tile new r.spon$ibilities that this will briQJ. A tMroul'h ann)"' ...... tchoeI. )(_ft "lei, v.1tou leach, PIa., I CItIe.a~ ~If. THE BENCH" Grallt c. ~, 73, 1ZlZ Wa.,. budoa of foed aIM doth.lnc. aJoee has

..L'_ .. ld_. _..J. of t:. f . Ilear WOIl~, All. StGM. who ., reeeetJr .. I " (6.. under par 011 barn kept oar pe8ple is Mad. All cxha.tC'4-. of - ~,. ~~ , -. ".~. on, I "'_ H"h ~_). """ _ 13" "....... ' -" _.%1' - \lepabltoa .. 11- otIIy ...., ........ bo',"""'" J_ , __ n•.: h ..... ~ " " .. of... .. JlmGE THO ..... F.1IAHEJl .. "'. G. W;.- _ ......Wi!" -: '-'" _.. die .... future prO"e of Wtestimable heltcnt. ftl'fitJ ef Mkldpa IIdon CIIIIbarIdwlr coaetr]f'. I'Olfcn call do with both ann.. Of Ttdic e-t Poillte IOUrea at a lnakiaa' paIat we _ like

'. "-' bJ' ..LI_ SI . all bit 0'" career. -Rodq,- III P-S, The OOC1lUl "birdie 1dUer" ClW1SS Mary Arlit Woods. 6!, 1050 MIf)"!ud the prH.-c:ratie ....... of E.opeWe - - Z. -- -- '"'" "" - .. _. ..... .. ... _ .... _ ............. 0 _ ... •......... _ ... r- .......w. y..... N. __ « ...-.y ef tile ~ of the 'PM Aalencu Un M.y the: 1",rs frieI4I, :.,.., .. I eoane Iadiq olMHdatc fw the __ Id'i old. Very little can be said for those wbo at,. ., ar- teIltiaa tIoonri or at Ieut to..... • - ""- _ _ e ..-......f - AI< _ 5O..-. - , "w lh"""" ~. of CyrilX. V..... •• fa ::': ~.::.. -:..-:.::•• I .1IIs .... adcrstaPdiec thU wiJ1111&ke for a1utiDJ puce. m.. brion: -ermc &nay tniJtiD: ••• ewer.1O JaIl of Way out in frOtlt ita prem.iotls. But cve:: :::0:-0: !;:!;':::;:. ~ F F_ own coa ~

--------- AIIIMba- JAe, lU of Gro.M .. IadivfclaaJ hooor. arc pi~hel'l Oillt ElUabeth ~ liII, 11.2Oak The JOQtb of oar lutcI~" __ dteiecIRID Y PoIate!riP adricwd ~ recor. ar-,s CfaPti .... fTolII the White Sox). worthy is be who know-s the faU im. F k E. Price 45 Z50 ~ea1 Job-. and aa OPPOItUillltJ' to aet.uceGOOD F A:. -.- - la, J.. - ,.... •......... of ..... ~ ~..... .::...... • Ii '" II.- .......I.~ d..... tho .... 12 ,......,' ...~ "'., , ." '.' ;:'. _., -.J..-.- CalieMn JloIIie ~ GiIlM "'-k.tbe Jaw -..... It lurta Itia ~ -. .', . n-.~ _ .. the 3'OGtIII ia!'-.;o.:- :~<:'" .t.__: ,- iii...... ''''''' . ..._-.> III!- "'""""" _ ...... -.. ......... «_ .. _,...... '" .. " _' ..; ,.~-....~.~$.."p.n_ ,...::..:<. ~~ .,:.w.. 0...- tIIfdlIten &tdlIde RoT ~ It. . 11.".1). c..,w, 6of, 'Z1 toc1l8I __ and the to obtaia ucl ......• i:llilir............. '1(" w._ - a_ ..'14f - - "'- ""'" w....... "..... • .". _ ,.. , ......... ..... ::. _ 10 """""- -- _!tie 0/ • SaYlor ouI. - _ tho _...... AI Smith. tll Jl, ". • oh.,. _ •• .. "IlT... .. .. '.k _, 10k ....- ill Hla - .,.. tlo. _ ""'" ..- '0 tho .1 y. M ho'~'e .. ~ oh. "'- .. .. ~ _ 10 __ ..

He is lIOw' MadoDcd at WriPt F"JeJd. lIIUde.wise trainer it lI'orkill' higbway •• haD COII1eto a complete .top Boys "'Cre !lorll to: Iifc.. 1'hc)', like tile J'CI'Itht. oC Ewope,0,... ;. Good Friday. w • otri ........... ' .. .... .......... "'_ 0.. ... ..... bit W... _. ...~. ,,~ th, .d.w..... .. ...... ' Eo Dn,_ l\lti W~,. .. w of __ •10 wO'ld Ioda, "'_h' , by '''' .. 1fi,hn"•• , mtnkitld. JyJy L • • • 0 ~, ." h i•• h~,~ W __ ~

. Earepe is in the throes of a terrible war 'With the inuoeeat beariftg' • • • , Opea Letter to Grosse Pointe Park's Traffic Court, nor beyond it to \mow Dorothy FlUlk, UXIZ Bcacomfield ell :lmIOI1B tlle aatioetaJitiq 'of other-the ltrwtt' of hostilities. We ira these U~ited States are betet 'With 0. Goo4 FridaT. J9JP. XlIIIOIiai "WiDthlrte _~~ta.- ..f~n'~ 5IlDOt '~i~1y~~ t~!-Iesl ,~an cne-~~f of ~ per <;elloft Vu:.~~~~~.19~ ~_~~,~~.. l....d$ who now bVC It'1t!Jia CIU' horders..

" '. ~ IittLo "''''me Os GCOl! Frid:- see e wn' ..... ,,- .!lel:" propOiIUQiii, 101 L1etrort s motom", are llrIloraat lt8'1ru& -.nor.... oJO ..... (The foreirta Ae'Wlpapen law: ItriftItCIIl8tr...o-...........- ~een caPital &lid la~, t".-t are a ~~: th~eat _0 1940-w.~.;;i.~i.-~-1IeutfaU,-' ~I ··. tbis la Yet nearly .as wally drivcn Mary TlCIIlpletoll, 1162 Grayton to prClene the ideptilJ' of their rapcc-- - .....,.. W. ate I dinoJ tlo. bit':""'" _ of......... ~" , .. "' Tho _". A"d _ "'"' W __ l. W.World War. IcmftIJ1 ~ JU.ueIf 011 tile NcIc. ~ ::~~ "~::!:;;~; - "'W".." ..., 1 enC!cnuy feels that comin( to a "COIII- Lakepo;nle have permitted enpaiatioaa Jib tltc

. • . . 0tI Good F~ 1941 neiUIcr-)(1INCltiat QtiCItI," Wn. Cyrilla Orth Hickcy. 01 plete stop" meatlS driving half-way OIlto I at,. ., er.- ...... Black Lqion aJJd the lea Klu K1lIII toWe !,,~d ~ Good Frida,. tnd .on .. '" th. lti&h F;"" , ,.. »-'" _ Ok.. , ~n.. .. A J- I. ""- ,.'''~ "" .,.... .. tho of_al P" fo' wln'h ""'. God <lied. H ' .. 'ba' : _ •• __ , - H_ ~ k'" t"" ""","" •• "",. '" l<<Ii • • 'ith _ W.Hlfishnets ud Jfeed are destructive and showed us by example nito DoCIa;t Lift Here AA,..c.1 S~k H~ i~ circuit eow11ut ~eck.1 pletc stop"-~ ebc!. eon... ...... F_ havc tDleralltl~ Iookcd 011 wtUlc thetkat service ud love of 08r fellowmea iI tbe ollly true 'Way to a._ • HiQq sa praldellt of Stalk Hiekey, As far as disregard for thIS Ia....COIl- A boy was bot'll to Rhea P. LaForC5t, Communists h""e pilled COGtrol ef 0IIe

1Iappy life here and in the creat

beyOtld. ~ woa't be here officia1I" 1Ill' lac., ....ell.Jmo.m Detroit car dealers. cerns the pedestrian5, motorists ,tnut 102 Oak of our 1abor uaioas.. Ia Europe the

tit the lint budde-keadccl Gros. Mrs. Hidccy receivcd $20,000 under a remember that the automobile's right. Girls wer.e born to VIOla SaccI, 416 Commllnists havc ""ell aa a lItt:ppinzW;....... Good Friday h....... we wonld not .... 0", Ea...... ...., ......... fa ..... S<. CWo ~. -. .... _.< tho """ g. ..1,"" .... ,ll00tho .. ,,,, ... ..... T_ ............9

........... " c... •.... f........ of ...... " ....... ,with its triumph over death. It is the hope of a better future with .,. c:lotItetll ~ed. the sidewaJlc. A.h~ .~y warn the jay. bridge and perhaps Roosenlt _ in Merica.trast ill Him, who died on Calvary's mount, that will help us to bear - • • • • - walker that hc !s 11I~lhnll' sadden ~tb e..-. P ..... W...... The aetintia at the Coauatllliats inthe h d hi d 'fi th t f tOO:Af Good F - Witll tJJe FCII'cl Wikc ~ti!!~~~~. Bill MaW. GrosH: Pointe's ZOl.year- by unlawfully Invading the domanl t>f A girl _ Io')f'ft to Vir.m;a Ra1uIo, America. are beioe secretly esaeoaraced

• ~. po en ... " '" • ... u, 'y. . ,...... n- fa-" _ -. "'_ " old ............ tho " .. ,. _Id K1.... _ V.h••. Bo' ,"'~ .. _ "" """'" ... f..... _ tho "F oJ _-day wftl ........ Ea.",. ..... ............... S"'o "". tho ~ of. • .... _ •• ''''' OJ,.. th, ..... "'0 •• d '..... _ ...... _ wolf" 0 h~d tho _-----IIic_ thU week • wbat tIIIC1 _Id pubhctty III a tCUllt Illtle of The De- supreme. And long may he rcip---<m A airl ... born to IlII'eborc B&lIe1', It was thus th~t ~ _ 1INdHldnnoJ- ~t ... _ "'_tat ..... .......,,~,"...a. Th~ ..... , 'dO.. h",: ... '"_he ... """ S... .. ......... th, _ .............

Start. DUtributioa tlarew & j)~: liae lItOtPId Ecisel lUul !oua&t hl$ way to the top, Drivers entering a street who disre- Co.tiot T...... Europe. Iu additioa _ we ban thous.Ford', Lake Sharc road a~t~ ~ stated, From Ih~ &8'e of 12 whea he prd this law are aivell traffic tickets Bo" were born to LoaUc Horai ...... and5 of small groups diatributing la.Of New State aLp ,..... II'. "-" ......... ~.I ... ,.......... h., .~ .... dty ....... " ...... h.... hi•• ,• .,,,~hI .. "'0> W.. h.... w .... Bud Wlth~ ••• _ •...,. .. ~,~. tho, ... _ ....AJ the one InfonutiCltl Please pest ~ courts ~ the Neighborhood Club or not. Nevertheless, the inevitable de. 206<'6 Nesbitt. still dou _ attack e ..cry tradition;

W«kwJ w1tG wiD be etIIPlo:red 011 Distribution of 200.000 copies of the Mid to the other "Your pal ia as In GrOSse Pomte, to last Summcr, when fense in court is, "~o other car was -______ every in.titutiOll alld e\'Cl')' othcr racial.:irCat Laka trei(tltm &ad J)UHIII'etlllcwly reviled SuDlftler highway aaap, IoocI as tIliac '" ' Bill whipped ~rl Fi5cher. the then top coming.' That so rruny drivf'rs, guilty DRIVE SAFELY and rclirioua JrTOUPin A=eriea.It-ships during the 1941 nangation which emphuizes Michigan's im~= - • • plaYer, in the City ()pea and Indian of this violation, involvc themsclns and Many traffic accidents could be pre- We haYe f«ceel our aa!il'e ban c:itiz.

. ~. ance u "the plaYlTound of the nalloll. John H. F'lancher, of 268 McMiDaIl Vilbge Invitatioaal meets, he hadn't nthers in accidents is proof that .. ill 201- ve,:!ted if drivers ....ere more courteous--- wlil be covered nnder the 501:111was started this week by the statc hiIh- road, GrOSH Poiate F.armt, ea. bad muc" c:oaching," Maul, 1I'ho lives ways be a time when anolher car IS Iand considerate of others em the hiah. tJlS _ the loyal Nqroea _ all of thel\l-0, ~, -- ••~ ~~,.. ; d.,."m,". .. '-" .. loh. 1Ia Olec.~,~~d. CI", .1 "' _I.. _,. _ , In ""'":' ~ ,h,. '"....,. Th. I~' =" 0 m.,,,."d .. • D ~'_''''''' ... d_I'' 15 Pol." ••, .... , ..... , ... I.... hlah Th. I.w m~ .. who<I, "Y' •... " R.m""', ...... _b ..... I _d. ' '_.n '~ttt:ict. e.t was made recent. snhaortuerali~.cohl~:hP..haoty,~ahPI.lhc°thlearcs~~~ bribe taker u. tIsc He Gardea school aIld Wayne university. is safer to obey than to disregard it. carved by chi~eling ill traffic. areas and !Ian dcllicd thClll eqaality-

-.. - .~.- housing scandal, at Hamilloll's reecnt • • • I. .. ..... ...., in evcry _y. It is indeed traaic that., by ~c Eo: PO~kd ~atage~. of side contains Michigan lourist attract recorder's court cnmintiCltl. ~ncher. "News Digest" ofJkially nominates u I ' p~ -.- ",ho tude I the ~egroes. who hue every reason to... -, ~'y • • d.... ti<>" I. ,'''o~I"m. wol'."- I. tho Po'''' .u .. ~. Oh."'" '0"'" "m '0' - ".d,I".. TRUE COMICS ... __ "- .......th.,_o" "'Id '" ,....~ ." .., H..... m.o •• - Th, -, .'d. 'Mb'" oh. ", ... =.•o.. a .............. t.. tnm. 0< ... c.........F." W...... ..,.. F.. d.'. . . hy th_ ."" ..... , h _ tho:V-"'EIapIoymcLlJ'"c. h ._- tr. h Irectiolu 011 the trunk1ine highway 1"- FatlllS' vit1~-c cIectioII of Iut Veat. lIitc proof, skeptkal movie goers are 1-________________________ saboteurs of spirit, hue remaiQed the

nt on t e .... - elr tet"l - J ,$"14011 8O;., ...,,1t.,•• ..., .h. . .~ d b tem, together with a mileage table, ia. • • • aslt.11 t(' 'l"'itne!! SllC!: teecl1t .p .. ,l.:;"g Il&l1AroIHI1~ SIlMISII most loyal and ha\'C stood Itea.dfast

... ~r S Ips IS now covere y~ .. ", ,." M' hifra F--'-'- V_--=-L Iu lid prodaetioN as ''Virginia'' and "Honey. lIO"I......a Of A'lESOtIll1 while the white PCOP~ _re milling

.:... IOcial secunl act" Pollock laid I,.: ..::..::a. "'''pi v, Ln. larger Ie • n •......., """' __ popu a ~

- y, Clites the state ferrv schedule, and a list lIluch Icft.hutdc4 GIWJC P~ntc hich IItOOll ill Bali," The lateJt Carrol1-~lac. AIolEIlKA!l IUPOBLICS, about ntterly confased. As yet 1IOt1ling"'It wiII"\'C tmtc.-.d trouble if slICh of th'e state game'aru5, national &lid sen:- w.. the lcadiQ" scorer of ~ Murray effort. (not yct released) "One YEliElUELA .PEIl.U.EC- has been done to correct thc CCOItOmK

--'" h ' . I . ~... UAOOIl.C'OlqlolBIA AIll> d I h-ms ..... Cd t e.r oocla secan1y state forests. troit's Hanllan V.W.c.A. tealtl eturir,. Night ill Lisbon," is .Iso expected to BOLIVIA. III 24 Y£iUZS, all lO<:i. wtoap t at han heen focc.ed-.....en. itlC:lucIiaI' cfltptieaks if the, Index to citiea and \;lI~les includes the .nnw s~te "Y" basketball tourtl:l. take its plaCt ill tbe "Housc of Un- EliDING WlTllIIIS DEATH ull"'" f"~>,;..Z!'~! ~~ t!::: V;;.;:~ S ... i••.... - ....... ..... "'..... •... <on,., "'''~' ." ..... , ,. ...T" m'M hdol I. lAM'''' ••• w"h,"". doeh"d .ilt,. • .,. .."""~_ .1 A.", .. Lik. '''' ........ tho,,~die u tlOn 1Ca5Otl open~. Docie .leu .. ,,';, con"ruc,ion pi~n. ot t!'le road" Kcv~ich hooped Jl points ill five • • • l'IWI 00 ~.TTIP> Dcmoc.ratic lIation, of Europe, _ have~I •• lId ~brr$ employed In hand •• ide picnic table. utilized by thc state gamu, and as the main factor in Hall- "~{ikc and lke" DC!'srtment- t"nable _TOIl CMIIlOIU.... lost conndence in our economic sy.tem.. frciltlt In warehouses and ehe- high"'a)' deartment are included 011 the nan's four ins. Eighteen "y" tums to locate his car key. a Goldsboro. ~ C. ~QlIll,€IlYW!S,IIItliO _ it break. down too of tell _ and toow!tet'c a1,~ ar~ covered under old.age map. . from .11 ~rts of Michigan were en- deputy sheriff ordered a local mec",.nic 0MI'l0" ItIIIlIIl't1llr ~ev.rel)'_ The subverters i',u;ng de-.... surVl'rOt'1 lIl!urance and need soc,al Lopie, of Ihe map ma,. be obtained tertd III the -competition. and the Han. to tear DIIt thc ignition sv.-itch anti =-=== structi"e propaganda usc this wt:aleness-.curity accOllnt numbers to show their t':ee oi charge h

y\\rillng G. Donald nan cntry finished i1I third place. The make a ne,.. key. i1al1 ...ay t!'lrou'th the ~ .. "'lUTT£IlPt.,-1tQlU to pro"r that Democracy is Olltmocled .

.-ployen,. Pollock added. Io:enncd)'. ,tate hign.uy cOlnmi',ioncr, g.mes, made up of ShOTI eiiht-minute operalion, the deput~. and mechanic , ~llO!l, In America too, the 5tate &,overnment------- IAln',ng. or hy call1n11:..t The Re\';ew halis, .. ere played in Michigan State's "'ere confront~d by ..n angry cilizcn is not obligated to ~nforce civil liber-

..,. API'I.fCATOOfI' ONN'!' ""'''. 151' "'",h" .•T"'""'. firo". m•• mmh J .. '_ ,.,, ....... K..... .... ... ", .. k.~ .h" th", .". " ... ThI" ... h.,. ,rori'~ .... , I. I"}IOearl, 10,000 ne .... applications for Pointe Park. ieh's luge dfoft al~ placed him sec- doing deslroy;n!!' his car. The emhar- tho\l~and~ of ~\I!>verters, and we now

~k ~e accept~d lut ....eek b)' the ------ ond in the scoring race for the complete rassed dtputy found his car. exactly ~ '.ltlQ$ FnUAY WlIOIN *lO ~ AI<OGIll1EO have rlev("]oped an anti.Catholic, anti-Michicut Stat!' EmploYlllent Sf'rvice FOOD STAMP TOTAL tournament, "Y" officials announced af. similar to the fint model. parked t\\'o' nfAT YEl,OW 'EVU IIC(UBAWASDI.IE TOFllJlf Je ....i'h and an anli.Xegro agitation toaecot'dinc 10 V. B. Steinbaugh. execu' Food .tamp i«uanc", to Wayne ter.11 the box scores ....ere tallied. spaces further down the block ... Out AN!) WI.: ~PIlEAD 8v MOS<)UliOU. <iangerou~ prOflOnions.tiYe direclOr of the Michiean Un em- county relief elil!'ihTc. du~jn>: ~rarch • • • ill Wauieegan. m.. two indentical twins "TIltU~ co .. rca~ •• ~_ ..... d of -m...- The real 6.::&,. 10 America liCi inP~~lIt Compcon,ation CcommH.ion. I"i>red Iho.e of Fehru.~. hy ~19.'J94.50. On April I, ),(rs. Franklin D. Roose- r.n against each other for mayor of 'zin. fo, c"lld ....n. deal. wit" nefti". Ihe fact that the /ifth-eolamnista and

L t _. h' h L, \'~It 'nd \.{r •.. "".n<l." L, WiUkie met tl1c city. After the election, thc con. ."ont. of ..ut a ..d ,,-eMn' "iltory TPteae11ri, 0 '0' "'.. ,,, ~"m, w" ,•• 'hi', •.L.. h. I~., "~" .. ,,,;". 'm , • • • .. ... _ .~ .~. , .. _ ,_..... th, """"0" .h.n,n .... wi'h" ~,........... ~~ f . I k 'n'. k . '.. ,'n \\ .••.hln~Ion .t the \-.t;o"al Pre •• ill"cd voters were unable 10 tcll "'hieh"""'" rec«-.. or a Iln" e wt:e II ~ the surplu, mar ellnR adminIStration • ~ " eto,I .. , .11 III full color, .,. eontrillvt... own I>ordtr~. If the h~t 0; Democracyf II)

'" h I L.' CI" I t t t no fool cand,dale the,. h~rl c1ec'~c1! b L I T~ H d Ik wrlltlte ~"mmn 0 ".,. ". en un~mp oy. announrcl1 tod~y .. 'Per",n, nlJm"",rlnll; '"' s annua .' un pu y -. J • • • y 0_' nO'" a.. ~Il r 1M "... I< to hccnmr "hfiterated, then _ theL bl . , l.oo" ."d other '."'0"" artlet.. 190 ..._nt hen en\< fint "a.me paya e. 7(/5.'9 r~ce'., in.'1 p"I,lic • "i,t~ne~ from I nil' . I h"pe 1 h.t ,till burn, in tho h.'rt .• of

.' ~ I I t' I' t "J' • • • :'flu • :hor"I:,\:i, (,.m':"~:I"n "i rc. .o"d by -FOu<ntl' .... ui" .... N.w York , •• ,----.-- 'ne ":'C' rr" "n' ." r ..~enClr, ,.l ,- "True Com'.I" 'I "",ill, ."Iy i" f.,"'11 !.:r ,"hjll/r.:Crl l'e~le. ,,"" .Io,,'l}. 'Ufi0-I c'~-~...rrl $1;':.~":;(111 ...,nf1l1 ~1 qlrpl~I"'1 :-ror: :-h"C', - Unl, eill;l1T"f Ih( unt e'pl' ".;le ",'''':'re,. Oueher l',o!,,'c I to ot"e •• 00"'io" "".uinea. I"

I 1• I '. , I d -, A " I (~l('" -It'''tln thtlr hr~aq~. \meTlCoiII.

I ('omm(')(lIl't~ irom r('l,ul food 5t()f(", l " \('r",ly 01 ~r.,;ll'C'In"s 19 \an.ltv un;;"nlmou~ y fl.(' 1('\(' 1n~.t ."omen m-1J\( et •• Iln CIP.ot u. nctio".' e .r.e.I 1 1... h -:-:~; .• i ..; ;',r. rOl: ."_ "erG'"_ II ~t .. nrr" a~ 1hr \"l"r ... crt'l~(.r~;:lIrl" (\f ),.,rr

1"'I"l... tLf h;'I~ ~lIrhItJ" f(w".o ~ldmp .. :' ', .... lmmrr ... Arr 1t"'''1rlcnt" ~f f"(" ~I:.ttl:' j H"t 1"r, <:;'\Ir ... t.t1~n mr". nr ('"(tn rm;1:- i ••• f--u,-~.

~ n n .' .~ ~•• ~ rl'''III', \\';,at .. J11the future klllf~,!.;;;~ :.:.:~~ . i-n'e oi 'ne s.:nOOI I IV vanll)' ~ket-1 tlOn., jUlt a,~ the hca\y po>'cr Kamr I

Page 5: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · • I n.o.a,. ",..... New .... 11 ~ AI Ie-. ..GNMe Poiate ... Gntiot Taw th W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I By


_ .."....A l2-year-01d bo7' ~ ....

,rom a half ecrtl" ~ .....$on county, NorUs ~


IHave your Pula But.tou been chan •• ?PHONE TU. Z-45S1-

Prwapt ...... ..... .............. t.elI It, .. till D* .IDtNt ...... .... £ Ihi' ....ctio I.\afl ton..

A ...... , ef.......s.-; I ., ......


161Z6 East Warren at BedfoNGrOSle Pointe RefereB«s


shall thy moon withdraw itself: forthe Lord shall be thine everlasting light,1,,<1 the d'lya of thy mournill&' .h,,11 beended,"

.... ea& AJreeletlGowlnmIetlt experts esttmated

Ul&I'~ II per ~t of the total crop:aIld III the UlUted statal, or m,-

65e.OOO acrtl, WU affected b)' IOmephue of the al1'icultural adjustmIDtprOiram in aaa.

FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCHCeo4 Friday $er'O'~IZ: 31 to :2 .....Speakers :The Rev. Bruno Brueckner, Capac,

Michigan and the Rev, Lawrence KlIOlI,Ida. Michigan.

Two glorious Easter ,cn"ices will beheld at the Faith Lutheran church, E.Jeffer,on and Philip avenues, Sundaymornini' at ']:00 and 10 :..5 o'dock. Avested choir of ncarly 90 voices led byrobed trumpc:ters, will proceed downthe aisle at the beginning of the serv-ices. The chancel will he beiiutilullyadorned with an abundance of Easterflowers, includin, a five-foot lioraleross upon the altar. The music pr ....gram will inc:lude three beautiful Easteral\thems, which will conclude with the"Hallelujah Chorlls," In addition to thechoir, trllmpelers and orll'an, a .trin,edtll$cmble, con.iuill&' of harp, violin, aDdceno,' will take pan in the service.

The Rev. R. O. Linhllrt, pastor, "illpre'lch at both scrvices on the the",e,"Risinr OIlt cf Ruins," He will be, as-sisted in the services by the Rev. Cl1iI••Klinksick,

"..".. gp •• en •• I em ••


n LdJb)


THERE are 10 few thingS to hold on to these dayS _material value., mental conditiolU chanae rapidly ..• affected directly and

.•quickly by the .trife, turmoil and economical upheaval. of r e c e n t yean.There i. one thing left unaLaken - the aolace and peace to be fCKlDClinchurch. Go to church Euter Sunday - find Itable .piritual valuea which,in the l.. t analysis, are enc:lurinain peace or war or times of .. dnesa. Go tothe church of your choice ••• Euter Sunday and every Sunday - you neecIthe ~mfc!'t ~d ccmpacionabip to be round there ... the churchea need yoursupport. Go to church Euter Sunda,. in the traditional American way ••• tocelebrate this great day in accordance with your belief.. It'. a perfect wayto begin the day - ....d you'll enjoy the Ea.ter Parade more afterward .. Youwill find a warm welcome at any of Grone Pointe'. many fine churches _and you'll find great benefit in the .pedal EUler Sunday services plannedby each. Go to church Euler Sunday!




Grosse Pointe Review"..",., ." _ .... $ enn::aJ'tJL.' s n gp t

-~.. --~.. ., ...---_ .._----._---------~---

:lw'M. hee• • • • • ..

Peel t• P t ti C1Iaa .. JIIIa,es nan ro ec on-lIlu.tI. Help

I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE tiOft; .".hOl1l shall I fear? the Lord isWAre:Sin, Disca,e, and Death Real?" the strength of my Ufe; of whom shall

\lill be tlte subject of tbe lesson-sermon I be afraid?"ill III ChriUian Science ehurches Among the Bible citations is thi,throughout lh~ world on Sund:l)', April Ipassage (Isaiolh 60:1. 20); "Arise. shine:13. for th)' ~ht is tOftl" Ind the ,lor)' of

The Golden Text (Psalms 21:1) is:' lne Lord i~ rben upon thee ••• Thy"The Lord is my light and my salva. sun 5hall 110 1Il00e CO down; ntither


N_-L.ae c.......April zo,...St. Gre,OI"Y, thereApril V-DeLaSalle, hereMay 4-5t, Mary'. (!ledford), thereMay It-Lourdes, hereMay f3-St. Leo. hereMay 2?-Learned po,ol, Jayne Field.

St. Paul'. BatebaUTeam Start'. Practice

l.-.. c....April Z5-Annilnciitioll, hereApril 29-5t. Martin. tlll~re:&.tay Z-St. Philip, hereMay S-St. Bernard, thereMay 9-5t. Mary', 'Ml CkmC1lS),

thereMay It>.-AnnunciAtiofl, thereMay 2O-St. Martin, hereMay 26-5t. Philip, IhereJune J-.5t. Bernard, hereJune 6-5t. Mary's (Mt, Clemens),


Looking forward to a big 16-cameschedule, indudinli 10 le".ue <onte5ls,St. Paul high 5chool's championshipbueuall squad started practice on theNeirhborhood club field this week todefend ih hard.won I'M) .e~olld divi..ion utholic lUlU!! tille.

Coached by Ed tauers, In e",eUentbaseball player with several years ofprofeuional experience, the ,q u a dboasts four lettermen returnil$&' frllftllast season's team. Pat CaunlUl'h,ril[Jlt-handed hurler and uasketball Itar,is expected to be the mainslay of thepit:hiug staff. Two velerau illfielder"Walter Thersen, third base, Illd JimmyBischoff, second ba,e, will lupply tileoffensive threat. Another leiter winner,Center Fielder Bud Veathe, shouldprove of considerable help when the,eaSOft ,els ullder way.

The .chedule follows:

Eighth Grade StudentsAt Pierce JWIior HichPlan ()pen Houae

"Vi.uaI Aida" StartedIn Many CI... rooma At :GrONe Pointe High I

Since "visual aids" have bo!en intro- ,duc:ed into e1assrooms, studml$ of:Grosse Pointe high school have a new'dream of Utopia - throwing awa~"books and learnin& their ICSSQIUby &0.ing to movies.

This Winter, visual aids have becomean increasini'ly important part of the5chool to help student visualize ideasthat they- c.&Il't readily see a.ad under-stand.

The "aids" are projeded 01\ thescreen as slides and silent and talkin,movies, Graphs, chans, and maPl5, a~ Iwell as the movies"he1p to demonstratt.ud clari fy ideas. As aft example. re-IeeRtly in \'1. A. Mann's physics class,pictures Oft "The Transport,atioll: ofEnerlf~';' and "The Molecular Theory" rc1arificd the studenl$' undel$tandin,l oi Idifficult theories_ I

\"'hcn an idea can be: put aeross with. '"ut ;n,'ol";ng motion, slides arc used.:\vh"n an idea involv-inr;rflK\tion is want-

I cd. ~jTcnt movieS are shown. and when,n j<l ..... th ..! rt'1u;res 'OIJnd Ind melien :

:i, ",nttd. rtgu10r talking !'icluru arc I

: .,.." ....n, .. ilhcu!:h many idels are sulli-'clrnl1y ill,,,tr .. led by means of !I1de,.

~~.-lr~c. and m~p!.\'lsllal aid, """e been used in natur ..l

"nn phy,ic.l ,ciencc dasses. journalism. ,L.tin. horncrnakir:;:, French. ~rman. I

an<l !:cnNal lan'!ua!:e cla'5cs.i The n""I", (>~g.nizcd Projection;,,,I <bh 0il("ral('~ 1nc equipment wnic:h i~: ,,'rd In .h"w1nR' the ph-lures. Th ..

..\ ;I\""~ i.dO;; two jo mm. pr('lJl"'ctor~,nn(' I: ,mInt! and onf' silent. a 'tand ..rd 51ide: pr"jector. " ,1ide film prejecter, .nd at"o.inch ,lid .. pr(ljcctor.

Thcre .rc 2.56 lis led 5<'lIree< of gel.l'"!r v;v,.l ~id.... nd te ....hen intcre>l'r<l in "\'-:.ini,,.c:: thrm c.n j;;el c .. t.log,

• :": com "r 411n Of (;"t T;r-.. .. itn.~

An open boa$< ftlr SA Ituelmts gdtheir parents will be held at tbe PierceJunior hiah school eu Tues4a,. llia'bt,April 22, at 7:30 o'clock.

The eveQt ~ planned in order to ~veparents an opportunity to confer withthe: advisers al\d c1I1U'oam teachers,and te> detenuine the IlIOSt clc:sitable

• ninth srade progra.m fM their ehiIclren,

A one-act play called wCareers" willbe a f~a ture of the auditorium pto-gram. Eight A Itudc:nts who ll1U takepart in this play- are Bill Chapman.Donald Dron, Kenneth ClIUninaha.m,John McMahon. R4Y11lOlld ROChelleEric Friewald, Ma". Ella. ADdrllll, Mar.pet G~y. WIQfie Kalbfta3ch. Mar.forte e.-, 1_ ~ aacI Gra"Roc:khoff.

Frances PecJ< wIll prcsellt a banetdance, and Emily Kovacich will gina folk dance. The acordion accompaQi-

I ment for the folk dance will be played'by Milton Henkel The eiaht A chorus.under th~ -1irMtin!! ~f M!ss Gw:::;dc!:inBrockmiller. will sing several selection.

Lizi Murphy It.as been selecte:<l a,chainn.1n of the OjlCn bouse PrOIrta",and Eric FriC\ll/ald will 'suvc .. alterlIate.

The home r""m cOftferencc periefor children, parenU. and teachers W"

IH: held after the procram. Exhibits rl"ealing the content cf tbe 8A and 9courses will be on display in the tw,school gymnasi'Ullll.

TraJIIa Wltb ibm.ocUl5Id ttltbUiluts "swin," on' thelJo

way from Rome and olober 5Out!le11lcities to l'lOrtbem Italy. Italian raU..ays annolUlC~ Wrd cl... .leep-In. coaches Will be !!'quipped withhammocks. The railroads are ,iv-lnJ a SO per cent reducliorl on alltlckeU tor 01 "rti ••W. winter.

Phone TU. 2.602017e.~A.-..

are the Jut word inbeautyand frealmea !




The :E.. t.... feut ;. _ ef the .-t iI'llporlantparta of tile holiola,.. TMt' .... ,. yo. .1o_Jd fin.j.t. it wit" _hin .... ~ ..ral>l,. ..........ice --. T". tllia 1Irick I

Phone U. for r...of DeIinry

Top Off Your Euler DinnerWith Ice Cream From Leach'.

Charlevoix and Maryland



Pat 1Irick 01 tier...,~ ... iIIa ice a-.with Jt.~ .... ter of ric'"fthety "hoeo"te. 25c4 .... lft.at !__ .....

The NerDeSt and the Oldm!

'ntursday, April 1941.0- ...."....

A W'OmaA viaitlA. the Mehattlln,Ku., lOG wall cIazI.1Jft( her llI&on!o-bUt u,. at the end 01 • ebata. Shetropped. them aoeidentally and thef.. t mw tba wildc.t't c.... "It'llbe a lot leu trouble to bll)' • new... " 1M eocnmented u abe wa1Jl:ecl.",..

TUXEDO 2-3333


Page 6: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · • I n.o.a,. ",..... New .... 11 ~ AI Ie-. ..GNMe Poiate ... Gntiot Taw th W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I By





Croue Pointe Parma

T1tursday, April to, .!..~!..Detroit Garden Center

The April nleeting of the GardenCenter wHl be held on Monday evenin.,.\priI14, at 8 p.lII., in the John D. PierceJunior high school. A talk on "HowDoes Your Garden Grow" will be Kiv.en by Cord,," Morrison of the Ferry-Morse Seed company. Morrison is allillteresting speaker and will ilIudrat.his talk with colored slides.

On Tuesday, April 15, at Z:45 p.rn. i.the lecture hall of the Detroit Insti-tute of Arts, Prof. Florence B. Robill.'011, of the Univer,ity o[ Illinois. wiUtalk on the "Personality of Trees.h Pro-fe,sor Robinson is a M :chigan woma.born in Lapeer, receil ing both her de-gree as an architect and as a landscapearchitect from the Unil'ersity of Mich-igan.

This talk 1; beillg given for the Gar-den Center by the Michigan divisipaof the Woman's Kational Farm andGarden Association. Both ledures uefree and open to the public.


There will be an all church buup"The House Beautiful" at JefJerSOllA\'enue Methodist church. East Jeff~-son a..enue at Marlborough. aU day Fri-day, April 25. '



K. MAGARIANRAndolph 1887

Complete Oriental


HaDd a in.... RllIpairiq'

FiDe Tapestry Service'W.8II)-, s.a ... E.. I •• 0.-.... ....

Boy, oh' Boy!Ain't IT NiceTo walk right in and get theRecord You Want!

e Complete S toe k s of Columbia,Victor, Bluebird, Decca and OkebRecorda.


1579 East Jefferson


Quality Cleaning on aCash and, Carry Basis

Ladiea' ~ Coaa - M.'. Topcc.at.'-Suia - nre..- - All Wodt BeautifuII,o Fin-iMed , _ _.._ .

Steel,for~Picket, for be.at,.Wire, for ecoaomy

Materiab or &ectioaaou.. Line Poeb, Steel or Wood, .-.-t or remo....... ,MEHLENBACHER FEWCE CO.l~ H..... UtaI»Ii8bed I'" PLua ZI5I

NYA Plana BueballSchool of the Air

Wood and Metal for All Types ofWindows - Screen Porches FREE




Orin W. Ka)'e, st.te administrator (\fthe Nation"l Youth Admini.tr.tion, to •day announced a new series of NY A ra-dio broadcasts to be known as the NY ABaseball School of the Air.

The broadcasts will originate at radiostation WKAR at Michigan State col.legt', East Lansing, and will be a regu.lar weekly f,~ature each Saturday morn-ing at 11l:.30o'dock dUring the Springand Summer. The first broadcast :sscheduled for S"turday, May 3.

The first five programs of the RadioSchool of the Air will cover the historyoi Lne xame oi oasebali. They will bedramatized and presented by a cost ofactors who will, through dramaticspeech, tell the story of the progress ofAmerica's national game from the timeit slarted with a boy bounding a ballof string against the side of a born upto the present day of major and minorleague teams .•

The other programs during theSpring and Summer will deal wilh rudi.ments of the came. The programs area part of tile junior base ball progra III

of the NY A which this year is 10 be ex-panded to include every county in theIstate. Approximately 500 teams are ex.pected to play under the NY A bannertbis coming Summer.


I Balfour Food MarketI 15725 MACK :: TV. 2-9730


Uuali(y Meatsand t3 "'()(:e~ie.i------- AT THE


The national vice.president, llrs."' ..... L. }~ ...... of """Md, N. H., rwill preside, becaase of the death on,March 7 of the natio!!al president, Mrs.Eugene H. Darrach. of Indianapolis andMiami. A reception instead of a ban-Iquet '\vas held on Wednesday evening. IMrs. Roosevelt received members at Ithree o'clock yesterday afternoon,Weduel;day. April 9. I

Mrs. Henry Bourne Joy, state presi-dent of Michigan Society, Daughters ofColollial Wars ..... ill head her state dele-gation to the tenth annual meeting ofthe national society on April 12.13, inthe Mayflower !totel, Washington, D.C.

blhers in the Michigan delegation I:.IT'" \I'I"'~ p...~,,! P. F!k~!".of Midland;Yrs. Chnles Horton Metcalf and lolrs.L1o).d De\Vitt Smith, who are dele-Igates: alternates: Mrs. Edward H.Eichelzer, Mrs. Sidney C. Probert, Mrs.Z. R. Peterson, all of Detroit; andMrs. Glenn P. Burkhart. of Fowlel'\'jlle.

Totem Poles Heins Preserved


'lmE tol_ pol~,1* Al•• h ncl I..1Brjfl~ll Collimilia, It the .,-mlooJnr achi~nmf'nt amanlt t1M lamiliesnr PAcillc Cout Indlane. Tlle art .'tor car,. Init an4 ptlntinlt, .. It II DaU". $. ~'1':')''.'s. tll ... e ptcta~lIqu~ IIl(lnllmntl ',~ '.to nlor aud legend, now I. knOW1l " 1 .10 tlO I... or lIIe OklM' memtJel'l or totem 'POleart otl the COllUa .. t .,.the ea.,t tribe.. that botll tile _n at Kltftnca (photo of tote.Unlt~ Stat~ alld C&u.dlaa CO"em. ~oap) and f)t!lfor '"'Ulln "'","C .....!Mnll bne lakell It!!PlI to ~ alolll' tIle Juper.Prlaee Rupertall authelltic totMn pol~lI. The branch or canadian National Rail.pbolor;ral>h. 1~t. ~1I"'''1 llll unaRal "aYI 111 Brlftsb Cohlmbla, .. bilelnt-:n nrar Ketrhiltan. M_n, otber one of tbe btott preleT'Ted totemllt1,ac'ive Alld ann,ual totelll poles ~J)eClmen, tn Nortb Aml'rlca lead.RI'P leen In Prlnre Rupert. S1111:a. atmosphere at tbe I"Ilh ... , .tationWrAn~l'1I and Skapa,., on tbe /In Juper Netional Par1l:, Alta. TlIlI.hp!lerpd "InRld.. Pu .....r:e" IIteam. ~antllnl H.lda Rana tntf'm MIl"

1MIII roul,. frolll V.ncoa""r. ! (rl.r:ht) ,.u IIm1l.r:lIt In JU!N'r fl'tllllSOlDe of lJle beu U&tDPlee of U1e Q1I.11 C!larloWl IIlua .

Spring-At Last!

Picture by Renew Staff PbotOlf'lpher.............. -- ----. ......... eI ~ ere- Paiate W ~ _ ~ 1M.

--.I S ...... -71' of ~ tIoia -- - • ~ ..... tr .. -.. • _ ~ c_ tiuto. NllCe tile ........... - - """. Md. (.... Ieft.) .

Pointe Track Star Sets to Washington have been made by Mrs.j Dauchtera OfNew' C!.o-.te 1'_..1 " __ I- James}. Comella. regent of the cbapter, I Am" R I ti"

~ UHIUUr ~ and Mrs. Myers L. Booth. chairman of encan evo u OnFor Quarter-Mile Race the good citizenship pilgrimage com-

mittee.Ray " ..e....er. agile little 'Grosse

Pointe hiali seuior' wbo- baS won var.' U" "of Mi_L:-sity letters in three major sports despit~ j mveruty ~anhis small slatare, engineered a masterfull PIIlDS Adult Educationupset last Saturday evenilllJ when he Meeting This Monthset a new quarter-mile record of :542sCCOIIcls at the altlllw lli.chipa indoortrack champioabip held ia Yost fieldhouse, -Au :Arlior ..

Mrs. Charles Hofton Metcalf, ,tate Ipresident of Michigan Daughters ofFounders and Patriots of Am~rica, is

Ibeing accompanied to the general court,of the national lociety •• o\pril 9-iO, in

Ithe Hotel \Vashington. Washinston;D.C., by Mrs. Clarence J. Chandler,national chaplain; Mrs. Henry Bourn~

Thirty speakers. including author JO)" honorary natioul president; andCarl Sandburg and Karl Detzer, roving Mrs. Albert L. Hart, all of Detroit.editor of the "Reader's Digest," will

Wca~. the calx one of Grosse addre55 the ninth annual Adult Edaea_Pointe's etcht eatrys who placed. lion Institution meeting at the Univer.SlIIUbecl. the previous meet record of sity of Michigan, April 28 to May 2.:54.4 SCCOIlds which was chalked up scv_ "'h' " d b h Uen! yeats. a&o. The meet, higblight of . • .e I?stltute 's .spon sore . y t" n-the Winter's iJldoor prep seaaon, ;t- ~r~l.ty s s~tenF~lodn S~rYlcef \~~d th;traet:cd triKkster fr '35' r th tat'. IC Ipn tate e eratlon 0 • oman ~top hip hooJs s om 0 e s e s IClubs. "Uncoln and the Present Crisis,"

sc: • wiU be the subject of Sandburg's talk.The .ot!ler \ocaI boys who ran in the whik Detzer will speak on "i"ree Ptess

~ Wi- did Rot qlllllify f«)aD' Free Speadl."... ~~ ........ : c:a..rs.,~ aad Pr f J I.. Da' f h U' ..RaJp.b Sa.'fOI')' ia tile hicU ai.d low ? De YlS, 0 • t e ~IYer~tyh l _ t~..t .. ,........n~.. ! .t..... .. I English it~rtmoen!J 1\'111 :"C\":e';;' five.._ , "' \...-.uul' .lU tae ou..yaro/ '. . ...dash; Bob Bnrcan and Dick Robbins in books III the. literature ser~es. Newthe half-mile grind; ~nd Bob Mesm~r E~gland, IndIan Sum mer ,by VanaDd Richard Piper in the mile race. '~yck .Brooks; john Buchan s "The

_______. \ oy?ge' by Charles Morgan; "Forup " Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hem.

OIDtee and Pointers" ingway; and "Oliver Wiswell" by Ken-nf"'th Rl)b~!"t5.

1M Go-. r.... II~ aMBike Shop. 14ZJ Lakepointe avenueIlear Mack. is now featuring a large

!lock of gOOClllsed bicycles, completely The )'oung people of St. Mattin'srebuilt and repainted. A complete 'e- parish are p I ann i n g a post. Lentenlection of new bicycles arc also avail. dance for Friday, April 18, and haveable at reasonable prices. taken o\'er the ballroom of the Knights

Arthur C. Verbrugghe, proprietor )f of Columbus clubhoase (formerly Am.the shop. is now offering a lawnmo",,~r I ity Temple) at Parkview and Amityo~e~halll~~g ~nd sh~n~ng se"'ice. By avenue., Detroit, for that evening. Pat VOCA.TIONS DISCUSSEDd.l':hng :Sl. 0;,57, qUick pick-up and de "Miss America" Donnelly will be thelivery sen;ce can be obtained. Have I featured artist with Bill Bennett's oro' Seven speeches advising eleventh aadyon~ la~cr O'r~rhauled no..... and chestra. TiCkets may be obtained from twelfth grade students of tbe Gi'osseaVOId the annual Spnng rush. Miss josephlDe DE Ponio. 513 Emer- Pointe high school on future vocations

son avenue (Yu. 5717). Detroit. were given lut Tucsda)' morning.p ....... Be-tp SteM, SIn e-.yilk near 'Varren a\'Cllue, calls attell-tion this ~ek to the fact tbat the Zootos System of Pel'lllaneDI \\;a\.;1I&' is theoriginal "machineJessh method of hairwavillB and has IIOthing in commonwith "heatless" systems.

In other words, says Yiss Pickering,while the Zotos pe~manent is "ma-chinele"." it is not "heatless." MissPickering's many years of exxperien('ein demonstration ....ork qualify her '"an expert on PffT1!aaent waviag, andmany satisfied CU510mers are a testi-monial to her skill as a permanent wave Iartist in the Zotos "machinelcss"method.

R-..I C...... a--.. Jf7Z7 IC....chnal al'tnUe at Ashland, Dct",it, arenow featuring at reasonablc raIC$. :I

special indi,-idual Celane!; cu~taincleaning 'Or'icc a; done by a speciallytrained operator. Lace curtains arcalso di~tincti,e1)' laundered by skil1fuiRussell workers_ Just dial LE. 82i5 forrapid pick-up and dehery ser ..ice.

GrONe Pointe GirlLeaves Today for OARNational Convention

ters of the stile soddy. An extra day'.session ""ill include an intere,tina pro-gram in celebrating tll,: 50th anni\'u..ary of tile llational soc:iet)'.

A chanuing girl of 21. whose vo.icehas been heard by millions of radio list-eners in the role of aurse for the fam-ous dramatization. presented i'}' RedCr"ss dril"ts will be the feminine .tarof the play "Run Pedliler Run". "'hich.. ill be seen here by .n ..udience 01children on Saturday, April 12. Theperformance, sponsored by Parent Tea.cher A"ocialion will be gi,'en at Piercelunior High Sclao<.>l.

"Ram Peddler Run" PlayAt Pierce Junior HighStars 21-Year-Old Girl

IDefer School StudenbPlan. Big Flower Sale

RECULA.Jt IlEETINGThe Amadeus Circle, Daughters of

Isabella. "''ill hold their regular monthlybusine5s meeting on Monday, April I",at the Gabriel Richard Hall, 9375 Amityavenue, Detroit.

High School Add.SIM"i.h CluaeaTo Curric:ulum

"A wm forA Gem"





The Beat In


Lv,.. reuil stores arc noc the0Di)' ODeS ... ho CaG we dramaxic"~cop.pin&" ... iudo ... displa,..I.iPlIq _y be wed witD equal"eaivCll_ by the small _ip.borilood -..ch.rar. Our l.iptin&Scat' ",ill be ,lad 10 shcnv yOl&It..... thi. 1'O"I ...rfuJ ..,Uinlt toolC'atI bel P YOUR sror... Call 11ft,.Dettore Edisoo olIice.


United StatesDaughtera of 1812

'!'he Michigan Society of lhe Cnited.!Itates Daughter, of 181.1 elected thefollo,,'inll' officer. at the 4Znd $latecouncil held recently in Grand Rapidsat the Pantlind hotel.

Mr:;. Curti. 1". Wolford. of GrandRapid.;. presidelll; Mr •. Chester F. M il-ler, of Saginaw. vicr.pre,ident; Mrs.Georce W_ !oloran, of Marshall, chap.lain; Mrs. Sidney C. Proberl. of De.trait. r<:cO<"dingsecrel..,.y; U n. Care~'S. \Velslt. of Grand IUpids, corre.pond.ing M'cretary; ~rs. Ed'A'ard B. !,Iack,treasurer; ),frs. Gordon W. King.bur)',of Detroit, reg;.lrar: !If r,. Albert E.Stewart, of Delroit, hi,tori,,,, ..nd Mi ••Lou E. !l:icker,oll, of Alma, Rag cus.todian.

l-bna K.rol's (the .l1-year-old .tar)Mrs. L1o~'d Ve\\ ill SmIth, of Gros,e IuI .. nifold radio assignments have in • .,.

Pain.te Park. ,,'as elected honorary state c1uded also the famous screams heard ..presidetn for hfe. over "The March of Time" at practic. .1: :>.

.\ ltUc of"icers club of tbe Sational ally every dramatization of a catastro-Socic:t)., t'nited S16tes ViUgllters uf pbe ever d?ae ~ the progr~~. from. a1812. in the Michigan state society was tenement fIre Mth an East Sld~ familyorganized at a luacheon in the Pantlind trapped, to an earthquake With tbeon Moaday, Yarch 31. The following crashing down over a ltouIe!told otofricers were elected for this group: ,Balkan pca5ants.

Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Smith, president; I .The piq~nt dark eyed kading ladyYr.. George \V. Morall. ,'ice-president; Iot the )unlOr Progr.ams PIa):ers hasYrs. Marvin L. Hoagland. recording i taken .all these roles ID her s.trlde. HCi'secretary; Mrs. Ed".ard ). Sa,'age. cor./ versallie tale~! aad the amazmg recordresj)oodillg secretary; Mrs. Chester F. of her profes"onal ~ateer OD the stageMiDer. treasurer. The three directors I stand oat sharply ID contrast. to thenamed are Mesdames Henry B. )Oy,/ appearanc~ she makes. of ~de.ey':.dWalter Farrant and Lynn T. Miller. youlhful pIquancy. Yet. It was lWit thIS

I. 1942, the state societv will hold chil~.like qu:ali~y whie~ ~ed to her u-its council meetings in Detr~it at New_llect~on as prinCIple femlntne actress forbuTy HOUle, which is the headquar. JunIor Programs plays for youQg$t~s.

In all the characters .he portrays tD

Junior Programs pla)'s, she is but amere slip of a girL

The past two we-eks have been filledwith exceptionally busy days for t b e6.'\.1 group at Dder schooL They arein the final steps of an activity they.tarted last 0 c t 0 b e r, the seUing ofb100millB pJa!lts they ban: raiSed frombUlbI.

This q the SCCOIId year the groap bascarried 011 this activity, which bea-from the 4ail'e to be r_reefal ills\lpplyi. 1OIIiC~ of tbeir 0W1I, schoolneeds. Diaac Faulk, oae of tl1f pupils,describes the bcsinDiDg of their VCD-ture as foUowt-:

-Mr. Himmebaau'l M-l's of Defersct-.oo1 have bad a flower sale lor theIutl. two spriap. The _ started ..Sel'tesMloet l8, 1", 'wMu the eIoiWt--- _ft. _ .... lit"; H_. II

• To e ..... - --- ....... for ... ~. _ -ate &iIB for die~..... -. fir.t time. They wa-e cfisC1llsiaa what

A- J F t Itbey wanted 10 do daring tbe ~• • ors er year. The school's conservatory hado,t--. . Jeweler been [eft in ~heir care. !here were onlya few bloomlllB plants In the COIlServa•..I'"~ tory and the large aquarium in the

e.- CM.t.o.... . LE. S37I center of the cOllservatory was empty.I "They wanted to have a large varie-ty of blooming plants and they alsowanted to see the aqllal'ium filled andthe c r a c ked glass fixed. They alsowanted money for other things thegroup was interested in lor their room.They decided the best way to raise thismoney would be to have a flower sale.

CroNe Poillte AppIiancle SeniceW...... Madii .... v... _ CJaa_1...-., Floor LaaP' .1MU.hl Sock.-. F.1'eft W..... R. p • ; r .......s-ricaol

AD W.d, C-r .. laad,. CROSSE POINTE BLVD.

a_I Cnn Pt._ NI.21174

"Time ma)' be ~ell spent ia learningSpanish, because with the increasinglyiriendly relations of :!\orlh Americawith :;Outh America. it is essential tospeak the language to carry on ourbusiness and cultur;;l relationship5 be-tween the t",.o countries," declarcs MissLouisc Karpinski, language inst~uctor,who will teach the Spanish classes, tobe organized next Fall at Grosse Paintehigh schooL

Both the adult evenilig classes nowbdng taught b)' Mrs. Carlos Fosalliand the high school classes ...ill makean important contribUlion to the goodncil':hhor policy, Mi,s Karpin,ki h~.1i("\ r".

\Ii" }.;arrin'ki jurther .dde<l, "It i~the c~,ic,t oj the languages to learn."lthou~h 110 language tna)' be termed('a~.r to learn."

Spani'h is u.'ed in .'\meric .. perhaps,nMe than it i, generall). rcaliled. InIhe Sonth" (':0.:. poilrti('ll1arl)" C.illiiornj~an(1 ~("w ~{('xieo. it i~a1mo~l _ unl\cr.'oft! 1nnK1Jl."'. M rl11y ..on~.t; ,fire "'U"~ in

a_. NI ... n. 3&Z4 l.E.o" I4t. :-I'"n,,',. 'Inel fM ,hi, rea-on al'o. it i~CAI Alt_ Rd. tlOlN K~I ':llnC-:lllJ< 10 "no;". ,omethinl/ of the

G. MADER i I"n<:,,"~r, \I,,, "",pin-,,; I'o;nleri out.! Luc,lIc B;"ne-. Gro,,'c P,>;n:c hi"hI:ot!\ "'l'Hkil~' h .. \<," ~lr(",(dy enrolled ,,('"h~'.l Hnl(lr ..no r1Olu,&fhltr ("Ii ~fr .1"01CaOSSE POINTE CABINET SHOP I 'I .. .

j"r ~ IH' n("" (Pllr ...c ;.jnrl it I... a(hi .....hT~ I _,fr" . ~'thn 'R nArnro;,. ("It i~4 l'nl\("f:-T'Y j"~tio,u of 6........... it-re ...... {.'f -.iudrllh, 1'1((':'1':llt 'o'lli1 ilnmr r<"\'m I pIAl ('. c,~\.f')t ./ro .....r POlnl" .• ;t~ (h('l~. I

Ie "'-"'-A ..y .t,... or I"'t"'ioII :(,1.1 ~'('r .... -It lI!lq" 10 h,.n(' ~iIOllnl ..h Pllt I rn irom ..T9! ~o1rH'ii<i ...t('/i. ;ill Ih!" r!"rl"nt

R_"Ii" ...R_iri" ...... R.'.i.h~ un' i,,,r nn, h11", -.-h(dulr. -r"ool of- ,l.'c conireencc 0: 11Ic D.\ 1\ 'fl I'ort--------------- Ih iAI" hcil(,\( 'I rnfon ~~ ~h~ ~tU(" Pdlirrim irom M1C1_

1lIe It......... -.,. •.t..t;.... :-I,,,"i-., I ",ii hc olicred ..nk ,n lroc i~."to .1I(nrithe (Onllllenla! Conll:rr,.,..... ee-ri"" doe .. tin T...... hip 1 ,11, f"II"" (d I" II in Ihe 'c(nnd .'C. in \\',-l,inI/IOT1. O. C.., e.-.. PDi_. mc-lcr Tilr j"IJ()\,inF:" )Clll, III anri 1\' :"hr ,,'ill le.n today. (Tlll,r'day,

",II "1,,, hc offrrrd. "reil 10.\ fM thc c.rit.!. wherc Pil-l "r, l~k("" A:hPllf h'"I) > !"'lr.;, to h:Hr a ~rlm ... from .all ot 1hr ~latt' ... '9.111 h(".iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; I'~i:" " ij~rn,;;:. rr..tfl1nsz .. nd 'l)r>l.rnt: ;:;ll("~i" (It 111(' n2hn'1'I.-.1 ....,OO(1rty ('If .he-

CROSSE POINTE 1"""';001<:.' ,,' 11" ",i'IC.,.' -:.oIc, "'" i'\R d":inll: ,h~ o,'nHI1I".n ILIVE POt ....LTRY MARKET i ""'1',,,.,, J ',.-dl, _ rlco'"m ", (",,<f ( ",/rl1 ''',

Strict'" F,... .. E.... I -.---------- i<"l'rr ..rn: thr {,rn ,.. J'tlln!r i11~jl "I :'no',"-"-:- !"~ ••-:! ~!:.:.- 'V_"... Tho.. l':..ftc..- P"'i ....... ..w.-_;'iII.-..I ,Jt ,I, ... ~1':>1,. , .....r\i,. ,,,...,,, :' ..." .",.1,

LE. ., lst11 E.h*..... ..~ ......1.11.,n.• ......t.n ;" C...... " •. (,,~.c?1 '~.:.l-: 1 i.,n,., , ;. "I, .. ,,',Poia .. aM Gratiot T......... the v.H' .. "rr"oaemcnt, le'r hc. tlJI' I

- ;..:

Page 7: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · • I n.o.a,. ",..... New .... 11 ~ AI Ie-. ..GNMe Poiate ... Gntiot Taw th W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I By

P.~ 5eYn


NL .n.


See o. .,. "',y......_'ioll _

Me Coplin, MU' .w._

For Hair Cab


CLEANED... III I • , ......~ =....•............. 1_'-: ~Le. 8275

Of due ....... IUM - e- or.[)yra'. Barber Shop

17S11 Mack at Ne«


V.,n,1!tFin. 1r:SHIRTS ;;Ie


15 Lk Sge


Mack at McKinley RoadStanley Weaver, Prop. Nl. lt13

The Sunday scAooI will __ m-ten to eleven o'clock. All mt«eAialcsouvenir will be lPYeli each ~ pr_eat ill Saliday Kloool .. Euter s-a,-.

On Good Friday, April 11. a senieeappropriate to Ihe day wiD be hekl lit1 :15 p.m. The' service ,"n end b,- 2:J11o'clock, giving pe<ople a half how toreturn to their place of bl1lmess beforethe expiration of the threc-1leIlIr cIoII-.ing periOO,

The observance of Easter s-d&y wi.llbegin with a Sunrise sef'9'ia: to be Wdat sUr.o'clock in the ~ Aaothet'.scmee will take place' at tlte -.Jlime, 11 :IS a.m. Ia tt.e -b- at:nice, tilesenDcm will be cWiYered:. \7 Allredl(cye)', while Ibe putor will be .. thepulpit in the later ....me.

Grade A EggsDeIk:icMta BlTITER (12 .... )CEDAR FARMS

£. J. HOELZER., p...... "- Dehu7172M MACK AT 51'. CLAIR

... _ UM .....


SIli~ l'l'. .c...ifDrqia • ~.,. .... ..:~.~ - ' .... .:ir&:

~ ~. '~_"',;~'i..z~ ~;'f..:f~ ~~~~!~\;';-~~~~.Yi~~~;"

~I.""T_Durias the ... Spriakand Summer da"s. not~hits the spot like a lr~ eMcold heet:. Keql your r ..irigeralor weD ~

P~ DeIiYet7 F_

•• I I

ISilt .... lit w~r

Buried Cib' to Give Up New Treasures

.ow-, Ku

Sprint. eomin, MlV to the pic. Inal Mound, hi. point ot ground Ihaft been cliscovered. Whr.e ..turesque ltat.~c~ hills, has Iii' command in, the expanse l1f the work prl)rresse~, th ...usaDds of 'lili-nailed the renewal of work at Kin, Mississippi an':! Ohio rivers. Here, tors annually pass throu«h the .iteMounds. Wieklltl'~, Ky., where more than a year ago. was fO'.md to view these remaihs of a 10it ciY.archeo.loli8t& ~cJ:;.; ;:r:::n: t!:e r::. the remains'of • single "individuaL ilization-their burial 10mb! undi ..mains ~ an ancieat buried cit, ex. evidently a man of hi,cb rank in the turbed t~. centuries. the~ d_n-peet 1!lJ,l ,.ear 10 meal1h the great- ancIent city. It Is the hope that the lnV, ~el%' unplem4!lllJl. thel%' tNa ..~ ~~ of tr'el-" ,.et fOUDd at newly located ana may contain hiI: ures. l.ewel5 and o~meatl. ~thia sJte, the metri>poJ1& of an 1m. complete personal and family trea.. ~ white. ashe!! of 1heU' ceremomalIma,wn aDd. toq~tte ~~. Ex. ores, buried with him ill was the Jlres-Whlch SCJ.eI1e:e hal, dileoY ..lIenmental. ~ lI«OrdiIIf to ...._.., and preserved. It JI atilnate4 tIlet.Col. FaJn White ~ .tate arc:he. cwtom III .....t c1vlhu.tioIl al witb complete el<cavatlon wiD take _olo~ wl:lo with 'bIii .wfte, Blanc:h~ the pharaohs 01. EaYPt. other II) to 20 years after wIIidl iI;Busey Kine, ~olo,lst (inset) is Work of I!l<cavatinc 1he buried wU1 be housed under perm_till chat'le of the work, has diac10led cIty was .l.arted nine years alO. .tlme buJldina:1 to preserve ita reo-a !aree mysteriOUl uea at the SiII- Since theD, almOlt 200.000 artlfact5 IorIS tor education,and posterit7.



Y......... 0-.1 t. o..IIrIIU1' NOW' Prieee AN ....


New Oil Permanenb $3.50 UpStyled for New Spring Hats

SpecW Att_tioq Gn<_ Gray or [)Yeti Hair, W......,. Special-M....da,.. T..... , A: w...... ,

.~ ~~ :~::..;~.=.~.:.~.~Ar:h• ,'; Het Oil T ... _t. su....- ...I F"_ w._'l» REGULAR $US _ $1..

~-~ Ola Beauty Shop~ ~~ 14*~ e-. MaDiatique. Zad Floc..- _'



W. WMIu .... Tn. AI B.....Dep. AI ........ a-.w ~ ~ • M_ ..


--Grosse Pointe ReviewLinera Get: Results.

-_I~i!!li!~1Jl!!li~IiBi!IIi!!li!!liililli!ii!!llll!ll!!~85!f6!li!!l@j2l5!lilli!~!fW1~l!Yii!IililliilJel.~.;~~~~ .


~EASY-MAYTAG~: We=~~:e=...;) ~ ..... t P;cIr.Up .-.1 ~ nt8

NI.6872 ,.~

• sriffiRRen@iji\1~~' ••••••••••••••




Match Mates in American Gloves

CROSSWALK LANES cannot, of coune, be raised to side-walk level The abaft picture is designed, however. toiIIIpreu both motorists and pedeatriam with the fact thatpe{so~s afoot ha..~ right-of.way when crosaing on propersignal. or, at unsignalized intenections, when they are on thedriver's half of roadway or 10 dose thereto to be in danger.

-AAA SCeq ,.,.,.

Pedestrian Protection _ RedUtinl' Conflicts. at CE'O!IlJWalka

"GUESS wllo . , . , . ," has copied Mr. Ammca'i Fall II:Io..es' M,..,• and Mi.. Amer;c •. of cour".' No! tontent ....ith. talrinll: It .. hat. and

jatkeu and !"!'Coats. th.y've now appropr,ated h .. leather Rloves PI welland a" ,",,",np; that Amcncan ")0'" makers It'ive them cuetl, lhe de."Rns they ore offcr,n" th. men. Throe ""rt,cular match,mate. h... e'k ..rn~ wnJp,u, ...iH:ti In (.onul$UI\& titI:Ma ....., UIc, brec..D. aDd .... .-~~tb+(Mt'?!'!'~N~~ .




FISHER. ROAD-Groue Pointe, e.iahtr06lft brick vcneer9 10t 10---,17.1feet.

Sinai heat, lile bath. Shown by ••peinlmenl. TV. 2.?1C'I}.

DELlCAT&,:SEN' .. " ...... ". .. JEFfERSON AVENUEKOSHER Corn beei. Kosher rye and METhODIST_CHURCH

SPIN. DRY _ "' •• ~. - ....I.n... _ I.•e. . Pumpe~njck~1 b~e~d, Kosher dill E,a,ter sen'ices al the leffer.on A\fe-""', ~ •• n a n pIckles. "'ull hne 01 Imported and do. . '..

.. hlte ell.AlIlel, Iwo yean old, in Per. mutic lable deJicac~'. Warsaw Baktr':.IIl .., ~1tthod .. t chur~h stilrt "lth il Suo.ieel conditi6n, $15. 2116 etoverly Road. 1lZZ4 Mack Avenue. . rise .enice at 6 o'clock with HaroldTt:, 2.0754. . I ~lcKinllon a. the speaker.PACKARD 1936 _ Converlible' sedan. I WALL AND RUG CLEANING ....t i a.m. Breakfast.

Radio. heater, beautiiulIy upholstered.,.\ BRA~D XE\\' _ :'Iaclline met bod (h.urch ,choul at.9 a.m. ior, Beginner.'Reasonably priced for quick cash ,;ak.: ior wa,hing lull.. <tore (rants, etc. PrtI<lary and JunIor departm,-nt,.534 C\dieux road. City o/<;ro50e Pointe. : Rug •• ud ..arpets nIl your floor. King, .\t 9 alld II o'clock du~li.te .en'icesL~RGE-Beauti{ul dining room suite, Il'!\' 2-741kl. of di,'ine worship. Sermon "J<eligion

walnut and marule, tight chairs, Ori. ----------.I.nd Your Tomorrow." 1-:'1.'ler music byental rug, ps range, living rOOlll loIiece>, DELICATESSEN th. "hoir<,tw-o bedr_ suites. 1z..?7 Whillier, D-R-E-S-'~-..-~[-.\-K-.I-~(;_ flullo-n-c-o-v-e-ri-n-f{, :\ur~er)' at 9 and II a, m,Grout Pointe Park TL', 2-o9ll2. bUltonholes marie. u'ed machine., At 7 o'clock in the .,'cning an u,!.

$5,95 "P. Sen'ice all ,.1ak,s machine' ter drama directed by Robtrt Camp~1and vacuum rleaner<. ~inll'er Se"inll' entitled "From Darkness to 0'1""" willYacnine 0>., 1541 I :'lack. Te. 2.l555. be l're,ented, ~{usic by th. orche'lra

under th. direction of Roy l.anyon.

OLD CLOTHI~G - Wanted. Hi.Q:he-;-t'CROSSE POINTE LUTHERANprices paid lor mcn's suils and shoes. _

Tele.phone call will bring us.t0 you illl' Special Easter strvices in the Sun.LAKE HURON - Frontage, 250 feet. I ~dlatell'. Tel. TYler 4.362.,. d h I 9 4' . h' 11 II"

Deligntful vicw. excellent sand}' -------------_ ay se 00 at :" a.Ill" III w IC a ..c.beach, secluded. high. Xorth 01 Port WA!!1'ED-ROOM OR APT. parlments and 'all clas,es in the schoolHuron. Very reasonable. :!\l. ~. \\~II take part. This sen ice will consist

BY ~[AY FJ~ST-()r Fiileenth. In 01 the 'inging of Easter hymns, readingC01TAGE FOR SALE Park, .outh .,.1 \ .rnor. B,.stead,' reo I I I'" f'" ll'bl to.

liaiJ!e family 01 three, 'niree or. ;'our It 'e ..• ",'Ier SlOry r..m t,," l c. '-'AsterMODERN' COTT ....GE - Van Ettan I semi.furni,hed room' or apartment'ior recltallons by the .everal grades ~"

lake, Oscoda. Furnished. Gara,re, I housekeeping. :\ot over $40. "'-rite Box dpeartments' and the distributioe of$1,600 down. VErmont 5,84~. X, coo Grosse Pointe Re\';e\\" 15121 Easter eggs to the various classes ..WILL SACRIFICE-Modern lake cot- K~rche,'al -'he., Gro>sc Pointe Park, The chancel .in be appropriately

lage near Detroit For $2.000, Call ~1. MIch. decorated with palms and Easter Bow.«64, THREE l:~Ft:R:\ISH ED-Rooms for lets.

widolil'. Pri\'llte Ja"atory, In "rivate "Who Win Roll Away the Stone?"FOR R.EHT-ROONS .home,.for light housekecping. \'idnity \VII! be Ihe subject e>f the sermon at the

CLOVERLY ROAD. 41i - GrOlJelO' ]effeI;SOQ and Kercheval. ),il:. 5759, 11 o'clock service:, preached by the pas.Pointe Farms. :N'ice:.lyfllJ'nilhed fronl REPAIR WORK . tor, M. Lutber Canup, after which ti;J$.

room. ODe or lw61<!1It1eme:n preferred.' Lord's Supper ,"11 be given. Mrs. Ade--NI. OSJJ.' FIRST CLASS REPAIRING . line Doepping wi'11act'as soloist.FURNISHED-Room for reat. Private BJCYCl..ES .MOTORCYCLES

Ne. Bieyd"a at Low Price. ------ .family, Dose to Jefferson. Gar .. e if U.. RMilt B..,.cleo Paiatecl lib _ .ST. JAMES LUTHERAN

duired. IOS3 Wayburn. La S~ J L h . I '-_,-'HELP W AHTED-F!!MALE c......e "oiate Mot .... a. Bike Sill I St. ~mes utheran e urch, wll ~

A. C. Ve~ 1423 Lakepo!te . a spec,al noonday communlt)' GoodCall For NI. 1$S7 Dell_r Frida)' ,erviee ill the Pun"h and Judy------:-~-----~--- theatre, beginning ,,~th a solemn music

GROSSE POINTE meditation at U:.30 p.m.CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH The order of service: will start at 1

• . I pm. People of the communit'\' are in-_~t Ihe Easter se;vlce of the Grosse ,'ited to attend. The Rev, George E..

POIllte CongregatlOllal church, the IKurz, pastor of the congregalion ...~nYOUng ladles' cho~us under Ihe dir~ction Ideli-'er the meS5age on the subjcc;: ~Itof Mrs. Roy FUller, of the musIC de. Is Finished!'"~rtment at Southeastern high school, There will also be a sen'ice EaSlerWill sing "All in the April Evening" !ly Imorning in the Punch and Judv theatreRobMton, "Spri~ BlIrsts Today" by beginnin~ at 11 a.m. Ladies of the Luth.Thompson, and 'Lord Bless Thee and Ieran \Vemen's Guild are planning beaa.KetP Thee" by L~tkin ..The pastOl', Rev. tiful floral decorations. The Set"lllOn

Ch~les W. ~cheld, will ~reach Oft the sUbje~t: ''The Re;arrection _ What Itsubject, ""', hat. the Bible Teaches IMeans to Us!"About Immortality." _

> At the ~sler .scrvice, the right hand CRACE EVANGELICAL ANDof fell.owslll!, mil be extended to the REFORMED CHURCHioUolll'1ng new members: Mr, and Yrs'luWTence \\'esterdale; :Mr. and ),Irs'l At Grace E,'ang~lical and ReformedThedor Ziesmer: Mr. and Mrs. Theo. chllrch. Kercheval avenue at Lake.do« de 'Volt!'; Mr. and Mrs. HarOld! poinlc, there ",~Il be charch service atBeattie'; Dr. Theodore Hunt.' :Mrs.. 8:00 p.m, on Good Friday enninll. con-,Charles Lonlf; :'lr, and Mrs. john W, ~dueted by Re,'. Warner H. Siebeit.Smith;. ,Fan~Y .. Elizabe~h de. ~otlf:j On EuterSlUl4aY~,~wi1I

. Da-ri4 de \\ 01«; Wm.1cm- be two complete S«'TVIee~, _ ... 9:JDHunt; Kathleen Kalbtl~i5ch; W. Bede I' a,m. and thc other al 11:00 a,1lI. Com.MitcheU; and William liitc:heIL munion wi! be ~et\'ed at both >en.ices.

FOR- ....bout four hour, Sunday, 2 to6 p.m., 10 a~sist with dinner. Call TL'.

2.7705.EXPERIENCED - GUI for Iteneral

hOUlCWOI'k.Three adults. Six rooms,Home Diabu. C\U TU. Z,290i.

llAID - FOe' general m.usework, eotO\'tr 35. Sta)' nights, References re-

/lair. llust liIce children. Gt'onePeinte FU1III. Call TU. 2.96'S.

ASSISTANT-Dishwasher to work fewboarI enn.,

ALSO WAITRESS'!be Ha....hone House, Punch and~~'-- -_.WORItW~E

MINK-Scarf. lbrch 29th, vidnitv ofeast side. Relliard. Telephone TU.

Z-'l2l4. .'.,

BUCK-)lODgrd, answers to 'Nippy',Hit b\" car at Beaconsfield and SI.

Panl. DesiriB&' infOnlJation whetherdead or alive. Child's pet. }4 t:rra)' ian,

V."'N' OVER 4G-Packing and Ihippi"ll'_k. Gt'osse Pointe firm. Pecier

Grosse: Pointe' resident. Give experit'nt"t'..-\ddrcs. BOOtC. c-o The Gr0A5C PointeRe.,;t1\., 15121 Kercbeval An., GrossePointe Park., Yich.

RADIO SERVICE~O CH ....RGE-For in.pectlnlOt raliios'

in )"OU't home. C. S. Brooks RadioS«rvice and Eq-gipment. J45 Fisher op.posite Gl'osse Pointe high school. NI.6110,

ELECTRICAL'JRO\r,,-X ELE('TRIC--M"lCr ~1~ttri.• C1ln. lill:hl1nR and ~'fr ",,,nil'.~ aintenanre an,d rifl'n:l1lir~,T ....('ntv \'(,r\r~

Mack at ~!cdellan. Xe ... phon(' ad.dre~, Tl'. Z.7550.ELEcrRICIAN-Licen~ed. \';"rk my.

sc:lf, Wirine and repairs, ian" Roorlamps, motcors. switches. ,tep's.a\'Cr hotwater ('nntr"I" wall I'lull'<. \'aCtlumd~ant'r <('r, ie.. , I'r, ,mpi .nr! r('li.hle.C.II an,. tim('. 1.1"_ 1.;:;2.


SiI'" O"eaHOr"upetlon.1 dl~aH" nl tM "Illn

eeIl'I\~ '" • 10 per ~n! of IdJ,.i..,.....--.

--------_.- ._--

PHOXOGR." PH - Get an automaticphonograpl, iO<"your nut h0U<~ "ar.

t". Be<l orche<lra, t>ll the late,t rec.ord, ..... I~ \l,eri !'lin hall macnine<. $5and up. and harp;ain' on u,e<l rt'c""d,.Roberts' Mu,;('. :-;1. ~8M.



I. y•• , sf.,.?

J'arsdaY, ~prft m, !'!lIft' 'I' H E G R.O ~ C; F. P () r S T E R F. V I E W-- -------------------,;-.------_.POR SALE

IDftDtory ClearuaceSale!


ERATORS REDUCED.oYer 5 ctI. ft .• no,,'. . $129.50OYer 6 ea, ft" now . . $129.50Over tj ea, fl., now ",. . $109.9:PORCELAIN Exlerior and many

other futures, carries XDr1/:ewarranty.

RADIOSPORTABLE type, cOlUOlel, n~.

dio-pboaogn.phs i. leadinemakes, all at substantial sav.We•. Also used table radios andc:oasole radios as low as $1.50each.


bers. J5c to $1.50 value, S f..$1.00 and 3 for $1.00.

SHEET llVSIC-Sligbtly aoiIe4- 20 per cent off.


A LARGE .tock of A-J eondiboademonstrator instruments pric.l;d for Quick sale. Ineluck5 cor.1Ieb. trumpets. guitars, e1ari.~, trombones, 48 attd J3ltbUs~

RANGES A. WASHERSSPECIAL 36 inch new gaS ran,e.

Insulated own, all. porcelain,Priced at ... '.. . . $0') 95

SPECIAL J6 inch new electricran..,. h16ulated ovell, all por.Clla.isl. Priced a!.. $79.50

HEW NORGE Washers. 13 t626 p1Joa ~it)'. Pr~e4 frDlll•. 95ud U1>.



Inventory ClearanceSale!

PIANOSSlol.o\LL Spinet piano. practically

new, full 6cale. :!\alionallyImowa, In A.I COIlditiOll .• 001sonew colUoie piano, loor demoODstralor at substantial sa\fine ••

UBERAl. ALLOW AXCE for)'OUr old piano. EaSY Tenas.

BIiROLL NOW AT GRINNELL'SMUSIC STUDIO FOR BANDINSTRUMENTOR ACCORDION' CALL ELLA WHITE-For experienc-l.ESSONS - INCLUDES BAND ed colort(i WOC'kers. Week'. work.TR.IJ.N'I:!\G. days, part.tn..e help flimished. Ri,'ard

TERMS.AS LOW AS $1.00 A 'WEEK Employmenl. J692 Rinrd. TE. 2.9163.LESSONS Included wilh pur- EXPERIE. ...CED - LaaJIciresl want.

clIue of your favorite ilUtnt- Iauac!ry to do in 0_ home. Best ref.1IWlt. eHftc:t5. Win pick lII' alld dtliTer. LE.GRINN t~LLBROS. 2247.,u. ~VAL~VDroE LAlmSCAPE WdtDENING .

,.' ... - 01C:40'E'I & 40iS ~ '., ..... rt--~~S;!tc;tifi;any .PtaUded

VICI'OR.-Victnila baDd wiadiIIc ma- 10 insare a weD balanced and cOlorlul'bopny cabinet, oi1 paiatic. car heat. ptd~ far IeUOIL FlIll liDe of "P~di.

11". short wave radio, Kent's HauuaJI JJTeed __ aery stock and perennials.Moes, i% B. Other iteau. MU. 5759. 1110 per cen!, r,eplaceme~t guaran~ee.

, Rolling, fertllizillll', seedln.... ptulllng,GI!! REFRIGERATOR-i CtI. ft. bct!. cleaning, etc. TU. 2-5698 and lll"rra)'

lenl condition. Too small for present 1754. Pointe- Landsc:.ape Co. 1329 Bea.family. CaIJ TV. Z-6S2J. cons6eld.

COCKER-Spaniel PllOl2ies. Pedicreee, MALE HELP WANTEDreasonable. 1349 Bea..s.9nsfieJd.'

TWO - Refrigerators for sale eheap.BOlh are in excellent condition. Ca11


EASTYAX - 16 rom. projector, $15.Gibson tenor banjo, $9. ~al"s raec:ooa

coat, $48. l5JOO Kercheval

NINE.PIECE-{)ak ;anior dining roomset. Green leather seats. r>OOd caadi.

tioo. NI. 4498.

24 INCH BOY'S-Bicycle. Uke new,also CAbinet radio, chair., eltrpenter

tools and camera tripod. Priced to sell.N!. 3189.

NIXE'I:IECE - Dininll' r~ sUIte., GREEN-.-\nd cream Skippy trlc)'c1e.,EJcctnc range; good c"nd'llon and Chain drin. Seatless. Losl near Cal.

.Iscellaneoas artlcle,. 438 Roland Road, ,'in and Chalfonte. 1'I. 4624, 316 Belan.Grosse Pointe Farms. ' ger.

HOS~ITAL BED - ~k~ _n!"'". three -S-H-.....-E-F-F-E-R---F-ou-n-t-a-in-pe-n-"'-~-th-E-d-n-asectIOn mattreS5, loUIS X\ lth and. Chapotoll engraved IhereOll. Reward.irons. Singer foot pedal sewin",. ma. ML' .332Jdline. folding ben, wicker twin bam'. __ ' __ . _

Tt:.2-0398. !PAINTING .... DECORATINGI'OiGER SOFA-Excellent condition •. 0\.1 I~lERIOR-And aterior deco.

Plum colored ve!\'et lIpholstet) .. Call ratine. Paperhanging a specialty.Phacrec S2ll9. Workmansbip and ma~erial absolutel)'CHP.-:A CABIXET-For sale. English guaranteed. &timates and reasonable

oak, has sman glass ",indo ...s. iust prices. Hawley. NI. 2760.like new. ~ll It:. 2.7588 enning'S, IH!GH G~ADE-Paint;ng ~nd dec?rat.)fARCOXl-R" I 5 ilboat 17 Ing hy lonner employe ot .OltO Ku.hn.

. '. ,lg,"~ S ClOp • a , ..U1 ",'orl.: l1Iaranteed. Ql1Icl.: >rr\lce.Icet,long . .:> It, Yo1de.C. f, Sehlll.arlll:., 'TOOtrn q ipment. Call n:. 2.1782.381 KerCheval. Grossc Prllnte Farms. _, e_u _

Call XI. 3.374. EX PERT P.\I!\'TER-.-\ftd decorator,paper removed. pl~ster repaired. ~tip.

piinp; and lcai,omininj:[. Reierences. E.s.timat~ free, LE. J%~.

Page 8: digitize.gp.lib.mi.usdigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/... · • I n.o.a,. ",..... New .... 11 ~ AI Ie-. ..GNMe Poiate ... Gntiot Taw th W. l.-d, 0tMw F.... I By


:'Groae Pointe


a.- P..... ~ F..IIOJUD HOSIERY

New s...-. s..... New IaMARCHAND'S

DEPARTMENT STOREI.,. ......A.-. .t se.' Clair

SIXTH CHURatOF CHRIST. SCIENTIST,~. An.......,...,. ScI.wiI (P.... '

-,.),,,. An M.-CiIJ... .......5:..... 410•• ___It••• II-W..........,. •••• 1........... a- ....__da~ n.... Ie --s-.Ia,. z:........ Ii ..

EMter Saarise Rn'ice at 6:~ UL~ Bn:akfut .t 'I:.lO A.M.s-day IChool at 9:45 ....At 11:00 .... Easter --we- "The

Hopea 01 tIM: World."Quistiu Eacka_ lP'C*Pt IDeet lit

6:JS~.At '1:30 p.-. TIle Seaior dooir wiU,.esaat a special oonccrt of Easter llnI-

lie.W~1 eYeIliac. 'l:~ ~., 1IIid-

week pra,oer lCI'Tice. The paltOC' wiUspeak OB tile IlUbject: "Tbc Gift of tbeHol,- Spirit."

w eW r---. .-. ~ ... ia .........---.

MU. i705


PEA S" _.. ...lb. IScBIGPIN E A P P L E 5 ....... ........IScGlA}Ij T NAVAL

ORA N G E S __ doz. Z9c

16919 KercJieval Avenue

CLOCK BREAD ':s~=21b,1H/ lOeSODA CRACKERS := 2 'b. bo:a: 15cDOMINO SUGAR..=- 25lb,IMr 1.37MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE lb,25eAVONDALE FLOUR ..... 24112 Ii. tile:SLICED PINEAPPLE '='" ....e-~ 19cSALAD DRESSING c::" fl. 27c:ANGEL FOOD CAKE , .. H. 27cSHORTENIf'~G ~ 3 11;• .: ... 3~PEANUT BUTTER = 2'6.,. 19cSPAGHETTI. ~ 7-0(,"". 5ePANCAKE FLOUR ~ ~,""', 5c:C I GA RETTES PoptJ.r Brtmds, cartOll 1.19


FAHCY QRESSEDT U R K E y...._.._...--~.._.._._~.._.._....lb- Z7cSHOULDER CUT "VEAL ROAST ...._._. __...._...11».21cTENDERAY STANDINGRIB R 0 A S T ._ ib. zteBLACJC. HAWK, THIN SLICED

B A CON, .lb. 35c

... Let Mrs. Donnelly designone to match or set oft' yourSpring outfit. B e c o,m in g,smart, foolish, O!' CllDSen'ati ...e.

AMmON -GardeneIS, Home-OneillLet ... hid 011 )'Gal' Fertilizer ....

Seed Order Tbia Spriq... ..... sJ , :InaIa ., ~ -....;e... FeN A.. I a- .............__ -.. ., (w,T .. .-

-. --a, &.w ""1 .. .,; ----QUALITY F ~ED STORE

...... &PI'"~ TU. z..-ew.~. C;. at, ........... "..

There's SomethingAbout a NEW HAT!

EVa .... LecturerDi'CU .. New Boob

STUDENTS TEACH CHILDREN),Liu Rita Camphell. daughteT of Mr .

aDd . Mrs. Cl.arles Campbell. of 1150Bedford road, Gros~ Pointe Park. is

The Latin club ot tM PieTce Jltftior the cha.irman of the newly organizedhigh school celebrated ~Larin Week" St. EJizabeth Orl"han~ gToup of theon TaeS<1a).. April I. by entertaining 1SO MarygroYe College Sodality. Thisparents an<l .,~ts at a tea. group gives cultvnl training to 14 chil-

Mary Jane Kennedy anc:i Peggy Loa IGrell. ranging m ~ tTOm loar to 14Toncray ~ at the tabk decon.ted )'<'an. ~iss Camphell is one of thewith a replica of the flUllOUscoI_m of Istudents who teach art to the children.

Ithe Castor and Pollux tnnplc. IThe stoclcnt teacners meet the chIldren

Th~ hallway was fi1~ with tho: dis-I once a '!I'cek.J>t." tabl~, •.{ t~ students' work., _France' ,Till<on mad<' a Roman lady's ........... City .0-..1dr~,,: RichaTd !'ear made a .IINIII fu-! 'nM! citf at ADlIot\Ja. eonr... It..res. while JOM BartelnMer aIId 8Ctl; ~. sieepletB and _ ~Tft'd

• I town beea~ toadll haft retumed IDan.•oro mati. a lul!" ra""M, . I tM'I't IIond .,. now "layJftC an f!'I'l. I

, Th. R...man h<lu<e "a. cqUlJ>fW'O .,th I corf' ... tHen ~ citl:l~eM thought was I

fllr";'tJrr m.\<l" h~' 'far/farel M......s~. wiped out ,;ever.1 ~ars .CO. S50,000,o\urirry Wilham,. and Joan Carl'on. ... ~nt Oh a drainer project in,""oot.ht'f i('~lt"'j ~ t'r.~" ~:.~ C;I ,"-I,.l;'\ ~"A;- .. dort to keep the toads tJUt, but.mus. Rruc .. Bu~ ma.de a ROftIaII cal- bH.vy rai1w refIDed the pond basil!endar. r:"ch merrobu ol the Lao. eel made It • brftd1nc JUce. Theclas!les contributed to tt.e ~ =-iii-::...-=....~ !It 8Dd ~

............- e-.. ...The PhilipJ)ine 151.Dds ~ di&-' A~!f Mlo'eluf;>e In " m.n'~ POCIr".

I ('o\,rre<t ,n IS21 by the POrt~ ttndl' kl malt .. h,m mo~ C'&1l! ....\J'na, '1/;; lor, ~a~l1.an, In 1542.. MI." H LoUl~ .Coltr,~ll (>f Sr", Yor:

I Sp&nl.•h erplorme t'XpedrbOtl nanwd IJIVVe1'lIty. !OIl)"'. On 'Paydays.~r::~..~_~_~~ .... I ~ ~~~~._ ~no..,..5 •• -, ~L & 6


Pn- wI I."...... _'0... ..a.et......... ILS_'..... tIIia .....

Prh .......w..... _ «* leet...... nssb I ....




17Z33 M.ck-NI. tzZlWE DEUVER

D_ A..._i-. Prop.

15641 MACK- ro. 2-"51N."t t .. c......, Th_l ...

Free Pick-Up end Deliftl'y


~ TWr. W ... o.a,.. .~~ DRESSES __ . $1.00J•• ICERCHEVAL LE. 5MI

Beel. Shoe St~Air S........ AftlIo ~


VIRGINIA SHOES I. CIriWrw.1513Z MACK. ro.2'-

Bel. W•.,.,... .... M~'"

Turner'.Sinclair Super Service

Waahina, LaIwica&.Batten.

ISMI Mack at Backiabam



...... A-. at McKWe,- IW.en.. PoisIte F__

Pra.pt eo.. te D. IWhw7

GEO. S. DEETSFi.h Market.'f' IN SEASON-WE HAVE r:r'

J51Z4MACK.-nJ. z.l75t

Lincoln Highway TireHOME OF '2,45

Lincoln Batteries ~N_II: UaectTwrea E"do.a ..V .. ~ihllr

14m KERCHEVAL _ LE. 1274



REVNAEMCB ,2 L C 5 A R 0E F N -. D, U i




YOU can learn to fly... No. 6, Oft_ ftfIICM Of ...-"

flaST FUGHT- fins...,. !IfIlMnXK '1D'" &.IPrAle ~ _ a...,., ~ S--.

--.otnCf.mcJt a»mrDL.A1U1lOHS __


Pqoe Eight.,


...... ilia' f I

SECOIID PRIZE....... IIw 'en IiI

nmtDPIlIZE....... I fi

RJURTR PRIZE........ + I 5


HAUT CARTWRIGHT. p..... C. W. IIAU.ON, ........n--. for AD Ore- •- IIUI E. W~17751 ILck A-. at Ri-n We Call ... DoeIi.w

NL ... Arrow ..


OVERHAULING "NO JUNK- . ... .." .. , . on;

HI SPEED PRODUCTS - IJISZE Y- - ................ ISZl3 Kerdornd LE. :n12- w. F....... Car HildoF.- "~__.J F.. _.......................ISZII ~ SIt L.II:....... ~ _____MU. --...0.,. .. MIte Premimn Pocahontas W.tapuof Plywood'

.... TIoiooIIi.c ., ea- T10isIIl ., The Best GracIe Tlaat', MiDecI Ba.t LamberBERNDT 'CLASS II: MIRROR Low AaIl.I..s S.... N.. aw-. CITY LUMBER CO.

- 00. - Stove $1.45 - Hat $7.45IIIRROitS RESILVERED ZENI1li COAL II: COKE co.

m L,.cu.. A-. LE. ZI77.., E. ~ L£. ••

........ _. 1 tile ............ , ~ AI,.. ........ ia .. • ., ...-. 7 I .. _.. ' I tile ... ~ ..r.-. ia tile WI..,. ..-. tile ......a ..n, .. to1M"'P ,~ ., TIle e.- P , A...... .. ..,. -17_ -W'e CDft'ect • ....... Be __ .. lip ~ _ ...........•

~ Verbeke'. Poultry I WE .... Phil'. -NL .. ., FOR GUARANTEED RADiOStore Beer ancI W"me Store SERVICE

FRESH ECGS ~ =~8~S • Roberta Radio Shop.......,. DnuecI wwr- Y- At p...... ...... IIlJI E. W.m. ., ".cIw. 2M7I MACIt-Cor,.ANlTA ro z-t5SIISZI5 IIACX .NL ... "

, • Lakewood Hardware Refriir~ator ServiceC. F. KOIIiD.'. Service Compamy ELECTRIC 1Ic:m.. stEPAIR

T_ ......... T...... Seniee ......... ow ~ II..,. • Duncan & McNicol• • , ~R"""'" -',.- SPORTING GOODS 18Z7 a-&e-ar: _ W•.,...e-. - E>oa-t -'- W....... PADn"S MiP... s-Ia,... II:17_ ..... cor, Neff MI... 1,., MACK: TU. WIG ro.2-1151 HcIIioIQa TR. ~

VEROONCKT'SF...... BeIce ......

..... eo-. of F"-.t Q.Iity1'"MACK- roo Z-I7ZZWE DELIVER



18117 MACK-NI. 1171

Reaupre HardwareA. M. GOUIN. Prop.

tt.ntw.re, PUtt. aDd GIua_ Ka che.. 1 NI. 1115

co.- P..... f'.....


ALSO LAUNDRY Puzzle That Pay,11457 Madr; A-.-TU. 2-3121

..'!'be ~: ~~erecl Spriq Band Coacert Trambly School Hotel

animaI8 .. ham, immortal soull By 135 Muaic StudeDb The SA acieDce claM is studying&lid llOI8et,inc all the rl ... of Jua. pl----~ I. .&_.. 23mu beiap, aceorc!iq to lID article ....... I'or -.-u abotIt bUds, their migratioll, aad pco-ill tile American museum', mal. . tectioe. A lIIO'rie entitled "BI,d B-.nd-ziDe, N.tur-.l Histoty. When. hunt- ODe hWldred aDd thirty-lift halld illS," told us the "how," Mwhy," aDder of thla tribe kWed • bear, fOl and orebeatra students will participate "where" of this practice. It illustratedi.DRance. be eatreated the IlIIJma1 ia tbe lirst ,;v"~ w"tru_t coneen, papbicaUy what we have been tryilla'not to be azacry, exp!ain;", that be to be bdd April 2.1, at 8:15 o'doek, .. to viall&lUe from our stady. ODe .tu-bMlIed clothiq to __ aIlIIl fteIIh toeat, SDCI tlaat be (tile warrior) would tbe Grosae Poi.Dte hiP IClaooI u4i. dnt retrie ...ed a bird hand from herIrMIeecl Dot bave beJd 8J7 puI!.p if toriwn. • boctIe DeC"kecl "lICYer-to-be.disltl'rbed"!be tables bad beea tumed aM tbt The seDior biab ord>eotta, tile IeIlior treasure boE II,- DtCaDS oi a pair ofbear bad ItICCeeded iD 1d11Iq AiIr high band, aDd the SrowneU jaiDr bicb tweuen. As a TesUlt of Ioavi .... learned

I ~iaatII::;:;;;:.ad::;:. ;;:;;;;,;;;;;:;;;;:;;::;:;;:;;;;;,;::;:;;:;;;.., Iband 'IriU coetribate to the ~ It the impc)rtuee of reporting to nthori-I: will be tbe lint ~aIIte of tile' ties whell bird bands are fOatl.d, she

WASH 11tEN _ BrowneD jllllior bicll ~. -ok a letter to the UDited States Bio-Amoa .. tlie allftlbcl'. that tAe '0I'dleI- Iococia1 Saney. Washin8tOJl, 0.<:', ~-

SCRUB nlEM I tra will play will be a stn. a.-ber plainiDg tbe delay ill ,ending ill the biTd----~a etltitled "Yarioaettea" ~ :W~ Iaaac. baad fOlmd lltI a wild dack ......... The jllftior bictl bud will playllo La .. Fall, the 3A grade at Trombly... Caa , "SquadTOD ),Larch" D,.. Hellry Dall'is, as seGocM collet'ted b1rvae. aDd caterpillars,

T.. It. 5" w. ~u: well as se .....ral other _ben. PIIt thee .. Ia.mp chimney caees and----- W'Df»OW.1hlAD1l The senior .. : _-" wiII ........_-

...... -. fed theat. They later spun 00<:00l1s OC'~ .. ,.- 11-,.. a.-m.,... a1 nambers iadlldillg a ~ra I)'DI' made cbrysa.Jises. 011 March '0, the 3A- SIo.I.. phoaic arrangement of "Lady ot S9aia" pade were SllJ1lrised to have a visitor, MlU, ""ar

STANDARD WINDOW byTolcbud EnllS and "K!tia'btabridae a b!ac~ s..al~ail butterlly emerged be"di.c~",,=rh:rS~SHADE COMPANY ~rc~::.mtbe "Loadoa Suite" by from Its chry.~s.. W.e '!I'atched 0Ilf'1 Dl .., ... ~ " 1IlalTJ'. acriqe,

newwmu uerclle Its Mags aJld gradu. or maternity. Tbis priviJece. latest..... "'ST .,.~ 1'1.1- Ed " Lei 1.7 Tickets will be 001 sale by all mem~ aI1y become atrong enough to 8y ol maD,. _ b,o Swedlilh _,,::o;~~D::mo~~ J"5 E. W_ TU. ZrUtl Iber$ of the three poopa IIarticipatiq uoa.ad tbe room. We observed bow 11M been guarartn.e<! in 111 .at- ~""'¥ r ..... AllANU> ,.. W. AJ.. a.. s--. . m the eoecm There will be ao reRI'\'- the batterlly used its probocisor Or pused ..... ,__ -.,t........ 1ifIlf ~ 1919-f1.lf- ,""e' 1:..------ -ed seats. SlICkiag I1Ibe. We are soillg to streteh

~':<':~ ~ :':If~ -- ~ On April 18, Dluslc students f~ all tbe sW2Dowtail, then mount it and the ~ Kuw~~=~~,~. ,P'lnJlPlUG andDVt"nlAmm :e;~h~'~~ ~~:~W;lIC::.=chrysalis ill our nature study case. ~ .::::-~ =mre ::.Amlm lNU The Trombly school Junior' Red cenUy, I)e left Paris secretly. ODI,.I INTERIOR - EXTERIOR in East Lansia« to compete ill the all- CrOis is forming a Red Cross .tudent • tew, huodred pel'llOllll in Paris.....- ...-.-1 n.. 0.-.. P..... '" s.. CIIAS. A. 5CHItADER. P-..... cI.-a nual state solo and ellsemble cootest, CClWIcU. Each room i£ cboosing a rep- knew of his visit until after his reo

... - ia tIoe ..... --, .., - - -1-' _.L ...... -...-.. ld ~. sponsored toy :lK Midii~jj $;:boo! .,i':u: ... ;.c .. lw ..ill !live .. report at I turn. At Strasbourg Lebnm. peeked

.......... eI ~ P aM Cntioat I«mm •• .... _L 11_ dIaa II :r- dflM'l' Bud aad Orcbestra A5sociatioa. eacb mcetillg on what bU room ill do- throu.d1 a caIlV .. lICreeft at the Ger.- ~ The stllfieDte fTOlD Gr_ Podtte ;n.. This Easttr 100 Dllt a"o:I ('~,...lv I maD lines aDd was flabberg..tecl to- Review Liaera Get Reaalta - - GLOVU DR. - bish wbo WI'U participate ill the COMpot- - , • read this 8i&n there: "Welcome"

titioa '~.' ]0"- Collins, ..... oboe cape, 100 tray favors, a..ad JOO tra7COT- tbe Preeideut of the 1l'reDch Bepabr-~.- ~ en are bdog Ietrt to Fort Sheridan, ID. ....soloilt, who will play MPastoraI" by _

Bnmo Labate; Virginia Collins, lOA, Crippled 1"I.!ldreD'violinist, wbo will play Kreisler's M1.eI"b- '-'DU ••eafrued"; Charlotte Saikowski, lOA, League Arranges B...violinist, who will playa 5010 arrange. IEuter Benefit Partymeut of' the W'C1I ~ MCzardas" byMcmti; ClaiTe Davenport, 12B, '!I'ho will TL- M' h' • t ._ f Cri led-'-y "Ca • do" b Weissellborn OIl ..., Ie ,gaD ~.... or pp.- pnc y • OIildrea win hold its Easter benefitthe buaooa; Carolyn Innes, 12B. who ...._ D . T • hall, 8731wi! play & flute solo entitled "Offer. party at...., etrOlt amentoire" by 1. Don Juan; ud Harriet Gel- Eas~ 1efferson avenue. on Tuesday, Remodeling-75chur, I2A, who wiD pia,. "Prdude. iD B ~I 15,~romfl :~...~~!~~e ~Yinor" by Ra.c:hmaftiooll. will c:oasut. 0 a~. ~ ISVU<U

1a1e, aJld bndge.GeDeraJ chairmen who arc arranging

the CYClltarc: Mesdames ]. Alex Parkaad Paul BunclI; the reception com.mittee consists of the pnsideo.t. Miss

A diKuMioa of "Ofiftr W'JIWeD,. Sara BJaache Simpsoa ; Mesda.mesbe,t-seUins' _I of the American ReY- Frederick HlIet'II'eU, William F. Hoff-olutioa by KeDDeth Robert.s, opeued man, A. W. H1unphrey,]ames B. OgdenOliYe Deane Hormd's lecture "The and Ward Peck.New Americaua aDd the Larg~ V_.. '1arious other committees worldllglCYetltb in the University of K~ towvd tAe 'lICceas of the party includeextmsion series 011 coatenr,lOriry fit- the inaBee, 1J1!dff Mrs. Ro,- Marsba111..nature and. drama given Iut KondaY and Mn. GCOTge Opp; the card tableneniDg at the Pierce Jtmior bish arraagements uader Mrs. Michael Bloy •sdseaI lItIdft tile ........ tt.e u.i- 1IIrs.. Jom. F. Teabert and Krs. 1.. R.~ of ~.,.... A-. ci.... ~ Tht baIr.ed aoo4s and CUIdyof Grosse Pointe ~ table is iD chaQre oi Mesdames Clan

"'How Ameriea. I..ifts.. by 1. C. PIlr. llacle, Bernhardt Jacob and Fromk La-nu; "Life L'berty auci P1'0Clert)' H by tbrop.Alfred Wiaslow 'JODes, the b.tte" The "White Elephant" will be man-poiDting the way to needed reforms at- ~ed by Yesdames W. L. Emery, Ralphtainable withiu the fnmewotk of RoueUe, and Walter Lob:. Faocy 'll'Ul'kdemocracy; and "From 111..,. LaadsH is in charge of. Mesd=;:s J. Alex. Park, Iby LotIb Ad~mic, Inmnious narratiYe of E. W. Hotchkiss and J. M. Ferns.foreign born groups in the Uni~ The. proceeds. of the event arc to beStates, were iaterpreted by Miss Hor- used m fllrthenng the work of CampmeL Grace Bentley, at Jeddo, Mich., 011

From aJDoDg the Dew boob which the shores of Lalc~ FI.. r..... :-h"."oJfer vision, coarage. and insJliratioD, in uoa.ad 500 undeTPmn1eged cnppledthe diKussioa of America's nask ia the children annually enjoy a nIo weeb'II'Orld today, Miss Hormcl cited heart- r.u:ation.cning p;uages from ~N_ ~in tlJe New WorIcf' by AcICIJf A. BerIe, St. Paul'. "Indiana"]r., assista":secretary" of sta,te, aad AcIvaDce W'mning~he Am.encaa Caase by Archibald 5---1- to 22M.cLeisb W1MI&

IaCor/';;tt,~idi~/~=;:~ ~.~ I Coatinnillg th~tac:tllar winning IIIJIII:: piquaat remittisceaces of the s:t!"~* 'O'! 22 ~t!':.:~t &-=~.$:., r ..u:'~

author of "M:.~. loil:ip", who 11'- lIP TlIIfCt(! "Indians" toppled St. Cathe.in a "Soldiers' Home": "The HeTO ill riDe's from the undefeated ranles lastAmerica" by Dixon Wecter. teUiDe' Sunday in the quarteT-finals of the Dc-what America d..... nds in its beroes, troit CYO he a V y we ig h t basketballfrom John Smith te Henry F~d, l<:io&gUeplayoffs.Chulcs Lindbergh, alId the secoad Tied, 12-12 at hali-time, St. Palll wasRoosevelt; and MLooe Star Preacher'" held scOC'eless in the third quarter, bDt

,by John W. Thomason, Jr" the colorful staged a last period scoring spree aDdchronicle <If Praxit ..~ ~-..", a" !tin-I marked up .. Zi-Z2 victory. The InJi ..~••eTaDt pTeacheT wfth the Fifth Texas made up of graduates of the GrosseTeg;.ment of tbe: Coufederate army; Pointe Farms school, are led by St_and two novels just published, Mean the Pallr, versatile athletic: coach, EdNew World" by John Jennings aad Lavers. '"City oi I1IusioG" by Vardis' Filiher. Bob AlloT and John MRed" Maison

In conclusion, Viss HCInIld discussed ..-ere high felT the "Indians" ,Mth eigbtHermann Rauschniug's "The Redemp. poillts apiece, while Lauen added' histion of Dcmodacy" ami OarftIce K. shue. five points. The !O(amcwas playedStTei!'s "Union No'II' With Britai ... " in the St. Claire Community Hoose on I

------ Fa.irview avenue, Detroit.Pierce Latin ClubCel~bratea SpecialLanguage Week

FIFI1f PRIZE....... . .... '-xiHftIZE

..•""''' ...? ri'" ~ A.ti!::.:_ , .••..• -.,.. ~~~- '.'