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We believe people create businesses to share their passions with the world. Unfortunately, today’s businesses are burdened with back-end processes that are time consuming, complicated and

require multiple systems; each to complete a different task. Passions are too often drowned out by the demands of daily operations.

Aitheon’s mission is to change this.

By integrating AI and Robotics in a user-friendly way, business processes can be automated in a single, simple platform. This allows effortless streamlining of mundane business tasks; while

transparently leveraging the latest tech and services.

We also believe all individuals should have access to the opportunity to work. To enable these backend business processes, our AI is augmented by individuals who can work remotely from

anywhere in the world.

Welcome to the digital ecosystem. We are here to enable you.

Abstract The Aitheon platform seamlessly integrates AI, smart devices, and real and virtual robots with human Specialists and Pilots into a perfectly orchestrated solution that reduces costs, improves productivity, and eliminates tedious work, while empowering humans to contribute the creative, meaningful work that they do best.

Blockchain-powered Aitheon tokens and smart contracts enable frictionless exchange of value across the platform, improving efficiency while reducing the delays, costs, and risks associated with third-party transaction processing.

This White Paper provides an overview of the purpose, function, and goals of the Aitheon platform and token, and details specifics regarding the upcoming Aitheon Token Generating Event. Aitheon will release a Tech Paper exploring the underlying neural networks and machine learning algorithms which power the platform in Q2, 2018.

NOTE: White Paper content will be continually updated to reflect the evolution of the Aitheon business plan based on token holder voting.

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Disclaimer The information set forth in this White Paper (“White Paper”) may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship. The content of this White Paper is not binding for Aitheon. Aitheon expressly reserves the right to change, modify, add or remove portions of this White Paper for any reason at any time before, during and after the sale of Aitheon tokens by posting the amended White Paper on the associated website.

This White Paper does not constitute an investment, legal, tax, regulatory, financial, accounting or other advice, and this White Paper is not intended to provide the sole basis for any evaluation of a transaction on acquiring of the Aitheon Tokens. Prior to acquiring the Aitheon Tokens, a prospective purchaser should consult with his/her own legal, investment, tax, accounting and other advisors to determine the potential benefits, burdens and other consequences of such transaction.

Nothing in this White Paper shall be deemed to constitute a prospectus of any sort or a solicitation for investment, nor does it in any way pertain to an offering or a solicitation of an offer to purchase or sell any securities in any jurisdiction. This document is not composed in accordance with, and is not subject to, laws or regulations of any jurisdiction that prohibits or in any manner restricts transactions with respect to, or use of, digital tokens or digital assets.

The Aitheon Token is not a digital currency, security, commodity or any other kind of financial instrument and has not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933, the securities laws of any state of the United States of America or the securities laws of any other country, including the securities laws of any jurisdiction in which a potential token holder is a resident.

The Aitheon Tokens are not being offered or distributed to, as well as cannot be resold or otherwise alienated by their holders to, citizens of, natural and legal persons, having their habitual residence, location or their seat of incorporation in the country or territory where transactions relating to digital tokens are prohibited or in any manner or restricted by applicable laws or regulations. If such restricted person or party were to purchase the Aitheon Tokens, then such restricted person or party has done so on an unlawful, unauthorized and fraudulent basis and in this regard shall bear adverse civil and or criminal consequences.

Aitheon neither offers or distributes the Aitheon Tokens nor carries on a business (activity) in any regulated activity in Singapore, in People’s Republic of China or in other countries and territories where transactions in respect of, or with use of, digital tokens fall under restrictive regulations or require Aitheon to be registered or licensed with any applicable governmental authorities.

Each purchaser of the Aitheon Tokens is reminded that this White Paper has been presented to him/her on the basis that he/she is a person to whose attention the document may be lawfully presented in accordance with the laws of the purchaser’s jurisdiction. It is the responsibility of each potential purchaser of the Aitheon (AIC) Tokens to determine if the purchaser may legally purchase the Aitheon Tokens in the purchaser’s jurisdiction and whether the purchaser may then resell the Aitheon tokens to another party in any given jurisdiction.

Certain statements, estimates and financial information contained in this White Paper constitute forward-looking statements or information. Such forward-looking statements or information involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause actual events or results to differ materially from the estimates or the results implied or expressed in such forward-looking statements or information.

The English language White Paper is the primary official source of information about the project. The information contained in English language White Paper may from time to time be translated into other languages. In the course of such translation some of the information contained in the English language White Paper may be lost, corrupted or misrepresented. The accuracy of such alternative communications cannot be guaranteed. In the event of any conflicts or inconsistencies between such translations and the official English language White Paper, the provisions of the English language original document shall prevail.

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Table of Contents

Abstract ................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 4

Situation ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

Solution: The Aitheon Platform ....................................................................................................................... 5

Aitheon Platform Services Detail .................................................................................................................... 7

A Community of Agents, Services and Devices ........................................................................................ 11

Goals .................................................................................................................................................................... 13

Development Roadmap .................................................................................................................................. 14

Competition ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

Revenue Model ................................................................................................................................................. 15

Technical Architecture and Design ............................................................................................................. 16

Aitheon Development History ....................................................................................................................... 19

Use Cases .......................................................................................................................................................... 19

Sequencing of Markets .................................................................................................................................. 24

Digital Token Details ...................................................................................................................................... 25

Token Sale Pricing ........................................................................................................................................... 27

How To Purchase Aitheon Tokens .............................................................................................................. 31

Allocation of Funds Raised ............................................................................................................................ 31

Human Resources Roadmap ....................................................................................................................... 32

FAQ ......................................................................................................................................................................33

Team and Founders ........................................................................................................................................34

Summary .............................................................................................................................................................34

References ........................................................................................................................................................ 35

GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................................................... 37

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Situation Businesses, governments, and other organizations all over the world face mounting pressure to streamline, modernize, improve efficiency and cut cost. We seem tantalizingly close to a revolution in automation, but the available tools just aren’t good enough. At the same time, many futurists, social commentators and workers worry about what people will do in a world dominated by AI and robotics. How many jobs will be left for humans to do? Will governments need to levy robot taxes to provide displaced workers with a universal basic income?

Aitheon’s revolutionary blockchain-powered platform, already in use by leading enterprises around the world, offers exciting answers to these challenges. By bringing AI, humans, smart devices and robots together in a symbiotic blockchain-enabled environment, Aitheon delivers solutions today that were unimaginable yesterday.

Solution: The Aitheon Platform The problem with artificial intelligence and robotics is that they’re not perfect. The genius of the Aitheon platform is that they don’t have to be.

Artificial intelligence, smart device and robotic technologies hold tremendous promise as tools to dramatically reduce the expense and human drudgery associated with many time consuming, labor intensive back-office business functions. The problem is that while these advanced technologies can handle a significant percentage of the workload, they typically can’t do everything. Human judgment, human perception, and human problem solving is often needed to complete the job.

That’s why Aitheon created its revolutionary platform. The Aitheon platform seamlessly integrates the contributions of AI, IoT, and real and virtual robots with human Specialists and Pilots into perfectly orchestrated solutions that reduce cost, improve productivity, and eliminate tedious work, all while empowering humans to do what they do best. The Aitheon platform offers compelling benefits to business users and human contributors:

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With the Aitheon platform, advanced programming and custom development isn’t required. The platform is simple for

non-technical users to configure and use.

Cost Savings

The Aitheon platform can automate labor-intensive back-end processes, resulting in

dramatic reductions in operating costs, and significant improvements in margin


Latest Technologies

Aitheon’s platform-as-a-service (PaaS) approach means technology is

constantly updated in a process that is transparent to users. Unlike homegrown solutions, Aitheon is never outdated or


Global Opportunity

The Aitheon platform is uniquely suited to enable contributions from individuals in developing economies opening new opportunities to break out of cycles of

familial poverty.

Frictionless Value Exchange

Because Aitheon uses its own tokens, transaction processing delays, risks and

inefficiencies are eliminated. With no third-party financial institutions involved, payments to human participants are

instantaneous, and can be triggered by AI systems.

Human Optimization

Human Specialists and Pilots contribute meaningfully -- going the “last mile” to close gaps left by expert systems that

aren’t quite expert enough. Payments for work and value created are made and received using the Aitheon platform’s

cryptocurrency tokens.

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Aitheon Platform Services Detail AI Modules

AI modules are AI-enabled business applications that solve common business problems. Applications like accounting, payroll, inventory management, purchasing, shipping, point-of-sale (POS) systems, website management, and more -- the list is growing. What makes Aitheon’s AI Modules different is that the application of artificial intelligence makes it possible for them to take a more active, more intelligent role -- observing and learning business operations, inferring relationships from past transactions, and making recommendations for improvement and automation.

Digibots Digibots are virtual robots within the Aitheon ecosystem that automate business processes. Digibots can take action as directed by human or AI to gather information, solve problems, and handle repetitive tasks that humans shouldn’t need to do. Together with Specialists, the Digibots work with the goal of making life easier, giving back time to focus on business goals.

Mechbots & Connected Devices

Mechbots are physical robots, sensors and other connected (IoT) devices. They could include robots for automated material handling, automated parking, robotic arms, robotic coffee makers, cameras, robotic lawn mowers, robotic leaf disposal, home automation, and many more. Regardless of the manufacturer, each can be integrated with the Aitheon platform. Aitheon takes care of the integration and can even help set up and commission robots and devices. Aitheon believes integrating a broad range of devices with the system will speed adoption, and allow greater community benefits from shared knowledge. Advanced technical skill is not needed to add Mechbots to the Aitheon solution. The platform makes it easy.

Aitheon Specialists The people who add the necessary human element to the platform are called Aitheon Specialists. The Aitheon Specialist model is similar to freelancing but with client data anonymity from the Specialist and a blockchain of events recording work done. Aitheon extends blockchain’s existing paradigm for mining by combining mining with the “final steps” of AI business process solutions. AI and robotics might execute the first 90-99% of a business process. The remaining 1-10% of a business process often requires some sort of human interaction or intervention. In the Aitheon ecosystem, individuals can become accredited to perform certain tasks in human resources, finance and accounting, procurement, facilities, legal, IT, etc.

Consider recruiting and hiring: In that process, Digibots and AI can complete 90% of the steps to search for, recruit and pre-qualify candidates. Through the Aitheon platform, an accredited

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individual with extensive expertise and background in human resources (a subject matter expert) can enter the process in the final steps and approve documents that the AI is unable to understand on its own (samples of previous work product, letters of recommendation etc.). These documents would be forwarded to the subject matter expert by the Aitheon AI module. The expert would evaluate and approve the documents, and payment would

be issued for their work in the form of new Aitheon tokens, which would be minted to them from the mining pool.

The Aitheon Specialists’ portion of the Aitheon blockchain uses multi-blind consensus to determine the quality of work. When the consensus weight becomes the clear majority, the block has been mined and tokens are minted. Once they’re minted, the tokens are distributed to the Specialists with a weight of achievement and ranking. This process ensures that work done is 99.99% correct, and makes the Specialist network self-regulating based on the Specialists’ performance.

Documents reviewed by Specialists can be parsed out so that important information is not accessed by a single Specialist. This ensures that sensitive personal information or business data is not used for a purpose other than data interpretation. Aitheon does this for both HIPAA compliance and for data security. For information marked as sensitive by the owner, the data on specific areas of a form will be automatically split into even more pieces and encrypted to keep sensitive information from falling into wrong hands.

In sum, Specialists can join the Aitheon ecosystem to create an expert environment for clients and give business owners the opportunity to reclaim valuable time. With their business processes handled by Aitheon’s ecosystem, business managers can use their talents and time to grow their business and focus on customers.

Aitheon Pilots Mechbots require teaching and need specialized assistance when they encounter an issue they have not experienced previously. Technicians trained as Aitheon Pilots can supervise robots all over the world to ensure proper performance, even from remote locations. Aitheon Pilots will be certified by Aitheon and trained in conjunction with the robot manufacturer. Each pilot will have to pass a combination of written and skills testing to be able to pilot the robot(s). A pilot will be cross-trained on multiple types of robots.

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Pilots become extremely useful for companies who innovate but do not have budgets to employ large teams. The utility of this system becomes apparent when the robot cannot solve a situation and requires assistance. At that point, a standby Aitheon Pilot on the network would be patched through, acquiring control over the robot to either complete the task at hand, or advise correction.

Aitheon Pilots use a web of connectivity that will allow them to perform a virtual handshake with the robot and take over in areas ranging from but not limited to: manufacturing, retail, self driving vehicles, drones, emergency services, and thousands of other applications. These Pilots will form a task force that will be ready to help any mechanical robot whenever necessary for the business.

Once the robot no longer needs the Pilot, the robot can request control from the Pilot. Once the Pilot grants control back to the robot, the Pilot will be placed in standby mode for the next robot that needs the Pilot’s assistance.

Upon completion of the task by the pilot, Aitheon Tokens are paid to the pilot for services rendered through the ecosystem. The Aitheon Pilots are trained by Aitheon and continuously vetted through consensus by their peers. They will operate out of specialized centers or fully vetted home offices anywhere in the world.

The Aitheon Token (AIC) There is currently no simple way for businesses and individuals to render or collect payment for services in operations that are initiated by AI. Current methods of payment rely on banking institutions that are not willing to allow AI-automated transactions. This means relying on checks, wires or credit cards, paying associated transaction processing fees, and waiting for funds to arrive and/or settle. This can take days or weeks, and can expose businesses to fraud through chargeback, forged fiat, bad checks, stolen cards, and more. Currently, businesses have no choice but to accept the financial risks, delays and unnecessary expense of third party transaction processing.

The Aitheon Token (AIC) solves this problem. WIth the token, individuals are granted entry into the blockchain-based Aitheon ecosystem. Using smart contracts, Aitheon will provide contracted solutions to distributed clusters of customers, agents, and devices that use the

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token as a method to exchange services. Businesses and individuals can deploy these agents, services and devices to perform work on their behalf. They can also barter with and pay humans, robots and deep learning agents on the platform for work performed. This can all take place directly, with no third-party delays, costs, or risks.

AI Development Program

Aitheon’s AI Development Program is a service offered by Aitheon to build AI-enabled solutions for clients on the Aitheon platform. Often larger enterprises rely on complex solutions that require significant customization or integration with a variety of legacy systems. Or a client might rely on a custom solution for a particular business process which is not addressed by the existing collection of Aitheon AI modules. In these instances, Aitheon developers can create custom business solutions that leverage Aitheon services to address the particular needs of individual businesses or organizations.

Creators Program

The Aitheon Creators Program is a unique development and implementation platform as well as a marketplace for Creators. Invention is often a lonely task: creators who build new programs, tools, circuits, robotics or devices, often bear the cost of the development and refinement alone, working in isolation with expertise in specific areas but not others. The Aitheon ecosystem and platform can play a powerful role enabling collaboration between Creators. Some Creators are able to do all tasks, while others are not. Some Creators will have innovative ideas, other Creators will be able to physically or diagrammatically design them. Some Creators will be able to build the ideas, and others will be able to program or troubleshoot them. Smart contracts can be used to enable collaboration between the creators of new products, features, and services. Once developed, new contributions will be vetted by Aitheon. Innovations that are sold or licensed on the platform will benefit Creators based on their contributions as defined in smart-agreements created in the system. Creator(s) will be able to set pricing for the public to consume the item.

Just as Aitheon is freeing business owners from back-end process drudgery, we enable innovators to become more creative and use the community to develop the world around them. Innovators usually love their inventions but need help to get their ideas to market. Aitheon is that path to market for Creators. As a community driven company, Aitheon also allows regular users to make requests for new features and services. Imagine a large company that allows you to personalize their software and ask for new features. Aitheon is that company and the Aitheon AI learns and adapts to user preferences.

At the core of the Creators program are a series of flexible processor modules that Aitheon has designed to handle the full scale of all projects creators will be able design; differentiated by cost and performance. We have also created a building automation kit that contains Aitheon

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controlled outlets, light switches, temperature sensors, cameras and a myriad of other devices. Aitheon will also be selling development Modules that link to Aitheon. These devices will be available in late 2018. Purchasers of these chips can have code deposited remotely. Developers can then create their own concepts and ideas. The Creators Program enables individuals to write code and develop their ideas to interact with Aitheon, expanding the platform.


The Device Manager

The Device Manager is the Creator’s toolbox. The Device Manager is a fully functioning Web-based IDE featuring multi-workspace and multi-project support, a full linux command line interface, and GIT Repo support. It also has the ability to synthesize FPGA bitstreams for Devices that have FPGA’s and enables reprogramming of one or all of the Creators devices around the world with a keystroke. We have partnered with telecom providers as well as satellite data providers to give Aitheon devices global connection.

A Community of Agents, Services and Devices Aitheon seeks to build not merely a platform for technology but also an active community and knowledge base exchange. This exchange will encompass everything from tutorials to reviews and success stories. Among other things, the Community layer will enable a community member to post information, knowledge and content that can receive upvotes whenever the community deems the post to be valuable and enriching. By leveraging the community running on Aitheon, decisions about improvements, features, new developments, and more are decided upon by committees formed by those using the components of Aitheon. This allows Aitheon to grow and be responsive to its users needs.

Whether approval of ideas or of code, vetting will occur through structured rounds of voting by token holders consensus, that will ensure that Aitheon is growing and adapting to the needs of our users. If an idea or a piece of code is upvoted, the author will receive the right to sell her or his concept in the Aitheon community on the platform. She or he will also receive rewards in the form of Aitheon Tokens for upvotes received. (The Community layer of the Aitheon platform will facilitate this rewards-for-upvotes system.) Ideas, products, code, and other advancements will be sold through the Aitheon storefront to people or organizations wishing to purchase them. The Creator and Aitheon will share in the profit of items sold through the storefront.

In the Aitheon Community section, people will be able to submit new ideas and vote for improvements, new features, new products, new applications, new verticals, philanthropic endeavors, and many more topics. Aitheon will have multiple moderators for each community

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who will be able to supervise the community. The multiple moderators will allow a consensus and appeals process for innovation and advancement of the platform. Community members will be encouraged to vote for their favorite items under certain communities. The more useful the item, higher the ranking of an item is likely. At the end of every voting cycle, the highest ranked items will automatically be placed into the development queue.

Aitheon Management reserves the right to use the “Golden Button” feature to advance certain ideas or programs that it sees will benefit the community and/or the macro ecosystem as a whole. Aitheon Management also reserves the right to use a “Modification Needed Button” where if management deems that an item or code will hurt the platform, it will be degraded and placed back into the voting forum for the community to modify the feature/item. An example of this would be in response to a proposal to invent a time machine. Although this would be an interesting endeavor, it is currently beyond our abilities and therefore would not be a suitable project for the platform.

Contributors are rewarded for participation in the forums. In order to compensate moderators and contributors of good content, Aitheon uses a rating system to track the quality of ideas proposed by the contributors and moderators. Positive votes for an action or contribution will increase the contributors ranking. Negative votes and many downvoted items will result in a lower ranking. Time, quantity, and quality of contributions will determine the rankings. This algorithm will help determine the moderators for a given community. A moderator will only be allowed to moderate one community at a time. The top 5 ranked individuals who accept moderator status will be posted as moderators for a given community. Even moderation will be done through a consensus to allow people to help direct Aitheon improvements.

Possession of Aitheon Tokens (AIC) also entitles the holder to certain proportionate voting rights, including voting for outstanding items. To place a vote, token holders will need to pay a reasonable price, determined by the Aitheon Team, in AIC to ensure they believe in what they are voting for. These tokens will go into a community pool to pay moderators and fund community activities.

Technical issues that will be subject to community voting include but are not limited to:

• Whether the Aitheon App will remain on the Ethereum platform or migrate to an alternative blockchain in the future (e.g., EOS, NEO, Tezos, proprietary)

• Which consensus algorithm to adopt.

• How to overcome scaling challenges

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Goals Year 1

Aitheon’s Year 1 goal is to make robots and systems available for the public to use. With the funds from the tokens sold, Aitheon will add additional staff to improve the user interface and flow of the platform. During year 1, Aitheon will educate, integrate, and onboard the first Enterprises, Governments, Small to Medium Sized Businesses and Individual Users. The company will also contract with leading robotic suppliers in the world as well as major contributors to the AI space.

Year 2 Aitheon will build out a number of social responsibility initiatives. For example, the company has researched ways to reduce the number of children who are orphaned by enabling mothers to become more self-sufficient via career opportunities. One approach could be for the company to set up a foundation to provide housing, food and childcare for single mothers, who would be trained to work as Specialists on the Aitheon platform. Mothers would be able to keep custody of their children in a stable environment. Eventually, participants’ platform earnings could fund the ongoing operation of the program.

In another vision, online K-12 education could be delivered to children via the Aitheon platform in areas with limited access to educational opportunities. When the children reach graduation age, young adults could continue their education, pursue other employment, or even work as Aitheon Specialists.

Aitheon is already partnering with The Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, of Abu Dhabi, working together to introduce a specialized certification program for Aitheon Specialists and Pilots into its curriculum. An “Aitheon certification,” accredited by the Masdar Institute, would offer certified Aitheon Specialists instant access to employment on the Aitheon platform, from anywhere in the world.

Aitheon is also working with RoboTerra, a Santa Clara, CA-based company that develops creative robotic products, designed to stimulate creativity and cultivate the next generation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) talent. Aitheon and RoboTerra are exploring ways to use the Aitheon platform to support programs that teach children how to build robots and code.

Also in Year 2, Aitheon Creators’ Program will enter a new phase of development where innovations are being actively sought from colleges, high schools, and invention conferences. Similar to the Shark Tank ® model, Aitheon Labs will fund top community ideas and the inventor will have their idea developed and marketed by Aitheon. All IP will remain property of Aitheon, although the distribution will be through agreement with the inventor. Aitheon

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believes that all people can contribute to make the community better and that everyone has something to offer.

Development Roadmap

Q1 - 2018

• Public Launch • Pre Sale • North American Bitcoin Conference • World Government Summit • International upcoming project &

partnership meetings tour • Marketing campaign begins for

community awareness of Aitheon capabilities

Q2 - 2018

• ICO Launch • Tech Paper Published • Aitheon Established in Estonia • Begin beta testing for Aitheon Creators

Program with eligible token holders • Begin beta testing for Small to Medium

Sized Businesses with eligible token holders

• Begin beta testing for the Specialists Program with eligible token holders

• Development Kits for Beta Creators available for purchase

Q3 - 2018

• Launch the Aitheon Community’s new structure

• POS device available for Beta businesses

• Creators Program fully operational • Specialists Program public launch • Small to Medium Sized Businesses able

to utilize platform in select categories

Q4 - 2018

• Begin beta testing for Aitheon Pilots Program with eligible token holders.

Q1 - 2019

• Aitheon Community votes on whether to remain on Ethereum or convert to an independant coin

• Rollout of Specialists Academy, college accredited training programs

• Aitheon Pilots Program fully operational

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Competition Major corporations are investing heavily in AI. According to Bloomberg, in July 2017 Toyota spent $100 million on AI and robotics. According to TechWorld.com, 11 tech giants are heavily investing in their own specialized AI programs. The current marketplace is built for businesses who have expensive technical integration teams. The majority of these AI teams are built to increase profits for these large corporations’ shareholders. There are a few smaller organizations trying to help steer AI away from big businesses for their own micro purposes.

In contrast, Aitheon is an innovator in the AI market. We are making AI available to all people and businesses. Aitheon believes in sharing collective intelligence for the greater good. The global AI and robotics market is growing at breakneck speed. One source says, “Worldwide spending on robotics and related services will more than double by 2020, growing from $91.5 billion in 2016 to more than $188 billion in 2020” (*1a). A new update to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Semiannual Commercial Robotics Spending Guide estimates worldwide purchases of robotics, including drones and robotics-related hardware, software and services, to total $97.2 billion in 2017, an increase of 17.9% over 2016. IDC expects robotics spending to accelerate over the five-year forecast period, reaching $230.7 billion in 2021 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.8%.

The world of robotics and AI is reaching a critical tipping point. Large enterprises with the resources to invest will be able to effectively leverage these advanced technologies to build unassailable competitive advantage, while the rest of the world is left behind.

Aitheon is playing a vital role democratizing advanced technologies, making it possible for everyone to participate and benefit -- not just global conglomerates. Aitheon will not only sell its own software, hardware, robotics, and AI solutions; Aitheon will also serve as a marketplace for all AI, robotics, control software, and control hardware from all companies and competitors. Aitheon will help to license and sell their software, when possible, to assist existing businesses to capture market share and grow their own vertical. Aitheon is interested in serving the greater good and making AI accessible to all.

Revenue Model Participants in the Aitheon ecosystem have access to a broad range of services, including a variety of Aitheon AI modules, real and virtual robots, smart devices, and human Specialists and Pilots. Services are all offered on an à la carte basis, enabling companies to use platform resources to assemble just the solutions they need. All services are paid for using Aitheon tokens. A significant advantage of the Aitheon ecosystem is that it effectively spreads the

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cost of innovation across the whole community, enabling Aitheon, the company, to continually add new services, features, products, and improvements, and give back to the community through philanthropy. Revenue sources include:

Aitheon Digibot Services Revenue Digibots are virtual robotic agents that operate on the Aitheon platform. Aitheon charges organizations a monthly subscription fee for their desired services. Aitheon Digibots are likely to be employed as monthly subscription only with differing levels of service needed. A single cart street vendor does not need the same tools and equipment that a printing company requires and for this reason, the services are “à la carte.”

Aitheon Specialist and Pilot Program Revenue Aitheon Specialists and Pilots will earn tokens on the system for services performed. They will pay a small service charge for their payments to be processed, but they may also opt to purchase services from Aitheon to improve their qualifications. These additional services will be offered at a low cost to present a low barrier of entry. Specialists and Pilots may participate in education such as cross-border certified education university, skills certifications, individual Pilot training services, and more. Robot and Device Rentals Aitheon will generate revenue from the leasing of robots and connected devices. These leases will be based on the life expectancy of the product and require insurance. The lease of the products will lower the cost barriers to entry and increase adoption of the system for organizations.

Aitheon Payment Processing Program Revenue The Aitheon payment processing system will offer a simple and effective way for businesses to pay for goods and services through the Aitheon ecosystem, and a small transaction fee will be charged for this service.

Aitheon Specialized AI Development Program Revenue Developers can participate in the ecosystem by developing specialized AI modules that will run on the platform. Aitheon will partner with any AI and robotics company where there is a large benefit to the community and the ecosystem. We welcome and will actively seek cooperation with existing companies to create a better ecosystem.

Technical Architecture and Design Design Version 1.0, all aspects of Aitheon’s Platform is built on swarm cluster technology for failover. In Version 1.0, Aitheon will launch its platform of AI and Robotics as a service. The platform is primarily written in C, C++, NodeJs, and CUDA.

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The Aitheon Circular Hierarchy consists of a distributed cluster of nodes; defined as users, organizations, agents, services and robotics that use the Aitheon token as a method to exchange services, or mint new tokens through work. Businesses and individuals can deploy these nodes to perform work on their behalf; while using tokens to pay humans, robots and deep learning agents on the platform for work performed. It is beyond the scope of this document to delve into the intricacies of the underlying neural networks and deep or machine learning algorithms. Aitheon will release a more detailed Tech Paper exploring the underlying neural networks and machine learning algorithms which power the platform in Q2, 2018.

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A beginning network view of this distribution of relationships looks similar to the above diagram.

Over time, as Aithon expands and nodes come on and off line, Aitheon transitions between multiple states: (a) being origination to (d) swarm intelligence clustering. Depending on the nodes life or connection, it may fall in an octree configuration, notation (c), versus the goal of a true mesh distribution, again (d).

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The systems are part of a neural network which allows the AI to learn from user preferences. This means that the AI can help run businesses based on learned user preferences or as the solution is preset and configured from the ecosystem.

Aitheon Development History The Aitheon ecosystem, backend AI, and supportive services have been in development, testing and operational phases for the last seven years in a variety of industries. The Beta version of the Aitheon blockchain ecosystem will be developed over a period of ten months. After complete launch of the Blockchain App (“BApp”) all transactions and parsed data will be processed by smart contracts and recorded on the Aitheon blockchain. The development effort to create Aitheon will commence upon conclusion of the Token Generating Event (TGE). The roadmap for this development is set forth below.

The Aitheon platform will use machine learning AI to understand user needs and recommend or deploy services. Aitheon makes these assumptions by using neural networks and deep learning Algorithms to evaluate user data. This will be described in detail in the aforementioned Aitheon Tech Paper.

Because Aitheon Exchange uses blockchain technology, there will be no scraping of personally identifiable information (“PIN”) and no reselling of personal data by Aitheon nor by any third party. Today’s pre-blockchain platforms routinely invade an end user’s privacy with data scrapes and data reselling. Aitheon averts the risk of having credit card information being hacked or tampered with because the platform allows for transactions to occur through cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Such is not the case with existing platforms.

Use Cases USE CASE #1: Employee Recruitment

Situation: An employer faces continual needs to hire qualified staff. Current technology and systems leave the employer inundated with applicants but with no efficient way to judge whether applicants are qualified.

Aitheon Solution:

A top recruiting company partners with Aitheon and deploys a holistic solution that uses a combination of job history, employer ratings, and testing to certify potential employees. Aitheon then matches pre-qualified candidates with companies. As needed, certified Aitheon

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Specialist perform a final round of vetting before applicants are recommended to the employer.


• Employers have a faster, more objective system to measure candidates’ qualifications for open positions.

• HR professionals and hiring managers waste less time searching for qualified candidates and miss fewer desirable candidates because they are able to recruit them more quickly.

• Managers have a higher level of confidence regarding what to expect from new employees for performance, innovation, adherence to deadlines, etc. as they have been continually reviewed and ranked within the Aitheon system.

• Prospective employees find jobs more quickly and have more insight about hiring companies based on employee reviews.

USE CASE #2: Data Entry and Retrieval

Situation: A business has a large collection of handwritten documents that need to be scanned and converted to text so they can be searched. Available OCR solutions produce too many errors.

Aitheon Solution:

Although the Aitheon document scanning AI can understand many handwriting styles, it cannot recognize all styles yet. For unrecognized text, Aitheon Data Entry Specialists are assigned to make corrections to the scanned document. Documents are split into segments so that important information such as social security number and name are not distributed together. Aitheon does this for HIPPA compliance and also data security.


• The business gets its documents quickly, affordably and accurately converted to searchable text.

• Further, the business is confident that confidential or sensitive information in the documents is protected.

• Aitheon Data Entry Specialists have easy-access to work that would otherwise be unavailable in their region.

USE CASE #3: Automated Fulfillment

Situation: An Aitheon Creator is selling physical products through the Aitheon platform. She needs a

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simple, automated solution to fulfill orders that supports multiple shipping companies, without having to pay high fees to third party logistics (3PL) providers.

Solution: The Creator chooses to store her product at a fully automated warehouse running Aitheon software, AI, and Robotics. When Aitheon receives an order, the Aitheon shipping AI negotiates with several shipping companies for the best price and fastest shipping.

The Aitheon software seamlessly handles the transaction and automatically exchanges tokens for the item between the buyer and the seller once the decision to purchase has been made. Once the tokens has been transferred, an order is placed with the warehouse management system running on Aitheon.

The Aitheon Warehouse Management System (WMS) analyzes past trends and keeps sufficient stock from suppliers to keep the warehouse operating properly to satisfy customers. The Aitheon WMS uses robotics to unload the trailers, place items on the storage shelves, move the storage shelves to their locations, then when needed have Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) bring the storage shelves to the picking locations, use robotics to pick the product and package the product and seal the product. There are many more functions and tasks conducted at the automated warehouse by Aitheon.

The shipping company is then alerted to come and collect the package. (In the future we expect to automate the package collection, shipping, and delivery.)


• The Creator has orders affordably and automatically fulfilled at the most reasonable shipping rates.

• The Creator also doesn’t have to worry about warehouse replenishment. This is automatically managed by the Aitheon WMS.

• The Creator also receives instant transfer of payment from the buyer because the transaction is handled with Aitheon tokens.

• The buyer gets rapid fulfilment of their order at the best rates.

USE CASE #4: Restaurant Management

Situation: A restaurant needs professional assistance with their business operations. They need: 1 receptionist, 1 person to schedule reservations, 1 cashier, several wait staff, timesheet management, management of social media accounts, assistance with accounting, tax assistance, supply ordering / inventory management, etc...

Solution: Aitheon intelligent digital agents (Digibots), are employed to schedule reservations, act as a

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cashier, take orders when customers are ready via a tabletop tablet, assist with accounting, prepare taxes and take care of inventory management in real time.

Aitheon's mechanical AI robotics (Mechbots) can be implemented to act as a host, delivery driver, wait on tables, and even cook meals.

Aitheon contracts with certified professionals (Specialists) in accounting, tax, reservations, etc. to verify and if necessary assist the AI if any discrepancies are found by the Specialists. Aitheon also contracts Robot Pilots to assist Mechbots to monitor those robots to do tasks.


• The restaurant, with its hybrid human/robotic staff is a sensation! Customers flock to try this futuristic dining experience.

• The restaurant owner can now offer world class service at a reduced price, and has several time-consuming back-office chores handled automatically by the Aitheon AI. All with no need for expensive IT support.

• Investors are attracted to this exciting new restaurant concept.

Aitheon Specialists are employed--even in regions that might otherwise offer little opportunity.

USE CASE #5: Automated Telephone Reservation Service

Situation: A hotel needs a low-cost, 24-hour telephone reservation service that can accurately handle calls from a global clientele with a wide array of difficult accents.

Solution: The hotel owner contracts with Aitheon for telephone reservation service because the Aitheon AI can affordably manage many reservations, while the system can automatically transfer callers to human operators when it has difficulty understanding.


• The Aitheon AI affordably manages a majority of calls

• Customers with heavy accents are saved aggravation when the system automatically transfers them to human operators.

• Aitheon Specialists are able to earn an income in an area which normally has few opportunities.

• Data from conversations are used to improve the success rate of the Aitheon AI

• If the customer has the Aitheon application installed on their phone, the App will have a feature to keep them updated as to their reservation, recommended specials, and a list

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of suggestions for a date nearby. They can also pay directly with Aitheon tokens for their meal.

USE CASE #6: Self Driving Vehicle Testing

Situation: A robotics company is working with Aitheon to test and deploy a new fleet of specialized self driving vehicles. During the testing phase and during operation, the self driving vehicles will encounter extreme weather conditions, such as blizzards, that are too difficult for the AI to handle on its own.

Solution: Aitheon Pilots are available 24/7 to remotely pilot vehicles when conditions exceed the capability of the AI. Aitheon Pilots will teleop the vehicles to help ensure that the self driving vehicle, the passenger or merchandise, and all vehicles around the self driving vehicle are safe.


• Vehicles are tested and operate reliably in a variety of challenging conditions that would ordinarily be too difficult for AI alone.

• Certified, vetted Aitheon Pilots get a unique job opportunity.

USE CASE #7: Automated Robotic Parking Systems

Situation: Smart City Robotics builds automated parking structures that use robotic systems to store and retrieve cars. Robotic parking maximizes parking space because it eliminates the ramps and driveways that are needed when customers park their own cars.

Smart City Robots needed robotics, drive software, command and control software, hardware manufacturing, control hardware, payment systems, and a web APP to communicate with the drivers who use the parking facilities. Drivers need to be able to pull their cars into the garage entrance, and walk away while the system automatically moves the car into an available spot. When the customer returns, they pay for parking using mobile app or kiosk, and the system automatically retrieves the car.

Solution: Aitheon partner company Archer Robotics supplies the hardware manufacturing and the control hardware. Aitheon supplies software, payment systems and the web App. Seamless integration of robotics, control systems, kiosk, payment system and mobile app ensures a smooth, fast, easy experience for the end user. If the parking robots need assistance with an atypical situation, Aithon Pilots will assist. If Aitheon AI encounters difficulties with the driver interaction at touchpoints such as; kiosk, payment systems, the App, or lost ticket issues, Aitheon Specialists are also standing by ready to lend a helping hand.

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• Customers get fast, easy, convenient parking, with no more hunting for spaces. If there’s a problem, there’s always a human standing by to help.

• The city gets better space utilization, with more parking spaces per square foot of garage

• Smart City Robotics gets a single integrated system to control car storage and retrieval, and both self-service and human-assisted customer interactions.

Aitheon Specialists and Pilots get to do meaningful, fun work helping customers.

Examples of Additional Supported Use Cases

Sequencing of Markets Aitheon is currently onboarding governments and enterprises in the warehousing and distribution sectors. In Q3 of 2018 Aitheon will begin to onboard businesses/clients in a sequential way, starting with small businesses that have a low barrier to entry, high returns and large scale markets, then expanding to more complex businesses with larger impact. Early examples include restaurants and coffee shops, hair salons and automated parking garages, evolving to businesses like hotels and grocery chains and ultimately tackling large scale agriculture, disaster relief and government processes.


Small Organization

Customer Service

Automated Parking

Automated Warehouse

MSRS Facilities

Material Handling



IT Functions

Home Automation

Building Automation



Long Haul Transportation

Human Resources

Delivery Services

Home Delivery Services

Mass Transit Operation


Disaster Relief




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Digital Token Details The Aitheon AIC Token is implemented on the Ethereum blockchain as a decentralized ERC20 token.

It will be created to eighteen decimal places.

Developed using blockchain technology to ensure smooth secure transactions between parties, the Aitheon Token will enable token holders to participate directly within the network, as well as spend or trade their coins with other users.

Every registered user on the Aitheon platform will be issued a wallet. This will be the user's online account which holds the user's private keys ("Aitheon Wallet"). These wallets are encrypted, client-side and exportable at any time. In this way, the registered end user will maintain total control of any Aitheon Tokens purchased. Users will purchase Aitheon Tokens with ERC20 tokens through the EtherDelta portal, which is described further below.

Possession of a prescribed quantity of Aitheon Tokens enables end users to participate in the Aitheon community as described in the use case discussion, above.

Token Use and Mining

The multi-blind consensus process on the blockchain is used to determine the quality and accuracy of the nodes’ work. When the consensus weight becomes the clear majority, the block has been mined and tokens are minted. Upon token minting, the tokens are distributed back to the nodes that performed the work with a weight of achievement and ranking. Through this, work becomes 99.99% accurate and the node network is self regulating based on the individual nodes’ performance.


Bug in the Code Bounties: A smart contract will set forth and enforce the terms and conditions of a bug bounty, whereby any individual who identifies a bug in the open sourced code will be awarded 1000 Aitheon Tokens for making the Aitheon team aware of the bug.

An additional bounty of 1000 tokens will be awarded if a remedial plan is proposed, the Aitheon team implements the remedial plan and the bug is eliminated.

Possible Transition to Independent Altcoin

In the earlier phases of Aitheon’s business, Aitheon will be built on the Ethereum blockchain. In later phases, Aitheon will perform regular checkpoints to examine whether or not Aitheon should migrate to its own blockchain and native digital currency. These checkpoints are already built into Aitheon’s roadmap, which is set forth below. The checkpoints and the

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transition will be placed in the hands of Aitheon token holders. Aitheon token holders will help decide the future by consensus vote.

If the token holders decide to mint a coin and break away from Etherium, this will be the first opportunity for token holders to determine the features of a digital currency. Preferential attributes from different cryptocurrencies can be added as desired. There are no limits to where this type of token holder consensus can take the token. Instead of legacy Crypto coin problems, Aitheon token holders will be able to make history and likely forge the coin that can change the world.

Legal Classification

The Aitheon Token will be classified as a digital asset rather than a security or currency.

Upon and after the TGE, Aitheon Tokens will have the singular utility of allowing a holder to access and participate in the Aitheon community. Any appreciation in value of the Aitheon Token is incidental.

The token's utility to enable participation in the Aitheon platform and community obviates the possibility of the token being classified as a security by any agency seeking to exercise competent jurisdiction.

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Token Generating Event Token Pool Split Issuance Percentage of Token Supply

Number of Tokens Receiving Party Purpose

68.67% 2,403,285,714.00 Mining Pool Solves the “final steps” problem of AI Reward human contribution Secure the Aitheon network

1.43% 50,000,000.00 Crowd Presales 7.14% 250,000,000.00 Crowd TGE 5.00% 175,000,000.00 End Users Rewards Pool 1.00% 35,000,000.00 Bounty Parties Promoting bounties

Bug Bounties 10.00% 350,000,000.00 Aitheon Platform Funding of Aitheon platform

Tokens are frozen to be used for Aitheon Platform growth or funding only

6.00% 210,000,000.00 Aitheon Team Reserved for the management team being able to give the project appropriate focus

0.67% 26,714,286.00 Advisors Dedicated to operations, legal, customer support and advisors to ensure that Aitheon remains compliant and running

Token Sale Pricing The initial token price for Pre-Sale and the ITO/TGE will be valued at $0.35 USD equivalent with a 50% discount during the Pre-Sale. The Pre-Sale began on January 18, 2018, which sold out raising $8.75 million dollars.

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The ITO/TGE will commence on April 20th, 2018 at 17:00 UTC. Tokens will be discounted beginning at 30% on day one as listed in the table below. There is no minimum token purchase amount, however; we do recommend buying as much as you are comfortable purchasing. All qualified buyers who pass the KYC and AML will be allowed to participate in the AIC Pre-Sale. Any unsold tokens from the Pre-Sale or ITO/TGE will be placed in the mining pool for use within the Aitheon platform in the future.







































































Discount vs Date


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Hard Cap for ICO: 250,000,000 Tokens ($61,250,000 to $87,500,000 USD based on edge cases of variable discount)

All Remaining Tokens return to mining pool (Price will be pinned to ETH in real time. Discount structure transitions at 17:00 UTC)

Variable Discount:

APRIL Discount ~ Cost of Token (USD) USD Rounded Day #

4/20/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 1

4/21/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 2

4/22/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 3

4/23/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 4

4/24/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 5

4/25/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 6

4/26/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 7

4/27/2018 30% 0.245 0.25 8

4/28/2018 25% 0.2625 0.26 9

4/29/2018 25% 0.2625 0.26 10

4/30/2018 25% 0.2625 0.26 11

5/1/2018 25% 0.2625 0.26 12

5/2/2018 25% 0.2625 0.26 13

5/3/2018 25% 0.2625 0.26 14

5/4/2018 25% 0.2625 0.26 15

5/5/2018 20% 0.28 0.28 16

5/6/2018 20% 0.28 0.28 17

5/7/2018 20% 0.28 0.28 18

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5/8/2018 20% 0.28 0.28 19

5/9/2018 20% 0.28 0.28 20

5/10/2018 20% 0.28 0.28 21

5/11/2018 20% 0.28 0.28 22

5/12/2018 15% 0.2975 0.30 23

5/13/2018 15% 0.2975 0.30 24

5/14/2018 15% 0.2975 0.30 25

5/15/2018 15% 0.2975 0.30 26

5/16/2018 15% 0.2975 0.30 27

5/17/2018 15% 0.2975 0.30 28

5/18/2018 15% 0.2975 0.30 29

5/19/2018 10% 0.315 0.32 30

5/21/2018 10% 0.315 0.32 31

5/22/2018 10% 0.315 0.32 32

5/23/2018 10% 0.315 0.32 33

5/24/2018 10% 0.315 0.32 34

5/25/2018 10% 0.315 0.32 35

5/26/2018 5% 0.3325 0.33 36

5/27/2018 5% 0.3325 0.33 37

5/28/2018 5% 0.3325 0.33 38

5/29/2018 5% 0.3325 0.33 29

5/30/2018 5% 0.3325 0.33 40

5/31/2018 5% 0.3325 0.33 41

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6/1/2018 5% 0.3325 0.33 42

6/2/2018 0% 0.35 0.35 43

6/3/2018 0% 0.35 0.35 44

6/4/2018 0% 0.35 0.35 45

6/5/2018 0% 0.35 0.35 46

How To Purchase Aitheon Tokens For assistance in purchasing tokens, please refer to the step-by-step guides on the Aitheon website.

KYC / AML Compliance

Aitheon will comply fully with all KYC and AML regulations effective in a particular jurisdiction, including setting forth in writing: all policies, procedures and internal controls reasonably designed to achieve compliance; policies and procedures that can be reasonably expected to detect and cause the reporting of transactions subject to KYC and AML legislation, regulations, administrative law and common law; the designation of a compliance officer with respect to KYC and AML; and the standards against which to perform an independent test on an annual basis to certify ongoing compliance.

Allocation of Funds Raised Aitheon Tokens sold during the Pre-sales and TGE are anticipated to be allocated as follows:

• 60% will be allocated to development of systems, infrastructure and other IT related to evolving the Aitheon systems. This will enable rapid ramp up of products and ramp up adoption of the Aitheon systems.

• 30% will be dedicated to marketing, business development, product growth and incidentals.

• 10% will be used for community, outreach and services to help people become familiar with AI and robotics, expected Q4 2018.

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Human Resources Roadmap The onboarding of additional staff for the company will happen as the AI predicts the necessary workflow in the pipeline. The back end of Aitheon is operational. The current Aitheon AI and systems tools have been in development for 7 years with millions of lines of code and growing. Due to the operational status of many systems and subsystems over time, Aitheon HR AI is able to determine the quality of work and quantity of work that an individual has completed. The AI then is able to extrapolate the work to predict onboarding needs. Aitheon will onboard 1.3-2 times more people than expected necessary to perform tasks because of normal employee attrition. Aitheon will do this to ensure schedules are maintained and a world class experience is provided for users, businesses, and all parties involved.

• Additional Aitheon staff and subcontractors will include:

• B2B Sales Professionals

• Specialists

• Robot Pilots

• Partnership Care Specialists

• Legal

• Robotics Engineers

• Senior software engineers in many specialties and languages

• Junior software engineers in many specialties and languages

• Creative Marketing Professionals

• Graphic Designers

• Media Buy Professionals

• Technical Writers

• Project Managers

• Product Managers

• Networking and Office Setup Professionals

• Implementation Specialists

• Account Managers

• Information Manager

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• Content Strategist

• Operations Manager

• User Experience Professionals

• Interaction Designer

• Business Intelligence Analysts

• System Administrators

• CNC Operators

• Robotic Maintenance Technicians

• Support Staff as Needed

• Hiring Professionals in each area


Does Aitheon work with other platforms?

The Aitheon APIs allow inclusion, addition, adaptation, and command/control of all robotic and AI platforms. The Aitheon services are à la carte. While the most insight would come from full implementation, Aitheon will assist people in the form and manner necessary.

How will Aitheon integrate into my organization?

Aitheon is right for businesses who want to automate the mundane business processes. As a fully functioning customizable, human augmented, digital ecosystem that uses certified professionals to help you with all of your back-end business needs, the AI ecosystem and solutions make your life simpler. Aitheon is simple to set up. Bot-Smiths can assist you with integration instead of the need for your own dedicated IT team.

How does Aitheon obtain and utilize our existing data?

Aitheon can integrate with and even replace most existing MRP, CRM and financial software. If the feature is enabled, Aitheon can crawl and mine the existing data and import the existing data to be used with the Aitheon systems. The simplification and streamlining of your organization is our business.

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Team and Founders See www.aitheon.com/team for Team details.

Summary Aitheon exists to automate business solutions, so that you can focus on sharing your passions with the world. We streamline mundane business tasks, provide access to the latest tech and services, allow you to request new content/services, have access to the best professional services, and take your services/products to market. Aitheon is in the forefront of the evolution of AI and robotics for general business transactions. We keep you on top of technology trends so that you don’t have to be a technologist. Our AI and robotics never require down-time, instead they give you back time and money. Isn’t it about time you had AI on your side? Let Aitheon handle the processes, so you can focus on your passion.

Is Aitheon expandable?

Yes, Aitheon is a self-expanding, self-healing, ecosystem based on swarm cluster technology.

Will AI remove the need for human workers?

No. Although AI can carry many tasks to 90-99% completion, humans are better at recognition and implementation in many areas. As such, Human Augmented AI is the future of business. Aitheon Specialists and Pilots, remote workers that are able to earn compensation by augmenting Aitheon AI and Robotics, are continuously vetted through consensus by their peers and are a key component to Aitheon. Aitheon allows professionals from all over the globe to work on the Aitheon platform creating new global opportunities.

Can my Aitheon AI interact with other AI?

Aitheon AI can interact, negotiate and barter with internal, as well as other organizations AI. Aitheon AI can even communicate and negotiate with humans through email.

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Welcome to the digital ecosystem. We are here to enable you.

Get Whitelisted Now at www.aitheon.com

References 1. Robotics

a. Worldwide spending on robotics and related services will more than double by 2020, growing from $91.5 billion in 2016 to more than $188 billion in 2020, according to the newly updated Worldwide Semiannual Commercial Robotics Spending Guide from International Data Corporation (IDC).

b. Lumping together everything from robot software to hardware components to robot services (like robotic hotel receptionists) in its tally of robotic spending, ... the total spend on robot services, business consulting, education and training will eventually eclipse sales of the robots themselves by 2019. http://fortune.com/2016/02/24/robotics-market-multi-billion-boom/

c. “Robotics as a technology has really reached its tipping point,” said IDC Manufacturing Insights research manager John Santagate in a statement. “Robotic capabilities continue to expand while increasing investment in robot development is driving competition and helping to bring down the costs associated with robots.” https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20160224005169/en/IDC-Forecasts-Worldwide-Spending-Robotics-Reach-135

d. The convergence of robotics and artificial intelligence & machine learning are driving the development of the next generation of intelligent robots for industrial, commercial, and consumer applications," said Dr. Jing Bing Zhang, research director, Robotics at IDC Manufacturing Insights.

e. A new update to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Semiannual Commercial Robotics Spending Guide forecasts worldwide purchases of robotics, including drones and robotics-related hardware, software and services, will total $97.2 billion in 2017, an increase of 17.9% over 2016. IDC expects robotics spending to

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accelerate over the five-year forecast period, reaching $230.7 billion in 2021 with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.8%.

2. AI

a. McKinsey estimates that total annual external investment in AI was between $8B to $12B in 2016, with machine learning attracting nearly 60% of that investment. https://www.forbes.com/sites/louiscolumbus/2017/07/09/mckinseys-state-of-machine-learning-and-ai-2017/#fbb831d75b64

b. There is increasingly more automation in our everyday lives. Robots are cheaper and easier to produce so they can be found in nearly every area of our lives. They assist us not only with agriculture, medicine, and e-commerce, but also in our private lives and at home. … According to a report on agricultural robots by Tractica, the number of such robots sold per year will rise from 33,000 in 2015 to 992,000 in 2024. https://www.credit-suisse.com/ch/en/articles/private-banking/in-die-zukunft-investieren-warum-roboter-spannende-geldanlagen-sind-201703.html

c. Software-based machine learning startups are preferred over their more cost-intensive machine-based robotics counterparts that often don’t have their software counterparts do. As a result of these factors and more, Corporate M&A is soaring in this area with the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) reaching approximately 80% from 20-13 to 2016. https://www.forbes.com/sites/louiscolumbus/2017/07/09/mckinseys-state-of-machine-learning-and-ai-2017/#b8b1a5b75b64

d. The future of brick-and-mortar retailers may lie in a combination of artificial intelligence and robotics, an analyst says. https://money.usnews.com/investing/articles/2017-05-30/the-future-of-retail-is-ai-and-r

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Mechbots & Devices

All physical robots and electronic devices are integratable on the Aitheon ecosystem. Regardless of skill level, users can perform

diverse tasks, optimize productivity, increase reliability, and decrease risk.

Aitheon Specialists

The Aitheon network employs remote professionals to assist AI in completing

diverse business functions. Some examples include security monitoring, document

reviewing and remote customer service.

Robot Pilots Program

From remote locations, technicians trained as Aitheon pilots supervise and

teleop robots all over the world to ensure proper performance.

Aitheon Creators Program

The Aitheon system enables innovators to design and develop new concepts for use

within the platform. This platform also serves as an easy path to market for these



Virtual robots within the Aitheon ecosystem automate business processes which enable organizations to focus on

their passion, instead of mundane business tasks.