m f f l l il r- j > < > V t ttEOltL R1 Y L G n J4 jfrU lr ISCUESAT- f i A FLAT HOUSE FIRE t J Firemen andPolice Carry Women and Children from a Tenement in Second J Avenue When a Blaze Was Spread ¬ ing with Astonishing Rapidity Between thirty and forty women and children were carried down lad jcrs and fire escapes out of the burning sixstory flat house Nos 1716 1718 and 1720 Second avenue by policemen and firemen this afternoon There were many narrow escapes but fortunately no one was injured save for the evil effects suffered from inhaling the stiffling smoke 1 The building stands at the northeast corner of Second avenue and I Eightyninth street There are stores on the ground floor and fortyfive I apartments on the five upper floors At 2 oclock this afternoon tfiere was not a man in the building above the ground floor but there were women and children too small to be In school in almost every apartment The fire originated In the basement of Xo 1718 and worked out Into a big alrshaft It happened that none of thfl women In the house nern In rooms opening on this shnft and the tire was not discovered until It had I worked Its WilY clear to the roof I I There It mushroomed spreading Into all the fipartmenta on the lop i floor of No 1718 and working through tho walls to tho top floor apartments of the other two houaw Coincident with the npread of the fire the rooms j l1oer the ho ise were Oiled with smoke and the women becnroc panic 5 stricken f Roundsman Kaiiff and Policemen Connelly and Reagan of thn Kant Eightyeighth street station nero passing the house when tho first alarm wns given They knew that the building was probably full or holpleuo women and little children and lost no time In making thfllr way up 1he stairs each of them taking one of tho houses i They assisted the terrified women and children to Uio stairs on tht- f lower l1 but when they got to the roof they found their work cut out I for them because tho fire and smoke had become alarmlnc Tt won Impos- qtble to go through the halls Mil recourse was had to tho firecscapoi On tho top floor of No 1718 a Mrs Martin was found unconscious In I the kitchen of her flat with five little children huddlod around her Tim Iwllcemen and members of flic truck No 13 carried them out to the rtrc e cnp landing on tha Second avenue slrto and lowed thorn to th stioot On the top floor of No 1720 was found ft Mrs Komst hysterical and Iltielcf ber mothorlnlaw overcome by smoke nnd thoe children panlr stricken Thny wpro got to the street with dufflcum lccatiso the flrc Ps by thlR tlno were cluttered with telHnlll hOllebohl goods flrmen ali fire apparatus fvj 0 A Mrs Drsllor who veil on tho second lloor or No 1716 out cot of tho building all right but nhon sho rcachf the rort reraembprpd that she had JoJt her pet CRt behind She rottaned for U f Went Mcapath of No 22 Bnglnp aw licr enter the bulldlni and fol lowed her Ho lost her In the nmoln nnrt Marehrd through tho nnnrtmomH finally coming upon hor In a room on the second lloor uncuuriou the stairs floor The CM was sato In Her arm and McOrath carrier both down on tho The big building was completely Rutted and many of the lennls especlRlly of dead those on the upper floors lost ovprytblng they had A bakelflI canary birds thouBhMgrVSnS and don 1 gathored 111 h the firemen In their tour after Ihn flrf nK exUuullhlll POOL ROOMD JDNC H IN STOCK EXCHANGE j 1Tho brokers on the curli market are not hp oily men In Wall street who fme taken nn Inteipst In Hie niclng nt- tlif Aqurdiict track since the raclnc jcann nprncd There wa n Rpnfml r pool formed bv some of Ihn rurb men nnil thej mad a blp wlnnlnc at TO to l Jcsleiday liut the curli In not the JinU inarKet that Hie l0okmnlirrn haxo- Bot liiislneHii In A number of liooK- nmker hne been ReltlnR bn lnr n from om of tin brokers on the Tllt- cUoanl Itccir- I It I Julie llkelv that thn Gnxrrnnr of th New Ygrlt Stock KirhaiiBo noulrl- Xrown il hard upon this form of gnmblln- ami j rhups Iliej nmy have tholr ui- a TIOUTNfY PLAYED- ROCKEFELLER I i TIP 11 1 The Tip That Failed a Wall street j i jama with John D Rockefeller Jr mentioned In the cut nnd a member of fjii his Bible class as n Bteerer In the ffty game was rehearsed In Justice Kel < f togga branch of the Supreme Court In ijjti Brooklyn today The comeons of I course had planned to get back what t I they Iwt through tho bad tip George Doutney sued Ujdney C Lovo and Frederick Swift brokers for HJ- MO which he paid he liad lost through j their firm In speculating in Wabash I tock The brokers retaliated through a iJ counter suit for J1355 which thy i claimed woe the amount of margins Dyer the roM which Douuiey Jiaa failed to pa U I The itory went on record that J P- Bawlcy I4 Is a friend of John D Rocke- feller ¬ jr and a member of his illble- elaas 1i Witness Love continued Rawley had lunch with Mr Rocke- feller ¬ l one day and Informed Doutney- plater that Mr Rockefeller had Intimat- ed ¬ to him that there was something j It doing in WabdKh that the stock was bound to go up very soon kf On this tip Doutney wa advised to t get aboard and he came to us He- i i Slut up WWO tn cosh and bout HI Ji > > f OO1Ii collateral Wabash went down Ill t i r sla tad of up It went down so far ij of the margins were wiped out J r iIlndJdr Doutney still owes us tl3i for I r cUUttonal margins before he discovered ft 1f1 t that the tip ha had received through t HocJicf ller friend waa all to the f ted i i1f Th Jury thought over tho matter for 4i > In hour and then decided that Doutney- vsTiould have lost what he did In back euch Information Not only that Ml lVut they ordered Doutney to pay the tlt tfendanu the tltSS with accrued In 11 uretI- iJIfr i The nut time JbUYtoCk on Inslda- to U t aDlblo clalS bq dovtfHh Jt eaM Doutney i I1Iett the r 1 < k I tJ- Al J 91 i- l to 1 T lenJon rlllled 10 II hUI Ih r all nl a litII tallc tol1a by ahocked brokeill hnlll Ih Irepnrf of booklllalcurli fthlo Ihe Slunk III Exchan << tu1ldln It 1111 It Is anld thAt I aevenl men II conwl1 118 mllker at hand booka han bolII cnl red the now treet corridor of the htork Exchange to ser hers on tho floor and one man noticed Oell rift pUt down ln hall an hour just hcforn noon today rMh I V0 rUl ° f tho PxchAn I i as Is that P entl II hook mnkfr Irom makinII A bUllneu call II n I1tmber of the Exchall ho nn enlrr Ihu rrglllnr tluppoedly Ill 1Ilhru an nd In hla I card In I h r nnd car till the rn mbor mm hImBANDIT CARRlfD- I TO THE GALLOWS CHICAGO April SI A desperado to the list Peter Nledcrmeler the Ort of the throe boy bandlta 10 b hanged to daj died with curses on his lips Hand- cuffed und with hIs leg e Becur ly strapped h WM seated In a chslr on the trap and the rope adjusted about his neck When tile trap was sprung he dropped with the chair and It wa tweui ty minutes before the surgeons would permit his body to be cut dun Uustav Marx waa the next to Bo He aa weak but met death ganjely nn- parentlj derhlng consolation from the prayer of a priest who accompanied him to the scaffold Youn Harvey Van Dine waa alsd accompWd by a priet he and U Ibo cap WU put ovor hIs hwl th praer Lhat hud been S aTw alnce day NO hll profIlf ot- thiil re V01 Mil authoritlei expected would have trouble with Iedrmeler and ht did thcm Ua 1UI ullen and Waanhtmou nil morning and mnUe aarClIstio refer cnces 10 M execution when the 8h Mlff entered his cell lo read the dealh Ww rant Derore tho reading wiu concluded Xn dcnelr tho document Ihe hands 01 the 8hwlfr and stuclt It In hll pocket Although th surneonii al his neck was broken 1111 the belief of the Uy apectntora thaf he strangled to doath Tbere ere ve moempnts of vi body lor ltteen mlnutu after th ronp tI htnell When u drop tell the hroud about body fell apart and to the onlooker was rvealed the horrify Inll stniKclcs of the man Althourli the trnp waa inrunc nn Nledermeler at 10 83 It wna 111S oclook before Marx appeared making ic appnaet to a litany by the He was Bent throuah tho trap at 1117 lila neck was and parentlv he suffered an Voung Van Din whose mother did not relax her effort to bar the Goy rnor Intervene until the lut minute wa the lut of the trio to go Van Din waa hanged at 11 and Ills execution IVM without partlcul liir Incident lyflerriieTer who ncDeored on thi uhlrt nlftrnut wen a rwd roene looked about andt ene at the omcla eta lIJna m- i i < J lCYi- i 1 iJi aTI n J BROOKL VNS 6- BOSTONS2 Ned Hanlons Trolley Dodgers Obtain Ample Revenge for Their Defeat in the First Game of the Series TOOK AN EARLY LEAD AND HELD IT TO THE END Weather Still Too Cold for Per ¬ fect Ball and a Small Crowd Turns Out to See the Game BATTING ORDER Boston Brooklyn Geler of b Tenny Ib Bhwkard If n lehant Jb Iumley rf Abbatlrrhlo tf nohbs cf Cooley If nabb s Itaymer 2b Doric Jh Ciumell rf McCormlfk Ib c Hergen c irislier p Jnnp p Bptolal lo Th Bvenlni World BOSTON BALI PARK April 22 Ned Hanlon wearing a smile shook hands with nucktnburger In tha dressing room of the players this after- noon and congratulated him on his luck In pulling off the rune yesterday hut It could be eMn that Huck did not bilUv what Hanlon slid It wan a ease of luck with YOU yoKUrday said Hanlon but Buck laughed and said It wns merit nnd nothing eII A nlcn box of iierf clos that we get the game thin itftnrnoon ald Hanlon Its a go said Uuek- Th gates to the gioundj were thrown open at 2 oclock but the old time crowd that tmiMlj I n tn In the nar- row ¬ a < ixKitwny buying tlckctn wa rm- pJoiiom hv HB nhfenrr The nrtlclc of bnll put uj vrtPiln hy UrmIJtrn- itnmim tlittm In tile inlniln of tho oid- Nntlotwl I nni Ptnnilliys i O K Ilrnt Inning Sttung bunttil to rttc anti ai thrown out nl IIraL Hhknrj uJl HIP nn ttif n for Itamo Liinlny r t up n high tty for Triiny V I RINV Oelir out Jnn n In bovli- u Iellll- In Illmle n > ltl liant piu s II to r obrn NO WKf- irranil Innlna Ihhi mint rout Delehanti to Vfn nf rnhh went out on R uroimder 10 IVnnM i rlc of nr t Fl her cwrilnc 1h It IIoyle will crd McCormUlt hit afc to Cllnllrll fumhllnw Jiff ormlck sot to contl IliTcen hit It lUIH frorlmr UnMf lOud htormlrk Iml nlli h tI Illo III Tpnnp HlIH Conlev foulnd tn prJlrn l lit to left Shmrt mnldns thl BreiT p l oilch sn nn the Kimmli In yenr- nSiili1 filII Slrl orrnlll to Doyl NO Third Iniiluvf- itrang fouled out tn DM flheckard tannd luml w nl nut on ahllth ny- Cannell 10 nllnrll O RtJ S hit oafp to c ntr and was thrown It In nil nttempt to 111 oond Inrati rtruck out Flehw Ih IlInlllf 011 n out nabb to I InI NO Fourth Inulnir Dibbs nlnrcrt n nln Ingle between Ijfht and centre llabb fanned and l > obb WM thrown out nt Hecond try IIIK to steal Uovlo nnlkcd McCor- inlrk KOlng out navmsr to Tenney NO I i IS H aeler hit to Dovlo and was liMe Tenny hit to Strati ralrhlng O ler nt- etoiid T nnv beJnfr dnfr at Mal Del then went out McConn Ink to Doyle Coolex hit rutt vcorlnic T nny > 1111 out to fitmiiK ONK HtN- rllth Innlnw Deolren fouled out to Moran and ajl Jones did wa to give an easv nr for I ooliv Strane walked and 8hckard TIM out to Coolry NO ntNS I Haymer went out McCormlck to ipmlc Cnnnflll wnu < e and lBfI doubled on Mlrnna grounder to Mr- I formlrk hnnrtlwl nt second bv Strang NO HUNS ftlxtli Innlnnc I Imulrv walked Dobbs t a Mow one I lo Tennpy who threw to second but illil not Kel Timlfy Dobbs reaching llrat Habb hit to Del the bajies I Doyle lilt to Fisher who threw Dobbs out nt neconfl Luinley scoring Dole if out at llrdt IUI Pill n 1 hU Mfely nd stole pfIC ond nergen- nied out to Rayroer TWO RUNS I rither went out MrCormUk to Doyle O > lei gai Sheokard an nisv fly out ind Tenn closed the Innlns golnpr out nabb to Dovle NO IIINB- Se > cnUi Inning Jones went out RII > Tner to Tnn- Ptrang > hlti n hard on to FUher and reached flrat and stole M cond Bheck ard trOt a pass Uimlov hit to Raymw who fumbled fllllnK the b sM Dobbs hit to Fluher forcing Jones at plate llabb vent A saf one to left scoring Shrckard and tumlev Dobb < waa nailed nt thlnl TWO RUNB- Dal put up a fly to McCormick Cooley hit to Doyle und wa out Abby hit one in front of the plute for ncrgen nml rcarhed flrit Raymer hit lIre Cannell filed out lo Dobbs NO RUNS Jhtbth Innlntr Dole hit a hot one to pel and reached flrst McCormlck hit to lUy- mei forcing Dojln and comolUng n doiibli piny n rgnil hit to Kluher and nnsi info but unit later out when Jones hit to Del forcing Hcr- K n at second NO nl S Moron filed out to Dobbs and Shrek ard took n long II r from FI liPr but Oeler rappod out n tw olngser Tenny followed with n Bale onn to right Orter ccorlng Del went out Mc- Cormick ¬ to Do > le ONE RUN Mntb InnIng Slrantr hit ynfe and Sheokard tiled nut to Geler Iumlny hit to Raym fore IDR Strang M second Dobln nied out to Rnvmer NO RUNB- Coolev fouled out to Bergen Abby gave Sheclrerd a fly Rnymar clotM the game bv a fly to Bheckard NO- IUNS dcorn br- ntw Ilnhllls itlyn 0 z 0 0 0 z z 0 I uo ton n n n t o n 010 2 A Nice Little Dish of GrapeNuts- and Cream Toothsome and OflicioBs i r i i l i 1 o 1i l i i ttfc A II JAP COLUMN WIPED OUT IN YALU BATTLE Port Arthur Reports the Complete Destruction of a Force of the Mikados Troops by the Russian Forces LONDON April 22 740 P MA despatch to the Central News from Port Arthur says news has been received there of the complete de ¬ struction of a Japanese column on the Yalu River No details it is added were ohfninaable ST PETERSBURG April 22730 P MThe state of siege has been extended to all the towns adjacent to the Siberian Railroad VICTORIES FOR LOCAL TEAMS Continued from First Page i GIANTS VS PHILLIES- nln batters and allowing but live hlte Devlin ma4 9 the flrst home run of thf- taon pending In three Olanta who oc- cupied ¬ the slabs ahead of him In the fourth Inning t- Iilnt InnliiR Thorn succumbed to Taylors bend ¬ ers QlMuon could tot d6 any better Wolvmon took a wayward ihoot In the ribs and wns trrt to drat Hn was n- ay out trying to iileal on Warner throw to Dahlen NO RUNS Browne wa safe at flriit on Hill a fumble DMiln hit to Brockcnrldge and both runners were cafe on Huls- wltts muff Browne wa caught nap plntt on Doolns swift ton to Hula wttt MoOann singled and Devlin reached third Mtrtcna rap to Brack resulted in Devlin being run down be- tween ¬ third mid horn The batter reached second on the play MoCormlck was lilt with a oltched hall Dahlen- im forcing In McOann Hall muffed Donma throw to catch Dahlen nff first < nil Mcrtcn raced home Dunn out on strike TWO RUNS Soconil Innlnir I Titus nan TAjlorn third strikeout victim on i caromed rafelr off T lors mitt Warner1 throw in- alili retired him on a purloinIng ex- pedition ¬ Hull fanned NO JUNB- lirccli threw out AWmii Ti lor cnt I a liner Mrolffht Into Hul nltt hands Jjwne fanned out NO HUNS Third Innlnir- lltilwltl I clniibiod Uooln sent a long fb tn lUOimltl nnd Hulnwltt cAnio hume liicleiiililce Mnslrd J homnr- wrr iif on Punns fiimblr Olrnjon finned Wolvtrtoi also perished on mill PS OM HlV- Ditlvlii ill ex n IIIM and olole uptond- MiCiiinn died on ngroundtr to Glnifin- Meiti i lll 10 Thomas and Devlin- icoreil Olnaaon throw out Mclor- mlrli OX IlLN Fourth Iniilntr- itus rclvod pnr Harry drove t nilln fir Ivo Inms Hull n v1bi rt to litt c litre uroillu Tllim mil linirv Devlin tlncw nut HuNwitt- Dihlrn cipturcd l ooln r r ind nou 111 il im Hnll nt third TVO KtNB- Dahlon w ilkn Dunn wan al o- fior il hv the ijltcher Warners bunt vrts Intended for a nacrltlc hilt nn- fffnrt in rnlcli Dnhlen at third failed mitl tho bnsr ir Hlrd Talor foul flv fell In Halls mitt llrownr put n- foll for Volverton Devlin drove tn- baJl under lion rottH In left centro- cloarlng the hase and maklnc the cir- cuit ¬ hlnm lf MrGnnn was hit with a pitched bull Brack tos eU out MertM RtNP rtrth tnnlnc- Brack dlnl nn striken Thomi hunted and Wainer tJirw him out Olouson- groundrd to McO inn and riled Ta > lor- tovrlnB flrst NO HlNBO- Jlcvncm threw out McCormick D h leu heu1 out a hunt He stole second nnrt went on to third on Doolna wild fllnjr Dunn uliiKlfil to left soorln Dahl n Warnrr lilt to let for n hue JlrRnk Uifw out Taylor Browne walked Devlin slnglnd nnd Dunn < ored McGnnn doiiblort ncorlnp Wivrner Browne nnd Devlin then irllMrd Hrnrk nrldge In the box for the Phllllen Mertefi wolkfd Mo- rronii itolr tWrd Mertes nnd McOnnn- trlid thfi double stMl trick but Mr- Oann wa out t the plaIt FIVE nUNS Alxth Innlno- Wolvprton filed to Mertes Titus died on n grounder to McOann Barry Urollnd Hall rnnned NO RUNS McCormlrk strurk out Dahlen- walknl Dun i> lnglrd and Dahlen marl third Dahkn nnd Dunn xeciited a double ritenl Dahlen ncorlug Wanior- dlnrtfl ejid Dunn cored Warner mad third on lurry wild throw to the plate Warner tried to com home while Iunli held the ball but waa tagged bv tho pitcher Lush threw out Taylor TWO RUNS Bnvnth Innlnir- HulKwltt walked Marahall rnlleved- ortln and Mnick out IuMi died nt- flrt ThOiiins walked Olcaion lied In McCornilrk NO RINS- nrowim hit bv pitched hn11 Devlin singled and Ilrowna wan caught at Jilrd Devlin ftole second McOnnn walked MwUe etripled scoring Dov- tn and McOann Lush took McCor- mloke liner and Mertpe wn double up at third TWO RUNS FhfJI Innlnir- Milllran rolloved Taylor In the box for < he GIants Dhkln ttvrem out Wol vert > n Titus walked Barry fouled to Devlin Hall died at flrat NO nUNS Dihlin singled Dunn tingled and Dahlen mndo third Wnrncr died at- flr t MllllRan tanned Browne slnu- lscorln Drhlen Devlin 4n 1d seor- Init Dunn McGann fanned TO lN R Mnth Innluar- Hul wltt reirhpd second on tcOall muff of Devlins naOrt Marshall lllfd- to M Gann Ixwk struck out Thomn die ot flrat NO RUNP SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY D I0c CHlp1rritrI Ln DIUTTLl PFAIIotJT LD 10 C ISC- LB NUT ctIOCOtTESrn flJmll I9C HIGHLANDERSSENATORS I ed to TVUIlams Thonty filed to Fults NO RUNS Fourth Innlnv- FuIU fanned Keeler out Klttredre to Stahl BberfeM Brounded to McCor ¬ mlck NO RUNS Solbach nled to Anderson Stahl out ChMbro to Ganzel McCormlck to Fulte NO RUNS Fifth Inning Wllllanu safe McCormlck woa doub ¬ led up on Andersons fly tn Hoffman Qanzel rolled to Moran NO RUNS Cuildy ned to Fultz Hoffman tan ¬ ned Klttredva fouled to Conroy NO RUNB Hlxth Innlnar McGuIre hit by pitched ball reached second on Chesbron roller to CniMdv and third on ConroV grounder to Me Cortnlck JII scored on Fultss ilnBle to short centre Keeler walked El- tmrfeld rounded out to Moran ONE RUN Patten out Klberfeld to Hansel Moran out Williams to Oanzel Thoney filed to Gllnnl NO RUNS Seventh Innlnff Williams atructc out Anderson aln- eled Oanzel fouled to Stahl Mo flu I re out MoCorralok to Stahl NO RUNS Selbaoh utruck out Suhl fouled to anzel McCornnck walked Caasldy filed to Williams NO RUNS I Eighth Inning I Cliesbro won out Cassldv to Stahl Conroy rounded to McCorrolck Fultz > eat a hunt and was thrown out by Klttr dge to McCormick NO RUNS Hoffman poppd lied to Williams Klttredge grounded to Conroy Patter Hied to Keeler NO RTTNR Ninth Innlne- Keeler I rincled Elberfeld sncrlficed- Mrthl to I > att < n WIlRrfms fi cd to Moran Anderson alnsled to left scor- In Kenlor Gnnrel out McCormlck to- Btlhl ONE RUN Momn out WllltajTii to Oanzel Thorny out Wllllnm to Ginzel Re- lhi < giounded In Oinzel NO HUNS Scire lir Innlncm- Hl hl n1 rrs 0 no n n 0 WMhlnirloni 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 00- I NASHVILLE WINNERS NASHVILLE Tonn April 22 Fol- lowing ¬ are the winners of the races run here today FIRST RA EriveftlghUn of a mile Won by Oa American 2 to 1 and oen I Must K 1o 1 for place wa sec- ond ¬ Tnimpnnr third Tlmf 1 tt- BECOND KACKShort Course Won by Itacattara T to 5 and out Valentine 7 to B for nlace was second Jack Bovd third Tliiitt0 THIRD BACK Won by Driers 2 to 1- oIlnd 4 to 6 Port Warden 6 to 2 for place was second Tennesslan thlnl Time ln i FOURTH RACKOne mile and a six- teenth ¬ Won bv Christine A 2 to 1 and 1 to 2 Autollght to D for plice was necond And Pouncll third Time M I FIKTH RACK Six and nMhllt fur- longs ¬ Won bv Toomv Knight X to 1 and 7 to 1 Mp ll > 5 to 1 for place wnr- peOnd Balm of Olleart third Time113 SIXTH RACKFour and a half fur- longs ¬ Won by Olsean 7 to 10 and 7 to 20 Dlxl 2 to 1 for place wan second Vlldo third TJme Ofo n SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGS Direct From he Manufacturer AD f r Fortnete ihn trrtj jftrt w h i milnttlneil- enr ripnlitlnn for tba manuftctnre ot Solid Gold JIr Dliraonl Mcnnllnfn nj Wddini nint AS lid U W GclJ 775 18 Kl 102522 KL II50 B i 00 850 u 1200 0 II 440 II i75 II 65 D u 500i 65U- I 100 II 550- f 75 425- Entnvjn Fr of CJ r While Tou Walt Al itnx ir gOftratttd vsact laftllt t ttioped SUnufcturln nd npnlrlni itpt on pramlun Illiutrtt O lo u of 311 Milled Fre L LEWKOWITZ fi KiSS ul >f uuirln Jwiltr > nd Itcportcrut luiimono SIXTH AV Corner 7th Bt New York Downtonn blare 290 Gronil ft CANDY GOODS r ITS COUNTER UOLAtHEK DA1XTIBF HUTTRI- trn WAFERS UOIASRES ruKM KihSK MOTTII jsts- CLOVEI 200 CUPS HONBT ROOK TAtlLET AND Sf I TllKHf In 11X SPECIAL Ff SATURDAY t iPlirAXrfnroNMONE Ln I0c SPECIAL for FRIDAY and SATURDAY CAnAU lnAMln LIiI JLD I9c- HIOItORAOE CJIIOOIA1JB OR CHOCOLATES 24cD- ONS CIIOCOLATEcovrnSD I QUACK IMNKAITJK Ta 2QC We WIlt 4lv r 1 ta JO 54 BARCLAY lbe at th following rates SZ Maotattan MnO lOa COP Vff 8T 8W rl1 TJAAI1Tn BrooJdTO Jensy City Re- bokcn or The Dronx Ite- Mo ii LVIII Oowi BmtcoJ V t < < > b I- Il3 > f J i MRS WILIAMJERVI8 DEAD I Mttr William Jervls net Bcnham of New York died here yesterday of pul- monary ¬ consumption 8be was aev- enty yea of a- geSOREJANDS Itching Burning Palms I Painful Finger Ends Shapeless Nails SORE FEET Inflamed Itching Burning J Sore Tender and Perspiring ONE NIGHT TREATMENT Soak the bands on retiring la a strong hot creamy lather of CuUcnra Soap Dry and anoint freely wltb Cutlcar Ointment the great klD cure and pares of emolent Wea during the night old or bandage In old soft cotton or red rongh and chapped hand dry flssnred- ttchlog feverish vritb brittle shapeless nails and painful finger ends this treatment Is simply wondtrful fro quently coring In 1 single application Complete local and constitutions treatment for erery hnmour of the kin scalp and blood with losa of hair may now be hid for one dollar Bathe with hot water and Cntlcuro Soap to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle Dry without hard robbing and apply Cat cnra Ointment freely to allay Itching Irritation and Inflammation and soothe and heal and lastly take the Catlcura- Reaolrent Pills to cool and cleanse the blood This treatment affords instant relief permits rot and in the severest forms Ezma and othe Itcblnff bornlug and points to a speedy permanent and I economical caro of torturing disfigur- ing ¬ homonrs from pimple to srrotula tom Infancy to aee when I and the bMt physicians fall 1 Chrawkoit thi orM Cillcon lUwlTnl JCv Cl Ckno u Cmut Iflli M Mr rln ta BI Ch- ro Draff rk n Corp olt PI 4 t Oo to C n Shoe Dept Special Sale Saturday Women 3 Ciitdretfs Infants Shoes in all the best styles and leather at remarkably low V omens Patent Leather 35o Button Boots pair light welt soles Cuban heelo value 60- 0Womens Oxford Ties Gibson Court Blucher and Plain styleo In 350 Ideal kid ptent calf Russia calf and vie pair kid value 500 f- V omensp- atentIdeDI Kid RIB ¬ sia Calf and VIc Oxford JOO In Bluehrr Olbson and Plain styles Ibfht welt J J400 and turn Iole value pair Misse- sButonLnce At In Russia calf nnd vlcl 225 Wd sizes J36- 0Miasen 1 to 2 for- merly Oxfords In Russia calf and vlcl At kid made with low formerly heels sizes 36- 0Misses 24 t 6 225- TI and tO 2- atl95 Childrens Canvas White t Hutton lace and Ox 8 toii ford weltod soles t vtluo 2 BO 300 J a I50- The L T- Orthopedic Shoe For Infants in a variety of leathers Button and Ankle Ties 750 to 125 a pair Lord Taylor Broadway and TwoaUoth Street and Fifth Arenuo LAUNDRY WANT5FEMALEB- XPEniBNCED obwc of or Aailonl tAondrr B9- 7P Kaib >T ProoMra FEEDERS Btiam JLInWANE Modem I i 7 1 b- Tif < o f J or I If You I Your Bought I Eyes and could get them In no other way you wouldnt buy the cheapest would > oul No > ou would pinch and save in a thousand to get the BEST POSSIBll- Then dont trust the selection of jluse which are next In Importance eyes themselves to i STORE CLERK Eyes cannot be examined over a counter I is scientifically impossible without darkened room scientific Instruments and methods Every doctor knows tha cheap bar ¬ gaincounter glasses little more than a face I fit glasses without careful adequate scientific examination My booklet Eyes and Their Care mailed on request will tel you something of my methodj Eye Glosses I needed 100 up EYKSIGI1T SPECIALIST 348 Sixth Av 21st BOEaflt 125th St cor Madison av llsrlem OWe Open Innlnp I r Dont Go Shabbyn Jnut becanan yon nro ikort of- cnsli G- oodClotUflg t the frt paying toirnrd inuccai- By 1 a Week her yon CAn net ffnod el made utrlUlilr put ulnthm MES WOJIJf AMD CHILDBEN at tb- eLowet Cash Store Prices Clinruc Whatever Ko- Sccurlt No Publicity All It Stores Open U FURNITURE llllt nreatomy I National OutflttiBg Co 166 West 23d 5t NY 62 West 125th St N V- G8 fTTUrk Avenue Jpmer CUT r v I Credit to AH Michaels Bros5- th Ave 9th St Bklyn Ladles Mens and Chid- rensCLOTHING 100 Down on Purchase of 1000 and 50 Cents Per Week I Furniture Carpets We Will Furnish Your Home for 1 PER WEEK 1 Open Monday nd Saturday Evenings i i 1 H V Monahan FURNITURE and CARPET EMPORIUMS 59lb lit 3d Ave Manhattan 5th Aye 12th Sts Bklyn Offer Extraordinary Handsome PCCO Parlor Soite- Mnhnanny ilnlah framo cov- ered ¬ In illlc ilnranxk renlarly old at r L WE P I I I 24 98 Wo open accounts and boast I ot a system that has unusual advantages 1 PHOTOGRAPHS from the tiniest miniature to a life size fcweim rntti uimuM P0 S5V Pin 0 DID COtinT of tha UU John McCourt and Miry Louvhra- nruntral from tbe late rtldlnee 302 6t- NIcholM av Sunday atlSU P M InUrmnt In Colvur- BMNBSSY fluildtnlr Wtdnuday April SO UAIIY w4ow ot Wtliu HtnntMr mother of Wllllun y anil a ChvlM f Cob- nItlatlT and friend are tnrlted to at t ad the funtnl on Saturday April 28 lale ntldcnc ISO Eat 110th tbo M 1 l < < F- W < < > 1 4 < Get the Habit Go fo ui I Broadway I 47 Cortlnndt S t 211 and 219 Sixth Ave 125th St Cor Third Ave Fifty I Specials in Wearing Apparel for Me and Boys on sale this Immediate attention given to Mail Orders Two 1250 Value at 85- 0I I liens Fancy slnllebrM- te Cheviot Suits Mon Tan Covert Top Coats serge lined sleeves allk lined Four Big Bargain at 10 Our steclal Custom Tail ¬ I ored Worsted ilulta for Men Cravenettte and Macklnette Rain Coat 6 Inches long V Melton fln- tshed black suits VI Silklined Tan Covert aad Black Cheviot Top Coata Four SI650 Value at 1250 VII Handtailored velour finish I Black Thibet 3ulta U Handtailored fancy Wonted VII breasted Sulla atngle and double Oxford Worst d Rain eat j IX Venetian lined Fancy Covert Top Coata hand tailored Five 20 Value at 15 XI Fancy handtail- ored ¬ Suits XII Back Sultt- XIII silk lined Vicuna Oxford gray It allk lined U Ct j XIV Ta Covert To Cat aW XV Spring Orerooats j and black allk lined Ox0 Six Trousers Specials I XVI Dutches Trousers iruar ping teed against rip 2 i Worsted Tromen Dutch XV- I ess mae p a- XVIIL 0 1 a I- at ° p Trouger kt English worsted paT terna 3 Extra dress Trousers XIX Imported won teds tjOOU- XX Imlord Engllah won ¬ 5 XI Extra special ftg top Trousers custom tall ored 7 1 Youth SulU Low P- Ic Cheviot Bulta- XXIII 5 a Blue Ser Bulta ubI aln 6 H a dtnoed W 0 d XI tor m 8 for Boy Three 350 Vaue Dule 195 XXVI f oy cheviot Kortolk Plain and tenor Bailor I XVI Blouse Suits Four 5 Value at 295 XVI bte2p I i Norok a b Ruatlan Blou nnn- XXXL plain and Su Tan ToU Ad Blue Four 6 Value at 395 vvvii ple aults of worsted Hand tailored Norfolk SuIt of ohovjot- XXXIV > Blouse Sulta > Plain colors and fancy XXXV New Mikado Japanese jmnary Suit for boy J 5c Plain tancy A XXL extra Knee Pants e i Three Mens Hat Specials t4 Darby acot XXXV- I make at us 3 Derbyi and J XXVI Boft Hats special PevU Stylish S3 Derby tf 50 AAAIA anj jj0fi Hata Four Men Shoe Specials S250 Shoes ape tl XL daily reduced to 3U 3 Shoes and Oxfords viol I patent colt ac1 velour 73- VI I it Strolertet the b you PJ- SS I I J Herringbone ShanK Oxfords tan and 395 XLI patent colt j Two Boys Shoes Specials Excellent U SO ALIV school shoes OC- VIV I U and J2Wshoes 1 J49 for jOJs gpeolal Five Furnlihlnjs Bargains We value XLVI Hose newetfetsC White and fancy XI VII mt Negligee ahlrta poI IUO value XLV m 1lne pijin white pe and gOO Shirts OC Custom peot J XLIX lade to measure 75 L grade 1- LBusponderi w b leather ends n1- n lh 2 I Get t he Habit Go i 279 Broadway n Chambers r 47 Cortlandt St n GrecnWd 11 211 219 Sixth Ii 125th St Cor Third Avt NEW YORK j- i I < r kj1 v 1 0

A ISCUESAT- BOSTONS2 JAP WIPED If You I uichroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1904-04-22/ed-1/seq-2.pdfm f f l lil r-j > ttEOltL < > V t R1 Y L G n J4 jfrU lr ISCUESAT-f

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ttEOltL R1 Y L G n J4





Firemen andPolice Carry Women andChildren from a Tenement in Second

J Avenue When a Blaze Was Spread ¬

ing with Astonishing Rapidity

Between thirty and forty women and children were carried down lad

jcrs and fire escapes out of the burning sixstory flat house Nos 17161718 and 1720 Second avenue by policemen and firemen this afternoonThere were many narrow escapes but fortunately no one was injuredsave for the evil effects suffered from inhaling the stiffling smoke

1 The building stands at the northeast corner of Second avenue andI

Eightyninth street There are stores on the ground floor and fortyfive I

apartments on the five upper floors At 2 oclock this afternoon tfiere wasnot a man in the building above the ground floor but there were womenand children too small to be In school in almost every apartment

The fire originated In the basement of Xo 1718 and worked out Into abig alrshaft It happened that none of thfl women In the house nern Inrooms opening on this shnft and the tire was not discovered until It had


worked Its WilY clear to the roof II

There It mushroomed spreading Into all the fipartmenta on the lopi floor of No 1718 and working through tho walls to tho top floor apartments

of the other two houaw Coincident with the npread of the fire the roomsj l1oer the ho ise were Oiled with smoke and the women becnroc panic5 stricken

f Roundsman Kaiiff and Policemen Connelly and Reagan of thn KantEightyeighth street station nero passing the house when tho first alarmwns given They knew that the building was probably full or holpleuowomen and little children and lost no time In making thfllr way up 1hestairs each of them taking one of tho houses

i They assisted the terrified women and children to Uio stairs on tht-f lower l1 but when they got to the roof they found their work cut out I

for them because tho fire and smoke had become alarmlnc Tt won Impos-qtble to go through the halls Mil recourse was had to tho firecscapoi

On tho top floor of No 1718 a Mrs Martin was found unconscious In I

the kitchen of her flat with five little children huddlod around her TimIwllcemen and members of flic truck No 13 carried them out to the rtrce cnp landing on tha Second avenue slrto and lowed thorn to th stiootOn the top floor of No 1720 was found ft Mrs Komst hysterical and Iltielcfber mothorlnlaw overcome by smoke nnd thoe children panlrstricken Thny wpro got to the street with dufflcum lccatiso the flrc

Ps by thlR tlno were cluttered with telHnlll hOllebohl goods flrmen alifire apparatusfvj 0 A Mrs Drsllor who veil on tho second lloor or No 1716 outcot oftho building all right but nhon sho rcachf the rort reraembprpd thatshe had JoJt her pet CRt behind She rottaned for U

f Went Mcapath of No 22 Bnglnp aw licr enter the bulldlni and followed her Ho lost her In the nmoln nnrt Marehrd through tho nnnrtmomHfinally coming upon hor In a room on the second lloor uncuuriou thestairsfloor The CM was sato In Her arm and McOrath carrier both down


The big building was completely Rutted and many of the lennlsespeclRllyof dead

those on the upper floors lost ovprytblng they had A bakelflIcanary birds thouBhMgrVSnS and don 1 gathored 111 hthe firemen In their tour after Ihn flrf nK exUuullhlll


j1Tho brokers on the curli market arenot hp oily men In Wall street whofme taken nn Inteipst In Hie niclng nt-

tlif Aqurdiict track since the raclncjcann nprncd There wa n Rpnfml

r pool formed bv some of Ihn rurb mennnil thej mad a blp wlnnlnc at TO to lJcsleiday liut the curli In not theJinU inarKet that Hie l0okmnlirrn haxo-Bot liiislneHii In A number of liooK-nmker hne been ReltlnR bn lnr nfrom om of tin brokers on the Tllt-cUoanl Itccir-I It I Julie llkelv that thn Gnxrrnnrof th New Ygrlt Stock KirhaiiBo noulrl-Xrownil hard upon this form of gnmblln-amij rhups Iliej nmy have tholr ui-a




i TIP11

1 The Tip That Failed a Wall streetj

i jama with John D Rockefeller Jrmentioned In the cut nnd a member of

fjii his Bible class as n Bteerer In theffty game was rehearsed In Justice Kel

< f togga branch of the Supreme Court Inijjti Brooklyn today The comeons of

I course had planned to get back whatt I they Iwt through tho bad tip

George Doutney sued Ujdney C Lovoand Frederick Swift brokers for HJ-MO which he paid he liad lost throughj their firm In speculating in Wabash

I tockThe brokers retaliated through a

iJ counter suit for J1355 which thyi claimed woe the amount of margins

Dyer the roM which Douuiey Jiaafailed to pa

U I The itory went on record that J P-

BawlcyI4 Is a friend of John D Rocke-feller


jr and a member of his illble-elaas1i Witness Love continued

Rawley had lunch with Mr Rocke-feller


l one day and Informed Doutney-plater that Mr Rockefeller had Intimat-


to him that there was somethingj

It doing in WabdKh that the stock wasbound to go up very soon

kf On this tip Doutney wa advised tot get aboard and he came to us He-

i i Slut up WWO tn cosh and bout HIJi > > f OO1Ii collateral Wabash went down

Ill t i r sla tad of up It went down so farij of the margins were wiped out

J r iIlndJdr Doutney still owes us tl3i forI r cUUttonal margins before he discoveredft 1f1 t that the tip ha had received throught HocJicf ller friend waa all to the

f tedi i1f Th Jury thought over tho matter for4i >

In hour and then decided that Doutney-vsTiould have lost what he did In back

euch Information Not only thatMl lVut they ordered Doutney to pay thetlt tfendanu the tltSS with accrued In

11 uretI-iJIfr i The nut time JbUYtoCk on Inslda-

toU t aDlblo clalS bq

dovtfHh Jt eaM Doutneyi I1Iett the

r 1<

k I tJ-



l to1


lenJon rlllled 10 II hUI Ih r all nla litII tallc tol1a by ahocked brokeillhnlll Ih Irepnrf of booklllalcurlifthlo Ihe Slunk IIIExchan << tu1ldln It1111 It Is anld thAtI aevenl men IIconwl1 118 mllker at hand booka hanbolII cnl red the now treet corridorof the htork Exchange to serhers on tho floor and one man noticed

Oell rift pUt down ln hall an hourjust hcforn noon todayrMh IV0 rUl ° f tho PxchAn Ii as Is that P entl II hookmnkfr Irom makinII A bUllneu call IIn I1tmber of the Exchallho nn enlrr Ihu rrglllnr tluppoedly

Ill1Ilhru an nd In hlaI card In Ih r nnd car till the rn mbormm




CHICAGO April SI A desperado tothe list Peter Nledcrmeler the Ort ofthe throe boy bandlta 10 b hanged todaj died with curses on his lips Hand-cuffed und with hIs leg e Becur lystrapped h WM seated In a chslr onthe trap and the rope adjusted abouthis neck When tile trap was sprung hedropped with the chair and It wa tweuity minutes before the surgeons wouldpermit his body to be cut dunUustav Marx waa the next to Bo Heaa weak but met death ganjely nn-parentlj derhlng consolation from theprayer of a priest who accompaniedhim to the scaffold Youn Harvey VanDine waa alsd accompWd by a prietheand U Ibo cap WU put ovor hIs hwlth praer Lhat hud beenS aTw alnce

day NOhll profIlf ot-



V01 Mil authoritlei expectedwould have trouble withIedrmeler and ht didthcm Ua 1UI ullen and Waanhtmou

nil morning and mnUe aarClIstio refercnces 10 M execution when the 8h Mlffentered his cell lo read the dealh Wwrant Derore tho reading wiu concludedXn dcnelr tho documentIhe hands 01 the 8hwlfr and stucltIt In hll pocket

Although th surneonii al his neckwas broken 1111 the belief of the Uyapectntora thaf he strangled to doathTbere ere ve moempnts ofvi body lor ltteen mlnutu after thronp tI htnellWhen u drop tell the hroud aboutbody fell apart and tothe onlooker was rvealed the horrify

Inll stniKclcs of the manAlthourli the trnp waa inrunc nn

Nledermeler at 10 83 It wna 111S oclookbefore Marx appeared making icappnaet to a litany by theHe was Bent throuah tho trapat 1117 lila neck was andparentlv he suffered anVoung Van Din whose mother didnot relax her effort to bar the Goyrnor Intervene until the lut minutewa the lut of the trio to goVan Din waa hanged at 11

and Ills execution IVM without partlculliir Incident

lyflerriieTer who ncDeored on thiuhlrt nlftrnut wen a rwdroene looked about andt ene at theomcla eta lIJna m-

i i < J lCYi-i 1 iJi aTI nJ



Ned Hanlons Trolley Dodgers

Obtain Ample Revenge forTheir Defeat in the FirstGame of the Series



Weather Still Too Cold for Per ¬

fect Ball and a Small CrowdTurns Out to See theGame


Boston BrooklynGeler of bTenny Ib Bhwkard Ifn lehant Jb Iumley rfAbbatlrrhlo tf nohbs cfCooley If nabb sItaymer 2b Doric JhCiumell rf McCormlfk Ib

c Hergen cirislier p Jnnp p

Bptolal lo Th Bvenlni WorldBOSTON BALI PARK April 22Ned Hanlon wearing a smile

shook hands with nucktnburger In thadressing room of the players this after-noon and congratulated him on his luckIn pulling off the rune yesterday hutIt could be eMn that Huck did notbilUv what Hanlon slid It wan aease of luck with YOU yoKUrday saidHanlon but Buck laughed and saidIt wns merit nnd nothing eII

A nlcn box of iierf clos that we getthe game thin itftnrnoon ald Hanlon

Its a go said Uuek-Th gates to the gioundj were thrown

open at 2 oclock but the old timecrowd that tmiMlj I n tn In the nar-row


a < ixKitwny buying tlckctn wa rm-pJoiiom hv HB nhfenrr The nrtlclc of

bnll put uj vrtPiln hy UrmIJtrn-itnmim tlittm In tile inlniln of tho oid-Nntlotwl I nni Ptnnilliys i O K

Ilrnt InningSttung bunttil to rttc anti aithrown out nl IIraL Hhknrj uJl HIPnn ttif n for Itamo Liinlny r tup n high tty for Triiny V I RINVOelir out Jnn n In bovli-


In Illmle n > ltl liant piu sII to r obrn NO WKf-irranil Innlna

Ihhi mint rout Delehanti to Vfnnf rnhh went out on R uroimder 10IVnnM i rlc of nr t Fl her cwrilnc1h It IIoyle will crd McCormUlthit afc to Cllnllrll fumhllnwJiff ormlck sot to contl IliTcen hitIt lUIH frorlmr UnMf lOud htormlrkIml nlli h tI Illo III TpnnpHlIHConlev foulnd tn prJlrn llit to left Shmrt mnldns thl BreiT

p l oilch sn nn the Kimmli In yenr-nSiili1 filII Slrl orrnlll to Doyl NO

Third Iniiluvf-itrang fouled out tn DM flheckardtannd luml w nl nut on ahllth ny-

Cannell10 nllnrll O RtJ S

hit oafp to c ntr and wasthrown It In nil nttempt to 111oond Inrati rtruck out FlehwIh IlInlllf 011 n out nabb toI InI NOFourth Inulnir

Dibbs nlnrcrt n nln Ingle betweenIjfht and centre llabb fanned andl > obb WM thrown out nt Hecond tryIIIK to steal Uovlo nnlkcd McCor-inlrk KOlng out navmsr to Tenney NOI i IS H

aeler hit to Dovlo and was liMeTenny hit to Strati ralrhlng O ler nt-etoiid T nnv beJnfr dnfr at Mal Del

then went out McConn Ink to DoyleCoolex hit rutt vcorlnic T nny >1111 out to fitmiiK ONK HtN-

rllth InnlnwDeolren fouled out to Moran and ajl

Jones did wa to give an easv nr forI ooliv Strane walked and 8hckard

TIM out to Coolry NO ntNSI Haymer went out McCormlck toipmlc Cnnnflll wnu < e and lBfI

doubled on Mlrnna grounder to Mr-I formlrk hnnrtlwl nt second bv Strang

NO HUNSftlxtli Innlnnc

I Imulrv walked Dobbs t a Mow oneI lo Tennpy who threw to second but

illil not Kel Timlfy Dobbs reachingllrat Habb hit to Del the bajies

I Doyle lilt to Fisher who threw Dobbsout nt neconfl Luinley scoring Dole

if out at llrdt IUI Pill n 1

hU Mfely nd stole pfIC ond nergen-nied out to Rayroer TWO RUNSI rither went out MrCormUk to DoyleO> lei gai Sheokard an nisv fly outind Tenn closed the Innlns golnpr outnabb to Dovle NO IIINB-

Se > cnUi InningJones went out RII >Tner to Tnn-


hlti n hard on to FUher andreached flrat and stole M cond Bheckard trOt a pass Uimlov hit to Raymwwho fumbled fllllnK the b sM Dobbshit to Fluher forcing Jones at platellabb vent A saf one to left scoringShrckard and tumlev Dobb < waanailed nt thlnl TWO RUNB-

Dal put up a fly to McCormickCooley hit to Doyle und wa outAbby hit one in front of the plute

for ncrgen nml rcarhed flrit Raymerhit lIre Cannell filed out lo DobbsNO RUNS

Jhtbth InnlntrDole hit a hot one to pel and

reached flrst McCormlck hit to lUy-mei forcing Dojln and comolUng ndoiibli piny n rgnil hit to Kluher andnnsi info but unit later outwhen Jones hit to Del forcing Hcr-K n at second NO nl S

Moron filed out to Dobbs and Shrekard took n long II r from FI liPr butOeler rappod out n tw olngser Tennyfollowed with n Bale onn to rightOrter ccorlng Del went out Mc-


to Do > le ONE RUNMntb InnIng

Slrantr hit ynfe and Sheokard tiled nutto Geler Iumlny hit to Raym foreIDR Strang M second Dobln nied outto Rnvmer NO RUNB-

Coolev fouled out to Bergen Abbygave Sheclrerd a fly Rnymar clotMthe game bv a fly to Bheckard NO-IUNS

dcorn br-ntw

Ilnhlllsitlyn 0 z 0 0 0 z z 0 I

uo ton n n n t o n 010 2

A Nice

Little Dish of

GrapeNuts-and Cream

Toothsomeand OflicioBs

iri i l i 1 o 1ili i ttfc A II


Port Arthur Reports the Complete Destructionof a Force of the Mikados Troops

by the Russian Forces

LONDON April 22 740 P MA despatch to the Central News

from Port Arthur says news has been received there of the complete de ¬

struction of a Japanese column on the Yalu River No details it is added

were ohfninaableST PETERSBURG April 22730 P MThe state of siege has

been extended to all the towns adjacent to the Siberian Railroad




nln batters and allowing but live hlteDevlin ma49 the flrst home run of thf-

taon pending In three Olanta who oc-


the slabs ahead of him In thefourth Inning t-

Iilnt InnliiRThorn succumbed to Taylors bend ¬

ers QlMuon could tot d6 any betterWolvmon took a wayward ihoot In theribs and wns trrt to drat Hn was n-

ay out trying to iileal on Warnerthrow to Dahlen NO RUNS

Browne wa safe at flriit on Hill afumble DMiln hit to Brockcnrldgeand both runners were cafe on Huls-wltts muff Browne wa caught napplntt on Doolns swift ton to Hulawttt MoOann singled and Devlinreached third Mtrtcna rap to Brackresulted in Devlin being run down be-


third mid horn The batterreached second on the play MoCormlckwas lilt with a oltched hall Dahlen-im forcing In McOann Hallmuffed Donma throw to catch Dahlennff first < nil Mcrtcn raced homeDunn out on strike TWO RUNS

Soconil Innlnir I

Titus nan TAjlorn third strikeoutvictim on i caromed rafelroff T lors mitt Warner1 throw in-

alili retired him on a purloinIng ex-pedition


Hull fanned NO JUNB-lirccli threw out AWmii Ti lor cntI a liner Mrolffht Into Hul nltt handsJjwne fanned out NO HUNS

Third Innlnir-lltilwltlI clniibiod Uooln sent a long

fb tn lUOimltl nnd Hulnwltt cAniohume liicleiiililce Mnslrd J homnr-wrr iif on Punns fiimblr Olrnjonfinned Wolvtrtoi also perished onmill PS OM HlV-

Ditlvlii ill ex n IIIM and olole uptond-MiCiiinn died on ngroundtr to Glnifin-Meiti i lll 10 Thomas and Devlin-icoreil Olnaaon throw out Mclor-mlrli OX IlLN

Fourth Iniilntr-itus rclvod pnr Harry drove

t nilln fir Ivo Inms Hulln v1bi rt to litt c litre uroillu Tllimmil linirv Devlin tlncw nut HuNwitt-Dihlrn cipturcd l ooln r r ind nou111 il im Hnll nt third TVO KtNB-

Dahlon w ilkn Dunn wan al o-

fior il hv the ijltcher Warners buntvrts Intended for a nacrltlc hilt nn-fffnrt in rnlcli Dnhlen at third failedmitl tho bnsr ir Hlrd Talor foulflv fell In Halls mitt llrownr put n-

foll for Volverton Devlin drove tn-

baJl under lion rottH In left centro-cloarlng the hase and maklnc the cir-cuit


hlnm lf MrGnnn was hit with apitched bull Brack tos eU out MertM

RtNPrtrth tnnlnc-

Brack dlnl nn striken Thomi huntedand Wainer tJirw him out Olouson-groundrd to McO inn and riled Ta > lor-tovrlnB flrst NO HlNBO-

Jlcvncm threw out McCormick D hleu heu1 out a hunt He stole secondnnrt went on to third on Doolna wildfllnjr Dunn uliiKlfil to left soorlnDahl n Warnrr lilt to let for n hueJlrRnk Uifw out Taylor Brownewalked Devlin slnglnd nnd Dunn

< ored McGnnn doiiblort ncorlnpWivrner Browne nnd Devlinthen irllMrd Hrnrk nrldge In the boxfor the Phllllen Mertefi wolkfd Mo-rronii itolr tWrd Mertes nnd McOnnn-trlid thfi double stMl trick but Mr-Oann wa out t the plaIt FIVEnUNS

Alxth Innlno-Wolvprton filed to Mertes Titus died

on n grounder to McOann BarryUrollnd Hall rnnned NO RUNS

McCormlrk strurk out Dahlen-walknl Dun i> lnglrd and Dahlen marlthird Dahkn nnd Dunn xeciited adouble ritenl Dahlen ncorlug Wanior-dlnrtfl ejid Dunn cored Warnermad third on lurry wild throw tothe plate Warner tried to com homewhile Iunli held the ball but waatagged bv tho pitcher Lush threwout Taylor TWO RUNS

Bnvnth Innlnir-HulKwltt walked Marahall rnlleved-ortln and Mnick out IuMi died nt-

flrt ThOiiins walked Olcaion liedIn McCornilrk NO RINS-

nrowim hit bv pitched hn11 Devlinsingled and Ilrowna wan caught atJilrd Devlin ftole second McOnnnwalked MwUe etripled scoring Dov-tn and McOann Lush took McCor-

mloke liner and Mertpe wn doubleup at third TWO RUNS

FhfJI Innlnir-Milllran rolloved Taylor In the box

for < he GIants Dhkln ttvrem out Wolvert > n Titus walked Barry fouled toDevlin Hall died at flrat NO nUNS

Dihlin singled Dunn tingled andDahlen mndo third Wnrncr died at-

flr t MllllRan tanned Browne slnu-lscorln Drhlen Devlin 4n 1d seor-

Init Dunn McGann fanned TOlN R

Mnth Innluar-Hul wltt reirhpd second on tcOall

muff of Devlins naOrt Marshall lllfd-

to M Gann Ixwk struck out Thomndie ot flrat NO RUNP



LD 10 C



NUT ctIOCOtTESrnflJmll I9C


ed to TVUIlams Thonty filed to FultsNO RUNS

Fourth Innlnv-FuIU fanned Keeler out Klttredre to

Stahl BberfeM Brounded to McCor ¬

mlck NO RUNSSolbach nled to Anderson Stahl out

ChMbro to Ganzel McCormlck to FulteNO RUNS

Fifth InningWllllanu safe McCormlck woa doub ¬

led up on Andersons fly tn HoffmanQanzel rolled to Moran NO RUNS

Cuildy ned to Fultz Hoffman tan ¬

ned Klttredva fouled to Conroy NORUNB

Hlxth InnlnarMcGuIre hit by pitched ball reached

second on Chesbron roller to CniMdvand third on ConroV grounder to MeCortnlck JII scored on Fultss ilnBleto short centre Keeler walked El-

tmrfeld rounded out to Moran ONERUN

Patten out Klberfeld to HanselMoran out Williams to OanzelThoney filed to Gllnnl NO RUNS

Seventh InnlnffWilliams atructc out Anderson aln-

eled Oanzel fouled to Stahl Moflu I re out MoCorralok to Stahl NORUNS

Selbaoh utruck out Suhl fouled toanzel McCornnck walked Caasldyfiled to Williams NO RUNS I

Eighth InningI

Cliesbro won out Cassldv to StahlConroy rounded to McCorrolck Fultz

>eat a hunt and was thrown out byKlttr dge to McCormick NO RUNS

Hoffman poppd lied to WilliamsKlttredge grounded to Conroy PatterHied to Keeler NO RTTNR

Ninth Innlne-KeelerI rincled Elberfeld sncrlficed-

Mrthl to I >att < n WIlRrfms fi cd toMoran Anderson alnsled to left scor-In Kenlor Gnnrel out McCormlck to-

Btlhl ONE RUNMomn out WllltajTii to Oanzel

Thorny out Wllllnm to Ginzel Re-lhi< giounded In Oinzel NO HUNS

Scire lir Innlncm-Hl hl n1 r rs 0 no n n 0WMhlnirloni 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 00-



NASHVILLE Tonn April 22 Fol-


are the winners of the racesrun here today

FIRST RA EriveftlghUn of a mileWon by Oa American 2 to 1 and

oen I Must K 1o 1 for place wa sec-


Tnimpnnr third Tlmf 1 tt-

BECOND KACKShort Course Wonby Itacattara T to 5 and out Valentine7 to B for nlace was second JackBovd third Tliiitt0

THIRD BACK Won by Driers 2 to 1-

oIlnd 4 to 6 Port Warden 6 to 2 for placewas second Tennesslan thlnl Timeln i

FOURTH RACKOne mile and a six-teenth


Won bv Christine A 2 to 1

and 1 to 2 Autollght to D for plicewas necond And Pouncll third TimeM I

FIKTH RACK Six and nMhllt fur-longs


Won bv Toomv Knight X to 1

and 7 to 1 Mp ll > 5 to 1 for place wnr-peOnd Balm of Olleart third Time113

SIXTH RACKFour and a half fur-longs


Won by Olsean 7 to 10 and 7 to20 Dlxl 2 to 1 for place wan secondVlldo third TJme Ofo


SEAMLESS WEDDING RINGSDirect From he Manufacturer

ADf r

Fortnete ihn trrtj jftrt w h i milnttlneil-enr ripnlitlnn for tba manuftctnre ot Solid GoldJIr Dliraonl Mcnnllnfn nj Wddini nintAS lid U W GclJ 775 18 Kl 102522 KL II50B i 00 850 u 12000 II

440 II i75 II 65D

u500i 65U-

I 100 II550-

f 75 425-

Entnvjn Fr of CJ r While Tou WaltAl itnx ir gOftratttd vsact laftllt t ttiopedSUnufcturln nd npnlrlni itpt on pramlunIlliutrtt O lo u of 311 Milled Fre

L LEWKOWITZ fi KiSSul> f uuirln Jwiltr > nd Itcportcrut luiimonoSIXTH AV Corner 7th Bt New York

Downtonn blare 290 Gronil ft





iPlirAXrfnroNMONE Ln I0c


lnAMlnLIiI JLD I9c-



We WIlt 4lv r 1 ta JO 54 BARCLAYlbe at th following rates SZMaotattan MnO lOa COP Vff8T 8W

rl1 TJAAI1TnBrooJdTO Jensy City Re-bokcn or The Dronx Ite-


ii LVIIIOowi BmtcoJ


t < < >b I-

Il3>f J i


William Jervls net Bcnham of NewYork died here yesterday of pul-monary


consumption 8be was aev-enty yea of a-


Itching Burning Palms


Painful Finger EndsShapeless Nails

SORE FEETInflamed Itching Burning


Sore Tender and



Soak the bands on retiring la a stronghot creamy lather of CuUcnra SoapDry and anoint freely wltb CutlcarOintment the great klD cure and paresof emolent Wea during the nightold or bandageIn old soft cotton or redrongh and chapped hand dry flssnred-ttchlog feverish vritb brittleshapeless nails and painful finger endsthis treatment Is simply wondtrful froquently coring In 1 single application

Complete local and constitutionstreatment for erery hnmour of thekin scalp and blood with losa of hairmay now be hid for one dollar Bathewith hot water and Cntlcuro Soap tocleanse the surface of crusts and scalesand soften the thickened cuticle Drywithout hard robbing and apply Catcnra Ointment freely to allay ItchingIrritation and Inflammation and sootheand heal and lastly take the Catlcura-Reaolrent Pills to cool and cleanse theblood This treatment affords instantrelief permits rot and in theseverest forms Ezma and otheItcblnff bornlugand points to a speedy permanent and

I economical caro of torturing disfigur-ing


homonrs from pimple to srrotulatom Infancy to aee when

I and the bMt physicians fall

1Chrawkoit thi orM Cillcon lUwlTnl JCv ClCkno u Cmut Iflli M Mr rln ta

BI Ch-roDraff rk n Corp oltPI4 t Oo to C n

Shoe DeptSpecial Sale Saturday

Women 3 CiitdretfsInfants Shoes

in all the best styles andleather at remarkably low

VomensPatent Leather 35oButton Boots

pairlight welt soles Cubanheelo value 60-

0WomensOxford Ties

Gibson Court Blucherand Plain styleo In 350Ideal kid ptent calfRussia calf and vie pairkid value 500 f-

Vomensp-atentIdeDI Kid RIB ¬

sia Calf and VIcOxford JOOIn Bluehrr Olbson and

Plain styles Ibfht welt JJ400and turn Iole value pair

Misse-sButonLnce At

In Russia calf nnd vlcl 225Wd sizesJ36-


1 to 2 for-merly

OxfordsIn Russia calf and vlcl Atkid made with low

formerlyheels sizes


24 t 6 225-TIand tO 2-


White tHutton lace and Ox 8 toiiford weltod soles tvtluo 2 BO 300 J

a I50-The L T-

Orthopedic ShoeFor Infants in a variety ofleathers Button and AnkleTies750 to 125 a pair

Lord TaylorBroadway and TwoaUoth Street

and Fifth Arenuo


XPEniBNCED obwc ofor Aailonl tAondrr B9-7P Kaib >T ProoMra


I i 71 b-


of J or


If YouI


IEyesand could get them In no other wayyou wouldnt buy the cheapestwould > oul No > ou would pinchand save in a thousand to getthe BEST POSSIBll-

Then dont trust the selection ofjluse which are next In Importance

eyes themselves to i STORECLERK Eyes cannot be examinedover a counter I is scientifically

impossible without darkened roomscientific Instruments and methodsEvery doctor knows tha cheap bar ¬

gaincounter glasses little morethan a face

I fit glasses without carefuladequate scientific examination Mybooklet Eyes and Their Caremailed on request will tel you

something of my methodj

Eye Glosses I needed 100 up

EYKSIGI1T SPECIALIST348 Sixth Av 21stBOEaflt 125th St cor Madison av

llsrlem OWe Open Innlnp

I r Dont Go ShabbynJnut becanan yon nro ikort of-

cnsli G-

oodClotUflgt the frt payingtoirnrd inuccai-


1 a Weekher yon CAn net ffnod elmade utrlUlilr put ulnthm


eLowet Cash Store PricesClinruc Whatever Ko-

SccurltNo Publicity

All It Stores Open U

FURNITURE lllltnreatomy

I National OutflttiBg Co166 West 23d 5t NY

62 West 125th St N V-

G8 fTTUrk Avenue Jpmer CUTr


ICredit to AH

Michaels Bros5-

th Ave 9th St Bklyn

Ladles Mens and Chid-rensCLOTHING

100 Down on Purchase of1000 and 50 Cents Per Week I

Furniture Carpets

We Will Furnish YourHome for


Open Monday nd Saturday Eveningsi i1

H V MonahanFURNITURE and


59lb lit 3d Ave Manhattan

5th Aye 12th Sts Bklyn

Offer ExtraordinaryHandsome PCCO Parlor Soite-

Mnhnanny ilnlah framo cov-ered


In illlc ilnranxk renlarlyold at r




II 24 98

Wo open accounts and boast I

ot a system that has unusualadvantages


PHOTOGRAPHSfrom the tiniestminiature toa life sizefcweim rntti uimuM P0S5V Pin


DIDCOtinT of tha UUJohn McCourt and Miry Louvhra-

nruntral from tbe late rtldlnee 302 6t-

NIcholM av Sunday atlSUP M InUrmnt In Colvur-BMNBSSY fluildtnlr Wtdnuday AprilSO UAIIY w4ow ot WtliuHtnntMr

mother of Wllllun y anila ChvlM f Cob-nItlatlT and friend are tnrlted to at

t ad the funtnl on Saturday April 28lale ntldcnc ISO Eat 110thtbo M1

l< < F-

W< <


1 4

<Get the Habit Go fo

uiIBroadwayI 47 Cortlnndt S t

211 and 219 Sixth Ave125th St Cor Third Ave

FiftyI Specials

in Wearing Apparel for Meand Boys on sale this

Immediate attention givento Mail Orders

Two 1250 Value at 85-


I liens Fancy slnllebrM-teCheviot SuitsMon Tan Covert Top Coatsserge lined sleeves allklined

Four Big Bargain at 10

Our steclal Custom Tail ¬I ored Worsted ilulta for MenCravenettte and MacklnetteRain Coat 6 Inches long

V Melton fln-tshed black suits

VI Silklined Tan Covert aadBlack Cheviot Top Coata

Four SI650 Value at 1250VII Handtailored velour finish

I Black Thibet 3ulta UHandtailored fancy WontedVIIbreastedSulla atngle and double

Oxford Worst d Rain eatj IX Venetian linedFancy Covert Top Coatahand tailored

Five 20 Value at 15

XI Fancy handtail-ored


SuitsXII Back Sultt-XIII

silk lined Vicuna

Oxford gray Itallk lined U Ct j

XIV TaCovert ToCat aWXV Spring Orerooats j

and black allk lined Ox0Six Trousers Specials I

XVI Dutches Trousers iruarpingteed against rip 2 iWorsted Tromen DutchXV-I ess mae p a-


0 1 a I-

at°p Trouger ktEnglish worsted paT

terna 3Extra dress TrousersXIX Imported wonteds tjOOU-

XX Imlord Engllah won ¬ 5XI Extra special ftg topTrousers custom tallored 7 1

Youth SulU Low P-IcCheviot Bulta-


a Blue Ser BultaubI


H a dtnoed W 0 dXI tor m8

for Boy Three 350 VaueDule 195

XXVI f oy cheviot KortolkPlain and tenor Bailor I

XVI Blouse SuitsFour 5 Value at 295

XVI bte2p I


Norok a bRuatlan Blounnn-


plain and SuTan ToU Ad Blue

Four 6 Value at 395vvvii pleaults of worsted

Hand tailored NorfolkSuIt of ohovjot-


Blouse Sulta> Plain colors and fancy

XXXV New Mikado Japanesejmnary Suit for boy J5c Plain tancy A

XXL extra Knee Pants e iThree Mens Hat Specials

t4 Darby acotXXXV-

Imake at us

3 Derbyi and JXXVI Boft Hats special PevU

Stylish S3 Derby tf 50AAAIA anj jj0fi HataFour Men Shoe Specials

S250 Shoes ape tlXL daily reduced to 3U3 Shoes and Oxfords violI patent colt ac1velour 73-


Iit Strolertet the

b you PJ-SS


I JHerringbone ShanK

Oxfords tan and 395XLI patent coltj

Two Boys Shoes Specials

Excellent U SOALIV school shoes OC-


U and J2Wshoes 1J49for jOJs gpeolal

Five Furnlihlnjs Bargains

We valueXLVI Hose newetfetsCWhite and fancyXI VII mt Negligee ahlrta poIIUO value

XLV m 1lnepijin white pe andgOO Shirts OCCustom peot J

XLIX lade to measure 75L grade 1-

LBusponderiw b

leather endsn1-

n lh 2 I

Get t he Habit Goi

279 Broadway n Chambers r

47 Cortlandt St nGrecnWd 11211 219 Sixth

Ii125th St Cor Third Avt


iI < r

kj1 v 10