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Vol. 40, No. 5 , September, 1966


JOL-KSAL OF P.ILEOXTOI.OGT, v. 10, SO. j, P. lljj-1166, rLs. 1j1-153, 2 TEST-FIGS., S E P T ~ I B E R 1966


ROBERT \-. KESLISG ASD H-AIIRELL L. STRIJIPLE 'The L-niversity of Jlichigan and The University of Ioua

. i~S~~, \c~-Sta r f i sh from the Pennsylvanian (J,lissourian) Lasalle Limestorie of Illinois are the first species of Calliasterella to be found outside of Russia. The type and only previously known species, C. ?i~ira, \\-as described in 1879 from Pennsylvanian (I.Ioscovian) strata near .\losconr. Our speci~nens are much better preserved than those of C. nzira, even though in death the arms curled inward to conceal the ambulacrals and most of the adambulacrals. The madrepore is knot\-n for the first time in the genus, and the shape of the aboral side of the disk is established. Our species differs from C. ntira in having less acuminate corners on disk plates, scattered tubercles instead of a paxillary ridge on each aboral arrn plate, and differently shaped supramarginals, axillaries, and adambulacrals. .Aborally, this hemizonidan starfish bears a striking similarity in plate arrangement to the phanerozonidan Protopalaeaster, and marly plates appear to be homologous.

ISTRODL-CTIOX the relationship of adambulacrals and ambula-

D ISCOT'ERT of a second species almost invari- ably leads to better ltnowledge of the genus

and rex;ision of the description. This is the case for our ne\\- Callic~sterellcl, based on five starfish recently found in Pennsylvanian beds in Illinois.

Specimens were discovered in the Wagner Stone Quarry a t Ocoya, five miles southn-est of Pontiac in Livingston County, Illinois. They n-ere in the Pennsylvanian (Missourian) LaSalle Limestone. LIrs. Christina Cleburn found tn-o of the paratypes and the junior author found the holotype and two other paratypes. One paratype is deposited in the paleontological collection of the State University of Io~va , and the holotype and other paratypes in the Illinois Geological Survey.

\Ve are extremely grateful to Mrs. Cleburn for making the two specimens available for study. Mr. Karoly Kutasi assisted greatly n-ith photog- raphy, and Mrs. Helen h?ysyk n-ith typing.


Trautschold (1879, p. 108) based his genus Cullias!ev and species C. nzivlls on one distorted and incomplete specimen and three fragments of starfish from the Upper Carboniferous (AIosco- x-ian) near hlIosco~~-. His description was ade- quate to indicate his generic diagnosis, but was not detailed.

Current concepts stem from the meticuious IT-ork of Schondorf (1909), n-ho studied a speci- men fro111 the paleontological collections of Petersburg Unir-ersitJ-. In this starfish, exact- ingly prepared 01-er a period of years by Profes- sor Otto Jaekel, plates of the disk n-ere disar- ranged and "ausei~landergefallen" (p. 327). TKO arms \\-ere practically co~nple te and part of an- other n-as so preserx-ed in place tha t i t shon-ed

crals; in the rest of the matris, arm plates were disassociated helter-skelter. So Inany individual plates \\-ere present, however, that various sides and surfaces of each kind of plate xvere exposed for examination. Assiduously, Schondorf studied each plate type, determined horn i t fitted against neighboring plates, and described i t a t length. His impressix-e, well-executed reconstructions of the starfish (1909, pl. 23, figs. 2,3; pl. 24, fig. 18) have been accepted \vithout change or cluestion by all subsequent authors.

Schondorf was content t o keep terminology very generalized (table 1). Plates of the disk he designated by number, and aboral plates of the arms he called Dorsal- and Seitenplatten. Tech- nical terms \\.ere reserved for adambulacrals and ambulacrals.

The following year (1910, p. 251), Schondorf set up the family Calliasteridae for Cr~llic~ster exclusively. His family \\*as placed in the Crypto- zonia of the class Asteroidea.

In 1914 (p. 14) Schuchert created C(~1linstevella to replace the invalid Calliaster Trautschold, a junior homonym of Calliastev Gray, 1840.

In 1915, Schuchert (p. 190) reported Cnlli- r~sterellu as a nen- name (althougll he had alreadl- named it the previous year) and assigned i t to his new family Calliasterellidae (Cryptozonia, subclass Asteroidea). His ardent respect for Schondorf's reconstructions is attested by his statement (p. 191), "There is no other Paleozoic asterid worked out in such detail as is Culliaster- ellu. L o t only is the gross skeleton known, but the detailed construction of all the essential ossicles and spines as \\-ell." Insofar as we kno\\-, Schu- chert nex-er sax\- a specimen of Calliclsterelln.

Difficulties in terminology \\-ere encountered but not overcome. 111 his description, Schuchert said (1915, p. 190):



--\round the central plate is a first ring of five larger basal radial plates. Then cornes a second ring of ten plates, five of which are the second basal radialia; the other five are interradial in position and give rise i n the zexl ring to the ten basal infraniargiiznl ossicles. (Ozir ifalicsj.

Yet on the opposite page in his esplanation of figure 11 (copied froni Schondorf), Schuchert identified the central plate as the centrodorsal the plates of the secolzd ring as second radialia alternating with basal i ~ z j r a m c ~ r g i n a l s , and the plates of the third ring as five third radialia and ten paired inframarginals. According t o his analysis, the arms consist of radials, supramargin- als, ada~nbulacralia, and ambulacralia, no infra- marginals

I n his long-continued series on Paleozoic Asterozoa, Spencer (1918) set up the subfamily Calliasterellinae to receil-e Calliasterella and assigned i t t o the family Arthrasteridae. His analysis of disk plates reveals his con\-ictions on the history of Paleozoic starfish. From inspection of Schondorf's figures and comparison ~ i t h cer- tain selected other starfish, Spencer classified the plates of Callic~sterella m i r a (table 1 ) as a central surrounded b y successive rings of five first radials, five second radials plus five fused adradials, and five third radials plus ten inframarginals. The aboral plates of the arms he termed one row of radials and two rows of inframarginals (p. 166). H e defined t h e family Arthrasteridae (p. 125, 162) as having small disk and long arms, a t least one row of marginal plates on the arms, apical madrepore, stout adambulacrals normally cover- ing \\-hole of aboral surface and in some genera

forming the margin, pasillar projections on all external a rm plates with associated prominent spines, and inframarginals on the aboral sides of the arms. H e differentiated the -1rthrasterida.e froni the Urasterellidae by its single interradial plate immediately distal to the primary circlet.

Strand (1928, p. 38), revierving no~nenclatural changes, credited Schuchert with theauthorship of Calliasterellc~ in the b7~zited Slates Natioli,c~l Jizlsez~rn B z ~ l l e t i ~ z 88 of 1914; this publication bears the year 1915 on the title page and accord- ing to page ii was issued &,larch 20, 1915.

Later authors have follo\\red the description and figures of Schondorf and the classification of Spencer.

For starfish with strongly plated disks and \\:ell-developed symmetry, the division betxeen disk and arm must be arbitrarily placed. Radials on the aboral side of the disk continue onto the arms without change in form. So do other series of plates. Nevertheless, descriptions and discus- sions of starfish are replete with abrupt changes in terminology a t the disk-arm I~oundary. Confu- sion and inconsistency result. Plates of Cnlli- asterella have been analyzed so Inany ways, tha t a n explanation is needed here.

There is no denying tha t our ideas on termi- nology are strongly influenced by the morphol- ogy of Puotopalaearter, a Middle Ordovician starfish ~ v i t h several striking similarities to Cal- liasterella. Among them I\-e emphasize: (1) top of disk flat, sides declivitous; (2) plates of disk more or less stellate, joined a t apices; (3) arms rela-

(All figures X3; specimens coated with ammonium chloride)

FIGS. I-9-Calliasterella antericana, n . sp. 1,2, aboral and lateral views of largest specimen, parat!-pe SLI 12336; another lateral view in pl. 152, fig. 7 ; broken circular structure inset in R? of arm a t left appears to be abnormal madrepore; tubercles are numerous and well developed. 3-6, aboral, two iilclined lateral, and lateral views, paratype IGS 42P2; madrepore a t base of disk in aboral view, a t right i n fig. 5, and centered in fig. 6 (see pl. 153, fig. 2) ; although central plates are disarranged, this specirnen preserves all plates of the coronet (first radials and s~~ramarginals) and shows adalnbulacral spines particularly well (see also pl. 153, figs. 3-4). 7-9, aboral and two lateral viexvs of immature specimen, paratype IGS 42P3; supramargiiial plates of arms differ soineivhat froin those in larger specimens, being more distally inclined; madrepore not preserved.


JOCRSAL 01- PAI-EONTOLOGY, !'or-. 40 PI~ATI: 1 5 2 Kesling and Strimple



Herein Schondorf. 1909 Schuchert. 1915 Spencer. 1918

Disk C-central Zentralplarte, central (p. 190), central

Platte S o . 1 centrodorsal (p. 191) cR-centroradial Platte So . 2 basal radial first radial RI-first (primary) Platte S o . 3 second basal radialia second radial

radial RI-second radial Platte S o . 4 third radialia

.Sn11-first supra- Platte xo. 5, primire basal inframarginal fused adradialia marginal Interradialplatte ip. !91)

.Tnln-second supra- Platte No. 6 basal ~nfrarnarginal infero-marginalia marginal (p. 190), paired

infrarnarglnals (p. 191) :IN-axillarj-, or Platte S o . 7, Oralplatte interradial disk plate odolitophor


. Arni R-radial Dorsalplatte radial radial

.%z-supramarginal Seiteriplatte supramarginal infero-marginalia Ad-adambulacral Xdarnbulacren adanlbulacral adarnbulacralia

ti\-ely long, s t rongly constructed; (4) middle of aboral surface occupied by subpentagonal p la te ; (5) disk su rmoun ted by coronet of ten stellate, tumid plates; (6) area be txeen central p la te a n d coronet filled b y regularly arranged plates (15 in Protopalaeaster, 5 in Callznsterelle) ; (7) each side of disk with pai r of interradial plates; (8) madre- pore in ter radia l , between one plate of coronet and t h e pai red pla tes ; (9) one series of p la tes radia t ing f rom one of coronet on to the a r m , there forming median a p e s or roof; and (10) a series of wide, sloping pla tes high u p on each side of a r m , proximally aligned with paired plates of in ter - radius. O the r points could be listed. Such over- ~vhe lming similarities between Proiopalneasfeu and Cr~llic~sterelln call for explanation.

Spencer (1918) looked for justification t o con- nect Calliasterella with o ther starfish having shor t , very broad adambulacra ls a n d only one row of marginal plates on each side of t h e a r m . H e sa id (p. 163) :

Schondorf regarded the "single" interradial plates of Callzasterella as primary interradialia homologous to the similar plates of the Asteroidea of Section -A [Hudsonasteridae, Promopalaeasteridae, Senas- teridae, Uranasteridae]. This cannot be, as the primary interradialia are always proximal to the primary radialia, whereas in this form the plates are disti~lctly distal. I t seems much more reasonable to suppose that the plates have arisen from a sup- pression of one of each of the paired proximal adra- dialia of the Urasterellidae, . . . and that a circlet of primary interradialia is not present in Callzaste~ella just as is the case in L7iasterella.

(A11 figures X3; specimens coated 15-ith ammonium chloride)

FIGS. 1-7-Calliasterella avteruana, n. sp. 1-6, aboral, lateral, two inclined lateral, lateral, and oral views of h010- type IGS 42P-4; madrepore a t left in oral vieu, a t right in fig 3 (see pl. 153, fig. 1 ) ; specimen crippled. one arm completely missing (fig. 51, tl\-o showing regeneration on stumps (figs. 5,6), and one with ab- normal supramarginals presumed to mark old in jun (left in fig. 6) ; where one RI is missing (fig. 3 foreground), beveled edges of Snt,'s show nature of junctions in coronet; views of specimen submersed in xylol in pl. 153, figs. 5-6. 7, lateral view of paratype SUI 12336; arm a t right shows irregular fur- rox-s with tubercles, presumably healed injuries of some kind; other views in pl. 151, figs. 1,2.



\Ye are quite alvare that e\.olution has pro- vided inany esamples in which bizarre structures and co~nples arrangernents Ila7.e been remark- ably simulated. Yet for the disks and aboral arill plates of Protopnlaeasher and Cnlliclsterelln to have e\-olved by convergence I\-ould require a highly complicated procedure. According to Spencer, froin such "priinitix-e" starfish as the Middle Ordol-ician Protopalnecister, the primary interradial plate (~vhich n-e call first supramargin- al, Smi) in time dn~indled and disappeared and its place was taken either by one surl-iving plate of a pair of "adradialia" (1918: p. 163) or by fusion of the pair (1918, p. 166). .Is shomn in our test-figure 1, both Protopnlaensier and Callinsier- ella feature a coronet of ten prominent plates around the top of the disk. One of the illterradial plates of the coronet lies immediately proxi~nal t o the madrepore in Pro~opr~laensteu. By Spen- cer's theory, the ~nadrepore retained its inter- radial position mhile the prosiinal plate disap- peared and one or t\\-o plates from belo\\ migrated around i t and assumed a place in the coronet, thus producing Ca1li:~sterellc~. A simpler and possibly more logical explanation is t h a t the coronet plates of the two genera are entirely homologous, consisting of f i ~ e primary radials and five first supramarginals (test-fig. lc).

By our accouting, Protopalrteaster has 15 plates between the central plate and the coronet, whereas Cnllic~sterella has only five. The central par t of the disk manifests many variations in plate development and arrangement in Paleozoic starfish: in the Silurian Palaeaster, the central plate and the primary radials are isolated and surrounded by a mosaic of s111all accessory plates, and in the D e ~ ~ o n i a n De.~"o?zc~stei,, the central, primary radials, and first suprarnarginals are diminuti\-e and obscured anlong numerous tiny accessory disk ossicles. I n the Pennsylvanian Callinsterelici, therefore, i t is not necessary to account the first plate in a radial position as the primary radial.

In the arms of Callic~sterella, the plates border- ing the radials n-ere called infero-marginalia by Spencer (1918), p. 166). By this choice of term, he could compare and hoinologize the plates with those of such genera as Urc~sterella, in which the prominent ro\v of dorsolateral plates lies near the side of the arm, in contact ~ i t h the adambula- crals and n-idell- separated from the radials. In Callic~sterelln, ho\\-ever, the dorsolateral plates estend under the edges of the radials, those of left and right sides separated I,>; a very narron- median space (test-fig. 2). \I-e agree n-it11 Schuchert (1915, p. 191) t h a t this genus has supra~narginals but no infrarnarginals.

Order H E ~ I I Z O ~ I D A Spencer, 1951 Suborder ~ I < A S ' ~ ~ E R I X A Spencer, 1951

Family C.~LLIASTERELLID.~E Schondorf, 1910

[noli?. correct. SCHUCHEIIT, 1915, p. 190 (pro Callias- teridae SCHOXDORF, 1910, p. 251)]

Spencer (1918, p. 166) regarded Calliaslerella as type genus of subfainily Calliasterellinae of family -4rthrasteridae. Aboral a rm plates in the Cretaceous 9ri/lrc~ster, l~o\\.ever, differ consider- ably from those of Callic~sterella, so much so tha t me prefer to place the tn-o genera in separate families.

Genus C.~LLIASTERELLA Schuchert, 1914 [ ~ Z O ~ I L . szlbstit. pi80 Cal1,isuter TRAUTSCHOLD, 1879 (non

GRAY, 1840) ;= Calliastiella PRESTOY, 1917 (no~n. ?~1~11.)]

Calliaster TRACTSCHOLD, 1879. 0. 108 (%on GRAY,

Revised description,.-Disk small, flat-topped. Arms long, exceptionally flexible. Subpentagonal t o stellate C plate in center of disk, surrounded by five cR's in about the same plane (test-fig. lc). Second ring of plates more tumid than those enclosed, consisting of ten six-rayed stellate plates, five Rl's and five Snzl's, forming a promi- nent coronet around top of disk. Third ring of plates made of ten Sm?'s in interradial positions and five R2's; Smy stellate; R1 wider t11a11 long, subquadrate with slight projections along radius. Ax (asillary or odontophore) in each interradius, vertically elongate, bordered above by pair of Snzz's and laterally by tn-o Sms's. M subcircular, close-set in Sm,l-Snzz-Snzs interstice. Plates of disk joined a t apices, leaving interstices appar- ently originally filled only with integument; interstices around plates of coronet especialll- large.

Aboral plates of arms extending \vithout denlarkation from disk, consisting of central rolr. or R's and lateral ran-s of Snz's, all n-ith tuber- cles. R ' s alternating with Snz's, subquadrate, rapidly diminishing in size, distally becoming farther and farther separated. Snz's very wide and short, proximally extending under edges of R's and distally bordered by exposed edges of Ad's. ./Id plates \vide and short \\-it11 broad facing surfaces, set in echelon, particularly in distal part of arm. Long spines attached t o Ad's. set perpendicular to arm. .-lnz's in opposing ron-s, equal in number to d d ' s .


CALLI.~SIEKELL.-\ .i\IEKIC.4S.4. n. s p PIS. 151-153: test-fig. 2

1ii~s~~ip:iaii.---Irms long and large in relation to disk. Disk fiat-topped. sides decli\.itous. sul-- mounted hy promineiir coronet of ten plates. r a the r s t rong l~ . constructed despite interstices occasioned b!. juiiction of stellate plates a t their apices.

C' coil\-es. pentagoiial, slighrll- stellate b!. reason of ernbaj-ments on the sides, i t s apices joined to the fi\-e surrounding cR's (test-fig. 2) . In the right posterior i n t e r r ad i~ i s (first inter- radius t o right o i t h a t containing madrepore). side of C'especiall!. \vide (pl. 153, fig. 51, suggest- ing location of anus in adjacent interstice. CR

- plates fornii~ig circlet in plane, slightly con\.es. each \\-ith fairlj- \vide sutures wi th C. XI , .Siiz!'s and adjacent cR's.

Subpentagonal coronet- of ten tuniid r~la tes (pl. 152, fig. 1 : PI. 153, fig. 5 ) . rising above the C' and cR plates and foriiling rounded crest on disk a s \ . i e \~ed laterally (PI. 151, figs. 2. 6 ; 111. 152 figs. 2. 5 , t), consisting of fix-e Rt 's alternating \\.it11 fi1.e S17zl's. Each RI forining corner of coro- net , thic!;, shaped like a stellate I~iscui t , joined a t apices to cR, two Snz!'s, two Sn.i?'s, and I<?, i t s lateral apices angularly ~ i n d e r c ~ i t t o fit 01-er i~e\-eled corners of SVI plates. Each S~111 forming side of coronet, th ick , se t slightly belo\\. lei-el of Rl ' s (pl. 152, fgs . 3 ,4) . \\-it11 lateral apices angu- larly be\-eled to fit under corners of R L plates (pl. 152, fig. 3; 111. 153, fig. 5 ) ; o ther apices i n contact \\.it11 t \ ~ o cR's a n d t11.o Snz2's ( test-fig. 2). One .Smi plate forining p r o s i ~ n a l boundary of .lf (pi. 153, figs. 1.2).

.Sni? plates s~ihs te l la te , forming sloping sides of clisl<, a pair iii each in ter radius in contact . those in one in ter radius forming lateral ancl Ion-er borders of A t (pl. 153, figs. 1 , 2 ) ; e a c ! ~ Sni? i n contact \\-ith S i 1 r l , Rl. R2. Sma. .Is, and the other

'I'~s.1.-FIG. I-1-abeled nboral plate diagra11i.i of diqk and prosiilial part> of arms ior comparison of t\vo genera. I )israi parts solnewhat distorted: the mar-gin of oral 5liif:ice "~inti~lled" to zhon. p la~cs adjoining aborai edge. 11. Pi.ntop(i!rieastei. with plate ailaI~-sis (after Iie.;li~ig, 1962, p. 936-11, test-ti%:. 1, 2 ) . b, c , C~iI!iustei .ella~ b , plate atlal>.si~ after Spencer (1918. p. 166-68, t e s t - k . 110); c, plate ailaly.si5 u-ed herein. F'laic symbo!~: .-lrl-adami~~ilacral, .4r- asiilary or c~dontophore, C-central or centrirdnr~a!. GI-ceiltroiiirerradia!, cR-ceiitrorndia!, Iiii-infra- i~iarginal rJr infero-tiiargin;il, .\I-madrep:11-e or tnndreporite, Xi-primary rac!i:tl, R1, /? :ec:~lld and third radial-, .Sill-s~ipr;iii~:~rginal. 1, irised ndra- dialia.

Pro t o p a l a e a s t e r



Smz of the interradius. Sm3 plates part of disk, set a t sides of Ax and aligned with 5'9% plates of arms (pl. 151, figs. 5,6; pl. 152, figs. 2,4,5).

Each R2 intermediate in size and shape be- tween the large stellate R i above and the smaller quadrate R3 of the arm, with nearly straight distal border; R2's set xvell above level of inter- vening Smz's, in contact n-ith corners of Smsls. A x subquadrate, vertically elongate, its lower

end tapered, forming vertical side of disk in interradius, set below a pair of Smz's and be- tween Smo's. Proximal exposed i ld plates seem to reach ventral tapered ends of Ax, but adjoining with short sutures. Oral side of disk not seen.

Arms long, tapering, highly flexible. R plates of arms laterally elongate, subquadrate, each distinctly separated from others of the ron.; distally, R's taper rapidly and become farther separated, those near end of arni becoming sub- elliptical (pl. 153, fig. 6). Snz plates forming upper sides of arms, large, robust, in contact throughout the ran-; each Sm subquadrate to subpyriform, smaller end fitting under edges of the two adjacent R's (pl. 153, fig. 5), the larger end sloping orally and distally t o contact ~ v i t h Ad (pl. 153, figs. 3,4). Sna plates on opposite sides of a r m not meeting medially between R's; in interstices between Snz paired plates, two paral- lel, radially elongate bars (pl. 153. fig. 6) appar- ently upper edges of Am plates.

Ad's very large, projecting laterally beyond borders of arm; exposed ends of Ad's subquad- rate in proximal part of arm, distally becoming narrower and curved strongly outward and down (pl. 153, figs. 3,4). Each A d semicircular as viewed in cross section of arm, 1-ery broad, with concave proximal surface and convex distal surface. Long close-set spines along oral border of Ad (pl. 153, fig. 3), set nearly perpendicular to arm. Insofar as can be determined, number of R. Sm, Ad, and A m plates equal in arm.

11[ subcircular (pl. 153. fig. 2) t o subtriangular (pl. 153, fig. I ) , outer surface apparently with irregular perforations (pl. 153, fig. 2) and under- lying radiating and anastomosing pores or tiny channels (pl. 153, fig. I ) , constituting an efficient strainer. Ad bounded by Smi proxilnally and above, by a pair of Smz's laterally and belon-.

O?ztogeny.-'4 bery young specimen (pl. 151, figs. 7-9) differs from the larger and presumably mature specimens in having somewhat shorter arms in relation to the disk, more elliptical R's in the proximal parts of the arms, more ovate and perhaps slightly 01-erlapping Snz's, and smaller f h ' s . I t already has developed prominent stel- late plates in the coronet of the disk.

One paratype is much larger than any of the other specimens and may display some gerontic

tendencies (pl. 151, figs. 1,2). Proximal R's of the arms are not only quadrate, hut l ia~,e slightly incurved sides (pl. 151, fig. 2). Tubercles are especially well de~jeloped, a l thoi~gh this may be due to Inore favorable preservation.

db~zounzali!y.-.4lt110~1gh the big specimen has large plates of the coronet jammed d0n.n 01-er some of the interradial plates, thus obscuring some of the Sml-Smr-Snz? interstices, i t appears that the df is abnormally developed. Part of a broken plate appears to be the remnant of a circular plate inset in a proximal corner of R:! (pl. 151, fig. 2). \Tihen submersed in xylol, this circular structure sho~vs a dark central spot. 10 other structure t h a t n-e can imagine xvould have this appearance except a madrepore. The nearest . interstice in interradial position, Snzl-Snzy-Snzy, clearly encloses no Ad. T h e clear accommodatio~~ for the circular plate by the Rq indicates tha t the 11f came to occupy the wrong position during very early development, before plate junctions \\rere formed.

Scai,s.-Callic~stei.ell~~ nnzericanc~, as repre- sented by our available sample of the population, seems to have suffered a n exceptional number of accidents to the arms. T h e three large illustrated specimens shorn irregularities n-hich n-e think represent scars from old injuries.

In proximal part of one arm, specimen S U I 12336 (pl. 152, fig. 7) she\\-s irregular subparallel grooves across the R ' s and Sm's of one side. The plates \\-ere probably gouged or raked across when the starfish a7as 1-oung, for the bottom of each groove has developed tubercles like those on the unaffected parts of the plates. Presumably such regeneration must ha\-e taken considerable time.

&%nother specimen, IGS 42P2, shon-s abnor~nal sequence of plates in one arm (pl. 151, fig. 4, middle arm). T h e Snz plates do not taper regu- larly, and tmo R's occupy the space normall>- used by one. Especially the occurrence of large Sm plates distal to smaller ones cannot be attrib- uted to accidents of preservation.

In life, specimen IGS 42P4 nlas most unfortu- nate. Only one arm is normal. The adjacent arnl bears signs of injury in 5-outh; in txvo places, very large supramarginals appear t o be products of damage and subsequent fusion (pl. 153, fig. 6). T h e third and fourth arms were severed near the disk, probably a t the same time; since the ends of both are capped by tiny plates (pl. 152, figs. 5-6), regeneration was under way before the animal died. T h e last a rm \vas taken off so close to the disk that the prirnarj7 radial \\-as dislodged; it shows no regeneration (pl. 152, fig. 5). We do not know what kind of animal excised the starfish's arms. Perhaps a fish a t e them, or perhaps a


TEXT-~IG. 2-CuLLias1er.eLlu aiizeiicana, n. sp. Labeled plate diagram of disk and part of one arm. hlargin of oral surface "~~nrolled" to shot\- spines along edges of adambulacrals. Same plate symbols as text-figure 1.

11on.erful clan^ nipped them off. A t an>- rate. whether from ofiensi~-e or defensive action, the starfish was left \\-it11 onlj- tn-o functional arms. side-by-side, one of which had lost some of its flesibility. Dea th may have come from a combi- nation of injury and starvation.

Remarks.-Sotable differences between this species and the t)-pe species are sumnlarized in

table 2. Schondorf's remarkable and much copied restoration of Callinsterelln mirn (1909, pl. 23. fig. 2) showed the top of the disk to be domed. T h e definite flat-topped condition in C. c~meri- ca?zr~ raises some question about this aspect of the reconstruction.

0cc1lrrence.-LaSalle Limestone, Pennsylva- nian (3Iissourian). cropping out in \IYagner

?'.ABLE 2-Differences bet\veen the t x o species of Calliaslerella.


General co~istri~ctio~i C (central) C R icentroradialj l?, (primary radial)

. Y ~ I I I (first supraniarginali

. ~ I I I of arms . I d of arrns

C. 7iiii.a

Delicate Primarily stellate Strong1)- stellate Strongly stellate, ends long aiid sharp.

bod> \vide and short -411 ends sharp

Distal edge n.ith median projection Strongly elongate, ~ilediolateral projec-

tions xarro\v, n led i ;~~~ processes Outer ends snlall, \-erticaily elongate

Short, one esposed at outer end of i l d

C. anzer icana - -

Robust Primarily pentagonal Broad junctions in ring, subpol)gonal \\-eakly stellate, ends blunt, body equi-

dimensional Ends blunt, lateral ends beveled to lit

under RI'S Distal edge smooth Subquadrate, no mediolateral projec-

tlons Broad, no conspicuous protuberances Outer ends subc~uadrate to subpyriform,

xide and inclined Long, several esposed at outer end of :Id

Lumber of Ad's in each 1Iore than 60 I.ess than 30 arm



Stone Quarry at Ocoya, Livingston County, Illinois. Paratypes IGS 42P1 and IGS 42P2 found by Mrs. Christina Cleburn; holotype and other paratypes found by junior author.

Types.--Holotype IGS 42134, well-preserved specimen with crippled arms. Paratype IGS 42P1, disarticulated disk plates and section of a rm (not illustrated). Paratype IGS 42P2, n-ell- preserved specimen with arms practically com- plete. Paratype IGS 42P3, small and presumably immature starfish. Paratype SUI 12336, a very large individual.


Very little evidence is available by xvhich t o reconstruct the manner in which this starfish lived, apar t from the morphology of the fossil remains. T h e development of long, flexible arms, aboral spines, and Iong adambulacral spines seems to have functional significance.

T h e long, tapering, highly flexible arms, ex- tending from a relatively small disk, do not seem t o be structurally designed to exert strong pull, such as t h a t employed by living Asterins to open bivalves. Furthermore, the numerous Iong spines, set perpendicular t o the thick, rounded adambulacrals, must have kept the ambulacral groove a t a n appreciable distance from any hard, dense object. Podia long enough to extend be- yond the ends of t h e adambulacral spines ~irould seem poorly designed for pulling action, particu- larly prolonged pullingnecessary to open bivalves.

Calliasterella resembles Urasterella in having aboral spines on disk and arms. Spencer com- mented on the use of aboral spines or paxillae (1951, p. 123) :

Many fossil Asteroidea appear to have lived under the sea bottom. Evidence for this is afforded by the presence of paxillae or an epiproctal cone. . . . The arrangement of the aboral spines of Astropecten is specially adapted for respiratio~i when the starfish retires under the sea-bottom. The spines, placed on shafts, form an extensive paxillary umbrella which protects the aboral surface from overlying mud. . . . Many early Asteroidea belonging to widely different groups carry a paxillary umbrella. I t is found in the Platanasteridae, Schuchertiidae and the Urasterel- lidae. In the last group it is almost universal.

As defined by Spencer (1918, p. 131), paxillae consist of base, shaft, and crown (of spinose proc- esses). The structures atop the radials in Calli- asterella mira described by Schondorf (1909, p. 335-36) appear to be short spines rather than paxillae. Those of C. america?za, to judge from a few fragments, are also short spines, which pre- sumably were attached to the numerous low scattered tubercles on aboral plates. These tubercles can be seen much better on some plates than others, from which they seem to have been

abraded. The holotype (pl. 151, figs. 1 ,2 ; pl. 152, fig. 7 ) displays them best, but on other specimens they are clearly discernible.

If all the tubercles on the disk plates of Calli- (~sterella anzerica?za (pl. 153, fig. 5) possessed spines, undoubtedly they n-ould provide an efficient insulating shield or "umbrella" to hold sediments away from the body of the starfish.

T h e long spines perpendicular to the adambul acrals gix-e the arms the appearance of stiff- bristled brushes. Thus equipped, the arms seem well suited to rake through bottom sediments and debris. In addition, if the proximal sections . of the arms were partly buried in bottom silts, the do~vnward-radiating ronrs of spines might pro- 1-ide a subway conduit for passage of food par-


ticles orad from the emergent ends of the arms. If the starfish burrowed into the sea floor, i t

probably did not penetrate deeply or into con- solidated sediment. In death, each specimen rolled the arms down and inward. Possibly this \{-as due to contraction of inter-adambulacral muscles in rigor mortis, but the animal seems not t o have been hindered by the weight or consistency of overlying mud.


CuPxo~, L., 1948, Anatomic, Cthologie et syst6ma- tique des Cchinodermes, i n GRASSE, PIERRE-P., Trait6 de zoologie, v. 11 (Echinoderlnes, stomo- corde's, procordCs), p. 1-272, text-figs. 1-312.

I v ~ x o v a , E. A,, 1958, Development of the fauna of the Middle and Upper Carboniferous sea of the western part of the Moscow syncline in connection with its history, v. 3, Development of the fauna in connection with conditions of existence: Trudy Paleont. Instit. Akad. Nauk USSR, v. 69, p. 1-303, 21 pls., 77 text-figs. [Russian].

KESLING, R. V., 1962, Sotes on Piotopalaeaster nai- Ifawayz Hudson: Jour. Paleontology, v. 36, no. 5 , p. 933-42, pls. 133,134, 2 text-figs.

>I\/IULLER, A. H., 1963, Lehrbuch der Palaozoologie, v. 2 (Invertebraten), pt. 3 (Arthropoda 2-Stomo- chorda), 698 p., 854 text-figs.

NEAVE, S. A,, 1939, Nomenclator zoologicus, v. 1 (A- , C ) . 957 D.. London. Zool. Soc.

PRESTON, H: B., 191?, Echinoderms: Zool. Rec., v . 52 (1915), sec. V, 31 p.

SCHO>DORF, F., 1909, Die Asteriden des russischen Karbon: Palaeontogra~hica, v. 56. p. 323-38, - . . , A

text-fig., pls, 23,24. - 1910, ~ b e r einige "Ophiuriden und Asteriden" des englischen Silur und ihre Bedeutu~lg fiir die Systematik palaozoischer Seesterne: Jahrb. nas- sauisch. Verein fiir Naturk. Jahrg., 63, p. 206-256.

SCHUCHERT, CHARLES, 1914, Stelleroidea palaeo- zoica: Fossilium Catalogus (I: Animalia), pt. 3, 53 p., Berlin, \i'. Junk. - 1915, Revision of Paleozoic Stelleroidea with

special reference to Sorth American Xsteroidea: U. S. Natl. 4Ius., Bull. 88, 311 p., 41 text-figs., 38 pls.

SCHULTZE, F. E., K~KESTHAL, \I7., & HEIDER, K., 1929, Nomenclator animalium geiierum et sub- generum, v. 2 (C-E), p. 496, Berlin, Preuss. -4kad. IViss.


SHARP, DAIID, el al., 1917, Index to names of new generaand subgenera: Zool. Rec., v. 52 (1915), 16 p

SPEZCER, \I.. K., 1918, .A m0110graph of the British Palaeozoic Asterozoa, Par t 111: Palaeo. Soc. (Lon- don), v. 50, p. 109-168, pls. 6-13. - 1951, Early Palaeozoic starfish: Philos. Trans.

Itoyal Soc. London, ser. B, no. 623, v. 235, p. 87- 129, pls. 2-8, 28 text-figs.

STR.LXD, Embrik, 1928, 1Iiscellanea ~lomenclatorica zoologica et palaeontologica: Arch. Xaturgesch. Berlin (\Viegmann), v. 92 (1926), pt. -4, no. 8, p. .3&7 < - "

TEMIIEK, H., &- TERXIER, G., 1960, Pale'ontologie

stratigraphique, v. 2 r Devonien, Carbonilkre, Per- mien), p. 115-219, text-figs. 668-1132.

TRAUTSCHOLD, H., 1879, Die Kalkbruche von JIjat- schkoiva, Theil 3: ?.le'n~. Soc. imp. S a t . 3Ioscou, T.

11, p. 101-180, 7 pis. CBAGHS, GEORGES, 1953, Classe des Stellbroides, in

PI\-ETE.AU. TE-AS. Trait6 de Pal6ontoloeie. v. 3. Les formes ultiAes d'inverte'brk, morpho!ggie et e'volu- tion, Onychophores, Arthropodes, Echinodermes, Stomocordb, p. 751-812, 64 figs., Paris, 3Iasson e t Cie.

(Explaization o j Plate 153 appears on the j0110.i~ii~g page)



(A11 specime~ls photographed while submersed in xylol)

FIGS. I-6-Calliasterella a7wericana, 11. sp. I , madrepore and surrounding plates, holotype IGS 42P4, X 15; com- pare with pl. 152, fig. 3. 2, madrepore and surrounding plates, paratype IGS 42P2, X15; compare with pl. 151, figs. 5,6.3,4, sections of arms showing outer edges of adambulacrals with attached spines, paratype IGS 42P2, X73; compare with pl. 151, figs. 4-6.5, aboral vie\\- of paratype IGS42P4, X3g; first radial missing a t left, just above madrepore; broad i~~den ta t ion in central plate may mark posi- tion of anus; spacing of centroradials clearly sho~t-n; compare with pl. 152, fig. 1. 6, oral view of holo- type IGS 42P1, X 3 ; note abnormally large supramarginals in arm a t lower left and regeneration in arm a t top; paired bars visible between supramarginals of normal arm a t lower right probably are top edges of ambulacra.


JO~RS. . I I - 01' P;II-I:OI.TOI-OGY~, \'or-. . I 0 PL..ITI: I 3 j Kcclinr and Strimple