Kheir’s wet dream

a king’s promise - Web viewour stud-of-a-prince right now? ... The word still rankled. ... And then the countless blows as the metal hammer smashed that thick ugly nail through his

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Page 1: a king’s promise - Web viewour stud-of-a-prince right now? ... The word still rankled. ... And then the countless blows as the metal hammer smashed that thick ugly nail through his

Kheir’s wet dream

Page 2: a king’s promise - Web viewour stud-of-a-prince right now? ... The word still rankled. ... And then the countless blows as the metal hammer smashed that thick ugly nail through his

kkkkkk kkkkkkk’

Maciste saw his stepbrother glowering at him through the bars. Safely out of harm's way. Gripping tight on rusty iron. Crushing the bars tight in his frustration.

Kheir wanted Maciste scared. He had come meaning to see the warrior-prince cowering before him. Hoping Maciste would beg, plead for his life. A request he'd contemptuously deny. Crawl. Cringe. Beg. But Kheir would settle for his brother looking scared.

What he got was scorn. The sight of a stepbrother looking far from beaten. Stripped of clothes. Robbed of dignity. But eyeing him back with disdain. Muscular defiance as sharp as the cut physique. Not intimidated. Not cowed .. huddling chilled in his dungeon. A powereful brother standing up to him .. defying him with fully-muscled manly might. Who'd break his neck if his hands could reach through these bars.

Kheir gripped their protection in anger. He'd promised himself much better. Frustrated by the sneer on Maciste's face. A scene as if their positions were reversed. It was Maciste looking down on him.

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Maciste was playing the winner. It was Kheir's face being brutally backhanded with the victor's scorn. Like Kheir was an enemy beaten, broken and scared.

“Trouble is ….”Kheir was still bristling. He wanted to see defeat seated in the darkness beyond the bars. But he was getting back confidence. Scorn.“ .. I have something else in mind ….” Maciste had shifted himself. He sat on the cell damp floor, facing his step-brother beyond the bars. Deliberately looking like he couldn’t give a shit what Kheir had jerked off about in his bed. Maciste was still the rightful king. And he wasn’t taking serious the likes of his wimpish step-brother.

“Our mother will have to be disappointed.”Maciste snorted. To show he knew who was pulling the strings here. However important Kheir thought he was.“ It’s not the mines for the likes of you.”Kheir was playing the big man. The anointed king. Exercising that power. Maciste’s snort of scorn only made him more annoyed.

Deliberately Maciste had his knees up. Deliberately he had his legs splayed. Giving that cowardly brat the full view of a man. A man in his prime. Unintimidated by all these dramatic gestures. Giving Kheir a warrior-prince undaunted by such threats.“I made a promise. To that rabble out there .. when they greeted you on the temple steps. They were promised an execution.”Kheir was rubbing his hands slowly together .. like the stereotype he was .. a prick satisfied with the semblance of power.“And a ruler should always keep his promise to his people.”He smirked.“Don’t you agree?”

Maciste was not willing to die. He had not settled himself to accept any such fate. But at the threat of death he was not going to shirk. If it came to that .. the people would see their warrior prince die bravely. If unjustly“Told to assemble tomorrow at noon. Promised an execution. A traitor’s death.”Maciste snorted back.“That ‘d be you, then.”Maciste laughed in the face of his stepbrother’s threats. If Kheir was looking for signs of fear or submission, he’d have to look somewhere else. Maciste was persisting in insisting .. his brother had no right to claim his father’s throne.

Kheir paused. Staring through the bars at his prisoner’s defiant posture.“Tomorrow .. at noon .. you’ll depart the palace. My soldiers will whip your sorry arse through the

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streets. Passed the people lined up to watch. Seeing the traitor dragging his leg irons through their streets .. getting his naked arse lashed for dragging his heels. Unwilling to face his execution.”

Kheir raised his head. He scoffed.“Notice today .. in the temple square .. did you notice? How many greeted back their prince? How many protested at your shaming?”He knew .. Maciste had heard not a single shout on his behalf. Kheir sneered.“They won’t fucking dare. Any who raises a voice in protest .. a soldier will run him through with his spear.”It hadn’t taken Kheir long to stamp his style of ruling on the people, Maciste thought.

“Forced to follow in your wake. No one’s missing this show. Soldiers herding the rabble behind .. in the steps of the traitor having his bare arse whipped.”Kheir was enjoying this. Maciste could see how he’d thought this all through. How he’d jerked off on this fantasy. Since the moment it was reported back that the true claimant to the throne had returned Kheir had been bursting to see his perverted plan put in practice. He thought he had it all worked out.

“And you lot .. this country of yours .. Tel me ….”Kheir was smirking through the bars. Maciste could believe he was getting a hard-on .. the power overwhelming his senses. “ … how have you always dealt with traitors?”Defiant and proud. But still Maciste gave a shiver. The pair of them knew the answer. But damned if Maciste was going to show his fears.“Waiting for the traitor .. top of the temple steps. What the rabble expects. What every traitor deserves.”

Maciste wanted to snarl back that Kheir was the traitor. But he’d be wasting his breath. Kheir had it all worked out. The people subdued. Maciste’s own soldiers under arrest. And the traitor’s cross awaiting on the temple steps to receive Maciste.

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Maciste could tell by the look on his step-brother’s face, Kheir couldn’t wait to blurt out what he had planned.“Packed .. the temple square is going to be bursting .. everyone turned out .. to see …”Kheir’s eyes glistening through the bars. Shining into the dank dark cell.

The people forced to turn out. Maciste remembered his morning’s humiliation. The people had been summoned to appear. Failure to do so would earn them displeasure. They might not be desperate to see Maciste’s royal arse tanned .. they did want to stay alive.“Soldiers having to whip the rabble aside .. to get your sorry arse up on the temple steps.”

Bound, probably in leg irons. .. Maciste could hardly make a run for it .. Kheir would make sure of that. And once within the temple square, no escaping fate. He’d not move an inch. Crushed in on all sides. Trapped.

Executed. On the traitor’s cross. Naked before his people. For a crime he did not commit.How was he going to react? To this unjust death? Just meekly take the soldiers’ blows. Or was he going to stand up to them? Hit out. Fight them back .. blow for blow.

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Or should he go for dying with dignity? Unjust. But go down in history for the courage of his dying? Die with honour. Because he was done-for anyway?

Just busting a gut to rub Maciste’s face in it. In Kheir’s triumph. In finally settling old scores.“Get your sorry arse up the top of the steps. Beating the shit out of the traitor if you give them trouble. Who’s is going to object?”Maciste shrugged back .. he widened his knees imperceptibly .. his manliness defiant. His way of telling this brat who thought he had accomplished so much .. this is what a real man looks like. This is how much your step-brother cares.

“I’ve got them fashioning the cross now.”Kheir was looking annoyed. Maciste was not reacting as he should. Where was the snarling, the anger? Where were the tell-tale signs of anxieties beginning to twist in his guts? Not even a dick shrunken with fears.“Only the best quality wood. After all, you were royal. Once.”Maciste smirked back.“Takes more than some runt doing his mother’s bidding to take away the blood.”

Kheir stiffened. Annoyed at the put-down. Annoyed Maciste was still capable of standing up to him. Not what he wanted. Then Kheir’s face lightened. He smiled.“Best quality wood. Hardwood.”Maciste knew already what that meant. But nothing showed on his face. Or in his stature. He just leaned back .. giving the appearance of not giving a fuck. As if the threat of being nailed to a hardwood cross bore no fears for him.“I hear …..”Kheir was desperate to grind some sign of fear out of his prisoner.“… can take an many as twenty blows to pound a nail right in.”

Maciste didn’t need telling. He himself had supervised a traitor’s nailing. Thick ugly iron nails .. the length of a man’s hand .. driven in through the wrist. Smashing up bone .. crunching through agonised flesh. Hammered in repeatedly .. until the nail head was pressing on broken bones. Enough to hold a full-grown man’s weight. The traitor had passed out with the pain. Maciste had had him revived for the second arm. Even for the soldier administering the blows .. it had not been a pretty sight.

Maciste was having none of the toying with him.“Ever been told …..?”Maciste was smirking back through the bars at Kheir. His full manly virility on show. Goading. Deliberately he tore himself away from the thoughts of the pain of the cross. He had bigger fights on his hands . a battle of wills to wage. His nailing would be tomorrow. Now .. he was at war with this brat who had stolen his throne. Down in some chilly dungeon. Just the two of them .. brothers-by-marriage ..

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Maciste might struggle with tomorrow’s fight. But here today he was taking no prisoners.“Noticed what a little prick you’ve always been?”Maciste the big brother .. all the fame .. all the looks .. the physique .. all the girls .. rubbing the usurper’s nose in his own runny shit.“ .. that you can’t find yourself a woman? Always resort to slave girls?”Maciste grinned.“Yeah, I’ve noticed that. Plenty others have too have … Something to do with your incy-wincy dick, they say …..”Maciste snorted. His splayed-out knee jiggled up and down. His not-so-subtle way of reminding Kheir that he himself had no such problems.

But Kheir was not playing ball. It was him destined to grind his half-brother’s nose in his own shit.“The temple square has an incredible echo.”Kheir’s eyes glowed like a soothsayer high on drugs.“Ever noticed THAT? Sounds bounce off the walls.”Maciste was already hearing where this was going. He’d heard those echoes himself.

“Twenty hammer blows .. hammer rattling off a metal nail-head. Screams of pain. Twenty times. Twenty blows. Metal nail driven through smashed up bone. Hammered through an out-stretched arm. Twenty times .. twenty cries .. bouncing off the walls. Echoing around the square.”

Maciste felt a twist in his balls. Despite himself he sensed a shudder in his guts. He too remembered the echo from when he’d had that traitor nailed. That man’s screams had pierced the air. Reverberated off the walls. Even a traitor’s agonies had been like a nail driven through Maciste’s own brain.“Twenty ear-piercing screams.” Kheir giggled.“And then .. there’s the other wrist ….”

Maciste wondered if his step-brother had got a hard-on. Getting off on this prospect. Busting a gut to get Maciste to show his fears. Hard at the thought of dominating like this. Maciste DID have his nerves. He was nervous of all that pain. Who wouldn’t be? He’d been close-up, he’d seen a nailing for himself. He’d heard the screams. He’d sweated through the gut-twisting agonies. He was not fooling himself. But no way was he going to show Kheir those uncertainties on his face.He turned his goading back on Kheir.“Death by nailing? Your idea?”Maciste smirked back.“Or that bitch-of-a-mother? Did your little brain need her to lay this out for you?”

Maciste was satisfied. From outside his cage, he saw Kheir grabbed at the bars. In anger. In frustration that Maciste was getting his own back in. Wishing the nailing could happen sooner. Just to show Maciste his power. To see the suffering. And shut up Maciste’s jeering.Maciste was playing a dangerous game. But what had he got to lose?

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“They have to be curious .. don’t they? The rabble in the square ….”Kheir was still grabbing hold of the bars. Sneering through. Annoyed that his warnings wasn’t getting his half-brother riled. Trying to get some sign from Maciste. Driving a nail of fear into his heart.

“Hearing all that screaming. Their ears assaulted by ear-piercing shrieks.”Kheir was painting the scene for Maciste .. the scene his hand had held hard in his bed for many weeks.“Wondering .. what the hell was happening on the steps. Hearing the hammering. The screams. Their ears pounded by the echoes bouncing off the walls. But they couldn’t see a thing.”

“Hardly fair,” Kheir grinned maliciously. “Is it?”

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In his mind Kheir had Maciste stretched out on his back. Cross flat-down on the temple steps. Maciste’s arms out-stretched. Held down while each wrist was smashed to pieces by cruel nails.“The poor souls .. heard all the screaming .. hadn’t seen a thing. Must be wondering. What is going on?”

Steeling his guts against the threat of nailing. Maciste saw Kheir grin. If he’d been a dog .. Maciste thought .. he’d have been foaming at the mouth. Kheir was salivating like some sick cow. Under his kilt, the excitement of domination winning over his better senses.

In his excitement Kheir clutched at the bars as if it was him trying to escape.“Can’t see for the press of the crowd. But needing like mad to know. “What’s happening to our champion?” “Can those be our hero’s screams?” Kheir sniggered.“How fares our stud-of-a-prince right now?”

Maciste flopped his head over to one side, a smile lit up his lip .. looking Kheir in the face. Showing him his lack of concern. Unquestionably Maciste was a realist. He’d seen a nailing close-up. He was not fooling himself. He knew what to expect. It would be torture. Impossible to hold it in. He was a man, after all .. flesh and blood. He’d be smashed-up bones. Pain would be driving him out of his mind. He’d scream. No man would ever be able to hold his agonies back. Indisputably Maciste had his fears. He’d seen this for himself .. right under his nose. Of course he was scared. A traitor’s death .. the worse execution imaginable. But Maciste was damned now if it was going to show.For now .. this was a game. Whose will was going to win out?Maciste raised an eyebrow. Inviting Kheir to tell him what he was busting to tell him anyway.

“Couldn’t see a thing. Poor stupid peasants - they’d not know what all the fuss is about.”As if there was going to be one single person in the crowd who was rooting for Kheir. Maciste knew instinctively where their sympathies would lie .. even if they were intimidated into inaction.“The metallic echo of the hammers. The screams of pain. Desperate to see. Itching to see for themselves …..”

Kheir shrugged.“As their ruler .. I owe it to them .. don’t I?”He grinned.“To show them what a traitor looks like .. getting what he deserves.”Traitor. The word still rankled. But no point in arguing, Maciste decided. They both knew the score. Kheir had usurped the throne. His own mother’s troops had crushed any resistance. Maciste was not going to enter any futile game of counter-denial.

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“Gotta show them. Satisfy their curiosity.”Kheir looked like he’d cum there and then .. so aroused with the colour with which his imagination was painting this scene.“Have the cross raised up. Let them see. There on their own temple steps. The traitor nailed by his wrists. Raised up. For all to see.”

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Kheir sniggered to himself.“Brother-mine .. you’re gonna be quite a sight.”Maciste could see his step-brother scouring his face through the bars. Desperate for signs of anxieties. The more he painted in the detail .. the more Kheir was itching for a twitch of fear. Hoping, at the very least, to see Maciste looking nervous.

“What a fine sight you’ll make. Naked. In your filth and degradation. Your guards jizm clinging in your hair.”He laughed.“The people’s adored champion … quite the hero!”

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Kheir was winding him up. Trying to get a rise out of him. And Maciste was as determined as hell that he see no such thing. But the idea of his whole muscled bodyweight suspended off a pair of cruel wounds through his smashed up wrists ….. The image could not fail to eat away at his guts.

BUT … Show Kheir his nerves? Like hell. Maciste denied his fears .. not going to show the slightest sign of weakness. Under the hammer .. he’d scream .. he’d be nailed into mind-blowing agony. Maybe he too would pass out with the pain. But he’d face that problem when it came.Maciste slowly shook his head. Telling Kheir he didn’t give a shit. Because Maciste refused to believe it .. he was not yet done-in.

Frustrated Kheir tried again.“All those cries. The screams of pain that had echoed off the walls. What had caused all that, thye’d be wondering?”Maciste knew Kheir had his ideas.“A ruler owes it to his people. To be honest. Transparent. No secrets.”From what Maciste had seen here, he knew already Kheir had no such intentions from his rule. But he was letting things pass. Transparency? Let his people in on how they were ruled? Like hell Kheir would.For Maciste, though. .. nailed and in agony as the soldiers raised him on the cross .. Kheir was going to make an exception. He’d have Maciste’s torture seen. He wanted Maciste to know that his agonies were being seen. His people seeing him tortured. In agony.

Kheir had a tight grip on the rusty bars. His eyes were lit with the fire of a man losing his mind.“All that inhuman noise. All that squealing like a pig being killed. All that pain.”Kheir paused. As if he was already hearing those tortured cries.“A ruler owes it. To his people. Doesn’t he? He has to show.”Maciste had not the slightest doubt that Kheir couldn’t wait to rub his nose in it.“The rabble has to see the traitor getting what he deserves.”

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The man was naked. Stripped of everything that made him human .. never mind a prince. Clothes gone. Privileges gone. His enemy’s cum sticky in his hair. Little here spoke of the rightful king.

Beaten and punched. Signs of ill-treatment blotched his torso. His guards had not been easy on him. Kheir would not have had it otherwise.

At first Kheir had worshipped his adopted big brother. He could have followed him around like some dutiful dog. The son-and-heir who had everything. Who wrestled for sport .. and won. Surrounded by handsome-looking friends. Admired, loved. Popular with the people.

Adored by the girls. Hardly a night passed by that sounds of laughter and mad passion didn’t escape Maciste’s chambers and make Kheir cringe. As he lay listening in the dark in his lonely bed.

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Admire? Hero-worship? That leaning to venerate an idol turned to envy. Kheir’s stomach turned at the sight of that chiselled physique. Always going without his tunic done-up. Maciste’s muscled torso on display. Rock-solid belly-muscle rubbing Kheir’s nose in his own meagreness. A peacock. What passed-over brother hadn’t the gnawing resentment turning to acrimony. Resentment twisting into spite.

Maciste was used to being admired. The sight of his physique drew attention for men and women alike. But from Kheir .. safe the other side of these bars .. those eyes sent a tremor down Maciste’s backbone. That was not admiration. That was envy. Greed. Resentment.

“The sight of this magnificent strength .. this warrior-prince .. muscular .. ALL-MAN … .”Maciste could almost feel the touch as Kheir’s gaze pawed at powerful shoulders. Greedily .. to take control, He stared back unmoved as the brat’s spiteful look took in his strong upper arms.“What is there not to drool at in all this manly muscular power?”The air was nippy, the wall against Maciste’s back was damp and chilled. Was that the cold sending a shiver down his backbone? But he was going to show nothing of his feelings.

“Nailed to the traitor’s cross. Hanging by his wrists .. taking his whole weight …”The thought was less than inviting. “The suspension pulling every muscle into sharp relief. What a sight you’ll make. MAGNIFICENT!”Maciste could almost believe his stepbrother had cum under his kilt. Was the sick fool losing his control?“A god!”The tone in Kheir’s voice was not admiration. It was mockery. Laced with a good streak of spite.

But still Maciste’s posture remained impassive. He felt the gaze through the bars come to rest between Maciste’s legs. Where his sturdy manhood sat at rest .. full, thick, pendulous. Relaxed and unintimidated by threats .. resting unperturbed between supremely muscular thighs. This weed of a step-brother .. forced on him by marriage .. had always crawled in Maciste’s manly shadow. And now the wimp had skulked out into the sun.

“But you will not find me unkind .. not even to a state traitor ……”Kheir’s face had twisted into a smirk. Maciste sensed he had more surprises in mind.“Assistance is needed .. only fair .. to take some of that weight …..”Maciste was already imagining the kind of malevolent help Kheir had in mind.“That superbly masculine .. wondrously muscled .. etched, sculpted, shredded .. cut .. manly .. weighty ….”Kheir giggled to himself. All words that had been used to describe his loathed stepbrother’s physique.

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Kheir twisted the screw into his hated stepbrother’s guts.“Help needed. Nails through the ankles .. either side of the upright ……”He sniggered.“To take some of that superbly muscular weight.”Kheir drooled.“Remind me. How many blows was it taking to drive the nails right in?”

Maciste could do the arithmetic. His guts knew to twist at the thought of that much pain. But his head knew not to give the slightest twitch. His face showed not a single reaction. With satisfaction Maciste noticed Kheir’s gaze kept returning to his exposed crutch. In envy. Kheir’s spiteful look sliding in between his muscled thighs. Begrudging this defiant display of manliness. Not shrunk to nothing out of fear. Not blown up to full by fear-driven nerves. Relaxed. Unmoved. For all the threats piled up on Maciste’s suffering. Maciste’s message. For all Kheir’s posturing and power-play .. Maciste didn’t give a fuck.

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Kheir threw his mastery full into Maciste’s face.“Kill two birds with one stone. Take some of your weight off your wrists. AND …. Show the rabble what all that noise was about. Seeing for themselves what all that screaming was for.”

Maciste saw the picture too himself .. in blindingly agonising colours .. red-yellow. His ankle held against the side of the upright. The nail pressed against the joint. And then the countless blows as the metal hammer smashed that thick ugly nail through his bone. Each blow hammering out a scream.

Kheir grabbed at the cold rusty bars.“Echoing off the walls. Screams as each blow becomes too much.”Maciste felt the shiver down his backbone. This time it was not the cold.

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Kheir was warming to the scene. The thought of more agony smashing up Maciste’s ankle bones. Getting him going.“The rabble now seeing with their own eyes .. what all that screaming fuss had been about. Their one-time prince .. raised up .. nailed through the wrists to the traitor’s cross. Naked as the day he was born .. bleeding from nails driven through his wrists …. “Maciste knew that Kheir was aching to draw one single show of fear from him. Frustrated at not getting any sign of nerves. To any man the thought of that pain was terrifying. But here-and-now Maciste’s task was denying his step-brother that satisfaction. Any satisfaction of his cruel plans.

“Screaming out .. another body-crushing blow .. another metallic ring of hammer pounding on metal nail. Crunching up human bone. Another round of agonised echoes bouncing off the walls. Metal blows drowned out by a will-breaking cry. Inhuman. A beast in agony. An ear-piercing shriek. A pig being slaughtered. Bone smashed up.”

Kheir sniggered.“No shame .. my brother. Letting it go .. dear brother-mine. Any man would shriek.”Gripping the bars. Eyes alight. Kheir smirked.“Doesn’t bear thinking about.Kheir grinned. Cruelly.“Does it?”