1 1 A Lonely Village and the Mad Wizard ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Robertson Sondoh Jr (Experimental Playground) - He created the Savage Flower Kingdom RPG and has heavily encouraged everyone to take part in adding to it. Thanks to his previous board games he has so graciously designed and released for free, I may not have been inspired to repay all of his hard work with this adventure for Savage Flower Kingdom. All of the artwork in the adventure is Experimental Playground's. Adventure Author: Aniketos - That is my Board Game Geek, RPGGeek, and Video Game Geek name. Please contact me there for any questions concerning the adventure. This is the first adventure I have ever written, it is something that I have always wanted to do when I first discovered roleplaying games. Thus it may be a bit rough around the edges but I tried to stay away from making it to linear and constricting the GM and players. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the adventure! Cheers! GM Summary: A remote village is beset by a troublesome problem! A river that ran through their farm land has dried up and the villagers suspect a mad wizard may be behind it. Residents of nearby Big Town think the villagers are just running a scam. The heroes of the story have gone starving for an adventure for quite a time when they come across some patrons at a tavern discussing the village's plight. Since bar hopping has gotten the heroes nowhere closer to finding anything worthy of an adventure in the past few weeks, they take on the challenge to prove or disprove the village's plight. :Table of Contents: The adventure is split into four main parts and can be found at the following pages: Part 1: Finding Work - Page 2 Part 2: Lonely Village - Page 3 Part 3: The Forever Forest - Page 5 Part 4: The Mad Wizard - Page 7 There are three pregenerated characters created for the adventure: Gorbel Thorckletig - Wizard - Page 10 Esmerelda Gladera - Knight of the House Tulip - Page 10 Obediah Zyphil - Bandit - Page 11 There is only one stat sheet for the only NPC: Tizzy Sungborm - Wizard - Page 12 Special Rule about Abilities: Notes on Character Abilities - Page 13

A Lonely Village and the Mad Wizard - Savage Flower Kingdom adventure

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adventure for the Savage Flower Kingdom rpg complete with pregenerated characters

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    A Lonely Village and the Mad Wizard



    Robertson Sondoh Jr (Experimental Playground) - He created the Savage Flower

    Kingdom RPG and has heavily encouraged everyone to take part in adding to it.

    Thanks to his previous board games he has so graciously designed and released for

    free, I may not have been inspired to repay all of his hard work with this adventure

    for Savage Flower Kingdom. All of the artwork in the adventure is Experimental


    Adventure Author: Aniketos - That is my Board Game Geek, RPGGeek, and Video Game Geek name. Please

    contact me there for any questions concerning the adventure. This is the first adventure I have

    ever written, it is something that I have always wanted to do when I first discovered roleplaying

    games. Thus it may be a bit rough around the edges but I tried to stay away from making it to

    linear and constricting the GM and players. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the adventure!


    GM Summary:

    A remote village is beset by a troublesome problem! A river that ran through their farm land has

    dried up and the villagers suspect a mad wizard may be behind it. Residents of nearby Big Town

    think the villagers are just running a scam. The heroes of the story have gone starving for an

    adventure for quite a time when they come across some patrons at a tavern discussing the

    village's plight. Since bar hopping has gotten the heroes nowhere closer to finding anything

    worthy of an adventure in the past few weeks, they take on the challenge to prove or disprove the

    village's plight.

    :Table of Contents:

    The adventure is split into four main parts and can be found at the following pages:

    Part 1: Finding Work - Page 2

    Part 2: Lonely Village - Page 3

    Part 3: The Forever Forest - Page 5

    Part 4: The Mad Wizard - Page 7

    There are three pregenerated characters created for the adventure:

    Gorbel Thorckletig - Wizard - Page 10

    Esmerelda Gladera - Knight of the House Tulip - Page 10

    Obediah Zyphil - Bandit - Page 11

    There is only one stat sheet for the only NPC:

    Tizzy Sungborm - Wizard - Page 12

    Special Rule about Abilities:

    Notes on Character Abilities - Page 13

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    :Finding Work:

    It is another gorgeous clear sunny day out, a slight breeze runs through the streets and alleys

    of Big Town. Our heroes however, are spending this great day in the Drunken Cricket, a tavern.

    It has been weeks since your last adventure and the funds are running out paying for food and

    lodging. The odd jobs you all tried to get did not pay well nor last long enough. And every day

    and night you go from one inn, tavern, or bar to the next hoping to find some work that will let

    you all use your very special set of skills. And today you have just been seated at a table in the

    middle of the eating area in the Drunken Cricket.

    Any successful roll during attempts to overhear

    conversations gives you the below. But these guys

    are also very loud so any fumble could wind up with

    the guys moving to another table further away or

    give the party some lip but talk more quietly.

    Use the Social ability with a Target Number (TN) of

    6 to pass.

    As you sit at a table in the Inn you overhear two

    men talking loudly.

    A potbellied man with a large bushy mustache rumbles, "HA! I tell ya Harold those people in

    Lonely Village can't live without that water. I give 'em...mmmmm... 3 more weeks before they

    pack up 'n move 'ere. 2 Gold Petals says the village is Lonelier!??"

    His friend, a tall dark skinned slender man leans forward and says, "I wager 5 Gold Petals that

    they don't!" The players hear the coins clang onto the table. The man continues,"An ya know

    why I say that Dunely? I heard and seen several of them come into town the other day. An guess



    "They posted up signs asking if anyone was willin to go and fix their PROBLEM!!!" Both

    men roar with laughter, slapping the table with their hands before they clank their mugs together

    and take a chug of their beers.

    "SO!!! What can they offer the people that help them eh?! Arsene? They made nothing off the

    harvest, everyone in Big Town knowsit!"

    "Well I here they're offering room and board to whoever takes up the offer plus whatever they

    find while trying to finish the job... whatever that means. I tell ya it's a scam, they're rivers all

    dried up an their ain't nuthin to be done 'bout it! Now they're blamin some 'wizard' that gone and

    stopped up their river!" Both men roar with more laughter, take another big slug from their

    mugs, and carry on to a different topic.

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    Options and Possibilities upon successes and fumbles rolled using Social:

    1) Ask the 2 guys where the villagers can be found.

    --- a) Might have seen them near a local outdoor market (Critical Hit [CH])

    --- b) Only seen the posters (TN - 9-11)

    --- c) Direct you to the bartender who tells you to try the local outdoor market or find one of the

    posters (Failure - 3-8)

    --- d) The party finds nothing and leaves the Drunken Cricket.

    The villagers (5 of them) can be found at the local market (3 of them there); at their inn as

    directed by the posters it's close by and called The Dragon's Kneecap (1 is there); or bump into

    one while walking through the streets (1 wandering through the streets). [The GM is free to

    create the look of the villagers and name them if they so please.]

    The players are told to follow a road out of town and into the Forever Forest. Their village is

    located in a large field surrounded by an old fence. There is only one path into and out of the

    forest so the players should not get lost.

    :Lonely Village:

    Lonely Village is a very lonely looking place. The road the players take leads only to this village. There were no other signs of habitation found alongside the road going through the Forever Forest. From the edge of the large clearing where Lonely Village is located, the players see very dry land with most of the crops still withering away or already dead. Some tumbleweeds bounce and roll along the fields by a dusty wind. Not far from the road the players can see a dry river bed running through the fields to the right of the road and past the village into the forest on the other side. A number of small canals or aqueducts have been built to divert some of the water into other parts of the fields.

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    On the way into the village the players could roll to see if they notice anything going on. But,

    on successes, critical hits, and fumbles they cannot see anyone in the village, in the fields, or

    anything in the forest edge.

    No one greets them upon entering the village. The players must figure out how to get the

    villagers to come out and greet them. Social and Mental rolls can be used to help solve the

    problem. A Target Number (TN) of 8/9 must be rolled to pass.

    Once the PC's have made contact with the villagers, an older man leaning heavily on a

    walking stick approaches the players. The older man is also accompanied by a much younger

    man bearing some resemblance to the older one. Also some of the other villagers are acting a bit

    fidgety. Looking not directly at the players but looking at them, at their feet, or always away

    from them. [To spot the villagers that are acting fidgety, a PC has to mention that they want to

    see if the villagers are acting funny in anyway. This can be spotted with CH when the PCs roll to

    try and muster the villagers together as all of them are acting shy or nervous. However if a PC is

    observing the villagers for this very reason, to see if any are fidgety in a suspicious way, the TN

    is automatically lowered to 6.]

    The old man glances at the group, eying each one up and down with a very critical eye and

    spits out in a gruff voice, "WADDYA WAANT??!"

    The younger man hastily apologizes for the rudeness of the older man. He introduces themselves.

    The older man is named Baron Yuleboleth and the younger man is called Tesar Yuleboleth.

    The players answer them and then roll for a TN5.

    --- Upon a success of any sort, the older man testily answers the PC's:

    "Eh. You've come because of the water??" The crowd of villagers begin murmuring amongst

    themselves while the older Yuleboleth turns to glance behind the village at a mountain range off

    in the distance. "What do you know of our plight, the suffering we have endured? Where were

    you when we began sending messengers into town some months ago asking for help?!" His face

    turns red and his body begins shaking with anger.

    Some of the villagers come to his aid and walk him out of the crowd as Baron begins cursing and

    grumbling. Tesar Yuleboleth turns back to the group eyeing them, "he is right, but you are here

    now. What do you know of the situation?"

    The PCs answer and roll for a TN8. There are several answers that can be given:

    --- Roll of 12/CH: Tesar and the villagers tell the players that the river dried up a month before

    harvest season began. The source is located in the mountain range behind the village. An older

    wizard moved there a year or two ago, no one really knows. He started demanding tribute or he

    threatened to destroy their source of water. One day the water stopped flowing without warning.

    Some messengers were sent to investigate but never returned. The kids mentioned that there

    might be something in the woods so you might want to talk to the children in the village. Tesar

    motions for the players to follow him to his home where they will stay until they leave.

    --- Roll of 8-11: Tesar and the villagers tell the players that the river dried up a month before

    harvest season began. An old wizard moved up to the spot where the source is and he probably

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    caused the stoppage. Tesar motions for the players to follow him to his home where they will

    stay until they leave.

    --- Roll of 3-7: No one sent up to the mountains to see why the river stopped flowing has

    returned. The villagers press this as their only story and force Tesar to back down. The villagers

    lead the players to the large barn where they tell them they will spend the night in it.

    --- Roll a Fumble(2): The villagers force Tesar to go after the older Yuleboleth. Tesar leaves the

    area. The remaining villagers point at a barn and tell them that they will sleep in the barn and

    leave in either the morning or the afternoon the next day.

    A random list of things the players can do in the village:

    1) If they had a successful conversation with the villagers the players are informed that they can

    stay, at minimum, of 3 days or so in the village before they must go and take care of the problem.

    A bad conversation only gives them half a day but they can eck out 2 full days if they talk to the


    2) Tesar and Baron are going to be as helpful as possible to the players though Baron is still as

    friendly as before but would not mind exchanging some small chat once in a while. If the players

    roll a 2-7 they can still sneak out and meet with Tesar if they find his house and try and get the

    info they would have received if they succeeded in the initial roll.

    3) If they don't roll an 8 or higher this happens: At some point, a couple of youths approach the

    group acting shy and nervous. They tell the players that they have been feeling watched during

    the day when they play in the fields. Some even say they thought they saw something watching

    them from the edge of the clearing but could not tell what it was.

    4) Other information they can find about the trip they will undertake:

    a) It will take 2 full evenings of rest before they can reach the source of the problem.

    b) The trail leading to the problem source has degraded since the villagers are afraid to

    walk along it.

    5) They receive some provisions for the trip. If they rolled an 8 or higher when trying to get

    information out of the villagers they get a much richer assortment of food (the villagers do not

    mention where they got the food from). However if they rolled a 2-7 they get basically bread and


    a) Alternate idea for the GM: If they get more food then they will be attacked by 1-2

    extra Goblin Cat(s) whereas if they received meager provisions then it is 1-2 less Goblin Cat(s).

    6) If they can stay a few extra days, they can explore the edges of the clearing looking for any

    information on the creatures that have been spying on the village. If all of the PCs roll CH's or all

    but 1 do, then they can find a few paw prints that indicate the interlopers might be Goblin Cats.

    How many there are, they cannot tell. Any other rolls and they find absolutely nothing.

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    :The Forever Forest:

    As you leave the village, taking the broken trail leading deep into the Forever Forest, you are forced to walk single file as the trail begins to steadily breakdown. The forest itself is vibrant and you can hear birds chirping, the buzzing of tiny insects skittering about through the air, walk through some unpleasant spider webs, and see skittish deer run away from you when you happen upon them. Streaks of sunlight break through the canopy lighting up the ground floor. It is a pleasant forest.

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    If the players want to check if the mysterious creatures (or Goblin Cats) are stalking them

    they must roll both their Physical ability. The TN is 10.

    --- Success/CH: Whoever makes the roll spots some fresh tracks, albeit very faint tracks crossing

    the trail, tufts of black colored fur on bushes and branches around the direction the tracks were

    going as well. Chances are they are being followed.

    --- 2-9: No one sees anything suspicious and the party proceeds to set-up camp for the evening

    and preparing a meal.

    Once the party is set up for the evening they get ambushed by a group of Goblin Cats. If the

    players are on watch or at least one is on watch then roll Physical ability with a TN7.

    --- CH: The player on watch automatically goes first and adds +1 to their first combat roll. The

    other PCs add +1 to their Combat (Initiative) rolls.

    --- Roll of 7-11: The player on watch gets attacked by 1 Goblin Cat and the player gets +1 to

    defense against the attack. After that initial combat, the other PCs and Goblin Cats roll Combat

    (Initiative) but, the player on watch is the first to strike when combat gets underway. The PCs

    retain the +1 Combat (Initiative).

    --- Roll 3-6: The Goblin Cats get to strike all of the players first but the players receive +1 to

    defense. After that strike both the PCs and Goblin Cats roll for Combat (Initiative).

    --- Fumble: The Goblin Cats not only get the drop on the PCs but! they get a +1 to all combat

    rolls. Meanwhile the PCs detract a -1 from their first defense and attack rolls.

    The players are attacked by a minimum of 3 Goblin Cats, unless noted otherwise. There are three

    groups a GM could use for various levels of challenge for the players:

    --- 1) Easy - All 3 Goblin Cats are armed with melee weapons that cost only 5 GP or less on the

    Equipment Table. (If armed with spears, they are non-throwable.)

    --- 2) Medium - All 3 Goblin Cats are armed with melee weapons that cost 10 GP or less on the

    Equipment Table. (If armed with spears,

    they are non-throwable.)

    --- 3) Difficult - 4 Goblin Cats take part

    in the ambush. 3 are armed with melee

    weapons that cost 10 GP or lower on

    the Equipment Table while 1 is armed

    with a crossbow.

    Ambush Notes:

    --- a) This group of Gobin Cats can be

    described as wearing racoon skins as

    their armor and snake skulls as their

    helmets. Their fur color is black with

    white on their paws, nose, and the tip of

    their tails. Their eye color is yellow.

    --- b) If the fights go really bad and verges on the possibility of a total player kill (TPK), for

    whatever reason, a group of villagers randomly appear being led by Tesar and drive the surviving

    Goblin Cats away. There are two options to give Tesar and his companions some legitimacy:

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    ----- i) Tesar wanted to give the players any info that was left out while the party was in the

    village if that went badly.

    ----- ii) Someone saw a few creatures follow the party up the path and they came after them.

    ----- iii) The villagers leave in the morning once the party is rested as they are too afraid to

    confront the wizard.

    Ambush Out Comes (Ignoring the possibility of 'c' from above):

    --- a) If the players capture one of the Goblin Cats they can interrogate him. To succeed a TN5

    must be passed. The Goblin Cat tells the PCs that he is from the Shadow Cat tribe, the true heirs

    of the Forever Forest and the players have trespassed onto their land. He states that more will

    come the next day if his scout party does not return.

    --- i) After resting and recovering during the night the players are greeted by a very large

    group of Goblin Cats. These Goblin Cats look decidedly different than the ones that attacked the

    previous night. They are far larger than the Goblin Cats of the Shadow Cat tribe and have a lot

    more fur on them. Their fur is a patchwork of oranges, whites, browns, and black. They wearan

    unidentifiable canine skin as their armor with the skull of a canine as their helmet. Their eyes

    are varying shades of brown. They want to negotiate.

    --- aii) They offer full protection for your journey through the Forever Forest in

    exchange for the prisoner. The river also runs through their territory and have also began

    clashing with the wizard but he is too strong for them. They will agree to any and all terms

    regarding the treatment of the prisoner short of letting him go once both groups part ways. They

    do not provide any other details outside of wanting the prisoner.

    --- b) The party is again ambushed by more Shadow Cat tribesmen but this time they fall under

    the Medium and Difficult groups. This ambush can happen anytime before the 2nd rest period.

    However if the party is being escorted by the other Goblin Cat tribe, they are not attacked.

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    :The Mad Wizard:

    Located high up on a mountain in a small crater is the lake from which the river flows. The party worms and climbs its way up, out of the trail only to find themselves at the edge of a lake at the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain where the lake sits is shaped like a chair. A portion of the mountain leading away from the direction from which the part approached shoots up into the sky, pointing at it like an arrowhead. The lower area where the crater and lake are, provides the party with a breathtaking view of the land below the mountain. They can see Lonely Village nestled deep within the Forever Forest and just beyond it, nearly at the horizon, is Big Town. To the right of the trail mouth they can see where water would have flowed down the mountain from the lake and into the land below. Except, there is a damn consisting of wood, dirt, and other natural elements hardened by some type of unnatural substance. On the other side of the dam and the dry river bed, perched on a small rise, is a tiny hut with no mad wizard to be seen.

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    The group's wizard, Gorbel Thorckletig, can use the spell Detect Magic (TN7) and roll his

    Mental ability to see if he can sense any sort of magic in the vicinity and if the wizard is nearby.

    --- CH: Gorbel can sense a lot of magic emanating from the damn and the hut but only detects

    some faint elements coming from the woods just down the slope from the hut.

    --- Roll 7-11: He can sense the magic emanating from the dam and the hut.

    --- Roll 3-6: There is magic being weaved in the area around the players but Gorbel cannot

    pinpoint its exact location(s).

    --- Fumble: What magic??

    Actions the Party can take:

    --- 1) The party searches the area around the dam and around and inside the hut.

    ---- a) The party must roll their Physical ability to search the immediate area. (Both Obediah and

    Gorbel get a bonus if they roll their Physical ability to search.)

    Rolls for searching the dam and hut:

    --- 1) Hut is a TN3:

    ----- Roll CH: The players search the hut and find

    a straw map with furs draped over it. Curiously,

    and upon closer examination they make a chilling

    discovery. The furs sort of resemble the color of

    the two Goblin Cat tribes the players bumped into

    in the Forever Forest. (If they did not meet the

    other Goblin Cat tribe they only recognize a few

    furs resembling Goblin Cats from the Shadow Cat

    tribe.) In the center is a pit clearly used for

    cooking food with a metal pan and some crude

    wooden eating materials.

    ----- Roll 3-11: The players search the hut and find

    a straw map with furs draped over it. In the center

    is a pit clearly used for cooking food. That is it.

    ----- Fumble: It smells like ass inside the hut and

    the players only stick their head in quickly and see

    nothing worth braving the smell for.

    --- 2) Dam is a TN10:

    ----- Roll CH: The dam looks really sturdy and would take some time to break down. Whoever

    rolls the CH notices some roots snaking through the dirt around the base of the dam. The roots

    resemble a water dragon as the roots break the surface of the ground before diving back down

    into it only to resurface a few feet away.

    ------- Upon a CH the party rolls their Mental ability with a TN11 to see if they can identify the

    roots. Upon a success they realize that there are possibly 2-3 carnivorous plants in the ground.

    The party can kill the plants without a fight but if Gorbel uses his fireball spell he subtracts 1 MP

    from his MP pool every time he casts. It will also carry over into the fight with Tizzy.

    ----- Roll Fumble-9: They see nothing very suspicious about the dam. It just looks really sturdy

    and would take some time to break down.

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    While the players are busy investigating the dam and the hut, the wizard approaches them

    from behind and down the hill from the hut.

    "WH...WHO are you people!!!? Get out of my HUT and away from the dam!!!" the wizard

    spits out in wild anger and curiosity. The wizard is of average height. He is shirtless and wearing

    only a loin cloth with 2 small cloth sacks and a one handed mace are hanging off of his belt line.

    In his hands as he approaches is a staff that is a little bit taller than he is. It is made of a rich dark

    wood and the party can make out sigils, words, and images carved all along its length. A pot

    belly protrudes over the front of his waistline where the larger of the 2 cloth sacks hang. The

    party notices some spiders and other bugs run out of the sack and down his leg or around and

    over his stomach. His lower legs are stuffed inside what appear to be boots made of some kind of

    aquatic bird as the wings, tails and webbed feet are still attached to the animal's skin. His nails

    are long and stringy black hair hangs down from under a red pointy hat.

    As he is just about to speak again he hunches over and pukes out a bright and colorful liquid.

    When he is finished and straightens up and looks at the party with his staff in one hand and the

    mace held in the other. "Choose your words carefully travelers for I am Tizzy Sungborm!!! A

    mighty wizard who can easily make you may slaves. I have subjugated the Goblin Cat tribes and

    intend to run the people out of their pathetic little village! If you try to stop me then you have

    drawn your last breath!!!" With those words he points his staff at Gorbel and his mace at the

    other 2 players. (When Tizzy raises his staff and mace at the players he is essentially reading a

    simultaneous attack aimed at 2 of the party members.)

    For the GM:

    --- 1) If the players decide to try and sucker punch Tizzy they find out he already beat them to

    that punch and he can unleash his fireball and lightening spells at 2 of the players. The players

    receive a -1 to their defense since they were focused on attacking and not defending.

    --- 2) If the players decide to try and talk Tizzy down you can go along with it and pretend you

    are calming down only to unleash your magic on them during a vulnerable moment. OR! Just

    stop them a few words in to their speech and let 'em have it! >=) [OH! And make sure to yell

    something crazy-awesome when you do for kicks!]

    During the Fight:

    --- 1) When either Gorbel or Tizzy cast fireball or lightening and do not get a roll higher than 5,

    have it strike the hut and burn it down.

    --- 2) Just before Tizzy is defeated he yells out, "PIRAHANA PLANT! Avenge my demise!!!!"

    When he yells this 3 carnivorous plants explode from the ground around the base of the damn

    and get to strike any player near the dam. The plants are veiny with red stems and white bulbs,

    their mouths contain sharp, serrated teeth. They strike with a +1 for their attack roll.

    ----- a) Of course if the party already destroyed the plants then Tizzy just looks bewildered and

    confused as nothing answer his calls.

    --- 3) In case Tizzy is about to TPK the entire party and his HP is around 5 or 6, the members of

    the other Goblin Cat tribe explode from the surrounding tree line and instagib Tizzy. A Goblin

    Cat larger than the others, with a tail that has been cut off leaving a nub at the lower back, has an

    orange and black striped animal skin armor, and a larger canine helmet, approaches the party.

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    She tells the players that they watched the entire fight to see if the players could kill the wizard

    or if he was weakened enough that they could step in and finish the job if they could not. The

    wizard's body meanwhile, is carried back into the forest by some of the other Goblin Cat

    warriors. Other Goblin Cats have taken up positions surrounding the players in the meantime.

    The Goblin Cat that talked to the players bids farewell and the entire party vanishes quietly and

    quickly into the forest.

    After the Fight:

    --- 1) It is quite clear that the dam will not be removed unless some work is down to tear it down.

    --- 2) The hut burnt down and the party feels like they will not be able to find anything of value.

    That is however until a gleam catches the eye of one of the party members. Upon a closer look

    they discover that Tizzy had hidden a very small magically protected jar containing only 3 very

    rare gems.

    --- 3) While the party is recovering a Pollinator buzzes down from the sky to greet the them. She

    wants to buy or sell some wares and trade information if there is information to be traded. Also,

    make sure she mentions that she stopped by Lonely Village and found the place in chaos. No one

    was willing to do business with her but directed her to the mountain here to see if the party was

    still alive and to tell them that they need their assistance. She charges them a small fee for the

    information either before or after she tells the players.

    :A Calm Breeze on a Mountainside:

    After the Pollinator buzzes off into the sky, its wings beating a heavy rhythm into the air, a cool and gentle breeze greets the tired party. The sun is beginning to set, casting a beautiful orange and red glow across the landscape. While soaking in this quiet moment the party casts off their weapons, armor, and clothes and slip into the lake for some much needed rest and relaxation.


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    The main characters

    The PC's:

    Gorbel Thorckletig - Wizard - 47 years old


    --- Height: 6ft. 8in. tall

    --- Body Type: Athletic. Not lanky or skinny but has an athletic body.

    --- Hair: Squirrely brown hair that

    comes down to his eyebrows and has no

    facial hair.

    --- Eye Color: Light brown

    --- Clothes: A black leather robe, a

    silver pendent hangs around his neck on

    a thin silver chain, and a small bronze

    bracelet on his left hand.

    --- Staff: Made of oak and is tall as his

    shoulders. It is covered in sigils and

    swirling designs.


    --- Gorbel spent most of his adult life

    working as a private detective. He has

    traveled all over Savage Flower

    Kingdom applying his use of magic and

    knowledge to help anyone in need. He

    believes magic can be used for good

    and hates anyone who misuses magic to

    harm others.


    --- HP: 8

    --- MP: 8


    --- Physical: 1(Searching)

    --- Mental: 3(Magic), 2(Knowledge)

    --- Combat: 1(Resisting)

    --- Social: 1(Interaction)


    --- Detect Magic (TN7)

    --- Shield (TN7, Self or Group)

    --- Fireball (TN 9, Ranged, 1 Target)


    --- Weapon: Staff (Melee& Ranged, DMG=1d6)

    --- Armour: Robe

    --- Stuff: Small Cloth Sack, 0 G.P.

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    Esmerelda Gladera - Knight of the House Tulip - 28 years old


    --- Height: 6ft. 2in.

    --- Body Type: A muscular and well toned body with broad shoulders. Stands ram-rod straight

    and she usually wears a serious but neutral look on her face.

    --- Hair: Dark red hair cut into a bowl shape.

    --- Eye Color: Dark green

    --- Clothes/Equipment: All of equipment such as armor, a sword, and a shield sport designs,

    inscriptions, and the royal insignia of the House Tulip.


    --- Esmerelda Gladera grew up wanting to be a knight for House Tulip whose knights were tall,

    strong, and brave. Most of her people who

    serve and are ruled by House Tulip grow up to

    be taller than the average person in the Savage

    Flower Kingdom. At the age of 24 Esmerelda

    is one of the youngest to be accepted as a

    knight of the House Tulip. But before she can

    don the armor of a true knight she must prove

    her worth by achieving 4 great feats of

    courage, justice, honor, and integrity. Once

    she fulfills these 4 feats can she become a full

    member of the Knights of House Tulip.


    ---HP: 13


    --- Physical: 2(Speed)

    --- Mental: 1(Knowledge)

    --- Combat: 3(Initiative), 1(Resisting)

    --- Social: 1(Interaction)


    --- Athlete: +1 to Physical


    --- Weapon: Sword (DMG=1d6)

    --- Armour: Shield (-1 DMG), (Chain

    Mail=+2 DEF)

    --- Stuff: Small satchel

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    Obediah Zyphil - Bandit - 33 years old


    --- Height: 5ft 8in.

    --- Body Type: Skinny with a pointed chin and nose with stubble-like facial hair.

    --- Hair: Long light blond hair that goes down to his shoulders

    --- Eye Color: Grey

    --- Clothes/Armor: Mostly black and brown with black knee-high leather boots and elbow long

    brown gloves.


    --- Obediah spent nearly his entire life as a

    miscreant. For the past 13 years however,

    he ran with a gang of bandits raiding

    unsuspecting travelers and small hamlets or

    isolated cottages and farms. At the age of

    33 his gang was obliterated by Gorbel.

    Already wanting to leave the life of

    banditry Obediah left the gang and joined

    Gorbel who was to meet with a friend in

    serving House Tulip. There they met

    Esmerelda as she was completing her

    training and being chosen as a Knight of

    House Tulip. The three left House Tulip

    and began adventuring throughout the

    Savage Flower Kingdom.


    --- HP: 15

    --- GP: 2


    --- Physical: 2(Stealth), 1(Searching)

    --- Mental: 1(Problem Solving),


    --- Combat: 2(Combat), 1(Initiative)

    --- Social: N/A


    --- Lucky One: You may reroll 1 bad roll for 1 scene


    --- Weapon: Hand Axe (DMG=1d6)

    --- Armour: Leather Armour (DEF=+1)

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    :Bad Guy:

    Tizzy Sungborm - Wizard - Age Unknown


    --- Height: Average

    --- Body Type: Potbellied, hunches over when walking and standing still, and has long nails.

    --- Hair: Stringy black hair

    --- Eye Color: Bloodshot

    --- Clothes/Armor: Shirtless and has 2 cloth sacks on a belt with bugs crawling out of them.

    --- Equipement: Has a simple one-handed mace. His staff is a little bit taller than he is and made

    of a rich dark wood and the party can make out sigils, words, and images carved all along its

    length. He wears a red pointy wizard hat and wears animals skins has his boots complete with the

    animal's webbed feet, wings and tail.


    --- He just showed up at the lake one day and that is all anybody knows!


    --- HP: 12

    --- MP: Can pump out any spell he wishes!


    --- Physical: 1(Speed)

    --- Mental: 5(Magic)

    --- Combat: 2(Initiative)

    --- Social: He's crazy


    --- Lightening Bolt (TN11, Ranged, 1 Target)

    --- Shield (TN7, Self or Group)

    --- Fireball (TN9, Ranged, 1 Target)

    --- Stone Skin (TN8, 1 Target)


    --- Weapon: Staff (Melee=1d6 & Ranged=1d6), One-handed Mace (DMG=1d6)

    --- Amrour: Enchanted Robe (DEF=+2)


    :Notes on Character Abilities:

    --- 1) When rolling for an ability such as Physical or Social. Check to see whether the action you

    are trying to do has a point in it such as Searching (Physical) or Interaction (Social). Take the

    amount of points there and add it to the end of the die roll.

    Ex #1: Gorbel rolls 2d6 to achieve a TN9 when searching someone's cottage. He rolls a 3

    and adds 1 because he invested a point in Physical and add 1 more point because he focused on

    searching. Thus he rounds his roll to a 5 which is still short of the TN9 and thus fails his roll.

    Ex #2: Esmerelda is about to fight an orc. For the initiative roll she rolls 1d6 plus

    however many points she has in Combat. However, he also has 3 points invested in initiative.

    She rolls a 5, has 4 points in combat overall so +4, and has 3 invested in initiative. Thus her

    initiative roll comes out to a whopping 12!!