Y THURSDAY WIFE SAVERS Royal Scallop. six egga, one cup boiled ham chopped fine, one cup cracker crumbs, one-half cup but- Mr, one quart milk, two table- #oon8 flour, two tablespoons but- ler, salt Boll the efrgrs until hard; chop whites fine and press the rolks through sieve. Miosten the erackcr crumbs with one-half cup melted butter. Make a white sauce follows: Melt two tablespoons tatter, add flour and stir until smooth, then add one quart of hoi milk. Cook until slightly \hlck, add salt to taste. Butter a baking dish. Put In a layer of crumbs, then a portion of white sniiee, then ham, whites and yolks of eggs Repeat until all Is used, having crumbs on top. Bake in a moderat oven about one-half hour. Crumbs on top should be a nice golden Concrete Streets, ItJte Concrete Roads, have the maintenance built into them. Concrete Alleys Led the Way to Concrete Streets In Whittier When Whittier, California, found out what sanitary, neat- looking alleys concrete pavement made, people naturally asked, "Why not concrete streets?" * * * Whittier now has 427,929 square yards of this firm, rigid, unyielding pavement. Many thou- sands more yards are to be added this year. Concrete pavement will dresf up your streets. Its true, even surface will always be free from ruts and bumps. And the non-skid surface of con- crete makes it always safe to drive on another important advantage in a tourists' all-year wonderland like Cal- ifornia. , Don't just say "paving." Say "Port- land cement concrete" the safe-to- drive-on pavement with the pleasing light gray color. Ill of Ou facts arc in our /re* booklet on "Concrete Strectt." Ash for your cofy. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 748 South Spring Street LOS ANGELES A National Organisation to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete OFFICES IN 30 CITIES Torrance High School Auditorium One Night Only Friday, March 5 8 P. M Auspices Torrance Women's Club ARE YOU A MASON? A play that's packed . with Laughs and Fun Tickets for Sale at Dolley Drug Store Or by any member of Torrance Women'* Club Entire Lower Floor, SOc; Balcony, 25c GIVE YOUR CHILDREN PURE RAW MILK Ours Tests 100% Let your children benefit by the full nourishment of perfect raw milk, nature's own food just as Mother Na- ture intended it to be. The Department of Agriculture gave us a 100 per cent Tuberculin score on our herd of dairy cattle in a recent test, January 27, 1926. Torrance Sanitary Dairy Phone Lomita 146-J for us To Start Delivery Anywhere in Torrance or Lomita Motor Coach Company TIME TABLE Leave Torranoe for Wilminflton and Long Beaeh 7:00 A. M. 8:15 * 9:15 10:20 11:20 12:20 P. M. 1:20 2:20 3:15 4:20 5:20 6:25 7:20 9:20 8-11:25 Leave Long Beach lor Torrance 6:45 A. M. 7:40 10:00 10:40 11:40 12:40 P. M. 1:40 2:40 3:40 4:45 5:40 6:45 S-7:45 8:45 10:50 D Daily except Sundays and Holidays. S Sunday only. Connect* for Catallna. Island. tableepooni heavy cream, on half Mltipoon lall, a little red pepper, one saltepoon eugar. fine. Mix with mayonnaile, chill lauce; put through a fine eieve; add the heavy cream. Mix thoroughly, then add salt, red pepper, and «ugar. When thoroughly blended place on ice until very cold. The beete color give it a moit delioioui flavor. Any kind of mayonnaiie can be used. A boiled dreeeing ii fine. Apple Tart. Prepare enough dough for bottom crust only. Put in pie pan and cover with three-quarter* cup augar and one tablespoon flour mixed. Pare, core and halve apples. Arrange nicely on augar and flour, and dot each piece with mon. Pour a cup of water over all and bake until apples are done. Serve when still warm. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kerber an. children, of Cypress street, spen the weekend at A. J. Martin's lodge in Bouquet Canyon. IIss Juanita Sutton of 260tli et was * weekend guest of Miss la Harlan at the Ande cabin in Sllverado Canyon. tr. and Mrs. George Cypress street were e Monday evening by Mr. F. J. Zeller of Redom Other guests were Capt. icey of Atascadero. Tayloi ntertu and Mrs. NOTICE CALLING FOR BIDS ON REAL PROPERTY LEASE The Board of Trustees of City of Torrance ticroby invites aled proposals for the leasing le property hereinafter described r the purpose of extracting there from clay for use in manufacture if brick and kindred substances. Reference Is hereby made to orm of lease on said property rhich was approved by the B f Trustees of the City of Torrance n February 16, 1926, for further particulars regarding the form lease to be entered Into by the suc- cessful bidder. Each bid must be accompanied by certified check for $2000.00, pay- able to the City Treasurer of the City of Torrance, as evldenc good faith and as a guarantee that bidder will execute the lease within ten days after accept- ance of his bid in cose his bid be accepted. Each bid must recite that the bidder offers to ente: ito the lease In the form above iferred to on file with the City Clerk of the City of Torrance, and must specify the number of cent: per ton which the bidder agrees to pay for all clay removed from operty. Unless the successful bidder shall iter into said lease within ten days after the acceptance of his bid by the Board of Trustees of City of Torrance the certified check for $2000.00 above refe hall be paid over to the City Treasurer of the City of Torrance the General Fund of said city liquidated damages for such failure. tJpon the signing of Id lease by the successful bid- der the said certified check will iredited as part of the vance payment of rentals provided ir in said lease. The certified checks accompany ng bids of unsuccessful bidders 111 be returned immediately upon Section. : described as follows: That portion 'of the 2279.35 acre tract of land allotted to Ana Josefa Dominguez de Guyer by final decree of partition, of a portion of the Rancho San Pedro, had in Case No. 3284, in the Su- perior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the south line of Plaza del Arao, as deeded to the City of Torrance by deed recorded in Book 1611, page 269, official records, Los Angeles County, California; said point of beginning being: South 73° 40' 30' East 656.51 feet from the Northeasterly corner of Tract 3758, as recorded in Map Book 41, at pages 26 and 27 of maps, In the office of the County Re- corder, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia; thence from this point of I beginning South 73° 40' 30" Kast | along the southerly line of above referred to Plaza del Amo 420.17 feet; thence South 34' 10" Kast 354.17 feet to a point; thence south 89° 25' 50" West' 350.45 feet; thence North 73° 40' 30" West 187.75 feet; thence North 16° 1!)' 30" Bust 440.75 nt of besinninif. COMING BACK Theodore Roberts, a grea breakdown, is coming back limelight. He will open a ville engagement in Seattle aude- ash., A. C. Taubman, who is employed an the Crittenden job at Barsti i-isited his family at 1101 Eshel- man avenue last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Robb and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Linden Chandler and daughters motored to Pen-is Valley -Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sorense'n and daughter Gloria, of Weston street, nt Sunday with friends In Los Angeles. M . and Mrs. Lon Piatt of Re- o boulevard visited relatives ird Sunday. Mrs. G. E. Bryant and daughte argaret, of Narbonne avenue, at- nded the Minnesota picnic Sycamore Grove Saturday. . - D. Morse, engineer on Ryder Hanafy, spent part of last week at his home on Narboi nue. Guests Sunday of Mr. and M: . A. Beckham of George street ere Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Llndman nd Miss Del Lucia Ltndman, Pasadena. Mrs. Marion Bayliss is in £ ide Hospital, where she Is under- going treatment for a serious ear C. F. Farquhar was usiness visitor in Los ard Kanal of Redondo boule- nd Arnold Larsen, Fred Lof- and Kenneth Anderson^ of edio, spent Sunday at Ocean vith Fred and Clifford Soper. H. Z. Kimes, Plaintiff, L. A. Woods, Defendant. By virtue of an execution Issued it of the Justice Court of Los Angeles Township, County of Los Angeles, State of California, where- in Z. Kimes Plaintiff, and A. Woods Defendant, upon a dsment rendered the 22nd day December, A. D. 1925, for the im of Two hundred ninety-nine nnd 99/100 Bollars lawful money f the United States, besides costs nd interest, I have levied upon 11 the right, title, claim and In- orest of said defendant L. A, iVoods, of, in and to the following escribed real estate, situate in County of Los Angeles, State if California, and bounded and dp. cribed as follows: Lot 6, Block 23 of Tract 2761. as per map recorded in Book 28, . IJasu 72 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, State of Call- Public Nolle K\ L'ptini? Fred C. ving tc gas, us- i vii g n and Dom Land Conjuration equal sh anil their successors, lessees assigns, all tho oil, lihaltum, petroleum and hydrocarbon, substances in under the above described p ises, together with the right privilege of entering upon land for the purpose of ex Ing, and producing, and remo all such substances In the ner provided for in the judsmei t in consolidated cases No. 105856 and No. 135147, Superior Court of LOB Angeles County,, which said judgment was entered Au- gust 11, 1924, in Book 570, page 30, records of the County Clerk of Los Angeles County. Subject also to the provision of u certain oil lease to pe- troleum Midway Company, Ltd. Said bids shall be delivered to clerk of the Hoard of Trustees r saldi City , . h,,,-,,,.,. 7. 00 clock r. .M. on Mmiday, Hie ir,th ly of Miireli. 1U26. Ilids will of March, A. Hereby Given, onday, the 8th i->. last), ut 11 lln I.ubli, id way ictlon, FEBRUARY 25, 1926 OWNE ALKE "Just for Fun" By RAS BERRY The day that I am writing this in Washington's Birthday and while all the bankers Is off on a holiday editors has to work and then bank- em make it worse by having you get in the mail on the morning of the holiday ,oni> of them white notices that says you is overdrawed and what are you going to do about It. I should think they should ought lo he a rule that bankers could not send out them kind of notices KO that you will get them on a holiday when you can't go in and fix It up and you have to worry- clear through a holiday all day while bankers is enjoying them- sclfs. to a theatre to see John Barry- moro in "The Sea Beast" and they was a lot of U. S. C. students waiting in the line too and I says to the boss at our house be sure and don't call me by name or some of these here students i( they find out that I am among them Is likely to start a whirlwind with me the They was two pretty students standing beside us and one says to the other have you been vaccinated as jet and the other says no and I ain't gonna be and the one says why not and the other says be- cause this kind that is going around Is not the kind that leaves pock marks on you and as long as they ain't no danger of being disfigscrcd why I ain't gonna have no vaccination leave a scar on And the e says are you going east for the Easter vacation the other says no he is coming west and then they had a. dandy giggle and I giggled too and then both of them give me the icicl< stare and the boss at our housi takes me by the arm and lead: me to the other side of the crowd. And after we gets over to thi other side the missus says I neve: seen so many pimply faced girli any place did you notice the pimples on them girls' faces and says no but that tall one sure has got nice big brown eyes and the missus says yes and so has a cow. Nobuddy was hurt. Warren Johnston is gonna c up his office arid he don't ki what to do with that big fern he has got in the window and the rest Southern Pacific offers you . your choke of four d«lightfuJ routes But. Stnuet via New Orleans Golden State- via El Paso JUritcTahoe via Ogden Sheata—- via Portland Co one way, return -nntk^, For full information, ask Southern Pacific Lines C. H. MUELLER, Agent Torranoe Phone 20 of the ImslncHH men on Marcelina fit. says he should" ought to give It to the street's two barber shops HO that when the boys ain't busy they can trim It and have some- thing to do so they won't have to set out In front and make wisp rnirkH at everybody that passes by only Warren says that wouldn't suit him because he thinks a lot of tins fern nnd if he give It to Hit- l.arber.M to keep b'tmy trimming II why they probably would talk It to death. Fay Parks opine* that if Warren IH pronna give the fern away he should ought to put it where it would suit Its surroundings and suggests that he give it to Bob Deinlnger. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Blsh of Cypress strpet were Mr. and Mrs. A. Weber of San Pcdro and Mrs. Leet and Miss Leet of Lankorshlm. Mrs. George Morse of Narbonne avenue Is driving a new Ford tour- ing car. L. D. Miller of Huntingdon Beach has purchased the Carter rabbltry nardino orange show Sunday. Air. and Mrs. William Boyes of Cypress street spent Thursday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Otto Kuschel, of Los Angeles. Renaldo Tomassl of 257th street is on a two-weeks business trip to Santa Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. J; W. Snyder and daughter Violet, of Redondo boule- ard, spent Friday in Long Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Kotoff of Redondo boulevard were Friday visitors in Los Angeles. Mrs. Perry Owing of Long Beach ipent Friday with her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Lynden Lowe, of Walnut itreet. Mi . and Mrs. Ralph Brown and E. M. Sampson, of Orange street; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mener- vey, Miss Lanahan, Miss Dunn nnd Wallace Fitzgerald, of San Pedro, attended tho Egyptian Theatre In Hollywood Thursday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Buker and tholr gucsta, Mr. and Mm. Balm and Mr. and Mrs. Buker Sr., apent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. William Rules of LOM Angles. Children Like Good Shoes When you buy good shoes, children take greater pride in taking care of them. Let your next purchase be KEWPIElWlNS Long years of exclusive children's shoemaking experi- ence haye taught the manufacturers the points where extra strength is needed. ^ The extension soles protect the uppers from scuffing the Flexible Flint Stone Oak Soles, Sole Leather Box Toes and Counters " Red Line In "-lining are special features. You'll be pleased with the way they wear. * x For Boys and Girls of All Ages Most Everyone Has Several Times Experienced A Lost Chance CALL FOR MORE CASH Some day your opportunity will come along and with this opportunity will come a call for more cash'. If you lack the money you will prob- ably lack the credit and perhaps lose your chance. Prepare now for the next time. Co- operate .with yourself and this bank and there can be no question about your future. First National Bank ^ OF TORRANCE TOTAL RESOURCES OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS much thei ry to mist id Judgmei th, , all i hi- ilKht, title, merest of said -de- WOO.IH of, in and to .seriin-d property, or of as may be ncces- sufiicient to satisfy it, with nd be Imiiie the high. day of Fubru- lltli Ho Hid day rd of Tr id he vo Hated thi: :iry, IUI'6. CHAS. R. THOMAS, Marshal of the Municipal Court, City of Los Angeles, County of LOH Ansojes, State, of California, suc- cessor in office to Chas. R. Thomas, Constable. By P. H. Brakcsuhler, Deputy. Abruni M. Marks, Plaintiff's Attorney. Carson Street 3 c tu c I r i- A^ Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Do Your Feet Ache? ' Do they Burn, and Smart, and Sweat? Then Try "RESTFOOT." RESTFOOT is just what its.name implies it rests and revives tired, aching feet. Comes in three convenient forms: Soap Flakes, Soap Cakes, and Powder. It's a TODCO product, which guarantees its dependability. Double Green Wednt'HtiayB Don't let your Feet sap your vitality. Use RESTFOOT. BEACON DRUG CO. TORRANCE We Give (Jreen Stamps. Dmiblo Stafnps Wednesdays

A Lost Chance · 2010. 1. 7. · That portion 'of the 2279.35 acre tract of land allotted to Ana Josefa Dominguez de Guyer by final decree of partition, of a portion of the Rancho

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    Royal Scallop. six egga, one cup boiled ham chopped fine, one cup cracker crumbs, one-half cup but- Mr, one quart milk, two table- #oon8 flour, two tablespoons but- ler, salt Boll the efrgrs until hard; chop whites fine and press the rolks through sieve. Miosten the erackcr crumbs with one-half cup melted butter. Make a white sauce follows: Melt two tablespoons tatter, add flour and stir until

    smooth, then add one quart of hoi milk. Cook until slightly \hlck, add salt to taste. Butter a baking dish. Put In a layer of crumbs, then a portion of white sniiee, then ham, whites and yolks of eggs Repeat until all Is used, having crumbs on top. Bake in a moderat oven about one-half hour. Crumbs on top should be a nice golden

    Concrete Streets, ItJte Concrete Roads, have the maintenance built into them.

    Concrete Alleys Led theWay to Concrete Streets

    In Whittier

    When Whittier, California, found out what sanitary, neat- looking alleys concrete pavement made, people naturally asked, "Why not concrete streets?"

    * * *Whittier now has 427,929

    square yards of this firm, rigid, unyielding pavement. Many thou- sands more yards are to be added this year.

    Concrete pavement will dresf up your streets. Its true, even surface will always be free from ruts and bumps.

    And the non-skid surface of con- crete makes it always safe to drive on another important advantage in a tourists' all-year wonderland like Cal- ifornia. ,

    Don't just say "paving." Say "Port- land cement concrete" the safe-to- drive-on pavement with the pleasing light gray color.

    Ill of Ou facts arc in our /re* booklet on "Concrete Strectt." Ash for your cofy.


    LOS ANGELESA National Organisation to

    Improve and Extend the Uses of ConcreteOFFICES IN 30 CITIES



    One NightOnly

    Friday, March 5 8 P. M



    ARE YOU A MASON?A play that's packed .

    with Laughs and FunTickets for Sale at Dolley Drug Store

    Or by any member of Torrance Women'* ClubEntire Lower Floor, SOc; Balcony, 25c


    Ours Tests 100%Let your children benefit by the

    full nourishment of perfect raw milk, nature's own food just as Mother Na- ture intended it to be.

    The Department of Agriculture gave us a 100 per cent Tuberculin score on our herd of dairy cattle in a recent test, January 27, 1926.

    Torrance Sanitary DairyPhone Lomita 146-J for us

    To Start Delivery Anywhere inTorrance or Lomita

    Motor Coach Company TIME TABLE

    Leave Torranoe for Wilminflton

    and Long Beaeh

    7:00 A. M.8:15

    * 9:1510:2011:2012:20 P. M.1:202:203:154:205:206:257:209:20


    Leave Long Beachlor


    6:45 A. M.7:40

    10:00 10:40 11:40 12:40 P. M.1:402:403:404:455:406:45



    D Daily except Sundays and Holidays.S Sunday only. Connect* for Catallna. Island.

    tableepooni heavy cream, on half Mltipoon lall, a little red pepper, one saltepoon eugar.

    fine. Mix with mayonnaile, chill lauce; put through a fine eieve; add the heavy cream. Mix thoroughly, then add salt, red pepper, and «ugar. When thoroughly blended place on ice until very cold. The beete color

    give it a moit delioioui flavor. Any kind of mayonnaiie can be used. A boiled dreeeing ii fine.

    Apple Tart. Prepare enough dough for bottom crust only. Put in pie pan and cover with three-quarter* cup augar and one tablespoon flour mixed. Pare, core and halve apples. Arrange nicely on augar and flour, and dot each piece with

    mon. Pour a cup of water over all and bake until apples are done. Serve when still warm.

    Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kerber an. children, of Cypress street, spen the weekend at A. J. Martin's lodge in Bouquet Canyon.

    IIss Juanita Sutton of 260tli et was * weekend guest of Miss la Harlan at the Ande

    cabin in Sllverado Canyon.

    tr. and Mrs. George Cypress street were e Monday evening by Mr. F. J. Zeller of Redom Other guests were Capt.

    icey of Atascadero.

    Tayloi ntertu and Mrs.


    The Board of Trustees ofCity of Torrance ticroby invites

    aled proposals for the leasingle property hereinafter describedr the purpose of extracting there

    from clay for use in manufactureif brick and kindred substances.

    Reference Is hereby made to orm of lease on said property rhich was approved by the B f Trustees of the City of Torrance n February 16, 1926, for further

    particulars regarding the form lease to be entered Into by the suc- cessful bidder.

    Each bid must be accompanied by certified check for $2000.00, pay- able to the City Treasurer of the City of Torrance, as evldenc good faith and as a guarantee that

    bidder will execute the lease within ten days after accept- ance of his bid in cose his bid be accepted. Each bid must recite that the bidder offers to ente:

    ito the lease In the form above iferred to on file with the City

    Clerk of the City of Torrance, and must specify the number of cent: per ton which the bidder agrees to pay for all clay removed from

    operty.Unless the successful bidder shall iter into said lease within ten

    days after the acceptance of his bid by the Board of Trustees of

    City of Torrance the certified check for $2000.00 above refe

    hall be paid over to the City Treasurer of the City of Torrance

    the General Fund of said city liquidated damages for such

    failure. tJpon the signing ofId lease by the successful bid-

    der the said certified check williredited as part of the

    vance payment of rentals provided ir in said lease.The certified checks accompany

    ng bids of unsuccessful bidders 111 be returned immediately upon Section.

    : described as follows:That portion 'of the 2279.35

    acre tract of land allotted to Ana Josefa Dominguez de Guyer by final decree of partition, of a portion of the Rancho San Pedro, had in Case No. 3284, in the Su- perior Court of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and more particularly described as follows:

    Beginning at a point in the south line of Plaza del Arao, as deeded to the City of Torrance by deed recorded in Book 1611, page 269, official records, Los Angeles County, California; said point of beginning being: South 73° 40' 30' East 656.51 feet from the Northeasterly corner of Tract 3758, as recorded in Map Book 41, at pages 26 and 27 of maps, In the office of the County Re- corder, Los Angeles County, Cali- fornia; thence from this point of I beginning South 73° 40' 30" Kast | along the southerly line of above referred to Plaza del Amo 420.17 feet; thence South 0° 34' 10" Kast 354.17 feet to a point; thence south 89° 25' 50" West' 350.45 feet; thence North 73° 40' 30" West 187.75 feet; thence North 16° 1!)' 30" Bust 440.75

    nt of besinninif.


    Theodore Roberts, a grea

    breakdown, is coming back limelight. He will open a ville engagement in Seattle

    aude- ash.,

    A. C. Taubman, who is employed an the Crittenden job at Barsti i-isited his family at 1101 Eshel- man avenue last week.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Robb and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Linden Chandler and daughters motored to Pen-is Valley -Sunday.

    Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sorense'n and daughter Gloria, of Weston street,

    nt Sunday with friends In Los Angeles.

    M . and Mrs. Lon Piatt of Re- o boulevard visited relatives ird Sunday.

    Mrs. G. E. Bryant and daughte argaret, of Narbonne avenue, at- nded the Minnesota picnic

    Sycamore Grove Saturday.

    . - D. Morse, engineer on Ryder Hanafy, spent part of last week at his home on Narboi


    Guests Sunday of Mr. and M: . A. Beckham of George street ere Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Llndman nd Miss Del Lucia Ltndman,


    Mrs. Marion Bayliss is in £ ide Hospital, where she Is under-

    going treatment for a serious ear

    C. F. Farquhar was usiness visitor in Los

    ard Kanal of Redondo boule- nd Arnold Larsen, Fred Lof- and Kenneth Anderson^ of

    edio, spent Sunday at Ocean vith Fred and Clifford Soper.

    H. Z. Kimes, Plaintiff,

    L. A. Woods, Defendant.By virtue of an execution Issued it of the Justice Court of Los

    Angeles Township, County of Los Angeles, State of California, where-

    in Z. Kimes Plaintiff, and A. Woods Defendant, upon a

    dsment rendered the 22nd day December, A. D. 1925, for the

    im of Two hundred ninety-nine nnd 99/100 Bollars lawful money

    f the United States, besides costs nd interest, I have levied upon 11 the right, title, claim and In- orest of said defendant L. A, iVoods, of, in and to the following escribed real estate, situate in

    County of Los Angeles, State if California, and bounded and dp. cribed as follows:

    Lot 6, Block 23 of Tract 2761. as per map recorded in Book 28,

    . IJasu 72 of Maps, Records of Los Angeles County, State of Call-

    Public Nolle

    K\ L'ptini?Fred C.

    ving tc

    gas, us- i

    vii g

    n and DomLand Conjuration equal sh anil their successors, lessees assigns, all tho oil, lihaltum, petroleum and hydrocarbon, substances in under the above described p ises, together with the right privilege of entering upon land for the purpose of ex Ing, and producing, and remo all such substances In the ner provided for in the judsmei t in consolidated cases No. 105856 and No. 135147, Superior Court of LOB Angeles County,, which said judgment was entered Au- gust 11, 1924, in Book 570, page 30, records of the County Clerk of Los Angeles County.

    Subject also to the provision of u certain oil lease to pe- troleum Midway Company, Ltd. Said bids shall be delivered to

    i« clerk of the Hoard of Trustees r saldi City , . h,,,-,,,.,. 7. 00 clock r. .M. on Mmiday, Hie ir,th ly of Miireli. 1U26. Ilids will

    of March, A.

    Hereby Given, onday, the 8th i->. last), ut 11


    id way ictlon,

    FEBRUARY 25, 1926


    "Just for Fun"By RAS BERRY

    The day that I am writing this in Washington's Birthday and while all the bankers Is off on a holiday editors has to work and then bank- em make it worse by having you get in the mail on the morning of the holiday ,oni> of them white notices that says you is overdrawed and what are you going to do about It.

    I should think they should ought lo he a rule that bankers could not send out them kind of notices KO that you will get them on a holiday when you can't go in and fix It up and you have to worry- clear through a holiday all day while bankers is enjoying them- sclfs.

    to a theatre to see John Barry- moro in "The Sea Beast" and they was a lot of U. S. C. students waiting in the line too and I says to the boss at our house be sure and don't call me by name or some of these here students i( they find out that I am among them Is likely to start a whirlwind with me


    They was two pretty students standing beside us and one says to the other have you been vaccinated as jet and the other says no and I ain't gonna be and the one says why not and the other says be- cause this kind that is going around Is not the kind that leaves pock marks on you and as long as they ain't no danger of being disfigscrcd why I ain't gonna have no vaccination leave a scar on

    And the e says are you going east for the Easter vacation the other says no he is coming west and then they had a. dandy giggle and I giggled too and then both of them give me the icicl< stare and the boss at our housi takes me by the arm and lead: me to the other side of the crowd.

    And after we gets over to thi other side the missus says I neve: seen so many pimply faced girli any place did you notice the pimples on them girls' faces and says no but that tall one sure has got nice big brown eyes and the missus says yes and so has a cow. Nobuddy was hurt.

    Warren Johnston is gonna c up his office arid he don't ki what to do with that big fern he has got in the window and the rest

    Southern Pacific offers you . your choke of four

    d«lightfuJ routes But. Stnuet via New Orleans Golden State- via El Paso JUritcTahoe via Ogden Sheata—- via Portland

    Co one way, return -nntk^, For full information, ask

    Southern Pacific Lines

    C. H. MUELLER, Agent Torranoe Phone 20

    of the ImslncHH men on Marcelina fit. says he should" ought to give It to the street's two barber shops HO that when the boys ain't busy they can trim It and have some- thing to do so they won't have to set out In front and make wisp rnirkH at everybody that passes by only Warren says that wouldn't suit him because he thinks a lot of tins fern nnd if he give It to Hit- l.arber.M to keep b'tmy trimming II why they probably would talk It to death.

    Fay Parks opine* that if Warren IH pronna give the fern away he should ought to put it where it would suit Its surroundings and suggests that he give it to Bob Deinlnger.

    Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Blsh of Cypress strpet were Mr. and Mrs. A. Weber of San Pcdro and Mrs. Leet and Miss Leet of Lankorshlm.

    Mrs. George Morse of Narbonne avenue Is driving a new Ford tour- ing car.

    L. D. Miller of Huntingdon Beach has purchased the Carter rabbltry

    nardino orange show Sunday.

    Air. and Mrs. William Boyes of Cypress street spent Thursday at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Otto Kuschel, of Los Angeles.

    Renaldo Tomassl of 257th street is on a two-weeks business trip to Santa Barbara.

    Mr. and Mrs. J; W. Snyder and daughter Violet, of Redondo boule- ard, spent Friday in Long Beach.

    Mr. and Mrs. Kotoff of Redondo boulevard were Friday visitors in Los Angeles.

    Mrs. Perry Owing of Long Beach ipent Friday with her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Lynden Lowe, of Walnut itreet.

    Mi . and Mrs. Ralph Brown and E. M. Sampson, of Orange

    street; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mener- vey, Miss Lanahan, Miss Dunn nnd Wallace Fitzgerald, of San Pedro, attended tho Egyptian Theatre In Hollywood Thursday evening.

    Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Buker and tholr gucsta, Mr. and Mm. Balm and Mr. and Mrs. Buker Sr., apent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. William Rules of LOM Angles.

    Children Like Good Shoes

    When you buy good shoes, children take greater pride in taking care of them. Let your next purchase be

    KEWPIElWlNSLong years of exclusive children's shoemaking experi- ence haye taught the manufacturers the points where extra strength is needed. ^ The extension soles protect the uppers from scuffing the Flexible Flint Stone Oak Soles, Sole Leather Box Toes and Counters " Red Line In "-lining are special features. You'll be pleased with the way they wear. * x

    For Boys and Girls of All Ages

    Most Everyone Has Several Times Experienced

    A Lost Chance



    Some day your opportunity will come along and with this opportunity will come a call for more cash'.

    If you lack the money you will prob- ably lack the credit and perhaps lose your chance.

    Prepare now for the next time. Co- operate .with yourself and this bank and there can be no question about your future.

    First National Bank^ OF TORRANCE


    much thei ry to mist id Judgmei

    th,, all i hi- ilKht, title, merest of said -de-

    WOO.IH of, in and to .seriin-d property, or of as may be ncces- sufiicient to satisfy

    it, withnd be

    Imiiiethe high.

    day of Fubru-lltli

    HoHid day

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    Hated thi: :iry, IUI'6.

    CHAS. R. THOMAS, Marshal of the Municipal

    Court, City of Los Angeles, County of LOH Ansojes, State, of California, suc- cessor in office to Chas. R. Thomas, Constable.

    By P. H. Brakcsuhler,Deputy.

    Abruni M. Marks,Plaintiff's Attorney.

    Carson Street

    3 c tu c I r i-


    Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! Do Your Feet Ache?

    ' Do they Burn, and Smart, and Sweat? Then Try "RESTFOOT."RESTFOOT is just what its.name implies it rests and revives tired, aching

    feet. Comes in three convenient forms: Soap Flakes, Soap Cakes, and Powder. It's a TODCO product, which guarantees its dependability.

    Double Green


    Don't let your Feet sap your vitality. Use RESTFOOT.


    We Give(Jreen Stamps.Dmiblo Stafnps
