A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of

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jVIanners maketk man.

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Wincbefler College. And all other

Devout Chriftians. To which is added three Hymns

for Morning, Evening, and Mid¬ night ; not in the former Edi tions: By the lame Author.

Newly Revifed. t—mi-*' »■ *»w.ii I a> rnmi

L O N t> O N, Printed for Charles Brewe ac the Gun, at the Weft end of St. Raul.' Church, 1697-

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For the Ufe of the Scho- lars of Winchefter College.

An Exhortation to Yeung Philotheu& IF you have any regard, good Thilotheusy to your own eter¬ nal happinels, it ought to be

your chiefeft care to ferve and gio- rifie God, 5Tis for this end God both made and redeemed you, and two excellent rules He hath given ^ A* 3 ym

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* A Manual cfVrayers

you in Holy Scripture, by the con- fcientious obfervation of which you will be able, through His grace, tc dedicate your tender years to Hi< glory.

The one Teaches you what yoi are to do, Remember now thy Crea¬

tor in the days of thy Touth. Ecclel 12. I.

The other teaches you what yoi are to avoid, Fly Youthful lufls * tha is, all thole fins which are ufiiall] incident to young Perfbns. 2. Tim 2,;22. ■ • ;

.You cannot imagine the unfpeafc able advantages a pious Youtl gains by the pradice of thefe tw< Rules; and how many ghoftly dati gets that Soul efcapes, which i -eafoned betimes with the fear c God, before he is fuilied wit] ill company, before he hath cor traded vicious habits, which wi coft him infinite pains to unlearn before his affedionsare too far en gaged in the World, to be eafily re


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called, and before the Devil hath got too ftronga hold in him, to be luddenly difpoflefled.

O Philotheus, Do but ask any one old Penitent, what fruit, whatla- tisfa&ion he hath purchaft to him* lei f, by all thole Pieafures of fin* which flattered him in his Youth, and of which he is now afhamed. Will he not ladly tell you, he has found them all to be but vanity*, and vexation of Spirit ? How will he befool himlelf, for the many good opportunities he hath loft, and wifli a thoufand times that he were to live over his mifpent day3 again ? And how bitterly will he with David, bewail the fins of his youth? Pfal. 25. 7.

Learn then, good Phil, by the dear-bought experience of others, to accuftom your felf to bearChriff s yoke from your Youth, and his yoke will fit eafy on your neck; for your duty will grow natural to you by beginning betimes*

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^ A- Mamal of Tracers

Do but confider, how welcome a young Convert is to God; k was to young Samuel that God revealed himfelf, and that at ftch a time •oo, when the Word of .God was precious and very rare, to fhew

^how much God honour’d a young Prophet; i Sam. 3. 1. and you know that St. John, the youngeft of all the: Difciples, is the only per (on of all the Twelve, who was permitted to lean on our Saviour’s bofom, at the laft Supper, as dear- eft to him in Affeftion, and who is emphatically called the Difciple whom Jefas loved: John 13. 23. and this is fuitable to that gracious pro mile, which God hath made to encourage all young Perfons to ferve him 5 I love them that love mey and they that feek me early JJhill find mey Prov. 18. 7.

O VhilothetiSy let this Heavenly promife excite in you a great zeal to feek God, and to feek him early,


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for Wirichefter Scholars.; y for if you do feek, you are fiire to find him; you are fure when yon have found him, he wili love you, and you fliall reap all the happy effe&s of God’s infinite Love,'and. of an early Piety.

An early Piety! than which, no¬ thing will make you a greater com-* fort to all your Friends^ or a greater bleffing to the very College where: you are bred ; nothing will make you more univerfally efteem’d, and beloved by all Men, or more fiiccefiful in your Studies; and befides, that peace of Con¬ ference, and the pleafure of well¬ doing, you will at prefent feel; think if you can, how unconceiv¬ able a joy it will be to you, when in ; your elder years you can reflect on your well-fpent time, and the in¬ nocence of your youth; how great a Confolation it will be to you, on > your death-bed, how eafie it will render your accounts at the great Day ofjudgment, and how much

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a whole life fpent in God’s ler- vice, will increale your glory in Heaven.

God of his great mercy, Philo-

them, make theie and the like con- ^derations effectual to create holy Relblutions in you, and give you grace to make good ufe of theie following directions which are de- ligned to teach you to fear the Lord from your youth, and are fuited to your particular Age and Condition* in hope they may the more affect you. God grant they may. Amen' 1 King, 18. 12.

DireSlions in general,

AS loon as ever you awake in the Morning, good Philo-

them, ft rive as much as you can, to keep all worldly thoughts out of your mind, till you have prelented


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the firft fruits of the day to God*' which wiil be an excellent prepara^ tive to make you fpcnd the reft of it the better \ and therefore before, to fing the Morning and Evening Hymn in your Chamber devoutly,, remembring that the Pfalmifl,upon happy experience affures you, that, it is a good thing to tell of the loving kindnefs of the Lord early in the morning,and of his Truth in the night feafon. -Ffal. 92.

When you are ready to look on. your Soul as If ill undrefl till you have faid your Prayers.

Remember that God under the Law ordained a Lamb to be offered, up to him every Morning and Eve¬ ning. A Lamb! which is a fit Em? blem of Youth and-Innocence; think then that you are to *reiemb!e this Lamb, and be fore every day to offer up your (elf a Morning and- Evening Sacrifice to God, Exod, zp. 38.

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If you are a Commoner, you may fay your Prayers in your own Chamber; but if you are a Child or a Chorifter^then to avoid the in¬ terruptions of the Common Chains bers,gointo the Chappel, between firft and Second Peal, in the Morn* ing, to fay your Morning Prayers* and fay your Evening Prayers when you go Circum.

Now that every one may have his duty proportioned to his capa*- city, the beft way is to diftinguifh two degrees of young Chriftiansin this College, namely, thofe that are of an Age capable of receiving the Holy Sacrament, and thofe that are not; and in one of thefe two degrees you are to rank your fclfi

Dir eft ms

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Directions for the Toungeft.

IF you are veryyoung,good Phi- lot he us, that God’s Commands

may not feem grievous to you, at your firft fetting out, I fhall advife you to no more, than your Infant’ Devotion will bear and that is* to take great care to learn your Cateehifm without Book, and to learn to underftand it} for ’tis im- poffible you can ever perform your , duty, unlefs you firft know what It is; ’tis impoffible you can ever go to Heaven, unlefs you learn the way thithet: And that you may beg God’s daily bleffing, and his

; to affift you, learn thefe two Prayers by heart, and lay

them every day.


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Morning Vrayer,

GLory be to Thee, O Lord God, for all the Bleffings I

daily receive, from Thee., and for Thy particular prefervation, and refre/hment of me, this night paft.

O Lord, have mercy upon me, and forgive whatfoever Thou haft foen amifi in me this night; and for the time to come give me grace to fly all youthful lufts, and to re¬ member Thee, my Creator in the days of my Youth.

Shower down Thy graces, and. bleffings on me, and on all my Re* lations \jn my Father and Mother, on my Brethren and Sifters] on all my Friends, on all my Governors in this place, and on all my Fello w- Scholars, and give thy Angels charge over us, to prote& us all from fin and danger,

• \ t ’ « *


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Lord, bleis me in my Learning this day, that I may every day grow more fit for Thy fervice. O pardon my failings and do more for me than I can ask, Or think,, for the merits of Jefiis my Saviour, in whole holy words Ifumup all my wants. Our Father which art in Heaven, &c.

Evening Prayer.

GLory be to Thee, O Lord God, for all the Bleflings

I daily receive from Thee, and for Thy particular prefervation of me this day.

O Lord have mercy upon me, and forgive whatfbever Thou haft feen amifs in me this day paft; and for the time to come; give me grace to fly all youthful lufts, and to re¬ member Thee my Creator in the days of my Youth.


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Lord, receive me and all my Relations, and all that belong to this College, into Thy gracious prote&ion this night, and fend me fiich feafbnable reft, that I may life the next morning, more fit for Thy fervice.

Lord, hear my Prayers, and par- don my Failings, for the Merit of my bleffed Saviour, in whole holy, words I fem up all my wants. Our Father which art in Heaveny &c.

This, good Phil, is the loweft de¬ gree of duty, and it Ihould be your daily endeavour to improve in your Devotion, as well as in your Learn¬ ing* and the more ene&ualiy to move you to fo happy an improve¬ ment, I advifeyou on Sundays and Holidays attentively to read over this following Meditation, and to propole to your felf, the Holy Chi}d jefiis, for your example.


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for Winchefler Scholars.

A Meditation on the Holy Child Jefiff*

GLory be to Thee, O Lord Je- fiis, Glory be to Thee, who

when thou wert twelve years old, did ft go up to Jerufalem with thy Parents, after the cuftom of the Feaft, to eat the Paflover, and to worfhip thy Heavenly Father, Luke 2 • ^ I • * *

• s. ' . —

O Blefled Saviour, give me grace like Thee, to make Religion my firft and chiefeft care, and devout¬ ly to obferve aH lolemn times, and all Holy Rites, which relate to Thy Worlhip.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord Je- lus. Glory be to Thee, who when Thy Parents returned home, didft ftay behind in ferufalem^ and after ‘three days, waft found of them in the Temple, fitting in the midfl: of the Doctors, both hearing;


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them* and asking them queftions, O blefled Saviour* who in Thy

very Child-hood, didft triumph overall the vain delights of youth* and wouldft chufe no place but the Temple to refide in* Mortifie in me all inordinate love of fenlual pleafure, which may pervert me from my duty ; raife in me an awful reverence of Thy houfe* an early devotion in my Prayers* and a delight in thy Praifes.

O bleffed Jefii* who didft chufe before all others, the company of the Doftors* and didft both hear them* and ask them queftions; give me grace to abhor all lewd company* and all filthy commu¬ nication^ give me grace to love wife, and fober* and profitable* and religious convention* and to be di¬ ligent* and inquifitive after learn*, ing, and whatfoever is good.


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Glory be to Thee, O Lord Je- fus, Glory be to Thee, who when thy Father and Mother had fought Thee, forrowing, didft reply to them. How is it that ye fought me? Wift ye not that I mud be about my Father’s bufinels.

O blelTed Jefo, who from thy infancy didft make it thy whole imployment, to do thy Father’s Will, kindle in me a forward zeal for thy Glory, that I may confer crate my Youth to thy forvice, and make it the great bufinels of my life, to know and fear, to love and obey my Heavenly Father.

' • A-s. ■ "*A , . f

Glory be to thee, CLLord Jefus, Glory be to thee, who didft at laft return home with thy Parents, and wert fubje# to them. ♦

O bleffed' Jeiu, give me grace to honour my Parents, and Gover¬ nors, and readily to obey all their lawful eommands!


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Glory be to Thee, O Lord Jefiis, Glory be to> Thee, who in thole, tender years wert bleffed withfuch heavenly Wifdom, that all that heard Thee were aftonifhed at thy ttnderftanding and anfwers, who did ft daily increaie in this heaven* ly Wifdom,and in favour with God and man!

O Lord Jefu, blefs me with all abilities of mind and ?ody, that may make me daily increafe in my Learning; but above all, bids me with Wifdom from above, and give me thy holy Spirit to affift and em lighten me, that as I grow in Age, I may daily grow in Grace, and in the Knowledge of Thee,.and in favour with God and Man •, and every day more and more conform* able to thy unfinning and divine Example. Amn> Lordjefus, Amen*


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Directions for thoje that are more grown in Tears*

WHen you have attained to more knowledge and pro-

ficiency in grace* and are of an age capable of receiving the Holy Sacrament* God then expe&s more from you; and ’tis high time for you* good Thilotbeusy to lengthen your Prayers, and to begin to add fome Ejaculations over and above, fiich as thefe are* which follow.

Ejaculations at waking or rifing.

A Wake, O my Soul, and fing Prailes to.God.

Glory be to Thee, O God, for watching over me this night.

Lord, raile me up at the laft day, to life everlafting.


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Morning Prayer.

Arly in the morning will I cry ^ unto Thee,' Lord, hear my

Prayer. Glory be to Thee, Lord God Al¬

mighty, Glory be to Thee, for re¬ newing thy mercies to me every - morning) Glo'ry be to thee for refrefhing me this night with fleep, and’for preferring me from the perils of Darkneis. .

O do away, as the night, fo my tranlgreffions; fcatter my fins as the morning Cloud!

Lord, forgive whatever thou haft feen amifs in me this night, [^my— Here if yvi -are1 corifclous -to your jelf @f any fin hb'mmiitedin the night, vott- fefs tt.'] O Father of Mercies, wafh me throughly from’ my wlcked- ne% and cleanfe me from my fin.

; 1 And

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And let thy Holy Spirit (o pre¬ vent and accompany, and follow me this day,- that I may believe in Thee, and love Thee, and keep thy Commandments, and continue in thy fear all the day long.

Lord, make me chafte and tem¬ perate, humble and advilable, dili¬ gent in my ftudies, obedient to my Superiors, and charitable to all men. '• ? • Lord, deliver me from floth and idlenels, from youthful lulls, and ill company, from all dangers bo¬ dily and ghoftly,and give me grace, to remember Thee my Creator in the days oi my youth.

Blefi, and defend, and fave the King, and all the Royal Family* and all Orders of Men amongftus^ Ecclefiaftical or Civil ; Lord, give them all grac* in their feveral Ra¬ tions, to be inftrumentar to thy glory, and the publick good/ V

Together with them, 1 commend to thy Divine Providence

; Father

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Father and Mother, my Brethren and Sifters'] all my Friends and Relati¬ ons, all my Superiors in this place, and all my Fellow- Scholars} O Lord vouchlafe us all thole graces and bleffings which thou knoweft to bemoft iuitable for us.

UntoThee,0 my God^do I dedi¬ cate this day, and my whole life ; O do Thou lo blels and prolper me in flay Studies, that I may every day grow more fit for Thy lervice.

Hear me, O Lord, and pardon my failings, for the Merits of Thy Son Jeliis, in whole holy words I film up all my wants. Our Father which art in Heaven, &C.

Directions for ReadingHoly Scripture.

WHen you have laid your' MorningPray er^good Phil.

you may then go chearfully to your Study, and rely upon the Divine Goodnefsfor a bleffing.


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But firft, if you have time., I ad- vife you to read before fecondPeal* (bme fhort Tfalm or piece of a Chapter out of the Gofpel, or Hi¬ storical Books,becaufe they are the moft eafie to be underftood ; re- membring the Example of young Timothy, who was bred up to know the Scripture from a Child, 2 Tim. 3.

But if you want time on ordina¬ ry days, to read the Scripture, be fine to read fcmewhat of it on Sun- days and Holidays; and confider, that you have it daily read to you in the Hall before Dinner and Sup¬ per, and at Night when you are juft going to Bed, ttat you may clofethe Day with Holy Thought^ and if you hearken diligently to it when it is read, you do in effie^ read it your felt.

Now to make your reading the more profitable to you, begin with one or more of thefe Ejaculations.

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Ejaculations before reading Holy Scripture.

Herewithal, Lord, /hall a Young Man cleanfe his

way ? even by ruling himfelf after thy Word, TfaL 119.

Lord open my Eyes that I may fee the wonderful things of thy Law.

O Heavenly Father! I humbly beg thy Holy Spirit fo to help me at this time to read, and under¬ hand, and remember, and pra&ife thy Word, that it may make me

> wife to Salvation. When you are thus prepared,

good Thil. then begin to read, and confider,that it is God's moft Holy Word you read; and that all the while you are reading, God is fpeaking to you, and therefore read with attention and humility


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and endeavour as much as you can, to fait your affe&ions to the fubjeft: you read.

For inftance, If you read any of God’s Commands, they fhould ex*^ cite in you a zeal to keep them.

If you read any of Gods threat- nings againlt Sinners, or his Judg¬ ments on them, they fhould excite in you a fear to provoke him.

When you read aiw of his gra¬ cious Promifes, they mould encou¬ rage and quicken your Obedience.

When you read any of God’s Mercies, they fhould excite you to Thankfgiving.

When you read any great My- fiery recorded in Holy Writ, you are to proftrate your Reafon to di¬ vine Revelation.

And to this purpofe in the midfi: of your reading, fay.

Lord give me Grace to obey this Command $ or*

B z Lord,

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Lord, deliver me from this Sin, or this Judgment; or,

Lord, I rely on this good Pro- mife; or.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord, for this Mercy ^ ory

Lord, I believe and adore this My- ftery.

Say any of thefe, according as feeft agrees with the fubjeft you read , and when you have read as much as conveniently you can, conclude with one of theie Ejacu¬ lations.

V . T X • i

Ejaculations after Reading.

BLefied be Thou, O Lord, O teach me thy Statutes! Pfal.

i_i 9.

Lord, make thy Word a Lan* thorn unto my Feet, and a Liglit unto my Paths /


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Lord, make Thy Word my De* light and my Councilor,

jDir eft ions for the Day-ttms.

OThilotheus^youcmnot enough thank God for the order of

the place you live in, where there is fo much care taken to make you a good Chrillian as well as a good Scholar,where you go fb frequently to Prayers every day in the Chap- pel, and in the School \ and fing Hymsand Pfalms to God fo fre¬ quently in your Chamber, and* in the Chappel, and in the Hall, fo that you are in a manner brought up in a perpetuity of Prayer.

Be fore, Phu\ that you are ac-, countable to God for all thefe op¬ portunities he gives you offerving him; and think how many Blef- fings for your felf, and for the Col¬ lege you might obtain , if yon

B l prayed

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prayed and praifed God, rather out ot a devout Affe&ion, than meerly to comply with the cuftom of the place. -

Prayer, good Phil, is the very life of a Chriftian. and therefore we are fo frequently commanded to pray without ceafing: Not that we can be always on our Knees, but that we fhould accuftom our felves to frequent. Thoughts of God, that wherefoever we are, he lees us; and when we think on God, we fhould have always an Ejaculation ready to offer up to him, and by this means we may pray, not only feven times a day with David, but all the day long, Tfal. 119*

In your reading Holy Scripture, elpecially in the Pfalms, you may eafily gather thofe fhort Sentences which moft affed you, for they are moft proper for this ufe; and when you have learn’d them with¬ out Book, fay one of them now

" and

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and their, as they occur to your Mind; or as occafion requires, or as your Devotion prompts you.

But be not troubled, if being otherwile lawfully employed, or if being indifpoled, you pais a whole day without laying any, for to omit them is no fin 5 nor be you fcrupulous in what pofture you lay them; for they being Ihort breath¬ ings of the Soul to God, require not

. that Solemnity, as Sett Prayers does*

Now to give, you fome inftances of Ejaculatory Prayer, take thele following. fifr'S '

' 1 5 1 ' * i P' ' ' ■ ■. Wl k A# i .* — . 2 ~ » ■ V , ? i \

! . /.At going out. ,t. 11 jL'vJV'v. ! slie0rr icoo /a...,

Lord, blels my going out, and my coming in,from this time forth for evermore, Pfah 121. 7. r•*..• - 'iri t f> /cur - • ■ ■'

After a Sin committed•

• « <i t ft £ • ■ ■ . ' •>

Lord, be merciful to me mile- B 4 rable

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rable Sinner, and for the Merits of sny Saviour, lay not this Sin to my charge.

After any Blejfing or Deliverance.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord, for this BleflSng, or, for this Deliver ranee !

Praife the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praiie feis Holy Name,- Pfal. ic^.

At giving Alm^

O Lord, who didft not defpife the Widows Mite, accept of this little I now give, to relieve one of Thy poor Members! Mark 1242.

After having done any Good S 1 I ’ 1 | 1

' t ‘ ^ y •> . . , j S ^

Not unto me, O Lord, not unto me, but unto Thy Name be'the praife, Pfal, 115, 1,

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In Temptation.

Lord luccour me with Thy Grace, that I may overcome this Temptation.

Directions for the Evening.

COnfider, good Phil, how many that have gone to Bed well

over-night, have been found dead the next Morning *, and therefore it highly concerns you to take care to make your peace with God be¬ fore yougo to deep;:

1 advile you therefore towards- Night, or when you go Circum^to call your felt to an account how you have ipent the Day.

Examine your-Thoughts and Dif- courfes and Actions, and Recrea- tions, and Devotions, and fee what has been amifi in any, of them.

• Com*

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Confider what idlenefs or un- chaftity, What Lying or Stubborn¬ ness you have been guilty of; or whether you have had a quarrel with any of your fellows; and if you have, be lure robe friends with him before you lay your Prayers.

Again, Confider what particu¬ lar Bleffing, or Deliverance, God has vouchlafed you the day pall, that you may give Thanks for it, and then lay as follows.

Evening Prayer. \ *

LEt my Prayer, O Lord, be let forth in Thy fight as Incenfe,

and the lifting up of my hands be as an Evening Sacrifice, PfaL 14T.

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, I milerable Sinner humbly acknow¬ ledge that I have offended Thee this Dya, in Thought, Word, and


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deed, [Particularly by—— Here mention any Sin you have been guilty of. 3 But I fly into the Arms;of Thy Fatherly eompaffion; Lord, for Thy mercies. fake forgive me , cleanfe me from my Wickedneft and flrengthen nay weaknefsf that I may overcome all the temptations which daily iurround me,and con tinue conftant in my Obedience,

Accept of my humble A Praife and Thanklgiving, O Lord, for all the goodnels Thou haft this day fhewecL me; for all the helps of preventing or reftraining Grace, Thou haft vouchfafed me; for whatever I have done this day, which is in any meafure acceptable to Thee, for whatever progreis l have made in my Study, lor Thy Prefervation of me, from all miferies. and dangers which frail mortality is every moment ex poled to; [Particularly for — Here name any particular blefjing or deliverance God has fentyou."}


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Praife the Lord, O my Souf, who faveth thy Life from deftru&i- on, and crowneth thee with Mer¬ cy, and Loving Kindnefs.

O Heavenly Father, to thy Al¬ mighty Prote&ion I recommend my felf and all my Relations, and all that belong to this Colledge; O Thou that never flmyfoereft nor fleepeft, watch over us, to preferve us from fin and danger.

Lord, let it be thy good plea* lure to refrefh me this night with fech (eafonable Reft, that I may rife the next Morning more fit for Thy Service; O pardon my fail¬ ings, and hear my Prayers, for the fake of my Bleffed Saviour,inwhofe Holy Words, I fum up all 'my wants. Our Father which art in Heaven^ &C.


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Ejaculations at going to Bed•

LOrd, as I now go to my Bed,! muft one day go to my Grave,

O aiake me wile to confidermy later end!

I will lay me down in peace,and take my Reft, for it is Thou Lord only makeft me dwell in fafety, Tfak 4. $>. ;

Directions for Midnight.

IF you chance to wake in the Night, or cannot fleep,beware,

Phil, of idle and unclean Thoughts which will then be apt to croud into your Mind, and therefore to arm your (elf againft them, 1 ad- vile you to learn the 130, and the 159 Pfaints by heart, or trealiire up feme Ejaculations in your Mind,.


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which will be excellent matter for your Thoughts to feed on. For inftance, ■v. \\ ( ;

; .'5.1 {0‘ivV* '"• ■

Ejaculations for/the Night'1. ■- • :i' .ry.u'xo oj i {.r.i ~&. ■* \ t THou Lord haft granted Thy

loving kindnefs in the Day, time:, and in the Night-leafbn will I fing of Thee, and make my Prayer to the God of my Life, Pfal. 41. 8.

O Lord, the Holy Angels are now before thy Throne in Hea¬ ven, they never reft day or night, from thy Praifes, and with them do 1 now fing Hallelujah,, Salva¬ tion, and Honour, and Glory, and Power, be unto pur God for ever and ever. Amenr Amm. Rev. 7.

1 i V-;., - . , ; / ; •

Lord, I know Thou wilt one day call me, to give an account of my Stewardfhip, but when Thou

W':,} • v * Wilt

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wilt come I know not, whether at Even or at Midnight, or at Cock-crowing, or in the Morning,


O do Thou give me Grace to watch, and to pray always, that at Thy coming thou may’ft lay to me, Well done , good and faithful Servant,' enter into the joy of thy Mafter. Amen , BlelTed Lord r3 Amen.

But have a care, VhiL you fix not your Mind too much, neither ftrive to repeat too many devout expref- fions, for fear of hind ring your Sleep, and of indifpofing your felf, for the Duties of the day following.

Direclions for the Lords-Day.

A Good Ghriftian, Vhilothens jljL that takes care to fpend eve¬ ry day well, will take more than


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ordinary Care to fen&ifie the Lord’s Day, it being the proper imployment of that day, to attend God’s Worfhip, and to provide for our Souls, and therefore ’tis fit you ffiould add fome Petitions to your Morning and Evening Pray¬ er, relating to the folemn Duties of the Day » foch as thefe are, which follow.

Before Church-time.

OMy God, I humbly befeech Thee to prepare my Soul to

worftip Thee this day acceptably, with Reverence and Godly Fear, fill me with that Faith which works by Love; purify my Heart from all vain or worldly, orfinful Thoughts, fix my Affections on things above, all the day long; and, O Lord, give me grace to re¬ ceive thy Word which L fhall hear this day, into an honeft and good

• hearts.

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heart, and to bring forth fruit with patience* Luke 8. 15. Hear me, O God, for the fake of Jeliis my Sa¬ viour, Amen, Amen.

When you come into the Church or Chappel, not only on the Lord’s Day, but on any other Day ,ufe this fhorfc preparatory Prayer at your firft kneeling down.

1 mi i ■■ 11 *■>■■■ 1 ■ !■■■■■ ■ ■ ■■ 1

x. • r- x. i \ = * - \. : 1 vt -i.

In the Church, r ■ ' \;,i- « 1 C\ Lord, l humbly beg thy Ho- J ly Spirit to help my infirmi¬

ties at this time, and to difpofe my heart to Devotion, that my Prayers and Praifes may be acceptable in Thy fight, through JelusChrift my Saviour* Amen.

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j V V • * i * S • ' •’ •- v -r ’

' After Church-time,, ;TjrD :';h< \/ ■; v GLory be to Thee, O Lord God

AImightyrGlorybe toThee, who haft permitted me to appear before Thee this day, and to tread Thy Courts !

Lord, pardon all my failings in Thy Service,this day paft, the wan- drings and coldnefi, and indevori- ati bf my Prayers. Fofcthe[fa|sepf rny iiBfefted r SaviQ^>MyQfn&ixy upon me. qi bt . mb i\ h it g ii

: Lord make me a. doer of Thy Word, and not a bearer only, left Jideceive; my own SouUfmj nzz.

When you are called to Repeti¬ tion at night, remember, Phil. to make feme amends for your negli¬ gent hearing at the Church, and treafure up in your memory fbme little portion of thofe inftruftions


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you have heard, to direft your praftice. i,:

Dire ft tens for Receiving the Holy Eucharifi,'

• i • ; (1 i' ) !( i • TH E Receiving of the Bleffed Sacrament, good PM. is the

molt Divine and Solemn Aft of all our Religion, and it ought to be the zealous endeavour of every true Chriftian, by .God’s affiftance, to prepare his Soul, with the moft ferious, and moft devout difpofiti- ons he poflibly can,-to approach the Holy Altar: You are there¬ fore to confider what you are to do before Receiving, what in the time of Receiving, and what af¬ ter Receiving.

Before Receiving.

The Duties you are to perform before

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before Receiving* are all compre¬ hended in that one Rule which Sf. Paul gives us* i Cor. i j. Let a man examine himfelfy and Jo let him tat of that Bready and drink, of that Cupy which are in a manner Com¬ mented on by the Church* in the Exhortation before the Sacrament* which I advile you to read over in your Common Prayer-Book.

To put this Rule in pra&rce* *tis yourbeft way, Phil, at fome con¬ venient time to withdraw your felf into your Chamber* or into the Chappel* and there to begin to commune with your own Heart* and to call your Sins to remem¬ brance ; but firft pray heartily to God for his Grace to aflift you.

Prayer before Examination.

Hear the voice of my humble Tetition, O lord* now I cry unto Thee, and lift up my Hands to¬ wards Thy Mercy-Seat.

. Be-

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Behold, Lord, now I am about to fearch into my own heart: but alas, alas / my Heart is deceitful, and delperately wicked, how can I know it i Jer. 17. 9. Thou there¬ fore that fearche/l the Heart, and triefl: the Reins, difcover to me ail the evil and deceits of my own Heart, that I may confefi, and be¬ wail, and foriake them, and ob¬ tain Mercy. Lord hear me. Lord help me, for the Merits of Jefcs my Saviour, Ameny Amen.

Risks to he ohferved in Examination..

Having prayed for God's affift- ance, doubt not, Phil. but he will vouchfefe it you; and to guide you in your Examination the better, obferve thefe following Dire&i- ons.

When you examine your (elf, either by the following Catalogue or by that in the Whole Duty of

Man 9

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Man, or by any other : Paufe a while on every particular ; and if you find your felf not guilty, then lay, Glory be to Thee, O Lord, for preferving me from this Sin: and fo go on.

When your Conference anfwers guilty, then it will be your beft way, having faid, Lord have mercy upon me, and forgive me this Sin, to write down that Sin in a Paper, that you may have it ready to con- feft to God, when your Examina¬ tion is done.

You are to confider, Phil. that there areleveral degrees of young Penitents,and fbme are more, fbme left finful. For inftance :

Some there are, who either through want of confcientious Pa¬ rents, or through often ftifiing good motions, or through incon- ftancy, or heedlefsnefs, or unad*

\ vifednefs, or vicious company, or ill nature, or youthful lufts, and the like, have been from their in¬

fancy '

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fancy very negligent of Learning, or at leaft of praftifing their Du¬ ty » *tr ?•’ { S *'•.* (

Again, Some there are amongft thefe, whofe Sins are more heinous than ordinary, in regard they are accompanied with Several aggra¬ vations : For any Sin is much ag¬ gravated, if it be committed know¬ ingly, or deliberately, or frequent ly : more than that if it be com¬ mitted obftinately, or preiiimptu- oufly, or on flight, or no tempta¬ tions, or againfl checks of Con- fcience, or againfl Reproofs, or Ad¬ monitions, or Ghaftiiements, or Vows to the contrary; but moft of all, if it be committed fo long, and lb often, till it becomes habitual, till the Sinner does take delight in it, or boaft of it, or makes a mock at it, or tempt others alio to com¬ mit it. All thele and the like cir- cumftances do very much heighten the guilt -of any Sin.


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You may eafily from hence guefi what progrefs you have made in wickednefs, and if you find your felfin the number of any of of thefe, by all means, good Phil, refolve to repent immediately and to con¬ fers your fins with all their aggra¬ vations; forte lure of this, that every other ftep you run farther from Heaven, every other hour you continue longer in a finful courfe, makes your fins the more hard to be mattered, and your re¬ pentance the more difficult.

On the other fide, fome there are, though I fear but few, who haying been brought up in the nur¬ ture and admonition of the Lord, have been by the goodnefs of God, fecured from violent Temptations, and enormous Sins; who have like Jofiab, while they wereyet young, fought the Lord,and have in a great meafore kept their Baptifmal Vow, and preforved afenfe of their Duty. 2 Chron. 2. 2.


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Such as thefe have fewer Sins to oonfefs, and thole Sins lefs aggra¬ vated, and therefore have greater obligations to magnifie God’s mer¬ cy than others; -but if you are in this number, have a care of grow¬ ing carelels in your examination, or of prefuming on your own in-

.nocence: For if we fay, or think, we have no Sin, we miferably de¬ ceive our feives, i John i.

O Phil, the heft of Men, God knows, have very much evil in them to deteft and bewail, and have infinite need of a Saviour, and therefore let him that ftandeth, take heed left he fall, i Ccr. 10. 72.

Whatever you do then, he fore to keep your heart with all dili¬ gence, and to pray for conflantfop- plies of God’s grace, for perhaps the Devil defers his tempting you till you are grown up, and become your own mailer, and have not that cendernefs of offending, or that

G - aws

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awe ofParents, or Superiors, which you now have.

Be not 'over-fcrupulous, P hll. ei¬ ther to make your felf guilty of more fms than really you are, orto reckon up all your infirmities or daily failings, or fins of omifllon, which would render your exami¬ nation endlefs and impoffiblej but examine your felf chiefly about your wilful fins or fins of com- miflion; and know there be many fins, .even oft com million, that you may doubt whether you have com¬ mitted or no, many that you have quite forgot; but be not difheart- ned at it, for holy David hath taught you, that a general Confefi fion for fuch Sins is enough, when he prays to God to cleanfe him from his fecret faults, Pfal. 19. j 2.

That you may gain a true fenfe ©f your fins, by your examination, labour to imprint in your mind aw¬ ful apprehenfions of the day of Judgment,, and of God the great


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Judge, in whofe prefence you now are; and to raifefuch apprehenfions, dwell a while in fuch Meditations as thele.

Motives to Examination.

OMy lbul, thou art now in the prelence of the great Judge

of Heaven and Earth, before whole dreadful Tribunal thou mull certainly appear at the day of Judg¬ ment, to give a llrid: account of all thy a&ions, and of every idle word, of every evil thought, and thy own Conlcience will then v be thy Accufer.

Think, O my foul, think if thou canft, what unimaginable horrors will feize an impenitent Sinner, when the laft trump calls him out of his Grave, and the Devils be¬ gin to drag him to God’s Judg¬ ment Seatl What would fuch a

C 2 wretch '

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^wretch give to purchafe one fiich -opportunity of Repentance, as God now in great mercy gives thee ? If .ever thou hopeft to efcape thole horrors, O my Soul, make

-thy peace with God, judge thy felf here, left thou be condemned •hereafter.

T'he Examination it felf

I Ad jure thee, O my Soul, in the prefence of the great Judge,

who knows all the fecrets of thy heart, I adjure thee, as thou wilt anfwer before God’s Judgment-feat

. at the laft day, to tell me. Does not thy daily experience

teach thee, that thy whole Nature 'is corrupt, prone to all that is evil, averfe to all that is good ?

How haft thou fpent thy time from thy Childhood to this very moment ?

How haft thou kept the folemn V$>w -of thy Baptifm ? What

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What good duties haft thou o rnitted ?

What fins haft thou committed ?, In particular. What fins artthoK

guilty of, "'more immediately a- gainst God ? s •.

Art thou guilty of any Infidelity, or Atheifm, any diftruft in, or pre¬ emption on, ordefpair,of God’s Mercy ?

Art thou guilty of any wilful Ig^ noranee, of God, or of any Idolatry, in worfhiping any Creature? Haft thou loved any thing more than God,or feared any one above him?

Haft thou been guilty of Hypo- crify in God’s fervice, or - of for- faking God, and of retorting to the- Devil, to-Witches, or Wizards?

Art thou guilty of repining or murmuring at God’s providence or of being impatient under his af—’ dictions, or of being unthankful for his mercies, or of being difbbedient to his Commands, or of being in¬ corrigible; under his Judgments?

C 3 Whenj.

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When, and in what manner haft thou been guilty of difhonouring

* God? By Blafphemous or irreligious

thoughts, or dilcourfes; or by tamely hearing others blafpheme ?

By taking God’s moft holy Name in vain, or by cuftomary or falls fwearing, or by the breach or any lawful Oath, or lolemn Vows?

By any Sacrilege, or irreverent behaviour in God’s Houle, or mif- fpending the Lord’s Day, or any negle<ftof, or in-attention to God^s Word, read or preacht; or unpro- fitablenels under the means of Grace ?

Have I difhonoured God,by cold- nefs, and wanderings, and indevo- rlon, or carelelnels in my Prayers, or by any wearinefs in his Service, or by any total neglect of it, or by un¬ worthy Communicating?

By impenitence, or putting off the evil day, or luperficial and partial repentances, or frequent


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relapfes, or refitting the good mo¬ rons of God’s Spirit?

By abetting any Schifrn, or He- rely^or Prophanenefs.

O my foul, what fins art thou V more immediately again ft

x V- ~ J. -

iou guilty of Pride, either, of thy cloaths, or of thy eftate, or of thy credit, or of thy parts, or of thy own holinefs, or of boafting of thy own good deeds-, or of com¬ mending Thy (elf, or of being gree¬ dy of praife,or of performing good duties to gain applaufe, or of com¬ mitting fin to avoid reproach of men ?

Haft thou been immoderately greedy of riches, or of fonfual plea- (tires, or guilty of peevifhnefi, or of too violent, or too livftiag fits of anger, or of inconftanGy, or of iir- confideration, or of difoontented- nefs with thy condition?

Haft thou been guilty of miP C. 4 (pending.:

guilty xhy felfi


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(pending thy tinfe, or of negligence .in' refilling temptations, or of not improving thofe opportunities of Learning and Piety, which God gives thee in this place, or of abu- fmg thy natural parts to fin ?

Hah: thou been guilty of any in¬ temperance in eating, or in drink¬ ing, or in deeping, or in recrea¬ tions, (pending too much time an them, or being too greedy after them ?

Haft thou been guilty ofidlenels, or of downright drunkenneis, or of laughing at it in others?

Haft thou been guilty of any uncleannefi of the eye, or of the hand, or of the fancy, of any laft civioufaefs, or Lull, or Fornication, or Adultery, or haft thou taken de¬ light in lewd company, or in vitj* ous or unchaft Songs, or Stones, or Expreffions?

O my loul, what fins art thou guilty of, more immediately, againfi thy Narhbeur}


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How, when, where, againft whom haft thou been guilty of any injury,, or injuftice,or oppreftion,or breach ’ of truft, or promife, or of any fraud, or theft, or flattery, or diffi- mulation, or treachery, or lying, or of giving any juft Icandal ?

How,when,where.againft whom haft thou been guilty of any ill lan¬ guage or detraction, or (lander, or tale.bearing, or ralh-cenfuring, or back biting, or of contemning* or icolfing at thy Neighbour, either for his infirmities, or for his being religious.

How,when,where,againft whom* haft thou been guilty of any con- tentiou(he(s,or (pight, or revenge,, or of delighting caufiefly to grieve thy Neighbour, or of railing, or of aAually hurting him, or of mur- t’nering him in thy mind,..by ill* wilhes, or curfes ? Haft thou been; guilty of bitter imprecations, or f bearing falfe witnefs, or covetouf aels of any thing he poffeffes ?'

G Haftf


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Had thou been guilty of unthank- iulnefs to thofe that have done thee good, or have reproved thee, or of uncharitablenels to the poor, or to any Chriftian in diftrefs,or of any unnaturalnefs to any of thy relati¬ ons, or of any evil {peaking, or dit refped, or ftubbornnels againft any of thy Governors, either Civil or Ecdefiaftical; or in particular a^ gainlt thy Parents or Superiors in this place, or of any wilful difobe- dience to the lawful commands of all, or either of them ?

Haft thou tempted any other to fin, by connivence, or incourage- mentjor command, or perfwafion> and mightily encreafed thy own guilt by furthering the damnation of thy Brother?

In cafe, P&7'you do find this Ex- . animation too difficult for you, or are afraid you (hall not rightly per* form it, or meet with any fcruples, or troubles of Confidence, in the


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practice of it, I then advifo youfs as the Church does, to go to one of' your Superiors in this place, to be*: your Spiritual Guide, and be not. alhamed to unburthen, your foul/ freely to him , that befides his^ Ghoftly* Gounfei, you may receive* the benefit of Abfolution: For< though Confeflion of our Sins to-* God is only matter of duty, and-* abfolutely neceflary,yet Ccnfeflior** to our Spiritual Guide alfo, is by* many devout Souls, found to be very advantageous to true Repen- tance*

If upon your Examination, PfaT. you hnd .you have any way wrongs ed your Neighbour, refolve upon* the firJt opportunity to make him . feme liiitable (atisfa&ion, and to* ask his forgivenefi^ for youarefirft to be reconciled to your. Brother, - before, you come to the Altar took

, fer your gift. Matt* 5V23,- Ifyou are guilty of tempting any'

other to .fin, ask God’s, pardon foe

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hing as well for your felf, and if you haveany opportunity to doit* exhort him to repentance.

But if any have wronged you, forgive the injury prefentlyfor you beg forgivends of God on this very, condition., that you your (elf for¬ give your Brother.

This examination of your (elf, Phil. I (iippofe will be task enough for you at one time; and therefore

/ that you may not tire your (elf> you may conclude with this fhort Prayer.

A Praytr after Examination. * v"

OLord God, I have now by Thy afliftance,con(idered my

own evil ways, O thou who only knoweft the heart, and who only canft change it, Create in me fiich a broken and contrite heart which thou haft promifed 'not to iftpife, and (b deep a fenfe of my


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own fin and mifery, that my Re¬ pentance may bear feme propor¬ tion to my guilt. O my God,pardon all my failings, and perfect that, good work thou hall: begun in me, for the merits of Jefus my Saviour* in whole holy words I linn up all my wants. Our Father3 &c.

At the very next opportunity of retiriting you can get , refolve, good Phil, with the Prodigal,, to return to your Heavenly Father, and hum¬ bly to beg forgivenels; and having brought your Catalogue of fins with you, kneel down, and with the loweft proftrations of foul and body, make your Confeffion to God of your fins, and of their ag¬ gravations.

, . ... . . , - — — .. a,, --


A Form of Gonfeffort

OThou great Judge of. Heaven* and Earth, before whole

Glorious Majefty* even the good" An*.


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Angelsj who never finned, fall pro* ftrate and tremble.

With what debafement and dread ought I to appear before thy awful pretence, who am. but duff and alnes, and which is infinitely worte, a mile table wretched (inner!

Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Al¬ mighty, Thou art of purer Eyes than to behold evil, with the leaft approbation^ the way of the wick¬ ed, and the jacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to Thee ! P?w. iy.8.

Wo is me then, O Lord, wo is me, fori have inclined unto wick- ednels with my heart, but for the fake of thy well'beloved Son; Caft not out my Prayer, nor turn Thy mercy from me, Vfal. 6 6.

Miterable wretch that I am, I have gone affray from the very, womb, I was fhapen in wickednefsy and in fin did my mother conceive me! Who can bring a cleaathing out of an unclean?'What is man


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for Winchefter Scholars fp then, O God, that he fhould be clean, or he that is born of a Wo* man, that he fhould be righteous!

Thou, Lord, putteft no truft in Thy Saints, and the Heavens are not clean in.thy fight, and the very Angels Thou charged with folly ! Job. 4.

How much more abominable then, and filthy am I, who daily drink iniquity like water!

Lord, pity, and cleanfe, and for¬ give, and fave me, for thy Mercies fake.

I know, O God, that in my flefh dwelleth no good thing; for wherr I would do goods evil is prefent with me, and I fee a Law in my members warring againft the Law of my mind, and bringing me into* captivity to the law of fin, Rom. 7.

Lord have mercy upon me, and deliver me from this body of death* from this tyranny of fin

Alas, alas, my whole nature is corrupt, infinitely prone to all evil


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and averfe to all that is good : my underftanding is full of ignorance

, and error, my will is perverfe, my memory tenacious of all things

• that may pollute me, and forgetful of my duty •, my paffions are in¬ ordinate, my fenfes the inlets of all impurity, and I have abufed all my faculties, I am unclean, unclean!

Lord, pity, and cleanfe, and for* give, and fave mer for thy mer¬ cies fake.

O Lord God,how have I through my whole life violated the folemn Vow I made to Thee in my Bap- tifin, by eagerly purfuing the va¬ nities of this wicked world, by ea- fily yielding to the temptations of die Devil, by greedily indulging my own carnal defires and lufts, by a fruitlefs and dead faith, and by difbbedience to thy holy will and commands.

Father,I have finned againft Hea¬ ven, and in Thy light, and am?no* more worthy to be called Thy Son. '' • ' x - l


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I have finned, O Lord God, I have finned again[l Thee, by--

Here confefs out of your Paper, the■* Jins which you have committed more immediately againjl Gods with thofe aggravations that accompany them. For inftancey

Lord, I have committed this fill, or thefe fins, frequently, again# checks of Confidence, &c. and then add:

Father,! have finned againftHea- ven, and in Thy fight, and am no- more worthy to be called Thy Son, O pity, and cleanfe, and forgive, and fave me for thy mercies fake.

I have finned, O Lord God, I have finned againjl Thee, and againjl my own felf, by-——

Here confefs the f ns you have com* mitted more immediately again[l your felf\ with their aggrava¬ tions^ 5cc. and fay as before:

Father, I have finned again# Heaven, &c._



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I have finned O Lord God, I have finned, againfl Thee, and again my Neighbour, by- —-

Here confefs the Sins you have com¬ muted more immediately againfr your Neighbour ,with their aggra¬ vations, &C. and add as before.

Father, I have finned againft; Heaven, &c_

O Lord God, my wickednefs is great and my iniquities are infinite, they are more in number than the hairs of my head, and my heart would fail me, but that I well know Thy mercies are more numberleB than my fins, Pfal. 40. 12.

Have mercy upon me therefore* O Lord, according to Thy great goodnefs, according to the multi¬ tude of thy mercies do away my offences. Pfal. 51.

Who alas, can tell1 how oft he offendeth! O cleanfe Thou me from my feeret Faults, from all my fins of Ignorance, or Infirmity, or Omiffion, or which I have not ob-


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ferved, or which I have forgot ; Lord, lay none of them to my charge; Father forgive me; Lord Jefiis have mercy upon me.

O remember not the fins and of¬ fences of my youth, but receive me, O Heavenly Father, into the arms of thy Fatherly compaffion, as thou didft the returning prodigal, and forgive me all my tranfgreffions, for the merits of jefiis, Thy only well-beloved Son, and my Saviour. Armn, Amen.


When you have thus confeft your fins, good Phil, endeavour to be ftill more fenfible of them, and to bewail them with a true peni¬ tential hatred, and fhame, and fcr- row for them, then make fteady refolutions of forfaking them, and cry earneftly to God for pardon and grace, for you muft as well put on the New Man, as put off the Old, Epb. 4.21. Of all which ads of repentance, I give, you the

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following inftances, and advife you to (ay them over as devoutly as poffibly you can.

ABs of Shame. O Lord God, I am afhamed, and

blufh to lift up my face to Thee, for my iniquities are increafed over my head, and my trefpaffes ate grown up unto the Heavens! Ezra

.9. 6. O my Soul, what fruit .have I

reapt from all the pleafiires of fin which flattered me, hut vanity, and vexation of SpiritI

Lord, I am afliamed of my own folly and madnefs, and difingenui- ty when I call to mind how gree¬ dily I have (ticked in my own pol¬ lution; how treacheroufly I have betrayed my own Soul to tempta-

, tions, and combined with the very Devils, to haften and increale my own damnation how obftinately I have fled from Thee, when Thy mercy purfued me with promiles


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of pardon; how unwoithy I have abufed Thy goodnefs and forbear¬ ance,^ and lOng-fuffering, which fhould have led me to repentance.

Surely, after I was turned I re¬ pented ; and ftnce i have consider¬ ed my ways,1 1 am afhamed, yea, even confounded, becaufe I bear •the reproach of my youth, Jer.zu 19.

Acts of Abhorrence.

*. i '..1 rv r ’•

I hate all evil ways, O Lord, but ‘ Thy Law will 1 IoVq, Pfal.i 19.

O Lord God, nothing is more abominable in thy fight, or more diabolical; nothing more defaces Thy Divine Image, or makes- me more odious in Thy pur elf eyes, than fin ; and therefore I hate and abhor it!

O lord God, I confefs I have nothing good in me, nothing that can any way move Thee, to com- pallionate fo loathfcme a Sinner, but Thy own free and undeforved,

• . - - and

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and infinite Mercy,, and the Met¬ rics of my Saviour!

O Lord God, I cannot but ad¬ mire the riches of Thy goodnels, who haft (pared me Co long and haft given me this opportunity of repentance, O do Thou yet mag- nifie Thy mercy more in my for- givenels ; G cleanfe me from all that filth my foul hath contracted, which now renders me odious to my own felf, as well as to Thee!

AHs of Contrition.

MHerable wretch that I a myth at I fhould begin fo early to offend my Creator, and fin (o much info fhort a time!

Lord, I fear I never yet through¬ ly cenfidercd how evil, and how bitter a thing it is %to depart from Thee, O make me every day more and more fonfible of the Brror of my ways, andofmy own infinite yilenefs!


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Miferable wretch that I am^hac ever I fhould commit thole Sins which expofe me to all the vials of Thy wrath, to all the curies of Thy

| Law, to all thy Judgments tempo- ' ral or lpiritual in this life, and to

all the horrors and delpair, and tor¬ ments, of the damn’d in the life to come!

Milerable wretch that I am, that ever I fhould tranlgrefs that Law of Thine, O God which is fo juft, and holy, and good, and perfecft, and fo condefcending to my infir¬ mities} and in keeping of which there are fb great jib unconceivable Rewards!

O that with Mary Magdalen I could weep much, and love much, having fo much to be forgiven/ Luke 7. 38./ _

O gracious Lord, look on me, as Thou didft on Veter, and let Thy cotnpaffionate look fb pierce my heart, that I may weep bitterly for my fins! Luke 22. 61 •


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O Lord God, break this hard .heart, for thou only canft do it, and melt it into tears of Contri¬ tion! Miferable wretch that I am, that I fhould fin fo much, and' yet grieve lo little!

Wo is me, miferable wretch, wo Is me, that ever i fhould offend fo indulgent, fo liberal, fo tender a Father 1

Wo is me, that ever I fhould re¬ pay the infinite love,* and the into¬ lerable Sufferings of my Saviour for me;, with nothing but thofe Sins which occaiioned thofe very Suf¬ ferings:

Wo is me, that ever I fhould grieve the Holy Spirit, by rejecting fo many of his good motions, from whom only l derive grace and Confolation!

O Lord God, every flight world¬ ly trouble is apt to draw plenty of tears from mine eyes, but when I would weep for my fins which are the greateft Calamities that can

' poffibly

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poflibly befall me, either my Eies are dry, or my Tears too few, to bewail lo many provocations! ,

O bleffed Spirit, inhill true pe¬ nitent Sorrow into my Soul, make my head waters, and my eyes foun¬ tains of tears, or do Thou fupply the want of them with fighs and groans^ unutterable! Row, 8.26

But alas, l know all the tears I can. poflibly fhed, can never wafli away the lead of my fins, ’tis thy Blood only. Lord, that can do it /

O bleffed Saviour, how can I ever Efficiently lament the guilt of my fins, which was fo great th^t nothing but Thy own ineftimable Blood could expiate!:

O Heavenly Father, in the de¬ feat of my own tears, I offer Thee the Blood of thy own well-beloved Son, for his lake Have mercy upon me, idmen^ Amen.

Reflation. O Lord God, with fhame I con-

fels, that other Lords befides thee D have

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have hitherto had Dominion over me, If at, 2 <5,

I have been in the fiiare of the Devil, and have been led captive by him, and fin hath reigned in my mortal Body, and I have obey¬ ed it in the lulls thereof3but hence¬ forth I refclve to ferve none but Thee, and from this very moment I utterly forfake all my fins, and turn to thee ! 2 Tim. 2. Rom. 6.

O my God, I do from my heart renew my Baptifmal Vow, which alas, I have hitherto lb often vio¬ lated $ I do for ever renounce the Devil and all his Works, and all his temptations, I do for ever renounce all the Vanities of this wicked World, which may pervert me from thy Service, and all the finful Lulls of the Flefh.

O my God, I do ftedfaftly be¬ lieve ail the Articles of the Chri- (lian Faith, and I will keep thy holy Will and Commandments, and


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walk in the fame all the days of my life.

All this am I hound to do and believe,, and by thy help lb I will, and I heartily thank thee, O Hea¬ venly Father, who haft called me to this ftate of Salvation, through Je- fus Chrift my Saviour, and i humb¬ ly pray thee for his fake, to give me grace, that I may continue in the lame to my lives end.

Oblation. Blefted be Thy Name, O Lord

God, who haft fee before me life and death, and haft bid me chufe life.

Behold, Lord, i do with ail my heart chufe life, I chufe Thee, O my God, for Thou art my Life.

Save,Lord,and hear me, O King of Heaven, and accept my Sacrifice, even the Sacrifice of my whole heart which I now give thee.

O my God,I offer thee my Sen- fes, and Paffions, and ail my facul¬ ties, I offer thee all my defires, all my defigns, all my ftudies, all my

D 2 endea-

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endeavours, all the remainder of my Life, all that I have, or am, I offer up all entirely to thy fervice.

Lord lan&ify me wholly, that- my whole Spirit, Soul and Body, may become thy Temple. O do Thou dwell in me, and be Thou my God, and I will be thy fervant. Amen, Amen, i Cor. 6.

AMs cf Charity• O Lord God, I do from hence*,

forth reioive to love my Neighbour as my lelf, and to love him not in Word only, but in Deed and in Truth, John 1. 3.

I do from my Lleart forgive all Men their Trefpaffes, do thou Lord forgive them alfo.

Lord blels them that hate me, and do good to them that have any way defpitefully ufed me, O repay them good for evil.

O my God, blels all thole that I have any way wronged,have mercy on all thole to whole fins I have bsen any way acceffary, and give


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them all Grace to forgive me.Amen, Amen.

petition for Tar don.

O thou Father of Mercies, and God of all Conlolation, be merci- ful to me a miferable finper.

Lord,remember all thy Gracious Calls of finners to Repentance, all thy proteftations that thou delight¬ ed not in the death of him that dies, and that thou wouldft have all to be laved, E&.18.32. 1

Lord, remember ail the exceed¬ ing great and precious promiles which thou haft made to penitent finners.

Lordyremember that thy mercy is over all tfey works, that in mercy Thou delighted, and that all the Holy Angels feeing Thee well pieafed in the exercile of that Mercy, rejoyce at the Converfion of a Sinner, that the greater my fins are, the more will that mercy be magnified in my forgivenels, Luke 15*. 10.

1 D 3 Lord,

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Lord, remember that thoti didft lb love the Worlds as to give thy only beloved Son a ranfom for it, John g. Rom. 8.

O Heavenly Father, thou that fparedftnot thy only Son, but deli¬ vered l\ him up for us, wilt thou not with him alio freely give us all things*, and if all things, wilt thou not alio give us the pardon of our fins? T " ; :'b

O my God,I firmly believe thou wilt; on that ranfom my Saviour hath paid for me, and on all chy gracious promiles of pardon,which lor his lake thou halt made to me, I wholly rely; here only is the litre and itedfalt anchor of my Soul, to which my Faith and Hope fhall for¬ ever adhere.

All this, Lord, do I plead, to im¬ plore thy Forgivenels.

Behold,Lord, though my Failings are many, yet to the utmoft of my power, I have confeft, and bewail¬ ed, and forfaken my Tranlgref-

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Hons: Behold, Lord, I come at thy call, and I come weary and heavy laden with the burthen of my Sins, be it unto me according to thy Word. O thou that arc faithful and juft, forgive me my fins, and cleanle. me from all un- righteoulhels. Lord, do thou in no wife caft me from thee, but heal my back-flidings, and love me free¬ ly, eafe me of my burthen, that I may find Reft in thee, and lay unto my Soul, Be of good chear, thy fins are forgiven thee, Mat. 11.29. j John 1.9. John 6. 3 6. Hof 14.4.

O Heavenly Father, for Thine own infinite mercies lake, for rhy Truth and promile lake, lor all the Merits and Sufferings of the Son of thy Love, in whom thou art always well pleafed, pardon all my fins and failings, and receive me into thy Favour, AmenfS) Lord God, Amen, Amen,

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A Vetition for Grace in general.

Lord God, I have fworn, and \Jr I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous Judgments , Pfal, 119.

pt But alas' I am able of my (elf to do nothing that is good, not fo much as to think one good thought, and I no fooner (hall rife from my knees, but I fear I (hall be tempted to thofe very fins l have now lb fo- lemn'y renounced, and thofe temp¬ tations will certainly overcome me, unlels Thou, Lord, doll fea- (bnably interpofe thy Grace to with¬ hold me.

But I can do all things through Thee (Lengthening me; Do Thou then, O BlelTed Saviour, perfect Thy (Length in my weaknefs, for in thee only is my Trull, Phil.

O my God, Thou hall promiled to give thy Holy Spirit to thofe that


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ask it, Luke n. 13. Behold, Lord,! do humbly, I do earneftly ask Thy Holy Spirit now of Thee, O fulfil Thy gracious promile to me, O vouchiafe me that Holy Spirit I pray lor, to purify my corrupt Nature, to ftrengthen my weaknefs, to comfort me in troubles, to lupport me in dilcouragements, to liiccour me in temptations, and to affift me in all parts of my Duty, that I may ever hereafter live in thy fear, and' inconftant, fincere, and univerfai obedience to all thy righteous Laws.

Thou, O learcher of Hearts, knoweft the fin (or fins) I am moft inclined to, [_ Here name it or them "]

and herein will lie my greateft dan¬ ger of back-fliding; B lit, O my God, I beg a double portion of thy invifible aid againfi; it, ( or them. ) Hold Thou up my goings in Thy paths, that my Foot-fieps flip not O work in me that vidorious Faith, by which I may overcome the

D y WorMy

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World, the Devil, and my own corrupt Nature* i John 5,

True it is, O lord God, that^ there are many fins which upon* examination I find* through thy Grace, I have not yet committed, and therefore not unto me, Lord, but to thy Name be the Glory; but alas / there is in my corrupt nature fo great a pronene/s to evil, fo great a curiofity to try what fin is, that without thy reftraining Grace, eve¬ ry temptation when I (hall have more age and liberty, and opportu¬ nity to enforce it, will be . apt to draw me from my obedience, and to overthrow all my prefent refac¬ tions.

But my help ftandeth in thee, O great Creator, who haft made Hea¬ ven and Earth, and I commit my Soul to thy keeping,0 thou that art Faithful as well as Almighty, keep that fafe which is committd to thy truft,watch over me, that I may not be beguiled by the dsceitfulnels of


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fin, or betrayed by my own trea¬ cherous Heart, or furprized by my ghoftly Enemies; and give me grace to watch and to pray incet Tandy my felf, left I enter into temptation. Hear Lord from Hea¬ ven, and fuccour me, for the alone Merits ofjefus my Saviour. Amen> Amen, i Pet. 4. 19.


Petition for particular Graces*

OThat my ways, Lord, were made fo direeft, that I might

keep thy Statutes, for then fhall I not be confounded, when I have relpedt unto all thy Command¬ ments, Pfal up.

Vouchsafe me thy Holy Spirit, therefore, O Lord God, to work in me whatever is well-pleafmg in thy fight, that for the rime to come, 1 may bring forth fruits meet for Repentance

O let it be thy good p^afure to D 5 create:

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create in me a laving knowledge of thee., and of my duty, juftifying Faith, true landtifying Grace, and a purifying Hope, an ardent Love, and a filial Fear of thee! aconftant defire of pleafing thee, and a great tendernds of offending thee!

Lord, create in me a penitent Heart,a refigned Will,and mortified Affedtions, an habitual Mindfulnels of thy prelence, and a fteady Devo* tion in my Prayers, fincere intenti¬ ons, and zeal for thy Glory, perleve- rance in all Holy pur poles, and con- flancy in all trials and temptations.

Lord, create in me a reverential awe of thy Name, a delight in thy Service, a fecret regard to this day and houfe of Prayer, and a great attention to thy Word ,• a daily care of my time, and diligence in my Itudies.

Lord, m ake me chafte and tem¬ perate, humble and advilable, and patient of reproof,and create in me achearfuland meek, a contented


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arid confide rate, a quiet and peace¬ ful Spirit.

Lord blels me with health, and competency ofliving, with a good isnderftanding, a retentive, memo¬ ry, and a ready apprehenfion, and with liich a meafure of temporal

- good things,as thou leeft fit for me* and give me grace to make a right ufeof all thole Bleffings I have al¬ ready received.

Lord,purify my thoughts* bridle my Tongue, guide all my A&ions, guard all my Senfes, Hop my Ears, and turn away my Eyes from Sin and Vanity.

Lord, give me Grace to be juft in all my dealing, to do to all Men as I would they ftiould do to me, to be lubjetft to my Parents, and to all my Superiors, to the King as Supreme, and to all Civil Magistrates, to the Pallors of thy Church,and to all my Governors in this place: O grant that I may render due i^)nour and obedience to them all in, their leve- ral ftations* Lord,.

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§2 A Manual of \"Prayers. Lord, make me willing to forgive

injuries, and unwilling to offer any; make me grateful to my Benefa- &ors,friendly to my Equals, conde- fcending to my Inferiors, compafE- onate to the Aifii&ed, charitable to the Poor according to my ability, a lover of good Men, and kind to my Enemies, and give me grace to keep always a Conferencevoid of offence towards Thee^ and towards Men, and to continue in the Communion ofthy Church without wavering.

O merciful God, keep thy Ser¬ vant from all wilful* deliberate or prefumptuous fins,and let no wick- ednefs have dominion over me.

From Stubbornefs and Pride, Jdlenefs and Sloth; Intemperance and youthful Lufbjnconftancy and Lying, good Lord deliver me.

From irreligious Principles, and falfe Teachers, unruly Paffions, and violent Temptations/rom con- tra&ing fitious Habits, or taking pleafurein fin, from prophaneneis


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and ill company, envy and malice, detra&ion and uncharitablenefs f good Lord deliver me.

' From the errors and vices of the Age,and all remanent affe&ions to fin, from the fin, (or lins) my cor¬ rupt Nature is moft inclined to £ Here name it, or them. 3 from whatfoever is offenfive to thee, or deftru&ive to my own Soul, good Lord deliver me.

Hear me, O Heavenly Father, and conform my whole Life to the example of my bleffed Saviour, and that for his lake, in whole Holy words I fiim up all my wants, Our Father which art in Heaven^ &C. -

You have now.good FhiL by God’s help, gone over the harden part of your preparation for the Holy Sa- - crament; the next thing you are to do, is to examine your feif, whe¬ ther you do fufficiently underhand what the Sacrament is, then to your feif with what intentions you do approach it, and to pray for


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God’s Grace to dilpofe you for wor¬ thy Receiving and all thefe par¬ ticulars, together with all that you are to loiow, and believe concern¬ ing the BlelTed Sacrament,are-con¬ tained in thele following Medita¬ tions, which 1 advife you to read over devoutly, at feveral times, till you are in lome mealure affe#ed with them

Meditations on the Holy., Eucharifi.

On the outward Elements+

I Adore Thee, O bleffed Jefes my Lord, and my God,when I

confider when that Sacrament is, to which thou now inviteft me, and of what parts it eonfifts; of an out¬ ward and vifible fign, and of an .inward and fpiritual Grace! For Thou, Lord, who knoweft our in- firmicies^ and how little able we


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are to conceive things Heavenly and Spiritual* in pity to our dark and feeble apprehenfions, haft or¬ dained outward and obvious* and vifible Signs to l-eprefent to our Minds thy Grace which is inward and invisible; thou haft ordained Bread and Wine* which is our cor¬ poral Food* to picture out to our Faith the Food of our Souls.

On the inward fart, or thing Jignified. %

I know, O my God* that I muft look through the outward Ele¬ ments, and fix my Faith on that which they fignifie, and which is the inward and invifible Grace* even thy own Bleffed Body and Blood* which is verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord’s Supper.

But tell me, O thou whom my Soul loveth* how canft thou give us thy Fldh to eat ?

Lord, Thou haft told me that Thy Words* they are Spirit, and


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they are Life, and are therefore not carnally to be underftood; Lord, I believe, help Thou my unbelief! John 6.

I believe thy Body and Blood to be as reaily prelent in the Holy Sacrament as thy Divine Power can make it,though the manner of thy myilerious Frefence I cannot comprehend.

Lord, 1 believe that the Bread that webreak3and the Cup that we drink, are not bare Signs only but rhe real Communication of thy Body and thy Blood, and Pledges to ailiire me of it; and I verily be¬ lieve, that if with due Preparation . I come to thy Altar, as certainly as I receive the outward Signs, io certainly lhall I receive the thing fignified,even thy nloft bielled Bo¬ dy and Blood, to receive which in- edimable Bleffing,G merciful Lord, do thou fit and prepare me, Amen. Amen, i Cer. io.


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Who inflitttted it ? I adore Thee, O blefted Jefus,

my Lord,and my God,when I con- fider that this Holy Sacrament was thy own Inftitution; for it was Thou, Lord,who in the night thou waft betrayed, did ft take Bread, and after that the Cup, and didft blefi them, and give them to thy Difciples. O bleffed Saviour, let thy Divinity thus ftampt on it, ftrikeinto my Soul an holy awe and reverence in approaching ir: O create in me Heavenly Difpofiti- ons to celebrate fo heavenly an In¬ ftitution ! Amen, Amen.

For what end} I adore Thee, O bleffed' Jefus,

my Lord, and my God, when I confider for what end thou didft inftitute thy Holy Sacrament, im¬ plied in thy own Command, Do this in remembrance of me.

But what need this Command, Q gracious Lord, isitpoffibie for me, ever to forget Thee my Saviour,


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who haft done fo great things for me ?

Alas! alas/ my own fad expe¬ rience tells me it is,woe is me,every temptation, every vanity, is apt to make me forget Thee, though Thy own dying words bid me remem¬ ber Thee!

But, O blefTed Lord, for thy in¬ finite Mercies fake pardon all my ftupid forgetfulnefs and ingrati¬ tude hitherto, and do thou now create in me fuch a thankful and lively remembrance of thy dying for me,that may excite me to give up my felf entirely to Thee, as thou did ft give up thy (elf on the Crofs for me. Amen^ Amen.

A Thanksgiving forChrifPs /off erings*

O Thou my Crucified Saviour, Glory be to Thee, for caufingThy Sufferings to be Regiftred in the Gofpel; there 1 have read and re¬ member the wonders end triumphs of thy Almighty Love, for which I


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will always adore and praife thee. I remember, O Gracious Lord,

how thou who thobghteft it no rob* bery to be equal with God, waft made in the falhion of frail Man, Phil. 2. of the vileft and moft con¬ temptible of Men : for thou took- eft on thee the form of a very Ser¬ vant; I remember how many re¬ proaches and contradictions, and blalphemies and perfections thou didft endure from a wicked and perverfe generation, and all this to lave us finful Men.

G Lord Jefas, was ever for row like unto Thy forrow ? Worthy art thou, O Lamb, that waft Jlainy to receive Power, and Riches, and JVifdomy and Strength, and Honour, and Glory and Blefiirig, Rev. 15*. 12.

1 remember, O Gracious Lord, how Thou didft endure a moft bit¬ ter Agony, and didft iweat great drops of Blood , falling to the ground; how Thou who art God


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above all., bleffed for ever, waft treacheroufly betraied, and ap¬ prehended, and bound as a Ma- lefa&or; how Thou waft let at nought by Herod, and his Men of War,and forfaken of all Thy Dilci- ples, and denied by Veter , and all this to fave us finful Men/ Rom. 9. $*.

O Lord JefitSy was ever, &c.

I remember, how Thou, O God of Truth,waft accuftd by falfe Wit- neftes, how Thou whom all the Angels adore, waft blind folded and buffeted, and mock’d, and (pit upon, and ftript naked, and (courg¬ ed, and all this that we might be healed by Thy Stripes, and to fave us finful Men.

■ O Lord Jefus^ was ever, &C.

I remember, Lord, how Thou that art the great Judge of Heaven and Earth, waft Thy lelf dragged to the Judgment Seat, and con¬ demned j how Thou, O King of heaven, waft crown’d with Thorns,


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and oppreft with the weight of thy own Crofs, and all this to live us (infill Men l

O Lord Jefus, was ever, &c« 1 remember, O bleffed Saviour,

how thou who art the Lord of Glory, and the (ole Author of life, waft put to a moft ignominious death, how thy hands and thy feet were nailed to a Croft, how thou waft crucified between two thieves, and numbi ed with the TranigreC lorsjhow thou had ft a Potion gi¬ ven thee to imbitter thy very laft Gasp, and all this to lave us llnful Men!

O Lordjefus, was ever, 8cc I remember, O gracious Lord,

how when thou wert hanging on the very Croft, Thou waft fcoffed at and reviled, how infinitely then thou wert afflicted, and bruifed, for our Tranfgreffions, when the iniquities of us all were kid on thy Shoulders j how thou didft then expreft an anguifh greater than all

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the tortures of Thy Crucifixion, when Thou didft cry out. My God, My God, why haft thou forlaken me ? And how thou didft at the laftgiveup the Ghoft and die Thy felf, that we might live? If at. y;* .

O Lord Jeffs, was ever^ &C.

I unfeignedly believe, O Gra¬ cious Lord,that thou didft fuffer all J this for finful Men, and in particu-{ lar for me, when we were all Thy utter Enemies, and had nothing in us to move Thee to pity us, but our extream Milery, nothing to move Thee to lave us, but our great unworthinels, and thy greater Mercy.

O the depth of the Riches of thy Love, blefled Lord, how unutter¬ able is thy Mercy, and thy Love paft finding out.

O all ye Holy Angels,behold and wonder,wretched Man hath finned againft God, and God himfelf has fuffered the-Sinners punilhment.

. Was

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-Was there ever any forrow like that which my Lord and my God endured for me ?

Was there any love like to that love my Lord and my God has Jhewed me }

O ye blelled hoft of Heaven, who rejoyce at the Gonverfion of one fingle Sinner, Adoie and Praile my Crucified Saviour, who died for the fins of the World; Adore and Praife that unknown Sorrow, that wonderful Love, which you your (elves muft needs admire!

O my gracious Lord,my heart is now full of the ienfe of Thy Love, and what have I to return to Thee, hut Love again ? ’Tis all I have to offer Thee, accept it, O merciful Lord, imperfect as it is,and do Thofl daily heighten my fenle of Thy Love to me, that I may daily heigl^ ten my Love to Thee!

O thou infinite Lover of Souls^ with all my heart Hove, I praile, f adore thy Love to me, but l can never do it enough!

£ G,

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£4 ^ Manual of ‘Frayns,

O do Thou at laft,gracious Lord* translate me to Thy Kingdom of Glory, that there I may love Thee

; to the utmoft capacity of a Crea¬ ture, andpraife Thee to all eternity Amen, Lord Jefus. Amen, Amen,

benefits we receive by it.

I adore Thee, Qbleffedjefu, my Lord,and my God,when I confider the Benefits which through thy mercy we receive by thy Holy Sa% vCrament!

Glory be to Thee, O Lord, who there makeil: thy own Body and Blood to become our foiritual food to ftrengthen and refrem our Souls

Glory be to Thee, O Lord, who by this Heavenly food doft my Id¬ eally unite us to Thy felf: for no¬ thing becomes one with our bodies more, than the bodily food we eat, which turns into our very fubftance; and nothing makes us become One with Thee more, than when Thou vouchfafeft to become the very i Load of our fouls /

v -Glory I

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Glory be to Thee, OLord, who by this immortal food doft nourifh our louls to live the life of Grace here, and doft raift us up to life everlafting hereafter Lord, do Thou evermore give me this Bread / Amcrti Amen. John 6. 5 2.

Motives of Receiving.

O bleffed Saviour/ What more powerful Motives can I have to perfwade me to Communicate,than the Command, an$ the admirable effe&s of the holy Sacrament!

But alas J my corrupt nature is apt to fuggeft to me low and bale inducements to this duty, ftich as are, fear of my Superiors difpiea- fore, if I abftain, or fhame of not appearing as devout as my equals, or themeercuftomof the Place, or of the Seafon /

But, Lord, I do from my heart renounce all theft and the like car. nal Confiderations, and I come to thy Altar to renew my Baptifina

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Covenant with thee, of which thy Sacrament is a Seal.

I come to teftifie my fenfeofthy Hove, O Heavenly Father, in fo loving the World, as to give up thy only Son to die for me.

I come to tefiifie my Faith in Thee, and my love toward Thee, O bleffed Saviour, and thankfully to commemorate thy wonderful love in dying for me.

I come. Lord, to teftifie my fted- faftnefs in the Communion of thy Church, and my Charity to all the world.

I come to Thy Table, O Lord, out of the fenfe I have of the want of that fpiritual food, to which thou there invited me.

Alas, Lilas! I am foon apt to grow weary of well-doing, a few prayers, every little duty is apt to tire me, every flight temptation is apt to ove come me, and I know there is no food can {Lengthen my foul but thy Body, no cordial can

- revive

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revive my drooping obedieilfce, but tiiy Blood, and Ms thy moft bleiled Body and Blood I hunger andthirft after, O gracious Lord, grant that I, and all that communicate with, me, may feel its faving efficacy. O Feed,0 Refrefh,0 Nourifh ourSouls with it to life everlaftiiig, and that? for thy own infinite mercy fake, which moved Thee to offer up Thy Body and Blood for us! Amen^Amen*

Vrayer for Vreparation.

Bleffed Lord Jefus! I even trem¬ ble when I confider that he that eateth and drinketh unworthily is guilty of thy Body and Blood, and< eateth and drinketh damnation to his own foul, and this fevere Sen¬ tence on unworthy communicants^ makes me afraid to come to thy; Altar, 1 Cor. 11.

But when I confider that Thy. lentence is as fevere againft thofe^ who being invited refufe to come,

E* for


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W thou haft laid, they fhall not rafte of thy Supper ; and unlels we eat thy flefh, and drink thy blood, we have no life in us, I atn then afraid to keep away. John 6.

But bleffed be Thy mercy, O Lord, for in this ftreight my Soul is in. Thou art my guide, Thou by giving me this opportunity of re¬ ceiving, inviteft me to Thy Table, Thou calleft me to feek Thy face, and my heart replies, Thy face Lord will 1 leek! |

ff Thou, Lord, fhouldeft be ex¬ treme to mark what is done amils, Alas, alas! I am then unfit, not only to Communicate, but to lay, even my daily Prayers.

I know, Lord, that if I fhoulch ftay till I am worthy to come, I Ihould then never come; and there¬ fore though I am unworthy of lo unfpeakable a mercy, yet I come to begThy Grace to make me worthy, or at leaft fiich as Thoii wilt ac¬ cept!

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O Bleffed Jefus, do thou (o open > my eye of Faith to dilcern thy Bo~~ dy and Blood in the Holy Sacra¬ ment, do thou lo difpofe my Soul,. at this time to Communicate, that' I may feel all the happy effects of thy own Divine Inftitution, that my Soul my receive fiich lading impreffions of thy goodnels,and be: lb ravifht with the love of thee,< and with the incomparable de¬ lights of thy Service, and with fiich * an early fore-tafte of Heaven, that all the plealures of fin3 which in my . growing years may tempt me, may . appear tome tafllefs and unwel¬ come.

O Heavenly Father, cloath me? with the Wedding-garment, eveir the Graces of my bleffed Saviour, , • for then am I lure to be a welcome • gueft to thy Table, when.I {Ball* come thither in the likenels of thy' only well-beloved Son, in whom ^ thou, art always well plealed/

O Heavenly Father, fill me with;* h 4. a»

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a lively Faith, profound Humility,fi- lial Obedience,inflamed Affe&ions, and univerlal Charity; O raife in my Soul, all thofe Heavenly tran- fports of Zeal and Devotion, of l ove and Defire, of Joy and De¬ light, of Praife and Thankfgiving, which become the remembrance of a Crucified Saviour, which become one Redeemed by the Blood of God,and that for his fake only that Redeemed me,in whofeMioly words I fum up all theGraces and Bleffings I ftand in need of. Our Father which art in Heaveny &C.

This Prayer, Phil, is proper for you to add to your Morning Pray¬ er, the day on which you are to Receive.

Directions in. time of Receiving.

IN time of Receiving, good Phih labour all you can* to keep your

Ineart affe&ed. with the Publick ' Prayers,

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Prayers,and to fill up all the vacant'? minutes, with holy Ejaculations^ iticli as thefe which follow.

At going to the Altar.

In the multitude of thy Mercresf O Lord God, do I now approach ? thy Altar, O pard6n my fins, and I receive me gracioufly. Amen^ Amen ^

At the Offertory.

Bleffed be Thou, O Lord God/, for all T hings come of Thee,and off Thy own do I now give.Theei? l Chron. 29.

O let this Almsbe an Odour of a* fweet fmell, a Sacrifice acceptable,, and well pleafmg to Thee! P.hiL 4.,..

At Confecration.*

O Bleffed Jefu, in the Bread bro^. ken, I * call to mind thy Body torn * with Whips,and Thorns,and Nails *9, and in the Wine poured out, I call ■ to mind thy precious Blood, fhecU for my fins/

Glory be to Thee, O -Lamb, of a" God, thatdidit offer thy lelLa Sa¬ crifice, to take away the fins of the:

£ 5 whole

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whole World, Lord have mercy- on me, and take away mine alfo.

TVhllfi others are Communicating.

O my God, whom have l in Heaven hut Thee, and there is none ©i* Earth I defire* in companion of Thee! P/a/. 73.

As the Hart panteth after the Water-brooks, lo panteth my foul after Thee, O God! P/a/. 42.

My foul is a- thii ft for Thee, O God, my God!

BJdTed Saviour, I am thine, I am wholly thine, for thou hah bought ®ie with a price, with the inefti-

‘ mable price of thy own Blood! 1 Cor. 6.

Lord, foffer not the pi ice of Thy. ®wn blood to perift, and I will ah waysglorifte Thee in my Body,and: m my Spirit which are thine.

If there be many Gommuni- cants, and thou haft much vacant time, Phil, and doft want devout matter to imploy thy thoughts, till..

' < all

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all have Communicated, thou may- eft then repeat the -Thankfgiving ; for Chrift’s lufferings, /*• 88 either: iin whole, or in part, as thou feeft c it needful,

JVhen the Trie ft ar/r.th to'ivar.ls jcu% *

O Lord God, 1 now defire to re¬ new my Covenant with Thee,:and ! to feal it in this Sacrament l

Lord, put thy Laws into myv mind, and write them in my heart, and-for thePaffionof Thy Son,which » I now commemorate, be mercifuL? to my unrighteomfnels, my fuiand ? my iniquities remember no more, -,. and be Thou my God and I will be thy Servant* Amen^Amen. Heb 3. t s

O my .foul tafte, now, and feer how gracious the Lord is l ,

After receiving the. Bread*..v

Glory be to Thee, O Lord, who » feedelt me with the bread of Life*', Heb. 10, 10*


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O Lord God, who didft fen&ifie us by the offering of the Body of Jefusonce for al!^ fan&ifie me, even me, O Heavenly Father!

After receiving the Cup.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord Jeftis,. who permitted me to drink of the fountain of life freely/

My beloved is mine and I am his/ Bleffed Saviour, Thou had loved

us, and waffled us from our Sins in Thy own Blood, and therefore to Thee be Glory and Dominion, for ever and ever. Amen, Amen. Rev. i .

Glory be to Thee, O Jefus my Lord, and my God, for thus feeding my Soul with Thy moft Bleffed Bo* dy and Blood; O let thy Heavenly food transfufe new life, and new vigour into my Soul, and into the Souls of all that communicate with me, that our Faith may daily in- creafe, that we may all grow more humble, and contrite for our Sins, that we may all love Thee, and ferve Thee,and delight in Thee,&: praife


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Thee more fervently, more inccP fantly than ever we have done here¬ tofore ! Amen, Amen.

After the Congregation is diC^ piift, 'Phil, if you cannot get prL vacy in your own Chamber, I ad- vile you at the firfl opportunity to go into the Chapel^ and there to give God thanks for that great bl effing, of which he has now made you a partaker.

A Th.mkj,giving after Receiving0

O how plentiful is thy goodnefs, my Lord,and my God, which thou. haft laid up for thole that fear thee* which thou hafi laid up for thole that put their trull in thy mercy / Pfal. 11.

Was it not love infinite enough* deareft Lord,to give thy felf for me on the Crofs ? Was not that Sacri¬ fice of thy lelf fufficient to expiate the fins of the whole world ? What, Lord, couldeft thou then do more for me t \

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All the mighty Hoft of Heaven flood amazed to fee the blood of God fhed, to lee their King ofGIo- - ry, to whom from the firft moment of their Being, they had lung their Hallelujahs, nailed to a Crols j and' all this to lave Tinners / Alls. 20.

Sure, Lord, none of all thole blefifed Spirits, with all the glorious Illuminations they had, could ever have imagined, how thou could*ft give Thy lelf more to us than Thou haft done.

And yet for all this. Thou haft wrought new miracles of love for* us, and as if it had not been love enough to have given Thy lelf for us on the Crofs, Thou haft found , out a way to give Thy felf to us in. the Holy Sacrament, to unite Thy felf to us with the moft intimate U- nion that’tis poffible to conceive, to become the very food, the life, the ftrength, the fupport of my loul,to become one with me, to become she very loul of my foul I T, O i

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O Lord God, this is lo uncon- ceivable a Blefling, this is lo Divine an Union, that the very Angels, who fb much defire to look into the great Myftery of our Redemption, who learn Thy manifold Wifdom from thy Church, and frequent the places of Thy publiekWorfhip,do crowd about our Altars, and with awful admiration, contemplate the Holy Sacrament l 1 Pet* 1*12. Eph 3. 10. 1 Cor. iq.-

What thanks then, gracious Lord,can I return to Thee for thofe wonders of love thou haft fhewed• to me wretched (inner, which the very Angels, who never finned, fh much admire!

O deareft'Lord, raife Thou, my devotion to the higheft pitch it can poffibly reach, to praife Thee; en* large my Soul to its utmoft extent to love Thee!

How can I ever more offend fiich riches of Mercy, as are in Thee,


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OCrucified Saviour! and yet whilft f carry this body of fin about me, I fear I lhall; but, Lord, I do from my heart renounce and abhor all things that dilpleafe Thee, I relblve to the utmoft of my power to refill all temptations, and to become as totally thine, as my frail nature will permit me.

O Gracious Lord, who haft fo infinitely loved us, and given us • everlafting Conlblation, and good Hope through Grace, comfort my. heart, and for ever eftablifh it, in. every good Word and Work!

Blefling,and Honour,and Glory, and Power, be unto him that fitteth on the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever!

Rejoy ce in the Lord Jefus, O my Soul, for of him cometh my Sal¬ vation.

I will love Thee, G Lord my King, and I will praile thy name forever and ever!

Glory be to Thee, O Lord God,, x for

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for giving me this Hefted opportuni¬ ty of coming to thy Altar! O grant 1 may never more pollute my Soul, which thou haft now made thy Temple to refide in, who art the God of Purity

Praife the Lord,0 my Soul while* I live, will I praife jhe Lord, as long as 1 have any Being, I will fing praifes unto Thee O bleffed Savi¬ our, my King and my God.

O gracious Lord, pardon all my failings, accept all my prayers and; praifes, and fupply all my wants, which I fum up in Thy own blefled words, Our Father, &cc,

Remember, good Phil, that when you-have received the holy Sacra- ment, your greateft work is then,

v but beginning, which is, toobferve ( all the promifes you have made to

God, of future Obedience, and therefore 7tis good for you tto read over now and then, and to renew your refolutions, and to examine


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your felf how you have kept thdto, that you may preierve in your foul a ferious fenfe of your duty, and a confcientious care to per- form it.

j 4 ' 1 ' ' *

A Form of general Fbankfgiving.

WOrthy art Thou, O Lord of Heaven and Earth, to re¬

ceive Glory, and Honour, and Power, for Thou haft created all things, and for thy pleafure they* are, and were created! Rev. 4. 8,

Thou haft made Heaven, the Heaven of Heavens with all their Hoft, the Earth and all things that are thereini Thou prelerveft them* all, and the Hoft of Heaven prai- feth Thee! Nehem. 9. 6,

Glory be to Thee, O Lord God Almighty, for creating man after thine' own Image, and making fb * great variety of Creatures, to mi- sifter to his ufe/


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Glory be to Thee, who giveft us life and breath, and all things, who giveft us fruitful fealbns, and filleft our hearts with food and gladnefi! Atfs 74.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord God,., for all thy many bleffings and deli¬ verances, for all thy forbearance ~ and long-fuffering to this finful Nation; Glory be to Thee, O Lord, who haft made me alfb fhare in thofe publiek mercies, and for that light of the Gofpel thou vouchfafeft us, of which the great- eft part of the World is totally ig¬ norant.

Glory be to Thee, O Heavenly Father, for my being, and prefer- vation, ftrength and health, under- ftanding and memory, Friends and; Benefadors, and for all my abilities of mind and of body.

Glory be to Thee O Heavenly Father, for my competent liveli¬ hood, for my education in this College, for all my known or un-


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obferved Deliverances, and for the guard thy holy Angels keep over me.

But above all. Glory be to Thee, for giving Thy only Son to die for my fins, and for all the Spiritual bleffings he has purchas’d for me, for my Baptifin, and all the oppor¬ tunities thou giveft me of ferving Thee, or of receiving the Holy Eucharift ^ for whatever fin I have efcaped, for whatever good I have done, or thought, for all my helps of Grace, and hopes of Heaven, Glory be to Thee/

Praife the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praife his Holy Name.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord Jeftis, for thy inexpreffible Love to Loft man: Glory be to Thee, O Lord, for condefeending to take our frail nature on Thee: Glory be to Thee, for all Thy Heavenly Dodxine to inftrmft us, Thy great Miracles to convince us, and Thy unblameable example to guide us /


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for Wmchefter Scholars, t t 5 Glory be to thee, O blefled Jefiis, for thy Agony and Bloody Sweat, for all the torments and anguifh of thy bitter paflton! f

Glory be to thee,0 blefled Jefus, for thy Glorious Refurre&ion, and Afcenfion into Heaven, and Inter¬ cession for us at the right hand of thy Father!

O Gracious Lord, thou that haft done fo much for me, how can I ever fufficiently praife and love thee/

Praife the Lord Jefus, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praife his Holy Name /

Glory be to thee,0 bleflTed Spi¬ rit, Glory be to thee, for all the mi¬ raculous gifts and graces thou didll beftow on the Apoftles, to fit them to convert the World, and for infpiring the Sacred Pen-men of Holy Scripture!

Glory be to thee for inftilling ho¬ ly thoughts into my Soul,for all the ghoftly ftrength, and fupporr, and


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comfort, and illumination we re’ ceive from thee ; for all thy pre* venting, and retraining, and laa- .ftifying Grace, glory be to thee I

Bleffed Spirit / let me never more By my fins grieve thee who art the Author of Life* and Joy to me /

Praife the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praife his holy Name,

Here Phil, if you recite this Thankfgu vingy on any great Fefiival or Saints day} you may add.

Particularly,O Lord,I am bound to praife thee, for the great bleffing we this day Commemorate, [ Here mention it, or infiance, the Nativity of §ur blefied Saviour, or the like.']

Or for the Saint, whofe memory we this day celebrate, [filersyou may name him~\ and add,

Praife the Lord therefore, Omy Soul, and all that is within me,

Bleffing , and Honour, and Thankf-

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Thanklgiving, and Praife, more than I can utter* more than I can conceive, be unto thee, O moft adorable Trinity, Father, Son, and HolyGhoft,by all Angels, all Men, all Creatures, for ever and ever. Ametiy Amen.

A Form of General Intercejjion.

HOly, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, I miferable Turner,

humbly acknowledge that I am al¬ together unworthy to pray for my felf, but fince thou haft command¬ ed us to make Prayers and Inter- ceftions for all men, in obedience to thyCommand,and in confidence of thy unlimited goodnels, I com¬ mend to thy mercy and Divine Providence, the wants and necefli- ties of all mankind.

Lord, let it be thy good pleafare to reftore to thy Church Catholick,


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primitive peace and purity, and to prelerve it againft the Gates of Hei

Particularly, O Lord God, I im¬ plore thy mercy for this finful Na¬ tion, for the iniquity of the Land is exceeding great.

Alas, alas/ we are unthankful for thy Bleffings, incorrigible un- tier thy Judgments, and unprofita¬ ble under all the means of Grace, and what can weexpe&from thee, but to drink deep of the cup of thy Wrath?

And wretch that I am, my fins have increaied the heap of the pub- lick impieties, and made their cry the louder to Heaven for ven¬ geance ?

But, O Lord God, in the midft of Judgments remember Mercy ; Turn thou us Lord, and fb fiiall we be turned, O be favourable to thy' People, and give us all Grace to turn to Thee, in Farting, Weep¬ ing, and Mourning, to put a period


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to our provocations, and do Thou put a period to our punifhments.

O Lord God, out of the multi¬ tude of Thy mercies, give us grace to fear Thee, and to keep Thy Commandments always , that it may be well with us, and thou may’ft rejoyce over us to do us good. Amen. Amen.

O let it be Thy good pleafure to blefs 11s all, from the higheft to the loweft, in our leveral Rations

To defend the Church of Eng* land from all theaffoults ofSchifm, or Herefe, or Sacriledge ; and to blefs all Bifhops, Priefts, and Dea¬ cons, with Apoftolical graced, ex¬ emplary lives, and found DoiTrine!

O let it be Thy good pleafure, to fave and defend our fovereign Lord the King, from all his Enemies ; grant him a long and happy Reign over us, and endue him with all thofe Gifts and Graces, which n^y make him a terror to evil works, and a great promoter of thy Glory.

F Blefs

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A Manual of Trayers. Blefs him and all his Royal Re¬

lations with a great meafiire of all temporal good things* and with E-

* ternal Glory in the World to come. Lord* let it be thy good plcalure, to grant.

To the Privy Council * Wifdom from above.

To all Magiftrates, Integrity and Zeal for Religion.

To the Gentry and Commonalty* Pious and Juft* Peaceable and Royal Hearts.

To our Armies and Navy* Protecti¬ on and Victory.

'To the whole Nation, healthful and fruitful, and peaceful times.

Tord* let it be thy goodpleafure to grant.

To all Jews, Turks, Infidels* A- theifts,and Hereticks Converfion.

'To all Malefactors* and wicked Men* timely Repentance.

To all Holy Perfons, increafe of Grace and Perfeverance.

To all that I have tempted any way

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way to Sin, or with whom I hav6 been a Companion in evil, contri¬ tion and pardon.

Lord, let it be thy good pleafure, to blefs all thofe I have any way wronged, and to forgive thole that have wronged me, to comfort the dilconlolate, to give health to the fick,eafe to thofe that are in pain, patience to the affii<fted,food to the hungry, cloaths to the naked,liber- ty to the Captive, and a fafe delive¬ ry to Women with Child.

Lord,be Thou a guide to the Tra- veller,fafety to thole that are at Sea, a refuge to the opprelfed, be Thou a Father to the Fatherlels,take care of Widows,picy and relieve all poor Prifoners of Debt, and have mer¬ cy on all Ideots and mad Perlons.

Lord, let it be Thy good plealure to blefs my Parents, my Brothers and Sifters, and all my Relations, all my Friends, all my Governours in this Colledge, all my Fellovr Scholars, all who have commended >. F 2' them-

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themlelves to my -Prayers, [particu¬ larly, Here you may name them, if yon fee occafion, 1 Lord, thou bed know- eft all our conditions, all our defires, all our wants,-O do thou therefore fute thy graces and bJefttngs, to our feveral neceffities of Body of Soul!

Hear, O merciful Father, my Supplications, and that for the lake of Thy Sonjeliis, who died for us all, in whole Floly words I lum up all my own, and the wants of all I p ay tor. Our Father which. See.

If you are a Child of the Colledge, good Phil. I advile you now and then to fay that ultra! Collect, where¬ in you give thanks for the Founder, and pray for the Colledge, both which you have great realbn to do, in private as well as in publick, when you confider that God has made theTounaer an inftrument of doing you much good, in ad¬ vantaging your education, and the bIdlings you pray for on the Col- iedge,you have your lei fa part in.


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\ * , i

^ Thanh giving for the Founderl.

IGive Thee humble and hearty Thanks, O mod merciful Fa-

rher, for our Founder, William of Wickham, and all other our Bene¬ factors,by whole Benefits we are in* this Colledge brought up to GodiF nefs and good Learning, and I be/- feech Thee to give us grace, lo to ufe thele Thy bleffings, to the glory of Thy Name, that' we may be¬ come profitable Members in the Church and Common-wealth, and may be a Ia(t partakers of the im¬ mortal Glory of the RefurreCtion,1 through Jefus Chrift our Lord* A men i Amen.

Fir eel ions to ufe the foregoing Frayers

HAve a great care, good Yhll that you make not anyofthe

Rules here given you,a pretence to E 3 negleCt

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negleft the Orders ?and Duties of. the Place you live in, or of the School., for that were idienefs ra¬ ther than Devotion.

When you fix on a day to exa¬ mine your Soul, or to confefs your fins in, believe me, Phil, nothing will more enforce your Prayers and Repentance, than if they are ac- companied with Fading and Alms, as you may lee in the example of Cornelius, whole Pravers and Fad* ing, and Alms, all joyned together, were lo acceptable to God, as made him fend fird an Angel from Hea* ven,and after the Angel an Apodle, and after the Apodle the Holy. Ghod, to confirm and enlighten him; ABs 10.

But take notice, Phil. that all the Fading I advile you to, is only on feme Fading-day, on fome one Fri¬ day, or Saturday, when your Com¬ mons are lels than on other days, to content your lelfwith your bare allowance, and withal to lay adde

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fame fmall matter, according to your flock for the Poor.

But beware you do not your duty only to be feen, approved of by others, for this were hypocrifie ;; and take heed your performances do not puff you up with a vain, con¬ ceit of your Holinels, and that you are better than your fellows, for this were abominable pride; and alas! when you have done the beft you can, you fall infinitely fliort of your Duty^ and ’tis God's meer Mercy, not any the lead worth in - you, makes your (ervice any way acceptable to him.

When you have once throughlyv examined your felf, good Phil, and : made a particular confeffion of the fins of your whole life, and begged i pardon, there is not the fame abfo-> lute neceflity of fuch laborious ex-., amination, at your next Communi¬ cating, efpecially if you examine / your felf carefully every night, and t daily repent of the evil of the day ^

F,4 , _ paft,:s

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j 24 A Manual of Prayers.

paft,and art not confcious to your (elf, of any great and notorious fins* fince your laft Confeffion,for if you are not, the Examination and Con- feffion only of what paft fince your laft Communicating, together with a general Confeflion of your for¬ mer fins,and a folemn renewing of your former atfts of Repentance, may ferve the turn.

But if your Confcknce accufes you of any culpable negleft in your iait Examination, or of any great relapfes, or of any wilful violations ofyourlaft Vows and Refblutions, in thofe, and the like cafes, ’cis the liireft way to begin all your repen¬ tance again.

Remember Vhil that though ’tis God that works in you to Willand to Do of his good pleafura, yet God alfb commands you to work out your own falvation your felf, and therefore you are to labour for thofe bleffings, and to praftife thofe gra¬ ces you pray for, To that you are

V to.

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to read your duty in your Prayers. If you find any particular Sin *

you are guilty of, or any particular■» Grace which you want, or any par¬ ticular bleffing which you are ter* give thanks for, which is not here, mencioned/cis eafie for you to add \ it to your Prayers as occafion re- - quires ; in like manner if you meet r with any pafifage, in any Prayer3 s which does not either (o diredtly, . or fo fully exprefs the fenleof your (oul, as you could wifh, leav e it out.

If opportunity, leifure, and de> votion all together, do at any time, - when you go home, or at times of f liberty, incline you to make lome : prelent addition to your daily v Prayers,or like Dame land ±loly David, not oniv at nr.r

' ■ j r Pj. 5 5-15.:

Morning and at .liven¬ ing, but at Noon-Day, to pray-- to God , thou ma) eh then ule 1 the Prayer lor particular Gra¬ ces, Pa. 79. or thole acts ol Re-.- folution and Oblation; P, 59.71.0:1

F y, ' on

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126 A Manual of'' Fray erf.

on Sundays and Holidays the Form of general Thankfgiving, or on Failing days, the Form of general. Interceffion, as may beft fute with * the feafon, and with your own affections.

Dire Elions concerning Infirmities.

IF after all the care and pains yon can take, and your petitions alfo

for God’s Grace, you find in the performance of any Duty in your daily Prayers, Examination, Re¬ ceiving the Floly Euchariff, or the. like, great Coldnefs, and Wan- drings, and impofedneis and wea- rinefs of Spirit, and that your heart is little affeCted with it, and that you fall very much fhort of the. Rules here laid down* and there^ lore are ready to Conclude, that all. you have done is in vain, and di£ gleafmg to God.

Be not difheai tned at this, Tkil.

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7t\s a good fign to be lb much grie¬ ved for your failings in your duty* *tis an argument of a filial tender- nefs, and defire to ferve God bet-, ter, that your Spirit is willing ? though your Flefh is weak,and if you v: (fill continue your endeavours and 1 prayers, patiently relying on God’s infinite goodnefs, and on his gra-v- cious promifes of hearing you, h®±-~ will affuredly hear you in his good ft time.

Know, good Phil that this is the t cafe of thoufands, as well as of your .,••• ielf, the very bell of ChrifHans figh under the perverfenefs and ini- - potence cf their .corrupt nature^ and even the Juft Man falls fevers* times a day, through fins of Igno^ - ranee, or infirmity,orfuddenfurre- * prion, or inadvertency, or the like 5 - though it is true, he rileth again by r; an habitual repentance, and there-,;, fore be not difeouraged, but daily >v beg pardon for your daily failings^*.

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128 A Manual of Vrajws.

To eafe you in fuch indifpofi- tions, or when y oil are alfo ftrait- ned in time* or diverted by any un¬ avoidable avocations* I advile you to fhorten your Pray ers;and for the longer Morning and Evening Pray¬ er, lay the fhorter ; and as for the other parts of Devotion* through¬ out this whole Manual*they are cut into fo many Breaks and Divifi- ons* on purpofe, that you may lengthen or fhorten your Prayers, as may beft comply with your oc- cafions and infirmities; only let me warn you ferioufly* that under colour of indulging your infirmi¬ ties,you do not indulge yourlloth.

Be not then affiicted*good Phil if }fou cannot come up exactly to the Rules here given you.Believe me, it was never imagined you would ; it was only hoped that you would en¬ deavour it: And know that it is a great error of many devout fouls to think all they do fignifies nothing becaufe they fall fhort of the Rules


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for Winchefter Scholars. 129? laid down in their Books of Devo- '• don *, little confidering that ’tis fin- cerity God requires of us, and notv perfe<5don; for if there be a willing Mind in us, it is accepted accord¬ ing to that-which a Man hath, and not according to that a Man hath not; 2 Cor. 8. 12. So that your In¬ firmities ought to humble, but not difcourage you.

For inftance, fuppofe.you fhpuld not be able, after all your endea* vours and prayers, to fired any, or but few Tears for your fins, be not too much caft down at it; for to be troubled for want of Tears, is one fign of godly forrow ; and *tis cer¬ tain, though tears are very defire- able, yet they are not always figns of true Repentance,for Hypocrites may fhed them, and there may be true godly for row without them ; and perhaps God will at laft give them to you, when his wifdom fees your heart in a fit temper for them.

Whenfoever then you are: trou¬ bled

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bled with an affii&ing fenfe of your infirmities, and for your many fail¬ ings, Iadvifeyou to fay this Prayer following, and to reft fatisfied that He that died for you, will both hear, and accept,and fuccour you.'

A Prayer againfi Failings.

OThou compaflionate Saviour offinful Man,Iook down from

Heaven, and have mercy upon me wretched Sinner; O fave me, O help me,for without Thee I can do nothing as I ought!

Miferable Man that I am,my very Prayers and Repentance are ac¬ companied with fa many failings, that I am fometimes afraid that thou Lord wilt not hear fuch Pray¬ ers, nor regard fiich Repentance S

But,0 blelled Saviour, my Lord, and my God, Tis Thy promi(e,nor to difcourage the leafl meafure of Grace, Thou wilt not quench the


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fmoaking Flax, or break the bruifed : Reed, Mat. 12. 20.

’Tis thy pradice, Lord, to com¬ ply with the weaknefs of Thy Ser¬ vants. Thou art the good Shepherd : who carried the tender Lahnbsim Thy very bolbm,and gently leaded thole that be with young / If. 40.1 r.

Nay, Lord, ’tis Thy very nature foto do, for Thou Thy feif haft felt' humane infirmities, and canft not but commiferate thole that figh un¬ der them ! Htb. 2.20. 4. r $•.

Why art thou then fo heavy, O my Soul, and why art thou fo diC quieted within me! Oput thytruft in thy Saviour, who is the help of my countenance and my God! ?f. 42*

O gracious Lord, do thou pity me, and accept my weak and imperfed performances, and fupply by thy feoundlels mercy, all the defeds in my duty ; and if it be thy pleafure I lhould ferve Thee better, O Lord' God^increafeThy fuccoursof grace and I fhaii then increafe my obedi¬ ence 1 - * O’

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i$2 ^ Manual of Prayers.

O thou Lover of Souls, for the: fike of that infinite compaflion of Thine, which moved Thee to die for me, hear me, and help me. Amen, Lord Jefiis, Amen, Amen.

Directions in time cf Sicknefs.

FAr be it from you good Phil. to counterfeit your felf Tick at

any time, to avoid the School, or the like, left God fend you ficknefs indeed, to punifh your idleneft and diffimulation.

But if it pleafe God to vifit you with a real Dileaie, let it be your firit care to make your peace with Heaven, for God by^ taking, you off from your ufuai Studies, does give you a call to Repentance, and the Examination of your leifin the be¬ ginning of your Sicknefs, is as fea- lonable and neceffary as before your Communicating , befides, if your ficknefs proves dangerous, you


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will then,I doubt not,delire to com¬ municate, fo that to fit you both for the Holy Sacrament, and for Hea¬ ven, Examination and Repentance ought to be firft in your Thoughts.

Beware ?bil. of deferring this Duty, becaufe you are young, and think you may have time enough to repent hereafter; for you fee, that Perfbns younger than your felf die, and you are not fure to outlive this Diftemper; and if you fhould put. it off till your Sicknelsgrows more on you, it may perhaps take away, your Senfes; or if it does not, be lure it will much more indifpofe you to Prayer and Recolle&ion.

In the beginning then of your ficknels begin your repentance,and fey over this following Prayer, and do not only fey, but pra&ife it.

A Vrayer in the beginning of Sicknefs^ O Heavenly Father, who in thy Wifdom knoweft what is boll

for me. Glory be to thee. Lords

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ig 4 A Manual of Prayers.

Lord, if it feem good in Thy fight divert this diftemper from me, which I now feel feizingon me, that I may employ my health to thy Glory, and praife thy Name!

But if Thou art pleafed it fhould grow on me, I willingly fubmit to Thy afflicting hand, for Thou art wont to chaftife thohe whom Thou doftlove, and I am fore, Thou wilt lay no more on me, than thou wiltN enable me to bear. iJCor. i o.

1 know,0 my God,Thou fendefl '• this Sicknels on me for my good, even to humble and reform me, O grant it may work that having e£ led in me!

Lord, create in me a true peni¬ tent borrow for all my fins pad, a ftedfaft Faith in Thee, and fincere Refolutions of Amendment for the time to cornel

Deliver me from all frowardnefs and impatience, and give me an ■- entire refignation to thy Divine Will: Q buffer not the Difeabe to

take •

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take away my Senles, and do thou. continually lupply my Thoughts with Holy Ejaculations', Lord,blels all means that are uled for my re¬ covery ,and reftore me to my health in thy good time > but if other wile thou haft appointed for me, thy; bleifed Will be done. O wean my. Affections from all things below, and fill me with ardent defires after Heaven: Lord, fit me for thy lelf, and then call me to thole Joys un- fpeakable and full of Glory, when, thou pleafeft, and that for the fake; of thy only Son Jeliis, my Saviour, in whole holy words I fum up all : my wants. Our Father, &e.

Ejaculations in time ofSicknefi^ FAther, if it be poftible, remove this Cup from me, neverthele<if

not my Will, but thine be done0 Matth. 2 6.

Trouble and heavinels have ta¬ ken hold on me, but my lure trull is in thee, O Lord!


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ijtf A Manual of Frayers.

Forfake me not, O my God> when my ftrength faileth me, hade thee to help me, O Lord God of my Salvation / FJal. 38.

Lord,teach me fo to number my days, that I may apply my heart to Wifciom / FfaL 90.

Deal thou with me,0 Lord, ac¬ cording to thy Name, for fweet is thy mercy.

Lord,what is my hope/ truly my hope is even in thee /

O my foul, tarry thou the Lord’s leifiire,beftrong, and he fhall com¬ fort thy Heart, and put thou thy truft in the Lord! Pfal. 27.

- Into thy hands-1 commend my Ipirit, for thou half redeem’d me, O Lord, thou God of Truth /

In my Father’s Houfe are many Manfions, and thou Lood Jefus art gone before to prepare a place for us, that where thou art, we may bealfo!. 14. 2.

Lord, be merciful to me, miiera- bk. Sinner /


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O Lord God, we muft all at the Lift day appear before thy Judg¬ ment-Seat, Oclearne me from my fins, that I may be found blamelels at the coming of the Lord Jefus!

As the day goeth away, and the fhadowsof the evening are ftretch* ed out, fo paffethaway my life even like a vapour, that appeareth for a little time , and vanifheth away! Jer. 6. Jam. 4. Eye hath not feep, nor Ear heard,

nor the Heart of Man conceiv’d, the good things which God lias laid up for thole that love him. Lord, do thou therefore enflame my foul with thy Love! 1 Cor. 2.

I know. Lord, that thy Judg¬ ments are right, and thou of very faithfulnefs haft caufed me to be troubled, Pfal. 119.

O Heavenly Father, my hope h wholly in thy mercy, and in the Merits and Sufferings of my Savi¬ our, O for his fake forgive and Eve meJ


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A Manual of Prayers,

To thefe, and the like Ejacu¬ lations^ Phil, which thou may’ft gather thy felf, thou may eft now and then, either read a Pfalm your felf,or have one read to you, as par¬ ticularly the 23, or 25*, or 27, or 51. or any other that does belt fiiit with thy condition.

I need give you no Further di- regions for the time of Sicknels, be- caufe 1 prefume, Phil, that when you feel your Sicknels prevailing on you, you will then fend for a Spiri¬ tual Guide, who wii! give you more particular advice, and minifter to all the neceffities of your Soul, and therefore I fhafl only add this form ofThankfgiving.

A Tbankfgiving for Recovery.

GLory be to Thee, O Heaven* ly Father, for the Sickneft

thou haft in mercy lent me! Lord, the ftripes thou didft lay

on me, were the ftripes of Love, "Glory be to thee!

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for W i ncheftcr Scholars. 139

Before I was troubled, I went wrong, but now will I keep thy Word, Tfal. 119.

It is good for me that I have been in trouble* that I might learn thy Statutes.

Glory be to thee, O Lord, Glo¬ ry be to thee, for delivering me from the terrors of death, and re- ftoring me to my Health again* Glory be to Thee!

I called upon the Lord in my trouble, and the Lord heard me at large! Vfal. 118.

I fhall not die but live, and de¬ clare the Works of the Lord!

Praife the Lord therefore* O my 'foul, as long as I have my life, which at fir ft God gave me, and which he has now reftored me* I will fing praifes unto my God !

O Lord God, who haft in thy tender mercy prolong'd my days in this World, give me grace to fpend that life thou haft now lengthned in thyfervice. O give me grace to


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perform all my relblutions of new ^obedience, and lb to live in the filial fear of thee, all the remainder of nay time, that I may at lad: die at peace with my felf, at peace with the whole World, and at peace with thee; and that for the lake of thy well-beloved Son, and my Saviour, in whole Holy words I lum up all my wants. Our Father, &c.

To this you may add,if you think fit, the 10; Vjalm.

To conclude, good Phil. if you have reapt any good from thele Prayers and Inliru&ions, be lure to give God hearty thanks for it, and let this encourage you to make the more frequent ule of them, and God of his infinite mercy blels them e> very day more and more to your growth in Grace, and to his own ‘dory. Amen.



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Author of the Manual of Prayers for the ufe of the Scholars of Win- chefter Colledge.

A Morning H T M Nm

AWake my Soul, and with the Sun,

, Thy daily ftage of Duty -run ; Shake off dull Sloth, and early rife, To pay thy Morning Sacrifice.

Redeem thy miipent time that’s paft.

Live this day. as it ’twere thy laft; G Tim*

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'142- A Morning HYMN.

T’improve thy Talent take due care,

Gainft the great Day thy felf ’ prepare.

Let all thy Converfe be fincere. Thy Conference as the Noon-day

clear; Think how All-feeing God thy

ways, And all thy feeret Thoughts fur- !

veys. - ■*' ’ •

Influenc’d by the Light Divine, Let thy own Light in good Works

fhine; Reflect all Heaven’s propitious

ways. In ardent Loveland chearfiil Praife.

Wake, and lift up thy feifmy Heart,

And with the Angels bear thy part.

Who all night long unwearied fing. Glory to the Eternal King.

I wake.

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A Morning H Y M N* 145,

I wake,I wake^ye Heavenly Choirs. May your Devotion me infpire, That I like you my Age may ipend. Li ke you may on my God attend*,

May I like you in God delight. Have all day long my God in fights Perform like you my Makers Will., O may I never more do ill.

Had I your Wings., to Heaven Fdflie, . _ _

But God mail mat deleft tupp!y7 And my Soul wing’d with warm'

defire, ' , - Shall all day long to Heav’n afpirer

7 r - < f

Glory to thee who fife haft kept. And haft refrelht me whilft I flept. Grant Lord, when 1 from death;

fhall wake, I may of endlefs Light partake.

I would not wake, not rife again, Ev’n Heaven itfelfl would difdain;

G 2 * Wer’t

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144 A Morning HYMN.

Wer’t not thou there to be eft" joy’d, - v >

And I in Hymns to be imploy’d.

Heav’n is, dear Lord, where e’r Thou art,

O never then from me depart ; For to my Soul ’tis Hell to be. But for one moment without thee.

Ford I my vows to thee renew, Scatter my fins as Morning dew. Guard my firft fprings of Thought,

and Will J

And with thy lelf my Spirit fill.

T)ire£t controul, luggeft this day, All I defign, or do, or fay; That all my Powers, with all their

might,- ' In thy foie Glory may unite.

Praife God,from whom all Bleflings flow,

Praife him all creatures here below.


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An Evening HYMN. 145^

Praife him above y’Angelick Hofb Praiie Father, Son., and Holy GhoiK

An Evening- HYMN.. u

^ -V - GLory to thee my God, this, night,

For all the Bleffings of the Light; Keep me.,0 keep me King of Kings, Under thy own Almighty Wing$*t

Forgive me Lord, for thy dear Sonr

The .ill that I this day have done* That with the World, my (elf, and

Thee, I, e’r I deep, at peace may be.

Teach me to live, that I may dread.

The Grave as little as my Bed; Teach me to die, that lb 1 may Triumphing rife, at the Sait dayy-

G. 3 O'

Page 158: A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of

X'4 & An -Evening HYMN,

O may my Soul on thee repole; And with fweet fleep mine Eye¬ lids dole; Sleep that may me more vig’rouf

make. To ferve my God when! awake.

When in the night I fleeplefi lie. My Soul with Heavenly Thoughts

fupply5. Let no ill Dreams difturb my Reft,, No powers of darknefi me raoleft.

Dull fteep of Senfeme to deprive, I-am but half my days alive; Thy faithful Lovers* Lord, are

griev’d. To lie fo long of Thee bereav’d,

But thoughfleep o?r my frailty reigns, - a '

Let it not hold me long in chains. And now and then let loole my

Heart Till it. an. Hallelujah dart.


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An Evening HYMN. 147-

The fafter fleep thefenfe does bind* The more unfetter’d is the Mind; 0 may my Soul from matter free. Thy unvail’d Goodnels waking lee t

O when ftiall I im endlels day. For ever chafe dark fleep away. And endlels praife withth’Heaven^

ly Choire, Inceflant fing, and never tire ?'

You my bleft Guardian, whilft I fleep,

■Clofe to my Bed your Vigils keep. Divine Love into me inftill, Stop all the avenues of 111.

Thought to thought with my Soul converfe,

Celeftialjoys to me rehearfe. And in my (lead all the night long. Sing to my God a grateful Song.

Praife God from whom all Blef^ flngs flow,

Praife him all Creatures here below, Praife.

Page 160: A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of

148 A Midnight HYM N.

Praife him above y’Angelick Hofly Praife Father,Son, and Holy Ghoft.

- . 4 v, -.,.

* A:Midnight H YMN,.

LOrd, now my Sleep does me forfake.

The foie poffeflion of me take^ Let no vain fancy me illude. No one impure defire intrude,

Bleft Angels! while we filent lie,. You Hallelujahs fing on high, You,ever wakeful near the Throne, Proftrate, adore the Three in One.

I now awake do with you joyrr. To praife our God in Hymns Di¬

vine : ~ With you in Ileav’n I hope to^

dwell, And bid the Night and World fare¬


Page 161: A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of

A Midnight HYMN. *49

My Soul, when I lhake off this dull.

Lord, in thy Arms I will entruftj O make me thy peculiar care. Some heav’nly Manfion me prepare

Give me a place at thy Saints feet,

Orfomefall’n Angel’s vacant feat; i’ll ftrive to fing as loud as they. Who fit above in brighter day.

O may I always ready (land. With my Lama burning in my

hand. May I in fight of Heav’n rejoyce. When e’rlhear the Bridegroom’s


Glory to thee in light arraid. Who light thy dwelling place haft

made. An immenJe Ocean of bright

Beams, From thy All-glorious Godhead

ftreams. . . ; The

Page 162: A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of

ryo A Midnight MYMN. The Sun in its Meridian height,

Is very darknefs in thy fight ; My Soul, O lighten, and enflame. With Thought and Love of thy

great Name.

Bleft Jefa, thou onHeav’n intent. Whole Nights haft in Devotion

(pent, But I, frail Creature, (oon am tir’d. And all my Zeal is foon expir’d.

My Soul, how canft thou weary grow.

Of Anti-dating Heav’n below. In (acred Hy mns, and Divine Love, Which will Eternal be above ?

Shine on me, Lord, new life im¬ part,

Frefh ardours kindle in my Heart} One ray of thy All*quickning light, Difpels the floth and clouds of

night* *• „


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A Midnight HYMN. 151

Lord, left the tempter me fur- prize,

Watch over thine own Sacrifice, All loofe, all idle Thoughts caftout. And make my very Dreams devout.

PraifeGod, from whom all BleC lings flow,

Praife him all Creatures here below^ Praile him above y'Angelick Hoft, Praile Father,Son5 and Holy Ghoft.


Page 164: A manual of prayers for the use of the scholars of

Books Printed for Charles Brome at the Gun at the Weft end of St. Paul's, 1697.,

AN Expofition on the Church-Cate, chifm, in a large, or fmall Letter.

Dire&ions for Prayer. Prayers for the ufe ofall them that ga

to the Bath for cure. A Sermon at the Funeral of the Lady

Maynard. . • t ,

A Letter concerning keeping of Lea*.

All by the fame Author.

Precepts and Pra&ical Rules for a Chriftian Life. By Cardinal Bona.

The Love ofJefus,being a fure and ftiort, pleafant, and eafie way to Heaven.

JDumoulins Devotions, being Prayers for every day in the Week.

The Guide to Heaven, price 6 d. 'The Rule of Life, price 6 d. The plague of Athens. An incompa¬

rable Poem, By the Bifhop of Kochefler. The Godly Man’s Companion,price 8 d A Manudu&ion to practical Divinity. The Chriftian Sacrifice. By Dv.Brevint,

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