1 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 10, 2013 Non Territorial Parish 4400 Shakertown Road Dayton, OH 45430-1057 Phone: (937) 429-0510 Web site: www.qac-ohio.org Pastoral Team: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M. Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members NOTE: Nursery Service available on request with advanced notice! Contact Maggie Atkinson at [email protected] A Member of the Marianist Family We share this bread and cup.... ....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be the holy people God calls us to be. (QAC Vision Statement)

A Member of the Marianist Family 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Timeqac-ohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/32nd-Ordinary... · 2013-11-08 · 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: “May our Lord

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32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 10, 2013

Non Territorial Parish

4400 Shakertown Road

Dayton, OH 45430-1057

Phone: (937) 429-0510

Web site: www.qac-ohio.org

Pastoral Team: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M.

Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere

Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members

NOTE: Nursery Service available on request with advanced notice!

Contact Maggie Atkinson at [email protected]

A Member of the Marianist Family

We share this bread and cup....

....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be

the holy people God calls us to be.

(QAC Vision Statement)

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From a Marianist Community of student brothers open to visitors for Sunday Eucharist, Queen of Apostles Community emerged as a non-territorial parish on August 28, 1973.

Continuing in the tradition of the Marianist Charism, we come together each week as a family of Catholic, Christian believers, to worship our God in the Eucharist with song &

praise and to share in the breaking of the Bread. In so doing, we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love and to be the holy people God calls us to be.

If you are visiting and worshipping with us for the first time, we extend to you our warmest welcome. Our prayer is that your worship experience will be uplifting and Spirit filled.

We hope you will visit us often and worship with us!

(If you‟d like more information about us or would like to join our Community, please fill out the form on the back cover and drop it in the collection basket!)

NOTE: If the form on the back is missing, email [email protected] with your name, phone number, address and we‟ll contact you about joining us.

Marianist Doxology May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places

through the Immaculate Virgin Mary.


QAC Operating Income Report Note: Operating Income includes regular collection, rental, and interest income.

This is our total monthly budget status for August & FY 2014 to date.

Actual Budget Difference October 2013 $ 10,513 $ 17,883 $ ( 7,370) Year to Date $ 59,645 $ 71,530 $ (11,885)

Our fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th. Thank you for your generosity!

Sunday Attendance (November 3rd): 180


32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: “May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word.” (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17). God wants us to know the joy of giving. Yet, being generous takes strength, trust and grace. That‟s why St. Paul reminds us to turn to God every day for encouragement and guidance on our stewardship journey.

“THE SPIRIT” & SUNDAY HOMILIES ON LINE: Visit our QAC website at qac-ohio.org. On the main page, go to Our Community. There, you‟ll find Homilies or The Spirit of QAC...just click on the item of interest.

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32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Presider.............................Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M. Assisting............................Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgy Planner……………Dan Nagle Music Director…………….Teesie Chandler ............................................ Interpreter for the Deaf......Susan Fraker

2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14: The story of the torture and great courage of the brothers and their mother teaches a lesson about the importance of following God‟s commands. It also instructs us about the source of their hope, as well as ours. There is more than this life; we trust that something greater awaits us. It also serves to inspire all who might be forced to sacrifice their ideals. The courage of the brothers can be emulated by anyone who strives to do what is right.

2 Thessalonians 2:16—3:5: The Christian faith is grounded in the love of God, who is revealed in Jesus. Only by relying on God will people truly receive strength and encouragement. The author asserts that the Lord is faithful and will protect the community, and speaks confidently of the Thessalonians‟ faith, praying fervently that they remain rooted in God‟s love, always trusting in Christ.

Luke 20:27-38: Marriage itself does not apply in heaven. Human existence and human relationships will be different than they are in this world. Jesus reinforces his point by asserting that the God of Israel is the God of the living. Although the practice of levirate marriage is foreign to us, the story provides an intriguing means of teaching about resurrection. Just as Jesus had hope in a future resurrection, so also we trust that there is more to life than what we know now.

Eucharistic Minister Team #2

Ministers Taking Eucharist to Those Not With Us

Presider: Let us send these ministers to those who could not be with us.

Response: Receive the Body of Christ for the nourishment of those who are not here with us. Assure our friends of our prayers and blessings throughout the week.

Music: Gathering ......................................... In the Day of the Lord ................................................................. Bulletin, Pg 9 Penitential Rite................................. NONE Gloria ............................................... SUNG (Mass for Life of the World) ................................................ Gather 215 Responsorial .................................... My Soul is Thirsting (Psalm 63) ....................................................... Gather 61 Gospel Acclamation ......................... SUNG (Something That is Known) Creed ............................................... SUNG (Booth) Intercessions ................................... Sung Response: “O God Hear Us. Hear Our Prayer” Sign of Peace .................................. SUNG (Something That is Known) Preparation of the Table .................. Salvation is Created ................................................................................ Choir Holy, Holy ........................................ SUNG (Holy is Your Name) Memorial Acclamation ..................... SUNG (Holy is Your Name) Doxology/AMEN .............................. SUNG (Holy is Your Name) Lord’s Prayer .................................... SUNG (Sylvester) Lamb of God .................................... SUNG (Winter Name of God) Communion ..................................... Eye Has Not Seen ......................................................................... Gather 636 Meditation ........................................ Veterans Tribute ............................................................................. Dan Nagle Sending Forth .................................. God Bless America

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CELL PHONES: Out of respect for the liturgy, please turn off all cell phones. Many thanks!!

EUCHARISTIC BREAD BAKERS: Dennis Folmar (Nov 10th), Sharon Herbert (Nov 17th), Barb Evenson (Nov 24th). If you'd like to make the Eucharistic Bread or for info, call Ruby Bauer, 426-7260. Recipes furnished.

EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TEAM #2: Ken Takacs (Captain), Carol Bourne, Jerry Bourne, Bob Buescher, Charlette Buescher (nursery/Si Lounge), Joan Ivory, Isaac Measures, Lisa Measures, Phyllis Sharp, Chris Sitko, Roger Stallkamp, Grace Takacs, Dick Firsdon.

REMINDER: We‟re still collecting goodies or donations for a basket for Linda Versic. You can give them to Mary Guilfoos, Marti Quakenbush, or Sharie McKenny. Thanks to all who have given us goodies already.

CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (CCHD). The CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty throughout America by funding organizations that help individuals help themselves. With a tradition of improving education, housing, and community economic development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Defend

human dignity. Take poverty off the map. Please give to the CCHD Collection on Nov 24th. Make checks payable to QAC with CCHD on the memo line.

HONOR FLIGHT DAYTON - NOV 10TH: Please consider coming to cheer and recognize the latest group of WWII & Korean War veterans returning from the latest Honor Flight the evening before Veteran‟s Day. These heroes never got the welcome home that they really deserved. They put their lives on hold, went to remote corners of the world, fought through horrible conditions and against great odds, so that we could live our lives free and have choices in how we live our lives. They came home, put their duffle bags in the closet, went back to work and raised their families to no fanfare…and they never asked for any. But we know what they did, and we live our lives the way we do now because they gave us the chance to do that by fighting for our safety, our rights and our beliefs. These veterans are modest, they are grateful, they are amazed that we are there, and they say thank you to our active duty military as much as we say thank you to them. As a special treat, one of our own QAC members is flying as a guardian on this flight. Kelley Cox flies often, as we know, and it would be great for her to see our faces in the crowd that evening as she comes off the plane, too. Please consider being a part of the welcoming crowd. Contact Glenn Greet for details on how to obtain a gate pass and what time to be there. I will bring notes to Mass for you, and I can be reached at 431-8242 or [email protected]. The plane arrives approximately 10:30 PM, Sunday evening,

Birthdays (Nov 10th-17th)

November 10th - NONE LISTED 11th - AJ Metzmaier, Marirose Sindoni 12th - NONE LISTED 13th - NONE LISTED 14th - Zachary Cashero 15th - NONE LISTED 16th - NONE LISTED 17th - NONE LISTED



1st - Sharon & Richard DiLorenzo 3rd - Carol Ann & Mark Cannon 8th - Mary & Dick Miller 10th - Diane & Kevin Skinner III 13th - Patti & Paul Gehred 25th - Pat & John Weissgarber

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and everyone should be at the gate no later than 8:30 PM. (Hopefully, most have off work/school on Monday to make it easier to attend).

THANK YOU, QAC: To all the volunteers who helped make our “Be the Church” weekend last month a success. Your willingness to help others was/is greatly appreciated. Our volunteers were very enthusiastic and motivated. (PS from Mary Rice: Thank you all for working so hard to make this work. I feel like I was very disconnected to this project due to my sister's illness but I am very grateful for all of you who stepped up and took over. I'm especially happy it worked well for everyone at IHN...Thanks, Mary)

ANOTHER „THANK YOU‟: Thanks to your generosity, QAC members donated over $530.00 to the “Bottles for Babies‟ campaign for Elizabeth New Life Center in October!


Mark your Calendar for Dec 8th: The Christmas Marriot Brunch is scheduled for Dec 8th. Sign up after Mass on Nov 17th, 24th and Dec 1st, with the Weissgarbers (848-6041) and the Bauers (426-7260).

NOTE: Chuck Bauer is looking for Christmas musical/seasonal actives. If anyone has any ideas please call Chuck at 426-7260.

VIDEOS WANTED: Do you have videos and DVDs that you don't want any more? Bring them to QAC & give them to Katie Metzmaier. For my „Be the Church‟ project, she is collecting videos & DVDs (in good condition) for veterans at the Veterans Hospital. When they‟re stuck in bed, someone comes around with movies, so they have something else to watch. They accept everything from „G‟ to „R.‟ (The „G‟ movies are for when their kids/grand kids come to visit). Katie Metzmaier will collect videos every week thru mid-November. Please contact Katie if you have questions...293-3643 or [email protected].

GROUP HOME THANKSGIVING DINNER - NOV 23rd: The Social Justice Ministry will host our Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for group home residents from St. Agnes-Corpus Christi Outreach Ministry. MANY volunteers are NEEDED as we must cook food at home and bring it hot & ready to eat on the morning of the event. You can cook ahead of time and bring HOT food to Si Lounge on Nov 23rd: (all food provided after Mass on Nov 17th). Green beans - need 2 more; stuffing/dressing - need 1 more. For Nov 23rd - need pumpkin & sweet potato pies delivered by 10:00 AM. Sign up in the Vestibule after Liturgy or contact LISA MEASURES at [email protected] or 271-2925 (calls - evenings ONLY, please).

CONGRATULATIONS: QACers, Danielle McCarty & Brian Boeke, were married at Queen of Apostles Chapel on Saturday, Nov 9th. Presider was Brian‟s cousin, Fr, Rob Mulenkamp. Blessings and congratulations to the newly weds.

ST. VINCENT FOOD DONATIONS: Please bring non-perishable food & good, useable clothing to the chapel vestibule any Sunday or drop off in the marked cabinets in the hallway near the Teen Room. November items: ground coffee (regular & DeCafe) and coffee creamer. The number of people seeking shelter at the St Vincent Hotel has increased, so there is a great need for new/gently used bath & hand towels, wash cloths. Questions? Contact Margie or Tom Hudnell, 429-0320, [email protected].

NEW PARENTS POTLUCK: Please plan on attending our monthly potluck, a totally free, event is for anyone who is expecting, or has babies, toddlers, or preschool aged children,

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6:00 pm, Wednesday, Nov 13th, Si Lounge. Plates/utensils provided. Bring your own beverages; Last Name A-B bring a Main Dish; C-S bring a Side Dish or Salad; T-Z bring a Dessert. Questions? Contact Jackie Andrews, (937) 885-3631.or [email protected].

ST LUKE CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: The annual St Luke Christmas Bazaar takes place on Saturday, Nov 23rd, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM & Sunday, Nov 24th, 9:00 AM-2:00 PM, St Luke School, 1442 N. Fairfield Rd, Beavercreek. Admission is FREE and features homemade baked goods & candy, handcrafted goods, holiday decorations, used books, CD‟s, DVD‟s, puzzles and games. The bazaar includes music, entertainment, delicious food and, of course, Santa Claus.

GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRIES 2013 CHRISTMAS WISH LIST (listed by priority): Forever book of stamps; $15, 25, 35, 50 gift cards (Wal-Mart, Lowes, Kroger); Vacuum sweeper bags- upright!; Antibacterial Cleaning products (i.e. Mr. Clean, Lysol); Can openers-manual (new); Alarm clocks; Bus tokens; Ecology light bulbs; Thermal tops & bottoms (L, XL, XXL); Cooking tongs, spatulas, metal hamburger flippers; Ping-pong balls; Extension cords (6‟ 25‟ 50‟ 100‟); White Christmas string lights (non-icicle type); Dishcloths; Toilet paper; Shampoo; Underwear (L, XL XXL); T-shirts (L, XL, XXL); Toothpaste; Bar soap (fragrant deodorant soaps preferred...i.e. Irish Spring); Razors; Bike locks w/cable; Dish soap; Scrub brushes; Napkins; Whiteout.

PASTORAL CONSULTATION: An opportunity for QAC members to meet with Fr. Tom Schroer to address spiritual concerns, personal or family issues, including crises or challenges in one‟s life (short term & consultative). There is NO FEE for this service. Please make appointments thru Deacon Greg at 429-0510.


CANA II MARRIAGE PREP: The Family and Respect Life Office offers a specialized Team-Couple-led marriage preparation program for couples preparing to enter a second marriage called Cana II. This day long program offers presentations & topics that are unique to those who are entering a second marriage. We‟re making an appeal to practicing Catholics throughout the Archdiocese in order for this program to be successful. We‟re looking for Catholic couples living in successful second marriages to help with this program. We‟d like these couples to present a topic that is necessary for couples to explore before entering the sacrament of marriage a second time. There will be approx. 2 planning meetings to attend and Cana II is offered to couples in the Dayton/Northern area three times a year. If you are in a second marriage, please prayerfully consider helping in this much needed ministry. The Family and Respect Life Office has resources that can be utilized in order for couples to put a successful “talk” together. We just need some brave (and fun) couples willing to help. If interested, call Noreen Wendeln, Dayton Family Life Office, (937) 222-0227 or email [email protected].

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR: Elizabeth‟s New Life Center‟s Christmas Bazaar in support of Marriage Works! Ohio, Sunday, Nov 10th, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM, Emmanuel Catholic Church, 149 Franklin St, Dayton. Features a wonderful Christmas collection from an upscale boutique, donated in support of our marriage education programs. Each featured item will be available to take home with a donation, a minimum 30% off the price listed, to Marriage Works! Ohio. Please stop by to learn more about Marriage Works, enjoy some refreshments, and stock up on great bargains on Christmas decor!

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“A LITTLE PIECE OF HEAVEN”: Carroll High School Freedom Players will perform “A Little Piece of Heaven,” Nov 10th, 2:00 PM, Carroll HS gymnasium, 4524 Linden Ave., Dayton. Produced by special arrangement with Heuer Publishing LLC of Cedar Rapids, Iowa and written by Matthew Carlin, this play is a tale of a small town shop where lost items are found, friendship‟s formed, and angels are in charge! Starring Eric Dahlstrom, Anna Schlegel, Jacob Ollier and Emily Marticello, it includes over 40 Carroll students in the cast and crew. Student leaders are Mercedes Warren, Maddie Carter, Robert Skiple, Ben Seiter, and Craig Iannacchione. The Carroll Freedom Players are directed by Mrs. Toni Weitz and Miss Diane Walters. Stage Director is Mr. Jack Glaser. Tickets: Students & Seniors - $6.00; Adults - $8.00; Sunday „Bingo‟ package - $15.00; Children 5 and under FREE! Purchase at the door.

WOMEN'S MORNING OF REFLECTION: Schedule your time to be with the Holy Spirit now before the Holiday Season is upon us! Please join Fr. John Bullock, LC and Fr. Matthew Summe, L.C. for Mass, Confessions, Spiritual talks and social on Tuesday, Nov 12th, St. Charles Parish. Registration 9:15 AM and Mass at 9:30 in the Day Chapel. Talks and social to follow. Babysitting provided, please call Karen Connair, 433-2783 or Barbette Whelan, 293-1438. Hosted by the Women of Regnum Christi.

MARIAN MOVIE EVENT: "THE TRIUMPH"…a new documentary film about our Blessed Mother and Medjugorje, Wednesday, Nov 13th, 7:30 PM, The Neon. Presale tickets only $10/each, available at www.loveydoveyinc.org or 937-367-8013. Visit www.thetriumph.org for movie trailer.

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND: Last one for 2013...Nov 15th-17th, the Maria Stein

Retreat Center, Maria Stein, OH. A prompt response is encouraged to avoid the waiting list. For more details or reservations call Dave & Jan Stockelman, 513-251-1940 or 1-800-547-1251 Code 00 –OR- visit www.esharing.org.

CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: Sunday, Nov 17th, 2:00–4:00 PM. Join us for this special afternoon for parents and prospective students to speak with Principal Matt Sableski, current parents and students and our dedicated faculty and staff about the unique opportunities available at Carroll. A Catholic education in a value-centered environment where students are educated to be more, do more! Visit www.carrollhs.org/classof2018.

ITE MISSA EST EVENT - CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT: A Study of the Letter to the Ephesians. Wednesday, Nov 20th, 7:00-8:30 PM, Immaculate Conception Parish, 2300 S. Smithville Rd., Dayton, (937) 252-9919...presented by Fr. Satish Joseph. Paul lived in Ephesus for over two years and he knew this church intimately, but as he writes this letter he is in prison. If our last Bible study on the Galatians focused on Christ, this letter focuses on the Church, of which Christ is the head. His focus is on the unity of the Church. This unity comes because of One Lord, one faith, one baptism and the One God. To know what Paul is passionately concerned about the church even from prison is truly amazing. One cannot read this letter seriously without examining being lead to examine ones attitudes toward the church, the community and of course, Jesus Christ. This sure will be an inspirational evening. FREE!

ATTENTION CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1998! 15 years have flown by and it is time to catch up with our 'ole pals. You‟ll get a chance to do just that at 7:00 PM, Fricker‟s Bar & Grill (Woodman Dr.), Friday, Nov 29th. This rare opportunity only happens once every 5 years!

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No RSVP needed – just show up and plan to have a great time! Questions? Contact [email protected] or visit www.carrollhs.org/reunions.

CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL invites students and parents of the Class of 2018 to many exciting opportunities happening at Carroll just for you! Every Thursday in November – Shadow Days for students. Nov 18th, 20th, 22nd – 8th Grade Visit Days Nov 23rd – High School Placement Test Some events require registration. Visit www.carrollhs.org/classof2018 and find out why it‟s a great day to be a Patriot! If you have questions, contact Jodi Shannon, Director of Admissions, at (937) 253-8188 x314 or [email protected].

CINCINNATI ARTS ASSOCIATION PERFORMANCE OF “THE PRIESTS”: The Association is offering discounted tickets to all Archdiocese of Cincinnati parishioners for the Nov 19th performance. The Priests are Fr. Martin O‟Hagan, Fr. Eugene O‟Hagan, and Fr. David Delargy, classical tenors and Catholic priests from Ireland. Visit www.CincinnatiArts.org/promotions and use promotion code CATHOLIC for the discount.

INTERFAITH FORUM OF GREATER DAYTON – announces our fall series titled “The Origins of Sacred Writings.” Presentation from 3:00-5:00 PM at Christ United Methodist Church, 3440 Shroyer Rd., Foster Hall, located on the north end of the third floor. If you would like to bring a treat to share, please do not include any pork or shellfish products.

Nov 17th: Rabbi Joshua Ginsberg will address the Sacred Writings of Judaism. Rabbi Ginsberg is the Rabbi at Beth Abraham Synagogue.

THE GOLF BALL A golfer, playing a round by himself, is about to tee off when a salesman runs up to him and yells, "Wait! Before you tee off, I have something really amazing to show you!"

The golfer, annoyed, says, "What is it"?

"It's a special golf ball," says the salesman. "You can never lose it!"

"Whattaya mean," scoffs the golfer, "you can never lose it? What if you hit it into the water"?

"No problem," says the salesman. "It floats, it detects where the shore is and spins towards it."

"Well, what if you hit it into the woods"?

"Easy," says the salesman. "It emits a beeping sound and you can find it with your eyes closed."

"Okay," says the golfer, impressed. "But what if your round goes late and it gets dark"?

"No problem. This golf ball glows in the dark! I'm telling you, you can never lose this golf ball!"

The golfer buys it at once. "Just one question," he says to the salesman. "Where did you get it"?

"I found it."

Thank you, veterans, for your willingness to serve so that we might enjoy the great gift of freedom. Your sacrifices and your love of God and country make it all possible!

God bless you all!

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BAPTISMS: Planning on having your baby baptized during Mass? Contact Judy Potter (426-7688), Liturgy Planning Coordinator. If after Mass, contact Deacon Greg (429-0510). Either MUST be accomplished AT LEAST 2 MONTHS before the baptism date. You must also attend a Baptism class (call Deacon Greg)...you don‟t have to wait until your child is born to attend! If no reservations made one week prior, class is canceled.

Remaining Classes for 2013: Nov 17th Dec 22nd Classes for 2014: Jan 18th Feb 15th Mar 5th Apr 19th May 17th Jun 15th Jul 20th Aug 17th Sep 21st Oct 19th

NOTE: NO BAPTISMS during Lent or during Mass in Advent (before or after Mass in Advent is still your option)!

*** *** *** *** ***

MARIANIST L.I.F.E. (LIVING IN FAITH EXPERIENCE) NOTE: Snacks/Social 6:30-7:00 PM; Meeting/Prayer 7:00-9:15 PM, Si Lounge

(unless otherwise noted)

Nov 10th - Bring Your Parent to LIFE Night! - Jackie and D.C. Nov 17th - Julianne and Claire Nov 24th - Adopt-a-Family Shopping...12:00-3:00 PM. Dec 1st - No Meeting - Happy Thanksgiving! Dec 8th - Bake Sale - at church. Advent/Christmas Dinner - evening. Dec 15th - Movie Night Dec 22nd - No Meeting Dec 29th - No Meeting 2014 Jan 5th - Ella and Jackie Jan 12th - Lee and Emmy

Welcome to L.I.F.E.! Looking for a place where you can come and just be yourself and feel connected with others and with God? Then look no further. Join us Sunday evenings, 6:30-7:00 PM when we have social and snack time, and from 7:00-9:15 PM for our youth planned and implemented meetings. In Marianist LIFE we build a community, we share, we grow, and we support one another on our faith journeys. Call Maggie Atkinson (258-3702), [email protected] for more info. Or better yet see what other L.I.F.E.rs have to say about it! Open to all 9th-12th graders!

NEXT WEEK: Presider: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M.

Cycle C - Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Malachi 3:19-20a; 2 Thessalonians 3:7-12; Luke 21:5-19

Visit: http://www.usccb.org/nab/


The Maccabean Brothers all seek to live first in the Kingdom of God rather than in this present life. Are you willing to give of yourself for the Kingdom as well?

(2 Macc. 7:1-2,9-14)

Please pray for vocations to the lay ministries, priesthood, diaconate, and dedicated religious life.

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QAC INFORMATION PLEASE … .. Pastor/Priest Coordinator: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M., [email protected] .. Pastoral Associate/Secretary: Deacon Greg Cecere (Office: 429-0510). Office Hours: Tues & Thurs (3:30-7:30 PM), Wed/Fri/Sat (8:00 AM-Noon) .. Adult Faith Formation (AFF): VACANT .. Altar Server Coordinator: Sharon Herbert (256-6417) [email protected] .. Baptism Coordinator: Deacon Greg Cecere, [email protected] .. Breakfast Club: Jack Simpson (372-2883), [email protected] .. Communications Coordinator: Mary Rice (426-1941), [email protected] .. Community Coordinator: Ken Takacs (754-0748), [email protected] .. Community Ministry: Terri Blanken (723-0151 or 372-3014), [email protected] .. Fellowship: Marie Restivo (Donut & Bagel Sunday), (320-5961) .. Hospitality: Marti Quakenbush (429-9224), [email protected] .. Director of Music: Teesie Chandler (305-7996), [email protected] .. Eucharistic Bread Baker Coordinator: Ruby Bauer (426-7260) .. Eucharistic Minister Coords: Darlene Stout (426-9524), [email protected], Amie Herbert, [email protected] .. Finance Coordinator: Tom McCrate (848-7712), [email protected] .. Futures Committee: Bob Brookey, [email protected] .. Interpreter Coordinator for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: Michelle Petrie, (409-2992), [email protected] .. L.I.F.E. Group: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected] .. Liturgy Coordinator: Judy Potter (426-7688), [email protected] .. Membership: Marilyn Nagle, (298-8908), [email protected]; Joan Ivory (689-8259), [email protected], information/applications. .. Ministry of Consoling: Steve Guilfoos, (429-4512), [email protected] .. QAC Office Phone & FAX: 429-0881/Email: [email protected] .. QA Seniors: Ruby & Chuck Bauer (426-7260), [email protected] .. RE Coordinator: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), [email protected], Office Hours: Sun (7:30 AM-10:30 PM); Tues (8:00 AM-4:00 PM) .. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: VACANT .. SOCIAL JUSTICE: Chris Sitko (429-4173), Jack/Nimfa Simpson (372-2883) .. SPIRIT Newsletter: Chris Penick & Steve Nordmeyer, [email protected] .. Stewardship Committee: Kevin Skinner, 427-4507, [email protected] .. Web Master: Bill Perry (429-5807), [email protected] .. Weddings, Funerals, etc.: Deacon Greg Cecere (429-0510), [email protected]

SERVERS / GREETERS SCHEDULE Month Servers Greeters Nov 10th Marti & Tom Quakenbush Gina & Glenn Greet 17th Sierra Groff & Claire Wylie Dan & Marilyn Nagle 24th Drew & Brittany Nanda Pat Hale & Tim Connair Dec 1st Mike Herbert & Parker Cox Pat & John Weissgarber 8th Bethany Ulring & Lindsey Ulring Gina & Glenn Greet 15th Amie Herbert & Maria Elena Jimenez Dan & Marilyn Nagle 22nd Pat Hale & Tim Connair 29th Bob & Carol Volk 2014

Page 12: A Member of the Marianist Family 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Timeqac-ohio.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/32nd-Ordinary... · 2013-11-08 · 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time: “May our Lord





WANT TO JOIN OUR COMMUNITY, please give us your name, phone

number and email address and we will contact you.





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ANNOUNCEMENTS - to be placed in Bulletin for the following:




Please run in Bulletin for these dates:

You may email your announcement to Deacon Greg at [email protected]

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SI LOUNGE RESERVATION: Please reserve Si Lounge for the following:

Program/Date(s) Required:

Title of Function:

Room(s) Needed/Times:

Contact Person/Phone Number:

Or call in your reservation to the QAC Office at 429-0510. If you have any

questions, please call Deacon Greg on Tue/Thu, 3:30-7:30 PM, Wed/Fri or

Sat, 8:00 AM-Noon at the QAC Office, 429-0510.