I AM THE VINE, YOU ARE THE BRANCHES” (John 15:5) SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2020 A MESSAGE FROM OUR CLERGY "...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews12:1b) Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Certainly, this is a time of trials. It is a time of suffering, distress, and anxiety. What will come next? Will I be able to gain employment? Will I be able to keep my job? Will I be able to keep my house? Will I be able to pay my expenses? Will I… Will I… Will I…? Truly, to stay in this mode of questioning, on a continual basis, would lead one into a spiral of anxiety and mental distress, to the point of incapacity. Why, do you ask, are my priests writing about thoughts that trouble me? I look to the church for relief from my burdens. I watch the services online in order to feel uplifted. I am now able to attend services in person (thank God!), and, while not the ideal, none-the-less provide me access to worship of the Almighty God, with my parish family, and access to the most precious gift in the entire cosmos - the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why, do you ask, are the clergy writing in this manner? It is to relate - we too suffer in a like manner. The worries, fear and anxiety for our families, and our parish, are the same as your own. We do not know what the governing voices of our nation and state will tell us next about COVID-19, but we pray it will be good news for all of us. AND YET, we DO know that, in these uncertain times, and at all times, in all seasons of life, we can look to Christ, the “author...of our faith”, for consolation. And not consolation only, but a rationale for our hardships, and a path forward, which grows within us courage, steadfastness, and all things which are unto eternal life. In St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapter 12, he encourages the believers: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:1-2). St. Paul himself endured unimaginable hardships - shipwrecks, being whipped five different times, being beaten several times, imprisonment, and more (cf 2 COR 11:24-28). Yet, his physical sufferings do not hinder him from encouraging the Hebrews to be patient in their endurance ( ... δι’ ὑπομονῆς τρέχωμεν”) of the trials which they face. And how does he tell them to be patient? By looking to Jesus! (“... ἀφορῶντες εἰς τὸν τῆς πίστεως ἀρχηγὸν καὶ τελειωτὴν Ἰησοῦν”) Let us see the way He endured. Let us call upon Him for assistance, and let us “put our back to the plow”, to endure in our trials and labors, imitating Him who Continued on Page 4

A MESSAGE FROM OUR CLERGY2020/01/01  · Konstantine Karafotis April 1, 2020 Mike Riskas April 23, 2020 Minos Xilikakis May 15, 2020 Paraskevi Voula Karafotis May 21, 2020 Ioannis

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    "...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith"

    (Hebrews12:1b) Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Certainly, this is a time of trials. It is a time of suffering, distress, and anxiety. What will come next? Will I be able to gain employment? Will I be able to keep my job? Will I be able to keep my house? Will I be able to pay my expenses? Will I… Will I… Will I…? Truly, to stay in this mode of questioning, on a continual basis, would lead one into a spiral of anxiety and mental distress, to the point of incapacity. Why, do you ask, are my priests writing about thoughts that trouble me? I look to the church for relief from my burdens. I watch the services online in order to feel uplifted. I am now able to attend services in person (thank God!), and, while not the ideal, none-the-less provide me access to worship of the Almighty God, with my parish family, and access to the most precious gift in the entire cosmos - the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why, do you ask, are the clergy writing in this manner? It is to relate - we too suffer in a like manner. The worries, fear and anxiety for our families, and our parish, are the same as your own. We do not know what the governing voices of our nation and state will tell us next about COVID-19, but we pray it will be good news for all of us. AND YET, we DO know that, in these uncertain times, and at all times, in all seasons of life, we can look to Christ, the “author...of our faith”, for consolation. And not consolation only, but a rationale for our hardships, and a path forward, which grows within us courage, steadfastness, and all things which are unto eternal life. In St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews, Chapter 12, he encourages the believers:

    "Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Hebrews 12:1-2).

    St. Paul himself endured unimaginable hardships - shipwrecks, being whipped five different times, being beaten several times, imprisonment, and more (cf 2 COR 11:24-28). Yet, his physical sufferings do not hinder him from encouraging the Hebrews to be patient in their endurance ( ...δι’ ὑπομονῆς τρέχωμεν”) of the trials which they face. And how does he tell them to be patient? By looking to Jesus! (“...ἀφορῶντες εἰς τὸν τῆς πίστεως ἀρχηγὸν καὶ τελειωτὴν Ἰησοῦν”) Let us see the way He endured. Let us call upon Him for assistance, and let us “put our back to the plow”, to endure in our trials and labors, imitating Him who

    Continued on Page 4



    (714) 827-0181



    Parish Council President ........................................................................................ Kostas Kapogianis Philoptochos President ............................................................................................ Dena Mavritsakis Religious Education ................................................................. . Christina Baglin and Nancy Foxhall Chantor .................................................................................................................... Ross Spyropoulos Sexton ............................................................................................................................... Bluy Derseh

    Senior Citizens (St. John’s Golden Stars) ......................................................................... Julie Sarres Organist/Choir Director .................................................................................................. Elsa Libowitz Office Manager. ............................................................................................................ Pennie Contos Secretary ............................................................................................................................................... Custodian .............................................................................................................................José Perez

    SCHEDULE OF SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES Orthros & Divine Liturgy..........................9:00 A.M.

    Memorials at Conclusion of Divine Liturgy Fellowship in Church Hall Following Divine Liturgy



    Parish programs are on hiatus or on a modified schedule until further notice.



    Please visit us at: www.stjohnanaheim.org

    Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

    @StJohnBaptist-Anaheim CA

    The Church website provides the ability to make online payments for your Stewardship Pledge, candle donation or other offerings on the Giving tab; www.stjohnanaheim.org. You can select a one time payment or schedule recurring payments.



    Please remember to submit a 2019 Stewardship Pledge Form.



    January 24, 2020 Peter Haretakis

    March 1, 2020 Chris Sarantos

    March 19, 2020

    Konstantine Karafotis

    April 1, 2020 Mike Riskas

    April 23, 2020

    Minos Xilikakis

    May 15, 2020 Paraskevi Voula Karafotis

    May 21, 2020

    Ioannis Pazarentzos

    May 8, 2020 Manolis Tsarnas

    June 7, 2020

    George John Giannikas

    July 1, 2020 Evangelos Benardis

    July 23, 2020

    Theodoros Patzanakidis

    July 29, 2020 Konstantinos Kotsiovos

    August 5, 2020

    Nikolaos Dogatzis


    February 23, 2020 Despina Mpikou - 40 Days

    March 1, 2020

    Jean Koclanakis - 40 Days Peter George - 1 Year

    Katherine Bisbas Cote - Year Eleni Kokkinos - 5 Years

    Dimitrios Kokkinos - 15 Years

    March 15, 2020 Florian Buda - 6 Months

    Doris Alta Bookas - 2 Years Nick Anas - 3 Years

    April 5, 2020

    Chris Sarantos—40 Days

    May 3, 2020 Kiki Ballas—40 Days

    George Ballas—19 Years Prayer for the memory of Ioannis Minoudis

    May 17, 2020

    For the repost of all our Departed AHEPANs

    In memory of the Victims of the Pontian Genocide

    May 24, 2020

    Ioannis D. Minoudis—40 Days Bess Stavrakes—1 Year

    May 31, 2020

    Minos Xilikakis—40 Days Antonios Fidelis—1 Year

    June 14, 2020

    Manolis Tsarnas—40 Days Father Nicholas Andrews—7 Years

    Father George Hadjis—36 Years

    June 21, 2020 George Chatzis—6 Months

    June 28, 2020

    Athanasios Tragos—2 Years Venetta Birakos—6 Years

    July 5, 2020

    Ioannis Pazarentzos—40 Days James Adraktas—1 Year Dean Adraktas—6 Years

    July 12, 2020

    George Giannikas—40 Days George Psaras—2 Years

    July 19, 2020 In remembrance of all those who

    lost their lives during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus

    in 1974. Thrassivoulos Moysidis—18 years

    August 2, 2020

    Petros Parr—10 Years Orietta Scotes—15 Years

    August 9, 2020

    Evangelos Benardis—40 Days Niki Tountas—1 Year

    August 30, 2020

    Theodoros Patzanakidis—40 Days Chris Sarantos—6 Months

    Ioanna (Joan) Christofer—4 Years

    September 6, 2020 Konstantinos Kotsiovos—40 Days

    George Giannikas—3 Months Nikolaos Rados—10 Years Kalliopi Rados—23 Years



  • A MESSAGE FROM OUR CLERGY (Continued) “...for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God”. In other words, Christ already knew the outcome of His labors. Being God, He knew if He submitted Himself to the cross and death, that He would be resurrected by the Father, and death itself would be defeated. He had to endure the most extreme suffering any human could endure, and He did so freely, out of love for us! Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord - let us also endure this time of the Novel CoronaVirus. May we not fall into despair over the restrictions which distance us from one another, nor from the dangers of this new illness, which does threaten our world; especially the more vulnerable among us. Instead, let us take our worries, our cares, and anxiety, and use it like “spiritual rocket fuel”, propelling prayer up to the heavens. Rockets use both solid and liquid fuel to propel themselves into space. So too, let us use the solid fuel of physical activity in prayer (the komboskini, the metania, the proseuhitarion/prayerbook, the tithe), accompanied by the liquid fuel of tears & sighs in prayer, so that, by doing our spiritual work, the Lord will find room in us to do His work too!

    Further, we, as the community of St. Johns must work with both intensity and intentionality, for our parish’s betterment & survival. No fish arrives at the spawning grounds unless it swims against the current. In other words, our continuance is directly related to our own personal efforts. “Therefore...let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith”. Often people do not choose the crosses we receive, but we are taught by our Lord to grow through them, with effort, and reliance upon Him. With Christ as our focus, let us support one another by calling and checking on each other. Let us not let one “sheep” fall into isolation. Further, let us offer a physical manifestation of our faith through our stewardship. By being timely and giving in our financial offerings to the church, we ensure the “brick-and-mortar” continuance of St. Johns. This time of travail will pass. The doors will again open. And we shall enter, singing the triumphal hymn, “Come Let us worship and fall down before Christ! Save us, O Son of God, Who are risen from the dead, as we sing to You, Alleluia!”

    With Love in the Lord,

    Fr. John Kariotakis, Proistamenos Fr. Constantine Trumpower, Assistant Priest

  • Widespread (Purple) Outdoor only with modifications Substantial (Red) Indoor with modifications Indoor activities must be limited to 25% of capacity or 100 people, whichever is less Moderate (Orange) Indoor with modifications Indoor activities must be limited to 50% of capacity or 200 people, whichever is less Minimal (Yellow) Indoor with modifications Indoor activities must be limited to 50% of capacity


    I want to thank you all for your patience and understanding as we implemented the COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions issued by the State of California, County of Orange and the Metropolis of San Francisco. A special thank you to Yianni Kouloumbis and his Eagle Scout Project for our new live-streaming system, Peter Loukatos for assisting with upgrading our sound system, and the many parishioners volunteering to help at check-in table or set up our services outdoors under the tent. It truly was and is a community effort.

    What happens now? At the end of August, the State of California issued the new “Blueprint for a Safer Economy.” The Blueprint outlines the State’s plans to reduce COVID-19 with revised criteria for loosening and tightening restrictions on activities. Every county in California is assigned to a tier based on its rate of new cases and positivity. To move forward, a county must meet the next tier’s criteria for two consecutive weeks. If a county’s metrics worsen for two consecutive weeks, it will go backwards a tier. See Tier structure and guidelines below.

    What does this mean for St. John the Baptist. Today, Orange County is assigned to the Substantial (Red) Tier. Indoor Church Services has resumed and attendance is limited to 25% or 100 people. All other guidelines remain in place: masks are required, 6’ social distancing, maintaining list of attendees at all services, no social gatherings, and so on. We ask that you continue to sign-up to attend Church. If the sign-up is full, please call the Church Office about alternative seating. We do not turn anyone away from attending Church.

    We will continue to monitor the State’s guidelines, Orange County’s status on the tier level and the Metropolis’ Guidelines for Parishes. When there is new information or significant changes, we will notify the community through e-mail and social media.

    I understand that all these changes can be confusing. Trust me, I know!. I ask you for your continued patience and understanding as we move forward on this new pathway. Thank you again.

    Cynthia Kezos Reopening Committee Lead

    Tiers and Guidelines for Places of Worship

  • SEPTEMBER 2020

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 2 3 Zoom Book Study 7pm



    6 13th Sunday of Matthew Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    7 Zoom Studies of Faith, 7pm

    8 Nativity of Theotokos Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am


    10 Zoom Book Study 7pm


    12 Zoom Church School Begins 10am

    13 Sunday Before Holy Cross Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    14 Elevation of the Holy Cross Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    15 16 Zoom Greek School Classes Begin, 4pm

    17 Zoom Book Study 7pm

    18 19 Zoom Church School, 10am

    20 Sunday After Holy Cross Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    21 Zoom Studies of Faith, 7pm

    22 23 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm

    24 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm Zoom Book Study 7pm

    25 26 Zoom Church School, 10am

    27 1st Sunday of Luke Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    28 Zoom Studies of Faith, 7pm

    29 30 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm

    Online Clergy Laity Conference

  • OCTOBER 2020

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm Zoom Book Study 7pm

    2 3 Zoom Church School Begins 10am

    4 2nd Sunday of Luke Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    5 Zoom Studies of Faith, 7pm

    6 7 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm

    8 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm Zoom Book Study, 7pm

    9 10

    11 Sunday of the 7th Ecumenical Council Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    12 Zoom Studies of Faith, 7pm

    13 14 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm

    15 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm Zoom Book Study 7pm

    16 17 Zoom Church School Begins 10am

    18 Luke the Evangelist Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    19 Zoom Studies of Faith, 7pm

    20 21 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm

    22 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm Zoom Book Study 7pm

    23 24 Zoom Church School Begins 10am

    25 6th Sunday of Luke Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am

    26 St. Demetrios Orthros & Divine Liturgy, 9am Zoom Studies of Faith, 7pm

    27 28 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm

    29 Zoom Greek School Classes 4pm Zoom Book Study 7pm

    30 31 Zoom Church School Begins 10am

    OC Greek Festi-Go!

    OC Greek Festi-Go!

    Set– Up For OC Greek Festi-Go!

    Clean-Up Festi-Go!

  • “To help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the widowed, those with disabilities and the victims of disasters…”

    These last few months Philoptochos has lived our mission statement. We have all been challenged in so many ways since the beginning of the pandemic. Yet, Philoptochos was at the forefront to offer assistance where ever assistance was needed. We have learned that we love our church more than ever and we miss our church – we realized how important it is to be present in Church and feel the Holy Spirit surround us as we pray. We miss the fellowship – the after Church refreshments, Golden Stars luncheons, Philoptochos activities, Greek school, Greek dance, the list goes on. But we adapted, calls were made to check in on friends, notes sent. Keep on making contact with people in our St. John the Baptist community. #philokind Some of our Philoptochos activities since the spring include:

    Surprise delivery of koulourakia and tsoureki at Easter to some of our community’s shut-ins. This was a joint activity with Philoptochos and the Parish Council.

    Weekly volunteering at the OC Food Bank packing boxes

    of non-perishable food or working FOCUS food distribution events at Santa Ana College, Main Place Mall, San Juan Capistrano, and at our very own St. John the Baptist parking lot.

    The breakdown of food distributed at the St. John the Baptist food distribution. People received a

    25 pound box of fruit and vegetables, a box of non-perishable food and frozen meals.

    July 11th – 325 cars representing approximately 1500 people July 18th – 461 cars representing approximately 1800 people July 25th – 664 cars representing approximately 2700 people

    Delivered a meal to the Ronald McDonald House for the residents. Donated $500 to FOCUS to assist with their effort to help the needy. Donated $500 to Caterina’s Club. Caterina’s Club has provided over 1 million meals to the needy

    since the pandemic started! Donated $500 to National Philoptochos to assist with COVID-19 relief efforts. Held a fundraising drive for Operation Classroom during July and August to purchase school

    supplies for Peter Marshall School. We delivered the following representing $1000 in supplies: 5 cases of white copy paper 5 reams of card stock 450 pencils 240 mini dry erase erasers 2000 3x5 index cards 150 composition books 400 sheet protectors 360 dry erase markers

    Philoptochos made another surprise delivery of a Divine Liturgy book, Panagia icon, candles and

    koulourakia to some of the shut-in members of our St. John the Baptist Community before the Dormition of the Theotokos.

  • The food distribution in our parking lot was amazing. So many people from our community came together to help on those 3 Saturdays in July. AHEPA, GOYA, Greek Dance, Philoptochos and members of St. John the Baptist came to help. It was beautiful!

    National Philoptochos introduced a new initiative – “Kindness Counts”, #philokind. The initiative is simply to spread kindness. I challenge all of you to participate in “Kindness Counts” – use social media to spread kindness, be kind to your community, your parish, support and thank first responders. Above all, don’t forget to be kind to yourself! Make a gratitude list, everyday write down 2 things you are grateful for; it doesn’t have to be elaborate. It can be something as simple as taking the time to cut flowers out of your garden or making that recipe you’ve always wanted to try or reading a book – or about doing nothing at all. I look forward to seeing all of you soon! With God’s Love Blessings, Dena Mavritsakis Philoptochos President

    SOCKTOBER is just around the corner. Philoptochos will be collecting donations and/or socks during the month of October for the needy in our community. Stock up on those socks now. Look for the sock

    collection tub starting in October.


    In a time of crisis, many people turn to their Church or a neighborhood Church for spiritual guidance or assistance. We have been blessed that we have been able to assist those who have knocked on our doors over the past 6 months with a friendly face to talk to on the steps of our Church or with Food Boxes or grocery store gift cards. We are in need of $25 grocery store cards (Target, Walmart, Stater Brothers, etc.). This crisis will continue for a while and we know that more of our parishioners and neighbors will need assistance. If you can help, please bring the gift cards to Church or mail them to the Church Office. Thank you in advance for opening your heart and paying it forward to someone in need.

  • Dear St. John the Baptist community, We hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy! As a result of COVID-19 our annual festival was postponed from May to October. The festival not only represents the church’s largest fundraising event of the year but is also the largest social event. The festival brings all of us together – from the months of preparation to the 3 days of celebrating with the entire community! While there is no way to replicate the traditional festival these days, we are bringing the community together with a modified version of our traditional festival. This year’s festival will be conducted as a drive-thru only, offering food to-go on October 10th and October 11th. The “to-go” aspect transforms our festival into a “FESTI-GO!!”! A menu of everyone’s favorite items will be available. Orders for food may be placed in advance or in person. Our friendly volunteers will deliver the orders directly to the cars in the drive-thru, while adhering to social distancing practices. Taking into consideration today’s environment, we hope you can support the FESTI-GO!! any way you can by:

    Donating via the adopt-a booth; Purchasing food; Volunteering your time; or Sharing the flyer with friends and family.

    Your thoughts and prayers for good health of our community and to a successful FESTI-GO!! are always appreciated. Finally, please do not hesitate to let us know how the church can help you – as a community we are all here to help each other. Thank you for your support of the 2020 FESTI-GO!! Sincerely, 2020 FESTI-GO!! Committee

  • Dear Fellow Parishioners, We can’t thank you enough for your generosity towards your stewardship commitment these last six months. We are truly blessed by how many parishioners have shown their love for our Parish by fulfilling their stewardship and many have been so kind to increase their stewardship. For those parishioners that have not committed themselves to our Stewardship Program, please consider doing so. It’s not too late. We need everyone’s participation especially during these times. Please remember that we, the stewards of the Church are called the caretakers of our Church. Offering our time, talents and treasure helps us become an active member in our Church community. We cannot depend on special events to meet our budget, for this is our direct responsibility. Stewardship places the responsibility on us, because we the recipients of Gods gift. God’s many blessing, Raza Kitsigianis Stewardship Committee Chairperson

    St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church

    2020 Stewardship As of September 10, 2020

    337 Stewards Pledged

    Budget*** $355,000

    Pledged 325,988


    Paid 267,034


    Let’s Break that Thermometer With over $400,000 Paid Pledges!!!

    ***Original 2020 Budget assumed we would receive revenue from the Festival, Street Fair and Hall Rentals.

  • Father John Kariotakis Father Constantine Trumpower & Pres. Adrienne Alam, George & Tina Alevizos, Dr John & Georgia Alexopoulos, Themis & Nia Amandos, Mary Amin, Vivian & Mike Beirami Anas, Eleni Antoniou, Alice Arvanitis, Ann August, Bertha Awadalla, Constandi & Angelina Axiotis, James & Jerri Baglin, Gerald Baglin, Jason & Christina Ballas, Kiki+ Bangos, Steven & Patricia Basdakis, Dino & Maria Becris, Peter & Helen Begakis, Nick & Sophia Begakis, Pete & Maria Benardis, Evangelos+ & Vasiliki Benardis, Peter & Regina Benetatos, Harry & Penny Bizakis, Anthony Bizakis, Maria Blackwell, Michael & Christy Bobrofsky, Steven & Yeoryia Bogris, Paul & Sophia Bogris, Theodore & Mary Bogris, Yana Bonorris, Lela Bonorris, Maria Borovilos, George & Maria Bostinelos, Dianna Bostinelos, George & Melody Botros, Hany & Vasiliki Boussiacos, Angelo & Connie Bovetas, Sotiria Brailas, Mihale Brasinikas, Nicholas Burns, Robert & Nikki Dovalis-Burns Callas, James & Joanne Callas, Nicholas Callas-Campbell, Elene & Dennis Campbell Cantonis, Anne Cantonis, George & Robin Carras, Ernest Chakos, John & Angela Chapralis, Andrew & Margo Chase, Gene & Frances Chase, John Chatzipetrou, Nicholas & Catherine Chatzis, George & Ekaterini Chrest, Freda Christ, Catherine

    Christ, Nick & Electra Christian, Sophia Christides, Jim & Giota Christopoulos, Chris & Tamarah Christou, Andreas & Sophia Shakolas Chrysovergis, Takis & Amanda Chryssogelos, Andrew & Kiki Contos, Dukas Contos, Penelope Contos, Vasilis & Voula Cote, Richard Counelis, Hon. Steven & Stacia Culp, Aleko Culp, Gary Anton & Georgia Dalis, Tom & Eleni Dallas, Tom & Patricia Davis, Dawn Alexandra Demopoulos, Chris & Rosa Deralas, William+ & Anastasia Deralas, Chris Diamant, Nick & Angie Dimarogonas, James & Andromache Dimopoulos, Argiros & Brenda Dimopoulos, John & Stephanie Dionisiou, Michael & Sandy Douglass, Jon & Voula Doukas, Spiro & Demetra Dourbetas, Alex & Christina Dourbetas, Nico & Niki Economy, Melteades & Jeanie Eggleston, Kostas Ellis, David & Georgia Ann Erwin, Michael & Domina Evans, William & Karmen Feles, George & Kalliope Finn, Michael & Cynthia Foskaris, Athanasios & Efthimia Foskaris, Maria Fournaris, George & Michelle

    Tsachpinis Foutris, Dino & Connie Frousiakis, George & Maria Gabriel, Gavriel & Leida Gabriel, Katerina Gabriel, Spiro & Roula Gabrielian, Leon & Elly Galanakis, George & Laura Gamvrellis, Dimitri Garcia, Gregory Garcia, Jose & Chrisann Gatsinaris, George & Eva Gatsinaris, Vasilis & Sara Gavriiloglou, Gavril & Yuliana George, Constance Georgitsis, Peter & Vassiliki Georgouses, Demetra Gerth, Fred & Katia Gianakakos, Athena

    Gianakakos, Joanna Giannakakos, Joanna Giannakou-Ariqat,Ourania Giourgas, Anthony & Anna Giourgas, George & Maria Glava, Penny Glavas, Dino & Katherine Glavas, Giota Glavas, Theodore Glezakos, Constantine & Agathi Glinkie, Grammatia Grammas, Dimitri & Gina Greene, Robert & Georgia Haddad, Ediana Hadjis, Elizabeth Haile, John Halfhill, Larry & Bessie Halias, John & Joanne Halias, Louie, Elias & Sara Hargrave, Ian & Maria Vovos Harvalos, Demetra Hassapis, George Hassapis, Thomas & Panagiota Hatzidakis, John & Christina Hatzis, John Hilding, Paul & Maria Hioureas, Peter & Krina Holtermann, Timothy & Soteria Hopkins, Ruby Kafieh, Elizabeth Kakos, Peter & Georgia Kalaitzidis, Konstantinos & Tiffany Kallaos, Savas & Jeraldine Kallaos, Stephen & Christine Fan Kapogianis, John & Vasiliki Kapogianis, Kostas & Dimitra Karambelas Ioannis & Vasiliki Karnezis, Theodore & Patricia Karpontinis, George & Elizabeth Karpouzis, Evangelos & Maria Karpouzis, George & Judy Karvounis, Nickolaos & Amanda Kezos, Cynthia Kezos, James & Bessie Kezos, Nickey King, Alice Kitsigianis, Evangelia Kitsigianis, Steve & Raza Kitsigianis, Voula Kitsinis, George & Charisse Kitsios, Gus & Marianna Klentos, Gus & Maria Kokkinides, Zoi Kolias, Gabriela Kolias, John & Terry Konstantarakis, Elefteria Konstantarakis, George Konugres, Sam & Sophia

    2020 STEWARDSHIP The following have paid towards their 2020 pledge as of September 10

    We thank them for supporting St. John the Baptist-Anaheim. We encourage all to submit their 2020 Stewardship Forms.

    “Whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men” Colossians 3:23

  • Kort, Daniel & Mary Kotsiovos, Konstantinos+ & Georgia Koukladas, Anne Koukladas, Gregory & Irene Kouloumbis, George & Sahar Kouloumbis, Marina+ Koumbis, George & Christina Kourumalos, Dina & Dennis Kousoulas, Demetra Kousoulas, Pete & Eleni Koutzoukis, Anne Koutzoukis, Constantine & Carole Krantz, Alex Krantz, Tim & Georgia Kyriakos, Frank & Demetra Kyriakos, George Lambides, Angelike Lambropoulos, Basilios & Marcelle Lambros, Calliopi Les, Koula Les, Peter Lewis, Ann Livieratos, Katherine Lopez, John & Vicky Louros, Dean Machos MD, Thomas Magiatis, Evangelos Malmlund, Bjorn & Eleni Mandas, Konstantionos & Helen Manos, Harry & Georgia Manos, Rouso & Georgia Manos, Theodore Mantas, Aristos & Evgenia Mantas, Demetrios & Stella Mantas, Haralambos & Georgia Margias, Peter & Alexandra Margias, Polyvios & Tracy Maridakis, Michael & Carmen Marinakis, Christos Marincovich, Mark & Leah Marinos, Dean+ & Bessie Maris, John & Tacia Massouris, Maria Mavritsakis, Gus & Dena McMullin, Kirk & Mary Medenas, Anthoula Medenas, George & Marina Melanitis, Peter & Marcia Mellas, Chris & Susan Metsovas, George & Popi Metzidis, Joe Milatos, Nicholas, Fr. & Presbytera Clara Minoudis, Chris & Maria Mitchell, Gail Mitchell, James & Evangeline Mousmoules, George & Coula

    Moysidis, Sofia Mulligan, Fotini Mulligan, Ruth Nichols, Pete Nicola, Nicolas & Artemisia Nicolaou, Maria Nikopoulos, Demetrios & Panayiota Nonis, Barbara Nonis, Jason Ohanian, John & Mary Otis, Dr Peter & Peggy Pafilis, Pete Pagalidis, Eugenia Panagakis, Nikos & Fofo Panagon, Lena Papadopol, Viorica Papadopoulos, Thomas & Daisy Papastathis, James & Theodora Pappas, Eleni Pappas, Georgia Pappas, Kostas & Christine Pappas, Lambros Pappas, Pano & Sperry Paxos, Vasilios & Angeliki Perakis, Connie Perdaris, Nicholas J. Persakis, Alexander & Petros-Persakis, Ann Petrohilos, Lee & Didi Petropoulos, John & Vaso Petsas, Despina Petsas, John George Petsas, Lee G Pieratos, Denis & Louisa Pieratos, Panayiota Pilafas, James Dr. Plochoros, Theotokos & Elefteria Poulopoulos, Kostas & Fotini Rados, Spyridon & Panagiota Rigas, Georgios & Giannoula Rinos, Sophia Roumpos, Wilma Russell, John & Patricia Salcedo, Matthew & Nina Sarandos, Paul Sarantos, Chris+ & Antonia Sargologos, Peter & Mary Sarres, Timothy+ & Julie Scoggins, Ryan & Pamela Vovos Sdrales, Jimmy & Andrea Sehremelis, Andrea & Leslie Selberis, Michael & Michelle Shakola, Gregorios & Theodosia Sigas, Chris & Eva Sigas, Jim C & Effie Siouris, Andrew & Faith

    Sirus, Karen Skentzos, Spyros+ & Elefteria Soles, Georgia Sourias, Despina Sourias, Petros & Rita Sourias, Theodosios & Kia Spiropoulos, Ross Stavropoulos, Sophia Stavropoulos, Stephanos Stratouly, Vasilike & Brian Stump, Athena Syrengelas, Andreas & Niky Syrengelas, Demetrios & Matina Syrengelas, Konstantinos & Aphrodite Tambouris, Maria Tavoularis, George & Mari Thomas, William & Athanasia Thompson, Toula Tragos, Tom & Georgia Treantafellas, Georgia Treantafelles, Maria Tsachpinis, Chris & Anastasia Tsachpinis, Georgia Tseherides, Steve & Katerina Tsiolis, Christina Tsironis, Manoli & Staella Tsironis-

    Gianakakos Turner, Christopher & Christine Vamvakitis, Michael J+ & Annalea M. Vandenberg, Brent & Rita Vanikiotis, Z. Foula Vasquez, Mark Vassiliades, John & Eliza Vatakis, Konstandine Vatakis, Lisa Vest, Helen Vestakis, Eleftherios & Joanne Vino, Christy Vlachos, Estella Vourakis, Mike & Emilia Vovos, Chris & Sula Vrahnos, John & Maxine Wolde, John & Fana Wright, Adam & Mary Milatos-Wright Wronski, James & Linda Xanthos, Peter & Georgia Xenos, Steve & Angeliki Xillikakis, Ioannis & Yolanda Xilikakis, Konstantinos Zepeda, Ruben & Zepeda-Adraktas, Connie Zografos, George Zonos, George & Magdaline Zounatiotis, Chris Zounatiotis, Athanasios & Rica Zounatiotis, Jim & Artemis

    2020 STEWARDSHIP The following have paid towards their 2020 pledge as of September 10

    We thank them for supporting St. John the Baptist-Anaheim. We encourage all to submit their 2020 Stewardship Forms.

    “Whatever you do work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men” Colossians 3:23

  • "Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, who shall prepare thy way; the voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight -- " (Mark 1:2-3)

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