SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR November 2012 A Message From Your Sheriff 2012 has been a tough year for the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office due to budget cuts which led to forced lay-offs involving dedicated deputies and civilian employees. During this time, we are thankful for their years of service to the agency and our community, and to those here who continue our daily mission to protect and serve. We are thankful to live in a county blessed by scenic beauty, a family-friendly atmosphere, and a strong military presence. We also want to express gratitude to those many citizens who continually provide support and encouragement to the OCSO. Happy Thanksgiving! This Thanksgiving, we want to share an article by Timothy Roufa from About.com Please take time to read: A Day in the Life of a Police Officer - From Heartwarming to Hardship, Learn What It’s Like to Work as Police Officer. Working as a police officer brings on a range of emotions. It can leave you feeling satisfied, rewarded, sad, disgruntled, lonely and fulfilled, all in the same shift. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to work in law enforcement, take a look at a day in the life of a police officer. (Continued on Next Page )

A Message From Your SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR. … · SO MUCH TO BE THANKFUL FOR November 2012 A Message From Your Sheriff 2012 has been a tough year for the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s

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    A Message From Your


    2012 has been a tough year for

    the Okaloosa County Sheriff’s

    Office due to budget cuts which led

    to forced lay-offs involving

    dedicated deputies and civilian


    During this time, we are thankful

    for their years of service to the

    agency and our community, and to

    those here who continue our daily

    mission to protect and serve.

    We are thankful to live in a

    county blessed by scenic beauty, a

    family-friendly atmosphere, and a

    strong military presence.

    We also want to express gratitude

    to those many citizens who

    continually provide support and

    encouragement to the OCSO.

    Happy Thanksgiving!


    This Thanksgiving, we want to share an article by

    Timothy Roufa from About.com

    Please take time to read:

    A Day in the Life of a Police Officer -

    From Heartwarming to Hardship,

    Learn What It’s Like to Work as Police Officer.

    Working as a police officer brings on a range of

    emotions. It can leave you feeling satisfied, rewarded,

    sad, disgruntled, lonely and fulfilled, all in the same

    shift. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to work

    in law enforcement, take a look at a day in the life of

    a police officer.

    (Continued on Next Page )



    Time to Make the Doughnuts…

    The alarm wakes you up from your long sleep or your nap, depending on what shift you’re on. You grab a

    quick shower to get the sleep out and give yourself a thorough shave so your Sergeant doesn’t ding you on

    your inspection.

    As you get dressed, your whole demeanor changes. You become quiet, stern, and thoughtful as you prepare

    yourself mentally for whatever the day is going to bring. You stop being “you”. Slowly, as you strap on your

    ballistic vest, tie your boots and zip up your uniform shirt, you become “officer you.” As you wrap your

    utility belt around your waist, the transformation is complete.

    10-8, In Service and Ready for Duty

    You kiss your kids and your husband or wife goodbye or goodnight, again depending on what shift you’re

    on, and step outside and into just another day on the job. You sit down in your patrol car, turn the ignition, and

    reach for your police radio. You key the microphone and advise your dispatcher that you're “10-8,” in

    service and ready for duty.

    Traffic Stop

    As you pull out of your driveway and onto the main road, you spot a car with a headlight missing. You pull

    the vehicle over, get out of your car and cautiously approach. You wonder whether this will be your last

    traffic stop ever as you get closer to the violator’s car.

    You introduce yourself and inform the driver that you pulled him over because his headlight is out. You let

    him know that it’s a potential safety hazard because it affects not only his ability to see, but other drivers’

    ability to see his car. You issue him a warning or faulty equipment notice to remind him to get it fixed and

    wish him a safe day.

    Crash with Injuries

    Back in your patrol car, your dispatcher advises you that there’s a serious traffic crash with injuries and

    entrapment near your location. You inform him that you’re “10-51, 10-18,” en route with lights and sirens.

    When you arrive on the scene, you see chaos. Two vehicles appear to be welded together. The coolant and

    oil that was spilled in the crash is burning and boiling off of the still-hot engines, transforming what was once

    two distinct vehicles into one massive, steaming pile of twisted metal.

    Though you’re trained to give first aid and basic life support, you are silently thankful that an ambulance is already on scene. You see paramedics talking to a bloodied driver in one of the vehicles while

    firefighters work fervently to cut a way into the vehicle to get her out. There’s a driver in the other car as well,

    but he’s not moving. No one’s trying to help him either.

    A crowd is gathering as you talk to one of the paramedics and confirm what you already knew, that the

    crash involved a fatality. You call for a traffic homicide investigator and begin to cordon off the scene with

    crime scene tape. Out of respect for the deceased, you grab a fire blanket out of your first aid bag and drape it

    over the dead person’s car.


    Page Two

    You gather witnesses, take statements, and work to identify the drivers. When the traffic homicide

    investigator arrives, you brief her and provide the information you’ve obtained so far. She takes over the

    investigation and you offer to provide whatever assistance she needs.

    Notifying Next of Kin

    Relieved of investigative responsibilities, the task falls to you to inform the deceased’s next of kin. In this

    case, it’s a wife who stays home to care for two small children. You show up at her door and ring the doorbell.

    She answers the door and stares at you as you stand there with your hat in the your hand. She knows why

    you’re there and you know she knows. There’s no easy way o tell her, so you rip the band aid off.

    “Ma’am, I’m very sorry to tell you that your husband has been killed in a car crash.” Naturally she cries,

    while you do your best not to. You offer to make phone calls for her and to stay with her until a family

    member, minister, or friend can get there.

    Back on Patrol

    After you’ve made sure that the new widow has been cared for, you get back into your patrol car and

    inform dispatch of the time you made notification. You advise that you’re “10-98,” task completed and that

    you’re “back 10-8.”

    Worn out and thirsty from the day so far, you stop at a gas station to get a cup of coffee. You avoid

    doughnut shops at all cost so you don’t play into the stereotype. You drive through the parking lot and

    scope the place out one time to make sure you’re not walking blindly into a robbery. As soon as you walk

    in the door, the clerk greets you and asks you to deal with some teenagers who are causing a disturbance in the

    store. You never do get your coffee.

    Real Police Work: Report Writing

    After you leave the gas station, you find a vacant parking lot to catch up on reports. You park someplace

    where people can see you if they need help, and it doesn’t take long before someone does. As they

    approach, you get out of your car so they can’t surprise you while you’re sitting down. You’re always thinking

    tactically. As it turns out, they just need directions, which you’re happy to provide.

    You just get back to your report writing when another car pulls up. You get back out of your car and meet

    an elderly woman who’s frightened because her door was open when she got home, and she remember

    shutting it and locking it. She asks you to come to her house and make sure it’s safe and that no one broke in.

    Burglary and House Clearing

    When you get to the house, you ask her to stay outside by her car as you check the doors for any signs of

    breaking in. You notice scrape marks on the rear door and it appears someone tampered with the lock. You

    draw your handgun and enter the house to clear it, wondering if it will be the last thing you do.

    Finding no one in the house, you ask the woman to come in and see if anything is missing. You caution her

    not to touch anything as you process the scene, and call for a crime scene technician. She gives you a list of


    (Page Three)

    what she is missing. You tell her you’ll do everything you can to help her get her things back and make sure she’s safe and secure before you leave the scene to enter evidence into the property room at the station and

    write your report.

    She offers you $20 for your trouble, which you decline. She insists in paying you for your services despite

    the fact that you tell her you’re already getting paid. She continues to press the issue, so you ask her to donate

    it to a charity of her choice instead.

    You drop off the evidence at the station and realize that it’s almost time for your shift to end. After you

    finish the required paperwork, you get back in your car and start your way home.

    You Never Get Home on Time

    As you’re pulling into your neighborhood, you notice a car in front of you is weaving within it’s lane, slowing down,

    speeding up, and braking erratically. You become concerned that the driver is either impaired, tired, or sick. Whatever

    the case, you know it requires further investigation.

    Despite the fact that your shift ended 15 minutes ago, you pull the car over. When you approach the vehicle,

    you’re greeted by the strong and distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage. The driver’s eyes are bloodshot and watery, and

    his speech is slurred.

    Even though you’re already late getting home and even though it will take another three hours before you’re finished

    with the paperwork, you know your job and your duty so, after the driver performs poorly on the field sobriety exercises

    you offered, you make the arrest.

    One More Day Down

    After you’ve left your paperwork at the jail, you make your way home. Fortunately this time you don’t come across

    any other issues. You walk in your front door four hours later than you were supposed to. Depending on your shift, our

    dinner’s long gone cold or your family has already had breakfast and left to start their days.

    You take off your uniform and slowly transform back into yourself. Tired from a long day, you lay down to go to

    sleep. Your last thoughts are about how happy you are to have the opportunity to be a police officer, and how

    thankful you are that you made it home safely for one more day.



    Sheriff Larry Ashley presented Lifesaving Awards to two Okaloosa County

    Sheriff’s Deputies who went to the aid of an unconscious individual at Destin

    Commons October 7th.

    Sheriff Ashley said the quick actions of Deputy Richard White and Deputy

    Tom Henry were critical in preventing the death of a man who had collapsed

    at a kiosk and was not breathing when they arrived. Deputy White, along with

    an unknown Good Samaritan, started cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR.

    Deputy Thomas got Deputy White’s AED (automated external defibrillator) from

    his patrol car and successfully delivered a shock to the man, who was then treated

    by an ambulance crew. He was transported to Sacred Heart Hospital on the

    Emerald Coast, recovered, and is reportedly doing well.

    An AED is a portable electronic device that can help treat someone suffering

    from potentially life-threatening heart arrhythmias.


    The Okaloosa County Sheriff’s Office launched a new

    program designed to let the public view surveillance photos

    typically seen only by investigators in crimes ranging from

    shoplifting to scams. The photos on the Sheriff’s Office

    website under the new “Take a Look, Catch a Crook” program

    shows people of interest, witnesses, or potential suspects

    connected to various crimes around Okaloosa County.

    “All crimes, including misdemeanors, deserve attention

    and this increases the odds that suspects will be identified

    and charged accordingly when they have victimized an

    individual or business,” said Sheriff Larry Ashley. “The best crime-solving methods involve a partnership

    between law enforcement and the public. This new

    information-sharing initiative gives the public a chance to

    view images that, for the most part, only law enforcement

    would have viewed in the past. This in turn gives us the

    potential for thousands of people to help identify the

    individuals shown,” added Captain Arnold Brown, head of the

    OCSO Investigation Services Division.

    The web page allows residents to link in to Emerald Coast

    Crime Stoppers to leave their information. They can then be

    eligible for a cash reward if their information leads to an


    With some exceptions, most crimes profiled on Emerald

    Coast Crime Stoppers are high-profile felonies. “Take a Look

    – Catch a Crook” will showcase any crime that has an image

    that could be used to develop leads.

    “The two programs in fact complement each other,” said

    Emerald Coast Crime Stoppers Coordinator Nicole Wagner.

    “We have used citizen input successfully for many years and

    “Take a Look – Catch a Crook” will capitalize on the same

    methodology to expand the number of crimes available for the

    public to help solve.”

    The page will be updated weekly.















    THANKSGIVING: I love this time of year. I look

    at all the things I am thankful for, even the difficult

    times. They make us stronger as we go through

    them. During this time of year, take a few moments

    and reflect on all your blessings. Whenever I start

    to get down I look at all the good in my life and

    realize it could be much worse. Next, I try to see

    where I might be able to help someone in need.

    There are always others around us who are in need

    of some help. As deputies you see the needs and

    are there to help in very serious times. You may

    not get any thanks at the time, but know you have

    helped in a time of crisis. We are thankful for our

    deputies, Sheriff, support staff and all who make

    this a better place to live. Enjoy this Thanksgiving

    season and know you are prayed for and


    OCSO Chaplain

    Dennis Walker


    TRAVEL SAFETY TIPS Allow Extra Time for Road Congestion

    Drive with Lights ON—Even in Daytime.

    Buckle Up

    Don’t Text and Drive or Drink and Drive

    Hit the Road Well-Rested