Abstract Holisc baery system models are a key tools for the design and opmizaon of staonary baery systems. The objecve of this contribuon is the development of a Modelica-based system model which can be used for the invesgaon of operaonal opmizaon strategies and predicve maintenance approaches. The model includes a 0D-baery cell model based on an electrical and thermal equivalent circuit. The model has been verified via comparison to a validated Python-based model. A parcular focus of the project is the model scaling, which describes the extension of the baery cell model up to system size represenng a variable number of cells structured in modules and racks. Therefore a stascal approach for electrical scaling, which calculates the effects of resistance and capacity deviaon is presented. It offers lower computaonal effort and simplified results analysis while retaining a comparable informaon content. In addion, the thermal influences of scaling are also calculated by an integrated thermal equivalent circuit model, which is expandable for a variable number of cells and a arbitrary two-dimensional geometry. Further work concerning integraon of addional system components and validaon has to be carried out during consecuve works. Contact and Informaon Authors Alexander Reiter 1,2 Chrisan Rosenmüller 1 Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Bohlen 1 1 Department of Electrical Engineering and Informaon Technology Munich University of Applied Sciences Lothstraße 64, 80335 Munich Germany 2 MAN Energy Soluons SE Baery and Hybrid Systems Stadtbachstraße 1, 86153 Augsburg Germany Contact [email protected] +49 821 322 1743 Our Partner A Modelica-based Simulation Model for Large-Scale Stationary Lithium-Ion Battery Systems Electrical Scaling The proposed baery cell model is a 0D model based on an electrical and thermal equivalent circuit. It considers the electrical and thermal behavior as well as the effects of aging [1,2]. The model behavior was verified via comparison to a validated linear standard model implemented in Python. The deviaons from the measurement are due to sll unconsidered long term processes and incomplete parameterizaon of the cell capacity. It is shown, that the Modelica model can almost exactly mimic the Python model. Minimal deviaons occur due to the different calculaon approaches of the RC-elements. Institute for Sustainable Energy Systems – ISES Thermal Scaling Baery Cell Model Movaon Outlook Operaonal opmizaon and predicve maintenance are key challenges during design and operaon of staonary baery systems. In order to develop and test strategies and approaches for these tasks, holisc system models are required. For this purpose, common cell modelling approaches must be scaled to system size and extended by models for further system components. The calculaons of the scaling effects in the electrical and thermal domain require smart model reducons in order to achieve a reasonable computaonal effort during simulaon. In large baery systems, the cell characteriscs such as capacity and internal resistance of the individual cells are not uniform but approximately normally distributed [3]. This distribuon causes uneven cell currents and voltages and as a consequence uneven SoC and temperature developments. In order to simulate these derivaons with a reasonable effort, a stascal approach is proposed. It replaces the given cell structure by a defined substute arrangement with stascal parameters, which represent a certain probability. Besides the electrical effects of scaling, there are also thermal influences on the individual cells by its surroundings. In this work, the resulng temperature distribuon is approximated by a thermal equivalent circuit [4]. Heat transfer between cells, between cell and housing and between cell and cooling structure are taken into account. The thermal equivalent circuit can be represented a variable number of cells in a two-dimensional geometry. [1] Z. Gao et al., Integrated Equivalent Circuit and Thermal Model for Simulaon of Temperature-Dependent LiFePO 4 Baery in Actual Embedded Applicaon”, Energies, 2017 [2] J. Schmalseg et al., A holisc aging model for Li(NiMnCo)O 2 based 18650 lithium-ion baeries”, Journal of Power Sources, 2014 [3] K. Rumpf et al., Experimental invesgaon of parametric cell-to-cell variaon and correlaon based on 1100 commercial lithium-ion cells”, Journal of Energy Storage, 2017 [4] Y. Gan et al., Development of thermal equivalent circuit model of heat pipe-based thermal management system for a baery module with cylindrical cellsApplied Thermal Engineering, 2020 The validaon of the model is a key task for consecuve works. For this purpose, a commercial baery module for staonary applicaons will be invesgated. Inially, the generated data will be used for parameterizaon and validaon of the baery cell model. In the following, the thermal and electrical scaling model will be validated. For this purpose a process for parameter generaon has to be developed. Furthermore, smart model reducons for the thermal scaling model must also be developed in order to ensure a reasonable applicaon of the model. Aſter validaon of the scaled baery model, it has to be extended by further system components to complete the step from cell to system model. Subsequently, the system model is to be used for development and tesng of opmizaon strategies and predicve maintenance approaches.

A Modelica based Simulation Model for Large Scale

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Abstract Holistic battery system models are a key

tools for the design and optimization of

stationary battery systems. The objective of

this contribution is the development of a

Modelica-based system model which can be

used for the investigation of operational

optimization strategies and predictive

maintenance approaches. The model

includes a 0D-battery cell model based on

an electrical and thermal equivalent circuit.

The model has been verified via comparison

to a validated Python-based model. A

particular focus of the project is the model

scaling, which describes the extension of the

battery cell model up to system size

representing a variable number of cells

structured in modules and racks. Therefore

a statistical approach for electrical scaling,

which calculates the effects of resistance

and capacity deviation is presented. It offers

lower computational effort and simplified

results analysis while retaining a

comparable information content. In

addition, the thermal influences of scaling

are also calculated by an integrated thermal

equivalent circuit model, which is

expandable for a variable number of cells

and a arbitrary two-dimensional geometry.

Further work concerning integration of

additional system components and

validation has to be carried out during

consecutive works.



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Alexander Reiter1,2

Christian Rosenmüller1

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Bohlen1

1Department of Electrical Engineering and

Information Technology

Munich University of Applied Sciences

Lothstraße 64, 80335 Munich


2MAN Energy Solutions SE

Battery and Hybrid Systems

Stadtbachstraße 1, 86153 Augsburg



[email protected]

+49 821 322 1743

Our Partner

A Modelica-based Simulation Model

for Large-Scale Stationary

Lithium-Ion Battery Systems

Electrical Scaling

The proposed battery cell model is a 0D model based on an electrical and thermal equivalent circuit. It considers the electrical and thermal behavior

as well as the effects of aging [1,2]. The model behavior was verified via comparison to a validated linear standard model implemented in Python.

The deviations from the measurement are due to still unconsidered long term processes and incomplete parameterization of the cell capacity. It is

shown, that the Modelica model can almost exactly mimic the Python model. Minimal deviations occur due to the different calculation approaches

of the RC-elements.

Institute for Sustainable

Energy Systems – ISES

Thermal Scaling

Battery Cell Model



Operational optimization and predictive maintenance are key challenges during

design and operation of stationary battery systems. In order to develop and test

strategies and approaches for these tasks, holistic system models are required. For

this purpose, common cell modelling approaches must be scaled to system size and

extended by models for further system components. The calculations of the scaling

effects in the electrical and thermal domain require smart model reductions in order

to achieve a reasonable computational effort during simulation.

In large battery systems, the cell characteristics such as capacity and

internal resistance of the individual cells are not uniform but

approximately normally distributed [3]. This distribution causes

uneven cell currents and voltages and as a consequence uneven SoC

and temperature developments. In order to simulate these derivations

with a reasonable effort, a statistical approach is proposed. It replaces

the given cell structure by a defined substitute arrangement with

statistical parameters, which represent a certain probability.

Besides the electrical effects of scaling, there are also thermal

influences on the individual cells by its surroundings. In this work, the

resulting temperature distribution is approximated by a thermal

equivalent circuit [4]. Heat transfer between cells, between cell and

housing and between cell and cooling structure are taken into account.

The thermal equivalent circuit can be represented a variable number

of cells in a two-dimensional geometry.

[1] Z. Gao et al., “Integrated Equivalent Circuit and Thermal Model for Simulation of Temperature-Dependent LiFePO4 Battery in Actual Embedded Application”, Energies, 2017

[2] J. Schmalstieg et al., “A holistic aging model for Li(NiMnCo)O2 based 18650 lithium-ion batteries”, Journal of Power Sources, 2014

[3] K. Rumpf et al., “Experimental investigation of parametric cell-to-cell variation and correlation based on 1100 commercial lithium-ion cells”, Journal of Energy Storage, 2017

[4] Y. Gan et al., “Development of thermal equivalent circuit model of heat pipe-based thermal management system for a battery module with cylindrical cells” Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020

The validation of the model is a key task for consecutive works. For this purpose, a commercial battery module for stationary applications will be

investigated. Initially, the generated data will be used for parameterization and validation of the battery cell model. In the following, the thermal

and electrical scaling model will be validated. For this purpose a process for parameter generation has to be developed. Furthermore, smart

model reductions for the thermal scaling model must also be developed in order to ensure a reasonable application of the model. After

validation of the scaled battery model, it has to be extended by further system components to complete the step from cell to system model.

Subsequently, the system model is to be used for development and testing of optimization strategies and predictive maintenance approaches.