A New for Exoplanet Imaging Gaël Chauvin - IPAG/CNRS - Institute of Planetology & Astrophysics of Grenoble/France GAIA-ESF Workshop – November, 5th 2012, Torino Collaborations: J.-L. Beuzit, A.M. Lagrange, D. Mouillet, J. Rameau & P. Delorme (IPAG/Fr); S. Desidera, D. Mesa & R. Gratton (Oss. Padova/It); A. Boccaletti, R. Galicher, D. Rouan & P. Baudoz (LESIA/Fr); D. Apai (Uv. Arizona/US); M. Meyer, S. Quanz & M. Reggianni (ETHZ)/Swi); M. Bonnefoy, W. Brandner & C. Mordasini (MPIA/Ger); C. Moutou, A. Zurlo & A. Vigan (LAM/Fr); J. Girard, C. Dumas, , J. Milli, D. Mawet & M. Kasper (ESO); S. Udry, J. Hagelberg (Geneva/Swi)…

A New for Exoplanet Imaging

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GAIA-ESF Workshop – November , 5th 2012, Torino. A New for Exoplanet Imaging. Gaël Chauvin - IPAG/CNRS - Institute of Planetology & Astrophysics of Grenoble/France. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Exo-planets Direct Imaging

A New for Exoplanet ImagingGal Chauvin

- IPAG/CNRS - Institute of Planetology & Astrophysics of Grenoble/France

GAIA-ESF Workshop November, 5th 2012, Torino

Collaborations: J.-L. Beuzit, A.M. Lagrange, D. Mouillet, J. Rameau & P. Delorme (IPAG/Fr); S. Desidera, D. Mesa & R. Gratton (Oss. Padova/It); A. Boccaletti, R. Galicher, D. Rouan & P. Baudoz (LESIA/Fr); D. Apai (Uv. Arizona/US); M. Meyer, S. Quanz & M. Reggianni (ETHZ)/Swi); M. Bonnefoy, W. Brandner & C. Mordasini (MPIA/Ger); C. Moutou, A. Zurlo & A. Vigan (LAM/Fr); J. Girard, C. Dumas, , J. Milli, D. Mawet & M. Kasper (ESO); S. Udry, J. Hagelberg (Geneva/Swi)

. Prsentation: GCh, IPAG, member of the VLT/SPHERE consortium. Purpose: In the context of GAIA, I will show why imaging is important for our understanding of exoplanetary systems, their properties & formation. Entering a new era with the 2nd gerenation of planet imager instrument. highlight the synergy btw Imaging and GAIA 1OutlineA New Era for Exoplanet ImagingI- Introduction: Why Imaging?II- Techniques & StrategyIII- Results: What can we learn?IV A New Era: VLT/SPHERE GAIA-ESF Workshop November, 5th 2012, Torino1. Specifity of imaging in comparison with other Planet Hunting Techniques2. briefly introduce technical challenge, limitations & strategy3. Results, some illustrations of results obtained at IPAG4. Finally, why we are entering a new era with the new generation of planet imagers2I- IntroductionPlanet Hunting Techniqueshttp://exoplanet.eu/

Radial Velocity . Indirect technique: Doppler shift (Targets: quiet stars; activity)

. Orbital & Physical properties: > Mp.sin(i), P, e, a, & T0 > Spin-Orbit Alignment > Architecture & Stability > exo-Earths & Habitable Zone Dumusque et al. 12; Triaud et al. 11 . Statistics: more than 800 exoplanets > Occurrence down to Super-Earths > Planetary host: Fe/H & binarity De Sousa et al. 11; Udry & Santos 07

. Radial Velocity technique, indirect, successfull with more than 800 EGPsRepresented here in a diagra showing their masses as a function of smaEnable the determinatoin of the Planet orbital properties and the minimum massSpin-Orbit, Architacture & Dynamics, also access telluric masses and explore the presence of super-Earths in HZStatistics: Occurrence 10-30%, depedence on host properties

I- IntroductionPlanet Hunting Techniqueshttp://exoplanet.eu/

Transit . (In)direct technique: 1ary/2ary eclipse. (Targets: quiet stars; activity; crowded fields) . Orbital & Physical properties: > R*/Rp, Mp, P, a, i, T0 > Planetary Interiors > Multiple: Architecture & Stability > Circumbinary planets Leger et al. 09; Doyle et al. 11; Balatha et al. 12 . Transmission/emission spectroscopy > Composition (H20, CO, NaI, KI... Haze) > Vertical T-P structure, atmospheric circulation & evaporation Swain et al. 08; Knutson et al. 09; Desert et al. 12. Transit observations, very close-in planets . Access radius, inclination, true mass and density, . Planetary interiors. CoRot & Kepler results: multiple systems, architecture & stability.. Transmission/emission spectroscopy. Composition, T-P profile, circulation & evaporating atmosphere. I- IntroductionPlanet Hunting Techniqueshttp://exoplanet.eu/

-lensing . Indirect technique: Unique Rel. Event (Targets: Crowded fields; probability). Orbital & Physical properties: > Mp, M*, d, P, a (1-5 AU) > Super-Earths. Free-floating, wide orbit planets? Gould et al. 06; Cassan et al. 12 Astrometry. Indirect technique: Reflex motion (Targets: Nearby stars). Orbital & Physical properties: > Mp, P, i, e, a, , T0 (1-5 AU) Bean et al. 07, 08; Benedict et al. 02, 10 Muterspaugh et al. 10; Sozzetti et al. 10

micro-lensing, based on 1 grav. event Sensitive down to telluric planets (1-5AU); Problems for follow-up (distant targets)AND Astrometry, mainly used for the characterization of know planets detected in RV: i, true mass, more sensitive at long periods > But should soon provide several thousands of new planetary systems with GAIA up to 5-10 AU. I- IntroductionPlanet Hunting Techniqueshttp://exoplanet.eu/

Direct Imaging . Direct technique: Planets photons(Targets: young & nearby stars)

. Orbital & Physical properties: > L, a , e, i, , T0 > Giant planets at wide orbits (>10 AU) > Multiple: Architecture & Stability > Planet disk connection Chauvin et al. 05, 10; Lafrenire et al. 07 Soummer et al. 11; Vigan et al. 12 . High-contrast spectroscopy > Non-strongly irradiated EGPs > Low-gravity, composition, non-LTE chemistry, cloud coverage... Janson et al. 10; Bonnefoy et al. 09, 12 . In this context imaging is unique:. To probe the propeteries of the our regions of planetary systems. Access the luminosity and enable spectroscopy of non-strongly irradieted giant planets. But also offer the possibility to study young systems (not sensitive to activity), dynamical evolution of planeatry systems and the connection btw recently formed giant planets and the circumstellar environment. OutlineA New Era for Exoplanet ImagingI- Introduction: Why Imaging?II- Techniques & StrategyIII- Results: What can we learn?IV A New Era: VLT/SPHERE GAIA-ESF Workshop November, 5th 2012, Torino2. Now what about the observing challenge, the limiations and the strategy to image ginat planets?7Detect/characterize something faint, angularly close to something bright.Imaging: an observing challenge!II- Strategy High image quality - High angular resolution, PSF Stability- Calibration of static aberrations

Stellar Halo Brightness - Halo attenuation/PSF subtraction - Speckle noise Intrinsic companion faintness - Long overall observations;

HIP95270 (Tuc-Hor)VLT/NaCo H, 10 by 10



. The observing challenge: to detect sth faint angularly cose sth bright. to get relative photometry, astrometry and possibly start getting a spectral characterization of the object. For this you need to deal with various important issues1. High image quality, HAR, stable PSF2. Stellar Halo attenuation, PSF subtraction and residual Speckle noise3. Faintness of the companion, overall long exposures

Dedicated Instrumentation

High Angular Resolution Space telescope 10m-telescopes + AO system


Gemini S/NKeckSubaru/HiCIAOHST

LBT/ArizonaII- StrategyHAR:. Space. Ground-based Telescope to compensate for the atmosphere turbulence Adaptive optics (recover diffraction-limit resolution) Impressive evolutionHigh Angular Resolution

II- Strategy. In that context, development in instrumentation, larger mirrors and faster and more complex AO system have clearly shown an impressive evolution over the past decade . This is well illustrated by the AO images of the GQ Lupi companion detected by Neuhauser et al. In 2005 was hardly distinguishable in 1995 from a speckle pattern with the first ESO AO system Come-On+ . GPI, SPHERE >1000 actuatorsThe art of PSF subtraction 1 (i.e 19AU@19pc)Field Rotation

II- StrategyVLT/NaCoHigh Contrast at inner angles Main limitation ( 200 AU Closer PMCs:- A4V-A5V massive primaries- q < 0.005 ; = 8 - 120 AU- CS Disk signatures IV- Key results

2M1207 DH Tau AB Pic SCR1845 CHXR 73GQ Lup1RXJS609CT ChaGJ 758Ref: Chauvin et al. 04; Itoh et al. 05; Chauvin et al. 05; Biller et al. 05; Luhman et al. 06; Thalmann et al. 09; Lafrenire et al. 08; Neuhauser et al. 05; Schmidt et al. 09; Lagrange et al. 10; Kalas et al. 08; Marois et al. 08,10...Familys portrait. Planetary mass companions have been imaged and characterized . 2 classes: first detections of wide PMCs around GKM dwarfs: low-q and/or large phys. sep More recently, detection of closer PMCs around massive stars: high-q and phys sep 8 115 AU and a connection with the presence of disk signatureOuter Giant Planet PopulationPhysics of Giant PlanetsOccurrence & FormationArchitecture & StabilityStatistical properties (occurrence, planetary host dependency, disk properties)Formation Theories: CA, GI or CFAstrometry & Disk/Planet Orbits, dynamical interactions, resonances & long-term evolution

Photometry & SpectroscopyAtmosphere & physical propertiesIV- Key results. All these recents results/detection/non-detection teach us about:1/ Physics of the Giant Planet Population at Wide Orbits: Luminosity & SED (composition, clouds coverage)2/ Architecture, orbita properties and stability3/ Occurrence & Formation mechanisms via thei statistical properties Physics of Giant PlanetsIV- Key resultsCompanion nature?

Planet Single-band photometry Stellar properties: d & age Evolutionary models (Luminosity - Mass). Pictoris b, J = 10.6+-0.3 mag,. 12 Myr @ 19.3 pc,. Mass = 7 8 Mjup (Hot-Startmodels)

> However, uncertainties in the model predictions > Dependence: formation mechanisms , gas accretion shock & initial conditions

VLT/NaCo ADI imagingField Rotation

Bonnefoy et al. 12Marley et al. 07; Mordasini et al. 12 . Reminder: for all imaged planets we observed the planets luminosity. The mass in infered from evol. Model predictions, that depens on the initial conditions, formation mechanisms, accretion shock during the formation.. Combination of RV + Imaging or Astrometry + Imaging > Mass Luminosity diagram to calibrate the modelsPhysical propertiesIV- Key resultsAtmosphere

Planets SED Stellar properties: d & age Synthetic-Grid of spectra

Atmospheric properties

Pic b, Teff = 1650 +- 150K, log(g) = 4.00.5, FeH = 0.00.5, R = 1.3+-0.2 RJup> dusty clouds (L-type)

. Radiative transfert code . Dusty Cloud Formation/Sedim. . Mol. opacity / Non-eq Chem. Bonnefoy et al. 12. Determination of the spectral properties.. Use of atmophere model predictions to describe the physical & chemical process at work.. In the context of Bpic b, low-gravity atmosphere (~early-L). Presence of dusty clouds and patch. We are currently a new spectroscopic classification of cool and low-gravity atmopsheres (young T dwarfs), . implication of low-gravity conditions on the atmosphereic properties (HR8799bcde an no CH4 presence at Teff = 1000K). IV- Key results

Nov 2003Oct 2009500 mas



Imaging Exoplanets revolution Lagrange et al. 09, 10Bonnefoy et al. 10, Quanz et al. 10Orbital Properties & Architecture Discovery: Nov 2003 L = 7.7 mag, sep = 300 +- 15 mas Monitoring campaign: 2008 - now Recovery: Oct. 2009 VLT/NaCo ADI imagingL-band, Pic b. Focus on orbital properties and the planetary system architecture. Detection/Recovery: first direct imaging of exoplanets revolution. Follow-up to constrain orbital properties IV- Key resultsN


Imaging Exoplanets revolution Chauvin et al. 12Orbital Properties & Architecture Discovery: Nov 2003 . L = 7.7 mag, sep = 300 +- 15 mas Monitoring campaign: 2008 - nowRecovery: Oct. 2009Astrometric follow-up . VLT/NaCo monitoring 2003 - 2012

. Follow-up to constrain orbital properties with various epochs btw 2003, 2008 and 2012.. MCMC analysis to derive the most probable orbital parameters (similar studies for hr8799bcde, Soummer et al.; Esposito et al.,)

IV- Key results

Constraining the orbitOrbital Properties & Architecture MCMC Orbital fitting Pic b, P = 17 - 21 yrs a = 8 - 10 AU e < 0.17 i = 88.5 +- 1.5 deg = 212.5 +- 1.5 deg Chauvin et al. 12 N


. MCMC analysis to derive the most probable orbital parameters (similar studies for hr8799bcde, Soummer et al.; Esposito et al.,). 8-10 AU (parameter space where CA is still efficient), Low-ecc, big omega compatible with the planet being in the warp component of the Bpic disk

IV- Key resultsConstraining the orbitOrbital Properties & Architecture Planet Disk connection. main disk, up to 20 (1000 AU), PAMD = 209.5+-0.3deg . Pic b PA Pic b = 212.0+-1.3o

> Pic b in the disks warp, Lagrange et al. 12N





Main diskWarp. Planet Disk simultaneous characterization unambiguously confirm that the planet is not in the MD, more likely in the warp component, being responsible for the warp formation, clear planet disk interaction. . In the context of imaged planets, Bpi b planet is the most favorable one for a formatio by CA (8 AU).

In-situ Core Accretion does not work at > 20-30 AU > Core or Disk fragmentation ? Dodson Robinson et al. 09; Boley et al. 09 > Inner limit to the Core or Disk fragmentation? Dynamical evolution & stability > outward migration (corotation torque), planet scattering & resonances

IV- Key resultsCrida et al. 09; Scharf & Menou 09CA LimitFormation & Evolution. Another way to explore the possible origins of the imaged giant planets is to plot them as a function of sma with the predictions of plabetary formation mechanisms. Blue: low-q PMCs. Red: high-q with CS disks presence. Only Bpicb, hr8799d, e? CA, need alternative mechanisms at wide orbits or evoke dynamical evolution (outward migration or planet plnaet interactions). BUT, clearly the next step now is to image more of these systems to derive the statitstical properties of the poulation of giant planets at wide orbits. > systematic searches

OutlineA New Era for Exoplanet ImagingI- Introduction: Why Imaging?II- Techniques & StrategyIII- Results: What can we learn?IV A New Era: VLT/SPHERE GAIA-ESF Workshop November, 5th 2012, Torino4. SPHERE

26Upcoming instruments (mid-2013),

GPI, Gemini Planet Finder (MacIntosh et al. 08)- Fast-high order adaptive optics system- Interferometric wave front sensing for static aberrations- NIR-IFU + Apodized pupil Lyot coronagraph

VLT/SPHERE (Beuzit et al. 08)- SAXO, Extreme AO system (ITTM-DM and DTTS, PTTS)- NIR (YJHK): IRDIS (Dual imaging Spectrograph) and IFU 3D-spectroscopy- VIS: ZIMPOL (Imaging Polarimeter)- Coronagraphs: Classical Lyot, A4P and ALC - GTO of 260 nights; 200 devoted to survey 300 nearby starsV- A New Era V- A New Era SPHERE concept

ZIMPOLIRDISIFSFoVSq 3.5 (instantaneous)Up to 4 radius (mosaic)Sq 11Sq 1.77Spectral Range0.5 0.9 m0.95 2.32 m0.95 1.35/1.65 mSpectral informationBB, NBBB, NBSlit spectro: 50/40050 / 30Linear PolarisationSimultaneous on same detector, x 2 arms, exchangeableSimultaneous dual beam, exchangeablexCoronography: no /4Q / Lyot

Rotation at Nasmyth:Pupil-stab. (instrument fixed wrt tel.)Field-stab (slit spectro, long DIT)No rotation: minimize crosstalk) AO sensitivity for high contrast: R=9.5 for NIR; R=9 for R; R=7.8 for whole VIS

Separation with improved contrast: 2 - 20 /D, ie 30-300 mas in R, or 80 800 mas in H

Mode switching: not VIS and NIR in same night V- A New Era SPHERE InstrumentsV- A New Era Observing with SPHERESPHERE Timeline,Fall 12, Tests @IPAGMarch 13PAE April 13ShippingMay 13 Integration @ParanalJuly & Dec 13First Light & Commissioning phase 1, 2 & 3March 14CfP 94, offered to the ESO community- All offered mode fully supported/documented, - Calibration & data reduction pipelineGTO (260 nights over 3 - 5 yrs; 26-40 nights/semester)> NIRSUR: SPHERE Giant Planet Search (200 nights)- 400-600 stars observed (Age < 1 Gyr; SpT: AFGKM; < 100-150 pc)- Occurrence & properties of the giant planet population at wide orbits (> 10 AU)

V- A New Era Synergy with GAIA

V- A New Era Synergy with GAIASPHEREELT-PCSGAIAhttp://exoplanet.eu/Mesa et al. 11Kasper et al. 10Lattanzi & Sozzetti 10V- A New Era Synergy with GAIAGAIAs planetary systems About 10 000 EGPs with GAIA for (d < 200 pc, V < 13) stars. Marginal overlap with SPHERE- favorable cases (very nearby), GAIA > planets orbital phase - Follow-up for Photometric/Spectroscopic characterization> but, will have to wait for ELT-(IFU & PCS) for systematic study Outer regions of GAIAs planetary systems - Could help to constrain GAIA astrometric solutions (long-periods) - Outer planets detection & characterization in synergy with GAIA > Architecture, Dynamical evolution, Stability & Formation To conclude: GAIA will provide a rich list of targets for Imaging surveys

Thank You!GAIA-ESF Workshop November, 5th 2012, TorinoIV- Key resultsMass determination& related uncertainties

Cold startHot start Planet photometry & spectroscopy Stellar properties: d & age Evolutionary model predictions . not-calibrated at young ages. Role of initial conditions Hot-start (Baraffe et al. 03; Burrows et al. 03) Cold start Core Accretion (Marley et al. 07; Fortney et al. 08)Hot startPhysical properties. For that aspect: a first issue to keep in mind is that for all discovered PMC we use A Mass Luminosity relation based a/ planet photometry & spectroscopyb/ star propertiesc/ Evol Model Predictions (not well calibrated and importance of Initial Conditions and Formation)IV- Key resultsMass determination& related uncertainties

Cold startHot start Planet photometry & spectroscopy Stellar properties: d & age Evolutionary model predictions . not-calibrated at young ages. Role of initial conditions Hot-start (Baraffe et al. 03; Burrows et al. 03) Cold start Core Accretion (Marley et al. 07; Fortney et al. 08)Hot start Pic b7-8 MJupPhysical properties. For that aspect: a first issue to keep in mind is that for all discovered PMC we use A Mass Luminosity relation based a/ planet photometry & spectroscopyb/ star propertiesc/ Evol Model Predictions (not well calibrated and importance of Initial Conditions and Formation)IV- Key resultsN


Constraining the orbit (MCMC Orbital fitting)Orbital Properties & Architecture

. Use of all detection around various stars a,d null detection to constraint the Frequency of GP at all orbitsIV- Key results500 mas



Disk-Planet connection

Orbital Properties & ArchitectureLagrange et al. (12) 2

Oct 2009N


Imaging the inner disk of Pictoris . the main disk, up to 20 (1000 AU), PAMD = 209.5+-0.3deg . The warp-component, 0 5 (0 100 AU), PAW = 212.5 deg . Where is the planet? . Use of all detection around various stars a,d null detection to constraint the Frequency of GP at all orbitsIV- Key resultsNov 2003Oct 2009500 mas



Disk-Planet connection

Orbital Properties & ArchitectureOct 2009N



Imaging the inner disk of Pictoris . the main disk, up to 20 (1000 AU), PAMD = 209.5+-0.3deg . The warp-component, 0 5 (0 100 AU), PAW = 212.5 deg . Where is the planet? Lagrange et al. (12)WarpMain disk. Use of all detection around various stars a,d null detection to constraint the Frequency of GP at all orbitsIV- Key resultsNov 2003Oct 2009500 mas



Disk-Planet connection

Orbital Properties & Architecture

Oct 2009N



Imaging the inner disk of Pictoris . the main disk, up to 20 (1000 AU), PAMD = 209.5+-0.3deg . The warp-component, 0 5 (0 100 AU), PAW = 212.5 deg . Planets position angle: PAb = 212.0+-1.3 deg> Probably not in the main disk, but in the warp> Inner warped disk sculpted by the planet: (Mb < 20 Mjup ) Lagrange et al. (12)Main diskWarp. Use of all detection around various stars a,d null detection to constraint the Frequency of GP at all orbits