1 BLITZ-The strategic play that takes place two sec- onds after the benediction as everyone rushes for their favorite restaurant. COACH-The children's Christmas program direc- tor. COMMERCIAL-Announcements. DRAFT CHOICE-The decision to sit close to an air conditioning vent. DRAW PLAY-What many children (and not a few adults) do with their bulletins during the service. END ZONE-The pews. FIRST QUARTER-What most people put into the Sunday school offering so it looks like they are giving. FOURTH QUARTER-The amount that makes up the dollar most people put into the Sunday school offering when under peer pressure to give more. HAIL MARY-Desperate move made by ushers in a last- ditch attempt to get people to put something in the plate. HALFTIME-The period between Sunday school and worship when many choose to leave. HOLDING-Passing on the offering place without putting in a cent. ILLEGAL MOTION-Leaving before the benedic- tion. INTERFERENCE-Talking during the organ prel- ude. PASS INTERFERENCE-A parent moving be- tween two teens in the pew to halt the flow of notes back and forth during the sermon. RED DOG-Common strategy performed each Sun- day by those who own their own private pew. SUDDEN DEATH-The penalty to the pastor who preaches more than twenty minutes. TIMEOUT-Refreshment time in the Fellowship Hall. TWO-MINUTE WARNING-The point at which you realize the sermon is almost over and begin to gather up your children and belongings. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT-Usually takes place at a committee meeting to decide on the color of carpet or some other thing. BENCHWARMER - Those who do not sing, pray, work, or do anything but sit. BACKFIELD-IN-MOTION - Making a trip to the back (restroom or water fountain) during the service. STAYING IN THE POCKET - What happens to a lot of money that should be given to the Lord's work. INSTANT REPLAY - The preacher loses his notes and falls back on last week's illustrations. TRAP - You're called on to pray and are asleep. END RUN - Getting out of church quick, without speaking to any guest or fellow member. FLEX DEFENSE - The ability to allow absolutely nothing said during the sermon to affect your life. Over the years of my ministry, I have had a tradition to look at the light side of church life in my summer article. This one was in my inbox recently. I like it, and besides it reminds me that by the time of our next newsletter my favorite season, football season, will have begun. I hope you enjoy it. May God’s peace be with you. Pastor Stinner A Note from the Associate Pastor

A Note from the Associate Pastor · 1 BLITZ-The strategic play that takes place two sec- onds after the benediction as everyone rushes for their favorite restaurant. COACH-The children's

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Page 1: A Note from the Associate Pastor · 1 BLITZ-The strategic play that takes place two sec- onds after the benediction as everyone rushes for their favorite restaurant. COACH-The children's


BLITZ-The strategic play that takes place two sec-onds after the benediction as everyone rushes for their favorite restaurant. COACH-The children's Christmas program direc-tor. COMMERCIAL-Announcements. DRAFT CHOICE-The decision to sit close to an air conditioning vent. DRAW PLAY-What many children (and not a few adults) do with their bulletins during the service. END ZONE-The pews. FIRST QUARTER-What most people put into the Sunday school offering so it looks like they are giving. FOURTH QUARTER-The amount that makes up the dollar most people put into the Sunday school offering when under peer pressure to give more. HAIL MARY-Desperate move made by ushers in a last-ditch attempt to get people to put something in the plate. HALFTIME-The period between Sunday school and worship when many choose to leave. HOLDING-Passing on the offering place without putting in a cent. ILLEGAL MOTION-Leaving before the benedic-tion. INTERFERENCE-Talking during the organ prel-ude.

PASS INTERFERENCE-A parent moving be-tween two teens in the pew to halt the flow of notes back and forth during the sermon. RED DOG-Common strategy performed each Sun-day by those who own their own private pew. SUDDEN DEATH-The penalty to the pastor who preaches more than twenty minutes. TIMEOUT-Refreshment time in the Fellowship Hall. TWO-MINUTE WARNING-The point at which you realize the sermon is almost over and begin to gather up your children and belongings. UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT-Usually takes place at a committee meeting to decide on the color of carpet or some other thing. BENCHWARMER - Those who do not sing, pray, work, or do anything but sit. BACKFIELD-IN-MOTION - Making a trip to the back (restroom or water fountain) during the service. STAYING IN THE POCKET - What happens to a lot of money that should be given to the Lord's work. INSTANT REPLAY - The preacher loses his notes and falls back on last week's illustrations. TRAP - You're called on to pray and are asleep. END RUN - Getting out of church quick, without speaking to any guest or fellow member.

FLEX DEFENSE - The ability to allow absolutely nothing said during the sermon to affect your life.

Over the years of my ministry, I have had a tradition to look at the light side of church life in my summer article. This one was in my inbox recently. I like it, and besides it reminds me that by the time of our next newsletter my favorite season, football season, will have begun. I hope you enjoy it. May God’s peace be with you. Pastor Stinner

A Note from the Associate Pastor

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Christ’s light shines in our darkness. God’s love conquers hate. Spirit-given faith is stronger than fear. We come seek-ing you, Lord, please guide our paths. “And what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). May it be so. Amen. Jul. 1 - 2 4th Sunday after Pentecost / Holy Communion at All Services / Fourth of July Weekend

Jul. 8 - 9 5th Sunday after Pentecost / Jerusalem Singers on Sunday

Jul. 15 - 16 6th Sunday after Pentecost / Holy Communion at All Services

Jul. 22 - 23 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Jul. 29 - 30 8th Sunday after Pentecost / Food Bank Weekend Aug. 5 - 6 9th Sunday after Pentecost / Holy Communion at All Services Aug. 12 - 13 10th Sunday after Pentecost / Outdoor Worship on Sunday at the Park!! Aug. 19 - 20 11th Sunday after Pentecost / Holy Communion at All Services Aug. 26 - 27 12th Sunday after Pentecost / Food Bank Weekend

Summer has begun – a time when many are on vacation. There are good reasons to take a vacation every year: spending time with friends and loved ones, experiencing physical and mental refreshment, enjoying changes in scenery and routine, and preparing for another year of productivity. Please enjoy your vacation! Try to be faithful to the Lord by attending church while you’re away, if you have the opportunity. And remember that during vacations and weekend getaways, you’re especially missed by your friends here at St. John’s. So what needs to be remembered? Stewardship, for one thing. The bills also come in the summer, the church staff members need their salaries, on-going programs need support, the homeless still need to be fed, missionaries are still in the field, etc. The church must depend on each member doing his or her part on a regular basis. That is our responsibility and our privilege. When you’re away, please bring or send your offering before you go. Or sign-up for secure online giving through our website, so your offer-ings are not interrupted.

We must also carry on our stewardship of service: We still need volunteers for greeters, acolytes, lectors, and ushers for our worship services; lining up teachers for Sunday School; help with the Summer Lunch Program, etc. We need talented people to work on special events such as the Outdoor Worship service, and M.A.D. Camp.

God’s work goes on all summer long. Your presence and gifts are needed to enable the church to be strong and vigorous throughout the entire year. Have a wonderful summer! And THANK YOU for your year-round faithfulness.

Page 3: A Note from the Associate Pastor · 1 BLITZ-The strategic play that takes place two sec- onds after the benediction as everyone rushes for their favorite restaurant. COACH-The children's


Grace Notes Singing the hymns for the upcoming Sunday worship service has become part of our normal routine each week at choir rehearsal. Sometimes the hymns are well known, and other times they are new and unfamiliar to us. Occasionally hymns have new words set to a familiar tune; other times it might be a completely new text and tune. When this latter case happens, choir members often jokingly comment that this new hymn will be our second anthem, realizing that they might be the only ones singing the hymn until the congregation has grasped the melody, words, and rhythm. I am sure there are times when many might wonder how and why certain hymns are selected for worship. Choosing music for the worship service is both a privilege and sometimes a challenge. The first step in the selection process is identifying hymns that reflect the assigned scripture readings for the day. After reading the Biblical passages, certain themes or topics become obvious, and hymns are chosen to corre-late with the central theme of the day. It could be finding a hymn that specifically quotes the Biblical text or one that basically fits with the general message of the scripture passage. Sometimes, it’s as simple as finding a hymn that is appropriate to the current season of the Church year. Secondly, hymns are selected to allow for a variety of styles and moods, ranging from quiet and contem-plative tunes to majestic and rousing melodies, and from spirituals to gospel songs. It is also important to balance old and familiar favorites with new songs that are continuously being composed for the modern church. Throughout the Psalms the directive is given to “sing a new song.” Although we all enjoy singing our beloved and well-known favorites, it is important to introduce new songs that help identify us as a church living in a contemporary and global world. The third part of hymn selection is the placement of hymns within the liturgy. The entrance hymn is usu-ally a hymn that is strong and grand in style, and perhaps more processional in character. The middle hymn, or as some identify it as the “hymn of the day,” is more closely connected to the message found in the Gospel reading. And the closing hymn is generally one that gives praise to God, reinforces the over-all theme of that day’s service, and encourages people to go out into the world as Christian disciples. The hymns we sing are not to be chosen at will, but with intentionality and care. Songs are often like sermons, articulating and offering biblical truths. Our hymns teach and shape the way people view God, Christ, human relationships and social witness. In his letter to the Colossians, the apostle Paul teaches about the importance of singing in the local church. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16) Yes, hymns have the ability to teach us, to admonish us, and to provoke our hearts to worship God with thankfulness and praise. Hope to see you in church during these sum-mer months!

Grace and peace, Janice Butz, Minister of Music

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M.A.D. CAMP 2017 A summer program of Music, Art, & Drama for children featuring the musical

Judge Julie Truly & the Case of the Holey Roof

What is it? M.A.D. Camp is an outlet for children to en-joy music, games, arts and crafts, in a fun and relaxed set-ting. Our focus will be on singing, acting, designing scenery, creating costumes, and working on props for the musical “Judge Julie Truly, and the Case of the Holey Roof.” Set in a courtroom, the musical is based on the Biblical story of

four friends who carry their paralyzed companion on a stretcher and lower him through the roof of a home to be healed by Jesus. Appearing before Judge Julie are the four friends who testify and the homeowner who serves as the plaintiff in the case. Children entering 1st through 8th grade are invited to participate. Our end product will be a special musical gift that will be presented at the fall stewardship dinner on Saturday evening, November 4, and repeated for the Sunday School children the next morning at 9:15 a.m. Additional practices will be scheduled later in the fall.

When is it? August 7-11, Monday through Friday, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at St. John’s Lu-theran Church. Please return the registration form to Janice Butz at the church office by TUESDAY, AUGUST 1.

Questions? Contact Janice Butz at the church office, 610-759-3090, or by e-mail at [email protected].



CHILD’S NAME: ____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________ E-MAIL: __________________________________ GRADE NEXT FALL: ________ BIRTHDATE:___________ ALLERGIES: ________________ PARENT’S NAME: _______________________________________________________________ OPTIONAL FOR PARENTS: Please check if you would be interested in assisting with any of the following: ___ Transportation ___ Snacks for one day during the week ___ Costumes ___ Scenery and props

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Our summer programming is in effect!

Vacation Bible School was held from June 12 – 16th. We had 85 children registered, 22 youth vol-unteers, and 6 adult helpers. It was a busy week with so many students registered, but it went very well! The theme was Maker Fun Factory: Creat-ed by God – Built for a Purpose. We learned that Jesus created us all, and built us each for unique purposes!

We also have several summer events coming up:

The Youth Gathering team will be holding a Car Wash fundraiser on Sunday, July 16th from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. Please come and bring your car(s) to be washed. Cost is a freewill donation. We hope to see you there!

On Tuesday, July 18th, we will be heading to Dor-ney Park and Wildwater Kingdom! Please meet in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am. Drivers will be needed. Rain date will be on Thursday, July 20th. Cost is $25/youth. Please bring a towel, sun-screen, a packed lunch or money to purchase lunch there, and a change of clothes.

On Tuesday, August 1st, we will be heading to Dutch Springs to use their Aqua Park, high ropes course, and climbing wall. Please meet in the Dutch Springs parking lot at 9:30 am. Cost is $20/youth. Rain date will be on Thursday, August 3rd. Please bring a towel, sunscreen, a packed lunch or money to purchase lunch there, sneakers for the high ropes course and rock climbing wall, and a change of clothes.

Pastor Schaeffer’s last service will be on August 6th, 2017. We hope you will join us in sending him and Carol off on their last Sunday with us here at St. John’s.

M.A.D. (Music, Art, and Drama) Camp will be held from August 7th – 11th here at St. John’s. For registration or information, please see Rev. Janice Butz.

The Outdoor Worship service and breakfast will be held at Nazareth Borough Park on Sunday, August 13th.

As a reminder, Summer SHYG runs all summer, every Wednesday night from 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm in the Youth Room. All youth who just finished grades 6 – 12 are encouraged to attend!

Blessings, Jaime L. Taylor Director of Youth & Family Ministries LOOKING AHEAD: July 16: Car Wash fundraiser at Tractor Supply from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.

July 18: Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom. Any youth in grades 7 – 12 wanting to attend, please meet in the Fellowship Hall at 8:30 am. Youth en-tering 7th grade are also welcome! Cost is $25/youth. Drivers will be needed. Rain date: July 20.

August 1: Dutch Springs. Any youth in grades 7 – 12 wanting to attend, please meet in the Dutch Springs parking lot at 9:30 am. Cost is $20/youth. Youth entering 7th grade are also welcome! Rain date: August 3.

August 6: Pastor Schaeffer’s last service and farewell breakfast.

August 7 – 11: M.A.D. Camp.

August 13: Outdoor Worship Service at the Naz-areth Borough Park.

September 10: Rally Day! We will be holding a Luther League meeting for all youth in grades 7 – 12 in the Youth Room at 12:00 noon (following the late church worship service). Lunch will be provided.

A Message from the Director of Youth & Family Ministries

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St. John’s Transitional Period An open Congregational meeting was held on Wednesday, June 14, 2017. Pastor Lori Kochanski, associate of the bishop from the Pennsylvania Northeast Synod shared important information with us concerning what to expect in the coming months following Pastor Schaeffer’s retirement. Highlights: A quote from Pastor Kochanski: “It is normal to be fearful, but to trust what is next and keep the joy.” Our goal presently is to share Pastor and Carol Schaeffer’s happiness and to give them a loving and joy-ous farewell! It is important to say our thank you’s and goodbyes to them both during their final days at St. John’s. Pastor Stinner will remain our Associate Pastor. The Synod office will appoint a Transitional or Interim Pastor for our congregation after Pastor Schaeffer’s departure to work with Pastor Stinner. Until a Transitional Pastor is contracted to St. John’s, Linda, our Administrative Parish Assistant, will work with the Synod to schedule supply pastors to share the pulpit with Pastor Stinner until our Transitional Pastor is in place. If the Transition-al Pastor is less than full time we may choose to experience a supply pastor on occasion. Currently in our Mission District, there are three congregations seeking a new Senior Pastor. Synod is active-ly searching for a new Transitional Pastor for us. The role of the Transitional Pastor is to carry on the work of a Senior Pastor, and to work with us to identify our needs as a congregation, thus helping us to find our new Senior Pastor. The Transitional Pastor is hired for one year. BUT, it is likely that the call process could take over a year to call our new Senior Pastor. Neither the Transitional Pastor nor Pastor Stinner can become our new Senior Pastor. A Call Committee will be identified by Church Council in the coming months, consisting of about 6 or 7 members. The Council will be given the candidate’s name, location, and will learn the candidate’s back-ground. The Call Committee will visit the candidate at a different church location, attend service, listen to a sermon, and then report back to the Church Council. If the candidate is well received, he or she will come to our Church to lead worship and preach a sermon. The Congregation will then vote “yes or no”. There may be more than one Candidate. Bishop Zeiser and Pastor Kochanski are guiding us as we transition. Pastor Kochanski stressed the importance for our congregation to trust in God’s guidance and trust in each other during this journey. We are very fortu-nate to have a strong leadership team here at St. John’s to help us carry on our work as we journey through this transitional time together. May God’s blessings and peace be with us all. Jackie Wolf, Council President, and The Personnel Committee

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There once was a pastor; his name was David Schaeffer. When he gave communion, he handed you a wafer. He told you to dip the wafer in the wine. Then you felt the glow of love – oooo – it felt so fine! He said “This is the blood of Christ” and that you must repent. And when he looked deep in your eyes, you knew exactly what he meant.

He’s lead us through many, many years of ups and downs. With his love and guidance, we’ve grown by leaps and bounds. We are very, very grateful for all that he has done. His presence at the table, is like a shining sun.

Then of course there’s Carol, his ever loving wife. Always there to help when asked, so very full of life. She graciously gave of her time, stood always by his side. Together they worked as a team, to love us and to guide.

Now that they are moving to a warmer, sunny place, We ask the Lord to keep them forever in His grace. We also ask the Lord, to bless them every day; keep them strong and healthy in whatever comes their way.

We have so many memories, we’ll cherish in our hearts and minds. A nicer, kinder, more loving pair would truly be hard to find.

God Bless You, Pastor David and Carol Schaeffer

Sandy Garr

We would like to thank St. John’s for the Anniversary Celebration held in May. The meal the VonBora Society made was delicious and it was nice to celebrate our anniversary with other church members. It is one more thing that makes St. John’s special. Thank you, Dick & Joanne Ressler

I wish to thank Pastor Schaeffer and Pastor Stinner for their visits and prayers while I was in the hospital. I also want to thank all who made phone calls, sent get-well cars and prayers for me while I was laid up. Roy Roth

Thanks to everyone who contributed to Support The Troops. With the help of our youth group, 15 boxes were sent to four members of the military services. The next project will be held November. Social Ministry Committee

To our wonderful friends at St. John’s Lutheran Church. Thank you so much foryour generosity and support! Love G.S. Troup #81078 & Laura Muroski

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Our heartfelt Christian sympathy goes out to the families and friends of the following members and friends of St. John’s who passed into eternal life in the months of May & June 2017:



We gladly received the following new members into the family and fellowship of St. John’s congregation in the months of May & June 2017:




Received in the months of May & June 2017:

VIRGINIA BUSS Alan & Debra Goodhard

MIKLOS MOLNAR Susan Ewers; Claude & Nancy Shappelle

We celebrate with those listed below who entered into the holy estate of matrimony according to God’s ordinance in June 2017:


June 25th

MARISSA ANN KAKAS Daughter of Phillip & Jessica (Ruch) Kakas

Born: August 1, 2016 Baptized: Saturday, June 10, 2017

SAWYER MATTHEW GIFFORD Son of Matthew & Michelle (Greene) Gifford

Born: April 28, 2017 Baptized: Sunday, June 11, 2017

BRAXTON STEWART WOLF Son of Kevin & Amy (Stewart) Wolf

Born: November 11, 2016 Baptized: Sunday, June 11, 2017

CADE ROBERT WOLF Son of Kevin & Amy (Stewart) Wolf

Born: November 11, 2016 Baptized: Sunday, June 11, 2017

MEADOW MICHAEL MARIANGELA MCGLYNN Daughter of Adam & Jocelyn (Bannwarth) McGlynn

Born: May 16, 2017 Baptized: Sunday, June 18, 2017

ELIZABETH JEAN GENTZLE Daughter of Donald & Pamela (Reiss) Gentzle

Born: July 10, 2017 Baptized: Sunday, June 18, 2017

EMILY ROSE GENTZLE Daughter of Donald & Pamela (Reiss) Gentzle

Born: July 10, 2017 Baptized: Sunday, June 18, 2017

We rejoice that those listed below have been liberated from sin and death by being joined in the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ through the sacra-ment of Holy Baptism in the month of June 2017:

Page 9: A Note from the Associate Pastor · 1 BLITZ-The strategic play that takes place two sec- onds after the benediction as everyone rushes for their favorite restaurant. COACH-The children's



If you or a friend of yours have been worshipping at St. John’s and decide to make it your church home, classes for New Members are scheduled once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month in the Church Parlor. The class is about one hour long and presents an overview of the Lutheran faith as well as a brief history. After deciding to join, a time is scheduled during one of the worship services to welcome the new member. Questions? Please feel free to contact the Church Office at 610-759-3090.


Baptism classes are held once a month in the Church Parlor for those wishing to be bap-tized or for bringing children to the font. Typically the class is scheduled the second Sun-day of the month. During the class, the meaning and importance of Baptism are present-ed and if there are any questions concerning the ceremony or sponsorship, they can be addressed at that time. You may call the Church Office to make arrangements for the date / time of the baptism, which can be scheduled either during or after the Saturday or Sunday worship services. Questions? Please feel free to contact the Church Office at 610-759-3090.

Let’s Get Those Cards Out and Wish a Blessed and Happy Birthday to Our Shut-In Friends Celebrating This Month!

RAYMOND CHRISTMAN, JR. August 28th MHS - #2020

175 W. North St. Nazareth, PA 18064


Country Meadows Bld. 3, Apt. 128A 2 Gracedale Ave.

Nazareth, PA 18064

AL KIMPLE July 22nd

Gracedale Tower EN 1, Rm. 8 2 Gracedale Ave.

Nazareth, PA 18064

The CHEMO bag will be displayed in the Shepard’s Room during the month of July. Donations of items to help us fill the bags can be left in the bin beneath the table. Monetary donations can be dropped off or mailed to the office. Seventy (70) bags per month are distributed to people who are beginning Chemo in Lehigh Valley hospitals. Your participation is greatly appreciated by friends, family and patients who receive this gift in their time of need.

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July 16 ~ Social Ministry (Summer Fellowship)

August 13 ~ Outdoor Worship / Breakfast

September 10 ~ Music & Worship / Columbarium (Rally Day)

2017 Fellowship Social Calendar

PRAYER CHAIN ~ We pray that you will think of us when you have need for prayer. This includes you, your family mem-bers, or friends. Please call Betty Laubach at 610-759-0225 or the Church Office at 610-759-3090. If you would like to join the Prayer

Chain and be a part of this powerful ministry, please let Betty or the Church Office know.

USHERS ARE NEEDED! Please contact Christina Brodt to put your name on the volunteer list. Ushering is a great way for families to serve together. Contact Christina Brodt, Ushers Coordinator, at 610-

653-0358 or [email protected]. Thank you for participating in this very important aspect of our worship services.

THE JERUSALEM SINGERS will be our guest choir at worship on

Sunday, July 9, 9:00 a.m.

Once again, the Jerusalem Singers will sing for worship at St. John’s! This choral ensemble was organized in 1996 as a non-profit, volunteer choral organization committed to the performance of both traditional and contemporary classical music with Christian texts. Founded and directed by Pete Deshler, music teacher and choral director at Easton Area High School, this a cappella vocal ensemble travels during the summer months to churches throughout the Lehigh Valley. St. John’s is fortunate to be among the churches they visit, and we again look forward to their participation in our worship service on Sunday, July 9. In addition to offering their musical gifts, they are also dedicated to public service and seek to raise funds for a worthy cause. A special freewill offering will be taken that morning to benefit the Naza-reth Area Food Bank on their behalf. Join us for worship to be inspired by the beauty of their music!


Our campaign is closing in on the half way point with a goal of reaching $850,000 by 2018 year end. To date the campaign has raised $705,621 which includes both pledged and unpledged donations. Pastor Schaeffer, as well as the Leadership Team, would like to see our goal attained before he retires. To that end, an anonymous donor has graciously agreed to match all donations in the amount of $2.00 for every $1.00 donated up to $50,000. In other words, if we are able to raise an additional $50,000, the anonymous donor will contribute $100,000 so we achieve our goal. Please prayerfully consider a donation to make this campaign a resounding success to the glory of God and his ever faithful steward, Pastor Schaeffer. Yours in Christ, TC Starner Tom Starner Leadership Team Representative

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The deadline for all submissions for the September 2017 issue of THE MESSENGER is:

Thursday, August 10th. You may leave printed material in the Church Office mailbox or you may email your article or announcement as a Word at-tachment to [email protected]. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

SUMMER OFFICE HOURS (through the first week of September)

Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

FOOD BANK WEEKEND: July 29th & 30th

August 26th & 27th

The Nazareth Area Food Bank needs to replenish its supply of canned stew/chili, canned vegetables, baked beans, stewed or diced tomatoes,

peanut butter, jelly, boxed cereal, canned soup, rice-a-roni, spam, but we also welcome any other items you would like to donate. We are also collecting paper products (facial tissues, paper towels, toilet pa-per, napkins & plates) and personal care products (soap, shampoo, body wash, deodorants, etc.) The Food Ba nk a lso us-es the large-sized brown paper bags so if you need to make room in your pantry, drop them off as well. THANK YOU!! The Nazareth Area Food Bank truly appreciates the contin-ued generosity and faithful support of the many members of St. John’s.

Support the Chalice Choir! Hoagie Coupons. Coupons for hoa-gies from Ressler’s Market on Main Street will continue to be sold for

$4.00 each on Sunday mornings in the Shepherd’s Room. Proceeds will benefit the Chalice Choir.

HELPING HANDS TRIP to NJ St. Bernard Project

Sunday, July 23 to Saturday, July 29 We will be rebuilding new homes after Hurricane Sandy. We are looking for volunteers to join us for part of the week

or the whole week. Contact Gail Price at 610-704-8736 or Andy Herbster at 610-253-8509. Next meeting July 18th at 7 PM.

SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM The Nazareth Ministerium is sponsoring a Summer Lunch Pro-gram for children and youth in the Nazareth Area School Dis-trict. St. John’s has signed up to

participate July 10 - 14, We need 4 - 6 volun-teers for each day from approx. 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to prepare bag lunches in the kitchen at Nazareth Moravian Church (on the circle) and to bring them one block to the park at the corner of Church & Center Sts. where they will be handed out to the children. Please call Susan Kelly at 610-746-2231 to volunteer.

WELCA Northern Lehigh Cluster Planning Event July 29 – 9:00 – Noon - Fellowship Hall

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Please join us for St. John’s annual Outdoor Worship Service, followed by a Catered Breakfast!

Sunday, August 13th at 9:00 a.m. Nazareth Borough Park Pavilion

Have a Special Need ~ Just Ask!

Special Needs Provided for: Parking Walkers

Easy Seating for Meal Table Service

Please Bring Your Lawn Chair for the Church Service.

Please R.S.V.P. by Sunday, August 7th

Outdoor Worship Service/Catered Breakfast

Please respond by Sunday, August 6th to the Church Office or by placing this slip in the offering plate.

I/We will attend St. John’s Outdoor Worship & Breakfast:

Name: _____________________________________

______________# Adults (age 11 and up; $8.00 each)

_______# Children (age 6-10; $3.00 each) _______ # Children (age 0-5; free)

Prices listed above are suggested donations.

These donations can be made Sunday at breakfast.


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Come join us at SUNDAY SCHOOL RALLY DAY 2017… September 10 @ 9:15 AM in Fellowship Hall!

Rally Day 2017 will be held on Sunday, September 10 beginning at 9:15 AM. All ages are welcome to attend. Sunday school has ages 2-3 (Nursery), ages 4-5 (Pre-K/K), grades 1-12, and two adult classes (Grace and Search). Come and experience God's all encompassing love through Chris-tian lectionary teachings.

Remember….Fellowship Hall @ 9:15 AM on September 10, 2017 Check Your Mail Closer to Rally Day for Rally Day Postcard

Each month in your offering envelopes, you will find a “Special Projects” envelope. These particular gifts are designated each month to benefit those in need or to support a need within our church.


SUMMER LUNCH PROGRAM A program of the Nazareth Ministerium, the Summer Lunch Program provides a bagged lunch for the chil-dren, youth, and seniors living in our community. Volunteers from churches and service organizations pre-pare the lunches weekdays for 10 weeks during the summer. All donations in the July Special Projects enve-lopes will go toward this worthy cause.


The Media Ministry takes care of all of the church’s audio/visual needs for the worship services, special con-certs, and other events. In addition, they provide a weekly recording of the 8:00 a.m. worship service on CD for our shut-ins. Offerings received in the August Special Projects envelopes will support this crucial minis-try team.

Groups Serving Christ Though St. John’s Church

There will be a Summer Fellowship on Sunday, July 16th, hosted by the Social Ministry Committee.

Social Ministry Social Ministry is responsible for raising the social consciousness of our congregation to make us aware of the physical, social, economic, political, and spiritual human condition. They work for the positive social change by providing the means to take action. Their pro-jects include Ingathering, Christmas in July, Souper Bowl Sunday, and Social Ministry Sunday. They also provide School Health and Baby Kits for Church World Services. The Committee meets in the church parlor and welcomes volunteers. Take a few minutes to chat with representatives of this group to find out more about their activities and plans. You may find that you want to become part of their efforts.

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The Church Office will be CLOSED on Tuesday, July 4th in observance of the Independence Day holiday.

Have a Safe & Happy 4th of July!

From the Staff at St. John’s:

Pastor Schaeffer Pastor Stinner

Pastor Butz Jaime Patrice Linda Bonnie

Gary, Tony, Dean & Ray

Our heartfelt congratula-tions go out to the follow-ing couples who attended the Wedding Anniversary Luncheon given by the

Katherine Von Bora Society on May 7th:

Susan & Bruce Anthony Shirley & Edward Bajan

Ann & Craig Dally Ruth & Donald Himler

Pat & Stan Keleman Dolly & Rod Knecht

Suzanne & Gerald Lewis Allison & Phillip Palmer Joanne & Richard Ressler

Jean A. & Raymond Shook Jocelyn & Tom Starner

Mary Anne & Wilson Wimmer

Anniversary Sunday

“TIME TO SING” ~ If you wish to make a hymn suggestion for our summer “Time to Sing,” please fill out a favorite hymn card at the rear of the nave. All hymn choices must be included in our cur-rent Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal

and the hymn # must also be indicated on the card. Place completed cards in the “Favorite Hymn Organ.” Each Sunday a card will be randomly selected and then sung during our worship service. We look for-ward to your participation!

Farewell Retirement Celebrations Please join us for one or both of these farewell and good wishes celebrations for Pastor and Carol as they embark on their new journey.

August 5 - Immediately following the 5:30 PM worship, there will be a time of fellowship.

August 6 - Immediately following the 9 AM worship, we will enjoy a continental breakfast.

Please RSVP by Monday, July 31st to the Church Office A freewill offering will be taken.


(Please print clearly)

Number Attending Aug. 5th Fellowship___________

Number Attending Aug. 6th Continental Breakfast___________

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Love-A-Lot Nursery School

**Oops! We are very sorry for the incorrect update that was the June messenger. Here’s the correct ver-sion. Thank you for understanding!** In the beginning of May, our classes were very busy preparing for the end of the school year. Our three-year-old class had their Mother’s Day Celebration on May 11th. The children sang, then shared refresh-ments and cookies with their Moms. The room was decorated with personalized portraits of each mom – a wonderful time was had by all! The 4yo class continued to review every letter, blending, positioning, patterning, rhyming, alliteration, shapes, colors, and numbers, while the 3yo class reviewed shapes, numbers, and colors. The last day of class was followed by a Graduation Ceremony in the evening for the 4yo class. The chil-dren worked very hard rehearsing both songs and poems for the big event. It was a “full house” in Fel-lowship Hall with lots of laughs and, of course, tears, as families and friends saw how their children have grown. Special thanks to everyone who assisted in preparing the stage/room, and of course, thank you to our piano-playing Reverend Janice Butz for helping to make the night a success by giving much of her time during rehearsals and for the big night! To celebrate the end of the year and ring in the summer months, a combined 3 and 4-year-old picnic was held at the Nazareth Boro Park. Great times, great memories, great friends…

Congratulations & Big Hugs to the Graduating Class of 2017:

Andrew, Aubree, Brendan, Chase, Cooper, Diana, Eli, Emma, Everlyn, Hailey, Isabelle,

Joshua, Kaiden, Layla, Lila, Lucas M., Lucas S., Lucas Z., Maximiliano,

Michael, Nora, Ryan, and Scarlett!

************** Although school is not in session for the summer, we are accepting registrations for September. The 3yo class meets Tuesday/Thursday and the 4yo class meets Monday/Wednesday/Friday. (Note: At the time of this writing, there are very limited spots open for the 3yo class; there are openings left in our 4yo class.) Both classes run from 9-11:30 am with an optional lunch bunch for the 4yo class that runs from 11:30-1pm. For more information, please call (484)-293-0720, or email [email protected]. (Both voicemail and email are checked on a regular basis throughout the summer months).

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June has flown by and the classrooms are enjoying another busy summer here at the daycare cen-ter. Last month we celebrated the graduation of our preschool class. We look forward to seeing them grow as they head off to kindergarten. Everyone has been spending lots of time outside with picnics at the park and water play in the courtyard. The students are also enjoying visits from the ice cream truck and are looking forward to our annual butterfly rearing project where each classroom will have caterpillars to care for and watch transform into butterflies. Even though it is summer the learning doesn’t stop and many of the classrooms will be learning about sea creatures, insects, Independence Day. We have had lots of new and returning friends join us for our school age program this summer and they are looking forward to lots of fun activities. They are preparing for a new class pet and getting ready for several field trips. St. John’s Daycare is hiring! If you know anyone who loves working with children, please ask them to contact us. Our program provides care for children 6 weeks through school age from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm. Our preschool curriculum is taught daily within our day. We have openings in our infant room, older toddler room, and preschool room. If you have any interest in learning about our center, please call 610-759-4999 or email [email protected]


There are projects we are planning to start this summer. Several of these projects are from the Capital Campaign and others are new for this year. Do you have experience with electrical, plastering, painting, pluming, woodworking, concrete or welding? If so, please see Tony. We need your help to achieve our goals.

At the moment we are waiting on some funding from the Finance Committee to upgrade our telephone sys-tem. (Capital Campaign).

The upgrade of our sound system for the Fellowship Hall is begin on July 5th and run through July 7th. (Capital Campaign).

The 2nd and 3rd phase of repair work on the nave organ is active and should be completed next week. The remainder of the work is scheduled for 2018.

Re-pointing of the chimney has been completed! The next phase of repointing the church bricks will start soon. (Capital Campaign).

We will be moving ahead with the restoration of the arch type stained glass windows (south wall alley/shepherd room). Work is scheduled to begin in June (weather permitting). (Capital Campaign).

We’ve got some indoor and outdoor cleaning activities coming up and we’d like to enlist the help of our youth. If you’d like to volunteer, please contact Tony.

The Sextons [email protected]

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PRESENT: Chris Andrews, Stephen Bajan II, Rev. Janice Butz, Craig Dally, Christine Garrison, Greg Leh, Gail Price, Rev. David Schaeffer, Rev. Franklin Stinner, Wayne Vierzbicki, Joyce Wallace, Sharon Werner, Jackie Wolf.

ABSENT: Joe Billy, Alan Butz, Cathie Dara, Jaime Taylor RESIGNED: Scott Little due to his relocation

WELCOME: Jackie Wolf welcomed new council member: Greg Leh DEVOTIONS: Sharon Werner led with a prayer.

MINUTES: The Minutes of the April 26, 2017 meeting were reviewed and stand as written. Motion by Chris Andrews to accept the Minutes. 2nd – Wayne Vierzbicki. Motion passed.

COMMUNICATIONS: 1. Resignation letter was reviewed from Scott Little. 2. Sympathy card was passed around for Cathie Dara’s


PASTOR SCHAEFFER’S REPORT: Complete as written, including: 1. Pastor Schaeffer & Carol travelled to South Bend, IN to

honor Rev. Steven Schwier at his retirement dinner. 2. Attended the NE Penn Synod worship service & lunch-

eon to honor Pastors & Deacons celebrating significant anniversaries. This was my 40th Anniversary of Ordina-tion.

3. Attended the Rotary Club of Nazareth celebration of their 90th anniversary of existence. I was president of the Rotary Club from 1998 – 1999.

4. Celebrated with Pastor Sue Ruggles & Roger in Easton about our years together serving St. John’s – Nazareth.

5. May 31, 2017 – Taught my last Confirmation Class. 6. June 6 – Wills Seminar in Shepherd’s Room at 7:00

p.m. 7. June 7 – Movie – Martin Luther – 6:30 p.m. 8. June 14 – Rev. Lori Kochanski will be here for Congre-

gational meeting. – 7:00 p.m. 9. Performed 7 Baptisms.

PASTOR STINNER REPORT: Complete as written, includ-ing: 1. Provided pastoral coverage from April 19 – May 1, 2017 2. Presided at worship services on April 29-30, 2017. 3. May 20 – 21, 2017 = Church Music Weekend – Presid-

ed at Worship.

REV. JANICE BUTZ REPORT: Complete as written, in-cluding: 1. May 21 – Church Music Sunday – Was a wonderful

morning of music. 2. May 24 – Celebration Choir presented a program at

Phoebe Terrace in Allentown. 3. March, 2018 Arts Festival at St. John’s. “Great Is Thy

Faithfulness” Theme. Events are being scheduled. 4. Continue to need new choir members. 5. Greg Leh has offered to help out with the Bell Choir.

DIRECTOR OF YOUTH & FAMILY MINISTRIES REPORT: Complete as written including: 1. June 11 – Bake Sale Fundraiser 2. June 27 – July 1, 2018 – Youth Gathering in Houston,

TX – Had meeting for parents and youth. Will be work-ing on fundraising.


FINANCE: Stephen Bajan II reported: 1. Tony & Helping Hands are doing a good job on 38 Pro-

spect – Second floor. 2. There is no fire escape on the third floor; therefore it

can only be used for storage. 3. Looking for renters. 4. Pastor Schaeffer’s salary & benefits will continue until

Aug. 31, 2017. 5. Pastor Schaeffer will be allowed to stay in the parson-

age until Aug. 31, 2017.

COLUMBARIUM: Pastor Schaeffer reported: No Activity DAY CARE: Jackie Wolf reported: 1. Doris Koehler was honored with a plague.

ENDOWMENT: Stephen Bajan II reported: 1. Portfolio is doing as expected. Continues to be invest-

ed in the market. 2. June 6 – Stephen Bajan II & Attorney Teresa Hogan will

be holding an Estate Planning meeting. 3. June 6 - Market Growth - Donald Himler will give a his-

tory of Endowment. 4. Request – Bear Creek Camp – 12 campers. Paid from

Youth Account 5. Request – Pastor Schaeffer – To rent the movie – Mar-

tin Luther. – Paid from Education Account. 6. Request – Rev. Janice Butz – Conference of Lutheran

Church Musicians in Minneapolis. Paid from Education Account.


May 31, 2017

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EVANGELISM: Sharon Werner reported: 1. May 4 – Making of the Confirmation Bags.

HELPING HANDS: Gail Price reported: 1. July 23 – July 29, 2017 - NJ – St. Bernard project. Will

be working on 14 houses.

LOVE-A-LOT: Wayne V. reported: 1. May 19 – Graduation in Fellowship Hall. 2. May 22 – End of year picnic – Nazareth Boro Park. 3. New Director – Andrea Miller was announced.

LUTHER LEAGUE: 1. May 31 – Youth helped pack boxes for “Support Our


PERSONNEL: Gail Price & Jackie Wolf reported: 1. June 14 – Pastor Lori Kochanski will be here for a Con-

gregational meeting.

PROPERTY: Wayne V. reported: Complete as written including: 1. Pointing of church masonry. 2. Femenella – leaking window on Broad St. – They will

come to investigate. 3. MRP Electrical – Circuit Panel replacements complet-

ed. 4. Cumberland Glass – Shepherd’s window – to start first

week in June. 5. Sound system – Bidders to finalize scope of each sys-

tem. 6. Towers inspected – Bells have been shut off due to

rotten timbers. 7. Choir Robe closet – Discussion as to where to relocate

the robes. 8. Organ contractors – Janice Butz reported that they will

be coming for the second phase. Organ will be out of use June 5 – 19, 2017.

SOCIAL MINISTRY: Jackie Wolf – No Report 1. The garden produce money will be given to the Naza-

reth Area Food Bank.

STEWARDSHIP: Christine Garrison reported: 1. Volunteer Recognition Weekend – Only 4 people

helped at the Fellowship Hour. 2018 - will need 2 com-mittees to help with Fellowship Hour.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Pastor Schaeffer reported: 1. June 4 – Confirmation – Sunday School hosts Fellow-

ship Hour. 2. June 11 – Sunday School closing on the lawn.

WORSHIP & MUSIC: Chris Andrews reported: 1. June 7 – Reformation movie “Martin Luther” will be pre-

sented in the nave – 6:30.

2. Chris asked everyone’s opinion if they prefer Letter Box presentation.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: 1. Capital Campaign – Stephen Bajan II reported – We

are at 16 months into the Campaign. Anonymous do-nor will match up to $50,000.

2. Fellowship Hall Rental – Cathie Dara reported that the Committee continues to update guidelines.

3. Evangelism Home Visits – Sharon Werner & Laurie Center are the volunteers.

4. June 20 – Council/Committee Picnic – Susan Kelly home – Joe Billy in charge of tables & chairs.

5. July 10-14 - Summer Lunch Program – Susan Kelly will manage. Christine Garrison suggested youth to help.

NEW BUSINESS 1. May 18 – Mission District Assembly – Alan Butz, Pastor

Schaeffer & Pastor Stinner attended. 2. June 2 – 3 – NE Penn Synod Assembly – Joyce Wal-

lace & Jackie Wolf delegates. 3. Aug. ______ - Outdoor Worship Service – Will be dis-

cussed at June Council meeting. 4. Aug. 13 – Return Committee/Group Information Sheet

with dates

Building Use Requests: 1. June 6, 2017 – Stephen Bajan, II Estate Planning

Meeting – Shepherd’s Room 2. June 11, 2017 – Joyce Wallace – WELCA “End of Year

Picnic” – Fellowship Hall 3. June 24, 2017 – Christina Brodt – Nazareth Community

Band – Fellowship Hall 4. Aug. 7 – 11, 2017 – Janice Butz – M.A.D. Camp – Fel-

lowship Hall & Choir Room. 5. Sept. 9, 2017 – Andrea Miller – Love-A-Lot Nursery –

Open House & Orientation - Classrooms 6. Sept. 16, 2017 – Janice Butz – American Guild of Or-

ganists – Nave & Fellowship Hall 7. May 18, 2018 – Andrea Miller – Love-A-Lot Nursery –

Graduation - Fellowship Hall & Stage 8. Motion by Craig Dally to accept Building Use Requests.

2nd – Christine Garrison. Motion passed.

Council President Jackie Wolf declared the meeting ad-journed at 8:30 p.m. The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Next Meeting = June 28, 2017 @ 7:30 p.m. Next Devotions = Greg Leh Respectfully submitted, Joyce Wallace Recording Secretary

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2017 Please note the date you have been scheduled to serve. K

indly find a replacement if you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, and

notify the Church O

ffice of any changes. Contact the coordinator (in parenthesis) if you are unable to find someone to serve in your place or if

you’d like to volunteer to serve in one of these rewarding roles.



e of Service





Maryellen W

erkheiser (610-759-5191)




S Jaim

e Taylor/C

hurch Office





Christina Brodt





hristina Brodt (610-653-0358)

Jul 1 5:30 p.m

. Jennie W


Jayde Rizzotto

Charles Bonisese

Jul 2 9:00 a.m

. Y

outh A

shley Breault R

alph Brodt, III R

alph & C

hristina Brodt

Jul 8 5:30 p.m

. Barry &

Bonnie Boyer Jordan R

euber C

indy Evancho

Jul 9 9:00 a.m

. Judy M

erola, Maryellen W

erkheiser A

aron Leopold K

arlene Kipp

Karlene K

ipp, Kathy K


Jul 15 5:30 p.m

. Sarah A


Mackenzie M


Lenna Harris

Jul 16 9:00 a.m

. K

yle & Sue R

oth Joan Johnson

Aiden K

och C

hristina Brodt R

alph & C

hristina Brodt

Jul 22 5:30 p.m

. M

ary Ann K

aspern C

onnor Gregus

Charles Bonisese

Jul 23 9:00 a.m

. A

nnie Bickert, Am

ie Tracy


& Sue W

ida C

rystal Koch

Diana H

olva T

om &

Jocelyn Starner

Jul 29 5:30 p.m

. Ludw

ig & LuJean G

ocek M

adelyn Rex

Craig D


Jul 30 9:00 a.m

. Joe &

Joy Grim


an & T

erry Lynch A

nthony Albanese

Karen C


Ralph D

eyo, Ginger R


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e of Service





Maryellen W

erkheiser (610-759-5191)




S Jaim

e Taylor/C

hurch Office





Christina Brodt





hristina Brodt (610-653-0358)

Aug 5

5:30 p.m.

Laurie Center

Max Ehrlich

Charles Bonisese

Aug 6

9:00 a.m.




Edith Brodt C

raig & A

nn Dally

Aug 12

5:30 p.m.

Gerald &

Elaine Spangler M

ia Gregus

Cindy Evancho

Aug 13

9:00 a.m.

Church C

ouncil O

utdoor Service/Nazareth Borough Park

Outdoor Service/ N

azareth Borough Park

Outdoor Service

Church C

ouncil O

utdoor Service/Nazareth

Borough Park

Aug 19

5:30 p.m.

Barbara Smith

Payton Reuber

Lenna Harris

Aug 20

9:00 a.m.

Gerry Edw

ards, Dottie M

essinger Sue W

erner, Doris Pizzuto


as Fegley Sharon W

erner A

l & Lynne Babp

Aug 26

5:30 p.m.

Barbara Smith

Kaelan Ellis

Charles Bonisese

Aug 27

9:00 a.m.

Jean Master, Janice D

rosnock M

aryellen Werkheiser

Christopher Jennings

Chiara D

ooley D

iana Holva

Gerry &

Suzanne Lewis







ST 2017

Please note the date you have been scheduled to serve. Kindly find a replacem

ent if you are unable to serve on your scheduled date, and notify the C

hurch Office of any changes. Contact the coordinator (in parenthesis) if you are unable to find som

eone to serve in your place or if you’d like to volunteer to serve in one of these rew

arding roles.

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SAINT JOHN’S EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH, NAZARETH MISSION STATEMENT: Saint John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is a family of Believers of Christ, who worship together to be nourished by the proclamation of God’s Word and by the gracious gifts of Baptism and Holy Communion. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, through education and fellowship, we respond in obedience to God’s Word, without reserve, in service to the needs of all God’s creation. Saint John’s is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.


Altar Flowers Steven Millheim 610-365-2343

Altar Guild Jocelyn Starner 610-759-3205

Bulletin Sponsors Church Office 610-759-3090

Church Council President Jackie Wolf 484-544-1950

Greeters Schedule Maryellen Werkheiser 610-759-5191

Helping Hands Gail Price 610-704-8736 Keith Shook 610-759-0594

Katherine Von Bora Society Susan Kelly 610-746-2231

Lectors Schedule Christina Brodt 610-653-0358

Love-A-Lot Nursery School Jolene LaBarre, Director 484-293-0720 [email protected]

Luther League (Youth Group - grades 7 & up) Jaime Taylor 610-509-8288

Media Ministry Lois Davis 610-504-1635 [email protected] Nursery Attendant Kristin Andrews 610-504-6622

Prayer Chain Betty Laubach 610-759-0225

St. John’s Day Care Lisa Todd, Director 610-759-4999 [email protected] Sunday School Committee Lois Davis, Superintendent 610-504-1635 [email protected] Ushers Schedule Christina Brodt 610-653-0358

Women of the ELCA (WELCA) Joyce Wallace 610-330-9113


200 S. Broad Street, Nazareth, PA 18064-2801 Church Office 610-759-3090 Fax 610-759-3719 E-Mail [email protected] Website www.stjohnsnaz.org


Senior Pastor: Rev. David B. Schaeffer [email protected] 610-759-1571

Associate Pastor: Rev. Franklin S. Stinner [email protected] 610-746-9695

Minister of Music: Rev. Janice I. Butz [email protected] 610-882-9388

Director of Youth & Family Ministries: Jaime L. Taylor 610-759-3090 [email protected]

Assist. Organist/Choir Director: Patrice A. Kidd 610-867-1330

Parish Administrative Assistant: Linda Kasmakites [email protected]

Parish Financial Secretary: Bonnie Mertz [email protected]

Sextons: Gary Baltz, Tony Petrillo, Dean Brodt, Ray Wolfe, Jr. [email protected]


Building Trust Fund - Jeff Daniels (Special appt.) Day Care - Jackie Wolf Evangelism - Sharon Werner Helping Hands - Jackie Wolf, Gail Price Love-A-Lot Nursery School - Wayne Vierzbicki Personnel - Jackie Wolf, Gail Price Property – Joe Billy, Wayne Vierzbicki Social Ministry - Cathie Dara, Jackie Wolf Stewardship - Christine Garrison Sunday School - Jaime Taylor Worship & Music - Chris Andrews YEO Endowment - Donald Himler (Special appt.) Youth Representative - TBA

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Volume CLXVIIII “To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known” Issue No. 394

The Messenger

IN THIS ISSUE… A Note from the Associate Pastor ........................... 1 Worship with Us! .......................................................... 2 Grace Notes ................................................................... 3 Youth News. .................................................................. 5 Pastoral Acts……………………………….……..8 Love-A-Lot News ........................................................ 15 Day Care News & Sexton Corner .......................... 16 Council Minutes……………………………...17-18 July Worship Assistants ............................................. 19 August Worship Assistants………….…………..20 NEPA Synod News……………………………...22

2017 July / August

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JULY 2017


5:30 PM Worship w/HC

Sexton on Duty: Dean

2 9:00 AM Worship w/HC Sexton on Duty: Dean

3 No Scheduled Events

4 Independence Day Church Office Closed

5 6:00 PM Summer SHYG 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm Band

6 No Scheduled Events

7 No Scheduled Events

8 5:30 PM Worship w/HC Sexton on Duty: Tony


9:00 AM Worship w/Jerusalem Singers 10:15 AM NM/BAP Class

Sexton on Duty: Tony

10 Summer Lunch Program 6:30 PM Golf Committee 7:00 PM Stewardship

11 Summer Lunch Program 9:00 AM Ladies Aid 6:30 PM Social Ministry 6:30 PM Visions of Eagles – Pics of Nazareth (Fellowshiip Hall)

12 Summer Lunch Program 6:00 PM Summer SHYG 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band

13 Summer Lunch Program 6:00 PM Retirement Planning Committee

14 Summer Lunch Program

15 5:30 PM Worship w/HC Sexton on Duty: Ray

16 9:00 AM Worship w/HC (Fellowship – Social Ministry) 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM Youth Car Wash Tractor Supply on Jandy Blvd., Naz

Sexton on Duty: Ray

17 No Scheduled Events

18 8:30 AM Youth Trip to Dorney Park/Wildwater Kingdom 9:00 AM Ladies Aid 7:00 PM Helping Hands


6:00 PM Summer SHYG 6:30 PM Bible Study 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band


No Scheduled Events

*Raindate Dorney Park


No Scheduled Events


5:30 PM Worship w/HC

Sexton on Duty: Dean

23 Helping Hands Trip 9:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM Personnel (Parlor)

Sexton on Duty: Dean

24 Helping Hands Trip 9:00 AM Koehler-Roth Memorial Golf Tournament

25 Helping Hands Trip 9:00 AM Ladies Aid .

26 Helping Hands Trip 6:00 PM Summer SHYG 6:30 PM Bible Study 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band

27 Helping Hands Trip

28 Helping Hands Trip

29 FOOD BANK WEEKEND Helping Hands Trip 9:00 AM WELCA – Northern Lehigh Cluster Planning Event 5:30 PM Worship w/HC Sexton on Duty: Tony

30 FOOD BANK WEEKEND 9:00 AM Worship Sexton on Duty: Tony

31 No Scheduled Events

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9:00 AM Ladies Aid 9:30 AM Youth Trip to Dutch Springs

2 6:00 PM Summer SHYG 6:30 PM Bible Study 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm Band

3 No Scheduled Events *Dutch Springs Rain Date

4 No Scheduled Events

5 5:30 PM Worship w/HC Farewell Fellowship for Pastor & Carol

Sexton on Duty: Ray 6 Pastor Schaeffer’s Last Worship Svc 9:00 AM Worship w/HC Celebratory Continental B’fast for Pastor & Carol Sexton on Duty: Ray

7 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM MAD Camp 6:30 PM Property

8 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM MAD Camp 9:00 AM Ladies Aid 6:30\ PM Sunday School

9 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM MAD Camp 6:00 PM Summer SHYG 6:30 PM Bible Studay 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm Band

10 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM MAD Camp

11 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM MAD Camp

12 5:30 PM Worship w/HC Sexton on Duty: Dean


9:00 AM Outdoor Worship Svc. Naz. Boro Park Catered Breakfast

Sexton on Duty: Dean

14 6:30 PM WELCA Unit Bd. 7:00 PM Day Care Bd.

15 9:00 AM Ladies Aid

16 6:00 PM Summer SHYG 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band

17 No Scheduled Events

18 No Scheduled Events

19 5:30 PM Worship w/HC Sexton on Duty: Tony

20 9:00 AM Worship w/HC 10:15 AM NM/BAP Class Sexton on Duty: Tony

21 7:00 PM Finance 8:00 PM Endowment

22 9:00 AM Ladies Aid


6:00 PM Summer SHYG 6:30 PM Bible Study 6:30 PM GS Leader Service Unit Mtg. (Fellowship Hall) 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band

24 No Scheduled Events


No Scheduled Events


5:30 PM Worship w/HC

Sexton on Duty: Ray

27 FOOD BANK WEEKEND 9:00 AM Worship

Sexton on Duty: Ray

28 No Scheduled Events

29 9:00 AM Ladies Aid 7:00 PM Arts Festival Mtg.

30 6:00 PM Summer SHYG 6:30 PM Bible Study 7:00 PM NA (Rm. 5 downstairs) 7:30 PM Naz. Comm. Band 7:30 PM Churh Council

31 No Scheduled Events