i K 1 A m OTf WW III L i, H I II 11 ri f il M 1 I I U r Y V Y V i PKICE 5 CENTS. - VOL. V.-- NO. 270. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, SATURDAY . NOVEMBEK 13, 1886. ' t Wm. O Irwin. BSIOS FEED CO,, 0.;ien rf- - Ulinburgh treelf, WHOLKfiALK RKTAIX Iealers 1 HAY AM tJHAlN. Telephone No. 175. Ooods delivered promptly. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser li PVRLI11F.lt E?er3' Mornina: Except Sundays. HUBSCHIPllONS : Oailt I. (J. Advkrtisk.k, one yar. ....... f6 oo Daily P. C. Advkiitjhkk, six months... 3 oo Dailv P. C. Auvkktiser, three months.. 1 50 Daily P. C. Advkktiskr, per month 50 Wkmkly P. V. ADVKKTittKK, one yer.. ....... 5 00 Ff ?l(fn SubscrlpUou, W. P. C. A. (including voaluge) ....'. 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance ..3i&rtisfmfnt5. Birthday Jubilee -- OF- His Majesty the King To all Hawaiian BiibjeeU and friendu of the Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, Hia Majesty' loyal subject, contemplating with grateful hearta the continued reign in good health of our beloved Sovereign, which haa been vouchsafed ua under the blessings of the Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap- proach of the anniversary which marks the fiftieth yt ar of Hia life an era in the life of a Ruler which in any land i to be recog- nized among the people aa a fitting occasion for marked rejoicing and festive jubilee do invite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friends oi the Nation, to join with u in a loyal and loving celebration of the yiftietli 13irtlidav OF HIS MAJESTY THE KING, -- ON THE- - lGth Day of November Next, iu the City of Honolulu, when, God willing, wh may all unite in demonatrationa of love aud fealty to our Beloved King, FAUL P. KANOA. J NO. M. KAFENA, L. AHOLO, JOHN A. CUMMINS, JNO. E. BUSH, JNO. L. KAULUKOU. PAINTING ! ! SECURED TIIK SERVICES OF THE HAVING California Sign Writer and Urainer, IT.' GAEIOT, I am now prepared to do all kinds of Klii, House ami Ship Ialnllir, Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc., Ia all the LatestCalifornia Designs and Styles, at California rricea. BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat- ing for the 50th birthday of His Majesty solicited. C. B. PATTERSON, PAINTER. No. 11 Kins St. Mutual Telephone 462 182 jan 22 DR. L. GOTO THYSICIAN AND SCRGEON. LEPROSY A JL speciality. Office ho .rs at Kakaako. from a to 11 a. m. everv day excvut Sunday. Will visit natienta at their residence by request. All other Ataeaaes treated at his office, corner of Punch bowl and Beretauia streets. Office hour from I to 5 p. m.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. m. 112apr2 THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV IGATION COMPANY, (Limited,, Keep conntantly on hand, for sale. STEAM, FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a general assortment of BAR IRON. M 1? Mew rhotoxrapli Kooms. NICHOLAS STORE, FORT STREET, OVER the Shooting Gallery. Pictures. Port- raits and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfaction guaranieed. 114ap2 T. A. GONSALVKS. TO LET. . n mi lUl-T- WO NICE COTTAGE3 IN RO j. bello Lane, for $30 aud ?20 per month re-- anectlvelv. inauire at nyiuan jjroo., W1 " itreet. BONE MEAL!! Tlie undersigned are now prepared to re eeive orders for thi; Celebrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of Buck & Ohlaudt San Francisco. The following ia a report of the compo- nent parts, aa obtained by Chemical analy- sis: Water 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29. IS " " Silicious Matter 4.65 " " Lime 31.7 " Acid " " Phosphoric 23.11 Oxide of Iron 8-- " " Carbonic Acid Alka SalU 52 " 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per tent. Orders Received will have Promj)i and Careful Attention. W. (t. Irwin & Co., Aleuts or the Hawaiian Island 2itrj GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, Ml. L 11. YI . Manufacture and Supply all kliuls of Book. Xfni, Flat aul Label Papers, liiiMlers' Itonrtl, TwiuM, Ete. W. G. RICHARDSON, RE-S- I DK N'T AGP:NT 2 OS LeiileHdorn Street. Ielepbone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. H.Special Atteutiou siven to Large Contract. 6 tf&w The Risdon Irou & Locomotive Works, Corner of Beale and Howard Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA V. II . TAYLOR. President JOS. MOORE Superintendent GUILDERS OF STKAM MACHINERY, IN I " all its brandies; Meamboat, steamship. Laud Krigines and Boilers, High Pressure or Compound. ST F.AM VF.SSKLS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY KNGINK.s compounded when ad- visable. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed, speed, ton- nage and draft of water guaranteed. SUGAR JtlLLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G V made after the most approved plans. Also, all Roller Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Shfet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting' together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, mada after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacture for the Pa-c.t- ic Coast of the Heine Safety Roller. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Worics' purposes, built with the cele- brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to any other pump. J. N. WILLIAMS-- . Honolulu Room No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block. (Agent for Hawaiian Islands-- ) 'Jse.'to-lyd-- w L. G. SUESOYICII & CO., Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers Id Foreign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried; manufacturers of Desiccated Cocoanut. iSananas, Limes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, Tahiti Oranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Dates and Smyrna Figs, Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex- perience in shipping to China, Australia, Mexico, Central America, Eastern States, etc. Tropical Fruits Imported direct by every steamer. Branch House, San Francisco, 1. O. box 1338. Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 1J0. 4.i, 415 and 417 Washington treet, opposite Post Office; 41"J, 414 and 4 10 Merchant street 10 feb287 SAN FRANCISCO. J?JE31jE2 BEAVER SALOON, SO. ' FORT STKBKT. Opposite Wilder t Co.'sj H. JT. Wolte, Propr. OPKX rOM 3 A. H. TIU, 10 P. M HRST-CLAS- S Ll.CHES. COFFEE, TE1, S0D1 W'ATEB, G1GKK II. E, Oigrai'fs and Tobacco- - OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will rind an Klegant : co. billiard tasls on the Premises. Tfc Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who mar desire a LUNCH. A SMOKE, OH A GAME OF BILLIARDS. H. J. X0LTE, at tf SUN FIRE OFFICE OF LONflON. K S T A B L IS H E D 17 1. KFFECTEL) UiON EVEUV INSUKANCKS property at the current rates of premium. Total sum. Insured in 1H!5 - - 327,333,700 Claims arranged by the local and pad with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribm.us recognii' t G. W. Macfarlane & Co., JlJJtwtf Agen ta for the Hawaiian Ialaiuh. ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. ! Al'ITtL HO.Otio.OOO UNLIMITK1 LIABILITY, lire Iiisnranre ui all lecritHoi Jt; will be effected at Moderate Kates of Preua um.tij' the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN A CO tf Managers for Haw. Islands XT TO" i o rc 'Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Of New Zealaud. CAIMTAL. : 10.000.000 KstHlIIliel an Ascency at HnviiiK for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire In dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. LosMe promptly a!JusteI A payable. 19-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN fc CO. THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, M Vhiihiiii Street. IlonultilH. II I. Particular attention paid to repairing. Silt JOHN COOK, House Carpenter & Builder, 31 Alaheit Street. Will furnish estimates and make contracts for any description of wood buildings. Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfaction guaranteed. Charges as low as the lowest. 57 tf Koliala Saloon. Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors ALWAYS ON HAND. Faney Iriiifct of every .leseriptloii a speelPlty. EL. H. Webb, 50dwly Proprietor. Tahiti Lemonade Works. -- Eratetl Table Waters. GINGER ALE. LEMONADE. GRENADINE. PLAIN SODA. Absolutely INire. As supplied to the principal families i n Hono- lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty's vessels of war. 33tf 1 To all HAWAIIAN'S and FRIENDS -- OF- IIJAW All' X ni! The underiK"ed gives notice that he will 1e inattendar.ee at the Palace grounds from this date to the l.'dh day of November, to receive the gifts of all who wiiih to express their loyalty and aloha for His Majesty Kiug Kalukaua, on the occasion of the Celebration -- OF- His Majesty's 50th Birthday. The articles presented will be duly refiistered aud cared for as the free-wi- ll gifts of a loving people to their King, in accordance with the custom of our country; and it is requested that they may be given in charge of the undersigned at as early a date as possible. JOHN A. CUMMINS. Marshal of Birthday Ceremonies. 110oct2tfw I. L. ITtNLKY. iOMK H'Kt'AM IC. Spruance, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of Fine WHISKIES. WINES AND LIQUORS 410 Front St.. Sau Frauetseo. 2 tf Aw ISAAC K. DAVIS. MV.NKV tWkI.L DAVIS & C0WELL, m am' actcrkhk r Santa Cruz Lime, OK ENGLISH PORTLAND t IMPORTERS A 1 Kit, FIRE RR1CKS, FIRE CIAY, Etc. 211-21- 3 DRUMM Ntrcct, b t. Hay and WaxhltiKtoii, P. O. Box 2,292. SAN FRANCISCO. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and It Pine street, San Francisco, Cat Agents for Kirby't fcant Crna Tanneries. Hoi Harness and all other kinds of leather. 4 sen IV H. H. ILU9, J. W. MILLZU. Ell,lJlS&MIlL,LKli Wholesale and Com mission Dealers in Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEA R STREET, Between Market and Mission, SAN FRANCISCO t-- Orders SoIlrltel. Meci'tMy Whittier, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACIFIC RUJiBEJl PAINT, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS and AR- TISTS' MATERIALS, 21-2- 3 Front St., f : San FranrJseo C. MAIN. E. II. WINCHESTER Main & Winchester. Manufacturers aud Importers of Harness, Saddles, Itrlilles, Whips, COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC. Nos. 211, 21 C. 218 and 22.1 Battery Street. Han Iracclsco. Illustrated catalouo sent on application. K lincli2 0 RESTORED The reason that Thoutaml cannot grt eurrd of SEMINAL WEAKNESS. LOSS OF MAN- HOOD, and the result (J abu$e. disease or excesses, it oviriff to a complication called PROSTA T0R-IU1E- A. DR. HEMPS J.YFIOORATOK is the OML Tcure for PROS TA TORRnEA. Price. 3.00 per pactarje, 6 packages, R10.W. Oitide to JIralth and Srlf-- A ttalytt sent free. Address LIE-BI- O DISPENSARTfor Disease of Me. 400 Gtary St., San 'ranntco. Cat. io-t- f Dodge, Sweeney & Co., San Franelsco, 1'al. Wholesale dealers In Butter, Cheese, Lard, and all kinds of provisions. SOLE AGENTS FOR Llbby, McXelll V I.I bio 's Canned Meats. II. 91. Ilupee's (Eagle IJraud) t lifeaice Hams. Henry Verbaxe" fanned Vienna aud Ham Sausage, And O. W. Hume's "Flatf" Ilrand of Canned Salmon. 104 rncb29 87 O. M. Josselyn & Co., Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Ship Chandlery. 38 and 4 Market StSnn Fraarlseo. Agents fo Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufacture Init Company. I2fe2:t-l- y WATERHOUSE & LESTER, Importers of "Wagon Lumber And CARRIAGE MATERIAL. 16 to 22 Beale Street. San Franriseo. LEVI STItAUSS & CO., Hand in Rattery street, Pan Francisco Cal. Importers of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods, Hoxlery, Ladles and Gent's Furnishing Goods. nfole Proprietors and Manufacturers tt thaeele-barte- d PATENT RIVETED CLOTHING. U 1an2 S7 1'LANTERS, ATTENTION ! Just received, eiIT)rig CONSUELO,. 18 Fine Youiiff Mules Which are offered for "sile on reasonable trtu Apply ir WM. G. IRWIN CO IOC gap'.S tt 11 ' i 4 : I U3 ( il 1 ; (i a f i V' A Adrfrtisfinents. ATTOBXETKAT.LAW. CURKNCK W. VOIJXKY V ASHFORI). ASHPoan. Athfort A' Asbrord, ATTORNEYS. COUNSELLORS, SOLICITORS, ADVOCATES, ETC. Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post Oflice. 42dftwlf JOHN T. DARE, Attorney anl Counsellor at Ea, Office No. IJ, Spreckels Block, Honolulu. 176 oct21tf BROWN, ATTO XKV-AT-LA- AND CtECIL PuMIc, Camplell'8 Block. Merchant street M. THOMPSON. A TT ORNEY-AT-L- A W , And Solicitor in Chancery Ottice, Campbell's Block, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance on Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 41 tf J. M. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Itate In any part or the II in if Keal Rought.Sold aud Leased on Oommiasion Loans Ncgotiatel aud Legal Documents Drawn S. 27 MEKCIIANT STREET, Gazette Block, liouoiulu. 45-- WENNER & CO. 2 Fort Street. Have on nand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watched, Bracelets, Necklets, Tins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver aid Gold Plato. Elegant SoliU Silver Tea Set. suifible for Presentation. KNGRAVIM. AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Kepalriu Iu all lt brandies. CT Hole Agent.- - for King's Ey pTeaeivera. Metropolitan Market KI.VU NTUEirr, Q, J. WALLER. PROPRIETOR Choleent Meata froui Finest llera, Families ;and shipping supplied on SHORT NO? ICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. A11 meats delivered from this market are thor ouirly hilled immediately after killlne by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator Meat so treated retains all its Ji tcr properties, and ia GUARANTEE! TO Kl JKP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLKDMEA- T. 47-- tt Quoiig Sam Kee Co., Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, WINES, SPIRITS, DRY GOODS, DRUGS. S3 am! 7 Itlnsr street : : Ilonolnlu. fCT" BRANCH STORES. Paauhou, I'aauilo, Kukaiau, Nawiliwili, Kapaa, Rice Plantation at Kapaa. 2l21ec28 MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job Printing at th Paclfle C'ommerelal .ltrtlser Office will from this date be presented for pay meat monthly. Honolulu, Match 2, 1S8S. h"on ioaie to oe uarersed )) TLe mob CLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, Draw Kxchafie on the principal parts of the world. Will receive deposit oh open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange biiHloesa. Deposits bearing Interest received In their Sav ings Department subject to published rules and rvsrulattn.m. 17ocStf oi.Aoa araaonBM rn. a. irwiic. WM. Q. IRWIN & Co., ft A It FACTORS aul fommiMtiim SI! AOhNTS. Honolulu H. I. f M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale InlerM in Lnilr(er Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish ing aud Fancy Ooods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street. Honolulu, II. I. 25U-W- U MAOFAELANE & CO-- , riIOI.KAI.E DF.ALE1W ANI UEiV eral Jobbers In WINKS and LIQUORS. Xo. 12 Ii anil ii man u Street. HONOLULU. 28-t- f H. HAOKFELD & CO., E.VKUAL COMMISSION AUEXTS. G 26 U Queen St., Honolulu, H.l. F. BANN1M6. W. MAKRTKN8. r orrsBOKLT ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO., A Co mini am ion 3terchnnti. Importers Honolulu, H. I. 27-- tf WM. McCANDLESS, 'o. 6 Queeu Street, VisU Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON, FISH, etc. Family and shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. Z tf NOTICE HEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM AND I after this date I will not be responsible for any debts contracted without the written order of myself or wife. SAMUEL PARKER Honolulu, September 10, 1886. 378decll W. H. ALDRICH, .lieueral Business Agent, Has removed to J. I. Dowsett'a store, Queen st., where he will attend to any business entrusted to his care. DEPOT OF UNION DAIRY. Orders for milk respectfully solicited, aud prompt attention given to the delivery of the same. E. E. JVlayhew, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, 86 Hotel Street. Honolulu. II I., (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. O. UOX 315. BELL TELEPUONK 53. A;i work In my line faithfully done. Plans and speclflcatfon made. Jobbing iu all details done at short notice. Good work and low charges is my motto. TO PLANTERS. We have Just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces. Fo. four aud five foot furnace. complete with irrt bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of trla make are now in successful operation at Sp;e kelsvllle, Makee Sugar Company and other plan atlons. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prlcea and further particulars ap ply to Wm. G. Irwin & Co., iJtf A vents. Inlnutl Onierft Sliltet. 3 I We have receive a consignment o the moot Kconomical an J Valuable Feed for all kinds of Stock, viz. COOKED LINSEED MEAL. It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and Butter producer in use. Oil Cake Meal shows atcut '1 per ceut. of uu ritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent. 100 lbs. o this meal Is equal to 300 lbs. of oats, or 'SIH lbs. of corn, or to 7B7 lbs. of wheat bran. For Sale in Lot to Suit. Also, out Unrivalled MIXKD FKKD, as well as our usual supply of the b::st kinds o Hay. Oats, Wheat, 'ori, Kit'., Klc. LAINE CO. 3 tf John F. Colburn, Importer and Dealer In Hay and C xain9 Corner Kins: and Maunakea Streets. . Ooods delivered promptly. Mutual telephone 3S7. ST tf TELEPHONE 55 (PNTERPEISi j3 PLANING MILL. -- " A taken, near ltieen St. 3-- tf To tlie Public. The Pacific Transfer Co., Oflice with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street. Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391 I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage, hauling or moving work, ad of wiiich I will guai-ante- e to execute faithfullv. 3B ly S. F. GflAHAM, Proprietor. J. LYONS, Vnctioneer AND General Commission Merchantf Masonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu Fnmitnre. Stock, Real Estate Salewof Merchandise properly attended to. Sole Ajjeiit tor Airericaii & European Merchandise. 40-t- f Successor to" J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 .Merchant St., Honolulu. II.I. 41 f JOSHUA IIENDY JdCacl'iiiie Works Xo. 35 to 51 rremont Street. SAN FRANCISCO. Maiiafatturersof New and dealers in Second- hand Boilers. Engines and Machinery Of Kvery Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d WOOD-WORKIN- G MACHINERY, MACHINISTS' TOOLS, IRRIGATING AND PUMPING MACHINERY PIPING. PIPE-FITTING- ETC. i Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli-- ' cation. 7fe23-l- y -- .;owua-in her own the princes "were spanned by triumphal arch All the local -- "M itf f Ml 0 . t. "Sfc i O

A OTf i,TE1, S0D1 W'ATEB, G1GKK II.E, Oigrai'fs and Tobacco--OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS

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Page 1: A OTf i,TE1, S0D1 W'ATEB, G1GKK II.E, Oigrai'fs and Tobacco--OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS



1 A mOTfWWIII L i, H I II 11 ri f il M 1 I I

U r Y V Y V



' t


0.;ien rf- - Ulinburgh treelf,WHOLKfiALK RKTAIX

Iealers 1

HAY AM tJHAlN.Telephone No. 175.

Ooods delivered promptly.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser

li PVRLI11F.lt

E?er3' Mornina: Except Sundays.


Oailt I. (J. Advkrtisk.k, one yar. ....... f6 ooDaily P. C. Advkiitjhkk, six months... 3 ooDailv P. C. Auvkktiser, three months.. 1 50Daily P. C. Advkktiskr, per month 50Wkmkly P. V. ADVKKTittKK, one yer.. ....... 5 00Ff ?l(fn SubscrlpUou, W. P. C. A. (including

voaluge) ....'. 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance


Birthday Jubilee--OF-

His Majesty the King

To all Hawaiian BiibjeeU and friendu ofthe Hawaiian Nation Greeting : We, HiaMajesty' loyal subject, contemplating withgrateful hearta the continued reign in goodhealth of our beloved Sovereign, which haabeen vouchsafed ua under the blessings ofthe Almighty, and hailing with joy the ap-

proach of the anniversary which marks thefiftieth yt ar of Hia life an era in the life ofa Ruler which in any land i to be recog-nized among the people aa a fitting occasionfor marked rejoicing and festive jubilee doinvite you all, Hawaiian subjects and friendsoi the Nation, to join with u in a loyal andloving celebration of the

yiftietli 13irtlidavOF


--ON THE--

lGth Day of November

Next, iu the City of Honolulu, when, Godwilling, wh may all unite in demonatrationaof love aud fealty to our Beloved King,



SECURED TIIK SERVICES OF THEHAVING California Sign Writer andUrainer,

IT.' GAEIOT,I am now prepared to do all kinds of

Klii, House ami Ship Ialnllir,Paper Hanging, Glazing, Etc.,

Ia all the LatestCalifornia Designs and Styles, atCalifornia rricea.


Made and painted. Illuminating and Decorat-ing for the 50th birthday of His

Majesty solicited.


No. 11 Kins St. Mutual Telephone 462

182 jan 22

DR. L. GOTOTHYSICIAN AND SCRGEON. LEPROSY AJL speciality. Office ho .rs at Kakaako. froma to 11 a. m. everv day excvut Sunday. Will visitnatienta at their residence by request. All otherAtaeaaes treated at his office, corner of Punchbowl and Beretauia streets. Office hour from Ito 5 p. m.; Sunday's, from 8 to 12 a. m. 112apr2



(Limited,,Keep conntantly on hand, for sale. STEAM,FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generalassortment of BAR IRON. M 1?

Mew rhotoxrapli Kooms.

NICHOLAS STORE, FORT STREET,OVER the Shooting Gallery. Pictures. Port-

raits and Views. First-clas- s work. Satisfactionguaranieed. 114ap2 T. A. GONSALVKS.

TO LET.. n mi lUl-T- WO NICE COTTAGE3 IN ROj. bello Lane, for $30 aud ?20 per month re--

anectlvelv. inauire at nyiuan jjroo.,W1 "itreet.

BONE MEAL!!Tlie undersigned are now prepared to re

eeive orders for thi; Celebrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of Buck & OhlaudtSan Francisco.

The following ia a report of the compo-nent parts, aa obtained by Chemical analy-sis:

Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29. IS " "Silicious Matter 4.65 " "Lime 31.7 "

Acid " "Phosphoric 23.11Oxide of Iron 8-- " "Carbonic AcidAlka SalU 52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per tent.Orders Received will have Promj)i

and Careful Attention.

W. (t. Irwin & Co.,Aleuts or the Hawaiian Island



Ml. L 11. YI .

Manufacture and Supply all kliuls of

Book. Xfni,Flat aul Label Papers,

liiiMlers' Itonrtl,TwiuM, Ete.


2 OS LeiileHdorn Street.Ielepbone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

H.Special Atteutiou siven toLarge Contract. 6 tf&w

The RisdonIrou & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Beale and Howard Streets,


V. II . TAYLOR. PresidentJOS. MOORE Superintendent


all its brandies; Meamboat, steamship.Laud Krigines and Boilers, High Pressure orCompound.ST F.AM VF.SSKLS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY KNGINK.s compounded when ad-

visable.STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed, speed, ton-nage and draft of water guaranteed.


made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Roller Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Shfet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connecting'together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madaafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacture for the Pa-c.t- ic

Coast of the Heine Safety Roller.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or

City Worics' purposes, built with the cele-brated Davy Valve Motion, superior to anyother pump.

J. N. WILLIAMS-- . HonoluluRoom No. 3, upstairs, Spreckels Block.

(Agent for Hawaiian Islands-- )

'Jse.'to-lyd-- w

L. G. SUESOYICII & CO.,Commission Merchants and Wholesale Dealers IdForeign and Domestic Fruits, green and dried;manufacturers of Desiccated Cocoanut. iSananas,Limes. Pine Apples. Sicily Lemons, TahitiOranges and Cocoanuts, Nuts of all kinds, Datesand Smyrna Figs,

Packing Fruit for export a specialty. Long ex-perience in shipping to China, Australia, Mexico,Central America, Eastern States, etc. TropicalFruits Imported direct by every steamer.

Branch House, San Francisco, 1. O. box 1338.Honolulu, H. I., P.O. box 1J0.

4.i, 415 and 417 Washington treet, opposite PostOffice; 41"J, 414 and 4 10 Merchant street

10 feb287 SAN FRANCISCO.



Opposite Wilder t Co.'sj

H. JT. Wolte, Propr.OPKX rOM 3 A. H. TIU, 10 P. M



Oigrai'fs and Tobacco- -OF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will rind an Klegant

: co. billiard taslson the Premises.

Tfc Pioprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who mar desire aLUNCH. A SMOKE, OH A GAME OF


H. J. X0LTE,at tf


K S T A B L I S H E D 17 1.

KFFECTEL) UiON EVEUVINSUKANCKS property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum. Insured in 1H!5 - - 327,333,700

Claims arranged by the local and padwith promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribm.us recognii' t

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

JlJJtwtf Agen ta for the Hawaiian Ialaiuh.



! Al'ITtL HO.Otio.OOO


lire Iiisnranre ui all lecritHoiJt; will be effected at Moderate Kates of Preuaum.tij' the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN A COtf Managers for Haw. Islands

XT TO" i o rc'Fire and Marine Insurance Co.

Of New Zealaud.CAIMTAL. : 10.000.000

KstHlIIliel an Ascency atHnviiiK for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against FireIn dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

LosMe promptly a!JusteI A payable.19-d- wtf WM. U. IRWIN fc CO.


Manufacturing Jeweler,M Vhiihiiii Street.

IlonultilH. II I.Particular attention paid to repairing. Silt


House Carpenter & Builder,31 Alaheit Street.

Will furnish estimates and make contracts forany description of wood buildings.

Jobbing of all kinds done, and satisfactionguaranteed.

Charges as low as the lowest. 57 tf

Koliala Saloon.

Best of Ales, Wines and Liquors


Faney Iriiifct of every .leseriptloiia speelPlty.

EL. H. Webb,50dwly Proprietor.

Tahiti Lemonade Works.

--Eratetl Table Waters.GINGER ALE. LEMONADE.


Absolutely INire.

As supplied to the principal families i n Hono-lulu, and exclusively to Her Britannic Majesty'svessels of war. 33tf




IIJAW All' X ni!

The underiK"ed gives notice that he will 1einattendar.ee at the Palace grounds from thisdate to the l.'dh day of November, to receive thegifts of all who wiiih to express their loyalty andaloha for His Majesty Kiug Kalukaua, on theoccasion of the

Celebration-- OF-

His Majesty's 50th Birthday.

The articles presented will be duly refiisteredaud cared for as the free-wi- ll gifts of a lovingpeople to their King, in accordance with thecustom of our country; and it is requested thatthey may be given in charge of the undersignedat as early a date as possible.

JOHN A. CUMMINS.Marshal of Birthday Ceremonies.



Spruance, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


410 Front St.. Sau Frauetseo.2 tf Aw


m am' actcrkhk r


CIAY, Etc.211-21- 3 DRUMM Ntrcct, b t. Hay and WaxhltiKtoii,

P. O. Box 2,292. SAN FRANCISCO.



12 and It Pine street, San Francisco, Cat

Agents for Kirby't fcant Crna Tanneries. HoiHarness and all other kinds of leather.

4 sen IV


Ell,lJlS&MIlL,LKliWholesale and Com mission Dealers in

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEA R STREET,

Between Market and Mission, SAN FRANCISCOt-- Orders SoIlrltel. Meci'tMy

Whittier, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-2- 3 Front St., f : San FranrJseo


Main & Winchester.Manufacturers aud Importers of

Harness, Saddles, Itrlilles, Whips,COLLARS, SADDLERY WARE, ETC.

Nos. 211, 21 C. 218 and 22.1 Battery Street. HanIracclsco. Illustrated catalouo sent

on application. K lincli2 0


The reason that Thoutaml cannot grt eurrd ofSEMINAL WEAKNESS. LOSS OF MAN-HOOD, and the result (J abu$e. disease or excesses,it oviriff to a complication called PROSTA T0R-IU1E- A.

DR. HEMPS J.YFIOORATOK isthe OML Tcurefor PROS TA TORRnEA. Price.3.00 per pactarje, 6 packages, R10.W. Oitide to

JIralth and Srlf-- A ttalytt sent free. Address LIE-BI- O

DISPENSARTfor Disease of Me.400 Gtary St., San 'ranntco. Cat.

io-t- f

Dodge, Sweeney & Co.,San Franelsco, 1'al.

Wholesale dealers In Butter, Cheese, Lard, andall kinds of provisions.

SOLE AGENTS FORLlbby, McXelll V I.I bio 's Canned

Meats.II. 91. Ilupee's (Eagle IJraud) t lifeaice

Hams.Henry Verbaxe" fanned Vienna aud

Ham Sausage,And O. W. Hume's "Flatf" Ilrand of

Canned Salmon. 104 rncb29 87

O. M. Josselyn & Co.,Importers and Wholesale Dealers In

Ship Chandlery.38 and 4 Market StSnn Fraarlseo.Agents fo Taunton Sheathing Metal Manufacture

Init Company. I2fe2:t-l-y



16 to 22 Beale Street. San Franriseo.

LEVI STItAUSS & CO.,Hand in Rattery street, Pan Francisco Cal.

Importers of Foreign and Domestic Drygoods,Hoxlery, Ladles and Gent's Furnishing Goods.

nfole Proprietors and Manufacturers tt thaeele-barte- d



Just received, eiIT)rig CONSUELO,.

18 Fine Youiiff Mules

Which are offered for "sile on reasonable trtuApply ir

WM. G. IRWIN COIOC gap'.S tt



i 4

: I


il1 ;


f i V'






ADVOCATES, ETC.Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the Post

Oflice. 42dftwlf


Attorney anl Counsellor at Ea,Office No. IJ, Spreckels Block, Honolulu.

176 oct21tf

BROWN, ATTO XKV-AT-LA- ANDCtECIL PuMIc, Camplell'8 Block. Merchantstreet



And Solicitor in Chancery Ottice, Campbell'sBlock, second story, rooms 8 and 9. Entrance onMerchant street, Honolulu, H. I. 41 tf




Itate In any part or the II in ifKeal Rought.Sold aud Leased on OommiasionLoans Ncgotiatel aud Legal Documents Drawn

S. 27 MEKCIIANT STREET,Gazette Block, liouoiulu. 45--

WENNER & CO.2 Fort Street.

Have on nand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watched, Bracelets, Necklets,Tins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver aid Gold Plato.Elegant SoliU Silver Tea Set.

suifible for Presentation.


Kepalriu Iu all lt brandies.CT Hole Agent.-- for King's Ey pTeaeivera.

Metropolitan Market



Choleent Meata froui Finest llera,

Families ;and shipping supplied on SHORT

NO? ICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

A11 meats delivered from this market are thorouirly hilled immediately after killlne by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air RefrigeratorMeat so treated retains all its Ji tcr properties,and ia GUARANTEE! TO Kl JKP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLKDMEA- T.

47-- tt

Quoiig Sam Kee Co.,

Importer and Dealer in

General Merchandise,




S3 am! 7 Itlnsr street : : Ilonolnlu.

fCT" BRANCH STORES. Paauhou,I'aauilo, Kukaiau, Nawiliwili, Kapaa,Rice Plantation at Kapaa.



All accounts for Advertising and Job Printingat th

Paclfle C'ommerelal .ltrtlserOffice will from this date be presented for paymeat monthly.

Honolulu, Match 2, 1S8S.

h"on ioaie to oe uarersed ))TLe mob




Draw Kxchafie on the principal parts of theworld.

Will receive deposit oh open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange biiHloesa.

Deposits bearing Interest received In their Savings Department subject to published rules andrvsrulattn.m. 17ocStf

oi.Aoa araaonBM rn. a. irwiic.

WM. Q. IRWIN & Co.,ft A It FACTORS aul fommiMtiimSI! AOhNTS. Honolulu H. I. f

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale InlerM inLnilr(er Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish

ing aud Fancy Ooods. No. 11 Kaahumanu street.Honolulu, II. I. 25U-W- U



Xo. 12 Ii anil iiman u Street.HONOLULU. 28-t- f



ED. HOFFSOHLAEGER & CO.,A Co mini am ion 3terchnnti.Importers Honolulu, H. I. 27-- tf

WM. McCANDLESS,'o. 6 Queeu Street,

VisU Market. Dealer In choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON, FISH, etc.

Family and shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. Z tf

NOTICEHEREBY GIVE NOTICE THAT FROM ANDI after this date I will not be responsible for

any debts contracted without the written orderof myself or wife. SAMUEL PARKER

Honolulu, September 10, 1886. 378decll

W. H. ALDRICH,.lieueral Business Agent,

Has removed to J. I. Dowsett'a store, Queen st.,where he will attend to any business entrustedto his care.


Orders for milk respectfully solicited, audprompt attention given to the delivery of thesame.

E. E. JVlayhew,


86 Hotel Street. Honolulu. II I.,

(Opposite Fashion Stables).


A;i work In my line faithfully done. Plans andspeclflcatfon made. Jobbing iu all details doneat short notice. Good work and low charges ismy motto.


We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces.

Fo. four aud five foot furnace. complete withirrt bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof trla make are now in successful operation atSp;e kelsvllle, Makee Sugar Company and otherplan atlons.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prlcea and further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,iJtf A vents.

Inlnutl Onierft Sliltet.3 I

We have receive a consignment o the mootKconomical an J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is the greatest Flesh former. Milk and

Butter producer in use.

Oil Cake Meal shows atcut '1 per ceut. of uuritive matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 lbs. o this meal Is equal to 300 lbs. of oats,or 'SIH lbs. of corn, or to 7B7 lbs. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lot to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXKD FKKD, as well as

our usual supply of the b::st kinds o

Hay. Oats, Wheat, 'ori, Kit'., Klc.


John F. Colburn,Importer and Dealer In

Hay and C xain9Corner Kins: and Maunakea Streets. .

Ooods delivered promptly.Mutual telephone 3S7. ST tf



--" A taken, near ltieen St.

3-- tf

To tlie Public.

The Pacific Transfer Co.,Oflice with C. K. Miller, 42 Merchant street.

Bell Telephone 377. Mutual Telephone 391

I am fully prepared to do all kinds of drayage,hauling or moving work, ad of wiiich I will guai-ante- e

to execute faithfullv.3B ly S. F. GflAHAM, Proprietor.



General Commission MerchantfMasonic Block, Queen St., Honolulu

Fnmitnre. Stock, Real EstateSalewof Merchandise properly attended to.

Sole Ajjeiit tor

Airericaii & European Merchandise.40-t- f

Successor to"

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.27 .Merchant St., Honolulu. II.I.

41 f


JdCacl'iiiie WorksXo. 35 to 51 rremont Street.


Maiiafatturersof New and dealers in Second-hand

Boilers. Engines and Machinery

Of Kvery

Have constantly in stock New and Second-han- d



i Catalogues and price lists forwarded upon appli-- 'cation. 7fe23-l- y

-- .;owua-in her own the princes "werespanned by triumphal arch All the local

-- "M itf f Ml0 . t. "Sfc

i O

Page 2: A OTf i,TE1, S0D1 W'ATEB, G1GKK II.E, Oigrai'fs and Tobacco--OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS




LOCAL AND GENERAL. p.v ai Tiiuin'M. tortisrnunts.THE

Pacific Commercial

in any way connected with the newBarberton gold ru.--h is not stated, hutit is at least conceivable that the tin-- jwonted disturbance of the solitudes ofthe jungle may have had the effect of j

awakening hostile feeling on the part ofthe original. possessors of the soil. ;


" --v N


il.e Ft:t:.h bark W. H. Wi.r.n - pv: days outfrcjr.i Liierpool for tl-- i

The barkentite Mary Winkeln.aa, frer dletfcrjrtEs her freight, will be .uiJ outb M-arine Railway to repaired and cleaned.

The .tfinicrj Likelike. Kir.au mi Mukoln ard:-- tbi morning from win Iward

The barVet;:itie Piscovery 41 tail celt Tues-day with 4-- tfin supar for in rriDcisco. 7'--b-ar

kr suae Georgo C. rrlin :H leave aboutthe !att?r pirt of next

Tte bricacfine Jvhu I1. havingfinished her carvo, wj mov4 intothe Mroaia Noveiu er 12th to he repainted.

The srhotier Kau!:l.'.a brought 2) 1 a ngmraad ft) tags paldr from Wim, Kaui, No-

vember I2t!i. The .sujir v; a put ino the bark-enti- ne

Iicovery.The P.riti.s!. n.ju bark K. J. pein'e, CaptaiQ J.

il.GiIl, which arrived trvia UoukOU); Novem-ber 11th. ''.7 d.iys. and anchored oT port, cameinto the ha.bor November J.'th, aad was dockedat the old Custom House wharf. Her 25 Chinesepatenters were sent t the Quarantine Stationat Kahakaaiilana. Tl,e K. J- Spence hrint--i afull caro of Chinese merchandise. Messr.Win Wo C! n A: Co. are the

The steamer Lehua, Captain Pavies, sails at 9o'clock this mortiinif tor Hamakua. Hawaii,she will take to the Hakalaa uat mill from

Order or Kerepfion lo lie Held atIolanl Palace, Tuesday. XvenilrI6tli.

6 a. m. Marshal f the Km ''li.nu an.i PoliceForce.

9.45 a. lu. His Majesty's Miuistets. Ju.lgesSupreme Court, Governors, NoMes, Privy Coun-cillors and meiiite r- - of the Legislature.

10 a. m to 11 a. lu. Educational Society, Liivi-sio- n

2, H It. It. I'tinress IVoin:teUni: Hookuo- -nwmo Sviety, K. H II. Princes KaiuUni; Ld'-- jcatiotial Society, Division 1, H. K. H. Prince.- -Likelike: Niboa II. R. H. Princess Lil'-uokala-

Meiiit.er.s of th societies r mustregretfully invited to assemble it Washingtonplace at 8 a. m.

11:1. a. tu. Charge d'Arlai res of I" S A. to jsent the President' congratulations.

ARThem ! Enjoy Them!



Hay Them! SmokeThey are a perfect luxury and a preventative

dollir's worth, ty the box. or'even a thousand at aof Jsicknesa. Tuy them vou can affordtune. It iaavin money.

- 1 ii rer.lraiicisco, Ciil.

ESGELBRECHT, SON & CO.,yt i it o !

21 Invst Street, can10 mch2'.

The uiidersigiied has justopened up a new assortmentof Goods, suitable for the








Millinery and--TO

Pon t forgtt the oyster it th.Empire Saloon this evening.

Mr. J. Lyon-- . wi!l hoLi hi, regular ca-- h

sale at 10 o'clock thi morning.The steamer I.ehua takes a maceration

mill to-da- y for Hakalau plantation.It i probable that very few vessel- - will

leave this port duriiitr next wwt.i

Captain Backus of the Mary Winkel- - i

inan - accompanied by hi wife this trip."Torlert won the one hour u-

plea-- e rae at the rir.k. He U a'u1 to hare j

covered lo miles Ui lap-- . j

The Royal Hawaiian Hand will L'ive ai"oncert at Emma Square on Mondayev.ni!ii.

Hi'h Ma-- i at 10 a. tn and ve-pe- r- ati p. in. at the Roman 'ath.,lic Cathe- -

dral tomorrow.The s' hooner Moi W'ahine was abreast f

the -- teainer W. C Hall olf .Molokai Point,!and only lo- -t eipht minute lu the run to;Honolulu. j

Th bark K. J. .Spen-- e arrived !

yesterday, brought 2 Chine.--e steeragepa-seng- from Hongkong. They are inqua rantine.

The Kinau is due from Maui and Ha-waii this morning. She will not leareagain for windward until Monday, No-

vember 22d.

The Oceanic Company's steamship Zea"landia i due on Wednesday morning fromSan Francisco, with dates to the 10th. ThePoy.il Mail steamer Australia is due onS.--t ii'.rday, the 23d, from the Colonies, enroute to San Francisco.

A trotting match has been arranged for$100 aside between A. Prouse's Pen tonIny and Captain Clunie's Joe Pake, bestthree in five. It will take place at Kapio-lan- i

Park December 4th, Penton Boy totrot to harness and Joe Pake to wagon.

A large number of seats have been soldfor the second minstrel entertainment atthe Hawaiian Opera Hou.-- e this evening.The box plan is now open at Wiseman'sand an early application is necessary toinsure a seat.

Mr. W. S. Luce, wine and spirit mer-chant, invited his friends, yesterday, tosample a five-gallo- n keg of Philadelphiabeer. It was pronounced first-clas- s. Mr.Luce receives these kegs by every steamer.They are kept on ice, and delivered any-time with taj) and vent.

the Minstrel Entertainment.Last evening the members of the Hono-

lulu Yacht and Poat Club gave a min-strel performance at the Hawaiian OperaHouse. The audience was a very largeone, filling every part of the hall. Theperformance was a brilliant success, andreflected much credit on those who tookpart. Mr. J. F. Brown was the musicaldirector, and presided at the piano. Hewas assisted by Mr. Yarndley, violin,Mr. Perger, double bass, Mr. Muller, sec-

ond violin, and one of the members of theRoyal Pand, who played the clarionet.The programme opened with a chorussung by the full company, some twenty innumber. It was capitally rendered. J.Bright sang "White Wings," displaying agood voice and considerable taste. Hewas loudly applauded. The next number,'Ah ! There," a comic song, was well given

by W. G.Armstrong. At the end of thesong he danced a jig, which brought downthe house. The "Bold Jack Tar" was al-

lotted to H. W. Morse, and he gave it inhis usual well known style. J. M. Powsettsurprised everyone by his rendering of thepretty song, "I'll Take You Back. Kath-leen," and received a well deserved en-

core. Clarence Macfarlane made a hitin singing "Climbing Up the GoldenStairs," inroducing a local hit or two.The last song was "Little Darling,I'll be True." sung by W. I frogs. Aquintette was given by five native Ha-waiia- ns

in a most excellent manner andwas redemanded. The first partconcludedwith a comic sketch, "The Skids," whichconvulsed the audience with laughter. Itcertainly was very funny. The "Skids"were Messrs. Morse, Macfarlane, Lillis andArmstrong.

Part two opened with a charactersong by K. W. Holdsworth. Thisgentleman is always entertaining, and onthis occasion fully maintained his reputa-tion. He was encored, of course. A iiltosketch followed, the characters being sus-

tained by Messrs. Macfarland and Arm-strong. They created considerable a nm foment and acted their parts to perf-oti- on

The trio from the "Mikado, "'"Thre? ( M-tl- e

Maids," brought out Messrs. D'v.a.t,Morse and Hoogs in Japanese couui.ie.It was cleverly done, and encored. J.Appleby gave a banjo solo, and it is safe tosay that no finer playing has ever beenheard in this city. He is a complete mas-

ter of the instrument. His playing of the"Blue Bells of Scotland" was particularlyfine. Three times did he have to come outbefore the audience was satisfied.

The performance concluded with a farcein one act, entitled "A Slippery Day." Itintroduced a number of local characters,and in the end there was only one who wasable to climb the ladder in safety. Thepiece created endless amusement from be-

ginning to end, and was a grandfinale to a very enjoyable evening'sentertainment. The boys have everyreason to be proud of their suc-cess, as everyone went away perfectlysatisfied. The financial result will be be-

yond expectation.This evening another performance will

be given, with a change in the progamme.The box plan is open at Wiseman's.

Fort-Xtre- et 'liilr'ti."The Hell I Would Shun" will be Pastor

Cruzan's Sunday evening theme, the lastsermon in the present series on "VitalTruths." Bible school at 0:4." a m., publicworship at 11 a. tn., with sermon by thepastor on "What right have I to believethat I am a Christian? All are invited.

Mail for Hawaii.The Wilder Steamship Company have

kindly consented to dispatch the steamerLehua to Hilo, Hawaii, at 9 o'clock thismorning. She will take a mail for the Hiloand Hamakua districts, which closes at thePost Office at 3:30 o'clock. This will be agaod opportunity to forward eorrespond- -

ence as there will be no steamer leavingfor Hilo next week.

Vrixy Council.There wa.s an adjourned meeting of IIi:

Majesty's Privy Council of tate yester-day. After considering jiroposal for par-dons Jfor some time and making progress,the Council adjourned till to-d- ay at uooii.


Is now for sale nwi.v at t.r tt.u, v. , L j !Mrt;H- - S'JPER .. Mwnnirtrwt

CRYSTAL SODA WOKKS Hotel streetT. U. THRUM I' rt "itrrct

Five OiiIh lr t'-- .

SATURDAY Novemlter RJth.


The idea embodied in our loadingarticle yesterday, to the effect that the30th of November in each year shouldbe declared a national or childrenfestival, to be called 'Arbor Day," hasbeen well received. We, understandthat the Royal Hawaiian AgriculturalAssociation ha taken the matter up,although we are by no means certainthat it in the best agency that could beadopted to direct the practical work of"Arbor Day." The sympathies ofparentH and guardians must be enlistedor the children will not enter into thefpirit of the enterprise. Now, if an or-ganization ouch as the K. II. A; under-takes the initiative and direction it willlack spontaneity, and the planting oftrees on "Arbor pay1' will become adelegated duty; in other word.", therewill be considerable parade ami verylittle performance as the final outcomeof it all.

We do not say this to check the ardorof the Royal Hawaiian Agricultural As-

sociation. On the contrary, we are ex-

ceedingly pleased that it has taken holdof the matter, but we cannot help indi-cating at the same time a probable causeof failure should it attempt to directwhat must be a popular movement tomake it at all successful. Most peoplewill do voluntarily what they wouldnever think of doing if they un-

derstood that some incorjMjrated soci-ety was exacted to look afterits accomplishment. For this? reason wethink that whatever may Ikj resolvedupon finally it should take the shaie ofan appeal to the sympathies of youngand old, making it a matter of pride ontheir part to do something practicaltowards building up and beautifying thecountry.


News from various points on theIslands is to the effect that the recentrains give promise of a bountiful season.It is too early, however, to speculatewith any degree of certainty ujon theoutcome. Of course heavy crops go along way towards compensating for lowprices, but it would be exceedingly satis-factory if our planters knew that a re-

action in prices had set in, or was- - evenprobable. The latest advices from theUnited States and Europe give very littleencouragement for hope in this direction.If a general European war were to breakout then the price of Island sugar wouldadvance. Although this is ossible, itis by no means a certainty. Our planterswould doweIl to husband their resourcesas much as possible, and endeavor tooffset low prices by economy in pro-

duction, and in handling the sugarcrop. If they pursue this coursewith intelligence and insistencethey will find themselves in a much let-ter position to take advantage of anyfavorable Uini in the consuming marketsof the world that may occur. For thepresent, therefore, the best thing for ourplanters to do is to economize and makethe best possible use of their opjortu-nitie- s.

There is not now the element ofpolitical uncertainty to trouble them, asthe Legislate o Assembly is out of ses-

sion and the United States Congress willnot meet until December 1th.


The disconnected items of intelligencewhich reached us on Thursday respect-ing affair in Bulgaria and the respectiveattitudes of the European Powers in re-

gard thereto, afford but scant datawhereon to forecast the immediatefuture. Preparations are to all apear-anc- e

going on steadily, but quietly, for agreat struggle, in w hich it will be theobject of Russia, if not to effect a coupupon Constantinople itself, at least toextend the borders of the Empire in thatdirection. France, it is said, is urgingher to adopt this course, andthe pressure simultaneously broughtto bear by the French Gov-

ernment upon Great Britain, toevacuate Egypt is easily recognizableas part of the Franco-Russia- n pro-

gramme. Russia could never hope toaccomplish singledianded the intercepting of the highway to India via the Suezcanal, and is therefore utilizing Frenchinfluence to assist in accomplishing herobject. The entente cordiale which haseprung up between the Sultan and theCzar's Government at so critical a mo-

ment as the present is a matter the sig-

nificance of which has not escaped theattention of the British Cabinet, who,provided there is no change of adminis-tration, will pursue a similar line of pol-

icy to that outlined by Lord Beacons- -

field during the last war in the Balkanpeninsula.

The misleading character of thatpolicy, so far as Turkey was concerned,is doubtless still fresh in the memory ofthe Porte. It is not surprising, there-

fore, that there should be indications of

a secession in favor of or a compromisewith Russia in preference to puttingfaith in what proved to be a brokenreed in days gene by.

Irish affairs are becoming more pa- -

on'"T-- " '...v..'sides, while matters in British SouthAfrica are ominous. Whether or not


the outbreak of hostilities on the part of (

t?ne of themore powerful native tribes is


-- OF-

Fancy Goods,




mt tbe premises. T4


Don't tail to (all at tin? Empire alooiithis evening. A fine oyster lunch v ill he ;

served to all coiners.

Nil jrMii Court.BKKoUE Jt'OIJ, r. .J.

Fkioav, Noveiuljer l:Mh.In the .t;te of J. M. Daile, de-

ceased. Administrator's jetition fordischarge. Mr. V. A. Whiting for theixtitioner; .Mr. A. P. Peterson for thewidow. The Hon. W. C. Parke is ad-

ministrator of the estate. His receiptswere .f:,7U.'J 1(5; his payments $2,cj:'.2 Ty2,

leaving a balance in hand of $770 J4.During the administration he had soldtwo pieces of land belonging to the de-ceased by order of the Probate Court ;

one of these, situated at Palama, real-ized $1 ,22", and was subject to a mort-gage of $1,K)0 with interest; the other,situated at Pensacola street, realized$1,S;K), m iking a total of $:',,0--- ". Mr.Peterson, on behalf of the widow, con-- j

tended that the widow's dower shouldbe ujon the total realized from the !

sales of land, whereas Mr. Whiting, onbehalf of the heirs of the deceased inFrance, contended that the dower in-

terest should only be upon the surplusafter discharging the mortgage with in-

terest. The Court took time to con-

sider the matter and to read up theauthorities cited by counsel on bothsides. It was ordered that the admin-istrator's accounts be approved and dis-charged, the surplus in hand to be de-posited in Court. Mons. Henri Feer,the French Commissioner, was presentto watch the proceedings.


Fkioay, Novemler 12th.Hopu, charged with assault and bat-

tery on All Choy and Wing Kim,pleaded guilty, and being an old offenderwas sentenced to 15 days' hard labor.Costs $1.

Ah IIu and Ah Tong were chargedwith affray. Nolle pros, entered.

Ah IIu, charged with assault and bat-tery on Ah Tong, was remanded till to-

day at his own request.Ah Tong, charged with assault and

battery on Ah IIu, was similarly dealtwith.

CIVIL CASE.Wong Quai & Co. vs. Kahili, deserting

bound service. A medical certificatewas filed to the effect that defendantwas unfit for work, and he was thereforedischarged.

There will be an oyster spread at theFin pi re Saloon this evening.

Military freKentatloit.Last evening Quartermaster General

TCowlein of the King's Own, who has- - latelybeen promoted from the rank of .SeniorCaptain, was the recipient of a handsometestimonial at the hands of the members ofthe corps. The ceremony took place at theArmory prior to the drill. Captain Clarkacting as sKiI'esiiian on behalf of the don-ors, and reading the following address:

To Captain Samuel Nowlein Sir: We,the undersigned committee, on behalf of theofficers and members of the King's OwnVolunteer Guard, beg to offer you ourheartiest congratulations on your promo-tion in the army of our country andthe service of our King and pa-

tron. We also beg your acceptance of theaccompanying gift, as a token of our sin-cere regard, and with it our best wishes foryour future welfare and prosperity.

C. II. Clakk,Kaixcinoki:,Isaac II. Sherwood,

Committee.Honolulu, November 12th.Quartermaster General Nowlein, to

whom the affair was a pleasant surprise,acknowledged the presentation in appro-priate terms.

The gift referred to is :.n exceedinglyhandsome silver pitcher, with ice bowland cup. It will bear the inscription,"Presented to Quartermaster GeneralSamuel Nowlein by the officers and members of the King's Own Volunteer GuardHonolulu, November 12th, 1sjs."

Kan Xotes.Jupittr Pluvius is evidently on good

term again with the Kauans, and favoredthem with a rainfall of 1'2 inches on the5th and th instants.

A pleasant and pleasing affair took placeat Honuapo to-da- y, namely, the presenta-tion of a Commodore's flag to Captain W.liates. The flag was presented, on behalfof the donors, by Mr. C. N. Spencer in ashort but appropriate speech, which wasfeelingly responded to by the gallant Com-

modore. Three rousing cheers were givenwhen the Commodore pushed off from thewharf, as aloha nui. Si:k Me.

Kau. November 10, lss;..m.m

rjnjj I'reHciitnt ion at lIoiHir,.On the 10th instant Captain W. F. Pates,

of the steamer W. G. Hall, was presentedat Honuapo with a hand-om- e silk Com-

modore's flag. The presentation was madeby Mr. C. N. Spencer, of Hilea. and in afew well chosen words he expressed thehigh esteem in which Captain Pates is heldby the donors of the flag and by all resi-dents of Kau district. The gift of coursesignifies that Captain Pates is the oldestcommander in our interi.-lan- d steam ser-

vice, he having for seven years past beenin the employ ot the present company,during which time he has never met withan accident to his steamer, with the singleexception of the late fire, which, as everyone knows, could not in the least be attrib-uted to any fault of his. The occasion wasmade one of mutual good wishes, and wejoin in the hope that the genial Captainmay live long to enjoy the distinction ofheintr Commodore of our successful and increasinJ? fleet of learners. Captain Pateshad hi3 new private insignia flying fromthe mainmast as the vessel steamed intothe harbor yesterday afternoon.


The Popular Millinery House,

1 i a. 111. Iiijiloin.it ic Corps.VI in. Government ofiioer.1 p. ni. llooulu Lahui Society, lier Mjei-t- j

the y ieen; Hooulu Lahr.i congre-gitio- n,

Hooulu Lahui Malie Ka:ual:t. Pisher-lueu'i- i

Society, Schools, Huuolulti Fiie I'epart-mun- t,

Puuwai I.okahi 1, Poola Asso-

ciation..' p. in. The Puhlic.3; p. in.- - Military.

JNO. A. Ct'MMINS,M.iriili.il of the Iay.

Honolulu. November 11, lsstl. l;;i-t- f

Temlern Wmiteit.Teuders will he received at the Interior Oltice

uatil ID a. in. Saturday, November l.' tii, for sun-ur- y

repairs to the fence wall of the lolani Palr.ce,including cement plastering ol the inside oiwall, cement wa-- h for outside of wall, about .V

lin. ft. of wr.ll (approach to jafes LikeliLe sheetentrance), ei;ht concrete posts of same patternas thowe now in place, about 4 Hi lin. ft. copingfor top of rear wall, and oue set of yatea on theI.ikelike side, to be made to correspond withgates now in position.

Tenders nint state the price per s.p. yd. forcement piaster! and cement wash; per lin. ft.for coping and side wall: per post for concreteposts, and for jjales complete.

The work to be done under the supervision ofthe Superintendent Public Works, and subjectto bis approval.

Specifications maybe seeuiit the oi'.ice of theSuperintendent Public Works.

The Minister of the Interior reserves the riitlitto reject anv or all bids.

I.. A HOLD,Minister of the Interior.

Interior O.iire, November 11, 18rf;. 2'l-nov- l3

Hepa; tm cut of Interior.Honou'LI', November 9, la8ll.

The aunive:sary of the recognition of Ha-

waiian Independence by the Governments ofGreat iiritaiu and Prance, November '28th, fall-ing on Sunday, Saturday, November 27th, will beobserved as a Nation.il Holiday, and all Govern-ment offices throughout the Kingdom will beclosed on that d:y.

L. AHOLO,td Minister of Interior.

All water rates due on or liefore term endingDecember "Jl, 188C, must be paid at the office ofthe Honolulu Water Works before the 15th day ofKovember, 188i.

Parties paying rates will present their last re-

ceipt.CHAS.-U- WILSON,

Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.Approved:

WALT Lit MURRAY GIBSON,Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, October 11, 138)i. l&tnolRuaw

L'Oirr 01' HONOLULU, H. 1

AKItn .4 !.Tui'JisDAV, November 11th.

Brit bark E J Spence, Gill, 67 days fiom Hong-kong

Scur Kanikeaouli. from Kohala, HawaiiSchr Cateri na, from HanaleiScbr Waimalu, f rom liana

Friday, November 12th.Stuir W O Hall. Bates, from Maui and HawaiiScbr Moi Wahine, from HamakuaSchr Haleakala, iroin Pepeekeo, Hilo, HawaiiSchr Kaulilua. from WaiameaStmr Surprise. Weisbarth, ftom Kuan

Vewsel !.' I ii-- I'o-Z- .. .

Stmr Lehua, Davis, for Hamakua, at 9 a mStnir Surprise, Weisbarth, for Kuau, at 5 p lu

OF.I'AiM t lti;.N.Fkidav, November 12th.

Schr Mary E Foster, for WaimeaSchr Heeia, for Koolau, OahnSchr Mile Morris, for Waialae

Vessel ii i'ort Irom Foreign I'orlKAm blttne Geurge C Perkins, II Ackerman

from Sau Francisco(ierbark Pacific, C Altmann, from BremenHaw scbr Jennie Walker, B Anderson, from

Fanning's Island.Brit bark Iron Crag, Wm Jones, from LiverpoolAm bktne Disco verj', John Lee, from San

Francisco, via Mahukona, HawaiiAm bark C O Whilmoie, T TLompson, from

Port Town.-en-d, W TAm Orytne John I) Spreckels, C S Friis, fiom

San FranciscoAm bktue Mary Winkelman, Chas Backus,

from San FranciscoAm brgtne Consuelo, E3 Cousins, from San


Vessel Kxperl ei from Korein flirt'.Brit ship Hospoda, J Babcock, from Newcastle,

N S W, due October 10--.'Brit bark Glengaber, Rolleston; from Liver-

pool, due Jan 15-8- 1

Am bark Martha Fisher, from Glasgow, dueJan 15-3- 0

Brit bark TV II Watson, from Liverpool, dueOctober l-- 2i

Am bk Martha Davis, F M Bauson, sailed fromBoston August 7th, due December

Haw schr General Siegel, Sanders, fromFrench Frigate Sr.oal-- , due Nov 2i'-:-

Ger bark II j'dra, from Hongkotiff, due Decem-ber 15

Haw S S Zealandia, R van Oterendorf, from SanFrancisco, due November 17

German bark Hercules, Schaefer, sailed fromLiverpool October yth, due February 2U-2- 8

Am bktne Amelia, Wm Newhall, from PortTownsi ud. W T, due November 18-- 2

Am bark Forest Queen, JCM Winding, fromSan Francisco, due Novemter 2D-2- 8

Haw brig Ilazard, W G Goodman, from SanFraucisco, due at Hilo, Hawaii, November 24-:- ht

Haw bark Star of Devon, A Loveli, from Fan- -mng s Island, due December 8 14

Hawn scbr Malolo, J B Holland, from Mani-hik- i,

via Fanning's Island, due December 15-3- 1

Am bk Edward Kidder, from Portland, Ore-Ko- n,

en route to Hongkong, due November 12-1- 0

Am bark Saranac, from New York, due Novem-ber

Haw S S Australia, Webber, from the Colonies,en route to San Francisco, due November 20

R M S S Mariposa lAnii, H .M Hay ward, fromSan Francisco, en route to the Colonies, dueNovember 27

Am bark Nellie May, sailed from Sydney, Oc-

tober 11th, due Nov 27-:f-


From San Francisco, per bktue Mary V.'inkel-tua- n.

November 11th: Major Wroughton, MilCharles Backus and John iJruus.

From Hongkong, per bark E. J. Spence, No-

vember 11th: Miss Oill and 25 tue9e steeragepassengers.

From Kuau. Maui, per steamer Surprise, No-

vember 12th: C Baldwin aud 7 deck passengers.From windward ports, per steamer W G Hall,

November 12th: His Excellency Governor RobtH Baker. Mrs R Hoapi.i Baker, I Horner andvife, R Newton, M, Maalua ard wife, Judge I

Kahaulelic, Hon J A Kaukau, 3 iZ Kekanea andwife. Miss K Hao. E Smith. JudL'e J G Hoapili,

S Ramos. CL Biiio. Judfce A Fornander, J LRoss, Miss L Aspindas, Miss A Ward, Miss EWaiamau. and 12a deck passengers,

the Honolulu Iron Works, two rollers andtine spur wheel.

The steamer W. G. Hall arrived from windward ports November ljth. with 2,:C..i hags

U(.'ar. 2rS hu-- i awa, 51 bags coJce, 04 pitf. :2 j

head cattle a:il one fcorse. Reports rainy i

weather alon windward ports.The schooner Haleak.ila arrived in ballant No- - j

vember 12th from Pepeekeo, Hilo, Hawaii. She !

will have her topside recaulked.The tut; Eleu was lowered from the Maiiu J

Railway November 12th. '

The schooner Canute, Captain Harry Swintou,will leave for Hilo and way ports next Wednes-day.

The schooner Moi Wahiue arrived November12ih from Hamakua, Hawaii, with f.t hidesCaptai it M. Staples reported that the schoonerKulamanu was at Kukaiau and her m.wbiueryw:n landed" safely. The steamer Kilauea Houw ;is at Koholalele a!id the steamer Waialeale wasat Knkuihaele.

The schooner Kauikeuouli brought 745 bagsugar from Kohala, Hawaii, November 12th. Shewas hauled on the Marine Railway the sameday to be cleaned.

Captain W. Weisbarih of the steamer Surprisereports the arrival at Kahr.lni, Maui, lastWednesday of the schooner American Girl, Cap-tain A. Moore, with about ftHi.OOO feet lumberfrom the Sound.

The steamer Surprise arrived at 6 a. in. No-

vember 12th, 12 hours from Kuan, Maui, with :i4barrels molasses. She will leave again at S

o'clock this afteruoou for Paia, Maui, direct,with the two boilers and machinery, whichcame by the barkentiue Mary Wiukcliiian. Sheexpects to be back next Tuesday.

The following vessels arrived at this port fromforeign ports during the week: Bark C. O. Whit-mor- e,

from Port Townsend; brigautinesD. Spreckels and Consuelo and barkentineMary Winkelman, from San Francisco: bark Co-loin- a,

from Portland; and bark E. J. Spence,from Houskoug. Following were the depart-ures: BrigautineW. G. Irwin, for Sau Francisco,and bark Coloiua, for Hongkong.


v. g) u

Absolutely Pure.This powde r tinvcr varies. A marvel of purity,

strength ivl vV!Cio;:;cne??. More economicalthan the.ori:r.arvl.i!i'''-,rrdc:-:i"otl- c sold in convpetitioi vilM the i:iu;tifudo ct lo.v-'tes- t, shortweight, aluni or phospiiateiviwdcrH, SoldonlyE!CAX3. ItOYAL LAKI.VJ l,OWSIl Co.. 1M WalifcK. V94 wtf

MUSIC HALL,November 12th and 13th.

GRANDMinstrel !

uiiiu uuiimuiiFOB THE BENEFIT OF THE

Yacht and Boat Club,ON

Friday and SaturdayEvenings.

The Performance will be eiven by members ofthe H. Y. and H. ('., assisted by an Crchestra ofwell-know- n musicians and a native chorus.





ISit pi. in i'i uii WedneNdny at lOn. in.

Seats reserved WITHOl'T EXTRA CHARGEa J. E. WISEMAN'S. Doors open at 7 :!?0. Per-liri!inii- i'e

I'yiiiH hI Hp. in .


ETTERING AND ILLUMINATING DONEupon anv kind of material. Mottoes, mou- -

ojframs and oriv'i nal designs outlined for fancywork. Orders taken for Christmas cards of Ha-waiian subjects and scenery, suitable to sendabroad. MRS. J. D. STRONG.

218 Fort street.Mutual Telephone No. 32C.

104 "Port Street

1ST. S. SACHS, Propvie tor.The largest assortment of hnjxirteil pattern HATS and liONNKTS ever refor

exhibited. Also, the latest novelties in TRIMMINGS.

0MRS. M ELLIS' dressmaking eftt.vbllfthment


J. I?.. "VV

Canipbell's Block, Mercliant


Street, Honolulu.ESTARLISIIED 1879.

Books and accounts and collections attended to promptly.Hell Telephuue 17'J. P. . Itx 315. T. 5lntual Tleliu 37.

LEWIS &d111 Tort S reel, Important anl

Staple and Fancy- :o:

FEESH GOODSI'v evt-r- y steamer from California, and always on hand, a full and complete line of

Provisions, ICtc.- - Etc.)1 Satisfaction guaranteed. Telephone No. 240. 1. O. Box No. 297.

CO.,IHler Ju



& CO.




Page 3: A OTf i,TE1, S0D1 W'ATEB, G1GKK II.E, Oigrai'fs and Tobacco--OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS

tW ..'-- ''i'' rw,w '. V" sit


ft :3 pacific ummerciaI, aiVertisek. novembek urn

BY AUTHORITY. showing them is not uuder command, and cannot therefore ' whistle or other efficient steam t?ound signals, o placed that j

get out of the way. The signals to be made by ships in the sound may not be intercepted by any obtruetions, and J

distress, and requiring asistance, are contained in artic.e ; with an efficient fog-hor- n, to be sounded by a bellows orI other mechanical means, ami also with an ethVient bell. (In! all cases wheie the regulations require a beli to be used, adrum will be substiu.ted on board Turkish vessels). A sail-

ing ship shall be provided with a similar fog-hor- n and bell.In fog, mist, or falling snow, whether by day or night, the


Article b A sailing ship under way, or being towed,shall carry the same lights as are provided by article threefor a steamship uuder way, w:th the exception of the whitelight, which she shall never carry.


Article 7. Whenever, as in the case of small vesselsduring bad weather, the reen and red side-ligh- ts cannot befixed, these lights shall be kept on deck, on their respectivesides of the vessel, ready for use, and shall, on the appear-ance of or to other vessels be exhibited on their respectiveside3 in sufficient time to prevent collision, in such manneras to make them most visible, and so that the green light

signals described m this Article shall be used as follows, thatis to sav :

(a) A steamship under way shall make with her steam-whistl- e

or other steam-soun- d signal, at intervals of not morethan two minutes, a prolonged blast.

(h) A sailing ship under way shall make with her fog-

horn, at intervals of not more than two minutes, when on thestarboard tack one blast, when on the port tack two blastsin succession, and when with the wind abaft the beam three


blasts in succession.(c) A steamship and a sailing ship when not under way

shall, at intervals of not more than two minutes, ring the

sequences of any neglect to carry lights or signals, or of anyneglect to keep a proper Jwokout, or of the neglect of anyprecaution which may bo required by the ordinary practiceof seamen, or by the special eireumtanees of the case.reservation ok ri les for harbor and inland navigation.Article 25. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with

the operation of a special rule, duly made by local authority,relative to the navigation of any harbor, river, or inlandnavigation.


Article 26. Nothing in these rules shall iuterfere withthe operatiou of any special rules made by the Governmentof any nation with respect to additional station and signallights for two or more ships of war, or for ships sailing underconvov.


Article 27. When a ship is in distress, and requiresassistance from other ships or from the shore, the followingshall be the signals to be used or displayed by her, eithertogether or separately, that is to say :


1. A gun fired at intervals of about a minute.2. The international code signal of distress indicated bv

N. C.

0. The distant signal, consisting of a square flag, havingeither above or below it a ball, or anvthing resembling aball.


1. A gun fired at intervals of about a minute.2. Flames on the ship (as from a burning tar-barre- l, oil-barre- l,

and so forth).3. Kockets or shells th lowing stars of any color or descrip-

tion, fired one at a time, at short intervals.Approved this 15th day of October, A. D. 1880.


shall not be seen on the port side, nor the the red light onthe starboard side. To make the use of these portable lightsmore certain and easy, the lanterns containing them shalleach be painted outside with the color of the light they



Be it Enacted ly the Kiny and the Legislative Aasemfthj of theHawaiian Inlands in the Legislature of the Kingdom Assembled:

Sectiox 1. The Act approved on the thirtieth day ofJuly, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eiht hundredand eighty, entitled 44 An Act to repeal an Act approved onthe thirty-firs- t day of December, in the ye;ir of Our Lord onethousand eight hundred and sixty-fou- r, entitled an Act forpreventing collisions at sea, and to make other provisions inlieu thereof," shall be and the same is hereby repealed.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of all masters of Hawaiianvessels to observe and enforce on board the vessels under

Article 13. Every ship, whether a sailing shipsteamship, shall, in a fog, mist, or falling snow, go

or aat a

respectively contain, and shall be provided with properscreens.


Article 8. A ship, whether a steamship or a sailiug ship,when at anchor, shall carry where it cini best be seen, but ata height not exceeding twenty feet above the hull, a whitelight, in a globular lantern of not less than eight inches in

diameter, and so constructed as to show a clear, uniform,their command the several rides and regulations containod in

moderate speed.Steering ami Sailing Kri.i-- .


Article 14. When two sailing ships are approaching oneanother so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shallkeep out of the way of the other as follows, namely :

(a) A ship which is running free shall keep out of the wayof a ship which is close-haule- d.

(f) A ship which is close-haule- d on the port tack shallkeep out of the way of a ship which is close-haule- d on thestarboard tack.

(c) When both are running free with the wind on differentsides, the ship which has the wind on the port side shallkeep out of the way of the other.

the schedule hereto.



and unbroken light, visible all round the horizon at a dis-

tance of at least one mile.


Article 0. A pilot vessel, when engaged on her stationon pilotage duty, shall not carry the lights lequired for othervessels, but shall carry a white light at the mast-hea- d, visibleall round the horizon, and shall also exhibit a flare-u- p light

Article 1. In the following rules every steamship whichis under sail, and not under steam, is to be considered a sailing ship, and every steamship which is under steam, whetherunder sail or not, is to be considered a ship under steam.


Article 2. The lights mentioned iu the following articles mclmnsfracms.

THE EAGLE HOUSE, 1830. 188(5.

HONOLULUFire Department.

d) When both are running free, with the wind on thesame side, the ship which is to windward shall keep out ofthe way of the ship which is to leeward.

(e) A bi.ip which has the wind aft shall keep out of theway of the other ship.

steam, vessels meeting.

Article 15. If two ships under steam are meeting endon, or nearly end on, so as to involve risk of collision, eachshall alter her course to starboard, so that each may pass onthe port side of the other. This Article only applies to caseswhere ships are meeting end on or nearly end on in such amanner as to involve risk of collision, and does not apply totwo ships which must, if both keep on their respectivecourses, pass clear of each other. The only cases to which itdoes apply are when each of the two ships is end on, or

or (a) flare-u- p lights at short intervals, which shall neverexceed fifteen minutes. A pilot vessel, when not engagedon her station on pilotage duty, shall carry lights similar tothose of other ships.


Article 10. Open boats and fishing vessels of less thantwenty tons net register tonnage, when under way, and nothaving their nets, trawls, dredges, or lines in the water, shallnot be obliged to carry the colored side lights ; but everysuch boat and vessel shall in lieu thereof have ready at handa lantern with a green glass on the one side and a red glasson the other side, and on approaching or being approachedby another vessel, such lantern shall be exhibited in suffi-

cient time to prevent collision, so that the green light shallnot be seen on the port side, nor the red light on the star-

board side.The following portion of this article applies only to fish-- ,

ing vessels and bo .ts when in the sea off the coast of Europelying north of Cape Fiuisterre.

numbered three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten andeleven, and uo others, shall be carried in all weathers, fromsunset to sunrise.


Article 3. A sea-goin- g steamship, when under way,shall carry :

(a) On or in front of the foremast at a height above thehull of no less than twenty feet, and if the breadth of theship exceeds twenty feet, then at a height above the hull notless than such breadth, a bright white light, so constructedas to show u uniform and unbroken 1 ght over an arc of thehorizon of tAventy points of the compass, so fixed as to throwthe light ten points on each side of the ship, namely, fromright ahead to two points abaft the beam on either side, andof such a character as to be visible on a dark night, with a

JNTi 1 11 a, 11 11 "Vtillev- -

Booms to let. with or without Hoard.TERMS KKASOXAHLK. The 1u.iim isnow ! ;ily for occupation.

MKS. J. T. WHITE,MMiinscrPiN.267 t i:

Torchlight Procession-- AND-

tfsTNOTIOE. The several com jmnlrn of thDepartment are hereby requested to aisf mble Inthe square opposite the hall of Mechaulc KiiglnCompany No. 2, on the evening of

TUESDAY, November Kith,At 7 o'clock, in full uniform, with their severalapparatus, for the purpone of taking part In theTorchlight Procession and Parads in honor of HisMajesty's Jubilee Birthday.

Iloute of Procession.The procession will leave the Bell Tower at

7:30, going to th Palace through Hotel, Mauna-ke- a.

King and Richard streets. On leaving thePalace the line of march will be through Rich-ards, Beretanla, Nuuanu, King, Fort and Hotelstreets, back to the Bell Tower, where the com.panics will disperse.

A full attendance is desired. Per order

HENRY SMITH,259nI9 Secretary It. F. D.






f '


'I lilt

it IV?


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f V




A i

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, 1"'fii

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iir .a (S







Thursday, November 18th,Coiiiiiit'iicliiff at 1 o'clock p. in.

1. IUselaU match. Prize, U. S. gold coin, 75 002. 100 yards ra . 1st prize " 10 00

" 2d prize ' 6 003. Pmting lG-l- shot (3

trials). Prize " 5 004. Running Lroail jump

(3 tilals). Prize " 5 005. Running basex (ltrial)

Prize : 5 006. Standing broad jump (3

trials) weights. 1st prize 7 00ditto 2dpiize 3 00

7. Sack rare (1 trial). Prize " 5 008. Running high jump

trials!. 1st prize " 7 00ditto 2d prize 3 00

9. Throwing base ball (3trial). Prize " 5(0

10. Standing three jumps,weights, (3 trials). 1stprize " 7 00

ditto 2d prize 3 0011. 2(0 yards race. 1st prize " 15 00

2d prize " 6 00

In all rares there rannt be three or morestarters to secure second prize

Entries free. To be made at the office of theSecretary before noon on Thursday, November18th. No entry will be accepted on the grounds.

JAS. O. SPENCER.Secretary Baseball League.

Honolulu, November 11. 188fi. 2C7novlC

clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least five miles.(6) On the starboard side a green light, s) constructed as

to show a uniform and unbroken light over an arc of thehorizon of ten points of the compass, so fixed us to throw thelight from right ahead to two points abaft the beam on thestarboard side, and of such a character as to be visible on adark night, with a clear atmosphere, at a distance of at leasttwo miles.

(c) On the port side a red light so constructed as to showa uniform and unbroken light over an arc of the horizon often points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light fromright ahead to two points abaft the beam on the port side,and of such a character as to be visible on a dark night, witha clear atmosphere, at a distance of at least two miles.

(it) The said green and red side-ligh- ts shall be fitted withinboard screens projecting at least three feet forward fromthe light, so as to prevent these lights from being seen acrossthe bow.


Article 4. A steamship when towing another ship, shall,in addition to her side-light- s, carry two bright white lightsin a vertical line, one over the other, not less than three feetapart, so as to distinguish her from other steamships. Eachof these lights shall be of the same construction and char-

acter, and shall be carried in the same position as the whitelight which other steamships are required to carry.


Article 5. (a) A ship, whether a steamship or sailiugship, which from any accident is not under command, shallat night carry, in the same position as the white light which

(a) Ail fish ng vessels and fishing boats of twenty tonsnet registered tonnage or upwards when under way, andand when not having their nets, trawls, dredges or lines inthe water, shall carry and show the same lights as othervessels under way.

(0) All vessels when engaged in fishing with drift-net- s

shall exhibit two white lights from any part of the vesselwhere they can best be seen. Such lights shall be placedso that the vertical distance between them shall be not less

than six feet, and not more than ten feet, and so that thehorizontal distance between them, measured in a line withthe keel of the vessel, shall be not less than five feet, and notmore than ten feet. The lower of these two lights shall bethe more forward, and both of them shall be of such a char-

acter and contained in lanterns of such construction as toshow all round the horizon on a dark night, with a clearatmosphere, for a distance of not less than three miles.

(?) All vessels when trawling, dredging or fishing withany kind of drag nets, shall exhibit, from some part of thevessel where they can be best seen, two lights. One of theselights shall be red and the other shall be white. The redlight shall be above the white light, and shall be at a ver-

tical distance from it of not less than six feet, and not morethan twelve feet ; and the horizontal distance between them,if any, shall not be more than ten feet. These two lightsshall be of such a character and contained in lanterns of suchconstruction as to be visible all round the horizon on a darknicht, with a clear atmosphere, the white light to a distance




; i

Furnished or Unfurnished,

VCOTTAUE ON LUNALILO AND PIKOII BTH.,complete for housekeeping. L'se

nearly end on, to the other ; in other words, to cases inwhich by day each ship sees the masts of the other in a line,or nearly in a line, with her own, and by night t? cases inwhich each ship is in such a position as to see both the sidelights of the other. It does not apply by day to cases iuwhich a ship sees another ahead crossing her own course, orby night to cases where the red light of one ship is opposedto the red light of the other, or where the green light of oneship is opposed to the green light of the other, or where ared light without a green light, or a green light without ared light, is seen ahead, or where both green and red lightsare seen anywhere but ahead,

two steamers crossing.

Article 1G. If two ships under steam are crossing so asto involve risk of collision, the ship which has the other onher own starboard side shall keep out of the way of theother.

steamships to keep out of way of sailing vessels.Article 17. If two ships, one of which is a sailing ship

and the other a stea .iship, are proceeding in such directionsas to involve risk of collision, the steamship shall keep out ofthe way of the sailing ship.

steam vessel approaching another vessel.Article 18. Every steamship, when approaching another

ship so as to involve risk of collision, shall slacken her speed,or stop and reverse if necessary.

signals of steamers showing course.

Article 19. In taking any course authorized or requiredby these regulations, a steamship under way may indicatethat course to any ship which she has in sight by the follow-ing signals on her steam-whistl- e, namelv : One short blast tomean 44 1 am directing my course to starboard;" two shortblasts to mean "lam directing my course to port;" threeshort blasts to mean " I am going full speed astern." Theuse of these signals is optional, but if thev are used thecourse of the ship must be in accordance with the signalmade.

vessel overtaking another.Article 20. Notwithstanding anything contained in any

preceding Article, eveiw ship, whether a sailing ship or asteamship, overtaking any other shall keep out of the way ofthe overtaken ship.

steamer in narrow channel.Article 21. In narrow channels every steamship shall,

when it is safe and practicable, keep to that side of the fair-

way or mid-chann- el which lies on the starboard side of suchship.

right of way.

Article 22. Where bv the above rules one of the twoships is to keep out of the way, the other shall keep hercourse.

of horse and carriage; large garden Apply toC'HAS J. FIM1KI.,

Cor. Fort and Hotel Hts.127-oct-

NOTICE!Quong AVo Sun


VJOT1FIES THE PUBLIC THAT HIS DUCKS1 are branded on the right feet, and anyonecaught in possession of said ducks, so branded,will be prosecuted according to law. and anyonegiving information of sale of such ducks will herewarded. Addrsss; KAL1A. 2C3novl8


holders of Wilder' Steamship Co., limited,will be held at their office MONDAY, November15, !88C, at a a. ru. 8. B. BOSK,

Sei retary.Honolulu, November 8th. 2 it niS


Oceanica Bestaurant, riMIE ItEGULAtt ANNUAL MEETING OF THEX shareholders of the Waikapu Sugar Co. will

be held at the office of G. W. Macfarlaue k Co. onMONDAY, November 15, 18Hf., at noon.

WALTEK S HANKS,Secretary V . H. CO.

Honolulu, November 8, 1HH6. 210 ni582 HOTEL STREET.

Employment Office.

steamships are required to carry, and if a steamship in placeof that light, three red lights in globular lanterns, each notless than ten iuches in diameter, in a vertical line, one overthe other, npt less than three feet apart, and of such a char-

acter as to be visible on a dark night, with a clear atmos-

phere, at a distance of at least two miles, and jshall by daycarry in a vertical line, one over the other, not less thanthree feet apart, in front of, but not lower than her foremasthead, three black balls or shapes, each two feet in diameter.


(6) A ship, whether a steamship or sailing ship, employedin laying or in picking up a telegraph cable, shall at nightcarry in the same position i:s the white light which steam-

ships are required to carry, and if a steamship, in place of

that light, three lights in globular lanterns, each not less thanten inches in diameter, in a vertical line, over one another,not less than six feet apart. The highest and lowest of theselights shall be red, and the middle light shall be white, andthey shall bejof such a character that the red lights shall bevisible at the same distance as the white light. By day sheshall carry, in a vertical line, one over the other, not less

than six feet apart, in front of but not lower than her fore

Having secured the above premises, which arethoroughly refitted in the best manner OMsible,I beg to inform my friends aud old patrons thatI am prepared to continueservingtbe best malnat all ho.irs.

of not less th.ni three miles, and the red light of not lessthan two miles.

() A vessel employed in line-fishin- g, with her lines out,shall carry the same lights as a vessel when engaged in fish-

ing with drift-net- s.

(e) If a vessel, when fishing with a trawl, dredge, or anykind of drag-ne- t becomes stationary in consequence of hergear getting fast to a rock or obstruction, she shall show thelight and make the fog-sign- al for a vessel at anchor.

() Fishing vessels and open boats may at any time use aflare-u- p in addition to the lights which they are by thisArticle required to c:rry and show. All flare-u- p lights ex-

hibited by a vessel when trawling, dredging, or fishing withany kind of drag-ne- t, shall be shown at the after part of thevessel, excepting that if the vessel is hanging by the stern toher trawl, dredge, or drag-ne- t, they shall be exhibited fromthe bow.

(;) Every fishing vessel and every open boat when atanchor between sunset and sunrise shall exhibit a whitelight, visible all round the horizon at a distance of at leastone mile.

() In a fog a drift-ne- t vessel attached to her nets, and avessel when trawling, dredging, or fishing with any kind ofdrag-ne- t. and a vessel employed in line-fishin- g with her linesout, shall, at intervals of not more than two minutes, makea blast with her fog-hor- n and ring her bell alternately.

rpHK UNDKKSHJNKD HAS MOVKD INTOX the ortlce of Mr. J. K. WincmiH, where be

will be prepared to furnish household servantH.collect blils, do Anglo-Chines- e Uiterpre ring, andanaval llslt n ;si tl L.'i'i .

Will Open on Monday.

Ic 'rniu at all Ijourw, IS cent per


Open till 11 HP. 1.



VNY FERSON KNOWING W'HERC LOUIMcan be found will confer a favor

by notifying the Clerk of the Supreme Court atHonolulu. 204novl2

HORSli CLIPPING-IHue with li I patch


Lightning Clipping Machino


Article 23. In obeying and construing these rule, due I'roprietor.268 uovia' regard shall be had to all dangers of navigation, and to anyj special circumstances which may render a departure fromi the above rules necessarv in order to avoid immediateVESSELS BEING OVERTAKEN.

-- AT THE- -Article 11. A ship which is being overtaken by another i danger

mast head, three shapes not less than two feet in diameter,of which the top and bottom shall be globular in shape andred in color, and the middle one diamond in shape andwhite.


(c) The ships referred to in this article, when not makingany way through the wter, shall not carry the side-light- s,

but when making way shall curry them.(d) The lights and shapes required to be shown by this

Article are to be taken by other ships as signals that the ship

TO NEOI.ECT PROPEli PUE- -NO SHIP UNDER ANYshall show from her stern to such last-mention- ed ship a whitelight or a flare-u- p light.



KIM YUEN HEREBY GIVES NOTICESAN he has disposed of his Furniture Busi-ness to Fung Wing, for whom he bespeaks a con-tinuance of the patronage heretofore bestowedon him. All accounts due to November 15th willbe collected by San Kim Yuen, and all billagainst said San Kim Yuen must be presented onor before November 15, 18-6- .

In accordance with the alove the said Funi;



Article 24. Nothing in these rules shall exonerate anySOUND SIGNALS FOR FOG, AC.

A steamship shall be provided with a steam- -Article 12. ship, or the owner, or m ster, or crew thereof, from the con- - JKKlS tSmberTiaVinn

.TT uveieu y iue pnuees werespanned by triumphalft;, . 71. ah the localu to- n- The mob arch '

L JAe,i30A,f r M hi t-- ll

T - S-- -t 'f! & 0

Page 4: A OTf i,TE1, S0D1 W'ATEB, G1GKK II.E, Oigrai'fs and Tobacco--OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy PIPES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS




u- v- -



Wine and Spiyit :o:- -Tb undersized offr far sale, at lowest market rrtes

Martinelli's cider is absolutely pure.Yuen Kcc Co. have removed to Hotel

street.Martinelli' eider i the !e-- t and purest

made.Head advertisement of Murtinelli's

eider.Endless variety of laces and embroidery,

at Sachs", 101 Fort street.Embroidery flowers. 13 inhe deep, at

N. .S. Sachs', 101 Fort street.Val Ulatz Milwaukee Ja't-- r U-e- r is the

finest in the market. Hottled expresslyfor this climate.

Ilo. 15 PJuuanu Street. WHITE WINKS

CLARET,PORT,HviUi' enlarge! and renovated their .tore and 'replenished tbelr stock, are ao-- fullv prepared tuprly all goods m tLfir line at vfry lowt martet rates. ;



MUSCAT (sweet ami Iryj,CHAMPAGNE,






Special attention is called to this extra quality of I, being thrirown importation and a rerjsuperior article.REISLING,

ETC.A full assortment of MllluriiJn Win and all the best brands of Beer. AIe and Porterin stocky Also. (?euuin Ixxiit Kntterer iwcet Champagne, quart and pint.alwav



Eddy's & Jewett's Keirigerators,Water FUters and Cooler. Ice Cbesin, White Mountain Ice Cream Freetent. new "-r- "Mowers. Door Mats.UarJm and l ai al Brr. s. Axe. H e, Pick nd Fork Handles. ot ueiPlanters" Iioe, a superior artirle. cut-dow- Musket. IVnii t, hot and Cap".

Fence AVire and Sta)les.Manii and sisal Koi-- . The latest ov-:ti- in "ls. Tbe very eM otid sec-oli- d grade

Kerosene Oils.Berry Bros. Furniture Varmsti. Fi.r sn!.' at tbe li cst n.arkel rates by ti e


Muree.Murt to Dillintf iiii A ". nutt Sninuel tl.

FKEETH & PEACOCK.Trl-tliuu- e . 4tt.

Cordials, Liqueurs, fitters, Etc.Island orders promptly attended to and goods carefully packed for shipment.

Telephones 30. 15'j janl" 0. Box 137.

I, o. liox rui. a73


HonoluluJPort Street,H. S. CBOCKEB & CO

215, 217, 21), Bush street, San Franeiso.

Stationers, Printers, Lithographers

-- OK-

bpecial for one week : Lisle thread ladies'hose, open work, and assorted c.lirs frr cents, at .Sachs'. 101 Fort street.

Undressed kid plover. ladies' underwearpink, white, cream and blue cashmere justreceived by last steamer, at C. J. F:hel'.

" Duffy's Malt Whi-k- y is the very beststimulant for invalids .suffering from wast-ing diseases. It may be used by everyonewith full confidence of beneiicial results."

The largest and best stock of Christmascards ever seen in this city just arrived; allnew and of the very latest designs. Callearly and select. King liros.' art store,Hotel street. .

Dr. J. Lesley Smith, M. D., Fort Plain,X. Y., writes: "I have used your Duffy'sPure Malt Whisky, and am convinced ofits great purity, and its value as a stimu-lant to be prescribed."

Messrs. Wing On Wo it Co., of Mauna-ke- a

street, beg leave to notify the publicthat they have just received a large quan-tity of XXX and other choice brands ofManila cigars, of the best quality, for saleat moderate prices.

St. Audrpw'w OtttiMlral.Hie services at this church w,

conducted by the IJishop of Honolulu,will be: Holy Communion, 0:30 a. m.Morning prayer, with sermon, at 9:30a. in. Kvensong, with catechetical ad-

dress by the Bishop of Honolulu, at 6p.m. All seats are unappropriated.

Second Congregation, Rev. Geo. Wal-lace, pastor: Morning prayer, withsermon, 11 :15 a. in. ; evening prayer,with sermon, 7 :30 p. in. Sunday schoolmeets at 10 a. m. in the Punahou Pre-paratory School building. Seats free atall services.


WILL RE HELD ON- -331ank I3ook iVJannfacturer15 Jy23 3m

M. Alclntvro tfc 13ro.,IMl'UltTKKS AND I'KAl.KltS IN

Groceries Provisions and FeedKAST IDKXKU VOHT AND KIM) M IIKll'S.

New Hoods received by every packet from the KttMern Mtaten and Kiir. h CnllforntaPrtxlncf by every steamer. AM onlers fittifuly attended to. and (Joixls delivered to any nrt of thvcity fre of cluirse. Islnud orders solicited. N:ttUf:icUou Kimranteed. l'osKdlice lUtx No. USTelephone No. w.'. ;o npIT


Noyembei1Monday and



Ilnvc oinilrtel mi! ntTor for nlo li folIiuic ItoiN'rw. Ik:

j 1 PAIE COMPOUND STEEL IH)ILEE8! 1 Combination Doiler, V2 ft. x 5 it. 0 in. '

To lie held on the

FESTIVITIESTo be held in hoMor of the

50tli 'AnniversaryOf His Majesty the King's Birthdav.

17th of November, 1880.1 Combination Steel ltoiler, J 2 ft. x l ft., also

1 Second-lIai- Kl Tubular Doiler, 12 ft. x i ft.Apply to xiio Honolulu Iron Works Co.Commencing at S) o'clock


O. D. FREETII. W. C. PEACOCK. M. W. McCHESjNtEY & S0JN:Tuesday, November 16th.

Grand Reception and Hookupu, from 10 to 4o clock, and in the evening Fire Works and Hon-olulu Fire Department's Torchlight Procession.

At the Lyrrum.The services will be as fol-

lows: Sunday-scho- ol and bible class at 9:45o'clock. Lesson: "Peter Restored,'" John21:4:19. Services with preaching by Rev.E. C. Oggel, the pastor, at 11 and 7:30o'clock. The morning subject will be theNinth Commandment, or, "The Right Useof the Tongue." Evening subject, "TheSmitten Rock." At the morning serviceinfant baptism will be administered. AcordiaJ invitation is extended to all.

FREETH & PEACOCK,Wtiolesnle Wine an! Spirit .Mercliautt.

S3 INT street - - -itiianii Honolulu, H. I.HAVE KKCKIVKI.)



1st prize, 30.2d prize, 820.3d priice, $10.Course From Can Buoy, passing out the chan-

nel, keeping between the buoys to leeward ofSpar and ltell Buoys, turning Bell Buoy to lee-ward to a nag boat off Waikiki, rounding namefrom leewaid to a flag boat off the QuarantineGrounds, rounding same from leeward to BellBuoy, turiiius; to windward, passing Spar Buoyto leeward, thence to windward of Can Buoy inthe harbor.


Jst prize, $10.'id prize, S5.Course From Can Buoy and around buoy

bole, agents for J. J. Melcher's " ELEPHANT" Pellisson's uncolored,sweetened, pure oM UK ANDY onlv two qualities shipped, 7 and 10 vears old.

W. Smith & Co. 'sHy


Hand Concert.Following is the musical programme

to be given by the Royal Hawaiian Mili-tary Band this afternoon at 4 :30 o'clock atEmma Square :

March "Fearless and True" UnratzOverture "Fra Diavulo" AuberFinale "Belisario" PonizettiWaltz "Vienna Blood" j. StraussGavotte "Welcome". . KlussI'ol ka 'Military" WaM teufel

"Hawaii Ponoi."

May 8tli Per Mariposa, 1,754 Packages ;

May 22d-P- er Alameda. 1,022 Packages :

To Arrive Per Consuelo, 332 Packages,


Will bo Sold at the lowest Alnvket Rates.

Wo ofl'er for sale at reduced figures, a large and well assorted stock ofALES, BEERS, STOUTS, WINES, SPIRITS, LIQUEURS, etc., either in londor duty paid.




0. ;



?' f





. .






1. O. IIox m4. 37a Telephone! o.

Wednesday, November 17th.

Regatta, from 9 o'clock a. m.

Thursday, November 18th.

Historical Procession, from 9 o'clock a. m.Baseball Tournament, from 1 o'clock p. m.Historical Tableaux, from 7 o'clock p, m.

Friday, November 19th.

Grand Ball, evening.

ITuesday, November 23d.

Grand Luan.

Saturday, November 27th.

Horse Race.

Monday, November 29th.

Military Parade.

Thursday, December 2d.

anr bored off Marine Kailway to starting point.3 WHALE BOATS (Five Oars) Working w'.iale

boats.1st prize, 40.2d prize, 80.

Open to all.Course From Can Buoy out the channel and

around Spar Buoy, keeping it on the port side,and back to place of starting.

4 -F- OUR-OARED CJIO (Junior Crew.-.-)

1st prize. 830.2d prize, f15.Course Same as third race.


1st prize, 20.2d prize, slO.

Tbe .Surprise Yerwii Mokolll.The steamers 'Surprise and Mokolii,

which left this port within half an hour ofeach other lat Monday, intending to havea race to windward, soon parted company.The Surprise, which had the advantage atthe start, was off" Waialua when her op-ponent was abreast of Diamond Head. Thelatter was quickly out of sight.

M. "W. McChesney & Son,

DAVIS & WILDEE,Importers and Dealers in

Staple ami Fancy Groferie, Produce, Irov nIoiim anl fVel.jSTo. 52 Fort street.

Particular attention is called to the fact that all goods in our line are WARRANTED iKESIIand of choice quality. All importations are so regulated aa to avoid accumulations of old 8to-k- .


1y 12 aiul It ineen Street, llonoliilin.3&&frlisfmtni5.

EUREKA," " PA HAG ON " AND "HED TT?OSS"State Dinner. 198 tf

Cotton ISu biter I.ineil


rree to all.Course Same as second race.


1st prize, ?75.'Jd prize, !?23.

Free to all.Course From startiug line out the channel,

leaving Spar Buoy on the port side; thence toand aiound individual stake boats, on a linewith Bell Buoy, keeping same on port side inrounuing, and back to starting point, keepingSpar Buoy oil starboard side.


1st prize, S10.2d prize, 5.


1st prize, ?ao.L'd prize, sl().Course Same as in third race.

OTP'S Ice House DelicaciesReceived by every steamer from Sau Francisco, embracing all varieties the market affords.

WOODLAWN DAIRY BUTTER, in l-- tt bricks, and other choice Island Butter, alwavs on band.Daily deliveries to all parts of the city, Waikiki and tbe valley.

IiuiiteD, W. T. Y. SCIIENCK,Wan Francisco. C'kl.

3fi California street. (14 R7;INTER-ISIAN- D

Steam Navigation Co. Kotii Telephone. Xo. ISO. 71 tfSTEAMER KINAU,(King, Coruuianaet). 1S76. GEO. W. LINCOLN, 1886.(LIMITED.)

HERE WE COME TO THE FRONT BUILDER.Honolulu as per following schedule,

touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena. Mahti-kona- ,

KawaihaeLaiirtinoehoe. Ililo and Keauhou:Commencim? on MONDAY. July 2, 18SK, and

on every alternate Monday at 4 p. m.,the Kin:iuv Ut make the VOLCANO TKIP. reaching Keau-hou on Wednesday morning, where horses and

-- With tbe finest custom-mad- e

Intermission for One Hour,During which there will take place the follow-

ing events;1 Tug of War Swimming Race $10.

2 Tub Race- -f 5.3 Diving Content 10


BATES Comma ude Clotliiim- - and Fiiriiisluim--carriages are In waiting to convey passengers to 75 and 77 Kinjr Street,Goods,Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maul, and Kona

the VOLCA.NO UOLK(nve miles in me sauaie j

and idne miles by carriage).Puuunoer hv thlx route will have two (lavs !

" ' Honolulu,Mutual Telephone X. C5.

uand Kau, Hawaii. Bell Telephone No. 273. C5

Ever brought to "these Islands, aui which we will sell at tbe following LOW PRICES:

100 dozen Boys' Wool Suits, per suit ?2 50 upwards.100 dozen Boys Jersey Suits, per suit 22 50 upward.-- .

75 dozen Men's Fine Business Suits, nor suit S" uDwai'is.



The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, wiil

PAPwT II.D YACHT RACE (Second Class.

1st prize, SiW.2d prize, 15.3d prize, $10.Course From Can Buoy out the channel, on

STEAMER IWALANI,FKEKM AN l?omuiande W I j ) hi hi. At- -. rrleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Huturday 75 dozen Men'tf Fine All-Wo- ol Suits, per suit S3 r.p'vards.

50 dozen Men's Fine Klaek Dress Suits, extra value, per huit $18!Uiuruing. alii of Sn.ir Rnnv In Irvuinl nf 1mvt lpwards.Will run regularly to NawHiwili, Koloa, Kleelei - - . - ... .. ... . u .PASHENOER TRAINS will connect with the off onarantine Grounds, tack around same nd and Waimea, Kauai. IiMJ dozen Men a worianer Fants, per pair, SI upwards.

Also, an extra fhie line of Men's and Bovs'IMPOKTEKS AND HEALERS INreturn lo stalling point, passing on wiudwardiClQau at Mahukona

The Kinau WILL TOVCH ai Honokala andPaauhau on down trips from Hilu for Paasengers i LumberHOES. and. Coal,STEAMER C. R. BISHOP,

MACAl'LEV C'omnifiuderWill run regularly to Hamoa, Maui, and Kukul-bael- e,

Ilonokaa and raauhau. Hawaii.

side of Can Ruoy.10 SIXGLE-SCIX- SHELL RACE.

1st prize, 5.

lid prize, S10.Free to all.

Course Same as second race.11 -OARED GIGS (Junior Crews

1st prize, ?.VC2d prize, -- 5.

Doors, Sash and Blinds. All kinds of BL'II.Iivksi iinnLii-.i.r- . .. .

Corrupted Iron, Portland Cement: STEEL NAILS. , aur.l'V' 7 11 -Ma,,l

" " " ua cost but littlemore.

100 dozen L nluundried Shirts, jer piece 50e iiwards.100 Men's Fine Undershirts, per piece 50c upwards.100 dozen Men's Fine White Dress Shirts, per piece $1 25 upwards.100 dozen Men's All-Wo- Working Shirts, per piece SI 50 upwards.

50 dozen Men's Straw Hats, per piece 75c upwards.75 dozen Boys' Straw Hats, per piece 50c to 81 50.

We are confident these prices will satisfy the most exacting. We only adrertisewhat we mean ! Any unsatisfactory article may be returned and the money will becheerfully refunded. Ilemember the BLUE FIIOXT, corner Merchant and Eort streets.


Will run regularly to Kapua, Kauai. J O Ii N NOTT,Course Same as third race.


1st prize, t20.2d prize, S10.Course Same as second race.

l'.i FOl'R-OARE- D GIGS.

1st prize, ;:5t.2d prize, $15.

Free for all.Course. Same as third race.

T. R. FOSTKK, President. EA.Gr A. 1ST &d CO.'SK.va. NeTetarv.

if a signal Is made from the shore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE.iLorenzen, Commander).

.Leaven Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. m. torKunuHkakai. Kahui, uiRueio. Hana and

Kipahulu, every week: Keanae, Mokulau and Nuuevery other week. Returning, will stop at theabove ports, arriving back Saturday morning.

For malls and passengers only.

stp:ameh kilauea hod,(Cameron, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Lahalna, 1'aauhau,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohlna, Iaupahoe-Uoe- ,

Hakaiau and Onomea


(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves for the following ports every alternateMonday at S p. in.:

Commencing At'Kiist i To l.Biia', Kamalo, Pi-ko- o,

Labaina. OIow:i!u. Returnli:g to Lahaina,I'nk'oo, Kamah). Laiiid, arriving at Honolulu Sat-urday morning.

'om.nencin Aut"st9 To Kaunakakai. Khiiih- -

lo. Pukoo, Halawa, Wailau, Iel kunu, Kalaupapa.Returning to I'ukoo. Lahnina. Olowalu. I.al.niuu.I'ukoo. Kamalo, Kaunakakai, arriving at Hono-lulu Saturday morning.

7' f


X. CURRY & BROTHER,Ml'ORTEKS AND DEALERS IN SHOT--I guns, liiriVs and Pistols, Colt Winchester,

: I i I i? i " - 7 ii'Ji' I . .1 r " T hi

1st prize, ;).i!d jrize, jl5.


1st prize,2d prize,Course Same as wixlb race.

Kennedy and Martin Magazine Kines. Kerningti)U. stinrps and Ballard sporting Hiils. Agents

Just rt't eivt'-l- , ex L;ipvinr, a lart" consignment ot

Genuine German ColognePrepared Iy Johann faria Farina,

for W. W. ( irecner. Colt, I'arker and Remington '

Rreech-loHiliii- g Ilmiliie Onus, i'olt and Smith fc j

Wesson Pistols. N. Cl'Klt Y t BI'.O., 1 13 San- - j

some street, San Francisco Cal. lH-l- y jTO S-'- . J - y lummy rV ,'" fPWH- -

--ma 'rr--r'X. Ii. Tbe races w ill be under tbe rules ofthe Hawaiian Rowing and Yachting Association. 7Ti.

4- -

if fTO LEASE Gcffemilier ilem Juliclis-Plat-z CoIomc. Germany.Three or more boats to start to secure tbe sec-

ond prizes.Four or more boats to start to secure tbe third

prizes.Kntries for the races can now be made at the

office of Hustace A: Robertsou with the Secretary,and will close on Monday tbe "5th at f p. in.

Th l.riyes will Iia u i-- t- 1 i 1 in h winning

:o -A TERM OF ONE YEAR OR MORE,J-O- the premises situated ou Printers' Lane, Stoves, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.which connects with Punchbowl street, betweenPalace Walk and lieretania street. The house

tfW The Company will not be responsible lorany freight or packages unless rH,eiptel for, norfor personal baggage uniess plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or Jewelry unless placed incharge of the Purser.

All poaslble care will be takeu of Live stock, butthe Company will not assume any risk of accident.

SAM'L W. WILDER, President-S- .B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.fi5-- ly Mar SO


109 Fort Street.

crews at the finish of each rare from tbe judges' contains four good sized rooms, and the pantry ,

ptana I and kitchen are attached. Those desiring to in- -

r j spect the premises can call on Mrs. Mills at thr'iiK'a mVanv i Committee, i cottage on Punchbowl street, nearly opposite !

LB'"- - il- - "UjSU- - ! Palace Walk, or communicate by telephone with 'JAS. W. ROBERTSON. No. 276 of the Mutual. Reut, a month. j

Secretary, i a:t9 bov 20 'Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work


i i j

)r a I ?. i

V '"7 '
