A & P I Test II 1. Which of the below tissues has more than one nucleus and is voluntary? a. Skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle c. Cardiac muscle d. Transitional muscle e. Areolar muscle 2. This is the region of long bone found between the diaphysis and the epiphysis. a. Epiphyseal plate b. Epiphyseal line c. Metaphysis d. Diaphyseal line e. Diaphyseal plate 3. This bone’s shape comes from the medial half of the bone being convex anteriorly and the lateral half is concave anteriorly. a. Sternum b. Scapula c. Humerus d. Clavicle 4. This is the property of muscle that gives it the ability to stretch without damage. a. Electrical excitability b. Contractility c. Extensibility d. Elasticity e. Thermogenesis 5. Which of the following particles has a neutral charge? a. Neutron b. Electron c. Proton d. All of the above

A & P Test II

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A & P I Test II

1. Which of the below tissues has more than one nucleus and is voluntary?

a. Skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle c. Cardiac muscle d. Transitional muscle e. Areolar muscle

2. This is the region of long bone found between the diaphysis and the epiphysis.

a. Epiphyseal plate b. Epiphyseal line c. Metaphysis d. Diaphyseal line e. Diaphyseal plate

3. This bone’s shape comes from the medial half of the bone being convex anteriorly and the lateral half is concave anteriorly.

a. Sternum b. Scapula c. Humerus d. Clavicle

4. This is the property of muscle that gives it the ability to stretch without damage. a. Electrical excitability b. Contractility c. Extensibility d. Elasticity e. Thermogenesis

5. Which of the following particles has a neutral charge? a. Neutron b. Electron c. Proton d. All of the above

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6. Which of the following is NOT found in the axial skeleton? a. Hyoid b. Ribs c. Vertebrae d. Carpals e. Sternum

7. How is a suture joint classified functionally? a. Synarthrosis b. Amphiarthrosis c. Diarthrosis d. Synovial e. Cartilaginous

8. The attachment of a muscles tendon to the stationary bone is called the ______; the attachment of the muscles other tendon to the movable bone is called ______.

a. Origin, action b. Insertion, action c. Origin, insertion d. Insertion, origin e. Insertion, action

9. Which of following selections lists bone cells in the order from unspecialized stem cell to highly specialized mature bone cell?

a. Osteoprogenitor, osteoblast, osteocytes b. Osteoprogenitor, osteoblast, osteocytes c. Osteoprogenitor, osteocytes, osteoblast d. Osteoprogenitor, osteocytes, osteoclast e. None of the above

10. What is found in the glenoid cavity? a. Subscapular fossa b. Acromion c. Supraspinous fossa d. Spine e. Humerus

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11. On the diagram, where is the deep fascia? a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

. 12. In the diagram, where is the muscle fiber located? a) E b) F c) G d) H e) I

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13. In the diagram, what is made from dense regular connective tissue?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All of the above

14. Interphase-

15. Prophase-

16. Metaphase-

17. Anaphase-

18. Telophase-

a. The centromeres split in half and homologous chromosomes separate. b. The nucleolus disappears and the nucleolus breaks apart. c. The cell grows and copies chromosomes in preparation for the mitotic

phase. d. The centromeres of all the chromosomes are aligned with one another. e. The nucleoli become visible and the nuclear membrane reassembles.

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19. Which of the cervical vertebrae are responsible for the ability to move your head from side to side signifying “no”?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

20. Which of the cervical vertebrae are responsible for permitting the movement of the head seen when saying “yes”?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

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21. Another term for this joint is dentoalveolar joint. a) Syndesmoses b) Gomphoses c) Synchondroses d) Symphyses e) Suture

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22. Where is the extensor carpi ulnaris? a. C b. D c. F d. G e. H

. 23. Where is the soleus? a. A b. C c. E d. I e. H

24. Where is the external oblique? a. D b. G c. H d. I e. E

25. Where is the triceps brachii? a. F b. G c. C d. D e. None of the above

26. These are considered bone-dissolving cells. a. Osteogenic b. Osteoclast c. Osteocytes d. Osteoblasts e. All of the above

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27. Which of the following is true? a. There are 5 carpals, 8 metacarpals and 14 phalanges. b. There are 8 carpals, 6 metacarpals and 14 phalanges c. There are 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals and 12 phalanges d. There are 8 carpals, 5 metacarpals and 14 phalanges e. There are 5 carpals, 8 metacarpals and 14 phalanges

28. In the diagram, what is the basic functional unit of a myofibril? a) B b) C c) F d) Both a and b e) All of the above

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29. In the diagram, where is the A band? a) G b) H c) I d) J e) None of the above

30. In the diagram, where is the I band? a) G b) H c) I d) J e) D

31. In the diagram, where is the M line? a) A b) D c) H d) J e) I

32. Which of the following two minerals are needed in large quantities when bones

are growing? a. Calcium and chlorine b. Magnesium and sulfur c. Calcium and phosphorous d. Manganese and sulfur e. Potassium and phosphorous

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33. Where is the latissimus dorsi?

a. A b. B c. F d. G e. I

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34. Where is the rectus femoris? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. I

35. Where is the deltoid?

a. C b. D c. F d. G e. I

36. Which type of bone is the occipital? a) Long bone b) Short bone c) Flat bone d) Irregular bone e) Sesamoid bone

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37. In the figure, which represents a saddle joint? f) A g) B h) C i) D j) E

38. In the diagram, which one represents a pivot joint?

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) E

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39. In the figure, which one permits only side-to-side movement? a) A b) B c) C d) Both a and b e) Both b and c

40. What type of bone cell starts forming the bone matrix? a. B b. C c. D

41. Which bone cell in the diagram above is an osteoclast? a. A b. B c. C d. D

42. Which bone cell in the diagram above is a mature bone cell that helps

maintain bone tissue? a. A b. B c. C d. D

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43. Which bone cell in the diagram above is an osteogenic cell? a. A b. B c. C d. D

44. This is a spool shaped surface of the humerus medial to the capitulum that

articulates with the ulna. a. Coronoid fossa b. Trochlea c. Medial epicondyle d. Lateral epicondyle e. Lesser tubercle

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45. In the diagram of the tibia and fibula, where is the tibial tuberosity? a. B b. C c. E d. F e. G

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46. In the diagram of the tibia and fibula, this forms an articulation with the talus bone and forms a protrusion on the medial surface of the ankle.

a. E b. F c. G d. Both E and F e. All of the above

47. In the diagram of the tibia and fibula, this forms the prominence on the lateral

surface of the ankle. a. E b. F c. G d. Both E and F e. All of the above

48. Which of the following bones is not visible from the anterior view of the skull?

a. Parietal b. Frontal c. Mandible d. Occipital e. Maxilla

49. Examples of this type of movement include moving the humerus laterally at

the shoulder joint. a. Lateral flexion b. Hyperextension c. Adduction d. Abduction e. Gliding

50. Which bone of the axial skeleton does NOT articulate with any other bone? a. Vertebrae b. Ethmoid c. Sternum d. Hyoid e. Ilium