A Person Who Has Made the Difference in the United States

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  • 8/20/2019 A Person Who Has Made the Difference in the United States


    A person who has made the diference in the United States: Barack Obama

     The president o the U.S Barack Obama has helped his nation in two diferent

    ways. First o all He improed the !conomy "rowth. A year a"o the minim#mwa"e or a aera"e person was $ t% &% dollars per ho#r' which was a

    #nreasonable or amilies with ( o ) members. *r. +resident has #r"ed the

    ,on"ress and Senate to increase the salary in &- to &) dollars per ho#r.

    *oreoer He is #r"in" the American companies to create new obs' which

    means a h#"e enhance in the American economy not only or the companies

    b#t also U.S. *r. +resident Has chan"ed the U.S health care system ace' by

    red#cin" payments and increasin" the serice to the employees which will

    present a si"ni/cantly red#ction into the employees0 pockets. And een better

    with the new incl#sion o pree1istin" illnesses in the system' people who hae

    s#ferin" or are s#ferin" cr#el sicknesses will not ace bankr#ptcy or those

    costly treatments. For these and more reasons 2 beliee that *3. Obama is themost in4#ence and important person who has shape to U.S in decades.