20 THIS WEEK AT SAINT DAVID’S Monday, March 21 8:30 am Morning Prayer 8:00 pm Betty Ford Group Tuesday, March 22 8:30 am Morning Prayer 8:30 pm Palisades Al Anon Wednesday, March 23 8:30 am Morning Prayer 12:00 pm Holy Eucharist 4:00 pm Lenten Study Thursday, March 24 - MAUNDY THRUSDAY 8:30 am Morning Prayer 7:30 pm Palisades Al-Anon Friday, March 25 - GOOD FRIDAY 7:30 am Good Friday Liturgy 12:00 - 3:00 pm The Three Holy Hours Saturday, March 26 - HOLY SATURDAY AND EASTER EVE 10:00 am Holy Saturday Liturgy 10:00 am Communion Instruction 8:00 pm The Great Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter March 27, Sunday of the Resurrection - EASTER DAY 9:3 am Festive Eucharist of the Resurrection Rite II 1030 am Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 am Grand Oaks 11:15 am Festive Eucharist of the Resurrection Rite I PARISH STAFF Telephone - 202-966-2093 Robin Dodge- Rector email: [email protected] Thérèse Saint-André - Interim Coordinator for Children’s Christian Formation email: [email protected] Yemeserach (Yeme) Worku - Office & Communications Manager email: [email protected] Rob Church - Minister of Music email: [email protected] Raphiell Ashford - Seminarian Elisa Cardoza - Childcare & Cleaning THIS WEEK’S MINISTERS 8:00 am Acolyte Richard Southby 10:00 am Acolytes Mary Johnson Seth Johnson Cecilia Cooper??? 10:00 am Lector Betsy Nottingham 10:00 am Chalicist Sarah Shapley 10:00 am Ushers Mike Taylor* Chip Nottingham Dorothy McSweeny Altar Guild Lindy Walsh Paula Blasey Rae Adams (Purple) Flower Guild Christine Parker 5150 MACOMB STREET, N.W. WASHINGTON DC 20016 202-966-2093 WWW.STDAVIDSDC.ORG Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday March 20, 2016 8:00 am and 10:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I A Place for All At God’s Table

A Place for All At God’s Tables3.amazonaws.com/dfc_attachments/public/documents/... · March 27, Sunday of the Resurrection - EASTER DAY 9:3 am Festive Eucharist of the Resurrection

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Monday, March 21

8:30 am Morning Prayer

8:00 pm Betty Ford Group

Tuesday, March 22

8:30 am Morning Prayer

8:30 pm Palisades Al Anon

Wednesday, March 23

8:30 am Morning Prayer

12:00 pm Holy Eucharist

4:00 pm Lenten Study

Thursday, March 24 - MAUNDY THRUSDAY

8:30 am Morning Prayer

7:30 pm Palisades Al-Anon

Friday, March 25 - GOOD FRIDAY

7:30 am Good Friday Liturgy

12:00 - 3:00 pm The Three Holy Hours

Saturday, March 26 -


10:00 am Holy Saturday Liturgy

10:00 am Communion Instruction

8:00 pm The Great Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter

March 27, Sunday of the Resurrection - EASTER DAY

9:3 am Festive Eucharist of the Resurrection Rite II

1030 am Easter Egg Hunt

11:00 am Grand Oaks

11:15 am Festive Eucharist of the Resurrection Rite I


Telephone - 202-966-2093

Robin Dodge- Rector

email: [email protected]

Thérèse Saint-André - Interim Coordinator for Children’s

Christian Formation

email: [email protected]

Yemeserach (Yeme) Worku - Office &

Communications Manager

email: [email protected]

Rob Church - Minister of Music

email: [email protected]

Raphiell Ashford - Seminarian

Elisa Cardoza - Childcare & Cleaning


8:00 am Acolyte Richard Southby

10:00 am Acolytes

Mary Johnson

Seth Johnson

Cecilia Cooper???

10:00 am Lector Betsy Nottingham

10:00 am Chalicist Sarah Shapley

10:00 am Ushers

Mike Taylor*

Chip Nottingham

Dorothy McSweeny

Altar Guild

Lindy Walsh

Paula Blasey

Rae Adams


Flower Guild Christine Parker



Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday March 20, 2016

8:00 am and 10:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I

A Place for All At God’s Table

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Welcome! Thank you for Worshiping at St. David’s today!

The 8:00 am Service of Holy Eucharist I is contained in St. David’s Chapel and

Chancel Missal which can be found on the piano. The readings can be found later

in this bulletin.

Music with H-refers to the blue Hymnal found in the pew racks. Music with S-refers to the

Service Music section at the front of the blue Hymnal 1982 found in the pew racks. Music

with WLP- refers to Wonder, Love and Praise, the green hymnal at the ends of the pews.

BCP refers to The Book of Common Prayer also found in the pew racks.




If you would like to donate funds for lilies, please complete the form below, with your memorial., honorarium. or celebration appropriately noted and drop it in the offering plate with your check clearly marked “Easter Flowers” in the memo line. You may also bring or mail it to the church office: St. David’s Parish, 5150 Macomb St. NW,

Washington, DC 20016

Suggested donation is $20.

Yes, I would like to place flowers in the sanctuary during the Easter Sea-son.

In memory of: ____________________________________________________

In memory of: ____________________________________________________

In honor of: ______________________________________________________

In honor of: ______________________________________________________

In Celebration of: _________________________________________________

In Celebration of: _________________________________________________

In Thanksgiving for: _______________________________________________

Your Name: _____________________________________________________


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Announcements cont’d





Presider Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord:

People Peace in heaven and glory in the highest.

Presider Assist us mercifully with your help, O Lord God our our salvation,

that we may enter with joy upon the contemplation of those might

acts, whereby you have give us life and immortality; through Jestus

Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Palm Gospel Luke 19:28.40

Presider The Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Luke.

People Glory to thee O Lord.

Presider The Gospel of the Lord

After he had said this, he went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem. When he had come near Bethphage and Bethany, at the place called the Mount of

Olives, he sent two of the disciples, saying, ‘Go into the village ahead of you, and

as you enter it you will find tied there a colt that has never been ridden. Untie it

and bring it here. If anyone asks you, “Why are you untying it?” just say this: “The

Lord needs it.” ’ So those who were sent departed and found it as he had told

them. As they were untying the colt, its owners asked them, ‘Why are you untying

the colt?’ They said, ‘The Lord needs it.’ Then they brought it to Jesus; and after

throwing their cloaks on the colt, they set Jesus on it. As he rode along, people

kept spreading their cloaks on the road. As he was now approaching the path

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down from the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to

praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the deeds of power that they had

seen, saying,

‘Blessed is the king

who comes in the name of the Lord!

Peace in heaven,

and glory in the highest heaven!’

Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to him, ‘Teacher, order your disciples to

stop.’ He answered, ‘I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out.’

People Praise be to thee O Christ.

The Blessing of the Palms BCP 271

Presider The Lord be with you.

People And with thy spirit.

Presider Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

People It is right to give him thanks and praise. It is right to praise

you, Almighty God, for the acts of love by which you have re

deemed us through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. On this

day he entered the holy city of Jerusalem in triumph, and was

proclaimed as King of kings by those who spread their gar-

ments and branches of palm along his way. Let these branch-

es be for us signs of his victory, and grant that we who bear

them in his name may ever hail him as our King, and follow

him in the way that leads to eternal life; who lives and reigns in

glory with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen.



We welcome all visitors to St. David’s. Please fill out a Newcomer’s Card in

the pew racks to receive information about St. David’s.

We give thanks for the birthdays this week of Cameron Dodge, Scott Criss-

man, and Laura Barker

HOSPITALITY TIME: Following the 8:00 am and 10:00 am worship services there

will be coffee, refreshments and fellowship in the “Wicker Room”.

FOR THE CHILDREN: For our youngest worshipers, coloring pages and crayons

can be found on the table just as you enter the church. Sunday School takes

place during the first part of the 10:00 am service. Children (and parents if they

wish) are invited to follow the opening procession downstairs to the Undercroft for

their lesson.


ROLES IS APRIL 18. So Others Might Eat provides hot meals and canned and dry

foods to the hungry in our city. St. David's provides casseroles and canned and

dry foods once a month. Remember casseroles (pans and recipes for which are

available in the Wicker Room and in the undercroft lobby) are due on the Monday

before the third Wednesday of each month. Donations of canned and dry foods are

welcome anytime in the basket at the main entrance to the church, for blessing at

the 10:00 am Eucharist and later distribution to SOME. Drivers are needed to

take the contributions to SOME. Total time involved from arrival at St. David's to

return to St. David's is about two hours.

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The Blessing BCP 339

The People stand.

The Closing Hymn Lift high the cross H-168

The Dismissal BCP 340

Presider Let us bless the Lord.

People Thanks be to God.


Presider Let us go forth in peace;

People In the name of Christ. Amen.

The Processional Hymn All Glory, laud, and honor H-154

Presider The Lord be with you.

People And with thy spirit.

Presider Let us pray.

The Processional Hymn Ride on, ride on in majesty

4 Ride on! Ride on in majesty!

Thy last and fiercest strife is nigh;

The father on his sapphire throne

Expects his own anointed Son.

5 Ride on! Ride on in majesty!

In lowly pomp ride on to die;

Bow thy meek head to mortal pain,

Then take, O God, thy power, and reign.


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The Collect of the Day BCP 272

Presider The Lord be with you.

People And with thy spirit.

Presider Let us pray.

The Presider and People say the Collect.

Almighty and everliving God, in your tender love for the human race you

sent your Son our Savior Jesus Christ to take upon him our nature, and to

suffer death upon the cross, giving us the example of his great humility:

Mercifully grant that we may walk in the way of his suffering, and also

share in his resurrection; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and

reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

The People are seated.


The First Lesson Isaiah 50:4-9a The Lord GOD has given me

the tongue of a teacher,

that I may know how to sustain

the weary with a word.

Morning by morning he wakens—

wakens my ear

to listen as those who are taught.

The Lord GOD has opened my ear,

and I was not rebellious,

I did not turn backwards.

I gave my back to those who struck me,

and my cheeks to those who pulled out the beard;


The Presider invites the People to Communion.

The Gifts of God for the People of God. Take them in remembrance that Christ

died for you, and feed on him in your hears by faith with thanksgiving.

The People are seated. To receive Holy Communion, please come to the minsters at the altar rail at the direction of the ush-

ers. Hold out your hands to receive the consecrated bread. Grasp the base of the chalice/cup to help guide it to your lips or

dip the bread in the consecrated wine. If you do not wish to receive Communion, we invite you to come forward to receive a

blessing. Simply cross your arms over your chest to indicate your desire to receive a blessing instead of Communion.

The Communion Hymn Let the blood in mercy poured H-313

The People kneel or stand.

The Post Communion Prayer BCP 339

Almighty and everliving God, we most heartily thank thee for that thou

dost feed us, in these holy mysteries, with the spiritual food of the most

precious Body and Blood of thy Son our Savior Jesus Christ; and dost as-

sure us thereby of thy favor and goodness towards us; and that we are very

members incorporate in the mystical body of thy Son, the blessed company

of all faithful people; and are also heirs, through hope, of thy everlasting

kingdom. And we humbly beseech thee, O heavenly Father, so to assist us

with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy fellowship, and do all

such good works thou hast prepared for us to walk in; through Jesus Christ

our Lord; to whom, with thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory,

world without end. Amen.

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The Breaking of the Bread BCP 337

The Presider breaks the consecrated bread and silence is kept.

Presider Christ our Passover is sanctified for us.

People Therefore let us keep the feast.

The Presider and the People then sing the Fraction Anthem.

The Prayer of Humble Access BCP 337

We do not presume to come to this thy table, O merciful Lord, trusting in

our own righteousness, but in thy manifold and great mercies. We are not

worthy so much as to gather up the crumbs under thy Table. But thou art

the same Lord whose property is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore,

gracious Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and to drink

his blood, that we may evermore dwell in him and he in us. Amen.


I did not hide my face

from insult and spitting.

The Lord God helps me;

therefore I have not been disgraced;

therefore I have set my face like flint,

and I know that I shall not be put to shame;

he who vindicates me is near.

Who will contend with me?

Let us stand up together.

Who are my adversaries?

Let them confront me.

It is the Lord God who helps me;

who will declare me guilty?

All of them will wear out like a garment;

the moth will eat them up.

Reader The Word of the Lord.

People Thanks be to God.

The Psalm: 1231:9-6sung by the choir BCP 623

The Epistle Philippians 2:5-11

Philippians 2:5-11

Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,

who, though he was in the form of God,

did not regard equality with God

as something to be exploited,

but emptied himself,

taking the form of a slave,

being born in human likeness.

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And being found in human form,

he humbled himself

and became obedient to the point of death—

even death on a cross.

Therefore God also highly exalted him

and gave him the name

that is above every name,

so that at the name of Jesus

every knee should bend,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue should confess

that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

Reader The Word of the Lord.

People Thanks be to God.

The People stand.

The Sequence Hymn Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended H-158

The Passion Gospel See insert

The People stand.


and thanksgiving; whereby we offer and present unto thee, O Lord, our selves, our

souls and bodies. Grant we beseech thee, that all who partake of this Holy Com-

munion may worthily receive the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son Jesus

Christ, and be filled with thy grace and heavenly benediction; and also that we and

all thy whole Church may be made one body with him, that he may dwell in us,

and we in him, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord; By whom, and with

whom, and in whom, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, all honor and glory be unto

thee, O Father Almighty, world without end. AMEN.

And now, as our Savior Christ hath taught us, we are bold to pray,

People and Presider

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen.

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It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should at all times, and in all

places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, holy Father, almighty, everlasting God;

through Jesus Christ our Lord; who for our sins was lifted high up0n the cross

that he might ________________ the whole world to himself; who by his suffer-

ing and death became the author of eternal salvation for all who put their trust in

him. Therefore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the company of heaven,

we laud and magnify thy glorious Name; evermore praising thee, and singing:

The People kneel or stand.

All glory be to thee, O Lord our God, for that thou didst create heaven and earth,

and didst make us in thine image; and, of thy tender mercy, didst give thine only

Son Jesus Christ to take our nature upon him, and to suffer death upon the cross

for our redemption. He made there a full and perfect sacrifice, for the whole

world; and did institute, and in his holy Gospel command us to continue, a per-

petual memory of that his precious death and sacrifice, until his coming again.

For in the night in which he was betrayed, he took bread; and when he had given

thanks to thee, he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take, eat, this is

my Body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”

Likewise, after supper, he took the cup; and when he had given thanks, he gave it

to them, saying, “Drink this, all of you; for this is my Blood of the New Cove-

nant, which is shed for you, and for many, for the remission of sins. Do this, as

oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of me.”

Wherefore, O Lord and heavenly Father, we thy people do celebrate and make,

with these thy holy gifts, which we now offer unto thee, the memorial thy Son

hath commanded us to make; having in remembrance his blessed passion and

precious death, his mighty resurrection and glorious ascension; and looking for

his coming again with power and great glory.

And we most humbly beseech thee, O merciful Father, to hear us; and, with thy

Word and Holy Spirit, to bless and sanctify these gifts of bread and wine; that


The Nicene Creed BCP 327

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and

earth, of all that is, seen and unseen. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,

the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light

from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, of one Being

with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us and for our sal-

vation he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he be-

came incarnate from the Virgin Mary, and was made man. For our sake he

was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On

the third day He rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended

into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come

again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have

no end. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who pro-

ceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is wor-

shiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. We believe in

one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for

the forgiveness of sins. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the

life of the world to come. Amen.

The People kneel.

The Prayers of the People BCP 329

The Confession Recited by all while kneeling. BCP 331

Most merciful God,

We confess that we have sinned against thee

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in thought, word, and deed,

by what we have done,

and by what we have left undone.

We have not loved thee with our whole heart;

we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves.

We are truly sorry and we humbly repent.

For the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ,

have mercy on us and forgive us;

that we may delight in thy will,

and walk in thy ways,

to the glory of thy Name. Amen.

The People stand.

The Peace

Presider The Peace of the Lord be always with you.

People And with thy spirit.

A sign of peace is exchanged among the People.

The People sit.

The Announcements



Presider Walk in love as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering

and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2.

Offertory Anthem The Feast of the Palms Alan Bullard (b.1947)

After the Offertory Anthem the People stand while representatives of the congrega-

tion bring the people’s offerings of bread and wine, and money or other gifts to the

presider. The people remain standing while the offerings are presented and placed on

the Altar and all sing the doxology:

The Doxology

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,

Praise God, all creatures here below.

Praise God, above ye heavenly host.

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

The Great Thanksgiving - Eucharistic Prayer II BCP 340

Presider The Lord be with you. People And with thy spirit. Presider Lift up your hearts. People We lift them up unto the Lord. Presider Let us give thanks unto our Lord God. People It is meet and right so to do.

Then facing the Holy Table the Presider proceeds