THE SERB A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church 300 Stryker Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60436 Phone: (815) 741-1023 www.stgeorgejoliet.org Fax: (815) 741-1883 Мир Божији! Христос се роди! Ваистину се роди! Peace of God! Christ is Born! Truly He is Born! Winter 2017

A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

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Page 1: A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

THE SERB A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

300 Stryker Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60436 Phone: (815) 741-1023 www.stgeorgejoliet.org Fax: (815) 741-1883

Мир Божији! Христос се роди! Ваистину се роди! Peace of God! Christ is Born! Truly He is Born!

Winter 2017

Page 2: A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

The Serb Winter 2017 A publication of

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church Rev. Nikolaj Kostur, Parish Priest

300 Stryker Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60436 Office: (815) 741-1023; Fax: (815) 741-1883

Priest’s Cell: (312) 593-0974; [email protected] Church: (815) 741-8923; Hall: (815) 725-5502; Catering: (815) 207-0737


Serb Publication Staff

Editor Rev. Nikolaj Kostur Compilers Danielle S., Vicki D. & Mary Lou S.

Organization News Reports

Church Board Nancy Cora Church School Gayle Shimek “Mita Topalovich” Choir Michelle Efatoski Junior Choir/Folklore Group Kathy Petkovich Circle of Serbian Sisters Danielle Serdar St. George Cultural Club Nancy Cora Donations and Pomens Vicki P. Dorsey & Mary Lou Suitca

Organization Presidents

St. George Church Board Dr. Howard Grundy Mita Topalovich Choir Kathy Petkovich Circle of Serbian Sisters Helen Malinovich St. George Cultural Club Nancy Cora Church School Superintendent Gayle Shimek American Serbian Social Club Peter Grubisich

Church Executive Board

Parish Priest Rev. Nikolaj Kostur President Dr. Howard Grundy 1st V. President Bonnie Dauer 2nd V. President Jack Book, Jr. Secretary Nancy Cora Treasurer Vicki Dorsey Financial Secretary Ryan Dorsey Members at Large: Steve Malinovich, David Laketa, Don Grubisich Mike Kljaich, Philip Rowe & Gayle Shimek Auditing Board: John Dauer, Kathy Petkovich & Zorica Blagojevic

The Church Bulletin Editor assumes responsibility and the right to reject, delete and rewrite any part or all of the articles submitted for the publication. Any news of the social

interest should be submitted to the Editor. No articles will be considered that are submitted unsigned and/or improperly identified.

Page 3: A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

Зора с Истока, наш Спаситељ, походио нас је с висине, и ми,

који бејасмо у мраку и сенци, нађосмо истину, јер се од Дјеве роди Господ! -Свјетилен Божића

Данас се родио Спаситељ, драга браћо и сестре, и сва тама и сенка смрти је одбачена! Због греховне одвојености од Бога, вековима је човек патио, познајући Га само као сенку. Али данас се Богочовек рађа и разумевање Бога је јасније, обогаћено и виђено очима и срцима људи. Од пада Адама све до доласка Христовог, будући одвојен од Творца, човек је размишљао о Богу углавном с тачке гледишта смрти. Када се Христос, друго лице Свете Тројице, оваплотио и постао човек, наше ослобођење од греха и смрти постало је могуће. Спаситељ је ово учинио да покаже своју бескрајну љубав према човеку, дошавши не да влада као земаљски цар, него кроз страдање да посведочи своју жртвену љубав према нама. Добровољно је пошао на распеће , уништио смрт, устао из мртвих , васкрснувши и све нас. Ваистину, чак и у прослављању Христовог рођења ми се радујемо Његовом васкрсењу.

Нека вам Богомладенац Христос подари здравље и сваку радост, драга духовна децо, рађајући се стално у јаслама наших срца – срца очишћених светом Исповешћу и Причешћем. Нека увек тамо царује, избацујући све муке, поделе и туге, светлећи чистим светлом своје Јеванђељске Истине.

Христос се роди! Ваистину се роди! Срећна и благословена нова 2017. година!

+ Л О Н Г И Н Епископ новограчаничко-средњезападноамерички

Our Savior, the dayspring from the East, has visited us from on high, and we, who were in darkness and shadow, have found the truth, for the Lord is born of the Virgin!

-The Exapostilarion of the Nativity All the darkness and shadow of the unknown is cast away today, dear brothers and sisters, as the Savior is born unto us! For centuries, man suffered by being divided from God through sin, only knowing Him as a shadow. But today, the God-Man is born, and every understanding of God is enlightened, enriched and seen by the eyes and hearts of men. From man’s fall until the coming of Christ, man only understood God from the point of view of death, as he was outside of communion with God. When Christ God, the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, took on flesh and became Man, then man’s freedom from sin and death finally became possible. Christ our God did this in order to show His unending love for mankind, coming not to reign as an earthly king, but rather to suffer and show His sacrificial love for us. He willingly went to His own crucifixion in order to destroy death, resurrect from the dead and thereby resurrect all of us. Truly, even with the celebration of the Lord’s birth, we are looking towards His resurrection. May our Lord Jesus Christ, the God-Child, grant every joy, peace and health to all of you, our dear spiritual children, granting that He be born in the manger of our hearts—hearts purified by Holy Confession and Communion. May He ever reign there, casting away all troubles, division and sorrow, shining forth the incorruptible light of His Evangelic truth.

Christ is Born! Truly He is Born! Happy and Blessed New Year 2017!

+ L O N G I N Bishop of New Gracanica and Midwestern America

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Peace of God! Christ is Born! Truly He is Born! At this holy time of year, dear brothers and sisters, as we celebrate the Birth of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, let us give thanks for the year that has passed and the Lord’s blessing us with another year of life, the greatest gift to man. Our Lord came to earth, not as an angel nor ambassador, but rather took on human flesh and became the God-Man in order to rescue us from death and give us eternal life. Without Christ, the meaning of life would be completely empty and unknown. Instead,

Christ’s coming in the flesh, the fulfillment of God’s promise to man after man’s fall (Genesis 3:15), brought God to man and man to God. His birth from the Ever-Virgin Mary brought salvation to all of us, in that He was born in order to teach us, enlighten us, suffer for us, die for us and resurrect for us all, thereby resurrecting us from sin and death.

What a mystery this is, dear friends! How could we ever forget that which the Lord has done for us? Let us take this New Year as a new opportunity to renew our commitment to Christ and His Holy Church, a commitment we made at our baptism, either by us or our godparent. Are we living up to this commitment? Are we living a life that is Christ-centered? Are we living a life based on God’s commandments? Are we living a life exclusively in the Orthodox Faith? If the answer to any of these questions is “No”, then we have a serious problem and must address this problem immediately. Our Lord is calling us by His birth, as He called the wise men by the star. He reminds us that we are His servants and that we should be as those wise men, who came from afar in order to worship the Christ-Child. For those of us who are near by our regular participation, we must be as the shepherds and come closer, hearing the angelic voices of the Church, confirming to us the mystery of Christ’s arrival. Whether near or far, we are now all being summoned and must beckon to this sound, by worshipping our Savior!

May our Lord Jesus Christ grant all of you peace, joy and love, as we celebrate His Nativity, and bless you in the New Year.

Christ is Born! Happy New Year 2017!

Yours in the God-Child,

Rev. Nikolaj Kostur

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Мир Божији! Христос се роди! Ваистину се роди! Драга браћо и сестре, ево нас опет да прослављамо Рођење Господа и Бога и Спаса нашег Исуса Христа. Треба да благодаримо Богу за ову прошлу годину и за наступајућу. Живот је највећи благослов који нам даје Бог. Наш Господ је дошао у свет, не као анђео, ни као изасланик, већ је примио човечанску природу и постао Богочовек да би нас избавио од смрти и дао нам вечни живот. Без Христа, значење живота би било тотално празно. Уместо тога , Христово воплоћење , т.ј . испуњење Божијег обећања после човечаснког пада у рају (Постојање 3:15), дало Бога човеку. Његово рођење од Приснодјеве Марије донело je свима спасење, у томе што се родио да би нас учио и просветио, страдао и умро за нас, и васкрсао за све нас и тако васкрсавши нас од греха и смрти.

Какво је ово чудо, драги пријатељи?! Како бисмо могли заборавити то што је за нас урадио наш Господ? Нека ова Нова Година буде нова могућност да обновимо нашe обећање Христу и Његовој Цркви - обећање које смо ми или наши кумови дали на нашем крштењу. Да ли живимо по овом обећању? Да ли живимо Христоцентрисан живот? Да ли живимо живот базиран на заповестима Божјим? Да ли живимо живот ексклузивно у Православној Вери? У случају да одговор и једном од ових питања је ,,Не’’, онда имамо озбиљан проблем и морамо да се исправимо што пре. Својим рођењем, Господ нас зове, исто тако како је позвао звездом мудраце. Он нас подсећа да смо ми Његове слуге и да требамо да будемо као што су били мудраци који су дошли из далека да би се поклонили Богомладенцу. За оне из нас који смо већ близу Њему нашим активним учешћем, требамо да будемо као Витлејемски пастири и да се приближавамо пећини, слушајући анђеоско појање и потврђујући тајинство Христовог доласка. Ако смо близу или далеко, сад смо позвани и морамо да одговоримо томе и да се поклонимо нашем Спаситељу!

Нека наш Господ Исус Христос подари свима нама мир, радост и љубав овог Божића и благослови све нас у Новој 2017. Години!

Христос се роди! Срећна Нова 2017. Година!

Ваш у Богомладенцу,

свештеник Николај Костур

Page 6: A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

Schedule of Divine Services for January, February & March 2017Распоред Богослужења за Јануар, Фебруар и Март 2017. годину

Sunday, January 1, 2017 - 28th Sunday After Pentecost/28. недеља по Духовима 10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Friday, January 6, 2017 - Christmas Eve/Бадњи Дан 9:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија 6:00pm - Christmas Vigil/Божићне Бденије 7:30pm - Blessing of Badnjak in Social Center/Освећење Бадњака у Црквеној Сали Saturday, January 7, 2017 - Christmas/Божић10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Sunday, January 8, 2017 - Synaxis of the Mother of God/Собор Пресвете Богородице

29th Sunday After Pentecost/29. недеља по Духовима10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Monday, January 9, 2017 - St. Stephen the Protomartyr/Св. Стефан Првомученик 9:00am - Divine Liturgy & Cutting of Kolaches/Божанствена Литургија и Резање КолачаSaturday, January 14, 2017 - Circumcision of the Lord & St. Basil the Great/

Обрезање Господње и Св. Василије Велики 9:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Sunday, January 15, 2017 - 30th Sunday After Pentecost/30. недеља по Духовима 10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Wednesday, January 18, 2017 - Holy Cross Day/Крстовдан 9:00am - Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of Waters/ Божанствена Литургија и Велико Освећење Воде 6:00pm - Theophany Vigil/Богојављенско Бденије Thursday, January 19, 2017 - Theophany/Богојављење 9:00am - Divine Liturgy and Great Blessing of Waters/ Божанствена Литургија и Велико Освећење Воде Friday, January 20, 2017 - St. John the Baptist/Св. Јован Крститељ 9:00am - Divine Liturgy & Cutting of Kolaches/Божанствена Литургија и Резање КолачаSunday, January 22, 2017 - 31st Sunday After Pentecost/31. недеља по Духовима 10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Friday, January 27, 2017 - St. Sava/Св. Сава 9:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Sunday, January 29, 2017 - 32nd Sunday After Pentecost/32. недеља по Духовима 10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија 12:30pm - St. Sava Celebration/Светосавска Прослава Tuesday, January 31, 2017 6:30pm - Akathist to St. George/Акатсит Св. Георгију 7:00pm - Religious Education: “On the Blessing of Water”Sunday, February 5, 2017 - Sun. of the Publican & the Pharisee/Нед. о Митару и Фарисеју10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Sunday, February 12, 2017 - Sunday of the Prodigal Son/Недеља о Блудном Сину

Three Hierarchs/Три Јерарха10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017 6:00pm - Vespers/Вечерње Wednesday, February 15, 2017 - Meeting of the Lord/Сретење Господње 9:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Saturday, February 18, 2017 - Memorial Saturday/Задушнице9:00am - Divine Liturgy and Parastos/Божанствена Литургија и Парастос Sunday, February 19, 2017 - Meatfare Sunday/Недеља Месопусна10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Sunday, February 26, 2017 - Cheesefare Sunday/Недеља Сиропусна10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Monday, February 27, 2017 - Clean Monday/Чисти Понедељак 6:00pm - Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete/ Велико Повечерје са Канонон Св. Андреја Критског Tuesday, February 28, 2017 - Clean Tuesday/Чисти Уторак 6:00pm - Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete/ Велико Повечерје са Канонон Св. Андреја Критског 7:00pm - Religious Education: “The Meaning of Great Lent in our Lives”Wednesday, March 1, 2017 - Clean Wednesday/Чиста Среда 9:00аm - Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts/Литургија Пређеосвећених Дарова 6:00pm - Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete/

Велико Повечерје са Канонон Св. Андреја Критског Thursday, March 2, 2017 - Clean Thursday/Чисти Четвртак 6:00pm - Compline with the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete/ Велико Повечерје са Канонон Св. Андреја Критског Friday, March 3, 2017 - Clean Friday/Чисти Петак 9:00аm - Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts/Литургија Пређеосвећених Дарова Saturday, March 4, 2017 - Theodore Saturday/Теодорова Субота 9:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија 5:00pm - Vespers/Вечерње Sunday, March 5, 2017 - Sunday of Orthodoxy/Недеља Православља10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Wednesday, March 8, 2017 - 2nd Wednesday of Great Lent/2. Среда Великог Поста 9:00аm - Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts/Литургија Пређеосвећених Дарова Sunday, March 12, 2017 - 2nd Sunday of Great Lent-St. Gregory Palamas/

2. Недеља Великог Поста-Св. Григорије Палама10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Wednesday, March 15, 2017 - 3rd Wednesday of Great Lent/3. Среда Великог Поста 9:00аm - Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts/Литургија Пређеосвећених Дарова Sunday, March 19, 2017 - 3rd Sunday of Great Lent-Sunday of the Cross/

3. Недеља Великог Поста-Крстопоклона10:00am - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија Wednesday, March 22, 2017 - 4th Wednesday of Great Lent/4. Среда Великог Поста 9:00am - Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts/Литургија Пређеосвећених Дарова Sunday, March 26, 2017 - 4th Sunday of Great Lent-St. John Climacus/

4. Недеља Великог Поста-Св. Јован Лествичник10:00pm - Divine Liturgy/Божанствена Литургија

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Tuesday, March 28, 20176:30pm - Akathist to St. George/Акатсит Св. Георгију 7:00pm - Religious Education: “Repentance and Forgiveness as Liberation” Wednesday, March 29, 2017 - 5th Wednesday of Great Lent/5. Среда Великог Поста 9:00pm - Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts/Литургија Пређеосвећених Дарова

Altar Server Schedule

Note: All altar servers are encouraged to always come to the Altar for every service. However, since it isn’t always possible, we hope that at least those on the schedule will come in when on the schedule. Please be in the Altar by 9:55am and do not put on your Altar Robe (Stihar) before getting a blessing from the priest.

Group 1 - Niko Vercelote & Daniel Schultz January 1, January 22, February 12, February 28, March 19

Group 2 - Aleksandar Zubic & Lazar Kostur January 8, January 29, February 19, March 5, March 26

Group 3 - Matthew Prieboy & Niko Stamenkovich January 15, February 5, February 26, March 12

Epistle Reader Schedule

Olivia Grubisich - January 1, January 22, February 12, February 28, March 19 Aleksandar Zubic - January 8, January 29, February 19, March 5, March 26 Auxiliary Readers - January 15, February 5, February 26, March 12

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Schedule of Home Blessings by PlaceРаспоред за Богојављенску Водицу

This schedule is a guide for home blessings with Holy Water from Theophany. If the schedule does not work for you, please contact Fr. Nikolaj to schedule your house blessing.

Доле се налази распоред за освећење кућа са Богојављенском водицом. У случају да Вам не одговара датум, молим Вас да се јавите о. Николају: (312) 593-0974.

Monday, January 23, 2017 - Shorewood, Plainfield

Tuesday, January 24, 2017 - Joliet (East of Larkin), Crest Hill, Channahon, Morris, Minooka

Wednesday, January 25, 2017 - Naperville, Burr Ridge, Lombard, Downers Grove

Thursday, January 26, 2017 - Lemont, Homer Glen, Lockport

Friday, January 27, 2017 - St. Sava Day

Sunday, January 29, 2017 - St. Sava Celebration

Monday, January 30, 2017 - Joliet (West of Larkin), Rockdale

Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - Berwyn, Chicago Area

Wednesday, February 1, 2017 - Orland Hills, Orland Park, New Lenox, Mokena, Frankfort

Thursday, February 2, 2017 - Woodbridge, Darien, Bolingbrook, Romeoville

Friday, February 3, 2017 - Aurora, North Aurora, Oswego

Saturday, February 11, 2017 - East Moline, Davenport, Rock Island, Peru, Kewanee

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St. George Serbian Orthodox Church 300 Stryker Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60436

Rev. Nikolaj Kostur, Parish PriestPhone: (815) 741-1023 www.stgeorgejoliet.org Fax: (815) 741-1883

P. No. 23/16December 11, 2016

Parish Priest’s Report for 2016

Once again, dear brothers and sisters, we gather as a church community in order to look at the achievements of our parish accomplished over the last year and plan our moves for the upcoming one. The Holy Fathers teach us that we should work as if we will live forever and repent like we will die tomorrow. The reason for this is to keep our minds focused on our spiritual life, caring about our own spiritual well-being.

Over the last twelve months, we have served: 106 Divine Liturgies, 49 Vespers, 7 Matins, 7 Complines, 3 Akathists, 5 Funerals (+Milka Grubisich, +Ed Stapinski, +Marco Bjekich, +Susan Gnatovich, +Mary Petrich), 6 Baptisms (Ilija Kostur, Miriam Beyenne, Sheila Bojovic, Josephine Seeman, Theodore Troc and Lincoln Mancke), 1 Conversion (John Dauer), 2 Weddings (Branko & Sheila Bojovic and Ryan & Amanda Horvat) and 8 Parastosi. With God’s help, I visited almost all of the homes of our members and parishioners and blessed more than 140 of them. I visited the sick and elderly over 100 times, communed hundreds in church and at home, celebrated 50 Slavas and served many other services. I also visited and served at different parishes and monasteries throughout the year, representing our parish and community.

As you can see, Divine Services are the central part of our church’s activities. Without them, there is no church or life in the parish. I am thankful to God that church attendance is up, especially on Sundays. The number of communicants is also up, not only due to the greater amount of children that have been participating in the Liturgical life, but also many more adults, some even more regularly. This is a great success for our community! I pray that God allows these numbers to keep growing.

Truly, these Divine Services could not be possible without help from our singers. Every Sunday, our choir Mita Topalovich sings to the glory of God, making prayer much easier for all of us. During the week, Fr. Ned, Deacon Nenad, Popadija Katya, Nancy Jovanovich and Paraskeva Roach are our regular singers, and I am very grateful to them for this. Deacon Nenad attends every service that he possibly can in accordance with his work schedule. Although he is working full time, he will start his day late or rearrange his whole schedule in order to serve the Divine Liturgy. Sometimes, it is just the two of us at a weekday Liturgy. His dedication and talent should not go unnoticed. I thank him sincerely for all of his help.

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As I mentioned earlier, we have had 5 funerals this year, two of which were members. Thank God, there have been more baptisms and conversions—seven to be exact, which is a good ratio indicating growth. We have also added 4 new stewards to our church membership. Thank God!

I’m sure many have noticed that our parish sponsors many activities. All of our auxiliary groups are to be commended for their hard work. Our Kolo has organized numerous events, helping our parish as well as other humanitarian organizations. Our Choir not only sings at Divine Liturgy and other services, but also represents our parish at other churches’ choir concerts. Our Cultural Club is constantly raising money and supporting the youth of our parish. The Serbian-American Social Club has also been doing a lot to make our parish fellowship more fruitful by sponsoring lunches after the Divine Liturgy. All of these things together make for a truly successful parish and church life. Also, this year we had our very successful 2nd Annual Serb Fest and the SNF Bowling Tournament. Both events took a lot of organizing and work, but as a parish, we all made it a great success. Also, our Fish Fries were very successful once again. Thank you to all the organizers and workers from all the organizations and for all the special parish events. May God reward you a hundred-fold for your efforts!

As you all know, our church has revitalized its folklore group, mostly for our young children. I feel it is very important to have a folklore group. Young families often first ask if we have folklore in our parish. We should support this and get more of our children involved. Our monthly Religious Education Classes for adults have also been going well and are well-attended. Before the class, we serve an Akathist in front of the relics of St. George, which we received this summer for our parish from a Holy Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Monastery in Russia. Having the relics of our patron saint in our church is rare and a tremendous blessing. I encourage all of you to attend the Akathists and Religious Education Classes, because we all need more knowledge about our Faith.

Along with spiritual improvements, an another important task is the physical improvement to our church property. Many improvements have been made, which I will not reiterate, as others have already spoken about them. I do, however, wish to thank those that work tirelessly to help and fix things at a lower cost or no cost at all. I will not mention names in order not to forget anyone, but know that God has remembered all of your efforts. Of course, there is always something more to be done. I ask that all of our members look to see how they can help, whether by giving their time, talents or treasures in order to help in the upkeep of our church property. Your help is needed and appreciated.

As always, I know I have made many mistakes during this year in my service to God and you. I sincerely ask for forgiveness from all for those mistakes and if I have offended anyone in any way. I ask your prayers and remain your intercessor before the Lord’s Altar.

Rev. Nikolaj Kostur Parish Priest

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Are you a church member? Every Baptized Orthodox Christian is a member of the Orthodox Church. However, many people who come to church, support it financially and help out, are not officially members. If you are already doing all of these things, then you should become a member officially! Our church needs you to become a member!

What do you have to do in order to become a member? -Fill out the form on the next page and submit it to the Priest. -Continue making your contributions to St. George Church as most already do. Our weekly donations and donations for the Church Slava, the Church Anniversary, Christmas and Easter all go towards our stewardship/membership fee, which is a minimum of $300 per year. That is only $25 per month or about $5.80 per week. Most people give more than this and our church truly depends on your continuous donations to function. Remember, everything we have was given to us by God, so it is important that we make a commitment to God and support our church continually, giving back to Him through our Church.

What benefit do you get by being a member of the church? -You support the place that supports you spiritually. -You are doing your duty as an Orthodox Christian. -You can actively participate in the Administrative Life of the church, whether that be as a Church Board Member or a voice at the Church-School Congregation’s Annual Meeting. By doing this, you will be assisting with decision making for the good of the church community and our Diocese. -There is no church usage fee for your wedding or funeral. -You receive a subscription to the official publication of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America: “The Path of Orthodoxy”

Become a member and support our church today!

Да ли сте члан наше цркве? Сваки крштени Православни Хришћанин је члан Православне Цркве. Међутим, многи који долазе у цркву, дају прилоге и помажу, нису званични хланови. У случају да већ радите све ово, онда требате да постанете званични члан! Ви сте потребни нашој цркви!

Шта требате да урадите да постанете члан? -Попуните формулар на следећу страницу и дајте га Свештенику. -Наставите да прилажете Цркви Св. Георгија као што већ радите. Ваши недељни прилози и прилози за Црквену Славу, Црквену Годишњицу, Божић и Васкрс иду на рачун Ваше чланарине. Поред учешћа у Црквеном животу, годишњи минимум је $300. То је само $25 месечно или $5.80 недељно. Већина људи дају много више од овога и наша црква се рачуна на Ваше прилоге. Немојте заборавити да све што имате сте добили од Бога. Због тога, важно је да одлучите како ћете Богу враћати на неки начин то што сте од Њега добили.

Шта је у Вашем интересу да будете члан? -Ви подржавате Цркву која Вас духовно подржава. -Радите оно што Вам је обавеза као Православни Хришћанин. -Можете да активно узимате учешћа у Административном животу цркве (у управи или на Годишњој скупштини). Овако ћете помоћи са решавањем питања наше црквене заједнице и Епархије. -Нема таксе за Ваше венчање или сахрану. -Добијете тромесечно издање Српске Православне Цркве у Северној и Јужној Америци ,,Стаза Православља”.

Постаните члан наше цркве већ данас!

Page 13: A quarterly publication of St. George Serbian Orthodox Church

St. George Serbian Orthodox Church300 Stryker Avenue, Joliet, Illinois 60436

Rev. Nikolaj Kostur, Parish PriestPhone: (815) 741-1023 www.stgeorgejoliet.org Fax: (815) 741-1883

Stewardship Records (Parishioner in good standing)

I, (name) ________________________________________ born on _______________________

in __________________________________ and baptized (Faith) ________________________

(being converted to the Orthodox Faith in the Church of ________________________________)

residing at the address ___________________________________________________________,

phone __________________________ e-mail ________________________________________,

desire to become a steward (parishioner in good standing) of the St. George Parish (Church-School Congregation) in Joliet, Illinois.

I will comply with all regulations of the Uniform Rules and Regulations, Local Addendum - By Laws, the Constitution of the Serbian Orthodox Church in North and South America, and directives of the Diocesan authorities.

I herewith submit my request for a status of parishioner in good standing for review by the local parish priest and for approval by the Executive Church Board.

Applicant’s Signature___________________________________Date_____________________

Recommended by the local Parish Priest: Yes ______ No ______

Approval granted this __________ day of ______________________, 20______, for a parishioner in good standing of St. George Parish (Church-School Congregation).

____________________________________ ____________________________________ Executive Church Board President Secretary

This document is certified with my hand and official seal.

____________________________________ St. George Parish Priest

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What it Means to Struggle Against EvilPatriarch Pavle

Again, ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor by the earth; for it is his footstool: neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city of the great King. Neither shalt thou swear by thy head, because thou canst not make one hair white or black. But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil. Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at the law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain (Mt. 4:33-41).

The Lord reminds us that we should not swear, that we should have such love of truth between us, such trust, that it’s enough to say “yes” and it will be “yes,” or “no” and it will be “no.” Of course, in important cases the Church allows oaths for the sake of ascertaining the truth, especially in court. We know from Holy Scripture that the Lord once “swore by Himself.” It’s not that you can absolutely never use oaths, but that we should try to be so truth loving, for God is Truth, and the devil is a liar and the father of lies. In this sense we must love Truth. And again I repeat it. In the old Mosaic Law it is said: eye for eye, tooth for tooth (Ex. 21:24). It was a higher rule of law than its predecessors. Lamech, having two wives, said he killed the husband to his wounding and the young man to his hurt (see Gen. 4:23). And the Law of Moses appears, saying: eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot (Ex. 21:24); as much as they did to you, so much you could do in return. And finally, the Lord instructs us to do more, to begin to resist evil. The Lord says: do not resist evil with violence. It’s not to absolutely never resist evil—that would be passivity, the destruction of the distinction between good and evil, but to not resist with violence, not to return evil with evil. And the apostle Paul says:

Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good (Rm. 12:21). This is the meaning of Christ’s speech, but, I repeat, not literally. Because, when He was before the court and when the servant struck Him, He did not offer the left cheek, but pronounced: If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil: but if well, why smitest thou me? (Jn. 18:23). I think you understand, what this is about. We should be prepared to overcome the evil directed at us with good, to seek the opportunity to rectify the sinner, to do everything that he might understand the weight of his sin. In any case, we should not be passive, but should take the initiative and turn it towards the good. How many true miscreants have become Christians because Christians followed these words of Christ and loved their enemies, trying to guide them to repentance?

May the Lord help to establish a love of truth between us, to love even our adversaries: to pray to God, to show them with our very lives that they are tumbling in a spiritual abyss, in eternal darkness, and that they must repent and be saved.

May God bless you!

From the book of sermons and talks of the Serbian Patriarch Pavle “Walk to Eternity. Selected Sermons. Interviews,” published by Sretensky Monastery, Translated by Jesse Dominick.


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KOLO NEWS This past November, our Kolo held the annual Chicken Dinner and Bake Sale. Thanks so much to all our talented bakers who brought plenty of delicious goodies. Thanks also to those who set up, worked the kitchen, collected admissions, sold raffle tickets and cleaned up after the event. As always, a grateful thank you to everyone who attended and those who offered their financial donations. We truly appreciate your support for this major Kolo fundraiser!

What's On The Horizon: We need Kolo members to help with our church's Christmas Eve celebration at the Social Center. Members can help by bringing posno food items such as nuts, pies, pogacas, jam, desserts, etc. to support this event. Attendance for that evening is substantial, so your donations are welcomed and needed. Any questions, please contact Helen Malinovich.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Another fun time will take place at the Kolo Christmas Party on January 8th at the Prairie Bluff Golf Club in Lockport. Remember, this event is open to all church members, not just Kolo members. Time is running out, so please get your RSVP's to Pat Zakavec by Wednesday, December 28th. More information on this event is noted in a separate page in this Serb. If you need more info or have questions, Pat can be reached at (815) 355-4122. You can also email her at [email protected].

Hope to see many of our Kolo members and parishioners for an enjoyable afternoon. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next Kolo meeting will be held on January 15, 2017 following church services. During that meeting, we plan to update our bylaws. Members should have received a paper or electronic copy of the old bylaws and recommended updates. If you need another copy, please contact Danielle Serdar.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Our Kolo Annual Meeting will be held in February. The specific Sunday is still to be determined so stay tuned as we should know the date by the end of the year.

Member News It seems that several of our St George parishioners have much to be thankful for as they welcomed new additions to their families. Lincoln Mancke, the son of Brian and Hannah Mancke born this summer and recently baptized this past October at St George Church. Congrats to the parents and proud baba Pat Mancke. Milana Rose was born in November to Ryan and Mirjana Dorsey. Congrats to mom and dad and baba Vicki Dorsey. Stevan and Nicole Petkovich, along with their son Luka, welcomed little Miljana this December. Congrats again to parents, big brother and baba Kathy Petkovich.

To Our St. George Family, Have A Blessed Holiday Season!

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� � �

St. George Kolo Annual Christmas Party (Svi su dobro dosli – All church members are invited.)

Date and Time: Sunday, January 8, 2017 at 12:30 pm

Place: Prairie Bluff Golf Club 19433 Renwick Road Lockport, IL 60441

Luncheon Buffet Menu: Pot Roast, Roasted Turkey Breast, garlic mashed potatoes, gravy, roasted vegetables medley, garden

salad, rolls, coffee, lemonade, and water.

Dessert: 3 assorted cakes Cash Bar: soft and alcoholic drinks

Cost includes tax and gratuity: $24.00 per adult and $18.00 per child (3 to 10 years)

RSVP required by Wednesday, Dec. 28, 2016 Questions: Contact Pat at 815 355-4122 or email: [email protected] Complete the bottom portion and enclose your check made payable to:

“St. George Circle of Serbian Sisters” Mail to: Pat Zakavec 1634 Benzie Circle

Romeoville, IL 60446

Tear along this line_____________________________________________________________________________________

________ Must be received by Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Name(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Use the back of this tear off portion for additional names.) Indicate the number of adult and children meals you are ordering:

______ # Adult X $24.00 = $___________ ______# Children X 18.00 = $___________

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Greetings from S. S. S. Mita Topalovich Choir

Winter 2016

JOIN CHOIR: Please feel free to join us anytime. We are always looking for new members. It’s lots of fun!

S.S.S Mita Topalovich Choir wishes you a blessed and peaceful Nativity Fast. MIR BOŽJI—HRISTOS SE RODI! GOD’S PEACE—CHRIST IS BORN!

President: Kathy Petkovich 1st VP: Nancy Cora 2nd VP: Radovan Jovanovich Recording Secretary: Darlene Jovanovich Corresponding Secretary: Alexandra Starcevich Treasurer: Suzanne Condon Reporter: Michelle Efatoski

THANK YOU As we reflect on the past year, we thank our Directress Alexandra Starcevich, our As-sistant Directresses Sophie Anderson and Mary Lou Suitca, and our Junior Choir Direc-tress, Kathy Petkovich. Thank you for putting up with us during rehearsals, services, and performances. Alex and Kathy, thank you for teaching Mitas and the Junior Choir (respectively) new and exciting music. Last but not least, thanks to all four of you for your VERY HARD WORK and DEDICATION! We also thank Fr. Nikolaj for all of his sup-port, spiritual guidance, and active participation with the SSS Mita Topalovich Choir as our Parish Priest throughout the year! ANNUAL MEETING / NEW OFFICERS We held our annual meeting on Tuesday, 12/6/16. We thank last year’s board for their commitment, perseverance, and enthusiasm! We elected the same officers for the coming year (with exception of one additional position noted below), and we wish them much success! The 2017 officers are:

Sunshine Person: Mary Lou Suitca Sergeants at arms: Mike Cora Jack Book, Jr. John Dauer Librarians: All choir members who are students

CHOIR SLAVA Also at the annual meeting, the choir chose a patron saint for our Slava. Our patron saint is St. Kasijana who was a hymnographer. Her feast day is September 20th. We hope to see you at our first slava this coming September.

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The Church: A Living TheologyGALE BELLAS-PAPAGEORGE

As a child, I remember thinking that church was so uninteresting. “Why is the priest repeating himself over and over again?, I would think to myself. I was so bored by the repetition. Nothing changed in the service: the same words, the same motions, the same responses by the choir and the cantors each and every Sunday. In the car on the way to church, I would forecast it in my head. I could anticipate what would be said and done and how my boredom would follow.

I can imagine that there are many other children in our churches who feel the same way, maybe even more so today because of the hurried growth of today’s culture. They like to be rewarded instantly. They can shop at mega malls or Super Walmarts and Targets and come home with exactly what they were looking for on the very same day. They have fingertip access to movies, blogs, music, books, texting. There’s very little they have to wait for these days.

Who can blame them, then, for not wanting to spend a good part of their Sundays in a place that anticipates rewards that are not visibly seen and prolonged in many cases, perhaps even until the next lifetime. Gods will, salvation, and all the rewards that the church promises are not instantaneous and require dedication, commitment, continual prayer and hard work. This concept is difficult for youth to comprehend, because culture is teaching and enticing them with something very different.

As it happens, the repetition of the service in the Orthodox Church, which I had been so bored with as a child, actually teaches us anticipation, patience, and a sense of not quite arriving.

The repetition of the Liturgy every Sunday is in anticipation of what is yet to come. It is our re-creation of the Kingdom and a taste of what it will be like: a constant communion with God and with others. But isn’t this, in a sense, immediate gratification in itself: a taste of the Kingdom and our salvation in the here and now, as well as the anticipation of what’s to come?

Likewise, the gratification experienced in the Orthodox church is one that is not fleeting, like every other truth in our lives, such as a meaningful relationship we have with someone, those that are truly good for our hearts and souls, as opposed to those which may only boost our egos.

Why, the, keep searching for happiness and fulfillment when we have everything we need right here in the church? Why waste time in this precious life chasing fleeting desires?

It seems to me that this is the value of the church that we need to pass down to our children. Not to say that they shouldn’t participate fully in their lives around them or enjoy the material and intellectual pursuits the world has to offer. They should, however, be taught to shift their focus to the values of the church as their grounding and where true happiness and meaning organically arises, which also require a physical presence once a week. Otherwise, the emphasis on their source of happiness shifts to the values of the secular world.

I appreciate that my parents brought me to church, no matter how bored I was. Since no one explained the liturgy to us in those days, and the liturgy was all in Romanian, I really had to wait for the reward until I was old enough to understand. But now that we know how valuable the liturgy is to us and how to put these benefits into words because of all the education, discussions and writings available, we should translate these rewards, both the practical and transient, to our children.

We don’t compromise the sacredness or the mystical essence of God by explaining the living theology of the Orthodox church and faith to our children. On the contrary, we demystify the theology so they can be agents and active participants in their faith and enjoy the benefits of the church at an early age.


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Божићни празници и обичаjи Иако је Васкрс највећи хришћански празник – празник над празницима, код Срба се Божић и празници везани за њега најсвечаније прослављају и обилују нашим лепим обичајима, који време од неколико недеља око Божића чине најлепшим и најсвечанијим периодом у целој календарској години. Божић се празнује као успомена на дан рођења Господа Исуса Христа, Сина Божијег, Спаситељa света. Та чињеница да је то празник рађања новог живота, празник деце и детињства, празник родитељства – очинства и материнства, украсио је код Срба овај празник најлепшим верским обичајима и обредима. Сви ти обичаји и обреди имају један основни смисао и своде се на један циљ: Умолити Бога да сачува и увећа породицу и имање домаћина. Све је то изражено у краткој народној здравици и молитви о Божићу: „Дај, Боже, здравља и весеља у овом дому, нека нам се рађају здрава дечица, нека нам рађа жито и лозица, нека нам се увећава имовина у пољу, тору и обору!“ Божићу се радује и старо и младо, и мушко и женско. На неколико недеља пред Божић (већ од Никољдана) и неколико недеља после Божића (до Савиндана) траје свечано празнично расположење. Народ се весели и радује, у кућама и породицама влада пријатно духовно расположење, у атмосфери се осећа неко тихо празнично блаженство, па се у таквим приликама људи мире, праштају једни другима увреде нанете преко године и цео народ постаје једна душа. У овом периоду су најважнији следећи празници: Детинци, Материце, Оци, Туциндан, Бадњи дан, Божић, Нова Година, Богојављење, Јовањдан и Савиндан. За сваки од ових дана и празника везани су наши лепи обичаји. Пођимо редом.

Детинци У трећу недељу пред Божић слави се овај празник. Тога дана ујутру рано, или по доласку из цркве са богослужења, одрасли вежу своју или туђу децу. За везивање се обично користи каиш, гајтан или обичан канап, или обичан дебљи конац. Обично се завежу ноге или руке, па се једним делом канап завеже за сто или столицу. Везивање на Детинце, Материце и Оце, има вишеструку символику. Прво символизује чврсте породичне везе, слогу, мир, поштовање и међусрбно помагање у свим приликама. Друго, упућује укућане на штедљивост и истрајност у врлинама, јер онај ко поседује поштено зарађену имовину и добра дела, лако ће себе откупити у свим споровима пред земаљским судовима, а посебно на последњем Страшном суду, где ће се само вредновати оно шта је човек добро у свом животу учинио. Добра и штедљива деца прикупе нешто средстава штедњом па за тај дан набаве неку част и „дреше“ се онима који их вежу.

Материце У другу недељу пред Божић пада овај празник. Ово је највећи хришћански празник мајки и жена. Тога дана деца поране и унапред припремљеним канапом, концем, шалом, марамом или каишем на препад завежу своју мајку, за ноге, на исти начин, као што су њих мајке везивале на Детинце. Мајка се прави да не зна зашто је везана. Деца јој честитају празник, а мајка онда дели деци поклоне, и на тај начин се „дреши“. На исти начин се вежу и све удате жене, које се дреше поклонима деци: колачима, или неким другим слаткишима. Празник Материца се у новије време свечано прославља и при нашим храмовима, нарочито по градовима. Богомољне жене у договору са свештеником припреме пригодну академију са програмом, у коме учествују деца са прикладним рецитацијама и певањем, а онда деца везују присутне старије жене. Оне им се „дреше“ поклонима и припремљеним пакетићима,

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књигама, крстићима итд. Негде се организује посета болници, нарочито дечјим одељењима, где се деци носе поклони, што даје овом празнику пун хришћански смисао.

Оци или Очеви У прву недељу пред Божић празнује се овај празник. Тога дана, исто као на Материце, деца везују своје очеве, а ови им се „дреше“ поклонима, исто као и мајке. Оци, Материце и Детинци су чисто породични празници и за тај дан домаћице припремају свечани ручак на коме се окупи цела породица. Ови празници, и обичаји везани за њих, доприносе јачању породице, слози у њој, разумевању, поштовању између деце и родитеља, старијих и млађих, што све заједно чини породицу јаком и здравом. А зна се, да је породица темељ једнога друштва, државе и цркве.

Туциндан На два дана пред Божић, 5. јануара, је Туциндан. Тога дана се коље и реди печеница за Божић. Некада се печеница „тукла“ – убијала крупицом соли, касније ушицама од секире, па се онда, убијено или ошамућено прасе или јагње кла-ло и редило. Зато је овај дан назван Туциндан. За печеницу се обично коље прасе или јагње, а уз то неко још коље и припрема печену ћурку, гуску или кокош. Обичај везан за клање печенице, остао је вероватно из старих многобожачких времена, везан за жртвоприношење. Црква га је прих-ватила и благословила, јер после Божићног поста, који траје шест недеља, јача храна добро дође, поготово што су тада изузетно јаки мразеви и зиме. На Туциндан, по народном веровању, децу „не ваља“ тући, јер ће целе године бити неваљала и боловаће од чирева.

Бадњи дан Дан уочи Божића, 6. јануара, зове се Бадњи дан. Назив је добио по томе јер се тога дана сече бадњак и уноси у кућу. Са овим даном већ почиње Божићно славље. Ујутро рано, већ у зору, пуцањем из пушака и прангија објављује се полазак у шуму по бадњак. Чим сване, ложи се ватра и приставља се уз њу печеница. Жене у кући месе божићне колаче, торте, припремају трпезу за Божић. Шта је бадњак? Бадњак је обично младо, храстово или церово дрво (у неким крајевима, јелово или борово), које се на Бадњи дан ујутро рано сече и доноси пред кућу, Увече, уочи Божића, бадњак се пресеца и заједно са сламом и печеницом уноси у кућу. Како се сече бадњак? Пре изласка сунца, на Бадњи дан, домаћин са синовима или унуцима одлази у шуму да сече бадњак. Бира се обично млад и прав церић, ако нема церића, може и храст. Стабло церића треба да буде толико, да га домаћин на рамену може донети кући. Када одабере одговарајуће дрво, домаћин се окрене истоку, три пута се прекрсти, помене Бога, своју славу и сутрашњи празник, узима секиру у руке и сече бадњак. Бадњак се сече и засеца секиром укосо, и то са источне стране. По народном веровању, бадњак се мора посећи са три снажна ударца. Што секира од три пута не пресече, довршава се ломљењем или увртањем (сукањем). Тај ломљени део на бадњаку зове се брада и пожељно је да буде на сваком бадњаку. Води се рачуна да дрво приликом пада падне директно на земљу. Не сме се, дакле, зауставити на неком дрвету. Ивер од бадњака се узима и ставља међу карлице, да кајмак буде дебео као ивер. Кад се бадњак донесе кући, усправи се уз кућу, поред улазних врата, где стоји до увече. Шта символише бадњак? Бадњак символички представља оно дрво, које су пастири донели и које је праведни Јосиф заложио у хладној пећини, када се Христос родио. Бадњак наговештава и дрво Крста Христовог.

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Бадње вече Бадње вече, практично спаја Бадњи дан и Божић. Зато се у нашем народу каже за неке особе, које су пријатељски блиске и везане да су као „Божић и Бадњи дан“. Увече, када падне мрак, домаћин са синовима уноси у кућу печеницу, бадњак и сламу. Печеница се носи на ражњу, обично двојица носе између себе, и један од њих прво ступа десном ногом преко прага и поздравља домаћицу и женску чељад речима: „Добро вече! Честит Божић, Бадње вече!“ Домаћица и женска чељад посипају печеницу и домаћина са зоби и пшеницом, одговарајући: „Добро вече! Честити ви и ваша печеница!“ Печеница се уноси у собу где ce обавља вечера на Бадњидан и Божићни ручак, и прислања на источни зид, тамо где су иконе и кандило. Пошто се бадњак претходно исече са дебљег краја на три дела, величине да може да стане у шпорет или какву пећ, уноси се у кућу. Исто се говори и ради као кад се уноси печеница. Бадњак се ставља на огњиште, али пошто огњишта нема више, ставља се поред шпорета или пећи, и одмах се једно дрво ложи. Тамо где нема пећи или шпорета, бадњак се ставља код печенице.

Слама После бадњака у кућу се уноси слама. Приликом уношења сламе домаћин и домаћица говоре и поступају као кад се уносио бадњак и печеница. Слама се посипа по целој кући. Домаћица у сламу под столом, где се вечера, ставља разне слаткише, ситне поклоне и играчкице, које деца траже и пијучу као пилићи. Слама символизује ону сламу у пећини на којој се Христос родио. Вечера уочи Божића Када се унесу печеница, бадњак и слама, укућани сви заједно стану на молитву, отпевају тропар „Рождество твоје…“, помоле се Богу, прочитају молитве које знају, честитају једни другiма празник и Бадње вече и седају за трпезу. Вечера је посна, обично се припрема пребранац, свежа или сушена риба и друга посна јела. Божић Најрадоснији празник међу свим празницима, код Срба је Божић. Празнује се три дана. Први дан Божића је увек 7. јануара. На Божић ујутро, пре свитања, звоне сва звона на православним храмовима, пуца се из пушака и прангија и објављује се долазак Божића и Божићног славља. Домаћин и сви укућани облаче најсвечаније одело, и одлазе у цркву на јутрење и Божићну литургију. После службе у цркви се прима нафора и прво се она узима на Божић. Људи се поздрављају речима: „Христос се роди!“ и отпоздрављају: „Ваи-стину се роди!“ Ваља напоменути да се овако поздравља и говори све од Божића до Богојављења .Када домаћин дође кући из цркве, поздрави све укућане са овим радосним божићним поздравом, и они му отпоздраве љубећи се међусобно и честитајући једни другима празник.

Положајник На Божић, рано пре подне, у кућу долази специјални гост, који се обично договори са домаћином, а може бити и неки случајни намерник, и он се посебно дочекује у кући, и зове се положајник. Положајник поздрави дом Божићним поздравом, љуби се са укућанима и одлази код шпорета. Отвара врата на шпорету или пећи, раније на огњишту, џара ватру и говори здравицу: „Колико варница, толико срећица, Колико варница толико парица (новца) Колико варница толико у тору оваца, Колико варница толико прасади и јагањаца, Колико варница, толико гусака и пилади, А највише здравља и весеља, Амин, Боже дај“. Положајник символички представља оне Мудраце који су пратили звезду са Истока и дошли новорођеном Христу на поклоњење. Домаћица после тога послужи положајника, и дарује га неким прикладним поклоном. Он је човек, који на Божић, и за целу наредну годину доноси срећу у кућу.

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Чесница Рaно ујутро на Божић, домаћица замеси теcто од којег пече погачу, која се зове чесница. У њу се ставља метални новчић – златни, сребрни или обични, одозго се боде гранчицом бадњака, и та чесница има улогу славског колача на Божић. Када чесница буде печена, износи се на сто где је већ постављен Божићни ручак. Домаћин од печенице за Божић сече најпре леву плећку, негде и главу, део од ребара и срце. Срце се исече на онолико делова колико у кући има укућана, и сваки члан породице прво поједе по парче срца. Када сви стану за сто, домаћин запали свећу, узима кадионицу, окади иконе, кандило и све присутне, преда неком млађем кадионицу који кади целу кућу. Уколико неко зна пева божићни тропар, а ако не, чита се „Оче наш“ наглас. Кад се молитва заврши приступа се ломљењу чеснице. Чесница се окреће као славски колач, прелива вином и на крају ломи. Она се ломи на онолико делова колико има укућана. Онај ко добије део чеснице у којој је новчић, по народном веровању, биће срећан целе те године. Када се заврши ломљење чеснице, укућани једни другима честитају празник и седају за трпезу.

Божић у урбаној средини Поставља се питање како славити Божић данас, у измењеним условима живота, нарочито у урбаним срединама, где нема ни ватре ни огњишта, шуме, дрвећа и где је немогуће на високе спратове подизати велико дрво. и сламу. Срби су Божић, исто као и крсну славу, славили у тешком ратним условима – у рову, на стражи, на фронту, тим пре га је лакше славити у светлим, пространим, топлим и комфорним становима, у градским срединама. Уместо великог дрвета узме се мања храстова гранчица, и мања количина сламе. Све се то, заједно са печеницом, уочи Божића уноси у кућу и ставља испод славске иконе на источном зиду стана или куће. Запали се свећа и кандило што символише ватру и огњиште. Кућа се окади тамјаном, изговоре се молитве које се знају, или се прочитају из молитвеника, и то вече се проводи у пријатној породичној атмосфери уз слушање црквене музике и песама са касета, или уз гледање филмова верске или моралне садржине. Зато је веома важно да Божић буде нерадан дан – државни празник, да би се празнична атмосфера употпунила. Само онај ко лично није доживео ту предивну божићну атмосферу у којој се душа, захваћена неким унутрашњим блаженством, надима и шири у висине свемирских простора, када се сви људи воле и све се прашта, не може схватити црногорског владику Његоша и његове стихове: „Нема дана без очнога вида, нити праве славе без Божића!“

Божић - празник деце Божић је првенствено празник деце. На Божић се родило најлепше и најсветије дете у историји људског рода. Зато, они родитељи који своју децу, из било којих разлога лишавају празновања Божића и доживљаја везаних за тај празник, чине према својој деци неопростиви грех. Уосталом Божић је празник и привилегија деце у целом цивилизованом хришћанском свету.

Српска Нова Година Овај празник се празнује 14. јануара по новом календару а по старом 1. јануара. Зато се зове Нова Година. Обновљен је обичај „чекања Нове Године“. Уочи Нове Године, спрема се свечана вечера, где сви укућани са својим гостима, кумовима, пријатељима и сродницима уз весеље и песму чекају поноћ, када стиже Нова Година. Негде се то ради организовано у ресторанима, хотелима, салама и сл. У поноћ, тачно у 12 сати, сви се љубе и једни другима честитају долазак Нове године са жељама за дуг и миран живот, добро здравље и успех у послу. Сутрадан се одлази у цркву на службу. После службе се обавља свечани ручак. Домаћица меси погачу „василицу“ (василица се зове јер је тога дана празник и Светог Василија Великог). Негде се василица меси од кукурузног брашна.

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Крстовдан Овај празник пада 18. јануара, и празнује се у спомен Христовог крштења. Тај дан је постан и то је први посни дан од Божића. У храмовима се тога дана врши велико водоосвећење. У неким крајевима се поздрављају са речима: „Христос се крсти“ и „Ваистину се крсти“.

Богојављење Богојављење се празнује 19. јануара. Тада се по црквама широм православља и српства врше велика и свечана освећења воде. Народ долази цркви са флашама и другим мањим судовима, узима освећену богојављенску водицу и носи је у своје домове. Ова водица, обзиром да је освећена на велики празник, има велика духовна и лековита својства. Иначе овога дана слави се успомена на Христово крштење, на реци Јордану, и јављање Бога у виду голуба и гласи: „Ово је Син мој љубљени, њега послушајте“.

Јовањдан Јовањдан је у низу богојављенских празника, јер је свети Јован Крститељ, на реци Јордану, крстио Господа Христа. Многи Срби тога дана славе. После Никољдана и Ђурђевдана, ово је светитељ који се код Срба највише поштује и слави. Савиндан Овај празник пада 27. јануара. Свети Сава је први српски просветитељ, духовни отац српске нације и творац српске црквене самосталности. Зато је Савиндан и верски и национални празник. То је крсна слава српских школа. Тога дана се у свим српским школама ломи славски кoлач, изводи прикладан светосавски програм у коме учествују ђаци са својим учитељима и родитељима. Резање колача исто је као и на дан црквене славе. Свака слава има свога домаћина, који се добровољно јавља, и сваке године се бира домаћин. Обично се на Савиндан увече у школама или домовима културе наставља народно весеље у коме учествује наша омладина.

Source: pravoslavie.ru

The Prophetic Role of Mount Athos in the Contemporary WorldJean-Claude Larchet

Monasticism is basically a way to live the Christian life with a total commitment to renouncing the world and self-dedication to God. From this point of view, monasticism is the same everywhere, and each monastery, skete or hermitage is a privileged place, a center of reference for the monastic life and for Christian way of life. To a great extent, what can be said of monasticism can be said of Mount Athos, and what can be said of Mount Athos can be said of monasticism.

Yet Mount Athos has long been a fascinating place, which attracts the attention not only of Orthodox, but people belonging to other religions and even of non-believers. Evidenced by the large number of books and articles on the Mount Athos, as well as by the incessant flow of pilgrims and visitors from around the world. This fascination is not new, but it is surely greater in our time than in the past. There are several reasons for this.

1) The first reason is that Mount Athos is an autonomous republic—and for this like a country—inhabited only by monks and completely dedicated to monastic life. Although every Orthodox country has at least one region that includes several monasteries, there is no other country that brings together such a large number of monasteries, sketes and hermitages, and is an area ruled by monks, with a real border that delimits it in relation to surrounding countries or regions. It is a protected area not only politically, administratively and geographically (being a peninsula), but also spiritually, as Mount Athos is commonly called “The Garden of the

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Mother of God” and considered a place that belongs to her and where she is particularly present. In that it is a country entirely populated by monks, it does not allow the “free movement of persons” required by European laws, does not accept the influx of tourists, nor does it accept the entry of women, but extends the monastic enclosure to the extent of its physical, geographical boundaries. Mount Athos is a land like no other.

2) Secondly, Mount Athos is a witness to the Kingdom of God already present among us.

Mount Athos is a place that houses the most numerous and important relics of the Orthodox world. These relics make present, and active by their miracles, almost all major Christian saints.

Mount Athos, as a concentrated locus of monastic life and a place particularly favourable to sanctification, itself has produced thousands of saints, known and unknown. Some in our time have a global reach, such as St. Silouan, Joseph the Hesychast and his spiritual sons, or St. Paisios. Through its numerous saints of the past and present, Mount Athos appears, in the words of the Psalmist, as “the fertile mountain”, “the fruitful mountain”, “the mountain where it pleased the Lord to live” and where He “will live forever” (Ps 67: 16-17).

3) Thirdly, Mount Athos is a reminder and an announcement of Paradise.It is not only through its saints, but as a blessed place, a sacred institution that Mount

Athos prophetically manifests another world that gives meaning to the present one. Mount Athos, also called the “Holy Mountain” or “Virgin’s Garden” is an image of Paradise, a reminder of Paradise lost by our first parents, and a symbolic prefiguration of the Paradise promised to the righteous.

a) Mount Athos offers the image of a paradisal nature because in the variety of landscapes that range from sea level up to two thousand meters, where the summit of Athos reaches its peak, many plant and animal species live and are a microcosm summarizing the world. Another reason is that nature remains untouched, protected from economic exploitation and industrial pollution. Its very existence in the modern world has an exemplary value. It is a model of spiritual ecology; it demonstrates the integrity of creation entrusted originally by God to man for his use and needs, while making a means of contemplation and thanksgiving.

b) The space of Mount Athos reflects the heavenly space too, and foreshadows the space of the Kingdom of Heaven. Unlike the space of all countries in the world (divided between sacred and profane, sometimes even entirely profane), the Mount Athos area appears totally sacred, not only by the presence of a large number of monasteries, sketes, hermitages, churches and chapels, but also because it is entirely sanctified by the saints who went all over, have filled it with the voice of their prayer and diffused everywhere the divine energy they radiated. Every time we walk on a trail of Mount Athos, we are sure to put our feet in the footsteps of saints who have preceded us. Many places in nature retain the memory of apparitions of Christ, of the Mother of God or of saints. There is no monastery here, or hermitage, or chapel, or source or fountain whose presence cannot be explained by a heavenly vision or a miracle.

c) One must say a few words also on the prophetic significance of Athonite time. One of the things that has the greatest material impact on visitors to Mount Athos, and which to some extent disorients them, is the change of time. Most monasteries keep the Byzantine time, which no longer serves as a reference to any nother part of the world. Our time, the monks call “kosmiki ora”: the hour of the world. Byzantine time is not a mere relic of ancient times; it shows another modality of the time, a spiritual time, sanctified because it is entirely devoted to

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God, divided and organized to respond to His will. Symbolically it reminds one of the heavenly time and announces the time of the Kingdom.

4) A fourth important point is that collective life as organized across Mount Athos and in each monastery is a call for unity of all men, and a testimony that such unity is possible in Christ. In a world torn by wars, nationalism, ethnic conflict, racism, this testimony and this appeal are truly prophetic.

Mount Athos as a whole testifies for many centuries to the good relations of communities of different ethnic backgrounds who not only peacefully coexist, but live harmoniously in the bond of charity.

It is in this bond of charity that the Holy Community, consisting of representatives of the main monasteries, rules the Mount Athos not according to worldly democratic principles but in the spirit of Christian conciliarity (соборность). Each Athonite monastery provides a similar testimony, led by a council of elders that is headed by a hegoumen (abbot) elected by the monks.

5) As a fifth point, one must mention one of the fundamental roles played by Mount Athos in the history of Orthodoxy, which is today perhaps more than ever of paramount importance: that of maintaining Tradition and defending the Orthodox faith. This is still a prophetic role, because traditionally the prophet is someone who reminds people of their fidelity to God, and is a defender of the faith in the face anything that seeks to alter or pervert it.

In a world subject to increasingly faster change, Mount Athos gives the example of stability and permanence in the image of the divine world. Preserved from the thirst for change and the dizzying movement that occupies men living in the world, protected from the sociological pressure forcing compliance in all respects to the lifestyle of modern societies, the Athonite monks scrupulously conserve canonical prescriptions, liturgical practices and ascetic lifestyle that our Fathers have passed down from generation to generation.

The very scrupulous maintenance of the tiniest traditions was the condition for more than a millennium of perfect preservation of Orthodox Tradition. The Athonite monks also contributed greatly to preserve the Orthodox faith in all difficult moments in history when it was threatened, and they still do so today. And for this they receive a special prestige and a great authority.The prophetic role of look-out and lighthouse that Mount Athos traditionally plays in the Orthodox world for reporting deviations from the Tradition and to remind the people of what is the true faith, is particularly significant in our time, when we can observe a considerable weakening of dogmatic consciousness.

6) A sixth and last point is that Mount Athos also contributes in a fundamental way, to maintaining Orthodox spirituality in an unchanged and vibrant state. This spirituality was elaborated by the monks of Palestine, Syria, the Sinai and the Studion of Constantinople, but the Athonite Fathers became, from the thirteenth century, its main heirs and depositories. Mount Athos has become a gold standard of asceticism and spirituality, and attracted many monks of all countries. When visiting or returning to their country of origin, these monks have contributed greatly to the spread of this spirituality. In particular, Mount Athos has always been a center for the practice of the Jesus prayer and hesychast spirituality. And it is always in Mount Athos that this practice has, so to speak, its center.

The Athonite Fathers have the task of communicating to people today this ancient heritage and a responsibility to pass it on to future generations. In this also lies the prophetic and eschatological role of Athonite monasticism.

Source: pravoslavie.ru

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Meditating on the Significance of Christmas Fr. Ted Bobosh

Today when many folk think about the Christmas story, they call to mind a manger, shepherds, a star, magi, a poor Virgin. These are sometimes thought of as the “historical” facts about Christ’s birth. These details are sentimentalized in Christmas cards and carols. The Evangelists who give us the Nativity narratives, Sts Matthew and Luke, probably didn’t see these details as being particularly “historical.” They used other elements in their narratives to show the historical nature of the birth of Jesus Christ. St. Matthew in his Gospel gives the birth of Christ a “historical” context by setting the birth in the line of a genealogy from Abraham until Christ (Matthew 1) – thus establishing the birth as a genuine part of Jewish lineage and promise. He also establishes the historicity by mentioning the evil “Jewish” King Herod (Matthew 2) – thus giving us the “time” in which Christ’s birth occurred – an evil time for Jews in which their faith was being corrupted by Herod’s false religion and his grand Temple complex. St. Luke, on the other hand, uses the historical backdrop of the Roman Empire and Caesar Augustus to put the birth of Christ into world history (Luke 2). Also, an evil time for the Jews who were a conquered people, living in subjugation to a pagan world power. For both Evangelists, Christ is born into a threatening world, bringing God’s kingdom to worldly kings who would oppose it. The two Evangelists, Matthew and Luke, write within the context of their time, and with their own understanding of what “historical” means. They weren’t historians in the modern sense of scholars searching ancient documents or doing archaeological studies to establish the facts. They accepted as true the oral or written traditions they received and were OK with some alterations in “historical facts” if it met the theological purpose of the narrative to convey a godly truth. Thus Luke and Matthew’s genealogies don’t perfectly match, but that is not their point, they are tracing lineages back to Abraham (so Matthew) and to Adam (so Luke) for theological reasons. Both attempt to place the Nativity narrative within the context of different Jewish prophecies which result in some factual discrepancies in their version of events. They weren’t however writing for each other, but rather were using the prophetic traditions known to them and important to them. The birth of the Messiah fit the prophecies which they knew, even if the two birth narratives can’t be perfectly reconciled. Modern folk equate fact and truth, but ancient believers saw truth as being eternal and divine, and the events of the world were the clothing which make truth visible to us. These ancients did not always equate the details (the clothing of events) with fact. The details simply made the truth knowable to us, and so details might be altered to make the truth more clear. In the current age, we generally don’t think like the ancients about these details. We need to remember that. [Probably the closest we moderns come to the ancient way is during election times when politicians change the details of events in their campaign speeches in order to fit the narrative they want to tell. “Truthiness” as Colbert called it. But remember this is still different than how the ancients understood events. Modern politicians still have our modern idea of facts, and alter them to fit their needs. Ancients saw the details of narratives as simply the clothes to make something visible. They weren’t cynically manipulating facts to create misinformation.] In the Post-Apostolic and Patristic period, writers often had a similar sense of what is “historical” to the Evangelists and so could accept the Gospel accounts as “history”. But in the generations of Christians following the apostles, the truth of the Nativity narrative which was most essentially focused on was “who is Jesus Christ?” What was seen as the historical fact and of greatest importance is that Jesus is God incarnate. As Roman Catholic scholar Luigi Gambero writes: “…We must recognize that the Church was less interested in the historical modalities of Christ’s birth than in the mystery of his Incarnation, which was one of the principal objectives of the apostolic kerygma [teaching, message] from the beginning. The ancient Christians held beyond a doubt both the divine origin of the person of Christ and his perfect humanity; but they likewise held that his actions would be incomprehensible if reduced to a scheme of purely human categories.” (Mary and the Fathers of the Church, p 25)


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Marriage: Invesment, Covenant, or Sacrament?PRIEST RICHARD RENE

Consider the following situation: you are shopping at the grocery store when you notice a young couple in the aisle ahead of you, filling their cart from a single list, stopping occasionally to embrace and kiss one another—the picture of happiness and harmony. If you were to assume that these two are newly-weds enjoying a blissful morning of shopping together, I have bad news: you are a social dinosaur.

The reality is, it’s long past the time when we could presume that people who appear to be married are actually so. Indeed, I do not think it would be overstating the matter to say that in the 21st century, couples who live together conjugally without actually being married are the rule rather than the exception.

Why is this so? Many answers might be offered, but I would suggest that the predominance of social utilitarianism has much to do with it. Utilitarianism, a philosophy that drives much of modern life, basically teaches that the purpose of society is to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people.

Applied to marriage, utilitarianism says that the purpose of the relationship is to give the couple the most possible mutual happiness. Marriage is seen as an investment whose ultimate purpose is to be profitable for both partners.

In this light, it is hardly surprising that people choose to “test drive” their conjugal relationships. After all, no wise investor would put down a cent without first determining what dividends he or she is likely to reap. Living with someone before deciding on a lifelong commitment is just good business sense…

Of course, there is a problem. A human relationship is not a business venture. People are not collections of assets to be accessed by others. When I relate to my wife, I am not merely offering one kind of happiness (financial security, for instance) in exchange for another (for instance, her maintenance of the home and care of the children).

If I relate to my wife in this way, as if she is a means to an end, then she ceases to be a person and become an object, to be used for my self-centred purposes. The utilitarian, “investment” approach to marriage, as reasonable as it first appears, is ultimately an exercise in depersonalization and dehumanization.

But if marriage is not an investment, how should we view it? In ancient societies, the answer was clear: marriage was a covenant between two people. Having agreed on the “goods” of marriage (companionship, children, stability and security), a man and a woman made a public declaration of a lifelong commitment to one another. According to the Roman definition of marriage, marriage is “the sharing of the whole of life.”

The covenant view of marriage does not ask, “Why should I commit to this person? What’s in it for me?” Rather, it assumes a shared set of values and publicly declares a commitment to uphold those values. When David made a covenant of friendship with Jonathan, he swore to uphold the love they already had for one another. When God made covenants with Israel, He swore to abide by His faithfulness to previous generations.

And when I make a covenant of marriage with my wife, I am swearing to uphold the values we share around our faith, childrearing beliefs, and so on. I do not ask myself

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how much happiness I can gain from our life together. Rather, I commit to her personally because it is good to do so, regardless of my personal happiness.

But is marriage nothing more than a covenant bond, a couple’s public commitment to sharing the whole of life together?

Speaking as an Orthodox Christian, I would say that marriage must both involve and transcend such a bond. While a couple needs to be committed to values greater than their own happiness if they want to make a lasting and harmonious marriage, their ultimate goal is to make the relationship itself into an encounter with the very wellspring of their conjugal life. In short, they are called to make their marriage a sacrament.

According to the Orthodox Christian understanding, a sacrament is the point of intersection between God and creation. By this definition, the original Sacrament is the Person of Jesus Christ—God fully revealed in a human being. And since Jesus’ humanity was the central point of God’s self-revelation, all of human life (and by extension, all of the cosmos) becomes a point of encounter with God—a Sacrament.

The so-called “sacraments” of the Church are formal ways in which we proclaim and uphold the sacramental power of all life. In Baptism we claim the foundational element (water) as a meeting-place with God. In the Eucharist we claim the most basic of human activities (eating) as a way to enter God’s presence.

By extension, Orthodox Christianity understands marriage in sacramental terms. Men and women are called to show forth Christ and His Church through their conjugal union and daily family life. As the couple love and serve each other, they reveal the Incarnate love of God in their domestic corner of the cosmos.

Like the rites of Baptism and the Eucharist, the rite of matrimony is a formal way in which the Church proclaims the sacramental nature of a marriage. And just as being baptised or receiving the Eucharist does not prevent a person from abandoning their faith or committing sins, the rite of matrimony itself does not achieve any transformation in a marriage; it is not magic, but rather a challenge for Christians to incarnate the presence of Jesus Christ in their marriage. How they answer that call is entirely up to them.

In other words, the sacramental view of marriage begins where the covenantal view leaves off. This is clear in the Eastern Orthodox rite of matrimony, which is conspicuously lacking a set of vows for the bride and the groom because it is assumed and understood that the couple already know and embrace the goods of marriage and have made a covenant with one another to share the whole of life. The focus of the service lies elsewhere, on calling the couple to make their relationship a revelation of Christ.

In short, the point of a sacramental marriage is not the creation of a lasting marital bond; the existence of that bond is assumed in a sacramental marriage. For Christians who are called to be witnesses to Jesus Christ, having a marriage that works is a necessary prerequisite to a more profound end. We are called to go beyond making a good marriage, and seek to proclaim in our love for one another the Source of all good marriages, becoming in ourselves icons of the eternal wedding of the divine Bridegroom to His human Bride, of God to humanity, of heaven to earth, in a union that will have no end.

Source: Mysterion

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О малим греховима и о малим добрим делимаПротојереј Андреј Ткачов

Треба се плашити малих грехова и не смеју се занемаривати мала добра дела.То је очигледна истина. О њој су много говорили, и то праведни људи, као

што је архимандрит Јован (Крестјанкин) у беседи „О чињењу малих добрих дела”. Али можемо, можемо и треба да говоримо једно исто разним људима у различито време. Не треба да мислимо да је све најважније већ речено, на пример, да су га рекли свети људи. Као прво, није све речено. Као друго, оно што је речено једном треба много пута понављати. Као треће, на свету на постоји чист плагијат. Чак и ако дословно понављам туђе мисли, пропустивши их кроз себе, претварам их у своје. Дакле, вратимо се греховима и врлинама.

У свету морала рачуница је тешка. Понекад је рачуница у свету морала једноставно немогућа. Односно, квалитет у овом свету постоји, а о квантитету се не може увек говорити. Ево примера.

Човек је бацио на под комад хлеба. Бацио га је и није га подигао. Није га одувао, није га целивао, није рекао: „Господи, помилуј.” Овај човек је тешко згрешио. Испољио је окорелост, глупост, незахвалност своје душе, своје неучествовање у свакодневном труду на највећи могући начин. Може ли се овде говорити о величини парчета хлеба? Да ли постоји разлика у томе да ли је ово парче велико или је само корица? Наравно да не. Грех је учињен у принципу и није важно колико грама има хлеб који је човек презрео.

Грами могу постати фактор морала у другим условима. У Лењинграду за време блокаде је човек који је секао кончићем ништавни комадић своје порције и давао га ближњем достојан да се назове именом свеца. Ево, ту грами улазе у област морала и рачунају се. А у свакодневном животу нема разлике да ли је у питању векна или корица. Нема разлике ни кад дете у присуству родитеља баца на земљу ђеврек који није појело до краја, а одрасле баш брига за то. Да би се грех назвао грехом овде не треба рачунати граме.

На телевизији је више пута приказивано како фармери у различитим земљама Запада, које су наљутиле сопствене владе, организује демонстрације. Окупљају се на градским трговима на тракторима, заграђују магистрале механизацијом. Често демонстративно проливају на асфалт на стотине буради млека како би показали да од производње немају користи. Увек ме боли да гледам ово безумље које има „економско оправдање”. Сваки пети човек на Земљи гладује у свако време и у сваки час. А негде неко налази да му је с тачке гледишта рентабилности исплативије да проспе у мора на стотине тона житарица с неистовареног шлепера. Профит је нечовечан као Молох. Он има своју – идолопоклоничку логику. Зато размишљам: да ли се много разликују човек који је бацио на земљу парче сендвича и бизнисмен који уништава тоне намирница због тржишне сврсхисходности? Шлепер са житарицама је у односу на корицу хлеба као слон и мува. Али људи који чине ове поступке могу бити једнаки.

„Украо је динар” и „украо је милион” јесу изрази између којих се може ставити знак једнакости. Милион се разликује од рубље. Али тамо пише и „украо је”. Због ове речи као због множења нулом нестаје разлика између величина. Величине постају једнаке.

Узгред речено, кад смо већ зашли у област математике, останимо у њој због још једног примера.

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Морал има везе с Богом и дотиче се вечности. То је исто што и изаћи у област бесконачног које има потпуно другачије математичке законе.

Узмимо мноштво природних бројева од 1 до 100. Сад узмимо мноштво природних бројева од 1 до 100 који су дељиви са 2. Који од ових скупова ће бити већи? Природно – први. Он је тачно двапут већи.

Сад узмимо бесконачно мноштво природних бројева с једне стране и бесконачно мноштво природних бројева који су дељиви са два с друге. Који од ових скупова ће бити већи? Ниједан! Једнаки су! Бесконачност је и тамо и овамо. И то значи да је у бесконачности део једнак целини. Обично рачунање се завршило.

И као што математика говорећи о бесконачности доспева у област других закона, тако и човек говорећи о моралу, о греховима и врлинама, доспева у другу област, тамо где мало вреди исто колико и велико.

И сад можемо да се приближимо схватању катастрофе која се десила у рају – грехопаду.

Са световне тачке гледишта, шта су страшно учинили ови први људи? Такав ништаван грех и тако строга казна! Где је та љубав о којој се свуда говори ако је Бог тако строг? Али ствар је управо у томе што је мало једнако великом тамо где је реч о греховима. У греху прародитеља као храст у жиру, већ су били скривени сви грехови потоњег човечанства.

Јасан је и јеванђељски максимализам који прељубником назива већ онога ко гледа жену са жељом. Грех који се невидљиво чини у духу једнак је греху који је испливао на површину и постао видљив. Зато нам се неће судити по делима, већ по тајни срца. На дан када Бог узасуди тајне људске по јеванђељу мојему кроз Исуса Христа (Рим. 2, 16) – тако о томе говори апостол Павле.

Јасно је зашто су због себе као због последњих грешника плакали подвижници који су отишли далеко од светских станишта. Видећи у себи семена греха у истим овим семенима су видели страшне плодове који су се отимали да изађу напоље и овај призор је рађао бесконачне сузе.

Дакле, мало је једнако великом, и то нас смирава кад разговарамо о гресима.

Али нас исте мисли теше и приликом разговора о врлинама. Теше нас, зато што нам постају јасне речи Господа о чаши воде коју ако човек да неће изгубити своју награду. Постаје јасна похвала сиромашне удовице која је у црквену ризницу ставила два ситна новчића. Кад је у питању врлина закон једнакости између малог и великог функционише подједнако беспрекорно.

Сваки човек може да донесе закључке на основу реченог.То може бити одлука да се не прихвата великих дела, али да с великом

љубављу чини мала.То може бити поновно разматрање свог живота у смислу проналажења

обичних греховних „ситница” и покушај да се растане од њих. У сваком случају, то треба да буде појачана озбиљност према животу и пажње према својим поступцима.

Човек не мора да чини ништа велико да би се спасио. Не треба да чини ништа киклопски страшно да би отпао од Бога. И за једно и за друго су довољна свакодневна, неприметна, мала дела. Мала за наш свакодневни покварени вид, али која попримају истинске размере кад се вид побољша под утицајем благодати.


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Badnje Vece - Christmas Eve in Joliet On Friday, January 6, 2017, Christmas Eve, the festive Christmas Vigil service

begins at 6:00 PM, followed by the blessing of the badnjak (oak tree) in the

Social Center, burning of the badnjak and fellowship.

You are all welcome!

Бадње Вече у Џолијету У петак, 6. јануара 2017. године, на Бадње вече, свечано Божићне Бденије почиње у 18 часова, а за тим следи освећење Бадњака у Црквеној дворани, паљење Бадњака и


Сви сте нам добро дошли!

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St. Sava Celebration Sunday, January 29, 2017

10:00 AM - Divine Liturgy 12:30 PM - Cutting of the Kolach and Banquet, followed

by the St. Sava Day Program All are welcome!

St. Sava Blesses the Children

Светосавска Прослава Недеља, 29. јануара 2017. године

10 ч. - Божанствена Литургија 12.30 ч. - Резање Славског Колача, Банкет и

Светосавска Академија Добро дошли!

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