Official Publication of the Pomona Chapter of the California Dressage Society Volume 9 Issue 3 Winter 2005 November/December 2005 A Quiet Dressage Show Moment In this issue: Show Results More News from Holland Year-End Awards Update Awards Banquet Information ©Julie A. Haefner 2005

A Quiet Dressage Show Moment · May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006 Table of Contents Articles

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Page 1: A Quiet Dressage Show Moment · May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006 Table of Contents Articles

Official Publication of the Pomona Chapter of the California Dressage Society

Volume 9 Issue 3 Winter 2005 November/December 2005

A Quiet Dressage

Show Moment

In this issue: Show Results More News from Holland Year-End Awards Update Awards Banquet Information

©Julie A. Haefner 2005

Page 2: A Quiet Dressage Show Moment · May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006 Table of Contents Articles

2 • Free Rein • November/December 2005

Free Rein Advertising Rates

Classified (maximum 15 lines) Members Free Non-Members $5.00 per issue Business Card Members $12.00 per year Non-Members $25.00 per year Half-Page $50.00 per year Full-Page $100.00 per year Flyers (One-Sided) $25.00 per year Make checks payable to: CDS-Pomona

Chapter Payment must accompany ads. Send payment and ad to: Julie A. Haefner 13311 Marlette Drive La Mirada, CA 90638 You may also e-mail ads to: [email protected]

Submiss ion Dead l ine s Below are the Free Rein newsletter deadlines for 2005-2006. Please try to have all information, articles, reports, advertisements, etc. to me by the submission deadlines listed below. If you miss the deadline, your information may not make it into the newsletter. FREE REIN SUBMISSION ISSUE DEADLINE Jan./Feb. 2006 December 19, 2005 March/April 2006 February 15, 2006 May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006

Table of Contents

Articles Adventures in Holland 4-5

Show Results Steppin’ Into Summer I 6-7 Steppin’ Into Summer I & II Photos 8 Steppin’ Into Summer II 9-10 Midsummer Day’s Dressage 15 Midsummer Day’s Dressage High Score Awards & Photos 16

General Information Nominations for Board of Directors 11 Year-End Awards Banquet & Holiday Party 12 Year-End Awards Update 13 USEF Rule Dressage 123.8 14 CDS Dues Increase 14 Major Jeremy Beale Clinic 14

Regular Sections Advertising Rates 2 Submission Deadlines 2 From the Editor’s Desk 3 Chapter Board Listing & Contact Information 3 Classifieds 17 Sponsorships Available 18 Chapter Committees & Contacts 19 CDS Membership Form 19 Across the Diagonal 19 Calendar of Events 20

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FREE REIN is published bi-monthly in January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, in November/December by the Pomona Chapter of the California Dressage Society. Send address changes to Julie Haefner, Editor, 13311 Marlette Drive, La Mirada, CA 90638. No portion of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, scanned or electronic process without prior written permission from the publisher. CDS-Pomona Chapter reserves the right to reject, except or edit any submitted material.

CDS-Pomona Chapter retains the authority to determine the appropriateness of any advertising.

Advertisements that appear in Free Rein do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of the goods or service offered therein by the newsletter or CDS-Pomona Chapter.

Free Rein accepts no responsibility for statements and/or claims made in any advertising. Truth in advertising is the responsibility of the advertiser.

Page 3: A Quiet Dressage Show Moment · May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006 Table of Contents Articles

3 • Free Rein • November/December 2005

FFrroomm tthhee EEddiittoorr’’ss DDeesskk

Can you believe it? The new show year has begun and the holidays are upon us. Where did 2005 go?

The Chapter will be holding its Annual Holiday Awards Banquet on December 1 at the Turnip Rose in Orange. The evening will include entertainment, socializing, great food, voting for the 2006 Board of Directors, and, of course, the presentation of the Chapter’s Year-End Awards. Information was mailed and/or emailed to all Chapter members. We hope to see you all there!

A big congratulations goes to all those Pomona Chapter members that will be receiving year-end recognitions. A list of those members receiving awards this year is included in this newsletter. We are keeping the actual results a secret until the Holiday Awards Banquet. For those not attending the banquet, full results will be published in the January/February issue of Free Rein.

The USDF will be hosting its annual national meeting and symposium November 30 to December 4 in Burbank. This year’s symposium features Klaus Balkenhol. For more information go to www.usdf.org, call 859-271-7875, or email [email protected].

The Midsummer Day’s Dressage show was held November 6th at the Ridge Riders Arena in West Covina. This was the first time the Chapter had used this venue. We were able to offer two rings and had a full show. Numerous exhibitors let us know that they enjoyed their experience at the new venue and that the show was very well run.

I would like to personally thank each and every volunteer that put in time at the November 6th show. As Show Manager/Secretary, it was comforting to know that there were eager and capable volunteers doing the numerous jobs that needed to be attended to. The show would not have been a success without all of you! Thank you!

In this issue you can read more about Pomona Chapter members Amy Miller and Tanya Stivers’ Adventures in Holland. You will find show results from July’s Steppin Into Summer I & II as well as August’s Midsummer Day’s Dressage. You will also find a listing of those Pomona Chapter members that have been nominated for next year’s Board of Directors.

See you all at the banquet!

Julie A. Haefner Editor, Free Rein





FREE REIN is a bi-monthly publication of

The Pomona Chapter of the California Dressage Society.


ANNA BEAL 714/744-1654 CHAPTER CHAIR JACK ANDRZEJEWSKI 909/851-5790 CAROLYN BALTZER 909/592-9338 RACHEL BINGLE 714/579-1565 CARMELA BOZULICH 909/869-1081 TIFFANY KELL BRINTON 714/223-0505 JULIE A. HAEFNER 562/946-0013 MELODY HICKS 909/597-9865 PAT HOLMES 714/635-4534 KIMBERLY HUDSON-WATTS 714/997-8970 JEANNE KALETH-MARTIN 909/596-3207 JUDY LEONARD 909/678-0204 AMY MILLER 626/827-2506 S. KIRSTEN REHFELD-BROWN 951/272-1823 DARRELL SEDIG 951/685-3764 ROENE TREVISAN 714/692-5379




NEWSLETTER: JULIE A. HAEFNER 562/631-1690 E-MAIL: [email protected]


WEBMASTER: STEVE NEELY 714/638-1507 E-MAIL: [email protected]

Page 4: A Quiet Dressage Show Moment · May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006 Table of Contents Articles

4 Free Rein November/December 2005

Last time, Tanya told us about her experiences with starting her own Dutch showing career. (As of March, Tanya had received 2 more win points; now she only needs two more points to move up to L1 level.) But Tanya’s time in Holland includes more than just her own horseshows. Last year, Tanya watched the Dutch championships at Dusseldorf; attended Aachen; rode with Henk VonBergen; rode through the woods in Germany and visited the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. I visited Tanya last summer and we went on a trail ride with a group from her barn. I rode a little grey mare named Gigi. I now have a better idea where the cross country portion of three day eventing comes from! Eddie, her trainer, led us all through the country side and the woods. We rode through fields of purple flowers, wandered deep into the woods, jumped over logs, trotted past cows, crossed brooks (Tanya’s Arabian Des continues to remain opposed to crossing water as he is a “desert animal.”) and in the words of Eddie “had a bit of a gallop.” The definition of gallop in Holland differs slightly from most dressage rider’s definition. Gallop in Holland involves running nearly full out, in a group of eight riders with your hair streaming out behind and clumps of mud flinging wildly out from beneath your horse’s feet. We had the best time! We stopped at an adorable little inn/café about half way through the ride. Everyone dismounted and Eddie went in to buy coffees while the horses grazed for a little while. The people on the patio did not point in surprise at the horses. Nor were the bicyclists on the trail surprised when a group of riders came around the bend and met them nose to nose. Tanya said people in Holland are used to seeing horses everywhere. I wasn’t quite convinced of this until later. We were waiting at the train station and one of the billboards had a picture of Anky Van Gruensen advertising for one of her sponsors. I can’t remember the last time I saw any of the American riders on billboards! Clearly the Dutch people consider horses and riders an important part of their community. When we arrived back at the barn, I helped give Gigi her shower before turning her loose with a group of horses in a lush pasture. She definitely took care of me on our ride; she knew when to

walk, trot or canter and listened closely to Eddie’s instructions! Tanya and I also spent 2 days in Aachen last summer. We rode the train from Amsterdam over to Aachen and then took the bus up to the horse show. Imagine having multiple buses with their sole route going from the bus station to the horse show. And along the route we saw signs and banners everywhere for the “CHIO.” The excitement built as we approached the showgrounds. We listened to all different kinds of languages on the bus. I can honestly say we felt at home as soon as we heard someone complain about the footing at a recent horse show and the plastic chains the show management used instead of plastic pipe and pylons for the arena rails. Once we arrived at the show, we found our seats and started watching the competition. The horses were, of course, absolutely incredible. We did not envy the judges who had to decide between the likes of Anky and Ulla, Debbie and Beatriz. How can the judges choose between elegance or power, grace or strength? The subjectiveness of the sport becomes real then; but, truly it does not take away from the majesty of the horses. During one of the first rides of the evening competition, some of the dark clouds that had been gathering in the south started traveling toward the arena. During the second ride of the competition, the clouds arrived and brought with them a huge storm burst. The rain started pouring down in waves at “C”. With the sun shining through the clouds, we watched the glistening rain make its way down the length of the arena. The brave rider continued his test. Then the winds came. The judges abandoned their gazebos and ran up into the covered stands. The people in the lower levels of the stands, complete with open umbrellas, ran up the aisle ways to higher, more covered areas. Still, the brave rider continued. Then the wind blew the long side of the dressage court over. The rider then admitted defeat, saluted the only remaining

Continued on Page 5


Tanya schooling Des

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5 Free Rein November/December 2005

Holland Adventures (Continued from Page 4) judges and excused himself. Never again will I complain about riding conditions during a show! The judges awarded the rider honorable mention during the awards ceremony and he received an umbrella as his prize! Tanya and I each chose our favorites and cheered for them enthusiastically. But, we both agreed, our favorite moments of the rides began after the final salute. The horses looked so happy and pleased with themselves as they exited the arena. Who can deny the beauty of a horse walking out of the arena with long strides, on a long rein, with eyes bright and ears relaxed, content with a job well done? The happiness of the horses at the end of the ride provided as much inspiration to us as the precision and obedience of the training during the ride. Living in Holland provides such an amazing range of opportunities. From starting her own Dutch competition career to watching top European riders at reasonably close shows, Tanya’s time in Holland gives her such a broad base of experiences. I, for one, will certainly not forget cantering headlong across a field, jumping over fallen logs in the forest and later that same week, admiring the power of Ulla Salzgeber’s Rusty at Aachen.

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Ulla Salzgeber and Rusty at


Anky Van Gruensen and Salinero at Aachen

Photographs provided by Amy Miller

Page 6: A Quiet Dressage Show Moment · May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006 Table of Contents Articles

6 Free Rein November/December 2005

Introductory Level Test A (Maffei) Training Level Test Three (Koch) 1A Kellie Ann Newton Kissmequick 61.000 1O Nicki McGinnis Ren 70.417

Introductory Level Test B (Koch) 2O Rhiannon Yard Chantilly Blaze V+ 66.6671J Kellie Ann Newton Khissmequick 71.905 3O Janelle Dunn Keep the Change 62.9172J Lauren Finke Tannenfels 67.619 4O Amy Miller Salute 61.2503J Brianna Smirz Champion 63.333 5O Erin Vallarino Java 55.833

Training Level Test One (Maffei) Training Level Test Four - Section A (Koch) 1J Brianna Smirz Champion 66.364 1A Haley Buckinham Angelo 61.5382J Christine Stephenson Checkmate 65.909 Training Level Test Four - Section B (Maffei) 3J Misty Modgling My Painted Rodeo 65.000 1J Kenny Piguee Zippos Society Brat 71.1544J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 63.636 2J Melissa Bates Amigo 65.3855J Lauren Finke Tannenfels 63.182 3J Diane Sedig Zepherus 53.077J Rebekah Hultgren Blind Ambition 62.727 1A Melinda Davies Nocturn's Nightengale 60.769J Jack Andrzejewski Olinda Village 58.363 2A Darrell Sedig Aspercell 58.846J Lauren Palmquist Platinum Card+/ 55.909 3A Jill Shirley Brillante de la Para 58.077J Alexis Apgar Lady of the Lake 55.909 4A Lauren Spear In the Mist 58.0771A Carol House Chantilly Blaze V+ 65.909 5A Julie Manzo PJ Taylor 56.9232A Connie Jo Smith Pinchin Pennies 57.727 A Diane Spence Cassius 56.9233A Jill Shirley Brillante de la Para 45.000 1O Nicki McGinnis Ren 73.0771O Erin Vallarino Jovant 66.364 2O Mary Kehoe Auke 70.7692O Janelle Dunn Keep the Change 58.636 3O Nicki McGinnis Jacks April Wind 68.462

Training Level Test Two (Koch) 4O Rhiannon Yard Chantilly Blaze V+ 63.4621J Christine Stephenson Checkmate 64.615 5O Amy Miller Salute 60.0002J Jack Andrzejewski Olinda Village 61.538 O Erin Vallarino Java 57.3083J Lauren Palmquist Platinum Card+/ 60.769 O Nicki McGinnis Just by Chance 54.2314J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 60.385 First Level Test One (Koch) 5J Misty Modgling My Painted Rodeo 58.462 1J Kenny Piguee Zippos Society Brat 68.889J Brianna Smirz Champion 58.077 2J Cassie Fitch Kilroy 65.926J Lauren Finke Tannenfels 51.923 3J Rebekah Hultgren Blind Ambition 51.481J Rebekah Hultgren Blind Ambition 49.615 1A Lauren Spear In The Mist 68.519J Alexis Apgar Lady of the Lake 46.538 2A Diane Spence Cassius 53.7041A Melinda Davies Nocturn's Nightengale 63.077 1O Nicki McGinnis OTB Auryan 64.8142A Lisa Lujan Casey 61.154 2O Susan Peacock El Pistolero 61.1113A Maria Michaelson Topaz 55.769 First Level Test Two (Koch) 1O Nicki McGinnis Jacks April Wind 67.692 1A Becki Davidson Equulea 66.7642O Nicki McGinnis Just By Chance 66.154 1O Nicki McGinnis OTB Auryan 70.5883O Janelle Dunn Keep the Change 63.462 2O Susan Peacock El Pistolero 62.941

Training Level Test Three (Koch) First Level Test Three (Koch) 1J Adrienne LeFevre Rugged Appeal 62.083 1J Becki Davidson Equulea 61.1422J Diane Sedig Zepherus 60.417 1A Samantha Jacobs Taz 67.1483J Melissa Bates Amigo 59.167 2A Patrice Tipton Pioneerspirit JLS 62.2851A Julie Manzo PJ Taylor 62.500 1O Gayle Smith Silvester 70.2852A Maria Michaelson Topaz 45.000 2O Carolyn Tice Kaiser 63.228 3O Carolyn Tice Excellent Adventure 61.142 4O Susan Peacock Divertido 60.857



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7 Free Rein November/December 2005

Second Level Test One (Koch) HIGH SCORE AWARDS 1O Jennifer Johnson Clarissa 63.157 Introductory Level – Jr/Yr 2O Janelle Dunn Zillion 59.473 Kellie Ann Newton/Khissmequick

Second Level Test One (Maffei) Training Level – Jr/Yr 1A Susan Foley Irish Creme 56.053 Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat

Second Level Test Two (Koch) Training Level – A/A 1A Susan Foley Irish Creme 59.574 Carol House/Chantilly Blaze V + 2A Jan Bennett D'Artagnon 52.127 Training Level - Open 3A Robyn Flaharty Jorias 51.914 Nicki McGinnis/Ren

Second Level Test Two (Maffei) First Level – Jr/Yr 1A Susan Foley Irish Creme 56.486 Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat

Third Level Test One (Maffei) First Level – A/A 1J Rachel Bingle Zeppelin 53.611 Lauren Spear/In the Mist 1O Carly Davis Grand Cayman 51.667 First Level – Open

Third Level Test Two (Maffei) Nicki McGinnish/OTB Auryan 1J Ranchel Bingle Zeppelin 58.333 Second Level – A/A 1O Carley Davis Grand Cayman 54.286 Susan Foley/Irish Creme

Third Level Test Three (Koch) Second Level - Open 1J Britni Furumoto Ms Silk Stockings 62.000 Jennifer Johnson/Clarissa 1O Jennifer Johnson Turning Point 60.444 Third Level – Jr/Yr

Fourth Level Test Two (Maffei) Britni Furumoto/Ms Silk Stockings 1A Kimberly Hudson Watts Nehemiah 60.465 Third Level – A/A

Fourth Level Test Three (Maffei) Charlotte Streng/O’Karlos 1A Kimberly Hudson Watts Nehemiah 62.826 Third Level - Open

FEI Prix St. Georges (Koch) Jennifer Johnson/Turning Point 1 J Dani Judi Antaeus 65.500 Fourth Level - Open 1 OP Barbara Filkins Ari 62.500 Susan Peacock/Windsong 2 OP Mary Kehoe Ascension 60.500 FEI – Jr/Yr & A/A

FEI Intermediate I (Koch) Dani Judy/Antaeus 1 OP Peggy Klump Lemon Ice 64.500 FEI – Open 2 OP Alexandra Stephens Ticino Rosso 61.750 Peggy Klump/Lemon Ice 3 OP Michelle Bates Santiago 47.000 DAILY BREED HIGH SCORE AWARDS4 OP Jesus Piris Nambia 45.000 NA/WPN (Dutch)

Dressage Seat Equitation - JR/YR (Maffei) Gayle Smith/Silvester 1J Cassie Fitch Kilroy 78.250 Oldenburg N.A./ISR 2J Haley Buckingham Angelo 77.500 Lacee Sandberg/Grand Excel 3J Lauren Palmquist Platinum Card+/ 73.250 American Saddlebred Sport Horse 4J Jack Andrejewski Olinda Village 57.500 Lauren Palmquist/Platinum Card +/ 4J Rebekah Hultgren Blind Ambition 57.500 OVERALL SATURDAY HIGH SCORES5J Misty Modgling My Painted Rodeo 55.000 Jr/Yr – Adult Amateur (Training – FEI)6J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 53.750 Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat Open (Training – FEI)

USDF/DOVER ADULT AMATEUR MEDAL WINNER Nicki McGinnis/Ren Susan Foley/Irish Creme

Overall CDS-POMONA CHAPTER MEMBER HIGH SCORE (Training – FEI) Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat



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8 • Free Rein • November/December 2005



Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Page 9: A Quiet Dressage Show Moment · May/June 2006 April 17, 2006 July/August 2006 June 17, 2006 Sept./Oct. 2006 August 18, 2006 Nov./Dec. 2006 October 18, 2006 Table of Contents Articles

9 Free Rein November/December 2005

Introductory Level Test B (Maffei) Training Level Test Four (Maffei) 1A Alex Pool-Jeffre Mr. Vik 71.904 1A Lauren Spear In The Mist 70.0002A Christine Howson Gorgan's Bold Crusader 69.047 2A Diane Spence Cassius 65.769

Training Level Test One (Koch) 3A Jenna Hoskinson Dior's Christensen 61.9231J Misty Modgling My Painted Rodeo 64.090 4A Melinda Davies Nocturn's Nightengale 59.2302J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 60.909 5A Jill Shirley Brillante De La Para 58.4613J Brianna Smirz Champion 57.727 1O Gayle Smith Trinity 67.3074J Lauren Palmquist Platinum Card+/ 56.818 2O Amy Miller Salute 66.9235J Alexis Apgar Lady of the Lake 44.545 3O Rhiannon Yard Chantilly Blaze V+ 61.538J Rebekah Hultgren Blind Ambition 43.181 4O Erin Vallarino Jovant 61.1531A Carol House Chantilly Blaze V+ 65.909 First Level Test One (Maffei) 2A Alex Pool-Jeffre Mr. Vik 65.454 1J Kenny Piguee Zippos Society Brat 71.1113A Chirstine Howson Grogan's Bold Crusader 63.636 2J Jack Andrejewski Olinda Village 65.2604A Connie Jo Smith Pinchin Pennies 59.545 3J Rebekah Hultgren Blind Ambition 50.3701O Karen O'Neill Von Dutch 61.818 1A Lauren Spear In The Mist 67.7782O Erin Vallarino Java 56.363 2A Diane Spence Cassius 61.852

Training Level Test Two (Maffei) 1O Susan Peacock El Pistolero 65.5561J Haley Buckinham Angelo 62.307 First Level Test Two (Maffei) 2J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 61.538 1O Susan Peacock El Pistolero 62.0583J Brianna Smirz Champion 61.538 First Level Test Two (Maffei) 4J Lauren Palmquist Platinum Card +/ 58.076 1O Lisa Sabo Holisko 63.8245J Misty Modgling My Painted Rodeo 58.076 First Level Test Three (Koch) J Rebekah Hultgren Blind Ambition 56.923 1J Kenny Piguee Zippos Society Brat 66.285J Alexis Apgar Lady of the Lake 51.923 2J Keeley Rankin Idle Bells 66.2861A Alex Pool-Jeffre Mr. Vik 68.461 1A Samantha Jacobs Taz 64.8572A Kathy Whitson Adagio 66.153 1O Lisa Sabo Holisko 67.1423A Jill Shirley Brillante de la Para 58.461 2O Carolyn Tice Kaiser 60.0004A Maria Michaelson Topaz 54.615 3O Susan Peacock Divertido 59.4291O Karen O'Neill Von Dutch 57.307 4O Carolyn Tice Excellent Adventure 56.000

Training Level Test Three (Koch) First Level Test Four (Maffei) 1J Adrienne LeFevre Rugged Appeal 60.000 1J Keeley Rankin Idle Bells 65.0002J Melissa Bates Amigo 54.166 2J Cassie Fitch Kilroy 63.3331A Kathy Whitson Adagio 64.166 1A Samantha Jacobs Taz 61.6662A Jenna Hoskinson Dior's Christensen 62.500 1O Rhiannon Yard Murphy's Law 62.7773A Maria Michaelson Topaz 53.750 2O Susan Peacock Divertido 62.5001O Rhiannon Yard Chantilly Blaze V+ 66.666 3O Carolyn Tice Kaiser 60.8332O Amy Miller Salute 65.416 4O Carolyn Tice Excellent Adventure 60.8333O Erin Vallarino Jovant 62.083 Second Level Test Two (Maffei)

Training Level Test Four (Maffei) 1A Susan Foley Irish Crème 63.2431J Adrienne LeFevre Rugged Appeal 64.615 Second Level Test Three (Koch) 2J Haley Buckinham Angelo 62.692 1A Susan Foley Irish Crème 56.5953J Jack Andrzejewski Olinda Village 61.923 2A Robyn Flaharty Jorias 56.3824J Melissa Bates Amigo 61.923 3A Jan Bennett D'Artagnon 54.468



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10 Free Rein November/December 2005

Fourth Level Test One (Maffei) HIGH SCORE AWARDS 1O Susan Peacock Windsong 64.651

Fourth Level Test Two (Maffei) INTRODUCTORY LEVEL – A/A 1O Susan Peacock Windsong 62.325 Alex Pool-Jeffre/Mr. Vik

Prix St. Georges (Koch) TRAINING LEVEL – JR/YR 1A Susette Kallen Grand Attraction 57.000 Adrienne LeFevre/Rugged Appeal 1O Mary Kehoe Ascension 62.500 TRAINING LEVEL – A/A

Intermediare I (Koch) Lauren Spears/In The Mist 1O Alexandra Stephens Ticino Rosso 57.500 TRAINING LEVEL - OPEN 2O Barbara Filkins Ari 55.000 Gayle Smith/Trinity 3O Michelle Bates Santiago 45.750 FIRST LEVEL – JR/YR 4O Jesus Piris Nambia 42.000 Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat

Grand Prix Test B (Koch) FIRST LEVEL – A/A 1O Vaughn Smith Nikolas 63.125 Lauren Spear/In the Mist

Dressage Seat Equitation - JR/YR (Koch) FIRST LEVEL – OPEN 1J Cassie Fitch Kilroy 78.000 Lisa Sabo/Holisko 2J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 66.363 SECOND LEVEL – A/A 3J Lauren Palmquist Platinum Card +/ 65.909 Susan Foley/Irish Crème 4J Jack Andrzejewski Olinda Village 62.727 SECOND LEVEL - OPEN 5J Brianna Smirz Champion 60.909 Jennifer Johnson/Clarissa

Dressage Seat Equitation - A/A (Koch) FOURTH LEVEL - OPEN 1A Marcia Mayeda Murphy's Law 64.545 Susan Peacock/Windsong FEI/PSG – OPEN

USDF/DOVER ADULT AMATEUR MEDAL WINNER Mary Kehoe/Ascension Susan Foley/Irish Crème FEI/I-1 – OPEN

Alexandra Stephens/Ticino Rosso Overall CDS-POMONA CHAPTER MEMBER FEI/GRAND PRIX – OPEN

HIGH SCORE (Training – FEI) Vaughn Smith/Nikolas Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat


Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat Becki Davidson/Equulea Open (Training – FEI)



NA/WPN (Dutch) Erin Vallarino/Jovant Gayle Smith/Trinity

Oldenburg N.A./ISR

Lacee Sandberg/Grand Excel

American Saddlebred Sport Horse Lauren Palmquist/Platinum Card +/



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11 Free Rein November/December 2005


NOMINATIONS Per the Chapter By-Laws, nominations for the 2006 Board of Directors were accepted in the month of September. These names are now required to be published in this the November/December newsletter. The list of nominees will be read at the Chapter’s December meeting, which doubles as the Annual Holiday and Awards Banquet. The meeting will be held December 1, 2005, at the Turnip Rose in Orange. (Full details can be found in this issue.) Voting will be by secret ballot by active CDS-Pomona Chapter members in good financial standing only. All Chapter members will have an opportunity to vote at the December meeting. To become a board member, the candidate must have been an active member of CDS-Pomona Chapter for no less than six months. To become Chapter Chair, a Pomona Chapter board member must have been an active Pomona Chapter board member for at least one term. The 2006 Chapter Chair will be appointed by the newly elected 2006 Board of Directors.

CDS-Pomona Chapter members nominated for the 2006 Board of Directors

Senior Members Junior Members Anna Beal Jack Andrzejewski Julie Haefner Kenny Piguee Kim Hudson-Watts Amy Miller S. Kirsten Rehfeld-Brown Janet Turgetto Melissa Bates, Michelle Bates, Hayley Buckingham and Heather Neely were also nominated but graciously declined their nomination.

Those nominated members that are eligible to be elected Chapter Chair

Anna Beal Julie Haefner Kim Hudson-Watts Amy Miller S. Kirsten Rehfeld-Brown

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Mrs. Pastures Cookies for Horses

Pomona Chapter Sponsor


Consignment Shoppe (909) 280-0294 (714) 771-1999

760 N. Main St., Corona CA 92880 Located in the Mervyn’s Shopping Center

(Next to Smart and Final)

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12 Free Rein November/December 2005

Pomona Chapter Year-End Awards Banquet

& Holiday Party

Please join your CDS family and Chapter friends for a festive night of food, drinks, and fun! The evening will include Socializing, Awards, Recognitions, and Voting for the

2006 Board of Directors. Festive Day to Evening wear preferred. (Your picture may be in the newsletter or on our web site!)

Date: December 1, 2005 Social ‘Hour’ & Hors d’oeuvres: 6:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Dinner: 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Awards: 8:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Location: The Turnip Rose

300 South Flower Street Orange, CA 92868 (714) 978-7021

Menu: One entrée (Chef's choice of beef or chicken), one hot accompaniment, eight salads, an array of cut desserts as well as beverage service of sodas, coffee and iced tea. No-host bar available.

Cost: $37.50 per adult $32.50 per child (17 & under)

Make checks payable to CDS-Pomona Chapter

Send reservations and payment to: Roene Trevisan Please have your reservations

5495 Blue Brook Lane in by November 24, 2005. Yorba Linda, CA 92887

If you can't make this deadline, please phone in your reservation to

Roene Trevisan at 714-692-5379 prior to November 29, 2005.

We look forward to seeing everyone there!

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13 Free Rein November/December 2005

Jack Andrzejewski/Olinda Village Jack Andrzejewski/Platinum Card +/ Michelle Bates/Santiago Janice M Bennett/D'Artagnon Rachel Bingle/Zeppelin Tiffany Kell Brinton/Waltz with Me Tiffany Kell Brinton/Wedgewood Hayley Buckingham Christie Cooper/Othello Diane Duacsek/Almost Dun by Midnight Danita Voeks Elliott/Capricio Lauren Finke/Tannenfels Susan Foley/Irish Crème Britni Furumoto/Ms Silk Stockings Melody Hicks/Zipped Gold Kimberly Hudson-Watts/Nehemiah Rebekkah Hultgren/Blind Ambition Samantha Jacobs/Taz Jennifer Johnson/Clarissa Jennifer Johnson/Turning Point Olivia Jones/Heza Foolish Chex Suzette Kallen/Grand Attraction Mary Kehoe/Ascension

Mary Kehoe/Auke Peggy Klump/Lemon Ice Cindy Allen Lapp/Mr. Gees Rick A Tic Cathy Lindfors/Metro Lisa Lujan/Casey Julie Manzo/PJ Taylor Marcia Mayeda Kimberly Merrell/Menno Fande Koufurd Amy Miller/My Mahogany Jet Set Amy Miller/Salute Lauren Palmquist Kenny Piguee/Zippos Society Brat Jesus Piris/Nambia S. Kirsten Rehfeld-Brown/Jeremiah Lacee Sandberg/Grand Excel Jody Scott/Pikard Brianna Smirz/Champion Carolyn Tice/Excellent Adventure Carolyn Tice/Kaiser Patrice Tipton/Pioneerspirit JLS Jil Walton/Okarlos Jil Walton/Rare Honor Heather Young/Paradise Lost

YEAR-END AWARDS UPDATE Our 2005 show season is over! The CDS-Pomona Chapter would like to congratulate the following horse and rider combinations that have earned Year-End Championships/Reserve Championships, Top Five Sores and/or Perpetual Trophies:

Recipients will be announced at our Holiday Party and Year-End Awards Banquet on December 1.

A full listing will be included in the January/February issue of Free Rein.

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Tiffany Kell Brinton Hillcrest Equestrian Center Chino Hills*714-528-6036

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

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14 Free Rein November/December 2005

USEF RULE DR 123.8 “If a mathematical error on the score sheet is discovered, it must be brought to the attention of competition management within one hour of the official posting of the scores from the last class of that competition day. Competition management must announce said posting, and must make test sheets available to competitors immediately.” Taken from the 2005 USEF Rule Book, Page DR 22.


CDS dues have increased to $65 for 2006. This is the first dues increase in two years and regrettably caused by increase in all expenses.

December 9, 10 & 11 2005 Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Mayer Ranch, Paramount

(was Silver Dollar Ranch)

• $115.00 per ride • 45 minute private ride • All levels welcome • Limited overnight stabling available

(Please call for information and to reserve in advance) • No charge to auditors • For more information on Jeremy, visit www.laserequestrian.com

For questions and reservations call (714) 720-7342 Or email – [email protected]


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15 Free Rein November/December 2005

USDF Intro Level Test A Training Level Test 4 (Continued) 1 J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 73.000 1 O Jill Walton Rare Honor 71.1542 J Heather Young Paradise Lost 67.000 2 O Amy Miller My Mahogany Jet Set 68.462

USDF Intro Level Test B 3 O Amy Miller Salute 64.2311 J Heather Young Paradise Lost 68.095 4 O Elizabeth Salyer Ezekiel's Fire 63.4622 J Olivia Jones Hesa Foolish Chexx 61.429 First Level Test 1

Training Level Test 1 1 O Tiffany Kell-Brinton Wedgewood 70.0001 J Jack AndrzeJewski Platinum Card +/ 69.545 2 O Jill Walton Rare Honor 67.4072 J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 65.909 First Level Test 2 3 J Brianna McDonald Liberty 65.000 1 O Tiffany Kell-Brinton Wedgewood 71.7653 J Heather Young Paradise Lost 65.000 First Level Test 3 4 J Misty Modgling My Painted Rodeo 62.727 1 J Kenny Piguee Zippos Society Brat 63.4295 J Alexis Apgar Lady of The Lake 58.636 1 A Samantha Jacobs Taz 60.000 Olivia Jones Hesa Foolish Chexx 56.818 2 A Liz Puerner K2 59.4291 A Lisa Lujan Casey 65.909 First Level Test 4 2 A Kim Thompson Remax 60.909 1 J Kenny Piguee Zippos Society Brat 61.3893 A Cathy Lindfors Metro 57.727 1 A Liz Puerner K2 58.611

Training Level Test 2 1 A Samantha Jacobs Taz 58.6111 J Jack AndrzeJewski Platinum Card +/ 69.615 Second Level Test 2 2 J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 68.077 1 A Susan Foley Irish Crème 64.5953 J Brianna McDonald Liberty 64.231 Second Level Test 3 3 J Misty Modgling My Painted Rodeo 63.077 1 A Susan Foley Irish Crème 60.6384 J Alexis Apgar Lady of The Lake 58.077 Third Level Test 3 5 J Olivia Jones Hesa Foolish Chexx 57.692 1 J Anne Lindley Merlin 58.8891 A Lisa Lujan Casey 67.308 Fourth Level Test 1 2 A Kim Thompson Remax 61.538 1 J Anne Lindley Merlin 53.256

Training Level Test 3 1 O Jill Walton Okarlos 67.2091 J Melody Hicks Zipped Gold 66.250 Fourth Level Test 2 1 A Jody Scott Pikard 80.833 1 A Kimberly Hudson Watts Nehemiah 61.8602 A Julie Manzo PJ Taylor 61.250 Fourth Level Test 3 3 A Roene Trevisan Jolie 57.083 1 A Kimberly Hudson Watts Nehemiah 62.8264 A Carmela Bozulich Pokey Passer 56.250 Dressage Seat Equitation – JR/YR 5 A Maria Michaelson Topaz 51.250 1 J Jack AndrzeJewski Platinum Card +/ 75.0001 O Amy Miller My Mahogany Jet Set 65.000 2 J Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 73.0002 O Amy Miller Salute 64.167 3 J Olivia Jones Hesa Foolish Chexx 68.0003 O Elizabeth Salyer Ezekiel's Fire 60.833 Dressage Seat Equitaton - Adult Amateur

Training Level Test 4 1 A Julie Manzo PJ Taylor 80.0001 J Melody Hicks Zipped Gold 61.923 2 A Kim Thompson Remax 75.0001 A Jody Scott Pikard 73.846 3 A Lisa LuJan Casey 70.0002 A Julie Manzo PJ Taylor 61.923 3 A Carmela Bozulich Pokey Passer 60.385 4 A Roene Trevisan Jolie 59.231 5 A Cathy Lindfors Metro 53.846



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16 Free Rein November/December 2005

JUNIOR/YOUNG RIDER CH Lacee Sandberg Grand Excel 73.000 RES Jack AndrzeJewski Platinum Card +/ 69.615

ADULT AMATEUR CH Jody Scott Pikard 80.833 RES Lisa Lujan Casey 67.308

OPEN CH Tiffany Kell-Brinton Wedgewood 71.765 RES Jill Walton Rare Honor 71.154



Pomona Chapter Sponsor



Pomona Chapter Sponsor

Lacee Sandberg & Grand Excel

Jody Scott & Pikard

Jack Andrzejewski & Platinum Card +/

Pomona Chapter Sponsor

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17 Free Rein November/December 2005


CARRY THE KNIGHT. 14 yr old Thoroughbred gelding 16.2 hands. Dark Bay. Sweet personality. Trained dressage through First Level. 2004 High Point Awards in Pomona Chapter. Good horse for confident beginner rider. Daughter too busy. Asking $6,000.00. Call Tara or Mary at 951-279-8336


MISCELLANEOUS TACK: All in excellent condition. Black fleece bareback pad $25; White Dover Booties $15 pr (2 pairs available) Size large, lightly used; Black Front Booties with Velcro straps Large $20 (2 pairs); Web reins, brand new, $25 (2 pairs); Black Paddock boots, good condition, $40 size 7 Ariat; Plain snaffle $15 size 5 ¼; Black Kensington Blanket size 82, used only 3 x, $100; Black Medium weight blanket, size 82, brand new, never used $65. Call 562-682-1677 or 714-524-6606.


1993 LOGAN COACH COMPETITOR: Bumper Pull, 2 horse slant with dressing room and ramp. New roof and paint in 2001. White with black/silver accents. Excellent condition $5500. (562) 896-4645. Email [email protected] for pictures.


CHEVAL INSURANCE SERVICES, INC., Holly J. Lopes, specializes in equestrian, sports, and recreational insurance. 714-447-9191; fax 714-525-9191; toll free 800-97-HORSE; e-mail: holly@chevalinsurance; visit us on the web at www.chevalinsurnace.com.


LUCKY 7 STABLES – EQUESTRIAN FACILITY IN ONTARIO. Boarding stable offering instruction, shows, conditioning, lay-ups, movie rides, summer camp & more; box stalls & 12 x 24 half covered pipe corrals; two arenas with lighting (these arenas drain well & have excellent footing); two wash racks, trailer parking, tack rooms, bull pen & for a minimal fee, someone to turn out your horse, blanket, unblanket, lunge, condition, medicate & even wash & clip your horse! We are conveniently located off of the 60 freeway between Mountain Avenue & Euclid in Ontario, California. Call us at 909-391-9839.

ROCKING T RANCH – FULL SERVICE EQUESTRIAN FACILITY. Stabling and training available in Yorba Linda; also providing professional horse transportation with vehicles fully equipped with closed circuit TV monitors. Please contact Jim or Carol Tice for more information at 714-777-2898.

STACEY-FITTOCK STABLES. Dressage Boarding and Training Facility in Chino Hills, 2931 English Place, Chino Hills, CA. 91709. Trainer- Amy Miller. Contact Roslyn Stacey or Una Fittock at 909-627-5227 or Amy Miller at 626-827-2506. Email: [email protected] (Una and Stacey) or [email protected] (Amy).


Pomona Chapter Sponsor Pomona Chapter Sponsor

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18 Free Rein November/December 2005

Dressage is one of the fastest growing equestrian sports as it allows people of all ages and abilities to participate at all levels. The Pomona Chapter membership is currently just under 200 persons. Most of our members either live or work in the Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. Each year we host a multitude of Dressage events. With the help of some very generous sponsors from previous years, we have been able to fund additional educational events, available for not only our members, but also the general public whenever there is an interest. All sponsors receive recognition in each of the show premiums sent to approximately 250 households. Advertisements are included in the Pomona Chapter Newsletter, Free Rein, and on our award-winning website, www.freereinonline.com. Additionally, sponsor information will be announced and/or displayed at all Pomona Chapter shows for the competition year. To become a sponsor, or for more information, please contact: Michelle Bates, 714-838-7416. 2006 Sponsorship Fees (subject to change) Bronze - $25.00 Business card size advertisement Silver - $50.00 ½ Page advertisement ( 4 ¼” x 5 ½”) Gold - $100.00 Full-page advertisement (8 ½” x 5 ½”) Platinum - $250 Full-page advertisement (8 ½” x 5 ½”) Banner type display All sponsorship types include a listing on our website, www.freereinonline.com. 2005-2006 Show Dates (Dates & Locations Tentative) April 8, 2006 – West Covina July 1, 2006 – Pomona (Fairplex) July 2, 2006 – Pomona (Fairplex) August 6, 2006 – West Covina October 22, 2006 – West Covina Pomona Chapter Sponsor of the Year


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19 Free Rein November/December 2005


Active Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65.00 Additional Family Member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $55.00 Life Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1000.00 Name



State Zip



Chapter Preference

CDS Membership Number (Soc. Sec.) Would you like to use your VISA or MC?

Card #

Exp. Date: Visa or Mastercard

Signature: Group membership in the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) ($17) included with CDS membership. All CDS memberships go from December to December. Anyone joining after October 1 will be a member for the following year. Please check any of the following that apply:

( ) Renewing Member ( ) New Member ( ) Competing Amateur ( ) Non-competing Amateur ( ) Instructor/Trainer ( ) Junior Rider ( / / ) ( ) Judge ( ) TD ( ) EMT ( ) Qualified Riding Member (QRM)




New address? New e-mail account? New phone number or fax number? Be sure to let us know! Please forward your current contact information to Julie A. Haefner so your newsletter and show premiums reach you! Remember to notify the CDS Central Office of any changes as well!

Are you receiving Chapter updates via E-Mail?

If not, we probably don’t have your most current e-mail address on file! Please let us know. Contact Julie A. Haefner at 562-631-1690 or send her an e-mail at [email protected].


The following is a list of the various committees and contact(s). Please contact any of these members for suggestions or requests you may have, or to volunteer any hours to the effort. Some of the committees are still in need of a contact person. All committees need additional people to perform the basic functions. Please contact the committee chair or Chapter Chair Anna Beal if you are interested in helping. Shows: Anna Beal & Julie Haefner Volunteers: S. Kirsten Rehfeld-Brown Year-End Awards: Julie Haefner & Roene Trevisan Historian: Tiffany Kell Brinton Newsletter: Julie Haefner Clinics: Any Volunteers? Website: Steve & Heather Neely Juniors: Jack Andrzejewski, Rachel Bingle & Melody Hicks

Chapter Committees and Contacts


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November 30- December 4, 2005 USDF Convention & Symposium with Klaus Balkenhol Burbank, CA For more information: 859-271-7875 www.usdf.org, [email protected] December 1, 2005 Year-End Awards Banquet The Turnip Rose, Orange 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm Contact: Roene Trevisan, 714-692-5379 December 9, 10, 11, 2005 Major Jeremy Beale Clinic Contact: Julie, 714-991-4908 [email protected] April 8, 2006 Spring Fling Dressage CDS Pomona Chapter Sponsored Show Ridge Riders Arena, West Covina Judge: Carolyn Doran (R) Contact: Julie Haefner, 562-631-1690 [email protected]

July 1-2, 2006 Steppin’ Into Summer I & II

CDS Pomona Chapter Sponsored Show Fairplex, Pomona, CA

Judges: Jennifer Roth (S), Tracey Lert (S) Contact: Julie Haefner, 562-631-1690

[email protected]

August 6, 2006 A Midsummer Day’s Dressage

CDS Pomona Chapter Sponsored Show Ridge Riders Arena, West Covina

Judge: Jan Curtis (S) Contact: Julie Haefner, 562-631-1690

[email protected]

October 22, 2006 All Hallow’s Eve Dressage

CDS Pomona Chapter Sponsored Show Ridge Riders Arena, West Covina

Judge: David Schmutz (R) Contact: Julie Haefner, 562-631-1690

[email protected]


20 Free Rein November/December 2005

FREE REIN Official Publication of the Pomona Chapter of the California Dressage Society

Julie A. Haefner, Editor 13311 Marlette Drive La Mirada, CA 90638

Celebrating 35 Years