ST. HELEN CATHOLIC CHURCH 5TH SUNDAY MAR 28-29, 2020 (A) PEARLAND, TEXAS OF LENT A REFLECTION FROM FR. JIM May the Lord be with you and yours! We continue our journey during this season of Lent, though our journey has taken a bit of curve. Everyone of us has been impacted by the Covid 19 Virus. This is a given fact and a reality we will be living with for some time. But what is also a fact is that we have been nourished by the Church, her sacraments, her scriptures, her teachings and her religious practices for years. We have grown up in a church which has always been there to strengthen our Faith and our Hope. Now is the time for us to rely on all that is precious to us in our church and to draw from the well of our years of prayer and devotion. While it may be true that we cannot gather as one congregation on Old Alvin Road, it is just as true that the church is still in existence, is still alive and well in each of our homes and families. The church was never meant to be confined to walls and to brick and mortar, but the church was meant to be lived, on the streets, in our homes, in the places where we shop, etc. Now is the time, this is the place where the Church can truly be a witness to Christ among us….we the Church in action can give testimony to the living presence of Christ among us. We will soon be back together to share Eucharist, to be nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, but until we are, let us draw from the well of our relationship with our Lord and Savior, from the years of sacraments, from the years of shared prayer and from the graces given to us by a loving God. Our church doors may be closed but our church has never been more alive when we pray, love, care, share and trust in a loving and true God whom we call Abba”…..Father. This last Sundays gospel spoke to us about Jesus curing the blind man, and we once more see the awesome healing power of a loving Savior. The people who witnessed the healing had doubts, questions and even fear. We are called to be a strong people of faith who know no doubt and know no fear, but have total trust and faith that the God we call Father, knows us each by name and will love and protect us. As we continue to be physically separated due to a physical pandemic, let us be assured that when we are again united there will be psalms and songs of praise, joy and thanksgiving! That day, my dear people will come again when we will be able to gaze upon the elevated host and say in a confident and grateful voice….”My Lord and My God! May God bless you and yours! Fr. Jim

A REFLECTION FROM FR. JIM · March 28 Spanish (4th Saturday) CANCELED April 18 English (3rd Saturday) CANCELED Spanish Cancelled May-Dec 3rd Saturday English 4th Saturday Spanish

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Page 1: A REFLECTION FROM FR. JIM · March 28 Spanish (4th Saturday) CANCELED April 18 English (3rd Saturday) CANCELED Spanish Cancelled May-Dec 3rd Saturday English 4th Saturday Spanish



May the Lord be with you and yours! We continue our journey during this season of

Lent, though our journey has taken a bit of curve. Everyone of us has been impacted by

the Covid 19 Virus. This is a given fact and a reality we will be living with for some time.

But what is also a fact is that we have been nourished by the Church, her sacraments,

her scriptures, her teachings and her religious practices for years. We have grown up in

a church which has always been there to strengthen our Faith and our Hope. Now is the

time for us to rely on all that is precious to us in our church and to draw from the well of

our years of prayer and devotion. While it may be true that we cannot gather as one

congregation on Old Alvin Road, it is just as true that the church is still in existence, is

still alive and well in each of our homes and families. The church was never meant to be

confined to walls and to brick and mortar, but the church was meant to be lived, on the

streets, in our homes, in the places where we shop, etc. Now is the time, this is the

place where the Church can truly be a witness to Christ among us….we the Church in

action can give testimony to the living presence of Christ among us. We will soon be

back together to share Eucharist, to be nourished by the Body and Blood of Christ, but

until we are, let us draw from the well of our relationship with our Lord and Savior, from

the years of sacraments, from the years of shared prayer and from the graces given to

us by a loving God. Our church doors may be closed but our church has never been

more alive when we pray, love, care, share and trust in a loving and true God whom we

call “Abba”…..Father. This last Sunday’s gospel spoke to us about Jesus curing the

blind man, and we once more see the awesome healing power of a loving Savior. The

people who witnessed the healing had doubts, questions and even fear. We are called

to be a strong people of faith who know no doubt and know no fear, but have total trust

and faith that the God we call Father, knows us each by name and will love and protect

us. As we continue to be physically separated due to a physical pandemic, let us be

assured that when we are again united there will be psalms and songs of praise, joy and

thanksgiving! That day, my dear people will come again when we will be able to gaze

upon the elevated host and say in a confident and grateful voice….”My Lord and My

God!” May God bless you and yours!

Fr. Jim

Page 2: A REFLECTION FROM FR. JIM · March 28 Spanish (4th Saturday) CANCELED April 18 English (3rd Saturday) CANCELED Spanish Cancelled May-Dec 3rd Saturday English 4th Saturday Spanish


Online Giving St Helen has Online Giving, which is a web-based offertory option that allows parishioners to contribute at their convenience. To participate, go to www.StHelenChurch.org and click on the “Online Giving” tab. Parishioners may use credit cards, debit or check cards and also bank accounts (ACH or e-Check). Parishioners may make a one-time contribution or start, stop and change scheduled contributions at any time. Parishioners may select any date for contributions to be processed. Parishioners may make contributions to the Sunday Collection, Capital Campaign, St. Helen Catholic School, St. Helen SVDP,

Maintenance Fund, but NOT DSF. There is a drop-down menu for your contribution selection. Account and contribution information is encrypted and stored securely and posted weekly to your church account.

REMAINING 2020 BAPTISM SCHEDULE All baptisms begin at 10:00 am

March 28 Spanish (4th Saturday) CANCELED April 18 English (3rd Saturday) CANCELED Spanish Cancelled May-Dec 3rd Saturday English 4th Saturday Spanish

UPCOMING BULLETIN DEADLINES If you have something you would like to include in the bulletin, submit your information by NOON on the submission deadlines listed below to Renee Ives at [email protected]. Please provide documents in an editable format (Word or Publisher). Please do not submit a PDF or JPEG or other non-editable formats if possible. Contact Renee Ives in the Church Office at 281-485-2421 for more information. BULLETIN WEEKEND DEADLINE April 4-5 March 27 April 11-12 April 3


Parish Goal $245,000.00 Total Amount Pledged $89,135.00 Paid– Pledge Pays $56,927.50 Total Number of Participants 247 * Total Number of Households 4397 Average Participant Pledge $360.87 Paid Over (Under) Goal ($188,072.50) Pledged Over (Under) Goal ($155,865.00) Percent Paid 23.24% * Per most recent pastoral survey completed by our parish as of 9/30/2019

“Pain and suffering have come into your life, but remember pain, sorrow, suffering are but the kiss of Jesus — a sign that you have come so close to Him that He can kiss you.” St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta

“Without the burden of afflictions it is impossible to reach the height of grace. The gift of grace increases as the struggle increases.” St. Rose of Lima

“A humble soul does not trust itself, but places all its confidence in God.” St. Faustina

“Faith is to believe what you do not see. The reward of faith is to see what you believe.” St. Augustine of Hippo

“Know that the greatest service that man can offer to God is to help convert souls.” St. Rose of Lima

Page 3: A REFLECTION FROM FR. JIM · March 28 Spanish (4th Saturday) CANCELED April 18 English (3rd Saturday) CANCELED Spanish Cancelled May-Dec 3rd Saturday English 4th Saturday Spanish


MAR 15

Alicia Gonzalez

Barbara Samsel

Carl Gordon

Elizabeth Eckols

Eric Hatz

Fisher Family

Grace Fowlkes

Baby Jayden Mata

John Milam

J.J. Orsak

José Saldaña

Larry Alvarez

Manuela Garcia

Melissa Kilbourn

Michele Hatz

Nova Baker

Patty Bailey

Peggy Sholly

Rita Barrantes-Riera

Terra Reed

MAR 22

Ashley Olivarez

Becky Tillman

Carey Johnson

Carl Gordon

Donna Thornhill

Ginger Shea

Gregg Gurrola

John King

Katelyn Carillo

Kay Ann Kernek

Kevin Hesse

Lucy Villamil

Lupita Cavazos

Nancy Bloodworth Norman Addison


Rosemary Martinez

MAR 29

Bella Vasquez

Chad Marino

Cleo & Ruby Dugie

Debbie Fisher

Dominic Cordova

Dorothy Fisher

Edwin Trujillo

Elizabeth Fonseca

Filiberto Corrales

Fr. Richard Hinkley

Fr. Trey Crespo

George Bachmeyer

Hayden Hamlin

Isaac Montelongo

Jeanie Llewellyn

Joe Ciokon

Joseph Fisher

Kevin Hess

Lewis Miller

Lily Nazareth


Luke Arriola

Mark Meaux

Mary Schield

Mary A. Zarate

Nicholas Balch

Pete Lynch

Regina Vatterott

Silas James Medina

Stanley Burke

Stephanie Serrao


Susan Schoeffler

Theresa Burke

Tim Treadway

Weston Swoboda

Church email: [email protected] Bulletin email: [email protected]

Monday MAR 30 7:00 pm †Natalia Trujillo

Tuesday MAR 31 8:00 am †Dan Kainer

Wednesday APR 1 7:00 pm Day of Prayer for All Priests

Thursday APR 2 8:00 am †Allan Theall

Friday APR 3 8:00 am †Juan Jose Arriola

Saturday APR 4 8:00 am †Luis F. Arreola 5:00 pm Frank & Kathleen Bogar– Happy Anniversary

Sunday APR 5 9:00 am †Juan Jose Arriola 11:00 am St. Helen Parish If you requested a Mass intention that happens to fall on a day when Mass has been cancelled, we truly apologize. Please contact the Church office and we will gladly try to re-schedule another date for you depending on availability.


Our prayer list continues to grow each week. In order to accommodate all family and friends, names will remain on the prayer list for THREE weeks only. You are welcome to re-add a name by sending an email to [email protected] after the three weeks have passed. No phone calls please if possible. Thank you for your patience!

OFFERINGS FOR MAR 21-22 Collection $4,280.00 TOTAL ................................................................. $4,280.00 Catholic Relief $516.00

For any donations (check or cash) please use the mailed contribution envelopes with pre-printed ID# or a temporary envelope located in the Narthex with your name & address included. Thank you!

† May all the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Lord, we pray for all of our current military service members and first responders who put their own lives on the line every day in

order to protect our families and our country and we pray also for those who

have gone before us. God Bless America. Amen.


MASS INTENTIONS If you requested a weekend Mass intention for a family member or other and would like to bring the gifts up to the altar for that Mass, please notify the usher(s) 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass to receive instructions on bringing up the gifts. This is a special opportunity but not mandatory.


Mon Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11 Tue Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-18, 19-21; Jn 8:21-30 Wed Dn 3:14-20, 91-92. 95; Dn 3:52-56;Jn 8:31-42 Thu Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9; Jn 8:51-59 Fri Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7;Jn 10:31-42 Sat Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10-13;Jn 11:45-56 Sun Mt 21:1-11; Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20,23-24; Phil 2:6-11;

Mt 26:14—27:66

Page 4: A REFLECTION FROM FR. JIM · March 28 Spanish (4th Saturday) CANCELED April 18 English (3rd Saturday) CANCELED Spanish Cancelled May-Dec 3rd Saturday English 4th Saturday Spanish


ADULT FAITH FORMATION DONNA PATLACH Adult Faith Formation Director 281-485-8867 [email protected]

Go to the Parish Web page (sthelenchurch.org) for more information about the weekly topics. (click Adult Faith Formation)

“Come & See” And take advantage of growing in your

personal knowledge and understanding of the Story of God and how the family of God celebrates life in the world today!

A new Pew Research Center survey finds that “most self-described Catholics don’t believe this core teaching. In fact, nearly seven-in-ten Catholics (69%) say they personally believe that during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine used in Communion ‘are symbols of the body and blood of Jesus Christ.’ Just one-third of U. S. Catholics (31%) say they believe that ‘during Catholic Mass, the bread and wine actually become the body and blood Jesus.’”

Your personal relationship with Jesus and your belief of who Jesus is, has a large impact on how your family views the world. What about you? What do you believe? What is the story that you are passing on to your children?

Tuesdays (5:30-6:30pm): March 31 Wednesdays (5:00-6:00pm): March April 1

CONTACT: [email protected] to find out about online forums


There are times when adults experience a spiritual awakening. Maybe you are not baptized and have thought about being baptized into a faith community. Perhaps you were baptized Catholic or into another faith tradition but never had any formal instruction and realize the need. Or maybe you have been interested in learning about the Catholic Church and the time is right. The process through which adults become Catholic is referred to as the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). OR Perhaps you are the spouse of a Catholic, who has been attending Mass here for many years, feeling yourself Catholic in many ways but just never formalized it? Are you interested in completing that relationship by formally making a profession of faith, being confirmed and taking an active part at the Eucharistic table? Drop by if you might be interested in discussing further how you might complete your initiation into the Catho-lic Church. Spouses, fiancés, and friends are invited. CONTACT Donna Patlach at 281-485-2421.

JESUS: The Way, the Truth, and the Life Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life is a 10-week video study program and book. Anchored in the life of Christ as presented in the Gospels, this study explores the entirety of Jesus’ life—who he is, what he is really like, what he taught, what he did for our salvation, and what all of this means for us as Catholics today.

Presented by Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Jeff Cavins, and Dr. Edward Sri, this study was filmed in the Holy Land so Catholics can experience the extraordinary world in which Jesus lived and taught—the historical context, the politics, the clashing cultures, the history, and the ancient land—and see where the most significant events of his life took place, from his infancy to his ascension.

This study shows, in a simple way, how Jesus, the Incarnate God, is both fully divine and fully human—his intimacy with the Father, his revelation of the Father’s love, and his extraordinary influence on his disciples, his followers, and even his enemies.

REMAINING DATES: Mar 31; Apr 7, 14, 21, 28; May 5 ONLINE ONLY

CONTACT: Paul Ambro ([email protected]) to find out about online classes

Parents with children in sacramental preparation will only receive credit by committing to at least six classes.

Page 5: A REFLECTION FROM FR. JIM · March 28 Spanish (4th Saturday) CANCELED April 18 English (3rd Saturday) CANCELED Spanish Cancelled May-Dec 3rd Saturday English 4th Saturday Spanish



MON All Discerners TUE All Discerners WED Viet Nguyen & J Serrato THU Zachary Muldrow & Joseph White FRI Jeison Cortez & An Vo SAT Hunter Bradford & Adrian Annicchiarico SUN John Clark & Joshua Savjda

English Classes: 1st Mon of each month, 7:15-9:30pm Pre-registration Required

(Next: May 4)

Spanish Classes: 1st Tuesday of each month, 7:15-9:30pm Pre-registration Required (Next: May 5)

English Baptisms: Every 3rd Sat. at 10am (May 16) Spanish Baptisms: Every 4th Sat. at 10am (May 23)


For information, call Laura in the Church Office at 281-485-1872. You may also visit www.StHelenChurch.org and click “Services” tab for information and/or an application and class registration form.

SEMINARY ADDRESSES St. Mary Seminary 9845 Memorial Dr. Houston, TX 77024-3498

Holy Trinity Seminary 3131 Vince Hagan Dr. Irving, TX 75062

St. Joseph Seminary College 75376 River Rd. St. Benedict, LA 70457

North American College Via del Gianicolo, 14 00120 Vatican City State Europe


Dcn. Ryan Alexander– Apr 12 Kenneth Anicete– Apr 19 St. Joseph Seminary St. Joseph Seminary Man Nguyen– Apr 19 John Clark– Apr 28 St. Mary Seminary Holy Trinity Seminary William Styskal– Apr 30 Holy Trinity Seminary