A Selfless Ann Va Websi O s International S nual Report 2015 Oasis – A Selfless Interna “Friendship Home”, 2 nd Floor, S 52, Haribhakti Soci adodara, Gujarat, INDIA-390 007, Tele-fax ite: www.oasismovement.in Email: trust OASIS Society 5 - 2016 ational Society Shalin Apartment, iety, Race Course, x: +91 265 2321728 [email protected]

A Selfless International Society - 2016

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A Selfless International Society

Annual Report 2015

Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA



A Selfless International Society

Annual Report 2015

Oasis – A Selfless International Society

“Friendship Home”, 2nd Floor, Shalin Apartment,

52, Haribhakti Society, Race Course,

Vadodara, Gujarat, INDIA-390 007, Tele-fax: +91 265

Website: www.oasismovement.in Email: [email protected]


A Selfless International Society

Annual Report 2015 - 2016

A Selfless International Society

Floor, Shalin Apartment,

52, Haribhakti Society, Race Course,

fax: +91 265 2321728

[email protected]

Content Index

Sr. No. Topic Page No.

Major Events of Oasis Movement

1 L3 Workshop for Teenagers 1

2 First Oasis Movement Core Community Retreat 4

3 Honorable Guests at Oasis 5

4 Spiritual Alumni Retreat 5

5 Work Audit

Details of Program Beneficiaries during 2015-16 6

Feedbacks of Oasis Programs 7

Development in Projects

6 ASHA Health and Hygiene Teacher's Training Course 8

7 Hun Chhu Jyotirdhar Abhiyaan 10

8 Coming Up of Regional Centers of Oasis Movement 11

9 Wealth Audit 12

10 Our Esteemed Contributors 30

Board of Trustees:

Managing Trustee: Preeti Nair

Trustee Secretary: Dr. Neha Vakharia

Sheeba Nair

Mehul Panchal

Dr. Ami Desai

Dr. Pallavi Raulji

Chaitali Mehta

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS initiates L3 course for teenagers

Oasis L3 Workshop (The Philosophy, Art and Science of Living, Loving and Learning) was introduced for

Teenagers. The Oasis L3 Workshop for Teenagers is an advanced leadership development program under the

IYLDP Project (Indian Young Leadership Development Program). The 4-year workshop series enables overall

self-development of the teenagers. In 2014, first batch of Oasis L3 was launched. In the year 2015, 3 new

batches of Oasis L3 Workshop for Teenagers were formed.

The first batch of Oasis L3 for teenagers was facilitated by Sanjiv Shah and Sheeba Nair. This batch completed

their first year in 2015. The new batches were conducted by new facilitators, namely, Hiral Patel, Pallavi Raulji

and Pratiksinh Parmar.

The purpose of L3 Teens workshops is self-education- educating oneself for living life in a right way, in an

excellent way. As Aristotle has said, “There is no excellence in the whole world which can be separated from

right living.” So this is about excelling in life. It’s about creating a success that is not an illusion- success that is

like true pearls that are unbreakable and not like glass beads that can be broken in no time. Is excellence and

success feasible without this self-education about life and love? This is about providing leadership to self. This

is about life management. This is like getting admitted into a university of love, life, and friendship!

Our Facilitators

Sr. No. Group Facilitators

1 L3 Teens Commandos Batch Sanjiv Shah, Sheeba Nair

2 L3 Teens Navsari and School on Wheels Rajkot Batch

Dr. Pallavi Raulji

3 L3 Teens ASHA Ahmedabad and Charlie Trust Surat Batch

Pratiksinh Parmar

4 L3 Teens Pirana Batch Hiral Patel

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Reflections from Oasis L3 Workshop for Teenagers

“આ કાય�શાળા અમારા �વનમાં દીવાદાંડી જવંુે કામ કરે છ.ે કોઈ પણ

બાબતને લઈને � અમ ે�દશા ભટકીએ તો તરત એકવાર તો ચમકારો થાય જ

છ.ે શીખેલી બાબતોથી અંગત અને �યવહા�રક �વન વધારે સંતોષકારક બને

છ.ે િવ�ાથ� �વનમા ં �પધા�ને લઈને જ ે અશાિંત, બો� અન ે ગંૂગળામણ

અનુભવાય છ ે તેની સામે આ કાય�શાળામાં અમને ‘સુપર �ુમન’ની લાગણી

અનુભવાય છ.ે ~ ત�નીમ ભારમલ

I am feeling very good after attending this workshop. I have been

able to see and understand the world with new eyes. It has

changed my approach towards life. It has taught me a lot. I just

love it. Frankly, I am feeling Excellent. The workshop has inspired

me to accept and understand my feelings and Me. ~ Foram Desai

�કૂલ-�ૂશનને બાજુમા ં મૂકી આ કાય�શાળામા ંઆવવાની મ� જ ે પસંદગી

કરી ત ેમાટ ેમન ેખબૂ ગવ� થાય છ.ે અહ� જ ેશીખવા મ�ુ ંછ ેતે દિુનયાની

કોઈ �કૂલમા ંશીખવા ન જ મળે તેની હંુ ખાતરી આપું છુ.ં અમે શી�યા કે

કોઈની સાથ ેસરખામણી ક ે�પધા� કયા� િવના પોતાનામા ંજ ��ેતા ઊભી

કરવી. ~ જુહી નાયક

It was a wonderful workshop and guided us to right

direction. This course is definitely a notch above everything I

have learnt up until now. Sanjivbhai is truly brilliant, that

says it all! ~ Riya Shah

કાય�શાળાના સંચાલકો િવશ ેલાગણીઓ �ય�ત કરવી એટલે

સાગરને ગાગરમાં ભરવો. સ�ંવભાઈ �ાનના સાગર છ.ે

અને શીબાદીદીમાં મને માની મમતા દખેાય છ,ે કેમ કે

બાળકોના કુતહૂલભયા� સવાલોના આટલા �ેમભયા� જવાબ

શાયદ એક માતા જ આપી શકે છ.ે સં�વભાઈ સતત અમન ે

િશખવાડતા. અન ે�યારે અમન ેજરાક રમૂજની જ�ર પડતી,

�યારે તેઓ નાના બાળક જવેા બનીન ે અમારી સાથ ે હસી-

મ�ક કરતા. સ�ંવભાઈ અન ે શીબાદીદીએ �ણ ે અમન ે

�વન �વવાની ચાવી આપી દીધી. ~ રિવ તેલુગુ

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


આ કાય�શાળામાં અમ ે�દય, મન, અંતરા�મા સાથે કામ કરતા શી�યા.

પોતાની ખબૂીઓને સમજતા થયા અને ખામીઓન ેકેવી રીતે દૂર કરી

શકાય ત ેશી�યા. મારામા ંઘણો બધો બદલાવ આ�યો. It was heart

touching workshop. Rather than giving us the theoretical

knowledge, they gave us practical knowledge. And I loved

it the most. ~ શમા પટેલ

�વનમા ંકંઈક મેળ�યાનો અનુભવ થાય છ ેઅન ેઆનંદ થાય છ ેકે અમન ે

આવી સુંદર તક મળી કે જનેાથી અમારા �વનનું ઘડતર થઈ ર�ું છ.ે

મને ગવ� છ ે કે હંુ આવી કાય�શાળાનો એક ભાગ બ�યો. શીખેલી બાબતો

�ારા �યાવહા�રક �વનમા ંઆવતી અનેક મ�ુકેલીઓમા ંર�તો મળશ ેઅન ે

�વન �વવાનો સાચો રાહ મળશે. સં�વભાઈ અન ેશીબાદીદી અમારી

સાથ ેિમ�ોની જમે ર�ાં. જમે કંુભાર માટલાં ઘડ ેએવી રીતે અમન ેઘ�ા.

~ કથન નાયક

કાય�શાળાએ મારી િજદંગીન ે એક અલગ ર�તો આ�યો છ.ે સમાજના ં

દૂષણો સામે લડવાની, એની સામે ટકી રહેવાની અન ે એને કઈ રીત ે

સુધારવા તે માટનેી સમજણ અન ે �હંમત મ�ાં. બી�ન ે સુધારવા કરતાં

પોતાની �તન ેબદલવામા ંજ સાચંુ પ�રવત�ન છ.ે એનાથી જ �વન મહેકી

ઊઠ ે છ ે અન ે સંબધંો પુ�પો સમાન ખીલી ઊઠ ે છ.ે હંુ મારી �તને

સંપૂણ�પણ ેબદલાતી �ઈ શકંુ છુ.ં ~ ગુલ�શા શેખ

હંુ આભારની લાગણી અનુભવંુ છુ.ં � િજદંગીનું આ �ાન ના મ�ું હોત

તો સાચી રીતે �ેમ કરતા શીખત જ નહ�. હવે હંુ ખૂબ ઉ�સાહી છુ ં કે

�યારે બહાર જઈ આ બધંુ અમલમાં મૂકું. સં�વભાઈ અન ે શીબાદીદી

અમને ખબૂ માન આપે છ,ે ખૂબ �ેમ કરે છ.ે અમને ખબૂ �વતં�તા આપે છ ે

અને અમારા પર ખબૂ િવ�ાસ કરે છ.ે આ કાય�શાળામાં શીખવેલી

�વણકળા ખબૂ જ ઉપયોગી થશે. પહેલાં બી�ની વાત સાંભળતી નહોતી;

હવે, હંુ એમને સાંભળીશ તો હંુ એમને સમ� શકીશ અને તો જ સંબંધો

સારા બનશે. ~ આમેના રંગરેજ

હંુ આજ ેગવ�થી કહી શકંુ છુ ંકે હંુ સ�મ છુ,ં હંુ મારી �ત અને

િજદંગીની કાળ� રાખી શકંુ છુ.ં આ બધંુ ઓએિસસને આભારી

છ.ે કેટલી સંુદર અન ેસવ��ે� કાય�શાળા છ ેકે જનંુે વણ�ન કરવા

મારી પાસે શ�દો નથી. આ સં�થાના કાય�મા ંમદદ�પ થવા માટ ેહંુ

મારો બનતો �ય�ન કરીશ. ~ િવનીત પટેલ

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


First Oasis Movement Core Community Retreat

It was a milestone for Oasis as the first Annual Retreat of new Oasis Movement Core Community (OMCC) was

organized at Oasis Valleys from 4th to 6th December, 2015. Six generations of Oasis associates - Oasis

Founders, Trustees, Patrons, Close friends, Youth Team and Teenagers - 70 friends, spanning 6 generations

from 14 to 74 years, participated in the retreat. Friends & representatives of Oasis Movement came from

various parts of state & country and also from USA. During the two days of the retreat, in attempt to

understand Oasis Movement better, the community underwent a process of understanding different social

movements and discussed where Oasis Movement stands in comparison with them, how is Oasis Movement

different - be it initiation, leadership, relation with fund, giving to society, visionary or not, what kind of

challenges lie ahead and how we will face them.

Shri Vijay Dalal & Dr. Pravin Shah flew down from USA specially

to attend the retreat. Shri Mahadev Desai, founder of Hu Chhu

Jyotirdhar Movement was also present to support the new

generation. With the new team who made it possible to publish

"Adhyatmani Shodhma" (In Search of Spirituality), Veterans

launched Sanjiv Shah's latest book which was gifted to all.

Written as an account of her association with Oasis, an article published in a gujarati

magazine, 'Jalso', Kshama Kataria tells story of initial years of Oasis. It was very well

appreciated by many writers and publishers as a balanced, mature and honest account of

emerging youth movement, called 'Oasis'.

Friends shared what role Oasis has played in bringing positive change in their

lives. In last more than 25 years, Oasis has seen lots of struggles and has

bravely faced many storms. Oasis has come out strong and tall due to its solid

core based on Principles and Values. These principles and values were

documented systematically in the form of a small booklet and at the end of

the retreat, it was handed over to the young generation of Oasis. This is the

only true Legacy the founders would love to hand over.

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Honorable Guests at Oasis

Maai…Sindhutai visits Oasis

Special Retreat Reconnects Alumni of L3 Course

A public event, 'Power of One', was organized at Science

Center, Surat, on 18th December, 2015, by Oasis South

Gujarat Team. 300 citizens of Surat attended the program.

After the talk, Sindhutai interacted with the audience and

answered their queries. Snehal Shah & Pratiksinh

Parmar from Oasis South Gujarat Team took opportunity to

inform about current activities of Oasis. Yogesh Patel ended

the program with vote of thanks.

Sindhutai Sapkal, 'Mai' of Orphans, visited Oasis Valleys on 16th & 17th

December, 2015, on a special request to come during the Girls' Special Dream

India Camp. Sindhutai interacted with 90 girls, came from all over Gujarat, for

almost two hours and had a heartwarming dialogue with them. In the end, girls

took vows to live life with courage and never to get discouraged by problems in

life. Sindhutai also interacted with Oasis Team members, Oasis L3 Course Friends

and few Well-wishers from Vadodara. She talked about her toughest moments in

life and difficult decisions. Her adopted son, Vinay Sapkal, told stories of Mai's

care for them. All were moved by Mai's love for her 1050 children.

A special retreat was organized at Oasis Valleys where alumni

friends from different batches of Oasis L3 Course were invited.

An atmosphere of joy was created as old friends were

reconnected who shared their journey of life. Participants

learnt new concepts on spirituality which helped them to look

at life afresh & take up new challenges. Life was celebrated at

its best.

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Work Audit

Programs Summary

Total No. of Programs 93

Total No. of Program Days 369

No. of Participants 3164

Beneficiary Days 14192

Details of Program Beneficiaries during 2015-16

Programs No. of

Programs No. of Days

No. of Participants

No. of Beneficiary



Life/Love/Friendship Camps 26 76 1120 3280

Dream India Camps 10 88 655 5925

L3 Teens Workshop 7 43 231 1472


L3 Workshops 21 79 356 1337

Hoon Chhu Jyotirdhar Abhiyaan Workshops 24 72 493 1479


HHC Youths 5 11 309 699

ASHA Activities

Program No. of

Programs No. of Days

No. of Participants

No. of Beneficiary


Health Sessions (Bengaluru and Ahmedabad) 77 77 3679 30634

Health Session by Health and Hygiene Course Students 1 1 1200 1200

Total 78 78 4879 31834

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Reflections of Oasis Programs and Oasis Valleys

“આ કાય�શાળા �વનમાં ખૂબ ઉપયોગી થશે. કેવી રીતે સામેવાળી �યિ�તન ે �વી - એ બધુ ં અમને �ણવા મ�ું. મારાં બાળકોને કેવી રીતે �વન �વવું એ

િશખવાડીશ, એમન ેસારા િવચારો, સારા સં�કાર આપી શકીશ, જ ેહંુ અહ�યાંથી શીખી છુ.ં હંુ સારી બનીશ, સારી બાબતો શીખીશ તો હંુ મારા કુટુબંમા ંઅને મારા ં

સગાવહાલાંને િશખવાડી શકીશ અને મારા ંબાળકોન ેપણ આમા ંભાગ લેવા સમ�વીશ.”

- ઉષા રણા, જુના માંડવા (�કચન ટીમ મે�બર, ઓએસીસ વેલીઝ)

“કાય�શાળામાં �ડાઈને ખબૂ જ સા�ં લા�યું. અમે બધા એક સાથે કામ કરતા હોવા છતાં પહેલી વાર આ કાય�શાળામાં એક સાથ ેસમય િવતાવી શ�યા એ ખબૂ જ

ગ�યું. એક સાથે રહીને એકબી� િવશે ઘ�ં બધુ ં�ણવા મ�ું.”

- મદીના રાઠોડ, જુના માંડવા (હાઉસ કીિપંગ ટીમ મે�બર, ઓએસીસ વેલીઝ)

“આ કાય�શાળા મન ે�વનમાં �યેય પાર પાડવામા ંઉપયોગી સાિબત થશે. �વનમા ંબધા �ડ ેસબંંધો કેવા રાખવા તે બાબતમા ંઉપયોગી સાિબત થશે. હવે, �વનમા ં

હંમેશા ંખશુ રહેવાનો �ય�ન કરીશ.”

- ઇમરાનખાન શેખ, જુના માંડવા (�ટોર ઈ�ચાજ �, ઓએસીસ વેલીઝ)

I'd heard a lot about Oasis before my visit to its campus on 20th Nov, 2015. After writing on a book published by Oasis in my weekly

column, I came to know about various activities and programs conducted by it. After that, a full-fledged write up by Oasisian and my

friend Kshama Kataria in our half yearly magazine 'Jalso', my desire to visit Oasis became intense.

During our visit there for nearly half a day, not for a single minute did we felt that we were first-timers. An effortless environment of

camaraderie, informality, friendliness was prevalent all the time, as if we know everybody and everybody knows us. The values being

taught there was easily and naturally reflected in everybody's attitude.

The beautiful campus and the hard work to make it so, is worth praising but more important is the values being practiced there.

I wish Oasis would spread its roots more and more into the society and wish the Oasisians all the best for that.

~ Biren Kothari, Writer (Biographical Writing) & Columnist, Vadodara

�યારેય �મરણ કરીએ તો એવો રમણીય કુદરતનો ખોળો �યા ંઅ�ભુત શાિંત અન ેિનભ�યતાનો અનભુવ થાય એવી સં�થા; �યાં હાજર દરેક �યિ�તન ેએકબી�ની

કાળ� હોય, એકમેકના સહકાર અન ેનાના મોટા દરેકને આદરથી કાય� કરવાની ધગશ હોય, સારા ંકામ કયા�નો સંતુ� અને િનમ�ળ આનંદ ચહેરા પર છલકાતો હોય.

�યાંના મનમોહક વાતાવરણની વાત કરીએ તો �વેશતા જ વૃ�ોની ઝૂકીને સલામી ભરવાની અદા, આછા ગુલાબી રંગની સાડી ઓઢલેાં કાચનારના ંવૃ�ો, લાલ ઝૂમરની

જમે ઝૂલતી ગળો, દેખાવ અન ે�વાદમાં અનેરા ંએવા ંસીતાફળ, કેળા વગેરે ફળો, સુગિંધત પુ�પોનાં વૃ�ો, નજરમા ં વસી �ય તેવા ંશાકભા�, વાલોરના ં ફૂલોથી

આ�છા�દત �જમ! અવનવી પણ છતાંય ઘણી જૂની ગંગામાની �વિનભ�ર �વન શૈલી દશા�વતો �યોગ!

સવ��વ કુદરતન ેસ�પી દેવાની ભાવના ઊભરાઈ આવે તેવંુ એક મા� �થળ! સાિ�વક આહાર, �વ�છતા અને �વા��યની તકેદારી રાખતી સિુવધાઓ! �ણે એક

નાનકડુ ં�વગ�!

~ રેખાબેન કુલકણ�, િનવૃ� બ�ક અિધકારી, વડોદરા

Reflections from our very own L3 Teenagers

“અમે �વન �વવાની સાચી રીત શી�યા; અમે �વનમાં � બધી વ�તુઓ સાચી રીતે કરીશું તો જ સફળ �યિ�ત બની શકીશું”

“મારામાં અહ�થી એટલી �હંમત આવી છ ેકે હંુ �વનમાં કોઈ પણ વ�તુનો સામનો કરી શકંુ છુ”ં “િશિબરમાં રમતા-રમાડતા �વન ઉપયોગી બાબતો શીખવે છ ેતે મને ખૂબ ગમે છ”ે

“We learnt to value our Life more than Money” “Learnt to maintain self confidence, unity and sharing feelings;

Behavior of all people touched me the most” “અહ� શીખેલ પુ�ષાથ�, પસંદગી, �યેય વગેરે મને �વનમાં ઉપયોગી બનશે;

લ�ય મેળવવા માટ ેમહેનત કરવી જ�રી છ ેતે મને સમ�યંુ”

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


M.S. University Joins Hands with Oasis for Health and Hygiene Course

The Institute of Leadership and Governance, Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda in partnership

with Oasis Trust, launched certificate course on Health and Hygiene, India’s first such course offered by any

university. It is an academic collaboration where Oasis Trust will conduct the course for students of M. S.


The course was inaugurated on 8th January 2016, in the presence of Dr. Parimal H. Vyas, Vice Chancellor, M.

S. University of Baroda, Dr. Neerja Jaiswal, Registrar, M. S. University, Mr. Jigar Inamdar, Honorary Director,

Institute of Leadership and Governance, Dr. Mona Mehta, Home Science faculty, Ms. Shilpi Sharaswat, Home

Science faculty, Dr. Neha Vakharia, ASHA Project Founder, Oasis, Bangalore and Dr. Maya Soni, Oasis,

Ahmedabad. The course is designed to train the college youths for Health and Hygiene where they can reach

out to school children and community.

Chief Objectives of the course are:

1. To educate participants on the importance of health and hygiene education in schools.

2. To inspire participants to take an active role in promoting health and hygiene around their community and in

society as a whole.

3. To equip participants so they can teach and educate underprivileged section of society about the importance

of health and hygiene.

4. To institutionalize basic habits of health and hygiene education.

Course duration:

10-12 days spread over 3-6 months;

3 days workshops every One and a half months.

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Feedbacks from ASHA Health and Hygiene Course Beneficiaries

“To do special” એટલે કે કોઈ એવું કામ કરવું જ ેસમાજ માટ ેબહુ જ important હોય, પરંતુ, એની સમાજન ેખબર હોવા છતા ંપણ લોકો તે સુધારવાના �યાસો

તરફ આગળ વધતા નથી; જ ે“Health & Hygiene” �ો�ામ થકી સમાજને inspire કરે છ.ે આ �ો�ામ એવો એહસાસ કરાવે છ ેક ેગમ ેતેટલો પણ �કમતી સમય

છોડીન ેસમાજ સુધારણાનું આ કામ કરવું તે ભિવ�ય માટ ેલાભદાયી સાિબત થઈ શકે છ.ે

- યશ શાહ

“While taking adolescence class for government school children I realized that even today so many myths and superstitions are prevailing

in our society.”

- Anjali Jha

"બાળકો સાથે થતા શારી�રક અ�યાયના િવષય માટ ેખબૂ જ દઃુખની લાગણી થતી હતી, આને લઈને હંુ સાભંળંુ કે પેપરમાં વાંચંુ �યારે થતુ ંકે આમાં હંુ કંઈ કરી ના

શકંુ? પરંતુ આ િવષય અહ�યાં શીખીને હંુ બાળકોને સમ�વીશ �યારે હંુ પણ કંઈ કરી શ�યો એ વાતનો મને આનંદ થશ.ે"

- જયમીન પટેલ

“From the beginning till the end everything was amazing. The knowledge, guidance, love, information and the overall experience was

something that not only will help me to polish my skills but also will help me to impart some knowledge to my friends, family, neighbours

and in future my kids; ultimately reaching as many people as possible. The kind of atmosphere built in workshop, is something I liked the

most. When as a health teacher, I came across different views, perceptions, superstitions prevailing amongst children, I realized that our

Nation and society badly needs this kind of Adolescent Health education programs. It is through workshops like this that we can

scientifically address the myths and doubts of our children.”

- Wasim Munshi

The environment created during session was very good. Every one of us was free to ask any type of questions. Our queries were satisfied

entirely. Topics like adolescence, physical and psychological change were discussed without any hesitation. Very happy to see that such

persons are working in India. I must say both of them are very encouraging and positive to everyone.

- Rucha Pardikar

Reflections of government school children on attending sessions of the young Health Teachers:

“Now we know that we can protect ourselves.”

- Anjali Kumari

“We came to know that if somebody touches our private parts we need to do 3 things. 1.Shout, 2.Run and 3.Tell someone you trust.”

- Luhar Devraj

“If someone touches us with bad intentions, we should tell to someone whom we trust the most. And we came to know how to take care

of our private parts and their cleanliness during menstruation.”

- Archana Lalajeet

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Hun Chhu Jyotirdhar Abhiyaan

New Batches of Oasis L3 Workshop Series progress for teachers of Gujarat in the year 2015-16. New facilitators

take up the responsibility to conduct workshops in Bhuj, Pirana, Surat, Navsari and Khed Brahma. Facilitators

include Sheeba Nair, Mahadevbhai Desai, Mehul Panchal, Siddhartha Mehta, Snehal Shah and Pratiksinh Parmar.

મારા માટ ે સૌથી અગ�યની બાબત એકાતં-મૌન-

�વિનરી�ણ-આ�મસ�માનની સમજ રહી, કારણ કે

કોઈક વાર એકલતામાં આનદં આવતો તો કોઈક વાર

કંટાળો. ‘મા�ં �વન એ મારી જવાબદારી’ની સમજ

વધારે �ઢ થઈ. – �િતકિસંહ પરમાર, નવસારી

૨૦૦૫માં મહાદેવભાઈ થકી ઓએિસસની કાય�શાળાનો પ�રચય થયો. ઓએિસસની �થમ કાય�શાળામા ં ફેિસિલટટેરે બહુ �દય�પશ� સવાલ પછૂલેા. મ�

ન�ી કયુ� કે સાજં ેઘરે જઈ પ�ની અને પુ�ને �ેમથી ભેટીશ. અમલમા ંમૂ�યુ.ં પુ� તરફથી જબરો �િતભાવ, ઉ�માસભર અન ેપ�નીનો કોઈ �િતભાવ

નહ�... પુ� સાથે આ�મીયતા �મી ગઈ, જ ેઆજ પય�ત ચાલુ છ.ે પૂરી �વતં�તા અને મોકળાશ આપી. ધો. ૧૦ પછી િવ�ાનની જ�યાએ કૉમસ� લીધું તેમા ં

પણ પૂરી સંમિત. આ સંબંધ પણ કસોટીની એરણ ેચ�ો ધો. ૧રમા.ં �ીિલમ પરી�ામા ંઆંકડાશા�મા ંનાપાસ. �તે ભણાવવાની તૈયારી બતાવી. દીકરાએ

બાપના કડક �વભાવ અને િશ�ત-આ�હને �વીકાયા�. પ�રણામ આંકડાશા�મા ં ૯૩ ગણુ અને કુલ ૭૩ ટકા... પ�રણામના �દવસે બાપ-દીકરો �ણે

�વગ�મા!ં ઓએિસસની િ�તીય કાય�શાળામા ં દીકરાને પ� લ�યો. ઘરે આવી મેસેજ કય� - ‘In 20 years of your journey you have your own

dreams & expectations which you have not shared with me. Forgive me for that. Write & share with your Paa whenever you

want.’ દીકરાએ જવાબ પણ તરત આ�યો. ‘Your love is enough for me to survive in this world; so no demands, no expectations.’ આવુ ં

સ�ભા�ય કયા િપતાન ેમળે? મા�ં િપતા હોવું સાથ�ક થઈ ગયું. - ડૉ. કૌિશક દેસાઈ, આચાય�, �ી એસ.એમ.કે.આર.વશી હાઈ�કૂલ, મરોલી, નવસારી

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Coming up of Regional Centers of Oasis Movement

Oasis Movement now spreads to different parts of the country and new centers are coming up. Oasis South

Gujarat Team came together for Oasis South Gujarat Center (OSGC). The team members are:

Snehal Shah: Leadership & Management Mentor, OSGC

Pratiksinh Parmar: Chief Coordinator, OSGC

Purvi Naik: Chief Coordinator, Navsari

Yogesh Patel: Chief Coordinator - Resources, OSGC

Ami Desai: Regional Oasis Facilitator & Support

Siddharth Mehta: Team Guide, OSGC

Bengaluru Center was formed with the following team:

Neeta Sanghvi: Chief Coordinator

Ahalya Desikan: Chief Coordinator, Life Camps at Bengaluru

Neelam Patwari : Team Coordinator, Oasis Dream India Camps & Life Camps

Veena Toshniwal: Team Coordinator, ASHA Project & Cleanliness Campaign

Shalini R.: Team Coordinator, Youth Empowerment activities

Nirali Dhum: Team Coordinator, Resource Generation

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Pictorial Journey

First Bangalore Dream India Camp

L3 Teens Goal Charts

Dream India Camp Facilitators Retreat

Candle light meals at Oasis Valleys

ASHA Health and Hygiene classes at Bengaluru

Independence Day celebration at Oasis Valleys

Camp Fire

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Fitness mornings at Oasis Valleys

Enthusiastic Group of Children with Evening Games

Dr. B. Oza




at Girls Sp.





Staff from





Sessions for


Youth Group at


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Wealth Audit

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OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


Our Esteemed Contributors

1 Aakash N. Bengaluru 49 Gajiwala Silk Mills Surat

2 Aartiben U. Shah Bengaluru 50 Haardik Nayak Wealth Management Pvt. Ltd.


3 Aayush M. Kapasi Bengaluru 51 Hansaben R. Shah Bengaluru

4 Adinath Enterprise Surat 52 Hiral Patel Vadodara

5 Akhatarbhai Ismailbhai Shaikh Surat 53 J. S. Business Corporation Ahmedabad

6 Alpa M. Rathod Surat 54 Jagruti Tushar Soni Bengaluru

7 Aman V. Shah Bengaluru 55 Jamboo Sonigara Bengaluru

8 Anilkumar Champaklal Gandhi Surat 56 Jamnalal Bajaj Foundation Mumbai

9 Anjali M. Patel Surat 57 Janak Jayant Patel Surat

10 Ankit K. Tailor Surat 58 Janya Ventures Bengaluru

11 Anuj J. Shah Bengaluru 59 Jashoda Patel Vadodara

12 Arya Seva Ashram Trust Bengaluru 60 Javerben M. Parekh Bengaluru

13 ASHA Foundation Mumbai 61 Jayashree Industrial Accessories Bengaluru

14 Ashok Mehta Surat 62 Jaydeep G. Patel Surat

15 Ashok Pranlal Patel Ahmedabad 63 Jitendra Ramchareet Rajput Surat

16 Ashwin Toshniwal Bengaluru 64 John Geevargese Charitable Trust Ahmedabad

17 Asmita Charitable Trust Surat 65 Jumakbhai Shah Bengaluru

18 Beena Hemul Gandhi Bengaluru 66 Jvalant Acharya Bengaluru

19 Bharati Rupal Shah Bengaluru 67 Jyoti Rajesh Gajiwala Surat

20 Bharti B. Zalavadiya Surat 68 Jyotiben Dharamshi Bengaluru

21 Bhavesh D. Saraiya Surat 69 Kajari Sharma Bengaluru

22 Bhavesh K. Zalavadiya Surat 70 Kajol M. Kapasi Bengaluru

23 Bhavna B. Rana Surat 71 Kalpesh S. Raval Surat

24 Bhimrao Haribhai Yewale Surat 72 Keyurkumar Anilbhai Naik Navsari

25 Bindal Deepak Shah Bengaluru 73 Kochar Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Amritsar

26 Bindal Shah Bengaluru 74 Komal Shah Bengaluru

27 Brijesh T. Rana Surat 75 Krishnakumar M. Daiya Charitable Trust Mumbai

28 C. Dinesh & Co. Pvt. Ltd. Surat 76 Lata Jain Bengaluru

29 Chandra Suresh Shah Bengaluru 77 Laxman L. Rawal Surat

30 Chetan Joshi Bengaluru 78 Laxminarayan Laxmibhai Mundra Charitable Trust


31 City Plus Funworld Pvt. Ltd. Surat 79 Mahendra Shyamlal Jagirdar Surat

32 Concept Business Excellence Vadodara 80 Mahendra Uttamram Gajiwala Surat

33 Desai Coatings Industries Ahmedabad 81 Mahesh M. Patel Surat

34 Design Studio Associates Vadodara 82 Mauli Mayur Mehta Ahmedabad

35 Dharmesh J. Patel Surat 83 Meera B. Saraiya Surat

36 Dinesh C. Mehta Bengaluru 84 Meetaben P. Chhadwa Bengaluru

37 Dineshchandra Nanchand Modi Ahmedabad 85 Misari Mayur Mehta Ahmedabad

38 Dipesh V. Shah Surat 86 Mr. Alok Shah Vadodara

39 Dipika V. Patel Surat 87 Mradula Champaklal Turakhiya Mumbai

40 Disha P. Kapasi Bengaluru 88 Mrugendra Shintre Bangalore

41 Dolly Daddu Bengaluru 89 N. J. India Invest Pvt. Ltd. Surat

42 Dolly Mishra Bengaluru 90 Narendra R. Patel Vadodara

43 Dr. Nirav Shah Surat 91 Nattu Bhai Joshi Bengaluru

44 Dr. Tirthesh Mehta Surat 92 Natvarlal Champaklal Desai Mumbai

45 Encore Natural Mumbai 93 Neeru Suryakant Shah Bengaluru

46 Equi Net Vadodara 94 Neptune Realty Pvt. Ltd. Vadodara

47 Falguni Yogesh Patel Surat 95 Niket Vakharia Bengaluru

48 Fineline Circuit Company Savli, Vadodara

96 Nitinkumar Raojibhai Patel Vadodara

OASIS – A Selfless International Society Annual Report 2015-2016


97 Om Freight Forwarders Private Ltd. Mumbai 145 Shanthala S. Bengaluru

98 Oneiro Chemicals Ltd. Vadodara 146 Sharada Chowdhary Bengaluru

99 Opal Industries Vadodara 147 Share & Care Foundation U.S.A.

100 Padamkumar Babulal Jain Surat 148 Sheetal Udeshi Vadodara

101 Paresh M. Gajiwala Surat 149 Shikha Gupta Bengaluru

102 Por Ramangamdi Ind. Estate. Asso. Por 150 Shilpa Zaveri Vadodara

103 Prabhudas. P. Patel Ahmedabad 151 Shiva Kumar Bengaluru

104 Prachi Sudhir Bhave Vadodara 152 Shree Ambica Carriers Surat

105 Pragna Daftary Bengaluru 153 Shri Brihad Bharatiya Samaj Mumbai

106 Pranami Gems Mumbai 154 Shroff Family Charitable Trust Mumbai

107 Prema Mundada Bengaluru 155 Shruti Rameshbhai Shah Vadodara

108 Premal Jyoth Bengaluru 156 Shyamlal C. Parekh Surat

109 Pushpa Chowdhary Bengaluru 157 Siddharth Ashokbhai Mehta Surat

110 R.R. Kabel Ltd. Vadodara 158 Situ Khanna Bengaluru

111 Radhika Shyam Realtors Pvt. Ltd. Surat 159 Smt. Kalaba Ambalal Chunilal Trust Surat

112 Radiant International Ahmedabad 160 Sparsha Trust Bengaluru

113 Rajendra R. Kanetkar Vadodara 161 Standard Belex (India) Pvt. Ltd. Por, Vadodara

114 Rajendrabhai Shah Surat 162 Sthapati Designers & Consultants Pvt. Ltd.


115 Rajesh Mahendrabhai Gajiwala Surat 163 Suflam Pathology Lab Bengaluru

116 Rajnibhai Shah Bengaluru 164 Suflam Pathology Lab Vadodara

117 Rakesh Electricals Vadodara 165 Sunil Kumar Bengaluru

118 Ramila Rohit Sapani Bengaluru 166 Suraksha Setu Society Arvalli

119 Ranjanben S. Mehta Bengaluru 167 Sushil Kumar Bengaluru

120 Rashmi Punitkumar Vyas Vadodara 168 Swaroop Jain Bengaluru

121 Ravindra Tukaram Shinde Surat 169 T. & D. Galiakot Containers Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai

122 Rekha Rajendra Shah Surat 170 T.M. Satish Bengaluru

123 Reliable Technosales Vadodara 171 The Green Environment Services Co. Operative Society Ltd.


124 Riddhi Infrastructure Vadodara 172 Tirupati Sales Corporation Surat

125 Rinkal D. Patel Surat 173 Topaz Piping Industries Vadodara

126 Rohita Rajnikant Shah Bengaluru 174 Transit Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Surat

127 S. Gladston Chennai 175 Trushank Rajesh Gajiwala Surat

128 S.D. Electricals Surat 176 Ullas C. Turakhia Mumbai

129 S.S. International A Div. of Sahajanand Life Services Pvt. Ltd.

Surat 177 Usha Deenesh Sheth Bengaluru

130 Sad Vidya Vikas Trust Surat 178 Varun Chowdhary Bengaluru

131 Safal Plastics Ahmedabad 179 Vasumati Mahendrabhai Gajiwala Surat

132 Sahajanand Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Surat 180 Vatshal M. Gandhi Surat

133 Saileshbhai J. Patel Khambholaj 181 Veejesh D. Patel Surat

134 Sandhya Rajesh Doshi Vadodara 182 Veena Giriyapur Bengaluru

135 Sanjeev Kumar Lakhotia Bengaluru 183 Venu Mehta Vadodara

136 Sankalp Organisation Bengaluru 184 Vidhyaprakash H. Rajput Surat

137 Saurashtra Trust Mumbai 185 Vijay Bhimrao Yewale Surat

138 Savita Shanti Trust Mumbai 186 Vinay Chowdhary Bengaluru

139 Sejal Sarees Bengaluru 187 Vishal Textiles Surat

140 Shah Investor S. Home Ltd. Ahmedabad 188 Vivek Chowdhary Bengaluru

141 Shahlon Silk Industries Pvt. Ltd. Surat 189 Vivek Roadways Surat

142 Shaimil Charitable Trust Surat 190 Yogesh Construction Co. Surat

143 Shama Enterprise Surat 191 Yogesh Jayant Patel Surat

144 Shama Parveen Mahmadasraf Mulla Surat

Institute: “Oasis Valleys”, Juna Mandva Road, Chanod, Tal. Dabhoi,

Dist. Vadodara‐ 391 105.

Tele. +91 2663 233010/11