"RES !STING TEMP TAT I Ofl'' A Sermon By Philip A. C. Clarke Park Avenue United Methodist Church 106 East 86th Street New York, New York ).0028 Harch 8, 1992

A Sermon By Philip A. C. Clarke TEMPTATION.pdf · 2019-09-08 · - 2 - ~·1ANY KINDS OF TEMPTATION You and I know that there are many kinds of temptation. For instance, there was

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Page 1: A Sermon By Philip A. C. Clarke TEMPTATION.pdf · 2019-09-08 · - 2 - ~·1ANY KINDS OF TEMPTATION You and I know that there are many kinds of temptation. For instance, there was


A Sermon By

Philip A. C. Clarke

Park Avenue United Methodist Church 106 East 86th Street New York, New York ).0028 Harch 8, 1992

Page 2: A Sermon By Philip A. C. Clarke TEMPTATION.pdf · 2019-09-08 · - 2 - ~·1ANY KINDS OF TEMPTATION You and I know that there are many kinds of temptation. For instance, there was


INTRODUCTION I heard a story some t.ime ago about a young man who was hitch-hiking through one of our Southern states. A farmer

driving an old, beat-up pickup truck gave him a lift. As they rode down the road together, they got to talking about the local moonshine whiskey. The young man said he never touched the stuff and that the moonshine would probably be too strong for his taster•

"Nonsense!" said the :farmer. ''You gotta try some". And he fished around and paked around behind in the truck and finall¥ produced a small jug. "Here" he said to the young man. "Try some". "Uo thanks" said the young man, "I reall.T don't think I care for any". "No, I insist" pressed the farmer. "Have some". "~-!o thanks ••• reall.y" replied the young man a second time.

irTell, this farmer wasn't going to take UO for an answer. He stopped . truck and grabbed his shotgun from the rack in the back and pointing the gun at the young man in the seat next to him, roared, "I said ••• take a drinkl"

"Okay! Okay1*' said the young :m..a.n. "I've changed my mind ••• I guess I'll have some after all". And he took a few swallows before he realized how power­ful the stuff was. His throat muscle.s tightened. His eyes watered. He began to choke, •.

"t-Jhat did you think of that?n asked the fanner. "Pretty good, ain't it?" "WOil •• • yeah" gasped the young man. "I guess se". Then the farmer handed the young man the shotgun and grinned.and said,

"Here! Now, aon ••• you hold the gun on me and make me take a drink of that stuff."

DEVELOPMENT Today's theme is temptation. It's a subject, a topic that is relevant to everyone's life. If there is any thing in this

world that is universal, it's the power of the Tempter to lure us .into some stn, some wrong-doing. And usuall1 he doesn't have to put a gun to our heads.

You' 11 notiee that St. Paul ment.ions only a few relevant temptations or sins in this chapt.er from which today' s Scripture Lesson is taken. And these T11ere the sins Gf the children of Israel in the time of the Exodus. He begins with idelatry, speaks of pagan revelry and moves on to sexual immorality. It seems to me that these sins are still with us. Every generation thinks that its transgressions are brand new, but they aren't. 'lflle keep making the same sad mistakes, generation after generation. Remember the little ditty that Rudyard Kipling wrote years ago that went like this,

"The crafts that we call modern; The crtmes that we call new, John Bunyan had them typed and filed ln 1682."

Actually, the Bible is as fresh today about the manifold temptations humans face as it Has when its various books were first being written. And Paul also lists a couple of temptations we might not have even thought of -for example, testing the Lord ••• and also, grumbling.

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~·1ANY KINDS OF TEMPTATION You and I know that there are many kinds of temptation. For instance, there was an article

in USA TODAY some time back about a group of women that had come together for the sole purpose of pressuring supermarkets to remove candy from their check­out lines. I know I'm a "sucker" for U & M's when I'm in line at the Food Emporium. Some temptations are just too great.

Bill Bright tells about a young couple named Jeff and Anne. Jeff and Anne were both e~ployed but they were in constant financial trouble. They had too many debts. They were tied and bound to credit cards said Bill Bright. Now credit cards were meant to be a. convenience, but for Jeff and Anne they 1t1ere like dem.ons. So, instead of buying, one Fa.ll day they decided to go window s~opping.

Unfortunately, they saw an alluring and an attractive display of the latest ski gear. It practically was calling out their names. It whispered in their ears •••• Jeff and Anne •••

"You need me. You deserve mel" The sale sign said, t•Huge Bargains. Huge Discounts. You cannot afford to pass this upu proclaimed the colorful banner.

'1~fell", said Jeff to Anne, "Let's take a moment to check it out". And so they did. The bargain still carne to something like $1500. All the usual thGughts went through their ~~arts,

"~·le ma;r not get back this way again. And we really do need to treat ourselves once in a while. ~ve can't ski as well with our present 'out-of-style' gearl" And the deadliest thought of a 11. ••• "We can put it on VISA t"

And they were caught. Jeff and Anne were trying hard to get their marriage off to a proper start. They faced some important decisions. 'l'hey were having trouble making the minimum payments on their many credit accounts - not to mention paying down the principal. They had no savings. They argued about the grocery money. They had quit giving to their church. Then Jeff looked at Anne and with that they sat down and talked. They were honest enough to admit that their problems stemmed frcrn their materialism, their lack or self-control, their needs for immediate gratification. You know, they changed their minds and Je££ put his Hallet back. They continued to ski on their old skiis.

Each of us has his or her own little area of weakness. We're all vulnerable.

~WRE WLNERABLE THA~J OTHERS Of course, eome of us are more vulnerable than others. Sorre of us foul up our lives pretty

badly because when vre go "one on one11 w.ith the Tempter, we just cannot resist.

A Police Inspector out in San Francisco named Lou Bronfield recently made the news. Apparently he had been fishing for burglars. He vtas assigned to in­vestigate the theft of packages left in the hallways of office buildings for couriers to pick up after hours.

You kn<»T what be did? He set up four dwmny packages outside an office and attached a fishing line to the bottom of each package • Be then ran the lines under a door into another office where he waited. Almost 4S minutes later, be

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got his first bite - a big jerk with the line zooming out. Running out the door, Bronfie ld caught the "big jerk". It turned out to be a young man, standing at the elevator door with one of the boxes tucked under his arm. Later on the young man was booked for investigation of burglary.

I don't know if this qualifies as "entrap~nt" or not. How far should police go in pla.cing temptation in the path of vulnerable people. I do knm-r this, however, that many people don't need any encouragement at all, that many of us are vulnerable to temptation. ',nfe have our weaknesses, all of us. And I do mean all of usl

JESUS FOLLOvJERS UOT EXEMPT The fact that you and I are followers of Jesus does not for one moment exempt us from the lure

of temptation and from the sins of the flesh. The fact tha.t we have been baptized does not mean that our earthly desires have ceased to exist. Just ask Jimmy Swaggart or what about the organist who stole all the church's money last F~:tll. They finally caught up rrrith him. So, be careful.

Florence Littauer is quoted as saying recently that no good Christian man or vroman gets up in the morning, looks out the window and says,

"Oh, wbat a lovely day! I guess I' 11 go out and commit adultery".

And yet many do it anyway.

rlotice what Paul is saying about those followers of Noses who perished in the desert,

"For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that o11r forefathers were all "under 'the ·cloud' and that they all passed through tl-1e sea. 'l'hey vrere aLL baptized into ~~oses in the cloud and in the sea.

They all ate the same spiritual food and drank the sam~ spiritual drink; for they drank fran the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock w·as Christ~ Never­theless, God was not pleased 1rrith most of them •• •"

And :iffiy, you may wonder, why was God not pleased Hi th them? Because they 1.rere the sa.me people who were idolaters, revelers, adulterers, testers and grumblers. \ve are all vuln€Jrable - even the saintliest among us. And that is ~·my Paul's ·Ford in verse 10, chapter 10 of First Corinthians comes to us as such good news. Hear it B.gain,

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you a:re tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up un~r it."

And that's the "Goed News" for this morning. He i'rill not let us be tempted beyond what we can ~ and He will always provide us with a way out. That's such good nelt~s and I'm so pleased that St. Paul v.ras saying to u.s that God will help us get out ••• help us walk away from whatever's tempting us:

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GET'l'ING RID OF IT Perhaps you've heard the story about the two mountain boys ~·rho spotted a bobcat up a tree and decided to

have some fun. On~ said to the ather, "I' 11 shimmy up that tree and chase him down and then you put him in a sack."

The other agreed to the strategy and so the first fellow climbed up the tree. When he reached the right limb, he started shaking the tree and sure enough, the cat came tumbling down. The other fellow on the ground grabbed the bobcat by the back of the neck and tried to put him into a sack ••• but there was terrible commotion. Dust and fur and skin were flying out in all directions. The fellow up in the tree called down, "'(4lh.at 's the matter ••• you need a bj.t ·of help catching one little ol' bobcat?" · 11 No11- replied his friend,

"I don't need help catching him ••• but I need some help in turning him loose •11

As I see it, the problem with whatever sin or wrong-doing takes hold of our lives is that it is easy 11 to let in" but it's a terror sometimes to get it back out. But think of this promise that God revealed back there to St. Paul. God will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. And He wUl always provide a way out.

What does that say to you? Here is what it says to me,

"If you and I give in to temptation and find ourselves bogged down by it ••• and do not walk away from it, it is because we have freely chosen to be there. If we do not want to be there, all l'te have to do is pray as Jesus taught us to pray, 1 LEAD NE Nar INTO TEMPTATION• and mean it, and God• I believe, will honor that request and will not let us get sucked under by the riptide of our ann desire. If temptation is tugging us under, it is proba.bly because we went looking for it."

Thus, we cannot excuse ourselves by saying pitifully, "Oh, but I'm only human". 1.rle are all only human and that's a bit of a "cop.:.out". vie also all belong to Christ and we have His promise that He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear, but He will al~ays provide a way out.

HE KN<J!,·lS US You see, He knows us better than we know oursel,res. He kncms our strong points and He also knorA our weak ones.

It 1 s something like the pilot who was per.forming some amazing feats for the people' t~own below, watching. He was doing double and triple loops and other tr.icka. But when he landed, he broke a strut on his plane. He jumped into another plane and gunned the motor and began to taxi down the runway.

A man seeing him do this shouted and waved for him to appl.r the brakes, to stop. 'l'he pilot, hm•f-~Ver, ignored him and roared off into the sky. The man said, "That plane will never stand it ••• he 1s in trouble" And sure enough, a.s the pilot was doing a sharp loop, a wing broke off and the plan crashed to the ground.

Someone standing nearby asked the man, "How did you know?'" "I bu.ilt the plane" Camt'l back the reply. "I built the plane ••• that's v.rhy I know11 •

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Dear friend ••• whoever you are ••• try to remember this that God knows us better than we know ourselves. And He loves us. He will not allow the tempter to destroy us without our consent. So I leave you with this ••• what about your life, yourself? Are you willing to claim the promise of God? To stand on His promises. Do you really want to be delivered !rom whatever it is that may be pulling your life down? ~-Jhatever that "sin" may be? Then it is done. I have the authority to say to you in His name - you are free. You are forgiven.. No~r ''go and sin no :more".

PH.AYF:P ll>rd, make us sensitive to Your nearness and presence in these quiet moments. ~trestle with e ach of us in the deep and dark

comers of our lives. Set us free .from whatever it i.e that may be hurting us and harming us. Even as Jesus said long ago, 'Go and sin no more' •• • so, too, may we hear the ward that sets us free ••• to go and to sin no more. In His name we pray. Amen.

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Do you feel just a little bit sheepish asking a friend or relative to Church? B-A-A-A! You don't have to, you know. Because Sunday March 22nd Park Avenue United Methodist

,c-~ Church is shepherding an Each-One-Bring-One v ,_-· ~,~,..4),-\.:~.~·- ~ervice and you're of!icially. invited t~ help

> Y ~ .../\~ "-(' :r-_· mcrease the fold. Invite a fnend, relative or ~~~~ ~:.,~-~ neighbor to Church Service. All are welcome. _, ot_:it," · ~ ..o (Can't you just see folks flocking to PAUMC? ,, .., -..... ~~

\ ., ' r;.. __ ·-:., J .. J • ~· ::•f.ft;~~~ Sheer Heaven!) ~ '""'( ' •••• ,... ,..,""'Tfo ~_, ... ,- ~ :-...

e.. ~- "'' If you'lljust be a good shepherd and lead ~- C ~ ~ .. ~\ ... .J..J, ~, them in, our staff will comfort therri, and

f{('J..,;'~~ \~i1 lJ J I~ · ~"'d, ~ --~!.. ! / l\.. ~'1 goodness and mercy are sure to follow.

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Remember, it was The Lamb of God who said, in John 10:16, "And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice ... "

So come Sunday, March 22nd stand up for Him and stand out from the herd. Be a good shepherd and help guide your loved ones to greener pastures on Park.

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ANTHEM: "0 Domine Jesu Christe"

"0 Lord of Hosts, Jesus, the Christ. I pray to Thee, who on the cross was wound­ed, with gall and with vinegar made pure. I weep for Thee. The wounds in Thy side are the remission of my heart and soul".

ANTHEM: ·"The Lord Will Not Suffer"

"The Lord will not suffer thy foot be moved, and that He keepeth thee will

to not

slumber. "Behold! He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. "


The organ postlude - a final offering of our praise to God - is played after the Benediction. Time permitting, we invite you to share in the beauty of it.


New members are always welcome to audi­tion to sing in the Choir. Rehearsals are held on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 in the downstairs Choir Room. Now's a good time to join as we enter the Lenten season and prepare our Palm Sunday and Easter music.


Be sure to pick up your copy of the March issue of our monthly news sheet, "A Word In Edgeways". Copies are by the door in the narthex as well as on the table in the Russell Room. It's a good way to keep up to date on all that's going on.


The rose on the altar today is in honor of Anna Salisbury Kilbride, infant daughter of Marianna and Rick Kilbride. Anna was born on February 27th in Princeton, New Jersey. Their number is 609-683-1957.


Lisa Ingram and Jay Zimmerman invite their church friends to their wedding cere-mony here at the Church this Friday evening, March the 13th; 1992 at 8 pm.


The "Hounds of Heaven" meet on.Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. A new study book by Maxie Dunnam, entitled, The Christian Walk will be introduced on Tuesday, the 17th. Dee Schaffield will lead the class in this six week Lenten study. Now's a good time to join. New friends as well as old ones are always most welcome.


The Aldersgate Class meets on Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Fellowship Hall. Duane Thompson is leading this class in a study of the book, Meeting the Master. It's not too late to join in this new study.


The Education Committee will meet on Thursday evening, March 12th, at 7:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. All members are expected.

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The annual Adult Fellowship Progressive Dinner will be held on Saturday evening, March 21st. Sign up downstairs today so as not to miss out on an evening of fun, good fellowship and fabulous food. For further details, be in touch with Melissa Shaw at 535-6407. The evening begins with Hors d' oeuvres at the apartment of Duane and Brenda Thompson and concludes with dessert at the apartment of Eric deFreitas. Come next Sun­day to find out where we'll eat the main course.


The Pastor's Confirmation Class for our teenagers is meeting on Sunday morning from 9:45 to 10:30. Today's session was the ninth meeting of the class.


New members will be received into the church in May. Persons interested in strengthening a tie with the Church after Easter are invited to be in touch with Mr. Clarke.

- ---- ------------


Next Sunday we shall celebrate our 155th birthday of our Church. It will be a special Sunday for us as we pause to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of our parish. Our District Superintendent, the Reverend George T. Johnson, will be with us to bring the sermon.

After a light lunch and a piece of birthday cake, we shall hold our Annual Meeting. It will get underway around one o'clock and should adjourn by two-thirty at the latest.

This is one of the big Sundays of the year and we look for a good turnout! Plan to be here and plan to stay for the 90 minute Annual Meeting and learn more about the Church and the good things we did in 1991.


The envelope in the pew is for those who would like to make a special "Love Gift" to the Endowment Fund of the Church as we celebrate our 155th birthday next week. The Church was founded on March lOth, 1837. A birthday gift of any amount will help us build for a bright future!

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106 East 86th Street

New York, N.Y . 10028

AT 9-6997


Rev. Philip A. C. Clarke .. ....... .... ... .. .. ... ... ..... ... .... .. .... .. ... . Minister

Mr. Duane Thompson ... .. ..... .......... ... .... .. ....... ... . Student Assistant

Dr. Lyndon Woodside .. ....... .. ....... ...... ..... Organist-Choir Director

Mr. Jack Schmidt. ....... ... .. ...... ........ ..... ............ .. Business Manager

Mrs. Judy Ferland ....... .. ... ... .. ... ...... ... .. ...... ...... ............ .... Secretary

Mrs. Judith Keisman .. .... ..... ....... ... .... .. ... .... ... Day School Director

Mr. Roberto Meriles .... .. ...... .... .. ......... ..... .. ... ... ..... ... ...... Custodian

Mr. Adjariyanond Pairoj ............... .... ..... ..... ... ... .......... .. . Custodian


Lay Members, Annual Conference .. ........... Mr. Edward J. Brown

Mr. Duane Thompson Lay Leader ..... .... .. .. .... ... ........ ......... .... ........ ..... . Mr. Larry Morales

President, Board of Trustees .... ... ..... ... ... .. ... .. ... . Mr. Robert Lewis

Chairman, Administrative Council ....... .... .... Mr. George Leopold

Chairman, Education Committee .... .......... .......... Mr. Carl Condra

Chai rman, Finance Committee ....... .. .. ..... .. .. Ms. Jacqueline Paige

Co-Chairmen, Membership Committee ....... ... Ms. Dec Schaffield

Chairman, Outreach Committee ...... ......... .. .. Mr. Richmond Bates

Chairman, Worship Committee .. .. ........ .... Mr. Michael Schaffield

Chairman, Day School .. .. .. ....... .... ... .... .. ......... .. Mrs. Anette Lewis

Chairman, Ushers ...... .. ....... ... ......... .............. ...... Ms. Effie French

Mr. Len Williams Superintendent, Sunday School ....... .. .... .. Mrs . Brenda Thompson



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"Air in D Minor"

HYMN NO. 100 "God, Whose Love Is Reigning O'er Us" PRAYER OF CONFESSION (seated)

We confess before You now, 0 God, our poor stewardship of life. We have squandered time, under-used our opportunities, mis-directed our loyalties, resisted growth, and grievously wasted the gift of life. In secret we have worshipped the works of our minds and hands. The applause


of the world has mattered more to us than fidelity to You. Make us duly penitent for these and all our sins. And let the mercy of Christ inspire us to humbler, purer ways in this time of worship. In the spirit of Christ, we offer You now this our prayer of confession. Amen.




"0 Domine Jesu Christe" I Corinthians 10: 1 - 13

No. 785 No. 883

No. 71

Palestrina Page 997

ANTHEM "The Lord ~'lill Not Suffer" Ba~h

PRESENTATION OF THE OFFERING WITH THE DOXOLOGY HYMN NO. 269 "Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days" SERMON "Resisting Temptation" Mr. Clarke HYMN NO. 384 "Love Divine, All Love Excelling" BENEDICTION ORGAN "Fantasia in C Major"

*** Interval for Ushering



We welcome John Hornaday to the lectern today. A native of Greensboro, North Carolina, a graduate of North Carolina Wesleyan and also Ohio University Graduate School with an MFA in Children's Arts and Entertainment, John is the Producer of "In A Minute", a children's TV show with USA Network. A former choir member, John joined our church in 1983.


The flowers on the altar today are given by Charlotte Kittilsen in memory of loved ones.


The greeters today are Sharon Johnson and Scott Taylor. The ushers are Susan Langley, Sandra Chauncey, Cary Danford, James Perkins, Grace and Al Thomas and Joyce and Craig West.


Coffee and tea will be served in the Russell Room following the service. Members and friends are in vi ted to share in these moments of warmth made possible for us today by Mary Lou Risley, Julie Hymen, Mona Jung, Lita Reyno· and Paula Rucker.


Sessions of Church School for children are offered Sunday mornings from ten-thirty to twelve. Nursery care for infants and toddlers is available on the fourth floor.


The Adult Bible Class meets on Sunday morning at 9:30 in Fellowship Hall. The Gospel of John is being studied. Duane Thompson is class leader.